PhotoCredits:Samir Hussein/WireImage
?This year may not have been the better one we had hoped for, but we Filipinos live in hope, as we perpetually do as a people. That positive attitude makes us, arguably, the most resilient nation in the world.?
ANOTHER year w ill soon be bow ing out and a new one is w ait ing in t he w ings, ready t o t ake cent re st age in a few w eeks? t im e
The year 2022 has seen the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, the resignation of Prime Minister Boris Johnson, a record-breaking heatwave last summer, and energy bills going through the roof
In late January, most of us have stopped wearing face masks, and things seem back to normal now although the so-called cost of living crisis is making us tighten our belts But Christmas is still on, albeit a rather sensible cost-cutting affair
On the 21st of December, the winter solstice happens again, as it always
does every year, which brings the fewest hours of sunlight, therefore the shortest day or the longest night of the year
We commemorate Holy Innocents? Day, or Niños Inocentes as we call it in the Philippines, on 28th December, remembering the sacrifice of boys aged two and under by King Herod in his attempt to get rid of the Baby Jesus.
This year may not have been the better one we had hoped for, but we Filipinos live in hope, as we perpetually do as a people That positive attitude makes us, arguably, the most resilient nation in the world So, whatever unwelcome events that 2023 may bring, we can undoubtedly weather the storm, so to speak Let?s look forward to a peaceful and prosperous new year
DECEMBER 2022 This Edition is distributed all over theUnited Kingdom (England,
& Northern Ireland)
Significant Events in December
THIRD of Dec ember 1574, Lima hong lef t M a nila f or Pa nga sina n, est a blished Kingdom nea r t he mout h of Agno River
On 3 December 1574, Limahong and his bandits left Manila for Pangasinan and established a kingdom near the mouth of Agno River
ordered to Australia, where he started to plan for a return to the Philippines
Japanese soldiers guard hundreds of American and Filipino prisoners in May 1942
The Japanese military authorities immediately began organising a new government structure in the Philippines
Japanese occupation of the Philippines was opposed by an increasingly effective underground and guerrilla activity that ultimately reached large-scale proportions
following Washington's order to ensure Spain's cession of the entire Philippines Such cession placed the country under American control
Still, the U S agreed on allowing for 10 years entry of Spanish exports into the Philippines
The Treaty of Paris did not go into effect immediately as several U S senators believed this accord was unfair to Filipinos
12 Dec ember 1888, 20 young women of M a lolos request ed t o open a night sc hool f or t he Spa nish la ngua ge
Sandiko was in fact already clandestinely teaching the women the Spanish language
The parish priest of Malolos, Felipe Garcia, objected, and the permission was denied for the reasons stated in the secret report of the priest
The petitioners did not abandon their efforts and, aided by Doroteo Cortes and Guadalupe Reyes, after going back and forth countless times, they finally succeeded in obtaining the desired permission while Father Agustin Hernandez was acting parish priest of Malolos, but with the condition that not Señor Sandiko, but Señorita Guadalupe Reyes be the teacher, and that the classes be held in the day-time and not at night
30 Dec ember 1896, Dr Jose Riza l wa s shot in Ba gumba ya n
On 30 December 1896, Dr Jose Protacio Rizal was shot to death at Bagumbayan (present day Luneta or Rizal Park), Manila, by a firing squad of native soldiers, on the accusation of political conspiracy and sedition and rebellion against the Spanish government in the Philippines
Limahong, a notorious Chinese pirate and warlord who invaded the northern Philippine Islands in 1574, announced to the people that he had conquered the Spaniards and that he had come to rule over them as their king
Near the mouth of the Agno River, Limahong built a fort consisting of an outer palisade of palm logs, and an inner enclosure of palm planks which sheltered his palace He decided to stay there and to make himself master of the region, be rich, and far from the reach of the Spaniards and the Chinese emperor
The Spanish colonizers could not tolerate the presence of Limahong, hence they sent an expedition for Lingayen on 23 March 1575 They drove out the bandit who slipped out into the China Sea toward his former lair
8 Dec ember 1941, Ja pa n la unc hed a surprise a t t a c k on t he Philippines
On 8 December 1941 Japan launched a surprise attack on the Philippines, just ten hours after the attack on Pearl Harbor Initial aerial bombardment was followed by landings of ground troops both north and south of Manila
The defending Philippine and United States troops were under the command of General Douglas MacArthur
The Philippine defence continued until the final surrender of United States-Philippine forces on the Bataan Peninsula in April 1942 and on Corregidor in May Most of the 80 000 prisoners of war captured by the Japanese at Bataan were forced to undertake the infamous "Death March" to a prison camp 105 kilometres to the north MacArthur was
MacArthur's Allied forces landed on the island of Leyte on 20 October 1944 Fighting was fierce, and continued until Japan's formal surrender on 2 September 1945 An estimated 1 million Filipinos had been killed, and Manila was extensively damaged
10 Dec ember 1898, t he Trea t y of Pa ris t hrough w hic h Spa in c eded t he Philippines t o t he Unit ed St a t es, wa s signed
A new era for Filipinos dawned on 10 December 1898 with the signing of the Treaty of Paris through which Spain ceded the Philippines, its colony for over 300 years, to the United States for US$20 million
Jules Cambon signes treaty of Paris in 1899
(Jules Cambon, the French Ambassador to the United States, signing the memorandum of ratification on behalf of Spain)
The Peace Commission consisting of American and Spanish delegates met in Paris from October to December that year to discuss the terms of the treaty
Much of their discussions focused on legal points and both sides maintained their respective hard-lined stand on the matter The Americans eventually prevailed
On 12 December 1888, a committee of 20 young women of Malolos, Bulacan presented to Governor-General Valeriano Weyler, upon his passage through this city, a memorial petitioning for authority to open a "night school" at the residence of Rufina Reyes under the auspices of Señor Teodoro Sandiko, then professor of Latin, and whom they mentioned as the most suitable person to instruct them in the "beautiful Spanish language"
Recognising that the verdict was made up, and the die had been cast against him, he said on the eve of his death:
"Avictim issought and I am theonewho is chosen to bear thewholeblame I am innocent of thecrimeof rebellion. I am goingto die with a tranquil conscience"
Dr Rizal was born of a well-to-do family in Calamba, Laguna on 19 June 1861 He obtained his education successively from his mother, from a school in Biñan, Laguna, then from the Ateneo de Municipal de Manila, Santo Tomas University, and from the Central University of Madrid where he obtained his doctor s degree in medicine and philosophy
This was supplemented by his travels in France, Germany, England, United States, and other foreign countries
In 1901, when the Americans took control of the country, Governor-general William Howard Taft named Rizal as the Philippine national hero
Angels of Bataan or Battling Belles of Bataan, upon their liberation in February 1945
Anartist llustrat onof Lmahong (Photocredit:watawat net)
(Por rat of 3F i ipnowomen)
(Jues Cambon theFrenchAmbassador otheUni edSta es s gnng hememorandumo rat f cationonbehaf of Spain)
(Executionof Dr JoseRzal at Bagumbayan,areproduction of anoriginal phototakenduringtheexecutionof Dr JoseRizal)
Japanesesoldiers celebrate thefall of thePhilippines
holidays, t
ill be
follow ing dat es
There will be no consular services (passport s,
arizat ion, dual cit
civil regist rat ion, et
regular services on
08 Dec ember (Thursda y) Fea st of t he Imma c ula t e Conc ept ion of M a ry 26 Dec ember (M onda y) Boxing Da y 27 Dec ember (Tuesda y) Christ ma s Da y (subst it ut e) 30 Dec ember (Frida y) Riza l Da y DECEMBER 2022
observance of Philippine and UK
he Em bassy w
closed on t he
in Decem ber
Holiday Advisory
c.) on t he above m ent ioned dat es. Affected
appointments may be accommodated within a
original appointment schedule. In case of em ergency on consular concerns or request s for assist ance, please call t he Em bassy?s em ergency hot line, (44) 78 0279 0695. An example of an emergency is an unexpected incident or event that requires urgent action from the Embassy or poses an immediate risk to life,
safety or health.
Embassy will resume its
the next working days. Thank you.
9 LAURANCE ADVERTISEMENT Hi,mynameis LAURANCETAYLOR andI'mlookingfor aFILIPINAWIFE . IamPENSIONABLEof myage, aNON-SMOKER,NON-DRINKER& divorcedinyear 1999.Istrongly believeinGOODMANNERS&always FULLOFCONSIDERATIONTOOTHERS. IamaPASSIONATEMANWITH TRUEAFFECTIONATEINTENTIONS. You'realways myimmediatepriority. If interested,pleasecall: 07539149240 DECEMBER 2022 NOW PLAYING ORIGINAL PINOY M USIC 24.7 T h e G r eat est O PM Songs C ollect ion w w w.pinoyra diouk.c om
HREE days aft er
t he vict ory of Bince Rafael Operiano, t he nine-year-old boy from Oas t ow n, Albay province w ho em erged cham pion in t he recent ly concluded 6t h East ern Asia Yout h Chess Cham pionship in Bangkok, Thailand, is now back t o his schooling and ot her regular chores in his hom et ow n
Ben Operiano, father of Bince, in an interview, said many people have been visiting their residence in Oas to meet and congratulate his son in person
"Mang Ben" recounted the struggles that he and his son had to go through that eventually led to Binces winning the top plum in the Bangkok chess championship
?I have to admit that I made a lot of sacrifices for my cravings I stopped drinking liquor, quit smoking, and being a cockfighting aficionado to save money and give quality time for the training of my son,?he told the Philippine News Agency
He said he had to gather courage and ask people for assistance whether in cash or other forms, for Bince's travel to Bangkok
"I needed also to be shameless from soliciting assistance from people who signified willingness to help my son I literally became shameless," Mang Ben said
He noted that due to limited funds, his son travelled alone to Thailand
?The money that we first raised was only enough for his fare So, Bince went alone to Bangkok Then I just followed him on a separate flight after I raised an additional amount,?he said "Because of the help of our 3rd District Representative Fernando Cabredo and Oas Vice Mayor Hector Loyola, I was able to buy a ticket and follow my son in Bangkok, Thailand with a very limited budget "
Mang Ben said he is very proud of his son for becoming a chess champion at an early age and for remaining humble despite his feat
?I always tell my son that poverty must not be a hindrance to his dream Even if we are poor, we have to fight the hardships by having a strong heart and do not forget to thank God," he said
Bince started to play chess at age five as bonding time activity with family members and friends He first joined a tournament in 2020 and won a kiddie championship at six years old
In Bangkok, Mang Ben said Bince braved the first game ?with no parent around to cheer him on He felt pressured and even lost to his opponents in the first sets of the tournament ?
?But my son started winning when I arrived and watched and cheered for him,?he added
Bince prevailed in the final game sets until he was declared overall champion in the Asian chess championship, besting more than 20 opponents from different countries (PNA)
Father recounts chess prodigy's
struggles toward victory
T ht t p s:/ / w w w .f aceb ook .com / Pinoy Rad ioUK w w w .p inoy rad iouk .com +4 4 (0 ) 7 8 5 0 7 4 0 5 5 3 DECEMBER 2022 PHOTOCREDITS:PNA PHOTOCREDITS:PNA
Dos and Don?ts at a First Tier Tribunal Hearing
ASa lawyer with nearly 30 years post qualification experience, dealing with a First-tier Tribunal appeal hearing is simply part and parcel of my practice I therefore often need to remind myself that for most of my clients attending a First-tier Tribunal appeal hearing is anything but routine The experience has often been described to me as the most stressful event they have encountered One reason for this is the fear of the unknown so the following will provide guidance on the process of a First-Tier tribunal (FTT) appeal
Where w ill t he hearing t ake place?
You will have received, a few weeks in advance a Notice of Hearing This notice will say where the court is, the time and whether it will be an ?attended?or remote hearing
Some hearings are still taking place by video or phone This remote way of proceeding was introduced during the covid restrictions and is still implemented but most hearings are now back to ?in person?attendance
When w ill t he hearing t ake place?
FTT hearings are all listed at 10 am The order of the case is for the judge to decide It is a good idea to arrive say 30 minutes beforehand as you will need to queue to sign in Additionally, your lawyer may wish to have a brief meeting with you before the hearing
As all hearings are listed for a 10 am start, be prepared to wait Who w ill be t here?
1 The appellant (you)
2 Your lawyer
3 The Home Office presenting officer (HOPO) They may be barristers or civil servants representing the Home Office They do not always attend and if here is no HOPO, the hearing will still proceed
4 The judge
Other people who could be in attendance are:
5 Your witnesses (if you have any) - your witnesses will have prepared their witness statements and have filed this with the court
in advance of the hearing They will not be allowed into the courtroom until you have finished giving your evidence They will be asked to wait outside and will be called by the clerk when the judge is ready for them
6 An interpreter may also be in attendance if you arranged for one to be present in advance of the hearing This request is made in the course of submitting your appeal You do not need to pay for the interpreter as it is paid for by the court
7 The court clerk ? the clerk is there to help the judge
8 The public - a First-Tier Tribunal hearing is open to the public so there may be other people in the room It is nerve racking enough to attend your hearing, so the idea of the public being present can be daunting However, you will find that most of the ?public?in this case are also waiting for their own hearing to take place so are unlikely to be paying attention to you
9 Friends and family - can be at court if they are not witnesses or if they are witnesses, and they have already given their evidence
The court room decorum ?
A FTTappeal is less formal than those you see on TV There will be no wigs, gowns and gavels, but it is nevertheless a formal occasion so you should dress appropriately The Judge, your lawyer and the presenting officer will likely be dressed in suits
There is usually only one judge but sometimes there are two, with one training/observing The Judge will sit at an elevated bench, looking down on the room
Your lawyer or the court clerk will show you where to sit Your seat will be at a desk facing the judge?s bench If you have an interpreter, he or she will sit next to you
If you see a badge that says ?respondent?, that is the HOPO?s designated seat This will usually be the desk closest to the door The order of things will generally be as follows
The judge may address your lawyer and HOPO before the hearing The Judge will usually say a few words to explain to you how the hearing will proceed
If you need to address the Judge or HOPO, you should refer to them as ?Sir?or ?Madam?
Once the introductions are made The next phase will be for the appellant (you) and your witnesses to give evidence When you give your evidence, at this stage, to your lawyer, this is called ?examination-in-chief?
Before the hearing you will have prepared and submitted a statement This should set out your circumstances and the facts that you are relying on Your lawyer will ask you to confirm whether you made the statement and ask you to confirm this to be true Unless there are issues your lawyer feels have not been addressed in your statement, for example where an error needs to be explained, this stage of examination-in-chief should be fairly short
Once you have finished giving your examination in chief then follows what is generally regarded as the most stressful and time-consuming part of the hearing
You will be cross-examined on evidence (oral and written) you have provided ?Consistency? is key Read your statement(s) before the hearing to ensure that you remember dates and names It is crucial that you understand the questions before answering them; hence if you did not hear or fully understand what has been put to you, do not be afraid to ask the HOPO or Judge to repeat it
Once the HOPO has finished asking you
questions, the next phase is ?re-examination? This is carried out by your lawyer He/she will address or clarify any points raised during cross-examination by asking you additional questions
Closing submissions
The final stage will be for the HOPO and your lawyer to make their final submissions The HOPO will sum up the Home Office?s case and your lawyer will sum up your case
Some clients have also believed that a decision is handed down at the end of the hearing and that it is also enforced immediately, expressing concerns that they will be bundled away after the hearing This is not correct Although a judge can make an immediate decision, this very rarely happens As for the immediate enforcement of a negative decision this does not happen as appellants will generally have a right to challenge a negative decision
No children are allowed other than in the public area
Dress formally (no jeans, no hats or any head coverings unless it is for religious reasons) if you can as it shows respect for the process
Bring drinks, snacks or even lunch and be prepared to wait, but do not eat or drink in the actual courtroom or during the hearing
Do NOT be late
NEWS FROM HOME 6 RAF- Recruitment Campaign for Multicultural Audiences 115 Earls Court , London SW5 9RL (in Sult an Hair, Beaut y & Laser Clinic) Monday t o Sunday 10 am t o 7 pm Phone: 020 7244 8652 Mobile: 07730 813 821 PHILIP DE VERA HAIR SALON
Senator Imee Marcos met with members of the Filipino community in the UK recently Around fifty-two (52) Filipino organizations were represented by over one hundred thirty (130) community members
her remarks, the Senator extended her thanks to the Embassy and the community for organizing and attending the event She expressed her appreciation for the community?s support to the President and conveyed her hope that the positive momentum from the election is strengthened She highlighted that, as chairperson of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations (CFR), she is aware of the challenges faced by the Philippines and that as Senator she is working towards strengthening the country?s policies She also reiterated her support for Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs), who she acknowledged as the backbone of the Philippine economy
Senator candidly discussed issues of importance during the open forum and reiterated her appreciation to the event?s organizers and attendees
15 DECEMBER 2021
St at ion Road
E12 5BT
Manor Park, London
European Union offers Filipinos unique perspective via scholarship grants
UROPEAN Union Am bassador t o
t he Philippines Luc Véron speaks during t he opening cerem ony of t he t w o-day European Higher Educat ion Fair 2022 at Edsa Shangri-La Manila in Mandaluyong Cit y recent ly He encourages Filipino st udent s t o apply for st udy grant s in Europe
The European Union (EU) encourages Filipino nationals who want to pursue higher education abroad to turn to Europe and avail of scholarships offered under the Erasmus+ programme
At the opening of the two-day hybrid European Higher Education Fair (EHEF) 2022 at Shangri-La Plaza Manila in
Mandaluyong City last month, EU Ambassador to the Philippines Luc Véron said studying in Europe would provide the Filipino youth a different perspective useful for both personal and professional development EHEFis a venue for interested students to interact with representatives from over 90 top universities and educational institutions in Europe
"As the European Union celebrates the 2022 International Year of the Youth, we are focused on enabling the youth to be ready for innovation and to help build a better future -greener, more inclusive, and digital," Véron said in his speech EU Delegation deputy head Ana Isabel Sanchez Ruiz said EHEF 2022 includes information sessions on Erasmus+ scholarship and how Filipinos can apply Erasmus+ offers the chance to combine studying abroad with
a traineeship Opportunities are available for students at short cycle Bachelor, Master or Doctoral levels
"We have a very well-established scholarship programme where students can have full coverage of their expenses to study in up to three different universities within EU member states and outside " she told the Philippine News Agency
On top of this, Ruiz said some of the EU member states have their own scholarship offerings for foreigners
"Sometimes there are also university programmes, so all these information would be available at EHEF," she said
Participating EU member-states are Belgium, Czechia, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Spain, France, Italy, Hungary, the Netherlands, Poland, Austria, Finland and Sweden
EHEF?s virtual platform is accessible at www ehefphilippines com (PNA)
(PNA phot o by Robert Osw ald Alfiler)
FACE THEMONTH OF GIANKAYEARSANI AGE : 25 BASEDINTHEUK:DERBY HOBBIES: Shoppingis myhappiness, exploringnew places,singingand cooking! CURRENTLYDOING:Workingas anurse at NuffieldHealthDerby AMBITION: TobeanEntrepreneur Nurseandtotravel thewholeworld MOTHER: GinaArsani FATHER:SandyArsani (D)
19 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL DECEMBER 2022 Five Filipino Dishes for Christmas Editor?snote:Manythanksto Lutong Bahay(www.lutongbahayrecipe.com) for givinguspermission to publish thisarticle HRISTMAS is fast approaching and people are get t ing busy buying t hat special gift , Christ m as t ree decorat ons and ot her yulet ide st uff And of course, Fi ipinos love to plan what rec pes to serve and whatever d shes fit their budget Here?s Lutong Bahay?s top Filip no Chr stmas recipes l st for your Noche Buena on a budget Pork Ham onado Photo credit: kawalingpinoy com Pork Ham onado Recipe Ingredient s: * 2 tablespoons canola oil * 2 pounds pork belly (boneless or bone-in), cut into 2-inch cubes * 1 onion pee ed and chopped * 4 cloves garlic, peeled and minced * 1 cup pineapple juice (reserved from can of pineapples) * 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar * 1/2 cup soy sauce * 1 cup water * 1 teaspoon peppercorns * 2 bay leaves * 2 tablespoons brown sugar * salt and pepper to taste * 1 cup pineapple chunks Cooking Procedure: 1 In a wide heavy-bottomed pan over medium-high heat, heat oil until very hot but not smoking 2 Add pork be ly in a single layer and cook for about 2 to 3 minutes or until lightly browned Turn and cook for another 1 to 2 minutes or until al sides are ightly browned Do NOT overcrowd the pan, cook in batches as needed 3 Remove meat from the pan and drain on paper towels Keep warm 4 In the pan, add onions and garlic and cook, stirring regularly, unt l softened 5 Add pork back to the pan and cook for about 1 minute stirring to combine 6 Add pineapple ju ce and vinegar Bring to a boil, uncovered and without stirr ng, for about 4 to 5 minutes 7 Add soy sauce and water Stir to distr bute and bring to a boil, skimming scum that floats on top 8 Lower heat, cover, and simmer for
50 to 60 minutes or until very tender and l quid is reduced 9 Add brown sugar and st r to combine Season with
taste Continue
simmer until
10 Add pineapple chunks and cook for about 1 to 2 minutes or until heated through Serve hot Special Em but ido Photo credit: Dimple Asinas Special Em but ido Recipe Ingredient s: * 400g ground pork * 1 cup grated carrots * 1 garlic, chopped * 1 onion chopped * ½ cup raisins * ½ cup green peas * 1 cup grated cheese * 2 whole eggs beaten * ½ cup catsup * 3 tbsp bread crumbs * 1 cup flour * ½ cup cornstarch * salt to taste * ground pepper, to taste * 4 pcs hotdogs, sliced in half * 3 pcs hard boiled eggs, quartered * butter for greasing * a uminium foil (material needed) Cooking Procedure: 1 In a mixing bowl, combine all ingredients except for the hotdogs and hard-boiled eggs Mix we l until blended 2 Grease the aluminium foil with butter 3 Spread about 6 tbsp of the mixture on the a uminium foi Place some hotdogs and hard-bo led eggs on the top corner of the mixture 4 Roll t ghtly and wrap in the aluminium foil Seal by twisting both ends 5 Arrange the embutido rolls in the steamer Steam for 1 hour 6 Remove the aluminium foil and slice before serving You can also fry it f you want Enjoy your special embutido! Spicy Chicken Adobo Spicy Ch cken Adobo Recipe Ingredient s: * 1 whole Chicken (cut into parts) * ½ cup soy sauce * 1 whole gar ic (chopped) * 2tbsp O ive Oil/ cooking oil * 1tsp iodized sa t * 2tbsp brown sugar * 1tsp black pepper * 1/2cup vinegar * 2bay leaves * 1 chopped red onion * 1 ½ tsp chili powder * ¼ cup water Cook ng Procedure: 1 Marinate the s iced chicken with soy sauce, black pepper and salt into the bowl for 20-30mins (This process is to tender ze and give a savoury taste to the chicken) Set aside Note: While you are waiting for step 2 to be fin shed, heat pan, add olive o l 2 After heating, saute chopped garlic into the frying pan until it turns brown Add sliced onions then the marinated chicken parts 3 Cover the pan and simmer for 3-5 minutes 4 Add vinegar, brown sugar, ¼ cup water and laure leaves; Mix and cover again 5 Wait until the chicken becomes tender 6 Stir and cook for 10 m nutes 7 Turn the heat off serve and enjoy Leche Flan Leche Flan Recipe Ingredient s: * 10 pieces raw eggs * 1 small can condensed milk * 1 cup fresh milk (or evaporated milk) * 1 cup granulated sugar * 1 tsp vanilla extract Cook ng Procedure: 1 Remove the yolk from the egg white (only egg yolks wi l be used) 2 Beat
a fork
3 Add
milk mixture
11 Refrigerate
12 Serve
dessert Cream y Buko Salad Photo credit: Lutong Bahay Buko Salad Recipe Ingredient s: * 4cups of shredded coconut * 30 oz of drained fruit cockta l * 1 cup pineapple tidbits * 15 oz sweet corn kernels * 12 oz kaong * 12 oz nata de coco * 14 oz condensed milk * 14 oz cream * 165 gram of Eden cheese Procedure: 1 In a large bowl, combine coconut fruit cocktail, pineapple, corn, kaong, nata de coco, Eden cheese, condensed milk and cream Stir gently to distribute 2 Ch ll for a few hours or freeze until firm 3 Garnish with shredded Eden cheese when ready to serve C Phot o credit : sort edfood com
sa t and
the sauce is th ckened
them using
or an
the condensed
and mix thoroughly
Pour-in the fresh milk and vanilla Mix we l
Put the mould (l anera) on top of the stove and heat using low fire
Put the granulated sugar nto the mould and mix thoroughly until the solid sugar turns into liqu d (caramel) having a light brown colour
Spread the carame (liquid sugar) evenly on the flat side of the mould
Wait for 5 minutes then pour the egg yo k and milk mixture on the mould
Cover the top of the mould using an aluminium foil
Steam the mould w th
for 30 to 35 minutes
when the temperature cools down after steaming
COMMUNITY NEWS 20 Filipino Association of Gloucestershire Christmas Celebration You can also watch our programIM M IGRATION CORNER Every................. THURSDAY 7:30 PM UK Time To watch it LIVE, visit: FILIPINO TV EUROPE DECEMBER 2022 FTER t hree long years, w e can all finally be t oget her again as a com m unit y in our t radit ional Gloucest ershire Filipino Com m unit y Annual Christ m as Dinner & Dance Please come with your family and friends and support this culminating activity of your Filipino Association of Gloucestershire for the year so we can continue our good works such as, providing support to all who come to us for help, promoting our Filipino culture, especially to our younger generation and the rest of Gloucestershire and working towards the greater integration of our Filipino community in UK society Considering how difficult it has been to many because of the current cost of living crisis we have partnered with WorldRemit so you can avail of dinner tickets free of charge Just register and send money thru WorldRemit before 5 December For those who choose not to join the promo, contact Cynthia Gladstone for your £20-tickets See you all soon and let?s bring the year to a close with this fabulous celebration We have special guests, good entertainment and a raffle See you all! How to avail: - Get a free ticket (worth £20) to the Gloucestershire Filipino Community Annual Christmas Dinner & Dance when you join - Already a WorldRemit user?There is a £10 ticket discount for the first 15 customers who avail of the promo To join the promotion follow the steps below: Step 1: For new customers, download the WorldRemit app https://worldremit onelink me/ernM/6349a6bc Step 2: For new customers, send a minimum of £10 to the Philippines Enter the promo code SENDPH during checkout to avail of 3 zero-fee transfers For existing customers, provide proof of money transfer made in the last 60 days Step 3: Claim your reward at https://riseresearch co uk/community-promotion/ A Terms & Conditions: This offer is only valid for new customers who joined WorldRemit between 1st November to 5th December 2022 as well as for the first 15 existing customers who made a money transfer in the last 60 days Only one ticket will be issued per customer We reserve the right to DISQUALIFYindividuals who did not enter a promo code during their first remittance transaction Maligayang Pasko at Manigong Bagong Taon sa Inyong Lahat!
21 COMMUNITY NEWS Discover the flavours of the Philippines: Pyesta Filipino Restaurant
PYESTAFILIPINORESTAURANT Contact No: 01242-285927 Address: 40ClarenceSt ,Cheltenham,Gloucestershire,GL503NX Email: admin@pyestauk Website: www.pyesta.uk ILIPINO food lovers living in t he Cot sw olds, it ?s t im e t o celebrat e! There is a new rest aurant , t he first of it s kind in t he area, t hat offers aut hent ic Filipino food called Pyest a Filipino Rest aurant Pyest a is a Filipino w ord for ?fiest a? or ?feast ? Located in Cheltenham, Pyesta Filipino Restaurant is a new independent restaurant founded by Filipinos: Portia Brown and Rose Sage They Pare focused on ?giving their customers a genuine warm welcome, fun atmosphere, and really tasty food?, according to their website www pyesta uk Pyesta restaurant owners advise customers to make table bookings online, as it can get packed especially during peak hours Pyesta is a place to discover the flavours of the Philippines with heartwarming comfort food such as Adobo, Bicol Express, Sinigang, Tinolang Manok, Kare Kare and many more! For Filipinos living in the UK who are homesick and crave for authentic Filipino food, it?s the place to be There are even Karaoke Nights on Fridays and Saturdays! For those who have yet to enjoy Filipino food and hospitality Pyesta is the welcome introduction to Filipino cuisine in the heart of Gloucestershire ? F DECEMBER 2022
22 COMMUNITY NEWS Filipino Women's Association UK Christmas Party OW t im e flies and w e're at it again t he season of Christ m as The FWA-UK fam ily is once again hard at w ork t o present you an early m erry send out of t his Christ m as invit at ion before your calendar get s as full as a Christ m as m orning st ocking We cordially invite you to Eat, Drink and be Merry Christmas lunch We have prepared a wide assortment of holly and jolly shimmer and shine for this holiday gathering, a fun-centric party that will bring joy and laughter to everyone This annual event is for the benefit of the members, their families, friends, sponsors and donors of the Association H Below are t he det ai s of t he event : Theme: HOLLYAND JOLLY SHIMMERAND SHINE Date: Saturday, 17th December 2022 Tme : 12 - 5 PM Venue: 1st Floor, Liffey Suite, Copthorne Hotel, Scarsdale Place, London W8 55Y Attire: Festive Food and Drinks: 3-course meal, Buffet style, welcome drink and a half bott e of wine for each one Tcket Price £49 00 Members/Guests £24 50 Chi dren aged 5-12 years o d Chi dren 1-4 years old - Free Contacts: Linda Challis - 07760266164 - l nda challis20@yahoo co uk Celia Herrera - 07823330841 - herreracelia73@yahoo co uk Please specify the number of tickets for adults and children Payment: Bank transfer to FWA-UK bank account Account Name - Flipino Women's Assoc Ac Sort Code - 201053 Ac Number - 40492159 Reference - XmasPIf you are paying on behalf of someone please put: REF: XmasP-Initial + Surname of who the ticket is for Please join us in this Christmas fun day, expect great food, drinks and entertainment Lots of games and prizes are to be won by both adults and children We will have raffle draws at £2 00 per line, door ticket draws and "exchange gifts" (bring your own gift worth £15 00 minimum to join) There will be a Father Christmas to give away presents to the children and have their photos taken with him Wishing you all a wonderful couple of months and we look forward to seeing you at this festive event All events are subject to change without prior notice You can also watch our programLEGAL ADVICECORNER Every................. TUESDAY 6:00 PM UK Time To watch it LIVE, visit: FILIPINO TV EUROPE DECEMBER 2022
DECEMBER 2021 23
24 EMBASSY NEWS The Philippine Embassy in London invites everyone to join Mama Sita Foundation?s ?Mga Kuwentong Pagkain: Filipino Food Stories from Around the World ? The initiative aims to promote Filipino food culture and heritage to a global audience and is open to Filipinos and non-Filipinos who have a Filipino food story to tell The contest rules and mechanics are available through the website: https://tinyurl com/ MKP20 22Rules Interested applicants may submit their entries through this Google Form: https://tinyurl.com/ MKP20 22Form or by emailing community@mgakuwentongpagkain com Thestorytellingcontestiscurrentlyacceptingentriesforits EssayandVisualNarrativecategoriesuntil31December2022. DECEMBER 2022
Iw as sit t ing in a w ake w hen m y m ind began t o w ander and w onder
?Should people give in to sadness??
I asked because neuroscientists and biologists have established that emotions are just chemical reactions and electrical signals in our brain They say that if we change our thoughts, we can change the chemicals that dictate our mood
For example, we are bitter when we don? t get the attractive job offer But if somebody tells us the rejection was a blessing in disguise because that company was in secret trouble, our gloom may suddenly change to gladness
If emotions are changeable anyway, why do we need to have them in the first place?
The beginning of em ot ions
A long time ago, men and women just wanted to have sex They didn? t know it but an unconscious drive was telling them to propagate their genes So, everything they did was toward the fulfillment of such a goal Man?s mind began to codify the world Things that would ensure survival felt good while those that worked against it felt bad
For example, glucose was the main nutrition for the body and the brain So, man ascribed to it a pleasant taste On the other hand, rotten food with all its harmful bacteria should taste awful
For gene propagation to succeed, men and women pair-bonded to jointly feed and guard their offspring That was the origin of love and joy in the family Up to now, we feel the comforting effect of the hormone oxytocin
when in the company of the family or someone we love
For survival, people had to hunt together and share the catch They also needed to protect their stock from other hunting groups This was the beginning of cooperation, altruism, fairness, camaraderie, loyalty, pride and even shame, hate, and guilt Altruism felt pleasurable while guilt left a bad feeling in the gut
Over the ages, the human mind divided things into what feels good and what feels bad Even up to now, the ?rational?or ?intellectual?decisions we make are actually influenced by emotions The ?objective? decisions we make are subliminally chosen by what will make us happy versus what will make us feel bad
Without emotions, mankind would have not advanced to this level of sophistication
But Lisa Feldman Barrett argues in How Emotions Are Made: The Secret Life of the Brain that a lot of our emotions are only learned at birth and are acquired from our milieu, our culture and our personal experiences Emotions, therefore, are not universal and the codes are not final In effect, she is saying that what makes one happy or sad does not necessarily apply to another person because we live by different sets of preferences, beliefs, and values
For example, one will not be devastated by a loved one?s death if their culture sees death as a necessary transition to a better life Some cultures make people feel terribly
guilty if they don? t wear the right kind of clothing The classic theory is that men are instinctively attracted to slim female bodies because that?s a sign of good health, ideal for the propagation of genes But in Mauritania, culture has taught people that exceptionally fat women are most beautiful
To Dr Barrett, emotions are not hard and fast programmes installed in the human system waiting to be triggered We are not biologically enslaved to a template of emotions
If that is so, we can override our feelings if we just mentally step outside our current set of beliefs Or if we change our perspective
To feel or not t o feel
Back in the funeral chapel, I pondered the idea of a world without sadness because we can always cancel it from our brain, anyway It?s just chemicals But a voice in my head asked, ?Is it good to live like unfeeling robots then??The voice slowly replied to its own question:
?Let us feel our emotions, sad or glad We sometimes need to feel sad so that we will know what?s important to us We need to feel bad in order to have a sense of outrage over wrong things done to us or wrong things happening in society ?
?We need to be sad for others because a world without empathy has no compassion We must feel other people?s pain or it will be a selfish world ?
?But we must keep in mind that we know
when and how to press the eject button We will not go down with our negative emotions ?
I was thinking about the people who are bonded in sorrow Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, author of On Grief and Grieving: Finding the Meaning of Grief Through Five Stages of Loss, advised we can feel our pain and anger longer than comfortable for other people, but ?without letting an unmanaged ongoing depression leech our quality of life ?
Before dejection gets the better of us, we should face it and let it know who?s the boss
HowEmotionsAre Made:TheSecret Lifeof the Brain byLisa Feldman Barrett
On Grief and Grieving:Findingthe Meaningof Grief Through FiveStagesof LossbyElisabeth Kubler-Ross
TheEmotional Brain:TheMysterious Underpinningsof Emotional Life byJoseph LeDoux
WhyWeFeel:The Scienceof EmotionsbyVictor S Johnston
Women in a Poor West African Countryare Force-FeedingThemselvesfor Beauty?sSakein theBusinessInsider website
Behave:TheBiologyof Humansat our Best and Worst byRobert M Sapolsky Habitsof a HappyBrain byLoretta Graziano Breuning
in Charge of Our Emotions? BYROBERTLABAYEN
27 DECEMBER 2022
Alright! Now you?re ready! Take a flight to Milan Malpensa Airport like I did, then at the airport, go to the nearby train station?s ticket office and say, ?Posso comprare un biglietto di andata e ritorno per il lago di Como, per favore??which means ?Can I buy a return ticket to Lake Como, please??
Depending on your time of arrival, the journey via train is about 2 hours and 30 minutes, with one stopover or station change after half an hour to Saronno station And for the cost, I paid around 17? (pre-pandemic price) so check at the train station, and booking in advance is advisable
After Saronno station, your next stop is Como Lago station You won? t miss it as it is the end of the line
Just outside the station is the bus station Como-Stazione Autolinee is where you can get your ticket to the next destination But if you have more time like I did, you might as well have a look around The Como cathedral is a nice place to start And a good restorante right across the church serves a lovely Rigatoni Quattro Formaggi, pasta with four cheese, and of course the famous Italian pizza Remember the Italians find it rude to share a plate so Pinoys must be discreet Lol! Order your own and finish it
Around the city centre, you can find more grocery stores so if you are staying more than a day or two better do your shopping here as the destination only has a few local stores with limited supply and closes
28 TRAVEL CORNER NE OF THE BEST and m ost rom ant ic scenery I?ve ever been t o In this article, I will show you how to get to and commute in and around the majestic Lake Como in Italy I will focus on the west side of the lake, which I can honestly say is the sunniest and most ideal location to start your love affair with the place Between Colono or Menaggio is the best place to scout for some good Airbnb and with some luck, you can grab a bargain by the lake side like I did (see photos) A romantic view that is easy to reach in a friendly location is just at the north of the famous tourist destination And yes! The famous lake is holiday home to some famous personalities like George Clooney, and the shooting location of Star Wars and the James Bond movie Casino Royale, not to mention the first Aldub movie But first? How to Get to Lake Como, Italy Loc a t ion: Colono La ke Como, It a ly Address: Villa Del Ba lbia nelo, Via Guido M onzino 1, 22016 Tremezzine CO, It a ly BYEDGARDUAY O Beforewego sometravel andhikingtips: 1 Check your healthbeforeyougo 2 Check theweather andyour routebeforeyougo 3 Suitablefootwear isneededas someroutecanbeslipperyandmuddy awalkingstick canbeusefu as someroutecanbedangerouslysteep Bringapair of slippers or shoes toavoidexpensivecar wash 4 Don't forget your cameras,power banks or sparebatteries tochargeyour devices Drones canbeuseful but check your local gudelines andsafetyprecautionbeforeyou doso 5 Araincoat or atri-climate acket,extraclothes or abinbagarealways handy Ido always carryabinbageverywhereIhike It canbeusedtosafeguardyour belongings fromunforgivingweather 6 Dolearnaset of phrases andhow toask questions nthecountry?s language Additional lingoisabigplus andis anicegesturetothehost country 7 Pcnic is amust - light food,abt of candy,apower bar areveryhandy whileenjoying Natureandof courseyour water bottleis veryimportant 8 Travel light andplease Takeyour rubbishhome "Takenothingbut pictures,leavenothingbut footprints andshareyour memories"
is a
Back to the bus station; say, ?Posso comprare un biglietto di andata e ritorno per Colono, per favore??which means, ?Can I buy a return ticket to Colono please?? Or Menaggio if you?re going there Travel time is about an hour from the bus station to Menaggio or about 50 minutes to Colono
Why this part of the lake? Between Colono and Menaggio, there are tons of things to do and many places to go to like the Villa del Balbianello, where ?Star Wars?was shot on location and where Anakin Skywalker kissed Padme for the first time (go check the video!), and the famous scene where 007 is in a wheelchair after being poisoned having won the poker game in Casino Royale James Bond is overlooking the lake while the man with the briefcase approaches Bond and Vestpa
Villa del Balbianello can be reached on foot if you fancy some hill climbing or be like me and arrive in fashion 007 way; via a lake taxi aka speedboat taxi that can be hired at Lenno just outside the villa, which will take you around the villa before docking at the bottom of the property
For seasoned hikers like me, this west side serves the famous Lake Como Greenway 13 km route from Colono A generally moderate route which took me 3 hours to complete and maybe another hour for the novices and selfie lovers out there as you can? t resist the majestic view of this route
I will stop for now to make this a two-part mini-series as I love this place so much, and so many things and adventure to talk
as early as 4pm There is a nearby cable car at the back of the bus station "Funicolare" as it is known in Italy,
must-do for anyone visiting the famous lake A boat trip is also nearby on the left side of the bus station
about See you and enjoy the photos for now See you in Part 2 Lake Com o Bellagio, Verena and Menaggio It alian w ords and phrases: Thank you - Grazie Take m e t o t he airport pleasePortami all'aeroporto per favore I?m so sorry - Mi dispiace tanto Hello or Bye - Ciao Beaut iful - Bella Where is t he t oilet ? - Dov'è la toilette? DECEMBER 2022
30 DECEMBER 2022
11Filipino Christmas Traditions
WHILE a snow y Christ m as in a chalet sounds lovely, spending t he holidays at hom e in t he Philippines has it s charm
There is something special about how we Pinoys celebrate the yuletide season The moment your plane lands in Manila in December, you feel the Christmas spirit like nowhere else in the world
Let?s have a look on some of the traditions we Filipinos practice during Christmas time
1 St art ing Christ m as season early We are known for celebrating Christmas longer than any other country in the world After all, it's our favourite holiday At the beginning of the -ber months, malls start blasting Christmas songs on their speakers, and we put up Christmas decorations in our homes
2 Set t ing up a belen Speaking of decorations, Filipinos like to put up a display of the Nativity scene made of porcelain, plastic, or even recycled materials in their homes, villages, and workplaces The image of baby Jesus in a manger surrounded by his parents and shepherds remind us what the celebration is all about It can be miniature models or enormous statues, depending on how devout a Catholic you are
3 Hanging a parol out side our hom es Here's a holiday decor that's uniquely ours A parol is a star-shaped lantern made of bamboo, capiz, plastic, or even recycled materials, thus showcasing our ingenuity as Pinoys
4 At t ending t he Sim bang Gabi Starting on the 16th of December, Filipinos attend mass at night or at the break of dawn for nine days leading to Christmas There's a belief that completing the nine days of Simbang Gabi will grant you a wish
5 Eat ing seasonal delicacies After the mass, we look forward to eating bibingka or puto bumbong, two versions of rice cakes more popular during the Christmas season They're usually sold outside the church for mass goers, best enjoyed with a cup of hot cocoa, or as we call it, tsokolate
6 Caroling around t he village While this tradition is not solely Filipino, we sure gave it our own twist by using improvised musical instruments In the Philippines, kids go from house to house singing Christmas carols
starting in early December When they're done singing and you've given them their "reward" (assuming you enjoyed their performance), they will finish the set with a thank you song with the lyrics, "Thank you, thank you, ang babait ninyo " (Meaning, thank you, you're so kind ) If you don't feel like indulging the little ones, just yell "Patawad!" which means "Forgive me," and they'll move on to the next house
7 Having over t he t op office Christ m as part ies For Pinoys, it s not just dinner and drinks; that's not how we party Ours would include a feast, games, a raffle, office-wide Kris Kringle or Secret Santa, and a programme where members of the staff put up a grand production to impress the bosses and win the grand prize of the talent show
8 Misa de Gallo This is one of the culminating activities of the season - the Christmas mass The church is packed, all the decorations are up, and the churchgoers are dressed in their "Sunday best," remembering the birth of Jesus and ready for the ultimate celebration
9 Celebrat ing Noche Buena At the stroke of midnight, the family gathers for what could be the most special meal of the year Every household prepares a feast, with the usual Pinoy Christmas staples ? lechon, or Christmas ham in more frugal households, queso de bola, lumpia (spring rolls), chicken & macaroni salad, and buko salad
10 "Nam am asko po " This is a tradition where Filipino kids visit their godparents' house on Christmas day They approach their ninong (godfather) or ninang (godmother) with a Filipino gesture of respect called mano, (done by pressing one?s forehead on the elder?s hand), in the hope of receiving an aguinaldo or a present If it's money they receive, they either save it, or use it to buy something nice, or spend it at the cinema with their friends, as the Metro Manila Film Festival also opens on Christmas Day every year
11 Media Noche The festivities continue leading up to New Year's Eve, where the family gathers for yet another glorious feast, making noise at the stroke of midnight, and lighting up the sky with fireworks The yuletide season extends up to the first Sunday of January, the feast of the Epiphany, which marks the end of the Christmas season
Nothing beats Christmas in the Philippines Despite the absence of snow, Filipinos make this holiday magical with so much Christmas
?They approach t heir ninong (godfat her) or ninang (godm ot her) w it h a Filipino gest ure of respect called mano, (done by pressing one?s forehead on t he elder ?s hand), in t he hope of receiving an aguinaldo, a present ?
spirit coupled with positivity and family togetherness
While we can't all fly back home to the Philippines and spend our holidays there this year, let s remember that this season is all about being grateful for everything we have, and being together with our families and loved ones And that s something we can enjoy anywhere we are in the world
32 ISSUE 6