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respect for all of Hashem’s creations, love of learning Hebrew, and a deep connection with Israel. Through a fully immersive Judaic Studies curriculum that includes our various departments of Tanach, Talmud, Halakhah, Gemara and Jewish History, our goal is to inspire our students to understand the depth and nuances involved in living a Jewish life. In addition, the newly established “Inquiry Bet Midrash Program” ultimately guides students on their path to becoming virtuous and devoted Bnai and Bnot Yisrael.

Elementary School Torah Studies


The elementary school years play a formative role in the religious growth and development of our students. Our Judaic Studies curriculum is designed to provide our students with a thorough Torah education – an education that will prepare them to thrive as Torah-committed Jews in our complex and globalized world. Classroom learning and extracurricular experiences enhance and challenge students to grow through a deep understanding of Torah, building strong connections with Halakhah as well as meaningful relationships with mentors and role models.

Elementary School Tefillah Program


Tefillah is an integral aspect of the Yeshivah of Flatbush experience that starts in our Early Childhood program. Our minyanim, both Ashkenazic and Sephardic, are structured to create the proper atmosphere for the service of Hashem. From the moment students receive their first siddur in a special first grade chagigah, they are introduced to parts of the Tefilot according to their level. The Lower and Middle School Tefillah and Q’eriah program, coordinated by Mr. Morris Varon and Mrs. Sally Gross, strives to teach students how to accurately comprehend and pronounce the pesukim. The program aims to have students read the unique portions of the Tefillah found in the siddur and other classical Jewish texts fluently and clearly. The students feel accomplished and connected to the siddur in front of them.


The High School Talmud program helps students hone their textual, analytical and critical thinking skills on a daily basis. Students study independently, learn in chavrutot, and interpret the Gemara with confidence and depth, fully prepared for the finest yeshivot in Israel once they graduate. Our aim is to help students appreciate the beauty and value of this most important link in the chain of Jewish text and tradition.


The Elementary School Gemara program helps students hone their textual, analytical and critical thinking skills on a daily basis. Our goal is to ensure that all of our students develop a deep connection and understanding of Gemara, and are equipped to study on their own and learn in chavrutot. Our students in fifth grade are introduced to Mishnah and the Torah Sh’baal Peh, with advanced students participating in small group Mishnah learning. In seventh and eighth grades, students study various mesachtot of Gemara.

High School Tanach Department


The mission of the Tanach department is to create an environment in which our students can experience the unparalleled truth, beauty and complexity of the Torah while developing the reading and analytical skills they will need to understand the Torah independently. Our curriculum concentrates on sections of the Hamisha Humshei Torah during the first semester and portions of Nevi’im and Ketuvim during the second semester. Throughout all of our lessons, we connect the Torah’s teachings to core aspects of Jewish thought and philosophy. Ultimately, we want our students to see the Torah as the lens through which all aspects of life can be navigated and understood.

Elementary School Tanach Department


The Elementary School’s Tanach program fosters an environment encouraging a love of Torah and Mitzvot, a respect for fellow Jews and all of Hashem’s creations, a love for learning Hebrew, and a deep connection with Israel. The Elementary School’s Tanach program fosters an environment encouraging a love of Torah and Mitzvot, Torah and Mitzvot, Judaism and all its principles, Am Yisrael and Medinat Yisrael. The curriculum is designed to provide our students with a thorough Torah education –an education that will prepare them to thrive as devoted Jews anywhere in the world. Our faculty employs an interdisciplinary approach

High School Halakhah Department


Halakhah is education for Jewish living. Each year we familiarize students with key themes, concepts, terms, and personalities in Halakhah and demonstrate the practical aspects of Judaism including the laws of prayer, Shabbat observance, kashrut, marriage, and tzedakah. We inspire our students to understand the distinctions involved in living a full Jewish life and use that to guide them in their everyday actions and lifelong decisions.

Elementary School Halakhah Department


The Elementary School Halakhah curriculum is twofold: one part addresses the laws and customs of the Jewish holidays; the second part addresses specific areas of Jewish law that students experience routinely such as kashrut, Shabbat, and Tefilah. Our students study both Ashkenazic and Sephardic laws and customs for everyday mitzvot, berachot, Jewish holidays, and more. We also introduce students to units on financial integrity and honesty in everyday life.

High School Ivrit Department


Our Lashon curriculum is built around the goal of teaching and facilitating the students to be conversant and “at home” with both classical and modern Hebrew. The vocabulary and grammar units reflect the words and skills necessary to study Tanach together with the ability to read and converse in modern Hebrew. Since the Yeshivah of Flatbush is one of the only Ivrit B’Ivrit schools, the lessons learned in Lashon class enable our students to learn their other subjects in Ivrit with confidence.

Elementary School Ivrit Department


Our strong and innovative Torah B’Ivrit Studies curricula are central to our mission of developing generations of committed Jews whose skills in Lashon and understanding of original sources enable them to pursue study and observance throughout their lives. All Torah studies classes are given in Hebrew. We emphasize both accuracy and fluency in all elements of Hebrew: reading comprehension, grammar, spelling, written expression and oral expression. We enhance our Hebrew programs with technology programs created by our staff and iTalAm (a Judaic Studies Interactive Software program).

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