Y NEWSMAGAZINE UK & IRELAND EDITION E S PHILIPPINES ISSUE 1 F R E E C O P Y The Dinner Lady Who Refuses t o St ay in t he Kit chen GAGA LORD MakingFilipinoCuisine Cool & Most Loved inLondon ROWENA ROMULO FIRST TRULY LOCAL COVER to COVER FROM The Filipino Community Newspaper FRANCESZQUA W ARD A Young Filipina Ballerina Pirouet t ing Her Way t o Fam e ...andshe's makingus ProudPinoys intheUK
'As bear er s of good news, we ar e thr illed to infor m you that all the inspir ing stor ies of Filipinos based in the UK and the Republic of I r eland have now found their new home? and you ar e holding it in your hand '
As bearers of good news, we are thrilled to inform you that all the inspiring stories of Filipinos based in the UK and the Republic of Ireland have now found their new home? and you are holding it in your hand Mabuhay and welcome to the first issue of Yes Philippines News Magazine, the first ever truly Filipino Community paper in the UK and the ROI from cover to cover
On our maiden issue, we had the pleasure to tell the stories of noteworthy Filipinos who have carved their names on various fields To start things off, we feature Rowena Romulo, a banker turned restaurateur, who gave the people of Kensington High Street the distinctive taste of Filipino dishes through her award-winning restaurant, Romulo Café
Following that delicious story of success is a feature about Jeannahlyn Alcano-Lord, a dinner lady and an ultimate performer who has made a remarkable impression as an XFactor sensation Originally from Misamis Occidental, Jeannahlyn is now making a name in London as the ever-energetic and -talented Gaga Lord
A few pages after Jeannahlyn?s story you?ll meet Francezqua Ward, a FilBrit ballerina, who never fails to charm her audiences and make both the Filipino and the UK communities proud with her graceful and eloquent performances Last but not least is the feature of presidential fashion consultant Mimi Parrel Pimentel and her experience showing her works in the London fashion scene
Of course, we won? t be calling ourselves the creators of the first ever Truly Local Filipino paper from Cover to Cover if we can? t give you the freshest updates on community news and events So, expect to stumble upon local bits while you dip into the paper
You will also get some practical financial tips as our contributor Micah Lee shared some ways on how to achieve or maintain financial security in a world of student loans, trend buying and obsessive-comparison tendencies, among other things
Features, local news, showbiz bits and more are waiting for you But before I end this letter and you leaf through the paper, allow me to thank you for being among the first persons to support us and read our thoughtfully written stories As we create this paper, we are starting a new tradition of celebrating lives and stories of the Filipinos in the UK and ROI And no words can express how glad we are to have you on our journey
Happy reading, and we hope to see you again on the next issue!
This Edition is distributed all over theUnited Kingdom (England, Wales,Scotland & Northern Ireland)& Republicof Ireland Publisher MARY SOL PIMENTEL Associat e Publisher SARAH MAE Coordinat ing Edit or TRIXIE BAUTISTA Feat ures Edit or SADEKA SARRA MESALUCHA Art Direct or JOHN KNUCKLES DANNY BARRAMEDA Writ ers/ Cont ribut ors PEPS VILLANUEVA TRIXIE BAUTISTA ARAH DEMAPANES BEA SANCHEZ MICAH LEE MIZPAH LEE SHAIRA HABON Advert ising KARLA DUCAY Circulat ion FLOR MORANTE
We write our own editorial content/materials and not just reprint them from websites and Philippine publications. WHAT MAKES YES PHILIPPINES NEWSMAGAZINE DIFFERENT? We are a TRUE PUBLISHER and not a FRANCHISE PUBLISHER. We are a true Community Newspaper as we feature the people, stories, events and activities of Filipinos living in the UK & Republic of Ireland on our paper from cover to cover. We have a more extensive distribution covering the UK & ROI. EHIND every t rium ph, perform ance and
Ba journey w ort h hearing; behind every Filipino is a st ory w ort h reading
and be
event is
And these tales, no matter their nature, deserve to see print
brought to life
t er From The Publisher
From Banker to Restaurateur
Rowena Romulo's Journey to Conquer London? The Romulo Café Way
By Sadeka Sarra Fabillar Mesalucha
T w asn? t solely a career shift w hen a 54-year old banker t ook a det our and braved t he m ot ley hurdles t o ent er t he w orld of food service in 2016 For Row ena Rom ulo, it w as now or never
Fuelled by her high regard for Filipino food and det erm inat ion t o enrich her fam ily s herit age as w ell as t o expand, int ernat ionally, t he successful Rom ulo Café in Manila, she m ust ered all her courage and em barked on an am bit ious m ission t o not only pave t he w ay for Filipino cuisine in t he est ablished London food scene but m ost im port ant ly, m ake it st ay Surely, am bit ion requires m ore t han hard w ork; it dem ands a great deal of st rat egy and t ons of passion From hiring a UK consult ant t o devising a business plan, present ing it t o her fam ily in t he Philippines, and t hen having t o find a suit able spot ? Row ena had t o keep rem inding herself of t he goal so she w ouldn? t get cold feet
?The first locat ion w e set our eyes on and m ade a bid for t urned us dow n because t he landlord w as not fam iliar w it h Filipino cuisine and he w as unsure as t o w het her t his w ould be a success or not ,? she says She and her t eam w ere not oblivious t o t he fact t hat locat ion is crit ical for rest aurant s They had t o execut e a conscious decision t o m ake a significant invest m ent in an area t hat w as close t o m ajor Filipino hubs such as Earls Court and Our Lady of Vict ories Church, and associat ed w it h key Brit ish landm arks and est ablishm ent s like Kensingt on Palace, Holland Park, t he Em bassy Row , Palace Green, Royal Albert Hall, V&A, and London Olym pia
Aft er six m ont hs of searching and surveying, a Kensingt on sit e w as m ade available! Not even t ough propert y lease negot iat ions w ould hinder t he rise of t he first out post of Rom ulo Café in t he Brit ish capit al A Unique Com prom ise Row ena didn't sail unready The challenges did not surprise nor daunt her Confident of her t eam , she w as up for som e ?donkey w ork?t o convince food lovers and rest aurant -goers in London t hat Filipino food is t he big t hing Moreover, alt hough t he m ission w as t o t ake Rom ulo Café and all t he good it had t o offer t o Kensingt on, st ill t he bell loudly rings, ?it ?s London? , and t here w as alw ays t he risk t hat t his Philippine set -up could m isfire So, m aking a unique com prom ise w as t he nam e
?There w ere m ajor m
w e had t o m ake The int
ov, are a depart ure from t he black and w hit e/ m onochrom e form ula of our rest aurant s back hom e There is also a bit of quirkiness, as you w ould find in any real hom e w hilst it s spirit belongs t o t he legacy left by m y grandfat her, Carlos P Rom ulo, t hrough t he phot ographs and m em ent os t hat adorn t he rest aurant The out com e is an appealing space t hat bridges Filipino cult ure w it h t he localit y, revealing a rich sense of personal and fam ily hist ory ?
Aft er furnishing t he rest aurant , Row ena?s t eam w as confront ed w it h a m ore arduous challenge? set t ing up t he
London m enu! She explained t hat t he m enu could not be as ext ensive as t he rest aurant s in t he Philippines largely due t o ingredient s not being available in London It also becam e im perat ive t o alt er t he present at ion of som e of t he dishes t o ensure t hat t hey w ere not just delect able but at t ract ive t o Filipinos and non-Filipinos alike, given t he broader cust om er base in London
Row ena has fait h in t he uniqueness of Filipino cuisine For her, it is a m esm erizing com binat
t he gam e? m aking Rom ulo Café blend int o t he London landscape on t he one hand and st and out on t he ot her
odificat ions
ade by Filipina Karen Soriano-Hrist
ion I
in the food
Conquests carry a different meaning
industry. For restaurants, it is more than just paving
way for a superb impression BUT
Row ena Rom ulo w it h her Lola Virginia s pict ure behind her w hose recipes w ere t he inspirat ion for Rom u o Cafe s m ult i-aw arded Filipino cuisine
?We have never claim ed t hat our food is t he definit ive t his or t hat dish; rat her, it is t he fam ily rendit ion of Filipino favourit es or, ever so oft en, our innovat ive t w ist on dishes using Filipino ingredient s and cooking st yles,?
Rom ulo Cafe n t he heart of Kens ngt on in London
Continued on page 7.....
Row ena and Co-Part ner Chris Joseph w it h t heir Tim e Out 2018 London Aw ards for Most Loved Rest aurant s - Runner-Up in t he ent ire London and Best Rest aurant in Kensingt on
of four culinary t radit ions ? Spanish, Am erican, Malay and Chinese, and a real fusion of flavours from t he East and West And she?s earnest in m aking it know n and savoured by t he w orld
Great ness in t he Making
est ablished rest aurat eur, ?We are never t oo old nor is it ever t oo lat e t o st art over At t im es, w e need t o t ake a risk and have t he courage t o vent ure int o som et hing new ? even if it m eans clim bing out of our com fort zone All our dream s can com e t rue if w e have t he courage t o pursue t hem
Not hing is im possible, t he im possible only t akes t im e ?
Wit h such a disposit ion, it w ould not t ake long for t he w orld t o see t he st rengt h in Row ena In 2017, she w as nam ed one of t he 100 m ost influent ial Filipinas in t he w orld by t he Filipina Wom en?s Net w ork She w as recognized in t he ?Builder Aw ard?cat egory for her "except ional organizat ional im pact at a large w orkplace environm ent , " her "deep passion for a cause, t hrough collaborat ive init iat ives or alliances" and "high pot ent ial and skill w it h m easurable result s "
?We have t o m ake sure w e are com pet it ive ? in every w ay, versus est ablishm ent s in our st yle and price bracket ?
It has been non-st op w ork at Rom ulo Café since day one The challenges have been huge and dem anding How t o not only int roduce but fam iliarise diners w it h Filipino food; how t o com pet e in such a crow ded, noisy and high-st andard culinary locat ion, and even how t o persuade Filipinos in London t hat Rom ulo Café offers a viable alt ernat ive t o Pinoy hom e-cooking or Mam a?s cooking Row ena st rat egised and soon w it nessed hist ory in t he m aking ?Filipino food has been t he ?quiet m an (or w om an!)?of gast ronom y for t he longest t im e But w e t ried t o explain our food on our m enus as sim ply and clearly as possible, and w e did not hesit at e t o prom ot e, via social m edia and ot her m edia channels as w ell as exhibit ions and food fest ivals, t he fact t hat w e exist ed as purveyors of ?a t ast e of t he Philippines in t he heart of Kensingt on??
Today her chefs ensure t hat t hey keep her grandm ot her, Lola Virginia?s recipes alive by overseeing t he consist ency and qualit y of t he food seven days a w eek, bearing in m ind t hat m any no longer consider eat ing out as a t reat but a lifest yle
?We have never claim ed t hat our food is t he definit ive t his or t hat dish; rat her, it is t he fam ily rendit ion of Filipino favourit es or, ever so oft en, our innovat ive t w ist on dishes using Filipino ingredient s and cooking st yles,? said Row ena Rom ulo Café?s kit chen t eam is quit e pleased t o have been able t o convince a num ber of people t hat fine w ine goes w ell w it h fine Filipino food, and m any of t heir Philippine-inspired cockt ails have t aken off ?We have t o m ake sure w e are com pet it ive ? in every w ay, versus est ablishm ent s in our st yle and price bracket ,? she added
Row ena cert ainly had high hopes, but she herself could not believe t he t urnout Rom ulo Café has becom e a head-t urner, creat ing not just a buzz but a resounding bang That sam e year it opened, Rom ulo Café w on t he 2016 Tim e Out ?Best Loved Rest aurant in Kensingt on? It also received a 5-st ar and ot her t op rat ings from t rend-set t ing lifest yle/ food bibles like Tim e Out , Hardens, and Square Meal
And w hile t hose are already m ilest ones, t he inclusion of Rom ulo Café in t he prest igious
Rest aurant Guide in 2018, t he A-list of t op rest aurant s in London and t he UK, is one of t he forem ost achievem ent s, carrying t he pow erful st at em ent : Filipino food has definit ely arrived and is here t o st ay As if t o drive hom e t he point , in May 2018, Rom ulo Café ret ained it s crow n as Tim e Out Most Loved Rest aurant in Kensingt on Moreover, it is now Tim e Out ?s second Most Loved Local Rest aurant (am ong all rest aurant s) in London!
The hard w ork has paid off Today, t hanks t o bot h fellow Filipino, Brit ish and int ernat ional cust om ers, Rom ulo Café?s Crispy Pata, Adobo, Kare-Kare, Pansit Guisado, Flying Fish, Pork Sisig, Chicken Relleno, Halo-Halo, and Suman Latik are
?My t eam and I cont inue t o w ork ext rem ely hard t o ensure t hat w e are consist ent ly delivering qualit y food and service day in and day out . And t o show case t he best of Filipino hospit alit y, and m ake Rom ulo Café ?hom e aw ay hom e?for Filipinos.?
In t he m idst of all t he accolades, she rem ains st eadfast For her, receiving recognit ion sim ply m eans ?No Slacking?
?My t eam and I cont inue t o w ork ext rem ely hard t o ensure t hat w e are consist ent ly
delivering qualit y food and service day in and day out And t o show case t he best of Filipino hospit alit y, and m ake Rom ulo Café ?hom e aw ay hom e?for Filipinos,? she said
Row ena cannot help but liken t he journey of Rom ulo Café t o t heir Pandesal ?Our hom e-m ade Pandesal is t he first t hing t hat guest s are served w hen t hey dine w it h us It looks very sim ple and unassum ing and t hen w hen guest s t ake t heir first bit e, t hey say ?WOW? and are very com plim ent ary From t he out side, t he rest aurant looks sm all and unpret ent ious but w hen people ent er t he m ain dining room , t hey are im pressed w it h t he overall am biance and décor and t he hist ory t hat surrounds t he rest aurant Our journey has been t hat of a relat ively unknow n cuisine in London t hat has m ade it t o t he A-list of rest aurant s in less t han 2 years And now , Pandesal is delivered t o m any London hom es and w e have non-Filipinos w ho com e in t o t ake it hom e How about t hat !?
firm favourit es on Kensingt on High St reet The Conquist ador is a Wom an What could happen in less t han t w o years? For Row ena and Rom ulo Café, w hat has happened is not hing short of m onum ent al Grit over experience is Row ena?s form ula for cham pioning t his voyage Says t he now
The eponym ous Rom ulo Café is sure t o honour t he grand legacy of t he diplom at Carlos P Rom ulo because a det erm ined and driven w om an nam ed Row ena Rom ulo t ook up t he challenge, it is now an em blem of Filipino pride in London, our very ow n cuisine at it s heart
page 6
Continued from
Row ena accept ing her aw ard as one of t he FWN 100 Most Inf uent ial Wom en of 2017
Som e of t he firm favourit es at t he rest aurant
The popular Rom ulo Cafe Pandesal
Row ena and Chris w t h Execut ive Chef Jerem y vi lanueva
Gaga Lord
Out side t he Kitchen X Factor
and Beyond
by Trixie Baut ist a
TO live different lives m ust be fun ? if not , t hen w hy is Jeannahlyn Alcano-Lord having a grand t im e? Lovingly know n as Gaga Lord, t he 41-year-old Filipina w orks as a dinner lady by day and a perform er by night
On a regular day of grinding, she heads to bars and lounges making audiences groove after serving meals in a primary school
A comedian, a dancer, and a singer, Gaga is an ultimate performer rolled into one With her infectious laughter and perpetual energy, she captures the hearts of everyone watching and
listening to her Seeing Gaga perform so exhilaratingly, complete with high kicks and hip shaking, it?s almost a sin not to get up and dance with the singer
For an artist with a serious talent, Gaga is not afraid to make fun of herself Every so often, she?ll chuckle between performances, toss the mic from one hand to another, and dance with an audience member on the stage And just like what every Pinoy will do, the singer speaks Tagalog from time to time when faced with Filipino audiences Whether it?s a love song or danceable pop music, the seasoned performer is sure to give the entertainment that the audience came for
Gaga?s love for music goes back a long way, looking up to the iconic and incomparable Tina Turner as an influence At the early age of 17, after graduating high school, she became a drummer at a band and was able to perform in countries outside the Philippines, such as China, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Borneo After years of performing, Gaga has rightfully earned her stripes Naturally entertaining and having contagious humour, she eventually became the front singer of the band eight years later
The Life That Wasn? t as Gaga as Her Nam e
Oozing with charm and energy ? that?s how many
would describe Gaga However, those words fall short to encompass her personality and story Gaga was from Calamba, Misamis Occidental and led a tough life in the Philippines, growing without her parents by her side
When she took her chance abroad, things weren? t easy at first Among the many challenges she had to bear is the longing for the home and family she had left in the Philippines Notwithstanding this, she got by and managed to make the best of things ?It wasverydifficult when you feel homesick, but alwayslookon thebrighter sideof life In everything, givethanksfor thisis thewill of God? , Gaga recalls her first few years abroad
Caught up with her new life, Gaga had to stop performing for quite some time, a break which stretched to a decade-long hiatus Fortunately, a new opportunity to jumpstart her singing career, though unexpected, soon came
An Accident al Bond Girl
What started as a far-fetched idea between friends had led to a wonderful journey, albeit a nerve-racking experience for Gaga Lord In her spontaneous audition for The XFactor UK, she had breathed a new life into classic Shirley Bassey song, Diamonds Are Forever, and wowed all four judges
That audition did not only earn her the ticket to the show?s boot camp stage at Wembley Arena; it also gave her the
chance to dance with two stunning celebrities Nicole Scherzinger and Alesha Dixon And the three of them gave us a glimpse of the world?s latest? and must we say, sexiest? Bond girls
? I achieved mysingingcareer to a different level ?
Even though Gaga didn? t get through the boot camp, The XFactor had opened doors for her She is now juggling gigs and bookings across the UK while working as a dinner lady Keen to make it big, she plans to grab every opportunity that comes along At present, Gaga is living in Middlesbrough with her husband Chris and daughter, whom she brought to the Philippines a couple of years ago for vacation
Jeannahlyn Alcano-Lord ? the Filipina who wowed the XFactor judges and now continues to pursue her passion for singing at 41 ? has a message for everyone who wants to make it as well
?Don? t lose hope Asa personal experience, I ceased performingon stage for over 10 yearsbecauseI thought it?sthe end of mycareer Then I realised you?ll never get too old to sing?
ceased performing on stage for over 10 years because I thought it?s the end of my career. Then I realised you?ll never get too old to sing '
Kader Academy in Middlesborough where Gaga works as a dinner lady by day
As a young performer in bars and hotels in Asia and doing her Tina Turner covers
Courtesy of X Factor UK
Leapingand Pirouetting... The Young FilBrit Ballerina Wins Our Hearts With Grace
F r a n c e sz q u a W a r d
by Mae Ogdoc and Trixie Baut ist a
At some point in our lives, we feel the eagerness to discover our true passion, the thing we?ll never get tired of doing Some people find it eventually by trying everything they could get their hands on, but for some, finding that one thing takes a lifetime
WHILE m ost of us t opple on our journey, Franceszqua Ward, a prom ising ballet dancer, discovered her pat h at t he early age of t w o? and all it t ook t o spark for her passion is an adorable Hello Kit t y t ut u Since t he day she received it as a gift , she w ould oft en be seen charm ingly dancing in front of t he TV and im it at ing professional ballet dancers, w it h her clum sy and chubby feet
All of these happened years ago Now at 11, the pretty Filipina dancer has grown into a young lady, conquering various ballet stages and pirouetting her way to success Dancing lightly and delicately on the ends of her toes, she has impressed audiences in and outside the United Kingdom, slowly making a name for herself and immensely making both the Filipino and UK communities proud
Among Franceszqua?s many awards are Theatre Dance Council International Regional Champion in Ballet, Modern and Tap, Youth American Grand Prix European semi-finalist 2018 in Paris, and Royal Academy of Dance East Midlands She was also the youngest dancer to win a double title in a year from the British Champion in Ballet and All England Dance gold medallist in Ballet at eight years old In addition to competitions, Franceszqua did special performances at Mandarin Oriental Hotel?s 20th-year celebration and at the premiere of the film ?Ballerina? , among others
Because of her performances that leave many amazed and astounded, Franceszqua often receives words of appreciation, and she is extremely grateful to everyone who has been with her in her journey However, amidst all the praises from other people, it is her parents?encouragement and supports she value most
The first person to believe in Franceszqua?s potential is, of course, her mother, Juvy Ward Since day one, Juvy has always been very supportive of her kid?s dreams, always finding a way to ensure that her little ballerina receives the training that she needs to fulfil her goals however difficult circumstances may be at most times ?Words aren't enough to express how proud I am Franceszqua's hard work, dedication, and love of dancing inspire not just the people who know her but she inspires me to keep believing and never give up,?Miss Juvy Ward told Yes Philippines Newsmagazine
Dancing Is a Sanct uary
In the eyes of the audiences, Franceszqua is a dancer trying to tell a story through graceful and eloquent performances For the young ballerina, however, dancing is what makes life more interesting? a way to create her own place of happiness ? I love dancing and I don't think a day goes by when I don't dance It's the only way to keep me happy? , Franceszqua professing her love for the craft
A Filipino girl born and raised in Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, England, Franceszqua has had her share of dealing with uncalled comments from her peers at school This is particularly because of her looking ?different?from everybody else As a result, this makes her a favorite for bullies
Instead of falling back, she uses all the horrible experiences thrown her way to
fuel her love for dancing as well as to prove to herself that she deserves better Truly, Franceszqua has found not only her passion but also the place where she could take refuge in during difficult times
Whenever she faces struggles and personal issues, she reminds herself constantly why she started dancing in the first place which subsequently keeps her going Young as she is, Franceszqua always finds the strength knowing that nothing good comes to people who do bad things ?When I dance, all of my troubles melt away and everything is put into dancing
When I dance, I feel like I can get away from all of the bad things, and I feel like I'm not drowning in regret, sorrow or anger I always believe that dancing is the closest thing to flying; when I dance, I'm free!? , she honestly confessed
The Ballerina?s Sophist icat ed Dream s Franceszqua is a little kid with big dreams
In the future, she aspires to become a principal dancer in the Mariinsky Ballet The young ballerina, while often seen light on her feet, knows that getting from where she is to where she wants to be would take hard work and discipline
Aware that every performance gives her an opportunity to get closer to her dream, Franceszqua religiously practices her routine to get better at her craft ? I usually stretch, work on my technique, and I zone out quite a lot so that helps me too I like to sleep a lot as well, it's important to get rest!? , the young ballerina said
On stage, in her soft tutu, Franceszqua has touched people on a deep, abstract level as she pirouettes and leaps on the tips of her toes However, beyond giving otherworldly performances and bagging awards, she hopes to inspire people to become the best they can be so they are confident enough to follow their dreams
ISSUE 1 10
11 ISSUE 1
t o buying a Gucci bag t o being one of t he first t o ow n t he lat est iPhone
Redefining your relat ionship w it h m oney?
Of course, you?re ent it led t o spend your m oney how ever you like On t he ot her hand, com ing from a 21-year-old graduat e t hat ?s in a load of st udent debt , as a societ y our financial priorit ies are pret t y m essed up Rat her t han paying off your overdraft , w e?d rat her get t he new Yeezy?s But w ho cares right ? Nobody can see your debt , but everyone can see your new fancy shoes WRONG When you t ake your first st eps int o t he scary adult w orld, you?re oft en faced w it h decisions t hat are det rim ent al t o your developm ent from a child t o a responsible adult and m oney is a biggie This ? t rend buying?behaviour is a never-ending t iring cycle t hat causes you t o live life from one paycheck t o anot her
?Broke? doesn? t necessarily m ean no m oney, it can also m ean spending m oney t hat leaves you w it h £7 before payday If you?re cont inuously living off pay-slip t o pay-slip you?re not financially secure Yes, you?re fooling everyone else but you?re m ugging yourself off t he m ost
ISSUE 1 12
HAT w ould you norm ally find m e doing on m y daily com m ut e t o w ork? Norm ally squeezed on t he Cent ral Line, scrolling t hrough m y phone t o avoid aw kw ard eye cont act ; t hank goodness for underground Wifi Likely t o be sift ing t hrough m y Inst agram and Facebook feed - t hat girl you sort of know but never really spoken t o is on her fift iet h holiday t his year t o t he Maldives, your form er secondary school friend m anaged t o bag him self a Porsche for his 24t h birt hday, your w ork colleague m oaning about her hangover from drinking one t oo m any cockt ails at t he Shard Only t hen do I realise t hat t his is w ay t oo m uch glam for a Monday m orning? The younger generat ion, or w hat older generat ion like t o call us ?m illennials? , is w ell know n for our addict ion t o social m edia We invest so m uch t im e int o brow sing every day t hat w e get sucked int o focusing on ot her people?s lives rat her t han our ow n Why not ? It ?s w hat t he cool kids do But w hat t he super cool kids do is share t heir lavish lifest yles, from casually w alking int o Harrods
Social m edia is t he biggest bluff? Everyt hing w e see on social m edia has t o be t aken w it h a pinch of salt , a five-second Snapchat nor a 40-m inut e YouTube video hardly reflect s som eone?s life One of m y favourit e bloggers recent ly adm it t ed t hat she w as w orried about paying her phone bill as she im pulsively t reat ed herself t o a Louis Vuit t on bag t hat m ont h I had t his im pression t hat she w as super w ealt hy When in realit y, she w as st ruggling t o pay her m ont hly bills Social m edia w ill alw ays be t he bet t er poker player, part icularly w it h bluffing It ?s full of glam , luxury and hasht ags Ironically enough, it never show s you t he w hole pict ure ?DO YOU, BOO? From a young age w e?re alw ays encouraged t o fit in order t o m ake friends From nursery unt il Universit y, if w e didn? t have friends w e w ere considered as w eird This is w hen insecurit y com es t o play We?ve based our self-w ort h and confidence dow n t o w hat ot her people t hink of us In hindsight , it ?s sad as it ?s an elem ent of life you cannot cont rol Back in m y secondary school days, I forced m yself t o like t he band Bring Me t he Horizon because m y friends liked t hem CRINGE Even t hough w e priorit ise t his less as w e grow older, it st ays w it h us We?re easily influenced t o jum p on t he bandw agon just because everyone else says it s good or has it But t hat ?s w hen w e decide t o draw t he line and say t hose t hree m agical w ords,
IT? In t he end t he only im port ant t hing is financial securit y, w hich is w ay bet t er t han any m at erial possession Not only does it put your m ind at ease, but it also benefit s you in t he long-run Have you ever not iced how t he people w ho have t he least are t he happiest ? People in t he Philippines don? t need m at erialist ic possessions t o sm ile or laugh Just som e adobo and good com pany is enough My cousins are st ill gladly rocking t heir Nokia phones and m y aunt ies are pros at get t ing a bargain Essent ially, t heir priorit ies are different since t hey focus t heir finances on t heir daily needs rat her t han m at erialist ic possessions They m ake t he m ost of w hat t hey have and find happiness w it hin t he lit t le t hings, w hich I found in Taho (soft Tofu w it h sw eet ener/ flavouring) That ?s w hat it t ruly m eans t o be living your best life W ?Don?tGo BrokeTrying toLookRich? ?Broke?doesn? t necessarily mean no money, it can also mean spending money that leaves you with £7 before payday. If you?re continuously living off pay-slip to pay-slip you?re not financially secure. Our cont ribut or Micah Lee lives in London and is a Law graduat e of Brunel Universit y and current ly t rains t o be a solicit or
by Micah Lee
13 ISSUE 1 from page 4
Pr esident ial Fashion Consul t ant M im i Par r el - Pim ent el
Look i ng bac k at her
L o n d o n F a sh i o n W e e k E X P E R IE N C E
by Charlize Mendez Legaspi
t is a singular honor for any person from a developing count ry like t he Philippines t o show his or her t alent in a fashion capit al like London
In recent years, Filipino fashion creativity is slowly being recognized in the United Kingdom, after our musical talents have been hailed so resoundingly at West End
Lesley Mobo, who grew up in Aklan, honed his craft further when he was appointed head designer of Jasmine Di Milo at Harrod?s
In 2010, the multi-talented milliner Mich Dulce was awarded the prestigious British Council International Young Creative Entrepreneur (IYCE) International Young Design Entrepreneur of the Year (IYDEY) Award for Fashion at London Fashion Week
Last year, design wunderkind John Herrera won Britain?s Top Designer, a competition hosted by Fashion Finest, with his ?Agila?collection
At the House of iKons presentation at London Fashion Week at the Gloucester Millennium Hotel in February this year, three Filipinos were able to flaunt their artistry: Aandre David, Che Aranjuez and Mimi Parrel-Pimentel
?It is rare for a Filipino fashion talent to be invited to showcase and exhibit her works on such a global scale, alongside the best in the world As such, it was a privilege for me to participate in that event,?muses Parrel-Pimentel
House of iKons, under the Lady K Productions of the dynamic Savîta Kayê, scouts for emerging designers from around the world and gives them a platform to show in London, one of the Big Four fashion capitals along with New York, Milan and Paris Filipino fashion designers Cary Santiago, Jaki Peñalosa, Happy Andrada and Rocky Gathercole previously joined House of iKons shows in the past years
In her ?Romantic Interlude?collection, Parrel-Pimentel?s sophisticated, classy and tasteful aesthetic was on full display For the ladies, she used piña strips, cotton silk, Indian sari, Cerutti fabric and Mindanao Silk
Three of the models were Fil-Brit beauty queens such as Kiara Giel Gregorio, Miss Philippines Air 2016; Kimberly Escartin, Miss Philippines UK 2016 and Miss Great Britain
finalist 2017; and Christagale Borja, Miss Philippines UK 2015 and Binibining Pilipinas 2017 Top 15
Parrel-Pimentel?s ladylike confections attracted several women, receiving inquiries in the process One of those drawn to her creations was the inspirational Cynthia Alcantara-Barker, the first Filipina councilor in the UK
Male models, meanwhile, were transformed into dashing, distinguished gentlemen in her piña cocoon silk and Mindanao Silk barong Tagalog
Parrel-Pimentel created President Rodrigo Roa Duterte?s barong Tagalog during his inauguration She is responsible for the statesman look of the President as his Presidential Fashion Consultant In this capacity, she also dressed up the ASEAN Ministers and their spouses at ASEAN 2017, as well as top executives of the Departments of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Industry, National Defense and Energy
She is currently practicing in Makati, with an offer to open a shop at the Clark Freeport Zone, but originally hails from Cagayan de Oro As a native Mindanaoan, she fiercely promotes Mindanao Silk in all her shows and collections
This devotion to an indigenous product earned her the support of the Department of Tourism?s Tourism Promotions Board?s COO Cesar Montano, who believes in advocating for Pinoy-made products to be be showcased on the international stage
?I felt overwhelmed and grateful because I was given the opportunity to show my collections at one of the world?s fashion capitals,?said Parrel-Pimentel ?It is so fulfilling because it is my ultimate dream to have a show in London and to see my clothes worn by international models ?
ISSUE 1 14
Modelling Mim i s creat ions in t his year 's London Fashion Week w ere (from L t o R) Christ agale Bor a, Kim berly Escart in and Kiara G el Gregorio Runw ay Phot ographed By Surjit Pardesi
i Parrel-Pim ent el at t he
of ikons Present at in of her collect ions
?It is rare for a Filipino fashion talent to be invited to showcase and exhibit her works on such a global scale, alongside the best in the world As such, it was a privilege for me to participate in that event '
15 ISSUE 1
1. You love Karaoke more than anything else Whether you sing well or not (which we think is a rare case), karaoke is a huge part of your life Have you tried that videoke for rent where you type in the number code of your all-time hit song? Or that one that requires you to drop some 5 peso coin to pay your favourite ?My Way?piece?Or maybe you have a magic sing at home?Whatever the occasion is, karaoke will always be a part of every celebration This is because Pinoys have an immense love for music and the singing prowess runs in your blood Right?
2. You offer everyone food Filipinos live by the line ?kain tayo?or let?s eat It can mean you offering food to a friend or relative or even to a stranger or passersby, even if your baon (packed lunch) is hardly enough for you It may not be a real invitation to eat but more of a courteous way of telling people that you?re about to eat (or is currently munching on something) and you can share your food if they?d like to
3. You can cook (well) and you find joy in eating. Now, this is something unquestionable Wherever you come from or whatever locality you?re representing, you surely know how to cook one specialty or two Are you a Kapampangan?You probably know all the existing sisig variants?Batangueño?Ala eh! Let?s have some Bulalo! You love to cook because you also love to eat No diet when it comes to Pinoy food because Pangga, who doesn? t find joy in eating?
ISSUE 1 16
ILIPINOS have been described in m any different w ays and w hile each Filipino is unique, t he great m ajorit y of t he Philippine populat ion is bound t oget her by a set of com m on values and som e st ereot ypical t rait s t hat m ake t he Pinoy race dist inct from ot her cult ures Friendly?Check Outgoing?Check Clever?Check Sure, Filipinos get a dose of compliments for being a happy, hospitable stock but there are a lot of things that makes one more Pinoy So what makes you a great Filipino typecast?Here, we have listed the 10 best traits of a stereotypical Pinoy Note: Get ready with your pen and paper and let?s see how you fare
4. You?ve tried and you love exotic dishes, for sure From the chill ones like Isaw and TapangKabayo to the extreme types like Kinilaw na Tamilokfrom Palawan and Aklan (Shipworm or Woodworm dipped in Salt and Vinegar, Abuos(Ant Eggs) from Ilocos and AdobongKamaru (Mole Cricket), from Pampanga, we?re pretty sure you?ve tried some of these ?out of this world?dishes and you enjoyed them, yes? 5. You treat everyone as family Everyone is ate, kuya, tita and tito! No one?s left out and your definition of friendship and kababayan is inclusive just like a real family You share your food, your home, your things and even your clothes because that?s what kinship means to you
Continued to Page 26 10 Best Traits of a Stereotypical Pinoy How Pinoy Ar e You? How Pinoy Ar e You?
The Fam ous K nilaw na Tam lok Phot o from Hom e Kit chenom ics
Phot o from The Filipino Tim es
17 ISSUE 1
ISSUE 1 18
Kacey Colleen Lim 27 years old Maida Vale, Westminster
19 ISSUE 1
millions of people living overseas constituting the largest diasporas in the world today
In addition, the Permanent Representative of the Philippines to the International Maritime Organization (IMO), Gilberto Asuque, deposited on 24 April 2018 to the IMO Secretary General the Instruments of Accession to:
1 the Protocol of 1978 Relating to the to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, (on measures to further improve the safety of ships, particularly tankers); and 2 the Protocol of 1988 Relating to the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966 (Load Line Protocol 88)
The IMO Secretary General is the designated depository of all instruments of ratification or accession by Member States to IMO Conventions In accordance with IMO regulations, these 3 IMO instruments will become effective for the Philippines three months from the date of deposit or on July 2018
PermRep Asuque handed over to Director Frederick Kenney of the IMO Legal and External Affairs Division, representing Secretary General Kitack Lim, the Accession documents signed by President Rodrigo Roa Duterte and the Senate Resolutions concurring to the accession by the Philippines to the 3 IMO Instruments :
PermRep Asuque deposited the Instruments of Accession during the 105th Session of the IMO Legal Committee (LEG 105) which discussed under agenda item 10 the ?Review of the Status of Conventions and Other Treaty Instruments Emanating from the Legal Committee? He was joined in this simple ceremony by Mr Volker Schöfisch, LEG 105 Chair, and Ms Emma Sarne, Alternate Permanent Representative to IMO, Mr Arsenio Lingad, Maritime Attaché ? MARINA; and Atty Virgilio B Calag, Chief, Prosecution Division, Legal Services, MARINA, all delegates to LEG 105 In his statement, PermRep Asuque informed LEG 105 that the Philippine Senate has also concurred to two other IMO Conventions, namely, the International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-Fouling Systems on Ships 2001 and the Protocol of 1988 Relating to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, (on the harmonized system of ship survey and certification) He said the Instruments of Accession to these two IMO Conventions will soon be deposited with the IMO Secretary General
PermRep Asuque thanked the Legal Committee and the Technical Cooperation Committee for the assistance extended to the Philippines to facilitate the ratification or accession to IMO Conventions or Treaties During the Senate hearings for the concurrence to the accession of these IMO instruments held on 09 March 2018, PermRep Asuque explained the importance of these IMO conventions for the safety of Filipino seafarers
ISSUE 1 20
UBLIN 24 Apr il 2018 ? Philippine Am bassador t o t he Unit ed Kingdom
Ant onio M anuel R Lagdam eo present ed his Let t er s of Credence t o
President M ichael D Higgins at Áras an Uacht aráin, t he of f icial residence of t he President of Ireland in Dublin on 19 Apr il
Ambassador Lagdameo has formally commenced his duties as non-resident Philippine Ambassador to Ireland by presenting to President Higgins the letter from President Rodrigo Duterte signifying the Ambassador?s appointment
The presentation of credentials was followed by Ambassador Lagdameo?s inspection of the Irish Guard of Honor at the President?s official residence He was accompanied at the credentials ceremony by his spouse Madam Linda Floirendo Lagdameo and Consul Rommel Romato Some high-ranking Irish government representatives, including Brendan Griffin TD, Minister of State for Tourism and Sport, were also in attendance
During the ceremony, Ambassador Lagdameo greeted President Higgins and conveyed President Duterte?s good wishes for the well-being and prosperity of the leader and the people of Ireland President Higgins welcomed the new non-resident Philippine Ambassador to Ireland He also expressed Ireland?s gratitude for the contributions of Filipino migrant workers to the development of his country The Philippines and Ireland enjoy strong bilateral relations with dynamic people-to-people linkages starting with the flow of Irish Catholic missionaries to the Philippines in the late 19th century The two island nations belong to the fastest-growing economies in Asia and Europe Both countries have
com m it t ed t o t he
ef f or t s t o
ed t he
r um ent
t o t
ion f or t he
PH Am bassador Lagdam eo Present s Credent ials t o Irish President Higgins
24 Apr il 2018 ? The Philippines is now
pollut ion f rom ships as it deposit
of Accession
he Prot ocol of 1997 t o Am end t he Int er nat ional Convent
Prevent ion of Pollut ion f
Ships,1973 as m odif ied by t he Prot ocol of 1978 (M ARPOL Annex VI) MARPOL Annex VI, first adopted in 1997, limits the main air pollutants contained in ships exhaust gas, including sulphur oxides (SOx) and nitrous oxides (NOx), and prohibits deliberate emissions of ozone depleting substances (ODS) MARPOL Annex VI also regulates shipboard incineration, and the emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC) from tankers
Annex VI on Prevent ion of Air Pollut ion from Ships t o Becom e Effect ive for t he Philippines as Perm anent Represent at ive t o Im o Deposit s t o t he Im o Secret ary General t he Inst rum ent s of Accession t o 3 IMO Convent ions
and in protecting the marine environment from the operation of ships
Ambassador Antonio Manuel R Lagdameo presentshislettersof credence to President Michael Higginsat Árasan Uachtaráin in Dublin, Ireland on 19 April 2018
From left:Minister Brendan Griffin TD, Ambassador Antonio Lagdameo, President Michael Higgins, Madam Linda Lagdameo and Consul Rommel Romato at Árasan Uachtaráin
PR-IMOAsuque handsover to Dir Kenny, IMOLegal Affairsand External Relations, theInstruments to 3 IMOInstrumentson the safetyof
prevention of air pollution Joininghim are LEG 105 Chair Schöfisch (right) and APRSarne of London PEand MaritimeAttaché Lingad and Atty Calagof MARINA(left)
Embassy News D
CFO Lauds Landmark High Court Ruling on the Recognition of Foreign Divorce
havecapacityto remarryunder Philippinelaw
The Ph lipp ne government, through the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) went to the SCto try to reverse the CA's ruling Manalo won at the SClevel, hence this landmark ruling
Landm ark Ruling
With the amended Fami y Code, Flipinos who obta n divorce in the country of their foreign spouse get to remarry without fear of a bigamy su t However, f the one who obtained the divorce was the Filipino spouse, the state sti l did not recognize it because of the absence of absolute divorce in the country
30 61%of the total number fo lowed by 20-24 years o d (23 50%) and 30-34 years old (19 86%)
?We commend this landmark SCru ing as a tool for women empowerment as majority of marriage migrants are Filip no women It is also our way of safeguarding their rights ?stated Undersecretary Astravel Pimentel-Naik, the Execut ve Director of the CFO She further added that the CFO has been consistently lobbying for the passage of similar legislative bills such as House B ll No 6446 filed by Rep Pia Cayetano that seeks to recognize the capacity of the Filipino spouse to remarry when the foreign spouse has obtained a foreign decree of divorce
The Manalo Case
Voting 10-3-1, the SCen banc ruled "that a foreign divorce secured by a Fi ipino against a foreign spouse is also considered valid in the Phi ippines, even if it is the Filip no spouse who fi es for divorce abroad
The part cular case was that of Marelyn Tanedo Manalo who was married to Japanese national Minoru Yoshino Manalo fi ed for and was granted d vorce n Japan n 2011
Manalo went to court n Dagupan Pangasinan to have her d vorce recognized in the country The trial court in Dagupan den ed her petition She then went to the Court of Appeals (CA) where she scored a victory in 2014
The CA ruled that Manalo should have the right to remarry It applied the amended Article 26(2) of the Fami y Code Former president Corazon Aquino issued an executive order that amended the provis on so that it included this:
Wherea marriagebetween a Filipino citizen and a foreigner isvalidly celebrated and a divorceisthereafter validlyobtained abroad bythealien spousecapacitatinghim or her to remarry, theFilipino spouse shall likewise
With this ruling, the state now recognizes the divorce obtained by the Filipino and couples of the same circumstances of mixed-marriage w ll be considered not married to each other under Philipp ne law The Supreme Court ruling is also cons stent with the legis ative intent of Article 26 of Executive Order No 209 (July 6, 1987) otherw se known as The Family Code of the Philippines as amended by Execut ve Order No 227 (July 17, 1987), to rectify the absurd situation where the Fi ipino spouse who has been divorced from the foreign spouse remains married under Philippine laws even while the foreign spouse can exercise his or her right to remarry as c ted in the Supreme Court First Division ruling G R No 154380 (October 5, 2005)
Safeguarding Marriage Migrant s
The CFO, an agency of the Phil ppine government under the Office of the President establ shed through Batas Pambansa Bi ang 79 tasked to promote and uphold the interests rights and welfare of overseas Filipinos, including marriage migrants, conducts the mandatory Guidance and Counse ing Program (GCP) for spouses and other partners of foreign nationals
Records of the CFO show that from 1989 to 2016 majority of the more than half a million marriage migrants are female (91 38%) Out of the 522 002 marriage migrants registered with the CFO 477 025 or 91 38% are female while 44,977 or 8 62% are male The Un ted States continues to be the top destination of spouses and partners accounting for 43 58%, fol owed by Japan (23 48%) and Australia (7 8%) More than half or 53 79%of the Filipino spouses or partners have limited knowledge about the country of their foreign spouses or partners; while 10 88%of them have no knowledge at all Only 35 33% professed to have suffic ent prior knowledge of their destinat on country Most of spouses and partners are from the age bracket of 25-29 years old which is
In Japan nearly a third of marriages between Japanese nat onals end up in divorce For Japanese nationals married to foreign spouses majority (2/3) of marriages end up in divorce Majority of divorce is also by mutual agreement, meaning the divorce does not go through any judicial or court proceedings The divorce by agreement only has to be registered at the mun cipal office provided that the registration documents have been properly s gned and sealed beforehand by both parties
The GCPwas inst tutionalized to address growing concerns on the mail-order spouse scheme and cases of human trafficking in the gu se of marriage The GCP was strengthened with the passage of the Republic Act No 10364 or the Expanded Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2012 and Republic Act 10906 or the Anti-Mail Order Spouse Law, which mandated CFO to conduct pre-departure counsel ng serv ces for Filip nos in intermarriages
While the CFO does not have official data of divorced Filipinos n intermarriages t has a database of foreign spouses / fiancées / partners who have sponsored Fil pinos more than once for marriage or common-law partnership CFO also receives reported cases of Fil pinos divorced or abandoned by their foreign spouses In some instances, Filip no spouses become victims of trafficking in the guise of marriage or mail-order spouse scheme
The landmark ruling by the Supreme Court is thus an affirmation of a Filip no?s right to remarry after obtaining a divorce from the foreign spouse At the same time the Supreme Court dec sion also provides re ief for victims and survivors of traff cking n the guise of marriage or mail-order bride scheme as they may now obtain foreign divorce and have the divorce recogn zed in the Phil ppines as part of the process of rebuilding their lives
21 ISSUE 1
The Com m ission on Fil p nos Overseas (CFO) lauds t he April 24, 2018 Suprem e Court en banc ruling recognizing t he validit y of foreign divorce obt ained by a Filipino against a foreign spouse The landm ark decision paves t he w ay for a Filipino w ho obt ains a divorce from t he foreign spouse t o have t he divorce recognized by Phi ippine court s Th s recogn zes t he Filipino?s right t o have t he foreign divorce recognized and t o be free t o rem arry, regardless of w ho files for and obt ains t he divorce
ISSUE 1 22 Communi t y Cal endar
27 What: Santacruzan, Flores De Mayo Where: St Agnes Catholic Church Cricklewood Lane Time/Day: 1:30 PM - 7 PM | Sunday June 3 What: My Grace is Always More Than Enough Where: Baden-Powell House 65-67 Queen's Gate South Kensington London SW7 5JS Time/Day: 12:00-5:00PM | Sunday JUNE 9 What: The Filipino Women?s Association UK 30th Year Charity Fundraising Dinner and Dance Where: Royal Garden Hotel When: 6 PM - 1 AM | Saturday What: Rock on Yorkshire (Year 1) Where: Ripon Race course, Yorkshire Time/Day: 10 AM - 5 PM | Saturday JUNE 17 What: Philippine Festival of Food, Culture and Music Where: Hawkinge Community Centre, Heron Forstal Road, Hawkinge CT18 7FP Time/Day: 10 AM - 5 PM | Sunday June 23 What: My Grace is Always More Than Enough Where: Blaydon Rugby Club (car Boot Area) Hexham Road Swalwell Newcastle upon Tyne NE16 38N Time/Day: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM | Sunday SEND US NEWS OF YOUR COMMUNITY EVENTS & ACTIVITIES We welcome details of your stories, including success, awards, appointments and events. Send your items by email to : info@yesphilnewsmag.com
Communi t y Cal endar
JUNE 30 / JULY 1
What: Birmingham-Sandwell West Midlands Filipino Festival 2018 Where: Lightwoods Park and House Time/day: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM | Saturday/Sunday
July 7 & 8
What: Philippine Festival of Food, Music and Culture
Where: Hawkinge Community Centre Heron Forstal Avenie Hawkinge, Folkestone, KENT Time/Day: 6:00 PM - 11 PM | Saturday
JULY 21 / JULY 22
What: The 34th Barrio Fiesta sa London 2018 - Day 1 Where: Apps Court Farm
What: 2-Day League Volleyball Time/Day: 9AM - 7PM | Saturday & Sunday
Sept em ber 22
What: Aguman Kapampangan UK
Where: Baden Powell House 65-67 Queen's Gate, South Kesington London SW7 5
JSNearest Station: Gloucester Road, Buses: 70, 74, 345 Time/Day: 6:00 PM - 11 PM | Saturday
23 ISSUE 1
Su p e r T e k l a
UNDAY night last April 22, at t he London Earls Court Hot el, did not discourage people in t he UK t o gat her for Super Tekla in London Considering t hat t here w ill be w ork t he follow ing day, t he opport unit y t o be w it h Super Tekla w as som et hing t hey did not w ant t o m iss
The show of attendance almost covered the different cities in the UK, not to mention Europe, as there were people who came all the way from Belgium UK was the final stop of their Europe Tour Super Tekla and company were not disappointed, as London had the biggest crowd of all the tour dates
Martin D Icon joined Super Tekla on stage, iconic also with his towering hair-do as to complement the image of Super Tekla that's popular to the public He introduced Tekla while doing his grand entrance adding excitement to finally having Tekla on the centre stage His quips and jokes, never missed a single person in the crowd
Their usual segment of getting people from the audience branded as ?audience participation?was ALWAYS part of their repertoire It was never a difficulty, as men willingly and selflessly volunteered themselves to be part of the game The line up of men included Rodel Saycon from Dabawenyos UK and Regie Buelvo of Samahang Magdalo
The audience were delighted that the most requested song of Tekla was performed, Celine Dione?s ?My Heart Will Go On? Roaring laughters reached their highest decibel, from the start until the end of the song Almost all mobiles were up, just wanting to have their own keepsakes of the memories of the night
Fronting the show were the selected local talents with the title of their own musical achievements in the league of competitions Jahna Lucero, the Pinoy Teen Pop Superstar, opened the show, followed by Marinel, The Teen Diva from EuroPinoy Talent Centre, Aldrin Dagui, the TFCKat UK Champion 2013 and Videoke Champion 2012 and the one who pumped-up the audience before the final act, Gaga Lord from the X-Factor UK 2017
To most attendees, the show was worth every penny they paid for, although for some they felt a bit short-change But on the whole, it was an enjoyable and satisfying show
The event was roduced by SimplyCPR& Events and Fil-Brit Services Newcastle
Kensingt on for t he lat est beaut y queens t o com pet e in int ernat ional beaut y pageant
Miss Kacey Coleen Lim, a law graduate and currently the 2nd-runner up Miss Swimsuit UK will be the official representative of the Philippines to the 3rd edition of Miss Summer World at Durress, Albania from the 15-20 May 2018 The pageant night will be on 19 May and will be broadcasted on Albanian National TV
Meanwhile Miss Christa Borja a fashion merchandiser and Binibining Pilipinas Top 10 finalist and Miss Manila Bulletin will be Miss United Kingdom for the Beauty & Talent International competition at Seoul ,Korea on 15-20 June
The said send off was attended by both of the candidates' family and friends in order to wish them well for their respective competitions
HE Royalt ys - Maker of Kings and Queenside organised a send off part y on 6 May 2018 at Park Cit y Grand Plaza
Phot os by Des Wit hey
to compete in Two Int'l Pageants L o n d o n Filipina beauties from
Kacey Coleen Lim
Christ a Borja
25 ISSUE 1
7. You call on the Lord for everything, literally ?Haru Diyosko!?(Oh, my Lord), ?Susmariosep?(Jesus, Maryand Joseph) are just some of the words Filipinos use as part of the every day life ?subset? Whether you?re intentionally calling the Lord or not, these expressions can somehow connote your inclination to the Catholic faith and Sus, you love these words very much!
8. Your resilience is tried and tested Been through a disaster?Sure you?ll mourn about it but you?ll rise up in a few Made a bad decision?You know you?ll get through everything like your favourite local hero Pinoys are positive individuals whose resiliency is definitely immeasurable and this character is something this race is very proud of
9. You?re humour is universal You can make people laugh and you take serious situations lightly Your virtue is, let?shavesome good timeand let?s throwa joke or a pickup line(without offendingothers)
10. You know ?pakikisama?is the key to having a good relationship with people - and you know that bonds are built in trust and friendship So now, how Pinoy are you?
ISSUE 1 26 6. You?re into basketball You don? t have to play good ball but you just love the idea of the game, period You can play in the streets or in an actual court You know Jawo not as a senator but as the playing coach and you give your all for that ?Never Say Die?chant! Whatever team you?re supporting, you surely know some of
the most famous monickers and you?re always gunning for the sharp shooters!
Continued from Page 16 10 Best Traits of a Stereotypical Pinoy How Pinoy Ar e You? How Pinoy Ar e You? Phot o court esy of Danbyrd Arel ano Something to sell? We welcome details of your stories, including success, awards, appointments and events Send your items by email to : info@yesphilnewsmag.com SEND US NEWS OF YOUR COMMUNITY EVENTS & ACTIVITIES PRUK NGAYONG ABANGAN JUNE 2018 MALAPIT NA! Looking for Love? Special Greetings? Services to offer? Coming Soon! CLASSIFIED ADS SECTION For more info, email us on: info@yesphilnewsmag com
27 ISSUE 1
Fond Farewell for Deputy Consul General
AFTER serving t he UK Filipino com m unit y for m ore t han 6 years, Deput y ConGen Myla's t erm of office has finally ended
It was a very hectic 2 months for her before she flew back to the Philippines for her next journey in the world of foreign service
She had daily invitations from the different organisations for breakfast, lunch, merienda, and dinner as everybody wanted to say their goodbyes personally to a diplomat who touched the lives of the FilCom
To her credit, Minister Myla tried her best to accommodate everyone Even on the day of her departure, there were some members of the FilCom who joined the Embassy officers and staff in bidding her farewell
Minister Myla, Yes Philippines News Magazine together with the rest of the UK Filipino community would like to wish you all the best in your future assignment
ISSUE 1 28
29 ISSUE 1
Career Minister MYLA MACAHILIG Deputy Consul General Philippine Embassy London 2012- 2018
Kr i s Aqui no Kr i s Aqui no
Why She St ill Rem ains t he
Qu een o f A l l M ed ia
by Sarah Mae Tejares
LOVE her or hat e her, you can't deny it is difficult for you t o pret end you don't care about her life and issues But st ill, you find yourself com m ent ing on her t hreads In t he end, she w ins because it 's eit her you agree w it h her, or get pissed w it h her answ ers t o your insult s That 's Kris Aquino
In t his age of t he Int ernet , w here num bers of likes and shares m at t er t o advert isers, it is very challenging t o professional m arket ers t o gain at t ent ion as t heir com pet it ors invest sizable budget s for Facebook ads But if you have Kris Aquino, you m ay not need a Facebook boost
No doubt t hat Kris is st ill t he queen of endorsem ent s and m edia aft er she shares her dram a on social m edia Wit h t hat , t here are a few t akeaw ays t hat every digit al m arket ing professional should learn:
She shares her life experiences
Once dubbed as a Queen of Talk, her life is an open book Apparent ly, she's living in a long-running realit y show , w here her every m ove is a big deal t o t he public
Working in m edia for m any years, she has est ablished a gift of rapport w it h t he public Apart from t hat , she know s all sort s of "chikas" from show biz and polit ics Since m ost Filipinos are fam iliar and even updat ed of her personal life, t hey eit her disdain her or em pat hise w it h her
t act less
Kris is know n for being t act less, and she quickly says w hat 's on her m ind Not everyone is a fan of her at t it ude, especially her det ract ors How ever, you can't deny t hat her som et im es t hought less ut t erance is one her endearing t rait s
She responds t o t rolls for a purpose It 's easy t o m ake m ult iple account s on social m edia Current ly, t he m edia and t he public are facing a challenge of delineat ing fake new s t o t he real ones because of t he t rolls Apart from spreading fake new s, t hey exist t o insult you if you don't agree w it h t heir view s Usually, people choose not t o fight w it h t he t rolls But Kris fight s t he t rolls for a purpose She is ready t o fight t hem t o prot ect her fam ily especially her sons, and w on't t olerat e bullying
She has t im e t o prom ot e t he brands am idst her feud w it h her frenem ies
Just recent ly, t he queen of all m edia t hrew shade at ex-husband Jam es Yap and form er co-host Korina Sanchez in her m uch publicised rant s But despit e w ashing her dirt y laundry in public in her Inst agram post s, she w ould unabashedly assert her being an endorsem ent queen by insert ing her brands in her post s
She w ould not regret her act ions She is know n for adm it t ing her m ist akes But aft er adm it t ing som e m ist akes, she adds t hat she never regret t ed her act ions
She prom ot es love aft er rant ing
Am idst cont roversies, she never forget s t o t hank God and prom ot e love She t hanks God for t he blessings she receives every day So it is not easy t o hat e Kris for so long
ISSUE 1 30
Inst agram phot o of Kris Aquino
31 ISSUE 1
ISSUE 1 32