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Department of Health (DoH
Total Revenue 916 370 882 993 809 436
Exchange Transactions 62 828 50 099 44 131
Non-Exchange Transactions 853 542 832 894 765 305 Total Expenditure (710 864) (732 934) (838 748)
Employee Costs (49 127) (44 964) (44 550) Surplus/(Deficit) for Year 205 506 150 059 (29 312)
Operating Activities 175 189 167 494 (61 332) Investing Activities (734) (680) (1 550) Cash & Equivalents – Year End 899 068 724 613 557 799 UIFW EXPENDITURE** 1 767 2 644 1 422
PHYSICAL: 72 New Road, Glen Austin AH (Grand Central), Midrand, 1685 TEL: 011 628 7000 / 087 944 4377 / 0800 111 173 FAX: 011 726 7777 WEB: www.chieta.org.za EMAIL: info@chieta.org.za
The mission of the Chemical Industries Education and Training Authority (CHIETA) is to contribute to sustainable development through facilitating the provision of skills for growth in the chemical industries sector. The Authority’s strategic objectives are to: establish a credible institutional mechanism for skills planning; increase access to occupationally directed programmes; promote growth of a public Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college system that is responsive to sector, local, regional and national skills needs and priorities; address the low level of language and numeracy skills to provide access to additional training; encourage better use of workplace-based skills development; encourage and support cooperatives, small enterprises, worker initiated Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and community training initiatives; increase public sector capacity for improved service delivery and support and build a developmental state; build career and vocational guidance; address the medium-term strategic priorities of the government; and continuously focus on defining and quality assurance of optimised business processes, knowledge management systems, and organisational architecture frameworks in support of the professional and confident discharge of its legislative mandate.
Chairperson: Ms Wezi Khoza Board Members: Ms Gerhard Cloete (Organised Labour), Ms Sharmila Govind (Organised Employer), Ms Geraldine Hewitt (Organised Employer), Mr Steven Mahlangu (Organised Labour), Dr Banothile Makhubela (Organised Employer), Mr Mosehla Mampho (Organised Labour), Mr Thabo Masumbuka (Organised Employer), Mr Isaac Matji (Organised Employer), Mr Edzisani Ndou (Government, Professional and Community Organisations), Mr Charles Phahla (Organised Labour), Ms Karishma Ramcharan (Government, Professional and Community Organisations), Ms Adri Swart (Organised Labour) Chief Executive Officer: Mr Yershen Pillay Chief Financial Officer: Mr Farhad Motala Chief Operations Officer: Mr Thulani Shabalala (Executive: ETQA) Senior Management: Mr Roger Adriaanse (Regional Manager: Western Cape), Mr Trevor Channing (Executive: Governance and Risk), Mr Ashvir Isseri (Acting Executive: Grants and Strategic Projects), Mr Bennet Kamanga (Regional Manager: Gauteng and Central Regions), Ms Tshidi Magonare (Manager: Qualifications Design and Development), Mr Munya Makota (Manager: Finance), Mr Joel Mmapulane (Manager: ETQA), Ms Jay Moodley (Executive: Corporate Services), Ms Kedibone Moroane (Executive: Research and Skills Planning), Ms Princess Moumakoe (Acting Manager: Strategic Projects and Grants), Mr Ronnie Naidoo (Manager: Monitoring and Evaluation), Mr Rajen Naidoo (Regional Manager: KZN and Eastern Cape), Ms Lerato Ramahuta (Manager: Human Resources) Communications Officers: Ms Glory Nyathi (Manager: Stakeholder Relations)
FINANCIAL INFORMATION* 2019/20 2018/19 2017/18
AUDIT OUTCOME Financially Unqualified Financially Unqualified Clean Audit FINANCIAL POSITION R’000 R’000 R’000
Current Assets 260 159 349 697 291 575
Non-Current Assets 2 533 2 844 2 659 Total Assets 262 692 352 541 294 234
Current Liabilities 59 712 110 084 47 731
Non-Current Liabilities - - Total Liabilities 59 712 110 084 47 731 Total Net Assets 202 980 242 457 246 503
Total Revenue 558 004 577 972 531 059
Exchange Transactions 17 306 20 277 21 214
Non-Exchange Transactions 540 698 557 695 509 845 Total Expenditure (597 481) (582 018) (535 887)
Employee Costs (41 909) (39 593) (35 255) Surplus/(Deficit) for Year (39 477) (4 046) (4 828)
Operating Activities (107 331) 42 084 (15 878) Investing Activities (351) (1 540) (1 559) Cash & Equivalents – Year End 256 467 347 245 286 024 UIFW EXPENDITURE** 7 072 26 019 6 378
HUMAN RESOURCES 2019/20 2018/19 2017/18 Posts Approved 108 101 103 Posts Filled 108 98 97
PHYSICAL: 183 Cnr Kerk & Old Pretoria Main Road, Halfway House, Midrand, 1685 POSTAL: PO Box 1955, Halfway House, 1685 TEL: 011 265 5900 / 1 WEB: www.ceta.org.za EMAIL: customerelations@ceta.co.za