YES PHILIPPINES NewsMagazine (UK/Ireland Edition) - Issue 2

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Fi l i pi no Communi ty New spaper COV ER to COV ER UK & IRELAND EDITION




BYA HE PI NA S na K abayan w i th

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Fi l i pi no Communi ty New spaper COV ER to COV ER UK & IRELAND EDITION





M ISS SUM M ER A RI A NNA M ORGA N W ORLD 2018 Talent comes fromFilipina mum from but Dad KIERAN's her biggest KACEYLondon influence COLEEN E ssex S ongb ir d


Winningthetitlehasput her dreamof becominga lawyer onhold BICOLANO

East Grinstead's DANNY FAVOR Deputy Mayor & Presidential Awardee Good Dad?







Let t er Fr om Th e Pu blish er This Edition is distributed all over the United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland) & Republic of Ireland.


'Most of us have anecdotes to share when asked about our fathers. Some of them are amusing, even funny, while some are profound moments that stick with us all our lives. We dedicate this issue to the loving fathers who continue to protect and guide their children.'

WAS n am ed af t er m y f at h er , Solom on . A com ic t h at h e is, h e w ou ld call m e ever y t im e t h er e is a f u ll m oon an d w it t in gly say ?Sol...oh ...m oon .? Th e br ief m om en t s like t h at ar e n ow t h e m em or ies I lovin gly ch er ish .

Most of us have anecdotes to share when asked about our fathers. Some of them are amusing, even funny, while some are profound moments that stick with us all our lives. Whatever the case may be, I think we can all agree that fathers, like mothers, deserve a day when all their efforts are appreciated. Quite frankly, a day may not even be enough. In line with this, we dedicate this issue to the loving fathers who continue to protect and guide their children. The first of our articles shows how Danny Favor, East Grinstead's first Filipino deputy mayor, cares and inspires his entire family. The feature about Arianna Morgan is another account telling how a father can influence his children. In this article, the 17-year-old singer shared her journey in making a name in UK?s music scene and how her father takes part in it.

Coleen Lim, this year ?s crowned Miss Summer World. A stunning beauty queen and law graduate, the part-Filipina narrates her story with undeniable sincerity, wisdom, and confidence. To keep the Filipino culture alive in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, we have also covered the events that took place in celebration of the Independence Day and birth anniversary of Dr Jose Rizal. As always, our community events calendar is filled with the latest information on what to look forward to throughout the year.

Pu blish er M ARY SOL PIM ENTEL Associat e Pu blish er SARAH M AE LARAGAN Coor din at in g Edit or TRIXIE BAUTISTA Feat u r es Edit or SADEKA SARRA M ESALUCHA

Our contributor, Mizpah Lee, also shared her own story of being a Filipino in the UK. In utter honesty, she describes that although it was hard to leave the country she knew for all her life, she is still lucky to find a new city she called home in London. In a very different perspective, Malcolm Conlan shares how he fell in love with the Philippines and the Filipino people. A collection of personal stories, community news, updates and more await you on the pages of this issue. We hope that all of these bring the Filipino spirit to wherever you are in the UK and Ireland. Happy reading!


Between these stories is a feature on Kacey

Adver t isin g KARLA DUCAY Cir cu lat ion FLOR M ORANTE

WHAT M AKES YES PHILIPPINES NEWSM AGAZINE DIFFERENT? We are a TRUE PUBLISHER and not a FRANCHISE PUBLISHER. We wri te our own edi tori al content/materi als and not just repri nt them from websi tes and Phi li ppi ne publi cati ons. We are a true Communi ty Newspaper as we feature the people, stori es, events and acti vi ti es of Fi li pi nos li vi ng i n the UK & Republi c of Ireland on our paper from cover to cover. We have a more extensi ve di stri buti on coveri ng the UK & Ireland.






DANNY FAVOR cherishes his Title of "DAD" the most, over all other titles By TRIXIE BAUTISTA


HE name Danilo M . Favor rings a bell to many Filipinos based in the United Kingdom, especially those in Sussex, England. He is the first elected Filipino councillor and deputy mayor in East Grinstead,

Working as a nurse for years, he has also successfully initiated several health-related charitable programs that continue to benefit the Filipino community in the UK. For many, Danilo, or Danny as his friends and family call him, is a committed public servant and a passionate health w orker w ho has helped and made Filipinos proud. How ever, if it?s his family you'd ask, Danny is first and foremost an amorous father.

pregnancy. In July 1987, the young couple w elcomed their firstborn, M ark Daniel, and their youngest, Kristoffer, 5 years after. Raising Kids in a Filipino Household The brothers are now already living Dan n y of f icially r eceivin g h is DTM M edal of independently. Although raised and Civic Du t y f r om t h e Tow n M ayor Rex Wh it t ak er educated in the UK, they grew up getting exposed to Filipino culture proud w hen he and values, speaking Tagalog at home and giving learned he w as respect to adults by giving ?mano?. After graduating becoming a father. Since then, he has been dedicated to raising his children to become better and responsible persons. When asked w hat his parenting style is, Danny said he

This side of the new ly elected deputy mayor is unknow n to many. This is w hat w e at Yes Philippines New smagazine explore as w e pay respect to all Filipino fathers in the UK this Father?s Day. A Serendipitous Love Story ?He is a loving and caring husband and father?, M aribel Favor lovingly describes her life-long partner. M aribel and Danny?s story goes a long w ay back. They met each other in 1982 as colleagues at the M akati M edical Centre and soon parted w ays w hen they both took their chances to w ork abroad. As luck w ould have it, their paths crossed again in Jeddah in 1985, w here they w orked at the same hospital. Sharing the same interests and values, the tw o of them had an instant connection and became friends. After a year, M aribel and Danny tied the knot and started their ow n family. Shortly, they got their first blessing. First Pregnancy: A Wonderful and Difficult Experience ?We w ere both very excited w hen w e learned that I w as pregnant,? M aribel recalls the moment they got the good new s. As elated as the couple w as, the first pregnancy w as extremely challenging for the both of them. How ever, the young couple made it through together. When M aribel w ould have days of excessive morning sickness, Danny proved his love for his w ife and unborn child. He did all the chores, cooking, laundry, and ironing. Alw ays nauseated, M aribel required constant assistance at the time and w as served breakfast in bed as advised by her OB. ?Truly, I had enjoyed him caring for me and perhaps had taken advantage of it?, the w ife reveals w hile recounting the difficult yet beautiful moments of her first

Dan n y an d w if e M ar ibel w it h t h eir son s M ar k & Kr is

from Kingston University, the tw o of them have made their ow n paths, M ark as a computer softw are engineer and Kris as a coach and personal trainer. Whatever and how ever different the roads they take, the brothers help each other and bring the values imparted to them. M aribel and Danny made sure of this. Because like every Filipino family, the Favors alw ays observe respect, humility, openness, empathy, and, above all faith, love and devotion to our Almighty God. The Family?s M utual Love for Public Service Public service is one thing that the Favors share. In their 15 years of living in East Grinstead, Danny and M aribel remain closely involved w ith various community groups and Depu t y Tow n organisations, spearheading charity M ayor M edal and voluntary w orks and fundraising to help less fortunate families and individuals. After all, for Danny, one of the responsibilities of a father is to set a good example and teach the kids good moral character. M ark and Kris have w itnessed this since they w ere young. Back then, w hen time allow ed, they w ould help their parents w ith their free health service and w ellbeing activities in the community. On Being a Father ?For me, being a father is all joy, happiness, and fulfilment..?, Danny confessed. He w as overjoyed and

At t h e M alacan an g Palace w h en Dan n y r eceived t h e pr est igiou s Pr esiden t ial Ban aag Aw ar d

is rather an authoritative yet supportive parent. He has alw ays expected that his sons w ill be good, if not the best, men as they are meant to be. As w e talked w ith Kris, w e?ve found out that Danny?s efforts didn?t go to w aste. ?Seeing my father inspire other people and motivate them to achieve bigger has given me that spark to do something similar?, the youngest of the Favor brothers told Yes Philippines New sM agazine. Aspiring to become a life coach, Kris w ants to be able to look at people and inspire them the w ay his father has done to him and her brother. Not a Perfect Father Danny does not claim to be the ideal father for his sons and family. How ever, he did his best to support and guide his sons, especially w hen they w ere little ones. After all, w hen it comes to fatherhood, it is not a question of w hether a father is perfect or not. And w hile one can never gauge a father?s w orth, for Kris, there?s no man more fitting than Danny to lead the Favor family. In his w ords: ?I could not have w ished for a better father than him!?






K A CEY COLEEN LI M A n Epi tome of a M odern Worl d Cl ass By CATHERINE ROSE PUGARIN


Behind the big smile and the famous beauty queen wave, most people would probably unintentionally fail to acknowledge the hard work and dedication that pageant girls like Kacey have put into it.


HERE Is definitely a price to pay if you w ould like to make it in the w orld of beauty pageants. And though there is such a thing as luck, there is no shortcuts to success.

This perhaps sums up what happened to this newly-crowned Miss Summer World 2018. The new pride of London and the Philippines competed at one of Europe's prestigious beauty pageants. Early beginnings Kacey originally hails from Catbalogan, Samar in the Philippines. She was born to a Filipino-Chinese father and a Spanish-Japanese mother. This explains her exotic look that makes her stand out in the crowd. She moved to the United Kingdom to pursue her dreams of becoming a lawyer. She recalls her early fascination in the beauty pageant world. She would watch the beauty pageant shows at her local gymnasium. She knew from an early age that she would want to become a beauty queen herself. ?I looked up to these women on stage - their grace, elegance and that exuding appeal was just tantalising, almost mesmerising. I was in utter awe and admiration. I couldn't wait to grow up to become like them.? In the Philippines, festivities will not be complete without a beauty contest. From barangay fiestas to basketball tournaments, there will always be a beauty pageant. The journey to the realisation of the dream Ingrained with the beauty queen dream in her head, Kacey had been very active as a child. She would perform on stage in just about any competition in school or any other extra-curricular activity that involves performing arts. Joining contests, she?d get a taste of victory and of course lose on some occasions. Either way, Kacey is grateful that she has a very supportive family who supported her all the way. One thing Kacey and her parents agreed on is that her studies should never be compromised. Her family was strict when it comes to education as they made sure that earning her undergraduate degree was prioritised over everything else. Kacey did not disappoint her parents as she was a consistent honour student, graduating from the University of the Philippines with a Political Science degree. She travelled to London to pursue a career as a lawyer. She finished law school from BPP University and eventually worked in an immigration firm. The very first pageant that Kacey joined was in 2017, when she came across of Miss Swimsuit UK. ?I remember that I was on my lunch break when the Miss Swimsuit UK Instagram page just popped out in my feed. I was really

surprised because I have never heard about it. human rights. I had a quick browse and I really liked what the pageant stood for,? she recalled. Although Kacey had been joining similar pageants in the past, she Kacey applied and instantly received a reply would still feel nervous whenever she from the Miss Swimsuit UK CEO who was competes, especially when she is really interested in having her for the London representing the Philippines. Heat contest. At first she was hesitant to compete because it has been a while since she This time around Kacey was determined and joined a beauty contest. While contemplating focused on winning what could be her last whether she would compete or not, her pageant, the Miss Summer World 2018. two-year relationship ?Inaabangan with her pala talaga boyfriend nila ang came to an Pilipinas. end. From the day I arrived in The paradigm Albania, they shift already knew so The decision to finally join the Miss Swimsuit UK, London Heat wasn?t easy. She made a choice to pursue her pageant dream and take a sabbatical with law. She reckons that law will always be her fall back and she wanted to do the pageant while she is young and still much about me. I felt capable of doing so. that I had to live up to their expectations on In her preparation for the first pageant, she Filipina beauty queens. joined the Royalty?s UK beauty camp which The pressure was on, trains aspiring beauty queens. Her training was intense, focusing on things such as how to but I focused and reminded myself to enjoy every moment that I was there!? do the personality development,...conquering the Q & A, up to the hair and make-up as well. Her preparation all The competition has given Kacey a renewed paid off as she won the London Heat and later sense of self-fulfilment. Winning it came during the most challenging time of her life as on became 2nd runner-up at the National she was on the edge of giving up after two Level of Miss Swimsuit UK. attempts in trying for international competitions. This contest opened up doors for her in the modelling world as well. Ever since she won, ?There were people who doubted me, she had been sent to compete for the Best questioned me - to the point that I was not Global Model of the Year in Portugal that same year. Kacey was one of the finalists and even sure about myself anymore. Mabait talaga si Lord. Now, part of my mission and garnered a special award. purpose as Miss Summer World is to inspire other people - that regardless of the Stubborn with her dream circumstances in your life, you should never give up on your dreams! At times it will be These pageants had helped Kacey develop her hard and doors will be closed but remember to self-confidence and overcome her stage fright. always get back on your feet and fight.? More importantly, it has given her the opportunity to form a special bond among the women she competed against and appreciate What?s next? cultural differences. Kacey believes that Miss Summer World is a prestigious beauty beauty pageants provide a platform for pageant that selects its next ambassador for women to express their advocacies and influence public opinion. Her main advocacies the organisation. It supports women in their dreams to become the person they want to be. are focused on women empowerment and

Its previous winners were from Greece and Holland, making Kacey the first Asian and Filipino to win the competition. To be a beauty queen is both an honour and a responsibility. As a Queen, they can be someone who can motivate and inspire other people. On the other hand, there will be people who may think that being a beauty queen can be superficial. Kacey is determined to prove this stereotype wrong. ?It should not come as a surprise that women at this day and age can all be beautiful, intelligent, successful, opinionated and fearless. The women who can make heads turn, who are comfortable in their skin, who can speak up on her own voices and above all, who can discern choices and who are not apologetic to follow their own dreams.? The fascination of Filipinos to beauty pageants may be because of the hope and inspiration it provides to women. It encourages them to dream. These women are not just beautiful faces. They are well accomplished women in their own right. ?I wish to carry on the legacy of beauty, grace, and elegance that have been demonstrated by the past Miss Philippines title holders. The Philippines has become a powerhouse country because of its continuous winning streaks in different competitions but I would like to make a name of my own. I would want to be remembered as a Queen who is strong, nurturing, and compassionate and above all, the most unforgettable one.? The world has not become superficial just because we allow ourselves to appreciate beauty. These beauty queens have their own contribution, from representing the country in international competitions to becoming great influencers. They are a manifestation of strong women who are limitless in their ability to achieve what they worked hard for. We should celebrate these Filipinos who are beyond beautiful in every single way.





ESSEX Fil br it s ing e r

A R IA N N A M O R G A N ins p ir e d by d ad & t h e f am il y By BEA SANCHEZ

the days of the year 2009, he heard w hat it seemed to be vocals coming from a CD player and asked his family to turn it off. M uch to his surprise, it w as actually the voice of his daughter, then 8-year-old Arianna M organ. Fast forw ard to almost a decade later, this little girl is starting to take on the UK?s singing industry by storm, balancing gigs and her studies at the age of 17 years old.

Songbird reached number 8 in the UK Top 100 Physical Sales Chart. Quite an amazing feat for someone w ho w as barely out of her preteen years.

achievement aw ard as w ell as six gold aw ards for performing arts. But just like any other girl, Arianna is still a simple 17 year old. This means juggling school and career along w ith family, social life and other hobbies. She?s currently taking up Psychology, Sociology, Core M aths and Biology and w ill be deciding her major next year.

To add, she said that she also enjoys all sports and like her father, used With dad Keiran to play football a A songbird w as born lot. She also loves and mum Lilia It?s no surprise that Arianna?s career spending lots of Got it from her is already shining at this age. What sets time w ith her momma her apart is that she first released her family. single at just a mere age of 10 ? the age Some say that talent can be passed on from generation to generation. This w hen young girls and boys are barely When asked might explain Arianna?s raw talent in even out of middle school. about how she singing and the fact that she exceled w as able to w ithout even a single voice lesson. It all started commit to gigs during her w hile still being Her mother, Lilia, hailed from first singing a grade A Iligan, a city situated in the gig at a student, she said northern part of M indanao, charity event that she stays Philippines. In fact, a Arianna w as for a family behind in school able to adapt one Filipino hobby friend w ith w hen she w as just around four or after exams to Proteus revise for exams then five years old, w ith her father Syndrome. practice w hen she gets recalling that she w ould sing Little did they home in the evenings, karaoke at home back at such a know that that more or less tw ice a young age. day w ill be w eek. opening doors Her parents met in Singapore for` the With that, w hat?s w here her father played football 9-year-old next for young M s. and her mother being a part of a Arianna. A band as a vocalist. When Arianna Arianna M organ? producer w as six w eeks old, the family made approached Her love for singing the decision to move back to the her, telling w ill continue to UK. her that it shine as she has w ould be nice upcoming gigs in With her parents and her tw o other to w ork w ith June, particularly the siblings, Arianna considers her the young girl. With younger siblings family as her biggest inspiration Hastings & St Leonard's Tw o days of Shanelle and Brandon ? and she considers her father 2018 Celebrity Am & recording the Concert on the 23rd and being quite influential in her song and a day the Birmingham career. Sharing the same talent w ith her dedicated to making the video led to the Sandw ell West mom, she also gets motherly advice angelic rendition of Fleetw ood M ac?s M idlands Filipino w hen it comes to singing, saying that Songbird. Festival on June 30 to she should just enjoy it. July 1, w here she w ill This catapulted Arianna into the be performing w ith limelight, making an impact on both her The songbird continues to soar Other than her golden voice, Arianna is Filipino artist Jake career and her life. quite also know n for her golden heart. Zyrus. Arianna also has plans of ?To be honest it w as overw helming but Her career started w ith just a simple day in a charity event and the follow ing bringing her talent it turned out beautiful and I w as very years after, she continues to give back. to the Philippines, proud of it. I still get goose bumps saying that she At 13 years old, she became the listening to it and w atching it. Lots of might do a youngest ever ambassador for the people are now using my version at concert or tw o in w eddings so I'm very happy w ith how it Princes Foundation for Children and the the future ? Arts, became Heart Radio?s Fundraiser turned out,? she said. She added that something that Songbird w as such a beautiful song, the of the Year and has helped raise over her Filipino fans ÂŁ500,000 for different charities. reason w hy she chose it to be her debut might w ant to single. This even led her to releasing a Barely even 20 years old and she w as look forw ard disco version of it. already able to receive the Jack Petchy to.



HEN Keiran M organ w alked into their house in one of

Arianna regards her family as her biggest inspiration ? and she considers her father being quite influential in her career.









By M IZPAH LEE M izpah is a 2nd Yr University undergrad at the Royal Hollow ay, University of London studying Criminology and Psychology and hopes to train as a Psychologist someday.


Looking back at the experience, it definitely made me think that no matter where Filipinos may reside in the world, they have an innate attitude of being one of the most hospitable and joyous people I have been blessed to encounter along the way of this crazy journey called life.


PROOTING from your ow n home, w hether it?s the first time or the 100th time, is never easy. It requires risk and sacrifice but also a lot of determination.

As many Filipino millennials like myself have heard time and time again w hilst w e w ere grow ing up, our parents have had to do just that - make the conscious decision to migrate from Philippines to the UK. Now , it w as our turn to fly from the nest. From a safe and secure home and family that I have depended on since I w as born, to an unfamiliar place - far from home, full of aspiring students and adults in the same boat. A year and a half onw ards, I have grow n to love the place I now call my home, and w ith central London a train ride aw ay, I?ve discovered several places in London that feels like home is a lot closer than you think!

for years to come. You?re spoilt for choice in Kew Gardens as it?s home to a w hole host of breath-taking greenery, as w ell as a botanical garden that exhibits exotic plants. Whilst there w on?t be people dressed in flow ers on flow er-studded floats, it?s one of my most favourite places to visit during Spring, and certainly a cheaper alternative than a plane ticket to Baguio for the Panagbenga festival! Chisw ick House & Gardens, Chisw ick Coming from a quiet tow n in Wales, I w as not prepared for how truly busy and heavily populated London could be. Since then,

Sky Garden, Fenchurch Street

Romulo CafĂŠ, Kensington

Chisw ick House & Gardens, Chisw ick

M oving is an exciting I?ve found milestone - for Chisw ick a quiet anybody. But it?s also but equally important to charming area of acknow ledge that at solace to w ind times, there w ill also dow n at the end be revelations of of a busy day out doubt and w orry in London. about w hether Chisw ick House moving w as the best and Gardens decision. Sky boasts a classic Gardens is scenery that you Sky Garden, Fenchurch Street essentially a public could only find in ?garden in the skies? the happy w ith observation endings of Filipino romance movies. decks leading to a stunning view that overlooks It?s also a particularly great area that plays host to the London in its entirety. The majority of people visit Sky M agical Lantern festival that takes place annually from Garden for the view , and rightly so. I remember how November to January. The festival show cases the view from the deck cast aw ay any doubts I had impressive vivid sculptures and lanterns that illuminate about making the risky decision to move. The view w as Chisw ick gardens on dark chilly nights. It?s a a photographic reminder of w hy I had w anted to move rew arding experience that somew hat reminds me of in the capital city, that I w anted to make a name for the extravagant Christmas lights that cover every inch myself in this cosmopolitan city. Though the majority of of every building and house in the Philippines. people visiting Sky Garden may not feel this emotional Earl's Court from seeing London from the top, it is definitely w orth a visit just before sunset or sunrise to see w hat London Earl?s court is has to offer. know n as the Kew Gardens, Richmond Since I w as born in Baguio city, the Panagbenga (flow er) festival is something I?ve become accustomed to. One of my vivid memories as a child in the Philippines w ere the vibrant parades, show casing floats cladded in every flow er under the sun and dancers in costumes adorned in flow ers. It w as an experience that definitely influenced my obsessions w ith flow ers


restaurants w henever I feel homesick and I miss my parents cooking. They offer Filipino cuisine and a ?one of a kind?experience as if you w ere back in the Philippines. From the moment you w alk in these restaurants, it smells like home, or at the very least, a Filipino BBQ party. Friendly kuya?s and ate?s closely resemble the hospitable attitudes of aunties and uncles that serve classic dishes and desserts at the heart of Filipino cuisine. Romulo CafĂŠ w as the first Filipino restaurant I encountered since I moved. Since then, it has become my go-to restaurant to bring my friends and family ? and for a very good reason. For my first visit, I w as aw ay from family and friends that I had spent the last 17 years of my birthday celebrating w ith. But the staff made it one of the most endearing birthday experiences to date. The food

w as akin to Romulo Cafe that of fine dining Filipino cuisine and definitely did not disappoint. Dishes that I alw ays ate grow ing up, such as adobo, w as refined w ith an elegant but equally appetizing tw ist. The customer service w as also an added bonus. Throughout my birthday meal, they w ere attentive and chatty, and I w as treated w ith a hearty birthday sing along from staff and even other customers. Looking back at the experience, it definitely made me

Earl's Court

Kew Gardens, Richmond

?hub?of the Filipino community in London. It?s one of my favourite spots in London, and it?s not just because they have Filipino supermarkets! When I?m not stocking up on some Pancit canton (student life), I like to visit nearby

think that Celebrting my birthday no matter alone at Romulo Cafe w here Filipinos may reside in the w orld, they have an innate attitude of being one of the most hospitable and joyous people I have been blessed to encounter along the w ay of this crazy journey called life.










How I fel l i n love w it h t he people and count r y I now cal l

" HOM E " I have alw ays had a passion for the Philippines and Filipino people.

I guess this started w hen I w as around 19 years old.

Then it all changed in 1989 w hen I first w ent to w atch w hat has become my favourite musical ever, M iss Saigon. These w ere the days before you

arrived, I w as captivated by how friendly and w elcoming everyone w as. Everyone w as helpful, smiling and interested in w hy I w ent there.

Yes, in those days, there I had never actually heard of the w as the Philippines until then to be honest. occasional area you might not w ant to visit and the occasional scammer etc. How ever I Wi t h Le a have to say S a Ki m l o n ga in all of my , in M i ss St h e o r i g 55 trips and a i go i n al n have found the country to be very safe and w elcoming. could Every time I go google w here home, I continue to a place w as or look at be impressed by the street view or anything like continual that. In fact in those days, improvements in the country. calling abroad w ould cost On a din n er dat e w it h w if e Su san you ÂŁ2 a minute and w e As there w as no Facebook back posted this thing called ?a then, w hen you w anted to stay in letter?. touch w ith people, you w rote them a letter or sent a FEDEX or Joking apart, I bought a similar and w aited an age souvenir brochure at the for a reply. show and quickly Geography Calling people discovered that w as not my strongest subject at of course w as many of the school and I guess the Philippines even more incredible w as a distant place w ith no real difficult and talented actors connection to my life. expensive. from the show So having originated fallen in love from the w ith the Philippines, country, I including decided to Lea somehow Salonga, dedicate a M iguel Diaz, part of my t h e ir 20t h n Robert o n sa u S life to the Wit h w if e in g An n iv e r sa r y Sena, We d d Philippines. M onique Strange Wilson and coincidence, Cocoy but I ended Laurel. up w orking s es r t ac o n ipi Fil h t Wi w ith a filipino guy for a o ya da I decided to ag M a Sh ain few years at London Buses, so travel the 7,000 through that, I got into Filipino M iles or so in w hat w as one culture, parties and a new circle of of my first ever trips abroad friends. and venture to the place I now call home. When I M y friend and his w ife, then


introduced me to my future w ife, Susan, only recently w e celebrated our 20th year of marriage. First time I met her family, around 21 years ago, I ended up staying w ith them and sleeping in a little Bahay Kubo, w hich w as a little funny as I ended up banging my head every time I got up. Those w ere the days, remembered fondly haha. Thing is, some people say w hy am I so interested in filipino culture, events, people

o d r igo t s sid e n t R Wit h Pr e M a la ca n a n g la in e t r e t Du

and now politics, I guess it stems from my first impressions of the Filipino people from w ay back nearly 30 years ago, I hope and pray that other foreigners like myself, fall in love w ith the culture and people, I now regard as my extended family. M aybe I w as a Filipino in a former life, w hatever it is, I am just at my happiest w hen I am either in the Philippines or w ith Filipinos. I am very fortunate that through that passion, I have got to meet some very famous Filipino actors, (some even follow me on Instagram lol) Ambassadors, politicians and even three Philippine Presidents. Please follow me on Instagram and Tw itter if you w ould like at FilEvent or on FB, just search for M alcolm Conlan. I also have a page too and Filipino events w ebsite, w w





ON THE TRA I L OF RI Z A L: ?P E T T I E ? I N L O N D O N By THE AZURE OPTIM IST ISTORY has been made on the 3rd of June 2018, as some Filipinos embarked on the first ever ?Rizal in London? guided walk tour, pioneered by the Knights of Rizal and Ladies for Rizal Incorporated ? London Chapter UK. Led by the Chapter Commander Sir Elija Villanueva, KCR and Chapter Archivist Sir Junart Nieva, KOR, the almost 3-hour stroll started from Sherlock Holmes Museum in Baker Street, passing through Regent?s Park, and ended in the topmost part of Primrose Hill.


Members, family, friends, educators and students who joined were blessed with a sunny day. Regent?s Park, one of London?s Eight Royal Parks, were teeming with people enjoying the sunshine. June is also a great time

of high regard of the British community to Filipinos! The group took time to take photos albeit discreetly, as it is a residential area. The sickle moon-shaped street is recognized as well for being a film location for Paddington Bear movie. ?As a Filipino born in another country, it is amazing to learn about Rizal?s time in London and to retrace his steps,? says Jason Malipol, a graphics designer. ?To see his London residence was quite surreal, and the commemorative blue plaque that is on display there indicates that he was truly a remarkable individual.? Jason currently studies Filipino language through London Filipino Centre, a community interest company headed by Sir Ric Patriarca, KOR, a Rizalian Knight himself and currently chairs the education committee.

to go exploring when flowers are in full bloom but with lesser pollen count compared to Springtime. Formerly known as Marylebone Park, this ?jewel in the crown?(famous for the open-air theatre and as the base of ZSL London Zoo) public space has an area of 395 acres. The ramblers had a chance to know bits and bobs about it while learning about Rizal?s adventures while in London. Passing through the lower ground of Primrose Hill, the group headed towards 37 Chalcot Crescent, where Rizal had stayed. A blue plaque was placed in the house by the Greater London Council, which reads, ?Dr Jose Rizal 1861-1896: Writer and National Hero of the Philippines Lived Here?. How proud it is to have this kind of marker in London, which serves as a sign

?Pettie?, Rizal?s British nickname, was given by Gertrude Beckett, daughter of his landlord in that house. These two had a brief romance before Rizal realized it cannot endure because he still had a mission in life he needed to fulfil. His love for the motherland obviously triumphed over personal feelings.

then, where he ?conversed with the spiritual sun?. Who knows? The activity, in accordance with the Order?s by-laws and constitution, was conceptualized by the Area Commander for United Kingdom Sir Alfonso Taguiang, KGOR, and his wife, Lady Aurea Taguiang, president of Kababaihang Rizalista Inc.? London Chapter UK. The walk was held as part of the 130th commemoration of Rizal?s arrival and stay in the British capital back in 1888. A milestone indeed! This is also to further honour the Philippine-British connection, and make people appreciate more the relationship between the occidental and oriental countries. For more information, read ?Pearl of A Man: Rizal with Overcoat? article on

The nearby Primrose Hill Library also has the memorial ?Rizal Garden? as a tribute to the national hero dubbed ?pearl of a man?. That title was accorded to him by Dr Reinhold Rost, a German orientalist and friend to Blumentritt, currently working in India Office in London at that time. He helped Rizal gain access to a restricted section in the Reading Room of the then British Library, now British Museum, so he could study and annotate the book Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas by Antonio Morga. This is one of the primary reasons why he went to the UK in the first place; not to visit the Queen! Just as some thought it was the end of the tour, the knights and ladies armed with Philippine flags led the way back to Primrose Hill, this time going up the summit. There, another first, the Philippine national anthem ?Lupang Hinirang? was sung led by local Filipino singers Ela Hidalgo and Gee Luengo, while flags naturally waved due to the breeze on top of the hill. Overlooking the city of London on a clear sky, the overseas patriots sang with all their heart, singing proudly and enthusiastically. This another historical event was done to commemorate National Flag Days (Executive Order No. 179 May 24, 1994 by then President Fidel Ramos). Since the park is so close to Pettie?s lodge, it can be inferred this used to be his ?tambayan? back

Knights of Rizal is an international civic, patriotic, cultural, non-sectarian, non-partisan and non-profit organization. Among its missions is to propagate and inculcate the teachings of Rizal in the minds of Filipinos and other citizens of the world and, and by word and deed, exhort them to and practice the examples set by him. The London Chapter UK, now on its 11th year, is currently led by Sir Elija Villanueva, KCR, the youngest Chapter Commander in Europe. Visit ?Knights of Rizal London, United Kingdom? Facebook page for updates and more information.







Kysha Bi roczk i 16 years old Li verpool






FWA -UK Cel ebrati ng 30 Years & 120th Ph i l i ppi ne I ndependence Day


HE much-awaited 30th anniversary of the FWA-UK commemorating the 120th Philippine Independence Day took place on the 9th June at The Royal Garden Hotel. Guests from as far away as the Philippines and the USA attended with His Excellency Ambassador Antonio Lagdameo and our patron, Mrs Linda Lagdameo as guests of honour but most of all, Mrs Angeles ?Nene?Quimson, our beloved Founding President, graced us with her presence.


Approximately 270 guests enjoyed the evening. Generous sponsors and supporters were PAL, Ali of AA World Travellers & Tours, Genistar, Tina Hall, Edna Kim, Dulia Prado, Nancy Cunniff, Linda Celestial, Manila Supermarket, Romulo Cafe, Josephine?s Restaurant, Europe Gold Rush, Terry Beauty Salon, Marilyn Masilungan, As Nature Intended, Saladmaster, Maniland Glamour Phil, Hirma Torres, Key of ?G?Photography and the Royal Garden Hotel. The three-course 5-star dinner didn?t disappoint us and the service of the banqueting staff was impeccable. Soprano, Karlene Moreno-Hayworth who is a member of the Philharmonia Chorus and conductor of the Haraya Choir, performed the tear-jerker ?Bayan Ko?, ?Think of Me?from Phantom of the Opera and ?Mutya ng Pasig?. Breeze Band, a favourite of the London Filipino community provided quality live music from standard to jazz, rock, pop, bangra, baila & Filipino music led by vocalist, Annie Leyva. Disco music was provided by EGD Lights and Sounds. No encouragement was needed, just one note from Breeze Band and the dance floor was swarmed until after midnight. Two luxury holiday packages were auctioned on the night to add to our charitable fund. Auction 1 - Return tickets for two London-Manila-London and domestic flights sponsored by Philippine Airlines and accommodation in 5-star hotels in Cebu, Bohol and Resorts World Manila sponsored by AA World Travelers Travel & Tours. Auction 2 - Hotel accommodation for two with breakfast in Palawan or Boracay and at Resorts World Manila, also sponsored by AA World Travelers Travel & Tours. A total of ÂŁ3,400 was raised from the auction alone. All had a fabulous evening ? . SEE YOU NEXT YEAR!

Ph i l i ppi nes I ndependence Day at Cardi f f Castl e By FERDINAND BENEDICTOS M AGNAYE, RGN

HE Annual Celebration of the Philippine Independence and Flag Raising Ceremony held at the Iconic Landmark of the Welsh Capital City, Cardiff Castle last June 12 was spearheaded by Philippines SLAWUK (Samar - Leyte Association WALES, U.K.) one of the very active Filipino Associations in Wales, way back in 2013. It is a very important event in the Filcom calendar which attended by Dignitaries and Distinguished Guests from the Philippine Embassy in London and the sitting Lord Mayor of the City and County of Cardiff. Leading the flag-raising ceremony were Cardiff Lord Mayor Cllr Dianne Rees and Philippine Embassy Consul-General Senen Mangalile.


In 2015, United Filipinos in Cardiff, Wales (UFCW) had joined us and in 2017, the other 2 Filipino Groups namely Filipino Community in Cardiff (FCIC) and Filipino Association for Community Empowerment (FACE in the Vale) had come hand in hand in Celebrating this Annual Event which is a historical landmark for all the Filipinos in Cardiff City and in Wales. It all started when we noticed that Cardiff Castle was displaying Flags from all over the world but the Philippine Flag were nowhere to be found inspite that so many Filipinos are living and working in Cardiff and the whole of Wales. So we thought of requesting Cardiff Castle to fly our National Colours and be represented in this iconic landmark in the Capital City of Wales. Since then, the Philippine Flag were proudly flying at the Cardiff Castle walls for around 6 months as the flags needs to be changed and rotated. Afterwards, Philippines SLAWUK initiated the formal Flag Raising Ceremony and Annual Celebration of the Philippine Independence at Cardiff Castle showcasing our National Filipiniana Costumes, Patriotic Songs and Traditional Colourful Dances. Since then, we are so proud to invite everyone who are visiting Cardiff to look up at the Castle walls and see our National Colours proudly represented in our adapted City and Country.



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Co mmu n i t y Ca l e n d a r

SEND US NEWS OF YOUR COM M UNI TY EV ENTS & A CTI V I TI ES We w el come detai l s of your stori es, i ncl udi ng success, aw ards, appoi ntments and ev ents. Send your i tems by emai l to : i nf o@yesph i l new



Co mmu n i t y Ca l e n d a r




SA NTA CRUZ A N I N CRI CK LEWOOD HE Filipino Community of the Black Nazarene UK (FCBN-UK) held a successful 5th Santacruzan/Flores de Mayo last May 27 and would like to thank everyone who made the event a success.


The Santacruzan started with a procession which commenced at 1:30pm. It was participated in by different Reinas showing the different titles of Our Blessed Mother, little angels escorting some of the Reynas and some holding the Ave Maria. There were also little boys holding the Jesus Nazareno flaglets. There were also representatives from different communities like Oval Community, Kappa Mill Hill Community, Filchamp from Kilburn, BFCC from Stonebridge Harlesden, Banal na Pag-aaral UK Chapter, Golders Green Community and DDS-UK. The Statue of Our Lady of Fatima in a beautiful float was carried by devotees. There was also the Statue of the Black Nazarene at the end of the procession. One of the highlights of the celebration was the crowning of Our Lady of Fatima by the Reyna Helena 2018. After the coronation, the certificate of Appreciation was handed to the participants by Rev. Fr. Cirino Potrido and the President. The Holy Mass was concelebrated by the St Agnes Parish Priest Fr. John Buckley and the Chaplain of Filipino Community, Fr. Cirino Potrido. There was a program and dinner after

the Holy Mass held at St. Agnes Center. The Filipino Community of the Black Nazarene UK was founded by Mr Edward dela Cruz and Mrs Leonila Bacatan in 2014. This year's Santacruzan was organized by the newly elected officers: President - Maria Belen Orig Javier Vice President - Marylyn Farinas Secretary - Jean Alonzo Treasurer - Dina Bonzo Asst Treasurer - Francisca Tablada Auditor - Regina Fernandez PRO - Aurelia Manangan Representatives : Rosalie Valenzuela Lyn Magno Ortega Alona Hernandez Ochie Orig Tess Farinas

CA SI LLERA S CHA RI TY 2nd A nnual Search f or REYNA ELENA 2018 ASILLERAS CHARITY ORGANISATION UK (CCOUK) hosted the most awaited event, the 2nd Annual Search for Reyna Elena 2018, in celebration of the Filipino tradition - Flores De Mayo last 2nd June 2018 and was held at St. Augustine?s CE High School, Oxford Road, Kilburn, NW6 5SN.


The fundraising stage event, a part beauty pageant and a part religious-historical exercise commemorates the religious and socio-cultural significance of this celebration that makes the Filipino culture alive and exciting even though we are far away from home. Filipinos strongly value Catholicism as the Philippines?predominant religion and its rich culture. Bringing the Filipino tradition closer to the foreign nationals. Essentially, to support Casilleras objectives and to continue to adhere with every needs of its beneficiaries. The event began with procession led by the Priest for the


Church of England, Filipino Chaplain of the Diocese of London - Father Larry Galon joined by the flower girls and their consorts, Philippine Embassy London Consul General Senen Mangalile, Judges & Adjudicators, Casilleras Members, Committees and Founders, the reigning Reyna Elena 2017 and the runner-ups, lastly the Reyna Elena 2018 candidates. A very solemn and holistic invocation by Father Larry has blessed the event for the peaceful flow and fair judgement. The Casilleras Chairman/Founder and the philanthropist himself Mr. Enly Gagan formally welcomed everyone and shared the purpose of the event and its advocacy. Philippine Embassy London Consul General Senen Mangalile delivered an inspirational talk. Lastly, Kacey Coleen Lim, imparted her interpretation about the celebration of Santacruzan highlighted with the Search for Reyna Elena 2018.

Just like in any other celebration, singing and dancing are always part of the program. The program was participated and energized by the performers & talents. They were the Casilleras Dancers, Kate Caballes, Cyrel Ros Ras, Queenie Tudtud, David Ferrer, Jun Degamon & Vicky Fabilo. Food was a-plenty for everyone at the event. They were prepared by the Casilleras food committees and others who have helped them. It was indeed a big feast day for everyone especially the other nationalities who got to taste the native delicacies done in the traditional way we do back home in the Philippines. Candidates for the search were judged through their beauty, elegance, artistry, creativity, intelligence, personality, ingenuity, workmanship & poise. It is of critical importance that the judging be and should be perceived as fair and impartial. The newly proclaimed winners were: 1) Ms. Lizel Lugto - Reyna Elena 2018 2) Ms. Geraldine Anico ? Reyna de las Flores -1st Runner-Up & Ms. Charity 2018

p 26






Reign in Christ Jesus Ministry 2nd Anniversary



HE Reign In Christ Jesus Ministry (RICJM) celebrated its 2nd anniversary on 3 June 2018 at the Baden-Powell House, South Kensington, London with the theme ?My Grace is Always more than Enough.?

Led by Pastor Tinie Zerna, the Ministry has grown from a few to hundreds of Christian believers cutting across nationalities and ethnicities in England and Wales. RICJM charts its programs and projects in line with the vision to ?preach hope in Christ for the hopeless.? A duly registered charitable incorporated organization (CIO) under the UK?s Charity Commission, the RICJM raises awareness and understanding of the Christian faith and practices for the promotion of love, hope, and peace. It advances the Christian belief and preaches the Gospel in accordance to the teachings of the Holy Bible/Scriptures through prayer meetings, evangelisms, conduct of and attendance to Christian conferences and hold public engagements. RICJM holds its regular fellowship and worship service for healing and deliverance every Sunday at the Heston Royal British Legion, 79 New Heston Road, Hounslow, Middlesex TW5 0LG, 1:30-4pm. It continues to invite everyone to join the Ministry. For enquiries: 078-4661-8032 (Pstr Tinie) or 073-8043-8844 (Sis Ross); Emails: and


Continued from page 24 3) Ms. Paulina Alejo - Reyna de las Virgenes ? 2nd Runner-Up & Best in Gown 4) Ms. Janice Suarez - Reyna del Cielo ? 3rd Runner-Up 5) Ms. Lourdes Dizor - Reyna de las Propetas ? 4th Runner-Up & Ms. Photogenic 6) Ms. Annabelle Bronoso - Reyna Paz ? 5th Runner-Up & Best Arch The event was a festivity which all of us look forward to every year. It has been part of our culture and has already been rooted in our hearts. While we maintain our Filipino culture and heritage wherever we are, we should not also forget most importantly the essence of this festivity. We celebrate Flores de Mayo because we would like to recognize the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in our Catholic faith and so we simply wanted to show our gratefulness and honor her and this should be the center of the celebration. We hope that this culture and faith shall be passed on to our younger generation and shall continue to thrive and prosper for a long time. Special thanks to SPONSORS / 3N Star Tours , Ogie & ? Mabuhay Dontongan - Coco?s Bees & Butterflies, Anico Finance

the following: DONORS Saladmaster, Skywings Travel & Bessie Villedo, Madelyn Richardson Foundation, Marlyn & Bernie Lounge, Karen & Chris Ponce Blas ? Lulu Guiness, Junart Kim Nieva,

THE HONORABLE ADJUDICATORS Ms. Rosemel Perez; Abesamis - One Carillo Jr ? Jireh Imee Pinto, Lilia Miller, Lane Torres & Bernadette Lagrimas


Finally, deepest appreciation to all the candidates who participated in the event, committees and staff of Casilleras, guest speakers, performers and to everyone who unconditionally supported us. Trust that next year. we will have another enchanting event and festive beauty, intelligence, talent, and persona.


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Li ttl e-K now n Facts A bout Ph i l i ppi ne I ndependence Day By ANNE SHIRLEY SOTTO


Filipinos across the globe celebrate Philippine Independence Day every year. While we all know how important this day is, there is always something new to learn about Philippines rich history. To mark 120th Independence Day, Yes Philippines NewsMagazine listed down some interesting facts

of Uncle Sam, which only recognized our independence on July 4, 1946. Years after, President Diosdado Macapagal, declared June 12 as the official Philippines Independence Day in Proclamation no. 28, s. In 1964, the county began observing Araw ng Kalayaan on June 12. The 4th of July, on the other hand, became Filipino-American Friendship Day.

Araw ng Kalayaan Was Previously Observed Every Fourth of July Our history classes told us how Emilio Aguinaldo declared the country?s independence on June 12, 1898 in Kawit, Cavite. The national flag was flown, and there was a national march. We, the Filipino people, were finally free from the three-century-long Spanish occupation.

Hong Kong is the first home to the National Flag While exiled in Hong Kong in 1897, Emilio Aguinaldo designed the flag?s earlier version. It was later on handsewn by Filipinas who were also in exile, namely Marcela MariĂąo Agoncillo, her daughter Lorenza, and Delfina Herbosa de Natividad, Dr. Jose Rizal?s niece. After five days of hard work, Emilio Aguinaldo?s sketch was turned into a tangible flag made with fine silk and filled with symbolisms.

What many of us do not know is that the Philippine Independence Day hasn?t always been celebrated on the 12th of June. For more than 15 years, from 1946 to 1962, Filipinos have observed Araw ng Kalayaan on July 4, the day when the US government granted the Philippines?independence. The question now is how a foreign government could ?give? us independence if we were already a sovereign nation.

Bringing the flag with him, Aguinaldo came home in 1898. To recognize Filipino?s victory in the Battle of Alapan, the Philippine flag was waived for the first time on May 28, 1898. It was eventually revealed to the public during the declaration of independence in Kawit, Cavite.

As it turned out, the Declaration of Independence and the Malolos Constitution, both formally created and ratified in 1898, did not stop the Treaty of Paris from happening. In the same year, the Spanish government made an agreement that relinquishes the Philippines to the United States for US$20 million. From then on, the Philippines had been under the rule

In the Beginning, You Can?t Sing the Anthem. You Can Only M arch to It The national anthem, then known as Marcha Nacional Filipina, was first played on June 12, 1898 as a marching music without lyrics. A year after, the Spanish poem written by Jose Palma was adapted and became the words of the national anthem. In 1938, the anthem was officially titled Lupang Hinirang.




Con su lar Ou t r each M ission Du blin , Ir elan d 07-08 Ju ly 2018


HE Embassy of the Philippines wishes to announce the list of consular service applicants who successfully completed their booking for the Consular Outreach Mission in Dublin scheduled on 07-08 July 2018.

For other on-site details/arrangements, kindly contact the Outreach partner-organizer OUTREACH IRELAND, through:

Please visit the following link to check for your name and appointment schedule.

Telephone : 0879501678

Individual e-mail or telephone notification have also been sent to the applicant using the contact details provided in the service request forms. List of Applicants for the Consular Outreach Mission ? July 2018 Scheduled applicants are requested to be at the venue fifteen (15) minutes before their appointments. Applicants are further reminded to check the documentary and other requirements of their transactions at and to download the applicable forms in advance from the same website. Only applicants with complete requirements will be served. Please beware of other websites purporting to be the Embassy?s official website.

Coordinator : Ms. VANDA MARIE BRADY Email : Payment The Schedule of Fees for consular services is as follows: New / renewal (e-Passport) ÂŁ 55.00 Lost Passport (e-Passport) 142.00 Lost Passport (MRP & MRRP) 87.00 Report of Birth or Marriage 23.00 Late Registration fee 23.00 Affidavits, Oaths, Certifications


Legalization of Documents 23.00 Citizenship Retention/Re-acquisition 46.00

Applicants for citizenship retention/re-acquisition may wish to note that the administration of the Oath of Allegiance will be done as a group (not individually), at the following schedule:

Minor dependent ? Citizenship application 23.00

Saturday 12:30 ? 1:30 p.m.

(charge per additional passport to be mailed) 1.00

5:30 ? 6:30 p.m. Sunday 11:30 ? 12:30 p.m.

Due to audit regulations, only cash payments in British currency (pound sterling) may be accepted. We do not accept personal cheques or debit cards.

2:00 ? 3:00 p.m.

Return of documents:


Applicants are requested to provide their own self-addressed envelope for the return of their documents. Appropriate postage costs may be paid at the Outreach.

The Consular Outreach Missions in Dublin will be held at: St. John Bosco Youth Centre

Postage (100-gm envelope, good for 2 passports) 9.00

We look forward to serving you at the Outreach.

Davitt Road

Maraming salamat po.

Dublin 12















KAMPI SUPER LEAGUE 2018 KICKS- OFF ITS SUMMER TOURNAMENT By RAYM UND RODRIGUEZ HE Kapisanan ng Manlalarong Pilipino sa Inglatera (Sports Association of Filipinos in England), or KAMPI for short, commenced its 27th year of the KAMPI SUPER SUMMER LEAGUE recently.

Anglo being awarded ?Idol of the Game? with an impressive 20 points for his team.


The rest of the day continued with Aces, Sultan and Hope Teen Warriors winning their games against Silangan, Wildcards Warriors and Omega Youth respectively.

The festivities began on 27th May at Mossbourne Victoria Park Academy, East London with the opening ceremony of the Men?s Open and Veteran?s (40 and above) division where a total of 17 teams paraded in their team uniforms and saw Omega Enfield taking home the Best in Uniform and Best Muse awards. The much awaited opening game saw Sunics (2017 East Men?s Champions and former 6-time KAMPI Champions) go against Shockers led by reigning West MVP, Joeward Jamil, along with Terence Mustre who recently returned to London from his stint with the Adamson Falcons in the UAAP.

The rest of the day continued with two more Men?s games and 1 Veteran?s game with the Wildcards, Controllers and Poker Boys all claiming victory in their first games against Rivals, London Lions and London Bisons respectively.

The following week on 3rd June, The game lived up to the hype as it went down the opening ceremony for the Juniors U21 to the wire with Sunics clinching a nail-biting victory by converting 3 free throws right at the Development and U17 Grassroots divisions end of the game. Final score was 61-58 with went underway at Jonas Ragasa (2017 East MVP and Rookie of Northolt High School, the season) being awarded the ?Idol of the West London. Game? as he led Sunics with a score of 21 points. The well-attended event saw a jam packed venue full of young enthusiastic basketball players with their friends and families. Everyone was excited for another competitive season for the rising stars within our community. Hounslow Warriors took home the Best Muse Award while the Aces and DL Wildcards were handed with the Best Uniform awards.

Both opening ceremonies marked another exciting season for the Filipino-British community as a total of 29 teams vie for wins in their respective divisions over the course of 4 months. The KAMPI management is currently led by its Chairman, Sonny Sanchez, Commissioner, Bernhard Punzalan and Vice Chairman, Ally Bernardo along with about 30 committee volunteers. KAMPI were also fortunate to welcome back its former Chairman, Ray Rodriguez, who happened to be vacationing in London in time for the league?s opening. He now lives in Singapore but supports and works closely with the management as an advisor.

KAMPI maintains its ethos of operating as a non-profit league and focuses solely on providing a platform The Opening Game saw reigning U21 for the Filipino-British community to Champions, Generation of Miracles (G.O.M.), showcase its talent in basketball, go against 2016 U21 Champions, Batang Controllers, with Batang?s Leo Regala awarded promote camaraderie and healthy lifestyles, forge new friendships and ?Idol of the Game? leading his team with 22 points to record their first win. Final Score was overall to unite the community through sports. 84-67 with Batang Controllers victorious over G.O.M. For more information and updates regarding KAMPI, please visit them on The second game saw DL Wildcards (a Facebook and Instagram under KAMPI combination of Wildcards Juniors and DL Basketball UK or email them on Supreme from 2017) beating newly formed Bunsong Controllers 74-56 with rookie Drew









IN-LON concluded their 2017-2018 Summer League Mixed Teams Preliminary round on 10th June 2018 at Ernest Bevin College.

5th - Eagle Stone Hardhitters Pin-Lon Chaos and Eagle Stone Hardhitters, after their very challenging matches with the top 3 teams, are coming in 4th and 5th respectively.

Summer League started on the 20th May 2018 with 5 teams competing Rivals, Eagle Stone Hard hitters, Squad Greyhoundz, Pin-Lon Chaos and Pin-Lon Wild Eagles.

After a double round robin between the participating teams, below are the official rankings:

Semi-final round commenced later in the afternoon starting with the match between Pin-Lon Chaos (rank 4) and Eagle Stone Hardhitters (rank 5). Their match ended with Pin-Lon Chaos winning which means they have qualified to compete in the Bronze match on 8th July 2018.

Rivals and Pin-Lon Wild Eagles have been head-to-head since the first round with Squad Greyhoundz trailing on third.

1st - Rivals 2nd - Pin Lon Wild Eagles 3rd - Squad Greyhoundz 4th - Pin Lon Chaos

This was followed by a very tight match between Rivals (rank 1) and Squad Greyhoundz (rank 3) who are competing for the Championship match together with the

Pin-Lon Wild Eagles. Squad Greyhoundz fell short by 3-4 points in each set, resulting in Rivals now leading by 3 points. The rest of the semi-final games, Rivals vs Pin-Lon Wild Eagles and Squad Greyhoundz vs Wild Eagles, are scheduled on the 8th of July. Good luck to all the participating teams and we hope that you keep the volleyball spirit alive.


TEN-PI N BOWLI NG LEA GUE HE Mabuhay Strikers Ten-Pin Bowling League (MSTBL) will again hold the long-running Ambassador?s Cup on Sunday, 17 June 2018 at the Airport Bowl along Bath Road, Harlington Corner, Middlesex UB3 5AL. Ambassador Antonio Manuel R. Lagdameo donated the perpetual trophy in 2010. Now on its 9th year, it can be noticed that Filipino enthusiast-bowlers have increased since then. In last year?s Ambassador?s Cup, there were eight qualifiers with a lone lady among 7-man aspirants. Ellen Espinosa beat them all and was hailed the 2017 AMBASSADOR?S CUP CHAMPION. Our previous winners are: 2010 - Archie Leonardo Jr 2011 - Gordon Pare 2012 - Eddie Isturis 2013 - Tess Penaranda 2014 - Rex Santos 2015 - Rambo Bolos 2016 - Rey Espinosa 2017 - Ellen Espinosa






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