7 minute read
Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC
The mission of the Companies Tribunal is to adjudicate applications made in terms of Section 195 of the Companies Act (2008) and make orders in respect of such applications, and to facilitate the resolution of companies disputes through conciliation, mediation and arbitration. The Tribunal’s mandate is to: adjudicate in relation to any application that may be made to it in terms of the Act and make any order provided for in the Act in respect of any such application; assist in the resolution of disputes; and perform any other function assigned to it by or in terms of the Act.
Chairperson: Dr Mohamed Alli Chicktay Tribunal Members: Adv Ishara Bodasing, Prof Piet Delport, Ms Lucia Glass, Mr Khashane Manamela, Mrs Matshego Ramagaga, Mr Lindelani Sikhitha, Ms Khatija Tootla, Ms Bongekile Zulu Registrar: Mr Selby Magwasha Chief Financial Officer: Ms Irene Mathatho Chief Operations Officer: Ms Maletlatsa Monica Ledingwane Senior Management: Mr Simukele Khoza (Manager: Communications and Marketing) Communications Officers: Ms Charmaine Galloway (Executive Support), Mr Dumisani Mthalane (Communications and Marketing Officer)
Current Assets 4 506 10 174 11 887
Non-Current Assets 2 319 2 023 1 762 Total Assets 6 825 12 197 13 649
Current Liabilities 2 947 1 684 1 846
Non-Current Liabilities - - Total Liabilities 2 947 1 684 1 846 Total Net Assets 3 878 10 513 11 804
Total Revenue 19 781 19 091 18 474
Exchange Transactions 743 819 1 259
Non-Exchange Transactions 19 037 18 272 17 215 Total Expenditure (26 416) (20 381) (21 737)
Employee Costs (16 755) (11 692) (12 333) Surplus/(Deficit) for Year (6 635) (1 290) (3 263)
Operating Activities (50 100) (1 102) (2 373) Investing Activities (584) (521) (1 200) Cash & Equivalents – Year End 4 202 9 866 11 509 UIFW EXPENDITURE** 3 - -
HUMAN RESOURCES 2019/20 2018/19 2017/18 Posts Approved 14 15 15 Posts Filled 13 12 13
PHYSICAL: The dti Campus, Mulayo (Block C), 77 Meintjies Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria POSTAL: Private Bag X23, Lynwood Ridge, 0040 TEL: 012 394 3200 / 3320 WEB: www.compcom.co.za EMAIL: ccsa@compcom.co.za
The Competition Commission is empowered by the Competition Act to investigate, control and evaluate restrictive business practices, abuse of dominant positions and mergers in order to achieve equity and efficiency in the South African economy. Its purpose is to promote and maintain competition in South Africa in order to: promote the efficiency, adaptability and development of the economy; provide consumers with competitive prices and product choices; promote employment and advance the social and economic welfare of South Africans; expand opportunities for South African participation in world markets and recognise the role of foreign competition in the country; ensure that small- and medium-sized enterprises have an equitable opportunity to participate in the economy; and promote a greater spread of ownership, in particular to increase the ownership stakes of historically disadvantaged persons. To achieve its purpose, the Commission’s core functions are the following: implement measures to increase market transparency; implement measures to develop public awareness of the provisions of the Act; investigate and evaluate alleged anti-competitive conduct; conduct formal inquiry in respect of the general state of competition in a market; grant or refuse applications for exemption from the application of the Act; authorise, with or without conditions, prohibit or refer mergers of which it receives notice; negotiate and conclude consent orders; refer matters to the Competition Tribunal of South Africa (the Tribunal) and appear before the Tribunal when required; negotiate agreements with any regulatory authority to coordinate and harmonise the exercise of jurisdiction over competition matters within the relevant industry or sector, and ensure the consistent application of the principles of the Act; participate in the proceedings of any regulatory authority; advise and receive advice from any regulatory authority; review legislation and public regulations, and report to the Minister concerning any provision that permits uncompetitive behaviour; and deal with any other matter referred to it by the Tribunal.
Commissioner: Mr Tembinkosi Bonakele Deputy Commissioner: Mr Hardin Ratshisusu Chief Financial Officer: Mr Amos Moledi Senior Management: Ms Thembalethu Buthelezi (Acting Divisional Manager: Market Conduct), Mr Andile Gwabeni (Divisional Manager: Corporate Services and Human Capital), Mr James Hodge (Chief Economist; Divisional Manager: Economic Research Bureau; and Acting Deputy Commissioner), Mr Bukhosibakhe Majenge (Divisional Manager: Legal Services: and Acting Deputy Commissioner), Mr Makgale Mohlala (Divisional Manager: Cartels), Mr Amos Moledi (Corporate Services Division), Mr Mduduzi Msibi (Company Secretary), Ms Nompucuko Nontombana (Divisional Manager: Market Conduct), Ms Tamara Paremoer (Divisional Manager: Mergers and Acquisitions), Ms Khanyisa Qobo (Divisional Manager: Advocacy), Ms Mapato Ramokgopa (Acting Divisional Manager: Office of the Commissioner) Communications Officers: Mr Siyabulela Makunga (Head: Communication / Spokesperson)
FINANCIAL INFORMATION* 2019/20 2018/19 2017/18
AUDIT OUTCOME Clean Audit Clean Audit Financially Unqualified FINANCIAL POSITION R’000 R’000 R’000 Current Assets 52 866 42 468 73 746 Non-Current Assets 19 571 22 791 25 445 Total Assets 72 437 65 259 99 191 Current Liabilities 44 212 73 974 133 063 Non-Current Liabilities - - 861 Total Liabilities 44 212 73 974 133 294 Total Net Assets 28 225 (8 715) (34 733)
Total Revenue 369 294 384 306 352 756
Exchange Transactions 73 856 102 518 84 402
Non-Exchange Transactions 295 438 281 788 268 354 Total Expenditure (332 384) (360 874) (420 553)
Employee Costs (224 091) (223 793) (210 782) Surplus/(Deficit) for Year 36 910 23 432 (69 324)
Operating Activities 397 207 5 639 (69 184) Investing Activities (1 803) (3 059) (8 840) Cash & Equivalents – Year End 39 643 5 069 3 401 UIFW EXPENDITURE** 20 025 39 224 71 586
PHYSICAL: The dti Campus, Mulayo Building, 77 Meintjies Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria POSTAL: Private Bag X24, Sunnyside, 0132 TEL: 012 394 3300 FAX: 012 394 1069 WEB: www.comptrib.co.za EMAIL: ctsa@comptrib.co.za
The Competition Tribunal adjudicates competition matters, in accordance with the Act, and has jurisdiction throughout South Africa. It is independent and subject to the Constitution and the law. It must be impartial and perform its functions without fear, favour or prejudice. When a matter is referred to it in terms of the Act, the tribunal must: adjudicate complaints of prohibited conduct (restrictive practice and abuse of dominance); impose a remedy; award costs; grant an order for interim relief; authorise or prohibit a large merger; and adjudicate appeals from the Commission’s decisions on intermediate mergers and exemptions.
Chairperson: Ms Mondo Mazwai Deputy Chairperson: Mr Enver Daniels Tribunal Members: Ms Yasmin Carrim, Mr Halton Cheadle, Ms Andiswa Ndoni, Mr Anton Roskam, Ms Fiona Tregenna, Mr Imraan Valodia, Dr Thando Vilakazi, Mr Andreas Wessels Chief Financial Officer: Ms Devrani Moonsamy (Head: Finance) Chief Operations Officer: Mr Oliver Josie Senior Management: Mr Junior Khumalo (Head: Case Management), Ms Tebogo Mputle (Head: Registry) Communications Officers: Ms Gillian De Gouveia, Ms Lufuno Ramaru
FINANCIAL INFORMATION* 2019/20 2018/19 2017/18
Clean Audit Clean Audit Clean Audit
Current Assets 26 568 22 130 17 357
Non-Current Assets 4 648 4 790 4 448 Total Assets 31 216 26 920 21 805
Current Liabilities 3 529 2 839 3 512
Non-Current Liabilities 1 349 1 891 1 146 Total Liabilities 4 878 4 730 4 658 Total Net Assets 26 338 22 190 17 147
Total Revenue 52 835 53 709 47 145
Exchange Transactions 16 683 18 623 17 104
Non-Exchange Transactions 36 172 35 086 30 041 Total Expenditure (46 687) (48 666) (47 465)
Employee Costs (30 514) (29 506) (27 576) Surplus/(Deficit) for Year 4 148 5 043 (320)
Operating Activities 4 985 6 655 2 432 Investing Activities (610) (902) (931) Cash & Equivalents – Year End 24 293 20 102 14 509 UIFW EXPENDITURE** 33 54 85
PHYSICAL: Block C7 & C8, Eco Origins Office Park, 349 Witch-Hazel Avenue, Highveld Ext 79, Centurion, 0157 POSTAL: PO Box 7075, Centurion, 0046 TEL: 012 471 3800 FAX: 012 471 3850 WEB: www.ecic.co.za EMAIL: info@ecic.co.za
The mission of the Export Credit Insurance Corporation of South Africa SOC Ltd (ECIC) is to provide export credit and investment insurance solutions in support of South African capital goods and services by applying best practice risk management principles. To support this mandate, the ECIC evaluates export credit and foreign investment risks and provides export credit and foreign investment insurance cover on behalf of the government; and underwrites medium and long-term loans, including equity investments for the export of capital goods and services from South Africa. The ECIC extends its services as far as it can, consistent with preserving the financial viability essential to its long-term support of capital goods and services; and provides sound and efficient financial services that contribute to public confidence and comply with international standards. Through its mission, the Corporation is committed to reaching the strategic goals of the government, namely: acceleration of economic growth; creation and preservation of employment opportunities; and the reduction of economic inequalities.