Local Government Handbook - South Africa 2023

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A complete guide to municipalities in South Africa




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EDITOR Olivia Main • ASSISTANT EDITOR: Trudy Erispe • ART DIRECTOR Clare Schenk


PROJECT SALES Cassia Passetti, Annie Pieters, Joy Voss, James Stone, Christa Nel PICTURE CREDITS Front cover: Shutterstock.com / Arnold.Petersen; AS photo family; JU.STOCKER

PUBLISHER Yes! Media • CEO Deon Muller

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The Local Government Handbook: South Africa is published annually by Yes! Media. All copyright in the material appearing in this publication belongs to Yes! Media and/or the individual contributors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor or Yes! Media. No responsibility is accepted for any errors or omissions in the contents of the publication.

The Local Government Handbook: South Africa ISSN 2220-5179





A complete guide to municipalities in South Africa





We are proud to publish the thirteenth annual edition of The Local Government Handbook: South Africa

To our knowledge, it remains the only comprehensive annual guide to municipalities in South Africa. Together with our other government handbooks, The National Government Handbook: South Africa and The Provincial Government Handbook: South Africa, the Handbooks consolidate, summarise and profile more than 850 government departments, public entities and municipalities in all spheres of government.

This edition refl ects the status of municipalities as of 15 February 2023. In compiling the Handbook we rely on an annual survey that we conduct with all municipalities, as well as the work of many government institutions. A detailed description of our methodology and sources can be found on page 11. Of course, the data is not always perfect, but as we have done since 2009, we strive to present the information in a dispassionate, coherent, consolidated and comparative manner, in an effort to create a fair and accurate view of each municipality.

The Handbook is designed to be used in conjunction with our website – municipalities.co.za – where even more extensive information is available. The website is searchable, links directly to relevant source reports and is regularly updated. The website also retains historical information about municipalities that were disestablished in August 2016.

We trust that the publication and website add valuable sources of easy-to-access municipal information to the South African landscape.


Photo credit: Lucian Coman/Shutterstock.com

SALGA assists communities feeling the pinch to mitigate electricity price increases and to position them for future sustainability

TheSouth African Local Government Association (SALGA) is taking a stand on a number of social and economic issues that have an impact on its member municipalities and their communities.

SALGA continues to be on the front lines of promoting a strong, cohesive, and whole local government by advocating for reliable and affordable electricity for businesses and communities, bringing attention to the growing number of council members and municipal officials who are receiving violent threats and, in some cases, being assassinated, and motivating communities and local governments to work together to develop their local areas.

These are some of the issues that SALGA has brought to the forefront:

SALGA advocates for municipalities, households, and businesses that are feeling the pinch of electricity price increases.

As the national voice of South Africa’s 257 municipalities, SALGA has noted with grave concern that the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) has approved Eskom’s tariff application, resulting in electricity price increases of 18.65% in the fiscal year 2023–2024 and 12.74% in the fiscal year 2024–2025.

Although SALGA appreciates the mandate NERSA has in setting the rules and rates for electricity generation, transmission, and distribution in South Africa, the ongoing increases in electricity prices while Eskom continues to face a shortage of generation capacity will have a continuing negative impact on municipalities, households, and businesses.

The current business model for municipalities in the electricity sector sees local governments purchase bulk electricity from Eskom and then sell to customers at a value that includes a mark-up. But if Eskom cannot provide electricity to keep the lights on, what power are municipalities going to sell to consumers? And where will the municipal revenues come from?

This model is unsustainable, and this is why SALGA, on behalf of its members’ interests in the country’s energy landscape, has been

advocating for legislative reforms that would enable municipalities to generate their own electricity and purchase electricity from independent power producers (IPPs) in order to relieve pressure on Eskom.

These efforts have already borne fruit, as some municipalities are currently engaged in independent electricity procurement. Additionally, SALGA has been offering its members technical support and capacity building as the country’s energy sector transitions away from an economy reliant on coal and toward cleaner energy sources.

SALGA is confident that with the support that it is providing, eventually it will have more than 50% of municipalities ready to play in the space of IPPs, in the not-too-distant future. Even though it won’t be possible for all of them to be able to buy from IPPs due to financial sustainability challenges.

Renewing the social contract between citizens and local government.

In July of 2022, the Asisho! Let’s Say It! campaign began. The goal was to inform residents about their responsibilities for contributing to the social and economic development of their communities by paying for municipal services.

The social contract between communities and local government, which is the level of government closest to people’s everyday hopes and challenges, has received a lot of attention in recent years.

A renewal that aims to promote greater cooperation between local governments and the communities they serve on the social and economic development of their regions.

Deepening our understanding of the responsibilities that local governments and local communities have to one another is one of the ways we can do this.

Municipalities are required to provide communities with necessities like water, electricity, sanitation, and waste removal, but communities are also responsible for paying for those services.

SALGA launched the Asisho! Let’s Say It!, a national citizen responsibility campaign to emphasize this point.

Inspire a call to action

The campaign aims to inform local residents about their responsibilities for contributing to the social and economic development of their communities by paying for municipal services provided.

As the collective voice of local government in South Africa, SALGA seeks to encourage discussion about the crucial role that residents of local communities play in the development of a financially viable local government system.

The Asisho campaign encourages and inspires a new method of citizen collaboration with local councils that aims to increase public trust and make local governments more accountable and collaborative while giving residents a stronger voice on issues affecting their towns, cities, and communities.

The discussion has just started. Join SALGA in this endeavor, and by encouraging a sense of ownership and civic responsibility in your neighborhood, be an Asisho campaign champion.

Take initiative and aid in the development of our nation.

SALGA raises the alarm on the killings of councillors and municipal officials.

From intergovernmental relations (IGR) structures and engagements to the media, SALGA has spared no effort to raise the alarm on the killings of councillors and municipal officials.

This is in response to the increasing number of locally elected representatives and municipal officials being subjected to threats of violence, and in other instances, being murdered.

Whilst the frustration about lack of municipal service delivery is often the main motive for threats and violence, general criminality has most recently reared its head as the main motive for assassinations.

Its impact has negative implications: It threatens the credibility of our democracy; poses a danger where society in general might develop intolerance; erodes our constitutional imperatives, in that it goes against the character of our society and the will of the people; and it negatively impacts the credibility of local government as a potential area of opportunity for qualified and competent public representatives and prospective employees.

On 24 November 2022, SALGA President Cllr. Bheki Stofile took the resolution of the organisation’s national executive committee (NEC) that multi-sectoral intervention was needed to address the matter, to a sitting of the National Council of Provinces (NCOP).

In waging a concerted battle against the killing of councillors, the proposals were:

• The current tendering system should be altered in such a way as to eliminate supply chain corruption.

• Security measures at both council premises and the homes of councillors should be improved by first conducting proactive security assessments to inform alternative innovative security interventions to enhance the adequacy of current protection services.

• There is a need to create synergies with SAPS to ensure that there is more and direct concerted effort by the police to act on charges and complaints of violence and acts of intimidation.

• The South African Special Risks Insurance Association (SASRIA) insurance should be extended to also include Senior Municipal Officials.

• The State should take measures to depoliticise and professionalise the public service to prevent the politics of patronage incumbency and personal accumulation.

• There should be a clearer dichotomy of roles and functions between politicians and administrators so that they do not encroach and overlap each other when delivering services.

• Specific laws against intimidating public officials and a greater willingness to prosecute those who make threats needs to be promulgated.

• There is a need to develop platforms to engage on issues relating to councillors’ welfare and support.

• The media must take a responsible attitude and desist from using the language of aggression.

THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 | 009 CONTENTS Message from the Publisher 5 Methodology, Sources and Acknowledgements11 Overview of Local Government in South Africa16 Audit Outcomes 25 Unauthorised, Irregular, Fruitless and Wasteful Expenditure 28 Index of Cities and Towns 219 Index of Municipalities 221 KWAZULU-NATAL 86 NORTH WEST 158 NORTHERN CAPE 174 WESTERN CAPE 195 LIMPOPO 123 MPUMALANGA 142 EASTERN CAPE 32 FREE STATE 60 GAUTENG 76 CONTENTS Actom 18 Bidvest Prestige 26 Blue Nova Energy 26 BMW SA 2 Bonitas Medical Fund 14 Consolidated Retirement Fund (CRF) 12 Cummins South Africa 20 Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo 30 MV Switchgear 18 Nedbank 24 Revive Electrical Transformers 220 Sanitech 23 South African Local Government Assocation (SALGA) 4 Technology Innovation Agency (TIA) 8 Telkom SA 10 ADVERTISERS TABLE OF BOOKMARKS


We have taken care to collect, capture and cross-reference the information in the Handbook as accurately as possible. It should, however, be recognised that some types of information listed change frequently. It is inevitable that some of the information will be incorrect at source or become outdated during and after publication. We, therefore, take no legal responsibility for the accuracy of the information in the Handbook.

This Handbook is the sister-publication of our website –municipalities.co.za. The website displays more extensive information than the Handbook, and is updated throughout the year. Where practical, the website references and links to the original source reports. If you notice any errors or omissions, contact us at info@municipalities.co.za so that we may correct the website and future editions of the Handbook.


Contact details, municipal descriptions, and particulars of political and administrative personnel are updated primarily via an annual survey that we conduct with all municipalities. The latest survey took place from September 2022 to January 2023 and the information should be considered up to date during this period.

While we go to great effort to gather complete and accurate information, some municipalities are more responsive than others. Where possible, we cross-reference against their website, records provided by SALGA, and other credible sources.


Municipal area information is supplied by the Municipal Demarcation Board (MDB) and underlying source material for the maps by the GIS/IT department of the Board. Area information was last updated in May 2021, after the ward delimitation process preceding the 2021 Local Government Elections. Refer to demarcation.org.za for information on the MDB.


Demographic information is provided by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA). The figures in the Handbook are Community Survey 2016 data (as fully restated by Stats SA to reflect the municipal demarcations that took effect in August 2016). Census 2011 data is available at municipalities.co.za, including historical information for disestablished municipalities. Refer to statssa.gov.za for data and publications from Stats SA.

A national census was conducted by Stats SA during 2022, but the results were not available at the time of publishing.


Council seats are based on figures published by the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC). It reflects the 2021 Local Government Election results in respect of Metropolitan and Local Municipalities and has been updated to include by-elections up to 18 January 2023. Regarding District Municipalities, full council information is supplied by the municipalities, where available. In cases where the council seat list is followed by ‘40% PR Seats’, the figures only reflect the 40% directly elected proportional representation seats as reported by the IEC, and not the full council. Refer to elections.org.za for more information on the IEC.


Audit Outcomes are sourced from the Consolidated general report on the audit outcomes of local government, PFMA , published annually by the Auditor-General South Africa (AGSA). The full reports are available from AGSA’s offices or at agsa.co.za.

The terminology used is described by AGSA as follows: Clean audit outcome: The financial statements are free from material misstatements (in other words, a financially unqualified audit opinion) and there are no material findings on the quality of the annual performance report or non-compliance with legislation.

Financially unqualified with findings: The financial statements contain no material misstatements. Unless the Auditor-General expresses a clean audit outcome, findings have been raised on either the annual performance report or non-compliance with legislation, or both these aspects.

Qualified audit opinion: The financial statements contain material misstatements in specific amounts, or there is insufficient evidence for the Auditor-General to conclude that specific amounts included in the financial statements are not materially misstated. Adverse audit opinion: The financial statements contain material misstatements that are not confined to specific amounts, or the misstatements represent a substantial portion of the financial statements.

Disclaimer of audit opinion: The auditee provided insufficient evidence in the form of documentation on which to base an audit opinion. The lack of sufficient evidence is not confined to specific amounts or represents a substantial portion of the information contained in the financial statements.

The Handbook includes financials for the 2021/22 financial year. At the time of compiling this edition, the 2021/22 audits were still being finalised by AGSA and reports for the 2021/22 year were generally not available. The audit result is, therefore, shown as ‘n/a’.


Comprehensive financial information is available on our website –municipalities.co.za. The individual sources are indicated and links to source documentation are provided under ‘Resources’.

Financial information is sourced from figures made available by the National Treasury at http://mfma.treasury.gov.za.

• The figures in the Handbook are sourced from the Consolidated S71 C1 Schedules, published quarterly by National Treasury as part of the S71 in-year management process, or the A1 Schedules, published by National Treasury as part of the annual MTREF process. The website indicates the specific source for each year’s figures.

• Schedule C1 and A1 reports are submitted in the format for municipal financial statements as prescribed by the Municipal Budget and Reporting Regulations. The figures are standardised to the prescribed format and may differ from the Audited Financial Statements. Where we have captured figures directly from the Audited Financial Statements, we have endeavoured to follow the prescribed format.

• The figures for ‘Total Revenue’ include ‘Transfers recognised –capital’ and ‘Contributions recognised – capital & contributed assets’ as per the Schedule C1 or A1 format.

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• The figures for ‘Surplus/(Deficit)’ reflect ‘Surplus/(Deficit) after capital transfers & contributions’ plus ‘ Share of surplus/(deficit) of associate’.

• All financial figures are rounded to the nearest R ’000. R0 values are reflected as ‘-’. Values that are unavailable are reflected as ‘n/a’.


Unauthorised, Irregular, Fruitless and Wasteful Expenditure is supplied by the Auditor-General South Africa (AGSA). If the figures are unavailable in this report, they may be sourced from the municipality’s Annual Financial Statements.

While we have aggregated the figures for the purpose of the Handbook, each type of expenditure is distinct from the other. The terminology is described by AGSA as follows:

Unauthorised Expenditure: E xpenditure that was in excess of the amount budgeted or allocated by government to the auditee, or that was not incurred in accordance with the purpose for which it was intended.

Irregular Expenditure: E xpenditure incurred without complying with applicable legislation.

Fruitless and wasteful expenditure: Expenditure that was made in vain and could have been avoided had reasonable care been exercised. This includes penalties and interest on late payments, as well as payments for services not utilised or goods not received.

The separate figures for each type of expenditure are available at municipalities.co.za.


Comprehensive employment statistics are available at municipalities.co.za.

Employment statistics are sourced from the Non-financial census of municipalities, published by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA).

In particular, the municipal data is sourced from the Statistical Release P 9115 Unit Data, available at statssa.gov.za. Up until 2018/19 the census was conducted annually, and thereafter biennially. The 2019/20 report was released in July 2022.

The data is collected by Stats SA via a questionnaire completed by municipalities. Stats SA also uses personal visits, telephone, fax, email and post as methods to collect data. When assessing the employment data, it should be noted that:

• The data is self-reported by municipalities and is not audited at individual level.

• Municipalities may have reported vacancies on a differing basis, depending on different interpretations of the reporting of funded and/or unfunded positions. Some municipalities indicated no vacancies at all in the surveys.

• ‘Total Employment Positions’ (in our reporting) combines full-time, part-time and vacant positions. Significant variances in year-on-year numbers may be explained by increases or decreases in temporary or part-time positions.

• ‘Managerial Positions’ (in our reporting) combines S57 managerial positions (as defined by the Local Government Municipal Systems Act) and all other managerial positions according to the municipal organogram.

• The P 9115 statistical release contains preliminary results of the latest year indicated and revised figures for the preceding year. In each succeeding year the previous year’s figures may be revised.

• ‘Total Employment Cost’ (in our reporting) combines ‘Employee costs’ and ‘ Remuneration of councillors’ as sourced from the M FMA S71 4th Q uarter Schedule C reports (see Financial Information above).


Comprehensive service delivery statistics are available at municipalities.co.za.

Service delivery statistics are sourced from the Non-financial census of municipalities, published by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA). In particular, the municipal data is sourced from the Statistical Release P 9115 Unit Data, available at statssa.gov.za. Up until 2018/19 the census was conducted annually, and thereafter biennially. The 2019/20 report was released in July 2022.

The data is collected by Stats SA via a questionnaire completed by municipalities. Stats SA also uses personal visits, telephone, fax, email and post as methods to collect data. When assessing the service delivery data, it should be noted that:

• The data is self-reported by municipalities and is not audited at individual level.

• The data is not necessarily comparable with the Stats SA population census of 2011 and/or household survey data, mainly due to:

- the data source being municipalities as opposed to households - the different definitions of household - differing reporting periods.

• ‘Households’, as reflected in this data, is defined as a domestic entity to which the service is provided and which receives one bill (if the service is billed), alternatively known as a delivery point. This concept is often referred to as a household by municipalities, but this is not strictly correct, as households and consumer units do not coincide one-to-one, particularly in blocks of flats, on stands where there are multiple households in the same dwelling or in additional dwellings, such as garden flats, backyard rooms, etc. and in the case of public taps. Most municipalities do not have a system for identifying multiple households served by one billing unit or delivery point.

• ‘Households – Free Basic Services’ means the number of Households that have access to free basic services. Where a municipality has implemented broad-based targeting or technical targeting to allocate free basic services, everyone may receive a basic level of free services, e.g. the first 6Kl of water. In this case, the figures for free basic services may be equal to the total number of Households served.

• ‘Total Customer Entities Served’ includes both domestic Households and non-domestic consumer units, e.g. industrial, commercial, schools, clinics and hospitals, government departments, etc. Not all municipalities have a system to distinguish domestic Households and non-domestic consumer units.

• The P 9115 statistical release contains the preliminary results of the latest year indicated and the revised figures for the preceding year. In each succeeding year the previous year’s figures may be revised.


We acknowledge and thank the Department: Government Communication and Information System for providing invaluable source material. We have made use of the South Africa Yearbook, published annually by the GCIS, in compiling the overview and provincial introductory information.



South Africa is a constitutional democracy with a threetier system of government and an independent judiciary. The powers of the lawmakers (legislative authorities), government (executive authorities) and courts (judicial authorities) are separate from one another.

Government consists of national, provincial and local spheres. The national, provincial and local levels of government all have legislative and executive authority in their own spheres. It is a stated intention in the Constitution that the country should be run on a system of cooperative governance. The three spheres of government are defi ned in the Constitution as ‘distinctive, interdependent and interrelated’.

In terms of Chapter 7 of the Constitution of South Africa, the local sphere of government is made up of municipalities, which form the lowest formal level of democratically elected government in South Africa. A municipality has the right to govern, on its own initiative, the local government affairs of its community, subject to national and provincial legislation. The executive and legislative authority of a municipality is vested in its Municipal Council.

The objects of local government are to:

• provide democratic and accountable government for local communities

• ensure the provision of services to communities in a sustainable manner

• promote social and economic development

• promote a safe and healthy environment

• encourage the involvement of communities and community organisations in matters of local government.

While Chapter 7 of the Constitution provides the foundation for the establishment of municipalities, various Acts of Parliament have further defi ned these municipal structures since the inception of the current constitution, the most important of these being the:

• Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act

• Local Government: Municipal Demarcation Act

• Local Government: Municipal Electoral Act

• Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act

• Local Government: Municipal Property Rates Act

• Local Government: Municipal Structures Act

• Local Government: Municipal Systems Act

• Municipal Fiscal Powers and Functions Act.

There are three kinds of municipalities in South Africa, metropolitan, local and district municipalities (also known as Category A, B and C municipalities).

Metropolitan municipalities have been established to administer South Africa’s most urbanised areas. Metropolitan municipalities have exclusive municipal executive and legislative authority in their respective areas. There are eight metropolitan municipalities in South Africa:

• Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality

• City of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality

• City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality

• City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality

• City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality

• eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality

• Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality

• Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality.

The remainder of South Africa’s territory is administered by 44 district municipalities (also known as Category C municipalities). Each district municipality is further subdivided into various smaller local municipalities (also known as Category B municipalities). As an example, the territory administered by the Sedibeng District Municipality encompasses the Emfuleni, Lesedi and Midvaal Local Municipalities. District and local municipalities share legislative and executive authority in respect of their commonly administered areas. District councils are primarily responsible for capacity building and district-wide planning.

There are a total of 257 municipalities in South Africa, comprising eight metropolitan, 44 district and 205 local municipalities. A number of signifi cant demarcation changes became effective after the 2016 local government elections. The demarcation changes reduced the number of local municipalities from 226 to 205 and the total number of municipalities in South Africa from 278 to 257.

The political management of municipalities is made up of an elected Municipal Council. The term of a Municipal Council may not be more than five years. The Municipal Council makes decisions on exercising its powers and performing its functions, including electing its offi ce bearers, as well as appointing its executive and other committees. The Municipal Council employs the executive management and personnel that are necessary for the effective performance of its functions.


Local government elections are held once every five years. The most recent municipal elections were held on 1 November 2021. All South African citizens over the age of 18 are eligible to vote. The Constitution places all elections and referendums in the country in all three spheres of government under the control of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), established in terms of the Electoral Commission Act.

The obligations of the IEC are to:

• manage elections of national, provincial and municipal legislative bodies

• ensure that those elections are free and fair

• declare the results of those elections

• compile and maintain a voters’ roll.

The duties of the IEC are to:

• compile and maintain a register of parties

• undertake and promote research into electoral matters

• develop and promote the development of electoral expertise and technology in all spheres of government

• continuously review electoral laws and proposed electoral laws, and make recommendations

• promote voter education

• declare the results of elections for national, provincial and municipal legislative bodies within seven days

• appoint appropriate public administrations in any sphere of government to conduct elections.



The Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs is responsible for facilitating cooperative governance, to support all spheres of government and to assist the institution of traditional leadership to transform itself into a strategic partner of government in the development of communities.

CoGTA oversees the implementation of the following legislation applicable to local government.

The Local Government: Municipal Property Rates Act regulates the power of a municipality to impose property rates, excludes certain properties from rating in the national interest, provides fair and equitable valuation methods of properties, and for municipalities to implement a transparent and fair system of exemptions, reductions and rebates through their rating policies.

The Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act is aimed at modernising municipal budgeting and financial management. It also introduces a governance framework for separate entities created by municipalities. The Act is a critical element in the overall transformation of local government in South Africa. It fosters transparency through budget and reporting requirements.

The Local Government: Municipal Systems Act establishes a framework for planning, performance-management systems, effective use of resources, and organisational change in a business context. The Act also establishes a system for municipalities to report on their performance, and provides residents with an opportunity to compare this performance with that of other municipalities. It also regulates public-private partnerships. The Act allows municipalities significant power to corporatise their services, to establish utilities for service delivery, or to enter into partnerships with other service providers. The Act provides for the adoption of a credit-control policy for municipalities, which will provide for the termination of services in the event of non-payment. Municipalities have the power to pass by-laws to implement the policy.

The Local Government: Municipal Systems Amendment Act is aimed at professionalising local government for improved service delivery and performance management, while also instilling a people-centred local government mindset in municipalities.

A key objective of the Act is to progressively align the systems of municipal administration and human resource management with those of the Public Service in national and provincial government. The aim of the Act, among other things, is to:

• professionalise local government by ensuring that the administrative apparatus of municipalities is staffed by appropriately qualified and competent persons to improve service delivery

• require that employment contracts and performance agreements of municipal managers (and managers directly accountable to municipal managers) are consistent with the uniform systems and procedures set nationally

• extend the Minister’s regulatory power to make regulations relating to macro-benefits such as medical aid and pension benefits after consultation with the ministers of health and finance.

The Local Government: Municipal Structures Act intends to:

• provide for the establishment of municipalities in accordance with the requirements relating to categories and types of municipality

• to establish criteria for determining the category of municipality to be established in an area

• to defi ne the types of municipality that may be established within each category

• to provide for an appropriate division of functions and powers between categories of municipality

• to regulate the internal systems, structures and offi ce-bearers of municipalities

• to provide for appropriate electoral systems.

It also provides for the appointment of ward committees, made up of representatives of a particular ward. Ward committees are recognised as consultative bodies on matters affecting the ward. Their tasks, among other things, are to:

• represent the community in the compilation and implementation of the Integrated Development Plan

• ensure a constructive and harmonious interaction between the municipality and the community

• attend to all matters that affect and benefit the community

• act in the best interest of the community

• ensure active participation of the community in the municipality’s budgetary process.

In fulfilling its role with regards to local government, CoGTA is pursuing the following strategic programmes:

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View of city buildings and traffi c intersection, Johannesburg
Photo credit: Rich T Photo/Shutterstock.com

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The IUDF seeks to foster a shared understanding across government and society about how best to manage urbanisation and achieve the goals of economic development, job creation and improved living conditions. The IUDF is a policy framework on how the South African urban system can be reorganised so that cities and towns become more inclusive, resource effi cient, and good places to live, work, shop and play in, as per the vision outlined in the National Development Plan.


The DDM was adopted by Cabinet in August 2019. The DDM is an operational model for improving cooperative governance aimed at building a capable, ethical developmental State. It embodies an approach by which the three spheres of government and state entities work in unison in an impact-oriented way, and where there is higher performance and accountability for coherent service delivery and development outcomes. It is a method of government operating in unison focusing on the municipal district and metropolitan spaces as the impact areas of joint planning, budgeting, and implementation.

Informed by the National Development Plan and the IUDF, and other government policies, legislations, and previous similar programmes, the DDM seeks to ensure maximum coordination and cooperation among all three spheres of government. The DDM will be implemented through a collaborative process to develop one plan for all district and metropolitan municipalities, which will be further synchronized with the Integrated Development Plans (IDPs) of municipalities. The DDM has been piloted in several district and metropolitan municipalities.


In terms of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, all municipalities are required to prepare and formally adopt IDPs. Integrated development planning is a process by which municipalities prepare five-year strategic plans that are reviewed annually in consultation with communities and other stakeholders. The aim is to achieve service delivery and development goals in municipal areas in an effective and sustainable way.

IDPs must, among other things, include:

• the municipal council’s vision for the long-term development of the municipality

• an assessment of the existing level of development in the municipality and an identifi cation of communities which do not have access to basic municipal services

• the council’s development priorities and objectives, including its local economic development aims and its internal transformation needs

• the council’s development strategies, which must be aligned with any national or provincial sectoral plans and planning requirements

• a spatial development framework

• the council’s operational strategies

• applicable disaster management plans

• a fi nancial plan and budget projection for the next three years

• key performance indicators and performance targets.


LED is an approach towards economic development that allows and encourages local people to work together to achieve sustainable economic growth and development, thereby bringing economic benefits and improved quality of life for all residents in a local municipal area.

LED is intended to maximise the economic potential of municipal localities and enhance the resilience of macro-economic growth through increased local economic growth, employment creation and development initiatives within the context of sustainable development. The ‘local’ in economic development points to the fact that the political jurisdiction at local level is often the most appropriate place for economic intervention, as it carries alongside it the accountability and legitimacy of a democratically elected body.

LED programmes provide support in the following areas:

• developing and reviewing national policy, strategy and guidelines on LED

• providing direct and hands-on support to provincial and local government

• managing the LED Fund

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Row of newly built low-cost RDP homes in Western Cape, South Africa
Photo credit: Geoff Sperring/Shutterstock.com

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• managing and providing technical support to Nodal Economic

D evelopment Planning

• facilitating, coordinating a nd monitoring donor programmes

• assisting LED c apacity-building processes.

Through these interventions a nd resources, local role-players and interest groups a re mobilised for the sake of achieving economic growth, a nd with the aim of creating jobs to re duce poverty.


The CWP aims to provide a job safety net for unemployed pe ople of working age. It provides a bridging opportunity for unemployed youth a nd others who a re actively looking for e mployment opportunities. Programme participants do community work, thereby contributing to improvements that benefit all community members.

The p urpose of the C WP is to:

• provide a n e mployment s afety n et – the C WP recognises that sustainable e mployment solutions will take time, particularly in reaching marginal e conomic a reas

• contribute to the development of p ublic assets a nd services

in poor communities

• strengthen community development a pproaches

• strengthen the e conomic ‘agency’ of people in poor a reas, providing work experience, e nhancing dignity a nd promoting social a nd e conomic inclusion.


The Municipal Infrastructure Grant is aimed at eradicating municipal infrastructure backlogs in poor communities to e nsure th e provision of basic services such as water, sanitation, roads and community lighting. CoGTA is responsible for managing and transferring the M IG a nd provides support to provinces and m unicipalities on implementing M IG projects.


MISA is a national government component constituted in te rms of the Public S ervice Act, accountable to the M inister of Cooperative G overnance a nd Traditional Affairs. It is a n integral part of CoGTA’s programme towards improving municipal infrastructure provisioning a nd maintenance for accelerated service delivery.

MISA is mandated to:

• support m unicipalities to conduct effective infrastructure planning to achieve sustainable service delivery

• support a nd assist m unicipalities with the implementation of infrastructure projects as determined by their m unicipal Integrated D evelopment Plans (IDPs)

• support a nd assist m unicipalities with the operation a nd maintenance of m unicipal infrastructure

• build the c apacity of m unicipalities to undertake effective planning, delivery, operations a nd management of m unicipal infrastructure.

MISA interventions a re executed through the provision of te chnical c apacity deployments (engineers, town planners, project managers, a nd other b uilt e nvironment fi elds) in va rious m unicipalities. The support is managed at provincial level with the assistance of provincial programme managers, who a re also responsible for stakeholder management a nd coordination. In f uture, the deployment of support will be ma naged at district-level, to e nsure that the C abinet resolution to prioritise struggling districts is implemented.


The National Treasury is comprised of the Minister of Finance, together with the national department or departments responsible for fi nancial a nd fiscal matters. The M inister is th e h ead of the N ational Treasury.

The Constitution confers extensive powers on national government to determine the fi nancial management f ramework of all organs of state, in all spheres of government. N ational government m ust, through national legislation, determine uniform treasury norms a nd standards. The N ational Treasury is f urther expected to monitor a nd e nforce these norms. The N ational Treasury, therefore, not only implements the b udget of the national government, b ut also plays a fi nancial oversight role over other organs of state in all spheres of government.

The N ational Treasury, together with the provincial treasuries, a re responsible for a dministering the M unicipal Finance M anagement Ac t (the MFMA), which is th e ce ntral piece of legislation regulating all fi nancial matters of m unicipalities.


The Municipal Finance Management Act aims to modernise budget a nd fi nancial management practices in m unicipalities in order to maximise the c apacity of the m unicipalities to deliver se rvices to all their residents, customers a nd users. It also gives ef fect to the principle of transparency as required by sections 21 5 a nd 2 16 of the Constitution. The M FMA m ust be read together with three other critical pieces of legislation: the M unicipal Structures Act, the M unicipal Systems Act a nd the M unicipal Property Rates Act.

The object of the M FMA is to secure sound a nd sustainable ma nagement of the fiscal a nd fi nancial affairs of m unicipalities and m unicipal e ntities by establishing norms a nd standards a nd other requirements for:

• ensuring transparency, accountability a nd a ppropriate lines of responsibility

• the management of revenues, expenditures, assets a nd liabilities

• budgetary a nd fi nancial planning processes

• borrowing

• the handling of fi nancial problems in m unicipalities

• supply chain management

• other fi nancial matters.

In terms of the M FMA, the N ational Treasury may, in respect of a ny municipality or m unicipal e ntity:

• monitor their b udgets a nd the implementation of their b udgets, including their expenditure, revenue collection a nd borrowing

• investigate a ny system of fi nancial management a nd internal control and recommend improvements

• take a ppropriate steps if a m unicipality or m unicipal e ntity commits a breach of the P GMA, including the stopping of f unds to a m unicipality if it commits a serious or persistent material breach of a pplicable legislation a nd regulations

• take a ny other a ppropriate steps n ecessary to perform its functions effectively.

The Provincial Treasuries a re tasked with:

• monitoring compliance with the M FMA, the preparation

of b udgets, the monthly o utcome of those b udgets a nd the submission of reports

• assisting m unicipalities in the preparation of their b udgets

• exercising a ny powers a nd performing a ny d uties delegated by the N ational Treasury

• taking a ppropriate steps if a m unicipality or m unicipal e ntity commits a breach of the M FMA.

(Continued on page 22)


(Continued from page 21)


Local government plays a critical and complementary role in eliminating poverty and reducing inequality. Municipalities deliver basic services such as water, electricity, sanitation and solid waste removal. Municipalities also manage extensive public road networks, and support or provide public transport services. They also directly manage aspects of planning and regulatory systems that control land use, infl uence infrastructure roll-out and facilitate economic activity.

The Constitution requires a division of nationally raised resources between national, provincial and local government. This is done through the Division of Revenue Bill, which is tabled with the national budget. Transfers to local government are made through the equitable share and conditional grants. The equitable shares are determined by formulas that take into account demographic and developmental factors. Conditional grants are designed to achieve specifi c objectives, and municipalities must fulfil certain conditions to receive them.

Local government raises revenue mainly from user charges, rates and taxes. Only a quarter of its overall spending is fi nanced from the National Revenue Fund through the division of revenue. However, poor and rural municipalities rely heavily on national transfers because they have much lower tax bases than large cities. Consequently, government directs higher per capita transfers to poor and rural municipalities, while working with urban municipalities to leverage their own resources to increase investment in infrastructure.

In terms of the National Treasury’s Budget Review 2022, transfers to municipalities will account for 8.3% (or R135.3 billion) of nationally raised revenue for the 2021/22 budget year.


The Auditor-General of South Africa is the supreme audit institution of South Africa. It is the only institution that, by law, has to audit and report on how the government is spending the South African taxpayers’ money.

Although AGSA audits the public sector, it is not part of it. AGSA is a ‘Chapter 9’ institution, meaning its mandate is outlined in Chapter 9 of the Constitution. This ensures its independence. It is also not bound by any public service rules and regulations.

AGSA annually produces audit reports on all government departments, public entities, municipalities and public institutions. Over and above these entity-specifi c reports, the audit outcomes are analysed in general reports that cover both the Public Finance Management Act and MFMA cycles. In addition, reports on discretionary audits, performance audits, and other special audits are also produced.


The Municipal Demarcation Board is an independent authority responsible for the determination of municipal boundaries. The Board’s status as an independent authority is also protected by the Local Government: Municipal Demarcation Act and various judgements by the Constitutional Court. In addition to the determinations and redeterminations of municipal boundaries, the Board is also mandated by legislation to declare the district management areas, to delimit wards for local elections, and to assess the capacity of municipalities to perform their functions.


Salga is a listed public entity, established in terms of Section 21 of the Companies Act, 1973 and recognised by the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs in terms of the Organised Local Government Act. Salga represents local government on numerous intergovernmental forums such as the PCC, Minister and MECs Forum, the Budget Forum, the NCOP, and the Financial and Fiscal Commission.

Salga aims, among other things, to:

• transform local government to enable it to fulfil its developmental role

• enhance the role of provincial local government associations as provincial representatives and consultative bodies on local government

• raise the profile of local government

• ensure full participation of women

• act as the national employers’ organisation for municipal and provincial member employers

• provide legal assistance to its members.

Salga is funded through a combination of sources, including a national government grant, membership fees from provincial and local government associations that are voluntary members, and donations from the donor community for specifi c projects.


South Africa Yearbook, published annually by the Department: Government Communication and Information System (GCIS), available at gcis.gov.za

Budget Review, published annually by the National Treasury, available at treasury.gov.za agsa.co.za cogta.gov.za elections.org.za

Diamond mine at sunset Photo credit: Lucian Coman/Shutterstock.com


(Continued on page 27)

MUNICIPALITY PROVINCE AUDIT OUTCOME 2020/21 2019/20 2018/19 MUNICIPALITY PROVINCE AUDIT OUTCOME 2020/21 2019/20 2018/19 MUNICIPALITY PROVINCE AUDIT OUTCOME 2020/21 2019/20 2018/19 METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITIES Buffalo City EC • • • Nelson Mandela Bay EC • • • Mangaung FS • • • City of Ekurhuleni GP • • • City of Johannesburg GP • • • City of Tshwane GP • • • eThekwini KZ • • • City of Cape Town WC • • • DISTRICT MUNICIPALITIES Alfred Nzo EC • • • Amathole EC • • • Chris Hani EC • • • Joe Gqabi EC • • • OR Tambo EC • • • Sarah Baartman EC • • • Fezile Dabi FS • • • Lejweleputswa FS • • • Thabo Mofutsanyana FS • • • Xhariep FS • • • Sedibeng GP • • • West Rand GP • • • Amajuba KZN • • • Harry Gwala KZN • • • iLembe KZN • • • King Cetshwayo KZN • • • Ugu KZN • • • uMgungundlovu KZN • • • uMkhanyakude KZN • • • uMzinyathi KZN • • • uThukela KZN • • • Zululand KZN • • • Capricorn LP • • • Mopani LP • • • Sekhukhune LP • • • Vhembe LP • • • Waterberg LP • • • Ehlanzeni MP • • • Gert Sibande MP • • • Nkangala MP • • • Bojanala Platinum NW • • • Dr Kenneth Kaunda NW • • • Dr Ruth Segomotsi MompatiNW • • • Ngaka Modiri MolemaNW • • • Frances Baard NC • • • John Taolo Gaetsewe NC • • • Namakwa NC • • • Pixley Ka Seme NC • • • ZF Mgcawu NC • • • Cape Winelands WC • • • Central Karoo WC • • • Garden Route WC • • • Overberg WC • • • West Coast WC • • • LOCAL MUNICIPALITIES Amahlathi EC • • • Blue Crane Route EC • • • Dr Beyers Naudé EC • • • Elundini EC • • • Emalahleni EC • • • Engcobo EC • • • Enoch Mgijima EC • • • Great Kei EC • • • Ingquza Hill EC • • • Intsika Yethu EC • • • Inxuba Yethemba EC • • • King Sabata DalindyeboEC • • • Kouga EC • • • Koukamma EC • • • Makana EC • • • Matatiele EC • • • Mbhashe EC • • • Mhlontlo EC • • • Mnquma EC • • • Ndlambe EC • • • Ngqushwa EC • • • Ntabankulu EC • • • Nyandeni EC • • • Port St Johns EC • • • Raymond Mhlaba EC • • • Sakhisizwe EC • • • Senqu EC • • • Sundays River Valley EC • • • Umzimvubu EC • • • Walter Sisulu EC • • • Winnie Madikizela-MandelaEC • • • Dihlabeng FS • • • Kopanong FS • • • Letsemeng FS • • • Mafube FS • • • Maluti-A-Phofung FS • • • Mantsopa FS • • • Masilonyana FS • • • Matjhabeng FS • • • Metsimaholo FS • • • Mohokare FS • • • Moqhaka FS • • • Nala FS • • • Ngwathe FS • • • Nketoana FS • • • Phumelela FS • • • Setsoto FS • • • Tokologo FS • • • Tswelopele FS • • • Emfuleni GP • • • Lesedi GP • • • Merafong City GP • • • Midvaal GP • • • Mogale City GP • • • Rand West City GP • • • AbaQulusi KZN • • • Alfred Duma KZN • • • Big 5 Hlabisa KZN • • • City of uMhlathuze KZN • • • Dannhauser KZN • • • Dr Nkosazana Dlamini ZumaKZN • • • eDumbe KZN • • • eMadlangeni KZN • • • Endumeni KZN • • • Greater Kokstad MunicipalityKZN • • • Impendle KZN • • • Inkosi Langalibalele KZN • • • Jozini KZN • • • KwaDukuza KZN • • • Mandeni KZN • • • Maphumulo KZN • • • Mkhambathini KZN • • • Mpofana KZN • • • Msunduzi KZN • • • CLEAN AUDIT FINANCIALLY UNQUALIFIED WITH FINDINGS QUALIFIED AUDIT OPINION ADVERSE AUDIT OPINION DISCLAIMER OF AUDIT OPINION AUDIT NOT FINALISED AT LEGISLATED DATE


(Continued from page 25)

(Continued from page 7)

MUNICIPALITY PROVINCE AUDIT OUTCOME 2020/21 2019/20 2018/19 MUNICIPALITY PROVINCE AUDIT OUTCOME 2020/21 2019/20 2018/19 MUNICIPALITY PROVINCE AUDIT OUTCOME 2020/21 2019/20 2018/19 Mthonjaneni KZN • • • Mtubatuba KZN • • • Ndwedwe KZN • • • Newcastle KZN • • • Nkandla KZN • • • Nongoma KZN • • • Nquthu KZN • • • Okhahlamba KZN • • • Ray Nkonyeni KZN • • • Richmond KZN • • • Ubuhlebezwe KZN • • • Ulundi KZN • • • Umdoni KZN • • • uMfolozi KZN • • • uMhlabuyalingana KZN • • • uMlalazi KZN • • • uMngeni KZN • • • uMshwathi KZN • • • uMsinga KZN • • • Umuziwabantu KZN • • • Umvoti KZN • • • Umzimkhulu KZN • • • Umzumbe KZN • • • uPhongolo KZN • • • Ba-Phalaborwa LP • • • Bela-Bela LP • • • Blouberg LP • • • Collins Chabane LP • • • Elias Motsoaledi LP • • • Ephraim Mogale LP • • • Fetakgomo Tubatse LP • • • Greater Giyani LP • • • Greater Letaba LP • • • Greater Tzaneen LP • • • Lepelle-Nkumpi LP • • • Lephalale LP • • • Makhado LP • • • Makhuduthamaga LP • • • Maruleng LP • • • Modimolle-MookgophongLP • • • Mogalakwena LP • • • Molemole LP • • • Musina LP • • • Polokwane LP • • • Thabazimbi LP • • • Thulamela LP • • • Bushbuckridge MP • • • Chief Albert Luthuli MP • • • City of Mbombela MP • • • Dipaleseng MP • • • Dr JS Moroka MP • • • Dr Pixley Ka Isaka SemeMP • • • Emakhazeni MP • • • Emalahleni MP • • • Govan Mbeki MP • • • Lekwa MP • • • Mkhondo MP • • • Msukaligwa MP • • • Nkomazi MP • • • Steve Tshwete MP • • • Thaba Chweu MP • • • Thembisile Hani MP • • • Victor Khanye MP • • • City of Matlosana NW • • • Ditsobotla NW • • • Greater Taung NW • • • JB Marks NW • • • Kagisano-Molopo NW • • • Kgetlengrivier NW • • • Lekwa-Teemane NW • • • Madibeng NW • • • Mahikeng NW • • • Mamusa NW • • • Maquassi Hills NW • • • Moretele NW • • • Moses Kotane NW • • • Naledi NW • • • Ramotshere Moiloa NW • • • Ratlou NW • • • Rustenburg NW • • • Tswaing NW • • • !Kheis NC • • • Dawid Kruiper NC • • • Dikgatlong NC • • • Emthanjeni NC • • • Gamagara NC • • • Ga-Segonyana NC • • • Hantam NC • • • Joe Morolong NC • • • Kai !Garib NC • • • Kamiesberg NC • • • Kareeberg NC • • • Karoo Hoogland NC • • • Kgatelopele NC • • • Khai-Ma NC • • • Magareng NC • • • Nama Khoi NC • • • Phokwane NC • • • Renosterberg NC • • • Richtersveld NC • • • Siyancuma NC • • • Siyathemba NC • • • Sol Plaatje NC • • • Thembelihle NC • • • Tsantsabane NC • • • Ubuntu NC • • • Umsobomvu NC • • • Beaufort West WC • • • Bergrivier WC • • • Bitou Municipality WC • • • Breede Valley WC • • • Cape Agulhas WC • • • Cederberg WC • • • Drakenstein WC • • • George WC • • • Hessequa WC • • • Kannaland WC • • • Knysna WC • • • Laingsburg WC • • • Langeberg WC • • • Matzikama WC • • • Mossel Bay WC • • • Oudtshoorn WC • • • Overstrand WC • • • Prince Albert WC • • • Saldanha Bay WC • • • Stellenbosch WC • • • Swartland WC • • • Swellendam WC • • • Theewaterskloof WC • • • Witzenberg WC • • • CLEAN AUDIT FINANCIALLY UNQUALIFIED WITH FINDINGS QUALIFIED AUDIT OPINION ADVERSE AUDIT OPINION DISCLAIMER OF AUDIT OPINION AUDIT NOT FINALISED AT LEGISLATED DATE




Buffalo City EC R311.2mR319.8m

Nelson Mandela Bay EC R2 238mR1 493m

Mangaung FS R780.6mR2 771m

City of Ekurhuleni GP R226.7mR148.9m

City of Johannesburg GP R2 133mR1 130m

City of Tshwane GP R3 490mR5 079m

eThekwini KZN R779.9mR2 856m

City of Cape Town WC R774.5mR675.8m


Alfred Nzo EC R84.4mR88.6m

Amathole EC R46.2mR309.0m

Chris Hani EC R449.4mR161.5m

Joe Gqabi EC R53.1mR236.2m

OR Tambo EC R259.3mR710.3m

Sarah Baartman EC R1.7mR5.0m

Fezile Dabi FS R74.3mR52.4m

Lejweleputswa FS R13.8mR1.2m

Thabo Mofutsanyana FS R16.9mR28.8m

Xhariep FS R5.6mR5.0m

Sedibeng GP R60.2mR16.5m

West Rand GP R64.1mR56.0m

Amajuba KZN R267.7mR102.2m

Harry Gwala KZN R76.8mR64.3m

iLembe KZN R42.8mR150.5m

King Cetshwayo KZN R51.9mR135.2m

Ugu KZN R444.4mR601.1m

uMgungundlovu KZN R100.2mR231.1m

uMkhanyakude KZN R235.0mR523.5m

uMzinyathi KZN R521.9mR302.7m

uThukela KZN R149.0mR201.7m

Zululand KZN R145.9mR187.3m

Capricorn LP R3.2mR3.5m

Mopani LP R424.6mR638.8m

Sekhukhune LP R226.4mR357.4m

Vhembe LP R1 655mR813.3m

Waterberg LP R1.5mR5.8m

Ehlanzeni MP R0.7m R1.4m

Gert Sibande MP - -

Nkangala MP R1.1mR2.6m

Bojanala Platinum NW R46.8mR81.8m

Dr Kenneth Kaunda NW R26.6mR60.5m

Dr Ruth Segomotsi

Mompati NW R211.3mR615.9m

Ngaka Modiri Molema NW R492.2mR1 073m

Frances Baard NC R0.2mR0.1m

John Taolo Gaetsewe NC R12.5mR3.5m

Namakwa NC R6.4mR0.4m

Pixley Ka Seme NC R3.6mR5.0m

ZF Mgcawu NC R3.6mR6.2m

Cape Winelands WC R1.5m -

Central Karoo WC R0.1mR1.4m

Garden Route WC R26.5mR87.9m

Overberg WC R10.5mR5.5m

West Coast WC R9.0mR12.0m


Amahlathi EC R70.6mR76.5m

Blue Crane Route EC R8.2mR30.9m

Dr Beyers Naudé EC R90.6mR195.2m

Elundini EC R12.9mR52.0m

Emalahleni EC R21.9mR40.1m

Engcobo EC R7.5mR4.0m

Enoch Mgijima EC R364.3mR565.1m

Great Kei EC R37.0mR11.2m

Ingquza Hill EC R1.9mR1.6m

Intsika Yethu EC R37.8mR45.2m

Inxuba Yethemba EC R223.5mR142.2m

King Sabata Dalindyebo EC R32.5mR192.0m

Kouga EC R3.6mR1.6m

Koukamma EC R11.9mR16.1m

Makana EC R129.2mR78.7m

Matatiele EC R85.6mR40.0m

Mbhashe EC R21.3mR41.5m

Mhlontlo EC R6.0mR42.7m

Mnquma EC R1.5mR27.4m

Ndlambe EC R277.1mR126.3m

Ngqushwa EC R20.9mR11.3m

Ntabankulu EC R39.2mR75.7m

Nyandeni EC R253.4mR29.3m

Port St Johns EC R107.9mR65.2m

Raymond Mhlaba EC R41.5mR41.6m

Sakhisizwe EC R14.1mR11.8m

Senqu EC R0.6mR9.5m

Sundays River Valley EC R76.6mR86.7m

Umzimvubu EC R0.1mR0.2m

Walter Sisulu EC R141.8mR153.0m


Madikizela-Mandela EC R1.6mR5.8m

Dihlabeng FS R428.1mR321.3m

Kopanong FS n/a R190.4m

Letsemeng FS R349.9mR128.0m

Mafube FS R535.5mR418.3m

Maluti-A-Phofung FS R327.2mR583.6m

Mantsopa FS R188.3mR287.0m

Masilonyana FS n/a R168.0m

Matjhabeng FS R1 833mR2 121m

Metsimaholo FS R90.7mR64.6m

Mohokare FS R89.7mR282.0m

Moqhaka FS R222.7mR303.4m

Nala FS R263.2mR197.3m

Ngwathe FS R129.7mR245.7m

Nketoana FS n/a R284.3m

Phumelela FS R115.3mR133.6m

Setsoto FS R415.3mR315.7m

Tokologo FS n/a R126.2m

Tswelopele FS R26.7mR39.8m

Emfuleni GP R1 632mR2 188m

Lesedi GP R36.9mR57.9m

Merafong City GP R80.0mR83.9m

Midvaal GP R9.8mR5.0m

Mogale City GP R107.6mR130.7m

Rand West City GP R425.9mR322.4m

AbaQulusi KZN R218.2mR98.6m

Alfred Duma KZN R2.6mR30.4m

Big 5 Hlabisa KZN R53.9mR54.9m

City of uMhlathuze KZN R12.5mR52.7m

Dannhauser KZN R21.6mR8.8m

Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma KZN R11.1mR45.7m

eDumbe KZN R48.5mR22.6m

eMadlangeni KZN R41.4mR22.9m

Endumeni KZN R43.6mR17.9m

Greater Kokstad KZN R49.7m R35.7m

Impendle KZN R19.9mR3.0m

Inkosi Langalibalele KZN R69.8mR108.7m

Jozini KZN R64.8mR82.7m

KwaDukuza KZN R85.8m R177.6m

Mandeni KZN R10.5m R19.3m

Maphumulo KZN R0.2mR37.1m

Mkhambathini KZN R5.1mR2.9m

Mpofana KZN R103.4mR88.4m

Msunduzi KZN R979.9mR622.4m

Mthonjaneni KZN R24.5mR30.7m


Mtubatuba KZN R216.9mR309.6m

Ndwedwe KZN - R62.6m

Newcastle KZN R36.0mR162.6m

Nkandla KZN R9.5mR5.1m

Nongoma KZN R44.8mR78.0m

Nquthu KZN R217.8mR128.8m

Okhahlamba KZN R3.7mR26.2m

Ray Nkonyeni KZN R32.0mR17.7m

Richmond KZN R29.8mR26.9m

Ubuhlebezwe KZN R66.5mR273.9m

Ulundi KZN R44.2mR45.4m

Umdoni KZN R124.0mR165.4m

uMfolozi KZN R54.7mR24.7m

uMhlabuyalingana KZN R26.1mR32.2m

uMlalazi KZN R35.1mR64.7m

uMngeni KZN R108.7mR124.8m

uMshwathi KZN R77.2mR1.3m

uMsinga KZN R25.5mR11.1m

Umuziwabantu KZN R26.5mR60.0m

Umvoti KZN R60.9mR7.6m

Umzimkhulu KZN R21.4mR5.5m

Umzumbe KZN R60.8mR72.0m

uPhongolo KZN R21.6mR13.7m

Ba-Phalaborwa LP R55.8mR106.9m

Bela-Bela LP R86.3mR83.9m

Blouberg LP R30.3mR14.8m

Collins Chabane LP R127.8mR164.4m

Elias Motsoaledi LP R120.5mR90.8m

Ephraim Mogale LP R10.9mR1.2m

Fetakgomo Tubatse LP R239.7mR497.9m

Greater Giyani LP R62.0mR26.5m

Greater Letaba LP R54.7mR76.5m

Greater Tzaneen LP R50.8mR53.8m

Lepelle-Nkumpi LP R267.7mR63.8m

Lephalale LP R23.1mR68.7m

Makhado LP - R67.1m

Makhuduthamaga LP R100.5mR128.8m

Maruleng LP R73.4mR30.5m

Modimolle-Mookgophong LP R195.4mR198.1m

Mogalakwena LP R829.8mR565.8m

Molemole LP R2.3mR2.2m

Musina LP R23.2mR80.2m

Polokwane LP R687.2mR463.5m

Thabazimbi LP R112.8mR98.8m

Thulamela LP R0.2mR16.4m

Bushbuckridge MP R211.6mR413.1m

Chief Albert Luthuli MP R26.2mR145.9m

City of Mbombela MP R537.1mR644.8m

Dipaleseng MP R29.4mR34.2m

Dr JS Moroka MP R49.5mR157.8m

Dr Pixley Ka Isaka Seme MP R10.2mR42.1m

Emakhazeni MP R22.6mR116.5m

Emalahleni MP R643.6mR632.7m

Govan Mbeki MP R980.3mR975.5m

Lekwa MP R285.7mR483.1m

Mkhondo MP R179.7mR280.8m

Msukaligwa MP R258.2mR217.8m

Nkomazi MP R72.3mR119.3m

Steve Tshwete MP R107.1mR58.3m

Thaba Chweu MP R336.1mR125.4m

Thembisile Hani MP R20.5mR14.2m

Victor Khanye MP R182.4mR193.6m

City of Matlosana NW R1 132mR726.8m

Ditsobotla NW R276.6mR95.2m

Greater Taung NW R31.5mR54.8m

JB Marks NW R365.9mR349.1m

Kagisano-Molopo NW R148.6mR49.9m

Kgetlengrivier NW R226.5mR248.4m

Lekwa-Teemane NW R301.8mR203.3m

Madibeng NW R551.7mR448.2m

Mahikeng NW R331.1mR385.2m

Mamusa NW R173.7mR92.5m

Maquassi Hills NW R145.6mR362.9m

Moretele NW R120.7mR247.8m

Moses Kotane NW R466.3mR730.1m

Naledi NW R36.7mR261.5m

Ramotshere Moiloa NW R152.8mR65.6m

Ratlou NW R92.9mR21.6m

Rustenburg NW R619.1mR596.7m

Tswaing NW R239.0mR221.1m

!Kheis NC R36.5mR1.8m

Dawid Kruiper NC R54.7mR39.8m

Dikgatlong NC R104.5mR92.9m

Emthanjeni NC R97.6mR128.0m

Gamagara NC R725.9mR165.3m

Ga-Segonyana NC R86.7mR83.7m

Hantam NC R48.0mR69.8m

Joe Morolong NC R4.4mR42.2m

Kai !Garib NC R267.8mR157.7m

Kamiesberg NC R61.7mR70.6m

Kareeberg NC R3.8mR1.3m

Karoo Hoogland NC R19.4mR10.6m

Kgatelopele NC R2.9mR14.5m

Khai-Ma NC R8.4mR12.5m

Magareng NC R84.9mR88.7m

Nama Khoi NC R20.6mR118.9m

Phokwane NC n/a R26.8m

Renosterberg NC R1.9mR58.2m

Richtersveld NC R28.3mR26.8m

Siyancuma NC R69.0m R92.1m

Siyathemba NC R137.0mR117.6m

Sol Plaatje NC R130.3mR272.5m

Thembelihle NC R14.6mR69.9m

Tsantsabane NC R44.8mR112.1m

Ubuntu NC R63.8mR19.8m

Umsobomvu NC R38.5mR25.0m

Beaufort West WC R127.2mR94.4m

Bergrivier WC R0.9mR0.3m

Bitou WC R79.5mR146.7m

Breede Valley WC - -

Cape Agulhas WC R11.8mR15.9m

Cederberg WC R18.1mR43.7m

Drakenstein WC R3.1mR39.9m

George WC R89.7mR4.4m

Hessequa WC R2.8mR4.1m

Kannaland WC R31.6mR31.5m

Knysna WC R77.7mR94.9m

Laingsburg WC R24.9mR18.7m

Langeberg WC R5.9mR2.8m

Matzikama WC R37.8mR100.2m

Mossel Bay WC R58.0mR64.9m

Oudtshoorn WC R24.6mR26.7m

Overstrand WC R15.7mR8.2m

Prince Albert WC R2.0mR4.0m

Saldanha Bay WC R0.5mR1.2m

Stellenbosch WC R89.8mR30.8m

Swartland WC R28.7mR34.0m

Swellendam WC R23.7mR30.1m

Theewaterskloof WC R4.5mR1.1m

Witzenberg WC R1.9m -

The above figures are aggregated totals for Unauthorised, Irregular, Fruitless and Wasteful Expenditure. While the figures are aggregated for the purpose of this table, each type of expenditure is different in nature. Refer to p11 for defi nitions and source information.


What you need to know about visible service delivery focusing on horticultural maintenance in The City of Johannesburg

Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo (JCPZ) is responsible for the maintenance and management of 2 175 parks, 136 conservation areas, 38 cemeteries, three crematoria, the Joburg Zoo, Johannesburg Botanical Gardens and approximately 3.6 million street trees in the City of Johannesburg (CoJ).

Horticultural maintenance is one of the main services that JCPZ offers within CoJ. This maintenance service is rendered in parks, nature reserves, cemeteries, the Johannesburg Botanical Gardens, the Joburg Zoo, landscaped road islands and town entrances, and selected main arterials. Horticultural maintenance services include grass cutting, litter picking, weed control, flowerbeds maintenance, beautification, hedge trimming, blowing of fallen leaves and raking of pathways.

Maintenance is administered in order to provide safe public open spaces, which communities may use to improve their health and to enhance social cohesion. Well-maintained public open spaces also provide the following benefits to CoJ communities at large:

- Contributes to the improvement of air quality, biodiversity, tourism, promotes climate change mitigation and creates employment opportunities

- Improves environmental and economic resilience

- Builds social resilience, especially when developed and stewarded in a collaborative and community-driven approach

- By improving healthy lifestyles a strong and growing city is built for present and future generations

- Public open spaces also have a positive impact on mental health and general well-being of human and animal life.

JCPZ provides services within the following service standard cycles:

Service Standards

Maintenance of flagship parks

Maintenance of developed parks

Maintenance of undeveloped parks

Maintenance of main arterials

Maintenance of landscaped islands and town entrances

Maintenance of flagship/active cemeteries

Maintenance of passive cemeteries

Damaged park infrastructure

Removal of emergency fallen trees


Once a week

Once a month

Within 90 days

Once a month

Twice a month

Twice a month

Within 90 days

Within a week

Within 10 hours

Removal of emergency fallen trees procedures include dispatching of a street trees team, removal of the green debris, loading and dumping. However, the process for addressing larger fallen trees, slightly differs due to the size of the foliage; and as such the initial response includes only the removal of the big stump to a safer zone, i.e., to the side of the road. Thereafter, within three working days, the process includes the chipping of the tree base, loading and dumping at various Pikitup clearance sites.

JCPZ compiles and publishes maintenance schedules, which indicate the work that will be carried out regionally. The schedule is available on the JCPZ website at www.jhbcityparksandzoo.com. Fallen trees that obstruct traffic, pose a danger or interfere with electricity supply are attended to within two hours. The stumps etc. may take more time to remove but the obstacle will be cleared.

Fallen trees within parks and open spaces that pose no threat, remain and form part of the planned schedules.

Currently JCPZ is mandated for most green services within the greater CoJ. Other city departments, entities and organisations are responsible for certain portions of the work. The below table reflects the relevant parties that can be contacted for services that do not form part of JCPZ’s portfolio:

In order for services to be provided in a sustainable manner, JCPZ urges communities to work together to keep the CoJ clean and green. As such, JCPZ hereby calls upon communities to play their part by cutting and maintaining lawns on their sidewalks and maintaining grass verges adjacent to their homes.

Responsible entity/ organisation Description Contact details Regional Environmental Health (unmaintained private stands) Grass cutting in private stands (011) 407 6683/6790 Community Development Maintenance of Libraries, Clinics, Swimming pools, Sports facilities, Recreation centers, Old-age homes, Public housing areas (JOSCO) (011) 375 7173 Privately-Owned Cemeteries Maintenance of private cemeteries e.g. Nasrec & Fourways & Slovo Cemetery (011) 465 1715 Privately-Owned Property Grass cutting & tree maintenance within privately-owned property Owner’s Responsibility City Power Grass cutting & tree maintenance (011) 490 7000 Eskom Tree maintenance under transmission sub-stations & high voltage areas 0860 037 566 Johannesburg Roads Agency (JRA) (Province) Grass cutting along freeways & street verges & scuffling (011) 298 5000 Gauteng Department: Roads and Transport (Province) Grass cutting along Provincial and National roads & scuffling (011) 355 7000/7332

The Eastern Cape is located on the east coast of South Africa between the Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal Provinces. Inland, it borders the Northern Cape and Free State Provinces, as well as Lesotho. The region boasts remarkable natural diversity, ranging from the semi-arid Great Karoo to the forests of the Wild Coast and the Keiskamma Valley, the fertile Langkloof and the mountainous southern Drakensberg region. The Eastern Cape’s main feature is its spectacular coastline bordering the Indian Ocean.

It covers an area of 168 966km2 and has a population of 6 996 976. It is the second-largest province in South Africa by surface area and has the third-largest population. The capital is Bhisho. Other major cities and towns include Gqeberha (Port Elizabeth), East London, Makhanda (Grahamstown), Mthatha (Umtata), Graaf Reinet, Cradock and Port St Johns.

The Eastern Cape is one of South Africa’s poorest provinces incorporating large areas of South Africa’s former homelands. The Eastern Cape has excellent agricultural and forestry potential. The fertile Langkloof Valley in the south-west has enormous deciduous fruit orchards, while the Karoo interior is an important sheep-farming area. The Alexandria-Grahamstown area produces pineapples, chicory and dairy products, while coffee and tea are cultivated at Magwa. People in the former Transkei region are dependent on the farming of cattle, maize and sorghum.

The metropolitan economies of Port Elizabeth and East London are based primarily on manufacturing, the most important industry being motor manufacturing. The province is the hub of South Africa’s automotive industry.

The Eastern Cape is divided into two metropolitan municipalities (Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality and Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality) and six district municipalities, which are further subdivided into 31 local municipalities.


Buffalo City 33 N elson Mandela Bay 34 Alfred Nzo District 35 M atatiele 35 Ntabankulu 36 U mzimvubu 38 Winnie Madikizela-Mandela 38 Amathole District 39 Amahlathi 40 G reat Kei 40 M bhashe 41 M nquma 41 N gqushwa 42 Raymond Mhlaba 42 Chris Hani District 43 Emalahleni 44 Engcobo 44 Enoch Mgijima 45 Intsika Yethu 46 Inxuba Yethemba 46 S akhisizwe 47 J oe Gqabi District 47 Elundini 48 S enqu 49 Walter Sisulu 49 O R Tambo District 50 Ingquza Hill 51 K ing Sabata Dalindyebo 51 M hlontlo 52 Nyandeni 53 Port St Johns 53 Sarah Baartman District 54 B lue Crane Route 55 D r Beyers Naudé 55 Ko uga 56 Koukamma 57 M akana 57 N dlambe 58 S undays River Valley 59 EASTERN CAPE MUNICIPALITIES ALFRED NZO AMATHOLE CHRIS HANI JOE GQABI OR TAMBO SARAH BAARTMAN MATATIELE UMZIMVUBU WINNIE MADIKIZELAMANDELA NTABANKULU RAYMOND MHLABA AMAHLATHI NGQUSHWA BUFFALO CITY NELSON MANDELA BAY GREAT KEI MNQUMA MBHASHE INXUBA YETHEMBA ENOCH MGIJIMA EMALAHLENI WALTER SISULU DR BEYERS NAUDÉ BLUE CRANE ROUTE KOUKAMMA KOUGA SUNDAYS RIVER VALLEY MAKANA NDLAMBE SENQU ELUNDINI KING SABATA DALINDYEBO NYANDENI INGQUZA HILL MHLONTLO PORT ST JOHNS INTSIKA YETHU ENGCOBO SAKHISIZWE Sources: Community Survey 2016 – Provinces at a glance published by Stats SA. *Unemployment figures from Quarterly Labour Force Survey, Quarter 3, 2022, published by Stats SA. LAND AREA 168 966km2 LAND PERCENTAGE 13.8% POPULATION YOUTH (15-34 YEARS) 6 996 976 2 626 687 GEOGRAPHY PEOPLE UNEMPLOYMENT* HOUSING HOUSEHOLD SERVICES HOUSEHOLDS 1 773 395 FORMAL DWELLINGS TRADITIONAL DWELLINGS INFORMAL DWELLINGS HOUSEHOLD SIZE 3,9 ACCESS TO PIPED WATER 68.4% FLUSH/CHEMICAL TOILET 52.3% CONNECTED TO ELECTRICITY 86.6% 65.1% 26.6% 7.4% YOUTH PROPORTION 37,5 POVERTY HEADCOUNT 12.7% SEX RATIO (MALES/100 FEMALES) 90,7 EDUCATION (GRADE 12 – AGED 20+) 17.0% OFFICIAL RATE EXPANDED RATE 42.4% 50.6%




POSTAL: PO Box 134, East London, 5200

PHYSICAL: 117 Oxford Street, Cnr North & Oxford Streets, Trust Centre, East London

TEL: 043 705 2000 FAX: 043 743 1688

EMAIL: citymanager@buffalocity.gov.za

WEB: www.buffalocity.gov.za


Description: The Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality is a Category

A municipality situated on the east coast of the Eastern Cape Province. The boundaries of the newly established municipality now include a large area characterised by very different features. Two former municipalities, Transitional Local Councils – that of East London and King William’s Town – have merged into one. Other areas that were previously not included in either of them are now part of Buffalo City.

The municipality was established as a local municipality in 2000 after South Africa’s reorganisation of municipal areas and is named after the Buffalo River, at whose mouth lies the only river port in South Africa. On 18 May 2011 it was separated from the Amathole District Municipality and converted into a metropolitan municipality. History was made in Buffalo City when the City elected its first female mayor on Friday, 17 March 2006.

The area has a well-developed manufacturing base, with the auto industry playing a major role. The climate is mild, with year-round sunshine. Average rainfall is 850mm.

Area: 2 753km2

Cities/Towns: Beacon Bay, Berlin, Bisho, Breidbach, Dimbaza, East London, Kidd’s Beach, King William’s Town, Mdantsane, Phakamisa, Potsdam, Zwelitsha

Main Economic Sectors: Community services (25%), finance (24%), manufacturing (24%), trade (12%), transport (12%)


Population: 834 997

Population Growth: 1.52% p.a.

No Schooling: 4.0% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 44.7%

Households: 253 477 Formal Dwellings: 70.2%


Composition of Council: ANC 61, DA 20, EFF 13, ACDP 1, AIC 1, ATM 1, PAC 1, UDM 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Mr Xola Pakati

Deputy Mayor: Ms Princess Faku

Speaker: Mr Humprey Maxegwana

Chief Whip: Mr Mawethu Marata (Chief Whip and MMC: Economic Development and Agencies)

Other Council: Sakhumzi Caga (MMC: Finance Services), Mr Graham

Lottering (MMC: Sport and Community Development), Sangweni

Matwele (MMC: Health and Safety), Noma-Afrika Maxongo (MMC: Spatial Development Planning), Malibongwe Mfazwe (MMC: Infrastructure Services), Nozandile Mhlola (MMC: Human Settlements), Ms Amanda

Mnyute (MMC: Community Services), Ms Helen Neale-May (MMC: Corporate Service)

Municipal Manager: Mxolisi Yawa

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Ntsikelelo Sigcau

Senior Management: Vuyani Lwana (HOD: Health and Public Safety), Nonceba Mbali-Majeng (HOD: Spatial Development Planning), Luyanda Mbula (HOD: Human Settlements), Bob Naidoo (HOD: Corporate Services), Noludwe Ncokazi (HOD: Economic Development), Nceba Ncunyana (HOD: Infrastructure Services), Ncumisa Sidukwana

(HOD: Executive Support Services), Mr Howard Sikweza (Acting HOD: Sports, Recreation and Culture), Ms Yoliswa Sinyanya (HOD: Solid Waste)

Communications Officers: Mr Samkelo Ngwenya

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

BUFFALO CITY King William’s Town Breidbach Berlin Bisho East London Kidd’s Beach Beacon Bay Potsdam Mdantsane Zwelitsha
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 9 005 0058 965 8167 732 088 Total Expenditure 9 172 6288 276 9887 830 443 Surplus/(Deficit) (197 491)715 455(203 761) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 1 408 3571 591 3521 549 342 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 10 296 4289 662 9668 629 993 Total Current Liabilities 8 879 7668 116 9847 574 225 Community Wealth/Equity27 812 81623 167 66420 548 894 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 4 238 4814 317 844(2 767) Cash at Year End 3 931 7644 050 6391 168 865 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 311 223319 787 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 6 0166 085 Vacant Positions 353 786 Managerial Positions 233264 Vacant Managerial Positions 25 63 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 2 270 6972 111 687 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 122 000122 000 <200m from Yard 126 607125 031 >200m from Yard 4 8704 714 Households - Free Basic Service125 352125 641 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served166 190163 702 Households - Free Basic Service61 32080 831 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage165 705159 697 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 05 437 Ventilated Pit Latrine 47 08743 353 Other 25 42524 958 Households - Free Basic Service61 32080 831



POSTAL: PO Box 116, Port Elizabeth, 6000

PHYSICAL: City Hall, Vuyisile Mini Square, Govan Mbeki Avenue, Nelson Mandela Bay

TEL: 041 506 1911 FAX: 041 506 2422

WEB: www.nelsonmandelabay.gov.za


Description: The Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality is a Category A municipality, established on 5 December 2000. Nelson Mandela Bay was the first city in South Africa to establish a fully integrated democratic local authority and the only city in the world named after Nelson Mandela, who was born and spent his formative years in the Eastern Cape.

Nelson Mandela Bay is a major seaport and automotive manufacturing centre located on the south-eastern coast of Africa. It is the economic powerhouse of the Eastern Cape Province and one of eight metropolitan areas in South Africa. Its boundaries are formed by Cassie Mountain View in the north, Cape Recife in the south, Sundays River Mouth in the east, and Van Stadens River Mouth in the west.

The city is a holiday hot spot for both national and international tourists. The predominant languages spoken are English, Afrikaans and isiXhosa.

Area: 1 957km2

Cities/Towns: Bethelsdorp, Bloemendal, Blue Horizon Bay, Clarendon Marine, Despatch, KwaNobuhle, Motherwell, Port Elizabeth, Summerstrand, Swartkops, Uitenhage

Main Economic Sectors: Manufacturing (25%), community services (23%), finance (23%), trade (13%), transport (13%)


Population: 1 263 051 Population Growth: 2.09% p.a.

No Schooling: 2.6% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 46.0%

Households: 368 520 Formal Dwellings: 92.5%


Composition of Council: ANC 48, DA 48, EFF 8, NA 3, ACDP 2, DOP 2, PA 2, VF PLUS 2, AIC 1, AIM 1, GOOD 1, PAC 1, UDM 1

Controlling Party: ANC/NA/AIC/DOP/AIM/UDM Coalition

Executive Mayor: Mr Retief Odendaal (Budget and Treasury Oversight)

Deputy Mayor: Mr Mkhuseli Jack

Speaker: Mr Gary Van Niekerk

Chief Whip: Mr Bill Harington

Other Council: Mr Thsonono Christopher Solomon Buyeye (MMC: Public Health), Mr Lance Grootboom (MMC: Electricity and Energy), Mr Mcebisi Bass Kamana (MMC: Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture Services), Mr Rano Kayser (MMC: Constituency Services), Mrs Annette Lovemore (MMC: Corporate Services), Mr Kabelo Mogatosi (MMC: Roads and Transport), Mr Mmaseabata Mutlaneng (Acting: City Manager), Mr Luxolo Namette (MMC: Economic Development, Tourism and Agriculture), Mr Lawrence Troon (MMC: Safety and Security), Mr Dries van der Westhuizen (MMC: Infrastructure and Engineering), Mr Tukela Zumani (MMC: Human Settlements)

Municipal Manager: Mr Selwyn Thys (Acting)

Senior Management: Mr Mandla George (Chief Operating Officer), Mr Jordan Griffiths (Acting: Chief of Staff), Mr Luvuyo Magalela

(Executive Director: Infrastructure and Engineering), Seki Mandaba

(Acting Executive Director: Sports, Recreation, Arts and Culture), Mr Keith Meyer (Executive Director: Safety and Security), Mr Tabiso Mfeya (Executive Director: Human Settlements), Mr Sizwe Mvunelwa

(Executive Director: Public Health), Mr Anele Qaba (Executive Director: Economic Development, Tourism and Agriculture), Ms Nosipho Xhego

(Executive Director: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Sithembiso Soyaya (Municipal Spokesperson)

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.

Gqeberha Summerstrand Clarendon Marine Bethelsdorp
Uitenhage Motherwell
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 14 523 72912 973 47811 365 768 Total Expenditure 12 674 05612 319 32010 178 913 Surplus/(Deficit) 1 849 673654 1581 186 855 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 30 098 16628 856 23126 915 039 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 10 597 1268 661 7786 316 441 Total Current Liabilities 4 816 7214 473 0593 723 383 Community Wealth/Equity20 587 48018 854 71717 228 518 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 859 (476) n/a Cash at Year End (22 049)(23 060) n/a UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 2 237 8921 493 177 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 6 0749 062 Vacant Positions 19 14 Managerial Positions 97 237 Vacant Managerial Positions 19 14 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 3 317 8683 317 868 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 247 789234 770 <200m from Yard 456456 Households - Free Basic Service52 80178 914 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served324 410300 436 Households - Free Basic Service45 22463 706 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage223 857222 111 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 3 6813 681 Ventilated Pit Latrine 123123 Bucket System 6 0106 010 Other 1 594 0 Households - Free Basic Service59 15478 914



POSTAL: Private Bag X511, eMaxesibeni, 4735

PHYSICAL: Erf 1400, Ntsizwa Street, eMaxesibeni

TEL: 039 254 5000 FAX: 039 254 0343

EMAIL: customercare@andm.gov.za

WEB: www.andm.gov.za


Description: The Alfred Nzo District Municipality is a Category C municipality located in the north-eastern corner of the Eastern Cape Province. It stretches from the Drakensberg Mountains, bordering Harry Gwala District Municipality to the north, OR Tambo District Municipality in the south and east, and Lesotho in the west.

Alfred Nzo is the smallest district in the province, covering only 6% of the geographical area. The municipality is comprised of the Matatiele, Ntabankulu, Winnie Madikizela-Mandela and Umzimvubu

Local Municipalities.

Area: 10 731km2

Main Economic Sectors: Community services (28%), wholesale/ trade (15%), agriculture (12%), manufacturing (10%), transport (6.4%), construction (6%)


Population: 867 864 Population Growth: 1.81% p.a.

No Schooling: 9.1% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 22.0%

Households: 195 975 Formal Dwellings: 42.6%


Composition of Council: ANC 13, EFF 2, ATM 1, DA 1 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Mr Vukile Mhlelembana

Deputy Mayor: Mr Nomasomi Mshunqwana

Speaker: Sixolile Mehlomakhulu

Chief Whip: Ms Nophatheka Ndabeni

Other Council: Mrs Eunice Diko (MMC: Governance and Compliance), Ncediwe Giyama (MPAC Chairperson), Mpumelelo Khuzwayo (MMC: IDMS), Momelezi Mbedla (MMC: Head of Community Development Services), Mr Sobane Mnukwa (MMC: Head of Communications and Media Liaison), Mrs Nomvuyo Msokana (MMC: Corporate Services), Mr Nathi Nqoko (MMC: Mayoral Affairs), Sibongile Setlaba (MMC: Special Programmes Unit)

Municipal Manager: Mr Zamile Sikhundla

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Unathi Paul Mahlasela

Senior Management: Mr M Dubula (Manager: Legal Services), Ms N Msebi (Senior Manager: Infrastructure Development and Municipal Services), Ms N Ngxenge (Senior Manager: Community Development Services), Mr S Ntshikilana (Senior Manager: Planning and Economic Development), Nelisile R Xolo (Senior Manager: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Ms Nomasomi Mshunqwana (MMC: Communications and Media Liaison)



POSTAL: PO Box 35, Matatiele, 4730

PHYSICAL: 102 Main Street, Matatiele

TEL: 039 737 8100 FAX: 039 737 3611

EMAIL: info@matatiele.gov.za

WEB: www.matatiele.gov.za


Description: The Matatiele Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located within the Alfred Nzo District in the northern part of the Eastern Cape Province. It adjoins Lesotho to the north, Elundini to the south-west, and Greater Kokstad to the east. It is the largest of four municipalities in the district, making up almost half of its geographical area.

The Matatiele municipal area is composed of the commercial farmlands surrounding the service centre of Matatiele, the town

of Cedarville and the R293 township of Maluti. The municipality is predominantly rural in nature. Matatiele Town serves as a service centre and/or the main economic hub for Matatiele Municipality and beyond, and is identified in the District Municipality SDF as a primary node. The settlement pattern is characterised by dispersed rural settlements surrounded by subsistence farmlands in the former Transkei region.

The R56 road is a major arterial and trade route running through the municipality in an east-west direction, linking Matatiele with Kokstad to the east and Mount Fletcher to the west. It links the municipality with KwaZulu-Natal and parts of the Eastern Cape located south of Matatiele Municipality. The western parts of the area (commercial agricultural farms) form part of the high production potential land stretching from Matatiele and Kokstad in the south through the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands to the north-western parts of KwaZulu-Natal.

The area is located at the foothills of the Drakensberg Mountains. It adjoins the World Heritage Site along its western boundary and was

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.
AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 428 7011 241 4291 090 642 Total Expenditure 703 093686 914629 576 Surplus/(Deficit) 725 608554 514461 066 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 625 729428 871401 101 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 1 126 277942 411700 546 Total Current Liabilities 304 497325 924301 045 Community Wealth/Equity5 882 6485 180 2664 170 427 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 1 671 4871 093 0491 434 652 Cash at Year End 1 562 807599 871967 917 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 84 39388 598 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 591 511 Vacant Positions 5 0 Managerial Positions 41 46 Vacant Managerial Positions 5 0 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 279 887254 435 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 31 65131 651 <200m from Yard 72 09872 065 >200m from Yard 13 04313 043 Households - Free Basic Service116 792116 759 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage 8 7128 712 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 2 7132 713 Ventilated Pit Latrine 131 304131 196 Households - Free Basic Service142 729142 621
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20

included in the Maloti-Drakensberg Transfrontier Conservation and Development Project (MDTP). The latter was a collaborative initiative between South Africa and the Kingdom of Lesotho to protect the exceptional biodiversity of the Drakensberg and Maloti Mountains through conservation, sustainable resource use, and land-use and development planning.

Area: 4 352km2

Cities/Towns: Cedarville, Matatiele

Main Economic Sectors: Community services (66.4%), trade (8.9%), finance, agriculture


Population: 219 447

Population Growth: 1.68% p.a.

No Schooling: 6.3% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 24.3%

Households: 56 868 Formal Dwellings: 47.3%


Composition of Council: ANC 40, EFF 7, DA 3, AIC 2, ATM 1, UDM 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Sonwabile Mngenela

Speaker: Ms Nonzwakazi Ngwanya

Chief Whip: Ms Nomonde Abegail Nkukhu

Other Council: Ms Shereen Booth (Portfolio Head: Community Services), Ms Thembeka Dyantyi (Portfolio Head: Planning and Human Settlements), Mawethu Facu (Portfolio Head: Local Economic Development), Ms Nomaroma Cornelia Ludidi-Ndabane (Portfolio Head: Corporate Services), Mr Mzwamandla Nyembezi (Portfolio Head: Good Governance and Special Programmes), Mr Wonga Bongekile Potwana (Exco Member), Ms Makopano Shale (Portfolio Head: Infrastructure Planning and Development), Mr Siseko Sikhafungana (Exco Member), Mr Patrick Motlalepula Stuurman (Portfolio Head: Budget and Treasury)

Municipal Manager: Mr Lizo Matiwane

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Khaluwe Mehlomakhulu

Senior Management: Mr Zoyisile Gqamane



POSTAL: PO Box 234, Ntabankulu, 5130

PHYSICAL: 85 Main Street, Ntabankulu

TEL: 039 258 0056 FAX: 039 258 0173

EMAIL: customercare@ntabankulu.gov.za

WEB: www.ntabankulu.gov.za


Description: The Ntabankulu Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Alfred Nzo District in the Eastern Cape Province. It is the smallest of the four local municipalities in the district, accounting for 13% of its geographical area.

It was formerly part of the OR Tambo District Municipality, but was transferred to the Alfred Nzo District Municipality after the 2011 municipal election. Ntabankulu is an isiXhosa name meaning ‘great or big mountain’, which reflects the mountainous nature of the municipal area.

Area: 1 385km2

Cities/Towns: Tabankulu

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, sand and quarry mining, forestry, tourism


Population: 128 848

No Schooling: 14.4%

Households: 26 195

Population Growth: 0.90% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 18.1%

Formal Dwellings: 32.3%


Composition of Council: ANC 31, EFF 4, AIC 1, ATM 1, DA 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Ms Priscilla Tsileng Sobuthongo

Speaker: Ms Vuyokazi Matwasa

Chief Whip: Mr Sesulo Sophaqa

Other Council: Ms Nosikhumbuzo Daniel, Inkosi Sindiswa Diko, Ms Eunice N Diko, Ms Nomfumaneko Fundakubi, Ms Mathembinkosi Gweqani, Ms Thabisa Lubisi, Ms Noma India Mbonomtsha, Inkosi Nosisa Mkomanzi, Ms Thembakazi Msuthu, Mr Zolani Mtyaphi, Ms Sophina Ncekana, Ms Madlamini P Ndabeni, Ms Nonzwakazi L Ndamase,

Infrastructure Planning and Development), Mr Khaya Magadla (General Manager: Corporate Services), Mr Fikile Ndinisa (Acting General Manager: Community Services), Ms Thabiso Ntsalla (General Manager: Economic Development and Planning)

Communications Officers: Mr Luncedo Walaza (Spokesperson)

Ms Kholeka Nomanzoyiya, Inkosi Mbulelelo J Nompokhwe, Mr K Nonkondlo (Manager: Human Resources), Inkosi Anele Sgwiji, Inkosi Zweloxolo P Siyoyo, Ms Nokuthula Sobuthongo, Ms Nontsikeleo Sthunzi, Inkosi Zweliphleela N Zoko

Municipal Manager: Ms SN Ntlahla (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Noma Africa Mdutyana

Communications Officers: Ms Luleka Nonyongo (Head of Communications)

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.

General Manager:
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 583 602545 438505 297 Total Expenditure 516 785435 912362 892 Surplus/(Deficit) 66 817109 526142 405 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 184 165147 469188 179 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 420 584376 866307 193 Total Current Liabilities 155 737131 863111 033 Community Wealth/Equity1 495 5231 321 4271 119 476 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 340 914491 270645 889 Cash at Year End 377 035212 463474 063 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 85 63139 978 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 333 363 Vacant Positions 6 26 Managerial Positions 26 26 Vacant Managerial Positions 6 4 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 134 757128 741 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served33 33133 293 Households - Free Basic Service4 1914 203
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 199 713225 532217 189 Total Expenditure 187 180209 240257 816 Surplus/(Deficit) 12 53416 291(40 626) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 527 029494 868399 476 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 54 69978 43060 007 Total Current Liabilities 57 32086 98776 901 Community Wealth/Equity 365 328349 244384 730 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 9 45424 9114 643 Cash at Year End 9 58525 0414 771 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 39 19175 652 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 196 203 Vacant Positions 4 5 Managerial Positions 27 27 Vacant Managerial Positions 4 5 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 78 54071 874 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served20 80320 803 Households - Free Basic Service3 6963 296 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: Private Bag X9020, KwaBhaca, 5090

PHYSICAL: 813 Main Street, KwaBhaca

TEL: 039 255 8500 FAX: 039 255 0167

EMAIL: enquiries@umzimvubu.gov.za

WEB: umzimvubu.gov.za


Description: The Umzimvubu Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Alfred Nzo District in the north-western part of the Eastern Cape Province. It adjoins KwaZulu-Natal to the north, the OR Tambo District Municipality to the south and east, and Matatiele to the west. It is one of four municipalities in the district.

The municipality is predominantly rural and the majority of the population reside in rural areas. The majority of land is covered by dispersed low-density traditional settlements, with the exception of some areas around the two urban centres. There has been a significant migration towards the towns over the years, which is attributable to a preference by residents to live close to transport routes and urban centres.

Area: 2 579km2

Cities/Towns: eMaxesibeni (Mount Ayliff), KwaBhaca (Mount Frere)

Main Economic Sectors: Government services (42.6%), trade (17.7%), finance and business services (13.9%), manufacturing (12.2%), transport and communication (8.7%), construction (2.2%), agriculture (2.1%)


Population: 199 620

Population Growth: 0.91% p.a.

No Schooling: 4.4% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 22.8%

Households: 51 530 Formal Dwellings: 45.2%


Composition of Council: ANC 42, EFF 6, ATM 2, DA 2, UDM 2, AIC 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Ms Zukiswa Ndevu

Speaker: Mr Happy Mzikayise Ngqasa

Chief Whip: Ms Nofikile Florida Ngonyolo

Municipal Manager: Mr Tobela Nota

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Fundira Tinashe

Senior Management: Mr Lebohang Joseph Moleko (Infrastructure and Planning Manager), Mr Simpiwe Ntinzi (Manager: LED)

Communications Officers: Mrs Nokhanyo Zembe



POSTAL: PO Box 12, Bizana, 4800

PHYSICAL: 51 Main Street, Bizana

TEL: 039 251 0230 FAX: 039 251 0917

EMAIL: mbizanalm@mbizana.org.za

WEB: www.winniemmlm.gov.za


Description: The Winnie Madikizela-Mandela Local Municipality (previously Mbizana Local Municipality) is a Category B municipality situated within the Alfred Nzo District in the Eastern Cape Province. It is one of four municipalities in the district. It is located on the R61 road connecting the KwaZulu-Natal South Coastal Boundary to the N2 highway.

A female-dominated society, the municipality makes efforts to integrate and incorporate women in key decision-making roles within the institution to reflect this demographic. The majority of households in Mbizana are of a rural nature. This results in natural resources providing a strong base for basic survival as those living in rural areas turn to subsistence farming for their livelihoods.

Mbizana prides itself on a cultural diversity that includes a variety of tribes such as the Xhosas, Mpondos, Sothos and Ngunis. However, the population is dominated by the Mpondo tribe, which has its own unique dialect, isiMpondo, a soft mixture of isiXhosa and isiZulu.

The municipality stretches between the Umtamvuna and Mtentu Rivers, with pristine beaches and scenic estuaries. This coastline is part of the famous Wild Coast and Pondoland centre, which boasts valuable flora and fauna found nowhere else in the world. It is also home to one of the greatest sons of Africa, Oliver Reginald Tambo, who was a revolutionary leader and the longest-serving ANC president. The municipality was renamed to Winnie Madikizela-Mandela Local Municipality effective on 1 December 2020.

Area: 2 415km2

Cities/Towns: Bizana

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, forestry


Population: 319 948

No Schooling: 12.4%

Households: 61 383

Population Growth: 2.88% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 21.4%

Formal Dwellings: 40.5%


Composition of Council: ANC 48, ATM 5, EFF 4, SPSA 2, ACU 1, AIC 1, DA 1, SRWP 1, UDM 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Ms Daniswa Mafumbatha

Speaker: Mr Z Mhlwazi

Chief Whip: Makhosandile Mpetshwa

Municipal Manager: Mr Luvuyo Mahlaka

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Zakhele Alex Zukulu

Senior Management: Mr Z Gwala (Manager: Corporate Services), Mr Z Jojimali (Human Resources), Mr M Khuzwayo (Community Services), Ms N Mafumbatha (Development Planning), Mrs S Majova (Operations), Mr N Mgxiva (Internal Auditing), Mr MS Mngomeni (Legal Services), Mr MI Mpepeto (Engineering Services), Ms N Ngejane (Executive Support), Mr M Nqwazi (ICT)

Communications Officers: Mr TS Cwibi

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 419 618422 862343 438 Total Expenditure 437 822349 568353 818 Surplus/(Deficit) (18 204)73 294(10 379) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 152 274175 366115 462 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 153 862163 720133 197 Total Current Liabilities 48 74152 91549 289 Community Wealth/Equity 1 029 4221 076 8641 013 022 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 874 927 1 111 375993 119 Cash at Year End 844 014888 352930 483 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 61 184 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 219221 Vacant Positions 1 7 Managerial Positions 30 30 Vacant Managerial Positions 1 2 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 91 62983 667 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served34 45433 683 Households - Free Basic Service2 9782 978
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean audit Financially unqualified TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: PO Box 320, East London, 5200

PHYSICAL: 3-33 Phillip Frame Road, Chiselhurst, Cambridge, East London, 5247

TEL: 043 701 4000 FAX: 043 721 2874

WEB: www.amathole.gov.za


Description: The Amathole District Municipality is a Category C municipality situated in the central part of the Eastern Cape. It stretches along the Sunshine Coast from the Fish River Mouth and along the Eastern Seaboard to just south of Hole in the Wall along the Wild Coast. It is bordered to the north by the Amathole Mountain Range. The municipality is comprised of six local municipalities: Mbhashe, Mnquma, Great Kei, Amahlathi, Ngqushwa and Raymond Mhlaba.

Four heritage routes have been developed that are named after Xhosa kings and heroes. They are the Maqoma Route, the Makana Route, the Sandile Route and the Phalo Route. These intertwine with the other tourism routes located within the district, namely the Sunshine Coast Route, the Wild Coast Route, the Amathole Mountain Escape Route and the Friendly N6 Route.

Area: 21 114km2

Main Economic Sectors: Community services (44%), finance (19%), manufacturing (14%), trade (13%), transport (4%), agriculture (3%), construction (2%)


Population: 880 790

No Schooling: 10.2%

Households: 213 763

Population Growth: 0.65% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 24.7%

Formal Dwellings: 55.9%


The municipality has been placed under S139 (5) (a) administration. Composition of Council: ANC 14, EFF 2, ATM 1, DA 1, UDM 1 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Ms Anele Ntsangani

Speaker: Onke Mgunculu

Chief Whip: Nanziwe Rulashe

Other Council: Celiwe Genyane (MMC: Legislative and Executive Support), Ms Nomonde Geza (MMC: Engineering and Infrastructure Services), Bandile Ketelo (MMC: Strategic Planning and Management), Bukelwa Madikane (MMC: Corporate and Human Resource Management), Khanyile Maneli (MMC: Community Services), Xhanti Mngxaso (MMC: Spatial Planning and Economic Development), Fumanekile Phumaphi (MMC: Budget and Treasury)

Municipal Manager: Mr Monwabisi Somana (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Sibongile Mkhohlakali (Acting)

Senior Management: Mr Makhaya Dungu (Director: Engineering Services), Mr Simphiwe Mnweba (Directorate: Land, Human Settlements and Economic Development), Mr K Mrali (Director: Corporate Services), Ms Linda Simanga (Acting Director: Strategic and Planning Management), Ms Ayanda Tyali (Senior Manager: LED)

Communications Officers: Mrs Noni Vuso (Senior Manager: Communications and Customer Care)

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.

RAYMOND MHLABA MBHASHE MNQUMA GREAT KEI AMAHLATHI NGQUSHWA Willowvale Dutywa Butterworth Komga Kei Road Keiskammahoek Bedford Adelaide Blinkwater Fort Beaufort Fort Hare Hamburg Bell Peddie Seymour Cathcart Kentani Stutterheim FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 469 256499 607436 083 Total Expenditure 407 784342 164369 642 Surplus/(Deficit) 61 472157 44366 441 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 165 301141 43286 127 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 401 936380 072273 711 Total Current Liabilities 95 57190 50676 812 Community Wealth/Equity1 090 3441 040 830805 075 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 173 089335 057524 848 Cash at Year End 292 581134 151430 555 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 1 5915 820 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 272 288 Vacant Positions 4 10 Managerial Positions 27 24 Vacant Managerial Positions 4 1 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 128 822125 919 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served13 32512 590 Households - Free Basic Service11 9057 024
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Adverse audit Adverse audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 02 013 2561 993 539 Total Expenditure n/a 1 845 3691 705 026 Surplus/(Deficit) n/a 167 887288 512 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE n/a 224 476(33 797) FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets n/a 765 809901 762 Total Current Liabilities n/a 902 7771 044 128 Community Wealth/Equity n/a 4 115 6224 003 397 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow n/a 356 0551 398 502 Cash at Year End n/a 550 0891 592 965 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 46 193308 971 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 2 2991 605 Vacant Positions 781 344 Managerial Positions 245 163 Vacant Managerial Positions 90 22 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 749 922643 539 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 36 06936 069 <200m from Yard 202 100202 100 >200m from Yard 5 9985 998 Households - Free Basic Service 1 61334 617 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage23 88223 882 Ventilated Pit Latrine 204 971167 699 Households - Free Basic Service 1 61334 617 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: Private Bag X4002, Stutterheim, 4930

PHYSICAL: 12 Maclean Street, Stutterheim

TEL: 043 683 5000 FAX: 043 683 2970

EMAIL: info@amahlathi.gov.za

WEB: www.amahlathi.gov.za


Description: The Amahlathi Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the Amathole District of the Eastern Cape Province. It is bordered by the Chris Hani District to the north, Buffalo City Metro to the south, Mnquma and Great Kei to the east, and Raymond Mhlaba to the west. It is an administrative area, and one of six municipalities in the district.

Amahlati is an isiXhosa name that means ’a place where many trees are grouped together, a forest’. Forests are a key feature of the area.

Area: 4 505km2

Cities/Towns: Cathcart, Kei Road, Keiskammahoek, Stutterheim

Main Economic Sectors: Community services (37%), finance (27%), manufacturing (18%), trade (10%), agriculture (4%), construction (2%), transport (2%)


Population: 101 826 Population Growth: 0.18% p.a.

No Schooling: 5.4% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 25.0%

Households: 24 577 Formal Dwellings: 53.1%


Composition of Council: ANC 23, DA 3, EFF 2, APC 1, INDEPENDENT 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Ms Nomakhosazana Nongqayi

Speaker: Ms Nokuzola Patricia Mlahleki

Chief Whip: Ms Nokuzola Patience Mlahleki (Chief Whip and Portfolio

Head: Corporate Services)

Other Council: Mr Thamsanqa Balindlela (Portfolio Head: Community Services), Ms Nobathembu Angeline Kato-Manyika (Portfolio Head:

Budget and Treasury Office), Mr Xola Moses Tokwe (Portfolio

Head: Engineering Services), Mr Busisa Xongwana (Portfolio Head: Development and Planning)



POSTAL: Private Bag X2, Komga, 4950

PHYSICAL: 17 Main Street, Komga, 4950

TEL: 043 831 5700 FAX: 043 831 1306

EMAIL: info@greatkeilm.gov.za

WEB: www.greatkeilm.gov.za


Description: The Great Kei Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located within the Amathole District in the Eastern Cape Province amidst the three former industrial towns of Butterworth, King William’s Town and East London.

It is bounded by Stutterheim in the north, the Wild Coast in the south-east, the Great Kei River in the east, and Buffalo City in the west. It is the smallest of the six municipalities in the district.

Regional access is obtained through the district via the N2 National Route from East London to Butterworth. It is mainly a tourist destination, though the film industry has also shown keen interest in the area. It is also historically famous for its agricultural sector and cultural heritage.

Area: 1 700km2

Cities/Towns: Amatola Coastal, Kei Mouth, Komga, Morgan Bay

Main Economic Sectors: Community services, agriculture, tourism


Population: 31 692

No Schooling: 7.6%

Households: 8 774

Administrator: Dr Sindisile Maclean

Municipal Manager: Dr Zamuxolo Shasha

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Lubabalo Manjingolo

Senior Management: Mr Mfundo Bukubukwana (Director: Engineering), Mr Mahlubonke Makunga (Director: Development and Planning), Ms Z Mashologu (Manager: IDP/PMS), Ms Nozuko Nqulo (Director: Corporate Services), Ms Lungiswa Roji (Director: Community Services)

Communications Officers: Ms Pamella Gavini (Secretary to Municipal Manager), Ms Sandy Kleinhans (Secretary to the Speaker), Siyabulela Mbi (Secretary to the Mayor), Ms Anathi Nyoka


Composition of Council: ANC 9, DA 3, EFF 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Ndileka Kantshashe-Tilden

Speaker: Ntombizanele Mgema

Chief Whip: Luleka Ndabambi

Other Council: N Dyani (Good Governance and Public Participation Committee), Ndileka Kantshashe (Financial Viability and Sustainability Committee), Mgema (MPAC Chairperson), L Mhlontlo (Municipal Transformation and Institutional Development Committee), Z Nzuzo (Local Economic Development Committee), L Plika (Service Delivery and Infrastructure Development Committee)

Municipal Manager: Mr Lawrence Mambila

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Ayanda Lwana

Senior Management: Mr BT Douglas (Acting Director: Corporate Services), Ms Olwethu Kwababana (Director: Infrastructure and Community Services), Mr M Mtalo (Director: Strategic Management), Ms N Mzimba (Human Resources Practitioner)

Communications Officers: Mrs Akhona Shumane-Cakata

Population Growth: 0.63% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 23.5%

Formal Dwellings: 66.6%

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full

year figures.
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 242 188282 364229 720 Total Expenditure 239 035271 807264 739 Surplus/(Deficit) 3 15210 556(35 019) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 679 994657 139606 372 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 73 46457 08581 836 Total Current Liabilities 182 160154 268163 383 Community Wealth/Equity 258 296259 695295 567 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 39 3079 01019 419 Cash at Year End 40 86610 57620 977 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 70 59476 467 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 307 345 Vacant Positions 2 0 Managerial Positions 43 25 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 0 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 136 143138 099 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served29 42729 427 Households - Free Basic Service21 36215 290
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 149 238138 65898 755 Total Expenditure 122 012130 272121 660 Surplus/(Deficit) 27 2268 387(22 905) TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: PO Box 25, Dutywa, 5000

PHYSICAL: 454 Streatfield Road, Dutywa

TEL: 047 489 5800 FAX: 047 489 5800

EMAIL: info@mbhashemun.gov.za

WEB: www.mbhashemun.gov.za


Description: The Mbhashe Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Amathole District in the south-east of the Eastern Cape Province. It is bound by the coastline, flowing from the Mncwasa River in the north to the Qhora River in the south along the Indian Ocean.

It borders the following municipalities: King Sabata Dalindyebo in the north-east, Mnquma in the south, Ntsika Yethu in the south-west, and Ngcobo in the west. It is one of six municipalities in the district. The municipality earned its name from the beautiful river called Mbhashe, which flows through Dutywa (previously Idutywa), Willowvale and Elliotdale.

Area: 3 303km2

Cities/Towns: Dutywa, Elliotdale, Willowvale

Main Economic Sectors: General Government, Community, Social and Personal Services


Population: 277 250

Population Growth: 1.31% p.a.

No Schooling: 15.6% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 18.2%

Households: 58 727 Formal Dwellings: 41.1%


Composition of Council: ANC 45, UDM 8, EFF 4, ATA 1, ATM 1, BPM 1, DA 1, INDEPENDENT 1, PAC 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Samkelo Nicholas Janda

Speaker: Mr Babalwa Majavu

Chief Whip: Mr Ludwe Mantshiyose (Portfolio Head: Development Planning)

Other Council: Ms Nombongo Apleni (Portfolio Head: Budget and Treasury Office), Ms Nolundi Gxamtwana (Portfolio Head: Community Services), Ms Mirriam Kungeka Makapela (Portfolio Head: Infrastructure),



POSTAL: PO Box 36, Butterworth, 4960

PHYSICAL: Cnr King & Mthatha Streets, Butterworth

TEL: 047 401 2400 FAX: 047 491 0195

EMAIL: info@mnquma.gov.za

WEB: www.mnquma.gov.za



Mr Fikiswa Ndaule (Portfolio Head: Good Governance and Public Participation), Ms Nolubabalo Ntombenkosi Ngomthi (Portfolio Head: Corporate Services)

Municipal Manager: Mr Mkhululi Nako

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Ntabethemba Nokwe

Senior Management: Ms Tembela Bacela (Senior Manager: Operations), Mr Avela Mashaba (Senior Manager: Developmental Planning), Ms Nonurse Mlungu (Senior Manager: Community Services), Mr Zukile Msipha (Senior Manager: Infrastructure Services), Ms Ntombizodwa Nkuhlu-Mahlathi (Senior Manager: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Ms N Dingane

Description: The Mnquma Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located in the south-eastern part of the Eastern Cape Province. It falls under the jurisdiction of the Amathole District Municipality and comprises an amalgamation of the former Butterworth, Ngqamakhwe and Centane Transitional Regional Councils.

The municipality shares borders with three other local municipalities, the Chris Hani District and the Indian Ocean. It is one of six municipalities in the Amathole District.

Area: 3 137km2

Cities/Towns: Butterworth, Kentani, Ngqamakhwe

Main Economic Sectors: Community (government) services (41%), wholesale and retail trade (18.5%), manufacturing (15.5%)


Population: 246 813

No Schooling: 12.5%

Households: 63 514

Population Growth: 0.12% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 25.4%

Formal Dwellings: 52.7%


Composition of Council: ANC 45, EFF 5, UDM 5, ATM 2, PAC 2, AIC 1, BPM 1, COPE 1, DA 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Ms Tunyiswa Manxila-Nkamisa

Speaker: Zibuthe Mnqwazi

THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 | 041 EASTERN CAPE Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.
CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 22 63621 1436 561 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 32 82123 28322 513 Total Current Liabilities 55 29761 16973 092 Community Wealth/Equity 250 457242 057264 967 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 48 66644 69781 172 Cash at Year End 53 24947 32674 075 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 36 98911 188 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 135 161 Vacant Positions 2 24 Managerial Positions 18 19 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 4 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 49 84556 846 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served 7 8605 672 Households - Free Basic Service1 4552 911
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 371 322422 194356 232 Total Expenditure 313 866310 745243 390 Surplus/(Deficit) 57 456111 449112 841 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 1 138 8671 072 988993 159 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 184 478232 857152 809 Total Current Liabilities 5 134108 142114 589 Community Wealth/Equity 789 556566 679561 356 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 44 67010 2805 280 Cash at Year End 44 66810 2785 280 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 21 32541 486 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 282 311 Vacant Positions 2 21 Managerial Positions 23 23 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 2 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 150 710132 963 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served45 96745 281 Households - Free Basic Service4 7894 773

Chief Whip: Mr Sithembiso Ncetezo

Other Council: Tobeka Bikitsha (Portfolio Head: Local Economic Development Directorate), Zola Laviti (Community Services Directorate Portfolio Head), Sisa Matutu (Portfolio Head: Strategic Management), Luxolo Mgandela (Portfolio Head: Corporate Services), Xolisa Pupuma (Portfolio Head: Budget and Treasury), Monica Qaba (Portfolio Head: Infrastructural Development)

Municipal Manager: Mr Silumko Mahlasela

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Mzusekho Matomane

Senior Management: Mrs Sindiswa Benya (Director: Strategic Management), Adv Siphiwo Clifford Caga (Director: Corporate Services), Mr Mongi Dilika (Director: Economic Development and Planning),

Ms N Layiti (Portfolio Head: Community Services), Ms Zukiswa Ntile (Director: Infrastructural Development)

Communications Officers: Mr Loyiso Mpalantshane (Spokesperson)




POSTAL: PO Box 539, Peddie, 5640

PHYSICAL: Erf 313, Main Road, Peddie

TEL: 040 673 3095 FAX: 040 673 3771

EMAIL: registry@ngqushwamun.gov.za

WEB: ngqushwamun.gov.za


Description: The Ngqushwa Local Municipality is a Category B municipality. It is one of the six municipalities within the jurisdiction of the Amathole District Municipality, situated within the Eastern Cape Province.

It is bordered by the Keiskamma River to the east and the Great Fish River to the west. The southern boundary comprises part of the coastline of the Indian Ocean. Ngqushwa is one of the smaller municipalities in the district, accounting for 10% of its geographical area. It is predominantly rural in nature.

Area: 2 112km2

Cities/Towns: Hamburg, Peddie

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, tourism


Population: 63 694 Population Growth: -0.55% p.a.

No Schooling: 7.8% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 26.7%

Households: 17 149 Formal Dwellings: 72.9%


Composition of Council: ANC 18, EFF 3, DA 1, INDEPENDENT 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Sanga Siyabulela Maneli

Speaker: Daniswa Ncanywa

Chief Whip: Anathi Nodikida

Other Council: Mfundo Gqo (MPAC Chairperson), Lindiwe Mdabula (Portfolio Head: Budget and Treasury and Portfolio Head: Corporate Services), Zolani Ndonga (Portfolio Head: Infrastructure and Technical Services), Anathi Nodikida (Portfolio Head: Community Services)

Municipal Manager: Mr Ndoda Mgengo

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Siyasanga Ndakisa

Senior Management: Mr Vuyisa Mbangi (Director: Community Services), Mr Mkhuseli Mxekezo (Director: Corporate Services), Mr Mzamo

Phumaphi (Manager: LED, SMME and Cooperatives), Ms Zimkhitha Zonke

Siwundla (Director: Infrastructure and Technical Services)

Communications Officers: Ms Ncumisa Cakwe



POSTAL: PO Box 36, Fort Beaufort, 5720

PHYSICAL: 8 Somerset Road, Fort Beaufort

TEL: 046 645 7400 FAX: 046 645 2562/1619

EMAIL: customercare@raymondmhlaba.gov.za

WEB: www.raymondmhlaba.gov.za


Description: The Raymond Mhlaba Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the Winterland of the Eastern Cape under the jurisdiction of the Amathole District. It is approximately 200km from Port Elizabeth. It is the largest municipality of the six in the district, making up a third of its geographical area. Raymond Mhlaba was

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

full year
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 494 673540 348430 381 Total Expenditure 469 904471 781474 547 Surplus/(Deficit) 24 76968 567(44 166) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 96 414123 369168 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 214 470181 60980 515 Total Current Liabilities 59 67977 19167 313 Community Wealth/Equity 1 046 418947 847992 620 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 179 272466 418167 918 Cash at Year End 277 368407 167131 810 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 1 45427 407 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 450 407 Vacant Positions 0 2 Managerial Positions 36 45 Vacant Managerial Positions 0 2 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 206 350197 177 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served52 75152 751 Households - Free Basic Service5 50010 357 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 147 290182 324164 561 Total Expenditure 147 441172 702180 714 Surplus/(Deficit) (151)9 622(16 153) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 640 636597 368582 790 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 99 07595 56658 402 Total Current Liabilities 23 52830 68724 808 Community Wealth/Equity 392 109306 169322 322 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 4 3342 8672 607 Cash at Year End 4 3342 8672 607 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 20 91211 275 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 236 178 Vacant Positions 2 10 Managerial Positions 26 29 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 1 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 82 20475 288 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served20 94820 824 Households - Free Basic Service5 8885 840

established by the amalgamation of the Nkonkobe and Nxuba Local Municipalities in August 2016.

It is a countryside municipality that includes the imposing and majestic mountain range of the Winterberg (IiNtabazeNkonkobe). The rural hinterland forms part of the municipal area. Most of the farming activities take place in the rural areas, which consist of partly-owned farms, and this plays a major role in the economic growth of the area.

Area: 6 357km2

Cities/Towns: Adelaide, Alice, Bedford, Fort Beaufort, Hogsback, Middeldrift, Seymore

Main Economic Sectors: General government services; wholesale and retail trade; community, social and personal services; finance and insurance; business services; construction; manufacturing


Population: 159 515 Population Growth: 1.19% p.a.

No Schooling: 3.9% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 31.9%

Households: 41 022 Formal Dwellings: 74.5%


Composition of Council: ANC 33, DA 3, EFF 3, INDEPENDENT 3, AIC 1, PA 1, PAC 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Ms Nomhle Beauty Sango

Speaker: Thozama Ngaye

Chief Whip: Ms Nonkazimlo Primrose Mlamla

Other Council: Mr Elton Bantam (Exco: Community Services), Ernst Lombard (Exco), Sinethemba Mjakuca (Exco: Budget and Treasury Office), Mhlangabezi Nombombo (Exco), Ms Zingisa Rasmeni (Strategic Planning and LED), Portia Sabane (Exco: Sport, Arts and Culture), Bukelwa Sharon Tyhali (Exco: Corporate Services), Sithembele Zuka (Exco: Engineering Services)

Municipal Manager: Ms Unathi Malinzi



POSTAL: Private Bag X7121, Komani, 5320

PHYSICAL: 15 Bells Road, Komani

TEL: 045 808 4600 FAX: 045 838 1556

WEB: www.chrishanidm.gov.za


Description: The Chris Hani District Municipality is a Category C municipality situated in the north-eastern part of the Eastern Cape, a linking node to all regions in the province. It is bordered by the Joe Gqabi District to the north, Cacadu and Amathole District to the south, OR Tambo District to the east, and Northern Cape to the west.

Chris Hani is the second-largest district in the province, making up almost a third of its geographical area. The municipality comprises six local municipalities: Inxuba Yethemba, Enoch Mgijima, Intsika Yethu, Engcobo, Sakhisizwe and Emalahleni.

The area, which is vastly agricultural, provides an ideal investment opportunity for agro-processing, and its proximity to the ports of East London and Port Elizabeth, with links to major routes like the N6 and N10, is an advantage.

Area: 36 406km2

Main Economic Sectors: Community services (52%), trade (15%), finance (14%), transport (6%), agriculture (4%), manufacturing (4%), electricity (2%)


Population: 840 055

No Schooling: 12.2%

Households: 194 291

Population Growth: 0.93% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 26.5%

Formal Dwellings: 56.3%


Composition of Council: ANC 12, DA 2, EFF 1, THE INDEPENDENTS 1, UDM 1 (40% PR Seats)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Mveleni Ngxowa

Senior Management: Dr Lulamile Donacious Hanabe (Director: Strategic Planning and LED), Mr Daluxolo Mlenzana (Director: Engineering Services), Ms N Speelman (Acting Director: Community Services)

Other Council: Mr Thumeka Bikwana (Portfolio Head: Corporate Services), Mr Thembisile Bobo (Portfolio Head: SPU), Ms Sinomtha

Lali (Portfolio Head: Health and Community), Mr Sibongile Mbotshane (Portfolio Head: Integrated Planning and Economic Development), Ms Bongeka Nobuntu (Portfolio Head: Engineering), Mr Siyabulela Nxozi (Portfolio Head: Budget and Treasury Office)

Municipal Manager: Mr G Mashiyi

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Christopher Mapeyi

Senior Management: Ms Yolanda Dakuse (Director: Corporate Services), Mr Lluzuko Govu (Director: Engineering), Ms Thokozani Jaxa (Human Resources Manager), Mr Bheki Mthembu (Strategic Manager), Nkosini Andries Ncube (Senior Manager: Municipal Support), Yoliswa Sinyanya (Director: Community Services), Mr Sibongile Tito (Manager: Legal Services and Administration)

Communications Officers: Ms Thobeka Mqamelo, Ms Tembela Somtombo (Manager: Information and Communications Technology)

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Mr Wongama Gela

Deputy Mayor: Ms Noncedo September Caba

Speaker: Mr Jongumzi Cengani

Chief Whip: Ms Nobantu Macingwane

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full

year figures.
INXUBA YETHEMBA ENOCH MGIJIMA EMALAHLENI INTSIKA YETHU ENGCOBO SAKHISIZWE Middelburg Rosmead Hofmeyr Molteno Sterkstroom Komani Cacadu Cala Khowa Tsomo Indwe Dordrecht Tarkastad Whittlesea Sada Cradock
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 513 778513 893 0 Total Expenditure 546 255544 830 n/a Surplus/(Deficit) (32 476)(30 938) n/a CAPITAL EXPENDITURE (0) n/an/a FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 96 21379 363 n/a Total Current Liabilities 447 944416 699 n/a Community Wealth/Equity 368 498356 272 n/a CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 68 54810 943 n/a Cash at Year End 64 08310 975 n/a UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 41 513 n/a EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 664 675 Vacant Positions 126 25 Managerial Positions 28 33 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 13 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 0150 779 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served36 15136 046 Households - Free Basic Service17 58617 596
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Disclaimer of audit Disclaimer of audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 745 5841 714 4691 423 690 Total Expenditure 1 492 6191 321 6761 250 825 Surplus/(Deficit) 252 965 392 793 172 865 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 83 2051 64216 845 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: Private Bag X1161, Cacadu, 5410

PHYSICAL: 37 Indwe Road, Cacadu

TEL: 087 808 0905 FAX: 047 878 0112

EMAIL: admin@emalahlenilm.gov.za

WEB: www.emalahlenilm.gov.za


Description: The Emalahleni Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the north-eastern part of the Chris Hani District Municipality in the Eastern Cape. It is one of six municipalities in the district.

The municipality was established during 2000 and comprises three rural towns, with more than 200 villages. Much of the municipal area was formerly in the Transkei. The quality of life in the rural villages is generally poor, marked by poverty and lack of access to services and amenities. Unemployment is high, and most households rely on social grants and remittances from family members working elsewhere.

Agriculture is limited to low-level subsistence farming, producing enough maize for personal use, traditional livestock farming and sorghum production, which is formalised and produced for the market. Wool production is one of the upcoming sources of income in the area for the emerging communal farmers. Area: 3 484km2

Cities/Towns: Cacadu (Lady Frere), Dordrecht, Indwe

Main Economic Sectors: Government and services (55%)


Population: 124 532

Population Growth: 0.70% p.a.

No Schooling: 12.1% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 19.0%

Households: 27 008


Formal Dwellings: 38.1%



Composition of Council: ANC 28, DA 2, EFF 2, ISANCO 1, UDM 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Ms Ntombizanele Flowerdale Koni

Speaker: Ms Ncedisa Mtyobile

Chief Whip: Mr Xoliseka Bathandwa Lali (Portfolio Head: Infrastructure Development and Human Settlement)



POSTAL: PO Box 24, Engcobo, 5050

PHYSICAL: 58 Union Street, Engcobo

TEL: 047 548 5600 FAX: 047 548 1078

WEB: www.engcobolm.gov.za


Description: The Engcobo Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the Chris Hani District in the Eastern Cape

Other Council: Mr Zola Bebeza (Portfolio Head: Community Services), Mr Sanele Kowa (Portfolio Head: Budget and Treasury Office), Ms Sonwabise Nyukwana (Portfolio Head: Corporate Services), Mr Mzuvukile Tom (Portfolio Head: Planning, Economic Development, Tourism and Agriculture)

Municipal Manager: Mr Castro Makhedama

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Xolani Sikobi

Senior Management: Mr Thobela Javu (Director: Corporate Services), Mr Nkululo Mntuyedwa (Director: IPED), Mr Dabula Njilo (Director: Infrastructure Development and Human Settlement)

Communications Officers: Mr Luthando Nqumkana

Province. It is one of six municipalities in the district. The municipality claims the most youthful population, as well as the highest rates of poverty and unemployment, in the district, coupled with a high dependency ratio. The economy is underperforming and currently fails to create needed jobs and revenues. A dedicated LED strategy has been developed in order to guide interventions in turning this situation around. The municipality’s low productivity score points to the low GDP per worker (formal and informal), a relative shortage of skills available to the economy, and low growth.

044 | THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 EASTERN CAPE Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.
FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 1 499 9341 748 4551 406 359 Total Current Liabilities 1 454 6901 609 8861 341 774 Community Wealth/Equity3 767 9724 660 9264 273 868 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 468 6051 465 334Cash at Year End 556 938942 204377 919 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 449 372161 521 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 854777 Vacant Positions 16 33 Managerial Positions 77 76 Vacant Managerial Positions 16 7 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 354 300353 832 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 79 51079 510 <200m from Yard 114 231113 534 Households - Free Basic Service4 0043 614 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage68 58068 580 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 389389 Ventilated Pit Latrine 87 21080 915 Bucket System 252252 Households - Free Basic Service4 0044 023
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 254 670275 417206 259 Total Expenditure 207 832203 529203 042 Surplus/(Deficit) 46 83871 8883 217 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 6 46745 24629 196 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 131 95482 06035 816 Total Current Liabilities 58 79858 24641 753 Community Wealth/Equity 473 225406 058418 181 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 274 674 199 699140 405 Cash at Year End 383 434143 154107 430 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 21 85740 070 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 206 191 Vacant Positions 0 2 Managerial Positions 35 18 Vacant Managerial Positions 0 2 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 97 09893 449 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served22 96521 831 Households - Free Basic Service3 9053 905

On a broad scale, the Engcobo Municipality has some striking features: it is a peripheral area in terms of the national economy, is underdeveloped, has a fragmented settlement pattern, has a low-density rural settlement environment, and its resource base is under pressure.

On the scale of urban development, Engcobo Town is classified as a Sub-District Development Node by CHDM (i.e. it is among a group of towns deemed to be on a second tier below the dominant district node of Komani). This means that Engcobo is understood to have an influence (reach or catchment population) beyond simply its local area and that it draws people to the town to access goods and services from a broader area (i.e. in some cases even from neighbouring municipalities). However, Engcobo may also currently be described as a low-density urban environment. In spite of its low density and intensity of development, Engcobo’s business centre is thriving, though it does not function optimally due to overcrowding and a lack of facilities serving both pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Business in the town is reliant on commuters (rural consumers) and there is no mass of resident consumers. This limits the range of commercial and social facilities that the private sector provides in town and inhibits the development of a more vibrant urban character.

Area: 2 484km2

Cities/Towns: Engcobo

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, forestry, trade, tourism


Population: 162 014

Population Growth: 0.93% p.a.

No Schooling: 21.0% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 19.1%

Households: 33 156 Formal Dwellings: 16.4%


Composition of Council: ANC 32, EFF 2, UDM 2, ATM 1, DA 1, PAC 1 Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Siyabulela Zangqa

Speaker: Mr Mandilakhe Kondile

Chief Whip: Ms Nobuntu Mgidi

Municipal Manager: Mr Khathutshelo Lucky Mulaudzi



POSTAL: 70 Cathcart Road, Town Hall, Komani, 5320

PHYSICAL: 70 Cathcart Road, Town Hall, Komani

TEL: 045 807 2606 FAX: 045 807 2637

WEB: www.enochmgijima.org.za


Description: The Enoch Mgijima Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Chris Hani District in the central part of the Eastern Cape Province. It is the largest of the six municipalities in the district, making up over a third of its geographical area.

It was established by the amalgamation of the Tsolwana, Inkwanca and Lukhanji Local Municipalities in August 2016. The area has a rich historical background dating back to the 18th century, with a number of monuments and key places of interest.

The Enoch Mgijima municipal area is an economic hub, due to its strategic position in the middle of the national corridors to the Gauteng, Western Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Northern Cape and Free State Provinces. Parts of the municipality are developed with the relevant infrastructure so that modes of transport such as railway, road and a small airport are available to be utilised. Other parts of the region are experiencing a low economic growth rate, with high levels of unemployment and poverty in the towns.

Area: 13 584km2

Cities/Towns: Hofmeyr, Komani (Queenstown), Molteno, Sada, Sterkstroom, Tarkastad, Whittlesea

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, general government services, finance and business, wholesale, retail and catering, community services


Population: 267 011

No Schooling: 8.4%

Households: 65 146

Population Growth: 1.43% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 36.2%

Formal Dwellings: 85.7%

Chief Financial Officer: Mrs N Nontobeko

Senior Management: Ms N Matiwane (Director: Community Services), Mr S Mkhondweni (Acting Director: Technical Services), Mr M Siqaza (Director: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Lusizo Ntshinka


The municipality is under S139(7) national government administration from April 2022.

Composition of Council: ANC 43, DA 7, EFF 6, THE INDEPENDENTS 5, ISANCO 2, INDEPENDENT 2, ATM 1, PA 1, UDM 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Mr Madoda Papiyana

Speaker: Ms Noluthando Nqabisa

Chief Whip: Ms Nombuyiselo Selka Ndlebe

Other Council: Mr Ongama Adonisi (Portfolio Head: Human Settlements), Mr Phaphama Madubedube (Portfolio Head: Corporate Services), Mr Mhlangabezi Mangcotywa (Portfolio Head: Technical Services), Sibusiso Eric Mvana (Portfolio Head: Integrated Planning and Economic Development), Ms Nosipho Papiyana (Portfolio Head: Community Services), Ms Zukiswa Rhalane (Portfolio Head: Public Safety)

Municipal Manager: Ms Nokuthula Zondani

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Paul Mahlasela

Senior Management: Ms Linda Bolani (Community Services), Mr Similo Dayi (IPED), Mr Unathi Galada (Portfolio Head: Budget and Treasury), Mr Xolani Makeleni (Corporate Services), Zwelithemba Nkosithemba (Director: Technical Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Lonwabo Kowa (Spokesperson)

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited

full year figures.
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 299 012301 248232 643 Total Expenditure 227 621182 631202 396 Surplus/(Deficit) 71 391118 61730 247 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 96 448229 525190 991 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 100 649103 17270 453 Total Current Liabilities 47 08545 18739 504 Community Wealth/Equity 507 897440 812427 654 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 123 674(104 645)96 405 Cash at Year End 142 398(38 893)145 223 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 7 5274 029 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 224 204 Vacant Positions 1 0 Managerial Positions 22 20 Vacant Managerial Positions 1 0 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 103 03092 439 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served17 78417 784 Households - Free Basic Service4 3723 554
INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 855 931835 507736 968 Total Expenditure 1 123 594918 7721 215 268 Surplus/(Deficit) (267 663)(83 265)(478 299) TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: Private Bag X1251, Cofimvaba, 5380

PHYSICAL: 201 Main Street, Cofimvaba

TEL: 047 874 8700 FAX: 047 874 0010/0237

EMAIL: info@intsikayethu.gov.za

WEB: www.intsikayethu.gov.za


Description: The Intsika Yethu Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Chris Hani District Municipality in the Eastern Cape Province. It is bordered by Sakhisizwe to the north, the Amathole District to the south, Engcobo to the east, and Emalahleni and Enoch Mgijima to the west.

The municipality is one of six municipalities in the district, accounting for 8% of its geographical area. Intsika Yethu is an isiXhosa name meaning ’our pillars’.

Area: 2 846km2

Cities/Towns: Cofimvaba, Tsomo

Main Economic Sectors: Community services (52%), trade (14.8%), agriculture (14.6%)


Population: 152 159 Population Growth: 0.09% p.a.

No Schooling: 12.4% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 20.4%

Households: 35 851 Formal Dwellings: 27.4%


Composition of Council: ANC 35, EFF 4, DA 1, PAC 1, UDM 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Ms Khanyiswa Mdleleni

Chief Whip: Myolisi Toni

Other Council: Mr Dunjwa (Exco Member), Mr Mpengesi (Exco Member / Portfolio Head: SPU), Mr Myataza (Exco Member / Portfolio Head: LED and Planning), Ms Ntloko (Exco Member / Portfolio Head: Housing and Planning), Ms Ntsaluba (Exco Member / Portfolio Head: Corporate

Services), Ms Z Qayiya (Exco Member / Portfolio Head: Infrastructure Development and Planning), Ms Tshangana-Nkota (Exco Member / Portfolio Head: Community Services)

Municipal Manager: Dr MJ Mthembu

Communications Officers: Mr Z Tshangana



POSTAL: PO Box 24, Cradock, 5880

PHYSICAL: 1 J A Calata Street, Cradock

TEL: 048 801 5000 FAX: 048 881 1421

WEB: www.iym.gov.za


Description: The Inxuba Yethemba Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the Chris Hani District in the Eastern Cape Province. It is approximately 240km north of Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality. It is one of six municipalities in the district, making up a third of its geographical area.

Cradock consists of the suburb of Cradock, and the Lingelihle and Michausdal communities, whilst Middelburg has the suburb of Middelburg, with the Kwanonzame Lusaka and Midros communities. The two urban centres of Cradock and Middelburg are fairly similar, with well-developed CBDs and fair infrastructure. A lot still needs to be done in the former previously disadvantaged communities.

The rural areas of both towns are mostly commercial farms, with small settlements in the rural areas of Fish River Mortimer and Rosmead.


is the vital economic link between Port Elizabeth and the north, runs through Cradock and skirts Middelburg. Area: 11 663km2

Cities/Towns: Cradock, Middelburg, Mount Zebra National Park

Main Economic Sectors: Community services (58.9%), finance (13.8%), trade (7.5%), transport (5.9%), agriculture (5.4%), construction (4.2%), manufacturing (3.6%)


Population: 70 493

Population Growth: 1.65% p.a.

No Schooling: 6.2% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 31.3%

Households: 18 282

Formal Dwellings: 98.4%


Composition of Council: ANC 10, DA 7, PA 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Ms Noncedo Zonke

Speaker: Ms Thembakazi Mbotya

Chief Whip: Ms Lena Davids

Other Council: Mr Sibongile Victor Masawe (Portfolio Head: Budget

046 | THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 EASTERN CAPE Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.
CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 066 400(1 021) FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 453 431389 693421 650 Total Current Liabilities 1 343 896998 732859 032 Community Wealth/Equity 494 886865 125991 713 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 803 660930 626Cash at Year End 841 258908 07011 915 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 364 321565 089 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 241 927 Vacant Positions 6 0 Managerial Positions 38 25 Vacant Managerial Positions 6 0 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 340 131313 774 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served68 09668 096 Households - Free Basic Service6 7453 269
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 246 388297 967234 017 Total Expenditure 268 265265 697219 941 Surplus/(Deficit) (21 877)32 27114 075 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 45 40666 67237 468 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 128 28174 88090 816 Total Current Liabilities 55 04138 84624 834 Community Wealth/Equity 701 595 651 651647 054 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 15 7857 52317 099 Cash at Year End 19 48615 41822 645 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 37 80645 185 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 477 571 Vacant Positions 62208 Managerial Positions 36 35 Vacant Managerial Positions 9 4 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 131 448127 493 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served34 49234 492 Households - Free Basic Service3 9043 904
N10 National Road, which

and Treasury), Ncumisa Mongo (Portfolio Head: Community Services), Silizwe Ndondose (Portfolio Head: IPED)

Municipal Manager: Mr Mkhululi Whitey Mbebe

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Vuyokazi Singeni (Acting)

Senior Management: Mr Similo Dayi (Director: Corporate Services), Mrs Noluthando Majiba (Director: Community Services), Ms Ntombi Makwabe (Director: IPED), Mr Landela Mpotulo (ICT Officer), Mr Sonwabile Nomandela (Director: Technical Services), Lwandokazi Ntloko (Supply Chain Management), Mr Siya Ntlokwana (EAP), V Singeni (Acting Director: BTO)

Communications Officers: Mr Lindokuhle September



POSTAL: PO Box 26, Cala, 5455

PHYSICAL: 458 Umthatha Road, Cala

TEL: 047 877 5200 FAX: 047 877 0000

WEB: www.sakhisizwe.gov.za


Description: The Sakhisizwe Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Chris Hani District in the Eastern Cape Province. It is bordered by the Joe Gqabi District to the north, Intsika Yethu to the south, Engcobo to the east, and Emalahleni to the west. The municipality is the smallest of six in the district, making up 6% of its geographical area. Sakhisizwe is an isiXhosa name meaning ’we are building the nation’.

Area: 2 345km2

Cities/Towns: Cala, Khowa (Elliot)

Main Economic Sectors: Community services, agriculture, trade


Population: 63 846

No Schooling: 16.2%

Households: 14 848

Growth: 0.56% p.a.


Composition of Council: ANC 13, DA 2, ATM 1, EFF 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Ms Buyiswa Ntsere

Speaker: Ms Kholiswa Faku

Chief Whip: Nomakhwezi Ponoshe-Radzilani (Portfolio Head: Finance and Administration)

Other Council: Mr A Lande, N Magandela (Portfolio Head: Technical Services and IPED), Mr M Malungisa, Ms Nokuphumla Stofile (Social Needs and Community Services)

Municipal Manager: Mrs NC Mazwayi

Chief Financial Officer: Mr PM Mahlasela



POSTAL: Private Bag X102, Barkly East, 9786

PHYSICAL: Cnr Cole & Graham Streets, Barkly East

TEL: 045 979 3000 FAX: 045 971 0251

WEB: www.jgdm.gov.za


Description: The Joe Gqabi District Municipality (previously Ukhahlamba District Municipality) is a Category C municipality located within the Eastern Cape. It borders the Free State Province and country of Lesotho to the north.

Senior Management: Mr Fatuse (Director: Corporate Services), Mrs P Mngcita (Director: Community Services), Mr M Pamla (Director: IPED), Mr SS Tunzi (Director: Technical Services)

Communications Officers: Ms N Sorasi

more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.
Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 272 405291 761271 187 Total Expenditure 405 729354 242339 113 Surplus/(Deficit) (133 324)(62 482)(67 926) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 27 69666 30552 508 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 120 90287 04680 956 Total Current Liabilities 492 644347 913267 059 Community Wealth/Equity 954 9771 025 7421 100 943 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 109 385165 198423 791 Cash at Year End 86 838157 319688 466 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 223 529142 207 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 403 401 Vacant Positions 43 56 Managerial Positions 17 17 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 2 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 94 83592 128 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served21 40020 690 Households - Free Basic Service2 3222 131 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20
12 & Higher Education: 23.2%
Dwellings: 67.6%
AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Adverse audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 150 951146 367122 292 Total Expenditure 123 331110 050131 764 Surplus/(Deficit) 27 62036 317(9 472) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 38 34227 38316 344 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 56 33259 25626 823 Total Current Liabilities 49 08465 10842 022 Community Wealth/Equity 236 864195 624211 115 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 159 363147 632124 397 Cash at Year End 161 021139 790133 161 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 14 05811 755 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 144 147 Vacant Positions 9 3 Managerial Positions 13 11 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 0 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 41 10343 601 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served8 9038 812 Households - Free Basic Service2 6392 635 Oviston Venterstad Steynsburg Burgersdorp Jamestown Aliwal North Lady Grey Barkly East Ugie Maclear WALTER SISULU SENQU ELUNDINI

The municipality is located to the north of the OR Tambo and Chris Hani District Municipalities, to the east of the Northern Cape, and to the west of Alfred Nzo.

Joe Gqabi lies approximately 34km north of Komani (Queenstown) and its northern border is formed by the Orange River, which also forms the southern boundary of the Free State. It consists of three local municipalities: Elundini, Walter Sisulu and Senqu. Aliwal North is the main commercial and tourism centre.

Area: 25 617km2

Main Economic Sectors: Community services (55%), finance (12.6%), trade (9.7%), manufacturing (9.6%), agriculture (6.2%)


Population: 372 912 Population Growth: 1.53% p.a.

No Schooling: 8.0% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 25.3%

Households: 95 107 Formal Dwellings: 69.6%


Composition of Council: ANC 8, DA 1, EFF 1 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: n/a

Mayor: Ms NP Mposelwa

Speaker: Mr M Bomela

Chief Whip: Mr SE Ntsoelinyane

Other Council: Ms NU Hlathuka, Ms NR Lengs, Mr D Lusawana (Water Service Provision Manager), Ms N Mabunu, Mr S Mei, Mr SG Moroahhae, Ms N Ngendane, Ms A Skoti, Ms AM van Zyl

Municipal Manager: Mr M Nonjola (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Sulene du Toit

Senior Management: Mr Robert Fortuin (Director: Technical Services), Adv Harry Jantjie (Director: Corporate Services), Ms Nandipha Mshumi (Chief Operations Officer), Ms Fiona Sephton (Director: Community Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Mandla Gceya (Communications and Intergovernmental Relations)



POSTAL: PO Box 1, Maclear, 5480

PHYSICAL: 1 Seller Street, Maclear

TEL: 045 932 8100 FAX: 045 932 1094

WEB: www.elundini.org.za


Description: The Elundini Local Municipality (ELM) is a Category B municipality located within the Joe Gqabi District in the north-eastern portion of the Eastern Cape Province. The municipality is bounded by the Alfred Nzo District in the north, Chris Hani District in the south, OR Tambo District in the east, and Lesotho and Senqu in the west. It is the smallest of three municipalities in the district, making up a quarter of its geographical area.

The ELM is one of the most scenic and attractive areas of the province, with considerable potential lying in its deep, fertile soils and high rainfall. Compared to the other municipalities in the Joe Gqabi District, Elundini has prospects of significant growth and upliftment in the quality of life for its residents due to its relative abundance of natural resources.

The urban areas and commercial farming district are the highest employers, where people have found employment in the agriculture, commercial and service sectors. There are very low levels of employment in the rural settlements. This can be partly attributed to the fact that these areas do not have a strong economic base, and partly to the fact that most inhabitants are involved in subsistence-related activities with little surplus being produced for economic profit.

Due to the migrant system in operation in South Africa, the impact of recessionary downturns in the economy elsewhere (such as in the mining industry, Gauteng and Cape Town) have had an impact on the Elundini area. There is still a heavy reliance on income from migrant sources.

Area: 5 019km2

Cities/Towns: Maclear, Mount Fletcher, Ugie

Main Economic Sectors: Social services/government (41%), agriculture (28%), wholesale and retail trade (14%)


Population: 144 929

No Schooling: 5.7%

Population Growth: 1.27% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 21.3%

Households: 35 804 Formal Dwellings: 47.8%


Composition of Council: ANC 28, EFF 2, ATM 1, DA 1, SARKO 1, UDM 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Ms Mamello Semakaleng Leteba

Speaker: Ms Vangiwe Victoria Hokwana

Chief Whip: Mr Bandile Nicholas Nqodi (Portfolio Head: Corporate Services)

Other Council: Ms Thozama Victoria May (Portfolio Head: Community Services), Mr Temba Patrick Tsoaeli (Portfolio Head: Finance)

Municipal Manager: Mr Jack Thando Mdeni

Chief Financial Officer: Funeka Mbaliswano

Senior Management: Ms Ntomboxolo Eddie (Director: Planning and Economic Development), Ms Ncumisa Fololo (Director: Corporate Services), Ms Lungiswa Gomana (Director: Community Services), Ms Sisekho Sako (Director: Infrastructure Planning and Development)

Communications Officers: Ms N Sokutu


Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean audit Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 776 518783 421731 247 Total Expenditure 643 848613 028661 461 Surplus/(Deficit) 132 670170 39369 786 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 182 826150 190119 319 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 590 607464 157402 608 Total Current Liabilities 336 825215 593229 114 Community Wealth/Equity2 014 7661 875 1641 809 430 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (18 854) -Cash at Year End (12 162)21 430 4 787 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 53 067236 152 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 2271 007 Vacant Positions 316226 Managerial Positions 25 30 Vacant Managerial Positions 12 2 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 242 264226 400 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 43 55943 559 <200m from Yard 30 19229 698 Households - Free Basic Service9 88116 360 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage24 32823 699 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 2 9142 914 Ventilated Pit Latrine 70 08167 358 Households - Free Basic Service9 88116 360
FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 307 373358 348332 111 Total Expenditure 275 287295 818297 396 Surplus/(Deficit) 32 08662 53034 716 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 63 85471 34172 265 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 111 618143 142118 862 Total Current Liabilities 76 76886 89084 048 Community Wealth/Equity 628 208596 096499 165 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS
auditClean audit



POSTAL: Private Bag X03, Lady Grey, 9755

PHYSICAL: 19 Murray Street, Lady Grey

TEL: 051 603 1300 FAX: 051 603 0445

EMAIL: info@senqu.gov.za

WEB: www.senqu.gov.za


Description: The Senqu Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the Joe Gqabi District in the Eastern Cape Province. It is bordered by Lesotho in the north, the Chris Hani District in the south, Elundini in the east, and Walter Sisulu in the west.

The municipality is one of three in the district, accounting for a third of its geographical area. It represents the amalgamation and integration that took place between the former municipalities of Lady Grey, Barkly East, Sterkspruit, Rossouw and Rhodes.

Area: 7 329km2

Cities/Towns: Barkly East, Lady Grey, Rhodes, Rossouw, Sterkspruit

Main Economic Sectors: Finance (27.86%), general government (26.22%), community, social and personal services (13.57%), trade (9.01%), manufacturing (8.17%), transport (5.62%), agriculture, forestry and fishing (5.46%), construction (3.01%)


Population: 140 720 Population Growth: 1.09% p.a.

No Schooling: 10.7% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 24.3%

Households: 35 597 Formal Dwellings: 78.5%


Composition of Council: ANC 25, EFF 4, CIVIC 2, DA 1, PAC 1, UDM 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Velile Victor Stokhwe

Speaker: Mrs Ruth Nogoli Gwabini

Chief Whip: Mr Simon Mfisa

Other Council: Ms Bongeka Mbonjwa (Development and Town Planning Services), Mr Simon Mfisa (Portfolio Head: Corporate and Support Services), Mr Luthando Stephen Ndakisa (Portfolio Head: Technical Services), Ms Nolufefe Mercy Ngendane (Portfolio Head: Community Services), Ms Nolonwabo Ngendane (Portfolio Head: Finance Services)



POSTAL: PO Box 13, Burgersdorp, 9744

PHYSICAL: 1 Greyling Street, Burgersdorp, 9744

TEL: 051 653 1777 FAX: 051 653 0056

WEB: www.wslm.gov.za


Description: The Walter Sisulu Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located in the west of the Joe Gqabi District in the Eastern Cape Province, south of the Orange River and Gariep Dam. The Orange River separates Walter Sisulu from both the Northern Cape and Free State Provinces. The municipality is the largest of the three in the district, making up half of its geographical area. It was established by the amalgamation of the Gariep and Maletswai Local Municipalities in August 2016.

The Walter Sisulu Local Municipality has fairly diverse vegetation and is home to three distinct vegetation types, one of which – Eastern

Municipal Manager: Mr Mxolisi Yawa

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Kenneth Fourie

Senior Management: Mr Sandile Kenneth Chaphi (Director: Development and Town Planning Services), Ms Zimasa Koyana (Director: Corporate Services), Ms Nokulunga Nyezi (Director: Community Services), Mr Ranko Ruiters (Director: Technical Services)

Communications Officers: Ms Thandi Mthiya (Communications Coordinator), Mrs Tanya Van Zyl (Manager: Communications)

Mixed Nama Karoo – is recognised as a nationally significant biome. It is characterised by mountains, hills and valleys. This area is well known for its stock farming, of which sheep production is one of the dominating sectors. The streams and rivers team with fish, trout being a common species. Rock foundations have beautiful artwork made years ago by the founders of the area – the Khoisan.

A thermal springs resort, named Aliwal Spa, is located within the municipal area and produces salty water, rich in minerals, from underground.

Area: 13 269km2

Cities/Towns: Aliwal North, Burgersdorp, Jamestown, Oviston, Steynsburg, Venterstad

Main Economic Sectors: Government services, community services, transport and communication, finance and business services, manufacturing, agriculture, trade, construction

THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 | 049 EASTERN CAPE Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.
CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 104 843215 959353 058 Cash at Year End 146 776333 927374 519 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 12 94752 020 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/22*2020/212019/20 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 350 343 Vacant Positions 0 52 Managerial Positions 21 21 Vacant Managerial Positions 0 1 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 120 051110 736 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served17 24617 125 Households - Free Basic Service4 4225 699
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean auditClean audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 304 612308 411298 595 Total Expenditure 268 198244 758226 869 Surplus/(Deficit) 36 41463 65371 725 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 36 05219 12343 477 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 485 890470 911383 457 Total Current Liabilities 60 06464 91246 371 Community Wealth/Equity 867 021795 081715 097 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 438 232116 802Cash at Year End 879 258466 893313 095 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 553 9 543 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 275 278 Vacant Positions 5 13 Managerial Positions 24 24 Vacant Managerial Positions 5 5 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 103 44295 583 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served51 38049 152 Households - Free Basic Service15 25949 152


Population: 87 263 Population Growth: 2.70% p.a.

No Schooling: 7.4% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 32.7%

Households: 23 706 Formal Dwellings: 89.3%


The municipality is under S139(1)(b) and 139(5) administration, effective from February 2018.

Composition of Council: ANC 12, DA 5, EFF 3, MALETSWAI CIVIC ASSOCIATION 2

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Ms Bulelwa Khweyiya (Mayor and Exco and Chairperson: Community Services Committee)

Speaker: Mr Nalisile Simon Mathetha

Chief Whip: Ms Norah Ngubo (Exco and Chairperson: Technical Services Committee)

Other Council: Ms V Davids (Exco and Chairperson: Corporate Services Committee), Mr M De Ridder Nel, Mr D Hardkopf (Exco and Chairperson: Finance Committee), Mr M Jan, Mr Z Mqokrwana (Chairperson: MPAC), Mr V Schoeman, Ms E Theron, Ms A van Heerden, Ms Y Zweni

Municipal Manager: Mr Z Nongeni (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Unathi Peter (Acting)

Senior Management: Mr R Khamali (Manager: LED), Ms NBB Mokhantso (General Manager: Corporate Services), Mr Z Nongeni (Director: Technical Services)

Communications Officers: Mrs Shiela Kibe



POSTAL: Private Bag X6043, Mthatha, 5100

PHYSICAL: OR Tambo House, Nelson Mandela Drive, Myezo Park, Mthatha

TEL: 047 501 6400 FAX: 047 532 6518

WEB: www.ortambodm.gov.za


Description: The OR Tambo District Municipality is a Category C municipality located to the east of the Eastern Cape Province, on the coastline. It is bordered by the Alfred Nzo District Municipality to the north, the Joe Gqabi District Municipality to the north-west, the Amathole District Municipality to the south-west, and the Chris Hani District Municipality to the west.

The municipality is formed by five local municipalities: King Sabata Dalindyebo, Nyandeni, Mhlontlo, Port St Johns and Ingquza Hill. It covers about 80% of what used to be marginalised homeland in the Transkei, and is one of the four Integrated Sustainable Rural Development Programme (ISRDP) nodes in the province.

Area: 12 141km2

Main Economic Sectors: Community services (55%), trade (18.5%), finance (16.9%), agriculture (3.5%), transport (3.1%), manufacturing (2.8%), construction (2.7%)


Population: 1 457 384

No Schooling: 13.9%

Households: 314 080

Population Growth: 1.47% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 24.4%

Formal Dwellings: 43.6%


Composition of Council: ANC 18, EFF 2, UDM 2, ATM 1, DA 1 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: n/a

Executive Mayor: Mr Mesuli Ngqondwana

Deputy Mayor: Ms Thokozile Sokhanyile

Speaker: Ms Ntandokazi Capa

Chief Whip: Ms Nonkoliso Ngqongwa

Other Council: Mrs PAX Dunywa (MMC: Rural Economic Development and Planning), Mandisa Giyose (MMC: Budget and Treasury), Nkosifikile Gqomo (MMC: Planning, Research and Intergovernmental Relations), Mr L Madzidzela (MMC: Community Services), Ms N Mnyanda (MMC: Human Settlements), Ms Nokuthula Mtuku (MMC: Special Programmes

Unit), Mrs M Ndwandwe, Mntuwoxolo Ngudle (MMC: Infrastructure, Water and Sanitation), Mr L Nombasa (MMC: Corporate Services)

Administrator: Mr Basil Mase

Municipal Manager: Mr SW Mkhize

Senior Management: Mr S Buso (Acting Director: Rural Economic Development and Planning), Mrs S Mandla (Internal Audit), Mr B Matomela (Office of the Municipal Manager), Ms N Mbatani (Executive Mayoral Services), Ms N Msebi (Director: Technical Services), Ms NT Somana (Director: Community Services), Mrs T Tseane (Legislative Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Andile Duka, Ms Zimkhita Macingwane (Head: Communications), Mntuwoxolo Ngudle (Mayoral Spokesperson)

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full


FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Disclaimer of audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 319 080302 893295 327 Total Expenditure 358 416381 788362 394 Surplus/(Deficit) (39 336)(78 894)(67 067) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 89 88247 31244 603 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 337 532103 75060 476 Total Current Liabilities 652 843432 195365 625 Community Wealth/Equity1 013 600333 981469 257 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (128 646)(95 886)Cash at Year End (116 474)(74 850)3 811 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 141 798152 973 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 499494 Vacant Positions 19 0 Managerial Positions 33 33 Vacant Managerial Positions 3 0 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 97 79891 977 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served19 57019 570 Households - Free Basic Service8 6229 109 Port St Johns Lusikisiki Libode Qumbu Tsolo Mthatha Flagstaff INGQUZA HILL PORT ST JOHNS NYANDENI MHLONTLO KING SABATA DALINDYEBO
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 894 4972 077 5992 024 418 Total Expenditure 1 554 7801 750 1471 681 055 Surplus/(Deficit) 339 717327 452343 362 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 1 03771 27468 384 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: PO Box 14, Flagstaff, 4810

PHYSICAL: 135 Main Street, Flagstaff

TEL: 039 252 0131

WEB: www.ihlm.gov.za


Description: The Ingquza Hill Local Municipality (previously Qaukeni Local Municipality) is a Category B municipality located within the OR Tambo District in the Eastern Cape Province.

It is bordered by the Ntabankulu and Winnie Madikizela-Mandela Local Municipalities to the north, and Port St Johns Local Municipality and the Indian Ocean to the south. Ingquza Hill is one of the five municipalities in the district, accounting for almost a quarter of its geographical area.

Area: 2 477km2

Cities/Towns: Flagstaff, Lusikisiki

Main Economic Sectors: Construction (11.9%), finance (7.7%), electricity (4.5%), community services (2.5%), agriculture, trade/manufacturing


Population: 303 379

No Schooling: 11.7%

Households: 60 974

Population Growth: 1.95% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 19.7%

Formal Dwellings: 40.0%


Composition of Council: ANC 46, EFF 6, INDEPENDENT 4, CI 2, DA 2, AIC 1, APC 1, ATM 1, UDM 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Ms PN Pepping

Speaker: Sibongile Buyiswa Vatsha

Chief Whip: Mbongeni Isaac Nkungu

Other Council: N Gagai (Institutional Transformation and Organisational Development), N Jamjam (Portfolio Head: Good Governance and Public Participation), T Jotile (Planning), Z Mhlongo (Portfolio Head: Community Services), Mr SH Mtshazo (Infrastructure and Engineering Services), BN Mvulana (Portfolio Head: Planning and Local Economic Development), Ms BJ Nkani (Portfolio Head: Budget and Treasury),

Ms V Somani (Portfolio Head: Human Settlement)

Municipal Manager: Mr Mawethu Pinyana (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr M Mhlifili

Senior Management: Mr Dakwa (Manager: Solid Waste), Mr M Garane (Director: Community Services), Ms L Goya-Sihlobo (Manager: LED), Mr N Hlonti (Acting Manager: Asset), Mr N Jiki (Chief Audit Executive), Ms M Matubatuba (Director: Corporate Services), ZN Matwasa

(Manager: Mayoral Programmes and Support), Mr A Mbarane (Director: Planning and Development), N Mdiya (Executive Council Secretary), Mr M Mfingwana (Acting Manager: Admin and ICT), Mr P Mkize (Acting Manager: Human Resources), Ms N Ntloko (Director: Infrastructure and Engineering Services and Director: Technical Services), Mr B Tshitshi (Manager: Infrastructure), Mr S Wana (Acting Director: Technical Services)

Communications Officers: Ms D Samka



POSTAL: PO Box 45, Mthatha, 5099

PHYSICAL: Munitata Building, Sutherland Street, Mthatha

TEL: 047 501 4000 FAX: 047 531 3128

WEB: www.ksd.gov.za


Description: The King Sabata Dalindyebo Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the OR Tambo District in the Eastern Cape Province. It is the largest of the five municipalities in the district, accounting for a quarter of its geographical area.

THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 | 051 EASTERN CAPE Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures. FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 819 414872 008837 538 Total Current Liabilities 1 163 4361 266 8881 211 171 Community Wealth/Equity6 694 7336 724 1566 248 187 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 88 039264 875Cash at Year End 484 654872 808 270 535 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 259 308710 319 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 3911 321 Vacant Positions 0 47 Managerial Positions 79 33 Vacant Managerial Positions 0 7 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 694 184560 844
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 59 60259 602 <200m from Yard 110 421110 421 >200m from Yard 10 9666 306 Households - Free Basic Service107 957107 957 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage22 93122 931 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 1 7451 745 Ventilated Pit Latrine 218 096214 492 Households - Free Basic Service107 957107 957
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Disclaimer of audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 458 660546 700376 941 Total Expenditure 237 388360 878308 741 Surplus/(Deficit) 221 272185 82168 200 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 96 480104 59090 514 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 287 130271 987202 338 Total Current Liabilities 95 15787 032115 961 Community Wealth/Equity 1 889 1961 757 9611 363 432 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 59 197314 058377 988 Cash at Year End 161 291(31 848)136 929 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 1 9071 594 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 356 341 Vacant Positions 35 43 Managerial Positions 22 23 Vacant Managerial Positions 1 1 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 153 500138 012 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served49 66149 661 Households - Free Basic Service7 9935 171

The municipality was formed before the local government elections in the year 2000, when the Mqanduli and Mthatha Transitional and Rural Councils were merged. The majority population of the municipality resides in the rural areas, where they still practice cultural tradition. King Sabata Dalindyebo Municipality still retains many of the earliest buildings of the neoclassical style that was popular during the colonial times. Area: 3 019km2

Cities/Towns: Mqanduli, Mthatha (previously Umtata)

Main Economic Sectors: Community services (48%), finance (21%), trade (18%)


Population: 488 349 Population Growth: 1.84% p.a. No Schooling: 15.7% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 31.5%

Households: 115 894 Formal Dwellings: 51.8%


Composition of Council: ANC 48, UDM 11, EFF 5, ATM 3, AIC 1, CI 1, DA 1, INDEPENDENT 1, ISANCO 1, MRRA 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Mr Nyaniso Nelani

Speaker: Ms Nomamfengu Siyo-Sokutu

Chief Whip: Mr B Mlanjeni

Other Council: Mr MS Dudumayo (MMC: Rural and Economic Development), Mr Z Gana (MMC: Budget and Treasury), Ms YR Gwadiso (MMC: Planning, Research and Intergovernmental Relations (IGR)), Ms Z Madyibi (MMC: Corporate Services), Mr M Marasha (MMC: Public Transport, Community Safety and Liaison, Ward 29), Ms N Mayi (MMC: Social Service and Special Programmes, Ward 33), Ms Ziyanda Nokayi (MMC: Infrastructure), Ms S Nyengane (MMC: Community Services), Ms N Sibeko (MMC: Human Settlement and Disaster Management)

Municipal Manager: Mr Ngamela Pakade

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Eric Fudumele Jiholo



POSTAL: PO Box 31, Qumbu, 5180

PHYSICAL: 96 LG Mabindla Avenue, Qumbu

TEL: 047 553 7000 FAX: 047 553 0189

EMAIL: info@mhlontlolm.gov.za

WEB: www.mhlontlolm.gov.za


Description: The Mhlontlo Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the OR Tambo District in the Eastern Cape Province. The municipality lies on the north-east side of the Eastern Cape provincial border alongside the N2 route between Mthatha and Mt Frere, and the R396 between Tsolo and Maclear.

It is bordered by the Umzimvubu Local Municipality to the north, King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality to the south, Nyandeni Local Municipality to the east, and Elundini Local Municipality to the west. It is one of the five municipalities in the district, making up a quarter of its geographical area.

Area: 2 880km2

Cities/Towns: Qumbu, Tsolo

Main Economic Sectors: Wholesale and retail trade (10.8%), agriculture, forestry and fishing (3.3%)


Population: 189 176

No Schooling: 11.5%

Households: 41 395

Population Growth: -0.19% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 18.1%

Formal Dwellings: 41.5%


Composition of Council: ANC 40, EFF 3, UDM 3, ATM 2, DA 1,


Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Mbulelo Jara

Senior Management: Mr Luvuyo Maka (Director: Community Services), Mr Unathi Mnqokoyi (Director: Technical Services), Mr Simlindile Nodo (Director: Corporate Services), Mr Owethu Pantshwa (Director: Rural Economic Development), Ms Gloria Relebohile Tobie (Director: Human Settlement)

Officers: Mr M Sonwabo

Speaker: Mr Eddie Pula

Chief Whip: Ms Ntombiyakhe Gcaba

Other Council: Mr Mkhuseli Lingela (Intergovernmental Relations), Ms Nolundi Ludidi (Special Programmes Unit), Ms Eunice Mazitshana (Corporate Services), Ms Sizeka Mbangata (Community Services), Mr Vusumzi Mnyanda (Budget and Treasury Office), Ms Nolulama Sigwili (Human Settlements)

Municipal Manager: Lungile Ndabeni (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mrs Nomaphelo Boti

Senior Management: Mrs Nosipho Budaza-Mditschwa (Deputy Director: Supply Chain Management), Mr M Lutshethu (Acting Manager: Community Services), Ms Mamela Mngcotywa (Manager: Office of the Mayor), Mr W Zwane (Director: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Sisa Mpehle (Communications and Public Relations)

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 571 3151 428 0771 319 534 Total Expenditure 1 499 0221 318 5991 132 067 Surplus/(Deficit) 72 293109 478187 466 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 40 008(34 757)205 362 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 358 070715 425745 734 Total Current Liabilities 465 402835 526819 128 Community Wealth/Equity 2 376 779699 7202 161 529 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (653 272)1 050 0351 066 635 Cash at Year End (652 598)2 490 4591 088 248 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 32 494191 966 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 6021 970 Vacant Positions 108 693 Managerial Positions 57 36 Vacant Managerial Positions 16 1 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 505 892464 291 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served57 59757 283 Households - Free Basic Service11 35311 713
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 317 367330 979735 827 Total Expenditure 242 267251 185519 252 Surplus/(Deficit) 75 10079 794216 574 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 73 52061 06665 456 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 209 332186 493285 111 Total Current Liabilities 45 38427 28756 225 Community Wealth/Equity 682 641603 847545 680 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 181 94126 533259 113 Cash at Year End 347 983126 268427 766 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 6 03342 730 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: Private Bag X504, Libode, 5160

PHYSICAL: B Nomandela Drive, Municipality Building, Libode

TEL: 047 555 5000 FAX: 047 555 0202

WEB: www.nyandenilm.gov.za


Description: The Nyandeni Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located within the OR Tambo District in the Eastern Cape Province. It is bordered in the north by Mhlontlo, in the south by the Indian Ocean, in the east by Port St Johns, and in the west by King Sabata Dalindyebo. It is one of five municipalities in the district, making up almost a quarter of its geographical area.

It is situated approximately 30km south of Mthatha and 50km north of Port St Johns, and is bordered by a 20km stretch of the coastal belt on the eastern part and Umzimvubu River on the western part.

Area: 2 474km2

Cities/Towns: Libode, Ngqeleni

Main Economic Sectors: Community services (63.4%), trade (16.1%), finance (10.4%)


Population: 309 702 Population Growth: 1.46% p.a.

No Schooling: 13.1% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 22.7%

Households: 61 867 Formal Dwellings: 36.8%


Composition of Council: ANC 51, ATM 5, EFF 4, UDM 2, CI 1, DA 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Speaker: Ms Noziphiwo Matanda

Chief Whip: Mr Mcebisi Robert Mtobela

Other Council: Mr PM Diniso, Mr P Godogwana, Mr M Magxala, Ms T Matika-Mcube, Mr Z Mevana, Mr W Ngaveli, Ms N Thiyeka, Ms VB Zondani

Municipal Manager: Mr Z Masumpa



POSTAL: PO Box 2, Port St Johns, 5120

PHYSICAL: 257 Main Street, Port St Johns

TEL: 047 564 1207/8 FAX: 047 564 1206

EMAIL: info@psjmunicipality.gov.za

WEB: www.psjmunicipality.gov.za


Description: The Port St Johns Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the OR Tambo District on the coast of the Indian Ocean in the largely rural province of the Eastern Cape. It is bounded by Lusikisiki in the north, Mthatha in the south, and Libode in the west. It is the smallest of the five municipalities in the district, making up 11% of its geographical area.

It comprises coastal and inland areas that fall under the jurisdiction of the former Transkei. The seat of the municipality is in the main town of Port St Johns, which is known for its beautiful beaches and mountainous terrain, with hills, cliffs and sandy dunes.

The municipality’s beautiful scenery, its natural vegetation and the pristine beaches referred to above are the main attractions for tourism. It has land for commercial use and an environmentally-friendly residential area. There are 1 053 types of plants and 164 plant families found around Port St Johns. This unique vegetation harbours rare bird species, providing evidence of the rich biodiversity in Port St Johns.

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Bongani Benxa

Senior Management: Mr Q Madikida (Senior Manager: Infrastructure Development), Ms Zamangwane Masumpa (Senior Manager: Community Services), Mr S Mvunelo (Senior Manager: Corporate Services)

Mr BV Ndamase

Area: 1 291km2

Cities/Towns: Port St Johns

Main Economic Sectors: Tourism, agriculture


Population: 166 779

Population Growth: 1.50% p.a.

No Schooling: 16.1% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 19.0%

Households: 33 951 Formal Dwellings: 36.9%


Composition of Council: ANC 31, EFF 3, ATM 2, CI 1, DA 1, UDM 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Ms Nomvuzo Mlombile-Cingo

Speaker: Cebisa Mazuza

Chief Whip: Xolile Moni

Other Council: Mr Ayanda Gantsho (Local Economic Development), Fezeka Mafaka (Portfolio Head: Community Services), Olwethu Ndumela (Exco Member), Simthembile E Scoto (Portfolio Head: Corporate Services), Ms Ntombikhona Tani (Portfolio Head: Budget and Treasury Office), Gcinumzi Tshoto (Portfolio Head: Engineering and Planning Services)

Municipal Manager: Mr Tshaka Henley Hlazo

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Baliswa Mbana

Senior Management: Mr Fundisile Guleni (Manager: Community

full year figures.
Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find
financial, demographic, employment and
EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 207 192 Vacant Positions 1 19 Managerial Positions 16 18 Vacant Managerial Positions 1 1 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 236 778112 749
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 433 757461 576432 007 Total Expenditure 337 045315 117306 615 Surplus/(Deficit) 96 712146 458125 392 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 179 019129 811280 577 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets (244 345)249 765307 171 Total Current Liabilities (602 357)(46 501)71 719 Community Wealth/Equity 1 021 457862 360735 358 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (198 569)(166 956)375 914 Cash at Year End 14 01022 214690 639 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 253 37129 283 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 336332 Vacant Positions 20 14 Managerial Positions 22 24 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 160 004149 201 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served49 43849 438 Households - Free Basic Service1 9991 999
SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served47 06047 060 Households - Free Basic Service2 9496 475


Services), Mr Cebo O’Bose (Senior Manager: Engineering and Planning Services), Mr Thamsanqa L Somtseu (Senior Manager: Corporate Services), Mr Sivuyile Xuku (Senior Manager: Local Economic Development)



POSTAL: PO Box 318, Port Elizabeth, 6000

PHYSICAL: 32 Govan Mbeki Avenue, Port Elizabeth

TEL: 041 508 7111 FAX: 041 508 7000

WEB: www.sarahbaartman.co.za


Description: The Sarah Baartman District Municipality (previously Cacadu District Municipality) is a Category C municipality situated in the Eastern Cape Province. It stretches from Graaff-Reinet in the north to the Indian Ocean in the south and between the Great Fish River in the east and Bloukrans River in the west. Sarah Baartman is the biggest district in the province, making up approximately a third of its geographical area.

It comprises seven local municipalities: Dr Beyers Naudé, Blue Crane Route, Makana, Ndlambe, Sundays River Valley, Kouga and Koukamma. The district surrounds one of the largest metropolitan ports in South Africa, Nelson Mandela Bay (Port Elizabeth).

Area: 58 244km2

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture (mohair), tourism


Population: 479 923 Population Growth: 1.43% p.a.

No Schooling: 4.8% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 30.9%

Households: 138 182 Formal Dwellings: 87.1%


Composition of Council: ANC 6, DA 5, EFF 1 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: n/a

Executive Mayor: Mr Deon de Vos

Speaker: Ms Nomhle Gaga

Other Council: Ms Charlene Tarin Booysen (Portfolio: Finance), Mr Phindile Faxi (Portfolio: Infrastructure Development and Community Services), Ms Zoliswa Funiselo (Portfolio: Economic Development, Tourism and Creative Industry), Mr Solethu Lucas (Portfolio: Corporate Services), Ms Bulelwa Makopo (Finance)

Municipal Manager: Ms Unati Daniels

Chief Financial Officer: Mrs Kaashifa Abrahams (Director: CFO, Finance and Corporate Services)

Senior Management: Ms Theodora Betha (Director: Infrastructure Development and Community Services), Ms Monica Klassen (Corporate Services), Mr D Magxwalisa (Manager: LED), Ms Asanda Mali (Human Resource Management), Mr Zola Stuurman (Senior Manager: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Ms Natasha Peterson (Communications Officer)

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full

year figures.
Communications Officers: Phelokazi Pellem (Communications Officer) FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 225 209305 573246 566 Total Expenditure 196 108242 248149 118 Surplus/(Deficit) 29 10063 32497 447 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 87 118139 65086 760 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 194 769154 891113 783 Total Current Liabilities 86 14754 36453 697 Community Wealth/Equity 633 639594 163513 554 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 172 686529 266470 262 Cash at Year End 270 487815 919689 952 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 107 91865 244
DR BEYERS NAUDÉ BLUE CRANE ROUTE MAKANA NDLAMBE SUNDAYS RIVER VALLEY KOUKAMMA KOUGA Aberdeen Rietbron Willowmore Steytlerville Kareedouw Humansdorp Hankey Makhanda Alexandria Port Alfred Paterson Patensie Joubertina Klipplaat Jansenville Pearston Somerset East Cookhouse Petersburg Graaff-Reinet Adendorp Nieu-Bethesda
EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 242 349 Vacant Positions 6120 Managerial Positions 22 21 Vacant Managerial Positions 6 7 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 88 105 78 879 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served 11 10510 910 Households - Free Basic Service6 0004 049 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 149 059123 753109 031 Total Expenditure 117 817139 345109 031 Surplus/(Deficit) 31 242(15 592)(0) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 4 32711 7889 491 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 223 560238 230232 112 Total Current Liabilities 80 303112 85589 354 Community Wealth/Equity 189 952189 275191 001 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 1 940(2 582)2 782 Cash at Year End 217 479207 356212 882 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 1 7185 025 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 79 98 Vacant Positions 7 16 Managerial Positions 22 16 Vacant Managerial Positions 7 3 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 48 98745 876



POSTAL: PO Box 21, Somerset East, 5850

PHYSICAL: 67 Nojoli Street, Somerset East

TEL: 042 243 6400 FAX: 042 243 0633

WEB: www.bcrm.gov.za


Description: The Blue Crane Route Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Sarah Baartman District in the Eastern Cape Province. It is bordered by the Chris Hani District in the north, Sundays River Valley in the south, Amathole District and Makana in the east, and Dr Beyers Naudé in the west.

It is the second-largest municipality of seven in the district, accounting for 19% of the geographical area, and is an an administrative area. The municipality is named after the South African national bird, the blue crane.

Area: 11 068km2

Cities/Towns: Cookhouse, Pearston, Petersburg, Somerset East

Main Economic Sectors: Transport and communication (22.8%), government (18.8%), finance and business services (12.2%), manufacturing (12%), agriculture (11.3%), wholesale and retail trade (10.2%), community services (9%), construction (2%)


Population: 36 063 Population Growth: 0.04% p.a.

No Schooling: 6.2% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 23.1%

Households: 9 876 Formal Dwellings: 96.9%


Composition of Council: ANC 6, DA 4, EFF 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Bonisile Amos Manxoweni (Mayor and Portfolio Head: Finance Committee and Corporate Services Committee)

Speaker: Mrs Neliswa Nkonyeni Yantolo

Chief Whip: Mr Phandulwazi Sonkwala

Other Council: Mr Zamuxolo Baskiti, Mrs Fiona Patricia Brown, Mr Ayanda Dyantyi, Mr Archer Heyns, Mr Mncedi Mali (Portfolio

Head: Technical Services Committee), Mr Jonathan Malvin Martin (Portfolio Head: Community Services Committee), Mr Cyril Nel, Mr Thembinkosi Peta

Municipal Manager: Mr Thabiso Klaas

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Nigel Delo (Director: Finance)

Senior Management: Mr Mselana Dali (Customer Care), Mr Ayanda Gaji (Director: Technical Services), Mrs Novuko Kubone (Director: Corporate Services), Ms Ayanda Mbebe (Manager: Supply Chain and Asset Management), Mr Martin Meyer (Financial Accountant and Reporting), Mr Julius Mputa (Manager: Revenue and Expenditure), Adv Mandisi Planga (Director: Community Services)

Communications Officers: Mrs Mare May (MM Secretary)



POSTAL: PO Box 71, Graaff-Reinet, 6280

PHYSICAL: 12 Church Square, Graaff-Reinet

TEL: 049 807 5700 FAX: 049 892 4319

WEB: www.bnlm.gov.za


Description: Dr Beyers Naudé Local Municipality (previously Camdeboo Local Municipality) is a Category B municipality situated in the Sarah Baartman District in the west of the Eastern Cape Province. It is the largest municipality of seven in the district, making up half of its geographical area.

Graaff-Reinet, the fourth-oldest town in South Africa and referred to as the ’Gem of the Karoo’, is a hub of agritourism activity. It is the seat of the Municipal Council and is also the centre where the largest concentration of the population live and work. Each town has unique dynamics and attractions that draw visitors from far and wide, some of whom have made this their home.

The municipality is strategically situated as a portal to the mystical Karoo in an area renowned for its pristine natural environment, rich heritage, and diverse peoples and cultures. The area boasts a number of popular tourist attractions, beautiful landscapes and a healthy climate.

Area: 28 653km2

Cities/Towns: Aberdeen, Adendorp, Graaff-Reinet, Jansenville, Kendrew, Klipplaat, Nieu-Bethesda, Rietbron, Steytlerville, Waterford, Willowmore

Main Economic Sectors: Community services, agriculture, tourism, finance.


Population: 82 197

Population Growth: 0.82% p.a.

No Schooling: 5.4% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 30.6%

Households: 20 748 Formal Dwellings: 95.6%


Composition of Council: ANC 11, DA 10, CSA 1, EFF 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: DA/CSA/VF PLUS Coalition

Mayor: Mr Ewald Loock

Speaker: Mr Laughton Hoffman

Chief Whip: Mr Ricardo Smith

Other Council: Mr Pieter William Koeberg (Chairperson: Engineering and Planning Services Committee), Notizi Vanda (Chairperson: Community Services Committee)

Municipal Manager: Dr EM Rankwana

Chief Financial Officer: Mr J Joubert (Acting)

Senior Management: Mr Bennie Arends (Director: Infrastructure Services), Mr Gewnynne Hermanus (Director: Community Services), Ms Zoleka Viola Kali (Director: Corporate Services), Ms Neliswa Oliphant

Communications Officers: Ms E Abader

full year figures.
Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 273 961280 141236 593 Total Expenditure 311 288303 872280 818 Surplus/(Deficit) (37 327)(23 731)(44 225) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 69 778 n/an/a FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 92 893 128 79916 890 Total Current Liabilities 123 268180 27186 224 Community Wealth/Equity 860 6591 494 258819 198 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 219 302224 13974 019 Cash at Year End 243 738240 602101 065 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 8 22630 919 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 315309 Vacant Positions 7 5 Managerial Positions 14 12 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 0 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 83 65579 695 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 7 2586 962 <200m from Yard 390 0 Households - Free Basic Service4 1034 039 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served 8 7357 631 Households - Free Basic Service4 1034 039 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage 6 9136 913 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 2 1362 136 Bucket System 359359 Households - Free Basic Service4 1034 039


FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20



POSTAL: PO Box 21, Jeffreys Bay, 6330

PHYSICAL: 33 Da Gama Road, Jeffreys Bay

TEL: 042 200 2200 FAX: 042 200 8606

EMAIL: registry@kouga.gov.za

WEB: www.kouga.gov.za


Description: The Kouga Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the Eastern Cape Province within the Sarah Baartman District Municipality. It comprises the coastal region and the fertile Gamtoos Valley, which also happens to be the gateway to the famous Baviaanskloof wilderness area. It is one of seven municipalities in the district.

The Gamtoos Valley is recognised as one of the prime exporting areas for citrus and avocado pears. It also competes with the best that South Africa has to offer with its potato crops. Port St Francis, situated in St Francis Bay, is home to the squid industry. The squid, normally referred to as ’chokka’, is mainly export quality but is available locally as one of the area’s prized products.

The Kouga region is of strategic importance in the energy industry. Two large wind farms are already in operation in the area, with more to follow. The area is also home to Thyspunt, one of the sites under consideration for Eskom’s proposed new nuclear power station. Kouga has great development opportunities and astute businessmen and women can take advantage of the diverse economic heritage that the Kouga area offers to entrepreneurs.

The seat of Kouga, Jeffreys Bay, is situated roughly 80km from Port Elizabeth. The town is world-renowned for its ’Supertubes’ surfing spot while ’Bruce’s Beauties’ at Cape St Francis also attract surfers from all over the globe. The clean, safe beaches are exploited by many a tourist, with a large number making an annual pilgrimage to the sandy shores to enjoy a relaxed yet vibrant holiday.

Area: 2 670km2

Cities/Towns: Cape St Francis, Hankey, Humansdorp, Jeffreys Bay, Loerie, Oyster Bay, Patensie, St Francis Bay, Thornhill

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, fishing, tourism and retail


Population: 112 941

No Schooling: 3.8%

Households: 35 236

Population Growth: 3.10% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 35.0%

Formal Dwellings: 75.0%


Composition of Council: DA 16, ANC 11, EFF 1, PA 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: DA

Executive Mayor: Mr Horatio Hendricks

Deputy Mayor: Mr Hattingh Bornman (Deputy Mayor and MMC: Planning and Development)

Speaker: Mr Brenton Williams

Other Council: Mr Daniel Benson (MMC: Community Services), Mr Willem Gertenbach (MMC: Finance), Mr Timothy Jantjes

(MMC: Corporate Services), Ms Lorraine Maree (MMC: Infrastructure and Engineering), Ms Shena Ruth (MMC: Monitoring and Evaluation)

Municipal Manager: Mr Charl du Plessis

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Riaaz Lorgat

Senior Management: Mr David Hendrik De Jager (Deputy Municipal Manager), Ms Fezeka Faith Mabusela (Director: Planning, Development and Tourism), Ms Nomvula Machelesi (Director: Community Services), Mr Theodore Madatt (Acting Director: Infrastructure and Engineering), Ms Maalia Rossouw (Acting Director: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Ms Monique Basson, Ms Yvonne Herbst (Office Administrator: Speaker Williams), Mr Timothy Jantjes (Corporate Services)

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.
AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 470 696432 033374 513 Total Expenditure 482 981441 369394 545 Surplus/(Deficit) (12 285)(9 336)(20 032) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 58 71639 99458 397 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 58 48378 063101 967 Total Current Liabilities 394 269316 678288 799 Community Wealth/Equity 710 109868 397926 491 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (231 918)(279 116)(8 530) Cash at Year End (225 334)(230 812)28 637 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 90 600195 183
INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 021 408933 927928 057 Total Expenditure 1 080 551978 900902 425 Surplus/(Deficit) (59 143)(44 973)25 632 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 110 31825 72897 984 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 236 285292 547(67 873) Total Current Liabilities 247 131245 872(19 629) Community Wealth/Equity 2 141 1492 231 641(471) CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 1 647 5791 635 789756 648 Cash at Year End 1 643 3141 776 821756 648 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 3 5781 557 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 935 944 Vacant Positions 1 16 Managerial Positions 27 39 Vacant Managerial Positions 1 1 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 306 584286 361 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 28 25528 255 Households - Free Basic Service 6 959 6 133 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served30 26330 236 Households - Free Basic Service 6 959 6 133 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage18 18618 186 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 9 9089 908 Ventilated Pit Latrine 420420 Bucket System 4 3414 341 Other 279279 Households - Free Basic Service 6 959 6 133 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 029 616 Vacant Positions 496 79 Managerial Positions 26 24 Vacant Managerial Positions 3 2 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 167 406163 307 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 16 03715 063 <200m from Yard 487487 Households - Free Basic Service8 2778 114 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served19 11019 104 Households - Free Basic Service6 0845 606 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage11 66011 660 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 2 247343 Ventilated Pit Latrine 50 50 Other 2 207 987 Households - Free Basic Service7 4357 030



POSTAL: Private Bag X011, Kareedouw, 6400

PHYSICAL: 5 Keet Street, Kareedouw

TEL: 042 288 7200 FAX: 042 288 0797

EMAIL: koukamma@koukamma.gov.za

WEB: www.koukammamunicipality.gov.za


Description: The Koukamma Local Municipality is situated in the Sarah Baartman District Municipality alongside the Indian Ocean coastline in the south-western area of the Eastern Cape Province. The Western Cape Province is not far to the west.

Koukamma neighbours the Dr Beyers Naudé Local Municipality in the north and the Kouga Local Municipality to the east. It is one of seven municipalities in the district. The administrative centre for the Koukamma Municipality is Kareedouw, and Tweeriviere is considered the commercial centre.

Koukamma is a relatively poor area that reports high unemployment and low levels of literacy. Settlements are scattered and far from each other, which poses challenges to the development of infrastructure and basic services such as water, sewage, electricity and sanitation.

Storms River is the primary tourism centre within the municipality. The coastal belt includes the well-known Tsitsikamma area. The Langkloof area is surrounded by the Tsitsikamma Mountains. The coastal area is characterised by a diverse and fast-growing economy, a fast-growing population linked to economic opportunities, a good water supply, and a wealth of holiday destinations and indigenous forests.

Area: 3 642km2

Cities/Towns: Clarkson, Joubertina, Kareedouw, Krakeel River, Louterwater, Misgund, Nompumelelo, Sanddrif, Storms River, Woodlands

Main Economic Sectors: Tourism, agriculture


Population: 43 688

Population Growth: 1.63% p.a.

No Schooling: 2.2% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 28.4%

Households: 11 583 Formal Dwellings: 93.4%


Composition of Council: ANC 6, DA 3, INDEPENDENT 1, PA 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Fuzile Jan Yake

Speaker: Mr Dadley Maasdorp

Other Council: Mr Ronnie Gideon Campher, Ms Sharon Ferguson, Mr Ronwell Cederick Fillis, Mr Brendon Tirone Jantjies, Mr James Richard Krige, Mr Smilo Danny-Boy Ncethezo, Mr Vuyani Enoch Persent, Ms Nomathamsanqa Sikiwe, Mr Kerneels Smit, Mr Francois Strydom



POSTAL: PO Box 176, Makhanda, 6140

PHYSICAL: City Hall, High Street, Makhanda, 6139

TEL: 046 603 6111 FAX: 046 622 9488

EMAIL: info@makana.gov.za

WEB: www.makana.gov.za


Description: The Makana Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located in the Eastern Cape Province on the south-eastern seaboard and in the western part of the Eastern Cape Province. It is one of the seven municipalities in the Sarah Baartman District Municipality.

With the cities of Port Elizabeth 120km to the west and East London 180km to the east, Makana Municipality is strategically situated between two of the province’s largest industrial centres. Both coastal cities are served by well-equipped container ports and have major airports linking them to Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg.

The Makana area has nearly a million hectares devoted to game. A range of public and private nature reserves span the area, from the world-famous Shamwari in the west to the magnificent Double Drift and Kwandwe Reserves in the east.

Municipal Manager: Mr Pumelelo Maxwell Kate

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Nydine Venter

Senior Management: Mr Mziwamadoda Qalaba (Director: Technical and Community Services), Mrs Thobeka Tom (Director: Corporate Services) Communications Officers: Mr N

Makhanda (previously Grahamstown) is the hub of the Makana Municipality and has more than 70 declared National Heritage Sites. One of these is the highest church spire in the country. Makhanda was founded in 1812 and is entrenched in historical events, from the 1820 Settlers to a 100-year-old university. It also hosts some of the oldest schools. It is the seat of Rhodes University, as well as other prominent and internationally acclaimed primary and high schools. Rhodes University is a 104-year-old internationally recognised institution with a well-established reputation for academic excellence.

Each year, Makhanda comes alive with activity when the National Arts Festival comes to town. Visitors get the chance to see performances from national artists, experience the local markets, and get a taste of culture and indigenous cuisines.

Area: 4 376km2

Cities/Towns: Alicedale, Makhanda (Grahamstown), Riebeek East, Sidbury

Main Economic Sectors: Government (51.5%), trade (15.6%), finance and business services (15.3%), manufacturing (7.1%), agriculture (4.4%), transport and communication (2.9%), construction (2.1%)

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.

Siqoko FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 187 359165 967164 946 Total Expenditure 160 586113 717103 982 Surplus/(Deficit) 26 77352 25060 963 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 38 58619 86323 521 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 65 912105 956111 055 Total Current Liabilities 23 10028 12536 181 Community Wealth/Equity 354 665363 244347 687 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 47 22652 24681 030 Cash at Year End (38 087) 619 37 776 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 11 87716 103 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 167 227 Vacant Positions 1 86 Managerial Positions 15 13 Vacant Managerial Positions 1 4 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 56 39752 162 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 10 26010 260 <200m from Yard 637 505 >200m from Yard 136136 Households - Free Basic Service2 4642 468 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served12 38612 364 Households - Free Basic Service2 4642 686 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage 8 8278 827 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 977 914 Ventilated Pit Latrine 755755 Households - Free Basic Service2 4642 468



Population: 82 060 Population Growth: 0.47% p.a.

No Schooling: 3.6% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 40.0%

Households: 22 700 Formal Dwellings: 90.7%


On 14 January 2020 the High Court ruled that the municipality be placed under S139(1) administration.

Composition of Council: ANC 14, DA 5, MAKANA 5, EFF 2,


Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Ms Yandiswa Vara

Speaker: Mr Mthuthuzeli Matyumza

Other Council: Mr Andile Hoyi (Chairperson: Finance), Ms Gcobisa Mene (Chairperson: Engineering and Infrastructural Services), Mr Mzwabantu Nkwentsha (Chairperson: LED Planning and Tourism Industries), Mr Thandolwethu Vayo (Chairperson: Public Safety and Community Service), Mr Rumsell Xonxa (Chairperson: Corporate and Shared Services)

Municipal Manager: Mr Pumelelo Kate

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Gerard Goliath

Senior Management: Ms Asanda Gidana (Director: Engineering and Infrastructure), Ms S Jonas (Acting Director: LED), Mr Xolela Kalashe (Manager: Human Resources), Mr Kelello Makgoka (Director: Public Safety and Community Services), Ms N Santi (Manager: Speaker’s Office)

Communications Officers: Mr A Mjekula (Acting), Mrs Yoliswa Ramokolo (Communication Officer)



POSTAL: PO Box 13, Port Alfred, 6170

PHYSICAL: 47 Campbell Street, Port Alfred

TEL: 046 604 5500 FAX: 046 624 2669

EMAIL: gnkombisa@ndlambe.gov.za

WEB: www.ndlambe.gov.za


Description: The Ndlambe Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Sarah Baartman District Municipality in the Eastern Cape Province. It is bordered by Makana to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the south, Ngqushwa to the east and Sundays River Valley to the west. It is the smallest of the seven municipalities in the district, making up only 3% of its geographical area.

The Ndlambe municipal area forms part of the Eastern Coastal Zone, which can be described as having a pristine coastal area, well-preserved river mouths and intertidal areas, diverse vegetation, relatively low density development along the coast, and major tourism potential.

Area: 1 840km2

Cities/Towns: Alexandria, Bathurst, Boknes/Cannon Rocks, Bushmans River, Kenton-on-Sea, Port Alfred, Seafield


Population: 63 180

Population Growth: 0.73% p.a.

No Schooling: 7.3% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 30.6%

Households: 20 818

Formal Dwellings: 89.3%


Composition of Council: ANC 11, DA 6, EFF 3

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: KC Ncamiso

Speaker: Mr A Marasi

Chief Whip: S Kolosa

Municipal Manager: Adv Rolly Dumezweni

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Michael Klaas

Senior Management: Ms Nombulelo Booysen-Willy (Director: Community Protection Services), Mr Fanie Fouche (Deputy Director: Community Protection Services), Ms Lazola Maneli-Payi (Director: Corporate Services), Ms Diane May (Manager: Revenue), Mrs Jackie Nel (Admin Manager: Corporate Services), Mr Unathi Nondzube (Human Resources Manager: Corporate Services), Ms Noluthando Vithi-Masiza (Director: Infrastructure Development)

Communications Officers: Mr Cecil Mbolekwa, Ms Georgina Nkombisa (Customer Care Officer) FINANCIAL

058 | THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 EASTERN CAPE Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/22*2020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Disclaimer of audit Disclaimer of audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 632 344573 658570 592 Total Expenditure 581 029588 505485 794 Surplus/(Deficit) 51 315(14 848)84 797 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 49 70940 77860 569 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 358 075247 175213 464 Total Current Liabilities 518 431425 748385 795 Community Wealth/Equity 825 616768 141659 947 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 105 599181 833307 527 Cash at Year End 70 9945 67859 783 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 129 20578 707 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 635 867 Vacant Positions 5 197 Managerial Positions 38 40 Vacant Managerial Positions 5 8 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 201 138176 383 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 20 16217 764 <200m from Yard 1 269 350 Households - Free Basic Service 3 895 3 824 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served27 46727 467 Households - Free Basic Service6 8396 801 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage 19 38210 556 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 0 780 Ventilated Pit Latrine 2 1103 601 Bucket System 264180 Other 530 0 Households - Free Basic Service3 8493 920
INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 557 517590 540420 379 Total Expenditure 522 218472 163435 878 Surplus/(Deficit) 35 299118 377(15 500) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 104 861131 57163 002 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 247 529221 221145 454 Total Current Liabilities 220 173173 405141 506 Community Wealth/Equity1 318 0451 236 9501 134 073 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 55 229457 385638 835 Cash at Year End 7 628(9 358)369 955 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 277 065126 305



POSTAL: PO Box 47, Kirkwood, 6120

PHYSICAL: 23 Middle Street, Kirkwood, 6120

TEL: 042 230 7700 / 7730 FAX: 042 230 1799 / 0468

EMAIL: srvm@srvm.gov.za

WEB: www.srvm.gov.za


Description: The Sundays River Valley Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Sarah Baartman District in the Eastern Cape Province. It is approximately 50km from the Coega Industrial Zone in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metro. It is one of seven municipalities in the district. The valley is characterised by harsh climate conditions, with summer temperatures rising in excess of 40°C. Rainfall is spread over the year and is between 250-500mm per annum. The valley is also characterised by wide, fertile flood plains and is associated with low-lying land and steep, less fertile slopes. The area outside the Sundays River Valley includes the Paterson area, the coastal belt, and the west of Alexandria.

The municipality boasts ecotourism and agricultural potential. The Addo Elephant National Park and citrus production are two important economic drivers in the Sundays River Valley Municipality.

Area: 5 995km2

Cities/Towns: Addo, Kirkwood, Paterson

Main Economic Sectors: Community services, trade, finance, agriculture, transport, construction


Population: 59 793

No Schooling: 5.8%

Households: 17 221

2.10% p.a.

12 & Higher

Dwellings: 84.2%


Composition of Council: ANC 10, DA 4, EFF 1, GOOD 1

Controlling Party: ANC


Mayor: Mr Simphiwe Rune (Mayor and Portfolio Head: Finance and Administration)

Speaker: Siseko Nodonti

Other Council: Ms Nelisa Ncambele, Mandile Payi (Portfolio Head: Infrastructure Planning and Development), Ms Karen Smith (Portfolio

Head: Community Services and Public Safety)

Municipal Manager: Mr Thabiso Klaas

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Johannes Krapohl

Senior Management: Mr Phelisile Kondile (Director: Corporate Services), Ms Andiswa Mbongwe (Director: Community Services and Public Safety), Mr Xola Mntonintshi (Director: Infrastructure Planning and Development)

Communications Officers: Ms Zusiphe Jaji

THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 | 059 EASTERN CAPE Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.
EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 749 491 Vacant Positions 2 24 Managerial Positions 22 22 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 1 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 151 869135 421 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 17 69317 693 <200m from Yard 1 8961 866 >200m from Yard 1 5811 581 Households - Free Basic Service8 4259 469 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served22 39222 392 Households - Free Basic Service6 4096 481 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage 14 21714 217 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 5 1475 147 Ventilated Pit Latrine 3 9883 978 Other 2 0102 010 Households - Free Basic Service4 5984 457
AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Disclaimer of audit Disclaimer of audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 0285 805321 534 Total Expenditure n/a 244 624265 226 Surplus/(Deficit) n/a 41 18156 308 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE n/a 1 355 7201 356 785 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets n/a 73 60147 342 Total Current Liabilities n/a 112 293125 543 Community Wealth/Equity n/a 716 588660 280 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow n/an/an/a Cash at Year End n/an/an/a UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 76 56086 659 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 299 324 Vacant Positions 2 13 Managerial Positions 23 27 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 1 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 85 92176 945 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 12 70111 661 <200m from Yard 676676 >200m from Yard 548548 Households - Free Basic Service2 4432 413 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served14 26313 800 Households - Free Basic Service2 5173 039 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage 8 5076 936 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 240 7 Ventilated Pit Latrine 2 866 901 Bucket System 369369 Other 02 952 Households - Free Basic Service2 4432 413


The Free State is located in the geographical centre of South Africa, bordered by the Northern Cape, Eastern Cape, North West, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng Provinces, as well as Lesotho. The Free State is a rural province of farmland, mountains, goldfields and widely dispersed towns.

Although the Free State is the third-largest province in South Africa, it has the second-smallest population and the second-lowest population density. It covers an area of 129 825km2 and has a population of 2 834 714 – 5.1% of the national population. Its capital is Bloemfontein, which is South Africa’s judicial capital. Other important towns include Welkom, Kroonstad, Sasolburg and Bethlehem.

The economy is dominated by agriculture, mining and manufacturing. Known as the ‘bread basket’ of South Africa, about 90% of the province is under cultivation for crop production. It produces approximately 34% of the total maize production of South Africa, 37% of wheat, 53% of sorghum, 33% of potatoes, 18% of red meat, 30% of groundnuts and 15% of wool. The province is the world’s fifth-largest gold producer, with mining the major employer. It is a leader in the chemicals industry, being home to the giant synthetic fuels company, Sasol.

The Vredefort Dome, 10km in diameter, about 100km south-west of Johannesburg, is South Africa’s seventh World Heritage Site.

The Free State is divided into one metropolitan municipality (Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality) and four district municipalities, which are further subdivided into 18 local municipalities.



Mangaung 61 Fezile Dabi District 62 M afube 62 Metsimaholo 63 M oqhaka 64 N gwathe 64 Lejweleputswa District 65 M asilonyana 66 M atjhabeng 67 N ala 67 Tokologo 68 Tswelopele 69 Thabo Mofutsanyana District 69 Dihlabeng 70 M aluti-A-Phofung 71 M antsopa 71 N ketoana 72 Phumelela 73 S etsoto 73 Xhariep District 74 Kopanong 75 Letsemeng 75 M ohokare 76 MANGAUNG MOHOKARE KOPANONG LETSEMENG TOKOLOGO MATJHABENG MASILONYANA TSWELOPELE NALA MOQHAKA NGWATHE METSIMAHOLO MAFUBE PHUMELELA MALUTI-A-PHOFUNG NKETOANA DIHLABENG SETSOTO MANTSOPA



POSTAL: PO Box 3704, Bloemfontein, 9300

PHYSICAL: Bram Fischer Building, Nelson Mandela Drive & Markgraaff Street, Bloemfontein

TEL: 051 405 8911 FAX: 051 405 8707

EMAIL: enquiry@mangaung.co.za

WEB: www.mangaung.co.za


Description: The Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality is a Category A municipality. It is situated in the Free State Province, in the central interior of South Africa. The Free State is bordered by the Gauteng, Eastern Cape, Northern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal and North West Provinces, as well as by the neighbouring country of Lesotho. Mangaung, meaning ’Place of the Cheetahs’, accentuates the vibrant, dynamic and energetic character of the tourism industry in the ’At the Heart of it All’.

The economy is strongly driven by the government sector, which has seen the fastest growth in the last five years as a result of increased government programmes in livelihoods improvement interventions. The finance sector is the second-fastest growing sector due to very active estate and construction activities.

Small businesses have a major role to play in the South African, and especially the Mangaung, economy in terms of employment creation, income generation and output growth. It is estimated that more than 12 million people in South Africa are actively involved in the SMME sector, which accounts for approximately 60% of all employment in the economy and 40% of output.

In an area such as Mangaung, with its relatively high levels of unemployment and poverty, it can be expected that the SMME sector plays an even more important role in job creation and poverty alleviation. The informal economy makes an important contribution to the economic and social life of Mangaung. Due to the decline in formal employment and consequent increase in unemployment, many people seek alternative means of earning an income.

Area: 9 886km2

Cities/Towns: Bloemfontein, Botshabelo, Dewetsdorp, Mangaung, Soutpan, Thaba Nchu, Van Stadensrus, Wepener

Main Economic Sectors: Community services (35.3%), finance (26.8%), trade (16%), transport (11.8%), manufacturing (3.5%)


Population: 787 803 Population Growth: 0.37% p.a.

No Schooling: 5.2% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 46.1%

Households: 265 561 Formal Dwellings: 87.1%




The municipality is under S139(7) national government administration from April 2022.

Composition of Council: ANC 51, DA 26, EFF 12, VF PLUS 5, AASD 2, PA 2, ACDP 1, AIC 1, ATM 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Mr Mxolisi Siyonzana

Deputy Mayor: Ms Mapaseka Mothibi-Nkoane (Chairperson: Rules Committee)

Speaker: Ms Stefani Lockman-Naidoo (Suspended)

Chief Whip: Mr Vumile Nikelo

Other Council: Ms Vuyelwa Eunice Jonas-Malephane (MMC: Planning and Economic Development), Ms Vuyelwa Jonas (MMC: SMME and Rural Development), Ms Mpolokeng Mahase (MMC: Community Services), Mrs Maditaba Joyce Matsoetlane (MMC: Waste and Fleet Management), Mr Thabo Joel Mogotloane (MMC: Public Safety), Mr Molefi Andries Morake (MMC: Infrastructure), Mrs Motlhokung Theodorah Mosala (MMC: Corporate Services), Mr Mafa Nkhabu (MMC: Spacial Planning and Land Use Management), Mr Matekane Johannes Nkoe (MMC: Motions and Petitions), Mr Xolo Pongolo (MMC: Environmental Management), Ms Lulama Titi-Odili (MMC: Finance), Ms Motshewa Tladi (MMC: Social Services), Mr Pani Sidney Twala (MMC: Rural Development), Mr Kevin van der Ross (MMC: Human Settlements)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Luthanyane Denge (Acting)

Senior Management: Mr Cobus Brummer (General Manager: Architectural Services), Mr Bennet Comakae (Acting Deputy Executive Director: Operations), Mrs Bukelwa Henama (General Manager: Social Development), Mr KI Kgamanyane (Executive Head: Municipal Services),

Mr Thato Khoase (General Manager: Strategic Support), Mr Mosala

Khunong (General Manager: Budget and Treasury), Masabatha Makhetha (Acting General Manager: Informal Settlements), Mr George Masaubi

(General Manager: Strategic Support), Kadimo Masekoane (Deputy Executive Director: Performance Monitoring/Evaluation), Mr Bongani

Mathae (Manager: LED), Ms Yolanda Mfana (Acting Senior Admin Officer: Office of the HOD), Mr Samuel Ramoshebi (General Manager: Human Resource Management), Mr Thami Sitishi (General Manager: Accounting Compliance), Ms Glory Twala (Waste and Fleet Management)

Communications Officers: Mr Qondile Khedama

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.

Bloemfontein Soutpan Botshabelo Thaba Nchu Dewetsdorp Wepener Van Stadensrus MANGAUNG
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 8 717 1797 951 7577 632 767 Total Expenditure 8 422 5997 977 0787 416 758 Surplus/(Deficit) 294 580(25 321)216 009 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 828 567826 814419 996 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 9 228 5008 196 0707 639 154 Total Current Liabilities 10 995 7499 562 7188 715 371 Community Wealth/Equity17 838 25018 249 67418 629 057 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 3 854 9971 276 196Cash at Year End 3 406 7961 239 634127 986 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 780 5652 770 780 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 4 8526 942 Vacant Positions 1 5623 462 Managerial Positions 259 252 Vacant Managerial Positions 101 102 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 2 123 8082 109 276 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 247 859241 954 <200m from Yard 17 55522 369 Households - Free Basic Service51 96632 105 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served255 677255 596 Households - Free Basic Service51 96632 105 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage150 974150 974 Ventilated Pit Latrine 47 11647 116 Bucket System 1 4001 400 Other 272272 Households - Free Basic Service51 96632 105



POSTAL: PO Box 10, Sasolburg, 1947

PHYSICAL: John Vorster Road, Sasolburg

TEL: 016 970 8600 FAX: 016 970 8733

EMAIL: info@feziledabi.gov.za

WEB: feziledabi.gov.za


Description: The Fezile Dabi District Municipality is a Category C municipality, formerly known as the Northern Free State District Municipality, situated in the north of the Free State. It is bordered by the North West, Gauteng and Mpumalanga Provinces to the north, Thabo Mofutsanyana District to the south, and Lejweleputswa District to the west.

The municipality is the smallest district in the province, making up 16% of its geographical area. It consists of four local municipalities: Moqhaka, Metsimaholo, Ngwathe and Mafube.

The main attraction site, the Vredefort Dome, being the third-largest meteorite site in the world, is located within the district.

Area: 20 674km2

Main Economic Sectors: Trade (22%), community services (20%), manufacturing (13%), households (13%), agriculture (12%), finance (7%), construction (6%), transport (5%)


Population: 494 777 Population Growth: 0.31% p.a.

No Schooling: 6.7% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 39.2%

Households: 172 370 Formal Dwellings: 85.6%


Composition of Council: ANC 6, DA 3, EFF 3, VF PLUS 1 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: n/a

Executive Mayor: Mr Dennis Khasudi

Speaker: Mr Sidney Pittaway

Other Council: Mr Morena Matwa (MMC: Corporate Support Services), Mr Thabiso Mofokeng (MMC: Finance), Mr April Motaung (MPAC Chairperson), Mr Nick Muller (MMC: LED, Tourism and Infrastructure), Ms Catharina Serfontein (MMC: Environmental Health and Emergency Safety)

Municipal Manager: Ms Lindi Molibeli

Senior Management: Mr Tlali Motshoikha (Manager: Monitoring and Evaluation)

Communications Officers: Ms Tebello Lengoabala-Serunye (Communications and Marketing: Office of the MM)



POSTAL: PO Box 2, Frankfort, 9830

PHYSICAL: 64 JJ Hadebe Street, Frankfort

TEL: 058 813 1051/9700/9718 FAX: 058 813 3072

EMAIL: info@mafubemunicipality.gov.za

WEB: www.mafube.fs.gov.za


Description: The Mafube Local Municipality is a Category B municipality in the Fezile Dabi District of the Free State Province. It is one of the four municipalities in the district, making up almost a quarter of its geographical area. The name is a Sesotho word meaning ’dawning of the new day’.

Frankfort remains the growth point in Mafube, and plays a major role in terms of regional service provision and industrial and commercial development. Frankfort is situated 55km east of Heilbron and approximately 120km south-east of Sasolburg. Frankfort is a typically-developed small town, serving the predominant surrounding agricultural community.

The Greater Tweeling area is located approximately 150km east of Sasolburg and 350km north-east of Bloemfontein, and is situated adjacent to the Frankfort/Reitz Primary Road. Other larger centres, such as Vereeniging and Vanderbijlpark, are all within 160km of Tweeling. Primary agricultural activities include sheep and cattle farming, maize, and sunflower seed production.

The Villiers Town area is situated on the banks of the Vaal River, adjacent to the N3 National Road between Gauteng and Durban. In relation to other major centres, the town is located 120km from Johannesburg, 80km from Vereeniging and 117km from Sasolburg. Villiers is predominantly agriculture-orientated, where products such as maize, sunflower, wheat, grain, sorghum, meat and dairy are produced. Villiers functions as the main concentration point for products in the district, from where they are directly exported. The grain silos in Villiers, together with other grain silos in the district, have a storage capacity of 273 000 tons.

The Greater Cornelia area is situated 40km east of Frankfort, 160km east of Sasolburg and 32km south-east of Villiers. The town is situated adjacent to the R103 Secondary Road between Warden and Villiers. Cornelia typically developed as a small town serving the predominant surrounding agricultural community.

Area: 3 977km2

Cities/Towns: Cornelia, Frankfort, Tweeling, Villiers

Main Economic Sectors: Community services (28.1%), manufacturing (24%), agriculture (13.9%), finance (12.1%), trade (9%), transport (7%), construction (4.5%)


Population: 57 574

No Schooling: 10.6%

Households: 18 745

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

Population Growth: -0.12% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 38.6%

Formal Dwellings: 78.8%

full year figures.
Villiers Kroonstad Vierfontein Steynsrus NGWATHE MAFUBE Parys Vredefort Edenville Heilbron Koppies Frankfort Tweeling Cornelia METSIMAHOLO Sasolburg Oranjeville MOQHAKA Viljoenskroon
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 180 178177 927170 377 Total Expenditure 192 106182 926170 637 Surplus/(Deficit) (11 928)(4 998)(260) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 2 408 695 4 353 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 88 469110 281123 429 Total Current Liabilities 10 45031 40625 797 Community Wealth/Equity 152 413130 82899 110 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 105 43818 600Cash at Year End 201 051125 241 92 978 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 74 31452 409 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 219 201 Vacant Positions 40 37 Managerial Positions 35 37 Vacant Managerial Positions 5 6 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 109 173104 875


The municipality is under S139 (4) administration, effective 11 May 2022.

Composition of Council: ANC 10, EFF 3, DA 2, VF PLUS 2

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Tlhoare Motsoeneng

Speaker: Ms Maletsatsi Maria Mofokeng

Chief Whip: Mr Jonase Kotsi

Other Council: Mr Marchand du Plessis, LS Kubeka, Tshidi Moloi, Ms Nomasonto Evelyn Motaung, Mr Fusi Petrus Motloung, Nokuvuna Rakoloti

Municipal Manager: Mr Josie Ralebenya

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Abram Mgcina (Acting)

Senior Management: Mrs ZE Mofokeng (Director: Community Services and LED), Mr I Ngozo (Acting Director: Corporate Services), Mr Ernest Nxayi (Manager: LED), Ms N Radebe (Acting Director: Infrastructure), Mr Diao Ramabitsa (Director: Technical)

Communications Officers: Mr Sipho Radebe



POSTAL: PO Box 60, Sasolburg, 1947

PHYSICAL: Civic Centre, Fichardt Street, Sasolburg

TEL: 016 973 8300 FAX: 016 973 2191

EMAIL: enquiries1@metsimaholo.gov.za

WEB: www.metsimaholo.gov.za



Description: The Metsimaholo Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located within the Fezile Dabi District of the Free State Province. It is the smallest of four municipalities in the district, making up 8% of its geographical area. The municipality was established in 2000 through the amalgamation of the then Sasolburg, Deneysville and Oranjeville Transitional Local Councils.

The dominance of Sasolburg, owing to its population density and its proximity to the economically active City of Johannesburg, provides the area with the opportunity of being declared the head office of the entire Metsimaholo Municipality. Metsimaholo means ’big water’ in Sesotho.

Area: 1 717km2

Cities/Towns: Deneysville, Kragbron, Oranjeville, Sasolburg

Main Economic Sectors: Manufacturing, retail, community services


Population: 163 564

No Schooling: 9.3%

Population Growth: 2.10% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 43.0%

Households: 59 113 Formal Dwellings: 87.4%


This municipality is under S139 administration.

Composition of Council: ANC 16, DA 12, EFF 12, VF PLUS 3, AIC 1, ATM 1, MCA 1

Controlling Party: ANC/EFF Coalition

Executive Mayor: Mr Jeff Zwane

Speaker: Mr Lucas Fisher

Chief Whip: Mr Fikile Mosokweni

Municipal Manager: Mr Mothumi Mathe

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Keneilwe Lepesa

Senior Management: Ms Tshidi Mkhefa (Acting Director: LED and Urban Planning), Mr Khubekile Mvulane (Acting Director: Technical and Infrastructural Services), Ms Mateboho Rapuleng (Director: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Dr Gino Alberts (Communications Manager)

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full

year figures.
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 292 171337 045310 093 Total Expenditure 167 273397 779403 760 Surplus/(Deficit) 124 898(60 735)(93 667) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 22 383(2 179)17 312 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 224 62491 615144 263 Total Current Liabilities 799 383766 518771 793 Community Wealth/Equity 527 412495 407219 863 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 96 33532 491Cash at Year End (70 370)34 740(140) UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 535 541418 324 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 387 536 Vacant Positions 0 72 Managerial Positions 26 23 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 103 21698 075 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 19 04919 049 <200m from Yard 1 6951 695 Households - Free Basic Service3 6803 680 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served20 79220 278 Households - Free Basic Service3 6803 680 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage20 43420 434 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 10 10 Bucket System 490 300 Households - Free Basic Service3 6803 680
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 601 3631 369 9241 288 741 Total Expenditure 1 469 7671 254 8501 240 095 Surplus/(Deficit) 131 596115 07448 646 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 157 89447 21853 147 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 1 501 4611 318 2951 053 232 Total Current Liabilities 1 288 0391 158 5751 051 070 Community Wealth/Equity 1 625 9561 416 5801 542 280 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (63 229)(337 814)Cash at Year End (172 451)(337 631)17 472 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 90 69264 649 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 745 1 196 Vacant Positions 13 389 Managerial Positions 47 47 Vacant Managerial Positions 13 18 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 327 204306 172 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 47 474 45 325 <200m from Yard 402 600 >200m from Yard 3 750 0 Households - Free Basic Service10 1518 386 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served51 92751 893 Households - Free Basic Service6 5408 340 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage 41 24734 391 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 3 617 696 Bucket System 2 5331 533 Households - Free Basic Service9 1689 176 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: PO Box 302, Kroonstad, 9500

PHYSICAL: Hill Street, Kroonstad

TEL: 056 216 9911/9900 FAX: 056 216 9122

EMAIL: mms@moqhaka.gov.za

WEB: www.moqhaka.gov.za


Description: The Moqhaka Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the southern part of the Fezile Dabi District in the Free State Province. It is the largest of four municipalities in the district, making up over a third of its geographical area.

The former Kroonstad, Steynsrus and Viljoenskroon Transitional Local Councils and sections of the Riemland, Kroonkop and Koepel Transitional Rural Councils are included in the municipality. The seat of local government is Kroonstad. The community name is the south Sesotho word for ’crown’.

The general tendency of migration from rural to urban areas is also occurring in the area, as is the case in the rest of the Free State Province. In comparison to the other municipalities within the Fezile Dabi District, it appears as if Moqhaka is significantly less urbanised. The Greater Kroonstad area is the centre of a large agricultural community that plays an important role in the economy of the district. Subsequently, industrial activities contribute significantly to the district’s economy. The Department of Correctional Services and the School of Engineers military bases are situated in the town. Kroonstad has recently become a distinguished holiday destination due to the ultra-modern and popular holiday resort of Kroonpark, adjacent to the Vals River. The urban area is situated adjacent to the N1 National Road, and located adjacent to one of the largest and most important four-way railway junctions in South Africa.

The Viljoenskroon/Rammulotsi urban area is located within an area of extreme agricultural significance. The urban area plays a significant role in providing residential opportunities to the adjacent goldfields and mining activities in the North West province. The Provincial Roads P15/1 and P15/2 from Kroonstad to Klerksdorp in the North West province extend through the area from north to south.

The Steynsrus/Matlwangtlwang urban area is situated approximately 45km east of Kroonstad and 92km west of Bethlehem. The major link road between Bethlehem and Kroonstad stretches adjacent to the urban area.

Area: 7 925km2

Cities/Towns: Kroonstad, Renovaal, Steynsrus, Vierfontein, Viljoenskroon

Main Economic Sectors: Agiculture, commercial transport, business services, mining


Population: 154 732

Population Growth: -0.84% p.a.

No Schooling: 3.8% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 38.2%

Households: 53 601 Formal Dwellings: 85.9%



POSTAL: PO Box 359, Parys, 9585

PHYSICAL: Liebenburg Street, Parys

TEL: 056 816 2700 FAX: 056 816 2146

EMAIL: speaker@ngwathe.co.za / mm@ngwathe.co.za

WEB: www.ngwathe.fs.gov.za


Description: The Ngwathe Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the northern part of the Fezile Dabi District in the Free State. The Vaal River forms the northern boundary of the area, which also serves as the boundary between the Free State, Gauteng and North West Provinces. It is one of four municipalities in the district,



Composition of Council: ANC 22, DA 10, EFF 5, MOQHAKA


Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Mr Motloheloa Ellis Mokatsane

Speaker: Mrs Selloane Khiba, Ms Selloane Khiba

Other Council: Ms Audrey Khotle (MMC: Community Services), Ms Mapule Lama (MMC: Integrated Development Plan), Ms Lindiwe

Mbona (MMC: Performance, Monitoring and Evaluation), Mr Tshokolo Ntsala (MMC Finance), Mr Pile Phamotse (MMC: Public Safety), Mr Lehlohonolo Ramajoe (MMC: Corporate Services), Mr Solomon

Ramathibe (MMC: Infrastructure Development), Mr Ramasimong Tau

(MMC: Local Economic Development), Mr Moeketsi Tshabalala

(MMC: Human Settlements and Spatial Planning)

Municipal Manager: Adv MM Mofokeng (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Thuso Marumo, Mr J Maswanganyi

Communications Officers: Dika Kheswa

making up a third of its geographical area. The Renoster River also drains through the region and is dammed up in the vicinity of Koppies in a series of dams, namely the Weltevrede, Rooipoort and Koppies Dams. The rivers, together with the respective dams, are prominent water sources for agricultural purposes in the region.

Other prominent topographical features include the Vredefort Dome in Parys. The form of the dome consists of a central cone of granite surrounded by concentric ridges of quartzite belonging to the Witwatersrand System. The Parys District has unique natural and environmental assets, like the Vaal River, with several islands in the proximity of Parys, and the Vredefort Dome, that present exceptional tourism potential. Parys has a well-developed airfield that supports commercial and tourism development in the area.

to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 002 675958 771847 928 Total Expenditure 1 185 2621 015 9671 002 710 Surplus/(Deficit) (182 587)(57 196)(154 782) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 7 2553 0362 433 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 571 102505 001286 052 Total Current Liabilities 948 437699 643635 754 Community Wealth/Equity 2 102 3562 309 3231 686 482 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 397 356 -Cash at Year End 384 501(28 566)15 242 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 222 704303 404 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 3941 409 Vacant Positions 547 524 Managerial Positions 35 29 Vacant Managerial Positions 3 0 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 308 145288 644 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 34 02034 020 <200m from Yard 605605 Households - Free Basic Service14 94514 945 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served34 89834 898 Households - Free Basic Service14 94514 945 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage 32 12832 128 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 450450 Ventilated Pit Latrine 1 4601 460 Households - Free Basic Service14 94514 945

It has a strong commercial component and provides a wide range of services regarding health, education and professional services to the district.

Vredefort is the only town that formed the former Vredefort District. The former Heilbron District is predominantly an agricultural area, although major manufacturing industries contribute largely to the Gross Geographic Product of the district.

Koppies is located in an area of agricultural significance and mainly provides services in this regard to the surrounding rural areas. The three well-established and developed irrigation schemes subsequently enhance the agricultural character of the area. The strategic location of Koppies between the larger centres of Kroonstad and Sasolburg influence growth and development within the community. The bentonite exploitation near Koppies and the initiative for coal mining in the vicinity of the town provide significant future growth potential. Koppies is becoming known for its tourist attractions. Specific reference is made to the R82 Battlefield Route, which consists of several historical battlefields. These that are envisaged to be further developed along with the Koppies Dam Nature Reserve.

Edenville is also located in an area of agricultural significance. The main road linking Kroonstad and Heilbron runs adjacent to the area. Area: 7 055km2

Cities/Towns: Edenville, Heilbron, Koppies, Parys, Vredefort

Main Economic Sectors: Agricultural, mining, manufacturing, services


Population: 118 907

Population Growth: -0.31% p.a.

No Schooling: 4.8% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 35.3%

Households: 40 910

Formal Dwellings: 85.9%


Composition of Council: ANC 21, DA 7, EFF 5, VF PLUS 3, NGWATHERA 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Ms Victoria de Beer Mthombeni

Speaker: Ms Neheng Paulina Mopedi

Chief Whip: Mr Leponesa Petrus Sochiva

Other Council: Mr Andele Abram Jantjie, Ms Marie La Cock, Mr Isaac Malebo Magashule, Ms Marinda Matthysen-Engelbrecht, Mr Ben Thabo

Mokoena, Ms Nomakhaza Suzan Moloi, Mr Modise Joshua Moroenyane, Ms Sellwane Lydia Moseme, Mr Mohau Thabiso Joseph Mosepedi, Mr Mahlomola Piet Motaung, Ephaus Sipho Nthoesane, Ms Makoena Mirriam Rantsaile, Mr Arnold Mattheus Schoonwinkel, Mr Seabata Jan Segoba, Mr Ntutu Alfred Sehume, Mr Jerry Mbuyiselo Tyumbu



POSTAL: PO Box 2163, Welkom, 9460

PHYSICAL: Cnr Jan Hofmeyer & Tempest Streets, Welkom

TEL: 057 353 3094/5/8/9 FAX: 057 353 3382/057 391 8911

WEB: www.mylejweleputswa.co.za


Description: The Lejweleputswa District Municipality is a Category C municipality situated in the north-western part of the Free State. It borders the North West Province to the north, Fezile Dabi and Thabo Mofutsanyana to the north-east and east respectively, Mangaung and Xhariep to the south, and the Northern Cape Province to the west. The district makes up almost a third of the province, and consists of the following five local municipalities, with approximately 18 towns distributed throughout: Masilonyana, Tokologo, Tswelopele, Matjhabeng and Nala.

It is accessible from Johannesburg, Cape Town, Klerksdorp and Kimberley along the N1, one of the country’s main national roads.

Area: 32 286km2

Main Economic Sectors: Mining (31%), construction, transport, electricity, trade


Population: 646 920

Population Growth: 0.79% p.a.

No Schooling: 4.6% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 37.7%

Households: 217 911 Formal Dwellings: 83.2%

Manager: Ms TN Baleni

Officer: Mr M Xulu (Acting)


Composition of Council: ANC 9, DA 3, EFF 2, ISANCO 1, VF PLUS 1 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: n/a

Executive Mayor: Ms Veronica Ntakumbana

Speaker: Mrs NS Leeto

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.

Boshof Hertzogville Hoopstad Bultfontein Wesselsbron Allanridge Welkom Virginia Theunissen Winburg
Brandfort Riebeeckstad Whites
Bothaville Dealesville
Senior Management:
(Director: Corporate Services) Communications Officers:
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 903 022879 253829 183 Total Expenditure 1 116 359940 260981 605 Surplus/(Deficit) (213 336)(61 007)(152 422) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 84 65754873 649 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 674 604634 393601 620 Total Current Liabilities 2 441 8382 117 1252 170 777 Community Wealth/Equity 130 250501 576(159 807) CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (1 704 257)(141 645)Cash at Year End (1 732 203)(83 214)40 741 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 129 688245 663 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 738702 Vacant Positions 4 5 Managerial Positions 41 47 Vacant Managerial Positions 4 5 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 252 398230 955 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 44 81642 196 <200m from Yard 01 497 Households - Free Basic Service11 3479 862 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served42 78842 788 Households - Free Basic Service11 3479 862 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage37 54624 561 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 314314 Ventilated Pit Latrine 1 4882 032 Bucket System 5 7821 734 Households - Free Basic Service11 3479 862
Chief Financial
Ms MF Mokgobu
Mr Steve Nale

Chief Whip: Mr Johannes Meli

Other Council: Mr Mzonakele Baleni (Infrastructure), Mrs Bulelwa Kabi (Community Service and Special Programme), Mrs Dora Kotzee (Finance), Mr M Makhetha (Director: Local Economic Development), Mrs MJ Maleka (Corporate Services), Mr MJ Meli (LED, Agriculture and Tourism), Ms Lucy Tlhone (MMC: Municipal Health Services and Disaster Management; Development; Fire Fighting)

Municipal Manager: Ms Palesa Kaota

Chief Financial Officer: Mr PK Pitso

Senior Management: Mr C Pietersen (Manager: Legal Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Khaya Mqeke



POSTAL: PO Box 8, Theunissen, 9410

PHYSICAL: 47 Le Roux Street, Theunissen, 9410

TEL: 057 733 0106 FAX: 057 733 2417

EMAIL: info@masilonyana.co.za

WEB: www.masilonyana.fs.gov.za


Description: The Masilonyana Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located within the Lejweleputswa District in the Free State. It is situated between the province’s biggest municipality, Mangaung Metro, in the south and the second-biggest municipality, Matjhabeng, in the north. It is one of five municipalities in the district. The following former Transitional Local Councils were amalgamated into the municipality: Theunissen, Brandfort, Winburg, Soutpan and Verkeerdevlei. It is an impoverished semi-urban area with a high unemployment rate.

The municipality plays host to two toll plazas on two major roads in the province; the Verkeerdevlei Plaza on the N1 is the last before entering Bloemfontein from the north, and the Brandfort Plaza on the former R30 (now ZR Mahabane Road) is situated between Brandfort and Bloemfontein. Brandfort is also known for its rich political history, which includes the National Military Museum on a farm that used to be a concentration camp during the Anglo-Boer War and the Winnie Mandela House, where Mandela was sentenced to House Arrest during the State of Emergency in the 1980s.

Theunissen is also situated on the ZR Mahabane Corridor between Bloemfontein and Welkom, and hosts the three mines within the municipal jurisdiction. Winburg has economic potential because of its location, which is 100km west of Bloemfontein, and its linking of Bloemfontein with Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban. It prides itself with the Voortrekker Monument as its Heritage Site, and Masilonyana boasts several game reserves across all its towns.

The municipality prides itself on its tourist destinations, such as the Florisbad National Quaternary Research Station. This is where the first human skull was discovered. There are also cooperatives in Soutpan working on the salt lakes to produce salt.

Area: 6 618km2

Cities/Towns: Brandfort, Soutpan, Theunissen, Verkeerdevlei, Winburg

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, mining, community services


Population: 62 770

No Schooling: 4.4%

Households: 21 558

Population Growth: 1.07% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 31.9%

Formal Dwellings: 84.0%


The municipality is under S139(1)(b) administration, effective from March 2017.

Composition of Council: ANC 11, DA 4, EFF 2, F4SD 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Ms Dimakatso Elizabeth Modise

Speaker: Mr Nkone Steven Makata

Chief Whip: Mr Samson Tlahadi

Municipal Manager: Ms HNL Mokoteli (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Nthabeleng

Senior Management: Mr RP Melato (Acting Director: Corporate Services), Ms KEE Molaoa (Manager: Human Resources)

Communications Officers: Mr Zongezile Ntjwabule

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 147 850157 789152 388 Total Expenditure 158 786155 392149 896 Surplus/(Deficit) (10 936)2 397 2 492 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 5 55713 4111 272 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 113 701124 702145 446 Total Current Liabilities 22 38221 16938 589 Community Wealth/Equity 127 490151 797145 521 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 142 842145 938Cash at Year End 264 065281 369133 585 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 13 7811 173 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 180144 Vacant Positions 13 1 Managerial Positions 22 29 Vacant Managerial Positions 1 1 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 92 91781 473 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/22*2020/21*2019/20* AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Audit not finalised Audit not finalised FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 176 234211 150181 533 Total Expenditure 2 0049 1191 274 Surplus/(Deficit) 174 230202 032180 259 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 2 808 773FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 187 760194 3331 055 685 Total Current Liabilities 12 394(6 775)542 530 Community Wealth/Equity (20 943) 191 217 007 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow n/a -(1 274) Cash at Year End n/a (82)(1 248) UIFW EXPENDITURE n/an/a 168 020 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 730 660 Vacant Positions 388 193 Managerial Positions 39 36 Vacant Managerial Positions 8 9 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 1057 674 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 18 05117 929 <200m from Yard 1 420 0 >200m from Yard 480 0 Households - Free Basic Service2 2982 234 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served17 74617 746 Households - Free Basic Service 104104 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage 15 43015 430 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 572572 Bucket System 1 529 857 Households - Free Basic Service2 2982 234



POSTAL: PO Box 708, Welkom, 9460

PHYSICAL: 319 Stateway, Welkom

TEL: 057 391 3611 FAX: 057 357 4393

EMAIL: Info@Matjhabeng.co.za

WEB: www.matjhabeng.fs.gov.za


Description: The Matjhabeng Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the Lejweleputswa District in the Free State. It is bound by Nala to the north, Masilonyana to the south, Tswelopele to the east and Moqhaka to the west. It is one of five municipalities in the district. Matjhabeng represents the hub of mining activity in the Free State Province.

There is one formal land-based protected area in the municipality, being the Willem Pretorius Nature Reserve. There are no Ramsar sites. Grassland is the one biome in the Matjhabeng Municipality. Seven vegetation types are found, namely Bloemfontein Karroid Shrubland, Central Free State Grassland, Highveld Alluvial Vegetation, Highveld Salt Pans, Vaal-Vet Sandy Grassland, Western Free State Clay Grassland and Winburg Grassy Shrubland.

There is one endangered ecosystem, covering 11% of the Matjhabeng Municipality. This is the Vaal-Vet Sandy Grassland. There is only one water management area, namely the Middle Vaal. Five rivers run through the municipality, including the Koolspruit, Sand, Sandspruit and Vet. Wetlands cover 5.5% of the Matjhabeng Municipality.

Area: 5 690km2

Cities/Towns: Allanridge, Hennenman, Odendaalsrus, Ventersburg, Virginia, Welkom

Main Economic Sectors: Mining, manufacturing


Population: 429 113 Population Growth: 1.20% p.a.

No Schooling: 3.0% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 41.7%

Households: 149 163 Formal Dwellings: 84.5%


Composition of Council: ANC 39, DA 16, EFF 9, ADEC 2, ISANCO 2, VF PLUS 2, ATM 1, COPE 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Thanduxolo Khalipha

Speaker: Mr Bekhumzi Stofile

Chief Whip: Ms Maramane Lilian Setabela

Other Council: Mr Mojalefa Buti (MMC: Small Business, Agriculture and Tourism), Ms D Direko (MMC: Spacial Planning and Land Use Management), Ms M Kabi (MMC: Policy Development and Monitoring), Mr T Khalipha (MMC: Human Settlements), Ms Xolile Masina (MMC: Infrastructure and Technical Service), Ms Kabotsa Moipatle (MMC: Sports, Arts and Culture), Mr Hlobohang Mokhomo (MMC: Finance), Ms Nomthandazo Monjovo (MMC: Special Programmes), Mr V Morris



POSTAL: Private Bag X15, Bothaville, 9660

PHYSICAL: 8 Preller Street, Bothaville

TEL: 056 514 9200 FAX: 056 515 3922

WEB: www.nala.org.za


Description: The Nala Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the northern part of the Lejweleputswa District in the Free State. The former Bothaville and Wesselsbron Traditional Local Councils and a section of the Vetvaal Transitional Rural Council were combined to form the Nala Local Municipality.

The Bothaville/Kgotsong area is located approximately 50km south of Klerksdorp, 80km north of Welkom and 200km south of Gauteng. Wesselsbron/Monyakeng is situated approximately 70km south-west of Bothaville, approximately 35km west of Welkom/Odendaalsrus and 55km east of Hoopstad.

(MMC: Public Safety and Transport), Mr Sabata Moshoeu (MMC: Corporate Services and Good Governance), Ms Mojabeng Radebe (MMC: IDP and PME), Ms Mantinte Radebe (MMC: Human Settlement, Land Use Management and Spatial Planning), Mr Sanekane Ramalefane (MMC: Fleet, Disaster Management and Service Delivery), Mr Kgoarai Tlake (MMC: Community Services and Public Safety)

Municipal Manager: Adv Lonwabo Ronald Ngoqo

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Thabo Panyane

Senior Management: Mr B Golele (Acting Executive Director: LED), Mr T Makofane (Executive Director: Strategic Support Services), Ms B Maswanganyi (Executive Director: Infrastructure), Mr F Wetes (Executive Director: Corporate Support Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Modise Mahlatsane

The Nala region is located within a significant agricultural region. It forms part of the so-called ’Maize Triangle’ of South Africa. Bothaville is strategically located close to the gold mining towns of Klerksdorp/ Orkney, whilst Wesselsbron is in close proximity of Welkom/ Odendaalsrus. They are directly dependent on these large urban centres for institutional and commercial support.

Three major rivers feature prominently in the Free State Province, of which two flow through the Nala Municipality. The Vals River runs from east to west through the town of Bothaville towards the Vaal River, which forms the north-western boundary of the municipality, and the Vet River flows just south of the Wesselsbron district and forms the southern boundary of the Nala region. Both the rivers play a significant role in the provision of water to Bothaville and Wesselsbron respectively. The topography of the area is homogenous, with moderate slopes. The only significant natural feature is the sensitive wetland system found just south of Wesselsbron.

Area: 4 129km2

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 2 804 1942 857 1902 607 098 Total Expenditure 4 061 1064 144 3403 907 657 Surplus/(Deficit) (1 256 912)(1 287 151)(1 300 559) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 114 73990 009111 898 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 3 960 6563 500 7343 141 549 Total Current Liabilities 12 910 52011 338 6419 547 815 Community Wealth/Equity 792 659(589 986)(1 384 261) CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (697 165)1 128 964Cash at Year End (746 685)1 135 9231 081 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 1 833 1112 120 796 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 2 0403 859 Vacant Positions 01 548 Managerial Positions 51 73 Vacant Managerial Positions 0 22 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 730 101739 263 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 102 358102 358 <200m from Yard 2 8372 837 Households - Free Basic Service17 80217 777 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served92 25791 444 Households - Free Basic Service17 80217 777 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage87 25087 250 Bucket System 4 754 0 Households - Free Basic Service17 80217 777

Cities/Towns: Bothaville, Wesselsbron

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture


Population: 78 515

No Schooling: 8.4% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 28.7%

Households: 23 653 Formal Dwellings: 77.2%


Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Ms Nozililo Ntema

Speaker: Mr Ndabeni Ntlebi

Municipal Manager: Ms Nokufa Radebe

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Sandile Busakwe

Senior Management: Mr M Malete (Acting: Supply Chain and Assets

Manager), Buti Modupi (Director: Corporate Services), Itumeleng


Communications Officers: Mr Pule Monnamoncho



POSTAL: Private Bag X46, Boshoff, 8340

PHYSICAL: Market Square, Voortrekker Street, Boshoff

TEL: 053 541 0014 FAX: 053 541 0360

WEB: www.tokologo.fs.gov.za


Description: The Tokologo Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located within the Lejweleputswa District in the western Free State Province. It is bordered by the North West Province in the north, the Xhariep District in the south, Tswelopele and Masilonyana in the east, and the Northern Cape Province in the west. It is one of five municipalities in the district, making up almost a third of its geographical area.

Boshof (the capital town) is situated in the centre, Dealesville is further east, and Hertzogville is situated in the north of the municipal area. Tokologo is a Setswana word meaning ’freedom’, emanating from the relentless struggle of the oppressed people, culminating in their freedom on 27 April 1994.

Area: 9 316km2

Cities/Towns: Boshof, Dealesville, Hertzogville

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture


Population: 29 149

No Schooling: 11.9%

Households: 9 831

Population Growth: 0.13% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 28.4%

Formal Dwellings: 80.9%


Composition of Council: ANC 8, DA 2, EFF 2, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Boitumelo Seakge

Speaker: Mathe Gaebee

Chief Whip: Koba Magomo

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Thabo Matile

Senior Management: Mosioua Khathola (Manager: Municipal Manager’s Office), Moeketsi Matlakala (Supply Chain Manager), Soul Mokale (Acting Admin and Support Manager), Molefi Moloele (Community Services Manager), Tsholofelo Morena-Saul (Human Resources

Manager), Masoabi Mphirime (Unit Manager: Dealesville), Vusi Mvundle (Manager: Mayor’s Office), Mamerafe Nkokoana (LED Manager), Mpho Sehloho (Director: Technical Services), Segomotso Sereetsi

(Unit Manager: Hertzogville), Mr Caswell Tlhokwe (Director: Corporate Services), Nokwaliwa Tyindyi (Acting Revenue Manager)

Communications Officers: Ms Mpho Tokologo

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

full year
Growth: -0.77%
& ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT Composition of Council: ANC 12, EFF 6, DA 2, N.C.F 2, VF
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/22*2020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 404 219363 412349 376 Total Expenditure 364 833389 912546 191 Surplus/(Deficit) 39 386(26 500)(196 816) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 40 51216 70310 323 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 82 443400 10971 115 Total Current Liabilities 83 567729 348170 523 Community Wealth/Equity -1 428 01234 799 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow n/a -Cash at Year End n/a 54 001 6 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 263 213197 262 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 548540 Vacant Positions 3 3 Managerial Positions 13 14 Vacant Managerial Positions 3 3 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 161 834155 693 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 19 79419 794 <200m from Yard 1 4231 423 Households - Free Basic Service9 4599 262 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served21 87821 878 Households - Free Basic Service9 4599 262 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage 18 45018 450 Bucket System 3 7593 759 Households - Free Basic Service9 4599 262 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/22*2020/212019/20
AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Audit not finalised Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 0130 482130 482 Total Expenditure n/a 150 237150 237 Surplus/(Deficit) n/a (19 755)(19 755) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE n/a 65 03865 038 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets n/a 115 612115 612 Total Current Liabilities n/a 316 731316 731 Community Wealth/Equity n/a 847 594847 594 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow n/a 21 39121 391 Cash at Year End n/a 23 48623 404 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/an/a 126 205 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 163 235 Vacant Positions 16 28 Managerial Positions 21 13 Vacant Managerial Positions 16 6 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 52 277 0 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 10 39610 396 <200m from Yard 535535 Households - Free Basic Service1 304626 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served10 98710 987 Households - Free Basic Service1 304 723 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage 3 8193 819 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 2 1262 126 Ventilated Pit Latrine 4 3454 345 Bucket System 685685 Households - Free Basic Service1 304 707 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: PO Box 3, Bultfontein, 9670

PHYSICAL: Civic Centre, Bosman Street, Bultfontein

TEL: 051 853 1111 FAX: 051 853 1332

EMAIL: logov@tswelopele.org

WEB: www.tswelopele.gov.za


Description: The Tswelopele Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Lejweleputswa District in the central Free State Province about 100km north west of Bloemfontein. It is bordered by the North West Province in the north, Masilonyana in the south, Nala and Matjhabeng in the east, and Tokologo in the west. It is one of the five municipalities that make up the district, accounting for almost a quarter of its geographical area.

Area: 6 533km2

Cities/Towns: Bultfontein, Hoopstad

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture


Population: 47 373

Population Growth: -0.12% p.a.

No Schooling: 10.1% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 27.7%

Households: 13 705 Formal Dwellings: 80.1%


Composition of Council: ANC 10, DA 3, EFF 2, TYP 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Ms KR Phukuntsi

Speaker: Ms MW Raseu

Other Council: Mr MS Baleni, Mr KP Dial, Mr SH Gaebee, Mr MC Mphatsoe, Mr MA Muller, Ms WM Nkomo, Mr RA Potsanyane, Ms EG Pretorius, Mrs EJ Pretorius (Exco Member), Mr MJ Rabannye, Ms JM Radienyane, Ms TS Shuping, Mr MM Snyer, Mr TA Soaisa, Mr NS Twana

Municipal Manager: Ms MRE Mogopodi

Chief Financial Officer: Mr TJ Matyesini

Senior Management: Boitshoko Dikoko (Director: Infrastructure Services), Mr MJ Mahlanyane (Director: Community Services)

Communications Officers: Mr SS Rabanye (Director Corporate Services)



POSTAL: Private Bag X810, Witsieshoek, 9870

PHYSICAL: 1 Mampoi Street, Old Parliament Building, Phuthaditjhaba

TEL: 058 718 1000 FAX: 058 718 1034

WEB: www.thabomofutsanyana.gov.za


Description: The Thabo Mofutsanyana District Municipality is a Category C municipality located in the eastern Free State Province, and borders on Lesotho and the provinces of KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga.

The district makes up almost a third of the geographical area of the province. It comprises six local municipalities: Setsoto, Dihlabeng, Nketoana, Maluti-A-Phofung, Phumelela and Mantsopa. It is named after Edwin Thabo Mofutsanyana, a stalwart of the communist party. Despite all the socio-economic challenges facing this district, the area has huge potential for tourism development because of its scenic beauty and its rich cultural heritage. The N3 and N5 National Roads pass through the district, and the famous Golden Gate is found in the area on the slopes of the Drakensberg Mountains.

Area: 32 730km2

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, tourism


Population: 779 330 Population Growth: 1.31% p.a.

No Schooling: 6.6% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 37.4%

Households: 246 029 Formal Dwellings: 77.7%


Bohlokong Valsrivier






Composition of Council: ANC 7, DA 2, MAP16 2, EFF 1, SSDF 1 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: n/a

Executive Mayor: Ms Connie Msibi

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.

MALUTI-APHOFUNG Memel Warden Vrede Senekal Marquard Clocolan Ficksburg Ladybrand Hobhouse Tweespruit Kestell Harrismith Phuthaditjhaba
Fourlesburg Paul Roux Reitz Lindley Petrus Steyn
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/22*2020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 164 254232 514177 387 Total Expenditure 200 155222 960199 420 Surplus/(Deficit) (35 902)9 554(22 033) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 3 09825 62013 104 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 76 28962 18949 386 Total Current Liabilities 158 776105 734103 609 Community Wealth/Equity 380 580531 961546 877 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 50 973239 926308 371 Cash at Year End 59 932(63 846)138 636 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 26 69139 792 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 248 320 Vacant Positions 3 95 Managerial Positions 13 13 Vacant Managerial Positions 3 5 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 72 25068 724 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 12 34011 677 Households - Free Basic Service3 6743 972 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served12 34012 003 Households - Free Basic Service3 6743 972 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage 12 34011 573 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 0 73 Other 0 31 Households - Free Basic Service3 6743 972

Speaker: Mr Thabo Mokoena

Chief Whip: Ms Lindiwe Makhalema

Other Council: Ms Annah Fume (MMC: IDP), Mr Thembinkosi Mahlambi

(MMC: Infrastructure), Ms Thandi Masiteng (MMC: Corporate Services), Mr Mosia Mokuane (MMC: Finance), Ms Malefu Vilakazi

(MMC: Community Services), Ms Sylvia Visagie (MMC: LED and Tourism)

Municipal Manager: Ms Takatso Lebenya

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Noloiso Gqoli

Senior Management: Mr Samuel Khote (Director: Corporate Services), Mr Selby Lengoabala (Director: Community Service), Ms Thembi Mlotha

(Manager: LED), Mr Bernard Mphahlele (Manager: Technical Services)

Communications Officers: Ms Mamogolo Moshugi (Manager: Communications)



POSTAL: PO Box 551, Bethlehem, 9700

PHYSICAL: 9 Muller Street, Bethlehem

TEL: 058 303 5732 FAX: 058 303 4703

EMAIL: records2@dihlabeng.co.za

WEB: www.dihlabeng.gov.za


Description: The Dihlabeng Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the Thabo Mofutsanyana District in the Free State. It is one of six municipalities in the district. It was established in terms of Section 12 of the Local Government Structures Act 117 of 1998, after the first general local government elections of 5 December 2000, which heralded the final phase of local government reform as envisaged in 1994 at the onset of the process of democratisation.

Bethlehem is situated approximately 240km north-east of Bloemfontein, 140km east of Kroonstad and 90km west of Harrismith. The town is strategically situated in the heart of the picturesque north-eastern Free State and originally developed as a service centre. Growth is stimulated by the strategic location of the area, which is situated adjacent to the N5 between Bloemfontein and Durban and serves as a central regional centre.

The scenic town of Clarens, often referred to as the ’Switzerland’ of South Africa, is situated approximately 34km south-east of Bethlehem. Clarens is a mere 20km from the Golden Gate Highlands National Park. Fouriesburg is situated on the R26 route and in close proximity to Lesotho. The town has the predominant function of a small service centre and is increasingly being supported by the tourism industry. Paul Roux is situated 35km west of Bethlehem. Rosendal is located at the foot of the Witteberg Mountain Range on the R70. The town offers excellent property investment opportunities.

Area: 4 868km2

Cities/Towns: Bethlehem, Clarens, Fouriesburg, Golden Gate Highlands National Park, Paul Roux, Rosendal

Main Economic Sectors: Services (29.7%), trade (18.6%), finance (18%), manufacturing (14.4%), transport (9.3%), agriculture (7.1%), construction (1.9%)


Population: 140 044

Population Growth: 1.92% p.a.

No Schooling: 8.3% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 42.2%

Households: 46 857 Formal Dwellings: 80.1%


Composition of Council: ANC 23, DA 7, EFF 4, AULA 2, VF PLUS 2, F4SD 1, INDEPENDENT 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Mr Tseki Tseki

Speaker: Ms Nthabeleng Mofokeng

Chief Whip: Ms Mosalla Mokotla

Other Council: Ms Sophia Jacobs (MMC: Human Settlement), Ms Emely Mabizela (MMC: Women, Disability and Vulnerable Groups), Mr Desmond Michaels (MMC: Corporate Services), Mr Thabiso Mofokeng

(Chairperson: Policy Committee), Mr Mafube Mofokeng (MMC: Infrastructure and Technical Services), Ms Matsiliso Mokoena (MMC: Community Services), Ms Modiehi Sempe (MMC: IDP, Evaluation and Monitoring)

Municipal Manager: Mr Lekgetho Mokgatlhe

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Pule Khiba

Senior Management: Ms Seipati Mabula (Director: Corporate Services), Mr Nkosi Mondi (Director: Local Economic Development), Ms Angela Mosima (Director: Community Services), Mr Ntokozo Shabalala

(Director: Municipal Infrastructure)

Communications Officers: Mr Tshediso Maitse

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 183 425175 117232 577 Total Expenditure 171 222163 303178 905 Surplus/(Deficit) 12 20311 81453 673 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE (70)3 9793 021 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets n/a 19 23657 080 Total Current Liabilities n/a 11 1703 714 Community Wealth/Equity n/a 4 254(1 666) CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 1 450 875 (1 475) Cash at Year End 2 045 875 (3 338) UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 16 92528 824 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 109 189 Vacant Positions 1 45 Managerial Positions 19 23 Vacant Managerial Positions 1 6 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 90 04174 917
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 862 689872 834817 053 Total Expenditure 1 062 2201 039 330924 969 Surplus/(Deficit) (199 531)(166 496)(107 917) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 77 98673 82489 646 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 664 693566 186483 201 Total Current Liabilities 1 440 7511 074 554870 736 Community Wealth/Equity 1 883 3522 142 7061 943 336 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 343 979268 518Cash at Year End 260 359195 9784 667 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 428 054321 346 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 4681 468 Managerial Positions 46 46 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 315 402291 726 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 34 63434 634 <200m from Yard 3 9003 900 Households - Free Basic Service5 8705 870 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served35 63435 634 Households - Free Basic Service5 8705 870 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage32 30432 304 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 2 3302 330 Ventilated Pit Latrine 93 93 Bucket System 1 0001 000 Households - Free Basic Service5 8705 870



POSTAL: Private Bag X805, Witsieshoek, 9866

PHYSICAL: Cnr Moremoholo & Motloung Streets, Setsing Complex, Phuthaditjhaba

TEL: 058 718 3700 FAX: 058 718 3777

WEB: map.gov.za


Description: The Maluti-A-Phofung Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Thabo Mofutsanyana District in the Free State Province. It is bordered by Phumelela in the north, the Kingdom of Lesotho in the south, the KwaZulu-Natal Province in the east, and Dihlabeng in the west. It is one of the six municipalities that make up the district.

Maluti-A-Phofung Municipality was established on 5 December 2000 in terms of the Provincial Gazette No. 14 of 28 February 2000, issued in terms of Section 21 of the Local Government Notice and Municipal Demarcation Act 27 of 1998.

Area: 4 338km2

Cities/Towns: Harrismith, Kestell, Phuthaditjhaba

Main Economic Sectors: Social services / government (28%), agriculture (18%)


Population: 353 452

Population Growth: 1.17% p.a.

No Schooling: 6.9% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 37.1%

Households: 110 725 Formal Dwellings: 76.7%


The municipality is under S139(1)(b) administration, effective from February 2018.

Composition of Council: ANC 28, MAP16 20, EFF 7, DA 5, DPSA 3, ACM 2, AIC 1, ATM 1, AULA 1, SARKO 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Ms Gilbert Mokotso

Speaker: Paratlane Motloung

Chief Whip: Mr Lebesa Moeketsi Jacob

Other Council: Nhlapo Azael (MMC: Finance Portfolio), Mrs Lebesa Manthona Bridget, Harry Mdakane (MMC: Human Settlement and Traditional Affairs Portfolio), Ellen Mofokeng (MMC: Special Programmes Portfolio), Tshedi Mofokeng-Tsoeu (MMC: Community Services Portfolio), Teboho Mohlekwa (MMC: IDP and PMS Portfolio), Naledi Mojalefa (MMC: Corporate Services and Legal Services Portfolio), Khanyiswa

Molefe (MMC: Sports, Arts and Culture and Recreation Portfolio), Nare Ramohloki (MMC: Public Safety, Transport and Security Portfolio), Mr Basie Ungerer (Director: Infrastructure)

Municipal Manager: Mr Sam Makhubu (Acting Director: Corporate Services)



POSTAL: PO Box 64, Ladybrand, 9745

PHYSICAL: 38 Joubert Street, Ladybrand

TEL: 051 924 0654 FAX: 051 924 0020

WEB: www.mantsopa.fs.gov.za


Description: The Mantsopa Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Thabo Mofutsanyana District in the eastern Free State Province. It borders Masilonyana and Setsoto to the north, the Kingdom of Lesotho to the east, and Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality to the west. It is the smallest of six municipalities in the district, making up 13% of its geographical area.

The area is accessible via the N8 and R26 roads, which transverse the area. A railway line that runs along these routes services the area. The municipality incorporates five small towns, which accommodate a large proportion of the total population of Mantsopa. These small towns serve the surrounding rural community.

Area: 4 291km2

Cities/Towns: Excelsior, Hobhouse, Ladybrand, Thaba Patchoa, Tweespruit

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Matholase J Mazinyo

Communications Officers: Ms Moeketsi Nkadimeng Constance, Ms Molotsi Kidi (PA to the Speaker), Mr Tebello Mokokolisa (PA to the CFO), Mr Kopano Motaung (PA to the MM), Mrs Hlalele Selloane (PA to the Executive Mayor), Mr Kessah Thabo

Main Economic Sectors: Commercial farming, private sector, public sector, tourism


Population: 53 525

No Schooling: 2.8%

Households: 16 951

Population Growth: 1.07% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 40.0%

Formal Dwellings: 83.7%


Composition of Council: ANC 11, DA 4, EFF 2, COPE 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Ms Mvuyo Cwanda

Speaker: Mr Mmamama Tsoene

Chief Whip: Mr Khethang Tigeli

Other Council: Ms Tania Halse, Mr Deryck Brian Holmes, Mr Mohanoe James Machakela, Ms Mathabo Anna Malakane, Ms Anna Majara

Mapuleng, Ms Sello Deneys Ntsepe, Mr Bonakele Matthews Sani, Ms Mapitso Cecilia Sebotsa, Mr Matsheo Godfrey Seoe

Municipal Manager: Mr Motselisi Lesoetsa (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr S Nyapholi

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full

year figures.
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/22*2020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Disclaimer of audit Disclaimer of audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 525 0191 606 5871 524 329 Total Expenditure 2 175 8601 678 1052 701 340 Surplus/(Deficit) (650 840)(71 518)(1 177 012) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 217 162230 7398 832 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 2 796 9342 528 2472 085 785 Total Current Liabilities 9 574 3797 251 0127 467 084 Community Wealth/Equity(3 459 565)(1 485 449)(1 063 734) CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 721 717960 523Cash at Year End 396 561715 465266 679 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 327 248583 580 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 311 1 535 Vacant Positions 4 14 Managerial Positions 27 78 Vacant Managerial Positions 4 8 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 894 681515 225 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 72 69272 692 <200m from Yard 44 16844 168 >200m from Yard 644644 Households - Free Basic Service2 3636 384 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served129 978102 810 Households - Free Basic Service11 58018 583 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage 38 10238 102 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 1 4201 420 Ventilated Pit Latrine 82 33482 334 Households - Free Basic Service2 3636 384

Senior Management: Mr Pieter Le Roux (Budget and Treasury Officer), Ms Motshedisi Lesoetsa (Director: Community Services), Adv Nthama Litabe (Director: Corporate Services), Mr Afrika Masuku (Director: Technical Services), Mr MJ Mohapi (Manager: Information and Communication Technology), Ms Lizzie Ntsepe (Human Resource Manager), Ms Mantshebo Theko (Manager: LED) Communications Officers: Mr Dumile Nana (Acting Manager: Communications and Marketing)



POSTAL: PO Box 26, Reitz, 9810

PHYSICAL: Cnr Church & Voortrekker Streets, Reitz

TEL: 058 863 2811 FAX: 058 863 2523

WEB: www.nketoana.fs.gov.za



Description: The Nketoana Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Thabo Mofutsanyana District in the Free State Province. It is the second-smallest of six municipalities in the district, making up 17% of its geographical area. It was established in terms of Section 14 of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act 11 of 1998, and was published in the Provincial Gazette No. 109 dated 28 September 2000.

The Highlands water flows into the Caledon River, then into the As River, and continues into the Nketoana River near Reitz and Petrus Steyn. The river passing near Reitz/Petrus Steyn is called Nketoana in Sesotho.

Area: 5 605km2

Cities/Towns: Arlington, Lindley, Petrus Steyn, Reitz Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, retail business


Population: 64 893

No Schooling: 8.5%

Households: 19 664

Population Growth: 1.66% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 35.7%

Formal Dwellings: 80.5%


Composition of Council: ANC 10, DA 3, EFF 2, VF PLUS 2, AULA 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Mrs Mamiki Mokoena

Speaker: Ms Buyisiwe Makoba

Other Council: M Moloedi (Chairperson: Technical and Community Services), M Mphaka (Chairperson: Corporate Services), G Nhlapo

(Chairperson: Finance)

Municipal Manager: Monyane Sefantsi

Chief Financial Officer: Mr X Malindi

Senior Management: Mr M Letshela (Director: Community Services), Mr Jomo Mahamotsa (Manager: LED), Bela Mokhali (Complaints and Customer Care Officer), P Morokole (Director: Infrastructure and Technical Services), Mr SM Nhlapo (Director: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Ms Jabu Msibi

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Audit not finalised Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 0304 331273 087 Total Expenditure n/a 204 888457 589 Surplus/(Deficit) n/a 99 443(184 502) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE n/a 43 76814 040 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets n/a 742 470110 950 Total Current Liabilities n/a 446 601360 064 Community Wealth/Equity n/a 703 833883 388 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow n/a 91 645250 406 Cash at Year End n/a 36 693233 699 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 188 320286 969 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 373 381 Vacant Positions 2 18 Managerial Positions 39 29 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 0 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 99 54899 548 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 16 95116 546 <200m from Yard 0 114 Households - Free Basic Service1 6554 624 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served16 59116 591 Households - Free Basic Service1 6554 624 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage 16 31216 312 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 313234 Households - Free Basic Service1 6554 624
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/22*2020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Audit not finalised Disclaimer of audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 477 159423 485384 105 Total Expenditure 443 721484 733517 538 Surplus/(Deficit) 33 438(61 248)(133 433) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 31 25439 57449 461 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 78 536(54 661)(122 508) Total Current Liabilities 814 768644 019564 917 Community Wealth/Equity 528 845629 335699 241 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 95 850256 850415 818 Cash at Year End 62 122(193 883)101 137 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/an/a 284 288 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 499 801 Vacant Positions 0216 Managerial Positions 19 22 Vacant Managerial Positions 0 5 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 131 604123 195 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 18 97518 925 <200m from Yard 1 4141 414 Households - Free Basic Service5 1735 008 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served17 86617 866 Households - Free Basic Service5 1733 873 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage 17 35117 301 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 89 89 Ventilated Pit Latrine 960960 Bucket System 2 0782 078 Households - Free Basic Service5 1735 326



POSTAL: Private Bag X5, Vrede, 9835

PHYSICAL: Cnr Prinsloo & Kuhn Streets Streets, Vrede, 9835

TEL: 058 913 8300 FAX: 058 913 2317

EMAIL: mm@phumelela.gov.za


Description: The Phumelela Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Thabo Mofutsanyana District in the Free State Province. It is the largest municipality in the district, making up a quarter of its geographical area.

Vrede (’at peace’) rests in the north-eastern Free State about 20km east of the N3, close to the Mpumalanga border. Vrede is surrounded by undulating Highveld hills. It is 220km from northern Johannesburg and about 30km from Cornelia on the R102 to Warden and Harrismith, on the Volksrust-Newcastle Road. It is the spine of the Drakensburg off the N3 highway from Durban to Mbombela (previously Nelspruit), and the alternative Durban to Johannesburg, and also on the main route from Johannesburg via Newcastle to the North Coast and Zululand. Travellers from down south can use it to make their way to the Kruger National Park.

Warden is a town situated on the N3 highway between Johannesburg and Durban. The town has one of the largest Dutch Reformed Churches in South Africa, with seating for 1 750 people.

Memel is a Russian word meaning ’surrounded by water’ and is named after a small town in east Prussia. This pristine country village is situated in the north-eastern corner of the Free State close to the Drakensberg escarpment, 240km from Johannesburg and 300km from Pietermaritzburg. The village of Memel is the central hub of the local farming community but is fast becoming one of South Africa’s most sought-after birding spots. Also, the well-known Amajuba Mountain is only 40km from Memel.

Area: 8 197km2

Cities/Towns: Memel, Vrede, Warden

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, tourism



Composition of

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Mbuyiseni Kobeni



POSTAL: PO Box 116, Ficksburg, 9730

PHYSICAL: 27 Voortrekker Street, Ficksburg

TEL: 051 933 9300 FAX: 051 933 9309

EMAIL: admin@setsoto.co.za

WEB: www.setsoto.co.za


Description: The Setsoto Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the eastern Free State Province within the Thabo Mofutsanyana District. It is bordered by the Fezile Dabi District in the north, the Kingdom of Lesotho in the south, Dihlabeng in the east, and Lejweleputswa District in the west. It is one of the six municipalities that make up the district, accounting for 17% of its geographical area. The municipality was established in terms of Section 14 of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act 117 of 1998 and was published in Provincial Gazette No. 184 dated 28 September 2000.

Area: 5 431km2

Cities/Towns: Clocolan, Ficksburg, Marquard, Senekal

Main Economic Sectors: Finance, insurance, real estate and business (21.21%), manufacturing (17.62%), wholesale and retail trade (13.07%), agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing (11.83%), government services (11.45%), community, social and personal

Speaker: Ms Roseline Topsy Zwane

Chief Whip: Mr Vusimuzi Thela

Municipal Manager: Mr Leslie Mokoena (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Ntabejane F Ralebenya

Senior Management: Mr NL Maimela (Director: Corporate Services), Mr L Mokoena (Director: Technical Services), Mr Vusi Thela, Ms Doreen


services (11.31%), transport, storage and communication (6.79%), electricity, gas and water (3.5%), construction (2.17%)


Population: 117 362

Population Growth: 1.06% p.a. No Schooling: 4.2% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 36.5%

Households: 37 246

Formal Dwellings: 76.6%


Composition of Council: ANC 17, SSDF 8, EFF 3, DA 2, VF PLUS 2, ATM 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Mr Seipati Mbiwe

Speaker: Mr Pakalitha Mavaleliso

Other Council: Ms Aletta Catharina Bester, Mr Pieter de Wet, Mr Moeketsi Hlakane (MMC: Urban Planning), Ms Nthatisi Khitsane (MMC: Development Planning and Social Security), Mr Komane Koalane (MMC: Finance), Ms Palesa Koqo, Mr Ratsholwane Liphoko, Mr Tieho Makhalanyane, Ms Ntahli Makhubu, Mr Malefane Matsau, Ms Andronica Mohosho, Mr Chere Moipatli, Mr Modise Mokhele, Ms Pulane Schee, Mr Motsamai Selasi (MMC: Infrastructure), Mr Evert Strydom, Ms Nnini Taylor (MMC: Human Resource)

Municipal Manager: Mr Tshepiso Ramakarane

to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.
full year figures.
50 054 Population Growth: 1.06% p.a. No Schooling: 7.2% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 27.8%
586 Formal Dwellings: 69.6%
Households: 14
Council: ANC 11, DA 2, EFF 2, VF PLUS 1
Communications Officers:
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 214 454248 455215 772 Total Expenditure 256 202254 726296 921 Surplus/(Deficit) (41 748)(6 271)(81 149) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 34 44747 559 1 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 57 27450 393 6 953 Total Current Liabilities 382 242368 888372 339 Community Wealth/Equity 411 876424 763434 378 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (89 240)184 237(37 430) Cash at Year End (121 717)102 141(37 076) UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 115 252133 568 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 273 346 Vacant Positions 2 107 Managerial Positions 12 15 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 3 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 74 82670 890 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 12 38012 380 <200m from Yard 2 4112 411 Households - Free Basic Service1 1411 210 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served13 21013 210 Households - Free Basic Service1 1411 210 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage9 9029 902 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 1 6671 667 Other 1 1021 102 Households - Free Basic Service1 1411 210

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Nicolas Lefa Moletsane

Senior Management: Mr Edwin Fokane (Manager: LED), Mr Tshepiso

Motsima, Mr Themba Richard Zondo (Director: Development Planning and Social Security)

Communications Officers: Mrs Moroesi Gaba



POSTAL: Private Bag X136, Trompsburg, 9913

PHYSICAL: 20 Louw Street, Trompsburg

TEL: 051 011 2238 FAX: 051 713 0461

WEB: www.xhariep.gov.za


Description: The Xhariep District Municipality is a Category C municipality situated in the southern part of the Free State. It is bordered by the Mangaung Metro to the north, Eastern Cape to the south, Lesotho to the east, and Northern Cape to the west.

It is the largest district in the province, making up just more than a third of its geographical area. It is comprised of three local municipalities: Letsemeng, Kopanong and Mohokare, which include 21 towns. Its administrative headquarters are in Trompsburg, which lies 125km south of Bloemfontein.

The towns in this district boast abundant natural resources such as water and agricultural land. The largest dam in South Africa is situated at the southern tip of the district. Three national roads (N1 – Gauteng to Cape Town, N6 – Eastern Cape to Bloemfontein and N8 – Bloemfontein to Kimberley) pass through this area.

Area: 34 250km2

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, construction, mining, transport and communication


Population: 125 884

No Schooling: 10.6%

Households: 44 767

Population Growth: 0.72% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 31.8%

Formal Dwellings: 89.1%


Composition of Council: ANC 4, DA 1, EFF 1 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: n/a

Mayor: Ms Motseoa Julia Sehanka

Speaker: Mr Soloki Mqunqguthu

Chief Whip: Mr Jerry Moitse

Other Council: Mr Teboho Daniel Mochechepa (MMC: Planning and Social Development), Mr Kagisho Moeketsi (MMC: Corporate),

Ms Kediemetsi Juanita Sebecco (MMC: Finance)

Municipal Manager: Ms LY Moletsane

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Vincent Litabe

Senior Management: Mr Tefo Lebaka (Human Resources and Labour Relations), Mr Sandile Majenge (Manager: LED), Adv ZQ Majenge

(Director: Corporate Services), Ms Nonceba Manyana (Expenditure and Payroll Manager), Mr Thabo Matshidiso (Budget, Assets and Technical Support Manager), Mr MS Mohale (Director: Planning and Social Development), Mr M Sejane (SCM Manager)

Communications Officers: Mr Ndoyisile Fubu

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.

Jacobsdal Koffiefontein Fauresmith Philippolis Springfontein Smithfield Rouxville Zastron Bethulie Trompsburg Edenburg Reddersburg Luckhoff LETSEMENG KOPANONG MOHOKARE
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 706 559715 373603 147 Total Expenditure 830 257933 519641 893 Surplus/(Deficit) (123 699)(218 146)(38 746) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 323 186219 797143 993 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 483 914407 380352 905 Total Current Liabilities 281 432258 870264 454 Community Wealth/Equity2 923 7002 763 9872 973 038 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 419 048484 826638 489 Cash at Year End 306 446(273 975)147 464 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 415 283315 721 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 662 876 Vacant Positions 5204 Managerial Positions 25 22 Vacant Managerial Positions 5 3 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 208 261201 911 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 33 51330 903 <200m from Yard 2 2021 684 >200m from Yard 8302 100 Households - Free Basic Service6 8775 311 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served34 99734 687 Households - Free Basic Service6 8775 311 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage27 29325 703 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 1 8811 560 Ventilated Pit Latrine 4 368 418 Bucket System 1 0947 006 Other 51 0 Households - Free Basic Service6 8775 311
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 56 79262 70867 963 Total Expenditure 67 08668 91867 829 Surplus/(Deficit) (10 294)(6 210)134 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 1 420408318 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 5 82812 82516 424 Total Current Liabilities 21 10218 81517 814 Community Wealth/Equity 2 9409 1509 016 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 83 74951 644Cash at Year End 94 12062 01510 371 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 5 6335 026 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 76 78 Vacant Positions 1 0 Managerial Positions 23 21 Vacant Managerial Positions 1 0 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 48 36846 129 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: Private Bag X23, Trompsburg, 9913

PHYSICAL: 20 Louw Street, Trompsburg

TEL: 051 713 9200 FAX: 051 713 0292

WEB: www.kopanong.gov.za


Description: The Kopanong Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Xhariep District of the Free State Province. It is the largest of the three municipalities in the district, making up almost half of its geographical area.

Basic agricultural products are exported from the area for processing and re-imported into the area as consumer products. Historical events that took place in the municipality, aspects of the natural and manmade environment and local activities may form the basis for promoting tourism as a significant economic activity.

Some of these events, and man-made and natural environment aspects are: ’Lake Gariep’ and the Gariep Water Festival; the game reserve at Lake Gariep; Jagersfontein Mine; the ’Tiger Project’ in Philippolis; the Orange River Ravine from the Gariep Dam wall to the PK le Roux Dam wall; battlefields of significant battles conducted during the Anglo-Boer War, e.g. Mostert’s Hoek; Philippolis ’Witblits’ Festival; historical buildings in Philippolis, e.g. the Dutch Reformed Church, library, old jail, the house where Lourens van der Post was born, Adam Kok’s house (the Griqua leader) and a kraal and structure where gunpowder was kept; and Fauresmith horse endurance run.

The name is a Sesotho word meaning ’meeting place or where people are invited’. The name earmarks unity and seeks to encourage cooperation.

Area: 15 648km2

Cities/Towns: Bethulie, Edenburg, Fauresmith, Gariep Dam, Jagersfontein, Philippolis, Reddersburg, Springfontein, Trompsburg, Waterkloof

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture (38%), general government (23%), finance (13.3%), trade (10.2%)


Population: 49 999 Population Growth: 0.38% p.a.

No Schooling: 10.7% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 31.0%

Households: 18 412 Formal Dwellings: 89.2%



Controlling Party: ANC



POSTAL: Private Bag X3, Koffiefontein, 9986

PHYSICAL: No7 Groot Trek Street, Koffiefontein, 9986

TEL: 053 330 0200

EMAIL: letse@letsemeng.gov.za

WEB: www.letsemeng.fs.gov.za


Description: The Letsemeng Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the south-western Free State Province within the Xhariep District. It is bordered in the north by the Lejweleputswa District, in the south by Kopanong, in the east by the Mangaung Metro, and in the west by the Northern Cape Province. It is one of three municipalities in the district, making up almost a third of its geographical area. Koffiefontein is the municipal head office.

The socio-economic growth of the municipality is centred on agriculture. The municipal area also has mining activities, with diamond minerals being the major natural resource that helps with employment creation.

Area: 9 826km2

Cities/Towns: Jacobsdal, Koffiefontein, Luckhoff, Oppermansgronde, Petrusburg

Main Economic Sectors: Farming, Mining

Mayor: Xolani Tseletsele

Speaker: Mr Morekiemang Jerry Moitse

Chief Whip: Ms Matana Ennie Masana

Municipal Manager: Mr Martin Kubheka (Suspended)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Jabulani Makubu

Senior Management: Mr Marshall Madolo (Acting Head: Technical Services), Mr Malefetsane Makau (Acting Head: Community Services), Ms C Pitso (Head: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Solly Phama


Population: 40 044

No Schooling: 12.0%

Households: 13 969

Population Growth: 0.82% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 32.0%

Formal Dwellings: 85.1%


Composition of Council: ANC 9, DA 2, EFF 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Bonolo Mocwaledi

Speaker: Hani Xolani Mthukwane

Chief Whip: Abram Lebaka

Other Council: Jessie Kumalo (Chairperson: MPAC), Mbuyiselo Lehare, Semakaleng Lichaba, Kgomotso Molusi, Nikiwe November, Mariska Potgieter, Itumeleng Ramohlabi (Chairperson: Finance and Technical Committee), Vuyani Stuurman, Daleen Terblanche

Municipal Manager: Mrs Dineo Tsikang (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr S Tooi

Senior Management: Mr CJ Makhoba (Director: Community Services), Mr Siphiwe Phithi (Manager: LED), Ms Segomotso Qwelane (Acting

Director: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Obakeng Seekoei (Acting Manager: Communications)


for sources,
more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.
full year figures.
definitions. Find
of Council: ANC 11, DA 3, EFF 2, VF PLUS 1
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Audit not finalised Disclaimer of audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 0 0 0 Total Expenditure n/an/an/a Surplus/(Deficit) n/an/an/a CAPITAL EXPENDITURE n/an/an/a FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets n/an/an/a Total Current Liabilities n/an/an/a Community Wealth/Equity n/an/an/a CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow n/an/an/a Cash at Year End n/an/an/a UIFW EXPENDITURE n/an/a 190 355 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 458460 Vacant Positions 29 26 Managerial Positions 21 20 Vacant Managerial Positions 5 8 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 0113 988 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 14 68113 808 Households - Free Basic Service2 4742 474 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served13 79013 784 Households - Free Basic Service2 4742 474 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage13 76413 693 Ventilated Pit Latrine 115 115 Households - Free Basic Service2 4742 474

Gauteng is the smallest of South Africa’s provinces, covering an area of 18 178km2 or approximately 1.4% of the total surface area of South Africa. It is bordered by the Free State, North West, Limpopo and Mpumalanga Provinces. While being the smallest province, it is also the most populous, being home to 13 399 725 people. Gauteng lies on the highest part of the interior plateau on the rolling plains of South Africa’s Highveld.

Its capital is Johannesburg and it also contains the city of Pretoria, as well as the East Rand, West Rand and Vaal areas.

Gauteng continues to serve as the economic engine room of the country and the subcontinent, responsible for over 34.8% of the country’s GDP. Gauteng is the powerhouse of South Africa and the heart of its commercial business and industrial sectors. The most important sectors contributing to GDP are finance, real estate and business services; manufacturing; and general government services. Gauteng is also the financial services capital of Africa. More than 70 foreign banks have their head offices here, as do at least the same number of South African banks, stockbrokers and insurance giants.

The major gold and diamond mining houses all have their headquarters in Johannesburg, the biggest being Anglo American and De Beers. Gold mining constitutes 80% of Gauteng’s mineral production output.

Gauteng is divided into three metropolitan municipalities (City of Ekurhuleni, City of Johannesburg and City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipalities) and two district municipalities, which are further subdivided into six local municipalities.



City of Ekurhuleni 77 City of Johannesburg 78 City of Tshwane 79 Sedibeng District 80 Emfuleni 80 Lesedi 81 Midvaal 82 West Rand District 83 Merafong City 83 Mogale City 84 Rand West City 85 CITY OF TSHWANE CITY OF EKURHULENI LESEDI MIDVAAL EMFULENI MERAFONG CITY RAND WEST CITY MOGALE CITY CITY OF JOHANNESBURG
SEDIBENG WEST RAND POPULATION YOUTH (15-34 YEARS) 13 399 725 4 580 046 PEOPLE UNEMPLOYMENT* HOUSING HOUSEHOLD SERVICES LAND AREA 18 178km2 LAND PERCENTAGE 1.5% GEOGRAPHY HOUSEHOLDS 4 951 137 FORMAL DWELLINGS TRADITIONAL DWELLINGS INFORMAL DWELLINGS HOUSEHOLD SIZE 3,1 Sources: Community Survey 2016 – Provinces at a glance published by Stats SA. *Unemployment figures from Quarterly Labour Force Survey, Quarter 3, 2022 published by Stats SA. ACCESS TO PIPED WATER 94.0% FLUSH/CHEMICAL TOILET 87.8% CONNECTED TO ELECTRICITY 89.2% 81.4% 0.2% 17.7% YOUTH PROPORTION 34,2 POVERTY HEADCOUNT 4.6% SEX RATIO (MALES/100 FEMALES) 101,6 EDUCATION (GRADE 12 – AGED 20+) 36.0% OFFICIAL RATE EXPANDED RATE 33.7% 39.0%



POSTAL: Private Bag X1069, Germiston, 1400

PHYSICAL: Head Office, 15 Queen Street, Germiston

TEL: 086 054 3000

EMAIL: city.manager@ekurhuleni.gov.za

WEB: www.ekurhuleni.gov.za


Description: The City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality is a Category A municipality covers an extensive area from Germiston in the west to Springs and Nigel in the east. The former administrations of the nine towns in the former East Rand were amalgamated into the metropolitan municipality, along with the Khayalami Metropolitan Council and the Eastern Gauteng Services Council. It is one of the most densely populated areas in the province, and the country.

The economy in the region is larger and more diverse than that of many small countries in Africa. It accounts for nearly a quarter of Gauteng’s economy, which in turn contributes over a third of the national Gross Domestic Product. Many of the factories for production of goods and commodities are located in Ekurhuleni, often referred to as ’Africa’s Workshop’.

The network of roads, airports, rail lines, telephones, electricity grids and telecommunications found in Ekurhuleni rivals that of Europe and America. It can be regarded as the transportation hub of the country. It is home to OR Tambo International Airport; South Africa’s largest railway hub; a number of South Africa’s modern freeways and expressways; the Maputo Corridor Development; direct rail, road and air links connecting Ekurhuleni to Durban; the Blue IQ projects, with linkages to the City Deep Container terminal; the planned Gautrain rapid rail link to Johannesburg and Pretoria; and the OR Tambo International Airport Industrial Development Zone (IDZ).

Area: 1 976km2

Cities/Towns: Alberton, Bedfordview, Benoni, Birchleigh, Boksburg, Brakpan, Clayville, Daveyton, Dunnottar, Edenvale, Geduld, Germiston, Katlehong, Kempton Park, Kwa-Thema, Machenzieville, Nigel, Olifantsfontein, Springs, Tembisa, Tokoza, Vosloorus, Vorsterkroon

Main Economic Sectors: Manufacturing (23%), finance and business services (21.3%), community services (20%), trade (15%), transport (11%), construction (4.1%), electricity (2.3%), mining (2.3%)


Officer), Dr Gilbert Motlatla (HOD: Health and Social Development), Phindi Shabalala (HOD: Risk Manager), Tshilidzi Thenga (HOD: Energy), Palesa Tsita (HOD: City Planning), Ms Faith Wotshela (HOD: Environmental Resources and Waste Management)

Communications Officers: Phakamile Mbengashe (DH: Communications and Media Relations)




Composition of Council: ANC 86, DA 65, EFF 31, ACTIONSA 15, VF PLUS 8, PA 4, AIC 3, IFP 3, ACDP 2, ATM 1, COPE 1, ICM 1, IRASA 1, NFP 1, PAC 1, UDM 1

Controlling Party: DA/ACDP/FF Plus/COPE/IFP/ActionSA/PA Coalition

Executive Mayor: Ms Tania Campbell

Speaker: Nthabiseng Tshivhenga (Acting)

Chief Whip: Mr Khetha Shandu

Other Council: Ms Jennifer Glover (MMC: Health and Social Development), Ms Heather Hart (MMC: City Planning), Mr Golden Maduana (MMC: Corporate and Shared Services), Mr Tambo Mokoena (MMC: Real Estate), Mr Alco Ngobese (MMC: Human Settlements), Mr Fanyana Nkosi (MMC: Finance and Economic Development), Mr Brandon Pretorius (MMC: Environment and Waste Management), Khathushelo Rasinglingwane (MMC: Community Safety), Senzi Sibeko (MMC: Water, Sanitation and Energy), Mabekenyane Thamahane (MMC: Transport Planning)

Municipal Manager: Dr Imogen Mashazi

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Kagiso Lerutla (Group CFO)

Senior Management: Sizwe Cele (HOD: Roads and Storm Water), Caiphus Chauke (HOD: Economic Development), Manyane Chidi (HOD: Facilities and Real Estates), Lindiwe Hleza (Chief Audit Executive), Zanele Katembo (HOD: Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture), Andile Mahlalutye (HOD: Human Settlements), Landela Mahlati (HOD: Transport and Fleet Management), Isaac Mapiyeye (Chief of Police), Mr Thokozani Maseko (HOD: Water and Sanitation), Moloko Monyepao (Chief Information

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Clayville Tembisa Birchleigh Kempton Park Edenvale Bedfordview Alberton Katlehong Vosloorus Machenzieville Nigel Vorsterkroon Dunnottar Kwa-Thema Brakpan Benoni Boksburg Geduld Daveyton CITY OF EKURHULENI
Population: 3 379 104 Population Growth: 1.39% p.a. No Schooling: 4.1% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 50.4% Households: 1 299 490 Formal Dwellings: 80.4%
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean auditClean audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 46 287 55141 927 57940 296 286 Total Expenditure 44 928 68841 583 46039 876 482 Surplus/(Deficit) 1 358 863344 119419 804 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 3 215 9864 665 9625 067 957 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 11 934 7909 680 81210 203 842 Total Current Liabilities 15 796 88813 794 56513 852 902 Community Wealth/Equity51 529 93950 586 50847 528 106 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (12 887 057) 3 676 693Cash at Year End (13 532 838) 3 127 8353 147 480 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 226 671148 935 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 17 90121 507 Vacant Positions 574 4 346 Managerial Positions 1 5041 339 Vacant Managerial Positions 574 413 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 9 078 2928 595 426 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 769 379769 379 <200m from Yard 164 332141 069 Households - Free Basic Service382 332373 998 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served576 248574 005 Households - Free Basic Service270 061226 118 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage579 646577 602 Ventilated Pit Latrine 85 99885 998 Other 41 08336 694 Households - Free Basic Service382 070371 608 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: PO Box 1049, Johannesburg, 2000

PHYSICAL: 158 Civic Boulevard, Braamfontein, Johannesburg

TEL: 011 407 6111 FAX: 011 403 8723

EMAIL: joburgconnect@joburg.org.za

WEB: www.joburg.org.za


Description: The City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality is located in the Gauteng Province. Johannesburg is the most advanced commercial city in Africa and the engine room of the South African and regional economy. It is a city with a unique, African character, world-class infrastructure in the fields of telecommunications, transportation, water and power, and with globally-competitive health care and educational facilities. However, the city is also one of contrasts – home to both wealthy and poor, residents and refugees, global corporations and emerging enterprises.

The demographics of Johannesburg indicate a large and ethnically diverse metropolitan area. As the largest city in South Africa, its population is defined by a long history of local and international migration. Johannesburg is home to almost five million people, accounting for about 36% of Gauteng’s population and 8% of the national population.

Over the last decade the city has been growing. A key contributor to this is that the city continues to attract people from other provinces, and internationally, who are looking for better economic opportunities and quality of life. The population pyramid indicates that the city’s population is predominantly young. This can be attributed to migration from other parts of the country as young people look for jobs. Johannesburg is considered the economic hub of South Africa and is often the first choice of destination by job seekers across the country.

Area: 1 643km2

Cities/Towns: Alexandra, Diepkloof, Diepsloot, Ennerdale, Johannesburg, Johannesburg South, Lawley, Lenasia, Lenasia South, Meadowlands

East, Meadowlands West, Midrand, Orange Farm, Pimville, Randburg, Roodepoort, Sandton, Soweto

Main Economic Sectors: Finance and business services, community services, manufacturing, trade (collectively 82%)



Composition of Council: ANC 91, DA 71, ACTIONSA 44, EFF 29, PA 8, IFP 7, VF PLUS 4, ACDP 3, ALJAMA 3, AIC 2, AHC 1, APC 1, ATM 1, COPE 1, GOOD 1, PAC 1, UDM 1, UIM 1

Controlling Party: DA/ACDP/FF Plus/COPE/IFP/ActionSA/PA Coalition

Executive Mayor: Mr Thapelo Amad

Speaker: Ms Colleen Makhubele

Chief Whip: Mr Sithembiso Zungu

Other Council: Ms Anthea Natasha Leitch (MMC: Housing), Lubabalo Magwentshu (MMC: Community Development), Mr Loyiso Masuku (MMC: Group Corporate and Shared Services), Ms Eunice Mgcina (MMC: Development Planning), Mrs Nomoya Daphney Mnisi (MMC: Economic Development), Dada Morero (MMC: Finance), Mr Funzela Ngobeni (MMC: Transport), Sepetlele Raseruthe (MMC: Public Safety), Ms Ashely Sauls (MMC: Health and Social Development), Mr Jack Sekwaila (MMC: Environment and Infrastructure Services)

Municipal Manager: Mr Floyd Blink (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Manenzhe Manenzhe

Senior Management: Dr Refik Bismilla (Head of Department: Health and Social Development), Floyd W Brink (Chief Operations Officer), Mr Tiaan Ehlers (Head of Department: Environment and Infrastructure Services), Jan Erasmus (Acting Group Strategy, Policy and Relations), Lindiwe Hleza (Executive Director: Group Audit, Risk and Compliance), Feroz Khan (Executive Head: Revenue and Customer Relations Management), Kepi Madumo (Executive Director: Community Development), Mr Moses Metileni (Head of Department: Housing), Tembeka Mhlekwa (Executive Director: Economic Development),

Mr Mafoane Isaac Mogashoa (Group Head: Legal and Contracts), Sinovuyo Mpakama (Group Head: Treasury and Financial Strategy), Ms Cynthia Numaio (Executive Director: Group Corporate and Shared Services), Raj Pillay (Acting Group Head: Group Governance), Mr Ishwar Ramdas (Acting Head of Department: Finance), Ms Lisa Seftel (Executive Director: Transport), Ms Vicky Shuping (Group Head: Customer Relations and Urban Management)

Communications Officers: Ms Georgina Lefifi (Acting Group Head: Group Communications)

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.

Midrand Diepsloot Sandton Randburg Honeydew
Orange Farm Johannesburg Johannesburg South Soweto CITY OF JOHANNESBURG
INFORMATION Population: 4 949 347 Population Growth: 2.49% p.a. No Schooling: 3.4% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 53.2% Households: 1 853 371 Formal Dwellings: 81.3%
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 63 080 20770 882 02566 218 964 Total Expenditure 61 827 42568 481 63863 143 385 Surplus/(Deficit) 1 252 7822 400 3873 075 578 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 6 645 9026 098 4405 784 231 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 38 678 89328 482 73844 152 444 Total Current Liabilities 42 970 62725 578 24642 609 267 Community Wealth/Equity58 181 58556 054 44552 409 148 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 4 072 95168 794 09553 970 905 Cash at Year End 4 722 54975 453 39855 899 056 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 2 132 6391 130 198 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 40 44134 737 Vacant Positions 2 4172 191 Managerial Positions 3 3453 122 Vacant Managerial Positions 290 339 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 15 018 56913 717 368 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 917 538855 862 <200m from Yard 107 960107 960 Households - Free Basic Service13 20614 110 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served826 301822 613 Households - Free Basic Service14 75311 520 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage892 277764 367 Ventilated Pit Latrine 60 98660 309 Other 19 24010 855 Households - Free Basic Service12 59213 593




POSTAL: PO Box 440, Pretoria, 0001

PHYSICAL: Tshwane House, 320 Madiba Street, Pretoria

TEL: 012 358 9999 FAX: 012 358 4896

EMAIL: customercare@tshwane.gov.za

WEB: www.tshwane.gov.za


Description: The City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality is a Category A municipality situated in the Gauteng Province. It merged with the Metsweding District, which was a consequence of the Gauteng Global City Region Strategy to reduce the number of municipalities in Gauteng to at least four by 2016. The City of Tshwane is the single-largest metropolitan municipality in the country, comprising seven regions, 105 wards and 210 councillors.

Pretoria is the capital of South Africa. It has the second-largest number of embassies in the world after Washington DC. Many embassies thus call this city their home. The Union Buildings house the administrative hub of the country and have also been the setting for the presidential inaugurations of Nelson Mandela, Thabo Mbeki and the incumbent South African president, Jacob Zuma. These sandstone buildings offer beautiful views over the City. Its rich and colourful heritage is reflected in the City’s myriad of museums, monuments and historical buildings, and is punctuated by contemporary arts and crafts markets, bringing the City alive with a unique blend of new and old.

Area: 6 298km2

Cities/Towns: Akasia, Atteridgeville, Bronkhorstspruit, Centurion, Cullinan, Ekangala, Ga-Rankuwa, Garsfontein, Hammanskraal, Irene, Kudube, Mabopane, Mamelodi, Pretoria, Pretoria North, Rayton, Refilwe, Roodeplaat, Soshanguve, Temba, Winterveldt

Main Economic Sectors: General government (28.1%), finance, insurance, real estate and business services (24.7%), manufacturing (13.0%), wholesale and retail trade, catering and accommodation (11.9%), transport, storage and communication (10.3%), community, social and personal services (5.2%), construction (3.5%), electricity, gas and water (1.9%), mining and quarrying (0.7%), agriculture, forestry and fishing (0.5%)


Population: 3 275 152 Population Growth: 2.60% p.a.

No Schooling: 4.5% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 58.3%

Households: 1 136 877 Formal Dwellings: 82.6%


Composition of Council: ANC 75, DA 69, EFF 23, ACTIONSA 19, VF PLUS 17, ACDP 2, AIC 1, ATM 1, COPE 1, DOP 1, GOOD 1, IFP 1, PA 1, PAC 1, RC 1

Controlling Party: DA/ActionSA/FF Plus/ACDP/UDM/COPE Coalition

Executive Mayor: Vacant

Speaker: Dr Marunwa Makwarela

Chief Whip: Mr Christo van den Heever

Other Council: Ms Peggy de Bruin (MMC: Social Development and Community Services), Mr Andre le Roux (MMC: Economic Development and Spatial Planning), Ms Rina Marx (MMC: Health), Ms Katlego Mathebe (MMC: Environment and Agriculture Management), Mr Phillip Nel (MMC: Utilities Services), Mr Dikeledi Selowa (MMC: Roads and Transport), Mr Peter Sutton (MMC: Finance), Mr Abel Tau (MMC: Human Settlements), Mr Grandi Theunissen (MMC: Community Safety), Mr Kingsley Wakelin (MMC: Corporate and Shared Services)

Municipal Manager: Mr Johann Mettler (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Umar Banda

Senior Management: Tiyiselani Babane (Group Head: Secretariat of Council), Mr Sello Chipu (Acting Group Head: Housing), Mr Previn Govender (Chief of Emergency), Mr Jordan Griffiths (Chief of Staff), Nosipho Hlatshwayo (Group Head: City Strategy and Organisational Performance), Mr Daryl Johnston (Utilities and Regional Operations), Mr Kgosietsile Kgosiemang (MMC: Human Settlements), Musa Khumalo (Group Head: Shared Services), Adv Marna Kock (Group Head: Group Legal and Secretariat Services), Mthobeli Kolisa (Group Head: Agriculture and Environmental Management), Pheko Letlonkane (Group Head: Roads and Transport), Mr Victor M Letshwiti (Acting Group Head: Group Human Capital Management), Mr Makgorometje Makgata (Group Head: Economic Development and Spatial Planning), Tich Mekhoe (Group Head: Community and Social Development Services), Nonto Memela (Group Head: Housing

and Human Settlement), Bongani Mntambo (Acting Group Head: Roads and Transport), Ms Verusha Morgan (Group Head: Group Property Management), Ms Nasiphi Moya (Group Head: Office of the Chief Whip), Mr Patrick Mphahlele (Acting Group Head: Agriculture and Environmental Management), Mr James Murphy (Chief Operations Officer), Mr Koena Nkoko (Group Head: Health), Ms Johannah Nkomo (Chief of Police), Ms Zukiswa Ntsikeni (Group Head: Customer Relations Management), Mr Phillip Moeketsi Ntsimane (Chief Audit Executive), Ms Cali Phanyane (Group Head: Regional Operations and Coordination), Dr Rajendra Pillay (Group Head: Office of the Speaker), Ms Thandi Radebe (Acting Group Head: Customer Relations Management), Mr Justice Sefanyetso (Director: Private Office of the Speaker), Mr Gerald Shingange (Group Head: Group Human Capital Management), Gadner Tefu (Group Head: Office of the Chief Whip), Ms Lorette Tredoux (Governance and Support Officer)

Communications Officers: Mr Hilgard Matthews (Group Head: Communication, Marketing and Events)

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.


*Unaudited full year
Bronkhorstspruit Refilwe Cullinan Mamelodi Garsfontein Roodeplaat CITY OF TSHWANE Soshanguve Ga-Rankuwa Winterveldt Pretoria Atteridgeville Pretoria North Akasia Centurion Irene
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/22*2020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 42 220 04437 174 13634 415 407 Total Expenditure 30 004 74337 168 34437 521 593 Surplus/(Deficit) 12 215 3015 792(3 106 186) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 1 045 00480 185 n/a FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 838 342397 270(994 117) Total Current Liabilities (9 749 349)22 957 50821 734 244 Community Wealth/Equity(1 390 877) (31 295 056) (30 389 526) CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 23 849 638(30 228)(4 795) Cash at Year End 23 853 066101 745(3 221 944) UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 3 490 4045 079 331 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 28 28129 818 Vacant Positions 8 4306 863 Managerial Positions 94130 Vacant Managerial Positions 0 42 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 11 741 6319 126 605 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 679 519676 511 <200m from Yard 69 595 110 376 >200m from Yard 215 158166 955 Households - Free Basic Service550 748525 947 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served778 619 759 875 Households - Free Basic Service393 329375 617 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage593 877588 824 Ventilated Pit Latrine 10 4095 025 Other 328 231327 606 Households - Free Basic Service332 101317 146



POSTAL: PO Box 471, Vereeniging, 1930

PHYSICAL: Cnr Beaconsfield Avenue & Leslie Street, Vereeniging

TEL: 016 450 3000 FAX: 016 455 2573

EMAIL: info@sedibeng.gov.za

WEB: www.sedibeng.gov.za


Description: The Sedibeng District Municipality is a Category C municipality situated on the southern tip of the Gauteng Province and strategically located on the border of three other provinces, namely Free State, North West and Mpumalanga.

The municipality is the only area in the province that is situated on the banks of the Vaal River and Vaal Dam, covering the area formerly known as the Vaal Triangle. The municipality is a stones throw from Johannesburg along the scenic Vaal, Klip and Suikerbos Rivers. It is comprised of the Emfuleni, Lesedi and Midvaal Local Municipalities, and includes the historic townships of Evaton, Sebokeng, Boipatong, Bophelong, Sharpeville and Ratanda, which have a rich political history and heritage.

It has a variety of attractions offering a vast cultural heritage and historical experience including, among others, the political breakthroughs that led to the country’s political turnabout. The Sedibeng region boasts several Heritage Sites related to the South African War of 1899-1902 and the two World Wars that followed. The Sharpeville Memorial Precinct stands as a reminder of the Sharpeville Massacre of 21 March 1960, when 69 people lost their lives while protesting the pass laws of the then apartheid South Africa.

Sedibeng is the fourth-largest contributor to the Gauteng economy. The predominant economic sector in the district is the manufacturing of fabricated metal and chemicals. In the metal sector, the ArcelorMittal Steel plant, the Cape Gate Davsteel Wire and Steel plant, and the Ferromanganese plant of Samancor are the three main large baseline plants in the district, while DCDDorbyl Heavy Engineering is the biggest manufacturer of engineered products in Southern Africa.

The well-developed national road network that cuts across the district to all the provinces ensures that the region remains the industrial centre of the Gauteng Province. The municipality is 40km away from Johannesburg and 80km away from Pretoria, without the high traffic volumes.

The municipality offers the best opportunity for growth and development as a result of availability of land for both residential and commercial development in a picturesque and tranquil setting. The Vaal University of Technology and the North-West University’s Vaal Campus offer a wide range of graduates that provide the bulwark of employees for business and industries that seek to set up operations in Sedibeng.

Area: 4 173km2

Main Economic Sectors: Manufacturing (30.8%), government (17.8%), business services (17.8%), trade (13.7%)


Population: 957 528

Population Growth: 1.00% p.a.

No Schooling: 4.3% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 48.0%

Households: 330 828 Formal Dwellings: 86.7%


Composition of Council: ANC 8, DA 7, EFF 3, PAC 1, VF PLUS 1 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: n/a

Mayor: Ms Lerato Maloka

Speaker: Moipone Modikeng

Chief Whip: Ms Fatimah Moloi



POSTAL: PO Box 3, Vanderbijlpark, 1900

PHYSICAL: Cnr Klasie Havenga & Frikkie Meyer Boulevard, Vanderbijlpark

TEL: 016 950 5000 FAX: 016 950 5050

WEB: www.emfuleni.gov.za

Other Council: L Gamede (MMC: Strategic Planning and Economic Development), Mmadisebo Lucia Khomoeasera (MMC: Human Settlements), YJ Mahommed (Chairperson: Sec 79 Municipal Public Accounts Committee), Mr Bheki Mkhize (MMC: Administration), Jimmy Sandile Mochawe (MMC: Finance), Nkubi Frances Mokoena (MMC: Health and Social Development), Nkosinathi Ndwandwe (MMC: Transport and Infrastructure), M Radebe (MMC: Environment and Clean Energy), Mr Busang Joshua Tsotetsi (MMC: SRACH and Public Safety)

Municipal Manager: Mr Rudolph Netshivhale (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Charles Steyn (Acting)

Senior Management: Ms Nomvula Khalo (Director), Mr David Maranda (Director: Facilities), Ms Jabulile Medupe (Executive Director: Community Services), Mr Thami Mgudlwa (Acting Director: Office of the Chief Whip) Ms Refilwe Mhlwatika (Director: Legal), Mr Samuel Mokako (Acting Director: Office of the Speaker), Mr Mncedisi Mpontshane (Director: Municipal Systems), Mr Tebogo Mutlaneng (Acting Executive Director: SPED), Mr Bheki Ngobese (Acting Executive Director: TIE), Mr Cliff Ramotsedisi (Director: HR)

Communications Officers: Mr Saviour Kgaswane (Acting Head: Communications and Stakeholder Relations)


Description: The Emfuleni Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the Sedibeng District in the Gauteng Province. It is the westernmost local municipality of the district, which covers the entire southern area of the Gauteng Province, extending along a 120km axis from east to west.

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

Sebokeng De
Meyerton Randvaal Daleside Vereeniging Heidelberg Devon Nigel Ratanda EMFULENI MIDVAAL LESEDI
Lochvaal Barrage
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 377 103376 219361 497 Total Expenditure 391 377403 432414 207 Surplus/(Deficit) (14 274)(27 214)(52 710) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 1 806 5 693 660 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 19 64711 84820 748 Total Current Liabilities 192 421204 526195 741 Community Wealth/Equity (108 506)(121 135)(95 567) CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 14 726120 154Cash at Year End 22 772130 77821 504 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 60 24616 505 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 578 641 Vacant Positions 3 21 Managerial Positions 57 76 Vacant Managerial Positions 3 1 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 291 360277 495

The Vaal River forms the southern boundary. Emfuleni shares boundaries with the City of Johannesburg Metro to the north, Metsimaholo in the Free State to the south, Midvaal to the east, and Rand West City and JB Marks (in the North West Province) to the west.

The Emfuleni Local Municipality is rich in history as it encapsulates the Anglo-Boer War, with heritage assets such as the Sharpeville monument and the liberation struggle epitomised by the signing of the Constitution in 1996 in Sharpeville.

The municipality is strategically located, with access to a wellmaintained road network – the N1 linking Johannesburg and Bloemfontein, and traversing Emfuleni. Sasolburg forms the heartland of what was formerly known as the Vaal Triangle, renowned for its contribution to the iron and steel industry in South Africa. Its location also affords it many opportunities for tourism and other forms of economic development.

Area: 966km2

Cities/Towns: Evaton, Sebokeng, Vaal Oewer, Vanderbijlpark, Vereeniging

Main Economic Sectors: Manufacturing (40.8%), community services (22.3%), finance (16%), trade (7.4%), transport (4.4%), construction (3.5%), electricity (3.3%)


Population: 733 445 Population Growth: 0.37% p.a.

No Schooling: 4.1% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 48.0%

Households: 253 488 Formal Dwellings: 87.0%


The municipality is under S139(1)(b) and 139(5) administration, effective from June 2018.

Composition of Council: ANC 38, DA 24, EFF 14, VF PLUS 6, COMMUNITY SOLIDARITY ASSOCIATION 2, PAC 2, ACDP 1, NHM 1, PA 1, VAAL 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Executive Mayor: Mr Sipho Radebe

Speaker: Sibongile Soxuza

Chief Whip: Mrs Sylvia Dyantshi

Other Council: Mr Mbuyiselo Kantso (MMC: Agriculture, Local Economic Development Planning and Tourism), Ms Regina Makgala Lesoane (MMC: Health and Social Development), Mr Sehlare Mahlasela (MMC: Sports Recreation, Arts, Culture and Information Services), Mr Hassan Mosola Mako (MMC: Finance and Revenue), Ms Molepo Mapitso (MMC: Human Settlements), Pias Maseko (MMC: LED), Busi Mncube (MMC: Corporate and Governance), Mr Ellias Raditsela Mokoena (MMC: Public Safety), Bafana Ntsele (MMC: Basic Services), Mr Jonas Radebe (MMC: Environmental Management and Planning), Mr Alfredo Sandamela (MMC: Infrastructure Planning Development), Mr Vincent Jones (MMC: Public Works),



POSTAL: PO Box 201, Heidelberg, 1438

PHYSICAL: Cnr HF Verwoerd & Louw Streets, Heidelberg

TEL: 016 492 0049

WEB: www.lesedilm.gov.za


Description: The Lesedi Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the Sedibeng District in the Gauteng Province. It is one of three municipalities in the district, making up over a third of its geographical area.

It can be described primarily as a rural, agricultural area. It is situated approximately 56km south-east of Johannesburg and is traversed by two national roads (the N17 and the N3), which creates future economic development potential.

Devon/Impumelelo, situated on the eastern edge of the municipal area abutting the N17 freeway on the north, is a significant rural settlement, while Vischkuil/Endicott, lying east of Springs and abutting Provincial Route R29, is a smaller rural centre.

The major urban concentration is located in Heidelberg/Ratanda, situated along the N3 freeway where it intersects with Provincial Route R42, east of the Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve.

Municipal Manager: Mr Lucky Leseane

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Andile Dyakala (Acting)

Senior Management: Mr Sibusiso Biyela (Manager: LED), Mr Vincent Campbell (ED: Community Services), Ms Laura Mabunda (Acting Chief Audit Executive), Mr Billy Mashiya (Chief Information Officer), Mr Aubrey Motubatese (ED: Economic Development, Planning and Human Settlement), Mr Thabo Ndlovu (ED: Shared Services), Mr Tembela Nxumalo (Acting ED: Infrastructure Planning and Development)

Communications Officers: Mr Stanley Gaba (Acting), Makhosonke Sangweni (Spokesperson)

Area: 1 484km2

Cities/Towns: Devon, Heidelberg, Nigel, Vischkuil

Main Economic Sectors: Manufacturing (38.8%), community services (29.4%), financial services (18.6%)


Population: 112 472

Population Growth: 2.78% p.a.

No Schooling: 5.4% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 42.5%

Households: 39 294 Formal Dwellings: 88.3%


Composition of Council: ANC 13, DA 5, EFF 4, VF PLUS 3, SEFM 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Mluleki Nelson Nkosi

Speaker: Mapule Motsepe

Chief Whip: Mzwakhe Philemon Motsonyana

Other Council: Thabiso Moremi (Corporate Services), Themba Motsepe (LED), Ms Katty Rakitla (MMC: Community Services), Ms Thembi Ramothibe (MMC: Finance)

Municipal Manager: Adv Gugu Thimane (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Gugu Mncube (Acting)

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 7 509 9527 963 1886 160 913 Total Expenditure 9 033 7777 858 5207 565 510 Surplus/(Deficit) (1 523 825)104 668(1 404 597) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 548 6421 316 687173 230 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 2 272 5012 433 9651 369 559 Total Current Liabilities 7 829 8646 407 2524 896 568 Community Wealth/Equity7 979 2646 998 0569 925 534 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (1 109 881)1 042 258Cash at Year End (1 389 041)(29 515)217 514 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 1 632 2012 187 944 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 2 3016 277 Vacant Positions 33 914 Managerial Positions 60 59 Vacant Managerial Positions 3 20 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 1 118 2001 120 358 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 249 577208 000 <200m from Yard 41 57741 577 Households - Free Basic Service77 64475 298 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served231 005217 900 Households - Free Basic Service77 64475 298 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage269 684229 684 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 6 8546 854 Ventilated Pit Latrine 672672 Households - Free Basic Service77 64475 298

Senior Management: S’busiso Dlamini (Local Economic Development and Planning), Mr Thami Gorati (Manager: LED), Star Maholobela (Acting: Infrastructure Services), Mrs Cynthia Mokoena (Head of Department), Mr Tehoho Tsoku, Corrie Verster (Acting: Community Services) Communications Officers: Mrs Katleho Siyago



POSTAL: PO Box 9, Meyerton, 1960

PHYSICAL: 25 Mitchell Street, Cnr Junius & Mitchell Streets, Meyerton

TEL: 016 360 7400 FAX: 016 360 7519

EMAIL: records@midvaal.gov.za

WEB: www.midvaal.gov.za


Description: The Midvaal Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Sedibeng District in the south of the Gauteng Province. The City of Ekurhuleni and City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipalities are situated to the north. It is bordered by the Free State Province to the south and the Mpumalanga Province to the east. It is the biggest municipality of three in the district, making up almost half of its geographical area.

The spatial structure of the Midvaal municipal area is predominantly that of a rural area, with extensive farming. There are two significant natural features impacting on the physical structure, namely the Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve and the Vaal River, which form the southern boundary of the municipality and the Gauteng Province. Secondary natural features that play a significant role in the development dynamics of the area are the Klip River, Suikerbosrand River and the Vaal Dam.

Area: 1 723km2

Cities/Towns: De Deur/Walkerville, Eikenhof, Meyerton, Vaal Marina

Main Economic Sectors: Manufacturing (25.1%), community services (22.5%), finance (20.4%), trade (11.4%), transport (6.1%), electricity (5.7%), construction (5.7%), agriculture (2.6%)


Population: 111 612

No Schooling: 4.0%

Households: 38 046

Population Growth: 3.59% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 53.7%

Formal Dwellings: 82.9%


Composition of Council: DA 19, ANC 6, EFF 2, VF PLUS 2, TYM 1

Controlling Party: DA

Mayor: Mr Pieter Texiera

Speaker: Mr AR McLoughlin

Chief Whip: Mr Phil Pretorius

Other Council: Mrs CL Gomes (MMC: Corporate Services), Mrs TM Modiba (MMC: Community Services), Mokete Motsamai (MMC: Development and Planning), Mrs PD Pretorius (MMC: Finance Services)

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Koobashni Desai (Acting)

Senior Management: Mr David Chamboko (Executive Director: Development, Planning and Housing), Mr Solly Mosidi (Executive Director: Community Services), Mr JG Viljoen (MMC: Engineering Services)

Communications Officers: Ms Hettie Fowlds (Communications Officer: Corporate Services), Mr T Peeters

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 126 2191 042 7111 059 627 Total Expenditure 1 087 584992 334923 404 Surplus/(Deficit) 38 63550 376136 223 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 83 83671 02413 629 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 546 062520 611434 487 Total Current Liabilities 502 605553 070423 983 Community Wealth/Equity 1 094 842947 535761 265 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 950 410 -Cash at Year End 921 60170 86641 382 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 36 89057 943 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 635 672 Vacant Positions 3 45 Managerial Positions 22 21 Vacant Managerial Positions 3 7 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 208 965185 963 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 40 00035 699 <200m from Yard 2 8003 471 Households - Free Basic Service4 1467 272 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served33 60827 104 Households - Free Basic Service4 1467 272 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage 37 22535 671 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 530 715 Ventilated Pit Latrine 2 6742 674 Other 60 110 Households - Free Basic Service4 1467 272
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean auditClean audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 433 9771 447 4001 222 690 Total Expenditure 1 359 2291 240 0861 147 200 Surplus/(Deficit) 74 747 207 31475 491 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 164 627239 508118 729 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 849 312746 474628 015 Total Current Liabilities 319 560356 487326 985 Community Wealth/Equity 2 528 3272 397 8492 205 590 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 827 865(26 502)Cash at Year End 1 092 954264 140292 900 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 9 7605 020 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 915 877 Vacant Positions 139 107 Managerial Positions 42 36 Vacant Managerial Positions 3 3 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 290 543280 894 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 36 45636 456 <200m from Yard 3 6991 467 >200m from Yard 176 123 Households - Free Basic Service5 2135 301 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served 15 61814 497 Households - Free Basic Service5 2135 301 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage23 55023 550 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 10 38510 385 Ventilated Pit Latrine 2 0252 025 Other 2 0862 086 Households - Free Basic Service5 2135 301



POSTAL: Private Bag X033, Randfontein, 1759

PHYSICAL: Cnr Sixth & Park Streets, Randfontein

TEL: 011 411 5000 FAX: 011 412 3663

EMAIL: admin@wrdm.gov.za

WEB: www.wrdm.gov.za


Description: The West Rand District Municipality is a Category C municipality located in the west of the Gauteng Province. The West Rand extends from Randfontein (the seat of the district) in the west to Roodepoort in the east, and includes the town of Krugersdorp. It is bordered by Bojanala Platinum to the north-west, City of Tshwane to the north-east, City of Johannesburg to the east, Sedibeng to the southeast, and Dr Kenneth Kaunda to the south-west. It comprises three local municipalities: Merafong, Mogale and Rand West Cities.

The municipality is situated relatively closely to the hub of economic activity in Gauteng, and is transversed by major national roads, namely the N12 and N14. Its main contribution lies primarily within the mining sector, however, areas such as Krugersdorp fulfil a residential function for many people working in Johannesburg. The West Rand remains the poorest region contributing to Gauteng’s GDP.

The Cradle of Humankind falls under the jurisdiction of Mogale City and Merafong City, and forms part of the World Heritage Site.

Area: 4 090km2

Main Economic Sectors: Manufacturing (22%), mining (19%), community services (19%), finance (16%), trade (10%), transport (6%), construction (4%)


Population: 838 594

No Schooling: 3.8%

Households: 330 572

Population Growth: 0.48% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 44.8%

Formal Dwellings: 76.3%


Composition of Council: ANC 8, DA 5, EFF 3, AIC 1, VF PLUS 1

(40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: n/a

Mayor: Mr Hullet Hild

Speaker: Mr Gerhard Kruger

Chief Whip: Ms Alme Swart

Other Council: Mr Brian Blake (MMC: Finance), Ms Hetta Kruger (MMC: Transport and Roads), Mr Attie Moleko (MMC: Infrastructure and Human Settlement), Mr Oupa Moralo (MMC: Re-Industrialisation), Ms Gail Mphafudi (MMC: Health and Social Development and SRAC), Mr Ben Van Der Berg (MMC: Public Safety), Mr Johan David Willem Zwart (MMC: Corporate Services)

Municipal Manager: Mr Elias Koloi

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Samuel Ramaele

Senior Management: Dr Mary Daka (Health and Social Development), Mrs Grace Magole (Corporate Services), Mr Zeblon Mphaphuli (Regional Development Planning and Environmental Management)

Communications Officers: Mr Clement Mohlala



POSTAL: PO Box 3, Carletonville, 2500

PHYSICAL: 3 Halite Street, Carletonville, 2499

TEL: 018 788 9500 FAX: 018 786 1105

WEB: merafong.gauteng.gov.za


Description: The Merafong City Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the West Rand District in the Gauteng Province. It is the largest of three municipalities in the district, making up almost half of its geographical area. It is situated about 65km from Johannesburg and is serviced by a number of major roads, including the N12 from Johannesburg to Cape Town and the N14, which is the main

road between Gauteng and Mahikeng (previously Mafikeng) via Ventersdorp. Its boundaries enclose some of the richest gold mines in the world.

Formerly a cross-border municipality, the entire municipality was transferred to the North West Province following the abolition of cross-border municipalities by an amendment to the South African Constitution in 2005. The municipality was part of the North West Province from 2005 to 2009, when it was reincorporated into the Gauteng Province by another amendment to the Constitution, following often violent protests in the township of Khutsong.

Merafong’s historical development is closely knit with the discovery of rich gold deposits in the early 1930s. Fochville is the oldest town in the region, and was declared a town in 1951.

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.


*Unaudited full year
Krugersdorp Muldersdrift Magaliesburg Randfontein Finsbury Mohlakeng Venterspos Oberholzer Carletonville East Driefontein Fochville Bekkersdal Westonaria MOGALE CITY RAND WEST CITY MERAFONG CITY
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 257 540248 791283 224 Total Expenditure 258 842273 205257 473 Surplus/(Deficit) (1 303)(24 414)25 750 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 5 25921 436 25 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 46 54345 80755 593 Total Current Liabilities 169 361167 928161 075 Community Wealth/Equity(107 773)(104 075)(104 187) CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 456 429634 746469 340 Cash at Year End 450 098634 73444 320 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 64 06755 969 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 386 371 Vacant Positions 18 3 Managerial Positions 36 21 Vacant Managerial Positions 18 3 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 181 960189 223

The town Carletonville was named after Guy Carleton Jones, an engineer from the Gold Fields Ltd mining company, who played a prominent role in the discovery of the West Wits gold field, of which Carletonville forms a part. The mining company decided, in November 1946, to establish the town. Carletonville was proclaimed in 1948 and attained Town Council Status on 1 July 1959.

Wedela is situated between Western Deep Levels and Elandsrand mine. The town’s name is derived from the prefixes of the two mines: the ’Wed-’ from Western Deep Levels and the ’-ela’ from Elandsrand. Wedela was established as a mining village in December 1978 by Harry Oppenheimer, and municipal status was granted to the town on 1 January 1990.

Area: 1 630km2

Cities/Towns: Carletonville, Fochville, Wedela

Main Economic Sectors: Mining (50.7%), trade (9.7%), finance and business services (9.9%), community services (9.2%), general government (9.1%)


Population: 188 843

Population Growth: -1.02% p.a.

No Schooling: 4.1% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 38.4%

Households: 79 834 Formal Dwellings: 81.3%


Composition of Council: ANC 28, DA 9, EFF 9, VF PLUS 4, MAOC 2, AIC 1, IFP 1, UDM 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Mrs Nozuko Best

Speaker: Mr Elvis Mphithikezi

Chief Whip: Mr Thabo Mokuke

Municipal Manager: Mr Siyethemba Mdletshe (Acting MM and Executive Director: Infrastructure Development)

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Martha Chauke

Senior Management: Mr Slums Magodielo (Manager), Mr Ishmael

Mahlatsi (Chief to Staff), Sekgatlane Mantjane (Executive Director: Community Services), Mrs Lerato Peu (Executive Director: Economic Development, Planning)

Communications Officers: Ms Bridgette Mkhontwana (Chief Communications Officer)



POSTAL: PO Box 94, Krugersdorp, 1740

PHYSICAL: Cnr Commissioner & Market Streets, Krugersdorp

TEL: 011 951 2000/1 FAX: 011 953 2547

EMAIL: mm@mogalecity.gov.za

WEB: www.mogalecity.gov.za


Description: The Mogale City Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located within the West Rand District in the Gauteng Province. It lies directly south and west of the City of Tshwane and City of Johannesburg Metropolitan areas respectively. To the north, south and west it borders onto the Madibeng, Rand West City and Rustenburg Local Municipalities respectively.

The northern part of Mogale City comprises the bulk of the Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site. Mogale City’s strongest functional urban linkage is with the City of Johannesburg. Krugersdorp and the greater Kagiso area, Mogale City’s primary urban complex, forms part of a band of development stretching from the Johannesburg Inner City westwards along the mining belt up to Krugersdorp. The strongest east-west transport linkages between Mogale City and Johannesburg are along the R512, as well as the east-west railway line. Mogale City is linked to the City of Tshwane via the R28/N14 highway.

The largest part of Mogale City is rural, with a specific urban concentration in the south-eastern part of the municipality where it interfaces with the Gauteng urban complex. The rural environment is characterised by prominent features: the Magaliesburg and Witwatersberg Ranges in the north-west. Rural towns in Mogale City are Tarlton, Magaliesburg and Hekpoort, located in the west. An urban concentration is found in the south-eastern part around

Krugersdorp and Kagiso. The Krugersdorp CBD is the main business, social and administration centre and fulfils a regional function. The areas around Krugersdorp are established middle-to-high income residential areas with the full range of urban amenities, services and facilities. The areas to the south of Krugersdorp, namely Kagiso, Azaadville and Rietvallel (referred to as the Kagiso complex), are predominantly disadvantaged settlements with more limited access to service and facilities. The Kagiso complex is physically separated from Krugersdorp’s urban areas by an extensive mining belt that runs roughly in an east-west direction through the area.

Area: 1 345km2

Cities/Towns: Krugersdorp, Magaliesburg, Muldersdrift

Main Economic Sectors: Mining services, transport, energy, manufacturing, tourism, agriculture


Population: 383 864 Population Growth: 1.31% p.a.

No Schooling: 3.4% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 49.8%

Households: 147 153 Formal Dwellings: 76.0%


Composition of Council: ANC 31, DA 25, EFF 11, VF PLUS 6, ACDP 1, ATM 1, IFP 1, PAC 1

Controlling Party: DA

Executive Mayor: Mr Tyrone Gray

Speaker: Mrs Jacqueline Pannall

Chief Whip: Ms Lesego Lekoto

Other Council: Mr Jacobus Holtzhausen (MMC: Finance), Kagiso Lekagane (Utilities), Mrs Edwina Mahne (MMC: Integrated Environmental Management), Ms Samukelisiwe Mdlalose, Mr Louis Moleba (MMC:

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Adverse audit Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 2 032 2811 891 6711 806 471 Total Expenditure 2 231 4312 285 4281 808 934 Surplus/(Deficit) (199 151)(393 757)(2 463) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 145 771174 60741 765 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 105 583(286 114)246 030 Total Current Liabilities 318 351119 392 92 378 Community Wealth/Equity 3 528(52)(626) CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 24 578(413 886)(525 095) Cash at Year End 8 805(415 036)(525 989) UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 80 01383 869 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 3971 397 Vacant Positions 227 144 Managerial Positions 33 33 Vacant Managerial Positions 12 13 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 338 887352 145 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 48 78148 123 <200m from Yard 19 16018 502 Households - Free Basic Service3 7602 511 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served53 81051 766 Households - Free Basic Service4 3022 511 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage48 09848 098 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 25 25 Ventilated Pit Latrine 18 50218 502 Households - Free Basic Service3 7602 511

Public Works, Roads and Transport), Mr Bongani Nkosi (MMC: Sports, Recreation, Arts, Culture and Heritage), Mr Thomas Ntando (MMC: Social Development), Mr Danny Molefi Thupane (Human Settlement), Mrs Aletta van Loggerenberg (MMC: Corporate Support Services and Strategic Planning), Ms Zillah Wehinger-Maguire (Local Economic and Rural Development)

Municipal Manager: Mr Makhosana Msezana

Senior Management: Mr Vuyani Bekwa (Economic Development Services), Mpho Boihang (Strategic Management Services), Mrs Lydia Lebesa, Mr Kagiso Lekagane

Communications Officers: Mr Adrian Amod (Manager: Marketing and CRM), Refilwe Mahlangu


POSTAL: PO Box 218, Randfontein, 1760

PHYSICAL: Cnr Surtherland & Pollock Streets, Randfontein

TEL: 011 411 0000 FAX: 011 693 1736

WEB: www.randwestcity.gov.za


Description: The Rand West City Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the borders of the West Rand District in the Gauteng Province. It is the smallest of three municipalities in the district, making up a third of its geographical area. It was established by the amalgamation of the Randfontein and Westonaria Local Municipalities in August 2016. The municipality is characterised by dispersed urban structures consisting of various urban areas and mining villages spread across the entire municipal area. The rural areas consist of a large number of farms, as well as agricultural holdings.

The N12 National Road and the R28 Provincial Road, as well as the railway line, provide easy access to the area. Goods and services can reach markets and airports easily without sacrificing quality or excessive transport costs. The Bus Rapid Transport (BRT) node from Lenasia also makes it a valued area of choice to reside in.

Area: 1 115km2

Cities/Towns: Randfontein, Westonaria

Main Economic Sectors: Mining, manufacturing, trade, government services, agriculture


Population: 265 887

No Schooling: 4.1%

Households: 103 584

Population Growth: 0.42% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 41.9%

Formal Dwellings: 73.1%


Composition of Council: ANC 31, DA 16, EFF 12, VF PLUS 3, PA 2, ACDP 1, AIC 1, AZAPO 1, IFP 1, R.P.P 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Ms Gladys Khoza

Speaker: Dumil Sithole

Chief Whip: Jokazi Mkhuseli

Other Council: Ms Una Dickson (MMC: Health and Social Development), Sylvia Khenene (MMC: Economic Development and Planning), Jeje

Legoete (MMC: Water, Sanitation and Energy and MMC: Community Services), Dan Machaba (MMC: Road, Storm Water and Transport), Nozipho Mapena (MMC: Integrated Environment), Nontombi Dyase

Molatlhegi (MMC: Public Safety), Ms Selina Moumakwe (MMC: Finance), Mr Desmond Ndzipho (MMC: Sports, Recreation, Arts and Culture), Bruce Aldrin Nimmenhoudt (MMC: Human Settlement), Ms Amanda Sityebi (MMC: Corporate Services)

Municipal Manager: Mr Thabo Ndlovu

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Gareth Mnisi

Senior Management: Ofentse Blaai (Head: Internal Audit), Mr Sello Mdlela (Acting: Executive Manager Community Services), Mr Bongani

Eugene Nkambule (Executive Manager: Infrastructure), Mr Marks

Nkele (Executive Manager: Corporate Services), Mr Gregory Setei (Executive Manager: Economic Development and Planning), Mr Larry Steyn (Chief Operation Officer), Mr Chris Stoffels (Chief to Staff), Mr Hendrick Tshabangu (Manager: LED)

Communications Officers: Mr Philip Montshiwa

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 3 522 0443 226 6743 085 696 Total Expenditure 3 463 7983 217 2783 080 953 Surplus/(Deficit) 58 2459 3974 743 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 330 907222 695225 413 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 101 149(80 615)110 025 Total Current Liabilities 238 863(123 098)179 492 Community Wealth/Equity 224 675231 313208 634 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow - -Cash at Year End (90 451)69 44414 242 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 107 585130 713 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 2 7072 550 Vacant Positions 1 0231 064 Managerial Positions 47 48 Vacant Managerial Positions 5 4 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 866 979814 075 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 127 173104 020 <200m from Yard 9 7408 000 >200m from Yard 5003 000 Households - Free Basic Service5 3659 943 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served123 34795 647 Households - Free Basic Service6 8279 943 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage127 17392 240 Ventilated Pit Latrine 4 47011 070 Other 2 182 0 Households - Free Basic Service5 1849 943 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 2 364 7532 190 4622 053 866 Total Expenditure 2 307 9092 326 6442 173 666 Surplus/(Deficit) 56 845(136 182)(119 800) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 229 180182 180145 709 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 1 884 1481 354 7031 021 071 Total Current Liabilities 3 039 1402 566 5322 115 183 Community Wealth/Equity 2 815 3312 689 8672 957 287 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 348 6352 168 1072 469 394 Cash at Year End 169 5331 705 9981 900 579 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 425 927322 448 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 6961 479 Vacant Positions 4123 Managerial Positions 48 68 Vacant Managerial Positions 4 0 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 550 913553 758 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 74 96274 962 <200m from Yard 4 6154 198 >200m from Yard 3 9523 945 Households - Free Basic Service8 46014 193 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served73 32071 113 Households - Free Basic Service8 46014 193 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage82 05482 054 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 252252 Households - Free Basic Service8 46014 193 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



KwaZulu-Natal is located in the south-east of South Africa bordering the Indian Ocean. It also borders on the Eastern Cape, Free State and Mpumalanga Provinces, as well as Lesotho, Swaziland and Mozambique. The ‘Garden Province’ of South Africa stretches from the lush subtropical east coast washed by the warm Indian Ocean, to the sweeping savanna in the east and the majestic Drakensberg Mountain Range in the west.

It covers an area of 94 361km2, the third-smallest in the country, and has a population of 11 065 240, making it the second most populous province in South Africa. The capital is Pietermaritzburg. The largest city is Durban. Other major cities and towns include Richards Bay, Port Shepstone, Newcastle, Estcourt, Ladysmith and Richmond.

The province’s manufacturing sector is the largest in terms of contribution to GDP. Richards Bay is the centre of operations for South Africa’s aluminium industry. The Richards Bay Coal Terminal is instrumental in securing the country’s position as the second-largest exporter of steam coal in the world. The province has undergone rapid industrialisation owing to its abundant water supply and labour resources.

Agriculture is also central to the economy. The sugar cane plantations along the coastal belt are the mainstay of KwaZulu-Natal’s agriculture. The coastal belt is also a large producer of subtropical fruit, while the farmers inland concentrate on vegetable, dairy and stock farming. Another source of income is forestry in the areas around Vryheid, Eshowe, Richmond, Harding and Ngome.

KwaZulu-Natal is divided into one metropolitan municipality (eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality) and 10 district municipalities, which are further subdivided into 43 local municipalities.

KWAZULU-NATAL eThekwini 87 Amajuba District 88 Dannhauser 88 eMadlangeni 89 Newcastle 90 Harry Gwala District 90 Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma 91 Greater Kokstad 92 Ubuhlebezwe 92 uMzimkhulu 93 iLembe District 93 KwaDukuza 94 Mandeni 95 Maphumulo 96 Ndwedwe 96 King Cetshwayo District 97 City of uMhlathuze 98 Mthonjaneni 98 Nkandla 99 uMfolozi 100 uMlalazi 100 Ugu District 101 Ray Nkonyeni 102 Umdoni 103 Umuziwabantu 103 Umzumbe 104 uMgungundlovu District 104 Impendle 105 Mkhambathini 106 Mpofana 106 Msunduzi 107 Richmond 108 uMngeni 108 uMshwathi 109 uMkhanyakude District 109 Big 5 Hlabisa 110 Jozini 111 Mtubatuba 111 uMhlabuyalingana 112 uMzinyathi District 112 Endumeni 113 Nquthu 114 uMsinga 115 Umvoti 115 uThukela District 116 Alfred Duma 117 Inkosi Langalibalele 117 Okhahlamba 118 Zululand District 118 AbaQulusi 119 eDumbe 120 Nongoma 120 Ulundi 121 uPhongolo 122



POSTAL: PO Box 1014, Durban, 4000

PHYSICAL: City Hall, 263 Dr Pixley Ka Seme (West) Street, Durban

TEL: 031 311 1111 FAX: 031 311 2170

WEB: www.durban.gov.za


Description: The eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality is a Category A municipality found in the South African province of KwaZulu-Natal. eThekwini is the largest city in this province and the third-largest city in the country. Its land area is comparatively larger than that of other South African cities and is topographically hilly, with many gorges and ravines and almost no true coastal plain.

It is a sophisticated, cosmopolitan city and is known as the home of Africa’s best-managed, busiest port. The world-class International Convention Centre in Durban has hosted a historic line-up of events, including conferences on a global scale. Durban has a turbulent history dating from ivory hunters in the 1820s and their conflict with the local Zulu monarchs. The province has the largest number of battlefields. It is also a major centre of tourism because of the City’s warm, subtropical climate and extensive beaches.

Durban Tourism is the leading domestic destination in South Africa. The estimated visitor number for the financial year 2010/11 is 9,95 million. The value of the domestic tourism economic impact on the region’s GDP is estimated to be 8% per annum. The hospitality industry consists of many fine hotels, nightspots, shopping malls, ethnic attractions, traditional villages, craft markets, sparkling dams, and big-game parks. Area: 2 556km2

Cities/Towns: Amalanga, Amanzimtoti, Amaotana, Berea, Blackburn, Bluff, Cato Ridge, Cele/Vumengazi, Chatsworth, Cibane, Clermont, Clifton Canyon, Craigieburn, Dassenhoek, Desainager, Durban, Durban International Airport, Durban North, Durban South, Emalangeni, Embo/ Nksa Isimahla, Emona, Ethekwini, Everton, Ezembeni, Folweni, Gcumisa, Genazzano, Gillitts, Glenashley, Golokodo-Ensimbini, Hambanathi, Hammarsdale, Hillcrest, Ilanga, Ilfracombe, Illovo North, Illovo South, Inanda, Inchanga, Iqadi, Isipingo, Isipingo Beach, Kingsburgh, Klaarwater, Kloof, KwaDabeka, KwaMashu, KwaNdengezi, La Mercy, Lotus Park, Luganda, Luthuli/Umnini Trust, Magabeni, Malagazi, Mangangeni/ Vumazonke, Maphephetha, Mariannhill, Mawotana, Mawothi, Molweni, Mount Edgecombe, Mount Moreland, Mpolo, Mpumalanga, New Germany, Newlands East, Newlands West, Ngcolosi, Ngqungqulu, Ntuzuma, Oceans, Outer West Durban, Phoenix, Pinetown, Prospecton, Qadi, Qiniselani Manyuswa, Queensburgh, Redcliffe, Roseneath, Sapref, Shallcross, Sobonakhona, Thoyana, Tongaat, Tongaat Beach, Tshelimnyama, UmgogintwiniUmbumbulu, Umdloti, Umgababa, Umhlanga, Umkomaas, Umlazi, Verulam, Waterfall, Westbrook, Westville, Ximba

Main Economic Sectors: Finance (22%), manufacturing (22%), community services (18%), trade (16%), transport (16%), construction (3%), electricity (2%)


Population: 3 702 231


Schooling: 4.7%

Households: 1 125 767

Population Growth: 1.43% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 54.0%

Formal Dwellings: 81.5%


Composition of Council: ANC 95, DA 59, EFF 24, IFP 17, ACTIONSA 4, ABC 2, ACC 2, ACDP 2, AIC 2, ADEC 1, ALJAMA 1, APF 1, ATM 1, DLC 1, JEP 1, KZNI 1, MF 1, MOSA 1, NFP 1, PFP 1, PRM 1, TA 1, UIM 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: ANC/ABC Coalition

Mayor: Mr Mxolisi Kaunda

Deputy Mayor: Mr Philani Mavundla (Chairperson: Human Settlements and Infrastructure Committee)

Speaker: Mr Thabani Nyawose

Chief Whip: Mr Thembubuhle Ntuli

Other Council: Ms Yogiswarie Govender (Exco), Ms Nicole Graham (Exco), Ms Makhosi Khoza (MPAC Chairperson), Mr Nkosenhle Mandlala (Chairperson: Governance and Human Resources Committee), Mr Thabane Miya (Exco), Mr Thabani Mthethwa (Exco), Mr Mduduzi Nkosi (Exco), Mr Thanduxolo Sabelo (Chairperson: Economic Development and Planning Committee), Ms Zamazulu Sokhabese (Chairperson: Community Services Committee)

Municipal Manager: Mr Musa Mbhele (Acting City Manager)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Sandile Mnguni

Senior Management: Mr Sipho Cele (Governance and International Relations), Mr Sibusiso Makhanya (Trading Services), Ms Kim Makhathini (Corporate and Human Resources), Mr Musa Mbhele (Chief Operations), Ms Beryl Mphakathi (Human Settlements, Engineering and Transportation)

Communications Officers: Msawakhe Mayisela (Spokesperson), Mr Mandla Nsele (Acting)

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.

Tongaat Umhlanga Glenashley
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/22*2020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 42 903 98942 178 34341 123 626 Total Expenditure 39 692 43841 348 76640 843 600 Surplus/(Deficit) 3 211 551817 195289 504 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 3 052 4203 921 0373 485 233 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 2 193 8421 527 588(2 181 601) Total Current Liabilities 115 0921 356 011795 076 Community Wealth/Equity (154)(100 516)(1 041 727) CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (10 000) -Cash at Year End (97 961)58 490(191 230) UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 779 8972 855 906 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 28 01429 710 Vacant Positions 2 8553 054 Managerial Positions 846 811 Vacant Managerial Positions 122 116 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 11 312 14210 601 857 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 660 620655 894 <200m from Yard 244 782244 082 Households - Free Basic Service584 435579 127 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served781 960764 499 Households - Free Basic Service216 529191 033 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage479 944478 649 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 107 525107 525 Ventilated Pit Latrine 35 00035 000 Other 227 232225 313 Households - Free Basic Service442 291439 077



POSTAL: Private Bag X6615, Newcastle, 2940

PHYSICAL: B9356 Amajuba Building, Madadeni

TEL: 034 329 7200 FAX: 034 314 3785

EMAIL: info@amajuba.gov.za

WEB: www.amajuba.gov.za


Description: The Amajuba District Municipality is a Category C municipality located in the north-western corner of KwaZulu-Natal, bordering on the Free State Province and Limpopo. It is one of the smallest districts in the province, making up only 8% of its geographical area. The municipality comprises three local municipalities: Newcastle, eMadlangeni and Dannhauser.

The main transportation routes linking the district to its surrounds are the N11, which is the alternative route to Johannesburg from Durban, and the rail line, which is the main line from the Durban harbour to Gauteng. The R34 also bisects the district in an east-west direction and provides a linkage from the port city of Richards Bay to the interior.

Area: 7 102km2

Main Economic Sectors: Manufacturing (35%), community services (22.2%), financial and business services (15.2%), trade (8.6%)


Population: 531 327

Population Growth: 1.35% p.a.

No Schooling: 6.1% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 45.6%

Households: 117 256 Formal Dwellings: 84.4%


Composition of Council: ANC 4, IFP 4, EFF 2, DA 1, TSSA 1 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: n/a

Mayor: Mr Misizwe Ndabuko Zulu

Deputy Mayor: Mr Sibusiso Sizani

Speaker: Mr Siphamandla Zulu

Chief Whip: Mr Andile Nkosi

Other Council: Ms Makhosazana Mdlalose (Exco), Mr Albertus Meiring (Exco), Ms Phumzile Mgcina (Exco), Ms Zanele Msibi (Exco), Mr S Sizani

Municipal Manager: Mr Sidwell Sithole (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Mduduzi Mngomezulu

Senior Management: SC Mdakane (Director: Community Services), C Myeza (Director: Planning and Development Services), Mr Sihlangu

Ngobese (Manager: LED), Mr Joseph Thusi (NAMPAC), TW Zulu (Director: Engineering Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Sbonelo Cebekhulu


POSTAL: Private Bag X1011, Dannhauser, 3080

PHYSICAL: 8 Church Street, Dannhauser

TEL: 034 621 2666 FAX: 034 621 3114

EMAIL: municipalmanager@dannhauser.gov.za

WEB: www.dannhauser.gov.za


Description: The Dannhauser Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Amajuba District in the KwaZulu-Natal Province. It is the smallest of the three municipalities in the district, making up a quarter of its geographical area.

The municipality is named after an old farming family that lived in the area. The town of Dannhauser is located midway between Durban and Johannesburg on the main railway line, about 8km off the national road between the two cities. It is surrounded by some of the largest coal-producing mines in KwaZulu-Natal. Numerous rivers flow through the municipal area, the most important being the Ngagane and uMzinyathi Rivers, and there are scenic landscapes in the western portion of the municipality.

Dannhauser functions as a small rural service centre (providing commercial and service facilities, and agricultural industries and services). It is therefore not a large employment generator. Residents of the municipal area rely on the larger urban centres of Dundee and

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.
! ! !
Utrecht Newcastle Dannhauser Hattingspruit Osizweni Madadeni Kingsley
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Disclaimer of audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 341 907336 226298 866 Total Expenditure 278 913260 876231 428 Surplus/(Deficit) 106 807104 73794 588 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 274 197187 292106 639 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 97 90595 798114 755 Total Current Liabilities 127 339118 538151 172 Community Wealth/Equity 625 164575 500534 043 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (222 704)(106 567) 3 Cash at Year End (222 701)(17 345)89 224 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 267 697102 188 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 245245 Vacant Positions 71 71 Managerial Positions 57 57 Vacant Managerial Positions 14 13 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 101 18197 374 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 5 6775 510 <200m from Yard 15 22613 220 >200m from Yard 5 7865 786 Households - Free Basic Service5 5105 510 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage2 6212 621 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 2 3522 352 Ventilated Pit Latrine 17 95417 954 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20

Newcastle for employment opportunities and higher order goods and services. Investment in commerce has growth prospects.

Area: 1 707km2

Cities/Towns: Dannhauser, Hattingspruit

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, mining (30%), manufacturing (13.8%), services


Population: 105 341 Population Growth: 0.52% p.a.

No Schooling: 5.5% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 35.6%

Households: 20 242 Formal Dwellings: 69.3%


Composition of Council: ANC 9, IFP 8, EFF 3, ABC 1, CFP 1, DA 1,


Controlling Party: Hung Council

Mayor: SEC Kunene

Deputy Mayor: S Nzuza

Speaker: XM Nkosi

Chief Whip: GV Ngcane

Other Council: BTD Langa, RN Made, BA Radebe

Municipal Manager: Mr S Cle

Chief Financial Officer: Ms S Hlatshwayo (Acting)

Senior Management: Mr S Naidoo (Manager: Community Services), Mr PJ Ndlovu (Manager: IDP), Mr M Nene (Manager: Technical Services), Mr M Ntanzi

Communications Officers: Mr Sphiwe Jele (Council Support)



POSTAL: PO Box 11, Utrecht, 2980

PHYSICAL: 34 Voor Street, Utrecht, 2980

TEL: 034 331 3041 FAX: 034 331 4312

EMAIL: info@emadlangeni.gov.za

WEB: emadlangeni.gov.za


Description: The eMadlangeni Local Municipality (previously Utrecht Local Municipality) is a Category B municipality in the Amajuba District of the KwaZulu-Natal Province. It is located 52km east of Newcastle and 68km west of Vryheid on the R34, bordering with the Mpumalanga Province in the north. It is the largest municipality of the three in the district, accounting for half of its geographical area.

Established in 1854, Utrecht is one of the oldest towns in KwaZuluNatal. The land was bought from the Zulu King, Mpande. At the foot of the northern end of the Drakensberg, known as the Balele Mountains, this small valley, with the Inchuba River (Schoonstroom) running through it, was chosen by the then settlers for its beauty, peace and tranquillity. Area: 3 539km2

Cities/Towns: Utrecht

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, industrial, tourism, service


Population: 36 869

No Schooling: 10.7%

Population Growth: 1.55% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 34.7%

Households: 6 667 Formal Dwellings: 67.4%


The municipality is under S139 administration.

Composition of Council: ANC 4, IFP 4, DA 1, EFF 1, NFP 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Mayor: Mr Mzwakhe Buthelezi

Deputy Mayor: Ntsikelelo Ndlovu (Deputy Mayor and Exco)

Speaker: MJ Mthethwa

Other Council: MM Booysen, NA Madida, F Mlambo, HM Mthethwa (Exco), VC Ndlovu, FGS Smook

Municipal Manager: Mrs Grace Mavundla (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Wellington Mtusva

Senior Management: Njabulo Kheswa (HOD: Planning and Infrastructure Services), Zamokuhle Mkhize (Director: Corporate Services), Mr SF Mtshali (Director: Planning and Economic Development), Mr Wellington Mtusva (HOD: Budget and Treasury Services), AR Reynard (Chief Protection Services), Ms Zanele Sithebe (HOD: Community Services), Mr TP Zondi (Manager: LED)

Communications Officers: Mr Ayanda Mabaso

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 167 199154 175151 146 Total Expenditure 181 267150 496168 746 Surplus/(Deficit) (14 068)3 679(17 600) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 49 18766 42643 757 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 2 85233 22887 009 Total Current Liabilities 41 63237 596 93 359 Community Wealth/Equity 525 156450 801472 412 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 231 151176 840181 092 Cash at Year End 185 09536 887104 914 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 21 6398 818 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 98 83 Managerial Positions 9 9 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 37 738 39 935 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served5 0604 451 Households - Free Basic Service1 4201 497
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 104 941103 40289 141 Total Expenditure 103 693 99 542104 483 Surplus/(Deficit) 1 2483 860(15 342) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 176 443150 400154 180 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 23 83535 39832 965 Total Current Liabilities 54 84449 97145 353 Community Wealth/Equity 175 017173 722188 028 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 5 4786 8525 456 Cash at Year End 5 4786 8525 456 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 41 35522 914 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 138 159 Vacant Positions 2 24 Managerial Positions 12 12 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 2 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 38 10635 054 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served4 4064 024 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: Private Bag X6621, Newcastle, 2940

PHYSICAL: 37 Murchison Street, Newcastle

TEL: 034 328 7600 FAX: 034 312 1570

EMAIL: mm@newcastle.gov.za

WEB: www.newcastle.gov.za


Description: The Newcastle Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Amajuba District. It is located in the inland region on the north-west corner of KwaZulu-Natal, a few kilometres south of the Free State, Mpumalanga and Gauteng Province borders, in the foothills of the Drakensberg. It is one of three municipalities in the district, making up a quarter of its geographical area.

Newcastle is the third-largest urban centre in KwaZulu-Natal and is categorised as a secondary city. The town was strategically placed, in 1854, by the Surveyor General of the Natal Colony, Dr PC Sutherland. The town was later known as the Waterfall River Township because of the Ncandu River. In 1864, the town of Newcastle was founded on the site, becoming the fourth town to be established in Natal. The town was named after the British Colonial Secretary, the Duke of Newcastle. Newcastle functioned as a major transport junction and popular stopover for wagons and postchaises during the late 1800s. In 1890, the first train arrived in Newcastle. In 1891, Newcastle was declared a borough. The discovery of coal brought a new era of prosperity to the town and several ambitious building projects were planned for Newcastle in the late 1900s.

Area: 1 856km2

Cities/Towns: Charlestown, Newcastle

Main Economic Sectors: Trade (24.9%), community services (22.1%), finance (14.71%), manufacturing (13.7%), construction (6.9%), transport (6.7%), agriculture (3.8%)


Population: 389 117

Population Growth: 1.56% p.a.

No Schooling: 5.8% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 48.9%

Households: 90 347 Formal Dwellings: 89.1%


Composition of Council: ANC 22, IFP 18, EFF 8, TSSA 7, DA 5, ACTIONSA 3, ATM 1, NFP 1, PA 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Mayor: Mr David Xolani Dube

Deputy Mayor: Mr Musa Thwala

Speaker: Mr Thengi Zulu

Chief Whip: D Mnguni

Other Council: VV Bam (Corporate Services), EJ Cronje (Community Services), RN Mdluli (Corporate Services), RM Molelekoa (Technical

Services), S Shabangu (Community Services), M Shunmugam (Development Planning and Human Settlements), MS Thwala (Technical Services), NA Zwane (Finance)

Municipal Manager: Mr BE Mswane

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Sishosonke Nkosi (Acting)

Senior Management: S Chauke (Strategic Executive Director: Technical Services), M Mbatha (Mahlubi) (Strategic Executive Director: Corporate Services), S Nkosi (Acting Strategic Executive Director: Budget and Treasury Office), B Nkosi (Strategic Executive Director: Community Services and Acting Strategic Executive Director: Development Planning and Human Settlements)

Communications Officers: Dr Dumisani Thabethe (Head: Communications)


POSTAL: Private Bag X501, Ixopo, 3276

PHYSICAL: 40 Main Street, Ixopo

TEL: 039 834 8700 FAX: 039 834 1701/1750

WEB: www.harrygwaladm.gov.za


Description: The Harry Gwala District Municipality (previously Sisonke District Municipality) is a Category C municipality situated south of KwaZulu-Natal. It borders on the Eastern Cape Province, Lesotho and the Drakensberg Mountains, which form a 200km-long World Heritage Site. The municipality is comprised of four local municipalities: Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, uMzimkhulu, Greater Kokstad and Ubuhlebezwe. The seat of Harry Gwala is Ixopo.

Economically, the most prominent employment sectors are agriculture, construction and small-scale manufacturing. The district is known for its progressive farming methods. Harry Gwala has an abundance of high quality soils, high altitude, abundant water, and climatic extremes, which makes the area suitable for dairy farming. A significant portion of dairy consumed in KwaZulu-Natal is produced within the district.

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.

Underberg Donnybrook Franklin uMzimkhulu Ixopo Kokstad
INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 2 184 2222 088 0271 978 938 Total Expenditure 2 321 8412 285 1852 329 254 Surplus/(Deficit) (137 619)(197 158)(350 316) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 195 40153 694(0) FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 7 113 310824 541581 877 Total Current Liabilities 6 969 613862 671699 887 Community Wealth/Equity6 204 2816 479 3106 797 681 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 3 309 0852 681 947Cash at Year End 3 137 3872 682 652 706 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 36 006162 633 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 1571 423 Vacant Positions 3 0 Managerial Positions 34 26 Vacant Managerial Positions 3 0 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 583 517596 638 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 86 44486 064 <200m from Yard 4 2834 283 Households - Free Basic Service6 8267 484 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served94 34092 949 Households - Free Basic Service5 1077 484 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage61 57561 575 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 732 9 Ventilated Pit Latrine 24 42623 466 Households - Free Basic Service6 4337 484

The unspoilt natural environment has high ecotourism and adventuretourism potential.

Area: 10 388km2

Main Economic Sectors: Community services and agriculture (60%)


Population: 510 865 Population Growth: 2.03% p.a.

No Schooling: 10.2% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 29.9%

Households: 123 705 Formal Dwellings: 41.7%


Composition of Council: ANC 8, EFF 2, DA 1, IFP 1 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: n/a

Mayor: Mr ZC Nxumalo

Deputy Mayor: Ms Ntuseng Maphasa Duma

Speaker: NT Jojozi

Other Council: Mr N Mavuka (Exco Member), Mr BP Nzimande (Exco Member), Ms LA Zondi (Exco Member)

Municipal Manager: Ms Adelaide Momnandi Dlamini

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Mthethunzima Mkatu

Senior Management: Mr Dumisani Sanele Gqiba (Executive Director: Water Services), Ms N James (Executive Director: Social Services and Development Planning), Ms Neziswe Lungwengwe (Executive Director: Corporate Services), Mr David Bheki Makwakwa (Executive Director: Infrastructure Services)

Communications Officers: Ms N Ngubane




POSTAL: PO Box 62, Creighton, 3263

PHYSICAL: Main Street, Creighton, 3263

TEL: 039 833 1038 FAX: 039 833 1179

EMAIL: mailbox@ndz.gov.za

WEB: www.ndz.gov.za


Description: The Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the southern part of KwaZulu-Natal within the Harry Gwala District, which borders on the Eastern Cape and Lesotho. It is the largest municipality of four in the district, accounting for just over a third of its geographical area. It was established by the amalgamation of the Ingwe and Kwa Sani Local Municipalities in August 2016.

The municipality fulfils the role of being the administrative and commercial centre for the district. The rest of the municipal area consists of tribal lands, which dominate the area. The municipality is known for the World Heritage Site of Ukhahlamba.

Area: 3 602km2

Cities/Towns: Creighton, Himeville, Underberg

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, tourism


Population: 118 480

Population Growth: 1.67% p.a.

No Schooling: 8.2% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 25.7%

Households: 29 618 Formal Dwellings: 38.2%


Composition of Council: ANC 16, EFF 6, IFP 4, DA 3

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Dr Sindisiwe Msomi

Deputy Mayor: Ms Kholeka Hadebe

Speaker: Mr Sfiso Phoswa

Chief Whip: Mr VAT Mthembu

Other Council: Mr Dave Adams (Exco Member), Ms Kholeka Annacleta Hadebe (Exco Member), Ms Zamambo P Mkhize (Exco Member)

Municipal Manager: Mr Nkosiyezwe Vezi

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Mthembeni Mzimela

Senior Management: Ms N Cezu (Supply Chain Management), Mr W Dlamini (Protection Services), Mr N Madiba (PMU), Ms Z Mlatha (Community and Social Services), Mr V Mngadi (Public Works and Basic Services Manager), Mr DL Smith (LED), Mr SJ Sondezi (Corporate and Support Services), Mrs NN Vakalisa (Strategic Manager: Office of the Municipal Manager), Mr E West (Internal Audit)

Communications Officers: M Nxele

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.

Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 860 424819 547740 757 Total Expenditure 638 069575 782560 762 Surplus/(Deficit) 222 355243 766179 995 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 290 905296 457240 195 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 112 965104 170101 536 Total Current Liabilities 110 299101 296137 351 Community Wealth/Equity2 794 5212 597 1952 330 681 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 173 391(102 204)Cash at Year End (65 652)(312 958)58 363 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 76 75564 300 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 396 393 Vacant Positions 48 49 Managerial Positions 45 45 Vacant Managerial Positions 3 3 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 198 103180 647 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 19 95719 232 <200m from Yard 66 81152 403 >200m from Yard 1 1921 192 Households - Free Basic Service2 5131 362 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage15 43515 366 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 8 5538 553 Ventilated Pit Latrine 98 06976 944 Other 916 84 Households - Free Basic Service2 5131 362
INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 249 501251 448225 922 Total Expenditure 212 164166 043169 614 Surplus/(Deficit) 37 33885 40556 308 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 71 75575 83377 287 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 228 594207 167159 794 Total Current Liabilities 72 55354 61051 135 Community Wealth/Equity 655 418 521 878 465 571 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 256 972292 988184 Cash at Year End 361 539417 208121 735 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 11 12745 688 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 229322 Vacant Positions 0 101 Managerial Positions 16 16 Vacant Managerial Positions 0 4 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 69 72261 700 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served25 31724 885 Households - Free Basic Service1 4974 896 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: PO Box 8, Kokstad, 4700

PHYSICAL: Adam Kok III Building, 75 Hope Street, Kokstad

TEL: 039 797 6600 FAX: 039 727 5501

WEB: www.kokstad.gov.za


Description: The Greater Kokstad Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Harry Gwala District of KwaZulu-Natal. It is bordered by the Matatiele Local Municipality and Lesotho to the west, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma Local Municipality to the north, Umuziwabantu Local Municipality to the south-east and Eastern Cape to the east.

Kokstad serves as the service centre and commercial hub for most of East Griqualand and nearby parts of the Eastern Cape, with which it shares borders. Kokstad is derived from Dutch, and it means ’town of Kok’. It was named after Adam Kok III.

Area: 2 680km2

Cities/Towns: Kokstad

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture (36%), trade (20%), community services (18%), finance (16%), transport (4%), manufacturing (3%), electricity (2%)


Population: 76 753 Population Growth: 3.44% p.a.

No Schooling: 1.6% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 44.4%

Households: 24 397 Formal Dwellings: 86.3%


Composition of Council: ANC 12, EFF 4, DA 2, AIC 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Marcus Nevelle Lwanda Madikizela

Deputy Mayor: Ms Karen Walker

Speaker: Bhekokwakhe Trinity Nozaza

Municipal Manager: Mr Sipho Raynold Zwane

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Siyabonga Khoza

Senior Management: Ntokozo Makoba (Executive Manager: Corporate Services), Canesia Vezi (Executive Manager: Economic Development and Spatial Planning)

Communications Officers: Mrs Nthabeleng Matshoba (Assistant Manager: Communications and IGR) FINANCIAL



POSTAL: PO Box 132, Ixopo, 3276

PHYSICAL: 29 Margaret Street, Ixopo

TEL: 039 834 7700 FAX: 039 834 1168

WEB: www.ubuhlebezwe.gov.za


Description: The Ubuhlebezwe Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located within the Harry Gwala District in the KwaZuluNatal Province. It is the smallest of the four municipalities in the district. The main administrative centre of the municipality is the town of Ixopo, which is located approximately 85km south-east of Pietermaritzburg, the capital of KwaZulu-Natal. It is strategically located at the intersection of four major provincial routes leading to Pietermaritzburg, the Drakensberg, the Eastern Cape and the South Coast.

The town of Ixopo forms the primary development node of the municipality and has also been selected as the seat of the Harry Gwala District Council. The importance of Ixopo cannot be underestimated in the socio-economic development of the area as a whole. Ixopo plays an important role in terms of the possible location for industry, commerce and other economic activity. It is a major education and health centre, and assists in the diffusion of new ideas and technologies to the rural areas. It is also the primary base for the operation of many departments and service providers.

In line with the KwaZulu-Natal Integrated Rural Development Policy, a number of secondary development nodes have been identified. The intention of secondary development nodes is to identify welllocated settlements where government and municipal services, administrative functions, and commercial and residential development will be encouraged to locate in the future. The secondary and tertiary development nodes identified are: Highflats, Hlutankungu (previously Stuartsville), Jolivet, KwaBhidla, Emgodi and Hlokozi.

Area: 1 670km2

Cities/Towns: Ixopo

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, tourism, business


Population: 118 346 Population Growth: 1.47% p.a.

No Schooling: 12.7%

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 32.6%

Households: 25 120 Formal Dwellings: 30.8%


Composition of Council: ANC 18, EFF 3, IFP 2, AIC 1, DA 1, INDEPENDENT 1, NFP 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Ms Elizabeth Bathobile Ngubo

Deputy Mayor: Mr Zwakele Conrad Mngonyama

Speaker: Mr Thulani Conrad Dlamini

Chief Whip: Mr Hezekiel Christian Jili

Other Council: Mrs C Ntabeni

Municipal Manager: Mr ME Mkhize

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Siyasanga Sityata

Senior Management: Ms Phindile Luswazi, Mr N Mkhize (Manager: LED), Mr Syabonga Brian Mkhwanazi

Communications Officers: Mr Zakhele Mtolo FINANCIAL

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.

AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 518 370429 670394 579 Total Expenditure 420 847414 659383 947 Surplus/(Deficit) 97 52315 01110 632 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 81 159120 23689 743 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 337 580320 372354 886 Total Current Liabilities 286 242304 022280 128 Community Wealth/Equity 927 858781 248747 293 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 246 635397 590590 749 Cash at Year End 167 057484 666673 826 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 49 713 35 739 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 395 407 Vacant Positions 0 12 Managerial Positions 29 34 Vacant Managerial Positions 0 8 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 142 610134 820 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served15 29414 084 Households - Free Basic Service4 9424 849
OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 206 278210 174193 654 Total Expenditure 176 482187 818164 176 Surplus/(Deficit) 29 79622 35729 479 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS
INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT




POSTAL: PO Box 53, Umzimkhulu, 3297

PHYSICAL: 169 Mzimkhulu Mlonyana, uMzimkhulu

TEL: 039 259 5000 FAX: 039 259 0427

EMAIL: info@umzimkhululm.gov.za

WEB: www.umzimkhululm.gov.za


Description: The Umzimkhulu Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Harry Gwala District in KwaZulu-Natal. It is one of the four municipalities that make up the district, accounting for a quarter of its geographical area.

It is the most populated of the Harry Gwala municipalities. Households headed by women are in the majority of the population. There is a need to implement youth development programmes and, for the most part, to target women in stimulating nodal economic growth.

Umzimkhulu Town (and adjoining Clydesdale peri-urban area) is regarded as the primary node, both administrative and economic, in the municipal area. Rietvlei, Riversdale and Ibisi are regarded as secondary nodes, fulfilling the role of rural service centres.

Other settlements such as Mountain Home, Glengarry, Ntsikeni and Ncambele (Gowan Lea) can be regarded as minor service centres. The towns of Creighton and Franklin are accessible to the north-western part of the municipal area and Harding is accessible to the southern part, as economic service centres.

Area: 2 436km2

Cities/Towns: uMzimkhulu

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture; forestry; community, social and personal services; trade and tourism


Population: 197 286 Population Growth: 2.05% p.a.

No Schooling: 14.1% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 23.8%

Households: 44 571 Formal Dwellings: 25.7%


Composition of Council: ANC 33, EFF 6, AIC 1, DA 1, IFP 1,


Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mrs Jabulile Msiya

Deputy Mayor: Mr Bhekamahlongwa Lukakayi (Chairperson: Corporate Services Standing Committee)

Speaker: Gugulethu Mavuma

Chief Whip: Mr Xolani Tshazi



POSTAL: PO Box 1788, KwaDukuza, 4450

PHYSICAL: iLembe House, 59/61 Mahatma Ghandi Street, KwaDukuza

TEL: 032 437 9300 FAX: 032 437 9588

WEB: www.ilembe.gov.za


Description: The iLembe District Municipality is a Category C municipality situated on the east coast of KwaZulu-Natal, bordering the Indian Ocean. It is the smallest of the province’s district municipalities, making up a mere 3% of its geographical area.

Other Council: Mhlangabezi Didi (Chairperson: Strategic Planning, LED and Housing Standing Committee), Nkosiphendulo Jaca (Community and Social Services Standing Committee), Khanyisile Mafuleka (Infrastructure and Engineering Standing Committee), Xolisa Memela (MPAC Chairperson), Mrs Jabulile Msiya (Chairperson: Budget and Treasury Office), Mrs Sindisiwe Nkala (Chairperson: Good Governance Standing Committee)

Municipal Manager: Mr Andile Christopher Ngqoyiya

Chief Financial Officer: Thembakazi Mkhanya

Senior Management: Ms Khumbuza Dweba (Manager: Infrastructure and Engineering Department), Ms Nosisa Luzulane (Manager: Community and Social Service Department), Mr Thembinkosi Maphumulo (Manager: Strategic Planning, Housing and LED), Ms Zama Mkhize (LED Manager), Mr Khalipha Nyamela (Manager: Corporate Services Department)

Communications Officers: Mr Willie Mgcina

iLembe consists of four local municipalities located between Durban and Richards Bay: Mandeni, KwaDukuza, Maphumulo and Ndwedwe. The seat of iLembe is KwaDukuza (previously Stanger). The town straddles the Tugela River, the traditional border between former Colonial Natal and the Kingdom of Zululand, the site of historical and cultural events.

The majority of the rural inland areas are tribal authority areas, characterised by subsistence farming. At the border of the district is the Unicity of Durban in the immediate south, which is linked by the coastal highway to Richards Bay in the north, giving it access to both harbours for trade purposes. It is also a leading place for the tourism industry because of its rich Zulu Kingdom heritage, as it was named in recognition of King Shaka.

THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 | 093 KWAZULU-NATAL Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.
CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 146 80398 69854 091 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 220 841223 166198 483 Total Current Liabilities 25 09828 80217 590 Community Wealth/Equity 501 359 490 528461 663 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 248 168182 14043 572 Cash at Year End 567 154389 036273 978 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 66 535273 864 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 260 278 Vacant Positions 25 4 Managerial Positions 22 21 Vacant Managerial Positions 5 4 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 79 81775 053 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served16 00116 001 Households - Free Basic Service 54 62
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 301 383 353 570 269 280 Total Expenditure 274 370259 603226 284 Surplus/(Deficit) 27 01393 96742 996 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 75 166104 89252 987 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 183 817213 320245 089 Total Current Liabilities 23 49912 15359 416 Community Wealth/Equity 789 751761 869610 349 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 257 179294 540138 712 Cash at Year End 347 504777 572558 997 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 21 3865 471 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 264 257 Vacant Positions 1 1 Managerial Positions 17 5 Vacant Managerial Positions 1 0 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 116 858104 973 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served14 01613 076 Households - Free Basic Service4 1069 728

Area: 3 270km2

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture


Population: 657 612 Population Growth: 1.83% p.a.

No Schooling: 11.1% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 39.1%

Households: 191 369 Formal Dwellings: 73.9%


Composition of Council: ANC 7, IFP 3, ACTIONSA 1, DA 1, EFF 1, IA 1 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: n/a

Mayor: Mr Thobani Shandu

Deputy Mayor: Ms James van Wye

Speaker: Mr Dolly Shandu

Other Council: Ms Hlengiwe Makatha, Mxolisi Mthiyane, Nduduzo Ncube, Happy Ngcobo, Mr Christopher Ngcobo

Municipal Manager: Mr Sazi Mbhele

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Mahendra Chandulal

Senior Management: Mr Geoffrey Kumalo (Director: Corporate Services), Ms Yvonne Mathonsi (Director: Corporate Governance), Ms Cingisa Mbola (Director: Technical Services), Thuthu Ngcobo (CEO), Mr GM Nzuzu (Manager: Human Resources), Ms Cheryl Peters (Acting Manager: LED)

Communications Officers: Zee Nqala FINANCIAL




POSTAL: PO Box 72, KwaDukuza, 4450

PHYSICAL: 14 Chief Albert Luthuli Street, KwaDukuza

TEL: 032 437 5000 FAX: 032 437 5098

EMAIL: communications@kwadukuza.gov.za

WEB: www.kwadukuza.gov.za


Description: The KwaDukuza Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located within the iLembe District in the KwaZulu-Natal Province. It stretches from the Zinkwazi River in the north to the Tongaat River in the south. It is one of the four municipalities that make up the district. KwaDukuza (previously Stanger) is the district node and dominant commercial centre in the iLembe District.

The KwaDukuza Municipality occupies a coastal and inland stretch of approximately 50km in length and 14km in width, with a variety of clustered and ad hoc settlements and small towns. The municipality is linked with a well-developed network of roads and rail infrastructure. The key feature of KwaDukuza is the N2 Development Corridor. Area: 740km2

Cities/Towns: Dolphin Coast/Ballito, KwaDukuza, Nkwazi/Zinkwazi Beach

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, tourism


Population: 276 719 Population Growth: 4.09% p.a.

No Schooling: 6.8% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 44.9%

Households: 91 284 Formal Dwellings: 82.1%


Composition of Council: ANC 29, DA 9, ACTIONSA 5, IA 5, EFF 4, IFP 4, ACDP 1, AIC 1, ATM 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Mayor: Ms Lindi Nhaca

Deputy Mayor: Mr Thulani Ntuli

Speaker: Ms Dolly Govender

Chief Whip: Mr Humphrey Mbatha

Other Council: Mrs Stephne Ashworth, Mr Sicelinjabulo Cele, Ms Tammy Colley, Ms Cynthia Dumakude, Ms Joyce Magwaza, Mr Nkanyiso Mdletshe, Ms Duduzile Mthembu, Ms Thobisile Nkosi, Mr Melisizwe Ntleko, Mr Nel Sewraj, Mr Musa Sibisi

Municipal Manager: Mr Nhlanhla Mdakane

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Shamir Rajcoomar

Senior Management: Sikhumbuzo Hlongwane (Executive Director: Economic Development, Planning and LED), Mr Sibusiso Jali (Electrical Engineering Services), Mr Siyabonga Khanyile (Community Services and Public Amenities), Nonhlanhla Khumalo (LED and Tourism Manager), Mr Mandla Manzini (Chief Operations Officer and ED: Corporate Governance), Mrs Ayanda Ngiba (Acting: Corporate Services), Mr Muzi Sithole (Civil Engineering), Mr Cecil Viramuthu (Community Safety)

Communications Officers: Mr Sipho Mkhize (Spokesperson), Mr Sifiso

Zulu (Director: Corporate Communications)

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.
MAPHUMULO NDWEDWE KWADUKUZA MANDENI Shakaskraal Ballito Stanger Darnall Mandeni Isithebe Nkwazi
INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 283 1821 289 6051 112 742 Total Expenditure 1 049 7511 076 7861 004 438 Surplus/(Deficit) 233 431212 819108 305 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 234 890240 93259 966 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 536 384404 319315 932 Total Current Liabilities 315 621222 428274 532 Community Wealth/Equity3 201 9662 802 9972 412 715 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 1 033 717769 5811 516 703 Cash at Year End 1 309 49169 0301 037 812 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 42 841150 455 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 651 731 Vacant Positions 96168 Managerial Positions 33 33 Vacant Managerial Positions 6 5 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 213 556229 383 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 55 73555 735 <200m from Yard 75 83574 913 >200m from Yard 3 957 0 Households - Free Basic Service1 7411 701 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage26 96226 962 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 4 6534 653 Ventilated Pit Latrine 97 86897 868 Households - Free Basic Service1 0131 091
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified TABLE



POSTAL: PO Box 144, Mandeni, 4490

PHYSICAL: 2 Kingfisher Road, Mandeni

TEL: 032 456 8200 FAX: 032 456 2504

EMAIL: queries@mandeni.gov.za

WEB: www.mandeni.gov.za


Description: The Mandeni Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located within the iLembe District in the KwaZulu-Natal Province. It covers the area from the Amatikulu River to a line just south of Mtunzini in the north, and to a line south of the uThukela River just north of Darnall. It is the smallest of four municipalities that make up the district. The uThukela River is the largest river in KwaZulu-Natal, and was the historical border between Zululand and Natal.

Mandeni Local Municipality is strategically located midway between Durban and Richards Bay, and lies on the development corridor on the north coast between these two major port cities in KwaZulu-Natal. It is located on the major railway and road transportation routes which link these two economic hubs. This strategic location is also acknowledged in the Provincial Spatial Framework, which has identified Mandeni as the growth node in the north coast corridor. The construction of the new Dube Trade Port and King Shaka International Airport has much economic, social and employment implications for the municipality because of its location.

Mandeni is the only urban settlement of substance and functions as the service centre for a substantial hinterland. Mandeni consists of fragmented pockets of intensive urban settlement separated by areas of little or no development. Four rural settlements, Hlomendlini, Macambini, Mathonsi and Ndulinde, are each under an Inkosi. All are underdeveloped and have major backlogs in service provision. The municipality has no capacity to supply the whole area with electricity. Transport infrastructure is well developed, with a high standard of road and rail services into the area.

Area: 555km2

Cities/Towns: Isithebe, Mandeni

Main Economic Sectors: Manufacturing (37%), finance, insurance, real estate and business services (29%), wholesale and retail trade, catering and accommodation (19%), transport (5%), agriculture (4%), general government (4%)


Population: 147 808

Population Growth: 1.55% p.a.

No Schooling: 5.9% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 39.2%

Households: 45 678 Formal Dwellings: 84.3%


Composition of Council: ANC 19, IFP 10, EFF 4, AIC 1, DA 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Thabani Mdlalose

Deputy Mayor: Bhekithemba Magwaza

Speaker: Ms Phindile Sishi

Other Council: Ms Melody Mdunge (Chairperson: Local Public Administration and Human Relations Portfolio Committee), Ntombizodwa Ntuli (Corporate Services), Mlungisi Shelembe

Municipal Manager: Mr Sizwe Goodman Khuzwayo

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Nozipho Mngomezulu

Senior Management: Mr Khetha Gumede (Director: Technical Services), Mrs Lungiswa Kutwana-Gomana (Director: Community Services and Public Safety), Mr Dumsani Mbongwa (Director: Economic Development, Planning and Human Settlements), Mr Vusi Zulu (Director: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Mduduzi Manzi

THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 | 095 KWAZULU-NATAL Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.
FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 2 096 2971 926 1171 793 779 Total Expenditure 1 940 0331 683 0561 612 466 Surplus/(Deficit) 156 264243 061181 313 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 230 918182 69045 621 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 1 266 0631 274 4151 087 902 Total Current Liabilities 510 585521 579545 210 Community Wealth/Equity3 084 5812 988 0272 483 107 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 1 023 7601 944 6871 792 088 Cash at Year End 1 333 6801 191 7471 475 229 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 85 837177 627 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 1741 007 Vacant Positions 35 39 Managerial Positions 30 30 Vacant Managerial Positions 5 1 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 423 749380 184 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served66 42365 510 Households - Free Basic Service10 58111 936
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FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 383 961 375 395 311 884 Total Expenditure 309 184301 885286 257 Surplus/(Deficit) 74 77773 51125 627 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 302 806272 457254 468 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 240 331214 426154 065 Total Current Liabilities 49 83769 06151 108 Community Wealth/Equity 671 143593 889568 491 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 665 103784 43674 118 Cash at Year End 805 103814 43674 118 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 10 50919 318 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 266268 Vacant Positions 0 14 Managerial Positions 17 27 Vacant Managerial Positions 0 2 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 112 94997 303 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served25 81125 094 Households - Free Basic Service 251 086 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: Private Bag X9205, Maphumulo, 4470

PHYSICAL: MR 711, LOT 152, Maphumulo

TEL: 032 481 4500 FAX: 032 481 2053

EMAIL: info@maphumulo.gov.za

WEB: maphumulo.gov.za


Description: The Maphumulo Local Municipality is a Category B municipality in the iLembe District of KwaZulu-Natal. It is one of the four municipalities in the district, making up almost a third of its geographical area. Maphumulo is an isiZulu name meaning ’place of rest’.

The municipality is predominantly rural, mostly comprising tribal land, which is administered by the Ingonyama Trust on behalf of local communities. Sugar cane cultivation is the predominant economic activity and land use in the municipality. Subsistence agricultural activities in the form of small cropping areas attached to traditional family units dominate land usage.

The R74 Main Road provides access from KwaDukuza to the hinterland and then leads on to Kranskop and Greytown. The linkage to the N2 is vital as it provides for migrant labour transport, and access to commercial and employment markets in the Durban Metro and to the Tongaat/Maidstone, the Dolphin Coast, KwaDukuza, Darnall and Isithebe areas.

Area: 896km2

Main Economic Sectors: Government services, agriculture


Population: 89 969

Population Growth: -1.65% p.a.

No Schooling: 23.3% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 29.7%

Households: 20 524

Formal Dwellings: 43.8%


Composition of Council: ANC 11, IFP 10, EFF 1, IA 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Executive Mayor: Siboniso Nyatikazi

Deputy Mayor: Sinenhlanhla Chili

Speaker: Musawenkosi Ngidi

Chief Whip: Senzo Maphumulo



POSTAL: Private Bag X503, Ndwedwe, 4342

PHYSICAL: P100 Road, Ndwedwe

TEL: 032 532 5000 FAX: 032 532 5031/2

EMAIL: mm@ndwedwe.gov.za

WEB: www.ndwedwe.gov.za


Description: The Ndwedwe Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located within the iLembe District in the KwaZulu-Natal Province. It lies parallel to, and approximately 20km inland from, the KwaZulu-Natal coast. It is the largest of four municipalities in the district, making up a third of its geographical area. The municipality consists mainly of poor black communities whose livelihoods depend on subsistence farming.

Located in relatively close proximity to major urban and economic developments, the area has remained substantially underdeveloped, disadvantaged and poor. External access and internal linkage are substantially limited to east-west roads, while north-south links are few and of poor quality.

Much of Ndwedwe Municipality’s detailed planning for the future depends on strategies yet to be developed for the iLembe District Municipality. However, the key short-term objectives that have been identified for Ndwedwe are strongly focused on the provision of basic infrastructure and services to a population that is at present severely lacking in these facilities.

Other Council: Nozipho Mhlongo (Chairperson: MPAC), Sithandiwe Phungula (Chairperson: Youth and Sport Sub-Committee), Simphiwe Shange (Chairperson: Economic Development Planning and Human Settlement)

Municipal Manager: Mr Chris Mhlongo (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Ntando Duma (Budget and Treasury)

Senior Management: Mr T Khuluse (Director: Corporate Services), Mrs SYPT Mhlongo (Director: Technical Services), Mr CS Mhlongo (Director: Community Services), Mr S Mngoma (Director: EDP)

Communications Officers: Mr Lindokuhle Sibisi

Area: 1 079km2

Cities/Towns: Ndwedwe

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, tourism, services


Population: 143 117

No Schooling: 19.4%

Households: 33 882

Population Growth: 0.37% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 31.6%

Formal Dwellings: 55.9%


Composition of Council: ANC 19, IFP 11, EFF 4, AFR 1, AIC 1, DA 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr NV Chili

Deputy Mayor: Zandile Siwetu

Speaker: Mr Khonzuyise Goodman Ngidi

Other Council: Ms MP Busani (Exco), Khonza Ngidi, Ms RT Nkwanyana (Exco), Mr PS Shezi (Exco), Mr SB Sibisi (Exco), Ms ZS Thoolsi (Exco)

Municipal Manager: Mr TP Cele

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Thulasizwe Monde Nkosi

Senior Management: Mr Xolani Hlekwane (Manager: Finance), Mr Nkanyiso Mkhwanazi (Manager: Community and Social Services), Mr DH Mzolo (Director: Infrastructure and Technical Services), Dr Mbuyiseni Ntuli (Director: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Ms Thobile Nxumalo

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 168 826170 896153 045 Total Expenditure 141 460143 905134 034 Surplus/(Deficit) 27 36626 99119 011 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 118 07832 41633 123 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 12 94516 67833 092 Total Current Liabilities 21 68119 09140 465 Community Wealth/Equity 313 553286 782269 231 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 663 398216 03416 491 Cash at Year End 652 183229 29016 491 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 19937 146 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 134 119 Vacant Positions 13 10 Managerial Positions 23 21 Vacant Managerial Positions 1 1 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 54 25647 253 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served9 9179 917 Households - Free Basic Service2 5002 911



POSTAL: Private Bag X1025, Richards Bay, 3900

PHYSICAL: King Cetshwayo House, Kruger Rand, Richards Bay

TEL: 035 799 2500 FAX: 035 789 1641

EMAIL: info@kingcetshwayo.gov.za

WEB: www.kingcetshwayo.gov.za


Description: The King Cetshwayo District Municipality (previously uThungulu District Municipality) is a Category C municipality and is located in the north-eastern region of the KwaZulu-Natal Province. It covers the area from the uMfolozi River in the north, to KwaGingindlovu (previously Gingindlovu) in the south, and inland to Nkandla. The district is home to five local municipalities: City of uMhlathuze, uMlalazi, Mthonjaneni, Nkandla and uMfolozi.

The N2 highway links the district to other significant economic centres, such as Durban and Johannesburg. It also offers a direct route to Maputo in Mozambique. The development of the Richards Bay Industrial Development Zone is boosting economic activity and attracting international investors.

Area: 8 214km2

Main Economic Sectors: Manufacturing (40.9%), mining (15.2%), community services (11.9%), finance (8.7%), transport (8.5%), trade (6.5%), agriculture (5.3%), construction (2.1%)


Population: 971 135

Population Growth: 1.54% p.a.

No Schooling: 13.3% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 45.2%

Households: 225 797 Formal Dwellings: 70.6%


Composition of Council: IFP 9, ANC 7, DA 1, EFF 1 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: n/a

Mayor: Arthur Thamsanqa Ntuli

Deputy Mayor: Sikhumbuzo Zephania Dlamini

Speaker: Ivan Jagannathan Naidoo

Chief Whip: AM Mtshali

Other Council: Pinky Cele (Exco), NM Madida (Exco), SW Mgenge (Exco), PP Xulu (Exco), IN Zwane

Municipal Manager: Mr PP Sibiya (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mrs Cheryl Reddy

Senior Management: Mr Charles M’maretel (Chief Operations Oficer), Zakithi Mbonane (Planning and Economic Development), Mrs TF Mnguni (Deputy Municipal Manager: Community Services), Thanda Mnguni (Community Services), Xolani Mthembu (Technical Services), Zandile Nhlabathi (Manager: LED)

Communications Officers: Rekha Naidoo

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full
NKANDLA MTHONJANENI CITY OF UMHLATHUZE UMLALAZI UMFOLOZI Melmoth Eshowe Empangeni KwaMbonambi Ngwelezana Felixton Richards Bay KwaGingindlovu Amatikulu
AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 240 351251 391213 595 Total Expenditure 201 215216 593174 361 Surplus/(Deficit) 39 13534 79739 233 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 158 89481 50625 396 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 116 473129 294120 497 Total Current Liabilities 35 65839 71920 264 Community Wealth/Equity 471 249436 435397 202 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 893 301467 1365 871 Cash at Year End 975 714549 5485 871 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 362 637 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 127 160 Vacant Positions 0 36 Managerial Positions 22 21 Vacant Managerial Positions 0 1 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 70 12563 755 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served20 27219 353 Households - Free Basic Service 979979
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FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean audit Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 998 8971 021 2601 072 908 Total Expenditure 950 486930 183911 826 Surplus/(Deficit) 48 41191 077161 082 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 209 546239 964290 092 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 492 912405 627599 567 Total Current Liabilities 352 126219 976373 814 Community Wealth/Equity2 996 8392 880 7622 768 994 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 2 658 3062 177 931Cash at Year End 2 749 2432 439 386494 348 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 51 851135 177 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 499 512 Vacant Positions 24 31 Managerial Positions 48 66 Vacant Managerial Positions 24 4 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 248 286240 577 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 22 52822 258 <200m from Yard 55 30955 309 Households - Free Basic Service3 22014 289 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage12 75212 752 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 874874 Ventilated Pit Latrine 99 19496 836 Households - Free Basic Service2 28214 289 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: Private Bag X1004, Richards Bay, 3900

PHYSICAL: 5 Mark Strasse, Central Business District, Richards Bay

TEL: 035 907 5000 / 0800 222 827 FAX: 035 907 5444/5/6/7

WEB: www.umhlathuze.gov.za


Description: The City of uMhlathuze Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the King Cetshwayo District on the north-east coast of KwaZulu-Natal. It is the largest among the five municipalities that make up the district. It is comprised of 34 wards, having the largest number of wards in the district, and is the third economic hub in the province after eThekwini and Msunduzi Municipalities respectively. The City of uMhlathuze is the best secondary city in KwaZulu-Natal and seventh in the country. It boasts the deepest water port, in Richards Bay, and is home to the Richards Bay Industrial Development Zone (RBIDZ), which drives the inwards investment of the City through foreign direct investments. It is the fastest-growing municipality in KwaZulu-Natal and has been touted as the best performing municipality in the province, with a good governance record of four consecutive Clean Audits.

The City of uMhlathuze is a strategically placed, aspirant metropol due to its rapid economic growth and ability to generate sustainable revenue. Richards Bay is considered to be the industrial and tourism hub, eMpangeni the commercial hub, eSikhaleni the largest suburb, and Ntambanana is the home of safari tourism as it hosts the renowned Thula Thula Private Game Reserve.

The John Ross Parkway (R43) is the major access road to the City from the inland provinces. This is the road which carries the economy of the City of uMhlathuze since it links the harbour with the N2 towards Mpumalanga Province, Swaziland and Mozambique on the north; Durban and Pietermaritzburg on the south; and Gauteng and other inland provinces on the western side. The road boasts the country’s longest road bridge and has been designed to meet the growing transport needs of the City in line with the development plans for the CBD and harbour. Apart from being an industrial and economic hub, the City enjoys a diverse natural environment. Importantly, the City of uMhlathuze is a progressive municipality that appreciates the need to achieve a successful balance and synergy between industry, its rich environmental assets, and the community.

Area: 1 233km2

Cities/Towns: Empangeni, Richards Bay

Main Economic Sectors: Manufacturing (45.9%), mining and quarrying (11.6%), financial, real estate and business (10.7%), community, social and personal services (10.4%), transport and communication (9.1%), trade (6.3%), agriculture, forestry and fishing (3.2%)



Composition of Council: ANC 26, IFP 24, DA 8, EFF 6, ACDP 1, NFP 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Mayor: Mr Xolani Ngwezi

Deputy Mayor: Mr Nkululeko Ngubane

Speaker: Mr TS Gumede

Chief Whip: Manie Lourens

Municipal Manager: Mr Lulamile Mapholoba

Chief Financial Officer: Mr M Kunene (Deputy Municipal Manager: Financial Services)

Senior Management: Mr S Hlela (Deputy Municipal Manager:

Infrastructure and Technical Services), Ms Lungelwa Kaywood (Deputy

Municipal Manager: Corporate Services), WN Khumalo (Deputy Municipal Manager: Electricity and Energy Services), STM Mathebula (Deputy

Municipal Manager: Community Services), S Morajane (Head: Economic Development Facilitation), NI Mthethwa (Chief Operations Officer), N Ndonga (Deputy Municipal Manager: City Development)

Communications Officers: Mr Bongani Gina


POSTAL: PO Box 11, Melmoth, 3835

PHYSICAL: 21 Reinhold Street, Melmoth

TEL: 035 450 2082 FAX: 035 450 3224

EMAIL: mmsec@mthonjaneni.org.za

WEB: www.mthonjaneni.org.za


Description: The Mthonjaneni Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the northern coastal region of KwaZulu-Natal, and is part of the King Cetshwayo District. It is approximately 170km north of Durban. It is one of five municipalities in the district.

The picturesque town of Melmoth was founded in 1888 as a ’gold-rush’ town on a portion of the farm Golden Reef, when the British government annexed Zululand in 1887 and established several magisterial districts. It was decided to administer Mthonjaneni from a town named after the resident commissioner – Sir Melmoth Osborn. The former Melmoth Traditional Local Council area is the only town that was incorporated by the Mthonjaneni Municipality. In the past, the town performed the function of a dormitory town (and still does to some extent) for those who worked in the neighbouring town of Ulundi.

Mthonjaneni is one of the smallest municipalities in South Africa, but it has the distinction of being regarded as one of the healthiest places to live in this country. It is close to the Hluhluwe-Umfolozi and Opathe Game Reserves.

098 | THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 KWAZULU-NATAL Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures. MTHONJANENI
Population: 410 465 Population Growth: 2.81% p.a. No Schooling: 5.9% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 57.8% Households: 110 503 Formal Dwellings: 88.3%
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean auditClean audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 4 379 3603 765 9833 357 940 Total Expenditure 4 138 4953 632 1893 316 202 Surplus/(Deficit) 240 865133 79441 738 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 696 795446 250412 867 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 1 700 9351 445 1301 160 430 Total Current Liabilities 946 939654 984735 283 Community Wealth/Equity6 027 6175 922 4985 918 957 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 89 548254 598(4 080 018) Cash at Year End 448 5411 034 517(3 634 959) UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 12 48152 657 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 2 2322 383 Vacant Positions 197 156 Managerial Positions 51 55 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 4 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 880 778812 825 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 104 21299 343 <200m from Yard 2 0006 562 >200m from Yard 4 291 0 Households - Free Basic Service10 84611 528 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served88 641 87 495 Households - Free Basic Service 521 558 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage43 06843 068 Ventilated Pit Latrine 46 37646 376 Households - Free Basic Service 61 353 61 116

Area: 1 639km2

Cities/Towns: Melmoth, Ntambanana

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture (33.5%), community services (20.9%), manufacturing (14%), finance (10.9%)


Population: 78 883 Population Growth: -1.31% p.a.

No Schooling: 17.7% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 31.5%

Households: 16 040 Formal Dwellings: 53.5%


Composition of Council: IFP 13, ANC 9, ACU 1, EFF 1, NFP 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Mayor: Mr Mbangiseni Biyela

Other Council: Mr IM Biyela, SBK Biyela, SM Khuzwayo, NS Magwaza, TH Mchunu, PSM Mchunu (Exco Member), MV Mchunu, SS Mnguni, TE Mpungose, SK Mthimkhulu, SM Ndlovu, PE Ntombela (Exco Member), D Ntsele, ME Ntshangase, NS Ntuli, SH Shange, Ms N Shobede (Exco member), BMT Sibiya (Exco Member), Z Zulu

Municipal Manager: Mr Ziphozenkosi Mthethwa

Senior Management: Mrs NB Mathe (Acting Director: Corporate and Community Services), Mrs SF Mchunu (Director: Technical Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Thami Shangase

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20



POSTAL: Private Bag X161, Nkandla, 3855

PHYSICAL: Lot 292, Maree Road, Nkandla

TEL: 035 833 2000 FAX: 035 833 0920

EMAIL: info@nkandla.org.za

WEB: www.nkandla.org.za


Description: The Nkandla Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the King Cetshwayo District in the KwaZulu-Natal Province. It is one of the five municipalities that make up the district. Nkandla has a claim to be the ’cradle’ of Zulu history. From Malandela to Shaka, to Dingane and Cetshwayo, Nkandla has been at the centre stage of the Zulu nation’s history. The graves of King Malandela and Cetshwayo are at Nkandla.

It consists mainly of tribal lands and state-owned land. The area has a wealth of undisturbed forests that boast mostly indigenous species. Nkandla Town offers the full array of urban development, albeit at a smaller scale compared to the majority of towns in KwaZulu-Natal.

Area: 1 828km2

Cities/Towns: Nkandla

Main Economic Sectors: Retail, agriculture


Population: 114 284

No Schooling: 24.7%

Households: 21 832

Population Growth: -0.03% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 28.8%

Formal Dwellings: 17.0%


Composition of Council: IFP 16, ANC 10, EFF 1

Controlling Party: IFP

Mayor: Mr Arthur Thamsanqa Ntuli (Mayor, and Budget and Treasury Office, Exco)

Deputy Mayor: Ms Nonhlanhla Nzuza (Deputy Mayor, and Community and Economic Development Services)

Speaker: Sondelaphi Sibiya

Other Council: BZ Mncanci-Mpanza (Exco), Bekokwakhe Ndlomo (Technical Services and Corporate Services, Exco), NR Xulu (Exco)

Municipal Manager: Langelihle Jili

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Sthembiso Ntombela

Senior Management: B Bhengu (Deputy CFO), LS Buthelezi (Assistant Director: Electrical), TT Khumalo (Assistant Director: Protection Services), DK Khuzwayo (Assistant Director: Social Services), MN Mnyandu (Director: Technical Services), ZS Mthethwa (Executive Manager), Ms N Ntshalintshali (Manager: LED), ZN Ntshalintshali (Assistant Director: Local Economic Development), Mr Chris Ntuli (Executive Manager), SBS Sibisi (Acting Director: Community Services), S Sibisi (PMS Manager), NN Sikhakhane (Assistant Director: Civil Engineering), NP Xulu (Director: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Mr TD Khanyile

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.

AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 197 960189 445161 263 Total Expenditure 197 413163 996155 880 Surplus/(Deficit) 54625 4495 383 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 219 002183 408398 039 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 35 45741 19232 602 Total Current Liabilities 51 60835 38239 809 Community Wealth/Equity 397 797 372 645367 137 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (2 150)(2 092)(776) Cash at Year End (1 937)(2 092)(728) UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 24 54730 657 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 150160 Vacant Positions 3 15 Managerial Positions 20 16 Vacant Managerial Positions 3 2 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 63 92362 656 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served9 2729 221 Households - Free Basic Service1 1831 376 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 216 219220 512198 498 Total Expenditure 235 907193 322168 509 Surplus/(Deficit) (19 687)27 19029 989 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 463 913453 788421 992 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 43 99966 27752 869 Total Current Liabilities 49 58839 44042 027 Community Wealth/Equity 340 061335 803305 814 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 56 -Cash at Year End 5815 131 2 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 9 5495 092 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 153 117 Vacant Positions 12 11 Managerial Positions 19 17 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 67 00456 845 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served25 83124 456 Households - Free Basic Service1 4451 500 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: PO Box 96, KwaMbonambi, 3915

PHYSICAL: 25 Bredelia Street, KwaMbonambi

TEL: 035 580 1421 FAX: 035 580 1141

EMAIL: administrator@mbonambi.co.za

WEB: www.umfolozi.gov.za


Description: The uMfolozi Local Municipality (previously Mbonambi Local Municipality) is a Category B municipality that forms part of the King Cetshwayo District in the KwaZulu-Natal Province. It is one of the five municipalities that make up the district.

In close proximity to the City of uMhlathuze, the town of KwaMbonambi is situated alongside one of the country’s major highways, which runs from Cape Town to the Mozambican border, and carries both tourist and business traffic.

The biggest proportion of land within the uMfolozi Municipal area is owned by private organisations and Ingonyama Trust Land. This privately owned land is located in the centre of the municipal area surrounding KwaMbonambi. The second-biggest area is Mhlana Traditional Authority, followed by the Sokhulu and Mbonambi Traditional Authorities.

The uMfolozi Municipality is close to the St Lucia Estuary, a World Heritage Site, and to the popular fishing spot of Mapelane, as well as the world-famous Hluhluwe-Umfolozi Game Reserves. The Owen Sithole College of Agriculture, which is located in the area, contributes to the advancement of agricultural research and training.

Area: 1 300km2

Cities/Towns: KwaMbonambi

Main Economic Sectors: Manufacturing; wholesale and retail trade, catering and accommodation; transport, storage and communication; finance, insurance, real estate and business services; agriculture, forestry and fishing


Population: 144 363

Population Growth: 1.84% p.a.

No Schooling: 16.8% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 38.1%

Households: 30 470

Formal Dwellings: 66.3%


Composition of Council: IFP 18, ANC 13, EFF 3, NFP 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Mayor: Mr Smangaliso Mgenge (Exco)

Deputy Mayor: Ms Simangele Rejoice Thabethe (Exco)

Speaker: Mr ZD Mfusi (Exco)



POSTAL: PO Box 37, Eshowe, 3815

PHYSICAL: Hutchinson Street, Eshowe

TEL: 035 473 3300 FAX: 035 474 4733

EMAIL: mm@umlalazi.org.za

WEB: www.umlalazi.gov.za


Description: The uMlalazi Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located within the King Cetshwayo District in KwaZuluNatal. It borders on the Indian Ocean and has a coastline of approximately 17km. It is the largest of five municipalities in the district, making up almost a third of its geographical area.

The population distribution in the municipal area is characterised by relatively high population densities within urban nodes and low densities in rural areas. The municipal area is dominated by tribal areas, and 14 tribal authorities exist within the area.

The town of Eshowe is of great historical significance in that it is the birthplace of Cetshwayo, who was king of the Zulus during the AngloZulu War of 1879. Eshowe Town is also considered the administrative and service centre of the uMlalazi Municipality. The coastal town of Mtunzini is situated on the north coast of KwaZulu-Natal on the banks of the uMlalazi River, and borders on the uMlalazi Nature Reserve.

Other Council: Mr BS Bhengu, Mr XM Bhengu, Mr TM Biyela, Mr M Conco, Mr RLR Keyser, Mr PN Khanyile, Ms ST Khumalo (Exco), Ms NS Madonsela, Ms EBZ Mbele, Mr SM Mbuyazi, Ms ZG Mcineka, Mr QD Mkhize, Mr MB Mkhize (Exco), Ms NH Mkhize, Mr CM Mkhwanazi, Mr MC Mkize, Ms MN Mlambo, Ms SP Mpanza, Mr ZS Mtetwa, Ms NT Mthiyane (Exco), Mr AM Mtshali, Mr Ndlovu, Mr BS Ndlovu, Mr SM Nzama, Ms SM Shabangu, Ms KSC Xaba, Mr KS Zwane

Municipal Manager: Mr Khulumokwakhe Elliot Gamede

Chief Financial Officer: Mr ZJ Ndlovu

Senior Management: Mr Sibusiso Hlatshwayo (Senior Manager: Technical Services), Mr SS Maphanga (LED Manager), Mrs NV Nsele (Senior Manager: Community Services), Ms AS Shandu (Senior Manager: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Phillani P Khumalo

Mtunzini is the number one residential and ecotourist destination in South Africa.

The municipal area consists of commercial farming areas in a broad, continuous band from the west of Eshowe to KwaGingindlovu (previously Gingindlovu) and to the north of Mtunzini. The rest of the area consists of tribal authority land, where land management has been poor. It is characterised by an undulating topography, causing difficulties with respect to the delivery of engineering services.

The uMlalazi Municipality is crossed by a number of important transportation routes, such as the N2 motorway between Durban and Richards Bay, the R34 between Richards Bay/Empangeni and Nkwaleni Valley to the north of Eshowe, and the R66 from the N2 motorway to KwaGingindlovu, Eshowe, Melmoth, Ulundi and Vryheid.

Area: 2 214km2

Cities/Towns: Eshowe, KwaGingindlovu, Mtunzini

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture (33%), tourism (10.1%), manufacturing (5%), services


Population: 223 140

No Schooling: 20.1%

Households: 46 953

Population Growth: 0.99% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 34.7%

Formal Dwellings: 62.4%

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 236 747254 281201 190 Total Expenditure 226 565182 250179 776 Surplus/(Deficit) 10 18272 03121 413 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 509 857457 903405 465 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 46 44566 83034 291 Total Current Liabilities 29 60033 19338 143 Community Wealth/Equity 390 262316 954296 682 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (363) 6 n/a Cash at Year End (1 584) 8 n/a UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 54 70524 723 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 150185 Vacant Positions 1 23 Managerial Positions 19 23 Vacant Managerial Positions 1 2 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 72 01965 612 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served16 73916 739 Households - Free Basic Service1 4371 437


Composition of Council: IFP 30, ANC 18, EFF 4, ABC 1, DA 1, NFP 1

Controlling Party: IFP

Mayor: Mrs QT Xulu (Exco)

Deputy Mayor: Mr MM Ngema (Exco)

Speaker: Mr JK Powell

Chief Whip: Mr M Dludla

Other Council: MM Cebekhulu (Exco), SD Khubisa (Exco), CK Khumalo (Exco), SA Makhathini (Exco), KS Mathabela (Exco), WL Ngema (Exco), K Ntanzi (Exco), MMM Ntuli (Exco)

Municipal Manager: Mr Nhlakanipho N Shandu

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Skhumbuzo Mbuyazi (Acting)

Senior Management: Mr Xolani Blose (Chief Fire Officer), Mrs Priscilla Chetty (Corporate Services), Mr Sanele Duma (Senior Manager: SCM), Ms Futhi Mahaye (Senior Manager: Community Services), Mr SC Mkhwanazi (Acting Director: Community Services), Mr Themba Mnguni (Expenditure), Mr B Mthembu (Acting Director: Engineering Services), Ms Phindile Ngema (Chief Building Inspector), Mr Mthokozisi Ngubane (Senior Town Planner), Mr Khulekani Nxumalo (Senior Manager: Revenue), Mr KC Zulu (Acting Director: Planning and Economic Development, Director: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Ms Luleka Mbonambi (Acting: Communications Manager)



POSTAL: PO Box 33, Port Shepstone, 4240

PHYSICAL: 28 Connor Street, Port Shepstone

TEL: 039 688 5700 FAX: 039 682 1720

EMAIL: info@ugu.gov.za

WEB: www.ugu.gov.za


Description: The Ugu District Municipality is a Category C municipality situated in the far south of KwaZulu-Natal. It lies south of Durban, bordered by a coastline of 112km. The district is made up of four local municipalities: Umdoni, uMzumbe, Ray Nkonyeni and Umuziwabantu, all of which have played a critical role in the cultivation of the district’s economy.

The Ray Nkonyeni Municipality is the ultimate economy booster due to its location. Commercial agriculture in the district produces one-fifth of all bananas consumed in South Africa, with numerous companies successfully exporting these and other products to some of the most exclusive packers in the United Kingdom.

The Ugu District is the proud owner of Blue Flag Status beaches, which have marked tourism as a major economic cultivator. The improvement of its infrastructure, education, health and recreational facilities contributes immensely to its appeal. The nurturing of the local economy highly features tourism and agriculture, and includes the district’s very own Ugu Jazz Festival. It also includes other renowned annual activities, such as the Africa Bike Week, which have gained momentum worldwide. Area: 4 790km2

Main Economic Sectors: Manufacturing (19%), finance, insurance, real estate and business services (17%), wholesale and retail trade, catering and accommodation (17%), transport, storage and communication (11%), agriculture, forestry and fishing (8%), community, social and personal services (7%), construction (4%)


Population: 753 336 Population Growth: 2.03% p.a.

No Schooling: 8.4% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 40.0%

Households: 175 146 Formal Dwellings: 58.6%


Composition of Council: ANC 8, IFP 3, DA 2, EFF 2 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: n/a

Deputy Mayor: Mr VM Chiya

Speaker: Mr SR Ngcobo

Other Council: Ms SN Caluza, Mr GD Henderson, Mr SP Mthethwa, Ms D Nciki, Mr NA Njenga

Municipal Manager: Mr Vela Mazibuco (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Kushi Audan

Senior Management: Ms Norma Grobler (Manager: ICT), Ms Nokuthaba

Gumbi (Manager: Human Resources), Mr Sonwabile Kati (Manager: Internal Audit), Ms Vasie Manawer (Manager: Environmental Health), Mr Vela Mazibuko (General Manager: Corporate Services), Ms Ntombi

Mbambo (Manager: Legal Services), Mr Sivuyile Mbewu (General Manager: Water Services), Ms Faith Mbili (Senior Manager: Strategy and Shared Services), Ms Ntokozo Mkhize (Manager: Supply Chain Management), Chuma Mqoboli (Senior Manager: Project Management Unit), Ms Zekhethelo Mshengu (Manager: Development Planning and PMS), Ms Dudu Ngcobo (Manager: Special Programmes), Mr Mondli Ngcobo (Manager: Public Participation), Ms Deidre Jayne Rankin (General Manager: Economic Development and Environmental Services), Mr Msa Sakha (Manager: Financial Management Systems and Support), Mr Paul Watson (Senior Manager: Water Services Operations)

Communications Officers: Ms Zimbini Mpurwana (Manager: Communications and Customer Relations), Mr France Zama (Senior Manager: Mayoralty and Communications)

to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.
Harding Thistles Ekuzameni Kwamshiwa
Ramsgate Margate Uvongo
Port Shepston Umtentweni Sea Park Hibberdene Marburg Umzinto Park Rynie Scottburgh Sezela
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 451 169 475 275 480 273 Total Expenditure 472 145429 135461 233 Surplus/(Deficit) (20 976)46 14019 040 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 65 32487 701(3 483) FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 150 370188 221173 273 Total Current Liabilities 61 43667 85959 947 Community Wealth/Equity1 051 700920 215901 241 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (490 108) -Cash at Year End (403 186)126 400126 387 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 35 14064 702 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 480 476 Managerial Positions 6 25 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 181 079153 645 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served47 61145 717 Households - Free Basic Service 670 855
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: PO Box 5, Port Shepstone, 4240

PHYSICAL: 10 Connor Street, Port Shepstone

TEL: 039 688 2000 FAX: 039 682 0327

EMAIL: services@rnm.gov.za

WEB: www.rnm.gov.za



Description: The Ray Nkonyeni Local Municipality (previously Hibiscus Coast Local Municipality) is a Category B municipality situated within the Ugu District in the KwaZulu-Natal Province. It is the largest of four municipalities in the district, making up a third of its geographical area. It covers an area of approximately 90km of coastline comprising 21 beaches, and extends 30km inland, covering a vast, rural area under the leadership of six tribal authorities. It has its administrative seat in Port Shepstone and is the most concentrated economic hub within the district.

Beaches of world-class quality are to be found along the entire seaboard, with Marina, Trafalgar, Lucien, Southport, Umzumbe and Ramsgate beaches recognised as full Blue Flag beaches. The coastline is dotted with numerous small towns, many of which serve as seasonal recreational hubs in areas such as Port Shepstone, Umtamvuna/Port Edward, Margate, Hibberdene and Impenjati/Southbroom.

Area: 1 487km2

Cities/Towns: Hibberdene, Margate, Port Edward, Port Shepstone, Southbroom

Main Economic Sectors: Finance and business services (21.5%), wholesale and retail (18.7%), general government services (13.3%), manufacturing (12.3%), agriculture and forestry (8.9%), transport and communication (8.9%)


Population: 348 533

Population Growth: 2.76% p.a.

No Schooling: 5.1% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 45.6%

Households: 90 409 Formal Dwellings: 65.7%


Composition of Council: ANC 37, DA 14, IFP 8, EFF 7, ACDP 1, AIC 1, ATM 1, JEP 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Sikhumbuzo Mqadi

Deputy Mayor: Mr Sbusiso Godfrey Shange

Speaker: Zodwa P Mzindle

Chief Whip: Mr Teddy Thinta Hlophe

Other Council: Mr Leon Gabarde, Mr Rodney Gumbi (Development Planning Services Portfolio Committee), Ms Mosley Lubanyana (Public

Safety and Community Services Portfolio Committee), Noxolo Mqadi, Zamane Ndwalane, Ms Lindiwe Ntanza (Technical Services Portfolio Committee), Mr Douglas Rawlins, Ms Pinky Shange (Chairperson: MPAC)

Municipal Manager: Mr Khethukuthula Joseph Zulu

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Amanda Zuma

Senior Management: Ms Ronitha Davenarain (Manager: Legal and Compliance), Ms Sthabile Gambushe (Manager: Internal Audit), Mr Philani Khambule (Manager: LED), Mr Ravi Naidoo (Acting HOD: Development Planning Services), Ms Zanele Cele Ndabezitha (Senior Manager: Strategic and Planning), Mr Sibusiso Nzimande (HOD: Public Safety and HOD Community Services), Mr Mduduzi Qwabe (HOD: Technical Services), Ms Nelisiwe Thabatha (HOD: Corporate Services), Mr Siyabonga Zama (HOD: Strategic Planning and Governance)

Communications Officers: Mr Simon April (Senior Manager: Mayoralty and Communications)

and definitions.
more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information
full year figures.
Refer to
at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited
FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 394 7081 312 2361 330 574 Total Expenditure 1 461 0811 296 0921 474 964 Surplus/(Deficit) (66 374)16 144(144 390) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 8 190 5208 681 7022 579 286 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 438 708522 221399 614 Total Current Liabilities 816 824803 870758 729 Community Wealth/Equity3 202 4173 242 0533 402 047 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 4 138 75958 07781 091 Cash at Year End 3 829 00857 11975 813 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 444 364601 084 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 979 981 Vacant Positions 4 6 Managerial Positions 37 39 Vacant Managerial Positions 4 6 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 410 787397 723 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 58 89641 534 <200m from Yard 66 41266 412 >200m from Yard 56 84256 842 Households - Free Basic Service 747 5 199 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage17 33617 336 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 6 0446 044 Ventilated Pit Latrine 91 83891 838 Households - Free Basic Service 747 1 810
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 248 5571 156 7711 040 986 Total Expenditure 1 118 2661 044 7801 033 408 Surplus/(Deficit) 130 292111 9917 578 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 187 654122 036103 519 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 637 027 409 439335 139 Total Current Liabilities 345 489275 088280 117 Community Wealth/Equity2 153 4971 791 6541 592 280 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 368 597868 2681 393 824 Cash at Year End 292 5691 416 7501 916 448 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 32 02217 721 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 1431 564 Vacant Positions 6 378 Managerial Positions 54 54 Vacant Managerial Positions 6 1 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 423 739426 405 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served55 82854 008 Households - Free Basic Service2 7603 287 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: PO Box 19, Scottburgh, 4180

PHYSICAL: Cnr Bram Fischer & Williamson Streets, Scottburgh

TEL: 039 976 1202 / 039 978 4313 FAX: 039 976 2194/2020

EMAIL: communications@umdoni.gov.za

WEB: www.umdoni.gov.za


Description: The Umdoni Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located within the Ugu District in the KwaZulu-Natal Province. It is the smallest of four municipalities in the district, accounting for just under a quarter of its geographical area. It is made up of 10 wards, most of which are rural areas.

The municipality can be divided into three major land uses, being commercial agriculture, traditional authority areas and coastal urban nodes. The coastline stretches approximately 40km. The town of Scottburgh is approximately 50km from the city of Durban and 65km from Port Shepstone.

Area: 990km2

Cities/Towns: Pennington, Scottburgh/Umzinto North

Main Economic Sectors: Commercial agriculture


Population: 144 551 Population Growth: 2.34% p.a.

No Schooling: 10.6% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 40.1%

Households: 35 433 Formal Dwellings: 63.0%


Composition of Council: ANC 18, DA 6, EFF 5, IFP 5, ABC 1, ALJAMA 1, AM4C 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Mayor: Ms Sibongile Khathi

Deputy Mayor: Mthandeni Mbutho

Speaker: Mbali Cele

Municipal Manager: Dr V Tsako

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Tandazile Mhlongo

Senior Management: Mr A Bhengu (Manager: Environmental Management), Ms Linda Harisingh (Manager: Office of the Municipal Manager), Mr S Hlongwane (Manager: LED), Mr B Khanyile (Manager: Public Participation), Mr M Khanyile (Manager: Building Control),

Mr B Makiwane (Manager: Supply Chain Management), Ms B Mbatha (Manager: Human Resource), Mr Siyabonga Mngadi (General Manager: Technical Services), Ms A Mthethwa (Manager: Expenditure), Mr M Mzotho (General Manager: Planning and Development), Mr T Ndlovu (Manager: Internal Auditing), Ms Dumisile Nene (General Manager: Corporate Services), Ms Lindiwe Shange (General Manager: Community Services), Mr K Subben (Manager: Environment), Mrs Canesia Vezi (General Manager: Planning and Development), Mr S Zamisa (Manager: Housing)

Communications Officers: Ms S Cele (Manager: Communications), Zime Gcaba



POSTAL: Private Bag X1023, Harding, 4680

PHYSICAL: Murchison Street, Harding

TEL: 039 433 3500 FAX: 039 433 1208

WEB: www.umuziwabantu.gov.za


Description: The Umuziwabantu Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located on the western boundary of the Ugu District in KwaZulu-Natal. It lies at the foot of the Ingeli Mountain Range and the Umtamvuna River marks the southern boundary. It shares its borders to the north, west and south with the Eastern Cape, and to the east with the uMzumbe and Ray Nkonyeni Municipalities. It is one of four municipalities in the district.

Umuziwabantu Municipality consists of a largely rural area. Features include an urban development (the town of Harding), farmland, commercially-grown forests, and traditional authority areas.

Apart from the town of Harding, which is the seat of the municipality, 56% of the municipal area is occupied by individually-owned commercial farms and the Weza afforestation region. The six tribal authority areas (KwaMachi, KwaJala, KwaMbotho, KwaFodo, Dumisa and Bashweni) make up 42% of the municipality’s land.

Area: 1 089km2

Cities/Towns: Harding

Main Economic Sectors: Manufacturing, agriculture, timber


Population: 108 576

No Schooling: 15.3%

Households: 21 172

Population Growth: 2.67% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 28.1%

Formal Dwellings: 39.5%


Composition of Council: ANC 10, IFP 6, EFF 2, ABC 1, ALJAM-AH 1, DA 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Mayor: Mr Siboniso Zungu

Deputy Mayor: NP Luthuli

Speaker: PN Shebi

Other Council: Ms Dixie Nciki (Chairperson: Exco/Finance, Budget and Corporate Services), Ms MV Vezi

Municipal Manager: Mr West Thamsanqa Gumede (MM and Head of Department: Community Services)

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Silungile N Vilakazi

Senior Management: Adv B Brijraj (Director: Community Services), Mr Sizwe Malinga (Head of Department: Technical Services), Mr SP Malinga (Director: Infrastructure), Mrs Zuziwe Mbhele (Director: Corporate Services), Ms T Mhlakaza (Manager: LED)

Communications Officers: Ms Nkosikhona Zwane FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited

full year figures.
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 359 910340 216312 760 Total Expenditure 327 749378 069383 360 Surplus/(Deficit) 32 161(37 853)(70 600) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 48 81224 194(12 725) FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 295 428282 239263 038 Total Current Liabilities 77 64291 87462 859 Community Wealth/Equity 844 268793 596831 449 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 128 160329 270(2 689) Cash at Year End 333 516523 627201 266 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 123 968165 394 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 467 446 Vacant Positions 5 18 Managerial Positions 34 34 Vacant Managerial Positions 5 7 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 140 757117 781 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served3 7893 789 Households - Free Basic Service1 8502 173
Financially unqualified Financially unqualified

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20


POSTAL: PO Box 561, Hibberdene, 4220

PHYSICAL: Sipofu Road, Mathulini MPCC, Mthwalume, 4186

TEL: 039 972 0005 FAX: 039 972 0099

EMAIL: umzumbe@umzumbe.gov.za

WEB: www.umzumbe.gov.za


Description: The Umzumbe Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located along the coastal strip of the Indian Ocean between uMthwalume and Mfazazana. It is one of four municipalities in the district, making up a quarter of its geographical area.

Umzumbe Municipality is highly active in the areas of tourism, heritage and agricultural produce. The dramatic scenery of the municipality includes picturesque mountains, winding rivers and well-cultivated forests, offering sound ecotourism.

Umzumbe Municipality boasts numerous development opportunities, available to people of Umzumbe and to outside investors. The municipality has placed tourism at the top of the agenda. There are currently two tourism sites that are open to the public, namely the Ntelezi Msani Memorial Project and Isivivane sikaShaka Tourism Site. The seashore offers a wealth of opportunities for people interested in, among others, fishing, leisure, and water sports.

Area: 1 224km2

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture and tourism


Population: 151 676 Population Growth: -0.26% p.a. No Schooling: 10.7% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 31.8%

Households: 28 132 Formal Dwellings: 44.5%


Composition of Council: ANC 21, IFP 14, EFF 2, APEMO 1, ATM 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Ms MPL Zungu

Deputy Mayor: Mr SR Cele (Deputy Mayor and Infrastructure)

Speaker: Mr Sbonelo Maphumulo

Other Council: Inkosi BS Cele (Traditional Leadership), Inkosi CS

Gumede (Traditional Leadership), Mr MZ Luthuli (LED and Planning), Inkosi NW Mbhele (Traditional Leadership), Mr MS Mdletshe (Youth

Committee), JP Mntambo (Municipal Public Accounts Committee), Ms NY Mweshe (Corporate), Inkosi ZE Ngcobo (Traditional Leadership), Inkosi ZR Qwabe (Traditional Leadership), Inkosi B Radebe (Traditional Leadership), Inkosi RS Shinga (Traditional Leadership), Mr P Zamisa (Social and Community Services)

Municipal Manager: Mr Thembinkosi Patrick Cele

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Kush Audan

Senior Management: Ms ZAN Lushaba (Director: Social and Community Services), Mr Bongani Nyuswa (Director: Corporate Services), Mr Vusi Sibiya

Communications Officers: Mr Sabelo Ncwane



POSTAL: PO Box 3235, Pietermaritzburg, 3200

PHYSICAL: 242 Langalibalele Street, Pietermaritzburg

TEL: 033 897 6700 FAX: 033 342 5502

EMAIL: info@umdm.gov.za

WEB: www.umdm.gov.za


Description: The uMgungundlovu District Municipality is a Category C municipality located in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands. The district is comprised of the following seven local municipalities, which are based in the accompanying towns: Impendle – Impendle, Mkhambathini –

Camperdown, Mpofana – Mooi River, Msunduzi – Pietermaritzburg, Richmond – Richmond, uMngeni – Howick, and uMshwathi – New Hanover/Wartburg.

The main city of the area is Pietermaritzburg, which is both the capital city and the legislative capital of KwaZulu-Natal. uMgungundlovu is a water services authority and also a water service provider that continually strives to maintain its Blue Drop and Green Drop Status. The district offers distinguished education facilities and is a retirement mecca for senior citizens. It also offers excellent sporting, commercial and health facilities. It is an important industrial, timber, dairy and agricultural hub that has a modern, sophisticated infrastructure with easy access to airports, the N3 arterial, and railway stations.

104 | THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 KWAZULU-NATAL Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.
UMZUMBE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY (KZN213) FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 216 871226 376191 990 Total Expenditure 215 163200 566172 116 Surplus/(Deficit) 1 70825 81119 874 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 61 26756 59063 293 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 224 957216 803196 342 Total Current Liabilities 111 05485 65860 123 Community Wealth/Equity 513 577503 222457 766 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 7 128199 394296 219 Cash at Year End 73 758197 243373 255 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 26 48860 005 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 216216 Managerial Positions 15 15 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 76 62270 889 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served10 0089 431 Households - Free Basic Service8 8036 587
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 197 351240 355194 239 Total Expenditure 179 890156 813149 770 Surplus/(Deficit) 17 46183 54244 469 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 648 687584 892508 454 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 212 814264 065256 296 Total Current Liabilities 39 48454 66968 699 Community Wealth/Equity 671 614588 768544 243 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (486 208)(233 924)(62 372) Cash at Year End (486 208)(233 924)(62 372) UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 60 79071 995 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 238 139 Vacant Positions 5 24 Managerial Positions 23 23 Vacant Managerial Positions 3 6 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 73 72369 899 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served22 55822 558 Households - Free Basic Service2 4672 752

Area: 9 602km2

Main Economic Sectors: Community services (25-30%), finance (15-20%), manufacturing (10-15%), agriculture, forestry and fishing (10-15%), wholesale and retail trade (10-15%), transport and storage (10%)


Population: 1 095 865

Population Growth: 1.90% p.a.

No Schooling: 5.9% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 49.7%

Households: 298 463 Formal Dwellings: 76.6%


Composition of Council: ANC 10, DA 4, EFF 3, IFP 2 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: n/a

Mayor: Mr Muziwokuthula Zuma

Deputy Mayor: AS Mabaso

Speaker: NMN Gabela

Chief Whip: SR Majozi

Other Council: HM Lake, DS Mkhize, M Mthethwa, LE Pienaar, SP Zungu

Municipal Manager: Mrs Nosipho Mkhize (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr S Ndabandaba

Senior Management: Ms Lihle Hadebe (Acting Executive Manager:

Corporate Services), TA Hlatshwayo, Mrs P Luswazi (Acting Executive

Manager: Economic Development), ME Mpulo, Dr Xolani Muthwa (Acting

Executive Manager: Community Services), Mr Z Ndlovu (Executive

Manager: Technical Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Brian Zuma FINANCIAL



POSTAL: Private Bag X512, Impendle, 3227

PHYSICAL: 21 Mafahleni Street, Impendle

TEL: 033 996 6000 FAX: 033 996 0852

WEB: www.impendle.gov.za


Description: The Impendle Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located within the uMgungundlovu District in KwaZulu-Natal. It is one of seven municipalities in the district. It is situated outside the primary and secondary movement systems of the district, and is some distance away from the major tourist and trade routes, although two important roads mark its borders.

The road linking Pietermaritzburg and Underberg that serves as an important access route to the Southern Drakensberg, a popular tourist destination, runs along Impendle’s southern boundary. The link road between Mooi River and Underberg, which is an alternative tourist route, travels along the municipality’s north-western boundary.

The Impendle area is extremely diverse in its topography, climate and soil, and has a rich and complex natural environment. Its location at the foot of the Drakensberg makes Impendle a highland area and an important source of water within the KwaZulu-Natal Province. It is in the catchment area of the Mkhomazi River in the south and the Mngeni River in the north-east.

High-density settlements occur around Impendle Town, in villages such as Gomane, KwaNovuka, Similobha and Kamensi. A second layer of relatively dense settlements occurs on the eastern side of the Impendle Mountain, while density decreases sharply towards the west, with a ribbon of small villages running along the Lotheni River.

Area: 1 610km2

Cities/Towns: Impendle

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, tourism, social services




Composition of Council: ANC 6, EFF 2, IFP 2

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Buyisani Mlaba

Chief Whip: Mr Makhaye

Municipal Manager: Mr Zakhele Tschabalala (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Nkosinomusa Mkhize

Communications Officers: Ms Nana Tschabalala

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20

AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.


IMPENDLE UMNGENI MPOFANA UMSHWATHI MSUNDUZI RICHMOND MKHAMBATHINI Mooi River Rosetta Nottingham Road Howick Mpolweni Edendale Camperdown Pietermaritzburg New Hanover Dalton
INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 260 0941 174 5821 069 767 Total Expenditure 981 8051 048 321991 834 Surplus/(Deficit) 278 289126 26177 933 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 407 231162 64165 519 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 177 105182 021262 217 Total Current Liabilities 219 128327 865399 779 Community Wealth/Equity1 808 0721 673 3551 596 082 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (8 611) -Cash at Year End 213 567 22 19 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 100 191231 087 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 545 591 Vacant Positions 4 50 Managerial Positions 43 43 Vacant Managerial Positions 4 4 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 269 766254 260 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 66 32566 325 <200m from Yard 14 42414 424 Households - Free Basic Service3 2803 280 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage10 67910 679 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 7 5817 581 Ventilated Pit Latrine 47 05747 057 Other 12 52812 528 Households - Free Basic Service1 1221 122 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20
Population: 29 526 Population Growth: -0.65% p.a. No Schooling: 7.6% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 30.4%
Formal Dwellings:
7 011
FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 74 45975 42557 198 Total Expenditure 76 66472 12261 631 Surplus/(Deficit) (2 204)3 303(4 433) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 31 37227 13715 977 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 10 24814 64917 967 Total Current Liabilities 14 43811 94815 542 Community Wealth/Equity 132 131128 272135 831 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 34 180(165)2 101 Cash at Year End 37 129(165)2 541 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 19 9473 015 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: Private Bag X04, Camperdown, 3720

PHYSICAL: 18 Old Main Road, Camperdown

TEL: 031 785 9300 FAX: 031 785 2121

EMAIL: info@mkhambathini.gov.za

WEB: www.mkhambathini.gov.za


Description: The Mkhambathini Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located along the south-eastern boundary of the uMgungundlovu District in KwaZulu-Natal. It is the second-smallest municipality of seven in the district. It consists of seven wards, with a large part of the municipality being rural in nature and underdeveloped. Mkhambathini has several comparative advantages. It is well located in relation to Durban and Pietermaritzburg and adjoins Cato Ridge, a potential industrial node. The N3, which is identified in the Spatial Growth and Development Strategy as a Provincial Corridor, runs east-west through the central part of the municipal area.

Significant portions of the municipality fall within the Valley of a Thousand Hills (with Table Mountain a major landmark), an area with high potential for ecotourism, and in the Midlands Mist Belt, which has a well-established agricultural economy. Mkhambathini is an isiZulu word derived from eMkhambathini, which means ’the place of acacia trees’.

Area: 868km2

Cities/Towns: Camperdown

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, tourism


Population: 57 075

No Schooling: 12.8%

Households: 15 460

Population Growth: 0.87% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 38.3%

Formal Dwellings: 62.4%


Composition of Council: ANC 9, EFF 2, IFP 2, DA 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Nhlakanipho Ntombela

Deputy Mayor: Mr Thembalikho Gwala

Speaker: Ms Nonhlanhla Maphanga

Chief Whip: Ms Nhlakanipho Ntombela

Other Council: Mr Mhlengi Cele, Ms Lindiwe Lembethe, Ms Makhosi Lushaba, Mr Nkosinathi Maphumulo, Mr Zwelethu Mbambo, Mr Sbongile



POSTAL: PO Box 47, Mooi River, 3300

PHYSICAL: 10 Claughton Terrace, Mooi River

TEL: 033 263 1221 FAX: 033 263 1127

WEB: www.mpofana.gov.za


Description: The Mpofana Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located approximately 40km west of Pietermaritzburg. It is bounded by three municipalities: uMngeni in the south, uMshwathi in the east, and Impendle in the west. It is one of seven municipalities in the district. The municipality benefits from its strategic position as it has easy access to rail, KZN provincial roads and the N3 National Road. Almost 50% of the land in Mpofana has the potential for rural farming, with products set for the international market. Mooi River is a small town that germinated from a small farm and then, later, became the principal node of the Mpofana Municipality when a railway line linking Durban with Johannesburg, as well as the Drakensberg Mountains, was established in order to cater for the needs of the farmers in the area. This suggests that Mpofana has great potential for development through tourism.

Mdladla, Mr Menzi Mkhize, Mrs Ronica Mofokeng, Mr Musa Ngcongo, Mr Siphiwe Ngidi, Mr Mzwandile Shandu

Municipal Manager: Mr Sanele Mngwengwe

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Thokozane Excellent Gambu (Director: Financial Services)

Senior Management: Ms Nonhlanhla Mkhize (Director: Community Services), Mr Sonwabile Goodman Mkhize (Director: Technical Services), Ms Phumelele Ngubane (Director: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Mrs BK Mthiyane

Area: 1 755km2

Cities/Towns: Mooi River

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, tourism


Population: 37 391

No Schooling: 8.0%

Households: 10 927

Population Growth: 1.56% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 41.5%

Formal Dwellings: 83.7%


The municipality is under S139(1)(b) administration, effective from December 2017.

Composition of Council: ANC 7, DA 1, EFF 1, IFP 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Xolani Magnificent Duma

Speaker: Mr ZA Dladla

Other Council: Ismail, Khumalo, Madlala, Mr EM Majola (Chairperson LLF), Mr Z Mchunu (Chairperson: Infrastructure and Development), Mkhize, Ndlovu, Shabalala, Mr LW Wynne

Municipal Manager: Mr Maxwell Moyo

106 | THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 KWAZULU-NATAL Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.
EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 110 170 Vacant Positions 1 61 Managerial Positions 4 5 Vacant Managerial Positions 1 2 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 34 19230 419 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served6 9756 975 Households - Free Basic Service2 7652 739
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 157 203142 216113 941 Total Expenditure 147 216133 25896 867 Surplus/(Deficit) 9 9888 95717 074 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 296 188251 159216 699 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 67 81872 29590 293 Total Current Liabilities 35 06116 78913 311 Community Wealth/Equity 242 167223 712219 334 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow - -Cash at Year End 30 20416 48845 238 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 5 1422 941 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 154 103 Vacant Positions 2 3 Managerial Positions 22 10 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 3 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 42 55340 780 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served9 7859 785 Households - Free Basic Service 138 270

Chief Financial Officer: Mr P Molefe (Acting)

Senior Management: Mr M Mkhize (Acting Director: Economic and Community Development), Mr S Nyuswa (Acting Director: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Ms Thandeka Dlamini



POSTAL: Private Bag X321, Pietermaritzburg, 3200

PHYSICAL: Cnr Church & Chief Albert Luthuli Streets, Pietermaritzburg

TEL: 033 392 3000 FAX: 033 392 2397

EMAIL: municipal.manager@msunduzi.gov.za

WEB: www.msunduzi.gov.za


Description: The Msunduzi Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the uMgungundlovu District in KwaZuluNatal. It is the smallest of the seven municipalities in the district. It encompasses the city of Pietermaritzburg, which is the capital of the province and the main economic hub of the district.

Msunduzi Municipality is situated on the N3 highway at the junction of an industrial corridor (from Durban to Pietermaritzburg) and an agro-industrial corridor (stretching from Pietermaritzburg to Estcourt). On a regional scale, it is located at the cross-section of the N3 Corridor and the Greytown Road Corridor to the north, a tourist route to Drakensberg, and Kokstad Road to the south.

The city of Pietermaritzburg is a provincial and national centre of educational excellence. It is the seat of the University of KwaZulu-Natal and is home to several other institutions of higher learning. In addition, Pietermaritzburg is home to a host of private and government-owned institutions of primary and secondary education.

Pietermaritzburg is the ’City of Choice’ because it is only 45 minutes by road from Durban (Africa’s busiest port), one hour away by road to the new King Shaka Airport, one hour by air from Pietermaritzburg Airport to OR Tambo International Airport (Johannesburg), and 90 minutes from the central Drakensberg resorts. It is also home to great international events such as the Comrades Marathon, the Duzi Marathon and the Midmar Mile.

Area: 751km2

Cities/Towns: Ashburton, Pietermaritzburg

Main Economic Sectors: Community services (29%), finance (24%), transport (13%), trade (12%), manufacturing (12%)


Population: 679 039

No Schooling: 4.3%

Households: 180 469

Population Growth: 2.00% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 55.0%

Formal Dwellings: 80.0%



The municipality is under S139(1)(b) administration, effective April 2019.

Composition of Council: ANC 40, DA 16, EFF 10, IFP 8, ABC 2, ACDP 1, AIC 1, INDEPENDENT 1, JEP 1, PA 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Mayor: Mr Mzimkhulu Thebolla

Deputy Mayor: Mxolisi Mkhize

Speaker: Eunice Majola

Chief Whip: Sandile Dlamini

Other Council: Mr Bongani Mbona (Exco), Ms Nokuthula Msimang (Exco and Chairperson: Community Services), Zanele Ngcobo (Exco and Chairperson: Corporate Services Committee), Bongumusa Nhlabathi

(Exco), Mr Thinasonke Dennis Ntombela (Exco), Ms Phumelele Phahla (Exco), Ntombizethu Sokhela (Exco and Chairperson: Sustainable Development Committee), Mr Ross Strachan (Exco)

Administrator: Mr Martin Sithole

Municipal Manager: Mr Lulamile Mapholoba

Chief Financial Officer: Mrs Nelisiwe Ngcobo

Senior Management: Mr Sabelo Hlela (General Municipal Manager: Infrastructure Services), Mr Mthobisi Khumalo (Manager: LED), Mbongeni Mathe (General Municipal Manager: Community Services), Mr Ngangenkosi Mpisi (General Manager: Electricity), Mr Felix Nxumalo (General Manager: Sustainable Development and City Enterprises)

Communications Officers: Ms Ntobeko Mkhize

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 178 222145 382164 094 Total Expenditure 242 725196 011200 694 Surplus/(Deficit) (64 503)(50 629)(36 601) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 18 784190 3416 142 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 166 415118 731117 910 Total Current Liabilities 383 624283 563(225 122) Community Wealth/Equity (28 396)18 31075 483 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 23 74418 82518 775 Cash at Year End 3 5195 0842 450 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 103 36188 404 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 135 245 Vacant Positions 9 86 Managerial Positions 23 23 Vacant Managerial Positions 9 15 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 49 20759 079 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served7 5856 763 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/22*2020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 6 186 1196 238 6885 861 610 Total Expenditure 5 749 2375 868 4755 674 016 Surplus/(Deficit) 436 882370 213187 594 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 537 6966 097 6675 759 407 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 3 203 6713 590 7833 356 122 Total Current Liabilities 1 864 4252 672 6732 318 282 Community Wealth/Equity 6 785 2107 982 6517 701 990 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 1 101 187543 224625 589 Cash at Year End 1 001 241556 950626 030 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 979 887622 402 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 4 1506 030 Vacant Positions 52 696 Managerial Positions 33 34 Vacant Managerial Positions 5 9 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 1 286 7191 171 554 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 163 803155 159 <200m from Yard 9 4686 396 >200m from Yard 8 839 0 Households - Free Basic Service2 9213 002 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served195 603173 741 Households - Free Basic Service4 1802 264 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage 85 24181 407 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 8 3198 515 Ventilated Pit Latrine 63 16761 637 Other 5 4895 489 Households - Free Basic Service1 8943 469 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: Private Bag X1028, Richmond, 3780

PHYSICAL: 57 Shepstone Street, Richmond

TEL: 033 212 2155 FAX: 033 212 2102

WEB: www.richmond.gov.za


Description: The Richmond Local Municipality is a Category B municipality found within the uMgungundlovu District in the KwaZulu-Natal Province. It is located along the southern boundary of the uMgungundlovu District Municipality, approximately 38km south of Pietermaritzburg (the capital of KwaZulu-Natal) along the R56. It is one of the seven municipalities that make up the district.

The municipality has been classified as a place of great natural beauty with significant tourist attractions and immense aspirations to be the preferred destination to live, work and visit.

Area: 1 231km2

Cities/Towns: Richmond

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture (45-50%), community services (25-30%), trade (5-10%), finance (5-10%)


Population: 71 322 Population Growth: 1.92% p.a.

No Schooling: 12.8% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 33.7%

Households: 17 570

Formal Dwellings: 69.3%


The municipality is under S139 administration.

Composition of Council: ANC 9, EFF 2, DA 1, IFP 1, INDEPENDENT 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Siminenkosi Samora Ndlovu

Deputy Mayor: Mrs Khonziwe Elda Mkhize

Chief Whip: Ms Ntombizonke Phoswa

Other Council: Mr Msawakhe J Jili (Chairperson: MPAC), Mr Thembokwakhe G Madondo (Exco), Mr Vincent Maphumulo, Ms Badumile Mbanjwa, Mr Sibusiso J Mchunu (LED), Ms Nomfundo W Mjwara, Mr SJ Mkhize, Mr Sibongiseni Ngcobo, Mr Bonginkosi B Ngcongo,



POSTAL: PO Box 5, Howick, 3290

PHYSICAL: Cnr Dicks & Somme Streets, Howick

TEL: 033 239 9284 FAX: 033 330 4183

WEB: www.umngeni.gov.za


Description: The uMngeni Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the uMgungundlovu District in the KwaZulu-Natal Province. It is one of the seven municipalities that make up the district. It comprises the former Transitional Local Council areas of Howick and Hilton, the Worlds View area, and a substantial amount of farm land. The municipal area has its offices in Howick.

A series of spectacular waterfalls surround the area, which is about 29km north-west of Pietermaritzburg. At the centre of this system, nestling on the banks of the uMngeni River in the heart of the Natal Midlands, is the beautiful town of Howick and its pride, the 94m-high Howick Falls.

Area: 1 521km2

Cities/Towns: Hilton, Howick

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture (36.9%), wholesale/retail (24.6%), business / real estate (15.3%), manufacturing (9.7%)


Population: 109 867

Population Growth: 3.58% p.a.

No Schooling: 4.1% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 52.4%

Mr Sicelo T Ngubo, Mr Mzwandile Ntanzi (Strategic Manager: Technical Services), Mr Bonginkosi R Shange, Mr Shakes L Shange

Municipal Manager: Mr Bhekani Mswane

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Msizi Ngcobo

Senior Management: Ms Sinegugu Ngubane (Acting Manager: LED), Mr Vusumuzi Sibisi (Acting Strategic Manager: Community Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Sibonelo Bhengu

Mayor: Mr Christopher Pappas

Deputy Mayor: Mr Sandile Mnikathi

Speaker: Ms Janis Holmes

Municipal Manager: Mr Mzingisi Hloba

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Mzi Hloba

Senior Management: Mr Hactor Sandile Buthelezi (General Manager: Corporate Services), Vusi Mboyana (General Manager: Technical Services), Mr Bongani Mpanza (General Manager: Community Services), Mr Sfiso Ngcobo (Manager: LED), Mr Stephen Graham Simpson (General Manager: Economic Development and Planning)

Communications Officers: Ms Mbali Mwandla

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20

Households: 37 943

Formal Dwellings: 86.7%


Composition of Council: DA 13, ANC 10, EFF 2

Controlling Party: DA

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 142 280149 367108 853 Total Expenditure 141 978129 233120 415 Surplus/(Deficit) 302 20 134(11 562) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 35 46682 32530 765 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 58 90760 57153 349 Total Current Liabilities 30 06533 25036 198 Community Wealth/Equity 370 892367 821357 463 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 269 111178 306349 200 Cash at Year End 263 147192 698408 618 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 29 78026 864 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 155217 Vacant Positions 4 45 Managerial Positions 16 14 Vacant Managerial Positions 4 4 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 57 26251 354 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served14 41113 595 Households - Free Basic Service 967 1 054
AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 495 888471 078416 155 Total Expenditure 520 461520 352476 288 Surplus/(Deficit) (24 574)(49 274)(60 133) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 33 89324 653(58 252) FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 92 21284 689137 811 Total Current Liabilities 79 02693 235111 450 Community Wealth/Equity1 002 5231 049 8711 108 158 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 391 406335 9861 132 Cash at Year End 381 090368 08522 715 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 108 669124 799




POSTAL: Private Bag X29, Wartburg, 3233

PHYSICAL: Main Street, New Hanover

TEL: 033 816 6800 FAX: 033 502 0286

EMAIL: info@umshwathi.gov.za

WEB: home1.umshwathi.gov.za


Description: The uMshwathi Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the uMgungundlovu District, immediately adjacent to Pietermaritzburg, in the KwaZulu-Natal Province. It is the largest municipality of seven in the district.

The municipality is located in an area that was largely under the control of tribal authorities until very recently. However, in the remaining portion there are towns built by German immigrants some 150 years ago. In the 1850s, 13 cotton planter families from Osnabruck unter Bergthell left Germany and settled in the area. They were followed by missionaries and other colonists, mostly from Hanover, who also settled in the region, founded New Hanover and Wartburg, and brought with them not only the Lutheran faith but the German language and culture. Wartburg itself is named after the castle in Eisenach, where Dr Martin Luther translated the bible into German. The village crest also depicts the immigrants’ arrival by sailing ship, the Luther Rose, and the call to ’pray and work’.

The land is mostly agricultural, although urban development is to be found in the main towns. The communities living in the underdeveloped areas have extremely limited access to basic physical and social requirements and very few economic opportunities. The present authority structures are, as yet, unable to provide for the improvement of basic living conditions urgently required by the rural inhabitants.

Area: 1 866km2

Cities/Towns: Cool Air, Dalton, New Hanover, Wartburg

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, manufacturing, tourism


Population: 111 645

No Schooling: 10.2%

Households: 29 082

Population Growth: 1.10% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 34.3%

Formal Dwellings: 56.3%


Composition of Council: ANC 16, IFP 4, EFF 3, DA 2, ABC 1, PA 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Godfrey Mandla Zondi (Mayor, Exco Member and Chairperson: Finance Portfolio Committee)

Deputy Mayor: Mr Mlungisi Promise Dlamini (Deputy Mayor, Exco Member and Chairperson: Corporate Services Portfolio Committee)

Speaker: Ms Nokuthula Precious Mdunge

Other Council: Mr NE Cebekhulu (Exco Member and Chairperson: Infrastructure and Planning Services Portfolio Committee),

Mr PM Dladla, Ms TC Dlame, Ms MP Dumakude, Mr NW Gasa, Mr SG Jila, Ms NR Khanyile, Mr SJ Luthuli, Mr MP Majozi (Exco Member), Ms SM Mbatha-Ntuli (Exco Member and Chairperson: Community Services Portfolio Committee), Ms MZ Mbewana, Mr EB Mbongwe

(Chairperson: MPAC), Mr BK Mkhize, Mr BE Mncube, VM Mncwabe, Mr WM Mngadi, AT Ndlovu, Ms GH Ngcobo, Ms NT Ngubane, Mr BE Nzama, Ms R Thomas, Ms NA Thusi, Ms LP Zondi, Mrs CS Zuma-Dube

Municipal Manager: Mr Nhlanhla Maxwell Mabaso

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Ramesh Mani

Senior Management: Mrs Thulile Mathenjwa (General Manager: Corporate Services), Mrs Nokukhanya Mncube (General Manager: Technical Services), Mr BT Zondi (General Manager: Community Services)

Communications Officers: Mr S Mkhithi



POSTAL: PO Box 449, Mkuze, 3965

PHYSICAL: Harlingen No.13433, Kingfisher Road, Mkuze, 3965

TEL: 035 573 8600 FAX: 035 573 1094

EMAIL: mm@ukdm.gov.za

WEB: www.ukdm.gov.za


Description: The uMkhanyakude District Municipality is a Category C municipality located along the coast in the far north of the KwaZulu-Natal Province. It shares its borders with Swaziland and Mozambique, as well as with the districts of Zululand and King Cetshwayo. It is the secondlargest district in the province, and consists of the following four local municipalities: uMhlabuyalingana, Jozini, Big 5 Hlabisa and Mtubatuba.

’uMkhanyakude’ refers to the Acacia Xanthophloea fever tree and means ’that shows light from afar’. The name reflects both the uniqueness of its people and their hospitality, as well as the biodiversity and conservation history that the region is very proud of. The Isimangaliso Wetland Park, formerly Greater St Lucia Wetland Park, encompasses the entire coastline.

Area: 13 855km2

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, trade, tourism


Population: 689 090

No Schooling: 17.8%

Households: 151 245

Population Growth: 2.19% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 37.5%

Formal Dwellings: 70.1%

THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 | 109 KWAZULU-NATAL Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.
EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 384436 Vacant Positions 103 44 Managerial Positions 30 29 Vacant Managerial Positions 4 4 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 121 056115 693
SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served29 70829 708 Households - Free Basic Service2 813 347
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 231 403222 464197 183 Total Expenditure 225 402246 570155 901 Surplus/(Deficit) 6 002(24 106)41 282 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 754 381381 260354 880 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 154 367122 719154 705 Total Current Liabilities 48 97230 07222 620 Community Wealth/Equity 677 700372 450331 962 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 1 554 22 21 Cash at Year End 1 554 22 21 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 77 2161 324 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 227 241 Vacant Positions 2 6 Managerial Positions 22 23 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 3 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 85 33077 804 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served14 13314 133 Households - Free Basic Service1 6431 750


The municipality has been placed under S139 administration.

Composition of Council: IFP 7, ANC 6, EFF 1 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: n/a

Mayor: Tim Moodley (IFP)

Deputy Mayor: Zodwa Mtshali

Speaker: Mr Solomon Mkhombo

Chief Whip: S Khumalo, MS Ngcobo

Other Council: VM Gumede, GP Moodley

Administrator: Bamba Ndwandwe

Municipal Manager: Mr Mxolisi A Nkosi (Acting), Dr Siyabonga Ntuli


Senior Management: Mr PN Mazibuko (General Manager: Community, Planning and Economic Development Services), Mrs NM Mthembu

(General Manager: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Mr BM Dlamini (Manager: Communications)

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/22*2020/212019/20



POSTAL: PO Box 387, Hlabisa, 3937

PHYSICAL: Lot 808, Off Masson Street, Hlabisa

TEL: 035 838 8500 FAX: 035 838 1015

EMAIL: executive@big5hlabisa.gov.za

WEB: big5hlabisa.gov.za


Description: The Big 5 Hlabisa Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the uMkhanyakude District in northern KwaZulu-Natal. It is one of four municipalities in the district, making up a quarter of its geographical area. It was established by the amalgamation of The Big 5 False Bay and Hlabisa Local Municipalities in August 2016. Easily accessible off the N2 National Route, it incorporates part of the iSimangaliso Wetland Park (previously known as the Greater St Lucia Wetlands Park) and is the starting point of the MR4 (LSDI Corridor), which links Hluhluwe to Mozambique. The town of Hluhluwe, which contains major shopping and light servicing facilities, as well as the municipal offices, services the municipality.

A large proportion of the land is used for agriculture and game lodge activities and is sparsely settled. The north-eastern parts of the municipality are occupied by fairly densely settled rural traditional communities (Makhasa, Mnqobokasi and Nibela).

A major drawcard is the tourism industry centred on the HluhluweuMfolozi Game Reserve, located 280km north of Durban and the oldest proclaimed park in Africa. It consists of 960km2 of hilly topography in central Zululand, KwaZulu-Natal, and is known for its rich wildlife and conservation efforts. The park is the only state-run park in KwaZulu-Natal where all the Big Five game occur. Due to conservation efforts, the park now has the largest population of white rhino in the world.

Area: 3 470km2

Cities/Towns: Hlabisa, Hluhluwe

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, services, transport, wholesale, finance, manufacturing, tourism


Population: 116 622

Population Growth: 1.93% p.a.

No Schooling: 14.7% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 38.3%

Households: 25 255 Formal Dwellings: 70.2%


Composition of Council: IFP 15, ANC 9, EFF 1, INDEPENDENT 1, NFP 1

Controlling Party: IFP

Mayor: Mr Comfort T Khumalo

Deputy Mayor: Ms Hlengiwe Nkosi

Speaker: Mr GR Mchunu

Other Council: Ms Ndwandwe, Mr TN Ngema , Mr FZ Nkwanyane

Municipal Manager: Dr Vusumuzi Mthembu

Chief Financial Officer: Mr JM Nkosi

Senior Management: Mr SN Mbambo (Technical, Planning and Infrastructure), Mr LM Mthombeni (Corporate Services), Mr MB Shange (Community Services)

Communications Officers: Mr MS Jele

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.
Ingwavuma Jozini Mbazwana
St Lucia Mtubatuba River View
AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Disclaimer of audit Adverse audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 583 994842 194724 638 Total Expenditure 430 873566 349664 638 Surplus/(Deficit) 153 122275 84560 000 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 63 2402 674 2512 498 232 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 91 701456 327295 774 Total Current Liabilities (37 696)392 681395 323 Community Wealth/Equity (66 769)1 951 1731 891 173 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (23 990) n/a 118 Cash at Year End (23 990) n/a 118 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 234 987523 465 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 539 349 Vacant Positions 171 7 Managerial Positions 61 27 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 0 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 186 445175 849 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 57 11557 115 <200m from Yard 63 92963 929 Households - Free Basic Service17 00017 000 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served3 0523 052 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage 9 9709 970 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 19 63319 633 Ventilated Pit Latrine 94 73394 733
AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified



POSTAL: Private Bag X28, Jozini, 3969

PHYSICAL: Circle Street, Bottom Town, Jozini

TEL: 035 572 1292 FAX: 035 572 1266

WEB: www.jozini.gov.za


Description: The Jozini Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located within the uMkhanyakude District in northern KwaZulu-Natal, and borders Swaziland and Mozambique. It is one of four municipalities in the district, making up a quarter of its geographical area.

Significant portions of Jozini have been neglected in terms of economic development. There is a great disparity between the level of service and infrastructure provision between settlement nodes such as the towns of Mkuze and Jozini, and the surrounding rural areas. Most of the rural area is associated with a lack of development, poverty and poor service provision.

The Lebombo Mountains and Makhatini Flats provide a diverse and beautiful terrain rich in local resources, including water features and fossil sites. Both Ndumu and Mkuzi Game Reserves can be found straddling the borders of the Jozini Municipality.

Area: 3 438km2

Cities/Towns: Ingwavuma, Jozini, Mkuze

Main Economic Sectors: Tourism, agriculture, industry, manufacturing, wholesale and retail, services, financial


Population: 198 215 Population Growth: 1.38% p.a.

No Schooling: 22.4% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 33.6%

Households: 44 584 Formal Dwellings: 65.5%


Composition of Council: IFP 24, ANC 16, EFF 2, INDEPENDENT 2, ACU 1

Controlling Party: IFP

Mayor: Mr Naye Mathe

Deputy Mayor: Mr Siphamandla Mathenjwa

Speaker: Mr Delani Phelemon Mabika

Chief Whip: Mr Mbalekelwa Samuel Nkosi



POSTAL: PO Box 52, Mtubatuba, 3935

PHYSICAL: Lot 105, Inkosi Mtubatuba Road, Mtubatuba

TEL: 035 550 0069/087 106 9700 FAX: 035 550 0060

EMAIL: info@mtubatuba.gov.za

WEB: www.mtubatuba.gov.za


Description: The Mtubatuba Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the south-eastern corner of the uMkhanyakude District along the northern coastal belt of KwaZulu-Natal. Mtubatuba is located roughly 200km north of Durban and 55km north of the Richards Bay/Empangeni metropole along the N2 National Route.

Municipal Manager: Mr Jaconia Agripa Mngomezulu

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Monde Thulasizwe Nkosi

Senior Management: Mr LVM Cele (Executive Director: Technical Services), Mr Sabelo Mabaso (Manager: LED and Tourism Services), Mrs LA Mncwango (Executive Director: Corporate Services), Mr LB Mpontshane (Director: Community Services), Ms Noxolo P Ndaba (Executive Director: Planning and Economic Development Services)

Communications Officers: Ms Sinenhlanhla Mthembu (Manager: Communications, IGR and Bato Pele), Mr Nhlonipho Ndlovu (Assistant Communications Manager)

It is one of four municipalities in the district. Mtubatuba has developed from a railway siding into a strong sub-regional commercial, service, transport and administrative centre for the entire north-eastern Zululand region. There has been substantial commercial growth in Mtubatuba, lending it the status of being an economic hub of northern KwaZulu-Natal.

The town is ideally located as a base from which to explore the rich culture of the Zulu Nation, the province’s world-renowned game reserves, and the iSimangaliso Wetland Park.

Area: 1 970km2

Cities/Towns: Mtubatuba, St Lucia

Main Economic Sectors: Community services (26%), agriculture (15%), wholesale and retail (13%)

THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 | 111 KWAZULU-NATAL Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.
FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 221 193265 515205 830 Total Expenditure 188 351203 370198 960 Surplus/(Deficit) 32 84262 1456 870 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 377 965372 489341 671 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 107 165113 92660 144 Total Current Liabilities 33 30550 50652 183 Community Wealth/Equity 280 165240 136229 668 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 93 83326 4506 973 Cash at Year End 145 31926 5308 600 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 53 90454 891 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 242 253 Managerial Positions 25 25 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 86 30280 834 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served14 65313 621 Households - Free Basic Service 162 700
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20
AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 333 550432 714315 843 Total Expenditure 319 909287 196265 349 Surplus/(Deficit) 13 640145 51850 493 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 131 527215 83879 577 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 183 508252 363262 311 Total Current Liabilities 119 511149 522192 651 Community Wealth/Equity 546 209377 404327 166 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (197 166)(53 197)17 741 Cash at Year End (103 477)(53 247)17 692 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 64 82582 676 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 434 731 Vacant Positions 76 39 Managerial Positions 40 26 Vacant Managerial Positions 9 0 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 109 474103 045 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served19 30019 300 Households - Free Basic Service 702702


Population: 202 176 Population Growth: 3.23% p.a.

No Schooling: 11.6% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 43.7%

Households: 41 792 Formal Dwellings: 75.2%


The municipality is under S139 administration.

Composition of Council: IFP 20, ANC 15, EFF 4, ACDP 1, AIC 1, DA 1,


Controlling Party: Hung Council

Mayor: Mr MQ Mkhwanazi

Deputy Mayor: Ms Nothile Mthethwa

Speaker: Ms Mavis Davies

Other Council: Qhina Mkhwanazi

Municipal Manager: Mr J A Mngomezulu

Chief Financial Officer: Mr TS Cele

Senior Management: Mr Mondli Funeka (Manager: LED), Mr TS Mkhumbuzi (Acting General Manager: Infrastructure Roads), Mrs WE Mthethwa (Acting General Manager: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Mr S Mthombeni

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20



POSTAL: Private Bag X901, KwaNgwanase, 3973

PHYSICAL: R22 Main Road, 01 Manguzi, Manguzi

TEL: 035 592 0680 FAX: 035 592 0672

WEB: www.umhlabuyalingana.gov.za


Description: The uMhlabuyalingana Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the uMkhanyakude District in the KwaZuluNatal Province. The major structuring elements of the municipality are the Pongola River along the western boundary, the road from Sikhamelele to Manguzi (east-west linkage), and the recently completed road (MR22) from Hluhluwe. It is the largest municipality of four in the district, making up a third of its geographical area. The municipality is extremely rural, with informal settlements at Mbazwana and Manguzi. The area is influenced by the influx of people who migrate from Swaziland and Mozambique.

Area: 4 977km2

Cities/Towns: Mbazwana

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, mining, manufacturing, services


Population: 172 077

Population Growth: 2.12% p.a.

No Schooling: 21.9% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 33.8%

Households: 39 614

Formal Dwellings: 70.0%


Composition of Council: ANC 18, IFP 15, EFF 2, ABMM 1, ACDP 1, DA 1, NFP 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Mayor: Mr TS Khumalo

Deputy Mayor: Ms EZ Mthsali

Speaker: Ms MD Mathenjwa



POSTAL: PO Box 1965, Dundee, 3000

PHYSICAL: 39 Victoria Street, Princess Magogo Building, Dundee

TEL: 034 219 1500 FAX: 034 218 1940

EMAIL: rc3@umzinyathi.gov.za

WEB: www.umzinyathi.gov.za

Chief Whip: Mr ZV Mthembu

Municipal Manager: Mr Nkosinathi Myeni

Chief Financial Officer: Mrs NP Mkhabela (Acting)

Communications Officers: Mr Lindokuhle Motha FINANCIAL


Description: The uMzinyathi District Municipality is a Category C municipality located in the north and central areas of the KwaZuluNatal Province. The municipality is bordered in the north by Amajuba Municipality, in the south-east by iLembe Municipality, in the southwest by uMgungundlovu Municipality, in the east by King Cetshwayo

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.

AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 339 990353 865267 475 Total Expenditure 345 191307 721267 473 Surplus/(Deficit) (5 201)46 144 3 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 763 274727 489692 015 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 63 81881 31960 941 Total Current Liabilities 113 01390 942101 909 Community Wealth/Equity 434 004405 954439 887 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 15 01219 25022 808 Cash at Year End 15 01119 24922 807 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 216 862309 589 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 271 210 Vacant Positions 3 0 Managerial Positions 32 25 Vacant Managerial Positions 3 0 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 102 77693 719 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served27 93925 608 Households - Free Basic Service 171 171
INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 268 146300 905225 667 Total Expenditure 246 544239 231224 536 Surplus/(Deficit) 21 60261 6741 131 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 134 338125 501363 906 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 123 15093 97974 459 Total Current Liabilities 68 30246 44860 323 Community Wealth/Equity 379 551320 567319 436 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 123 020395 38171 078 Cash at Year End 207 067395 38171 078 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 26 08132 235 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 191154 Vacant Positions 6 3 Managerial Positions 25 25 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 85 14379 083 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served5 767 3 595 Households - Free Basic Service 520520
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Municipality, and in the west by uThukela Municipality. The district consists of four local municipalities: Endumeni, Nquthu, uMsinga and Umvoti. The district lies between the main N3 Corridor between Durban and Gauteng and the Coastal Corridor, running along the east coast.

The more developed urban areas include Dundee and Greytown, which can be viewed as a strong regional centre with substantial commercial and agricultural activity. The seat of uMzinyathi is Dundee.

Area: 8 652km2

Main Economic Sectors: Community, social and personal services (27.4%), agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing (22.6%), wholesale and retail trade (15.9%), manufacturing (14.8%), financial, insurance, real estate and business services (7.3%), electricity and construction (6.3%), transport, storage and communication (3.5%)


Population: 554 882

Population Growth: 1.74% p.a.

No Schooling: 21.1% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 33.3%

Households: 126 791 Formal Dwellings: 47.0%


The municipality is under S139(1)(b) administration, effective from October 2016.

Composition of Council: IFP 6, ANC 4, ABC 1, DA 1 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: n/a

Mayor: Mr Petros Mthandeni Ngubane

Deputy Mayor: Ms TH Mchunu

Speaker: Mr Felinkosi Joshua Sikhakhane

Municipal Manager: Mr Lethuxolo Mthembu

Chief Financial Officer: N Mkhwanazi

Senior Management: Mr Edward Bonga (Executive Manager: Planning and Economic Development)

Communications Officers: Ms A Thandeka



POSTAL: Private Bag X2024, Dundee, 3000

PHYSICAL: 64 Victoria Street, Dundee

TEL: 034 212 2121 FAX: 034 212 3856

EMAIL: registry@endumeni.gov.za / mm@endumeni.gov.za

WEB: www.endumeni.gov.za


Description: The Endumeni Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the uMzinyathi District in the KwaZulu-Natal Province. It is located 290km north of Durban and 360km south-east of Johannesburg, with well-established road, rail and air infrastructure making the Endumeni region the geographic centre of northern KwaZuluNatal. It is the smallest of four municipalities in the district.

Dundee is the service centre for the abundant northern Natal, a town of learning and also the geographical and administrative heart of northern Natal. At the base of the Endumeni Mountain, the highest peak in the Biggarsberg range of mountains is Wasbank, a small town that time appears to have passed by.

Dundee and Glencoe have well-established and serviced areas for light-to-medium industry. Their towns have a good, consistent supply of

water, with six dams and a pipeline from the uMzinyathi/Buffalo River feeding the area. Regional offices of a number of state and provincial departments have been established here and Endumeni schools are renowned for their high standard of education. A large, well-equipped provincial hospital caters for the whole district.

With its variety of service facilities, infrastructure, and a stable labour supply, Endumeni offers every opportunity for the businessman, industrialist and investor, as well as the tourist. The Endumeni region offers ideal opportunities for entrepreneurs requiring a distribution depot. Area: 1 610km2

Cities/Towns: Dundee, Glencoe

Main Economic Sectors: Social services (2.16%), trade (13.64%), private household/domestic workers (13.49%), farming (9.57%), manufacturing (7.39%), business services (4.93%), construction (4.5%), transport (4.48%), mining (1.47%), utilities (1.03%)


Population: 76 639

Population Growth: 3.79% p.a.

No Schooling: 4.4% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 52.2%

Households: 21 134

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

Formal Dwellings: 78.5%

full year
ENDUMENI UMSINGA UMVOTI NQUTHU Dundee Pomeroy Greytown Kranskop Glencoe
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Disclaimer of audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 824 376829 800732 428 Total Expenditure 709 403745 842622 660 Surplus/(Deficit) 158 752113 345137 189 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 808 494591 363366 308 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 371 828371 103(1 752 840) Total Current Liabilities 500 188299 170231 200 Community Wealth/Equity2 236 5052 289 493109 545 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 5 480 2633 838 3571 929 510 Cash at Year End 5 480 2633 853 4171 933 778 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 521 902302 666 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 539489 Vacant Positions 1 0 Managerial Positions 23 22 Vacant Managerial Positions 1 0 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 181 879151 331 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 16 80116 149 <200m from Yard 75 40055 215 >200m from Yard 19 05638 833 Households - Free Basic Service2 5482 548 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage 11 37511 375 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 353353 Ventilated Pit Latrine 91 57990 179


Composition of Council: ANC 5, IFP 5, DA 2, ABC 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Mayor: Mr Siaybonga Ndlovu

Deputy Mayor: Mr M Nkosi

Speaker: Mr AM Nsibande

Other Council: Dr Issa Bedassi (Exco Member), Mr K Carelse, Mr N Khanyile, Mr Thulane Mahaye (Exco Member), Ms TI Makaba, TP Mlotshwa, Mr A Raubenheimer, Mr H Xaba, Mr S Zwane

Municipal Manager: Mr Sazi Mbhele

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Absalom Ngcobo

Senior Management: Mr Bonginkosi Hlatshwayo (Executive Manager: Planning and Economic Development), Mrs Simphiwe Ndebele (Executive Manager: Technical Services), Mr Thulani Ndlovu (Manager: LED), Mr Sakhele Zulu (Executive Manager: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Mr PG Mabiisa



POSTAL: Private Bag X5521, Nquthu, 3135

PHYSICAL: 83 Mdlalose Street, Nquthu

TEL: 034 271 6100

FAX: 034 271 6111

EMAIL: siyabongas@nquthu.gov.za

WEB: www.nquthu.gov.za


Description: The Nquthu Local Municipality is a Category B municipality in the uMzinyathi District of KwaZulu-Natal. It is located along the north-eastern boundary of the district. It is one of four municipalities in the district, making up a quarter of its geographical area.

Isandlwana, the site of the historic Anglo-Zulu War battle that took place on 22 January 1879, is a well-known tourist destination worldwide. Nquthu Town is a small but stable urban area that has established itself as the primary commercial, administrative and service centre for the municipality as a whole. The town is an old ’Japie Uys’ town established in terms of Proclamation 67 of 1983. Nquthu is an isiZulu name meaning ’the back of the head’.

The municipality is predominantly rural in nature, with expansive rural settlements being one of the major features. It is mainly accessed through the R68 linking Ulundi to Newcastle/Dundee. Other important roads through the municipality are the R33, passing through the northern areas, passing east of Nondweni before linking Vryheid with the R68. A gravel road links Nquthu with Kranskop.

Area: 1 962km2

Cities/Towns: Nquthu

Main Economic Sectors: Sheep and wool, agriculture, SMMEs


Population: 171 325

No Schooling: 15.5%

Households: 32 622

Population Growth: 0.81% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 30.9%

Formal Dwellings: 55.4%


The municipality has been placed under S139 administration.

Composition of Council: IFP 19, ANC 14, ABC 3, EFF 1

Controlling Party: IFP

Mayor: Mr IL Shabalala

Deputy Mayor: Ms MR Ngobese

Speaker: Mr NM Buthelezi

Municipal Manager: Mr SB Mthembu

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Sakhile Mpanza

Senior Management: Mr Mpume Jiyane (Director: Planning Service), Mr Mnguni (Director: Corporate)

Communications Officers: Siyabonga Shaba

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 370 464 359 249 312 043 Total Expenditure 349 198366 663311 879 Surplus/(Deficit) 21 267(7 414)164 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 46 00036 72918 584 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 89 22220 040 92 870 Total Current Liabilities 131 17758 06257 739 Community Wealth/Equity 343 180307 990376 152 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow -(40 038)Cash at Year End 4 492 (35 546)12 753 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 43 59017 936 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 454420 Vacant Positions 1 52 Managerial Positions 30 40 Vacant Managerial Positions 1 5 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 116 836118 845 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served11 75410 887 Households - Free Basic Service 1 953 2 123 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Disclaimer of audit Disclaimer of audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 286 708284 586270 550 Total Expenditure 276 135237 577186 869 Surplus/(Deficit) 10 57347 00983 681 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 103 575152 18870 681 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 359 178433 072473 906 Total Current Liabilities 242 021217 889171 195 Community Wealth/Equity 718 195810 433611 829 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 120 998314 663(3 925) Cash at Year End 317 558 592 037 262 347 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 217 784128 804 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 264 347 Vacant Positions 8 60 Managerial Positions 36 36 Vacant Managerial Positions 8 9 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 81 740 70 735 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served28 36626 975 Households - Free Basic Service2 5421 696 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: Private Bag X530, Tugela Ferry, 3010

PHYSICAL: R33 Main Road, Tugela Ferry

TEL: 033 493 8000 FAX: 033 493 0766

EMAIL: registry@umsinga.gov.za

WEB: www.umsinga.gov.za


Description: The uMsinga Local Municipality is a Category B municipality in the south-western part of the uMzinyathi District in KwaZulu-Natal. It is one of four municipalities in the district, making up almost a third of its geographical area.

The nature of the topography is such that uMsinga is largely located in deep gorges of the Tugela and Buffalo Rivers. This effectively isolates the area from the immediate surrounding municipal areas. uMsinga is accessible via the R33, linking it with Dundee, Ladysmith, Pietermaritzburg, Kranskop and Weenen.

It is a largely rural area, with 70% of its area being traditional authority land held in trust by the Ingonyama Trust. The remaining 30% of land is commercial farmland, all of which is located to the north of Pomeroy. Due to the rural nature of the municipality, approximately 99% of the population lives in traditional areas.

The population dynamics result in a growing rural area and a declining urban area in uMsinga, contrary to most other areas in the country. This can be attributed to the fact that the urban areas of uMsinga are very small and are unable to provide the normal range of goods and services provided in urban areas. As a result, the population utilises the neighbouring areas of Emnambithi and Umvoti for urban services. The strong traditional culture, particularly prevalent in uMsinga, is a valuable asset that must be preserved and valued. These traditional areas provide support mechanisms for the communities, as well as living custodians of the culture.

Area: 2 375km2

Cities/Towns: Pomeroy

Main Economic Sectors: Community services (64.6%), trade (14%), construction (8.4%), transport (5%), agriculture (3.7%)




POSTAL: PO Box 71, Greytown, 3250

PHYSICAL: 41 Bell Street, Greytown

TEL: 033 413 9100 FAX: 033 417 1393

EMAIL: records@umvoti.gov.za

WEB: www.umvoti.gov.za


Description: The Umvoti Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located along the eastern border of the uMzinyathi District in the KwaZulu-Natal province. It is about 65km from Dundee and approximately 70km from Pietermaritzburg. It is the largest municipality of four in the district, making up a third of its geographical area.

Umvoti comprises five traditional authority areas, all of which are located beyond a 40km radius from Greytown, which is the main centre within the municipal area. The central part of the area is generally covered with high-potential commercial farmland and is characterised by low population density.

It is well-served by provincial and regional roads, given its location at the intersection of the roads to Pietermaritzburg, the coast, the Drakensberg and the Battlefields Route.

Area: 2 705km2

Cities/Towns: Greytown, Kranskop

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, community services


Composition of Council: IFP 27, ANC 11, ABC 1, EFF 1, INDEPENDENT 1

Controlling Party: IFP

Mayor: Thenjiwe Mbatha (Acting)

Speaker: SG Masimula

Other Council: SK Hadebe (EXCO Member), Mr TB Mbatha (Community Services), BP Ngcobo (Development Planning), Mr LB Ntuli (Technical Services)

Municipal Manager: Mr SL Sokhela

Chief Financial Officer: Mr NG Mvelase

Senior Management: Mrs BT Hlubi (Planning Services), Mr S Mnguni (Technical Services), Ms TNF Nkala (Corporate Services), Mr K Sibiya (Manager: LED), Ms MS Xulu (Community Services)

Communications Officers: Ms T Mchunu


Population: 122 423

Population Growth: 1.48% p.a.

No Schooling: 19.8% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 34.8%

Households: 34 664 Formal Dwellings: 43.2%


Composition of Council: ANC 10, IFP 9, ABC 7, DA 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Mayor: Mr Gabriel Malembe

Deputy Mayor: Mr Mfundo Masondo

Speaker: Mrs Noluthando Dlamini

Other Council: Ms Lucia T Gwalla, Mr Rajendraparsad Maharaj, Mr Thamsanqa Clive Ngubane (Exco Member), Mrs Rosebud Ntombiyenkosi Ngubane (Exco Member), Mr Silam V Zondi

Municipal Manager: Ms Sphindile Ngiba (Suspended)

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Bonga Mkhize

Senior Management: Mr Khoza (Acting Director: Community Services), Ms Nozipho V Khumalo (Director: Planning and Economic Services), Msawenkosi Malinga (Manager: LED), MF Maphanga (Acting Director: Corporate Services), N Qwabe (Acting Director: Technical Services)

Communications Officers: Mrs K Maharaj

THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 | 115 KWAZULU-NATAL Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.
Formal Dwellings:
Population: 184 494
Growth: 1.97% p.a. No Schooling: 36.6%
12 & Higher
38 372
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 263 518284 821246 042 Total Expenditure 263 891220 649150 039 Surplus/(Deficit) (373)64 17296 003 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE (177 891)(214 634)(245 274) FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 94 801124 13191 215 Total Current Liabilities 37 43233 77930 329 Community Wealth/Equity 555 851322 888215 828 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 500 164529 387999 324 Cash at Year End 501 386100 911824 650 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 25 51911 092 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 329300 Vacant Positions 0 5 Managerial Positions 27 30 Vacant Managerial Positions 0 5 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 75 71469 708 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served19 89618 700 Households - Free Basic Service12 2743 946

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POSTAL: PO Box 116, Ladysmith, 3370

PHYSICAL: 36 Lyel Street / 33 Forbes Street, Ladysmith

TEL: 036 638 5100 / 036 638 2400 FAX: 036 637 5608

EMAIL: administration@uthukela.gov.za

WEB: www.uthukela.gov.za


Description: The uThukela District Municipality is a Category C municipality and is located on the western boundary of the KwaZulu-Natal Province. It is bordered by three other district municipalities: Amajuba, uMzinyathi and uMgungundlovu. It consists of three local municipalities: Okhahlamba, Alfred Duma and Inkosi Langalibalele.

The district derives its name from one of the major rivers in KwaZuluNatal, the uThukela River, which rises from the Drakensberg Mountains and supplies water to a large portion of KZN, as well as Gauteng.

It is predominately rural and is characterised by poor socio-economic indicators such as low revenue base, poor infrastructure, limited access to services, and low economic base.

Area: 11 134km2

Main Economic Sectors: Manufacturing (21%), wholesale and retail trade, catering and accommodation (17%), finance, insurance, real estate and business services (15%)


Population: 706 588

No Schooling: 10.0%

Households: 161 788

Population Growth: 1.27% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 39.9%

Formal Dwellings: 69.8%


The municipality is under S139(1)(b) administration, effective from 21 August 2018.

Composition of Council: IFP 6, ANC 5, APEMO 1, DA 1, EFF 1 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: n/a

Mayor: Inkosi Ntandoyenkosi Shabalala (Chairperson: Finance Portfolio Committee)

Deputy Mayor: Mr MH Shange (Chairperson: Social Services Portfolio Committee)

Speaker: Mrs TY Nqubuka

Chief Whip: Mr BB Sithole

Other Council: Mr MM Khoza (Chairperson: Infrastructural Portfolio Committee), Mr TDJ Van Rensburg (Chairperson: Municipal Public Accounts Committee), Mr F Zuma (Chairperson: Corporate Services Portfolio Committee)

Administrator: Mr Mzubanzi Silinga

Municipal Manager: MB Mnguni (Acting)

Senior Management: Mr BS Hlomuka (General Manager: Corporate Services), Mr BH Khoza (General Manager: Municipal Health and Water Services Authority), Mr BP Mnguni (General Manager: Water and Technical Services), Mr SO Mnguni (Manager: Office of the Mayor), Mr W Viljoen (Acting General Manager: Social and Economic Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Jabulani Mkhonza

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.

OKHAHLAMBA INKOSI LANGALIBALELE ALFRED DUMA Bergville Ladysmith Roosboom Colenso Estcourt Weenen Van Reenen
AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 374 063377 283340 347 Total Expenditure 378 250358 944313 033 Surplus/(Deficit) (4 187)18 33927 314 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 918 004846 948798 188 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 88 37299 12183 362 Total Current Liabilities 78 78185 00891 168 Community Wealth/Equity 640 747608 687579 907 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 14 16913 23133 285 Cash at Year End 14 31613 41533 285 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 60 9097 632 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 725 428 Vacant Positions 4 32 Managerial Positions 17 17 Vacant Managerial Positions 4 5 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 117 380123 341 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served 5 1725 172 Households - Free Basic Service 5551 936
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 173 4711 237 2731 008 633 Total Expenditure 1 001 1321 292 870805 937 Surplus/(Deficit) 172 339(55 597)202 696 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE n/a 275 2812 892 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 348 522310 552398 862 Total Current Liabilities 730 137674 880534 564 Community Wealth/Equity2 673 2442 641 9132 519 646 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 1 026 309941 7651 031 207 Cash at Year End 1 341 610(79 216)497 822 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 149 016201 711 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 1861 186 Managerial Positions 37 37 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 317 878287 377 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 75 57775 577 <200m from Yard 28 58928 589 >200m from Yard 16 43816 438 Households - Free Basic Service9 8009 800 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage47 39047 390 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 2 9932 993 Ventilated Pit Latrine 37 98037 980 Other 44 01744 017 Households - Free Basic Service9 8009 800



POSTAL: PO Box 29, Ladysmith, 3370

PHYSICAL: 221 Murchison Street, Lister Clarence Building, Ladysmith

TEL: 036 637 2231 FAX: 036 631 1400

EMAIL: swmaphalala@alfredduma.gov.za

WEB: www.alfredduma.gov.za


Description: The Alfred Duma Local Municipality is a Category B municipality in the uThukela District within the region of northern KwaZulu-Natal. It is one of three municipalities in the district, making up a third of its geographical area. It was established by the amalgamation of the Emnambithi/Ladysmith and Indaka Local Municipalities in August 2016.

The municipality features the uThukela River and the Greater Drakensberg Mountain. It comprises a range of settlements, from urban to municipal service centres, agricultural landscapes, industrial and semirural residential settlements, and areas that are predominantly rural. In terms of the macro socio-economic context, the municipality is midway between the national primary nodes of Johannesburg and Durban. To the west of the municipality lies the Free State Province and to the north the Mpumalanga Province. The presidential prioritised railway corridor, which links the areas of Durban and Johannesburg, runs through the municipality.

In some parts of the municipality, the community access roads are in very bad condition; some only exist as tracks. The rural nature of those parts means that are has severe backlogs in infrastructure and are characterised by much poverty.

Area: 3 764km2

Cities/Towns: Colenso, Ladysmith, Van Reenen

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, fishing and forestry; mining and quarrying; manufacturing; water; electricity; construction; wholesale and retail trade; tourism



Composition of Council: IFP 33, ANC 28, EFF 5, DA 3, ABC 1, APEMO 1, NFP 1, NPA 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Mayor: Mr Zama Sibisi

Deputy Mayor: Ms Thuli Hadebe

Speaker: Mr Themba Wiseman Ngubane

Chief Whip: Themba Njapa

Municipal Manager: Ms Sibusisiwe Sixolile Ngiba

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Riaz Ahmed Jhetam (Acting)

Senior Management: Mrs S Mahraj (Internal Audit), Mr Brian Xaba (LED)

Communications Officers: Mr SW Maphalala




POSTAL: PO Box 15, Estcourt, 3310

PHYSICAL: Civic Building, 1 Victoria Street, Estcourt, 3310

TEL: 036 342 7800 FAX: 036 352 5829

EMAIL: hadebem@mtshezi.co.za

WEB: www.ilm.gov.za


Description: The Inkosi Langalibalele Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the uThukela District in the KwaZulu-Natal Province. It is the smallest of the three municipalities in the district, but makes up a third of its geographical area. It was established by the amalgamation of the Imbabazane and uMtshezi Local Municipalities in August 2016.

The majority of the municipality’s population is concentrated in urban and farming areas, but there are a few patches of high-density settlements within the informal areas. The municipality boasts wellestablished industrial, commercial and residential areas, as well as rich agricultural farmlands.

Escourt is the largest commercial centre in the Midlands region. Weenen is a small agricultural town that is starting to emerge as a tourist destination. The N3 National Road traverses the municipality.

Area: 3 399km2

Cities/Towns: Estcourt, Weenen

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, manufacturing, tourism, industry, services


Population: 215 182

Population Growth: 2.10% p.a.

No Schooling: 10.8% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 40.7%

Households: 46 953 Formal Dwellings: 75.3%


The municipality is under S139(1)(b) administration, effective from December 2017.

Composition of Council: IFP 21, ANC 17, DA 3, NFP 3, EFF 2, INDEPENDENT 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Mayor: Mduduzi Tholumuzi Myeza

Deputy Mayor: Nhlanhla Sithabiso Dladla

Speaker: Mr Sphiwayinkosi Welfare Khumalo

Chief Whip: Mr Mbuzeleni Cyril Mkhize

Other Council: NS Dladla (Exco), HS Hadebe (Exco Member), E Lite (Exco), MW Mbatha (Exco), ST Mchunu (Exco), GT Mnikathi (Exco), MT Myeza (Chairperson of Exco), MM Nkala (Exco Member), ZP Sikhosana (Exco)

Administrator: Ms N James

Municipal Manager: Mr SB Mthembu

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Sibusiso Radebe

Senior Management: Mr HB Chotoo (General Manager: Corporate Services), Ms Belinda Davies (IDP Manager), Mr Z Khuzwayo (General Manager: Planning and Economic Development), Ms Senelisiwe Manyoni (Manager: Office of The Mayor), Ms ZM Mnyandu (General Manager:

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.

Population Growth:
p.a. No Schooling:
Grade 12 & Higher Education: 41.6% Households:
Formal Dwellings: 70.6%
Population: 356 274
85 326
INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 167 6781 097 2611 036 905 Total Expenditure 1 073 714960 0131 016 206 Surplus/(Deficit) 93 964137 24820 699 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 108 31290 75828 619 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 1 339 4071 182 604962 582 Total Current Liabilities 625 236553 467469 940 Community Wealth/Equity2 597 7792 526 9302 390 443 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 758 2721 153 8011 501 753 Cash at Year End 1 765 484152 686911 802 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 2 59330 431 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 6971 301 Vacant Positions 8 39 Managerial Positions 62 38 Vacant Managerial Positions 1 3 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 362 092342 335 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served68 21468 214 Households - Free Basic Service1 54013 356

Community Services), Mr Khaya Ngoba (LED Manager), Mrs N Shezi

(General Manager: Public Works and Basic Services)

Officers: Zodwa Ngubeni (Acting: Communication Manager)



POSTAL: PO Box 71, Bergville, 3350

PHYSICAL: 259 Kingsway Street, Bergville

TEL: 036 448 8000 FAX: 036 448 1986

WEB: www.okhahlamba.gov.za


Description: The Okhahlamba Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the uThukela District of KwaZulu-Natal between Lesotho, the Free State, and the Alfred Duma and Inkosi Langalibalele Local Municipalities. It is the largest of three municipalities in the district, making up just over a third of its geographical area.

Okhahlamba is made up of privately owned commercial farmland; smallholder settlements; the urban areas of Bergville, Winterton, Cathkin Park and Geluksberg; and three tribal authority areas. The ideally-situated agricultural and trading centre of Bergville, less than 50km from the towering Amphitheatre of Royal Natal, was laid out by a retired sea captain in 1897. Two years later, at the onset of the Anglo-Boer War, British forces built a blockhouse in the settlement. The building is now a monument and museum within the grounds of the Bergville Courthouse.

Bergville is a small town and is known as the gateway to the Northern Drakensberg. Approximately half a million tourists are attracted to the Drakensberg annually. Bergville hosts an office of the Drakensberg Publicity Association.

The area is relatively well linked through the network of existing provincial roads that run through the municipality. The municipality is largely reliant on Ladysmith for facilities such as shopping, medical services and education, among others. Large capital expenditure is needed to meet service backlogs in the area.The council manages a caravan park and holiday huts on the bank of the uThukela River. A playground and facilities for sports, including swimming, tennis, bowls, cricket, golf, rugby and badminton, are available. A modern community hall serves as a town hall.

Area: 3 971km2

Cities/Towns: Bergville, Cathkin Park, Winterton

Main Economic Sectors: Manufacturing (29%), wholesale and retail trade (12%), finance, insurance, real estate, business services, tourism, agriculture


Population: 135 132

No Schooling: 16.1%

Population Growth: 0.52% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 33.5%

Households: 29 510 Formal Dwellings: 59.0%




POSTAL: Private Bag X76, Ulundi, 3838

PHYSICAL: 400 Ugagane Street, Ulundi

TEL: 035 874 5500 FAX: 035 874 5531/5589

EMAIL: info@zululand.org.za

WEB: www.zululand.org.za


Composition of Council: ANC 8, IFP 8, APEMO 6, EFF 2, NFP 2, DA 1, NPA 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Mayor: Mr Vikizitha Richard Mlotshwa

Deputy Mayor: Mrs Nothile Ernel Tshabalala

Speaker: Mr Solomon Zamlandela Khumalo

Municipal Manager: Nkosingiphile Malinga

Chief Financial Officer: Saziso Dlamini

Senior Management: Thulani Mazibuko (Director: Social and Economic Development Services), Hlengiwe Ndaba (Manager: LED) Communications Officers: Suraya Asmal


Description: The Zululand District Municipality is a Category C municipality situated in the north-eastern part of KwaZulu-Natal. It is the biggest district in the province, making up 16% of its geographical area. It comprises five local municipalities: Ulundi, Nongoma, uPhongolo, eDumbe and AbaQulusi.

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Disclaimer of audit Disclaimer of audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 643 250645 441751 013 Total Expenditure 713 946603 554566 930 Surplus/(Deficit) (70 696)41 886184 082 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 181 463197 044140 560 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 230 820516 019312 255 Total Current Liabilities 189 046506 875545 667 Community Wealth/Equity1 309 575666 998356 439 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (55 808)(145 314)(52 088) Cash at Year End (26 649)(121 838)(28 818) UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 69 792 108 683 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 537 1 142 Vacant Positions 5 30 Managerial Positions 10 30 Vacant Managerial Positions 5 2 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 178 843177 811 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served48 53444 324 Households - Free Basic Service3 0015 555 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean auditClean audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 236 094279 646210 885 Total Expenditure 230 768220 143187 051 Surplus/(Deficit) 5 32659 50323 834 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 86 32855 752452 992 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 133 713149 45490 703 Total Current Liabilities 89 74293 63863 606 Community Wealth/Equity 457 528397 287373 453 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (2 593) -Cash at Year End 99 886101 42533 824 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 3 68526 172 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 380348 Vacant Positions 0 69 Managerial Positions 17 18 Vacant Managerial Positions 0 1 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 95 44487 724 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served 19 78119 781 Households - Free Basic Service2 3873 812

Vryheid and Ulundi are two urban centres of note in the district, respectively serving as a regional service and a regional and provincial administrative centre. The town of Vryheid is a commercial and business hub, while Ulundi Town is mainly an administrative centre and also the headquarters of the Zululand District Municipality.

It is primarily a rural district. About half the area falls under the jurisdiction of traditional authorities, while the remainder is privately owned commercial farms or protected areas.

Area: 14 800km2

Main Economic Sectors: General government (22%), transport, storage and communication (16%), wholesale and retail trade, catering and accommodation (15%), finance, insurance, real estate and business services (11%), agriculture, forestry and fishing (10%), manufacturing (10%), community, social and business services (6%), mining and quarrying (5%), construction (3%), electricity, gas and water (2%)


Population: 892 310 Population Growth: 2.38% p.a.

No Schooling: 12.2% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 39.9%

Households: 178 516 Formal Dwellings: 62.1%


Composition of Council: IFP 8, ANC 3, NFP 3, EFF 1 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: n/a

Mayor: Mr Thulasizwe Buthelezi

Deputy Mayor: TD Ndlovu

Speaker: DT Memela

Other Council: BC Khumalo (Exco Member), NP Ndlela (Exco Member)

Municipal Manager: Mr Ntokozo Hlongwa

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Sthe Msibi

Communications Officers: ZD Mthethwa (Communication Manager)



POSTAL: PO Box 57, Vryheid, 3100

PHYSICAL: Cnr High & Mark Streets, Vryheid

TEL: 034 982 2133 FAX: 034 980 9637

EMAIL: records@abaqulusi.gov.za

WEB: www.abaqulusi.gov.za


Description: The AbaQulusi Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Zululand District in the KwaZulu-Natal Province. It is the largest of the five municipalities in the district, making up a third of its geographical area.

It is named after the AbaQulusi, a Zulu clan whose descendants live in the vicinity of Vryheid, Utrecht, eDumbe and eNgoje. They hail from different origins but were unified by their allegiance to local Zulu royal homesteads. Historically, they were not drafted into ordinary ’amabutho’ regiments but rather into a royal section, and no ’umnumzane’ chief presented them in the Zulu king’s council.

Area: 4 314km2

Cities/Towns: Louwsburg, Vryheid

Main Economic Sectors: Wholesale and retail trade (18-20%), manufacturing (14-16%), finance (14%), general government (12-14%), agriculture and forestry (12%), transport, storage and communication (10-12%), community and social services (4-6%)


Population: 243 795

No Schooling: 8.1%

Households: 51 910

Population Growth: 2.89% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 40.2%

Formal Dwellings: 72.7%


The municipality is currently under administration.

Composition of Council: IFP 21, ANC 14, NFP 4, EFF 3, DA 2, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Mayor: Mr Mncedisi Maphisa (Acting)

Deputy Mayor: Mr MA Mazibuko

Speaker: Mr MB Khumalo

Other Council: Mr R Ally, Ms IA De Kock (Exco Member), Mr L Dube, Mr JJ Jones, Mr MB Khumalo (Exco Member), Ms TA Khumalo, Mr NA Kunene, Ms MM Kunene, Ms MT Lushaba, Ms NB Manana, Mr MC Maphisa (Exco Member), Mr AM Masondo, Mr TZ Mavundla, Ms PN Mazibuko (Exco Member), Mr MA Mazibuko, Ms NN Mdlalose (Exco Member), Mr LR Mhlungo, Mr MM Mhlungu, Mr PM Mtshali, Mr SN Ndlela, Mr TD Ndlovu, Mr TZ Nkosi (Exco Member), Mr B Ntombela, Ms KM Ntuli, Mr MN Ntuli, Mr ZH Nxumalo, Mr CJQ Radebe, Mr PP Selepe (Exco Member), Mr MJ Sibiya (Exco Member), Mr SS Siyaya, Mrs M Viktor

Administrator: Mr Sibusiso Mkhize

Municipal Manager: Mr Bonga Ntanzi

Chief Financial Officer: Mr HA Mohamed

Senior Management: Mr Msizi Kunene (Manager: LED)

Communications Officers: Mr Z Ndamini

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.
NONGOMA Paulpietersburg Vryheid
Ulundi Nongoma Emondlo
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 229 9601 109 1591 029 719 Total Expenditure 871 808806 034700 854 Surplus/(Deficit) 358 153303 125328 865 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 505 782341 658418 865 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 137 255112 55088 332 Total Current Liabilities 355 807261 107245 841 Community Wealth/Equity 4 391 9373 733 9493 514 930 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 434 211800 451Cash at Year End (51 512)417 32212 478 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 145 942187 251 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 0931 111 Vacant Positions 0 61 Managerial Positions 25 28 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 228 345209 765 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 146 14599 987 <200m from Yard 37 49739 901 Households - Free Basic Service99 98799 987 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage30 25830 258 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 2 6112 611 Ventilated Pit Latrine 122 187122 187 Households - Free Basic Service25 98125 881 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20


FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20



POSTAL: Private Bag X308, Paulpietersburg, 3180

PHYSICAL: 10 Hoog Street, Paulpietersburg

TEL: 034 995 1650 FAX: 034 995 1192

EMAIL: records@edumbe.gov.za

WEB: www.edumbe.gov.za


Description: The eDumbe Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Zululand District in the north-western part of the KwaZulu-Natal Province. It borders with the Mpumalanga Province in the north. It is the smallest of the five municipalities that make up the district, accounting for 13% of its geographical area.

The location of the head office is in Paulpietersburg, which is 50km north of Vryheid and 59km south of Mkhondo (previously Piet Retief). The municipal area of jurisdiction is demarcated into eight wards that are predominantly rural in nature.

Area: 1 943km2

Cities/Towns: Paulpietersburg

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, forestry and fishing (22.42%), wholesale and retail trade, catering and accomodation (15.38%), mining (14.76%), general government services (13.30%), finance and business services (9.93%), manufacturing (8.07%), community, social and personal services (7.39%), construction (6.44%)


Population: 89 614 Population Growth: 2.00% p.a.

No Schooling: 12.9% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 31.7%

Households: 17 415 Formal Dwellings: 72.7%


Composition of Council: NFP 6, ANC 5, IFP 5, ABC 1, DA 1, EFF 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Mayor: Mr Sibusiso Mkhabela

Deputy Mayor: Mr SJ Kunene

Speaker: Ms Duduzile Nhlengethwa

Chief Whip: Mr VA Mthethwa

Other Council: RC Gevers, J Dvr Lourens, DD Maseko, Mr D Masondo, MSE Mbokazi, Ms ND Mngomezulu (Public Relations), ZP Mtetwa, JB Mthethwa, Mr ND Ndlangamandla, TC Shabalala, ND Sibiya (Exco Member), DF Sukazi, HH Vilakazi (MPAC Chair), MS Zulu



POSTAL: PO Box 84, Nongoma, 3950

PHYSICAL: Lot 103, Main Street, Nongoma

TEL: 035 831 7500 FAX: 035 831 3152

EMAIL: registry@nongoma.org.za

WEB: nongoma.gov.za

Municipal Manager: Mr JFK Khumalo (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr SGZ Sibiya (Acting)

Senior Management: Mr Shaka Cele (Director: Technical Services and Director: Infrastructure Services, Planning and Development), Mr MM Mathabela (Manager: Information Technology), Mr Vincent Mbatha (Director: Corporate Services), Ms Nonkululeko Mbokazi (Acting Manager: Human Resources), Mr KS Mkhwanazi (Manager: LED), Mr SR Ntuli (Director: Planning and Development)

Communications Officers: Ms ZT Mazibuko


Description: The Nongoma Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Zululand District in the north of the KwaZulu-Natal Province. Located in the east of the district, the municipality has two secondary corridors, which run from Ulundi to Pongola and from Hlabisa to Vryheid.

120 | THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 KWAZULU-NATAL Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.
AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 679 737683 988609 643 Total Expenditure 788 982681 623580 131 Surplus/(Deficit) (109 245)2 36529 513 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 40 81548 09958 324 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 321 594 270 767 319 180 Total Current Liabilities 342 788369 197298 820 Community Wealth/Equity 1 098 1191 255 4061 292 440 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 198 290557 1121 014 280 Cash at Year End 184 237840 2011 494 218 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 218 24598 582 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 451 779 Vacant Positions 9 341 Managerial Positions 40 36 Vacant Managerial Positions 9 10 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 156 751146 971 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 29 76425 538 <200m from Yard 0 395 Households - Free Basic Service3 8983 816 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served32 42731 923 Households - Free Basic Service3 8983 641 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage 18 95117 353 Ventilated Pit Latrine 0500 Households - Free Basic Service3 8981 216
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 230 676208 403184 917 Total Expenditure 223 678194 012142 790 Surplus/(Deficit) 6 99814 39142 127 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 377 933303 464300 465 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 157 753145 314156 503 Total Current Liabilities 164 308140 126133 305 Community Wealth/Equity 350 058366 525329 156 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow - -Cash at Year End (4 000)(4 000) 0 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 48 49122 553 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 223184 Vacant Positions 38 14 Managerial Positions 22 16 Vacant Managerial Positions 7 1 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 61 92854 344 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served10 80710 807 Households - Free Basic Service605 574

It is bordered by uPhongolo in the north, Ulundi in the south, the uMkhanyakude District in the south and east, and Abaqulusi in the west. It is one of the five municipalities in the district and has three tribal authorities, namely Mandlakazi, Usuthu and Matheni. It is the most populated municipality in Zululand.

Area: 2 182km2

Cities/Towns: Nongoma

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture


Population: 211 892

Population Growth: 1.90% p.a.

No Schooling: 14.8% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 39.8%

Households: 36 409 Formal Dwellings: 35.7%


Composition of Council: IFP 20, NFP 14, ANC 8, EFF 2, NAPF 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Mayor: Mr MA Mncwango

Deputy Mayor: Mr GS Nkosi (Deputy Mayor and Chairperson: Corporate Services Portfolio)

Speaker: Mr Bhekinkosi Welcome Zulu

Other Council: Mr KM Dladla (Exco Member), Mr NM Mthembu (Exco Member), Mr CM Ndabandaba (Exco Member), Mr JT Nkosi (Exco Member), Mr TJ Nsele (Exco Member)

Municipal Manager: Mr MM Zungu

Chief Financial Officer: Mr NT Dludla

Senior Management: Mr M Khumalo (Manager: PMU), Mrs SG Khumalo (Library Services and Public Amenities), Ms L Maema (Manager: Asset and Fleet), Mr K Manqele (Acting Manager: SCM), Mr LB Mhlungu (Manager: Risk and Compliance), Mrs N Mthenjana (Manager: Revenue) Mr GA Ndaba (Manager: IDP/PMS), Mr IS Ndlela (Manager: Disaster and Fire Rescue), Mrs D Ndlovu (Manager: ICT), Mr M Ngobese (Manager: Council Support), Mrs H Ntombela (Manager: Legal Services), Ms F Ntshangase (Manager: Human Resources), Mrs M Phakathi



POSTAL: Private Bag X17, Ulundi, 3838

PHYSICAL: BA 81, Prince Mangosuthu Street, Ulundi

TEL: 035 874 5100 FAX: 035 870 1164

EMAIL: info@ulundi.gov.za

WEB: www.ulundi.gov.za


Description: The Ulundi Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the northern part of the KwaZulu-Natal Province within the Zululand District. It is one of the five municipalities in the district, making up almost a quarter of its geographical area. Ulundi is the power hub of central Zululand. It is rich in cultural, historical and wildlife experiences. The Ulundi Museum is just a few minutes from the centre of town, and the R700 leads to the Ondini Cultural Reserve. In addition, the eMakhosini Ophathe Park lies only 10km out of town, and the Hluhluwe/Mfolozi Game Park is accessible through the new Cengeni Gate a mere 35km away. Area: 3 251km2

Cities/Towns: Ulundi

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, commercial, retail


Population: 205 762

No Schooling: 14.9%

Households: 38 553

Population Growth: 2.01% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 42.5%

Formal Dwellings: 53.2%


Composition of Council: IFP 32, NFP 7, ANC 5, EFF 2, DA 1

Controlling Party: IFP

Mayor: Mr WM Ntshangase

Deputy Mayor: TG Madela

Speaker: NJ Manana

Municipal Manager: Mr NG Zulu

Chief Financial Officer: Mr JH Mhlongo

Communications Officers: CT Buthelezi

(Manager: Budget), Mr ME Sithole (HOD: Corporate Services), Mr P Zulu (Manager: Public Safety), Mr K Zulu (Acting HOD: Community Services), Ms N Zulu (Manager: Social Services)

Communications Officers: Ms NP Ntuli (Manager: Mayoral Support and Communications)

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

full year figures.
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 247 845339 940370 278 Total Expenditure 257 891343 779367 790 Surplus/(Deficit) (10 046)(3 839)2 488 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 518 785502 066457 643 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 62 24680 51170 620 Total Current Liabilities 103 07699 13483 596 Community Wealth/Equity 324 445329 028313 330 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow - -Cash at Year End 15 838 1(2) UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 44 76678 049 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 276 304 Vacant Positions 3 32 Managerial Positions 23 25 Vacant Managerial Positions 3 6 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 112 972107 885 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served21 10121 101 Households - Free Basic Service 385 417
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 427 716449 023393 612 Total Expenditure 451 588397 967262 819 Surplus/(Deficit) (23 872)51 056130 793 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 104 97065 96525 147 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 128 708113 52396 854 Total Current Liabilities 226 042172 664209 945 Community Wealth/Equity 426 285403 139259 371 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 429 452191 672 23 Cash at Year End 429 452191 672 23 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 44 18745 384 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 379 344 Vacant Positions 49 38 Managerial Positions 50 50 Vacant Managerial Positions 3 1 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 163 503150 584 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served33 08423 785 Households - Free Basic Service4 422258 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS




POSTAL: PO Box 191, Pongola, 3170

PHYSICAL: 61 Martin Street, Pongola

TEL: 034 413 1223 FAX: 034 413 1706

WEB: www.uphongolo.gov.za


Description: The uPhongolo Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located in the north of the Zululand District in KwaZuluNatal. It lies adjacent to the Swaziland Border and the Mpumalanga Province Border. It is one of five municipalities in the district.

Main access to the municipality is via the N2 from Gauteng in the north-west and Durban in the south. The municipality provides regional access to a wide range of tourist activities outside its own boundaries. Main rivers in the municipality are the Mkuze River in the south and the Pongola River in the north, the latter feeding the Pongolapoort Dam located on the eastern boundary of the municipality.

Together with the fragmented and sometimes dramatic topography of the area, the municipality contains, in overall terms, very low settlement densities, while on the other hand containing substantial recreational and tourism opportunities.

The overall aim in terms of integrated development planning and land use management is to provide a secure environment for investment within the uPhongolo Municipality. The focus is on the investment in social and economic infrastructure and services, which will enable all the people of uPhongolo to make a contribution to the future sustainable development of the area.

Area: 3 110km2

Cities/Towns: Pongola

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, tourism


Population: 141 247

No Schooling: 11.5%

Households: 34 228

Population Growth: 3.04% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 40.9%

Formal Dwellings: 78.9%


Composition of Council: IFP 15, ANC 10, NFP 2, DA 1, EFF 1

Controlling Party: IFP

Mayor: Mrs VM Sikhosana

Deputy Mayor: Mr B J Thwala

Speaker: KE Nxumalo

Chief Whip: Mr BES Ntshangase

Other Council: Mr MVM Mbatha, Mr SR Mhlongo (Exco Member - PR), Mrs CM Nxumalo-Sibiya (Exco Member - PR), Mr BR Shongwe (Exco Member - PR)

Municipal Manager: WM Nxumalo

Chief Financial Officer: Mr JV Nkosi

Senior Management: Mr BA Mkhonza (Director: Community)

Communications Officers: Mr MB Khali (Municipal Manager) FINANCIAL

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.

INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 339 767354 294282 241 Total Expenditure 336 035307 550271 852 Surplus/(Deficit) 3 73246 74410 390 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 102 35859 82520 423 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 51 89633 62847 944 Total Current Liabilities 63 67944 00882 277 Community Wealth/Equity 401 864345 598332 643 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (247 592)(46 354)Cash at Year End (246 168)(23 776)29 678 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 21 59413 670 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 271 487 Vacant Positions 7 34 Managerial Positions 21 28 Vacant Managerial Positions 7 7 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 100 56281 858 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served5 2025 202 Households - Free Basic Service1 3111 205

Limpopo, South Africa’s northernmost province, borders onto Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Botswana. It also borders the Mpumalanga, Gauteng and North West Provinces. Named after the Limpopo River, which flows along its northern border, it is a region of contrasts, from true Bushveld country to majestic mountains, primeval indigenous forests, unspoiled wilderness and patchworks of farmland. In the eastern region lies the northern half of the magnificent Kruger National Park.

Limpopo ranks fifth in South Africa in both surface area and population, covering an area of 125 754km2 and being home to a population of 5 799 090. The capital is Polokwane (previously Pietersburg). Other major cities and towns include Bela-Bela (Warmbad), Lephalale (Ellisras), Makhado (Louis Trichardt), Musina (Messina), Thabazimbi and Tzaneen.

Mining is the primary driver of economic activity. Limpopo is rich in mineral deposits, including platinum-group metals, iron ore, chromium, high and middle-grade coking coal, diamonds, antimony, phosphate and copper, as well as mineral reserves such as gold, emeralds, scheelite, magnetite, vermiculite, silicon and mica. The province is a typical developing area, exporting primary products and importing manufactured goods and services.

The climatic conditions in the province allow for double harvesting seasons, which results in it being the largest producer of various crops in the agricultural market. Sunflowers, cotton, maize and peanuts are cultivated in the Bela-Bela—Modimolle area. Bananas, litchis, pineapples, mangoes and pawpaws, as well as a variety of nuts, are grown in the Tzaneen and Makhado areas. Extensive tea and coffee plantations create many employment opportunities in the Tzaneen area. The Bushveld is cattle country, where controlled hunting is often combined with ranching.

Limpopo is divided into five district municipalities, which are further subdivided into 22 local municipalities.



CAPRICORN MOPANI SEKHUKHUNE VHEMBE WATERBERG Greater Giyani 128 Greater Letaba 12 9 Greater Tzaneen 13 0 Maruleng 130 Sekhukhune District 131 Elias Motsoaledi 132 Ephraim Mogale 132 Fetakgomo Tubatse 13 3 Makhuduthamaga 13 4 Vhembe District 13 4 Collins Chabane 135 Makhado 135 M usina 13 6 Thulamela 137 Waterberg District 137 Bela-Bela 13 8 Lephalale 139 Modimolle-Mookgophong 139 Mogalakwena 14 0 Thabazimbi 141 Capricorn District 12 4 Blouberg 124 Lepelle-Nkumpi 125 M olemole 126 Polokwane 126 Mopani District 127 Ba-Phalaborwa 128
LAND AREA 125 754km2 LAND PERCENTAGE 10.3% 38,8 89,5 11.5% 19.1% 49.9% 31.0% 88.9% 5.1%



POSTAL: PO Box 4100, Polokwane, 0700

PHYSICAL: 41 Biccard Street, Polokwane

TEL: 015 294 1000 FAX: 015 291 4297

EMAIL: communications@cdm.org.za

WEB: cdm.org.za


Description: The Capricorn District Municipality is a Category C municipality situated in the Limpopo Province. The municipality is situated as a stopover between Gauteng and the northern areas of Limpopo, and between the north-western areas and the Kruger National Park. It forms a gateway to Botswana, Zimbabwe and Mozambique. It consists of the following four local municipalities: Blouberg, LepelleNkumpi, Molemole and Polokwane. It derives its name from the Tropic of Capricorn, along which it is situated.

Limpopo’s capital, Polokwane (previously Pietersburg), lies in the heart of the Capricorn region. The district has an internal airport, and is linked to Gauteng by one of the best stretches of the N1 in South Africa. It has the third-largest district economy in the province, and is predominantly rural in nature.

Area: 21 706km2

Main Economic Sectors: Community services (30.9%), finance (27.6%), trade (14%), transport (13.2%), manufacturing (4.3%), construction (3.3%), agriculture (3.1%), electricity (2.9%)


Population: 1 330 436

Population Growth: 1.21% p.a.

No Schooling: 12.4% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 41.3%

Households: 378 301 Formal Dwellings: 93.2%


Composition of Council: ANC 15, EFF 5, DA 1, DOP 1 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: n/a

Executive Mayor: Mr Mamedupi Teffo

Speaker: Mr Maseka Solomon Pheedi

Chief Whip: Mr Chuene Malebana

Other Council: Mr Solly Mahlatjie (MMC: Strategic Executive Management Services), Ms Makgalemela Makhura (MMC: Sports, Arts and Culture), Ms Caroline Mamabolo (MMC: Local Economic Development), Mr Matome Calvin Masoga (MMC: Development Planning and Environmental Management), Ms Maite Mohale (MMC: Infrastructure Services), Ms Elizabeth Rahlana (MMC: Community Services), Ms Maria Ramokolo (MMC: Finance), Mr Samson Selamolela (MMC: Corporate Services)

Municipal Manager: Molatelo Mashego (Acting MM and Executive Manager: DPEMS)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Thabo Nonyane

Senior Management: Makgato Machaba (Executive Manager: Corporate Services), Thuso Nemugumoni (Executive Management)

Communications Officers: Mr Jabu Masondo

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20

AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Clean audit



POSTAL: PO Box 1593, Senwabarwana, 0790

PHYSICAL: Bochum Road, 2nd Building Mogwadi, Senwabarwana

TEL: 015 590 1650/0157932409 FAX: 015 505 0296

EMAIL: info@blouberg.gov.za

WEB: www.blouberg.gov.za


Description: The Blouberg Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Capricorn District of the Limpopo

Province, in the northern part of South Africa, bordering Zimbabwe and Botswana. It is the largest of four municipalities in the district, making up almost half of its geographical area.

Blouberg is home to some of the most spectacular rock climbing in South Africa. It is famous for its big-wall natural climbing, with route lengths up to 350m. The vegetation ranges from subtropical savanna at the base, to alpine near the summit. It takes its name from the Blouberg (blue mountains), a mountain range located to the west of the western end of the Soutpansberg Mountain Range, north-west of the town of Vivo.

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.

Zebediela Makurung Mphahlele Ramokgopa
FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 183 9921 181 3541 089 440 Total Expenditure 848 971824 586732 734 Surplus/(Deficit) 335 021356 768356 707 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 393 134381 733353 321 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 628 181516 958460 177 Total Current Liabilities 274 118202 498209 474 Community Wealth/Equity3 745 7493 056 0062 699 300 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 486 190982 445Cash at Year End 444 924885 045360 787 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 3 1773 463 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 586 992 Vacant Positions 19455 Managerial Positions 53 35 Vacant Managerial Positions 19 3 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 335 526310 917 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 59 48857 846 <200m from Yard 85 71183 180 >200m from Yard 3 0003 000 Households - Free Basic Service4 88836 422 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage11 64210 000 Ventilated Pit Latrine 80 88178 381 Households - Free Basic Service4 88836 422 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20

Blouberg is a hot area with annual rainfall varying between 380 and 550mm. Most rainfall is experienced during the summer months. Evapotranspiration during the rainy season is very high. The area is prone to frequent drought, which has an adverse effect on the local economy. The only perennial river is the Mogalakwena River, which feeds the Glen Alpine Dam, the only source of pipeline water in the area.

Area: 9 540km2

Cities/Towns: Alldays, Senwabarwana (Bochum)

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, mining, tourism


Population: 172 601 Population Growth: -0.32% p.a.

No Schooling: 19.5% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 24.9%

Households: 43 747 Formal Dwellings: 95.6%


Composition of Council: ANC 33, EFF 7, COPE 2, ABC 1, DA 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Ms Maria Thamaga

Speaker: Mr Phineas Boloka

Chief Whip: Ms Johanna Rangata

Other Council: Ms Raseruthe Agnes (Chairperson: Infrastructure

Development), Mr Peter Keetse, Mr Robert Makobela (Chairperson: Finance), Mr Daniel Mosena (Chairperson: Economic Development and Planning), Mr Prince Motswabe (Chairperson: Corporate Services), Ms Shirley Raphasha (Chairperson: Community Services), Mr Martin Tlouamma

Municipal Manager: Mr RJ Ramothwala (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Nkwata Jack Mabote

Senior Management: Mr MJ Maleka (Acting Director: Technical Services), Mr Herbert Masipa (Acting Director: Corporate Services), Adv MB Monyemoratho (Director: Community Services), Mr Stanford Moremi (Acting Director: Economic Development and Planning), Ms Denga Siboiboi (Director: Technical Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Sodi Magomane



POSTAL: Private Bag X07, Chuenespoort, 0745

PHYSICAL: 170 BA Lebowakgomo, Chuenespoort

TEL: 015 633 4500 FAX: 015 633 6896

WEB: www.lepelle-nkumpi.gov.za


Description: The Lepelle-Nkumpi Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Capricorn District in the Limpopo Province. The municipality is located 55km south of the district municipality and Polokwane (previously Pietersburg) City. It is the smallest of four municipalities in the district, making up 16% of its geographical area.

The municipality is predominantly rural. It is divided into 29 wards, four of them being a township called Lebowakgomo and one of the Capricorn District’s growth points. All sittings of the Provincial Legislature take place at Lebowakgomo Old Parliament for the former homeland.

Area: 3 484km2

Cities/Towns: Zebediela


Population: 235 380

No Schooling: 15.6%

Households: 61 305

Population Growth: 0.40% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 34.7%

Formal Dwellings: 89.3%


Composition of Council: ANC 40, EFF 12, DOP 4, DA 2, LEBCO 1, MSM 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Ms Meriam Molala

Speaker: Ms Ngwanakoane Joyce Nkoabela

Chief Whip: Mr Seriting Given Sello

Other Council: Mrs PE Ledwaba (Portfolio Head: Budget and Treasury), Mr MD Matsimela (Portfolio Head: Community Services), Mrs DP Mazwi (Portfolio Head: Corporate Services), Mrs RO Molomo (Portfolio Head: Lan, LED, Planning and Housing), Mr SM Mphofela (Portfolio Head: Roads, Transport and Electricity), Mr RTF Nkoana (Portfolio Head:

Water and Sanitation), Mr Itumeleng Gift Ratau (Portfolio Head: Sports, Arts and Culture), Mr David Tsela (Portfolio Head: Health and Social Development)

Municipal Manager: Mrs MA Monyepao

Chief Financial Officer: Ms KG Mankga

Senior Management: Mr Matee Setuma (Manager: LED)

Communications Officers: Ms Mokgadi Maubane

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 352 171362 038315 275 Total Expenditure 323 995322 082296 779 Surplus/(Deficit) 28 17639 95618 495 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 8 07457 3732 271 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 189 118149 020136 053 Total Current Liabilities 89 48054 61160 406 Community Wealth/Equity1 074 6621 077 6721 040 193 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (52 052)65 507Cash at Year End (18 796)54 90610 654 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 30 28614 793 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 198268 Vacant Positions 6 57 Managerial Positions 38 31 Vacant Managerial Positions 6 1 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 127 352119 800 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served43 01043 010 Households - Free Basic Service4 8342 530
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 462 739468 917421 401 Total Expenditure 310 473534 191290 349 Surplus/(Deficit) 152 266(65 274)131 052 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 56 40145 471 n/a FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 688 198548 794306 418 Total Current Liabilities 303 835286 050123 863 Community Wealth/Equity 1 249 7371 684 9221 240 434 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 213 438 537 695 150 959 Cash at Year End 452 025619 142168 504 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 267 65463 837 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 215 248 Vacant Positions 10 31 Managerial Positions 23 23 Vacant Managerial Positions 10 4 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 120 449117 844 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served54 51754 517 Households - Free Basic Service8 6468 427 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: Private Bag X44, Mogwadi, 0715

PHYSICAL: 303 Church Street, Mogwadi

TEL: 015 501 0243 FAX: 015 501 0419

WEB: www.molemole.gov.za


Description: The Molemole Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Capricorn District in the Limpopo Province. It is bordered to the north by the Vhembe District, to the south by Polokwane, to the east by the Mopani District, and to the west by Blouberg. It is one of four municipalities in the district, making up 17% of its geographical area.

One national road, the N1, crosses through the municipal area, linking Molemole with Zimbabwe to the north. The Provincial Road P94/1 (R521) passes through the municipality and links Molemole to Botswana on the western side.

Area: 3 628km2

Cities/Towns: Dendron, Morebeng (Soekmekaar)

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture


Population: 125 327 Population Growth: -0.21% p.a.

No Schooling: 20.2% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 30.5%

Households: 34 133 Formal Dwellings: 96.1%


Composition of Council: ANC 22, EFF 6, CICAF 2, CIVIC WARRIORS 1, DA 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Edward Paya

Speaker: Ms Dikeledi Matlou

Chief Whip: Mr Masilo Rathaha

Other Council: Mr Moyahabo Lehong (Chairperson: Technical Services), Mrs DM Meso (Chairperson: LEDP), Mr Frank Rampyapedi (Chairperson: Community Services), Ms Nakedi Seakamela (Chairperson: Finance), Ms Makoma Tawana (Chairperson: Corporate Services)



POSTAL: PO Box 111, Polokwane, 0700

PHYSICAL: Cnr Landdros Mare & Bodenstein Streets, Polokwane

TEL: 015 290 2000/1 FAX: 015 290 2218

WEB: www.polokwane.gov.za


Description: The Polokwane Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located within the Capricorn District in the Limpopo Province. It is one of four municipalities in the district, making up just under a quarter of its geographical area.

It is a city with more than a century of phenomenal growth and prosperity. Polokwane Municipality accounts for 3% of the total surface area of Limpopo, however, over 10% of the population of Limpopo resides within its boundaries. The municipality serves as the economic hub of Limpopo, and has the highest population density in the Capricorn District. It shares its name with the city of Polokwane (previously Pietersburg). In February 2002, the city was renamed Polokwane – a northern Sesotho word that means ’place of safety’.

The municipal spatial pattern reflects that of the historic apartheid city model, characterised by segregated settlement. At the centre of the area is the Polokwane economic hub, which comprises the central business district, industrial area, and a range of social services and wellestablished formal urban areas servicing the more affluent residents of Polokwane. Situated on the outskirts in several clusters are less formal settlement areas, which are experiencing enormous influx from rural urban migration trends.

These areas are in dire need of upgraded services and infrastructure, both social and engineering, and are struggling to cope with the informal influx of more and more people who want access to an improved quality and standard of living.

Municipal Manager: Mr KE Makgatho

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Khanyisile Wendy Zulu

Senior Management: Ms Tiyani Mahatlani (Planning and Economic Development), Mr Kgabo Emmanuel Makgatho (Corporate Services), Ms Mbengwa Mobuela (Community Services), Mr Yeta Wasilota (Technical Services)

Ms Maseforo

Area: 5 054km2

Cities/Towns: Polokwane

Main Economic Sectors: Community services (32.1%), finance (21.5%), wholesale and retail trade (18.3%), transport (11.7%), manufacturing (4.8%), mining (4.2%)


Population: 797 127

Population Growth: 2.04% p.a.

No Schooling: 9.2% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 47.5%

Households: 239 116

Formal Dwellings: 93.4%


Composition of Council: ANC 56, EFF 21, DA 7, VF PLUS 2, ABC 1, ACDP 1, COPE 1, MSM 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr John Mpe

Speaker: Ms Kobela Whelemina Modiba

Chief Whip: Mr Phethola Adolf Rapetswa

Other Council: Mrs Makwena Betty Kgare (Roads, Transport and Storm Water), Ms Jennifer Malope (Waste and Environment), Mr Tebele Jerry Mamabolo (Sports, Arts, Culture and Special Programmes), Zanele Fikile Mashalane (Admin and Governance), Mrs Puleng Mashangwane (Local Economic Development and Spatial Planning), Mr Alfred Moakamedi (Water and Sanitation), Mr Thabang Desmond Moloto (Energy Provision), Mr Tshepo Nkwe (Finance), Mr Joosuf Pemma (Housing), Ramasela Vivian Shadung (Community Services)

Municipal Manager: NR Ramakuntwane (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Naazim Essa

Senior Management: Mr K Choshi (Manager: Executive Mayor), Mr Fourie (Director: Energy Services), Mr H Kholope (Director: Planning and Economic Development), Mr M Lamola (Director: Roads and

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

full year figures.
Communications Officers:
Mathatho FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 259 130302 540220 476 Total Expenditure 227 001221 074190 407 Surplus/(Deficit) 32 12981 46730 069 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 48 68750 05738 285 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 172 182169 579118 017 Total Current Liabilities 27 64236 12441 957 Community Wealth/Equity 471 181425 375324 848 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 159 40360 941Cash at Year End 200 26257 43219 364 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 2 3322 161 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 170 171 Vacant Positions 0 2 Managerial Positions 14 13 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 97 15991 317 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served33 60533 605 Households - Free Basic Service5 3134 576

Transportation), Mr Monyamane Makoti (Director: Water and Sanitation Services), Mr M Malatji (Manager: Municipal Manager’s Office), Mr J Manyama (Human Resource Management), Ms M Matshivha (Director: Corporate and Shared Services), Ms T Ntshakala (Director: SPME), Mr R Selepe (Director: Community Services)

Communications Officers: Matshidiso Mothapo (Manager: Communication and Marketing)



POSTAL: Private Bag X9687, Giyani, 0826

PHYSICAL: Government Building, Main Road, Giyani

TEL: 015 811 6300 FAX: 015 812 4302

WEB: www.mopani.gov.za



Description: The Mopani District Municipality is a Category C municipality located within the north-eastern quadrant of the Limpopo Province. It is bordered in the north by Zimbabwe and Vhembe District Municipality, in the south by the Mpumalanga Province through Ehlanzeni District Municipality, in the south-west by Sekhukhune District Municipality, in the east by Mozambique, and in the west by the Capricorn and Vhembe District Municipalities.

The district consists of five local municipalities: Ba-Phalaborwa, Greater Giyani, Greater Letaba, Greater Tzaneen and Maruleng. The seat of Mopani is Giyani, and the district is part of the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park.

Area: 20 012km2

Main Economic Sectors: Mining (30.1%), community services (22.6%), trade (14.6%), finance (14.6%), transport (8.2%), agriculture (3.2%), electricity (2.8%), construction (2%)


Population: 1 159 185

No Schooling: 17.1%

Households: 338 427

Population Growth: 1.35% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 32.9%

Formal Dwellings: 90.7%


Composition of Council: ANC 16, EFF 3, CIVIC WARRIORS 1, DA 1 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: n/a

Executive Mayor: Mr Pule Josiah Shayi

Speaker: Ms Martha Maswangayi

Chief Whip: Ms M Lewele

Other Council: Mr Nyiko Baloyi (MMC: Economic Development, Housing and Spatial Planning), Mrs Nomsa Khandlhela (MMC: Finance), Mrs Sophia Magomane (MMC: Public Transport and Roads), Mrs Dorah Makhananisa (MMC: Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture), Mr Masilo Maloko (MMC: Infrastructure Development Services), Mr Maripe Mangena (MMC: Agriculture and Environmental Management Services), Mrs Dikeledi Mmetle (MMC: Community Services), Mr Lucky Mohlala (MMC: Governance and Shared Services), Ms MH Sefufi (MMC: Water Services)

Municipal Manager: Mr Tshepo Mogano

Senior Management: Ms Faith Maboya (Senior Manager: Planning and Local Economic Development), T Mabulana (Acting Director: Engineering Services), MZ Mawasha (Director: Corporate Services), Thivhonali Ralulimi (Director: Water Services), DD Shitlhangu (Director: Community Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Neil Shikwambana (Acting)

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.

GREATER GIYANI BA-PHALABORWA MARULENG GREATER TZANEEN GREATER LETABA Giyani Lulekani Namakgale Phalaborwa Ofcolaco Hoedspruit Tzaneen Ga-Modjadji Modjadjiskloof
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 4 755 7844 368 3364 881 999 Total Expenditure 5 051 7734 324 4084 404 867 Surplus/(Deficit) (295 989)43 928477 132 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 737 298836 000864 637 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 1 657 4661 354 4741 334 627 Total Current Liabilities 1 169 8921 376 6071 487 155 Community Wealth/Equity16 324 27318 880 07115 601 336 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 2 016 0833 973 1796 476 900 Cash at Year End 1 483 0872 492 8965 479 264 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 687 205463 549 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 2 0582 951 Vacant Positions 4 997 Managerial Positions 49 49 Vacant Managerial Positions 4 6 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 961 504892 563 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 163 221135 632 <200m from Yard 36 57038 586 >200m from Yard 9 32116 260 Households - Free Basic Service12 90611 910 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served240 544239 116 Households - Free Basic Service11 87710 898 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage77 54772 627 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 305 0 Ventilated Pit Latrine 94 56994 569 Households - Free Basic Service11 87710 898
AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Disclaimer of audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 804 5852 303 3861 584 843 Total Expenditure 1 592 7551 486 9221 481 006 Surplus/(Deficit) 211 830816 464103 837 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 463 936771 994437 120 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 1 858 0611 805 8281 798 743 Total Current Liabilities 3 081 8152 615 0202 752 423 Community Wealth/Equity4 846 2335 453 4154 630 792 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 1 037 0951 637 7171 212 894 Cash at Year End 609 9821 204 2021 581 000 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 424 572 638 787 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS
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POSTAL: Private Bag X01020, Phalaborwa, 1390

PHYSICAL: Civic Centre, Nelson Mandela Drive, Phalaborwa

TEL: 015 780 6300 FAX: 015 781 0726

EMAIL: phalamun@ba-phalaborwa.gov.za

WEB: www.phalaborwa.gov.za


Description: The Ba-Phalaborwa Local Municipality is a Category B municipality found in the Mopani District in the Limpopo Province. It is situated in the north-eastern part of Mopani, just less than 1km from the Kruger National Park border. It is the largest of five municipalities in the district, making up over a third of its geographical area.

It is 220km from Polokwane (previously Pietersburg) and Mbombela (previously Nelspruit), and serves as a central gateway to the Greater Limpopo Transfrontier Park through the Giriyondo Border. It is an entry and exit point to the Mozambican side of the Xai-Xai beaches. The area has vast tourism and manufacturing investment opportunities.

Area: 7 490km2

Cities/Towns: Gravelotte, Leydsdorp

Main Economic Sectors: Mining, agriculture, manufacturing, tourism


Population: 168 937

Population Growth: 2.61% p.a.

No Schooling: 12.9% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 39.8%

Households: 49 100 Formal Dwellings: 96.7%


Composition of Council: ANC 24, EFF 5, DA 4, NIP 2, MIM 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Ms Merriam Malatji

Speaker: Mr Oliver Mabunda

Chief Whip: Ms Didodo Rapatsa

Other Council: Ms Denise Bayana, Sobrant de Beer, Mr Richard Makasela, Mr Pontsho Mashumu, Mr Modiegi Mathebula, Lucky Mohlala, Mr Petrus Mukharhi (Chairperson: Municipal Public Account Committee [MPAC]), Thompson Nkuna, Mr Victor Rapatsa, Sinah Shayi

Municipal Manager: Dr KKL Pilusa

Chief Financial Officer: Mr A Nzimande

Senior Management: Mr S Madiope (Acting), Mr TS Mashale (Acting Senior Manager: Corporate), Mr MC Mashale (Manager: LED), Mr M Mokgabuki (Acting)

Communications Officers: Mr Jonas Mahesu (Municipal Spokesperson)



POSTAL: Private Bag X9559, Giyani, 0826

PHYSICAL: BA 59 Giyani Main Road, Opposite Old Nkensani Hospital, Giyani

TEL: 015 811 5500 FAX: 015 812 2068

WEB: www.greatergiyani.gov.za


Description: The Greater Giyani Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Mopani District in the Limpopo Province. It is one of five municipalities in the district. It was established in terms of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996, the Municipality Demarcation Act of 1998, and Section 12 Notice issued in terms of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act of 1998. The town of Giyani was established in 1969 and is regarded as the ‘place where the people dance and land of the friendly people’. It is the administrative and commercial centre of the Mopani District and also the former capital of Gazankulu. Giyani is also rich in cultural history, with royal families dating back as far as 1822.

Giyani is located approximately 185km from Polokwane (previously Pietersburg), 100km from Thohoyandou and 550km from Pretoria. Its eastern section borders on the world-famous Kruger National Park. The municipality is demarcated into 30 wards and has 60 councillors. The 10 traditional authority areas comprise 91 villages.

Giyani Town is the largest and most densely populated centre, featuring the most employment opportunities, as well as the best shopping and recreational facilities. The labour force consists of skilled, semi-skilled and a large percentage of unskilled people.

Area: 4 167km2

Cities/Towns: Giyani

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, tourism, retail, transport


Population: 256 127

Population Growth: 1.08% p.a.

No Schooling: 20.5% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 31.0%

Households: 70 477

Formal Dwellings: 87.0%

128 | THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 LIMPOPO Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.
EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 611 1 121 Vacant Positions 2455 Managerial Positions 38 38 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 0 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 460 434402 795 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 153 206153 206 <200m from Yard 113 850106 622 >200m from Yard 29 26433 773 Households - Free Basic Service37 44737 447 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage57 11657 116 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 7 1157 115 Ventilated Pit Latrine 192 032185 324 Households - Free Basic Service5 3895 389
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 606 048643 124517 842 Total Expenditure 626 239433 871523 008 Surplus/(Deficit) (20 190)209 253(5 167) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 89 720(37 044)16 836 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 1 550 0042 308 2651 275 820 Total Current Liabilities 1 810 009480 400331 907 Community Wealth/Equity787 4662 597 0561 821 981 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 992 01534 305 n/a Cash at Year End 1 061 30843 482 n/a UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 55 761106 915 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 442644 Vacant Positions 1221 Managerial Positions 25 26 Vacant Managerial Positions 1 1 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 166 499146 119 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served45 99545 995 Households - Free Basic Service4231 269


Composition of Council: ANC 47, EFF 5, APC 2, INDEPENDENT 2, DA 1,

F4SD 1, MIM 1, NIP 1, PA 1, XP 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mrs Thandi Zitha

Speaker: Mr Ernest Mboweni

Chief Whip: Mr Thomas Makondo

Other Council: Mr Baloyi Cedrick (Planning and Economic Development), PS Mabulana (Exco Member: Office of the Mayor),

Mr Thamsanqa Japhta Justice Mabunda (Infrastructure Development),

Mr Gezani Abby Maluleke (Water, Sanitation and Energy), Mrs Tintswalo

Constance Manganyi (Health and Social Development), Mr Masenyani

Richard Mashale (Public Roads and Transport), Mrs Nkhensani Harmony

Pretty Ndaba (Finance), Mrs Basambilu Reginah Nghunyule (Corporate and Shared Services), Mrs Reginah Ntsako Sekgobela (Exco Member),

Mr Thandazo Christinah Zitha (Sports, Recreation, Arts and Culture)

Municipal Manager: Mr Mkhacani Maxwell Chauke

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Donald Mhangwana

Senior Management: Mr RH Mashamba (Director: Technical Services),

Mr MT Shiviti (Director: Corporate Services), Mrs KV Sithole (Director: Planning and Local Economic Development)

Communications Officers: Mr SS Mavunda

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20


POSTAL: PO Box 36, Modjadjiskloof, 0835

PHYSICAL: Civic Centre, 44 Botha Street, Modjadjiskloof

TEL: 015 309 9246/9248 FAX: 015 309 9419

WEB: www.greaterletaba.gov.za


Description: The Greater Letaba Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the Mopani District in the Limpopo Province. It is the smallest of five municipalities in the district. The ’gates’ to the municipal area are considered to be Mamaila Kolobetona in the north, Modjadjiskloof (previously Duiwelskloof) in the south, Makgakgapatse in the east, and Sekgopo in the west. There are 130 rural villages within the municipal area.

It is characterised by contrasts such as varied topography, population densities (low in the south, relatively dense in the north-east), and prolific vegetation in the south (timber) and sparse vegetation in the north (Bushveld). The availability of natural resources such as dams, tourist attractions, nature reserves and proximity to intensive economic activities creates opportunities for economic spin-offs.

Area: 1 896km2

Cities/Towns: Modjadjiskloof

Main Economic Sectors: General government services (22.28%), wholesale and retail trade, catering and accommodation (18.55%), transport and communication (16.73%), finance and business services (12.41%), agriculture, forestry and fishing (8.46%), manufacturing (6.63%), community, social and personal services (5.94%), electricity and water (4.34%)


Population: 218 030

No Schooling: 26.7%

Households: 67 067


Population Growth: 0.56% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 26.7%

Formal Dwellings: 91.6%


Composition of Council: ANC 47, EFF 8, COPE 2, DA 1, LIRA 1, MIM 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr TD Mamanyoha

Speaker: Ms MM Mokgwathi

Chief Whip: Ms RR Ramalatso

Other Council: Mr RG Baloyi (Exco: Infrastructure), Mr TJ Kgapane (Exco: Finance), Mr NF Lebeko (Exco: Corporate and Shared Services), Ms E Mathaba (Exco: Public Transport and Roads), Mr MR Mosila (Exco:

Community Services), Ms KE Ramaano (Exco: Sport, Arts and Culture), Mr ML Ramalobela (Exco: Environmental Affairs), Ms MJ Ramaremela (Exco: Economic Development, Housing and Spatial Planning), Ms MG Selowa (Exco: Water and Sanitation)

Municipal Manager: Ms F Mankgabe

Chief Financial Officer: Mr ML Mamatlepa

Senior Management: Mr MP Lekhota (Director: Corporate Services), Mr Eugene Malungane (Director: Technical Services), Dr Masilo Mokoena (Director: Community Services), Mr Eric Rabalela (Manager: LED), Mr Obed Sewape (Director: Development and Town Planning)

Communications Officers: Lovers Maenetje (Municipal Spokesperson)

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.

FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 0579 858468 232 Total Expenditure n/a 419 225389 351 Surplus/(Deficit) n/a 160 63278 880 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE n/a 1 479 0851 343 502 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets n/a 589 977453 138 Total Current Liabilities n/a 402 004372 251 Community Wealth/Equity n/a 1 017 803938 923 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow n/an/an/a Cash at Year End n/an/an/a UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 61 96526 477 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 351 420 Vacant Positions 2 35 Managerial Positions 27 27 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 3 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 157 632149 503 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served67 01467 014 Households - Free Basic Service 371 13 000
AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Financially unqualified
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 454 094493 514411 880 Total Expenditure 416 595428 648333 442 Surplus/(Deficit) 37 49964 86678 439 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 107 010101 66988 342 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 37 91850 692157 500 Total Current Liabilities 101 44189 05489 031 Community Wealth/Equity1 029 850983 804944 263 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 232 490254 1401 517 Cash at Year End 102 808167 0102 581 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 54 70176 452 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 259 333 Vacant Positions 0 51 Managerial Positions 33 24 Vacant Managerial Positions 0 3 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 131 961144 708 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served64 77264 772 Households - Free Basic Service318 301 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: PO Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850

PHYSICAL: 38 Agatha Street, Civic Centre Building, Tzaneen, 0850

TEL: 015 307 8000 FAX: 015 307 8049

EMAIL: record@tzaneen.gov.za

WEB: www.greatertzaneen.gov.za


Description: The Greater Tzaneen Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the eastern quadrant of the Limpopo Province within the Mopani District. It is bordered by Greater Letaba to the north, Lepelle-Nkumpi to the south, Ba-Phalaborwa and Maruleng to the east, and Polokwane to the west. It is one of the five municipalities in the district. It contains 125 rural villages, with almost 80% of households residing in these villages.

The Phalaborwa SDI transverses the area, while one of the major road links between Gauteng and the Kruger National Park also passes through the area. It is characterised by extensive and intensive farming activities and considerable untapped tourism potential.

Area: 2 896km2

Cities/Towns: Haenertsburg, Tzaneen

Main Economic Sectors: Community services (31.7%), finance (23.8%), trade (10.2%), agriculture (7.6%), manufacturing (3.7%)


Population: 416 146

No Schooling: 13.2%

Households: 122 776

Population Growth: 1.50% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 34.8%

Formal Dwellings: 88.8%


Composition of Council: ANC 51, EFF 9, DA 5, AFP 1, APC 1,


Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Gerson Molapisane

Speaker: Ms Sanie Muhlavasi Tiba

Chief Whip: Mr Given Marvin Malatji

Other Council: Mr Clifford Letsoalo, Ms Margareth Makwala (Transport and Special Programmes), Mr Thabo Maunatlala (Finance), Ms Maria Mmola (Health and Social Services), Mrs Rene Edna Pohl, Ms Sophy Raganya (Planning and Economic Development), Ms Constance Ramothwala (Infrastructure), Mr Mfichana Richard Shingange (Governance and Shared Services)



POSTAL: PO Box 627, Hoedspruit, 1380

PHYSICAL: 55 Springbok Street, Hoedspruit, 1380

TEL: 015 793 2409 FAX: 015 793 2341

WEB: www.maruleng.gov.za


Description: The Maruleng Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the south-eastern quadrant of the Limpopo Province within the Mopani District. The Maruleng Municipality is bordered by Ba-Phalaborwa and Tzaneen to the north, Tubatse and Bushbuckridge to the south, the Kruger National Park to the east, and Lepelle-Nkumpi to the west. It is one of five municipalities in the district. The main access points to the municipal area are considered to be Mica in the north, Klaserie and the Strijdom Tunnel in the south, and Ofcolaco in the west. The town of Hoedspruit can be considered the administrative and economic centre of the area. It is also the location of the Hoedspruit Air Force Base.

Area: 3 563km2

Cities/Towns: Hoedspruit

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture

Municipal Manager: Mr Donald Mhangwana

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Mikateko Palesa Makhubela

Senior Management: Mr Benjamin Mathebula (Director: Planning and Economic Development), Mr William Molokomme (Director: Engineering Services), Mr Aleck Nkuna (Director: Community Services), Mr Gaitsiwe Sheron Sepeng (Director: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Neville Ndlaba (Acting)


Population: 99 946

No Schooling: 13.3% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 30.9%

Households: 29 007 Formal Dwellings: 95.2%


Composition of Council: ANC 15, EFF 4, CIVIC WARRIORS 3, DA 2, INDEPENDENT 2, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Tsheko Calais Musolwa

Speaker: Ms Raganya Blantina

Chief Whip: Ms Thobejane Happy Mafura

Municipal Manager: Ms Nanki Sedibaneng Hoaeane

Chief Financial Officer: Ms MF Sekgobela (Acting)

Senior Management: Mr Morwa Lesley Muroa (Acting Director: Technical Services), Dr Setimela Sampson Sebashe (Director: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Sodi Magomane

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full

year figures.
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 515 2411 353 9761 324 706 Total Expenditure 1 452 3561 125 2571 112 102 Surplus/(Deficit) 62 885228 719212 604 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 281 513137 170190 264 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 949 850 927 953 679 169 Total Current Liabilities 389 791 372 395 335 036 Community Wealth/Equity 2 076 8511 840 4251 830 416 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (744 633)(11 803)203 938 Cash at Year End (797 454)(71 592)276 383 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 50 81653 768 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 664 782 Vacant Positions 7 189 Managerial Positions 39 39 Vacant Managerial Positions 7 4 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 338 091326 075 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served98 47898 478 Households - Free Basic Service2 3614 868
Population Growth: 1.08% p.a.
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified TABLE OF BOOKMARKS

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POSTAL: Private Bag X8611, Groblersdal, 0470

PHYSICAL: 7A Van Riebeeck Street, Bareki Mall, Groblersdal

TEL: 013 262 7300 FAX: 013 262 5849

EMAIL: sekinfo@sekhukhune.gov.za

WEB: www.sekhukhunedistrict.gov.za


Description: The Sekhukhune District Municipality is a Category C municipality and is located in the Limpopo Province, the northernmost part of South Africa. It lies in the south-eastern part of the province, bordering on the Capricorn and Mopani Districts in the north, Mpumalanga in the south and east, and the Waterberg District in the west.

The district is the smallest in the province, making up 11% of its geographical area. It is comprised of four local municipalities: Elias Motsoaledi, Ephraim Mogale, Makhuduthamaga and Fetakgomo Tubatse. The area’s towns and villages are serviced by its major river – the Olifants.

Area: 13 527km2

Main Economic Sectors: Community services, mining (15-20%), trade (17%), financial and business services (10-12%), agriculture (9.7%)


Population: 1 169 762

Population Growth: 1.88% p.a. No Schooling: 16.0% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 30.7%

Households: 290 527

Formal Dwellings: 87.6%


Composition of Council: ANC 13, EFF 4, BPSA 1, DA 1, SADA 1 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: n/a

Executive Mayor: Mrs Maleke Mokganyetji

Speaker: Ms Khomotso Ndhlovu

Chief Whip: Mr Johannes Phokane

Other Council: Bella Kupa (MMC: Infrastructure and Water Services), Mrs Lizzy Lekoatsipa (MMC: Deputy Infrastructure and Water Services), Baatseba Leshaba (MMC: Planning and Economic Development), Mrs Origina Mafefe (MMC: Community Services), Mrs Meriam Malatji

(MMC Deputy: Infrastructure and Water Services), Mr Jan Mohlala

(MMC: Budget and Treasury), Mr Samson Nkosi (MMC: Woman, Children and People with Disabilities), Mr Frank Ratau (MMC: Corporate Services and Leader of Government Business), Mrs Kukie Sefala (MMC: Youth, Sports, Arts and Culture)

Municipal Manager: Ms Maureen Ntshudisane

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Colbert Mufamadi (Acting)

Senior Management: Mr Langa Kabini (Acting Director: Corporate Services), Mr Junitor Makgolane (Acting Chief Audit Executive), Mr Seporo Masemola (Director: Community Services), Mr Michael Mohlamonyane (Chief Risk Officer), Mr Cleopas Nchabeleng (Manager: LED)

Communications Officers: Mr Willy Msoma, Khomotso Ndhlovu (Acting)

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.

! ELIAS MOTSOALEDI FETAKGOMO TUBATSE MAKHUDUTHAMAGA EPHRAIM MOGALE Penge Steelpoort Burgersfort Ga-Masemola Marble Hall Rite Groblersdal Ntwane Thabakhubedu FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 346 100349 636271 998 Total Expenditure 213 254218 217185 204 Surplus/(Deficit) 132 846131 41986 795 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 360 896130 10086 608 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 384 063342 783306 110 Total Current Liabilities 256 186190 218178 101 Community Wealth/Equity 963 274807 093589 435 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 536 421400 342360 423 Cash at Year End 520 607335 890379 708 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 73 43730 474 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 255255 Vacant Positions 44 45 Managerial Positions 21 20 Vacant Managerial Positions 5 7 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 74 36779 304 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served26 19025 995 Households - Free Basic Service2 0161 739
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 482 5171 719 7101 427 200 Total Expenditure 1 148 9211 109 7011 058 115 Surplus/(Deficit) 333 596610 009369 085 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 349 659429 537390 198 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 433 003712 364446 711 Total Current Liabilities 643 165525 690518 008 Community Wealth/Equity4 825 9443 781 3523 522 864 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (1 817 020)(685 760)Cash at Year End (2 168 190)(860 939)189 322 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 226 363357 379 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 1741 598 Vacant Positions 386342 Managerial Positions 47 36 Vacant Managerial Positions 6 2 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 410 689389 752 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 149 583149 583 <200m from Yard 57 84754 005 >200m from Yard 46 56347 633 Households - Free Basic Service812812 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage32 43132 431 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 1 6401 640 Ventilated Pit Latrine 65 89865 898 Other 163 262163 262 Households - Free Basic Service812812 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS


POSTAL: PO Box 48, Groblersdal, 0470

PHYSICAL: 2nd Grobler Avenue, Groblersdal

TEL: 013 262 3056 FAX: 013 262 4530

WEB: www.eliasmotsoaledi.gov.za


Description: The Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality (previously Greater Groblersdal Local Municipality) is located in the Sekhukhune District of the Limpopo Province. It is one of four municipalities in the district. The seat of the municipality is Groblersdal.

The municipality is named in honour of the late Elias Motsoaledi, who was born on 26 July 1924 in Nebo, Sekhukhuneland. He came to Johannesburg at the age of 17 in search for work. He played an active role in the establishment of the South African Congress of trade unions. A lifelong member of the ANC, and the SACP, he also played a central role in many campaigns, including the Defiance Campaign of 1952, the year in which he was banned. He was detained in terms of the 1960 State of Emergency and imprisoned for four months. On his release, he went underground and served on the Johannesburg Regional Umkhonto we Sizwe. Arrested in 1963, Motsoaledi was one of the Revonia Trialists and was sentenced to life imprisonment on Robben Island, a sentence he served until his release in 1989 – 26 years later.

On his release, he was elected to National Executive Committee of the ANC. He passed away on the day of the inauguration of the first democratic president of South Africa, his fellow Revonia Trialist and Robben Island prisoner, Dr Nelson Mandela.

Area: 3 713km2

Cities/Towns: Groblersdal, Roossenekal

Main Economic Sectors: Community services, agriculture, tourism, land development.


Population: 268 256

Population Growth: 1.66% p.a.

No Schooling: 15.8% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 33.0%

Households: 66 359 Formal Dwellings: 88.5%


Composition of Council: ANC 36, EFF 14, DA 4, BPSA 2, MP 2, AFC 1, DRA 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Speaker: Mashego Dieketseng Masesi

Chief Whip: Makunyane Hlako Justice

Other Council: Malapela Hope Mashego Constance (Exco Member), Mathabathe Mohlamme Glyde (Exco Member), Phetla Mannyana Grace (Political Head: Corporate Services), Ramongana Nkitseng Jenneth

(Political Head: Community Services), Johan Pieter Kotze (Exco Member), Delly Matjomane (Political Head: Development Planning and LED), Ndlovu Raymond Ndumiso (MPAC Chairperson), Msiza Mothibe Rhodes (Political Head: Infrastructure Services), Aron Toudi (Political Head: Budget and Treasury), Ramphisa Motiba William (Political Head: Executive Support)

Municipal Manager: Minah Mared

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Moleko Sebelemetja (Acting)

Senior Management: Mr Jonty Malaka (Acting Senior Manager: Infrastructure), Mr Jeffrey Manganyi (Manager: Office of the Mayor), Nkwane Matumane (Senior Manager: Corporate Services and Acting

Senior Manager: Executive Support), Mr Walter Mohlala (Senior Manager: Community Services), Mr Edger Sebei (Manager: LED), Mr Boredi Sethojoa (Acting Senior Manager: Development Planning)

Communications Officers: Mr Simon Tshalabjane Makua (Manager: Public Relations) FINANCIAL


POSTAL: PO Box 111, Marble Hall, 0450

PHYSICAL: 13 Ficus Street, Marble Hall

TEL: 013 261 8400 FAX: 013 261 2985

WEB: www.ephraimmogalelm.gov.za


Description: The Ephraim Mogale Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Sekhukhune District in the Limpopo Province. It is the smallest of the four municipalities in the district. It was established after the 2000 local election, with the amalgamation of Marble Hall, part of Moutse (West) Transitional Local Council (TLC), Leeuwfontein, a portion of Hlogotlou/Lepelle Transitional Rural Council (TRC), Greater Nebo North TRC, a portion of Naboomspruit/Roedtan Thusang TLC, and Springbokvlakte TLC.

The municipality was a cross-border between the Limpopo and Mpumalanga Provinces. After the 2006 municipal elections the municipality was incorporated into the Limpopo Province. The municipality is at the border of the two above-mentioned provinces. It is about 160km from Pretoria and about 190km from Polokwane (previously Pietersburg).

The amalgamation of parts of eight former TLCs also resulted in the establishment of the Ephraim Mogale Local Municipality, with 14 wards, which was increased to 16 wards during the 2011 local government elections. It has one town and two R293 towns, and 75 villages.

The municipality was providing water to Marble Hall, Leeuwfontein and Zamenkomst, which was later transferred to the Sekhukhune District Municipality (SDM). Currently, the municipality is licensed to provide electricity to Marble Hall town, and other areas are provided for by Eskom. The municipality also provides solid waste to Marble Hall, Leeuwfontein and Elandskraal, while the SDM provides water and sanitation to all other areas. The municipality is battling with a huge backlog in terms of water provision, sanitation and road construction. The average annual rainfall is about 634mm. Marble Hall boasts a pleasant climate, with an average maximum winter temperature of 23°C and an average maximum summer temperature of 29°C.

Area: 2 011km2

Cities/Towns: Marble Hall, Schuinsdraai Nature Reserve

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, mining, tourism, construction, trade, transport, finance

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.

INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 540 927596 030539 220 Total Expenditure 435 763542 774470 514 Surplus/(Deficit) 105 16453 25668 705 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 71 31785 29677 250 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 184 788153 500161 982 Total Current Liabilities 117 271122 877146 840 Community Wealth/Equity1 199 9721 106 672986 837 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (272 168)(282 004)(105 722) Cash at Year End (328 032)537 387270 117 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 120 51090 798 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 346 410 Vacant Positions 6 40 Managerial Positions 38 36 Vacant Managerial Positions 6 4 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 166 412164 473 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served 59 939 59 917 Households - Free Basic Service2 0801 440


Population: 127 168 Population Growth: 0.64% p.a.

No Schooling: 17.2% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 27.2%

Households: 33 936 Formal Dwellings: 90.5%


Composition of Council: ANC 19, EFF 7, DA 2, INDEPENDENT 2, BPSA 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Given Moimana

Speaker: Ms Rebecca Mmatawane Lentsoane

Chief Whip: Ms Lina Magane

Other Council: Mr Philippus Rudolph Jacobs, Ms Ramaesela Mary

Ramphela, Mr Mateine Earnest Tlaka, Ms Eunice Matodzi Tshiguvho

Municipal Manager: Ms Mamphiri Rampedi (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Khutseletso Mabitja

Senior Management: Ms Yvonne Mologadi (Director: Community Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Percy Moagi (Manager: Communication)



POSTAL: PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150 / PO Box 818, Apel, 0739

PHYSICAL: 1 Kastania Street, Burgersfort / Stand No.1, Mashung GaNkwana, Apel

TEL: 013 231 1000 / 015 622 8000 FAX: 013 231 7467 / 015 622 8026

EMAIL: info@tubatse.gov.za

WEB: www.ftlm.gov.za


Description: The Fetakgomo Tubatse Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located in the Sekhukhune District in the Limpopo Province. It is the largest of the four municipalities making up the district, accounting for 42% of its geographical area. It was established by the amalgamation of the Fetakgomo and Greater Tubatse Local Municipalities in August 2016.

The area is known as the Middelveld as it is located between the Highveld and Lowveld regions. The vast majority of the area is made up of villages that are scattered throughout, particularly, the northern part of the municipality.

Area: 5 693km2

Cities/Towns: Burgersfort, Ohrigstad, Steelpoort

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture; mining and quarrying; trade; tourism; manufacturing; general government; community, social and personal services; catering and accommodation


Population: 489 902

No Schooling: 16.2%

Households: 125 361

Population Growth: 3.02% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 30.6%

Formal Dwellings: 85.7%


Composition of Council: ANC 54, EFF 14, DA 2, SADA 2, AZAPO 1, BPSA 1, PAC 1, PAU 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Eddie Maila

Speaker: Mrs MB Pholwane

Chief Whip: Mr Makgalema Vincent Shoba

Other Council: Mr BE Hlatswayo (Economic Land Development), Mr MM Mabelane (Head: Development and Planning), Mr EE Maila (Technical Services), Mr KPT Malepe (Deputy Head: Corporate Services), Mr OT Mashego (Head: Local Economic Development and Tourism),

Mrs Q Moeng (Head: Budget and Treasury), Mrs LH Mojalefa (MPAC Chairperson), Mrs ND Mphethi (Head: Infrastructure Development and Technical Services), Mr MR Radingwana (Head: Community Services)

Municipal Manager: Mogaramedi Makgata

Chief Financial Officer: Lesley Makgopa

Senior Management: RM Magooa (Director: Community Services), Mr IT Makofane (Deputy Head: Local Economic Development and Tourism), MF Mardi (Deputy CFO), Mrs RM Mashego (Head: Corporate Services), MA Mathebula (Director: Development Planning), Ms LD Mengwai (Deputy Head: Infrastructure Development and Technical Services)

Communications Officers: Ms G Malatjie, Mr TA Mokoena

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 343 200377 574305 191 Total Expenditure 294 184268 740254 499 Surplus/(Deficit) 49 016108 83450 693 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 65 79186 50842 282 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 417 455449 259374 676 Total Current Liabilities 153 333164 673119 993 Community Wealth/Equity1 241 5641 050 504867 154 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 213 986 358 359 391 163 Cash at Year End 334 865442 350259 410 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 10 9201 205 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 239 305 Vacant Positions 7 49 Managerial Positions 27 34 Vacant Managerial Positions 7 9 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 94 00787 746 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served35 02234 425 Households - Free Basic Service1 8271 939
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 784 586881 408724 458 Total Expenditure 706 441712 559580 145 Surplus/(Deficit) 78 145168 849144 313 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 155 15497 69085 305 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 318 586414 727320 166 Total Current Liabilities 177 124209 325274 916 Community Wealth/Equity2 404 7012 555 3892 219 855 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 370 927 -Cash at Year End 740 310213 36394 179 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 239 733497 934 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 387 374 Vacant Positions 57 75 Managerial Positions 47 47 Vacant Managerial Positions 12 12 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 210 046194 060 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served126 555125 361 Households - Free Basic Service5 2265 226 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: Private Bag X434, Jane Furse, 1085

PHYSICAL: Stand 1, Groblersdal Road, Jane Furse, 1085

TEL: 013 265 1177/1262 FAX: 013 265 1076

WEB: www.makhuduthamaga.gov.za


Description: The Makhuduthamaga Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Sekhukhune District Municipality in the Limpopo Province. It is bordered by the Capricorn District in the north, Elias Motsoaledi in the south, Fetakgomo Tubatse Local Municipality in the east, and Ephraim Mogale in the west. It is one of the four municipalities that make up the district, accounting for 16% of its geographical area.

The name is derived from the liberation name given to those who supported the anti-apartheid struggle in Sekhukhuneland in the 1950s. Makhuduthamaga raged a war against the white commissioner and his assailants, Marentsara.

Area: 2 110km2

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, farming


Population: 284 435 Population Growth: 0.78% p.a.

No Schooling: 15.2% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 30.2%

Households: 64 871 Formal Dwellings: 88.8%


Composition of Council: ANC 40, EFF 15, SAMEBA 2, DA 1, DAP 1, INDEPENDENT 1, NCC 1, SADA 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Ms Minah Bahula

Speaker: Mr Mantile Judy Mphelane-Nkgadima

Chief Whip: Ms Mosedi Thamaga



POSTAL: Private Bag X5006, Thohoyandou, 0950

PHYSICAL: Old Parliament, Government Complex, Tusk Venda Street, Thohoyandou

TEL: 015 960 2000 FAX: 015 962 1017

WEB: www.vhembe.gov.za


Description: The Vhembe District Municipality is a Category C municipality located in the northern part of the Limpopo Province. It shares borders with Zimbabwe and Botswana in the north-west and Mozambique in the south-east through the Kruger National Park. The Limpopo River valley forms the border between the district and its international neighbours.

The district includes the Transvaal, and areas that were previously under Venda and Gazankulu Bantustan’s administration. It is comprised of four local municipalities: Musina, Thulamela, Makhado and Collins Chabane. The district municipal offices are located in the town of Thohoyandou.

It covers a geographical area that is predominantly rural. It is a legendary cultural hub, and a catalyst for agricultural and tourism development.

Area: 25 597km2

Main Economic Sectors: Mining, community services, finance


Population: 1 393 949

No Schooling: 14.4%

Households: 382 357

Population Growth: 1.68% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 34.6%

Formal Dwellings: 86.3%


Composition of Council: ANC 20, EFF 2, DA 1, PAC 1 (40% PR Seats)

Municipal Manager: Ms Nancy Rampedi

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Ronald Moganedi

Communications Officers: Mr Lemson Moropian

Executive Mayor: Mr Dowelani Nenguda

Speaker: Ms Tsakani Freda Nkondo

Chief Whip: Mr TS Padelani

Other Council: Mr MG Chauke, RG Machovani, Ms P Mamedzi, Ms Rose Mathukha (Portfolio: Community Services), Mr A Mudunungu, Mr TS Padelani, Ms SM Sinyosi, Mr AS Tshifhango

Municipal Manager: Mr NC Tshikovha

Chief Financial Officer: M Thangavhuyelelo

Senior Management: Adv NM Mukoma, Mr C Tshikovha (General Manager: Corporate Services), Ms M Tshivhinda (General Manager: Planning Department)

Communications Officers: Matodzi Ralushai

Controlling Party: n/a

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.

COLLINS CHABANE Musina Thohoyandou Louis Trichardt
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 585 530503 632427 049 Total Expenditure 469 898402 160432 906 Surplus/(Deficit) 115 633101 472(5 857) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 575 223577 291482 854 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 235 690578 825501 630 Total Current Liabilities 81 232 527 524 494 528 Community Wealth/Equity 285 332249 620255 753 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow n/an/an/a Cash at Year End n/an/an/a UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 100 504128 842 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 189 267 Vacant Positions 31 113 Managerial Positions 31 34 Vacant Managerial Positions 5 11 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 102 14095 823 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served81 04581 045 Households - Free Basic Service2 1607 668
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit TABLE OF BOOKMARKS

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20



POSTAL: Private Bag X9271, Malamulele, 0982

PHYSICAL: DCO Offices, Hospital Road, Malamulele, 0982

TEL: 015 851 0110 FAX: 015 851 0097

EMAIL: louisb@makhado.gov.za

WEB: www.lim345.gov.za


Description: The Collins Chabane Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Vhembe District in the far north of the Limpopo Province. The municipality shares borders with Musina in the north, Thulamela in the north-east, the Mopani District in the south, and Makhado in the west.

It is one of the four municipalities in the district, making up 20% of its geographical area. It was established by the amalgamation of portions of the Thulamela and Makhado Local Municipalities in August 2016.

Area: 5 003km2

Cities/Towns: Malamulele

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, community services, finance, trade, transport


Population: 347 974

No Schooling: 20.7%

Households: 91 936

Population Growth: 1.30% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 28.1%

Formal Dwellings: 80.1%


Composition of Council: ANC 55, EFF 7, AL 2, ACDP 1, APC 1, DA 1, INDEPENDENT 1, KYN 1, PAC 1, XP 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Shadrack Maluleke

Speaker: Ms TS Mbedzi

Chief Whip: Mr ME Baloyi

Other Council: DL Baloyi, HG Chauke, MC Fungheni, SG Maluleke, PF Mashimbye, SX Mavikane, S Muavha, AJ Mukhaha, TM Mutele

Municipal Manager: Mr Risenga Richard Shilenge (Acting)



POSTAL: Private Bag X2596, Makhado, 0920

PHYSICAL: Civic Centre, Cnr Krogh & Erasmus Streets, Makhado

TEL: 015 519 3000 FAX: 015 516 1195

EMAIL: municipal.manager@makhado.gov.za

WEB: www.makhado.gov.za


Description: The Makhado Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Vhembe District in the Limpopo Province. It borders with Musina in the north, Greater Giyani in the south (Mopani District), Thulamela in the east, and Molemole in the

Chief Financial Officer: Mrs Nyeleti Vanecia Maluleke

Senior Management: Dr Lamson Maluleke (Community Services), Mr Maringa Rodgers Mashongane, Mr Baloyi Mafemani Phanuel (Manager: LED), Mr Azwihangwisi Collen Radali (Planning and Development), Mrs Mabunda Rirhandzu (Senior Manager: Technical Services), Mr Richard Shilenge (Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Shibambu Moses, Mr Isaac Nukeri FINANCIAL

west (Capricorn District). It is one of four municipalities in the district, making up almost a third of its geographical area. It was first established on 31 October 1934 as the Louis Trichardt Town Council. With the new municipal demarcation, a number of municipalities were established in 1997. However, following the Municipal Structures Act of 1998, the municipalities were merged into an NP344 Municipality that is now known as the Makhado Municipality. It is divided into four regions: Makhado (previously Louis Trichardt), Vuwani, Dzanani and Waterval. Area: 7 605km2

Cities/Towns: Makhado

Main Economic Sectors: Community services (30%), finance (29%), trade (15%), transport (13%)

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.
FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 2 295 1453 188 2801 791 821 Total Expenditure 1 998 0922 915 7481 866 827 Surplus/(Deficit) 297 053272 532(75 007) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 595 687651 271549 480 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 613 173511 110605 043 Total Current Liabilities 1 775 4261 998 0931 926 377 Community Wealth/Equity5 079 1363 706 0453 508 407 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 931 7371 405 0952 230 831 Cash at Year End 250 217708 0231 752 453 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 1 654 647813 298 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 5871 670 Vacant Positions 6 89 Managerial Positions 47 47 Vacant Managerial Positions 6 6 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 621 719534 546 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 129 198125 111 <200m from Yard 112 949112 949 >200m from Yard 28 28728 287 Households - Free Basic Service47 14247 142 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage61 07161 071 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 10 47610 476 Ventilated Pit Latrine 66 45366 453 Households - Free Basic Service17 374 0
INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 649 027639 801535 888 Total Expenditure 426 542375 426364 651 Surplus/(Deficit) 222 485264 375171 237 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 348 217291 594205 102 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 495 880501 854547 627 Total Current Liabilities 131 875144 72297 168 Community Wealth/Equity1 582 0021 354 498918 665 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 293 794406 328193 376 Cash at Year End 464 7521 185 299742 927 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 127 799164 353 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 362512 Vacant Positions 3155 Managerial Positions 31 20 Vacant Managerial Positions 3 7 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 134 550110 097 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served13 55911 934 Households - Free Basic Service5 8195 819


Population: 416 728 Population Growth: 0.85% p.a.

No Schooling: 17.9% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 33.7%

Households: 116 371 Formal Dwellings: 87.1%


Composition of Council: ANC 62, DA 5, EFF 4, ACDP 1, APC 1, IRC 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Samuel Munyai

Speaker: Mr Duncan Mboyi

Chief Whip: Mr Samson Baloyi

Municipal Manager: Mr Kent M Nemaname (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Godfrey Raliphada (Acting)

Senior Management: Mr HJ Lukheli (Director: Community Services),

Mr A Mabunda (Director: Development Planning), Mr SD Maguga

(Director: Corporate Services), Ms DG Siboiboi (Director: Technical Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Louis Bobodi (Municipal Spokesperson)



POSTAL: Private Bag X611, Musina, 0900

PHYSICAL: 21 Irwin Street, Musina

TEL: 015 534 6100 FAX: 015 534 2513

EMAIL: info@musina.gov.za

WEB: www.musina.gov.za


Description: The Musina Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located in the Vhembe District of the Limpopo Province. It is bordered by Zimbabwe in the north, Makhado and Thulamela in the south, Mozambique in the east, and the Capricorn District in the west. It is the largest municipality of four in the district, making up nearly half of its geographical area.

The Mutale Local Municipality was disestablished and merged into Musina Local Municipality on 3 August 2016. The seat of Musina Local Municipality is Musina (previously Messina).

Area: 10 347km2

Cities/Towns: Musina

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, mining, tourism


Population: 132 009

No Schooling: 9.6%

Households: 43 730

Population Growth: 5.28% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 29.5%

Formal Dwellings: 82.4%


Composition of Council: ANC 19, DA 2, EFF 2, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Godfrey Nkhanedzeni Mawela

Speaker: Ms Evelyn Siyaphi Shirilele

Chief Whip: Mr Fistos Mafela

Other Council: Ms Rudzani Sharon Luambo (Portfolio Head: Community Services), Mr Victor Manavhela (Portfolio Head: Local Economic Development and Technical Services), Ms Vivian Miladzi (Portfolio Head: Corporate Services)

Municipal Manager: Mr Nathi Tshiwanammbi

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Thomas Nephawe

Senior Management: Ms Priscilla Demana (General Manager: Community Services), Mr Itani Dzebu (Manager: LED), Ms Makhumo

Mothoa (General Manager: Economic Development and Planning), Mr Pandelani Mudau (General Manager: Corporate Services), Ms Yolanda

Sinclair (General Manager: Technical Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Wilson Dzebu (Manager: Communications)

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 137 2691 174 317960 148 Total Expenditure 1 114 031951 909932 287 Surplus/(Deficit) 23 237222 40827 861 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 306 605152 889126 073 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 774 146744 399207 638 Total Current Liabilities 536 686461 52177 475 Community Wealth/Equity1 891 9261 814 1041 558 497 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 112 824865 4701 193 277 Cash at Year End 103 739463 170938 729 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 167 068 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 574 947 Vacant Positions 23 135 Managerial Positions 44 44 Vacant Managerial Positions 23 9 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 285 804277 814 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served111 459110 321 Households - Free Basic Service7 5608 131 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 424 071435 306369 759 Total Expenditure 449 403405 443394 465 Surplus/(Deficit) (25 332)29 863(24 706) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 35 65760 28925 279 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 211 175264 39189 237 Total Current Liabilities 643 090679 746520 971 Community Wealth/Equity 297 570154 327121 107 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 260 580164 474323 310 Cash at Year End 264 878(37 340)257 629 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 23 24480 189 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 350 660 Vacant Positions 2312 Managerial Positions 34 34 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 2 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 150 195145 314 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served22 16521 443 Households - Free Basic Service4 2282 716




POSTAL: Private Bag X5066, Thohoyandou, 0950

PHYSICAL: Thohoyandou Civic Centre, Old Agriven Building, Thohoyandou

TEL: 015 962 7500 FAX: 015 962 4020

WEB: www.thulamela.gov.za


Description: The Thulamela Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Vhembe District in the far north of the Limpopo Province. The Kruger National Park forms the boundary in the east, while sharing the border with Makhado in the south and south-west.

It is the smallest municipality of four in the district, making up 10% of its geographical area. It is the largest municipality in the province in terms of population. The name Thulamela is a Karanga word meaning ’the place of giving birth’.

Area: 2 642km2

Cities/Towns: Thohoyandou

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture


Population: 497 237 Population Growth: 1.77% p.a.

No Schooling: 8.7% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 41.1%

Households: 130 320 Formal Dwellings: 91.2%


Composition of Council: ANC 71, EFF 4, DA 2, ACDP 1, APC 1, IRC 1, PAC 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Ms AS Rambuda

Speaker: Ms FA Mutheiwana

Chief Whip: Mr TP Malada

Other Council: Mr NA Lieba (Portfolio Head: Budget and Treasury), Ms PV Ligege (Portfolio Head: Corporate Services), Ms LS Madondo (Portfolio Head: Technical Services), Mr LS Maduse (Portfolio Head: Human Settlement), Ms NE Mashawana (Portfolio Head: Education, Sports, Arts and Culture), Mr KE Mulaudzi (Portfolio Head: IDP and LED), Mr MK Mulovhedzi (Portfolio Head Special Programmes: Youth, Disabled and Gender), ME Shavhani (Portfolio Head: Legislation, Land Use Management and Traditional Affairs)



POSTAL: Private Bag X1018, Modimolle, 0510

PHYSICAL: Harry Gwala Street, Modimolle

TEL: 014 718 3300 FAX: 014 717 3886

EMAIL: admin@waterberg.gov.za

WEB: www.waterberg.gov.za


Description: The Waterberg District Municipality is a Category C municipality located in the western part of the Limpopo Province. It is strategically located in sharing its borders with Capricorn District Municipality in the north and Sekhukhune District Municipality in the east. The south-western boundary abuts the North West, while the Gauteng Province lies on the south-eastern side.

The municipality is the biggest district in the province, making up just more than a third of its geographical area. It shares its fiveborder control points with Botswana, namely Groblersbrug, Stockpoort, Derdepoort, Zanzibar and Platjan. It is comprised of five local municipalities: Bela-Bela, Lephalale, Modimolle-Mookgophong, Mogalakwena and Thabazimbi.

The region, as we know it today, is more than three million years old. With its great variety of wildlife, birds and scenic splendour. It is one of South Africa’s prime ecotourism destinations.

Area: 44 914km2

Main Economic Sectors: Mining, agriculture, tourism

Municipal Manager: Mr Makumule Masala Thomas

Chief Financial Officer: Mr AC Mufamadi

Senior Management: Ms A Gangashe (Senior Manager: Technical Services), Mr H Nemadzhilili (Acting Senior Manager: Planning and Development), Mr SS Razwiedani (Senior Manager: Community Services), Mrs NA Todani (Senior Manager: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Ms F Bologo, Mr Nndwamato Tshiila (Spokesperson)


Population: 745 758

No Schooling: 7.1%

Households: 211 471

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

Population Growth: 2.12% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 36.6%

Formal Dwellings: 85.0%

*Unaudited full year figures.

Lephalale Thabazimbi Vaalwater Nylstroom Bela-Bela Mookgophong Lekalakala Mokopane Roedtan
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 870 224893 898806 656 Total Expenditure 686 256606 874592 181 Surplus/(Deficit) 183 969287 024214 475 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 163 276125 237153 759 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 1 052 515966 760693 607 Total Current Liabilities 116 794127 07988 437 Community Wealth/Equity2 405 1442 427 4751 924 106 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 388 921(65 189)140 254 Cash at Year End 1 126 053(448 140)(17 520) UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 203 16 418 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 661 622 Vacant Positions 16 22 Managerial Positions 33 33 Vacant Managerial Positions 16 7 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 306 581291 068 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served131 366130 700 Households - Free Basic Service5 86614 158


Composition of Council: ANC 9, DA 2, EFF 2, VF PLUS 1 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: n/a

Mayor: Mr SM Mataboge (ANC)

Speaker: Ms KR Molokomme

Chief Whip: Mr Bernard Monare

Other Council: MR Boloka (Social Development), F Hlungwane (Transformation and Administration), Mrs MH Ledwaba (MMC), Mr MJ Maeko (MMC), Mr KB Mangakeng (MMC), TA Mashamaite (Budget and Treasury), Mrs SR Masipa (MMC), Mrs RT Modise (MMC), KR Mokwena (Special Projects), NS Montane (MPAC Chairperson), Mr NS Morumudi (MMC), RM Radebe (Infrastructure Development), Mr MS Taueatsoala (MMC)

Municipal Manager: Mr Preciousstone Raputsoa

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Chris Hoffman (Acting)

Senior Management: Mr Peter Makondo (Executive Assistant), Mr Z Manate (Manager: Social Development and Community Services), Ms Gastina Matlala (Manager: Infrastructure Development), Ms Betty

Molekwa (Divisional Manager: LED), Ms Desiree Sehlapelo (Manager: Planning and Economic Development), G Seleka (Manager: Corporate Support and Shared Services)

Communications Officers: Pat Malete (Head of Communications)



POSTAL: Private Bag X1609, Bela-Bela, 0480

PHYSICAL: Chris Hani Drive, Bela-Bela

TEL: 014 736 8000 FAX: 014 736 3288

EMAIL: Raborolod@belabela.gov.za

WEB: www.belabela.gov.za


Description: The Bela-Bela Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Waterberg District in the Limpopo Province. The municipality shares borders with the Gauteng, Mpumalanga and North West Provinces. It also shares municipal borders with Modimolle-Mookgophong to the north and Thabazimbi to the west.

Bela-Bela Central Business District (CBD) is directly linked with the major cities of Gauteng through the N1 National Route, which connects the area with Pretoria at the approximate distance of 100km, and with Johannesburg, which is approximately 170km from Bela-Bela CBD, as well as Polokwane (previously Pietersburg), which is approximately 200km away.

The town, Bela-Bela (previously Warmbad), continues to be the central growth point of the municipal area, with potential for further economic growth and development. The tourism industry is the main driver of the local economy and by far the largest contributor to the district’s GDP.

Area: 3 406km2

Cities/Towns: Bela-Bela, Pienaarsrivier

Main Economic Sectors: Tourism, agriculture


Population: 76 296 Population Growth: 3.12% p.a.

No Schooling: 4.1% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 41.9%

Households: 21 354 Formal Dwellings: 89.7%


Composition of Council: ANC 10, DA 2, EFF 2, VF PLUS 2, BRA 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Ms Gloria Seleka

Speaker: Mr Tholaphi Zikhali

Chief Whip: Mr Koos Sepuru

Other Council: Mr Jeremiah Ngobeni (EXCO member)

Municipal Manager: Ms Jamela Selepyane

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Ramadiga Marutha

Senior Management: Ms Hlekane Betty Maswanganyi (Senior Manager: Technical Services), Mr Temba Berry Mnisi (Senior Manager: Planning and Economic Development), Ms Angelinah Serote (Senior Manager: Social and Community Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Kabelo Mosito (Municipal Spokesperson), Mr David Raborolo (Divisional Manager: Communications)

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean audit Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 148 006151 289142 537 Total Expenditure 176 244166 821160 041 Surplus/(Deficit) (28 238)(15 532)(17 504) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 673 4 46819 737 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 32 79052 50574 525 Total Current Liabilities 25 63024 33429 842 Community Wealth/Equity 67 41392 429124 029 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (19 460)11 061104 314 Cash at Year End 28 196129 390219 729 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 1 4665 756 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 191 191 Vacant Positions 13 4 Managerial Positions 23 23 Vacant Managerial Positions 1 4 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 110 640100 044
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 514 622503 168441 275 Total Expenditure 471 331464 922421 532 Surplus/(Deficit) 43 29138 24519 743 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 52 48671 20660 335 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 165 575110 276109 187 Total Current Liabilities 297 669266 703250 301 Community Wealth/Equity 777 144913 125811 729 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 174 839327 984541 064 Cash at Year End 122 391849 1391 147 787 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 86 27883 908 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 597 506 Vacant Positions 193 157 Managerial Positions 36 35 Vacant Managerial Positions 7 8 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 156 656126 878 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 17 69517 614 <200m from Yard 3 7403 740 Households - Free Basic Service4 2944 838 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served21 17421 121 Households - Free Basic Service4 2943 452 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage17 65417 654 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 1 0981 098 Ventilated Pit Latrine 1 4201 060 Other 2 605 0 Households - Free Basic Service4 2624 793



POSTAL: Private Bag X136, Lephalale, 0555

PHYSICAL: Cnr Joe Slovo Street & Douwater Avenue, Lephalale

TEL: 014 763 2193 FAX: 014 763 5662

EMAIL: munic@lephalale.gov.za

WEB: www.lephalale.gov.za


Description: The Lephalale Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located in the north-western part of the Waterberg District in the Limpopo Province. It borders with four local municipalities: Blouberg, Modimolle-Mookgophong, Mogalakwena and Thabazimbi. Its north-western border is also part of the international border between South Africa and Botswana. It is the largest of five municipalities in the district, making up a third of its geographical area.

The town of Lephalale (previously Ellisras) is located a mere 280km from Pretoria, and is a recognised gateway to Botswana and other Southern African countries. Lephalale Municipality is named after the local river, a tributary of the Limpopo River, which has been the source of life to the people of this area from time immemorial. Before the new dispensation, this municipality was called Ellisras; derived from the combination of surnames of two Afrikaners, Patric Ellis and Piet Erasmus, who settled in this area in the 1930s.

Nestled at the spur of the Waterberg Mountains, Lephalale is a place of peace and breathtaking beauty. Highlights like the awe-inspiring D’Nyala Nature Reserve, Marakele National Park, and the spectacular Mokolo Dam and Nature Reserve underscore why Lephalale is called the ’heartbeat of the Waterberg Bushveld’. As part of the Waterberg biosphere, the Lephalale area is richly blessed with pristine natural beauty and an abundance of fauna and flora.

Lephalale offers an infinite variety of scenic contrasts and encompasses the unique Waterberg wilderness, which boasts superb vistas, mountain gorges, clear streams and rolling hills. Geological sites and rock art are a strong drawcard for the region, suggesting its links to many previous generations.

Lephalale has been identified by the Limpopo Employment Growth and Development Plan as a petrochemical cluster, and has attained the status of national development node. The Waterberg coal fields, which boast more than 40% of the total coal reserves of South Africa, are located in Lephalale.

Area: 13 794km2

Cities/Towns: Lephalale

Main Economic Sectors: Mining and quarrying (71.4%), finance, insurance, real estate and business services (5.2%), wholesale and retail trade, catering and accommodation (4.4%), transport, storage and communication (4.4%), general government (4.3%), agriculture, forestry and fishing (3.9%), electricity, gas and water (2.8%)


Population: 140 240

No Schooling: 6.0%

Households: 43 002

Population Growth: 3.76% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 40.2%

Formal Dwellings: 76.4%


Composition of Council: ANC 19, DA 3, EFF 3, ATM 1, INDEPENDENT 1, L.R.P 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: ANC


POSTAL: X1008, Modimolle, 0510

PHYSICAL: OR Tambo Square, Harry Gwala Street, Modimolle

TEL: 014 718 2000 FAX: 014 717 4077

EMAIL: records@modimolle.gov.za

WEB: www@mmlm.gov.za


Description: The Modimolle-Mookgophong Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Waterberg District in the

Mayor: NH Pienaar

Speaker: Ms GG Marakalala

Chief Whip: Mr SJ Machaba

Other Council: AE Basson (Exco Member), WM Motlokwa (Exco Member), MM Semenya (Exco Member, and Finance and Budget), ML Shongwe (Exco Member and LED)

Municipal Manager: LM Matlwa (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: CJ Jooste (Acting)

Senior Management: Ms L Kgomo (Manager: IDP and PMS), Gerben Makgamatha (Executive Manager: Corporate Services), RA Mokgetle (Chairperson: Social Services), Mr Victor Monyepao (Public Participation), WM Motlokwa (Chairperson: PMAC), Charity Radipabe (Executive Manager: Development Planning), Mr MC Seanego (Manager: LED), MM Semenya (Chairperson: Development Planning), ML Shongwe (Portfolio Committee: Infrastructure)

Communications Officers: Ms CS Chiloane

Limpopo Province. It is one of five municipalities in the district. It was established by the amalgamation of the Mookgophong and Modimolle Local Municipalities in August 2016.

The municipality occupies a strategic position from the main markets of the country by being at the south entrance of the province. It enjoys easy access from the main national arteries, the N1 and R101. The visibility of Modimolle Mountain from the N1 north is inviting to curious tourists visiting the area.

The municipality is home to Nylsvlei Nature Reserve, which has Ramsar status, and the world-renowned Waterberg Biosphere Reserve.

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.

INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 748 228722 488586 295 Total Expenditure 675 003602 328542 569 Surplus/(Deficit) 73 226120 16043 727 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 117 687111 76063 765 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 314 023340 210350 047 Total Current Liabilities 243 593163 961170 687 Community Wealth/Equity1 284 1641 336 5831 422 442 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 758 579115 588Cash at Year End 721 57886 4959 028 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 23 09668 675 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 497 511 Vacant Positions 49 56 Managerial Positions 35 35 Vacant Managerial Positions 4 7 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 202 491185 619 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 18 39018 029 <200m from Yard 17 35510 229 >200m from Yard 997 3 290 Households - Free Basic Service1 7381 738 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served43 88343 002 Households - Free Basic Service2 7171 738 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage18 53618 536 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 859859 Ventilated Pit Latrine 8 3268 326 Other 1 0511 051 Households - Free Basic Service1 7381 738

The municipal area has mild winters and warm summers, with an average annual rainfall of 520mm to 650mm.

Area: 10 368km2

Cities/Towns: Modimolle, Mookgophong (Naboomspruit), Vaalwater

Main Economic Sectors: Business services, agriculture, government services, community services


Population: 107 699 Population Growth: 0.76% p.a.

No Schooling: 6.4% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 35.0%

Households: 28 977 Formal Dwellings: 85.6%


Composition of Council: ANC 14, DA 7, EFF 4, VF PLUS 3

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Mayor: Mrs Marlene van Staden

Speaker: Ms Sinah Langa

Chief Whip: Mrs Sophy Dayimani

Other Council: Ms Dayimani, Mr Lesiba William Kola (Exco Member), Mr Patrick Mashaba (Exco Member), Ms Grace Mashitisho (Exco Member)

Municipal Manager: NB Thobela

Chief Financial Officer: MJ Molekwa (Acting)

Senior Management: Mrs Magda Berrange (Social Services), LHR Lubbe (Corporate Services), Mr Willy Magana (Technical)

Communications Officers: Mr P Shika (Head: Communications)



POSTAL: PO Box 34, Mokopane, 0600

PHYSICAL: 54 Retief Street, Mokopane

TEL: 015 491 9600 FAX: 015 491 9755

WEB: www.mogalakwena.gov.za



Description: The Mogalakwena Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the western quadrant of the Limpopo Province, within the western district of the Waterberg District. It is bordered by Lephalale to the north, Modimolle-Mookgophong to the south, and the Capricorn District in the east. It is one of the five municipalities in the district.

It was established on 5 December 2000 when various municipalities and councils that had previously served the Potgietersrus and surrounding areas were integrated. The following local authorities were amalgamated to form the new municipality: Greater Potgietersrus, Bakenberg and Koedoesrand/Rebone.

Area: 6 156km2

Cities/Towns: Mokopane (Potgietersrus)

Main Economic Sectors: Mining, agriculture


Population: 325 291

No Schooling: 10.2%

Households: 82 674

Population Growth: 1.49% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 33.1%

Formal Dwellings: 95.3%


The municipality is under S139(1)(b) administration, effective from January 2020.

Composition of Council: ANC 42, EFF 13, DA 5, VF PLUS 2, APC 1, PAC 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr NS Taueatsoala

Speaker: Mrs PL Olifant

Chief Whip: Mr MA Tsebe

Municipal Manager: Mr Morris Maluleke

Chief Financial Officer: Mr LC Malema

Senior Management: M Gert (Community Services), Mr Mekeng Magale (Manager: LED), MM Mthombeni (Traffic and Emergency)

Communications Officers: Mr Malesela Selokela (Divisional Head: Communications)

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 860 197918 845618 795 Total Expenditure 838 600866 913686 573 Surplus/(Deficit) 21 59751 933(67 778) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 30 20650 02486 075 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 665 886938 624746 736 Total Current Liabilities 1 275 7671 151 738998 645 Community Wealth/Equity 722 7681 075 8741 057 599 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 603 283724 643622 473 Cash at Year End 546 159211 986416 401 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 195 395 198 118 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 534 616 Vacant Positions 6 30 Managerial Positions 36 44 Vacant Managerial Positions 6 7 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 219 328220 108 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 26 94126 941 Households - Free Basic Service255255 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served26 93526 935 Households - Free Basic Service255255 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage22 13922 139 Ventilated Pit Latrine 1 3101 310 Households - Free Basic Service255255
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Adverse audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 313 5221 320 6151 306 530 Total Expenditure 1 267 8221 676 329965 302 Surplus/(Deficit) 45 701(355 714)341 227 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 203 717169 910246 378 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 408 009365 458765 158 Total Current Liabilities 567 543576 748530 728 Community Wealth/Equity4 592 9045 774 3915 369 511 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 383 691416 202Cash at Year End 242 939291 25543 382 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 829 808565 793 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 198 587 Vacant Positions 112 5 Managerial Positions 34 30 Vacant Managerial Positions 3 5 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 363 277321 778 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 29 13526 231 <200m from Yard 55 38355 383 >200m from Yard 10 560 0 Households - Free Basic Service1 5432 710 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served84 86984 869 Households - Free Basic Service1 5432 710 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage26 06726 067 Ventilated Pit Latrine 17 05017 050 Households - Free Basic Service1 5432 710 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20




POSTAL: Private Bag X530, Thabazimbi, 0380

PHYSICAL: 7 Rietbok Street, Thabazimbi

TEL: 014 772 2295 FAX: 014 777 1531

EMAIL: info@thabazimbi.gov.za

WEB: www.thabazimbi.gov.za


Description: The Thabazimbi Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located within the Waterberg District in the south-western part of the Limpopo Province. It has Botswana as its international neighbour, and is a mere two-hour drive from Pretoria. It is one of five municipalities in the district.

Thabazimbi is known as ’mountain of iron’, which is a Setswana name referring to the highly lucrative iron ore reef first discovered in the municipality in 1919. The municipality has Marakele National Park, which is a subsidiary of the National Parks Board, and in the same standard as the Kruger National Park and Mapungube. It has been mined since the 1930s, when iron and steel production started. Apart from iron ore, the Thabazimbi Municipality is surrounded by platinum-producing areas. Other minerals produced in the area include andalusite.

Agriculture has also proven to be a strong economic sector in the municipality. Agricultural commodities produced are wheat, beans and maize. The municipality’s goals are aligned with those of the Provincial Growth and Development Strategy in Limpopo. This will ensure that the growth trajectory also addresses the objective of poverty eradication through job creation and business opportunity stimulation.

Area: 11 190km2

Cities/Towns: Amandelbult Mine Town, Thabazimbi

Main Economic Sectors: Mining, agriculture, tourism


Population: 96 232

No Schooling: 3.7%

Households: 35 463

Population Growth: 2.76% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 38.0%

Formal Dwellings: 68.0%


Composition of Council: ANC 11, DA 4, TRA 3, EFF 2, VF PLUS 2, TFSD 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Mayor: Mr Tokkie Swanepoel

Speaker: Mr Butana Ben Tlhlabadira

Chief Whip: Ms Catherine Stokkie Sikwane

Other Council: Mr Frik Erasmus (Chairperson: MPAC), Mr John Michael Fischer (Chairperson: Community Service, Infrastructure and

Finance Committee), Mr Themba Mkansi (Chairperson: Planning and Economic Development Committee), Ms Judy Mogapi (Chairperson: Transformation)

Municipal Manager: Ms Lindiwe Makaya (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Thavesh Chetty (Acting)

Senior Management: Ms Rabelane Tshiswaise (Acting Director: Planning and Economic Development), Mr Cobus van der Merwe (Director: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Joshua Motsomane (Manager: Communications)

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/22*2020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 437 096487 388458 227 Total Expenditure 379 498433 759500 343 Surplus/(Deficit) 57 59853 629(42 115) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 23 260102 69171 661 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 407 893245 842154 259 Total Current Liabilities 690 520644 367599 153 Community Wealth/Equity543 336380 754365 310 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 88 374215 811406 241 Cash at Year End 59 947123 559377 845 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 112 80198 846 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 413 408 Vacant Positions 78 73 Managerial Positions 38 36 Vacant Managerial Positions 3 4 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 133 361127 637 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 25 61825 618 Households - Free Basic Service 270270 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served27 22127 221 Households - Free Basic Service 270270 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage25 61825 618 Ventilated Pit Latrine 1 2351 235 Households - Free Basic Service 270270

Mpumalanga, the second-smallest province in South Africa after Gauteng, is located in the north-eastern part of the country, bordering Swaziland and Mozambique to the east. It also borders Limpopo, Gauteng, Free State and KwaZulu-Natal within South Africa. It covers an area of 76 495km2 and has a population of 4 335 964, making it the sixth most populous in the country. It is situated mainly on the high plateau grasslands of the Middleveld, which roll eastwards for hundreds of kilometres. In the north-east, it rises towards mountain peaks and terminates in an immense escarpment. In some places, this escarpment plunges hundreds of metres down to the low-lying area known as the Lowveld.

Mbombela (previously Nelspruit) is the capital of the province and the administrative and business centre of the Lowveld. Other major cities and towns include eMalahleni (Witbank), Standerton, eMkhondo (Piet Retief), Malalane, Ermelo, Barberton and Sabie.

The best-performing sectors in the province include mining, manufacturing and services. Tourism and agro-processing are potential growth sectors. Agriculture in Mpumalanga is characterised by a combination of commercialised farming, subsistence and livestock farming, and emerging crop farming. Crops such as subtropical fruits, nuts, citrus, cotton, tobacco, wheat, vegetables, potatoes, sunflowers and maize are produced in the region.

Mpumalanga is rich in coal reserves and home to South Africa’s major coal-fired power stations. eMalahleni is the biggest coal producer in Africa and is also the site of the country’s second oil-from-coal plant after Sasolburg. Most of the manufacturing production in Mpumalanga occurs in the southern Highveld region. In the Lowveld sub-region, industries are concentrated around the manufacturing of products from agricultural and raw forestry material.

Mpumalanga is divided into three district municipalities, which are further subdivided into 17 local municipalities.



Gert Sibande District 14 6 Chief Albert Luthuli 147 Dipaleseng 14 8 Dr Pixley Ka Isaka Seme 14 8 Govan Mbeki 149 Lekwa 15 0 Mkhondo 15 0 Msukaligwa 15 1 Nkangala District 152 Dr JS Moroka 15 3 Emakhazeni 15 3 Emalahleni 15 4 Steve Tshwete 15 5 Thembisile Hani 15 6 Victor Khanye 15 6 Ehlanzeni District 14 3 Bushbuckridge 143 City of Mbombela 14 4 Nkomazi 145 Thaba Chweu 145
LAND AREA 76 495km2 LAND PERCENTAGE 6.3% 35.1% 46.5% 38,4 7.8% 97,4 24.6% 84.7% 3.2% 10.9% ACCESS TO PIPED WATER 78.8% FLUSH/CHEMICAL TOILET 49.0% CONNECTED TO ELECTRICITY 90.7%



POSTAL: PO Box 3333, Mbombela, 1200

PHYSICAL: 8 Van Niekerk Street, Mbombela

TEL: 013 759 8500 FAX: 013 755 8539

EMAIL: Council@ehlanzeni.gov.za

WEB: www.ehlanzeni.gov.za


Description: The Ehlanzeni District Municipality is a Category C municipality situated in the north-east of the Mpumalanga Province. It makes up just over a third of the province’s geographical area. The district is comprised of four local municipalities: Bushbuckridge, City of Mbombela, Nkomazi and Thaba Chweu.

Mbombela (previously Nelspruit) is the capital of Mpumalanga, situated in the City of Mbombela Local Municipality, which is also the home of the Mpumalanga Provincial Government and, as a result, is the most concentrated economic hub within the province.

It features three border gates to both Swaziland and Mozambique (Matsamo, Komatipoort and Mananga border gates) and, therefore, movement of people from neighbouring countries to the district, and from Gauteng to either Swaziland or Mozambique, creates a catalyst for the economic life of the area.

Area: 27 895km2

Main Economic Sectors: Community services (44.5%), trade (44%), financial and real estate (43.1%), construction (41%), transport (37.5%), agriculture (35.5%), manufacturing (19.6%), mining (6%), utilities (2.8%), electricity (2%)


Population: 1 754 931 Population Growth: 0.88% p.a.

No Schooling: 13.8% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 41.9%

Households: 483 903 Formal Dwellings: 91.9%


Composition of Council: ANC 20, EFF 4, DA 3, ISANCO 1 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: n/a

Executive Mayor: Ms Jesta Sidell

Speaker: Mr Renias Khumalo

Chief Whip: Mr Gija Siwela

Other Council: Ms TR Manyisa (MMC: Disaster Management and Public Safety), Ms S Mashego (MMC: Social Services and Transversal Programmes), Mr MJ Mavuso (MMC: Corporate Services), Mr MJ Mnisi (MMC: Finance), Mr MJ Morema (MMC: LED, Tourism and Rural Development), Mr MW Nkatha (Chairperson: Municipal Public Accounts Committee), Mr M Nkuna (MMC: Technical Services), Mr M Shongwe (MMC: Municipal Health and Environmental Management)

Municipal Manager: Dr NP Mahlalela

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Oupa Mokoena

Senior Management: Mrs Happyness Magagula-Nkosi (General Manager: Social Services, Public Safety and Disaster Management), Ms Nontobeko Mahlalela (General Manger: LED, Tourism and Rural Development), Mr Roy Makwakwa (General Manager: Corporate Services), Mr Dolphin Malokela (General Manager: Technical Services), Mr Thapelo Shabangu (General Manager: Municipal Health and Environmental Management)

Communications Officers: Mr Lucky Ngomane (Manager: Communications)



POSTAL: Private Bag X9308, Bushbuckridge, 1280

PHYSICAL: Opposite Mapulaneng DLTC, R533 Graskop Road, Bushbuckridge

TEL: 013 004 0291/2 FAX: 013 799 1865

EMAIL: info@bushbuckridge.gov.za

WEB: www.bushbuckridge.gov.za


Description: The Bushbuckridge Local Municipality is a Category B municipality and presidential nodal point located within the Ehlanzeni District in the north-eastern part of the Mpumalanga Province. It is the largest of the four municipalities that make up the district, accounting for over a third of its geographical area.

*Unaudited full year
Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.
BUSHBUCKRIDGE NKOMAZI CITY OF MBOMBELA THABA CHWEU Komatipoort Marloth Park Matsulu Barberton White River Sabie Lydenburg Graskop Pilgrim’s Rest
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean auditClean audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 289 867298 212 273 741 Total Expenditure 299 092273 755279 028 Surplus/(Deficit) (9 226)24 457(5 286) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 3 5625 4996 455 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 133 107146 048118 011 Total Current Liabilities 121 926116 794103 580 Community Wealth/Equity 183 382154 381108 093 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 1 349 161464 455Cash at Year End 1 413 336541 48090 111 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 7171 388 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 167 168 Vacant Positions 2 3 Managerial Positions 45 45 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 155 276143 434

The municipal area provides a link to Lydenburg and other centres in the Lowveld, particularly Hoedspruit, Pilgrim’s Rest and Graskop. Bushbuckridge Local Municipality can therefore be called the gateway to the major tourist attraction points in Mpumalanga and the eastern part of the Limpopo Province.

Area: 10 248km2

Cities/Towns: Sabie Park

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, tourism


Population: 546 215 Population Growth: 0.32% p.a.

No Schooling: 16.2% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 38.3%

Households: 136 780 Formal Dwellings: 96.3%


Composition of Council: ANC 53, EFF 8, ISANCO 5, APC 2, BRA 2, DA 2, ATM 1, BLOM 1, DCM 1, SAHRA 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mrs Sylvia Nxumalo

Speaker: Mrs Ruth Raganya

Chief Whip: Mr Bhunu Malandule (MMC: Technical Services)

Other Council: Mr Lebelelang Malebe (Chairperson: Service Delivery), Mr Leonard Malomane (Economic Development, Planning and Environment), Mr Mandla Mapiyeye (MPAC Chairperson), Mrs Sylvia Mathebula (MMC: Corporate Services), Mr Krisjan Mokoena (MMC: Social Development), Violet Nkuna (Sport, Arts, Culture and Heritage), Mr Phineas Selowe (Finance), Lindiwe Sithole (Public Safety, Disaster Management and DLTC)

Municipal Manager: Mrs Cynthia Audrey Nkuna

Chief Financial Officer: Mr M Matlala (Acting)

Senior Management: Mr E Mashava (Director: Technical Services), Mrs Sarah Mogakane (Director: Economic Development Planning and Environment), Mr Solomon Nyembe (Manager: LED)

Communications Officers: Mr Aubrey Mnisi



POSTAL: PO Box 45, Mbombela, 1200

PHYSICAL: 1 Nel Street, Mbombela Civic Centre, Mbombela, 1200 TEL: 013 759 9111 FAX: 013 759 2070

EMAIL: Customercare@mbombela.gov.za

WEB: www.mbombela.gov.za


Description: The City of Mbombela Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the Mpumalanga Province and forms part of the Ehlanzeni District. It is one of the four municipalities in the district, making up almost a third of its geographical area. It was established by the amalgamation of the Mbombela and Umjindi Local Municipalities in August 2016.

Mbombela (previously Nelspruit) is the capital of the province. Mbombela is the Siswati word for ’a lot of people together in a small space’. The city serves as a gateway to some of the best eco- and adventure activities in Southern Africa and, with its moderate climate, becomes the preferred tourist destination all year round. Its subtropical fruits (like mangoes, avocados, oranges, lemons, litchis and bananas) are a huge drawcard for visitors, and during springtime the blossoms of orange trees can be smelt kilometres away.

For shopping enthusiasts, the city offers world-class shopping malls, casinos and entertainment venues with air-conditioning systems. This creates excellent opportunities for prospective investors and businesses to establish themselves in the area.

Area: 7 152km2

Cities/Towns: Barberton, Emoyeni, Entokozweni, Hazyview, Kaapschehoop, Kabokweni, Kanyamazane, Luphisi, Matsulu, Mbombela, Mpakeni, Msogwaba, Ngodwana, Skukuza, Tekwane, White River

Main Economic Sectors: Finance and business services, manufacturing, government services, community services, trade, transport and communications, agriculture, construction, mining and tourism.


Population: 695 913

No Schooling: 11.7%

Population Growth: 1.25% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 46.5%

Households: 206 136 Formal Dwellings: 90.6%


Composition of Council: ANC 59, EFF 14, DA 12, VF PLUS 3, ACDP 1, ATM 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Ms Sibongile Makushe

Speaker: Mr William Nkhata

Chief Whip: Mr Meshack Nsimbini

Other Council: Ms Elizabeth Gecelo-Mkhabela (MMC: Financial Services), Mr DP Msibi (City Planning and Development)

Municipal Manager: Mr Wiseman Khumalo

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Delight Sibanyoni (Acting)

Senior Management: Mr Zephaniah Mthombeni (Strategic Management Services), Mr Mandla Nkosi (Corporate and Support Services), Mr Sipho Sibeko (Technical Services), Mr Lukie Sihlangu (Community Services), Ms Momotho Thumbathi (Sports, Arts and Culture), Ms Wendy Tshawe (Water and Sanitation)

Communications Officers: Mr Joseph M Ngala (Senior Manager: Communication)

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20

AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 848 9071 983 3981 841 443 Total Expenditure 1 488 4311 376 7441 277 502 Surplus/(Deficit) 360 476606 653563 941 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 5 566 8005 082 9274 596 791 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 1 992 4041 668 0531 240 391 Total Current Liabilities 1 011 913702 297491 511 Community Wealth/Equity 5 487 2914 923 2414 364 489 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (0)(0)(0) Cash at Year End 5 3822 491388 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 211 568413 100 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 1771 861 Vacant Positions 0 248 Managerial Positions 35 35 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 575 549476 560 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 128 119119 835 <200m from Yard 14 53621 685 >200m from Yard 4 0655 200 Households - Free Basic Service 863863 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served151 431147 108 Households - Free Basic Service 863863 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage 7 3176 810 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 1 5101 510 Ventilated Pit Latrine 124 591123 091 Households - Free Basic Service 863863
Total Revenue 3 807 4663 678 8143 710 525 Total Expenditure 4 206 2804 062 6403 659 950 Surplus/(Deficit) (398 813)(383 826)50 575 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: Private Bag X101, Malalane, 1320

PHYSICAL: 9 Park Street, Malalane

TEL: 013 790 0245 FAX: 013 790 0886

WEB: www.nkomazi.gov.za


Description: The Nkomazi Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located in the eastern part of the Ehlanzeni District in the Mpumalanga Province. The municipality is strategically placed between Swaziland (north of Swaziland) and Mozambique (east of Mozambique). It is also bounded by Kruger National Park to the north and City of Mbombela Local Municipality to the west.

It is the smallest of four municipalities in the district, making up 17% of its geographical area. It is linked with Swaziland by two provincial roads, and with Mozambique by a railway line and the main national road (N4), which forms the Maputo Corridor.

Area: 4 785km2

Cities/Towns: Komatipoort, Malalane, Marloth Park

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, mining, tourism


Growth: 1.01% p.a. No Schooling: 17.7%

Population: 410 907

12 & Higher Education: 36.1% Households: 103 965

Dwellings: 91.7%


Composition of Council: ANC 49, EFF 10, DA 4, ATM 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Mrs PP Magagula

Speaker: Mrs HV Nyambi–Sambo

Chief Whip: Mr PM Mziako

Other Council: Ms CN Hlophe (MMC: Planning and Development), Mr S Mabuza (MMC: Budget and Treasury), Mr SS Mahlalela (MMC: Corporate Services), Ms TM Mthombo (MMC: Community Services), Mr PM Mziako (MMC: Infrastructure and Development), Ms SH Sithole

Municipal Manager: Mr CJ Lisa

Chief Financial Officer: Mr TS Thobela

Senior Management: Mr ES Chibi (Director: Corporate Services), Mrs TA Kaseke (Director: Community Services), Ms NS Sibisi (Director: Planning and Development)

Communications Officers: Mr Cyril Rapinga



POSTAL: PO Box 61, Mashishing, 1120

PHYSICAL: Cnr Central & Viljoen Streets, Mashishing

TEL: 013 235 7300 FAX: 013 235 1108

WEB: www.tclm.gov.za


Description: The Thaba Chweu Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located in the north-western region of the Mpumalanga Province in the Ehlanzeni District. It is one of four municipalities in the district.

to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.
full year figures.
CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 226 328144 20188 907 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 951 037693 419701 485 Total Current Liabilities 3 112 1362 401 9402 162 892 Community Wealth/Equity4 769 6775 197 2265 464 579 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (3 005 458) (847 804)Cash at Year End (3 169 367)(1 057 052)126 524 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 537 108644 840 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 9802 184 Vacant Positions 15 249 Managerial Positions 123122 Vacant Managerial Positions 15 11 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 1 068 982976 416 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 115 376115 376 <200m from Yard 97 57097 570 >200m from Yard 5 0445 044 Households - Free Basic Service11 38811 388 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served142 404140 474 Households - Free Basic Service11 38811 388 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage58 32457 557 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 1 2031 203 Ventilated Pit Latrine 89 41989 419 Other 57 31857 318 Households - Free Basic Service5 0025 002
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 357 4671 313 6431 189 592 Total Expenditure 1 265 0431 173 370960 312 Surplus/(Deficit) 92 424140 273229 280 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 361 166253 734 272 679 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 412 810532 898489 186 Total Current Liabilities 342 686292 114245 659 Community Wealth/Equity2 926 4702 724 9402 479 465 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 2 149 0851 128 266Cash at Year End 2 034 5381 292 831205 834 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 72 302119 320 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 5611 376 Vacant Positions 1 0 Managerial Positions 37 36 Vacant Managerial Positions 1 0 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 420 650418 064 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 70 448 67 953 <200m from Yard 17 29819 523 >200m from Yard 2 2252 225 Households - Free Basic Service20 98612 600 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served96 26893 969 Households - Free Basic Service12 75412 600 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage7 7467 746 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 2 8672 867 Ventilated Pit Latrine 87 46832 512 Other 3 73458 652 Households - Free Basic Service20 98612 600

It came into being after the December 5th 2000 local government elections.

The escarpment divides the district into eastern and western halves. The western half (Lydenburg district) is dominated by agricultural and farming activities, while forestry is the main economic activity of the eastern half (Sabie/Graskop district).

Thaba Chweu is one of the major tourist attraction areas in South Africa. Mashishing (previously Lydenburg) is the oldest town in the province, and a hub of heritage where the famous Lydenburg Heads, which are said to date back to 400AD, were found in the 1950s. Also found here are old stone houses. Most of all, this is the home of trout fishing.

Graskop is home to the Three Rondavels, The Blyde Canyon, Potholes, God’s Window, The Pinnacle, Berlin, Lisbon, and Graskop Falls, all of which are World Heritage Sites, and form the Panorama Route. In the Sabie area, when travelling east of Mashishing through the Long Tom Pass, there are hectares of pine plantations. These mountains are part of the Drakensberg Mountain Range. Area: 5 710km2

Cities/Towns: Graskop, Lydenburg, Mashishing, Pilgrim’s Rest, Sabie Main Economic Sectors: Mining, forestry, agriculture, business services, tourism


Population: 101 895 Population Growth: 0.80% p.a.

No Schooling: 4.5% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 46.8%

Households: 37 022 Formal Dwellings: 84.2%


Composition of Council: ANC 15, DA 6, EFF 3, AUM 2, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Friddah Nkadimeng

Speaker: Mr Herns Trower

Chief Whip: Ms Sabina Manzini

Other Council: Mr PB Lawrance (MMC: Technical and Finance Services), Mrs ML Netshirember (MPAC Chairperson), Mrs GP Raphiri (MMC: Corporate Services), Mrs MD Sibanyoni (MMC: Community Services, LED and Planning)

Municipal Manager: Mr Peter Mankga (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr RM Mnisi

Senior Management: Ms S Mathebula (Director: LED, Planning and Human Settlement), Mr JM Motankisi (Director: Corporate Services), Mr Mxolosi Sibanyoni (Manager: LED)

Communications Officers: Mr Peter Mamkga



POSTAL: PO Box 1748, Ermelo, 2350

PHYSICAL: Cnr Joubert & Oosthuise Streets, Ermelo

TEL: 017 801 7000 FAX: 017 811 1207

EMAIL: records@gsibande.gov.za

WEB: www.gsibande.gov.za


Description: The Gert Sibande District Municipality is a Category C municipality located in the Mpumalanga Province. It is bordered by the Ehlanzeni and Nkangala District Municipalities to the north, KwaZuluNatal and the Free State to the south, Swaziland to the east, and Gauteng to the west.

The district is the largest of the three districts in the province, making up almost half of its geographical area. It is comprised of seven local municipalities: Govan Mbeki, Chief Albert Luthuli, Msukaligwa, Dipaleseng, Mkhondo, Lekwa and Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme.

Highways that pass through Gert Sibande District Municipality include the N11, which goes through to the N2 in KwaZulu-Natal, the N17 from Gauteng passing through to Swaziland, and the N3 from Gauteng to KwaZulu-Natal.

Area: 31 840km2

Main Economic Sectors: Manufacturing (49.4%), agriculture (38.1%), transport (31.4%), trade (29.2%), community services (26.9%), construction (26.6%), electricity (26.1%), finance (23.8%), mining (23.3%)


Population: 1 135 409

No Schooling: 10.8%

Households: 333 815

Population Growth: 1.93% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 40.3%

Formal Dwellings: 78.0%


Composition of Council: ANC 11, EFF 4, DA 3, VF PLUS 1 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: n/a

Executive Mayor: Mr Mathukuthela W Mngomezulu

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.

Ermelo Davel Secunda Embalenhle Leandra Kinross Grootvlei Greylingstad Balfour Standerton Morgenzon Amersfoort Volksrust eMkhondo Iswepe Sheepmoor Lothair Breyten Carolina CHIEF ALBERT LUTHULI MSUKALIGWA MKHONDO DR PIXLEY KA ISAKA SEME LEKWA DIPALESENG GOVAN MBEKI Wakkerstroom Bethal
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 714 237671 356612 103 Total Expenditure 878 657 976 395 642 243 Surplus/(Deficit) (164 419)(305 039)(30 139) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 134 30386 659159 327 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 415 414267 529510 927 Total Current Liabilities 1 477 4561 141 2351 009 062 Community Wealth/Equity 112 468491 872508 386 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 149 673262 596278 293 Cash at Year End 67 274444 720262 480 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 336 067125 442 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 475 480 Vacant Positions 7 36 Managerial Positions 39 49 Vacant Managerial Positions 7 8 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 221 592196 560 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 26 62526 625 <200m from Yard 3 5953 595 >200m from Yard 1 7301 730 Households - Free Basic Service1 1933 455 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served33 62233 536 Households - Free Basic Service2 9714 597 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage21 43921 439 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 1 5241 524 Ventilated Pit Latrine 7 1357 135 Other 1 6531 653 Households - Free Basic Service1 1933 455

Speaker: Ms BG Sekhonde

Chief Whip: Mr Bhekabantu Mtshali

Other Council: Mrs Flora Maboa Boltman (MMC: Corporate Services), Mr Bheki Michael Buthelezi (MMC: Planning and Economic Development), Mr Phalaborwa Malatsi (MMC: Infrastructure and Technical Services), Ms Banana Mollo (MMC: Monitoring and Evaluation), Ms Noliqhwa S Nhlapho (MPAC Chairperson), Mrs Nomkhosi Zulu (MMC: Community and Social Service), Mr Bethuel Zunguza (MMC: Finance)

Municipal Manager: Mr Cijimpi Absenia Habile

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Zakhele Buthelezi

Senior Management: Mr Yogan Govender (Senior Manager: ICT), Mr Samuel Lukhele (Chief of Staff), Mr Melato Mechele (General Manager: Community and Social Services), Mrs Busisiwe Mkhwanazi, Ms Gugu Mokgatsi (Manager: LED), Mr ME Thabethe (General Manager: Infrastructure and Technical Services), Ms Victoria Tshabalala (Head: Scientific Services)

Communications Officers: Bongi Ka Dube (Acting)



POSTAL: PO Box 24, Carolina, 1185

PHYSICAL: 28 Kerk Street, Carolina

TEL: 017 843 4000 FAX: 017 843 4001

EMAIL: mm@albertluthuli.gov.za




Senior Management: TE Lukhele (Director: Planning and Development), Mr MP Magubane (Director: Technical Services), Mr JW Shabangu (Director: Community and Public Safety), Mr SS Sibeko (Director: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Mr E Nethomo, Mr D Nhlabathi, Mr Thapelo Phetla

Description: The Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Gert Sibande District in the Mpumalanga Province. It is one of seven municipalities in the district. The municipality is named after the great leader of the people and the movement, ANC Chief Albert Luthuli. Carolina is the seat of the municipality.

The N17 cuts through the south-eastern part of the area, as well as other regional mobility routes, namely the R36, R33 and R38. The majority of rural settlements occur in the eastern part of the municipality, with access provided by the R541, N17 and various secondary routes.

Other key features include forestry areas in the central and southern areas of the CALLM, a river system, and the Nooitgedacht and Vygeboom Dams, as well as the edge of a greater wetland region. Economic activities that are dominant spatially in the municipality include agriculture, forestry and mining. Retail and services are concentrated in Carolina and also in smaller centres such as Elukwatini and eManzana (previously Badplaas).

Area: 5 553km2

Cities/Towns: Carolina, Ekulindeni, Empuluzi, eManzana

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, mining, tourism, forestry, manufacturing


Population: 187 629

No Schooling: 15.5%

Population Growth: 0.20% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 37.6%

Households: 53 480 Formal Dwellings: 80.2%


Composition of Council: ANC 38, EFF 8, APC 1, DA 1, IFP 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Daniel P Nkosi

Speaker: Sibongile V Gininda

Chief Whip: Lindiwe Masuku-Sidu

Other Council: Ms ES Dhlamini (MMC: Finance), Mr SN Dube (MMC: Technical Services), Mr JT Mathebula (MMC: Corporate Services), Mr RD Motaung (MPAC Chairperson), Ms SP Nkosi (MMC: PED), Ms NG Thomo (MMC: PMU), Ms GG Zulu (MMC: Community Services)

Municipal Manager: Mr Mandla S Dlamini

Chief Financial Officer: Mr MGT Mnisi

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean audit Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 375 374 342 227327 579 Total Expenditure 352 746353 458502 498 Surplus/(Deficit) 22 628(11 231)(174 919) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 5 59014 48548 122 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 292 435237 820185 832 Total Current Liabilities 116 589103 56877 860 Community Wealth/Equity 385 527417 237565 999 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 412 177294 027392 228 Cash at Year End 599 003449 195627 878 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a -EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 414 353 Vacant Positions 61 0 Managerial Positions 122 61 Vacant Managerial Positions 61 0 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 186 968167 485
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 016 8451 041 235728 734 Total Expenditure 601 848740 515646 611 Surplus/(Deficit) 414 997300 72082 122 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 384 728373 838295 822 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 229 638232 292340 699 Total Current Liabilities 267 729259 232391 475 Community Wealth/Equity1 906 5881 454 3091 319 923 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (113 150)11 749696 900 Cash at Year End (133 173)(283 886)541 049 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 26 171145 886 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 411 468 Vacant Positions 7 64 Managerial Positions 38 34 Vacant Managerial Positions 7 3 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 202 296191 392 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 51 57435 434 <200m from Yard 2 8633 849 >200m from Yard 1 2119 050 Households - Free Basic Service1 2871 287 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served52 65151 775 Households - Free Basic Service1 2871 287 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage14 3929 809 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 1 792100 Ventilated Pit Latrine 20 92118 962 Other 21 97817 500 Households - Free Basic Service1 2871 287



POSTAL: Private Bag X10005, Balfour, 2410

PHYSICAL: Cnr Johnny Makoena Drive & Themba Shozi Street, Balfour

TEL: 017 004 0027

EMAIL: mofokengp@dipaleseng.com

WEB: www.dipaleseng.gov.za


Description: The Dipaleseng Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the Gert Sibande District in the Mpumalanga Province. It is bordered by Lekwa and Govan Mbeki to the east, the Free State Province to the south, and the Gauteng Province to the west. It is the smallest of seven municipalities in the district.

Balfour is the seat of the municipality and is its major town. It is situated approximately 80km south-east of Johannesburg. The close proximity of the municipality to Gauteng allows for the spillover effects of development in Gauteng to be enjoyed in this municipality. The three major urban nodes in the area are Balfour/ Siyathemba, Greylingstad/Nthorwane and Grootvlei.

The major roads that transverse the municipal area are the N3, which runs from Johannesburg to Durban, and the R23 from Pretoria to Volksrust. The Johannesburg—KwaZulu-Natal railway system runs through the municipal area.

Area: 2 607km2

Cities/Towns: Balfour, Greylingstad, Grootvlei

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture and mining


Population: 45 232

Population Growth: 1.47% p.a.

No Schooling: 6.6% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 35.2%

Households: 14 877

Formal Dwellings: 73.7%


Composition of Council: ANC 8, EFF 2, DA 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mrs Brenda Khethiwe Moeketsi

Speaker: Mr Xolani Shozi

Chief Whip: Mrs Tryphinah Tshabalala

Other Council: Mr Ahmed-Nazir Carrim, Mr Mojalefa Miya (MMC: Infrastructure Services, Public Safety, and Planning and Development), Mr Amos K Nyamande (MPAC Chairperson),

Municipal Manager: Mr Lwazi Cindi (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mrs Palesa Phakoa

Senior Management: Mr Lwazi Cindi (Planning and Economic Development), Mrs B Khanye (Director: Community Services and Public Safety), Mr Lucky Msibi (Director: Infrastructure Services), Mrs Sombu Radebe (Director: Corporate Services), Mr MH Thokoane (Director: Budget and Treasury)

Communications Officers: Ms Phindile Sidu



POSTAL: Private Bag X9011, Volksrust, 2470

PHYSICAL: Cnr Adelaide Tambo Street & Dr Nelson Mandela Drive, Volksrust

TEL: 017 734 6100 FAX: 086 630 2209

EMAIL: records@pixleykaseme.gov.za

WEB: www.pksdm.gov.za


Description: The Dr Pixley Ka Isaka Seme Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Gert Sibande District in the Mpumalanga Province. It is bordered by Msukaligwa in the north, the Free State and KwaZulu-Natal Provinces in the south, Mkhondo in the east, and Lekwa in the west. It is one of the seven municipalities that make up the district, accounting for 16% of its geographical area.

The municipality is named after Pixley Ka Isaka Seme, a founder and president of the African National Congress. Volksrust is the seat of the municipality.

Area: 5 227km2

Cities/Towns: Amersfoort, Perdekop, Volksrust, Wakkerstroom

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture (20%), trade (19.9%), community services (16.4%), construction (12.1%), finance (5.9%), manufacturing (4.6%), transport (4.4%), utilities (3.8%), mining (2.2%)


Population: 85 395

No Schooling: 17.6%

Households: 22 546

Population Growth: 0.58% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 35.7%

Formal Dwellings: 88.9%


Composition of Council: ANC 13, EFF 3, DA 2, APEMO 1, F4SD 1, IFP 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Tshepo H Thwala

Speaker: Ms Busisiwe G Mavuso

Chief Whip: Mr Bongane TA Zulu

Municipal Manager: Mr N Mokako

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full

year figures.
AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Disclaimer of audit Disclaimer of audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 366 526385 686397 172 Total Expenditure 304 098277 079191 385 Surplus/(Deficit) 62 428108 607205 787 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 60 717102 358135 531 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 329 432205 079232 736 Total Current Liabilities 477 308461 842302 919 Community Wealth/Equity706 843631 916399 004 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 152 288195 485488 333 Cash at Year End 95 194(14 460)277 909 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 29 40534 233 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 199198 Vacant Positions 9 10 Managerial Positions 15 15 Vacant Managerial Positions 3 2 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 66 83061 582 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 12 68212 490 <200m from Yard 1 700 0 >200m from Yard 57 900 Households - Free Basic Service 207 149 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served8 4108 410 Households - Free Basic Service 207 149 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage12 6829 649 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 1 014 276 Ventilated Pit Latrine 201201 Other 01 794
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20

Chief Financial Officer: Mr BF James


Senior Management: Mr H Greeff (Director: Infrastructure, Planning, Development and Housing), Mr TA Loko (Director: Corporate Services), Zamokuhle G Mbethe (MPAC Chairperson)

Communications Officers: Mr Sibonelo Ndlhela



POSTAL: Private Bag X1017, Secunda, 2302

PHYSICAL: Horwood Street, Secunda CBD

TEL: 017 620 6000 FAX: 017 634 8019

EMAIL: callcentre@govanmbeki.gov.za

WEB: www.govanmbeki.gov.za


Description: The Govan Mbeki Local Municipality (previously Highveld East Local Municipality) is situated in the Gert Sibande District in the Mpumalanga Province. It is bordered by the Nkangala District in the north, Dipaleseng and Lekwa in the south, Msukaligwa in the east, and the Gauteng Province in the west. It is one of the smallest of seven municipalities that make up the district, accounting for 9% of its geographical area.

Secunda is the seat of the municipality, as well as the seat of the district municipality.

Area: 2 955km2

Cities/Towns: Bethal, Charl Cilliers, Embalenhle, Evander, Kinross, Leandra, Secunda, Trichardt

Main Economic Sectors: Mining, manufacturing, trade, construction


Population: 340 091

Population Growth: 3.27% p.a.

No Schooling: 6.5% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 47.8%

Households: 108 894 Formal Dwellings: 76.3%


Composition of Council: ANC 26, DA 17, EFF 13, VF PLUS 3, ARP. 2, ATM 1, IFP 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Executive Mayor: Mr Nhlakanipho Zuma

Speaker: Ms Fikile Magagamela

Chief Whip: Mr MJ Mtsweni

Other Council: Ms Ciska Jordaan (MPAC Chairperson), Mr Vusi Mbokazi (MMC: Technical Services), Mr Doctor Mtshali (MMC: Water and Sanitation), Mrs TP Mtsweni (MMC: Corporate Services), Ms Thandi Ngxonono (MMC: Planning and Development), Mrs ME Nsibande (MMC: Community Services)

Municipal Manager: Ms Elliot Maseko

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Bongumusa Sithole

Senior Management: Mr Stan Mzobe (Regional Manager: Region 3), Mr Billy Ndlovu (Regional Manager: Region 1), Mr Benzi Soko (Chief of

Staff), Mr Sabelo Vilakazi (Manager: LED), Sabelo Vilalazi (Regional Manager: Region 2), Thanda Zulu (Director: Technical Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Lucky Mhlongo (Spokesperson), Benzi Soko

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Disclaimer of audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 456 548414 061442 239 Total Expenditure 523 300513 418418 037 Surplus/(Deficit) (66 753)(99 357)24 203 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 24 36931 71815 223 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 312 875303 419298 342 Total Current Liabilities 308 250264 934233 742 Community Wealth/Equity1 184 5611 148 527753 662 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 60 672220 267(410 997) Cash at Year End 167 134281 511377 379 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 10 20142 100 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 435 334 Vacant Positions 141 79 Managerial Positions 25 21 Vacant Managerial Positions 5 2 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 94 81497 101 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 17 43417 434 <200m from Yard 1 8721 591 >200m from Yard 243243 Households - Free Basic Service1 8281 880 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served23 44123 141 Households - Free Basic Service1 8281 880 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage15 27115 241 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 484484 Ventilated Pit Latrine 5 5585 518 Other 634634 Households - Free Basic Service1 8281 880
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Disclaimer of audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 2 338 5792 199 6612 006 058 Total Expenditure 3 046 3072 807 9402 659 723 Surplus/(Deficit) (707 729)(608 279)(653 665) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 164 145174 245292 699 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 1 551 4631 181 717893 330 Total Current Liabilities 4 796 1503 930 7793 428 330 Community Wealth/Equity(493 771)413 754926 036 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 867 6022 146 5733 328 544 Cash at Year End 995 7582 259 0203 717 587 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 980 302975 461 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 2 1382 125 Vacant Positions 931 913 Managerial Positions 39 35 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 531 400514 775 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 102 473102 473 <200m from Yard 5 0004 800 >200m from Yard 1 1881 156 Households - Free Basic Service11 54712 253 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served79 28079 080 Households - Free Basic Service9 4969 913 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage106 301106 301 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 1 250 720 Ventilated Pit Latrine 1 2501 250 Other 3 7003 700 Households - Free Basic Service11 54712 253



POSTAL: PO Box 66, Standerton, 2430

PHYSICAL: Cnr Mbonani Mayisela & Dr Beyers Naude Streets, Standerton

TEL: 017 712 9600 FAX: 017 712 6808

WEB: www.lekwalm.gov.za


Description: The Lekwa Local Municipality is Category B municipality situated within the Gert Sibande District in the Mpumalanga Province. It is one of seven municipalities in the district. It was established on the 5th of December 2000 after the amalgamation of three former Transitional Local Councils, namely Standerton, Sakhile and Morgenzon. It is located in the south-west of the district, with immediate entrances to the KwaZulu-Natal, Gauteng and Free State Provinces. Newcastle, Heidelberg and Vrede are respective immediate entrances. Standerton serves as an urban node, whilst Morgenzon, which is 45km north-east of Standerton, serves as a satellite node.

The Lekwa Municipality lies on the large open plains of the Highveld region, which is characterised by tall grass, and it is transversed by the Vaal River, which flows in a western direction. The municipality is named after the Vaal River, which is commonly known as Lekwa (the Sesotho name for the Vaal River).

Area: 4 594km2

Cities/Towns: Morgenzon, Standerton

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, forestry and fishing (30%), community, social and personal services (13%), private households (12%)


Population: 123 419 Population Growth: 1.48% p.a.

No Schooling: 9.3% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 35.7%

Households: 37 334

Formal Dwellings: 77.5%


Composition of Council: ANC 13, LCF 6, DA 4, EFF 3, VF PLUS 3, ATM 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Mayor: Mr Delani Louis Thabethe

Speaker: Mr Oliver Phiri

Chief Whip: Mr Dumisani Msibi

Other Council: Ms Makhosazane Raadebe Khumalo, Ms PC Mahlaba (MMC: Corporate Services), Mr Sipho Amos Majozi (MMC: Technical Services), Mrs Siepati Modise (MMC: Community Services and Safety), Ms BP Mollo (Mayco), Mr Jan Thabo Sebiloane (MMC: Development and planning)



POSTAL: PO Box 23, eMkhondo, 2380

PHYSICAL: 33 Mark & De Wet Streets, eMkhondo

TEL: 087 630 0180 FAX: 017 826 3129

WEB: www.mkhondo.gov.za


Description: The Mkhondo Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Gert Sibande District in the Mpumalanga Province. It is a gateway to the province from KwaZulu-Natal and Swaziland. It is ideally situated halfway between the Gauteng metropolis (Johannesburg and Pretoria) and the Natal coast (Richards Bay and Durban). It is one of the seven municipalities in the district.

The municipality amalgamated two former Transitional Local Councils and two Transitional Rural Councils – the historic towns of Piet Retief and Amsterdam. It is the main link for both industrial and commercial transport from Gauteng to the import/export harbour at Richards Bay. Piet Retief, now known as eMkhondo, is surrounded by forestry and plantations. Much of its economy originates from these sources. Three major sawmills, Mondi, Tafibra and PG Bison, are located just outside of eMkhondo. These play a crucial role in boosting a welldiversified economy, and the other components of manufacturing,

Municipal Manager: Ms Gugulethu Mhlongo Ntshangase

Chief Financial Officer: Mr K Dube (Acting)

Senior Management: Mr Madoda Besani (Executive Manager: Technical Services), Mr Robert Mkhabela (Manager: LED), Mr MP Phosa (Executive Manager: Planning and Economic Development), Ms M Radebe (Executive Manager: Community Services and Safety)

Communications Officers: Ms Thobeka Mtshiselwa

personal services, real estate and tourism. Amsterdam/KwaThandeka and its rural nodes in the Mkhondo municipal area are fundamentally agricultural and have forestry support. Mondi, Sappi, TWK and Komati Land Forests are the major companies that lead the forestry industry in the area. Several scattered pockets of mining are found in the municipal area of jurisdiction.

Natural conservation and tourist activities also contribute towards the socio-economic conditions of the municipality. A number of South African Heritage Sites are found within the municipality. These include the Entombe Battlefield, Rooikraal, Confidence, Kalkoenvlakte and Heyshope Dam. The Morgestond and Athole Nature Reserves and Amsterdam Conservation are two sites managed by the Mpumalanga Parks Board.

Area: 4 901km2

Cities/Towns: Amsterdam, eMkhondo (Piet Retief)

Main Economic Sectors: Forestry, agriculture, transport, mining


Population: 189 036

No Schooling: 15.0%

Households: 45 595

Population Growth: 2.15% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 32.6%

Formal Dwellings: 75.0%

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Disclaimer of audit Disclaimer of audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 925 192891 505770 886 Total Expenditure 1 274 3111 226 7031 287 089 Surplus/(Deficit) (349 118)(335 198)(516 203) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 35 11944 99524 210 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 787 344646 481754 415 Total Current Liabilities 3 016 6772 425 0862 250 277 Community Wealth/Equity(572 595)(1 173 850)(323 478) CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 508 2692 076 5631 816 948 Cash at Year End 520 4621 107 1901 189 348 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 285 739483 111 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 501 1 017 Vacant Positions 0516 Managerial Positions 26 26 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 259 429199 382 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 30 45130 451 <200m from Yard 1 8321 832 >200m from Yard 492492 Households - Free Basic Service1 4501 456 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served32 99032 990 Households - Free Basic Service1 4501 456 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage29 62129 621 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 382382 Ventilated Pit Latrine 3 5163 516 Households - Free Basic Service1 4501 456


Composition of Council: ANC 21, EFF 7, DA 4, INDEPENDENT 2, ATM 1, IFP 1, NFP 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Mrs Ngelosi Ndlovu

Speaker: Mr Zweli Ngwenya

Chief Whip: SP Mkhwanazi

Other Council: Thembi Khumalo (MMC: Community and Public Safety), Jan Mnisi (MMC: Financial and Technical Services), Mary Thwala (Chairperson: MPAC), Daniel Thwala (MMC: Planning and Corporate Services), Mhlaliseni Yende (Whip)

Municipal Manager: Mr Maqhawe Kunene

Senior Management: Ms Lyzette Botha (SM: HR Management), Mr Vusi Dube (SM: Solid Waste, Parks and Gardens), Mr Mandla Gumede (SM: Supply Chain Management), Mr Vusi Khumalo (GM: Community Services), Mr Clement Letsoalo (SM: Revenue), Mr Ralton Lewis (SM: ICT), Ms Ziphelele Lugongolo (GM: Technical Services), Ms Wendy Mahlangu (Manager: LED), Ms Wendy Mahlanu (SM: IDP/LED and Tourism), Mr Alfred Mambane (SM: Electrical Services), Mr Comfort Mango (Manager: Risk Management), Mr Consent Masango (SM: Public Safety), Ms Thandeka Mazibuko (SM: Water and Sanitation), Mr Salakwande Mngomezulu (SM: Perfomance Management System), Mr Thabo Motloung (GM: Planning and Economic Development),

Mr Cedric Mundzelele (SM: Expenditure), Mr Hank Nel (SM: Roads and Storm Water), Mr Andreas Ngcobo (SM: Internal Audit), Ms Buyi Nxumalo (SM: Legal and Properties), Mr Kevin Segooa (SM: Budget and Finance Reporting), Mr Mbhekeni Simelane (Manager: Target Groups), Mr Mdu Thabede (GM: Corporate Services), Mr Tresure

Thabede (Manager: LED Manager)

Communications Officers: Mr Robert Kubheka



POSTAL: PO Box 48, Ermelo, 2350

PHYSICAL: Cnr Kerk & Taute Streets, Ermelo

TEL: 017 801 3500 FAX: 017 801 3851

WEB: www.msukaligwa.gov.za


Description: The Msukaligwa Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Gert Sibande District in the Mpumalanga Province. It is bordered in the north by the Nkangala District and Chief Albert Luthuli, in the south by Lekwa and Dr Pixley Ka Isaka Seme, in the east by Mkhondo, and in the west by Govan Mbeki.

It is the largest of the seven municipalities that make up the district, accounting for 19% of its geographical area. Ermelo is the seat of the municipality.

Area: 6 003km2

Cities/Towns: Breyten, Chrissiesmeer, Davel, Ermelo, Lothair

Main Economic Sectors: Finance (23.8%), community services (20.9%), transport (17.5%), trade (14.4%), mining (12.2%)


Population: 164 608

Population Growth: 2.21% p.a.

No Schooling: 10.6% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 41.7%

Households: 51 089 Formal Dwellings: 79.1%


Composition of Council: ANC 24, EFF 7, DA 4, VF PLUS 2, ACDP 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mrs Mapulane Precious Nkosi

Speaker: Ms Ntombifuthi Sarah Xaba

Chief Whip: Ms Pretty Thabile Sibeko

Other Council: Mr Thulani Joshua Madlala (MMC: Corporate Services), Mr Bongani Gladwell Motha (MMC: Planning and Economic Development), Ms Thenjiwe Cathrine Motha (MMC), Ms Elizabeth Msezane (MMC: Finance), Mr Sphiwe Ernest Ngovene (MMC: Community and Social Services)

Municipal Manager: Mr Maqhawe Kunene

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Phumuzi Jeremiah Nhlabathi

Senior Management: Mr Mfelani Samuel Lukhele (Director: Community and Social Services), Mr Prometheus Mabuza (Director: Corporate Services), Ms Hilda Maganya (Director: Planning and Economic Development), Mr Forget Risimati Ntekele (Director: Technical Services), Mr Bongani Zwane (Manager: Office of the Municipal Manager)

Communications Officers: Mr Mandla Zwane

to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 805 816772 781684 244 Total Expenditure 830 455863 562749 949 Surplus/(Deficit) (24 639)(90 782)(65 705) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 182 152133 397129 753 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 433 588329 036269 991 Total Current Liabilities 1 033 023821 717614 057 Community Wealth/Equity1 294 0871 240 3781 348 119 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 198 924456 038778 198 Cash at Year End 26 359228 294586 394 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 179 707280 816 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 522 596 Vacant Positions 0 74 Managerial Positions 25 25 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 206 590185 029 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 31 76431 764 <200m from Yard 10 37010 370 >200m from Yard 1 1291 129 Households - Free Basic Service1 2631 263 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served48 25147 736 Households - Free Basic Service1 2631 263 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage20 74020 740 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 4 6374 637 Ventilated Pit Latrine 2 6322 632 Other 9 2119 211 Households - Free Basic Service1 2631 263
INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Adverse audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 210 012971 950856 031 Total Expenditure 1 143 4901 036 365932 379 Surplus/(Deficit) 66 522(64 415)(76 348) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 5 3833 4423 809 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 671 538722 251587 534 Total Current Liabilities 1 968 5661 938 1581 565 773 Community Wealth/Equity1 537 1471 442 5851 485 268 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 927 066250 798Cash at Year End 928 257267 56724 618 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 258 227217 823 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: PO Box 437, Middelburg, 1050

PHYSICAL: 2A Walter Sisulu Street, Middelburg

TEL: 013 249 2000

WEB: www.nkangaladm.gov.za


Description: The Nkangala District Municipality is a Category C municipality in the Mpumalanga Province. It is the smallest district of the three in the province, making up 22% of its geographical area.

It is comprised of six local municipalities: Victor Khanye, Emalahleni, Steve Tshwete, Emakhazeni, Thembisile Hani, and Dr JS Moroka. The district’s headquarters are in Middelburg.

Nkangala is at the economic hub of Mpumalanga, and is rich in minerals and natural resources. A strength of the district is the Maputo Corridor, which brings increased potential for economic growth and tourism development.

The proximity to Gauteng opens up opportunities to a larger market, which is of benefit to the district’s agricultural and manufacturing sectors. The further potential inherent in exporting goods provides opportunities that need to be investigated.

Area: 16 758km2

Main Economic Sectors: Mining, manufacturing, energy, tourism, agriculture


Population: 1 445 624

Population Growth: 2.27% p.a.

No Schooling: 9.0% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 43.7%

Households: 421 144 Formal Dwellings: 81.6%



Composition of Council: ANC 32, DA 8, EFF 10, FF+ 2, IPO 2, 4S0 2, MHRF 1, AVPPP 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Mrs Leah M Mabuza

Speaker: Mr Lucky Ndinisa

Chief Whip: Mr Kabelo Jonas Boshomane

Other Council: Dipuo Mahlangu (MMC: Social Services: Roads and Public Safety, Disaster Management, Youth, Women and the Disabled, Sport, Arts and Culture, Health, and Education), Ms Lindiwe Mahlangu (MMC: PED [LED]), Ms Evah Makhabane (MMC: Finance), Mr James Theledi Makwiting (MMC: Technical Services), Mr Thabang Mathebula (MMC: PED [DPU]), Mr Taylor Pookgadi (MMC: Corporate Services)

Municipal Manager: Ms Margaret M Skosana

Chief Financial Officer: Mrs Alice L Stander

Senior Management: Mr Mandla Mahlangu (Legal Services), Mr Dumisani Japhta Duncan Mahlangu (General Manager: Technical Services), Ms Fikile Maseko (LED Unit / Tourism), Mr Alfred Maseko (ICT), Mr Amos Matjiya (General Manager: Development and Planning Unit), Dr Tebogo Matoane (General Manager: Social Services), Ms Gaobotse Mogorosi (Performance Management Systems), Ms Nancy Nomah Ngwenya (Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Mr David Masombuka (Commuication), Ms N Nkosi

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.

Rietkuil Middelburg Mhluzi Hendrina Kriel Van Dyksdrif eMalahleni Kromdraai Ogies Delmas Kendal Eloff KwaMhlanga Kwaggafontein Seabe Marapjane Nokaneng eNtokozweni Emgwenya Belfast eMakhazeni Dullstroom Stoffberg VICTOR KHANYE EMALAHLENI STEVE TSHWETE EMAKHAZENI THEMBISILE HANI DR JS MOROKA EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 580822 Vacant Positions 1 245 Managerial Positions 36 34 Vacant Managerial Positions 1 1 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 246 549222 272 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 42 55638 228 <200m from Yard 3 4783 665 >200m from Yard 2 500 0 Households - Free Basic Service7 93211 357 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served45 97545 390 Households - Free Basic Service7 9325 063 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage36 17836 178 Ventilated Pit Latrine 2 0142 014 Other 36 36 Households - Free Basic Service7 9327 850 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean auditClean audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 431 749413 895409 741 Total Expenditure 416 774449 069476 649 Surplus/(Deficit) 14 974(35 173)(66 908) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 9 90130 93536 259 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 401 808381 249424 881 Total Current Liabilities 53 83054 73950 746 Community Wealth/Equity 529 566577 958681 950 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 312 396315 451431 851 Cash at Year End 585 444304 479546 862 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 1 0522 648 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 313 292 Vacant Positions 23 12 Managerial Positions 42 42 Vacant Managerial Positions 0 1 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 170 756147 769 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: Private Bag X4012, Siyabuswa, 0472

PHYSICAL: 2601/3 Bongimfundo Street, Siyabuswa

TEL: 013 973 1101 FAX: 013 973 0974/2138

EMAIL: municipalmanager@moroka.gov.za

WEB: www.moroka.gov.za


Description: The Dr JS Moroka Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Nkangala District in the north-western part of the Mpumalanga Province. It is the smallest of six municipalities in the district, making up 8% of its geographical area.

Siyabuswa is the capital town. The municipality forms part of the larger economic region of the City of Tshwane, City of Johannesburg, Emalahleni and Steve Tshwete Municipalities, due to the fact that these areas provide employment opportunities to a sizable number of the municipality’s population.

The geographical area includes 55 villages. It is characterised by a variety of urban, peri-urban and rural areas. Land use is largely for residential purposes, with some pieces of land falling under the control of traditional leadership. There is huge potential for growth in the tourism industry in this area.

Area: 1 416km2

Cities/Towns: Mdala Nature Reserve

Main Economic Sectors: Tourism


Population: 246 016

Population Growth: -0.34% p.a.

No Schooling: 13.8% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 36.8%

Households: 62 367 Formal Dwellings: 91.5%


Composition of Council: ANC 39, EFF 10, DA 3, AIPO 2, F4SD 2, AIC 1, APC 1, AVPP 1, INDEPENDENT 1, MICO 1, MPP 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Mrs Nomsa Sanny Mtsweni

Speaker: Ms Rosina Mmantwa Nkwane

Chief Whip: Mr John Swanyane Nkgodi

Other Council: Ms Sophy Masabata Legong (MMC: Administration and Corporate Services), Mr Charles Madyibi (MMC: Water and Infrastructure), Mr Manini Joyce Makola (MMC: Finance, Planning and LED), Mr Phindile Phumzile Mnguni (MMC: Social Development Services), Ms Sabina Mtshweni (MMC: Public Safety and Transport)

Municipal Manager: Ms Monicca Mathara Mathebela

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Duricious Bonisiwe Klaas



POSTAL: PO Box 17, eMakhazeni, 1100

PHYSICAL: 25 Scheepers Street, eMakhazeni

TEL: 013 253 7600 FAX: 013 253 2440

EMAIL: municipality@emakhazenilm.co.za

WEB: emakhazeni.gov.za


Description: The Emakhazeni Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Nkangala District in the heart of the Mpumalanga Province. It is bordered by City of Mbombela in the east and Steve Tshwete in the west. It is the largest of the six municipalities in the district, making up almost a third of its geographical area.

The N4 Maputo Corridor, which traverses the region from west to east, and the R555 from Middelburg and R33 from eMakhazeni (previously Belfast), which converge at Stoffberg Road in the northwest, are the main connecting roads forming part of the major roads of the municipality.

The area is a nature-lover’s paradise, South Africa’s premier fly fishing mecca, host to some of the subcontinent’s rarest birds, and offers the best rock climbing and most spectacular wild flower displays – all just

Senior Management: Mr Floyd Mashele (Acting Executive Manager: Technical Services), Ms Rhoda Sazi Mathabe (Executive Manager: Community Development Services), Mr Jeffey Mahlwadibona Monareng (Deputy Chief Financial Officer), Mr Sibusiso Tebogo Morare (Chief Audit Executive), Ms Mathabo Rangwato Mphahlele (Senior Legal Advisor), Mr abulani Shabangu (Divisional Manager: LED), Mr Takane Collen Thobejane (Divisional Manager: Human Resource Management), Mr Lucky Themba Zulu

Communications Officers: Ms Chantall Mmasabata Ramatsetse

two hours from the metropolitan centres of Gauteng and Mozambique. The Trout Triangle area is situated on the highest part of the Steenkampsberg Plateau at approximately 2 072m above sea level, with the Dullstroom station being the highest point in Mpumalanga. The Suikerboschkop koppies are situated in the west of the area. There are various rivers and watercourses traversing the area, and numerous wetlands and sensitive environmental areas associated with these rivers, particularly around Dullstroom. There are four nature reserves in the area.

Area: 4 736km2

Cities/Towns: Dullstroom, Emgwenya (Waterval Boven), eMakhazeni, eNtokozweni (Machadodorp)

Main Economic Sectors: Mining (28.7%), transport (25.1%), community services (14.2%), finance (8.5%), trade (7.7%), manufacturing (6.9%), agriculture (3.8%)


Population: 48 149

No Schooling: 16.0%

Households: 14 633

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

Population Growth: 0.44% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 37.8%

Formal Dwellings: 80.4%

*Unaudited full year figures.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Disclaimer of audit Disclaimer of audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 742 507763 224732 383 Total Expenditure 663 041699 607535 638 Surplus/(Deficit) 79 46663 617196 745 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 134 597110 168(291 858) FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 387 858392 349410 028 Total Current Liabilities 214 835223 486(122 081) Community Wealth/Equity2 069 7891 944 2002 102 143 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 496 094533 315745 872 Cash at Year End 411 447473 088643 444 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 49 465157 828 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 2541 237 Vacant Positions 300326 Managerial Positions 70 35 Vacant Managerial Positions 32 0 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 212 955217 982 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 53 92349 773 <200m from Yard 3 7443 714 >200m from Yard 10 45314 320 Households - Free Basic Service13 5271 559 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served67 18166 235 Households - Free Basic Service 689689 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage10 2739 987 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 1 493 1 491 Ventilated Pit Latrine 52 00852 008 Households - Free Basic Service13 5271 024


Composition of Council: ANC 10, EFF 3, DA 2

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Thomas Diphepheng Ngwenya

Speaker: Ms Nomhle Adelaide Mashele

Chief Whip: Mr T Masha

Other Council: Ms Amanda A Botha, JT Duma, Mrs Maria Kambula

Maria Kambula (MMC: Technical, Community Services and Local Economic Development), Mr Nelson T Masha, Mr Xolile D Masina, Mr Sibusiso S Mthimunye (MMC: Finance and Economic Affairs), Ms Rose Ndlovu, Mr Thamsanqa C Ngomane, Mr Michael P Ntuli, Mrs Thandiwe E Scheffers (MMC: Corporate Services), Mr Sizane

I Skhosana, Mr Samuel S Tshabalala

Municipal Manager: Ms Thandi Shoba (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Betlehema Japhter Thoka

Senior Management: Mr ML Mamaleka (Planning, Infrastructure and Social Development), Mrs Spokazi Matsane (Deputy Manager: Human Resources and Administration), Mr LD Mkhonza (Manager: LED), Ms Nokuthula Mokwana (Risk Officer), Mr Zwelakhe Nkambule (PMS Officer), Mrs Dudu Ntshwane (Senior Internal Auditor), Mr LO Sindane (Manager: Technical Services), N Singh (Manager: Community Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Kenneth Nkosi



POSTAL: PO Box 3, eMalahleni, 1035

PHYSICAL: Civic Centre, Cnr Mandela & Arras Streets, eMalahleni

TEL: 013 690 6911 FAX: 013 690 6207

EMAIL: admin@emalahleni.gov.za

WEB: www.emalahleni.gov.za


Description: The Emalahleni Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the Mpumalanga Province within the Nkangala District. It forms part of the western regions of the province and borders onto the Gauteng Province. Thembisile Hani and Victor Khanye, and City of Tshwane Metro in Gauteng, border the municipality to the north and west. The Gert Sibande District borders it to the south and Steve Tshwete is located to the east. It is one of six municipalities in the district.

The Emalahleni Municipality is strategically located in terms of the provincial context and transport network. It is situated in close proximity to the City of Ekurhuleni, City of Johannesburg and City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipalities in Gauteng, and is connected to these areas by the N4 and N12 freeways. These freeways converge at eMalahleni (previously Witbank) in Emalahleni, from where the N4 extends to Mbombela (previously Nelspruit), the provincial capital, and ultimately Maputo in Mozambique. The N4 freeway, along with the railway line that runs adjacent to the freeway from Gauteng to Mozambique, constitute the Maputo Corridor.

The southern areas of the Emalahleni Municipality form part of the region referred to as the Energy Mecca of South Africa, due to its rich deposits of coal reserves and power stations. eMalahleni and Middelburg (situated in the adjacent Steve Tshwete Municipality) are the highest order settlements in the Nkangala District. These towns offer the full spectrum of business and social activities, and both towns have large industrial areas. The towns fulfil the function of service centres to the smaller towns and settlements, as well as farms in the district.

Area: 2 678km2

Cities/Towns: Kriel, Ogies, Phola, eMalahleni

Main Economic Sectors: Mining, power generation, steel, vanadium and chrome


Population: 455 228

No Schooling: 4.7%

Households: 150 420

Population Growth: 3.20% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 48.1%

Formal Dwellings: 74.4%


Composition of Council: ANC 35, EFF 14, DA 13, VF PLUS 4, ACDP 1, AIC 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Mrs CN Nkalitshana

Speaker: Mr Mduduzi Sfiso Nkosi

Chief Whip: Ms Cornelia Ntombikayise Nkalitshana

Other Council: Mr Jerry Djiane (MMC: Technical Services), Ms Cecilia Maraba (MMC: Development Planning), Ms Hessie Maseko (MMC: Finance), Ms Petunia Maseko (Chairperson: Municipal Public Accounts Committee), Thabang Mathebula (MMC: Environment and Waste Management), Mr Johannes Matshipa (MMC: Corporate Services), Mr Derrick Skhosana (MMC: Community Services)

Municipal Manager: Mr Humphrey Sizwe Mayisela

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Jabulile Hlatshwayo

Senior Management: Mr Collin Brentjies (Acting Deputy Director: Technical Services), Mr Tefo Kadi (Manager: LED), Mr Mike Lelaka

(Executive Director: Technical Services), Mr Letukisa Makgale (Deputy

Chief Financial Officer), Ms Sandile Felicity Maseko (Executive Director: Environment and Waste Management), Mr Selati Matlejoane (Executive Director: Community Services), Mr Sizwe Mayisela (Deputy Director: Strategic and Executive Support), Ms Morongwe Adelaide Monyepao

(Executive Director: Development Planning), Mr Meleli Shongwe (Deputy Director: Community Services), Mr Mandla Vilane (Executive Director: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Lebohang Mofokeng

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Adverse audit Adverse audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 399 556387 636409 277 Total Expenditure 498 453376 778386 083 Surplus/(Deficit) (98 896)10 85823 194 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE (94 339)101 814(138 435) FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 268 516284 941248 427 Total Current Liabilities 330 264208 776168 957 Community Wealth/Equity1 777 7391 758 1551 542 056 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 125 925194 373474 370 Cash at Year End 79 200158 092375 515 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 22 639116 506 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 361 428 Vacant Positions 0 67 Managerial Positions 18 18 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 109 756105 124 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 14 87414 874 <200m from Yard 763763 Households - Free Basic Service3 7543 005 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served16 09416 059 Households - Free Basic Service3 7542 469 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage13 38713 387 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 379379 Other 763763 Households - Free Basic Service3 7543 005

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20



POSTAL: PO Box 14, Middelburg, 1050


PHYSICAL: Cnr Walter Sisulu Street & Wanderers Avenue, Middelburg

TEL: 013 249 7000 FAX: 013 243 2550

EMAIL: council@stlm.gov.za

WEB: stlm.gov.za


Description: The Steve Tshwete Local Municipality (previously Middelburg Local Municipality) is a Category B municipality located in the Nkangala District of the Mpumalanga Province. It is one of the larger municipalities of the six in the district.

The municipality is named after Steve Tshwete, an ANC activist imprisoned by the apartheid authorities on Robben Island from February 1964 to 1983. In 1994, Middelburg and Mhluzi, as well as Hendrina and Kwazamokuhle, amalgamated to form the Transitional Local Councils. In 2001, the Transitional Local Councils of Middelburg and Hendrina, as well as some smaller towns, were amalgamated. A new municipality was formed, namely Steve Tshwete Local Municipality. The local municipality was one of the four to have passed the 2009/10 audit by the Auditor-General of South Africa, who deemed it to have a clean administration. The seat of the Steve Tshwete Local Municipality is Middelburg.

Area: 3 976km2

Cities/Towns: Hendrina, Middelburg, Pullens Hope, Rietkuil

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, mining, manufacturing


Population: 278 749

No Schooling: 5.8%

Households: 86 713

Population Growth: 4.39% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 52.2%

Formal Dwellings: 81.9%


Composition of Council: ANC 21, DA 17, EFF 9, MHRF 7, VF PLUS 3, INDEPENDENT 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Mayor: Mr Petrus Mhlonishwa Masilela

Speaker: Mr Thomas Ramaitsane Mpye

Chief Whip: Mr Casious Sihle Mashiloane

Municipal Manager: Mr Stanely Mandla Mnguni

Chief Financial Officer: Mr David Mogofe

Communications Officers: Ms Prudence Magutle

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full

AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 3 757 5933 484 6313 179 340 Total Expenditure 4 837 6714 158 4563 777 609 Surplus/(Deficit) (1 080 078)(673 824)(598 268) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 85 502228 0208 000 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 2 364 5363 709 9953 041 553 Total Current Liabilities 8 785 4577 201 3485 892 810 Community Wealth/Equity255 0593 689 2294 287 498 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 586 333(2 270 250)Cash at Year End 428 740(2 219 228)55 334 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 643 614632 749 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 8171 666 Vacant Positions 162160 Managerial Positions 104 20 Vacant Managerial Positions 22 7 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 929 134927 922 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 135 465132 200 <200m from Yard 10 07410 074 >200m from Yard 693693 Households - Free Basic Service8 89710 522 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served93 86893 699 Households - Free Basic Service8 89710 522 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage103 55283 479 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 2 3982 390 Ventilated Pit Latrine 5 4325 553 Households - Free Basic Service8 89710 522
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean auditClean audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 2 048 4942 010 3061 813 427 Total Expenditure 2 111 5241 872 3781 830 051 Surplus/(Deficit) (63 029)137 928(16 624) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 560 841696 754453 875 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 747 097655 157665 815 Total Current Liabilities 647 354496 097163 346 Community Wealth/Equity6 819 3016 775 1386 653 788 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 1 004 0381 344 7791 264 825 Cash at Year End 963 548817 5951 198 959 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 107 08558 330 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 6541 662 Vacant Positions 5142 Managerial Positions 63 55 Vacant Managerial Positions 5 1 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 607 655558 678 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 43 21143 211 Households - Free Basic Service15 08514 651 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served 47 895 46 037 Households - Free Basic Service16 16616 618 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage33 33833 338 Ventilated Pit Latrine 12 564 0 Other 010 900 Households - Free Basic Service18 22818 240



POSTAL: Private Bag X4041, eMpumalanga, 0458

PHYSICAL: Stand 24 Kwaggafontein C, eMpumalanga

TEL: 013 986 9100 FAX: 013 986 0995

WEB: www.thembisilehanilm.gov.za


Description: The Thembisile Hani Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Nkangala District in the Mpumalanga Province. The municipality is bordered by Dr JS Moroka in the north, Elias Motsoaledi in the north-east, Steve Tshwete in the east, Emalahleni in the south, and City of Tshwane Metro in the west. It is one of the six municipalities that make up the district, accounting for 14% of its geographical area.

Area: 2 384km2

Cities/Towns: KwaMhlanga

Main Economic Sectors: Community services, trade, manufacturing


Population: 333 331 Population Growth: 1.62% p.a.

No Schooling: 13.8% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 37.9%

Households: 82 740 Formal Dwellings: 86.5%


Composition of Council: ANC 40, EFF 12, DA 4, AIPO 3, INDEPENDENT 2, ATM 1, INGUBO 1, SPP 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Mr Lesetja Dikgale

Speaker: Ms Poppy Msiza

Chief Whip: Ms Agnes Motanyane

Other Council: Mr Thomas Mabena (MMC: Corporate Services), Ms Eunice

Malekane (MMC: Technical Services), Mr Joseph Mthimunye (MMC: Finance), Mr LX Mtsweni (MMC: Development and Town Planning Services), Ms Ntombifuthi Skhosana (MMC: Social Development Services)

Municipal Manager: Mr DJD Mahlangu

Chief Financial Officer: Mrs JG Mahlangu

Senior Management: A Chego (Manager: Social Development Services), SA Nxumalo (Manager: Corporate Services), Mr Madumetja Tsebe

(Manager: Development and Town Planning Services)

Communications Officers: Mrs SP Mokako



POSTAL: PO Box 6, Delmas, 2210

PHYSICAL: Cnr Samuel & Van der Walt Streets, Delmas

TEL: 013 665 6000 FAX: 013 665 2913

EMAIL: info@victorkhanyelm.gov.za

WEB: www.victorkhanyelm.gov.za


Description: The Victor Khanye Local Municipality (previously Delmas Local Municipality) is a Category B municipality strategically located within the Nkangala District in the Highveld of the Mpumalanga Province. It is situated on the border of the Guateng Province, less than 100km from Pretoria, Johannesburg and eMalahleni. It is one of the smallest of six municipalities in the district.

The municipality is linked by a major freeway, the N12, which was declared a Maputo Corridor. There is a railway line running through to the inner part of Mpumalanga and to Mozambique. The municipality is regarded as a gateway to the Mpumalanga Province.

Area: 1 568km2

Cities/Towns: Delmas


Population: 84 151 Population Growth: 2.48% p.a.

No Schooling: 10.7% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 31.4%

Households: 24 270 Formal Dwellings: 83.2%


Composition of Council: ANC 9, AVPP 3, DA 3, EFF 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Mr Vusi Buda

Speaker: Mr Hendrey Ngoma

Chief Whip: Mr Nicolaas Sefiso Ngcobo

Other Council: Mr TG Malomane (MMC: Planning, Infrastructure, Transport and Safety), Ms Dorcas Yeko (MMC: Health, Social Services and Development)

Municipal Manager: Mr KV Buda, Mr Vusi Magqaza (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Thoko Mahlangu

Senior Management: T Gogwane, Nhlanhla Masango (Manager: LED), Mr Thabo Mashabela (Director: Corporate Services), Mrs Betty Mokoena (Executive Director: Community and Social Services)

Communications Officers: Ms Sentebaleng Masemola

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 953 222967 808916 399 Total Expenditure 826 412775 345755 668 Surplus/(Deficit) 126 811192 463160 731 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE (152 964)(118 265)124 757 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 1 079 1061 105 2891 044 455 Total Current Liabilities 980 7701 023 294973 451 Community Wealth/Equity2 726 8362 334 4651 993 298 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 515 745578 159469 915 Cash at Year End 330 018429 513412 466 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 20 50614 186 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 702 423 Vacant Positions 315 44 Managerial Positions 27 28 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 1 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 164 604153 847 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 66 84966 849 <200m from Yard 3 6933 693 >200m from Yard 1 6171 617 Households - Free Basic Service 574 564 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served74 38873 925 Households - Free Basic Service 675 564 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage 5 1185 118 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 1 2421 242 Ventilated Pit Latrine 15 64215 642 Other 50 69735 386
INFORMATION2021/22*2020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 559 337614 647597 487 Total Expenditure 538 404724 815756 515 Surplus/(Deficit) 20 933(110 169)(159 028) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 20 74344 83290 761 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS


THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 | 157 MPUMALANGA Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures. FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 512 007351 603264 798 Total Current Liabilities 1 027 554849 710675 441 Community Wealth/Equity 476 274445 315722 583 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 61 811112 347692 320 Cash at Year End 42 271(129 084)642 610 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 182 420193 575 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 498 437 Vacant Positions 106 83 Managerial Positions 11 30 Vacant Managerial Positions 6 7 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 155 934151 085 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/22*2020/212019/20 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 21 09320 993 <200m from Yard 1 5151 515 >200m from Yard 1 6621 515 Households - Free Basic Service2 7003 584 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served23 12221 284 Households - Free Basic Service2 0882 088 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage20 89720 639 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 1 0201 020 Ventilated Pit Latrine 2 0851 904 Bucket System 49 49 Other 219 0 Households - Free Basic Service2 7003 584

North West lies in the north of South Africa on the Botswana border, fringed by the Kalahari Desert in the west, Gauteng Province to the east and the Free State to the south. It covers an area of 104 882km2 and has a population of 3 748 436. Much of the province consists of flat areas of scattered trees and grassland. The Vaal River flows along the southern border of the province.

Mahikeng (previously Mafikeng) is the capital. The city lies near the Botswana border and forms a single urban area with its neighbouring town, Mmabatho. Potchefstroom and Klerksdorp are the biggest cities in the province. Other main towns are Brits, Rustenburg, Klerksdorp and Lichtenburg.

Most economic activity is concentrated in the southern region between Potchefstroom and Klerksdorp, as well as Rustenburg and the eastern region. Mining is the major contributor to the North West economy and represents almost a quarter of South Africa’s mining industry as a whole. The Rustenburg and Brits districts produce more platinum than any other single area in the world. North West also produces a quarter of South Africa’s gold, as well as granite, marble, fluorspar and diamonds. North West has a number of major tourist attractions, including the internationally famous Sun City, the Pilanesberg National Park, the Madikwe Game Reserve and the Rustenburg Nature Reserve.

North West is well known for cattle farming, while the areas around Rustenburg and Brits are fertile, mixed-crop farming land. Maize and sunflowers are the most important crops, and the province is the major producer of white maize in the country.

North West is divided into four district municipalities, which are further subdivided into 18 local municipalities.


Dr Kenneth Kaunda District 163 City of Matlosana 163 JB Marks 164 Maquassi Hills 165 Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District 166 Greater Taung 166 Kagisano-Molopo 167 Lekwa-Teemane 168 Mamusa 168 Naledi 169 Ngaka Modiri Molema District 170 Ditsobotla 170 Mahikeng 171 Ramotshere Moiloa 172 Ratlou 172 Tswaing 173 Bojanala Platinum District 159 Kgetlengrivier 159 Madibeng 160 Moretele 161 Moses Kotane 161 Rustenburg 162
LAND AREA 104 882km2 LAND PERCENTAGE 8.6% 78.2% 1.9% 18.4% ACCESS TO PIPED WATER 73.0% FLUSH/CHEMICAL TOILET 48.7% CONNECTED TO ELECTRICITY 89.6% 36,0 8.8% 103,8 22.1% 39.0% 53.3% TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: PO Box 1993, Rustenburg, 0300

PHYSICAL: Cnr Beyers Naude & Fatima Bhayat Drives, Rustenburg

TEL: 014 590 4500 FAX: 014 592 6085

EMAIL: info@bojanala.gov.za

WEB: bojanala.gov.za


Description: The Bojanala Platinum District Municipality is a Category C municipality situated in the North West Province. It is bordered by the Waterberg District Municipality to the north, Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality to the south, City of Tshwane Metro to the east, West Rand District Municipality to the south-east, and Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality to the west.

It is one of four district municipalities in the province and comprises five local municipalities: Kgetlengrivier, Madibeng, Moses Kotane, Moretele and Rustenburg. The seat of Bojanala Platinum is Rustenburg.

Area: 18 333km2

Main Economic Sectors: Mining (30-35%), community services (15-20%), finance (10-15%), trade (10-15%), transport (5-10%), manufacturing (5-10%)


Population: 1 657 148 Population Growth: 2.15% p.a.

No Schooling: 5.5% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 39.0%

Households: 611 144 Formal Dwellings: 70.6%


Composition of Council: ANC 16, EFF 5, DA 3, AIC 1, F4SD 1, SM 1, T.C.M. 1, VF PLUS 1 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Ms Matlakala Nondzaba

Speaker: Mr Lucky Madiba

Chief Whip: Mr Louis Diremelo

Other Council: Mr Mahommed Karani (MMC: Rural Local Economic Development), Mr Lucky Malope (MMC: Sports, Arts and Culture),

Ms Fridah Mangoathe (MMC: Rural Development and Agriculture),

Mr Ignatius Msoki (MMC: IDP/PMS; Monitoring and Evaluation),

Ms Suzan Nthamngeni (MMC: Corporate Support Services), Mr Vincent Phushoane (MMC: Budget and Treasury), Mr Kutlwano Ramokgadi (MMC: Community Development Services), Ms Annietjie Selebogo

(MMC: Technical Services), Ms Winnie Sono (MMC: Special Projects)

Municipal Manager: Mr Lucky Fourie

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Kulani Chauk (Acting)

Senior Management: Mr Amos Khumalo (Director: Technical Services), Mr GT Lenake (Director: Health and Emergency Services), Ms Beauty

Maganye (Director: Economic Development), Ms G Mahlangu (Director: Community Development Services), Mr Lucas Mokgara (Chief of Staff)



POSTAL: PO Box 66, Koster, 0348

PHYSICAL: Cnr Smuts & De Wit Streets, Koster

TEL: 014 403 5006 FAX: 014 543 2480

WEB: www.kgetlengrivier.gov.za


Description: The Kgetlengrivier Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located in the south-eastern part of the North West Province and forms part of the Bojanala Platinum District. It borders Moses Kotane in the north and Rustenberg in the west. The municipality is situated on the N4 toll road from Pretoria to Botswana and acts as a gateway from Johannesburg to Botswana. It is one of five municipalities in the district.

The area’s rich environment and natural resource base provides opportunities for agriculture and slate quarry development. The area’s mining activities are those related to diamonds, slate and aggregate sand. It has a strong competitive advantage in terms of its climate, biodiversity and numerous dams.

Area: 3 973km2

Cities/Towns: Derby, Koster, Swartruggens

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, mining


Population: 59 562

No Schooling: 8.5%

Households: 18 787

Population Growth: 3.51% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 34.3%

Formal Dwellings: 67.5%


The municipality is under S139(1)(b) administration, effective from 1 September 2018.

Composition of Council: ANC 7, EFF 2, VF PLUS 2, DA 1, INDEPENDENT 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Thabo Jacobs

Speaker: Ms Mamiky Lisbeth Molefe

Chief Whip: Mr Amogelang Amos Selaledi

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.

Swartruggens Phokeng Rustenburg Marikana Mooinooi Hartbeespoort Kgabalatsane De Wildt Kleinfonteinstad Brits Maboloko Makgabetlwane Makapanstad Swartbooistad Kwaratsiepane Letlhabile Lerulaneng Photsaneng Koster MORETELE MADIBENG RUSTENBURG KGETLENGRIVIER MOSES KOTANE
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/22*2020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 375 219381 588344 876 Total Expenditure 260 210296 099299 541 Surplus/(Deficit) 115 00985 49045 335 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 4 04281 72991 826 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 105 155124 02046 148 Total Current Liabilities (5 233)81 817112 465 Community Wealth/Equity 0(77 643)(114 663) CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow n/a - n/a Cash at Year End n/a (253) n/a UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 46 82381 772 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 325 403 Vacant Positions 3 7 Managerial Positions 33 34 Vacant Managerial Positions 3 4 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 208 635177 213

Other Council: Mr MM Bhoola, Ms EM Doyi, Ms LD Modisane, Ms BO Mogale, Ms BC Mokone, Mr TG Naledi, Mr TF Potgieter, Ms DJ Ramoenyana, Mr JP Snyman, Ms Nomonde Sole (MPAC)

Municipal Manager: Mr Joseph Mogale

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Maranatha Khunou (Acting)

Senior Management: Mr Maranatha Khunou (Revenue Manager), Mr Linda Langa (MISS), Mr Witsman Maluleka (Acting Director:

Infrastructure and Technical Services), Mr Kholisile Manentza (Regional Manager), Mr Reuben Mavhungu (Acting Director: Community Services), Ms Thabang Mekgoe (Project Management Unit), Mr Onkokame Moremi

(Manager: Office of the Mayor), Mr V Mtshengu (Director: Corporate Services), Ms Sonto Ntshangase (Supply Chain Management), Mr Gilbert Sefanyetso (Manager: LED)

Communications Officers: Ms Sannah Omphemetse Magakgala



POSTAL: PO Box 106, Brits, 0250

PHYSICAL: 53 Van Velden Street, Brits

TEL: 012 318 9203 FAX: 012 318 9665

EMAIL: munman@madibeng.gov.za

WEB: www.madibeng.gov.za


Description: The Madibeng Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located in the North West Province within the Bojanala Platinum District. It is situated between the Magaliesberg and Witwatersrand, 60km from Rustenberg and 50km north of Pretoria. It is one of five municipalities in the district.

It is strategically located in relation to Gauteng, Limpopo, Harare and the Maputo Harbour, and is positioned along the Heritage Route, linking the World Heritage Site with the Pilanesberg and Madikwe Game Reserves. It is known for its diversified economy. Currently, mining is the predominant economic activity, and the Hartebeespoort Dam is the second most visited place after the Waterfront in Cape Town. Area: 3 720km2

Cities/Towns: Brits, Hartbeespoort, Mooinooi

Main Economic Sectors: Mining, manufacturing, agriculture, tourism


Population: 536 110

No Schooling: 5.1%

Households: 193 364


Population Growth: 2.71% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 39.0%

Formal Dwellings: 63.3%



This municipality has been placed under S139 administration. Composition of Council: ANC 44, EFF 14, DA 12, VF PLUS 4, SM 3, ACDP 1, AIC 1, ALJAMA 1, F4SD 1, UDM 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Mr Douglas S Maimane

Speaker: Ditshego Mbezi

Chief Whip: Mrs Elsie Kgautle

Other Council: Mr Diale Diale (MPAC), Mr NM Machete (Public Safety and Facilities Management), Ms NM Maqakamba (IGR and Special Projects), Ms SM Maunatlala (IDP, PMS and Legal Services), Ms ETM Modise (Corporate Support Services), Ms SDN Nthangeni (Budget and Treasury Office), Mr PA Phetlhe (Roads and Transport), Mr J Ratloi (Infrastructure and Technical Services), Mr J Sefudi (Human Settlement and Planning), Ms M Tlhopane (Community Development)

Municipal Manager: Ms M Mmope (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Tshenolo Lefutswe (Acting)

Senior Management: Mr Mike Church (Acting Director: Infrastructure and Technical Services), Ms Pumla Dilinga (Acting Director: Public Safety, Fleet and Facilities Management), Mr Daniel Masemola (Director: Corporate Support Services), Mr S Minisi (Acting Director: Economic Development, Tourism and Agriculture), M Mmapheto (Chief Audit Executive), Ms M Mmope (Acting Director: Community Development), AK Modise (IDP, PMS and Legal Services), Ms Johanna Motswatswe (Acting Manager: LED), Mr Neo Pule (Acting Director: Human Settlement and Planning) Communications Officers: Tumelo Tshabalala

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Disclaimer of audit Disclaimer of audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 274 594233 412222 832 Total Expenditure 290 596262 379398 697 Surplus/(Deficit) (16 002)(28 967)(175 865) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 34 597128 46573 951 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 105 143132 37468 192 Total Current Liabilities 401 672371 494280 548 Community Wealth/Equity 231 216257 506389 428 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 307 344243 907124 373 Cash at Year End 309 193243 907124 373 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 226 461248 426 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 292302 Vacant Positions 1 66 Managerial Positions 20 21 Vacant Managerial Positions 1 0 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 72 11963 604 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 10 78510 785 <200m from Yard 4 3104 310 >200m from Yard 4 2024 202 Households - Free Basic Service2 1861 678 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served18 80718 787 Households - Free Basic Service2 1861 678 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage11 73711 737 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 2 6222 622 Ventilated Pit Latrine 1 8611 861 Other 1 3711 371 Households - Free Basic Service2 1861 678 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Disclaimer of audit Disclaimer of audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 2 309 9892 593 1202 117 493 Total Expenditure 2 322 6722 293 5712 407 375 Surplus/(Deficit) (12 683)299 549(289 882) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 270 352343 358143 365 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 2 288 3211 994 3321 744 834 Total Current Liabilities 3 279 7692 926 8692 940 636 Community Wealth/Equity4 068 5003 948 2564 133 645 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 1 265 589 -Cash at Year End 1 120 038234 19761 252 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 551 720448 247 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 6161 858 Vacant Positions 1130 Managerial Positions 53 58 Vacant Managerial Positions 1 10 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 572 323547 546 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 119 834119 834 <200m from Yard 9 9219 921 >200m from Yard 33 35430 167 Households - Free Basic Service1 7311 731 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served140 992140 834 Households - Free Basic Service1 7311 731 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage46 00546 005 Ventilated Pit Latrine 25 30925 309 Households - Free Basic Service1 7311 731 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: Private Bag X367, Makapanstad, 0404

PHYSICAL: 4065 B, Mathibestad, Makapanstad

TEL: 012 716 1300/1000 FAX: 012 716 9999

EMAIL: info@moretele.org.za


Description: The Moretele Local Municipality is situated within the Bojanala Platinum District in the North West Province. The municipality is located in an area called Moretele, which is situated far north of Pretoria. It is located strategically to join four provinces, namely North West, Gauteng, Mpumalanga and Limpopo. It is the smallest of the five municipalities that make up the district, accounting for 8% of its geographical area.

The municipality comprises 24 wards, which are made up of 66 villages and plots. Most of the villages are ruled by four traditional leaders (Dikgosi), who are recognised by law and represent their respective tribes/communities in council. Moretele is the Setswana name for a river that runs through the area, namely ’Noka ya Moretele’ (the Moretele River).

Area: 1 498km2


Population: 191 306 Population Growth: 0.33% p.a.

No Schooling: 6.1% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 34.4%

Households: 55 762 Formal Dwellings: 87.1%


Composition of Council: ANC 35, EFF 9, DA 2, F4SD 2, ACG 1, AIC 1, DOP 1, ECOFORUM 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr George Manyike

Speaker: Freda Mapela

Chief Whip: NK Mleta

Other Council: MJ Kau (Chairperson: MPAC), MJ Makwela (Chairperson: Budget and Treasury; Local Economic Development; Land Use and Traditional Affairs), MB Mangena (Chairperson: Human Resources and Corporate Services), L Motsepe (Chairperson: Infrastructure Development Services), D Sephelle (Chairperson: IDP/PMS)



POSTAL: Private Bag X1011, Mogwase, 0314

PHYSICAL: Stand No.933, Railway Road, Unit 3, Mogwase, 0314 TEL: 014 555 1300 FAX: 014 555 6368

EMAIL: municipalmanager@moseskotane.gov.za

WEB: www.moseskotane.gov.za


Description: The Moses Kotane Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located within the Bojanala District in the North West Province. It is the largest of the five municipalities that make up the district, accounting for a third of its geographical area. It was established after redemarcation of municipal boundaries and subsequent municipal elections in 2000.

The municipality has a predominantly black african population, with fewer indian, coloured and white groups, mostly residing in Sun City residence and Mogwase Unit 2. The type of economy is owed to its location within the major tourism and mining belt of the North West Province, Pilanesberg and Sun City.

Area: 5 726km2

Cities/Towns: Madikwe

Main Economic Sectors: Tourism, manufacturing, agriculture, mining


Population: 243 648 Population Growth: 0.10% p.a.

No Schooling: 7.5% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 35.1%

Households: 80 654 Formal Dwellings: 85.6%

Municipal Manager: Mr HS Moreriane (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Ms B Klaas

Communications Officers: Mr Mothupi Malebye FINANCIAL


Composition of Council: ANC 46, EFF 13, DA 2, T.C.M. 2, ACDP 1, AIC 1, BBT 1, F4SD 1, INC 1, UCDP 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mrs Nketu Mkotswe

Speaker: Gugulethu Mtshali

Chief Whip: Ms Maria Matshaba, Ms Caroline Motshabi

Other Council: Mr Lawrence Kapari (Portfolio Head: Corporate Services and Finance), Mr SS Kotsedi (Portfolio Head: Community Services), Mr Thomas Manganye (Chairperson: Municipal Public Accounts Committee), Mr Ezekiel Mashimo (Portfolio Head: Infrastructure and Technical Services), Ms Dithothi Tshetlhane (Portfolio Head: Local Economic Development)

Municipal Manager: Mr Valtein Mokopane Letsoalo

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Mzwandile Mkhize

Senior Management: Mr Tertius Chiloane (HOD: Infrastructure and Technical Services), Ms Thembi Jalvan (HOD: Corporate Services), Mr Victor Mmope (HOD: Planning and Development), Mr Noah Moeng (HOD: Community Services), Ms Tebogo Mogolwane (Manager: LED)

Communications Officers: Ms B Lekgethwane

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full

year figures.
INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 694 389747 636657 850 Total Expenditure 611 616531 394512 798 Surplus/(Deficit) 82 772216 242145 052 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 221 390(0)130 084 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 459 254319 209127 392 Total Current Liabilities 273 420198 602202 122 Community Wealth/Equity1 562 2371 056 150910 830 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (227 990)183 949 16 Cash at Year End (8 875) 241 370 (14 028) UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 120 730247 817 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 288223 Vacant Positions 0 4 Managerial Positions 41 39 Vacant Managerial Positions 0 4 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 137 828129 549 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 31 18031 180 <200m from Yard 17 45717 457 >200m from Yard 9 7349 734 Households - Free Basic Service28 0044 806 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served51 20349 464 Households - Free Basic Service14 8604 806 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage2 6662 666 Ventilated Pit Latrine 51 98751 987
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 131 9021 160 949995 527 Total Expenditure 1 125 6941 003 490996 125 Surplus/(Deficit) 6 208157 459(598)



POSTAL: PO Box 16, Rustenburg, 0300

PHYSICAL: 159 Nelson Mandela & Beyers Naude Streets, Rustenburg

TEL: 014 590 3111 FAX: 014 590 3481

WEB: www.rustenburg.gov.za


Description: The Rustenburg Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Bojanala Platinum District in the North West Province. It is one of the five municipalities in the district. It is home to Boekenhoutfontein, the farm of Paul Kruger, president of the South African Republic.

Rustenburg is a large town situated at the foot of the Magaliesberg Mountain Range. Rustenburg (meaning ’town of rest’ or ’resting place’) was proclaimed a township in 1851. This large town is situated some 112km north-west and is a 90-minute drive from both Johannesburg and Pretoria.

It is a malaria-free area. It is the fastest growing municipality in South Africa and the most populous municipality in the North West Province.

Area: 3 416km2

Cities/Towns: Hartbeesfontein-A, Marikana, Phatsima, Rustenburg, Tlhabane

Main Economic Sectors: Mining, trade


Population: 626 522

No Schooling: 4.7%

Households: 262 576

Population Growth: 2.98% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 42.0%

Formal Dwellings: 68.1%


Composition of Council: ANC 43, EFF 17, DA 13, T.C.M. 7, VF PLUS 3, ACDP 1, AIC 1, ARONA 1, BCM 1, F4SD 1, INDEPENDENT 1, UDM 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Executive Mayor: Ms Sheila Mabale-Huma

Speaker: Mr Koketso Mogomotsi

Chief Whip: Mrs Louisa Mabe

Other Council: Nosipho Babe (MMC: Intergovernmental Relations and Special Projects), Mr Maleho Gaonakala (MMC: Corporate Support Services), Mr Khoeli Libe (MMC: Special Projects and Intergovernmental Relations), Mrs Boipelo Marekoa (MMC: Planning and Human Settlement), Mrs Virginia Mputle (MMC: Public Safety), Mr Ratanang Nke (MMC: Budget and Treasury Office), Mr Karabo Phutu (MMC: Local Economic Development), Mrs Lebogang Pule (MMC: Roads and Transport), Mrs Selebaleng Pule (MMC: Integrated Development Planning), Mr Thabang Rampou (MMC: Technical and Infrastructure Services), Mrs Nombulelo Xatasi (MMC: Community Development)

Municipal Manager: Mr Victor Makona

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Godfrey Ditsele

Senior Management: Mr Keaobaka Boikanyo (Director: Public Safety), Ms Mphoentle Halenyane (Director: Planning and Human Settlements), Mr Edward Komane (Director: Local Economic Development), Mr Ofentse Masilo (Director: Infrastructure and Technical Services), Mr Obed Moleele (Acting Director: Roads and Transport), Ms Nelly Rampete (Director: Community Development), Ms Yondela Roboji (Director: Corporate Support Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Thapelo Metebesi

162 | THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 NORTH WEST Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures. CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 12 37347 08522 911 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 282 913293 578191 811 Total Current Liabilities 354 296347 380374 230 Community Wealth/Equity2 972 8193 107 9972 864 862 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 497 631265 717Cash at Year End 541 809292 88764 673 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 466 285730 103 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 552 996 Vacant Positions 2450 Managerial Positions 60 43 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 18 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 261 053217 269
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 27 75927 759 <200m from Yard 47 15447 154 >200m from Yard 5 5005 500 Households - Free Basic Service10 50222 500 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served79 40177 500 Households - Free Basic Service9 47322 500 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage6 8426 842 Ventilated Pit Latrine 21 44521 090 Households - Free Basic Service10 50222 500
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Disclaimer of audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 6 473 8235 440 6715 099 545 Total Expenditure 6 703 7165 174 7264 542 321 Surplus/(Deficit) (229 893)265 945557 223 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 14 918 23914 808 06014 586 222 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 1 281 6171 016 8101 094 995 Total Current Liabilities 2 235 4581 953 3062 023 108 Community Wealth/Equity7 295 2276 550 9646 647 321 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 7 051 1255 125 9423 144 565 Cash at Year End 6 715 4465 156 7173 172 604 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 619 072596 665 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 8931 802 Vacant Positions 6 7 Managerial Positions 86 85 Vacant Managerial Positions 6 7 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 809 941778 667 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 197 923197 923 <200m from Yard 15 01215 012 >200m from Yard 25 54525 545 Households - Free Basic Service5 2742 762 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served189 850189 150 Households - Free Basic Service5 2743 720 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage189 180189 180 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 5 0005 000 Ventilated Pit Latrine 63 75963 759 Households - Free Basic Service5 2744 338




POSTAL: Private Bag X5017, Klerksdorp, 2570

PHYSICAL: Civic Centre, Patmore Road, Orkney

TEL: 018 473 8000 FAX: 018 473 2523

EMAIL: admin@kaundadistrict.gov.za

WEB: www.kaundadistrict.gov.za


Description: The Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality is a Category C municipality in the North West Province. It is located 65km south-west of Johannesburg and borders the Gauteng Province on that side. It is the smallest district in the province, making up 14% of its geographical area. The municipality consists of three local municipalities: JB Marks, City of Matlosana and Maquassi Hills.

It is a region with a rich and diverse natural and cultural heritage, with the potential for sustained economic growth. The region is home to some of the most prominent gold mines in the world and one of the oldest meteor impact sites in the world.

The district is serviced by a number of primary roads, with the N12 Treasure Corridor forming the main development axis in the district and serving as a potential concentration point for future industrial, commercial and tourism development.

Area: 14 671km2

Main Economic Sectors: Community services (28.7%), trade, (23.2%), finance (13.1%), construction (8.3%), manufacturing (8.2%), agriculture (7.6%), mining (6.1%), transport and communications (4.3%)


Population: 742 821 Population Growth: 1.48% p.a.

No Schooling: 8.9% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 40.3%

Households: 240 543 Formal Dwellings: 86.4%


Composition of Council: ANC 9, DA 3, EFF 2, VF PLUS 2 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Ms Nikiwe Julia Num

Speaker: Mr Xolile Christopher Nxozana

Chief Whip: Mr Jeffrey Serame Lesie (Single Whip)

Other Council: Ms Wendy Makgate (MMC: Community Services), Mr Raymond Mampe (MMC: LED and Tourism), Ms Mpho Matsapola (MMC: Special Programmes), Ms Lettie Molapisi (MMC: Corporate Services), Mr Zanale Mphafudi (MMC: Infrastructure), Ms Rosy Thabanchu (MMC: Budget and Treasury)

Municipal Manager: Mr Mokgatlhe Ratlhogo

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Lucky Steenkamp

Senior Management: Ms SC Abrams (Senior Manager: Corporate Support Services and ICT)

Communications Officers: Mr Xolani Mndaweni (Manager: Communications)




POSTAL: PO Box 99, Klerksdorp, 2570

PHYSICAL: Cnr Braamfisher & OR Tambo Streets, Klerksdorp

TEL: 018 487 8000 FAX: 018 464 1780

EMAIL: records@klerksdorp.org

WEB: www.matlosana.gov.za


Description: The City of Matlosana Local Municipality (previously City Council of Klerksdorp) is a Category B municipality situated within the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District in the North West Province. It is bordered by the Ngaka Modiri Molema District in the north, the Free State Province in the south, JB Marks in the east, and Maquassi Hills in the west. It is the smallest of the three municipalities that make up the district, accounting for a quarter of its geographical area.

Area: 3 602km2

Cities/Towns: Hartbeesfontein, Klerksdorp, Orkney, Stilfontein

Main Economic Sectors: Mining, agriculture, manufacturing, services, construction, transport


Population: 417 282

No Schooling: 7.9%

Households: 135 894

Population Growth: 1.04% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 41.0%

Formal Dwellings: 89.2%


Composition of Council: ANC 40, DA 16, EFF 9, VF PLUS 7, F4SD 2, PA 2, ACDP 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Nonhlupheko Tsolela

Speaker: Ms Stella Mondlane

Chief Whip: Khayalethu Ndincede

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full
Stilfontein Potchefstroom Ventersdorp
Makwassie Leeudoringstad
INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 213 735208 633201 177 Total Expenditure 200 086194 717168 612 Surplus/(Deficit) 13 64913 91632 565 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 11 7652 5502 356 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 139 993136 790108 935 Total Current Liabilities 59 36763 30355 854 Community Wealth/Equity 142 46370 14766 652 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 462 51997 408Cash at Year End 549 691171 11736 031 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 26 59060 497 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 178 160 Vacant Positions 0 8 Managerial Positions 25 25 Vacant Managerial Positions 0 8 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 106 62399 546

Other Council: Mr SPJ Bogatsu (MMC: Municipal Public Accounts [MPAC]), Vusimuzi Mohapi Chinga (Single Whip), Mr SJ Daemane (MMC: Public Safety), Mr TG Khoza (MMC: Economic Growth and Marketing), Mr PF Mabeli (MMC: Sports, Arts and Culture), Ms NI Matetoane (MMC: Transversal Issues), Ms NS Mendela (MMC: Community Services), Ms ML Mojaki (MMC: Corporate Services), Mr SD Montoedi (MMC: Electrical Engineering), Mr MF Nthaba (MMC: Infrastructure and Utilities), Mr FI Tagaree (MMC: Finance and Debt Normalisation Committee), Ms TO Vilakazi (MMC: Housing, Land and Rural Development)

Municipal Manager: Mr TSR Nkhumise

Chief Financial Officer: Mr N Grond, Mr Oupa Kgoete (Acting)

Senior Management: Mr B Choche, Mr LL Fourie, Mr R Madimutsa (Director: Technical and Infrastructure), Mrs MM Molawa (Director: Community Development), Mr LJ Nkhumane (Director: Public Safety), Ms L Seametso (Director: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: N Makgetha



PHYSICAL: 35 Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom, 2531

TEL: 018 299 5111 FAX: 018 297 0477

EMAIL: council@jbmarks.gov.za

WEB: www.jbmarks.co.za


Description: The JB Marks Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District in the North West Province. It is the largest municipality of three in the district, making up almost half its geographical area. It was established by the amalgamation of the Ventersdorp and Tlokwe City Council Local Municipalities in August 2016.

The N12 route that connects Johannesburg and Cape Town via the city of Kimberley runs through the municipality. The main railway route from Gauteng to the Northern and Western Cape also runs through one of the municipality’s main cities, Potchefstroom. The City is 145km south-east of OR Tambo International Airport but has its own airfield, which can accommodate bigger aircraft and was formerly a military air base.

Gold mining is the dominant economic activity in the district, with Potchefstroom and Ventersdorp being the only exceptions. While Ventersdorp to the north-west of Potchefstroom focuses on agricultural activity, Potchefstroom’s economic activity is driven by services and manufacturing. A big role-player in the provision of services in Potchefstroom is the world-class North-West University, which has its main campus in Potchefstroom.

Potchefstroom’s industrial zone has many companies, focusing mainly on the industries of steel, food and chemicals, with big entities such as King Korn, Kynoch, Naschem and the Soya Protein Process (SPP) company. Within the city centre, the infrastructure of Potchefstroom supports roughly 600 businesses.

Area: 6 398km2

Cities/Towns: Potchefstroom, Ventersdorp

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, community services, manufacturing, trade, finance, transport, mining


Population: 243 527

No Schooling: 8.9%

Households: 80 572

Population Growth: 2.36% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 43.3%

Formal Dwellings: 82.0%


The municipality is under S139(1)(b) administration, effective from August 2019.

Composition of Council: ANC 33, DA 17, VF PLUS 9, EFF 6, PA 2

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Executive Mayor: Mr Gaba Ka Qhele

Speaker: J Links

Chief Whip: J Links

Other Council: Mrs Loreal Tesnia Abrahams (MMC: Financial Management Services), Ms Gareth Ragovan Gareth Ragovan (MMC: Local Economic Development), Mr Ishmael Moilwa (MMC: Rural, Environment and Agricultural Development), Mrs Mantwa Matilda

Kasale (MMC: Community Services), Ms Mpho Patricia Kgasane (MMC: Infrastructure), Mr Komani Moses Maneli (MMC: Municipal Services), Mrs Mmasetlhake A Mapogoshe (MMC: Corporate Services), Mr Leon Musa Mkhabela (MMC: Community Safety), Mr Gerald Modise (MMC: Human Settlements), Mrs Thandiwe Prudence Mtayi (MMC: Transversal Services), Mrs Patricia Mtshali (MMC: Sport, Arts and Culture), Mr Ryan Clifton Swarts (Housing, Development and Planning)

Municipal Manager: Mr Bojelo Mosepele (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Kgomotso Kumbe (Acting)

Senior Management: Ms Kedumetse Batlhaodi (Project Management Unit), Ms Magda Cilliers (Head: Tourism and Marketing), Mr Chris de Jager (Head: Sewer Plant), Mr Neo Dlutu (Chief of Staff: Office of the Executive Mayor), Mr Moss Galeng (Head: Enterprise Development), Mr Cyril Phillip Henry (Director: Municipal Services and Local Economic Development), Mr Marius Lamprecht (Head: Land Development and Property Rights), Mr Jones Legoete (Head: Municipal Public Accounts Committee), Mr Moshe Legoete (Head: Building Inspectorate), Mr Linch Mafojane (Head: Water Purification Plant), Mr Jackson

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 3 571 5063 789 2002 973 191 Total Expenditure 2 599 8544 049 8523 514 282 Surplus/(Deficit) 971 652(260 652)(541 091) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 174 997191 47397 881 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 2 587 3561 194 9541 094 055 Total Current Liabilities 3 173 8782 827 3772 259 045 Community Wealth/Equity4 704 1264 312 6133 502 534 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 1 631 8051 865 8021 706 919 Cash at Year End 1 706 5322 026 8832 026 307 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 1 131 754726 789 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 9902 530 Vacant Positions 6 503 Managerial Positions 54 54 Vacant Managerial Positions 6 7 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 677 524665 212 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 170 392169 596 <200m from Yard 2 9622 962 Households - Free Basic Service20 65015 199 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served168 422168 335 Households - Free Basic Service20 65015 199 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage166 486165 535 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 1 6191 619 Ventilated Pit Latrine 2 5752 575 Households - Free Basic Service20 65015 199 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20

Mahlangu (Chief of Staff: Office of the Chief Whip), Mr Ofentse Masibi

(Director: Department Public Safety), Ms Lizzy Matjiane (Assistant Director: Human Settlements), Mr Lucas Matras (Head: Roads and Storm Water), Mr Oageng Melamu (Head: Town Planning), Mr Jomo Modise (Acting Director: Department Corporate Services), Mr Thabo Molambo

(Head: Information and Communication Technology), Mr Motseko

Mphasa (Chief of Staff: Office of the Speaker), Ms Monica Sentle (Head: Transversal Unit), Ms Sphiwe Serobatse (Head: Performance Management System), Mr Joseph Simango (IDP Coordinator), Mr Johan van den Berg (Acting Director: Department Technical Services), Mr Marius van der Walt (Head: Water and Sewerage) Communications Officers: Mr Victor Boqo (Mayoral Spokesperson), Mr William Maphosa (Head: Communications)


POSTAL: Private Bag X3, Wolmaransstad, 2630

PHYSICAL: 19 Kruger Street, Wolmaransstad

TEL: 018 065 0010 FAX: 018 596 1555

EMAIL: maggym@maquassihills.org

WEB: www.maquassihills.co.za


Description: The Maquassi Hills Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District in the North West Province. It is bordered by Tswaing in the north, the Free State Province in the south, City of Matlosana and the Free State in the east, and Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District in the west. It is one of the three municipalities that make up the district, accounting for a third of its geographical area. Area: 4 671km2

Cities/Towns: Leeudoringstad, Makwassie, Witpoort, Wolmaransstad

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture (49%), domestic (17%), community services (15%), manufacturing (14%)


Population: 82 012

No Schooling: 14.7%

Population Growth: 1.20% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 26.6%

Households: 24 076 Formal Dwellings: 85.5%


The municipality is under S139(1)(b) administration, effective from 1 September 2018.

Composition of Council: ANC 13, EFF 4, DA 2, F4SD 1, SAPA 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Mzwandile Feliti

Speaker: Ms Saboeng Sarah Nkatlo

Other Council: Mr M Hlongwane (Chairperson: MPAC), Mr T Malebatsaane (Exco Member), KA Mogape (Finance and Corporate Services), Mr R Moletsane (Exco Member), Mrs N Monewang (Exco Member), KS Seakane (Community and Technical Services)

Municipal Manager: Mr KJ Leseisane

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Lentekile Mogoemang

Senior Management: Mr Peter Bolao (Manager: LED), Ms Anna Galeboe (Supply Chain Manager), Mr Johannes (Acting Divisional Head: Electrical), Mr J Leseisane (Director: Corporate Services), MZ Mocoancoeng (Manager: IDP), Mr Star Mokoto (Manager: PMS),

Mr Vincent Motlashuping (Divisional Head: Roads and Storm Water), Mr James Muller (Divisional Head: Water and Sanitation), Mr M Mwase (Director: Engineering Services), Mr PD Namane (Manager: Office of the Municipal Manager), Mr V Nicodemus (Director: Community Services), Mrs Janet Rudman (Divisional Head: Administration), Mr BV Sebekedi (Director: Community Safety)

Communications Officers: Mr Scotch Lehloenya

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 748 9511 744 7501 552 901 Total Expenditure 1 788 1291 864 3981 668 208 Surplus/(Deficit) (39 178)(119 648)(115 208) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 115 63729 09448 926 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 1 615 6111 555 9541 239 050 Total Current Liabilities 1 293 2941 146 426733 362 Community Wealth/Equity3 668 0933 787 7414 045 671 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (1 921 851) -Cash at Year End (1 526 338)237 528230 532 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 365 869349 083 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 5761 610 Vacant Positions 250321 Managerial Positions 48 38 Vacant Managerial Positions 9 7 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 492 446451 727 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 55 70355 703 <200m from Yard 2 5002 500 Households - Free Basic Service13 33113 331 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served57 31356 975 Households - Free Basic Service14 34914 349 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage55 70355 703 Ventilated Pit Latrine 352352 Other 6 8316 831 Households - Free Basic Service9 1129 112 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Disclaimer of audit Disclaimer of audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 557 969546 479497 080 Total Expenditure 651 405583 754678 571 Surplus/(Deficit) (93 436)(37 275)(181 491) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 20 86141 2798 501 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 142 356309 682157 896 Total Current Liabilities 699 432701 440636 961 Community Wealth/Equity 778 019872 548975 999 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 383 295295 299Cash at Year End 411 834320 93816 730 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 145 605362 898 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 231300 Vacant Positions 1 68 Managerial Positions 21 24 Vacant Managerial Positions 1 5 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 90 22277 056 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 19 20217 005 <200m from Yard 1 3342 605 Households - Free Basic Service4 646 4 595 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served24 06621 637 Households - Free Basic Service1 3092 500 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage16 99916 999 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 2 8172 817 Households - Free Basic Service4 646 4 595 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS




POSTAL: PO Box 21, Vryburg, 8600

PHYSICAL: 34 Church Street, Vryburg, 8601

TEL: 053 928 6400 FAX: 053 927 2401

WEB: drrsmdm.gov.za


Description: The Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District Municipality (previously Bophirima District Municipality) is a Category C municipality located in the North West Province. It is bordered by Ngaka Modiri Molema and Dr Kenneth Kaunda in the north, and John Taolo Gaetsewe in the south, which is a cross-boundary within the Northern Cape. It is the largest district in the province, making up almost half of its geographical area.

The district municipality comprises five local municipalities: Naledi, Greater Taung, Kagisano-Molopo, Mamusa and Lekwa-Teemane. It is one of four districts in the province, with poor rural areas, formerly situated in the former Bophuthatswana homeland.

With the population situated in more than 470 villages and towns dispersed in a 250km radius (approximately 50km north to south and 200km east to west), this district presents unique management and organisational challenges.

Area: 43 753km2

Main Economic Sectors: Community services (33.1%), agriculture (17.1%), finance (16.2%), trade (12.7%), transport (9%), manufacturing (4%), mining (3.2%), construction (3.2%)


Population: 459 357 Population Growth: -0.22% p.a.

No Schooling: 15.5% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 27.3%

Households: 127 103 Formal Dwellings: 89.9%



Composition of Council: ANC 7, EFF 3, AICM 1, DA 1 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: n/a

Executive Mayor: Mr Motseokae Alpheus Sense Maje

Speaker: Ms Kgalalelo Sereko

Other Council: Ms L Duiker (MMC: Planning and Development),

Mr L Jacobs (MMC: Corporate Services), Ms G Masilo (MMC: Budget and Treasury), Mr ST Matobo (MMC: Economic Development, Tourism and Agriculture), Mr P Seapamere (MMC: Engineering and Technical Services), Ms B Setlhabetsi-Mokone (MMC: Community Services)

Municipal Manager: Mr IR Jonas

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Lekuba Malema

Senior Management: Mr P Chwene (Manager: Office of the Municipal Manager), Mr N Colane (Acting Senior Manager: Planning and Development), Mr M Mashati (Acting: Chief Audit Executive), Mr GSD Moreosele (Acting Senior Manager: Corporate Services), Mr J Seichoko (Acting Senior Manager: Technical and Engineering Services), Mr Karel Vogt (Senior Manager: Community Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Joseph Motlhasedi (Manager: Communications)



POSTAL: Private Bag X1048, Taung, 8580

PHYSICAL: Main Road, Taung Station, Taung

TEL: 053 994 9400 FAX: 053 994 3917

WEB: gtlm.gov.za


Description: The Greater Taung Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District in the North West Province. It is one of the five municipalities that make up the district. The municipal area is predominantly rural and contains 106 widely scattered villages.

Greater Taung has a rich heritage that visitors can explore. The area also has strong agricultural significance in the South African economy. The Taung Skull Heritage Route is a fascinating journey of discovery. The route follows an area in which early man once lived, and it has many sites that show us the existence and evolution of our ancient ancestors. Spanning more than 45km, the route includes several natural wonders, such as Thomeng (an unusual limestone waterfall) and Blue Pools (a collection of rock pools, streams and caves in a valley). It was at the limestone diggings on this route, at the old Buxton quarry, that the lime-encrusted skull of a child was found in 1924. The site is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and a monument has been put in place to mark the discovery.

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.
NALEDI GREATER TAUNG LEKWA-TEEMANE MAMUSA KAGISANOMOLOPO Stella Vryburg Schweizer-Reneke Bloemhof Christiana Taung Amalia Reivilo
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Disclaimer of audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 863 407703 454705 556 Total Expenditure 656 228573 407592 107 Surplus/(Deficit) 207 179130 047113 449 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 1 626 5981 391 4801 117 890 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 494 440265 730248 921 Total Current Liabilities 1 107 174821 568747 505 Community Wealth/Equity2 776 4092 640 5852 560 424 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 329 00727 74015 702 Cash at Year End 346 00256 43548 897 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 211 286615 877 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 260 152 Vacant Positions 2 37 Managerial Positions 35 35 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 2 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 146 642131 069

Area: 5 637km2

Cities/Towns: Pudimoe, Reivilo, Taung

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, tourism, culture


Population: 167 827 Population Growth: -1.29% p.a.

No Schooling: 13.8% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 24.1%

Households: 46 168 Formal Dwellings: 90.3%


Composition of Council: ANC 28, EFF 11, AICM 2, F4SD 2, ACDP 1, AIC 1, DA 1, NFP 1, PA 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Kgosi Nyoko Motlhabane

Speaker: Mr Ebusang Tladi

Chief Whip: Masego Mokua

Other Council: Lebogang Gaoboihi (Chairperson: Community Services and Local Development), Lekgotla Menyatso (Chairperson: Infrastructure, Human Settlement and Land Use), Mr Rodgers Mongale (Chairperson: Information and Communications Technology), Nosi Ntasi

(Chairperson: Finance)

Municipal Manager: Mr Katlego Gabanakgosi

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Victor Chuene

Senior Management: Tshepang Baloyi (Manager: LED), Ms Grace

Moipolai Grace Moipolai (Corporate Governance, HR, Planning, Communication and Marketing), Mr Hendrick Keohitlhetse (Acting

Director: Technical Services), Paballo Ntlharipane (Acting Director: Community Services), Ms Beauty Tlholagae (Acting Director: Human Settlement and Land Use)

Communications Officers: Mr Ricky Oliphant



POSTAL: Private Bag X522, Ganyesa, 8613

PHYSICAL: Municipal Offices (Next to Ganyesa Health Clinic), Ganyesa

TEL: 053 998 4455 FAX: 053 998 3711

WEB: www.kmlm.gov.za


Description: The Kagisano-Molopo Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District in the North West Province. It borders on the Kgalagadi District of the Republic of Botswana to the north, Greater Taung to the south, the Northern Cape Province to the south-west, Naledi to the south-east, and Ratlou to the east.

It is the largest of the five municipalities that make up the district, accounting for just over half of its geographical area. It was created during the local government elections of 18 May 2011 by merging the Kagisano and Molopo Municipalities.

Area: 23 827km2

Cities/Towns: Piet Plessis, Pomfret

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, farming


Population: 102 703

No Schooling: 25.7%

Households: 28 274

Population Growth: -0.67% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 22.2%

Formal Dwellings: 94.4%


Composition of Council: ANC 20, EFF 4, AICM 2, DA 2, UCDP 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Tshireletso Marabutse

Speaker: OP Moirwagale

Chief Whip: SK Moreki

Other Council: Phenyo Baikgaki (MMC: Infrastructure), Evelyn Chweneemang (MMC: Budget and Treasury Office), Ponatshego Mereyabone (MMC: Corporate Services and Support), Portia Moagaesi (MMC: Planning and Development)

Municipal Manager: Mr Sello Maroga (Administrator)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Rowen Ferris

Senior Management: Mr Lentikile Bogodile (IDP Manager), Boitshoko Madumo (Director: Community Services, LED and Tourism), Mr Kagiso Morapedi (Acting Director: Planning and Development), Obed Ntsimane (Director: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Takatso Senye (Manager: Communications)

to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions.
more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.
*Unaudited full year figures.
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/22*2020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Disclaimer of audit Disclaimer of audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 261 543354 512304 122 Total Expenditure 266 498322 548289 821 Surplus/(Deficit) (4 955)31 96414 301 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 64 75882 058153 120 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 149 197180 897175 831 Total Current Liabilities 72 94241 52933 790 Community Wealth/Equity870 426849 130802 755 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 125 177320 701(118 956) Cash at Year End 194 448373 601103 815 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 31 45754 753 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 303 315 Vacant Positions 0 15 Managerial Positions 24 32 Vacant Managerial Positions 0 8 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 113 181 0 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 639639 <200m from Yard 2 0392 039 Households - Free Basic Service210 530 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served38 48136 883 Households - Free Basic Service11 61913 471 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage2 6232 122 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 246 639 Households - Free Basic Service210188
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 0237 917200 438 Total Expenditure n/a 184 949186 144 Surplus/(Deficit) n/a 52 96714 294 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE n/a (11 341)54 178 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets n/a 28 501(17 109) Total Current Liabilities n/a 390 1 859 Community Wealth/Equity n/a -CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow n/a 5421 986 Cash at Year End n/a (16 008)(32 971) UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 148 64549 869 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 111 113 Vacant Positions 4 9 Managerial Positions 17 17 Vacant Managerial Positions 4 5 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 52 42941 804 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served29 85928 442 Households - Free Basic Service2 0642 391 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: PO Box 13, Christiana, 2680

PHYSICAL: Cnr Robyn & Dirkie Uys Streets, Christiana

TEL: 053 441 2206 FAX: 053 441 3735

EMAIL: registry@lekwa-teemane.co.za

WEB: www.lekwateemane.co.za


Description: The Lekwa-Teemane Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District Municipality in the North West Province. It neighbours the following municipalities: Maquassi Hills, Mamusa, the Frances Baard District and Magareng. It is one of five municipalities in the district. Lekwa-Teemane was established on 6 December 2000.

Christiana is an agricultural town situated on the banks of the Vaal River. The town was established in 1870, when diamonds were discovered in the river banks.

Not far from Christiana is the agricultural town of Bloemhof. It was founded in 1864 and established on the farm owned by John Barclay, who survived the HMS Birkenhead shipwreck in 1852. The place became known as Bloemhof (flower court) because of the lovely gardens that were planted there by Barclay’s daughter.

Area: 3 654km2

Cities/Towns: Bloemhof, Christiana

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture and hunting (12.6%), transport (8%), finance and insurance (7.6%)


Population: 56 025

Population Growth: 1.16% p.a.

No Schooling: 9.6% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 32.9%

Households: 16 496 Formal Dwellings: 93.3%


Composition of Council: ANC 7, EFF 4, DA 1, F4SD 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Mayor: Mr Motlhabi

Speaker: Mpho Pilane

Chief Whip: Matshidiso Hossain

Other Council: Kgalalelo Majahe (Chairperson: Finance and Corporate Services Portfolio Committee), Mr Elias Majikela (Whip), Ms Lydia Segola (Chairperson: Community Services and LED Portfolio Committee)

Municipal Manager: Ms T Mbonani



POSTAL: PO Box 5, Schweizer-Reneke, 2780

PHYSICAL: 28 Schweizer Street, Schweizer-Reneke

TEL: 053 963 1331 FAX: 053 963 2474

EMAIL: mainej@mamusa.gov.za


Description: The Mamusa Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District Municipality in the North West Province. It is bordered by the Ngaka Modiri Molema District in the north, Greater Taung and Lekwa-Teemane in the south, the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District in the east, and Naledi in the west.

It is the smallest of the five municipalities that make up the district, accounting for 8% of its geographical area. The seat of the municipality is Schweizer-Reneke.

Area: 3 603km2

Cities/Towns: Amalia, Schweizer-Reneke

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, alluviale mining


Population: 64 000 Population Growth: 1.33% p.a.

No Schooling: 16.0% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 25.8%

Households: 15 473 Formal Dwellings: 83.5%

Chief Financial Officer: Mokgopane Thokoane

Senior Management: Pakiso Leshage (Manager: LED), Tebogo Lesie (Director: Community Services), Oatile Letebele (Director: Corporate Services), Mr Brian Segapo (Director: Technical Services)

Communications Officers: Oatile Letebele FINANCIAL


Composition of Council: ANC 9, EFF 4, AICM 1, DA 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Mr Mita Chelechele

Speaker: Mr Olebogeng Mogorosi

Other Council: Mr Jan Z Jengeca (MPAC), EK Maine (Technical Services), LR Silane (Finance)

Administrator: Ms Charmaine Perreira

Municipal Manager: Mr Ranko Gincane

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Mercy Phetla

Senior Management: O Kgadiete (Manager: LED), Ms Elizabeth Dikagisho Mokoma (Community Services), Ms Lerato M Ramorola (Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Jerry Maine

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.

INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Disclaimer of audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 322 960434 736369 645 Total Expenditure 305 172683 999436 992 Surplus/(Deficit) 17 788(249 263)(67 347) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 66 72348 85534 978 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 160 63329 643261 288 Total Current Liabilities 835 456705 657612 516 Community Wealth/Equity 103 886317 191205 164 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (2 114)368 487 Cash at Year End (2 117) 358 (10 050) UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 301 827203 276 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 248 202 Vacant Positions 3 10 Managerial Positions 24 25 Vacant Managerial Positions 3 0 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 74 20468 110 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 17 19817 198 Households - Free Basic Service7 3727 372 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served17 41717 417 Households - Free Basic Service7 3727 372 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage14 70614 706 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 880880 Ventilated Pit Latrine 1 6121 612 Households - Free Basic Service7 3727 372
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/22*2020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Disclaimer of audit Disclaimer of audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 187 730282 480193 287 Total Expenditure 171 912239 474216 868 Surplus/(Deficit) 15 81743 006(23 581) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 27 07842 76132 531 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/22*2020/212019/20



POSTAL: PO Box 35, Vryburg, 8600

PHYSICAL: 19A Market Street, Vryburg

TEL: 053 928 2200 FAX: 053 927 3482

EMAIL: info.naledilm@gmail.com

WEB: www.naledilm.co.za


Description: The Naledi Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the western part of the Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District in the North West Province. It is bordered by the Ngaka Modiri Molema District in the north, Greater Taung in the south, Mamusa in the east, and Kagisano-Molopo in the west.

It is the second-largest of the five municipalities that make up the district, accounting for 16% of its geographical area. It is known as the Texas of South Africa because of the cattle breeding and agricultural activities that take place there.

Area: 7 032km2

Cities/Towns: Stella, Vryburg

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture and hunting (27.8%)


Population: 68 803 Population Growth: 0.68% p.a. No Schooling: 10.2% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 37.3%

Households: 20 692 Formal Dwellings: 84.9%


The municipality is under S139(1)(b) administration, effective from 1 September 2018.

Composition of Council: ANC 10, DA 3, EFF 3, AICM 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr CJ Groep (Mayor and Chairperson: Executive Committee)

Speaker: Mr PGC Gulane

Chief Whip: ME Letshwene

Other Council: Mr WM Letshwene (Chairperson: Infrastructure, Basic Services and Economic Development), Mr FD Mgida (Community Services, Housing and Tourism), Ms H van Huyssteen (Chairperson: Finance/Budget, Treasury Office and Corporate Services)

Municipal Manager: Mr Modisenyane Segapo

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Kagisho Maruping

Senior Management: Mr TN Appolus (Executive Manager: Corporate Service and Administration), Mr Tshepo Goralotse (Manager: LED), Mrs E Makgatlhela (Executive Manager: Community Services), Mr OP Makobo (Manager: LED), Mr SN Mongale (Director: Technical Services)

Communications Officers: Ms Kopano Portia, Mr Bokao Atwell Setlhapo

full year figures.
Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more
demographic, employment and
delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited
FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 111 34452 91678 936 Total Current Liabilities 375 951315 338252 540 Community Wealth/Equity 291 767289 846305 850 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 130 337216 837231 536 Cash at Year End 100 73054 24169 919 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 173 698 92 492 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 199 324 Vacant Positions 1 66 Managerial Positions 16 10 Vacant Managerial Positions 1 0 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 63 50055 789 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 13 31113 291 <200m from Yard 1 5001 500 >200m from Yard 2 0802 080 Households - Free Basic Service850850 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served15 52215 072 Households - Free Basic Service850850 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage7 9707 970 Ventilated Pit Latrine 5 1135 113 Bucket System 197197 Households - Free Basic Service850850
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Disclaimer of audit Disclaimer of audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 420 311426 759387 601 Total Expenditure 518 231458 432497 667 Surplus/(Deficit) (97 920)(31 673)(110 066) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 41 042(5 619)29 784 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 243 838267 475221 740 Total Current Liabilities 907 655820 318708 482 Community Wealth/Equity(35 377)(14 654)754 480 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 168 549178 105(131) Cash at Year End 221 949204 07054 263 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 36 728261 503 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 667 932 Vacant Positions 3 3 Managerial Positions 35 44 Vacant Managerial Positions 3 3 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 188 520151 597 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 18 14916 935 <200m from Yard 1 8451 842 >200m from Yard 4 0504 050 Households - Free Basic Service4 5861 907 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served18 09017 577 Households - Free Basic Service2 1781 907 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage14 39914 399 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 943943 Ventilated Pit Latrine 2 2862 286 Bucket System 128128 Households - Free Basic Service4 1581 907




POSTAL: Private Bag X2167, Mahikeng, 2745

PHYSICAL: Cnr Carrington Street & 1st Avenue, Industrial Site, Mahikeng

TEL: 018 381 9400 FAX: 018 381 0561

EMAIL: municipalmanager@nmmdm.gov.za

WEB: www.nmmdm.gov.za


Description: The Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality is a Category C municipality and one of four district municipalities in the North West Province. It is situated centrally within the province and shares an international border with Botswana. It is comprised of five local municipalities: Mahikeng, Ratlou, Ramotshere Moiloa, Ditsobotla and Tswaing.

The district is home to Mahikeng (previously Mafikeng), the capital of the province. Aptly named, the capital is nicknamed ’The City of Goodwill’, which is also the city’s slogan. It is a rapidly growing, modern, residential, administrative and commercial town, which contrasts with its fascinating history.

Area: 28 125km2

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, tourism, mining


Population: 889 108

Population Growth: 1.22% p.a.

No Schooling: 11.6% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 32.8%

Households: 269 977 Formal Dwellings: 82.7%


The municipality is under S139(1)(b) administration, effective from 1 September 2018.

Composition of Council: ANC 10, EFF 3, DA 2, F4SD 1, VF PLUS 1 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: n/a

Executive Mayor: Mr Tshepo Justice Makolomakwa

Speaker: Ms Yoliswa Sechoaro

Chief Whip: Ms Itumeleng Lethoko

Other Council: Ms Priscilla Kwanaite (MMC: Community Services), Mr Eric Landsman (MMC: Special Projects), Phemelo Malebelela (Finance, Economic and Enterprise Development), Mr Gilbert Mathakathaka (MMC: Public Works and Basic Services), Mr Molefe Morutse (MMC: IDP, Planning and Development), Segametsi Ntladi (MMC: LED and Interventions), Ms Mmathapelo Tlhako (MMC: Corporate Resources Support Services), Mr OJ Tselapedi (Chairperson: MPAC)

Municipal Manager: Mr Allan Olehile Losaba, Ms Gaolatlhe Nkoane

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Sicelo Sydney Mphato

Senior Management: Ms Mmapula Dorcas Dambuza (Senior Manager: Corporate Support Services), Mr Gift Ditsele (Manager: LED), Ms Merriam Kgomotso Mahlobo (Senior Manager: IDP, Planning and Development), Mr Abe Metswamere (Senior Manager: Community Services and Safety), Ms Dineo Mongwaketsi (Internal Audit Executive), Ms Selebatso Mavis Nkadimang (Senior Manager: Community Services), Mr Mohamed Jafer Rassool (Senior Manager: Public Works and Basic Services)



POSTAL: PO Box 7, Litchtenburg, 2740

PHYSICAL: Cnr Nelson Mandela Drive & Transvaal Street, Litchtenburg

TEL: 018 633 3800 FAX: 018 632 5247

WEB: www.ditsobotla.gov.za


Description: The Ditsobotla Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Ngaka Modiri Molema District in the North West Province. It is one of the five municipalities in the district, making up almost a quarter of its geographical area. The seat of the


local municipality is Lichtenburg. The municipality was established through the amalgamation of the former Lichtenburg, Coligny and Biesiesvlei Transitional Councils.

Its main attractions are cultural, heritage and agricultural museums; the burning vlei – a unique vlei consisting of the thick layers of subterranean peat that burnt for years, creating a rare natural phenomenon; the Lichtenburg Game Breeding Centre; Eufees and Duch Roode Dams, situated between the CBD and Burgersdorp; and Molopo Oog/Wondergat.

Area: 6 387km2

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

full year figures.
TSWAING RATLOU MAHIKENG DITSOBOTLA RAMOTSHERE MOILOA Disaneng Mmabatho Mahikeng Slurry Zeerust Groot Marico Delareyville Madibogo Ottosdal Sannieshof Coligny Lichtenburg Bakerville
Communications Officers: Ms Lehlohonolo March INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Adverse audit Adverse audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 231 1831 261 5021 082 760 Total Expenditure 1 239 9741 062 5461 062 968 Surplus/(Deficit) (8 791)198 95619 791 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 11 061 34510 690 06310 454 038 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 1 118 1781 142 418867 347 Total Current Liabilities 818 047702 579602 578 Community Wealth/Equity5 467 9155 272 9995 252 515 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow - -Cash at Year End 289 303555 275353 026 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 492 2001 073 364 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 733 1 181 Vacant Positions 1 3 Managerial Positions 39 41 Vacant Managerial Positions 1 3 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 367 280337 994 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water <200m from Yard 18 09718 097 >200m from Yard 24 24624 246 Sewerage Ventilated Pit Latrine 15 69415 694 Other 48 87048 870
Cities/Towns: Biesiesvlei, Coligny, Lichtenburg

Main Economic Sectors: Manufacturing (38.5%), agriculture (16.5%), wholesale and retail (7.4%)


Population: 181 865

Population Growth: 1.94% p.a.

No Schooling: 8.9% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 31.3%

Households: 54 154 Formal Dwellings: 80.5%


The municipality is under S139(1)(b) administration.

Composition of Council: ANC 16, EFF 10, DA 6, PA 2, F4SD 2, AHC 1, SAVE DITSOBOTLA MOVEMENT 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Mayor: Boitumelo Lethoko

Speaker: Ms Mpho Lekaba

Chief Whip: Kgotso Montso Jano

Municipal Manager: Mr T Shema (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Letlhogonolo Mokoena

Senior Management: Mr Mali Ledwaba (Department Head: Human Resources Department and Acting Director: Corporate Services Department), Mr Rasupang Mooketsi (Acting Director: Community Services Department), Mr Thami Mtshali (Acting Director: Technical Services Department)

Communications Officers: Mr Pius Batsile



POSTAL: Private Bag X63, Mmabatho, 2735

PHYSICAL: Cnr University Drive & Hector Peterson Street, Mmabatho

TEL: 018 389 0111 FAX: 018 384 4830

EMAIL: communications@mafikeng.gov.za

WEB: www.mahikeng.gov.za


Description: The Mahikeng Local Municipality (previously Mafikeng Local Municipality) is a Category B municipality located within the Ngaka Modiri Molema District in Mahikeng (previously Mafikeng), the capital city of the North West Province. It is situated next to the Botswana border, and is just a three-hour drive from Johannesburg and about 294km from Pretoria.

Mahikeng is the smallest of the five municipalities in the district. It is the seat of the Provincial Legislature and the majority of the National State Departments regional offices. It was brought about by the new Local Government transformation in South Africa. Its rich and diverse history dates back to 1852, when the town was founded, and 1899 to 1902 during the Anglo-Boer War, the Mafikeng Siege. Its town is home to the Mahikeng Museum, with its antique steel ceiling, old town clock, Sol Plaatje’s history, and display of rock species. The Mahikeng Airport, situated 5km west of the Mmabatho CBD, boasts a landing strip of 4.6km, one of the longest runways in the world. Area: 3 646km2

Cities/Towns: Mahikeng, Mmabatho, Ottoshoop

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, mining, manufacturing, trade and tourism


Population: 314 394

No Schooling: 7.1%

Population Growth: 1.72% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 40.7%

Households: 103 333 Formal Dwellings: 86.8%


The municipality is under S139(1)(b) administration, effective from 1 September 2018.

Composition of Council: ANC 39, EFF 18, DA 5, F4SD 2, UCDP 2, ACDP 1, AIC 1, PA 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Mr Tshepiso Mphehlo

Speaker: Ms Gagoangwe Mathe

Chief Whip: Ms Minametsi Euricia Moeti

Other Council: Ms Ntswaki Monnapulaane (MMC: Corporate Support Services), Mr Tshepiso Motshabi (MMC: Socio-Economic Development), Mr Bongani Ngobeni (MMC: Finance), Ms Koyose Phetha (MMC: Public Safety), Mr Morulaganyi Segoe (MMC: Infrastructure), Mr Stephen van Rooyen (MMC: Communication Services)

Municipal Manager: Adv DI Mongwaketsi

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Reubuen Attie Morris

Senior Management: Mr Tholo Kgotlagomang (Manager: Stakeholder Relations), Mr Thabo Marumo (Director: Public Safety), Mr John Mashego (Head of Office), Mrs Karabo Masuku Karabo Masuku (Director: Corporate Support Services), Mr Archibald Vusumzi Mogatle (Manager: Special Programmes), Mrs Matlhapi Moloi-Tsae (Director: Infrastructure), Mr Johnny Nkoane (Manager: Protocol), Mrs Khumo Nyembe (Director: Community Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Johnny Nkoane

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Disclaimer of audit Disclaimer of audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 0659 262614 818 Total Expenditure n/a 608 009931 325 Surplus/(Deficit) n/a 51 253(316 507) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE n/a 45 8419 447 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets n/a 566 166455 430 Total Current Liabilities n/a 1 185 555840 831 Community Wealth/Equity n/a 300 620929 216 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow n/a 1 123 203535 805 Cash at Year End n/a 1 123 203546 063 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 276 58695 240 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 542588 Vacant Positions 9 71 Managerial Positions 28 30 Vacant Managerial Positions 9 11 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 199 026202 786 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 33 19833 198 <200m from Yard 19 04919 049 >200m from Yard 141 141 Households - Free Basic Service6 0316 031 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served50 28146 825 Households - Free Basic Service1 8831 883 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage17 56214 745 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 1 5001 678 Ventilated Pit Latrine 17 20117 201 Bucket System 2 3002 992 Households - Free Basic Service6 0316 031 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20
AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 067 166978 3821 130 672 Total Expenditure 787 027 1 113 225606 919 Surplus/(Deficit) 280 139(134 844)523 753 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 103 218119 416908 940 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 886 254515 079633 832 Total Current Liabilities 979 324942 7171 072 367 Community Wealth/Equity1 487 7411 081 921657 832 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 772 029774 3552 330 797 Cash at Year End 711 334149 0902 075 489 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 331 133385 224
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/22*2020/212019/20



POSTAL: PO Box 92, Zeerust, 2865

PHYSICAL: Cnr President & Coetzee Streets, Zeerust

TEL: 018 642 1081 FAX: 018 642 1175 / 018 642 2618

EMAIL: communications@ramotshere.gov.za

WEB: www.ramotshere.gov.za


Description: The Ramotshere Moiloa Local Municipality (previously Zeerust Local Municipality) is a Category B municipality situated within the Ngaka Modiri Molema District in the North West Province. It is bordered by Botswana and the Limpopo Province in the north, Mahikeng and Ditsobotla in the south, the Bojanala Platinum District in the east, and Botswana in the west.

It is the largest municipality of the five that make up the district, accounting for a quarter of its geographical area. The seat of the municipality is Zeerust.

Area: 7 323km2

Cities/Towns: Groot Marico, Zeerust


Population: 157 690 Population Growth: 0.74% p.a.

No Schooling: 15.5% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 34.6%

Households: 48 070 Formal Dwellings: 78.0%


The municipality is under S139 administration, for the reasons contained in ss 138 (c) and (d) of the Municipal Finance Management Act.

Composition of Council: ANC 23, EFF 6, F4SD 5, DA 1, UCDP 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Ms Dinah Modukanele

Speaker: Kerileng Kadi

Other Council: B Cassanga (MMC), K Dreyer (MMC), Mr Ramojakgomo

Mojapelo (MMC: Municipal Planning and Development), Ms Morufa

Moloto (MMC: Budget and Treasury Office), L Motsokwane (MMC: Chairperson – Finance), B Safi (MMC), Mr B Selebogo (MMC: Chairperson – Corporate Services), Mr Tiro Seleka (Community Services)

Municipal Manager: Mr Ramokatane Mogale (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr L Mariha (Acting)



POSTAL: Private Bag X209, Madibogo, 2772

PHYSICAL: R507 Delareyville Road, Next to Setlagole Library, Setlagole Village

TEL: 018 330 7000 FAX: 018 330 7047

WEB: www.ratlou.gov.za


Description: The Ratlou Local Municipality (previously Setla-Kgobi Local Municipality) is a Category B municipality situated within the Ngaka Modiri Molema District in the North West Province. It shares its borders with three other municipalities and the Republic of Botswana. It is one of the five municipalities that make up the district, and is divided into 14 wards. Owing to its nature as a rural municipality, Ratlou does not have large economic centres within its jurisdiction. Most government services are conducted from various centres that are mainly located in Setlagole.

Senior Management: Mrs Mpho Mathye (Chief Audit Executive), Mr B Molebatsi (Manager), Mr MT Mpshe (Technical Services), Mr Godfrey Bakang Selebogo (Corporate Services), Mr T Seleka (Community Services)

Communications Officers: Mrs Dirontsho Sebego (Communication Manager)

Area: 4 884km2

Cities/Towns: Disaneng, Kraaipan, Madibogo, Setlagole

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, mining, tourism


Population: 106 108

Population Growth: -0.26% p.a.

No Schooling: 19.0% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 16.1%

Households: 29 120

Formal Dwellings: 81.8%


This municipality has been placed under S139 administration. Composition of Council: ANC 19, EFF 3, F4SD 3, DA 1, UCDP 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Matlhomola Ronald Jafta

Speaker: Ms Gloria Leepo

Chief Whip: Keemeteng Francisco Ntwe

Other Council: Mrs Pontsho Mafethe ang Mothibedi (Exco Member),

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

full year figures. EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 852 806 Vacant Positions 5 3 Managerial Positions 40 41 Vacant Managerial Positions 5 3 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 370 863340 269
SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 16 98416 608 Households - Free Basic Service3 3763 376 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served79 06076 786 Households - Free Basic Service3 3763 376 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage16 98416 608 Households - Free Basic Service3 3763 376
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Disclaimer of audit Disclaimer of audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 392 386 375 875 348 537 Total Expenditure 411 780360 031338 256 Surplus/(Deficit) (19 394)15 84410 281 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE (584)25 46239 752 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 15 79241 38138 619 Total Current Liabilities 10 1399 47546 586 Community Wealth/Equity 8172 033(13 496) CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 2 9469 78623 705 Cash at Year End 2 50914 9964 936 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 152 83165 595 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 388462 Vacant Positions 2 110 Managerial Positions 32 40 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 8 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 153 664144 406 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 11 00110 939 <200m from Yard 22 50022 500 Households - Free Basic Service1 1921 192 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served42 72542 070 Households - Free Basic Service5 0295 054 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage11 00110 376 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 247247 Ventilated Pit Latrine 4 6184 618 Households - Free Basic Service1 5041 504

Mrs Kegomoditswe Badirwang (Exco Member), Lerato Godi (Infrastructure and Technical Services Portfolio), Mr Godsend Mokgope

(Chairperson: MPAC), Ms Elizabeth Phaedi (Acting Mayor and Corporate Services and Finance Portfolio), Mr David Seitshiro (Community Services and LED Portfolio)

Municipal Manager: Mr Tebogo Chanda

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Collen Tjale (Acting)

Senior Management: Mr Benjamin Sehole (Senior Manager: Technical Services)

Officers: Mr Lesego Metsi



POSTAL: PO Box 24, Delareyville, 2770

PHYSICAL: Cnr General Delarey & Government Streets, Delareyville

TEL: 053 948 9400 FAX: 053 948 1500

EMAIL: corporate@tswaing.gov.za

WEB: www.tswaing.gov.za


Description: The Tswaing Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the Ngaka Modiri Molema District in the North West Province. It is one of the five local municipalities in this district, making up almost a quarter of its geographical area.

Tswaing Local Municipality provides all the basic services in its area of jurisdiction except water and sanitation, which are provided by the Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality. The data from Global Insight Regional Explorer 593 indicates that there has been tremendous improvement in the allocation of services to the communities in the Tswaing Local Municipality, especially housing, water, electricity and sanitation.

Despite these positive results, the municipality still faces challenges with regards to backlogs in the provision of water, electricity, sanitation, roads and street lighting. The main reason for this is the increase in population in the past 10 years, partly due to evictions of people in the surrounding farms and partly because of the natural growth of the population.

Area: 5 885km2

Cities/Towns: Delareyville, Ottosdal, Sannieshof

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, small-scale mining


Population: 129 052

No Schooling: 16.8%

Households: 35 300

Population Growth: 0.87% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 24.1%

Formal Dwellings: 80.9%


This municipality has been placed under S139 administration.

Composition of Council: ANC 19, DA 4, EFF 4, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Norah Mahlangu

Speaker: Sam Letlakane

Other Council: Ms Puseletso Mokoto (Chairperson: Corporate Services), Mr Modisaotsile Molamuagae (Chairperson: Community Services), Mr Papi Molatudi (Chairperson: MPAC), Mr Nkagisang Molehabangwe

(Chairperson: Infrastructure), Mrs Soret Viljoen (Chairperson: Finance)

Municipal Manager: Mr Itumeleng Jonas

Chief Financial Officer: Mrs Stonea Pelele (Acting)

Senior Management: Mr Herman Kwenamore (Acting: Community Services Director), Ms Gomolemo Moipolai (Acting: Technical Director), Mr Boorman Phutiyagae (Acting Director: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Gift Maseng

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Disclaimer of audit Disclaimer of audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 60 677190 655169 316 Total Expenditure 32 891149 954144 952 Surplus/(Deficit) 27 787 40 70124 364 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 1 88524 0624 974 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 23 39438 71065 946 Total Current Liabilities (2 508)1 31326 562 Community Wealth/Equity -(2 940)(2 781) CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 81 712365 009306 249 Cash at Year End 81 712365 009307 341 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 92 90021 577 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 256400 Vacant Positions 5 8 Managerial Positions 28 32 Vacant Managerial Positions 5 8 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 88 59970 478 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 <200m from Yard 16 36016 360 >200m from Yard 12 76012 760 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served28 55927 999 Households - Free Basic Service7 7006 180 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 1 3241 324 Ventilated Pit Latrine 21 77321 773
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 305 198370 142292 094 Total Expenditure 122 970327 825303 459 Surplus/(Deficit) 182 22842 317(11 364) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 0 03 696 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 427 927265 867190 840 Total Current Liabilities 430 253405 184321 167 Community Wealth/Equity543 449630 847495 419 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (93 816)(130 696)Cash at Year End (79 143)(122 779) 874 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 238 959221 144 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 287 288 Vacant Positions 2 2 Managerial Positions 23 24 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 2 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 97 291105 675 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 17 36717 362 <200m from Yard 389389 >200m from Yard 11 01511 015 Households - Free Basic Service 369 214 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served27 68227 344 Households - Free Basic Service 369 214 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage12 90612 904 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 508500 Ventilated Pit Latrine 1 8821 882 Households - Free Basic Service 369 214 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20

The vast and arid Northern Cape is the largest province in South Africa, taking up nearly a third of the country’s land area. It covers an area of 372 889km2 and has a population of 1 193 780 the least populous of South Africa’s provinces. It is bordered by Namibia and Botswana to the north, and also by the North West, Free State, Eastern Cape and Western Cape Provinces. The cold Atlantic Ocean forms the province’s western boundary

The capital city is Kimberley Other important towns are Upington, centre of the karakul sheep and dried-fruit industries, and the most northerly winemaking region of South Africa; Springbok, which is in the heart of the Namaqualand spring-flower country; and Kuruman and De Aar, the location of the second most important junction of South Africa’s railway network. Sutherland is host to the southern hemisphere’s largest astronomical observatory, the multinational sponsored Southern African Large Telescope.

The Northern Cape is rich in minerals. Alluvial diamonds are extracted from the beaches and the sea between Alexander Bay and Port Nolloth. The Sishen Mine near Kathu is the biggest source of iron ore in South Africa, while the copper mine at Okiep is one of the oldest mines in the country Copper is also mined at Springbok and Aggeneys.

The province is rich in asbestos, manganese, fluorspar, semi-precious stones and marble

The province has fertile agricultural land in the Orange River Valley, especially at Upington, Kakamas and Keimoes, where grapes and fruit are intensively cultivated. The interior Karoo relies on sheep farming, while the karakul-pelt industry is one of the most important in the Gordonia district of Upington. Wheat, fruit, peanuts, maize and cotton are produced at the Vaalharts Irrigation Scheme near Warrenton.

The Northern Cape is divided into five district municipalities, which are further subdivided into 26 local municipalities.


Gamagara 179 Joe M orolong 180 Namakwa District 18 0 Hantam 181 Kamiesberg 182 Karoo H oogland 1 82 Khai-Ma 183 Nama K hoi 184 Richtersveld 184 Pixley Ka Seme District 18 5 Emthanjeni 186 Kareeberg 186 Renosterberg 187 Siyancuma 187 Siyathemba 188 Thembelihle 1 89 Ubuntu 189 Umsobomvu 1 90 ZF Mgcawu District 191 !Kheis 191 Dawid K ruiper 192 Kai !Garib 193 Kgatelopele 193 Tsantsabane 194 Frances Baard District 175 Dikgatlong 175 Magareng 176 Phokwane 176 Sol Plaatje 177 John Taolo Gaetsewe District 178 G a-Segonyana 179
LAND AREA 372 889km2 LAND PERCENTAGE 30.5% ACCESS TO PIPED WATER 86.0% FLUSH/CHEMICAL TOILET 69.5% CONNECTED TO ELECTRICITY 89.0% 26.4% 45.9% 36,4 6.6% 99,8 21.1% 83.5% 2.3% 12.8% TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: Private Bag X6088, Kimberley, 8300

PHYSICAL: 51 Drakensberg Avenue, Carters Glen, Kimberley, 8301

TEL: 053 838 0911 FAX: 053 861 1538

EMAIL: frances.baard@fbdm.co.za

WEB: www.francesbaard.gov.za


Description: The Frances Baard District Municipality is a Category C municipality located in the far eastern portion of the Northern Cape Province. It shares its northern borders with the North West Province and its eastern border with the Free State Province. The municipality is the smallest district in the Northern Cape, making up only 3% of its geographical area. However, it accommodates the largest proportion of the province’s population.

It comprises the four local municipalities of Dikgatlong, Magareng, Phokwane and Sol Plaatje. Kimberley, which is where the district municipality is located, is less than 500km away from Johannesburg in the north, less than 1 000km away from Cape Town in the south, and less than 800km away from the Port of Durban in the east.

Area: 13 002km2

Main Economic Sectors: Community services (28%), finance (22%), trade (15%), transport (12%), mining (10%), agriculture (4%), manufacturing (4%), construction (3%), electricity (2%)


Population: 387 741

No Schooling: 7.1%

Households: 113 330

Population Growth: 0.33% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 39.1%

Formal Dwellings: 83.7%


Composition of Council: ANC 15, DA 4, EFF 5, PA 2, FF PLUS 2, PSDF 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Ms Unondumisa Buda

Speaker: Ms KC Mothibi

Other Council: Ms OM Ditakgwe (Chairperson: Social Development Committee), Mr ME Mokgatlhanyane (Chairperson: Infrastructure Development Committee), Ms LN Shushu (Chairperson: Policy and Institutional Development Committee), Ms MD Tawana (Chairperson: Planning and Development), Mr AK Zalisa (Chairperson: Finance Committee)

Municipal Manager: Ms Mamikie Bogatsu

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Onneile Moseki (Acting)

Senior Management: Mr Freddy Netshivhodza (Acting HOD: Planning and Development), Mr Rorisang Setshogoe (Acting HOD: Infrastructure Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Tshepo Banga (Communications Officer), Ms Gerline Roman (Manager: Communications and Media)



POSTAL: Private Bag X5, Barkly West, 8375

PHYSICAL: 33 Campbell Street, Barkly West

TEL: 053 531 6500 FAX: 053 531 0624

EMAIL: info@dikgatlong.gov.za

WEB: www.dikgatlong.gov.za


Description: The Dikgatlong Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Frances Baard District in the Northern Cape Province. The municipality lies on the northern bank of the Vaal River, 37km from the city of Kimberley, which is south-east from Dikgatlong. It is the largest of the four municipalities in the district, making up more than half of its geographical area.

It was established in 2000 through the Local Government Demarcation process, whereby the towns of Barkly West, Delpoortshoop and Windsorton were amalgamated into one municipality. The name Dikgatlong is derived from a Setswana word

meaning ’confluence’, as it refers to the place where the Harts and Vaal Rivers flow into each other at Delpoortshoop.

Area: 7 316km2

Cities/Towns: Barkly West, Delportshoop, Windsorton

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture (22%), mining (7%), manufacturing (7%)


Population: 48 473

No Schooling: 10.5%

Households: 14 824

Population Growth: 0.78% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 26.1%

Formal Dwellings: 75.9%


Composition of Council: ANC 8, EFF 3, PA 2, D.I.F 1, DA 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: WM Mogongwa

Chief Whip: Mr Eric Makoko

Municipal Manager: Mr Kgotso Moeketsi

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

full year figures.

Warrenton Jan Kempdorp Hartswater Windsorton Barkly West Delportshoop Ritchie Kimberley SOL PLAATJE
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean auditClean audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 139 525134 807140 200 Total Expenditure 134 864127 106120 175 Surplus/(Deficit) 4 6627 70120 025 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 5 1531 375 967 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 148 869138 813125 475 Total Current Liabilities 44 75340 76941 622 Community Wealth/Equity 148 028138 249120 651 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (75 967)76 474Cash at Year End 35 557178 25579 526 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 179 91 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 139 97 Vacant Positions 1 0 Managerial Positions 24 11 Vacant Managerial Positions 1 0 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 70 55668 350

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Radile Shuping (Acting)

Senior Management: Mr Letshegetswe Abrahm Kesekile (Senior

Manager: Human Resources), Mr Eddie Charles Manuel (Manager: LED),

Ms Nomathemba Masenge (Manager: Mayoral Office), Mr Boitumelo

Christian Mokeng (Senior Accountant), Mr Paballo Abrahm Nthoba

(Manager: Technical), Mr Odirile Thejane (Acting Manager: Housing), Mrs B Tsinyane (Manager: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Mr George Damoense (Head of Communications), Mr Kgotso Moeketsi (Information Officer (PAIA))




POSTAL: PO Box 10, Warrenton, 8530

PHYSICAL: Magrieta Prinsloo Street, Warrenton

TEL: 053 497 3111 FAX: 053 497 4514

EMAIL: info@magareng.gov.za

WEB: www.magareng.gov.za


Description: The Magareng Local Municipality is a Category B municipality within the Frances Baard District of the Northern Cape Province. It is bordered by Phokwane and the North West Province in the north, Sol Plaatje in the south, the Free State Province in the east, and Dikgatlong in the west.

It is one of the four municipalities that make up the district, accounting for 12% of its geographical area. Magareng is a Setswana name meaning ’in the middle’. The name reflects the geographic location of the municipality in relation to other areas.

Area: 1 546km2

Cities/Towns: Warrenton


Population: 24 059 Population Growth: -0.14% p.a. No Schooling: 12.5% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 30.2%

Households: 6 970 Formal Dwellings: 82.3%


Composition of Council: ANC 6, DA 2, EFF 2, PA 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mrs Neo Mase

Speaker: Mrs Neo Mase

Chief Whip: Ms Nontsizi Mokomela

Municipal Manager: Mr Tumelo Thage (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Kidi Khaziwa (Acting)

Communications Officers: Mr Thapelo Jacobs (Acting)



POSTAL: Private Bag X3, Hartswater, 8570

PHYSICAL: 24 Hertzog Street, Hartswater

TEL: 053 474 9700 FAX: 053 474 1768

EMAIL: info@phokwane.gov.za

WEB: www.phokwane.gov.za



Description: The Phokwane Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Frances Baard District in the Northern Cape Province. It is the smallest of the four municipalities in the district, making up 6% of its geographical area.

more financial,
employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.
p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 267 777331 801216 482 Total Expenditure 237 653348 396250 500 Surplus/(Deficit) 30 124(16 595)(34 018) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 11 49740 22284 901 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 442 304284 101190 675 Total Current Liabilities 372 246324 663237 257 Community Wealth/Equity668 830612 969630 219
Operating Cash Flow 35 052(11 672)Cash at Year End 16 318(8 337)34 853 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 104 54792 909 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 211 270 Vacant Positions 2 62 Managerial Positions 19 19 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 1 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 67 959 61 042 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 12 00012 000 Households - Free Basic Service1 8561 300 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served12 92912 880 Households - Free Basic Service1 8561 300 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage2 7242 724 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 10 20010 200 Bucket System 380380 Households - Free Basic Service1 8561 300 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20
INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 160 490185 107143 534 Total Expenditure 185 199177 412166 777 Surplus/(Deficit) (24 709)7 696(23 243) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 24 63055 42627 006 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 65 70770 94058 059 Total Current Liabilities 244 240284 552263 166 Community Wealth/Equity 133 045219 369138 196 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 21 58115 392Cash at Year End 3 598(39 824)586 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 84 90188 656 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 158215 Vacant Positions 1 69 Managerial Positions 21 18 Vacant Managerial Positions 1 1 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 47 479 44 799 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 5 9685 968 <200m from Yard 1 7501 750 Households - Free Basic Service805805 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served7 7187 718 Households - Free Basic Service2 3552 355 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage3 8253 825 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 777777 Ventilated Pit Latrine 1 7861 786 Households - Free Basic Service805805

The municipality is situated 125km along the N18 to Vryburg. The administrative seat of the municipality is Hartswater. The majority of inhabitants are found in the peri-urban areas of the municipality. In terms of agriculture, Phokwane exports grape, citrus and olive products. The municipality is named after Queen Phokwane, the wife of Kgosi Galeshewe of the Barolong boo Ra-Tlhaping tribe. Phokwane is nestled in the lush green delta of the Hartswater region and boasts the secondlargest irrigation scheme in the Southern Hemisphere, namely the Vaalharts Irrigation Scheme.

Area: 828km2

Cities/Towns: Hartswater, Jan Kempdorp, Pampierstat

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, community development, retail, private household, informal


Population: 60 168

No Schooling: 13.6%

Households: 19 597

Population Growth: -1.05% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 30.1%

Formal Dwellings: 82.1%


Composition of Council: ANC 9, EFF 5 DA 2, F4SD 1, PSDF 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Dibueng Meza (Acting)

Speaker: Ms R Selogilwe

Chief Whip: Mr Shadrack Thube (Chief Whip and Chairperson: Technical Services)

Other Council: Mr Crocket Adams (Chairperson: Community Services), Ms Keosentsemang Maria Kalman (Chairperson: Exco), Ms S Lewis, Mr Stoffel Mokale (Chairperson: Finance Subcommittee), Ms Anna

Moremong (Chairperson: Corporate Services)

Administrator: Bamba Ndwandwe

Municipal Manager: Mr Timothy Sediti

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Kevin Khoabane

Senior Management: Mr Mpho Mojaki (Director: Coperative Services), Mr Zithulele Nikani (Director: Planning and Operations), Mr Richard

Sengani (Director: Human Settlement and Infrastructure)

Communications Officers: Ms Kgalalelo Letshabo



POSTAL: Private Bag X5030, Kimberley, 8300

PHYSICAL: Sol Plaatje Drive, Kimberley

TEL: 053 830 6911/6100 FAX: 053 833 1005

WEB: www.solplaatje.org.za


Description: The Sol Plaatje Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located in the Frances Baard District in the Northern Cape Province. It is bordered by Dikgatlong in the north, the Pixley ka Seme District in the south and west, and the Free State Province in the east. It is one of the four municipalities that make up the district, accounting for a quarter of its geographical area. It includes the diamond mining city of Kimberley.

Sol Plaatje Municipality is named after Solomon Tshekisho Plaatje, who was a South African intellectual, journalist, linguist, politician, translator and writer. Solomon Plaatje was born just outside Boshof, formerly the Orange Free State (now Free State Province).

Area: 3 312km2

Cities/Towns: Kimberley, Ritchie

Main Economic Sectors: Community services (33%), finance (24%), trade (14%), mining (8%)


Population: 255 041

No Schooling: 4.5%

Population Growth: 0.63% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 44.3%

Households: 71 939 Formal Dwellings: 85.9%


Composition of Council: ANC 33, DA 14, EFF 6, PA 3, SPSDF 3, VF PLUS 3, GOOD 2, ACDP 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Mr Kagisho Dante Sonyoni

Speaker: Ms Nomizizi Maputle

Chief Whip: Mr P van Wyk

Other Council: Ms AN Boqo (Chairperson: Corporate Services), Mr L Farland (Chairperson: Community Services), Mr T Gomba (Chairperson: Utility Trading Services), Ms F Kruger (Chairperson: Intergovernmental, International Relations), Mr J Makhamba (Chairperson: MPAC), Ms O Matshediso (Chairperson: Finance), Ms M Meintjies (Chairperson: Transport, Roads and Storm Water), Mr P Mohapi (Chairperson: SPELLUM), Mr R Morwe (Chairperson: Human Settlement Services), Ms J Ndelaphi (Chairperson: Rules), Mr OB Plaatjie (Chairperson: Safety and Security), Ms N Shushu (Chairperson: IDP, Budget and PM), Mr P van Wyk (Chairperson: Economic Development, Urban Renewal and Tourism)

Municipal Manager: Mr Goolam Akharwaray

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Z Cader (Acting)

Senior Management: Khuza Bogacwi (Executive Director: Community and Social Development), Khuza Bogacwi, S Campher (Committee Services: Senior Administration), Ms Gail Jele (Manager: Project Management Unit), Nomonde Kesiamang (Director: Strategy and Economic Development), J Knox (Committee Services: Senior Administration), M Matsime (Committee Services: Senior Administration), Mr Vincent Mayisela (Legal Services), Noxolo Molepo (Manager: Internal Audit), Mr MW Pretorius (Manager: Emergency Services), Mr Shakes Setlogelo (Director: Policy and Planning), Mr P Sithole (Manager: LED), Ms Joey van Niekerk (IDP Officer), Mr W Wiese (Risk Manager)

Communications Officers: Mr Sello Matsie

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Audit not finalised Disclaimer of audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 371 768 0368 768 Total Expenditure 533 405 n/a 385 018 Surplus/(Deficit) (161 637) n/a (16 250) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 36 697 n/a 34 803 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 233 173 n/a 230 678 Total Current Liabilities 636 898 n/a 413 470 Community Wealth/Equity 751 253 n/a 1 106 878 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 191 171 n/aCash at Year End 198 939 n/a 13 780 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/an/a 26 761 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 363 544 Vacant Positions 6 169 Managerial Positions 17 20 Vacant Managerial Positions 6 8 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 91 24293 282 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 18 33518 335 <200m from Yard 1 4541 454 >200m from Yard 1 7401 740 Households - Free Basic Service1 2451 253 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served18 11017 533 Households - Free Basic Service1 2451 253 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage14 02514 025 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 725725 Ventilated Pit Latrine 1 4341 434 Other 3 2733 273 Households - Free Basic Service1 2451 253
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit TABLE OF BOOKMARKS




POSTAL: PO Box 1480, Kuruman, 8460

PHYSICAL: 4 Federale Mynbou Street, Kuruman

TEL: 053 712 8700 FAX: 053 712 2502

WEB: taologaetsewe.gov.za


Description: The John Taolo Gaetsewe District Municipality (previously Kgalagadi) is a Category C municipality located in the north of the Northern Cape Province, bordering Botswana in the west. It comprises the three local municipalities of Gamagara, Ga-Segonyana and Joe Morolong, and 186 towns and settlements, of which the majority (80%) are villages.

The boundaries of this district were demarcated in 2006 to include the once north-western part of Joe Morolong and Olifantshoek, along with its surrounds, into the Gamagara Local Municipality.

It has an established rail network from Sishen South and between Black Rock and Dibeng. It is characterised by a mixture of land uses, of which agriculture and mining are dominant. The district holds potential as a viable tourist destination and has numerous growth opportunities in the industrial sector.

Area: 27 323km2

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, mining, retail


Population: 242 264

No Schooling: 9.8%

Households: 72 310

Population Growth: 1.70% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 32.3%

Formal Dwellings: 80.6%


Composition of Council: ANC 6, DA 2, EFF 2 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: n/a

Executive Mayor: Mrs Sophia Mosikatsi

Speaker: Mr Ikgopoleng Aiseng

Chief Whip: Ms Nkagisang Ngesi

Other Council: Ms Gomolemo Chere, Mr Abraham Eilerd, Mr Onthusitse Etshetshang, Ms Mosadiwapula Filipo, Mr Goitseone Kaotsane, Ms Ontlametse Kgopodithata (Chairperson: Community Development Services), Mr Michael Kgosienewang (Chairperson: Basic Services and Infrastructure), Ms Kegomoditswe Masilabele (Chairperson: Strategic Planning and Organisational Performance), Mr Itumeleng Matebese (Chairperson: Finance, Corporate and Planning), Mr Djundju Mathibe, Mr Nametsegang Mereotlhe, Ms Tshwaroyaone Moilwe, Mr Thapelo Mosegedi, Mr Michael Motsoare (Chairperson: Municipal Public Accounts Committee), Mr Phenyo Ohentswe, Ms Koketso Paul, Mr Boitumelo Sebego, Ms Kebolelang Setlhodi, Ms Keikantsemang Tswere, Mr Mthuthuzeli Valela

Municipal Manager: Mrs Molemoeng Bokgwathile

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Galaletsang Moroane

Senior Management: Ms Euodia Chadinha (Manager: Budget), Mr Tlhomelang Matlhare (Director: Community Development Services), Mr Motshabi Molusi (Director: Basic Services and Infrastructure),

Mr Klaas Teise (Director: Planning and Organisational Performance), Ms Edith TShabaemang (Director: HR and Corporate Services), Mr Gerrie van der Westhuizen (IDP/PMS Manager), Ms Cecilia van Wyk (Acting Manager: Internal Audit)

Communications Officers: Ms Dineo Leserwane

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.

Hotazel Kuruman Mothibistad Kathu Sishen Dibeng Olifantshoek JOE MOROLONG GA-SEGONYANA GAMAGARA FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 2 381 9202 176 8982 180 452 Total Expenditure 2 315 0702 166 3591 936 838 Surplus/(Deficit) 66 85110 539243 615 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 127 081119 502137 018 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 2 395 1531 893 0231 859 150 Total Current Liabilities 1 249 479671 382550 472 Community Wealth/Equity2 958 5942 881 9352 898 618 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (583 944)49 283Cash at Year End (668 018)29 42373 916 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 130 262272 486 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 7422 142 Vacant Positions 8 73 Managerial Positions 78 87 Vacant Managerial Positions 8 0 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 683 289716 953 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 71 55571 555 Households - Free Basic Service14 64714 647 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served68 48966 990 Households - Free Basic Service14 64714 647 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage63 43163 431 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 342342 Ventilated Pit Latrine 1 2351 235 Bucket System 820820 Other 2 8862 886 Households - Free Basic Service14 64714 647
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20
INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean auditClean audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 127 517112 434106 571 Total Expenditure 130 866108 059107 836 Surplus/(Deficit) (3 349)4 375(1 264) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 10 1763 5871 883 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 61 20831 07428 020 Total Current Liabilities 43 9408 5266 727 Community Wealth/Equity 98 77096 97599 919 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 94 72915 1841 607 Cash at Year End 94 81815 2731 696 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 12 4783 527 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 142 157 Vacant Positions 3 19 Managerial Positions 17 17 Vacant Managerial Positions 3 6 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 68 85460 702



POSTAL: Private Bag X1522, Kuruman, 8460

PHYSICAL: Cnr Voortrekker & School Streets, Kuruman

TEL: 053 712 9300 FAX: 053 712 3581

EMAIL: registry@ga-segonyana.gov.za

WEB: ga-segonyana.gov.za


Description: The Ga-Segonyana Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the John Taolo Gaetsewe District in the Northern Cape Province. It is one of the three municipalities that make up the district, accounting for 16% of its geographical area. It originated as a cross-boundary municipality that straddled the North West and Northern Cape Provinces.

It was established in 2000 through the amalgamation of the Kuruman and Mothibistad Municipalities. The area is also administered through a traditional authority system with two paramount chiefs and headmen.

Area: 4 495km2

Cities/Towns: Bankhara-Bodulong, Kuruman, Mothibistad

Main Economic Sectors: Mining, agriculture


Population: 104 408 Population Growth: 2.47% p.a.

No Schooling: 6.8% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 35.4%

Households: 32 669 Formal Dwellings: 81.6%


Composition of Council: ANC 17, EFF 7, DA 3, F4SD 1, SARKO 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Mr Anthony Gibson

Speaker: Ms Keamogetse Madikiza

Chief Whip: Mr Lesangkgang Moagi

Other Council: Mr Keabetswe Chweu (Chairperson: Community Service Standing Committee), Mr Neo Disipi (Chairperson: Human Resource Standing Committee), Ms Bothoboile Modise (Chairperson: Finance Standing Committee)

Municipal Manager: Mr Martin Tsatsimpe

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Kagiso Noke



POSTAL: PO Box 1001, Kathu, 8446

PHYSICAL: Cnr Frikkey Meyer & Hendrik Van Eck Roads, Civic Centre, Kathu

TEL: 053 723 6000 FAX: 053 723 2021

WEB: www.gamagara.co.za


Description: The Gamagara Local Municipality is a Category B municipality found in the John Taolo Gaetsewe District within the Northern Cape Province. It is located in the north-eastern sector of the Northern Cape on the N14 National Road between Upington and Vryburg. It lies approximately 200km north-east of Upington and 280km north-west of Kimberley.

It is the smallest of the three municipalities that make up the district, accounting for 10% of its geographical area. The central business district (CBD) is located in Kathu.

The municipal area owns an endemic camel thorn tree forest that enjoys a National Heritage status and gave Kathu its name. The area boasts the largest single pit, open cast iron ore mine in the world, and is the starting point of the Sisheng—Saldanha railway line.

Area: 2 648km2

Cities/Towns: Deben, Kathu, Olifantshoek

Main Economic Sectors: Mining, game farming, business services

Senior Management: Ms Kelibone Baloyi (Director: Community Services), Mr Clifford Pule (Director: Corporate Services), Mr Hendrik Smit (Director: Infrastructure Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Ntefang Edward, Mr Martin Tsatsimpe (Head of



Composition of Council: ANC 7, DA 5, GCF 2, EFF 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Executive Mayor: Ms Dineo Moyo

Speaker: Thataetsile Motsoari (Acting)

Other Council: Mr Abel Booysen (Chairperson: MPAC), Boitumelo

Lekgadi (Chairperson: Finance Portfolio), Neo Magagane (Chairperson: Corporate Services Portfolio), Ms Anna Joyce Morwe (Chairperson: Community Services Portfolio), Mr Frikkie Nqume (Chairperson: Technical Services), Ms Monica Orpen (Chairperson: Strategic Services Portfolio)

Municipal Manager: Mr Clement Itumeleng (Information Officer [PIA])

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Ndabayithetwa Moses Grond (Director)

Senior Management: Mr George Loeto (Acting Director: Community Services), Mr Boikanyo Modise (Manager: LED), Mr Kagiso Ositang (Director: Technical Services), Ms Thato Rapelang (Director: Development and Town Planning), Mr Lebogang Seetile (Director: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Ms Kamogelo Semamai

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full
Communications) FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 628 292627 412614 596 Total Expenditure 539 318521 651429 542 Surplus/(Deficit) 88 974105 761185 054 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 173 813154 860171 076 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 202 690253 151216 872 Total Current Liabilities 98 31991 228107 705 Community Wealth/Equity1 781 2211 702 4121 377 536 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 180 713496 499831 356 Cash at Year End 104 273273 645599 222 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 86 67583 711 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 472478 Vacant Positions 28 54 Managerial Positions 28 28 Vacant Managerial Positions 11 9 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 134 237141 277 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 9 5079 507 <200m from Yard 18 40218 402 Households - Free Basic Service 2 693 2 296 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served23 22223 222 Households - Free Basic Service 2 693 1 607 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage9 2349 234 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 257257 Ventilated Pit Latrine 12 37812 378 Households - Free Basic Service 276 996
Population: 53 656 Population Growth: 5.77% p.a. No Schooling: 8.2% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 43.8% Households: 15 723 Formal Dwellings: 79.2%

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20





POSTAL: Private Bag X117, Mothibistad, 8474

PHYSICAL: D320 Cardington Road, Churchill Village, Mothibistad

TEL: 053 773 9300 FAX: 053 773 9350

EMAIL: registry@joemorolong.gov.za

WEB: www.joemorolong.gov.za


Description: The Joe Morolong Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located in the Northern Cape Province within the John Taolo Gaetsewe District. It is the largest municipality of the three that make up the district, accounting for three quarters of its geographical area.

The area is mostly rural, with about 60% of it comprising virgin land surface. The village is situated approximately 24km north-east of Kuruman. Although unemployment is high, the municipality has a great deal of potential for developers, especially those interested in ecotourism and conservation.

Area: 20 180km2

Cities/Towns: Hotazel, Santoy, Van Zylsrus

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, mining, community services


Population: 84 201

Households: 23 919

Dwellings: 80.1%


Composition of Council: ANC 18, EFF 8, DA 1, F4SD 1, SARKO 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Masara Maneng

Speaker: Ms Violet Jordarn

Chief Whip: Obakantse Leshope


Municipal Manager: Mr Tshepo Bloom (Information Officer [PIA])

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Masego Mokubung

Senior Management: Mr Tatolo Gopetse (Director: Corporate Services), Mr E Khokhong (Legal and Compliance), Mrs Kgomotso Mabudi

(Director: Community Services), Mr Kemothibile Phiri (Director: Planning and Development), Mr Thapelo Tlhaole (Technical Services)

Communications Officers: Ms Tlhompo Mancho



POSTAL: Private Bag X20, Springbok, 8240

PHYSICAL: Hendrik J Visser Building, Van Riebeeck Street, Springbok

TEL: 027 712 8000 FAX: 027 712 8040

EMAIL: info@namakwa-dm.gov.za

WEB: www.namakwa-dm.gov.za


Description: The Namakwa District Municipality is a Category C municipality located in the Northern Cape Province. It is bordered by the republic of Namibia in the north, ZF Mgcawu Local Municipality in the north-east, Cape Winelands District Municipality in the south, West Coast District Municipality in the south-west, Pixley Ka Seme District

to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.
full year figures.
AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 593 668515 473566 446 Total Expenditure 567 311502 334435 995 Surplus/(Deficit) 26 35613 139130 451 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 128 89650 05332 794 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 12 607 63712 493 40912 422 794 Total Current Liabilities 12 777 45812 498 43012 622 908 Community Wealth/Equity1 132 9231 137 7451 036 447 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (330 058)41 936Cash at Year End (300 567)(1 850)35 396 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 725 887165 269 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 445486 Vacant Positions 1126 Managerial Positions 31 31 Vacant Managerial Positions 1 0 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 164 072138 001 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 16 83616 836 <200m from Yard 1 1791 179 Households - Free Basic Service4 8001 010 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served16 41715 565 Households - Free Basic Service4 8001 010 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage14 92614 926 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 942942 Ventilated Pit Latrine 2 4352 435 Households - Free Basic Service4 8001 010
Growth: -1.39% p.a.
Schooling: 15.3%
12 & Higher Education:
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Disclaimer of audit Disclaimer of audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 413 148402 026344 632 Total Expenditure 385 567621 310308 402 Surplus/(Deficit) 27 581(219 285)36 230 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 274 162(34 028)114 771 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets (86 726)212 202305 089 Total Current Liabilities 58 71967 16058 044 Community Wealth/Equity 1 129 6061 718 8001 580 764 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 42 36071 181 992 Cash at Year End 55 20362 7701 993 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 4 42142 158 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 203 249 Vacant Positions 12 53 Managerial Positions 31 24 Vacant Managerial Positions 12 0 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 75 59074 414 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 4 0604 060 <200m from Yard 15 56015 560 >200m from Yard 4 4504 450 Households - Free Basic Service1 9951 955 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served28 09927 300 Households - Free Basic Service5 9905 990 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage 1 9101 910 Ventilated Pit Latrine 17 70017 700 Households - Free Basic Service 488488

Municipality in the east, Central Karoo District Municipality in the south-east, and the Atlantic Ocean in the west.

It is the largest district in the province, making up over a third of its geographical area. It is comprised of six local municipalities: Nama Khoi, Hantam, Khai-Ma, Kamiesberg, Karoo Hoogland and Richtersveld. The seat of the Namakwa District Municipality is Springbok.

Area: 126 836km2

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, tourism


Population: 115 488 Population Growth: -0.07% p.a.

No Schooling: 4.4% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 32.2%

Households: 37 669 Formal Dwellings: 95.2%


Composition of Council: ANC 4, DA 2, NCM 1, PA 1 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: n/a

Executive Mayor: Mr Bentley G Vass

Speaker: Mrs G Pieters

Chief Whip: Ms J Wilschut

Other Council: Mr R Cloete (Municipal Public Accounts Committee), Mr Mervin Cloete (Budget and Treasury), Ms E Oliphant (Corporate Services), Ms P van Heerden (Municipal Health Services)

Municipal Manager: Mr Chris Fortuin

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Rajiv Datadin

Senior Management: Mr Gareth Cloete (Corporate and Municipal Health Services), Mr J Cloete (Acting: Economic Development and Planning), Mr Hendri Niehaus (Municipal Support)

Communications Officers: Ms Jodine Cloete



POSTAL: Private Bag X14, Calvinia, 8190

PHYSICAL: 20 Dr Nelson Mandela Drive, Calvinia, 8190

TEL: 027 341 8500 FAX: 027 341 8501

WEB: www.hantam.gov.za


Description: The Hantam Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Namakwa District in the Northern Cape Province. It is the largest municipality of six in the district, making up a third of its geographical area. It has its centre in Calvinia, which is approximately 400km from Cape Town, Springbok, Upington and Beaufort West. A 1 250m tarred runway, very close to Calvinia, is used by many visitors to this beautiful part of the Northern Cape. Numerous government departments are also situated in Calvinia.

The municipality provides work for more than 140 permanent employees. Seventy percent of the population live and work in the towns. Farming is the main contributor to the economy, namely sheep, wool and lucerne, as well as rooibos tea.

The Hantam Municipality is well known for its wide open spaces, stunning mountain ranges, and nature reserves filled with an incredible array of plants and bulbs that cannot be found anywhere else in the world.

Area: 39 085km2

Cities/Towns: Brandvlei, Calvinia, Loeriesfontein, Middelpos, Nieuwoudtville, Onderste Doorns

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture


Population: 21 540

Population Growth: -0.15% p.a.

No Schooling: 9.9% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 32.7%

Households: 6 894 Formal Dwellings: 94.8%


Composition of Council: ANC 6, DA 4, NCM 1, PA 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Mayor: Mr Roger Nieldo Swartz (Mayor and Chairperson: Budget and Treasury)

Other Council: Mr Koos Alexander (Chairperson: Institutional), Mr Adam Jacobus Edward Claassen, Mr Henery de Wee (Chairperson: Infrastructure), Mrs Geraldine Gous (Chairperson: Social Development), Mr Jacques Hermanus Klaaste (Chairperson: MPAC), Mrs Jeanette-Ann Evelyn Steenkamp (Finance, Budget and Treasury), Mrs Hermina Clarina Steenkamp (Institutional)

Municipal Manager: Mr Riaan van Wyk (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Werner Christoph Jonker (Senior Manager: Finance and Corporate Services)

Senior Management: LC Claasen (Head: Legal Services), E de Wet (Divisional Head: Corporate Services), Ms Shereave Felix (Head: IDP and LED), CM Jooste (Head: Internal Auditing), JH Langner (Manager: Budget and Treasury Office), BA Leukes (Divisional Head: Town Planning), WM Steenkamp (Divisonal Head: Library Services), LCJ van der Merwe (Senior Electrician), RC van Wyk (Divisional Head: Infrastructure), Mr Johan Riaan van Wyk (Senior Manager Technical and Community Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Garth Mathys, Mr Riaan van Wyk (Information Officer [PAIA])

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

full year figures.

Pofadder Pella Aggeneys Nababeep Alexander Bay Kleinzee Garies Loeriesfontein Brandvlei Calvinia Williston
HOOGLAND Port Nolloth Springbok O’kiep Concordia Kamieskroon Hondeklip Bay Fraserburg Sutherland
INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean audit Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 65 65964 40269 094 Total Expenditure 65 35267 77067 828 Surplus/(Deficit) 308(3 368)1 266 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 6091 095 249 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 10 4289 8919 961 Total Current Liabilities 7 4254 7406 460 Community Wealth/Equity (13 298)(11 910)(9 010) CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 40 35595 032Cash at Year End 44 55798 2117 537 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 6 435 353 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 97 119 Vacant Positions 5 27 Managerial Positions 15 11 Vacant Managerial Positions 5 1 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 38 60343 061 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean audit Financially unqualified TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: Private Bag X200, Garies, 8220

PHYSICAL: 22 Main Street, Garies

TEL: 027 652 8000 FAX: 027 652 8001

WEB: www.kamiesberg.gov.za


Description: The Kamiesberg Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Namakwa District in the Northern Cape Province. It is one of the smaller municipalities of the six that make up the district. It was established in 2001 in accordance with the demarcation process. The municipality spans three topographic zones: from the sandy coastal lowlands (Sandveld) to the mountainous central Kamiesberg escarpment (Hardveld), and to the eastern plateau of Bushmanland.

There are no perennial rivers in the area. Water is obtained from subterranean sources. Some of the water is pumped up by windmills, but most of the water to the communal areas comes from natural springs. Many of these springs are semi-perennial and the salt content of the water can vary from year to year, causing problems.

Four main types of vegetation are found in the area: Mountain Renosterveld, Succulent Karoo, False Succulent Karoo and Namaqualand Broken Veld. However, overall plant life is in a deteriorating state and non-edible, undesirable and poisonous vegetation is taking over.

Area: 14 208km2

Cities/Towns: Garies, Hondeklip Bay, Kamieskroon, Koingnaas, Leliefontein/Kamiesberg


Population: 9 605

No Schooling: 3.1%

Households: 3 319

Population Growth: -1.34% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 37.2%

Formal Dwellings: 96.4%


Composition of Council: ANC 6, DA 3, NCM 1, NEF 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Mrs Susarah Nero

Speaker: Mr Melvin Cloete

Chief Whip: Mr Brandon Carlo Brandt

Other Council: Ms Sabina S Cloete, Ms Rachelle GC Cloete, Mr Cornelius CC Coetzee, Ms M Hanekom, Mr Dawid Markus, Mr Leonard Peterson, Mr Piet Albertus Smit

Municipal Manager: Mr Rufus Beukes

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Tumelo Diphokoje

Senior Management: Mr Heinrich Cloete (Head: Technical Services)

Communications Officers: Ms Daphne Beukes, Mr Joseph Cloete




POSTAL: PO Box 165, Williston, 8920

PHYSICAL: 7 Mulder Street, Williston

TEL: 053 285 0998

EMAIL: info@karoohoogland.gov.za

WEB: www.karoohoogland.gov.za


Description: The Karoo Hoogland Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the Namakwa District of the Northern Cape Province. It is the second-largest of the six municipalities in the district, making up a quarter of its geographical area. After the Section 12 notice was placed on 25 October 2021, the municipality now has a collective executive system with a ward participatory system.

to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.
full year figures.
FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 159 839183 606185 287 Total Expenditure 128 101113 461113 394 Surplus/(Deficit) 31 73870 14671 892 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 22 100 899 93 587 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 22 48220 28815 151 Total Current Liabilities 45 69650 78551 752 Community Wealth/Equity409 539411 279299 461 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 8 839129 700Cash at Year End (4 243)129 792(2 690) UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 47 98369 767 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 139 192 Vacant Positions 0 42 Managerial Positions 4 4 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 41 42940 029 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 4 6794 645 Households - Free Basic Service3 1862 978 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served4 6794 637 Households - Free Basic Service3 1862 699 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage 1 6411 636 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 2 6552 605 Ventilated Pit Latrine 368 389 Bucket System 15 15 Households - Free Basic Service3 1862 978
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20
INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 95 38484 77977 535 Total Expenditure 123 97890 33192 514 Surplus/(Deficit) (28 594)(5 552)(14 979) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE n/a 20 43315 131 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 35 66928 40620 229 Total Current Liabilities 101 54183 46060 508 Community Wealth/Equity410 300201 030221 270 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 30 702107 771Cash at Year End 35 33389 3542 453 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 61 74170 555 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 122108 Vacant Positions 6 7 Managerial Positions 5 5 Vacant Managerial Positions 1 2 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 29 27725 994 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 3 0433 043 Households - Free Basic Service1 3661 316 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served3 0003 000 Households - Free Basic Service1 4011 316 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage 876876 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 447447 Ventilated Pit Latrine 1 7211 721 Households - Free Basic Service319 211

Although the municipality’s towns are separated by more than 100km by road, they share many administrative tasks. The Main Administration Office is situated in Williston.

Hoogland is an Afrikaans word meaning ’highland’ and Karoo is a Khoi word meaning ’hard’ or ’dry’. The name reflects the area, which has dry, arid and desert-like conditions.

Area: 30 230km2

Cities/Towns: Frasersburg, Sutherland, Williston

Main Economic Sectors: Community, social and personal services (42.5%), transport, storage and communication (15%), wholesale and retail trade, catering and accommodation (13.7%), agriculture, forestry and fishing (13%), finance, insurance, real estate and business services (8.8%), manufacturing (5.9%)


Population: 13 009

Population Growth: 0.91% p.a.

No Schooling: 13.1% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 37.3%

Households: 4 620 Formal Dwellings: 99.4%


Composition of Council: ANC 5, DA 3, PA 2, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Mayor: Mr AS Mietas

Speaker: Ms MJ Chadow

Chief Whip: Mr JE Davids

Other Council: R VDM Geel (Proportional Councillor), SA Muller (Ward 4), Ms EC Oliphant (District Representative, Ward 6), VT Opperman (Ward 2), AE Steenkamp (Ward 1), CG Steenkamp (Ward 5), JJ van der Colff (Ward 3), VC Wentzel (Proportional Councillor)

Municipal Manager: Mr A Gibbons (Manager: Community Services)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr SJ Van Schalkwyk (Acting)

Senior Management: FJ Lotter (Director: Infrastructure), Mr DM Malan (Manager: HR)

Ms C Viljoen (Manager: Administration)



POSTAL: PO Box 108, Pofadder, 8890

PHYSICAL: New Street, Pofadder

TEL: 054 933 1000 FAX: 054 933 0252

EMAIL: mmsecretary@khaima.gov.za

WEB: khaima.gov.za


Description: The Khai-Ma Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Namakwa District in the Northern Cape Province. It is one of the six municipalities that make up the district, accounting for 12% of its geographical area. It was established in terms of section of Local Government: Municipal Structures Act 117 of 1998.

The municipality is situated between 29°08’08,7S and 19°23’27,1E. The seat, Pofadder, is situated about 220km west of Upington and 165km east of Springbok. Farming settlements are: Dwagga Soutpan, Vrugbaar, Raap-en-Skraap and Klein Pella.

Area: 15 715km2

Cities/Towns: Aggeneys, Pella, Pofadder

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture; mining; tourism; community, social and personal services


Population: 12 333

No Schooling: 2.8%

Households: 4 079

Population Growth: -0.21% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 27.4%

Formal Dwellings: 92.4%


Composition of Council: ANC 6, NCM 2, COPE 1, DA 1, EFF 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Mr Jonas Aurelia

Speaker: Mr Bernard J Bock

Chief Whip: Mr Edgar J Mowers

Municipal Manager: Mr Edward Cloete (Information Officer [PIA])

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Pieter van der Merwe

Senior Management: Mr Hendry Christiaans (Technical Service Manager), Mr Jan Liebenberg (Corporate Service Manager)

Communications Officers: Mr Alfredo Green

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full

year figures.
Communications Officers:
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 94 03175 13967 631 Total Expenditure 78 80076 54269 795 Surplus/(Deficit) 15 231(1 403)(2 164) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 2 733 n/an/a FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 31 02033 29623 542 Total Current Liabilities 54 67251 78349 738 Community Wealth/Equity263 904259 737262 214 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 64 54033 78053 619 Cash at Year End 69 96529 17146 069 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 19 39710 604 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 135 77 Vacant Positions 0 21 Managerial Positions 6 6 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 27 696 27 727 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 2 2172 217 Households - Free Basic Service 859 912 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served2 3982 209 Households - Free Basic Service 859 912 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage 816816 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 717717 Ventilated Pit Latrine 776 684 Households - Free Basic Service 859 912
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 83 91867 30562 892 Total Expenditure 81 37174 86775 115 Surplus/(Deficit) 2 547(7 562)(12 224) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 18 7401 9066 464 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 28 29420 74719 050 Total Current Liabilities 89 86175 06064 698 Community Wealth/Equity 60 55758 33971 305 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 21 420(7 796)Cash at Year End 2 729(8 407)1 180 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 8 39412 459 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 89 87 Vacant Positions 0 2 Managerial Positions 4 4 Vacant Managerial Positions 0 2 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 26 35924 159 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 2 7532 690 Households - Free Basic Service1 9541 899 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served2 6822 582 Households - Free Basic Service1 9541 449 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage 595595 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 1 8591 850 Ventilated Pit Latrine 121 121 Households - Free Basic Service1 9541 899 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: PO Box 17, Springbok, 8240

PHYSICAL: 4 Namakwa Street, Springbok

TEL: 027 718 8100 FAX: 027 712 1635

EMAIL: info@namakhoi.gov.za

WEB: www.namakhoi.gov.za


Description: The Nama Khoi Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated on the north-western side of the Northern Cape Province in the Namakwa District. It is one of the six municipalities that make up the district. Nama and Khoisan people occupied this area for hundreds of years.

The town of Springbok is the administrative centre. Springbok is the most densely populated area, is close to the N7, and functions as the sub-regional centre for administrative, commercial and higher-order social facilities. Mining used to form the backbone of the economy, with tourism being seen as the new frontier for economic development.

Area: 17 990km2

Cities/Towns: Bulletrap, Carolusberg, Concordia, Kleinzee, Komaggas, Nababeep, O’Kiep, Springbok, Steinkopf

Main Economic Sectors: Mining, tourism, government departments, private sector


Population: 46 512

Population Growth: -0.26% p.a.

No Schooling: 1.4% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 31.2%

Households: 14 546 Formal Dwellings: 93.5%


Composition of Council: ANC 7, DA 5, NCM 4, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Mayor: Mr Gustav MS Bock

Speaker: Mr Rodney Kritzinger

Chief Whip: Ms Zuie De Jongh

Municipal Manager: Mr Jan Swartz

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Heinri Cloete

Senior Management: Ms Hazelene Fielding (Acting: HOD), Mr Deon Magerman (HOD: Corporate), Mr Immanuel Smith (Acting: HOD), Mr Quentis Titus

Communications Officers: Mr Dereck Cloete (Communication and Customer Care Officer)



POSTAL: Private Bag X113, Port Nolloth, 8280

PHYSICAL: 169 Main Road, Port Nolloth

TEL: 027 851 1111 FAX: 027 851 1101

WEB: www.richtersveld.gov.za


Description: The Richtersveld Local Municipality is a Category B municipality in the Namakwa District of the Northern Cape Province. It is the smallest municipality of six in the district, making up only 6% of its geographical area. The municipality is named after Reverend W Richter, a Dutch missionary of the 20th century who opened a mission station in Koeboes.

The Richtersveld is a unique landscape surrounded by a variety of contrasts. It is a conservation area. Rainfall is minimal and water is a scarce commodity, yet the vast plains, which are considered a special place by some, are still a very beautiful region with unique characteristics that attract thousands of tourists.

In Port Nolloth there is the ocean, at Alexander Bay there is the Orange River, and at Lekkersing and Eksteensfontein there is underground water that is a little brackish.

Area: 9 608km2

Cities/Towns: Alexander Bay, Eksteensfontein, Kuboes, Port Nolloth, Richtersveld, Sanddrift

Main Economic Sectors: Mining, agriculture, fishing, tourism


Population: 12 487

No Schooling: 0.5%

Population Growth: 0.94% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 30.9%

Households: 4 211 Formal Dwellings: 98.7%


Composition of Council: ANC 6, DA 3, EFF 1, NEF 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Cornell Knoph

Speaker: Ms Marlene Fredericks

Chief Whip: Ms Madelein Isaaks

Other Council: G Beukes (Ward Councillor), A Bock (Ward Councillor), M Isaaks (Proportional), R Jonker (Proportional), WJ Links (Ward Councillor), C Stuurman (Ward Councillor)

Municipal Manager: Mr Sydney Adams

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Dineo Moshobane

Senior Management: Ms Ethel Cloete (Manager: Corporate Services), Mr John Komanisi (Manager: Infrastructure)

Communications Officers: Mr Sydney Adams

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full

year figures.
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 314 585310 220272 683 Total Expenditure 413 687390 098250 499 Surplus/(Deficit) (99 102)(79 878)22 184 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 15 738(5 782)9 356 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 119 12799 704160 309 Total Current Liabilities 461 273418 812381 896 Community Wealth/Equity 437 341632 833476 571 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 158 762596 883349 675 Cash at Year End 194 683640 117374 301 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 20 616118 928 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 273 321 Vacant Positions 0 27 Managerial Positions 8 8 Vacant Managerial Positions 0 3 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 99 43488 959 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 12 64812 648 <200m from Yard 105105 >200m from Yard 48 48 Households - Free Basic Service5 7005 327 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served13 48913 489 Households - Free Basic Service5 7005 327 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage7 3257 325 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 2 5052 505 Ventilated Pit Latrine 2 0742 074 Bucket System 17 17 Households - Free Basic Service5 7005 327
AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit TABLE OF BOOKMARKS

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20


POSTAL: Private Bag X1012, De Aar, 7000

PHYSICAL: Culvert Road, De Aar

TEL: 053 631 0891 FAX: 053 631 2529

EMAIL: pixley@telkomsa.net

WEB: www.pksdm.gov.za


Description: The Pixley Ka Seme District Municipality is a Category C municipality situated in the south-east of the Northern Cape Province. It shares its borders with three other provinces, namely the Free State to the east, the Eastern Cape to the south-east, and the Western Cape to the south-west. It is the second-largest district of the five in the province, but makes up almost a third of its geographical area.

The district is comprised of eight local municipalities: Ubuntu, Umsobomvu, Emthanjeni, Kareeberg, Renosterberg, Thembelihle, Siyathemba and Siyancuma. Its main town is De Aar. Traffic flows through the region, linking the major industrial areas of the country.

The area has a low rainfall, while the largest river in South Africa flows through it. Two of the major dams in South Africa, the Vanderkloof and Gariep Dams, are situated on the borders of the district municipality.

Area: 103 222km2

Main Economic Sectors: Community services (26.6%), agriculture (16.6%), transport (15.1%), trade (12.9%), finance (12.8%), electricity (7.0%), construction (3.3%), manufacturing (3.2%), mining (2.6%)


Population: 195 595

No Schooling: 11.9%

Households: 56 309

Population Growth: 1.10% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 29.4%

Formal Dwellings: 89.0%



Composition of Council: ANC 5, DA 2, EFF 1, SGB 1 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: n/a

Executive Mayor: Rhoode Itumeleng

Speaker: Thandi Sintu (Economic and Social Development)

Other Council: Jacobus Grobbelaar, Handré Marais, April Matebus, Lulamile G Nkumbi (Finance)

Municipal Manager: Mr Isak Visser

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Bradley F James

Senior Management: Mr HP Greeff (Senior Manager: Infrastructure, Housing, Planning and Development), Mr TA Loko (Senior Manager: Corporate Services), Mr Asanda Sibeko (Manager: LED), Ms R Sors (Chief Audit Executive)

Communications Officers: Ms Beatrice Bosch

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.

UBUNTU UMSOBOMVU EMTHANJENI KAREEBERG RENOSTERBERG THEMBELIHLE SIYANCUMA SIYATHEMBA Campbell Griekwastad Douglas Bucklands Marydale Prieska Niekerkshoop Vanwyksvlei Carnarvon Loxton Hutchinson Victoria West Richmond Hanover De Aar Britstown Colesberg Noupoort Petrusville Philipstown Hopetown Strydenburg Vosburg FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 106 56583 189106 834 Total Expenditure 102 24484 68691 536 Surplus/(Deficit) 4 321(1 496)15 298 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 715 34535 641 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 14 05322 18441 992 Total Current Liabilities 62 73642 14024 057 Community Wealth/Equity 108 697137 503151 111 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (21 185)(2 031)(1 536) Cash at Year End (14 330)(17 894)(995) UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 28 29026 829 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 122 127 Vacant Positions 2 9 Managerial Positions 7 5 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 2 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 33 32829 463 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 3 8303 761 <200m from Yard 0 7 Households - Free Basic Service1 2721 128 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served3 4773 406 Households - Free Basic Service1 2721 128 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage2 7972 002 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 1 1831 386 Ventilated Pit Latrine 99 153 Bucket System 12 12 Other 0315 Households - Free Basic Service1 2721 128
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 67 06268 52672 341 Total Expenditure 71 52975 48661 473 Surplus/(Deficit) (4 467)(6 960)10 868 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 1 4853 400 595 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 2 9357 50215 813 Total Current Liabilities 4 9364 6149 390 Community Wealth/Equity (2 558)(2 060)7 701 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 36 29623 206Cash at Year End 41 19932 55510 178 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 3 6495 017 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 99105 Vacant Positions 0 22 Managerial Positions 13 10 Vacant Managerial Positions 0 2 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 42 05239 703 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: PO Box 42, De Aar, 7000

PHYSICAL: 45 Voortrekker Street, De Aar

TEL: 053 632 9100 FAX: 053 631 0105

WEB: www.emthanjeni.co.za


Description: The Emthanjeni Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Pixley Ka Seme District in the Northern Cape Province. It is one of the eight municipalities that make up the district. It is located approximately 300km south-west of Kimberley, 440km south-east of Upington, 300km north-east of Beaufort West a nd 300km south-west of Bloemfontein.

The municipality is the seat of the district. Emthanjeni, especially De Aar, is renowned for its central location on the main railway line between Johannesburg, Cape Town, Port Elizabeth and Namibia.

Area: 13 472km2

Cities/Towns: Britstown, De Aar, Hanover

Main Economic Sectors: Community services (36%), transport (24%), finance (13%), trade (11%), agriculture (7%), electricity (4%), manufacturing (3%), construction (2%)


Population: 45 404 Population Growth: 1.58% p.a.

No Schooling: 17.4% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 31.5%

Households: 11 923 Formal Dwellings: 95.6%


Composition of Council: ANC 9, DA 4, EFF 1, PA 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Mr Sipho Thomas Sthonga (Mayor and LED)

Speaker: Ms Monica Charmaine Kivedo

Chief Whip: Mr Ronald Rodger Faul

Other Council: Ms Nontobeko Patricia Mkontwana, Mr Henning

Jakobus Rust

Municipal Manager: Mr Themsile W Msengana

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Marcel Riccardo Ludwick

Senior Management: Mr Humphrey Mziwekhaya Joka (Director: Community Services), Mr Themsile Weekly Msengana (Director: Corporate Services), Mr Soyiso Mvandaba (Manager: LED), Mr Mark Jeremy Vincent Ovies (Director: Infrastructure Services)

Communications Officers: Ms Vuyelwa Diamane Vuyelwa Diamane



POSTAL: PO Box 10, Carnarvon, 8925

PHYSICAL: Hanau Street, Carnarvon

TEL: 053 382 3012 FAX: 053 382 3142

EMAIL: kareeberg@xsinet.co.za

WEB: www.kareeberg.co.za


Description: The Kareeberg Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Pixley Ka Seme District in the Northern Cape Province. It is bordered by the ZF Mgcawu District and Siyathemba in the north, Ubuntu in the south, Emthanjeni in the east, and the Namakwa District in the west.

It is the second-largest municipality of the eight that make up the district, accounting for 17% of its geographical area. The name originates from a mountain range in the region, the Karee Mountains.

Area: 17 701km2

Cities/Towns: Carnarvon, Vanwyksvlei, Vosburg

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture (33.8%), commercial (10.6%), finance (7.5%), transport (5.9%)


Population: 12 772

No Schooling: 14.7%

Households: 3 671

Population Growth: 2.04% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 21.6%

Formal Dwellings: 94.2%


Composition of Council: ANC 4 DA 3, EFF 2, KCM 2

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Executive Mayor: N van Wyk

Speaker: Ms Dorothea Sarah Malgas

Other Council: Mr Paul Charlies, Mr Esau Hoorn, Mr Wilfred Daniel Horne, Mr Rodney Calton Gerald Jikella, Ms Anna Johanna Kamies, Mr Virgilian Anthoneal Kasper, Mr Willem Frederik Links, Mr Johannes Solomon Newath, Mr Jandr Nyl

Municipal Manager: Mr Zolile Mjandana (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Willem De Bruin

Senior Management: Mr APF van Schalkwyk (Manager: Operational Services), Mr NJ van Zyl (Head: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Zolile Mjandana (Information Officer [PAIA]), Ms Nicolaas Van Zyl FINANCIAL

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

full year
(Head: Communications) FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 286 349144 827274 423 Total Expenditure 314 710317 491312 000 Surplus/(Deficit) (28 362)(172 664)(37 577) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 9 080241 56577 527 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 155 63597 093147 105 Total Current Liabilities 202 665266 810171 192 Community Wealth/Equity 722 871645 253673 910 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (116 867)(690 678)Cash at Year End (122 953)(708 898)49 139 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 97 591127 983 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 341341 Vacant Positions 2 10 Managerial Positions 17 17 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 1 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 90 87793 281 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 8 3868 386 <200m from Yard 189189 Households - Free Basic Service3 8283 795 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served8 8928 892 Households - Free Basic Service3 8283 795 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage7 9287 928 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 422422 Bucket System 189189 Households - Free Basic Service3 8283 795
INFORMATION2021/22*2020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 105 66775 28067 373 Total Expenditure 65 79061 19465 152 Surplus/(Deficit) 39 87614 0862 221 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 51 0202 10017 145 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: PO Box 112, Petrusville, 8770

PHYSICAL: 555 School Street, Petrusville

TEL: 053 663 0041 FAX: 053 663 0180


Description: The Renosterberg Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located in the Pixley Ka Seme District of the Northern Cape, known as the Karoo region. It is the smallest of eight municipalities in the district, making up only 5% of its geographical area.

Petrusville is a typical upper Karoo semi-desert suburb with flat hilltops. The region is also rich with history and culture. The Dutch Reformed Church Museum exhibits century-old clothing and a horsedrawn hooded cart. The Pillar Fountain was erected to honour King Edward VII. Most of the original town dwellings are simple structures with a prominent, covered veranda as protection against the sun. The more elaborate homes have traces of Victorian style, but still maintain a Karoo-like integrity.

In the Karoo Battlefields, the bitter conflict brought about by the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902) has left its mark in world history.

The best-marked and most accessible sights form part of the N12 Battlefields Route, which links the Karoo to the Diamond Fields. National Monuments include the old prison museum, the magistrate’s offices, the Reformed Church, and Teichhouse. Vanderkloof Dam attracts tourists for angling and water-related sports.

It is regarded as one of the most beautiful regions in the province. It enjoys warm winter days, cool evening temperatures and rainfall during the winter season. The summers are hot to very hot and dry.

Area: 5 529km2

Cities/Towns: Petrusville, Philipstown, Van der Kloof


Population: 11 818 Population Growth: 1.68% p.a.

No Schooling: 11.2% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 37.0%

Households: 3 563 Formal Dwellings: 85.1%


Composition of Council: ANC 5, DA 3, EFF 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Mr Andrew Samson



POSTAL: PO Box 27, Douglas, 8730

PHYSICAL: 7 Charl Street, Douglas

TEL: 053 298 1810 FAX: 053 298 3141

EMAIL: info@siyancuma.gov.za

WEB: www.siyancuma.gov.za



Speaker: Mr Andrew Sampson

Chief Whip: Ms Mary Bitterbos

Administrator: Mr Loko

Municipal Manager: Mr Kgabaganyo Matolong (Acting)

Communications Officers: Mr Xolisa Mathiso (Head:

Description: The Siyancuma Local Municipality is situated within the Pixley Ka Seme District of the Northern Cape Province.

It is bordered by the ZF Mgcawu and Frances Baard Districts in the north, Siyathemba and Thembelihle in the south, the Free State Province in the east, and the ZF Mgcawu District in the west.

It is one of the eight municipalities that make up the district, accounting for 16% of its geographical area.

Area: 16 587km2

Cities/Towns: Campbell, Douglas, Griekwastad, Schmidtsdrif

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, mining

THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 | 187 NORTHERN CAPE Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.
FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 59 385 n/a 32 581 Total Current Liabilities 79 463 n/a 6 659 Community Wealth/Equity 5 258 n/a 190 561 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 190 687 n/a 71 189 Cash at Year End 207 867 n/a 80 254 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 3 8401 291 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 68 72 Vacant Positions 2 6 Managerial Positions 5 5 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 0 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 24 05323 313 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 2 4842 324 <200m from Yard 0160 Households - Free Basic Service1 1351 179 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served2 3462 346 Households - Free Basic Service1 0731 179 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage1 2641 264 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 682682 Ventilated Pit Latrine 308308 Bucket System 140140 Households - Free Basic Service 901895
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/22*2020/212019/20
INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Disclaimer of audit Disclaimer of audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 81 67120 94463 716 Total Expenditure 69 44749 48994 337 Surplus/(Deficit) 12 224(28 544)(30 621) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 1 99514 62810 974 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 70 014(3 425)27 452 Total Current Liabilities 206 537181 319169 023 Community Wealth/Equity 313 084323 893382 575 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow -84 214Cash at Year End 2 70770 251 674 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 1 87058 223 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 117 113 Vacant Positions 0 4 Managerial Positions 4 6 Vacant Managerial Positions 0 4 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 27 72423 987 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 2 9272 927 Households - Free Basic Service 403293 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served1 4191 419 Households - Free Basic Service 307 293 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage2 7472 747 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 180180 Households - Free Basic Service 403293


Population: 35 941 Population Growth: -0.71% p.a.

No Schooling: 9.7% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 29.3%

Households: 10 191 Formal Dwellings: 82.0%


Composition of Council: ANC 6, DA 3, INDEPENDENT 2, EFF 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Mayor: Ms Lorraine Oliphant

Speaker: Mr Johannes George

Chief Whip: Mr Abel Oliphant

Other Council: Ms VV Adams, Mr R Booyens, Ms M Eland, Mr D Koopman, Mr P Mcklien, Mr Johannes Mosetle (Exco), Ms MP Selebogo, Ms Lemfvia van Niekerk (Exco)

Municipal Manager: Mr Martin Fillis (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Charlene Zealand

Senior Management: Mr XS Geco (Director: Technical), Mr J Marwane (Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Ms Margarette Adams, Ms Jonathan Marwane (Corporate Manager)






POSTAL: PO Box 16, Prieska, 8940

PHYSICAL: Victoria Street, Prieska

TEL: 053 492 3394

EMAIL: communications@siyathemba.gov.za

WEB: www.siyathemba.gov.za


Description: The Siyathemba Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Pixley Ka Seme District of the Northern Cape Province. It is one of the eight municipalities in the district. The municipality was established as a result of the Local Government Municipal Structures Act of 1998 on 22 September 2000.

Initially it was established as ’Primanday’, which was a combination of the names Prieska, Marydale and Niekerkshoop. However, this was not an acceptable solution and on the 25th June 2001, as a result of a Council decision and Provincial Government notice 22/2001, became Siyathemba. The meaning of Siyathemba is ’we hope’.

Prieska was originally named Prieschap, a Koranna word meaning ’place of the lost she-goat’, and used to be a fording place for travellers over the Orange River. Known to the locals as ’the gem of the Northern Cape’, Prieska is the seat of the municipality and is located on the hills of the Doring Mountains on the southern banks of the Orange River. Prieska’s infrastructure is impressive – it has Eskom power; an abundant water supply from the Orange River, with the Gariep and the Vanderkloof Dams on the upstream side of the river; easy access to the main railway line to Namibia; good tarred road linkage with Kimberley, Upington and De Aar; two landing strips for light aircraft; and complete and reasonably inexpensive industrial stands, with or without siding facilities. Industrial activities include: grain silos; a cotton mill; a bakery; manufacture of furniture, built-in cupboards; cattle fodder pellets; and a tiger’s eye processing plant.

Niekerkshoop is attractively placed between hills, and large trees shade the streets. There is no domestic water supply but irrigation water is supplied by a spring to the north of the town. On the northwest side of Marydale is a rich underground water source, and the main means of water supply is by borehole and wind pumps. It depends mainly on sheep farming.

Area: 14 704km2

Cities/Towns: Copperton, Marydale, Niekerkshoop, Prieska

Main Economic Sectors: Government services (28.9%), financial services (23.8%), agriculture (16.4%)


Population: 23 075 Population Growth: 1.51% p.a.

No Schooling: 7.1% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 26.1%

Households: 6 615 Formal Dwellings: 91.5%


Composition of Council: ANC 5, SGB 4, DA 2

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Executive Mayor: Mr Johan Andrew Phillips

Speaker: Mr Giel Macdonald

Chief Whip: Mr Lazarus Mzwandile Zenani

Other Council: Mrs Wiida Pelster, Mr Jacobus Platvoet

Municipal Manager: Mr Howard Humphrey Meiring (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr David Van Der Westhuizen (Acting)

Senior Management: Mr Jakob Basson

Communications Officers: Mr Sandile Botha


Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.

INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 187 343223 860219 274 Total Expenditure 204 676199 723200 785 Surplus/(Deficit) (17 333)24 13718 489 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 12 211 0 0 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 57 72565 85258 752 Total Current Liabilities 264 55888 748104 967 Community Wealth/Equity 215 002245 032220 920 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 185 9562 6452 645 Cash at Year End 175 8573 0055 389 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 68 95592 147 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 196186 Vacant Positions 9 1 Managerial Positions 23 23 Vacant Managerial Positions 9 1 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 66 12265 919 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 7 3137 313 Households - Free Basic Service3 5822 088 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served7 4167 369 Households - Free Basic Service3 5821 213 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage3 7913 791 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 548548 Bucket System 2 2382 238 Households - Free Basic Service3 5822 316 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20
INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 164 721125 906145 650 Total Expenditure 186 48873 802151 915 Surplus/(Deficit) (21 767)52 104(6 265) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 24 905(101 115)36 103 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 75 604(49 588)47 772 Total Current Liabilities 211 437(86 253)149 688 Community Wealth/Equity 486 198431 151427 352 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 18 647100 09011 663 Cash at Year End 17 317100 09011 682 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 136 968117 555 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: Private Bag X3, Hopetown, 8750

PHYSICAL: Church Street, Hopetown

TEL: 053 203 0005/0008 FAX: 053 203 0490

WEB: www.thembelihlemunicipality.gov.za


Description: The Thembelihle Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the heart of the Karoo in the Pixley Ka Seme District of the Northern Cape Province. It is one of the smaller municipalities of the eight that make up the district, accounting for only 8% of its geographical area.

This mostly agricultural landscape is rich in natural resources. The first diamond was discovered in Hopetown and a great part of the Anglo-Boer War was fought in these parts.

Thembelihle means ’a place of hope’. The new emblem depicts the diversity of Thembelihle inhabitants and its surroundings.

Area: 8 023km2

Cities/Towns: Hopetown, Strydenburg


Population: 16 230

Population Growth: 0.75% p.a.

No Schooling: 10.8% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 27.2%

Households: 4 736 Formal Dwellings: 77.4%


Composition of Council: ANC 5, EFF 3, DA 1, SGB 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Mayor: Mr Leonard Makena

Chief Whip: Ms Sylvia Swartling

Municipal Manager: Mr Michael Jack

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Noguli Jaxa Communications Officers: Mr Winston Mpamba (Head: Communications)



POSTAL: Private Bag X329, Victoria West, 7070

PHYSICAL: 78 Church Street, Victoria West

TEL: 053 621 0026 FAX: 053 621 0368

EMAIL: info@ubuntu.gov.za

WEB: www.ubuntu.gov.za


Description: The Ubuntu Local Municipality is a Category B municipality within the Pixley Ka Seme District in the Northern Cape Province. It is bordered by Kareeberg and Emthanjeni in the north, the Western Cape and Eastern Cape Provinces in the south, the Eastern Cape in the east, and the Namakwa District in the west.

It is the largest of the eight municipalities that make up the district, accounting for almost a quarter of its geographical area. Its seat is Victoria West.

Area: 20 393km2

Cities/Towns: Hutchinson, Loxton, Richmond, Victoria West

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture



Composition of Council: ANC 7, DA 3, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Ms Katy Rigard

Speaker: Mr Vuyo Yekani

Chief Whip: Ms Cheryl Jantjies

Municipal Manager: Mr Debere Maphosa

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Romano Asperito Jacobs

Communications Officers: Ms Nonceba Mkontwana

THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 | 189 NORTHERN CAPE Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.
EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 169 195 Vacant Positions 0 20 Managerial Positions 3 4 Vacant Managerial Positions 0 1 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 49 19946 498 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 3 8473 699 <200m from Yard 284325 Households - Free Basic Service1 6562 852 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served3 5563 156 Households - Free Basic Service 243 335 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage3 1793 124 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 120 149 Ventilated Pit Latrine 753753 Households - Free Basic Service1 6562 852
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 89 30483 66174 179 Total Expenditure 96 128110 183141 083 Surplus/(Deficit) (6 825)(26 522)(66 904) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 11 95812 1675 451 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 42 58910 644(17 012) Total Current Liabilities 191 231159 44657 734 Community Wealth/Equity 128 068137 607169 719 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 122 70271 750(1 236) Cash at Year End 109 40454 550(3 544) UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 14 649 69 873 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 159 197 Vacant Positions 0 38 Managerial Positions 4 4 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 33 05030 210 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 2 7582 758 <200m from Yard 470470 >200m from Yard 220220 Households - Free Basic Service 725 516 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served4 7364 736 Households - Free Basic Service 725 516 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage2 1662 166 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 220220 Ventilated Pit Latrine 679679 Other 356356 Households - Free Basic Service 725 516
INFORMATION Population: 19 471 Population Growth: 1.04% p.a. No Schooling: 11.8% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 27.0% Households: 6 034 Formal Dwellings: 92.9%
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit TABLE OF BOOKMARKS




POSTAL: Private Bag X6, Colesberg, 9795

PHYSICAL: 21A Church Street, Colesberg

TEL: 051 753 0777 FAX: 051 753 0574

WEB: www.umsobomvumun.co.za


Description: The Umsobomvu Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Pixley Ka Seme District in the Northern Cape Province. It is the second-smallest of eight municipalities in the district.

Colesberg is a town located on the main road from Cape Town to Johannesburg. In a sheep-farming area spread over 500 000 hectares, greater Colesberg breeds many of the country’s top merinos. It is also renowned for producing high-quality racehorses and many stud farms, including one owned by legendary golfer, Gary Player.

Towerberg or Coleskop is a prominent hill near the town and a landmark easily seen from a distance by travellers. Colesberg saw a large number of battles and skirmishes during the second Anglo-Boer War and the Colesberg Garden of Remembrance is located just outside the town.

The town boasts many buildings that were built in a blend of Cape Dutch and Georgian architecture, with ceilings of reed and yellowwood timbers, and others that display a range of designs reflecting the changes of 19th century building. Originally, plots were pegged out and sold on the site of the town to fund the building of the Dutch Reformed Church.

Noupoort is a town in the eastern Karoo region that principally revolved around the railways and is still used as a traction changeover facility from diesel to electric locomotives on the NoupoortBloemfontein line. It links up with the electric line to De Aar, part of the main artery for iron ore and manganese exports from the Northern Cape through Port Elizabeth Harbour on the south coast.

Area: 6 813km2

Cities/Towns: Colesberg, Norvalspont, Noupoort

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, services industry, tourism, hospitality


Population: 30 883

No Schooling: 9.9%

Households: 9 575

Population Growth: 1.92% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 32.2%

Formal Dwellings: 89.2%


Composition of Council: ANC 7, URA 4, DA 2

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Mr Mzwandile Simon Toto

Speaker: Mrs ND Stafa

Chief Whip: Mr B Mangaliso

Other Council: Mr Grant Marlon Hugh Douw, VP Harmse (Chairperson: Finance Portfolio Committee), Thembelihle Matebese, Mr Johannes Petrus Matthee (Member: MPAC and Technical Services Portfolio Committee), W Minnie (Chairperson: Technical Services Portfolio Committee), NS Mlungwana, Abongwe Philgetto Poyo, L Tyindyi, SA Yabo, L Zakhe

Municipal Manager: Mr Amos China Mpela

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Takalani Daniel Tshihundu

Senior Management: Mr Birtus Kapp (Senior Manager: Corporate Services), Mr Simphiwe Nkcithiso (Senior Manager: Technical Services), Mr SI Smith (Manager: Mayor’s Office)

Communications Officers: Mr S Phololo (Head: Communications)

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.
FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 131 341139 644132 007 Total Expenditure 154 774144 995148 521 Surplus/(Deficit) (23 433)(5 351)(16 514) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 0 392 16 017 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 37 88552 36046 426 Total Current Liabilities 114 556116 854115 533 Community Wealth/Equity 512 765520 531515 217 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (14)(71)18 178 Cash at Year End 1 52012 51224 610 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 63 763 19 770 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 181130 Vacant Positions 0 15 Managerial Positions 8 6 Vacant Managerial Positions 0 2 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 40 17637 018 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 3 4553 437 <200m from Yard 4 0 Households - Free Basic Service8081 255 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served 3 9533 953 Households - Free Basic Service8081 255 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage2 5782 578 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 626626 Bucket System 1 1 Households - Free Basic Service8081 255
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 216 829204 049181 628 Total Expenditure 231 181181 035187 185 Surplus/(Deficit) (14 352)23 013(5 557) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 17 918(42 793)3 606 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 110 792106 07784 448 Total Current Liabilities 85 06076 87571 367 Community Wealth/Equity 526 970504 122510 618 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (287 298) -Cash at Year End (286 055)3 41210 228 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 38 53524 984 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 203 232 Vacant Positions 2 21 Managerial Positions 10 10 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 2 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 55 86747 400 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 8 5228 522 <200m from Yard 285285 >200m from Yard 12 12 Households - Free Basic Service2 3271 145 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served 8 6208 620 Households - Free Basic Service2 3271 145 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage 8 0687 828 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 110 235 Bucket System 20 51 Households - Free Basic Service2 3271 145



POSTAL: Private Bag X6039, Upington, 8800

PHYSICAL: Cnr Nelson Mandela Avenue & Upington 26 Road, Upington

TEL: 054 337 2800 FAX: 054 337 2888

EMAIL: admin@zfm-dm.gov.za

WEB: www.zfm-dm.co.za


Description: The ZF Mgcawu District Municipality (previously Siyanda District Municipality) is a Category C municipality forming the midnorthern section of the Northern Cape Province, bordering with Botswana in the north and Namibia in the west.

It makes up just under a third of the province’s geographical area, of which 65 000km2 comprise the vast Kalahari Desert, Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park and the former Bushmanland. This district comprises five local municipalities: Dawid Kruiper, Kai !Garib, Tsantsabane, !Kheis and Kgatelopele. Upington is the district municipal capital, where the municipal government is located.

Area: 102 504km2

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, mining, tourism


Population: 252 692 Population Growth: 1.48% p.a.

No Schooling: 6.1% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 33.6%

Households: 74 091 Formal Dwellings: 75.9%


Composition of Council: ANC 5, DA 3, EFF 1, HFTF 1 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: n/a

Mayor: Mrs MC Basson

Speaker: Mr Stanley Peterson

Chief Whip: Mr Joseph Silo

Other Council: A Johnson (Chairperson: Institutional Portfolio Committee and Member: Mayoral Committee), A Matshimo

(Chairperson: Social and Local Economic Development Portfolio Committee and Member: Mayoral Committee), PH Matthys

(Chairperson: MPAC), PM Mgcera (Chairperson: Service Delivery

Portfolio Committee and Member: Mayoral Committee), J Silo

(Chairperson: Good Governance and Public Participation Portfolio Committee and Member: Mayoral Committee)

Municipal Manager: Mr Alfred Tieties

Chief Financial Officer: Mrs E Isaacs

Senior Management: Mr I de Waal (Director: Planning and Development), Mr DJ van Zyl (Director: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Ms Martha Clarke



POSTAL: PO Box 176, Groblershoop, 8850

PHYSICAL: 97 Oranje Street, Groblershoop

TEL: 018 389 0111 FAX: 054 833 0690

EMAIL: otm@kheism.gov.za

WEB: www.kheis.co.za


Description: The !Kheis Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the ZF Mgcawu District in the Northern Cape Province. It is one of the five municipalities that make up the district, accounting for 11% of its geographical area.

It was established from the former Groblershoop Municipality, from settlements that were previously part of the ZF Mgcawu and

Karoo District Municipalities. These municipalities administrated these settlements and provided them with services up until the demarcation in November 2000. From December 2000, !Kheis Municipality took over services and personnel, and total service provision took place from 1 July 2001.

The !Kheis municipal area was initially inhabited by the Khoisan people, who were also the first permanent inhabitants of South Africa. The San, who lived a nomadic life, migrated through the area. !Kheis is a Khoi name meaning ’a place where you live’ or ’your home’. The existing roads in the !Kheis municipal area are mainly gravel. The main road (N10) from Upington to Groblershoop is a tar road. Groblershoop is also connected by the N8 to Griekwastad and by the N10 to Marydale.

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.

!KHEIS LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Danielskuil Postmasburg Groblershoop Kenhardt Kakamas Keimoes Louisvale Upington DAWID KRUIPER
INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean auditClean audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 84 54781 08978 950 Total Expenditure 82 15380 76378 855 Surplus/(Deficit) 2 395 325 95 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 2 164 841 167 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 2 9973 6803 147 Total Current Liabilities 11 50113 03415 137 Community Wealth/Equity (21 653)(21 989)(22 123) CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 70 60225 435(110) Cash at Year End 71 92726 4611 139 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 3 5636 197 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 113 135 Vacant Positions 2 8 Managerial Positions 34 37 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 5 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 58 76048 405

Due to the climate of the area, there is huge potential to utilise solar energy more widely, especially in the remote areas of the district. The Orange River stretches through the area, from the south-east to the north-west. The presence of perennial river water contributes to the establishment of table grapes, which are marketed and exported to Western Europe.

Area: 11 102km2

Cities/Towns: Brandboom, Groblershoop

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture


Population: 16 566 Population Growth: -0.10% p.a.

No Schooling: 11.6% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 21.3%

Households: 4 344 Formal Dwellings: 59.3%


Composition of Council: ANC 5, DA 2, INDEPENDENT 2, COPE 1, EFF 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Executive Mayor: AL Diergaardt

Speaker: Mr Koos Esau

Other Council: Mr Josef Silo (MPAC Chairperson and Portfolio

Chairperson: Infrastructure and Economic Development), Mr Abraham

Tobias (Portfolio Chairperson: Health and Social Services)

Municipal Manager: Mr Floyd Leeuw

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Donovan Block

Senior Management: Mr A Daniels (Manager: LED), Mr D Dolopi

(Senior Manager: Technical Services), Mr D Jacobs (Senior Manager:

Planning and Development), Mr D van der Westhuizen (Senior Manager:

Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Mr John Nkoane (Communications Manager), Mrs Teresa Scheepers, Mr Ronnie van der Westhuizen



POSTAL: Private Bag X6003, Upington, 8800

PHYSICAL: Civic Centre, Mutual Street, Upington, 8801

TEL: 054 338 7000 FAX: 054 338 7350

EMAIL: manager@kharahais.gov.za

WEB: dawidkruiper.xyz


Description: The Dawid Kruiper Local Municipality is a Category B municipality that forms part of the ZF Mgcawu District in the Northern Cape. It borders with the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park in the north, Botswana in the north-east, and Namibia in the west. It is the largest of five municipalities in the district, making up almost half its geographical area.

It was established by the amalgamation of the Mier and //Khara Hais Local Municipalities in August 2016. It consists of small towns and the !Khomani San community within its jurisdiction. Rietfontein, which is one of the main towns, is situated approximately 280km north-west from the nearest big town of Upington.

Upington is situated 400km west of Kimberley, and has an airport and a landing strip. Natural boundaries provide a unique aspect to the town – one is the Kalahari Desert and another is the Orange River, South Africa’s largest river, which it straddles.

The municipality is the acknowledged commercial, educational, military, agricultural, medical, transport and tourism centre of the area. Area: 44 399km2

Cities/Towns: Mier, Rietfontein, Upington

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, business services, game farming, tourism and hospitality, manufacturing, transport, community services, social and personal services


Population: 107 161 Population Growth: 1.46% p.a.

No Schooling: 4.5% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 38.2%

Households: 28 704 Formal Dwellings: 69.7%


Composition of Council: ANC 18, DA 12, EFF 1, KSR 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Mr Michael Segede

Speaker: Ms Melanie Dodds

Chief Whip: Mr Siyabulela Dawid Dubeni

Other Council: Ms Marychen Andreas (Mayoral Committee Member), Ms M Andreas (Mayoral Committee Member), Ms Sandra Beukes (Mayoral Committee Member), Ms Magrieta Eiman (Mayoral Committee Member), Mr Elliot Lebitsa (Mayoral Committee Member), Mr Salim Links (Mayoral Committee Member), Ms Sebiena Masikani (Mayoral Committee Member), Ms Elize Mnyaka (Mayoral Committee Member), Mr James Moya (Mayoral Committee Member), Mr F Olifant (Mayoral Committee Member), Mr Adam Visser (Mayoral Committee Member)

Municipal Manager: Mr Elias Ntoba

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Ruaan Strauss (Acting)

Senior Management: Mr Gudlani Bovu (Director: Community Services), Ms Carol Newman (Director: Corporate Services), Mr Abraham Snyders (Director: Electro-Mechanical Services), Ms Vanessa van Wyk (Manager: LED)

Communications Officers: Mr Patrick Williams FINANCIAL

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.



FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Adverse audit Disclaimer of audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 61 79069 22356 000 Total Expenditure 65 04569 56451 131 Surplus/(Deficit) (3 255)(341)4 869 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 7 81413 3514 261 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 6 15852 3434 210 Total Current Liabilities 12 99560 932(4 337) Community Wealth/Equity -146 198CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 54 17770 39411 627 Cash at Year End 54 17770 30912 801 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 36 5111 835 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 152 147 Vacant Positions 15 15 Managerial Positions 22 19 Vacant Managerial Positions 15 15 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 32 27235 467 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 5 5315 531 Households - Free Basic Service9451 218 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served4 0823 153 Households - Free Basic Service9451 218 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage 1 7451 745 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 1 7811 781 Ventilated Pit Latrine 1 7801 780 Households - Free Basic Service9451 218
AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 022 986828 210836 966 Total Expenditure 861 289788 261762 430 Surplus/(Deficit) 161 69739 94974 537 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 169 84083 190 n/a FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 137 900127 327148 732 Total Current Liabilities 235 645198 180251 222 Community Wealth/Equity2 342 1612 203 2392 170 033 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 425 3646 757110 161 Cash at Year End 341 03917 69637 001 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 54 75039 792



POSTAL: Private Bag X6, Kakamas, 8870

PHYSICAL: 11th Avenue, Kakamas

TEL: 054 461 6400 FAX: 054 461 6401

EMAIL: admin@kaigarib.gov.za

WEB: www.kaigarib.gov.za


Description: The Kai !Garib Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated along the Orange River within the ZF Mgcawu District in the Northern Cape Province. It is bordered by Dawid Kruiper Local Municipality in the north-east and Namibia in the north-west. It is the second-largest of the five municipalities that make up the district, accounting for a quarter of its geographical area. It is characterised by its unique landscape, with the Kalahari Desert on the one side and the Orange River on the other side.

Area: 26 236km2

Cities/Towns: Eksteenskuil, Kakamas, Keimoes, Kenhardt

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture (51.8%), community and government services (15.9%), wholesale and retail trade (11.3%), finance services (7.6%), manufacturing (5.1%)


Population: 68 929

No Schooling: 5.6%

Households: 23 017

Population Growth: 1.03% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 24.5%

Formal Dwellings: 82.4%


Composition of Council: ANC 10, HFTF 4, DA 3, EFF 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: ANC

Executive Mayor: Mr MM Louw

Speaker: Mr W Klim

Chief Whip: Mr VWW Sacco

Other Council: Ms BM Bock (Chairperson: Municipal Public Account Committee), Ms D Jaar (Chairperson: Socio-Economic Development Committee), Mr Walter Klim (Exco), Ms BB Kordom (Chairperson: Institutional Development Committee), Mr C Markgraaff (Exco), Mr VWW Sacco (Chairperson: Institutional Development Committee)



POSTAL: PO Box 43, Danielskuil, 8405

PHYSICAL: 222 Baker Street, Danielskuil

TEL: 053 384 8600

EMAIL: customercare@kgatelopele.gov.za

WEB: www.kgatelopele.gov.za


Description: The Kgatelopele Local Municipality is a Category B municipality found in the Northern Cape Province within the ZF Mgcawu District. It was formerly known as Danielskuil Municipal District or Area. It is bordered by the John Taolo Gaetsewe District in the north, the Pixley ka Seme District in the south, the Frances Baard District in the east, and Tsantsabane in the west.

Municipal Manager: Mr Gilbert Lategan (Information Officer [PIA])

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Antheniqe Beukes

Senior Management: Ms G Cloete (Manager: LED), Adv RS Neethling (Director: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Benedict Bok

It is the smallest of the five municipalities that make up the district, accounting for only 2% of its geographical area.

Area: 2 478km2

Cities/Towns: Danielskuil, Lime Acres

Main Economic Sectors: Mining, agriculture, manufacturing, business services


Population: 20 691

No Schooling: 9.6%

Households: 6 206

Population Growth: 2.32% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 40.4%

Formal Dwellings: 87.9%

THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 | 193 NORTHERN CAPE Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.
EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 964988 Vacant Positions 2 27 Managerial Positions 41 40 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 2 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 332 966288 535 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 25 22525 225 <200m from Yard 1 9401 940 >200m from Yard 177177 Households - Free Basic Service8 3008 234 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served35 48935 489 Households - Free Basic Service7 2947 417 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage18 97318 973 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 1 8251 233 Ventilated Pit Latrine 2 3411 686 Bucket System 2 0902 283 Other 1 5511 273 Households - Free Basic Service8 3008 234 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/22*2020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Disclaimer of audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 148 812117 471238 281 Total Expenditure 222 533121 635295 486 Surplus/(Deficit) (73 721)(4 163)(57 205) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 9 10814 56847 788 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 94 58643 67297 332 Total Current Liabilities 179 13565 154506 521 Community Wealth/Equity (1 720)(2 751)331 412 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 161 659153 399Cash at Year End 154 020139 0414 735 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 267 847157 669 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 545482 Vacant Positions 129 64 Managerial Positions 20 28 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 6 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 126 210115 781 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 7 6787 678 Households - Free Basic Service2 7013 700 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served8 0538 009 Households - Free Basic Service4 1963 894 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage4 0674 067 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 1 0381 038 Households - Free Basic Service2 3632 318


Composition of Council: ANC 5, DA 2, PA 1(1x VACANT), EFF 1,


Controlling Party: Hung Council

Mayor: Mrs Irene Williams

Speaker: Mosala Leutlwetse

Chief Whip: Ronel Haai

Other Council: Mr Dorcas Burger, Ms Patience Leburu, Mr Francois Maritz, Ms Denys Pienaar, Mr Frikkie Sebelego (PR Councillor), Mr Jan Slinger, Ms Anna Christina Van Zyl

Municipal Manager: Adv Willie Blundin

Chief Financial Officer: Mrs Marishe Swarts (Acting)

Senior Management: Ms Irene Moemedi (LED Officer), Mr Bolokang

Moeng (Acting: Deputy CFO), Mr Refilwe Olyn (Senior: Admin and Compliance), Mr Linda Sekota (Acting: Technical Manager)

Communications Officers: Ms Nadine Sabella



POSTAL: PO Box 5, Postmasburg, 8420

PHYSICAL: 13 Springbok Street, Postmasburg

TEL: 053 313 7300 FAX: 053 313 1602

EMAIL: mmsec@tsantsabane.gov.za

WEB: www.tsantsabane.gov.za


Description: The Tsantsabane Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located within the north-eastern part of the Northern Cape Province in the ZF Mgcawu District. It is one of the five municipalities in the district. The nearest business centre is Kimberley, which is about 200km away.

Three main traffic routes provide access to other cities, namely Johannesburg via Kuruman, and the Kalahari and Cape Town via Kimberley. The rest of the Tsantsabane Municipality area comprises Boichoko, Postdene, New Town, Stasie, Groen Water, Skyfontein, Jean Heaven, Marenane (the newly established settlement brought about by the land redistribution), and the well-known Lohatlha Army Battle School.

Economically, Tsantsabane is known for being rich in minerals, and for its mining, agriculture, manufacturing and farming sectors. Tsantsabane has reinvented itself over the years as one of the leading investment hot spots in the Northern Cape. The construction of the Anglo American Kumba Iron Ore’s Kolomela Mine has brought an implosion of development to the area.

Area: 18 289km2

Cities/Towns: Beeshoek, Postmasburg

Main Economic Sectors: Mining, solar, manufacturing and agriculture


Population: 39 345

No Schooling: 7.3%

Households: 11 821

Population Growth: 2.60% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 39.3%

Formal Dwellings: 77.9%


Composition of Council: ANC 7, DA 2, EFF 2, STC 2

Controlling Party: ANC

Mayor: Ms Helena English

Speaker: Mr Elroy Phete

Chief Whip: Mr Marko Lottering

Other Council: Mr Henry Beets, Deyong Minnies

Municipal Manager: Mr Gaonyadiwe H Mathobela

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Leonard Coakley

Senior Management: Mr Victor Ready Mlangeni (Technical Director), Mr Cassius Nakdimang (Director: Corporate Services), Mr Julius Theys

(Director: Community Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Joseph Kekgopilwe (Head: Communications)

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full

year figures.
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Disclaimer of audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 151 390125 128 0 Total Expenditure 108 812110 376 n/a Surplus/(Deficit) 42 57814 753 n/a CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 132 942143 657 n/a FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 137 36437 842 n/a Total Current Liabilities 125 83753 668 n/a Community Wealth/Equity 389 576354 686 n/a CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 13 7936 917 n/a Cash at Year End 18 47111 645 n/a UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 2 89114 532 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 119165 Vacant Positions 0 38 Managerial Positions 3 3 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 033 970 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 5 3155 315 Households - Free Basic Service1 7461 354 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served4 4674 467 Households - Free Basic Service1 7461 354 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage3 9663 966 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 219219 Households - Free Basic Service1 7461 354 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 271 679242 341199 579 Total Expenditure 286 687271 832276 797 Surplus/(Deficit) (15 008)(29 492)(77 217) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 28 71636 35113 186 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 89 09744 96650 192 Total Current Liabilities 426 614374 809356 243 Community Wealth/Equity 373 695374 056451 289 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (103 937) n/an/a Cash at Year End (87 596) n/an/a UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 44 750112 108 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 158 245 Vacant Positions 0 4 Managerial Positions 35 10 Vacant Managerial Positions 0 4 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 91 83978 408 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 12 30212 302 <200m from Yard 212212 Households - Free Basic Service1 5031 249 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served17 57317 573 Households - Free Basic Service1 5031 677 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage9 6629 662 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 1 9571 957 Bucket System 125125 Other 250250 Households - Free Basic Service1 5031 249

The Western Cape is located on the southern tip of the African continent between the Indian and Atlantic Oceans. It is bordered by the Northern Cape and Eastern Cape Provinces. The Western Cape’s natural beauty makes the province one of the world’s greatest tourist attractions. The region is topographically and climatically diverse. It has a temperate southern coastline fringed with mountains. To the north, it stretches deep into the Karoo plateau, while the west coast is extremely dry.

It covers an area of 129 462km2 and has a population of approximately 6 279 730 It is the fourth-largest province in South Africa by surface area and also ranks fourth largest in population. The capital is Cape Town. Other major cities and towns include George, Knysna, Paarl, Swellendam, Oudtshoorn, Stellenbosch, Worcester, Mossel Bay and Strand.

The Western Cape is rich in agriculture and fisheries. The climate of the peninsula and the mountainous region beyond it is ideal for grape cultivation, with a number of vineyards producing excellent wines. Other fruit and vegetables are also grown here, and wheat is an important crop to the north and east of Cape Town. Fishing is the most important industry along the west coast and sheep farming is the mainstay of the Karoo. The province has a well-established industrial and business base, and the lowest unemployment rate in the country. Sectors such as finance, real estate, ICT, retail and tourism have shown substantial growth and are the main contributors to the regional economy. Many of South Africa’s major insurance companies and banks are based in the Western Cape. The majority of the country’s petroleum companies and the largest segment of the printing and publishing industry are located in Cape Town.

The Western Cape is divided into one metropolitan municipality (City of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality) and five district municipalities, which are further subdivided into 24 local municipalities.



Central Karoo District 201 Beaufort West 201 Laingsburg 202 Prince Albert 203 Garden Route District 203 Bitou 20 4 George 20 5 Hessequa 206 Kannaland 20 6 Knysna 207 M ossel Bay 20 8 Oudtshoorn 20 8 Overberg District 20 9 Cape Agulhas 21 0 Overstrand 21 1 Swellendam 21 1 Theewaterskloof 212 West Coast District 21 3 Bergrivier 214 Cederberg 214 Matzikama 21 5 Saldanha Bay 21 6 Swartland 21 6 City of Cape Town 19 6 Cape Winelands District 197 Breede Valley 197 Drakenstein 19 8 Langeberg 19 9 Stellenbosch 19 9 Witzenberg 20 0
LAND AREA 129 462km2 LAND PERCENTAGE 10.6% 99,8 33,9 2.7% 29.7% 29.5% 24.5% 82.4% 0.5% 16.5% ACCESS TO PIPED WATER 96.5% FLUSH/CHEMICAL TOILET 94.6% CONNECTED TO ELECTRICITY 96.5%




POSTAL: Private Bag X9181, Cape Town, 8000

PHYSICAL: Civic Centre, 12 Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town

TEL: 021 400 1111/0860 103 089 FAX: 021 400 1313/0860 103 090

EMAIL: contact.us@capetown.gov.za

WEB: www.capetown.gov.za


Description: The City of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality is a Category A municipality and is situated in the southern peninsula of the Western Cape Province. It has a coastline of 294km. It stretches from Gordon’s Bay to Atlantis and includes the suburbs of Khayelitsha and Mitchells Plain.

The municipalities adjacent to it are Swartland and West Coast to the north; Drakenstein, Cape Winelands and Stellenbosch to the north-east; and Theewaterskloof, Overberg and Overstrand to the south-east. It is also bounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the south and west.

The City is South Africa’s second-largest economic centre and second most populous city after Johannesburg. It is the provincial capital and primate city of the Western Cape, as well as the legislative capital of South Africa, where the National Parliament and many government offices are located.

The City is famous for its harbour, as well as its natural setting in the Cape Floral Kingdom, including such well-known landmarks as Table Mountain and Cape Point. It is hailed as one of the most beautiful cities in the world as officially recognised by Forbes. It is also Africa’s most popular tourist destination. Being the oldest city in South Africa, it is affectionately known as ’The Mother City’.

Area: 2 441km2

Cities/Towns: Athlone, Atlantis, Belhar, Bellville, Blackheath, Blouberg, Blue Downs, Brackenfell, Cape Point, Cape Town, Delft, Durbanville, Elsies Rivier, Fish Hoek, Goodwood, Gordon’s Bay, Grassy Park, Guguletu, Hout Bay, Khayelitsha, Kommetjie, Kraaifontein, Kuils River, Langa, Macassar, Matroosfontein, Melkbosstrand, Milnerton, Mitchells Plain, Muizenberg, Noordhoek, Nyanga, Parow, Philadelphia, Philippi, Robben Island, Scarborough, Simon’s Town, Sir Lowry’s Pass, Somerset West, Southern Suburbs, Strand, Table View

Main Economic Sectors: Finance and business services (36.1%), manufacturing (16.1%), trade and hospitality (15.6%), community services and general government (15.0%), transport, storage and communication (11.2%), construction (4.1), electricity (1.1%), agriculture (0.7%), mining (0.1%) - Source IDP 2015/16


Population: 4 005 016

No Schooling: 2.0%

Households: 1 264 949

Population Growth: 1.56% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 48.4%

Formal Dwellings: 81.6%


Composition of Council: DA 136, ANC 43, EFF 10, GOOD 9, CCC 7, ACDP 6, PA 4, VF PLUS 4, ALJAMA 3, ARA 2, AIC 1, CAPEXIT 1, CMC 1, DI 1, PAC 1, UDM 1, UIM 1

Controlling Party: DA

Executive Mayor: Mr Geordin Hill-Lewis

Deputy Mayor: Mr Eddie Andrews (Spatial Planning and Environment Portfolio)

Speaker: Ms Felicity Purchase

Chief Whip: Ms Desiree Visagie

Other Council: Mr Malusi Booi (MMC: Human Settlements), Mr Siseko Mbandezi (Acting MMC: Finance and MMC: Water and Sanitation), Mr Rob Quintas (MMC: Urban Mobility), Mr JP Smith (MMC: Safety and Security), Mr Grant Twigg (MMC: Urban Waste Management), Ms Theresa Uys (MMC: Corporate Services), Ms Patricia van der Ross (MMC: Community Services and Health), Ms Beverley van Reenen (MMC: Energy), Mr James Vos (MMC: Economic Growth)

Municipal Manager: Mr Lungelo Mbandazayo (City Manager)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Kevin Jacoby (Executive Director: Finance)

Senior Management: Mr Vincent Botto (Executive Director: Safety and Security), Ms Dalene Campbell (Urban Mobility), Ms Ruby Leoni Gelderbloem (Executive Director: Economic Growth), Ms Nolwandle Gqiba (Executive Director: Human Settlements), Ms Zukiswa Mandlana (Acting Executive Director: Community Services and Health), Mr Rob

McGaffin (Executive Director: Spatial Planning and Environment), Dr Luzuko Mdunyelwa (Executive Director: Urban Waste Management), Mr Gareth Morgan (Executive Director: Future Planning and Resilience), Mr Kadri Nassiep (Executive Director: Energy), Mr Ernest Sass (Executive Director: Corporate Services), Mr Michael Webster (Executive Director: Water and Sanitation)

Communications Officers: Ms Priya Reddy (Director: Communication)

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full
Gordon's Bay Strand Simon's Town Cape Point Kommetjie Fish Hoek Muizenberg Grassy Park Philippi Cape Town Matroosfontein Southern Suburbs Hout Bay Kuils River Bellville Goodwood Milnerton Robben Island Durbanville Brackenfell Somerset West Macassar Khayelitsha Mitchells Plain Table View Blouberg Melkbosstrand Atlantis
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 53 514 70345 285 35744 507 695 Total Expenditure 50 597 64743 393 15040 440 136 Surplus/(Deficit) 2 917 0551 892 2074 067 559 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 3 729 0514 971 3793 813 809 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 17 317 12116 338 73118 830 241 Total Current Liabilities 10 295 7588 006 7068 102 467 Community Wealth/Equity55 406 54353 026 42849 591 737 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 83 383 57840 640 237Cash at Year End 88 837 46852 051 77410 352 577 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 774 514 675 759 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 33 20431 031 Vacant Positions 4 3753 699 Managerial Positions 1 0461 014 Vacant Managerial Positions 116108 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 13 020 28712 575 114 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 653 908650 041 <200m from Yard 170 792159 178 Households - Free Basic Service428 814432 882 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served1 124 4341 121 434 Households - Free Basic Service308 603315 246 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage633 260629 086 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 3 5613 561 Ventilated Pit Latrine 197197 Bucket System 0 84 Other 37 16736 582 Households - Free Basic Service428 814432 882




POSTAL: PO Box 100, Stellenbosch, 7599

PHYSICAL: 46 Alexander Street, Stellenbosch

TEL: 086 126 5263 FAX: 023 342 8442

EMAIL: admin@capewinelands.gov.za

WEB: www.capewinelands.gov.za


Description: The Cape Winelands District Municipality (CWDM) is a Category C municipality situated in the Western Cape Province next to the Cape Metropolitan area. It was formerly known as the Boland District Municipality.

CWDM is a landlocked area in between the West Coast and Overberg coastal districts. The district includes five local municipalities, namely: Drakenstein, Stellenbosch, Witzenberg, Breede Valley and Langeberg. The area is one of the ’pearls’ of South Africa’s rural and small-town subregions, but disparate with a relatively high and diverse level of development. It’s a superb wine-producing area, and indeed the best known in South Africa. The magnificent mountain ranges around Stellenbosch and Franschhoek provide ideal microclimates for the vines.

Area: 21 478km2

Main Economic Sectors: Finance and business services (23.9%), manufacturing (19.6%), wholesale and retail trade (15.2%), agriculture, forestry and fishing (13.1%), transport and communication (9%), construction (4.5%)


Population: 866 001

Population Growth: 2.16% p.a.

No Schooling: 2.5% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 39.0%

Households: 235 906 Formal Dwellings: 81.0%


Composition of Council: DA 9, ANC 4, EFF 1, GOOD 1, PA 1, VF PLUS 1 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: n/a

Executive Mayor: Dr Helena von Schlicht

Deputy Mayor: Ms Margaret Sampson

Speaker: Mr Donovan Joubert

Chief Whip: Mr Thys Blom

Other Council: Mr Deon Carinus, Ms Xoliswa Mdemka, Mr Danie Nel (MPAC Chair), Ms Minnie Petersen

Municipal Manager: Mr Henry F Prins

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Fiona du Raan-Groenewald (Financial and Strategic Support Services)

Senior Management: Mr Deon Carinus (Infrastructure Services), Ms Gayle Daniels (Manager: LED), Ms Bianca Daries (IDP), Mr Abdul Gabier (ICT Officer), Ms Gail Gilberts (Human Resources Manager), Mrs Esther Groenewald (Corporate Services), Mrs Xoliswa Mdemka (Municipal Health), Ms Clara Meyer (Disaster Management), Ms Wilmari Neethling (Legal Services), Mrs Minnie Petersen (Rural and Social Development), Mr Koos Steyn (Economic Development), Mr Dirk Swart (Sport, Arts and Culture), Mr Francois van Eck (Executive Director: Technical Services), Mr Pietie Williams (Community Development and Planning Services)

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean auditClean audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 412 587401 472415 133 Total Expenditure 376 693 374 765368 850 Surplus/(Deficit) 35 89426 70746 282 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 3 1335 5237 573 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 844 308 792 935 749 456 Total Current Liabilities 47 68748 33649 325 Community Wealth/Equity 764 915755 190728 483 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 414 909(2 846)(1 574) Cash at Year End 1 181 063712 705662 228 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 1 486EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 423 470 Vacant Positions 3 42 Managerial Positions 47 47 Vacant Managerial Positions 3 1 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 214 896190 330


POSTAL: Private Bag X3046, Worcester, 6849

PHYSICAL: 30 Baring Street, Worcester

TEL: 023 348 2600 FAX: 023 347 3671

WEB: www.bvm.gov.za


Description: The Breede Valley Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located within the Cape Winelands District Municipality in the Western Cape Province. It is bordered by Witzenberg in the north, Langeberg in the south, the Central Karoo District in the east, and Drakenstein and Stellenbosch in the west. It is one of five municipalities in the district.

The most striking feature of the Breede Valley is its scenic beauty consisting of majestic mountains, fertile valleys, vineyards and vast plains, covered with indigenous semi-desert vegetation.

Area: 3 834km2

Cities/Towns: De Doorns, Rawsonville, Touws River, Worcester

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture (28.8%), community services (21.9%), finance (20.2%), manufacturing (11.3%), trade (7.7%), transport (6.1%), construction (2.7%)


Population: 176 578

No Schooling: 2.6%

Households: 47 569

Population Growth: 1.29% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 38.9%

Formal Dwellings: 77.7%

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.

Tulbagh Prince Alfred Hamlet Wolseley Ceres Franschhoek Wellington Mbekweni Stellenbosch Paarl Ashton Montagu Robertson Bonnievale McGregor
Rawsonville Worcester
Communications Officers: Ms Jo-Anne Otto


Composition of Council: DA 19, ANC 10, BO 4, EFF 2, GOOD 2, VF PLUS 2, ACDP 1, PA 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Executive Mayor: Ms Antoinette Steyn

Deputy Mayor: Mr Juben von Willingh

Speaker: Mr Johannes van Zyl

Chief Whip: Mr Pieter Marais

Other Council: Mr Vernon Bedworth (MMC: Sports and Culture), Mr Joffrey Jack (MMC: Engineering Services), Mr Julian Kritzinger

MMC: LED and Tourism), Mr Wouter Meiring (MMC: Finance), Ms Naomi Nel (MMC: Community Services), Ms Palesa Ramokhabi (MMC: Housing and Human Settlements), Ms Esmé van der Westhuizen (MMC: Public Services), Ms Felicity Vaughan (MMC: Strategic Support Services)

Municipal Manager: Mr David McThomas

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Rod Ontong

Senior Management: Mr R Esau (Director: Strategic Support Services), Mr Colin January (Manager: LED), Mr Jaco Steyn (Director: Technical Services), Mr Seon Swartz (Director: Community Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Johan Botha, Ms Anette Radjoo

(Manager: Communications)





POSTAL: PO Box 1, Paarl, 7620

PHYSICAL: Berg River Boulevard, Paarl

TEL: 021 807 4500 FAX: 021 872 8054

EMAIL: customercare@drakenstein.gov.za

WEB: www.drakenstein.gov.za


Description: The Drakenstein Local Municipality is a Category B municipality forming part of the Cape Winelands District in the Western Cape Province. It is bordered on the west by the City of Cape Town Metro and West Coast District. The municipality is one of five in the district.

It stretches from just south of the N1 freeway, including Simondium in the south, up to and including Saron in the north. The Klein Drakenstein, Limiet and Saron Mountain Ranges form its eastern edge, and the agricultural areas immediately to the west of the R45 form its western border.

Paarl and Wellington are the main urban centres in the municipality, located in close proximity to the N1 in the south, with smaller rural settlements at Saron and Gouda in the north and Hermon in the mid-west.

Area: 1 537km2

Cities/Towns: Gouda, Paarl, Saron, Wellington

Main Economic Sectors: Finance, insurance, real estate and business services (21.29%), wholesale and retail trade, catering and accommodation (18.12%), manufacturing (15.36%), general government (10.75%), transport, storage and communication (8.74%)


Population: 280 195

Population Growth: 2.48% p.a.

No Schooling: 2.1% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 44.8%

Households: 71 686

Formal Dwellings: 90.3%


Composition of Council: DA 36, ANC 13, GOOD 4, CDR 3, VF PLUS 3, ACDP 1, ALJAMA 1, EFF 1, ICOSA 1, PA 1, PAC 1

Controlling Party: DA

Mayor: Mr Conrad Poole

Deputy Mayor: Mr Gert Combrink

Speaker: Adv Koos le Roux

Chief Whip: Mr Christephine Kearns

Other Council: Ms Rita Andreas (Human Settlements), Ms Avron Appollis (Public Safety), Mr Lorenzo Arendse (Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture [SRAC]), Ms Elizabeth Baron (Corporate Services), Mr Theuns Bester (Engineering Services), Ms Lorraine Cyster (Parks, Waste and Cemeteries), Ms Eva Gouws (Social Development), Adv Johan Miller (Governance and Compliance), Ms Laurichia van Niekerk (Planning and Development), Mr Reinhardt van Nieuwenhuyzen (Communication and Intergovernmental Relations)

Municipal Manager: Dr Johan Leibbrandt

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Bradley Brown

Senior Management: Mr David Delaney (Senior Manager: Planning Services), Mr Gerald Esau (Executive Director: Community Services), Ms Sonia Frans (Senior Manager: Solid Waste), Mr Charles Geldenhuys (Senior Manager: Electro-Technical Services), Mr Seraj Johaar (Executive Director: Corporate Services), Ms Nthabiseng Keketsi (Senior Manager: Revenue and Expenditure), Mr Andre Kowalewski (Senior Manager: Waste Services), Ms Cindy Lategan (Senior Manager: Budget Assets and Financial), Mr Carel Lotz (Senior Manager: Streets, Storm Water and Traffic Engineering), Ms Nicola October (Senior Manager: Legal and Administration), Mr Phillip Pansegrouw (Senior Manager: Project Management), Ms Cheryl Phillips (Senior Manager: LED and Tourism), Mr Faarieg Rhoda (Senior Manager: Housing), Ms Jaqueline Samson (Executive Director: Planning and Economic Development), Mr Frans Theron (Senior Manager: ICT), Mr Heinrich Vergotine (Senior Manager: Supply Chain Management), Mr Marius Wust (Executive Director: Engineering Services)

Communications Officers: Ms Riana Geldenhuys (Manager: Communication and Marketing)

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean auditClean audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 188 0021 124 2311 159 274 Total Expenditure 1 135 9751 071 4471 011 192 Surplus/(Deficit) 52 027 52 784148 082 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 144 592141 045195 481 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 310 597218 022303 825 Total Current Liabilities 191 053178 951191 485 Community Wealth/Equity2 259 2122 139 3132 083 670 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (80 176)(226 618)269 612 Cash at Year End 106 242(165 432)404 104 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a -EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 879 1 078 Vacant Positions 9182 Managerial Positions 45 46 Vacant Managerial Positions 9 4 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 315 671296 297 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 29 08429 074 Households - Free Basic Service9 4308 596 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served25 55225 526 Households - Free Basic Service9 4308 596 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage20 03319 994 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 88 89 Other 3 8003 800 Households - Free Basic Service9 4308 596 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean auditClean audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 2 762 2622 577 5282 410 071 Total Expenditure 2 624 4042 476 2012 325 998 Surplus/(Deficit) 137 858101 32784 073 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 157 051221 646269 758 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS


FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20



POSTAL: Private Bag X2, Ashton, 6715

PHYSICAL: 28 Main Street, Ashton

TEL: 023 615 8000 FAX: 023 615 1563

EMAIL: admin@langeberg.gov.za

WEB: www.langeberg.gov.za


Description: The Langeberg Local Municipality (previously Breede River/Winelands Local Municipality) is a Category B municipality located within the Cape Winelands District Municipality in the Western Cape Province.

The municipality is bordered by Breede Valley in the north and west and by the Overberg District in the south and east. It is one of the five municipalities that make up the district, accounting for almost a quarter of its geographical area.

Area: 4 518km2

Cities/Towns: Ashton, Bonnievale, McGregor, Montagu, Robertson

Main Economic Sectors: Wholesale and retail (19.9%), manufacturing (18.2%), finance, insurance, real estate and business services (17.3%), agriculture, forestry and fishing (25.9%), community, social and personal services (8.5%)


Senior Management: AWJ Everson (Director: Corporate Services), CO Matthys (Director: Strategy and Social Development), M Mgajo (Director: Community Services)

Communications Officers: Mr W Gordon, Mrs M Jones, Mrs Suzette Kotze (Manager: Administrative Support)


Composition of Council: DA 10, ANC 6, VF PLUS 3, GOOD 1, LIP 1, PA 1, PDM 1

Controlling Party: DA/VF PLUS Coalition

Executive Mayor: Mr SW van Eeden

Deputy Mayor: J Steenkamp (Mayco and Political Head: Strategy and Social Development Portfolio Committee)

Speaker: P Hess

Other Council: JCJ Coetzee (Mayco and Political Head: Engineering Services Portfolio Committee), DAT Felix (Mayco and Political Head: Financial Services Portfolio Committee), RC Henn (Mayco and Political

Head: Community Services Portfolio Committee), C Steyn (Mayco and Political Head: Corporate Services Portfolio Committee)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr M Shude (CFO and Director: Financial Services)



POSTAL: PO Box 17, Stellenbosch, 7599

PHYSICAL: Plein Street, Stellenbosch

TEL: 021 808 8111 FAX: 021 808 8890

EMAIL: contact.stellenbosch@stellenbosch.gov.za

WEB: www.stellenbosch.gov.za


Description: The Stellenbosch Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located within the Cape Winelands District in the Western Cape Province. It is the smallest of the five municipalities in the district, making up only 4% of its geographical area.

THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 | 199 WESTERN CAPE Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.
FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 692 567557 898522 827 Total Current Liabilities 588 518692 868704 228 Community Wealth/Equity4 900 9294 316 9644 197 016 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 1 636 7621 449 074Cash at Year End 1 617 4351 402 56466 277 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 3 11339 947 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 8832 215 Vacant Positions 1 307 Managerial Positions 87 67 Vacant Managerial Positions 1 8 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 696 393698 970 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 66 32045 802 <200m from Yard 6 998 0 >200m from Yard 208 0 Households - Free Basic Service20 16219 805 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served53 89953 228 Households - Free Basic Service21 29919 185 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage63 97740 543 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 8 5968 309 Ventilated Pit Latrine 142142 Bucket System 378378 Households - Free Basic Service20 16219 805
Population Growth:
p.a. No Schooling: 3.9% Grade 12 & Higher Education:
Formal Dwellings:
Population: 105 483
28 401
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean auditClean audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 968 862806 272764 821 Total Expenditure 854 835771 289682 763 Surplus/(Deficit) 114 02734 98382 058 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 80 78965 021164 725 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 563 723424 475340 096 Total Current Liabilities 294 027233 326118 902 Community Wealth/Equity 855 096819 623737 564 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 24 015(325 047)(702) Cash at Year End 205 756(130 898)171 384 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 5 8822 771 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 815 787 Vacant Positions 112 56 Managerial Positions 28 28 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 0 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 205 970196 563 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 15 39115 391 <200m from Yard 181 181 Households - Free Basic Service6 5166 732 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served22 63122 631 Households - Free Basic Service6 7046 802 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage 15 46915 469 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 295295 Households - Free Basic Service6 5856 658

The major portion of the area is utilised for agriculture (mainly wine production). Stellenbosch Town is 50km to the east of Cape Town and is – after Cape Town – the oldest town in South Africa.

The municipal area is internationally renowned for its beautiful environment, many places of interest, wine farms, street cafes, restaurants, quality wines, historical buildings and excellent educational institutions.

Area: 836km2

Cities/Towns: Franschhoek, Klapmuts, Pniel, Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch Farms

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, tourism, hospitality, finance, business, manufacturing, technology


(Senior Manager: Human Resources Management), Mr Charl Kitching (Senior Manager: Protection Services), Mr Regan Mooideen (Senior Manager: ICT), Mr Albert van der Merwe (Senior Manager: Community Services), Mr Lester van Stavel (Manager: Housing Development), Ms Nombulelo Zwane (Senior Manager: Electrotechnical Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Stuart Grobbelaar (Manager: Communications)


Composition of Council: DA 28, ANC 8, GOOD 3, EFF 2, ACDP 1, PA 1, PDM 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: DA

Executive Mayor: Adv Gesie van Deventer

Deputy Mayor: Mr Jeremy Fasser

Speaker: Mr Quintin Smit

Chief Whip: Ms Patricia Crawley

Other Council: Mr Ralphton Adams (Portfolio: Youth, Sport and Culture), Mr Rikus Badenhorst (Portfolio: Protection Services), Ms Zelda

Dalling (Portfolio: Infrastructure Services), Ms Rozette du Toit (Portfolio: LED and Tourism), Mr Peter Johnson (Portfolio: Financial Services), Mr Joseph Joon (Portfolio: Parks, Open Spaces and Environment), Mr Lwando Nkamisa (Portfolio: Corporate Services), Ms Carli van Wyk (Portfolio: Planning), Mr James Williams (Portfolio: Rural Management)

Municipal Manager: Ms Geraldine Mettler

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Kevin Carolus

Senior Management: Mr Craig Alexander (Senior Manager: Development Planning), Mr Anthony Barnes (Director: Planning and Economic Development), Mr Gary Boshoff (Director: Community and Protection Services), Mr Stiaan Carstens (Senior Manager: Development Management), Mr Shane Chandaka, Ms Annalene de Beer (Director: Corporate Services), Mr Johan Fullard (Senior Manager: Roads, Transport, Storm Water and Traffic Engineering), Mr Clayton Hendricks (Senior Manager: Waste Management), Mr Dalleel Jacobs (Senior Manager: Supply Chain Management), Mr Alexander Kannemeyer



POSTAL: PO Box 44, Ceres, 6835

PHYSICAL: 50 Voortrekker Street, Ceres

TEL: 023 316 1854 FAX: 023 316 1877

EMAIL: admin@witzenberg.gov.za

WEB: www.witzenberg.gov.za


Description: The Witzenberg Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located within the Cape Winelands District in the Western Cape Province. The municipality is situated about 150km north-east of Cape Town.

The region is surrounded by three mountain ranges: the Obiqua Mountains to the west, the Winterhoek Mountains to the north and the Witzenberg Range to the east. It is the largest municipality of five in the district, making up half of its geographical area.

Rural areas within the municipal boundary are Warm Bokkeveld, Koue Bokkeveld, Agter-Witzenberg and the northern portion of Breede River Valley (Het Land van Waveren). The municipality is responsible for basic service provision to the demarcated municipal area that includes the towns of Ceres, Tulbagh, Prince Alfred Hamlet, Wolseley and Op-die-Berg.

Area: 10 753km2

Cities/Towns: Ceres, Op-Die-Berg, Prince Alfred Hamlet, Tulbagh, Wolseley

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, forestry and fishing (29.1%), finance, insurance, real estate and business services (22%),

manufacturing (16.2%), wholesale and retail trade, catering and accommodation (10%), general government (8.4%), transport, storage and communication (8%), community, social and personal services (3.5%)


Population: 130 548

No Schooling: 3.7%

Population Growth: 2.70% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 30.6%

Households: 35 976 Formal Dwellings: 83.3%


Composition of Council: DA 9, ANC 7, GOOD 1, EFF 1, ICOSA 1, PA 1, VF PLUS 1, WA 1, WP 1

Controlling Party: DA/WP/VF PUS Coalition

Mayor: Mr Hennie Smit

Deputy Mayor: Ms Felicity Klazen

Speaker: Ms Elizabeth Sidego

Municipal Manager: Mr David Nasson

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Cobus Kritzinger

Senior Management: Mr Joseph Barnard (Director: Technical Services), Ms Ingrid Barnard (Human Resources Manager), Mr Riaan Fick (Acting Manager: Local- Socio-Economic Development), Mr Adrian Hofmeester (Manager: IDP), Ms Charlotte Mackenzie (Manager: Municipal Housing), Monwabisi Mpeluza (Director: Corporate Services), Mr Reginald Rhode (ICT Officer), Mr Hennie Taljaard (Manager: Municipal Planning and Building Control)

Communications Officers: Ms Rowena Hendricks (Manager: Communication and Marketing)

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full

year figures.
Population: 173 197 Population Growth: 2.42% p.a. No Schooling: 1.5% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 41.1% Households: 52 274 Formal Dwellings: 65.0%
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean auditClean audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 2 028 6001 806 2721 741 887 Total Expenditure 1 926 5301 812 9841 653 824 Surplus/(Deficit) 102 070(6 712)88 063 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 340 170392 941408 562 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 1 540 2511 241 4431 159 645 Total Current Liabilities 1 240 0531 032 204837 333 Community Wealth/Equity6 010 9235 423 4535 335 390 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 1 465 8422 414 470(1 729) Cash at Year End 1 668 2802 832 552720 335 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 89 82030 782 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 3171 306 Vacant Positions 145104 Managerial Positions 59 59 Vacant Managerial Positions 41 11 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 515 026479 193 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 41 63341 623 <200m from Yard 9 6999 699 Households - Free Basic Service2 2916 817 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served52 72352 696 Households - Free Basic Service2 2916 817 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage38 02738 027 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 1 0791 079 Other 1 2671 267 Households - Free Basic Service2 2916 817


POSTAL: Private Bag X560, Beaufort West, 6970

PHYSICAL: 63 Donkin Street, Beaufort West

TEL: 023 449 1000 FAX: 023 415 1253

EMAIL: manager@skdm.co.za

WEB: www.skdm.co.za


Description: The Central Karoo District Municipality is a Category C municipality located in the Western Cape Province. It is bordered by the Pixley Ka Seme District Municipality in the north, Namakwa District Municipality in the north-west, Garden Route District Municipality in the south, Sarah Baartman District Municipality in the east and Cape Winelands District Municipality in the west.

Central Karoo is the largest district in the province, making up a third of its geographical area. It is comprised of three local municipalities: Laingsburg, Prince Albert and Beaufort West. The seat of the district is Beaufort West.

Area: 38 854km2

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture (47%), finance and business services (22%), community services (19%), construction (7%)



Composition of Council: DA 2, ANC 1, GOOD 1, KDF 1, PA 1 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: n/a

Executive Mayor: Mr Gayton McKenzie

Deputy Mayor: Mr G Petersen

Speaker: Ms L Paulse

Chief Financial Officer: Mr R Butler (Acting)

Senior Management: Mrs A Gouws (Supply Chain Management), Mrs Barbara Koopman (Manager: Strategic Services and LED), Mr Amos Piti (Coordinator: IDP), Mr W Strong (Acting Senior Manager: Engineering Services), Mrs L Strumpher (Accountant), Mrs R van Tonder (Records Manager), Ms GL van Zyl (Manager: Human Resources), Mr GE van Zyl (Manager: Municipal Health Services)

Communications Officers: Mrs Helene Jacobs (Head: Legal Services)


POSTAL: Private Bag X582, Beaufort West, 6970

PHYSICAL: 112 Donkin Street, Beaufort West

TEL: 023 414 8100 FAX: 023 415 1373

EMAIL: admin@beaufortwestmun.co.za

WEB: www.beaufortwestmun.co.za


Description: The Beaufort West Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located within the Central Karoo District in the Western Cape Province. It is bordered by the Northern Cape to the north and west, Prince Albert to the south, and the Eastern Cape to the east. It is the largest municipality of three in the district, making up more

THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 | 201 WESTERN CAPE Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures. CENTRAL KAROO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY (DC5) Murraysburg Beaufort West Merweville Prince Albert Laingsburg BEAUFORT WEST PRINCE ALBERT LAINGSBURG BEAUFORT WEST LOCAL MUNICIPALITY (WC053) FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean auditClean audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 779 745676 323632 093 Total Expenditure 688 168646 096602 474 Surplus/(Deficit) 91 57730 22729 619 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 127 583117 06427 938 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 46 774(9 527)48 216 Total Current Liabilities (16 427)(14 474)52 720 Community Wealth/Equity (9) -CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 800 776604 669(7 068) Cash at Year End 802 913606 094(1 904) UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 1 936EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 569 595 Vacant Positions 3 71 Managerial Positions 31 30 Vacant Managerial Positions 3 6 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 190 743159 260 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 12 70412 347 <200m from Yard 3 7852 531 >200m from Yard 0436 Households - Free Basic Service2 6423 701 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served15 61615 175 Households - Free Basic Service2 6423 701 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage12 83312 697 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 717717 Other 3 7852 531 Households - Free Basic Service2 6423 701
Population Growth:
No Schooling:
Higher Education:
Population: 74 247
1.01% p.a.
12 &
21 980
Dwellings: 97.8%
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean auditClean audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 103 58399 83388 810 Total Expenditure 98 84293 46491 445 Surplus/(Deficit) 4 7416 369(2 635) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 2 148 760 n/a FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 24 51723 96419 115 Total Current Liabilities 11 30114 91214 423 Community Wealth/Equity 10 0193 86710 848 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 57 189 -Cash at Year End 79 50823 01910 358 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 70 1 435 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 152163 Managerial Positions 14 13 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 58 02249 400

than half its geographical area. Beaufort West is the oldest municipality in South Africa. The new district was proclaimed on 27 November 1818. The then governor of the Cape, Lord Charles Somerset, named the town and district ’Beaufort’ in honour of his father, the 5th Duke of Beaufort. To avoid confusion with Fort Beaufort and Port Beaufort, the name ’Beaufort’ was changed to Beaufort West in the 1860s.

In December 1994, the former black township Kwa-Mandlenkosi was amalgamated with Beaufort West Municipality. In December 2000, the rural towns of Merweville and Nelspoort were also incorporated as part of the Beaufort West Municipality.

Area: 21 917km2

Cities/Towns: Beaufort West, Merweville, Murraysburg, Nelspoort

Main Economic Sectors: Community services (29.1%), transport (17.0%), trade (14.0%), finance (13.5%)


Population: 51 080

Population Growth: 0.67% p.a.

No Schooling: 5.4% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 35.6%

Households: 14 935 Formal Dwellings: 99.6%



The municipality is currently in a Financial Recovery Plan.

Composition of Council: ANC 4, DA 4, PA 3, GOOD 1, KDF 1

Controlling Party: ANC/PA/KDF Coalition

Executive Mayor: Mrs Tershia Prince

Deputy Mayor: Lulama Piti

Speaker: Mr Noel Constable

Other Council: Mr Nicholaas Abrahams, Mr Ebeneazer Francois Botha, Mr Castro Luyanda de Bruin, Mr Josias De Kock Reynolds, Ms Sharifa

Essop, Mr Lesley Boyce Jason Mdudumani, Mr Schaun Michell Meyers, Mr Ralph Skuza, Ms Anna Magdalena Slabbert, Mr Jacob Jeffrey van der Linde

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Kimmie Kymdell (Deputy)

Senior Management: Mr Christo de Koker (Manager: Electricians),

Mr Dennis Hawker (Skills Development Facilitator), Mr Lewellyn

Lakay (IDP Coordinator), Mr Malcolm Lawrence (Manager: Protection Services), Mr Dons le Roux (Manager: Lines and Construction),

Mr Amos C Makendlana (Director: Corporate Services), Ms Peggy

Mditshwa (Manager: Human Settlements and Land Affairs),

Mr Stephanus Luwatlin Pheiffers (Manager: OHS), Ms Vuyokazi

Ruiters (Manager: Waste Environmental and Facilities Management),

Mr Petrus Strümpher (ICT Officer and Senior Manager: Corporate



POSTAL: Private Bag X4, Laingsburg, 6900

PHYSICAL: 2 Van Riebeeck Street, Laingsburg, 6900

TEL: 023 551 1019 FAX: 023 551 1019

EMAIL: Laingsburg@xsinet.co.za

WEB: www.laingsburg.gov.za


Description: The Laingsburg Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Central Karoo District in the Western Cape Province. It is one of three municipalities in the district, making up a quarter of its geographical area. Laingsburg is a modern Karoo town, only 280km from Cape Town. The town lies in a geologically fascinating area, steeped in history and tradition.

It dates back to the mid-1700s. In those years, farmers along the banks of the Buffels River offered hospitality to adventurers brave enough to cross the mountains and venture out onto the arid plains of the Great Karoo. In exchange for news of Cape Town and the civilized world, as well as gossip garnered from other farms along the way, these isolated farmers of the interior offered accommodation, sustenance and fodder.

Many early officials and explorers, such as Barrow, Lichtenstein, De Mist and Swellengrebel, wrote of the people they met in what was later to become the district of Laingsburg. They described the Karoo as ’awesome, hot, dry and dusty. An inhospitable land peppered with friendly outspans, veritable jewels in the desert’. Today, it is a worthwhile and hospitable stop on the busy N1 highway through the Great Karoo.

Services), Mr Denwin Charl van Turha (Director: Infrastructure and Engineering Services), Mr Christopher Ben Wright (Senior Manager: Water, Sanitation and PMU)

Communications Officers: Mr Mnyamezeli Jackson Penxa

Area: 8 784km2

Cities/Towns: Laingsburg, Matjiesfontein

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, finance, construction, community services


Population: 8 895

No Schooling: 9.2%

Households: 2 862

Population Growth: 1.60% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 28.0%

Formal Dwellings: 97.5%


Composition of Council: DA 3, ANC 2, KDF 1, PA 1

Controlling Party: PA/ANC/KDF/KGP Coalition

Executive Mayor: Mrs Johanna Botha

Deputy Mayor: Mr Samuel Laban

Speaker: Mr Mike Gouws

Chief Whip: Ms Mietjie Daniëls

Other Council: Ms Juliet Pieterse, Ms Lindi Potgieter, Mrs Aletta Theron, Mr Wilhelm Theron

Municipal Manager: Mr Jafta Booysen

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Alida Groenewald (Senior Manager: Finance and Corporate Services)

Senior Management: Ms Noeline Gouws (Manager: Corporate Services), Mr Neil Hendrikse (Manager: Community Services), Mr John Komanisi (Manager: Infrastructure), Mr Steven Schippers (Manager: Thusong Service Centre)

Communications Officers: Mr Arthur Abrahams

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Disclaimer of audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 317 023325 233321 748 Total Expenditure 328 032354 149336 781 Surplus/(Deficit) (11 009)(28 916)(15 033) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 27 823(0)26 423 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 173 418100 79671 905 Total Current Liabilities 231 279159 221112 572 Community Wealth/Equity339 284465 041463 494 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 398 340202 910(104) Cash at Year End 401 228200 5638 243 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 127 17494 436 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 511481 Vacant Positions 4138 Managerial Positions 23 22 Vacant Managerial Positions 4 8 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 122 491107 047 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 14 62114 621 <200m from Yard 80 80 >200m from Yard 260260 Households - Free Basic Service6 5294 776 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served13 69713 448 Households - Free Basic Service6 5496 505 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage12 38312 055 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 1 5681 568 Ventilated Pit Latrine 355355 Other 31 0 Households - Free Basic Service4 8004 638




POSTAL: Private Bag X53, Prince Albert, 6930

PHYSICAL: 33 Church Street, Prince Albert

TEL: 023 541 1320 FAX: 023 541 1321

EMAIL: adminklerk@pamun.gov.za

WEB: www.pamun.gov.za


Description: The Prince Albert Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located within the Central Karoo District in the Western Cape Province. It lies on the southern edge of the Great Karoo, a semi-desert region. It is the smallest of the three municipalities that make up the district, though it accounts for a quarter of its geographical area.

The municipality provides services to Leeu Gamka, Prince Albert Road, Klaarstroom and Prince Albert, and is an area with diverse investment opportunities.

Area: 8 153km2

Cities/Towns: Klaarstroom, Leeu Gamka, Prince Albert, Welgemoed

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, tourism


Communications Officers: Ms Theresa Hendriks-Wagenaar (Senior Clerk: Committees/Office of the Acting Municipal Manager)


Composition of Council: DA 4, ANC 1, KGP 1, PA 1

Controlling Party: KGP/ANC/PA Coalition

Mayor: Mrs Linda Kathryn Jaquet

Deputy Mayor: Mr Stoffel Botes

Speaker: Ms Magrietha Dorothea Jaftha

Other Council: Mr Kerneels Baadjies, Mr Sidney Deon Koonthea, Mr Arnold Jonathan Mackay

Municipal Manager: Mr Aldrick Hendricks (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Pieter Willem Erasmun

Senior Management: Ms Ashley America (Manager: Technical Services),

Mr Charlton Jaftha (Manager: Corporate and Community Services),

Mr George van der Westhuizen (Senior Manager: Operational Services)



POSTAL: PO Box 12, George, 6530

PHYSICAL: 54 York Street, George

TEL: 044 803 1300 FAX: 086 555 6303

EMAIL: info@gardenroute.gov.za

WEB: www.gardenroute.gov.za


Description: The Garden Route District Municipality is a Category C municipality situated in the Western Cape Province.

THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 | 203 WESTERN CAPE Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.
ROUTE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY (DC4) Ladismith Calitzdorp Oudtshoorn Dysselsdorp Uniondale Haarlem George Herbertsdale Albertinia Gouritsmond Witsand Still Bay Riversdale Heidelberg Slangrivier Great Brak River Mossel Bay Knysna Plettenberg Bay Blanco De Rust KANNALAND OUDTSHOORN GEORGE KNYSNA BITOU HESSEQUA MOSSEL BAY FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 93 85697 98588 113 Total Expenditure 101 28993 52188 818 Surplus/(Deficit) (7 432)4 463(706) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 12 57743 29223 163 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 17 34128 460 24 353 Total Current Liabilities 16 39442 66539 558 Community Wealth/Equity 198 199168 157167 123 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 105 20630 149Cash at Year End 69 676(24 110) 748 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 24 88818 730 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 84 77 Vacant Positions 0 7 Managerial Positions 9 6 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 28 42026 157 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 1 3421 342 Households - Free Basic Service 743 531 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served1 3031 303 Households - Free Basic Service 753 534 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage 1 3101 310 Households - Free Basic Service 731 534
Population: 14 272 Population Growth: 1.89% p.a. No Schooling: 4.8% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 26.1% Households: 4 183 Formal Dwellings: 91.8%
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Clean audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 86 18995 70680 626 Total Expenditure 73 79571 52069 114 Surplus/(Deficit) 12 39524 18611 511 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 13 13123 630 374 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 53 40359 48659 361 Total Current Liabilities 35 47345 03350 531 Community Wealth/Equity 203 323168 193157 339 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 167 954143 60930 731 Cash at Year End 207 110180 03977 947 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 2 0164 016 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 127 134 Vacant Positions 2 9 Managerial Positions 5 3 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 0 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 26 04815 152 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 2 8392 763 <200m from Yard 26 0 Households - Free Basic Service1 1882 763 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served2 8202 820 Households - Free Basic Service1 1881 092 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage2 4062 406 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 357357 Households - Free Basic Service1 1881 092

The name was changed from Eden District Municipality to the Garden Route District Municipality in October 2018. Garden Route District shares borders with four other district municipalities, namely: Sarah Baartman District Municipality in the Eastern Cape, and Overberg, Cape Winelands and Central Karoo District Municipalities in the Western Cape. The district municipality comprises seven local municipalities: George, Mossel Bay, Knysna, Bitou, Oudtshoorn, Hessequa and Kannaland. The region is defined as a medium-capacity functional municipality. Garden Route District has a diverse natural resource base. It is marketed with regards to tourism under the internationally acclaimed brands of the ’Garden Route’ and ’Klein Karoo’.

Area: 23 331km2

Main Economic Sectors: Finance and business services (23.4%), manufacturing (17.3%), wholesale and accommodation (17%), general government (12.1%), construction (9.5%), transport and communication (7.8%), community services (5.5%), agriculture, forestry and fishing (5.5%)


Population: 611 278

Population Growth: 1.42% p.a.

No Schooling: 2.9% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 42.9%

Households: 189 345

Formal Dwellings: 85.7%


Composition of Council: DA 7, ANC 3, GOOD 1, ICOSA 1, PBI 1, VF PLUS 1 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: n/a

Mayor: Mr Memory Booysen

Deputy Mayor: Mr Gert van Niekerk

Speaker: Ms Georlene Wolmarans

Chief Whip: Ms Betsie van Noordwyk

Other Council: Mrs Anco Barker (MAYCO Member), Mr Jobieth Hoogbaard (Portfolio Chairperson: Property and Asset Management), Ms Iona Kritzinger (Portfolio Chairperson: Corporate Services), Mr Jerome Lambaatjeen (Portfolio Chairperson: Strategic Services), Ms Nompumelelo Ndayi (Portfolio Chairperson: Community Services), Ms Rosina Ruiters (Portfolio Chairperson: Planning and Economic



POSTAL: Private Bag X1002, Plettenberg Bay, 6600

PHYSICAL: 4 Sewell Street, Plettenberg Bay

TEL: 044 501 3000 FAX: 044 533 3485

EMAIL: records@plett.gov.za

WEB: www.bitou.gov.za


Description: The Bitou Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located in the far west of the Garden Route District in the Western Cape Province. It is bordered in the north by George Local Municipality, in the south by the Indian Ocean, in the east by the Eastern Cape Province, and in the west by Knysna Local Municipality.

It is the smallest municipality of the seven that make up the district, accounting for only 4% of its geographical area. Area: 992km2

Cities/Towns: Keurboomstrand, Krantshoek, Kurland, Kwanokuthula, Nature’s Valley, Plettenberg Bay, Wittedrift

Main Economic Sectors: Wholesale and retail trade, catering and accommodation (29.4%), finance, insurance, real estate and business services (22.7%), manufacturing (15.1%), construction (11.9%), transport, storage and communication (5.8%), general government (5.1%), community, social and personal services (4.7%), agriculture, forestry and fishing (4.3%)


Population: 59 157

Population Growth: 4.21% p.a.

No Schooling: 2.0% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 41.7%

Households: 21 914

Formal Dwellings: 76.6%

Development), Mr Petru Terblanche (Portfolio Chairperson: Roads and Transport Services)

Municipal Manager: Mr Monde Stratu

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Jan-Willem de Jager

Senior Management: Mr Clive Africa (Executive Manager: Community Services), Mr John Godfrey Daniels (Executive Manager: Roads and Transport Planning Services), Ms Jan-Willem de Jager (Executive

Manager: Financial Services), Mrs Trix Holtzhausen (Executive Manager: Corporate Services), Mr Lusanda Menze (Executive Manager: Planning and Economic Development), Ms Natalie Raubenheimer (Manager: LED)

Communications Officers: Mr Herman Pieters (Senior Communication Officer)

Mayor: Mr David John Swart

Deputy Mayor: Ms Mavis Busakwe

Speaker: Mr Claude Terblanche

Chief Whip: Mrs Annelise Olivier

Other Council: Mrs Jessica Kamkam (Mayco Member), Mrs Nompumelelo Ndayi, Mr Willem Nel (Mayco Member)

Municipal Manager: Mr Mbulelo Memani

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Felix Martin Lötter (Acting)

Senior Management: Mr Alan Croutz (Manager: Legal Services

and Acting Director: Corporate Services), Mr Victor Warrel Felton (Director: Engineering Services), Mr Ludolph Gericke (Director: Economic Development and Planning), Mr Gavin Gresse (ICT Manager), Thembinkosi Henge (Manager: IDP), Mr Lesley Jacobs (Manager: Economic Development and Tourism), Mr Thembisile Machelezi (Human Resources Manager), Mr Ntho Maredi (Manager: Expenditure Management), Ms Melony Paulsen (Director: Corporate Services), Mr Michael Rhode (Acting Director: Engineering Services), Ms P Sabezo (Skills Development Facilitator), Mrs Tanya Wildeman (Manager: Administration Services)

Communications Officers: Andile Namtu (Manager: Communications)


Composition of Council: DA 5, ANC 4, AUF 1, IPM 1, PA 1, PDC 1

Controlling Party: DA/COPE Coalition

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full

year figures.
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean audit Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 396 492379 010361 385 Total Expenditure 415 602396 551370 010 Surplus/(Deficit) (19 110)(17 542)(8 625) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 20 5638 366204 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 180 477210 885203 136 Total Current Liabilities 64 43569 77359 583 Community Wealth/Equity267 484307 938295 384 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 269 3442 507Cash at Year End 568 502168 722195 049 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 26 52187 854 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 546 599 Vacant Positions 0 53 Managerial Positions 26 30 Vacant Managerial Positions 0 3 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 222 536233 059
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/22*2020/212019/20
OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 821 084 769 874 691 812 Total Expenditure 777 121763 556647 514 Surplus/(Deficit) 43 9646 31744 298 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 71 13079 20351 982 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 39 907309 745320 034 Total Current Liabilities 78 743255 308240 173 Community Wealth/Equity 102 1 007 987966 069 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: PO Box 19, George, 6530

PHYSICAL: 71 York Street, George

TEL: 044 801 9111

EMAIL: gmun@george.gov.za

WEB: www.george.gov.za


Description: The George Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located within the Garden Route District in the Western Cape Province. It is bordered by the Eastern Cape in the north and east, Knysna and the Indian Ocean in the south, and Oudtshoorn in the west. It is one of seven municipalities in the district.

This district is informally known as the Garden Route, with George, its hub, nestled among the slopes of the majestic Outeniqua Mountains and flanked by the Indian Ocean to the south. George also enjoys the strategic advantage of being situated on the major transport routes between Cape Town in the south and Port Elizabeth in the east.

Area: 5 191km2

Cities/Towns: George, Haarlem, Herolds Bay, Uniondale, Victoria Bay, Wilderness

Main Economic Sectors: Finance, insurance, real estate and business services (26.4%), wholesale and retail trade, catering and accommodation (18.5%), manufacturing (14.7%), transport, storage and communication (11.9%), general government (8.9%), community, social and personal services (6.3%), construction (6.0%), agriculture, forestry and fishing (3.7%)


Population: 208 237 Population Growth: 1.65% p.a.

No Schooling: 2.9% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 45.4%

Households: 62 722 Formal Dwellings: 83.9%



Composition of Council: DA 26, ANC 10, GOOD 6, PBI 5, VF PLUS 4, EFF 2, ACDP 1, PA 1

Controlling Party: DA/FF Plus/ACDP Coalition

Mayor: Mr Leon Van Wyk

Deputy Mayor: Mr Raybin Figland

Speaker: Mr Sean Snyman

Chief Whip: Mrs Marlene Barnardt

Other Council: Mr Brendon Adams (Community Services: Social Development, Libraries and Sport), Ms Charlotte Clarke (Community Safety), Mr Henry James Hill (Planning and Development), Mr Browen Johnson (Civil Engineering Services [Operating Aspects]), Ms Nosicelo Mbete (Electrotechnical Services and Fleet Management), Mr Christiaan Neethling (Corporate Services and Human Resources), Mr Bazil Petrus (Human Settlements), Mr Jean Safers (Community Services: Parks, Refuse and Environmental), Ms Jacqulique Von Brandis (Civil Engineering Services: Capital Projects and BFI), Mr Dirk Wessels (Finance and Strategic Services)

Municipal Manager: Dr Michele Gratz

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Riaan du Plessis

Senior Management: Mr Steven Erasmus (Director: Protection Services), Dr Kosie Haarhoff (Deputy Director: Economic Development, IDP, Ward Committees and PMS), Siphiwe James (Director: Corporate Services), Mr Jannie Koegelenberg (Director: Civil Engineering Services), Mr Bongani Mandla (Director: Electrotechnical Services), Ms Krishenthrie Moodley (Director: Corporate Services), Lindsay Mooiman (Acting Director: Civil Engineering Services), Mr Allen Paulse (Director: Community Services), Ms Cheryl Segon (Chief Risk Officer), Ms Joan Shaw (Manager: Tourism Services), Ms Lauren Waring (Director: Planning and Development; Acting: Human Settlements)

Communications Officers: Ms Chantel Edwards-Klose (Manager: Communication and IGR)

THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 | 205 WESTERN CAPE Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures. CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 18 92828 3675 662 Cash at Year End 18 177153 33688 187 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 79 476146 691 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 629 637 Vacant Positions 9 87 Managerial Positions 53 42 Vacant Managerial Positions 9 2 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 233 077177 420
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/22*2020/212019/20 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 20 55817 992 <200m from Yard 637 2 536 Households - Free Basic Service2 3574 381 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served18 20517 678 Households - Free Basic Service7 4304 381 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage20 52817 563 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 2 1742 174 Ventilated Pit Latrine 35 35 Other 28 28 Households - Free Basic Service2 3574 381
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean audit Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 2 632 0582 304 0482 166 827 Total Expenditure 2 393 2332 224 0862 023 909 Surplus/(Deficit) 238 82479 962142 918 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 452 598191 181156 018 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets (62 218)(124 540)160 886 Total Current Liabilities (9 310)(106 442)43 102 Community Wealth/Equity (4 099)(27 454)123 004 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 3 645 6853 587 9813 275 747 Cash at Year End 3 601 6803 547 5263 327 281 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 89 6884 409 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 2982 029 Vacant Positions 13166 Managerial Positions 91 91 Vacant Managerial Positions 13 16 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 555 666542 142 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 39 52039 220 <200m from Yard 6 2843 277 >200m from Yard 1 862 0 Households - Free Basic Service15 14816 045 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served48 55948 218 Households - Free Basic Service19 73019 032 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage45 68038 463 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 1 6301 630 Other 987 0 Households - Free Basic Service14 73016 045



POSTAL: PO Box 29, Riversdale, 6670

PHYSICAL: Van den Berg Street, Riversdale

TEL: 028 713 8000 FAX: 086 401 5118

EMAIL: info@hessequa.gov.za

WEB: www.hessequa.gov.za


Description: The Hessequa Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Garden Route District in the Western Cape Province. It lies at the foot of the Langeberg Mountains, with its boundaries stretching along the southern Cape coast from the Breede River in the west to Gouritsmond in the east. It is the largest of seven municipalities in the district, making up a quarter of its geographical area. The N2 National Road forms the main transportation conduit across the municipality.

Hessequa has a moderate climate. Rainfall occurs predominantly in winter and reaches totals of 300mm inland to 1 000mm on the coast. The Little Karoo in the rain shadow of the Langeberg is the driest region. Agricultural activities are largely determined by the local rainfall pattern. Most of the basal geology in Hessequa has been influenced by the Cape Fold Belt, which has caused the east-west heading mountains generally comprising hard quartzite sandstone and thin shale bands of the Table Mountain Group.

Hessequa’s vegetation falls within the Cape Floral Kingdom, which is characterised by its exceptional richness in plant species. More than 8 700 species are known to occur, of which two thirds are endemic. About 75% of all plants in the South African Red Data Book are found in the Cape Floral Kingdom. Of these species, about 1 700 are threatened with extinction. The major biomes occurring within Hessequa may be divided into nine major vegetation groups.

Area: 5 733km2

Cities/Towns: Albertinia, Gouritsmond, Heidelberg, Jongensfontein, Riversdale, Slangrivier, Still Bay, Witsand

Main Economic Sectors: Finance and business services (21%), trade (19.1%), manufacturing (14.1%), agriculture (12%), transport and communication (10.6%), community services (6.1%), construction (6%)


Population: 54 237

No Schooling: 3.4%

Households: 17 371

Population Growth: 0.68% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 38.5%

Formal Dwellings: 95.8%


Composition of Council: DA 9, ANC 6, PA 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: DA

Mayor: Mr Grant Riddles

Deputy Mayor: Mr Marthinus van den Berg (Technical Services Portfolio)



POSTAL: PO Box 30, Ladismith, 6655

PHYSICAL: 32 Church Street, Ladismith

TEL: 028 551 8000 FAX: 028 551 1766

EMAIL: argiewe@kannaland.gov.za

WEB: www.kannaland.gov.za


Description: The Kannaland Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Garden Route District in the Western Cape Province. It shares its borders with the Central Karoo District to the north and Cape Winelands District in the east. It is one of seven municipalities in the district.

Kannaland is situated about 340km north-east of Cape Town along the famous tourism Route 62. It is linked by tarred main roads to all other major centres, such as Oudtshoorn (100km), Montagu (139km), George (160km), Mossel Bay (185km) and Port Elizabeth (420km). Both the administrative and legislative seats of Kannaland Municipality are

Speaker: Mr Andrew Stroebel

Other Council: Mr Gerald Boezak (Community Services Portfolio), Mr Hendrik Saayman (Development Planning Portfolio), Mr Ben Smith (Corporate Management Portfolio and Financial Services Portfolio)

Municipal Manager: Mr Albert de Klerk

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Lien Viljoen

Senior Management: Ms Marina Griesel (Director: Corporate Management), Mr Rhuschan Werner Manho (Director: Technical Services), Mr Chris Onrust (Director: Community Services), Ms Lien Viljoen (Director: Financial Services)

Communications Officers: Ms Dulckerine Didi Budricks (Head: Public Relations, Administration and Auxiliary Services)

located in Ladismith, with satellite offices in Calitzdorp, Vanwyksdorp and Zoar.

The municipality is responsible for basic service provision to the towns of Calitzdorp, Ladismith, Vanwyksdorp and Zoar, as well as the surrounding farming communities. Kannaland’s climate is ideal for the production of apricots, peaches, plums, nectarines and grapes. The well-known Parmalat and Ladismith dairy products come from the area. The quaint little haven of Calitzdorp is known as the port-wine capitol of South Africa by virtue of the top quality wines, produced mainly by Boplaas, De Krans, Axehill and Calitzdorp wine cellars.

The Kannaland municipal area lies huddled between two mountain ranges, the Swartberge and Anysberg. An impressive mountain peak called Towerkop (2 198m) looms above Ladismith. Another impressive site is Elandsberg (2 128m). Halfway up Elandsberg is a famous landmark, sometimes referred to as Ladismith’s extra star in the galaxy: Stanley’s Light (1 500m). A wide variety of scenic routes criss-cross the area. Kannaland has its own individual building style, which makes it unique.

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited

full year
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean auditClean audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 706 687552 969554 521 Total Expenditure 573 007499 366473 999 Surplus/(Deficit) 133 68053 60380 522 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 114 54695 03762 171 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 429 182414 223319 941 Total Current Liabilities 122 375133 160101 939 Community Wealth/Equity1 137 5351 002 956949 763 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 450 5081 171 967Cash at Year End 684 8271 422 562257 512 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 2 7534 100 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 564 528 Vacant Positions 4 37 Managerial Positions 26 25 Vacant Managerial Positions 4 4 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 172 184156 665 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 15 65115 651 Households - Free Basic Service4 5625 228 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served16 06615 656 Households - Free Basic Service4 6005 541 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage14 78313 630 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 597 1 750 Ventilated Pit Latrine 487487 Households - Free Basic Service4 5265 127

For example, the so-called Ladismith Style is a simplified Georgian design and dates from the 1830s.

Area: 4 765km2

Cities/Towns: Calitzdorp, Ladismith, Vanwyksdorp, Zoar

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture (26.8%), manufacturing (20.4%), community and personal services (18.4%), finance and business (11%), wholesale, retail and trade (9.4%), construction (6.20%), electricity and water (4.70%), transport and communication (3%)


Population: 24 168 Population Growth: -0.56% p.a.

No Schooling: 5.1% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 22.7%

Households: 6 333 Formal Dwellings: 97.4%


The municipality is under S139(5) administration, effective from December 2016.

Composition of Council: ICOSA 3, ANC 2, DA 1, KANNALAND


Controlling Party: ICOSA/ANC Coalition

Executive Mayor: Mr Jeffrey Donson

Deputy Mayor: Mr Werner Meshoa

Speaker: Mr Peter-George Rooi

Other Council: Ms Joslyn Johnson, Mr Hyrin Ruiters

Municipal Manager: Mr Keith Jordaan

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Chrizelda Claasen (Acting)

Communications Officers: Mr Peter-George Rooi



POSTAL: PO Box 21, Knysna, 6570

PHYSICAL: 5 Clyde Street, Knysna

TEL: 044 302 6300 FAX: 044 302 6333

EMAIL: knysna@knysna.gov.za

WEB: www.knysna.gov.za


Description: The Knysna Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Garden Route District in the Western Cape Province. Adjacent municipalities include George Local Municipality to the northwest and Bitou Local Municipality to the east. The municipality is also bordered by the Indian Ocean in the south.

It is one of the smallest municipalities of the seven that make up the district, accounting for only 5% of its geographical area.

Area: 1 109km2

Cities/Towns: Brenton, Brenton-on-Sea, Buffels Bay, Knoetzie, Knysna, Rheenendal, Sedgefield

Main Economic Sectors: Local Government - Public Sector


Population: 73 835

No Schooling: 3.7%

Households: 25 877

Population Growth: 1.65% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 43.2%

Formal Dwellings: 80.4%


Composition of Council: DA 8, ANC 7, KIM 2, PA 2, EFF 1, PBI 1

Controlling Party: ANC/PBI/PA Coalition

Executive Mayor: Mr Aubrey Tsengwa

Deputy Mayor: Mr Alberto Marbi

Speaker: Mr Mncedisi Skosana

Chief Whip: Mr Mboneli Khumelwana

Other Council: Ms Kay Andrews (MayCo Member: Integrated Human Settlements), Ms Beauty Charlie (MayCo Member: Infrastructure Services), Mr Waleed Grootboom (MayCo Member: Community Services), Mr Thando Matika (MayCo Member: Finance and Governance)

Municipal Manager: Ombali Sebola

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Londiwe Sotshede (Acting)

Senior Management: Ms Marlene Boyce (Acting Director: Planning and Economic Development), Mr Pravir Hariparsad (Director: Infrastructure Services), Adv Luvuyo Loliwe (Acting Director: Corporate Services), Dr Sandile Ngqele (Director: Community Services), Mr Lindile Petuna (Acting Director: Integrated Human Settlements)

Communications Officers: Mr Christopher Bezuidenhout (Manager: Communications)

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Qualified audit Qualified audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 197 488176 945178 419 Total Expenditure 211 494182 033167 397 Surplus/(Deficit) (14 005)(5 088)11 022 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 14 2118 49019 178 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets (11 916)(19 985)16 577 Total Current Liabilities 40 95423 1697 859 Community Wealth/Equity244 008222 359(5 096) CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 130 076100 500Cash at Year End 171 583149 305(36) UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 31 60031 512 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 258326 Vacant Positions 52 3 Managerial Positions 11 9 Vacant Managerial Positions 1 3 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 61 73458 827 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 4 9324 915 <200m from Yard 153153 Households - Free Basic Service2 6312 497 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served4 9584 611 Households - Free Basic Service2 6312 497 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage4 3044 304 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 189 100 Ventilated Pit Latrine 45 45 Bucket System 10 10 Households - Free Basic Service2 6312 497
INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 013 6401 004 417943 962 Total Expenditure 1 026 138 953 878 919 930 Surplus/(Deficit) (12 498)50 53924 032 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 19 72472 62089 741 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 212 986276 499194 497 Total Current Liabilities 272 058231 370159 360 Community Wealth/Equity1 038 2131 051 4721 018 631 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 151 291(1 433 076)367 181 Cash at Year End 52 478 (1 422 505)498 696 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 77 65594 873 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: Private Bag X29, Mossel Bay, 6500

PHYSICAL: 101 Marsh Street, Mossel Bay

TEL: 044 606 5000 FAX: 044 606 5062

EMAIL: admin@mosselbay.gov.za

WEB: www.mosselbay.gov.za


Description: The Mossel Bay Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Garden Route District in the Western Cape Province. It is bordered by the municipalities of Oudtshoorn to the north, George to the east, and Langeberg to the west. Its northern boundary is the Outeniqua Mountains and its western boundary the Gouritz River. To the east it stretches to the Maalgate River. The municipality is one of seven in the district.

The Garden Route District Municipality fulfills a coordinating function in the area, although each of the local municipalities remains autonomous. Mossel Bay Local Municipality is situated on the N2 approximately halfway between the coastal cities of Cape Town and Port Elizabeth.

Area: 2 001km2

Cities/Towns: Boggoms Bay, Brandwag, Friemersheim, Great Brak River, Herbertsdale, Mossel Bay, Vleesbaai


Population: 94 135

Population Growth: 1.17% p.a.

No Schooling: 2.6% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 47.6%

Households: 31 766

Formal Dwellings: 88.2%


Composition of Council: DA 19, ANC 5, VF PLUS 2, ACDP 1, ICOSA 1, PA 1

Controlling Party: DA

Executive Mayor: Mr Dirk Kotzé

Deputy Mayor: Mr Clifford Bayman

Speaker: Ms Venolea Fortuin

Chief Whip: Mr Willem Botha (Council Whip)

Other Council: Mr C Bayman (Planning and Economic Development Services), Mr Niklaas Booisen (Chairperson: Community Services), Mr A Dellemijn (Infrastructure Services Committee), Ms V Fortuin (Community Services), Mr M Furness (Financial Services Committee), Ms Nicolette le Roux (Chairperson: Corporate and Governance Services Committee), Mr Leon van Dyk (Chairperson: Community Safety)

Municipal Manager: Mr Colin Puren (Acting)

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Orlando Fredericks



POSTAL: PO Box 255, Oudtshoorn, 6620

PHYSICAL: 69 Cnr CJ Langenhoven Street & Voortrekker Road, Oudtshoorn

TEL: 044 203 3000

EMAIL: post@oudtmun.gov.za

WEB: www.oudtshoorn.gov.za

Senior Management: Mr Christo Engelbrecht (Senior Manager: Human Resources Management), Mr André Frasier (Manager: ICT), Ms Gwynnefer Harding (Manager: Economic Development and Tourism), Mr Joseph Johnston (Acting Director: Community Safety), Mr Lindilizwe Mngxekeza (Manager: Municipal Housing), Mr Dick Naidoo (Director: Infrastructure Services), Ms Elize Nel (Director: Community Services), Mrs Annette Potgieter (Director: Corporate Services), Mr Carel Venter (Director: Planning and Economic Development)

Communications Officers: Ms Cornelle Carstens


Description: The Oudtshoorn Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located within the Garden Route District in the Western Cape Province. It is one of the seven municipalities in the district. The Greater Oudtshoorn area is nestled at the foot of the Swartberg Mountains in the heart of the Little Karoo region in the Western Cape. It is defined as a semi-desert area with a unique and sensitive natural

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures. Electricity Total Customer Entities Served23 46123 461 Households - Free Basic Service1 9341 720 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage21 78721 787 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 3 1132 687 Ventilated Pit Latrine 1 5411 541 Other 85 85 Households - Free Basic Service1 9341 720
EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 702 985 Vacant Positions 2 101 Managerial Positions 31 31 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 5 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 256 799239 975 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 25 31521 899 <200m from Yard 03 117 Households - Free Basic Service1 9341 720 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19
INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean auditClean audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 423 7441 327 2261 187 724 Total Expenditure 1 585 7621 227 6981 077 623 Surplus/(Deficit) (162 018)99 528110 101 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 422 209471 573409 134 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 756 996713 754710 390 Total Current Liabilities 352 637 348 368309 204 Community Wealth/Equity3 258 1153 066 5242 842 506 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 637 779599 458(12 876) Cash at Year End 1 047 2981 313 403671 947 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 57 98664 930 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 0811 052 Vacant Positions 6 59 Managerial Positions 36 36 Vacant Managerial Positions 6 2 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 307 582310 498 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 38 39037 776 Households - Free Basic Service7 65726 771 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served37 33137 331 Households - Free Basic Service9 64410 874 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage29 55728 317 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 5 2925 292 Ventilated Pit Latrine 4 4 Bucket System 126126 Other 2 1522 262 Households - Free Basic Service7 12310 508

environment. It was once the indigenous home of the Khoisan people, and so there are many rock paintings to be found.

The municipality’s development potential recognises the impact of being home to the world’s largest ostrich population, which is a key component of their agricultural industry. The discovery of the Cango Caves and continual allure of unique natural heritage has drawn people to this region.

Oudtshoorn serves as a regional centre for the surrounding agricultural area. The natural environment of the area creates a natural hospitality towards the tourism industry, and a related boom in accommodation.

Oudtshoorn is a centre of regional cultural, sport and art activities, and has, since 1994, been host to the nationally famous Klein Karoo Nasionale Kuntefees (KKNK), an arts festival held in March/April every year. A total of 411 temporary job opportunities were created directly by the ABSA KKNK, of which 76% were filled by black employees. The total economic impact of the ABSA KKNK is estimated at about R110 million, which makes the festival a major contributor to the economy in Oudtshoorn. A joint strategy was developed through the Greater Oudtshoorn Vision 2030 process to ensure both the broader benefaction of local communities and the sustainability of the festival. Oudtshoorn’s relatively higher ’development potential’ is directly linked to its geographic location on main transport routes, natural resource base, human resources, institutional centre function, and commercial services. Recent studies of Oudtshoorn growth potential identified it as one of 14 important ’leader towns’ in the Western Cape province.

Area: 3 540km2

Cities/Towns: De Rust, Dysselsdorp, Oudtshoorn

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, forestry and fishing (17.3%), manufacturing (12.4%), insurance (11.7%), finance (11.7%), construction (3%)


Population: 97 509 Population Growth: 0.37% p.a.

No Schooling: 2.3% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 40.7%

Households: 23 362

Formal Dwellings: 91.2%


Composition of Council: ANC 8, DA 7, VF PLUS 3, ICOSA 2, ADVIESKANTOOR 1, GOOD 1, OGI 1, PA 1, SUID - KAAP SAAMSTAAN 1

Controlling Party: DA/ICOSA/VF/SUID KAAP SAAMSTAAN Coalition

Executive Mayor: Mr Chris Mcpherson

Deputy Mayor: Mr Mlandeli Nyuka

Speaker: Mr Johan Allers

Chief Whip: Ms Anel Berry



POSTAL: Private Bag X22, Bredasdorp, 7280

PHYSICAL: 26 Long Street, Bredasdorp

TEL: 028 425 1157 FAX: 028 425 1014

EMAIL: info@odm.org.za

WEB: www.odm.org.za


Description: The Overberg District Municipality is a Category C municipality situated in the Western Cape Province, just over Sir Lowry’s Pass to the southernmost tip of Africa. The adjacent municipalities are the Cape Winelands District to the north, Garden Route District to the east and City of Cape Town to the west. It is also bounded by the Indian Ocean to the south-west and Atlantic Ocean to the west.

The municipality is the smallest district in the province, making up only 9% of its geographical area. The following local municipalities form part of the Overberg region: Theewaterskloof, Swellendam, Overstrand and Cape Agulhas. The seat of the municipality is Bredasdorp.

Area: 12 241km2

Main Economic Sectors: Finance, insurance, real estate and business services (20.1%), wholesale and retail trade, catering and accommodation (19.1%), manufacturing (13.5%), agriculture (10.8%), transport, storage and communication (10.8%)

Other Council: V Donson (Chairperson: Community Services), J Du

Preez (Chairperson: Financial Services), J Fourie (Chairperson: Technical Services), B Owen (Chairperson: Human Settlements), R Wildschut

(Chairperson: Corporate Services)

Municipal Manager: Mr Walter Hendricks

Chief Financial Officer: Mr B Metembo

Senior Management: Mr Greg Baartman (Manager: LED), Mr Lluwellyn Coetzee (Acting Director: Planning and Development), Mr Luyanda

Fatusa (Acting Director: Community Services), Mr Justin Lesch (Director: Technical Services), Mr Reginald Smit (Director: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Mrs Aurelia Mle


Population: 286 786

No Schooling: 3.2%

Households: 91 835

Population Growth: 2.39% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 37.4%

Formal Dwellings: 81.8%

THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 | 209 WESTERN CAPE Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.
Villiersdorp Riviersonderend Caledon Bot River Kleinmond Hawston Genadendal Greyton Hermanus Pringle Bay Gans Bay Stanford Bredasdorp Struis Bay Pearly Beach Agulhas Napier Swellendam Suurbraak Barrydale THEEWATERSKLOOF CAPE AGULHAS SWELLENDAM OVERSTRAND
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Financially unqualified Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 704 589645 970663 527 Total Expenditure 680 034 573 676 607 988 Surplus/(Deficit) 24 55572 29455 539 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE n/a 76 7813 073 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 232 887179 125230 944 Total Current Liabilities 129 65794 765161 789 Community Wealth/Equity 919 630780 625722 493 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 134 857286 404631 937 Cash at Year End 154 157(933 952)990 083 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 24 61526 668 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 790 1 013 Vacant Positions 37 285 Managerial Positions 39 47 Vacant Managerial Positions 5 15 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 245 983221 815 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 15 93615 936 <200m from Yard 369369 Households - Free Basic Service7 2766 841 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served18 17517 933 Households - Free Basic Service6 9626 450 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage15 25715 257 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 2 8772 877 Households - Free Basic Service7 129 6 692


Composition of Council: DA 5, ANC 3, GOOD 1, VF PLUS 1 (40% PR Seats)

Controlling Party: n/a

Mayor: A Franken

Deputy Mayor: H Coetzee (Strategic Services)

Speaker: L de Bruyn

Chief Whip: Steven Fourie (Community Services)

Other Council: Mr Johan Nieuwoudt (Finance Portfolio), Msa Nomatiti (Corporate Services), Michell Pokwas (Strategic Services)

Municipal Manager: Mr Richard Bosman

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Nantes Kruger

Senior Management: Mr D Barends (Social Development Coordinator), F Coetzee (Senior Internal Auditor), M Dunn (Officer: Performance Management), R Geldenhuys (Head: Emergency Services), D KapotWitbooi (Manager: Supply Chain Management), F Kotze (Head: Environmental Management), Mr S Mdewu (Human Resources), Mr M Mukoma (Municipal Health Service), Mr Franco Ruiters (Head: IDP and Communication), Mrs Alison Thompson-Rossouw (Records and Administration), A van Eeden (Head: Roads), Mrs Vanessa Zeeman (Director: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: K Theunissen (Principal Clerk: IDP and Communications)



POSTAL: PO Box 51, Bredasdorp, 7280

PHYSICAL: 1 Dirkie Uys Street, Bredasdorp

TEL: 028 425 5500

EMAIL: info@capeagulhas.gov.za

WEB: www.capeagulhas.gov.za


Description: The Cape Agulhas Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Overberg District in the Western Cape Province. It is one of four municipalities in the district, making up a third of its geographical area. A large percentage of the population falls within the economically active population (aged 15-65), but the unemployment rate in Cape Agulhas is still relatively high.

Though regarded as one of the best-performing local governments when it comes to housing delivery, the housing backlogs remain a challenge. The municipality strives to improve basic services with limited resources, however, the upgrading and maintenance of basic services remain a challenge. Strategic partnerships have become increasingly important, as illustrated by council’s high expenditure on MIG projects and active participation in EPWP projects.

Environmental issues have become an important factor for the municipality to consider, especially with the effects of global warming and climate change. The municipality is endeavouring to integrate the effects and consequences of global warming and climate change into the general planning of service delivery, as can be seen in the municipality’s awarding of a waste to energy bioproject to Ark Industries.

The municipality has created adequate capacity to deliver in critical departments such as economic development, human settlements and human development. Good governance has always been a priority for the council and the establishment of a Risk Management Unit, an Internal Audit Unit, a Municipal Public Accounts Committee, as well as more than 13 years of unqualified audit reports, is a testimony to this.

Area: 3 470km2

Cities/Towns: Agulhas, Arniston, Bredasdorp, Elim, Klipdale, Napier, Protem, Struis Bay, Suiderstrand

Main Economic Sectors: Finance, insurance, real estate and business services (26%), general government (19.1%), manufacturing (17%), wholesale and retail trade, catering and accommodation (9.8%), construction (9.6%), agriculture, forestry and fishing (7%), community, social and personal services (5.6%), transport, storage and communication (4.1%)


Population: 36 000

No Schooling: 1.5%

Households: 11 321

Population Growth: 1.95% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 34.5%

Formal Dwellings: 88.1%


Composition of Council: DA 5, ANC 3, DLRP 2, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: DA/VF PLUS Coalition

Executive Mayor: Mr Paul Swart

Deputy Mayor: Mr Raymond Ross (Committee Chairperson: Management Services Committee)

Speaker: Mr Derick Burger

Other Council: Ms Janine August-Martinus (Ward 6), Ms Karin Donald (Committee Chairperson: Finance and ICT Committee), Mr Dirk Jantjies (Committee Chairperson: Municipal Public Accounts Committee (MPAC)), Mr Renier Louw (Ward 3 Councillor), Ms Marthelene Matthysen, Mr Raymond Mokotwana, Mr Johan Nieuwoudt (Ward 4 Councillor), Mr Gerhard Olwage (Ward 5 Councillor), Ms Louise Stevens (Audit Performance Committee), Mr Pieter Strauss (Chairperson: Audit Committee), Mr Namhla Vumazonke (Audit Performance Committee)

Municipal Manager: Mr Eben Phillips

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Hannes van Biljon

Senior Management: Mr Myburgh Briers (Public Services), Mr Michael Dennis (Human Settlements), Mr Abdul Aziz Jacobs (Infrastructure Services), Mr Hendrik Kröhn (Management Services), Ms Myllison Saptou (Protection Services), Mrs Luzeth Smith (Manager: Community Facilities and Human Development)

Communications Officers: Ms Tracey Stone

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean auditClean audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 268 285254 547213 974 Total Expenditure 243 041247 909207 908 Surplus/(Deficit) 25 2446 6386 067 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 8 7145 036(10 498) FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 10 14165 94551 060 Total Current Liabilities (15 250)32 98429 130 Community Wealth/Equity 10 03151 29344 318 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (57 842)113 937Cash at Year End (31 116)146 73916 433 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 10 4915 527 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 351 406 Vacant Positions 2 50 Managerial Positions 17 17 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 3 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 112 02899 932
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean auditClean audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 418 763370 001363 099 Total Expenditure 386 468353 431334 736 Surplus/(Deficit) 32 29516 57028 363 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 20 4019 646 0 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 192 265159 656121 615 Total Current Liabilities 93 06886 33961 863 Community Wealth/Equity 478 628430 533393 520 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 173 591 -Cash at Year End 271 38273 04873 120 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 11 78615 874 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 375 384 Vacant Positions 2 16 Managerial Positions 31 21 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 0 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 135 754119 519 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS




POSTAL: PO Box 20, Hermanus, 7200

PHYSICAL: Overstrand Civic Centre, Magnolia Street, Hermanus

TEL: 028 313 8000 FAX: 028 312 1894

EMAIL: enquiries@overstrand.gov.za

WEB: www.overstrand.gov.za


Description: The Overstrand Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located within the Overberg District in the Western Cape Province. It borders the Indian Ocean in the south, having a vast stretch of coastline. It is the smallest of four municipalities in the district, making up 14% of its geographical area. The seat of Overstrand is Hermanus.

Ultimately, its unique offerings of the ultimate experience in landbased whale watching and shark cage diving, pristine Blue Flag beaches, excellent wine industry, and top-class restaurants and accommodation make it an attractive tourist destination with a variety of activities.

Area: 1 675km2

Cities/Towns: Betty’s Bay, Birkenhead, De Kelders, Fishershaven, Franskraal, Gans Bay, Hawston, Hermanus, Kleinmond, Onrus, Pearly Beach, Pringle Bay, Rooi-Els, Sand Bay, Stanford, Van Dyks Bay, Vermont

Main Economic Sectors: Transport, storage and communication (11,3%), finance and business services (23,6%), wholesale (20,2%), manufacturing (15,5%), commercial services


Population: 93 407

Population Growth: 3.42% p.a.

No Schooling: 2.3% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 45.0%

Households: 35 718

Formal Dwellings: 79.0%


Composition of Council: DA 17, ANC 4, LAND 2, VF PLUS 2, ACDP 1, EFF 1

Controlling Party: DA

Mayor: Dr Annelie Rabie

Deputy Mayor: Mr Lindile Ntsabo

Speaker: Mr Grant Cohen

Chief Whip: Mr Ronald Nutt

Other Council: Mr Arnie Africa (Management Services), Ms Elnora Gillion (Local Economic Development), Mr Clinton Lerm (Infrastructure and Investment), Mr Ronald Nutt

Municipal Manager: Mr Dean O’Neill



POSTAL: PO Box 20, Swellendam, 6740

PHYSICAL: 49 Voortrek Street, Swellendam

TEL: 028 514 8500

EMAIL: info@swellenmun.co.za

WEB: www.swellendam.gov.za


Description: The Swellendam Local Municipality is located in the Overberg district in the Western Cape Province. It is the biggest of the four municipalities that make up the district, accounting for a third of its geographical area.

The municipality is involved in agriculture and agro-processing of products, which include deciduous fruits, wheat, barley, youngberry, livestock, and grapes for exporting and making wine.

There is a big emphasis on ecotourism and cultural heritage tourist activities. A potential sector for higher economic growth in the area is

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Santie Reyneke-Naudé

Senior Management: Ms Desireé Arrison (Director: Management Services), Mr Xolile Khosi (Manager: LED), Mr Solomzi Madikane (Director: Economic Development and Tourism), Mr Stephen Müller (Director: Infrastructure and Planning), Mr Neville Michaels (Director: Protection Services), Mr Roderick Williams (Director: Community Services)

Communications Officers: Ms Noluthando Zweni (Manager: Communication)

wholesale and packaging. The most significant conservation areas are: Bontebok National Park, Marloth Nature Reserve in the Langeberg, and Sanbona Wildlife Reserve.

Area: 3 835km2

Cities/Towns: Barrydale, Buffeljagsrivier, Infanta, Malagas, Suurbraak, Swellendam

Main Economic Sectors: Wholesale and retail trade, catering and accommodation (25.4%), manufacturing (17.1%), transport, storage and communication (14.4%), agriculture, forestry and fishing (11.3%), finance, insurance, real estate and business services (11%), general government (8.1%), construction (5.3%), community, social and personal services (4.6%)


Population: 40 211

No Schooling: 3.7%

Households: 11 678

Population Growth: 2.57% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 39.1%

Formal Dwellings: 96.0%

THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 | 211 WESTERN CAPE Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.
SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 10 2008 805 <200m from Yard 1 000 753 Households - Free Basic Service3 4763 008 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served9 6349 536 Households - Free Basic Service3 4763 008 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage7 9505 991 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 3 2503 004 Other 0 762 Households - Free Basic Service3 4763 008 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean auditClean audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 519 0841 351 7841 341 809 Total Expenditure 1 498 6941 320 9351 199 612 Surplus/(Deficit) 20 39030 848142 197 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE n/an/aFINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 1 506 57265 190210 765 Total Current Liabilities 1 028 011125 709182 820 Community Wealth/Equity3 721 95225 127142 631 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (221 731)105 431208 Cash at Year End 374 227105 4314 483 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 15 7058 202 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 1261 161 Vacant Positions 0 84 Managerial Positions 58 58 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 392 012378 431 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 29 94629 800 Households - Free Basic Service 7 595 7 630 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served24 01124 011 Households - Free Basic Service 9 595 7 630 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage30 06029 631 Households - Free Basic Service 7 595 7 630


Composition of Council: DA 6, ANC 4, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: DA

Mayor: Mr Francis du Rand

Other Council: Mr Frans Kees, Ms Elna Jacoba Lamprecht (Mayco), Ms Gcobisa Mangcu-Qotyiwe, Mr Michael Pokwas, Mr Juan van Schalkwyk

Municipal Manager: Ms Anneleen Voster

Chief Financial Officer: Ms Elmari Wassermann

Senior Management: KD Stuurman (Director: Community Services)

Communications Officers: B Mckecnie



POSTAL: PO Box 24, Caledon, 7230

PHYSICAL: 6 Plein Street, Caledon

TEL: 028 214 3300

FAX: 028 214 1289

EMAIL: twkmun@twk.gov.za

WEB: www.twk.gov.za


Description: The Theewaterskloof Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the Overberg District in the Western Cape Province. It is one of four municipalities in the district, making up a third of its geographical area.

Theewaterskloof Municipality is the gateway to the Overberg and is surrounded by unique natural assets such as the Theewaterskloof Dam, Kogelberg Biosphere, illustrious vineyards, crop and fruit fields, fynbos, wild flowers and blue cranes. With its Local Economic Development Strategy (LED strategy), the municipality is constantly driving local economic development in primary economic sectors such as agriculture, tourism, agricultural product processing, and industries.

Despite a relatively poor community and a narrow capacity for tax and income generation, the municipality is constantly improving infrastructures for service and product delivery. The municipality’s Integrated Development Programme was developed in partnership with local business, communities and individuals. The municipality was the first to implement Service Level Agreements in all its towns to narrow the gap between community services needs and municipal service delivery abilities. The municipality created capacities for holistic and quality developments, i.e. sewerage removal, quality water, housing, communication, waste removal and infrastructural maintenance.

In addition, the municipality participated in processes that led to a peaceful and safe environment where the welfare of everyone, and especially that of women and children, is highly valued and pursued. The municipality has a successful town management model that ensures that local government and democracy are extended to the people.

Area: 3 261km2

Cities/Towns: Bot River, Caledon/Myddleton, Genadendal, Grabouw, Greyton, Riviersonderend, Theewaterskloof, Villiersdorp

Main Economic Sectors: Wholesale and retail trade, catering and accommodation (17.9%), finance, insurance, real estate and business services (15.9%), agriculture, forestry and fishing (15.7%), manufacturing (13.9%), general government (8.4%), construction (7.7%), community, social and personal services (6.6%), mining and quarrying (0.1%)


Population: 117 167

No Schooling: 4.4%

Households: 33 118

Population Growth: 1.67% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 31.3%

Formal Dwellings: 77.5%


Composition of Council: ANC 8, GOOD 3, PA 2, EFF 1, SRWP 1, VF PLUS 1, DA 11

Controlling Party: ANC/GOOD/PA Coalition

Executive Mayor: Mr Karel Papier

Deputy Mayor: Mr John Michels

Speaker: Mr Derick Appel

Chief Whip: Mr Raymond Nongxaza

Other Council: Ms Tapelo Princess Lesesa (Chairperson: Human Settlements and Planning Services), M Mathews (Chairperson: Corporate Services), Mr Johan Michels (Chairperson: Economic Development), R Mienies (Chairperson: Financial Services), Mr Monwabisi Raymond Nongxaza (Chairperson: Community Services), Mr Henry Syster (Chairperson: Technical and Infrastructure Implementation Services)

Municipal Manager: Mr Boy Ngubo

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Ashwille Riddles (Acting)

Senior Management: Mr Joseph Amansure (Human Resource Manager), Ms E Lotriet (Manager: LED), Mr Anton Opperman (Chief Audit Executive)


Mr Hugo Geldenhuys

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean auditClean audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 408 856313 198308 484 Total Expenditure 324 716305 286262 660 Surplus/(Deficit) 84 1407 91245 824 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 95 09521 39257 101 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 13 461141 494117 841 Total Current Liabilities 13 35685 73363 366 Community Wealth/Equity 79 742345 521337 609 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 401 203259 91247 897 Cash at Year End 402 341348 793121 992 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 23 68030 137 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 294296 Vacant Positions 16 23 Managerial Positions 19 21 Vacant Managerial Positions 1 1 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 102 98390 707 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 6 3526 254 <200m from Yard 204204 Households - Free Basic Service2 2912 217 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served7 5856 697 Households - Free Basic Service2 2912 217 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage5 9155 915 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 436436 Ventilated Pit Latrine 294294 Households - Free Basic Service2 2912 217 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean auditClean audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 647 026599 810593 204 Total Expenditure 613 684549 625512 474 Surplus/(Deficit) 33 34250 18580 730 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 92 14685 166 0 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 244 826240 273214 379 Total Current Liabilities 131 205123 652123 378 Community Wealth/Equity 910 852848 947767 551 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 23 499 -Cash at Year End 129 31746 320128 525 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 4 4791 056 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: PO Box 242, Moorreesburg, 7310

PHYSICAL: 58 Long Street, Moorreesburg

TEL: 022 4338400 FAX: 086 692 6113

EMAIL: westcoastdm@wcdm.co.za

WEB: www.westcoastdm.co.za


Description: The West Coast District Municipality is a Category C municipality located in the Western Cape Province. The municipalities adjacent to the West Coast District are the Namakwa District to the north and north-east, City of Cape Town to the south and Cape Winelands District to the south-east. It is also bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the west.

t is comprised of five local municipalities: Swartland, with Malmesbury as the administrative centre; Bergrivier, with Piketberg as the administrative centre; Matzikama, with Vredendal as the administrative centre; Cederberg, with Clanwilliam as the administrative centre; and Saldanha Bay, with Vredenburg as the administrative centre. Moorreesburg is the seat of the district.

Area: 31 118km2

Main Economic Sectors: Manufacturing (20.3%), agriculture, forestry and fishing (20,2%), finance, insurance, real estate and business services (11,4%), wholesale and retail trade, catering and accommodation (15,3%), general government (10,5%), transport, storage and communication (8,2%), construction (5%), community, social and personal services (6,1%)


Population: 436 403

No Schooling: 3.8%

Households: 129 862

Population Growth: 2.45% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 36.7%

Formal Dwellings: 85.8%


Composition of Council: DA 14, ANC 7, GOOD 2, PA 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: n/a

Mayor: Mr Roelof Strydom

Deputy Mayor: Mrs Sandra Crafford

Speaker: Mr Nicolaas Louw

Other Council: Mrs Sandra Crafford (Finance), Mr Colin Daniels (Strategic Support and Economic Development), Mr Josias Andreas Engelbrecht (Community Safety, Rural Safety and Administration and Community Services), Ms Miranda Schrader (Infrastructure Services)

Municipal Manager: Mr David Joubert

Chief Financial Officer: Dr Johan Tesselaar

Senior Management: Mr August Chris Koch (Infrastructure Services), Mr Wilhelm Markus (Director: Administration and Community Services), Mr Earl Williams (Manager: LED)


Mr Gurshell Abrahams

to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions.
more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.
full year figures. Vanrhynsdorp Vredendal Klawer Lamberts Bay Clanwilliam Uitspankraal Wuppertal Citrusdal Velddrif Paternoster Louwville Hopefield Langebaan Vredenburg Stompneus Bay Piketberg Porterville Moorreesburg Darling Abbotsdale Malmesbury Riebeek-Kasteel Aurora MATZIKAMA CEDERBERG BERGRIVIER SWARTLAND SALDANHA BAY
EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 684 679 Vacant Positions 5 51 Managerial Positions 45 47 Vacant Managerial Positions 5 6 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 215 193198 256 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 15 95115 951 Households - Free Basic Service5 2525 319 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served17 72317 723 Households - Free Basic Service5 4864 605 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage13 73213 732 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 1 0361 036 Households - Free Basic Service5 2995 380
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean auditClean audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 534 875453 235427 544 Total Expenditure 507 713416 678366 847 Surplus/(Deficit) 27 16136 55760 697 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 16 54110 42410 930 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 439 7988 47035 553 Total Current Liabilities 123 321(1 348)30 594 Community Wealth/Equity 374 6275 08421 206 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 154 157436 298366 196 Cash at Year End 449 381430 614350 919 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 8 96811 966 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 581 616 Vacant Positions 0 40 Managerial Positions 30 30 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 183 143180 445 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 1 0061 006 Households - Free Basic Service 22 24 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served 99 99 Households - Free Basic Service 16 15 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage 99 99 Households - Free Basic Service 16 15 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS



POSTAL: PO Box 60, Piketberg, 7320

PHYSICAL: 13 Church Street, Piketberg

TEL: 022 913 6000 FAX: 022 913 1406

EMAIL: bergmun@telkomsa.net

WEB: www.bergmun.org.za


Description: The Bergrivier Municipality is a Category B municipality located within the West Coast District in the Western Cape Province. It is bordered by Cederberg to the north, Swartland and Cape Winelands District to the south, Cape Winelands District to the east, and Saldanha Bay and the Atlantic Ocean to the west.

The municipality is one of the five municipalities in the district, accounting for 14% of its geographical area. Piketberg is the seat of the municipal council.

Area: 4 407km2

Cities/Towns: Aurora, Eendekuil, Piketberg, Porterville, Redelinghuys, Velddrif

Main Economic Sectors: Manufacturing (22.8%), agriculture, forestry and fishing (16.4%), wholesale and retail trade, catering and accommodation (16.2%), finance, insurance, real estate and business services (11.5%), general government (10.9%), transport, storage and communication (8.1%), community, social and personal services (6.3%), electricity, gas and water (2.0%), mining and quarrying (1.1%)


Population: 67 474

Population Growth: 1.96% p.a.

No Schooling: 3.1% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 35.9%

Households: 19 072 Formal Dwellings: 91.7%


Composition of Council: DA 8, ANC 3, GOOD 1, PA 1

Controlling Party: DA

Executive Mayor: Mr Ray van Rooy

Deputy Mayor: Mr Mario Wessels (Deputy Executive Mayor and Portfolio Chairperson: Community Services)

Speaker: Mr Rhandall Swarts

Other Council: Mr Jakobus Daniels (Portfolio Chairperson: Financial Services), Mr Adriaan de Vries (Portfolio Chairperson: Technical Services), Mr Adam du Plooy (Chairperson Section 79 Committee: Corporate Services)

Municipal Manager: Adv Hanlie Linde



POSTAL: Private Bag X2, Clanwilliam, 8135

PHYSICAL: 2A Voortrekker Road, Clanwilliam

TEL: 027 482 8000 FAX: 027 482 1933

EMAIL: records@cederbergraad.co.za

WEB: www.cederbergmun.gov.za


Description: The Cederberg Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located in the West Coast District along the upper west coast of the Western Cape Province, approximately 200km from Cape Town. The municipal area is bordered by the spectacular Cederberg Mountains in the east and the Atlantic Ocean in the west. It is one of five municipalities in the district.

It is strategically located on the Cape-Namibia Corridor, and the N7 National Road links it with the Northern Cape. If this corridor was identified for future infrastructure upgrades and investments, it would be of paramount importance to ensure that the very basic infrastructure is in place to facilitate future development, whilst simultaneously planning for future growth.

The municipality has its focus on the development of the rural poor and, in particular, investing in the youth and final year school-goers to secure their future. Due to its scenic natural beauty, ecotourism is considered a major future economic growth sector.

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Davy Louw

Senior Management: Mr Dean Josephus (Director: Community Services), Mr Vivian Kotzee (Director: Corporate Services), Ms Alletta

van Sittert (Manager: Strategic Services), Mr Denwin van Turha (Director: Technical Services)

Communications Officers: Mr Matthew Sheldon (Head: Communications)

Area: 8 007km2

Cities/Towns: Citrusdal, Clanwilliam, Elands Bay, Graafwater, Lamberts Bay, Leipoldtville, Wupperthal

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, forestry and fishing (25.7%), wholesale and retail trade, catering and accommodation (17.3%), finance, insurance, real estate and business services (15.3%), manufacturing (12.8%), general government (9.8%), transport, storage and communication (6.9%), community, social and personal services (6.2%), construction (5.1%)


Population: 52 949

Population Growth: 1.41% p.a.

No Schooling: 5.7% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 30.8%

Households: 15 279 Formal Dwellings: 78.1%


Composition of Council: ANC 4, CE 3, DA 2, PA 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: CE/DA/VF PLUS Coalition

Executive Mayor: Mr Mayor William Farmer

Deputy Mayor: Mr Francois Kamfer

Speaker: Mr Maxwell Heins

Chief Whip: Ms Mariaan Nel

Other Council: Mr Martin Bergh, Mr Maxwell Heins, Mr Francois Kamfer, Mr Azrial Scheepers, Mr Paul Strauss (Committee: Salga, Secundi,

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited full year figures.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean auditClean audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 445 667424 983384 256 Total Expenditure 416 774386 792354 278 Surplus/(Deficit) 28 89338 19129 978 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 50 20149 847(0) FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 232 466216 110194 221 Total Current Liabilities 58 91066 47057 745 Community Wealth/Equity467 246401 533364 423 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 38 295 273 763 213 110 Cash at Year End 117 852319 597287 212 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 860 257 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 372 402 Vacant Positions 2 17 Managerial Positions 19 16 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 1 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 128 135123 606 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 9 2699 168 Households - Free Basic Service1 8601 992 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served10 40910 214 Households - Free Basic Service1 4381 992 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage7 5427 443 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 2 1482 158 Households - Free Basic Service1 8621 992


Human Settlements and Municipal Planning), Mr Wentzel van Neel, Mr Thomas Waldeck, Ms Rhoda Witbooi

Municipal Manager: Mr Bruce Kannemeyer

Chief Financial Officer: Mr C Appel (Acting Director: Financial Services)

Senior Management: Mr Reginald Bent (Director: Integrated Development Services), Mr Nigel Mercuur (Strategic Manager), Mr A Titus (Acting Director: Community Development and Public Safety)

Officers: Mr Anthony Mlata



POSTAL: PO Box 98, Vredendal, 8160

PHYSICAL: 37 Kerk Street, Vredendal

TEL: 027 201 3300

EMAIL: headoff@matzikama.gov.za

WEB: www.matzikamamunicipality.co.za


Description: The Matzikama Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the West Coast District in the Western Cape Province. It is bordered by the Northern Cape in the north and east, and by the Atlantic Ocean in the west. It is the biggest of five municipalities in the district, making up almost half of its geographical area.

The municipal area comprises 18 towns and/or villages. Matzikama is characterised by an arid environment, but is served by a life-giving arterial, namely the Olifants River. The river, with its associated canal systems, supports a flourishing agricultural sector that is mainly built on viniculture.

Apart from those living in the newly incorporated area to the north, as well as in the towns of Doring Bay, Strandfontein and Vanrhynsdorp, the rest of the population is concentrated along the river and canal system. Vredendal is by far the largest town in the area and it is also centrally located, rendering it the logical economic and administrative centre of the municipal area.

Area: 12 981km2

Cities/Towns: Bitterfontein, Doring Bay, Ebenhaezer, Klawer, Kliprand, Koekenaa, Lutzville, Molsvlei, Nuwerus, Putsekloof, Rietpoort, Stofkraal, Strandfontein, Vanrhynsdorp, Vredendal

Main Economic Sectors: Manufacturing (19.9%), agriculture, forestry and fishing (18.9%), transport, storage and communication (16.2%), finance, insurance, real estate and business services (15.2%), wholesale and retail trade, catering and accommodation (10.5%), general government (7.7%), community, social and personal services (5.7%), construction (3.8%)


Population: 71 045

No Schooling: 3.3%

Households: 20 821



Population Growth: 1.28% p.a.

Grade 12 & Higher Education: 34.4%

Formal Dwellings: 88.1%


Composition of Council: DA 7, ANC 4, EFF 1, GOOD 1, PA 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Executive Mayor: Mr Johan van der Hoven

Deputy Mayor: Ms Amelia Job

Speaker: Mr Andreas Sindyamba

Chief Whip: Ms Davine Witbooi

Other Council: Mr Christo Boks (Mayco Member), Ms Monica Bottom, Mr Stephanus Petrus Cornelissen (Mayco Member), Mr Jan Koopman, Mr Cecil le Fleur, Mr Johan Muller, Mr Hennie Nell, Mr Albie Pool, Mr Sampi Tshabalala, Ms Sinazo Tshali, Mr Chris White (Mayco Member)

Municipal Manager: Mr Gerald Seas

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Elrico Alfred

Senior Management: Mr Zolele Nongene (Acting Director: Technical Services), Mr Lionel Phillips (Director: Development and Town Planning Services), Mr Ruben Saul (Acting Director: Corporate Services)

Communications Officers: Ms Esmarelda Seroon

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za.

*Unaudited full year figures.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean audit Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 391 235343 937310 705 Total Expenditure 384 243323 071317 414 Surplus/(Deficit) 6 99220 866(6 709) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 53 32445 109 607 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 64 04353 89663 235 Total Current Liabilities 133 724114 940125 030 Community Wealth/Equity 573 010554 371561 902 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 206 7264 361Cash at Year End 184 935(29 978)16 685 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 18 05443 662 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 341 362 Vacant Positions 3 24 Managerial Positions 24 24 Vacant Managerial Positions 3 3 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 114 453101 292 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 7 2097 014 <200m from Yard 111 110 >200m from Yard 0120 Households - Free Basic Service2 2512 040 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served8 3058 305 Households - Free Basic Service2 1152 040 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage4 7804 112 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 512 127 Households - Free Basic Service2 1601 951 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20
FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean audit Financially unqualified FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 442 292407 327378 855 Total Expenditure 417 540387 209387 109 Surplus/(Deficit) 24 75220 119(8 254) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 72 708(0)FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 66 58253 89947 969 Total Current Liabilities 192 209135 921113 121 Community Wealth/Equity 662 691619 648627 743 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow (134 443) -Cash at Year End (190 700)14 64815 088 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 37 828100 172 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 438484 Vacant Positions 1 38 Managerial Positions 20 20 Vacant Managerial Positions 1 1 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 163 547145 543 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 18 08618 086 Households - Free Basic Service3 1473 376 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served15 59115 591 Households - Free Basic Service3 1473 376 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage11 92711 927 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 3 7473 747 Ventilated Pit Latrine 630630 Households - Free Basic Service3 1473 376



POSTAL: Private Bag X12, Vredenburg, 7380

PHYSICAL: 12 Main Road, Vredenburg, 7380

TEL: 022 701 7000 FAX: 022 715 1518

EMAIL: mun@sbm.gov.za

WEB: www.sbm.gov.za


Description: The Saldanha Bay Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located in the West Coast District, approximately 140km north of Cape Town, in the Western Cape Province.

The municipality is bordered in the north by Bergrivier, in the south by the West Coast National Park, which forms part of the West Coast District Management Area, in the east by Swartland, and in the north by Bergrivier. It is the smallest of the five municipalities that make up the district, accounting for 6% of its geographical area.

Area: 2 015km2

Cities/Towns: Hopefield, Jacobs Bay, Langebaan, Paternoster, Saldanha, St Helena Bay, Vredenburg

Main Economic Sectors: Manufacturing, agriculture, forestry and fishing, wholesale and retail trade, catering and accommodation, finance, insurance, real estate and business services, and construction


Population: 111 173 Population Growth: 2.59% p.a.

No Schooling: 2.5% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 36.3%

Households: 35 550 Formal Dwellings: 74.8%


Composition of Council: DA 13, ANC 6, GOOD 4, CCC 1, EFF 1, PA 1, VF PLUS 1

Controlling Party: Hung Council

Mayor: Mr André Truter

Deputy Mayor: Ms Charmaine Laubscher (Mayoral Committee: Infrastructure and Planning Services)

Speaker: Ms Olwene Daniels

Chief Whip: Mr Michael Schaffers (Chief Whip and Mayoral Committee: Corporate Services and Public Safety)

Other Council: Mr Wilhelm America (Mayoral Committee: Community and Operational Services), Mr Jaco Kotzé (Mayoral Committee: Finance Services), Ms Sinah Mamabolo (Mayoral Committee: Office of Municipal Manager), Ms Eventhia Vaughan (Mayoral Committee: Economic Development and Strategic Services)



POSTAL: Private Bag X52, Malmesbury, 7299

PHYSICAL: 1 Church Street, Malmesbury

TEL: 022 487 9400 FAX: 022 487 9440

EMAIL: swartlandmun@swartland.org.za

WEB: www.swartland.org.za


Description: The Swartland Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the West Coast District in the Western Cape Province. It is one of the five municipalities in the district. It has its head office and main infrastructure based in Malmesbury, which is situated 70km north of Cape Town on the N7.

In 1743, Malmesbury began as a settlement in the wide Diep River Valley around a mineral source and fountains in the area. The town was officially proclaimed on 21 May 1827 and was named after the Governor of the Cape, Sir Lowry Cole’s father-in-law, the first Earl of Malmesbury in England. The town obtained municipal status in 1860. Malmesbury fulfils an important urban niche in the region and the province. Its high development potential can be attributed to factors such as its relative accessibility along the N7 road/rail corridor; closeness to Cape Town; diversified economic base, which not only accommodates agriculture but also well-developed industrial and commercial sectors; and supportive infrastructure.

Municipal Manager: Mr Heinrich Mettler

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Stefan Vorster

Senior Management: Mr Charles Barends (Manager: LED), Ms Cornell de Kock (Director: Economic Development and Strategic Services), Mr Phumzile Mbaliswana (Director: Corporate Services and Public Safety), Mr Gerrit Smith (Director: Infrastructure and Planning Services), Mr Louis Volschenk (Director: Community and Operational Services)

Communications Officers: Ms Ethne Lawrence

The high property values in the Cape Town Metropole and the attraction of a local tranquil atmosphere are moving people to settle here and commute to Cape Town on a daily basis. Malmesbury is home to a number of large companies, as well as regional offices of provincial and national government departments.

Area: 3 708km2

Cities/Towns: Abbotsdale, Chatsworth, Darling, Grotto Bay, Kalbaskraal, Koringberg, Malmesbury, Moorreesburg, Riebeeck Kasteel, Riebeeck West, Riverlands, Yzerfontein

Main Economic Sectors: Manufacturing (26.0%), wholesale and retail trade, catering and accommodation (18.2%), agriculture, forestry and fishing (12.5%), finance, insurance, real estate and business services (9.3%), transport, storage and communication (7.2%), community, social and personal service (6.9%)


Population: 133 762

Population Growth: 3.68% p.a.

No Schooling: 4.9% Grade 12 & Higher Education: 41.1%

Households: 39 139 Formal Dwellings: 94.6%


Composition of Council: DA 14, ANC 5, VF PLUS 2, EFF 1, GOOD 1

Controlling Party: DA

Refer to p11 for sources, methodology and definitions. Find more financial, demographic, employment and service delivery information at municipalities.co.za. *Unaudited

FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean auditClean audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 1 296 3161 195 9511 172 196 Total Expenditure 1 232 1051 117 3741 065 986 Surplus/(Deficit) 64 21178 577106 210 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 151 207221 551189 349 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 939 602835 015836 987 Total Current Liabilities 240 381238 181260 266 Community Wealth/Equity3 263 8843 160 9783 006 453 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 161 7071 083 2981 607 155 Cash at Year End 704 480369 2281 406 524 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 453 1 207 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 1 0011 118 Vacant Positions 2 95 Managerial Positions 87 89 Vacant Managerial Positions 2 6 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 384 164357 137 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 28 19128 191 Households - Free Basic Service8 5897 384 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served31 66627 260 Households - Free Basic Service8 4737 174 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage30 82530 825 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 824824 Households - Free Basic Service7 9916 849

Mayor: Mr Harold Cleophas

Deputy Mayor: Ms Anet de Beer

Speaker: Mr Michael Rangasamy

Other Council: Ms Desiree de Beer (Development Services and Mayco

Member), Ms Cornelle O’Kennedy (Chairperson: MPAC), Ms Nicolene Smit (Municipal Manager, Administration and Finance and Mayco

Member), Mr Tijmen van Essen (Civil and Electrical Services and Mayco

Member), Mr AK Warnick (Protection Services and Mayco Member)

Municipal Manager: Mr Joggie Scholtz

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Mark Bolton

Senior Management: Ms Olivia Fransman (Strategic Manager), Mr Philip Humphreys (Protection Services), Ms Jo-Ann Krieger (Development Services), Mr Thys Möller (Electrical Engineering Services), Mrs Madelaine Terblanche (Corporate Services), Mr Louis Zikman (Civil Engineering Services)

Communications Officers: Ms Mart-Marie Haasbroek

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INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20 AUDIT OUTCOME n/a Clean auditClean audit FINANCIAL PERFORMANCER’000R’000R’000 Total Revenue 994 607922 234874 606 Total Expenditure 912 284780 449746 095 Surplus/(Deficit) 82 323141 786128 511 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 174 902241 351121 297 FINANCIAL POSITION Total Current Assets 794 751751 363737 940 Total Current Liabilities 132 06799 162115 087 Community Wealth/Equity2 622 6162 535 5692 393 783 CASH FLOWS Operating Cash Flow 2 756 716566 6311 114 715 Cash at Year End 3 262 9401 075 0241 643 107 UIFW EXPENDITURE n/a 28 67633 989 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS 2019/202018/19 Total Employment Positions 618 571 Vacant Positions 13 24 Managerial Positions 45 32 Total Employment Cost (R’000) 230 361203 371 SERVICE DELIVERY 2019/202018/19 Water Inside Yard 20 98420 984 Households - Free Basic Service8 9278 923 Electricity Total Customer Entities Served18 68018 316 Households - Free Basic Service7 9817 930 Sewerage Flush Toilet - Public Sewerage20 77718 436 Flush Toilet - Septic Tank 1 432829 Households - Free Basic Service8 5258 435 FINANCIAL INFORMATION2021/222020/212019/20

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A Apel 133 Ashton 199 B Balfour 148 Barkly East 47 Barkly West 175 Beaufort West 201 Bela-Bela 138 Bergville 118 Bethlehem 70 Bizana 38 Bloemfontein 61 Boshoff 68 Bothaville 67 Bredasdorp 209, 210 Brits 160 Bultfontein 69 Burgersdorp 49 Bushbuckridge 143 Butterworth 41 C Cacadu 44 Cala 47 Caledon 212 Calvinia 181 Camperdown 106 Cape Town 196 Carletonville 83 Carnarvon 186 Carolina 147 Ceres 200 Christiana 168 Chuenespoort 125 Clanwilliam 214 Cofi mvaba 46 Colesberg 190 Cradock 46 Creighton 91 D Danielskuil 193 Dannhauser 88 De Aar 185, 186 Delareyville 173 Delmas 156 Douglas 187 Dundee 112, 113 Durban 87 Dutywa 41 E East London 33, 39 eMakhazeni 153 eMalahleni 154 eMaxesibeni 35 eMkhondo 150 eMpumalanga 156 Engcobo 44 Ermelo 146, 151 Eshowe 100 Estcourt 117 F Ficksburg 73 Flagstaff 51 Fort Beaufort 42 Frankfort 62 G Ganyesa 167 Garies 182 George 203, 205 Germiston 77 Giyani 127, 128 Graaff-Reinet 55 Greytown 115 Groblersdal 131, 132 Groblershoop 191 H Harding 103 Hartswater 176 Heidelberg 81 Hermanus 211 Hibberdene 104 Hlabisa 110 Hoedspruit 130 Hopetown 189 Howick 108 I Impendle 105 Ixopo 90, 92 J Jane Furse 134 Jeffreys Bay 56 Johannesburg 78 Jozini 111 K Kakamas 193 Kareedouw 57 Kathu 179 Kimberley 175, 177 Kirkwood 59 Klerksdorp 163 Knysna 207 Koffi efontein 75 Kokstad 92 Komani 43, 45 Komga 40 Koster 159 Kroonstad 64 Krugersdorp 84 Kuruman 178, 179 KwaBhaca 38 KwaDukuza 93, 94 KwaMbonambi 100 KwaNgwanase 112 L Ladismith 206 Lady Grey 49 Ladybrand 71 Ladysmith 116, 117 Laingsburg 202 Lephalale 139 Libode 53 Litchtenburg 170 M Maclear 48 Madadeni 88 Madibogo 172 Mahikeng 170 Makapanstad 161 Makhado 135 Makhanda 57 Malalane 145 Malamulele 135 Malmesbury 216 Mandeni 95 Manguzi 112 Maphumulo 96 Marble Hall 132 Mashishing 145 Matatiele 35 Mbombela 143, 144 Melmoth 98 Meyerton 82 Middelburg 152, 153 Mkuze 109 Mmabatho 171 Modimolle 137, 139 Modjadjiskloof 129 Mogwadi 126 Mogwase 161 Mokopane 140 Mooi River 106 Moorreesburg 213 Mossel Bay 208 Mothibistad 180 Mthatha 50, 51 Mthwalume 104 Mtubatuba 111 Musina 136 N Ndwedwe 96 Nelson Mandela Bay 34 New Hanover 109 Newcastle 88, 90 Nkandla 99 Nongoma 120 Nquthu 114 Ntabankulu 36 O Orkney 163 Oudtshoorn 208 P Paarl 198 Parys 64 Paulpietersburg 120 Peddie 42 Petrusville 187 Phalaborwa 128 Phuthaditjhaba 69, 71 Pietermaritzburg 104, 107 Piketberg 214 Plettenberg Bay 204 Pofadder 183 Polokwane 124, 126 Pongola 122 Port Alfred 58 Port Elizabeth 34, 54 Port Nolloth 184 Port Shepstone 101, 102 Port St Johns 53 Postmasburg 194 Potchefstroom 164 Pretoria 79 Prieska 188 Prince Albert 203 Q Qumbu 52 R Randfontein 83, 85 Reitz 72 Richards Bay 97, 98 Richmond 108 Riversdale 206 Rustenburg 159, 162 S Sasolburg 62, 63 Schweizer-Reneke 168 Scottburgh 103 Secunda 149 Senwabarwana 124 Setlagole Village 172 Siyabuswa 153 Somerset East 55 Springbok 180, 184 Standerton 150 Stellenbosch 197, 199 Stutterheim 40 Swellendam 211 T Taung 166 Thabazimbi 141 Theunissen 66 Thohoyandou 134, 137 Trompsburg 74, 75 Tugela Ferry 115 Tzaneen 130 U Ulundi 118, 121 Umzimkhulu 93 Upington 191, 192 Utrecht 89 V Vanderbijlpark 80 Vereeniging 80 Victoria West 189 Volksrust 148 Vrede 73 Vredenburg 216 Vredendal 215 Vryburg 166, 169 Vryheid 119 W Warrenton 176 Wartburg 109 Welkom 65, 67 Williston 182 Witsieshoek 69, 71 Wolmaransstad 165 Worcester 197 Z Zastron 76 Zeerust 172 THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 | 219














BBBEE Level 1


A AbaQulusi 119 Albert Luthuli 147 Alfred Duma 117 Alfred Nzo 35 Amahlathi 40 Amajuba 88 Amathole 39 B Ba-Phalaborwa 128 Beaufort West 201 Bela-Bela 138 Bergrivier 214 Beyers Naudé 55 Big 5 Hlabisa 110 Bitou Municipality 204 Blouberg 124 Blue Crane Route 55 Bojanala Platinum 159 Breede Valley 197 Buffalo City 33 Bushbuckridge 143 C Cape Agulhas 210 Cape Town 196 Cape Winelands 197 Capricorn 124 Cederberg 214 Central Karoo 201 Chief Albert Luthuli 147 Chris Hani 43 City of Cape Town 196 City of Ekurhuleni 77 City of Johannesburg 78 City of Matlosana 163 City of Mbombela 144 City of Tshwane 79 City of uMhlathuze 98 Collins Chabane 135 D Dannhauser 88 Dawid Kruiper 192 Dihlabeng 70 Dikgatlong 175 Dipaleseng 148 Ditsobotla 170 Dr Beyers Naudé 55 Dr JS Moroka 153 Dr Kenneth Kaunda 163 Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma 91 Dr Pixley Ka Isaka Seme 148 Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati 166 Drakenstein 198 E eDumbe 120 Ehlanzeni 143 Ekurhuleni 77 Elias Motsoaledi 132 Elundini 48 eMadlangeni 89 Emakhazeni 153 Emalahleni 44 Emalahleni 154 Emfuleni 80 Emthanjeni 186 Endumeni 113 Engcobo 44 Enoch Mgijima 45 Ephraim Mogale 132 eThekwini 87 F Fetakgomo Tubatse 133 Fezile Dabi 62 Frances Baard 175 G Gamagara 179 Garden Route 203 Ga-Segonyana 179 George 205 Gert Sibande 146 Govan Mbeki 149 Great Kei 40 Greater Giyani 128 Greater Kokstad Municipality 92 Greater Letaba 129 Greater Taung 166 Greater Tzaneen 130 H Hantam 181 Harry Gwala 90 Hessequa 206 I iLembe 93 Impendle 105 Ingquza Hill 51 Inkosi Langalibalele 117 Intsika Yethu 46 Inxuba Yethemba 46 J JB Marks 164 Joe Gqabi 47 Joe Morolong 180 Johannesburg 78 John Taolo Gaetsewe 178 Jozini 111 JS Moroka 153 K !Kheis 191 Kagisano-Molopo 167 Kai !Garib 193 Kamiesberg 182 Kannaland 206 Kareeberg 186 Karoo Hoogland 182 Kenneth Kaunda 163 Kgatelopele 193 Kgetlengrivier 159 Khai-Ma 183 King Cetshwayo 97 King Sabata Dalindyebo 51 Knysna 207 Kopanong 75 Kouga 56 Koukamma 57 KwaDukuza 94 L Laingsburg 202 Langeberg 199 Lejweleputswa 65 Lekwa 150 Lekwa-Teemane 168 Lepelle-Nkumpi 125 Lephalale 139 Lesedi 81 Letsemeng 75 M Madibeng 160 Mafube 62 Magareng 176 Mahikeng 171 Makana 57 Makhado 135 Makhuduthamaga 134 Maluti-A-Phofung 71 Mamusa 168 Mandeni 95 Mangaung 61 Mantsopa 71 Maphumulo 96 Maquassi Hills 165 Maruleng 130 Masilonyana 66 Matatiele 35 Matjhabeng 67 Matlosana 163 Matzikama 215 Mbhashe 41 Mbombela 144 Merafong City 83 Metsimaholo 63 Mhlontlo 52 Midvaal 82 Mkhambathini 106 Mkhondo 150 Mnquma 41 Modimolle-Mookgophong 139 Mogalakwena 140 Mogale City 84 Mohokare 76 Molemole 126 Mopani 127 Moqhaka 64 Moretele 161 Moses Kotane 161 Mossel Bay 208 Mpofana 106 Msukaligwa 151 Msunduzi 107 Mthonjaneni 98 Mtubatuba 111 Musina 136 N Nala 67 Naledi 169 Nama Khoi 184 Namakwa 180 Ndlambe 58 Ndwedwe 96 Nelson Mandela Bay 34 Newcastle 90 Ngaka Modiri Molema 170 Ngqushwa 42 Ngwathe 64 Nkandla 99 Nkangala 152 Nketoana 72 Nkomazi 145 Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma 91 Nongoma 120 Nquthu 114 Ntabankulu 36 Nyandeni 53 O Okhahlamba 118 OR Tambo 50 Oudtshoorn 208 Overberg 209 Overstrand 2 11 P Phokwane 176 Phumelela 73 Pixley Ka Isaka Seme 148 Pixley Ka Seme 185 Polokwane 126 Port St Johns 53 Prince Albert 203 R Ramotshere Moiloa 172 Rand West City 85 Ratlou 172 Ray Nkonyeni 102 Raymond Mhlaba 42 Renosterberg 187 Richmond 108 Richtersveld 184 Rustenburg 162 Ruth Segomotsi Mompati 166 S Sakhisizwe 47 Saldanha Bay 216 Sarah Baartman 54 Sedibeng 80 Sekhukhune 131 Senqu 49 Setsoto 73 Siyancuma 187 Siyathemba 188 Sol Plaatje 177 Stellenbosch 199 Steve Tshwete 155 Sundays River Valley 59 Swartland 216 Swellendam 211 T Thaba Chweu 145 Thabazimbi 141 Thabo Mofutsanyana 69 Theewaterskloof 212 Thembelihle 189 Thembisile Hani 156 Thulamela 137 Tokologo 68 Tsantsabane 194 Tshwane 79 Tswaing 173 Tswelopele 69 U Ubuhlebezwe 92 Ubuntu 189 Ugu 101 Ulundi 121 Umdoni 103 uMfolozi 100 uMgungundlovu 104 uMhlabuyalingana 112 uMhlathuze 98 uMkhanyakude 109 uMlalazi 100 uMngeni 108 uMshwathi 109 uMsinga 115 Umsobomvu 190 Umuziwabantu 103 Umvoti 115 Umzimkhulu 93 Umzimvubu 38 uMzinyathi 112 Umzumbe 104 uPhongolo 122 uThukela 116 V Vhembe 134 Victor Khanye 156 W Walter Sisulu 49 Waterberg 137 West Coast 213 West Rand 83 Winnie Madikizela-Mandela 38 Witzenberg 200 X Xhariep 74 Z ZF Mgcawu 191 Zululand 118 THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 | 221


Message from the Publisher 7 Methodology, Sources and Acknowledgements 13 Overview of Local Government in South Africa 18 Audit Outcomes 27 Unauthorised, Irregular, Fruitless and Wasteful Expenditure 30 Alphabetical Index of Cities and Towns 221 Alphabetical Index of Municipalities 223 ADVERTISERS Actom 20 Bidvest Prestige 28 Blue Nova Energy 28 BMW SA 4 Bonitas Medical Fund 16 Consolidated Retirement Fund (CRF) 14 Cummins South Africa 22 Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo 32 MV Switchgear 20 Nedbank 26 Revive Electrical Transformers 222 Sanitech 25 South African Local Government Assocation (SALGA) 6 Technology Innovation Agency (TIA) 10 Telkom SA 12 EASTERN CAPE MUNICIPALITIES 34 Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality 35 Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality 36 Alfred Nzo District Municipality 37 Matatiele Local Municipality 37 Ntabankulu Local Municipality 38 Umzimvubu Local Municipality 40 Winnie Madikizela-Mandela Local Municipality 40 Amathole District Municipality 41 Amahlathi Local Municipality 42 Great Kei Local Municipality 42 Mbhashe Local Municipality 43 Mnquma Local Municipality 43 Ngqushwa Local Municipality 44 Raymond Mhlaba Local Municipality 44 Chris Hani District Municipality 45 Emalahleni Local Municipality 46 Engcobo Local Municipality 46 Enoch Mgijima Local Municipality 47 Intsika Yethu Local Municipality 48 Inxuba Yethemba Local Municipality 48 Sakhisizwe Local Municipality 49 PDF PAGE
THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 | II TABLE OF BOOKMARKS Joe Gqabi District Municipality 49 Elundini Local Municipality 50 Senqu Local Municipality 51 Walter Sisulu Local Municipality 51 OR Tambo District Municipality 52 Ingquza Hill Local Municipality 53 King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality 53 Mhlontlo Local Municipality 54 Nyandeni Local Municipality 55 Port St Johns Local Municipality 55 Sarah Baartman District Municipality 56 Blue Crane Route Local Municipality 57 Dr Beyers Naudé Local Municipality 57 Kouga Local Municipality 58 Koukamma Local Municipality 59 Makana Local Municipality 59 Ndlambe Local Municipality 60 Sundays River Valley Local Municipality 61 FREE STATE MUNICIPALITIES 62 Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality 63 Fezile Dabi District Municipality 64 Mafube Local Municipality 64 Metsimaholo Local Municipality 65 Moqhaka Local Municipality 66 Ngwathe Local Municipality 66 Lejweleputswa District Municipality 67 Masilonyana Local Municipality 68 Matjhabeng Local Municipality 69 Nala Local Municipality 69 Tokologo Local Municipality 70 Tswelopele Local Municipality 71 Thabo Mofutsanyana District Municipality 71 Dihlabeng Local Municipality 72 Maluti-A-Phofung Local Municipality 73 Mantsopa Local Municipality 73 Nketoana Local Municipality 74 Phumelela Local Municipality 75 Setsoto Local Municipality 75 Xhariep District Municipality 76 Kopanong Local Municipality 77 Letsemeng Local Municipality 77 Mohokare Local Municipality 78 GAUTENG MUNICIPALITIES 78 City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality 79 City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality 80 City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality 81 Sedibeng District Municipality 82 Emfuleni Local Municipality 82 Lesedi Local Municipality 83
III | THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS Midvaal Local Municipality 84 West Rand District Municipality 85 Merafong City Local Municipality 85 Mogale City Local Municipality 86 Rand West City Local Municipality 87 KWAZULU-NATAL MUNICIPALITIES 88 eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality 89 Amajuba District Municipality 90 Dannhauser Local Municipality 90 eMadlangeni Local Municipality 91 Newcastle Local Municipality 92 Harry Gwala District Municipality 92 Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma Local Municipality 93 Greater Kokstad Local Municipality 94 Ubuhlebezwe Local Municipality 94 uMzimkhulu Local Municipality 95 iLembe District Municipality 95 KwaDukuza Local Municipality 96 Mandeni Local Municipality 97 Maphumulo Local Municipality 98 Ndwedwe Local Municipality 98 King Cetshwayo District Municipality 99 City of uMhlathuze Local Municipality 100 Mthonjaneni Local Municipality 100 Nkandla Local Municipality 101 uMfolozi Local Municipality 102 uMlalazi Local Municipality 102 Ugu District Municipality 103 Ray Nkonyeni Local Municipality 104 Umdoni Local Municipality 105 Umuziwabantu Local Municipality 105 Umzumbe Local Municipality 106 uMgungundlovu District Municipality 106 Impendle Local Municipality 107 Mkhambathini Local Municipality 108 Mpofana Local Municipality 108 Msunduzi Local Municipality 109 Richmond Local Municipality 110 uMngeni Local Municipality 110 uMshwathi Local Municipality 111 uMkhanyakude District Municipality 111 Big 5 Hlabisa Local Municipality 112 Jozini Local Municipality 113 Mtubatuba Local Municipality 113 uMhlabuyalingana Local Municipality 114 uMzinyathi District Municipality 114 Endumeni Local Municipality 115 Nquthu Local Municipality 116
THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 | IV TABLE OF BOOKMARKS uMsinga Local Municipality 117 Umvoti Local Municipality 117 uThukela District Municipality 118 Alfred Duma Local Municipality 119 Inkosi Langalibalele Local Municipality 119 Okhahlamba Local Municipality 120 Zululand District Municipality 120 AbaQulusi Local Municipality 121 eDumbe Local Municipality 122 Nongoma Local Municipality 122 Ulundi Local Municipality 123 uPhongolo Local Municipality 124 LIMPOPO MUNICIPALITIES 125 Capricorn District Municipality 126 Blouberg Local Municipality 126 Lepelle-Nkumpi Local Municipality 127 Molemole Local Municipality 128 Polokwane Local Municipality 128 Mopani District Municipality 129 Ba-Phalaborwa Local Municipality 130 Greater Giyani Local Municipality 130 Greater Letaba Local Municipality 131 Greater Tzaneen Local Municipality 132 Maruleng Local Municipality 132 Sekhukhune District Municipality 133 Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality 134 Ephraim Mogale Local Municipality 134 Fetakgomo Tubatse Local Municipality 135 Makhuduthamaga Local Municipality 136 Vhembe District Municipality 136 Collins Chabane Local Municipality 137 Makhado Local Municipality 137 Musina Local Municipality 138 Thulamela Local Municipality 139 Waterberg District Municipality 139 Bela-Bela Local Municipality 140 Lephalale Local Municipality 141 Modimolle-Mookgophong Local Municipality 141 Mogalakwena Local Municipality 142 Thabazimbi Local Municipality 143 MPUMALANGA MUNICIPALITIES 144 Ehlanzeni District Municipality 145 Bushbuckridge Local Municipality 145 City of Mbombela Local Municipality 146 Nkomazi Local Municipality 147 Thaba Chweu Local Municipality 147 Gert Sibande District Municipality 148 Chief Albert Luthuli Local Municipality 149
V | THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 TABLE OF BOOKMARKS Dipaleseng Local Municipality 150 Dr Pixley Ka Isaka Seme Local Municipality 150 Govan Mbeki Local Municipality 151 Lekwa Local Municipality 152 Mkhondo Local Municipality 152 Msukaligwa Local Municipality 153 Nkangala District Municipality 154 Dr JS Moroka Local Municipality 155 Emakhazeni Local Municipality 155 Emalahleni Local Municipality 156 Steve Tshwete Local Municipality 157 Thembisile Hani Local Municipality 158 Victor Khanye Local Municipality 158 NORTH WEST MUNICIPALITIES 160 Bojanala Platinum District Municipality 161 Kgetlengrivier Local Municipality 161 Madibeng Local Municipality 162 Moretele Local Municipality 163 Moses Kotane Local Municipality 163 Rustenburg Local Municipality 164 Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality 165 City of Matlosana Local Municipality 165 JB Marks Local Municipality 166 Maquassi Hills Local Municipality 167 Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District Municipality 168 Greater Taung Local Municipality 168 Kagisano-Molopo Local Municipality 169 Lekwa-Teemane Local Municipality 170 Mamusa Local Municipality 170 Naledi Local Municipality 171 Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality 172 Ditsobotla Local Municipality 172 Mahikeng Local Municipality 173 Ramotshere Moiloa Local Municipality 174 Ratlou Local Municipality 174 Tswaing Local Municipality 175 NORTHERN CAPE MUNICIPALITIES 176 Frances Baard District Municipality 177 Dikgatlong Local Municipality 177 Magareng Local Municipality 178 Phokwane Local Municipality 178 Sol Plaatje Local Municipality 179 John Taolo Gaetsewe District Municipality 180 Gamagara Local Municipality 181 Ga-Segonyana Local Municipality 181 Joe Morolong Local Municipality 182 Namakwa District Municipality 182 Hantam Local Municipality 183 Kamiesberg Local Municipality 184
THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOK SOUTH AFRICA 2023 | VI TABLE OF BOOKMARKS Karoo Hoogland Local Municipality 184 Khai-Ma Local Municipality 185 Nama Khoi Local Municipality 186 Richtersveld Local Municipality 186 Pixley Ka Seme District Municipality 187 Emthanjeni Local Municipality 188 Kareeberg Local Municipality 188 Renosterberg Local Municipality 189 Siyancuma Local Municipality 189 Siyathemba Local Municipality 190 Thembelihle Local Municipality 191 Ubuntu Local Municipality 191 Umsobomvu Local Municipality 192 ZF Mgcawu District Municipality 193 !Kheis Local Municipality 193 Dawid Kruiper Local Municipality 194 Kai !Garib Local Municipality 195 Kgatelopele Local Municipality 195 Tsantsabane Local Municipality 196 WESTERN CAPE MUNICIPALITIES 197 City of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality 198 Cape Winelands District Municipality 199 Breede Valley Local Municipality 199 Drakenstein Local Municipality 200 Langeberg Local Municipality 201 Stellenbosch Local Municipality 201 Witzenberg Local Municipality 202 Central Karoo District Municipality 203 Beaufort West Local Municipality 203 Laingsburg Local Municipality 204 Prince Albert Local Municipality 205 Garden Route District Municipality 205 Bitou Local Municipality 206 George Local Municipality 207 Hessequa Local Municipality 208 Kannaland Local Municipality 208 Knysna Local Municipality 209 Mossel Bay Local Municipality 210 Oudtshoorn Local Municipality 210 Overberg District Municipality 211 Cape Agulhas Local Municipality 212 Overstrand Local Municipality 213 Swellendam Local Municipality 213 Theewaterskloof Local Municipality 214 West Coast District Municipality 215 Bergrivier Local Municipality 216 Cederberg Local Municipality 216 Matzikama Local Municipality 217 Saldanha Bay Local Municipality 218 Swartland Local Municipality 218


The Local Government Handbook: South Africa is a complete guide to municipalities in South Africa. With 257 municipalities and numerous demarcation, name and other changes over the years, it can be challenging to form a clear picture of this critical government layer. The Handbook provides a comprehensive directory of all municipalities, including contact details; descriptive overviews; particulars of senior office bearers; geographic, demographic and economic statistics; as well as financial, employment, service delivery and other performance-related information.

For a complete online resource, visit municipalities.co.za

The definitive guides to government in South Africa

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