GET THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS The good news is that even in this crazy new normal, there are loads of options for next year and beyond. But you’ve got to know the right questions to ask
t’s a totally different world out there compared to six months ago when you started your final year of school. The Covid-19 lockdown has changed the way we live and learn in ways we wouldn’t have believed back then. But while much of life is different for this year’s Grade 12s, one thing hasn’t changed – the need for you to decide what your next move will be after Matric is done and dusted. The process and considerations involved in making those decisions have also changed.
In previous years, you could attend Open Days, visit campuses to speak to student advisors and faculty staff, connect with current and former students, or plan a valuable gap year or work placement. This physical legwork is no longer an option in the form that it used to be. The good news, though, is that quality institutions – from universities to TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) colleges – will now be hosting Virtual Open Days, which actually allows you to ‘visit’ more campuses than you
would have before and gives you quicker access to advisors by scheduling online appointments. There are still some institutions which will allow on-campus visits, but by appointment only. For those of you who aren’t going the study route, although the exploratory gap year is out of the question for now and may be for quite some time to come, you can keep the dream alive by researching the places you would like to travel to or the work experience you would like to gain.
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9/3/20 4:27 PM