ireImage Queen Elizabeth II 21April 1926 - 8 September 2022 Goodbye Ma'am! The Filipino Community in the UK condoles with the Royal Family on the Queen's passing

PhotoCredits:Samir Hussein/W



EPTEMBER has com e and it ?s t im e for us t o say goodbye t o sum m er
In recent months, we?ve had all sorts of weather from pleasantly warm sunny days, to oppressively scorching hot days, and typically British rainy days
The Filipino community had been exceptionally busy with different joyous summer activities such as food and music festivals, anniversary event, sportsfest, outreach programme, and heritage day If you missed some, or all of them, you can get a feel of the jolly atmosphere enjoyed by the lucky ones by reading about them and by looking at the lovely photos that are spread all over this month?s issue of Yes Philippines
It is a fitting time to look back at our native country?s historical ties with Great Britain In the Philippine history corner, you?ll find an account of the landing of the British flotilla in Manila more than 250 years ago In a related article, we get a glimpse of the present economic relations between the two countries in a report on the announcement of the UK?s increased investments in the Philippines
All these and more are in your favourite news magazine?s September offering So, make time for an informative and entertaining read

The temperature has now dipped considerably, and autumn is waiting in the wings
SEPTEMBER 2022 This Edition is distributed all over theUnited Kingdom (England, Wales,Scotland & Northern Ireland)

On a sad note, we have lost our beloved Queen Elizabeth II early this month Our community in the UK extends its condolences to the Royal Family, with some of our fellow Pinoys sharing their reaction to her passing as we join the rest of the world in mourning the death of Britain?s longest reigning monarch
?It is a fitting time to look back at our native country?s historical ties with Great Britain. In the Philippine history corner, you?ll find an account of the landing of the British flotilla in Manila more than 250 years ago.?

In exchange, the return voyage brought innumerable and valuable flora and fauna into the Philippines: avocado guava papaya pineapple, horses and cattle
President FerdinandEMarcos announcingthedeclarat onof Martial Law onSeptember 23,1972

21Sept ember 1972, President Ferdina nd M a rc os pla c ed t he Philippines under M a rt ia l La w
On 29th September 1898, the Malolos Congress ratified the June 12, 1898 Act of the Declaration of Independence proclaimed in Kawit, Cavite
Romulo later served as President of the Security Council on four different occasions when the Philippines was elected to the Council
On 21st September 1972, President Ferdinand E Marcos placed the Philippines

The attempt on the life of then Minister of Defense Juan Ponce Enrile gave Marcos a window to declare Martial Law (Enrile would later reveal that the assassination attempt on his life was staged)
Martial law was lifted on Jan 17, 1981, although the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus continued in the autonomous regions of Western Mindanao and Central Mindanao
The President declared the emergency rule the day after the Enrile assassination attempt Mr Marcos also declared that the insurgency in the south, caused by the clashes between Muslims and Christians, was a threat to national security
Marcos explained that martial law was intended to suppress civil strife and the threat of communist takeover following the series of bombings in Manila
23 Sept ember 1762, t he Brit ish f lot illa la nded in M a nila

The new constitution was approved by the revolutionary congress on 20th January 1899, and sanctioned by President Emilio Aguinaldo on 21st January 1899
under Martial Law, suspending the civil rights and imposing military authority Congress was also abolished

On 14th September 1815, the galleon trade between the Philippines and Mexico ended, a few years before Mexico gained independence from Spain in 1821
Initially the imposition of martial law was supported by majority of Filipinos It was viewed as a change that solved the massive corruption in the country
Galleon trade became the fundamental income generating business for Spanish colonists living in the Philippine Islands with a total of 110 Manila galleons set sail in the 250 years of the Manila Acapulco galleon trade (1565 to 1815)

Businesses owned by the oligarchy were confiscated and were taken over by Marcos' family members and close personal friends, and were allegedly used as fronts to launder proceeds from institutionalized graft and corruption in the different national governmental agencies
The Spanish troops re entered Manila May 31, 1764, possession of the city being taken by Don Simon de Anda, since the new governor ad interim, Francisco de la Torre, was sick The British vessels left the bay for India on June 10 and 11, 1764
It all begun on 15th September 1898, when the revolutionary congress convened in Barasoain Church in Malolos which also decided to draft a constitution This constitution would become the Malolos Constitution of 1899

Gradually, however, martial law became unpopular due to human rights abuses and excesses by the military not to mention the incarceration of opposition leaders critical of the martial law Journalists, student leaders and labour activists critical of the Marcos administration were also detained
The following day, 24th September 1762, Draper and Cornish sent an edict to the Filipinos announcing that they need have no fear of the British fleet, provided that they do not join the Spaniards or assist them in any way They will be received under British protection; their women and children will be free from outrages; full prices will be paid them for food; they will be free to go and come as they please; and freedom of worship will be conserved to them If they do, on the contrary, aid the Spanish, then they must fear the punishment that will be inflicted
The British occupation of the Philippines was short lived as the Seven Years?War ended in Europe on February 10, 1763 with the signing of the peace treaty in Paris (Treaty of 1763)
TheGaeonAndalucia,areplicaof the17thCenturyvesses that sailedbetweenManlaandAcapulcodur ngthega eontrade
The Manila Acapulco galleon trade began when Andres de Urdaneta in convoy under Miguel Lopez de Legaspi, discovered a return route from Cebu City to Mexico in 1565
On the evening of 23rd September 1762 the British flotilla landed in Manila Bay, which marked the beginning of the British invasion of the Philippines
Numerous media outfits were either closed down or operated under tight control
P Romulo as head of the Philippine delegation to the United Nations (UN) was elected President of fourth General Assembly Romulo received the votes of the representatives of all 59 nations except those of Russia and its satellite states which give 5 votes to the Czech Foreign Minister and the vote from Yugoslavia being declared invalid

Positive results of the galleon trade were the intercultural exchanges between the Philippines and the Americans, symbolized by no less than the Mexican made Virgin of Antipolo, chosen as the patroness of the sailors, who protected them from the untold perils across the Pacific
Carlos P Romulo was also nominated for the 1952 Nobel Peace Prize According to Nobel Prize, Romulo was nominated "for his contribution in international cooperation, in particular on questions on undeveloped areas, and as president for UN's 4th General Assembly"
Admiral Samuel Cornish led the expedition to capture Manila, which at that time was a Spanish colony General William Draper, who was in the service of the British East India Company, commanded the troops
Significant Events in September
The mango de Manila, tamarind and rice, the carabao (known by 1737 in Mexico), cockfighting Chinese tea and textiles fireworks display, tuba (coconut wine) making came to Mexico through the trans Pacific trade
The English fleet entered the Manila Bay in the form of a half circle stretching from Cavite to the middle of the Bay, 13 ships in all
On 21st September 1949, Ambassador Carlos
2 9 Sep t em b er 1 8 9 8 , t he M alolos Cong ress rat if ied t he Declarat ion of Ind ep end ence
The moro moro, Moriones festival, and the image of the Black Nazarene of Quiapo were also of Mexican origins
Charmanof thes xstandingcommittees of theAssemblywith Assembly President Car os Romuoof thePhilippines (seated)
OURTEEN Sept ember 1815, t he ga lleon t ra de bet ween t he Philippines a nd M exic o ended
Sir WilliamDraper, photocredit:WikipediaCommons
21Sept ember 1949, Romulo wa s elect ed UN Assembly President
Openingof theMalolos Congress onSeptember 15,1898
The Manila galleons or Manila Acapulco galleons sailed the Pacific for nearly three centuries, bringing to Spain their cargoes of luxury goods, economic benefits and cultural exchange
AUGUST 2022 5

PhotoCredits: Great FoundationUK Philippines
SEPTEMBER 2022 COMMUNITY NEWS 8 Philippine Festival of Food, Music and Culture Ha w kinge Communit y Cent er Heron Forst a l Avenue, Ha w kinge, Folkest one, Kent CT18 7FP 3rd Sept ember 2022


Philippine Festival of Food, Music and Culture

PhotoCredits:Great FoundationUK Philippines


W Continuationfrompage14

TheMinister isbeingverygenerouswith her time Shehasmademuch of the cost issue;I thinkshe indicated that for somebodyelderly arrivingin the UK, we would expect health and care costsof somethinglike £175,000, but a GP hashad £500,000 invested in them I wonder whether an assessment hasbeen made somewhereof thevaluefor taxpayers? the straightforward financial cost? of forcing somebodywho ishighlytrained out of the country, versusthe cost of care for their elderly relative
TheChair of Association of Pakistani Physicians of Northern Europe(APPNE) secured an FOI in May2021 which revealed thedismal number of ADRvisasgranted over thelast four years:2017 (Issued:0), 2018 (Issued:35) , 2019 (Issued: 113), 2020 (Issued:70)
Source:Hansard 1 11 03/debates/EAAE3C28 2875 45F2 8EC7 A77AF5266230/AdultDependentRelativeVisas
Themain aim of thenewADRrulesisto reduce burdenson thetaxpayer, in particular NHS costs
Putting aside any concerns about the data relied on by the 2016 review, the 2012 change in the rules comes within the strange phrase ?cutting off your nose to spite your face? Put another way, the Home Office in seeking to limit migrants under this route, because of their alleged costs to the taxpayer, may in fact have resulted to prejudice to the UK economy in terms of loss of skilled workers their tax contributions loss of expertise and opportunities they would have created had they decided to make the UK their home
The last review of the ADRwas in 2016, the report concluded that the change was reasonable and should be maintained in its current format It has taken a further six years to get to this stage If you want your views to be heard the time is now It is crucial that the inquiry considers the personal impact the harsh change in the Rules have had on families and how this is affecting the United Kingdom?s ability to recruit and retain migrants including those whose skill sets are clearly needed
The concern was therefore the economic cost to the taxpayer of granting applicants?visas to the UK under the ADR The presumption was that such applicants will likely need to rely on NHScare It is noteworthy that the old ADRcovered not only sickly relatives It was aimed at those living alone in the most exceptional compassionate circumstances and so included adult children of working age The effect was to allow family reunions which in turn encouraged migrants to pursue their family life in the UK
a person in theUKwith refugee leaveor humanitarian protection
The issue (ADR) was raised in Westminster by the Chair of the Immigration All Party
HAT is t he Adult Dependant Rout e? The Hom e Office defines t his as:
in accordancewith paragraph GEN 1.3.(d) to settlehere, if theycan demonstratethat, asa result of age, illnessor disability, theyrequirea level of long term personal carethat can onlybe provided in theUKbytheir relativehereand without recourseto publicfunds
To meet the ADRVisa route before 2012 a dependent relative was required to only show that they were living alone in the most exceptional compassionate circumstances
(c) brother or sister aged 18 yearsor over;or (d) son or daughter aged 18 yearsor over of a person (?thesponsor?) who isin the UK.
The Adult Dependant Route
https://committeesparliament uk/call for eviden ce/2706/
Just looking at the figures above it seems that the change introduced to the ADRroute in 2012 has accomplished what was intended, i e to reduce the number of adult dependents coming into the UK
a British citizen in theUK a person settled in the UK
Additionally, the rules require that:
The ADRwas not always so restricted It was changed in 2012 to the above A decade since its introduction the House of Lords Justice and Home Affairs Committee is currently gathering evidence for an inquiry into the impact of the change You can help by making written submissions by 15 Sept em ber 2022 Your views are essential Please see details of how to submit your views
The requirements aft er 2012 demanded that the applicant or dependant adult fit within the following categories
?cuttingoff your nosetospiteyour face?
The ADRwas not a commonly used route even prior to the 2012 change when only around 2,325 applications were granted per year By 2020 this number had fallen to 70 which is a mild improvement from 2017 when zero visas were issued
Thepurpose of theAdult Dependant Route (ADR) routeisto allowan adult dependent relative(ADR) of:
https://freemovement orguk/a decade of lost c are and relationshipsfor generationsthe need for a post pandemic review of the adult depen dent rules/
Applicants need to demonstrate that they require a level of long term personal care that they are unable to get in their home country, either due to cost or availability This makes it nearly impossible for the parents, grandparents or other adult dependent relatives of British citizens and those present and settled in the UK to join their family here

Source:FreeMovement ibid
Thesponsor must at the dateof application be (a) aged 18 yearsor over;and (b) (i) a British Citizen in the UK;or (ii) present and settled in the UK;or (iii) in theUKwith refugeeleave or humanitarian protection

https://assetspublishingservicegovuk/governm ent/uploads/system/uploads/attachment data/f ile/1049806/Adult dependent relativespdf
Parliamentary Group, Stephen Timms in November 2021 who stated:
a person in theUKwith limited leaveunder AppendixEU,
Source:HomeOffice Website https://assetspublishingservicegovuk/governm ent/uploads/system/uploads/attachment data/ file/576644/Adult dependent relativesreviewpdf
The pandemic, Brexit and the apparent need for certain skill sets to ensure that our economy remains competitive in the global market now requires an urgent rethink of the ADR
(a) parent aged 18 yearsor over; (b) grandparent;
So w hy is t his bad for t he UK?
The 2016 review of the ADRroute stated that:

RAF- Recruitment Campaign for Audiences
Amuch morehumane approach is evident in thedata and policiesfor elderlymigration in other countries such asCanada, NewZealand and Australia, with Canada allowing 20,000 elderly parents in 2019, and Australia 7,371 in 2019-20 Australia even relaxed elderly parent entry rules in the pandemic

Source:FreeMovement ibid
Of morethan 6,000 doctorsfrom the UKwho haveleft since2015, many havereported thisisdue to harsh immigration rulespreventingthem stayingtogether asfamilies The impact on several generationsof grandchildren who arelosingout on thesevalued relationshipsis
The need for workers in the UK is wide ranging It is indisputable that
irreversible, despite theHomeOffice statingthat their relationshipscan be maintained bymodern technology

there is a desperate need for carers, nurses, and doctors The hospitality industry has also been severely affected by the shortage of staff and for some, this has resulted to business closure The government has acknowledged this need and has introduced some measures such as the introduction of the Carer Visa in February 2022, which is presently due to end on the 15th of February 2023, but they need to go further A review of the ADRpresents the government an opportunity to introduce some changes that will encourage
It is generally accepted that there is a shortage of doctors in the UK and that this shortage is likely to get worse To stem what has been described as an exodus of doctors it has been reported that Ministers are preparing to announce changes to NHS pension rules in an attempt to stem the tide of senior doctors leaving the health service
M a ke your views c ount

Source:SaturdayAugust 27 2022, TheTimes
TheBMA, GMC, several Royal Colleges, BAPIO and APPNE, BIDAand BINAwereamongst thosehealth bodieswho followed up a joint letter to the HomeSecretaryin January 2020 (to no direct response) and asked for a review of the rulesby garneringsupport from peers, and several politicians
As an immigration practitioner I can attest to possible migrant applicants, of varying skills needed in the UK, who have been put off from applying to the UK when informed that they can come into the UK with their immediate family (spouse and children under 18 years old) but not their elderly parent or child who is now over the age of 18 years old

Family Migration Review ? deadline on 15 September 2022
It may be easier to reach a conclusion supported by data that is quantifiable, but this pounds and pennies approach often fails to fully take into account the importance of family life to migrants whose skill set are much needed in the UK
SEPTEMBER 12022 4 IMMIGRATION CORNER Continuedfrompage12
The House of Lords Justice and Home Affairs Committee is currently gathering evidence for an inquiry into family immigration. Share your views by 15 Sept em ber 2022 Please see details of how to have your say for evidence/2706/
To remain competitive the UK government must think out of the box
into account elderly parents
The UK remains a country of opportunities with enviable technological and medical advances made more evident by its contribution to the world of the Covid vaccines However, the UK is competing with other countries to get and retain highly qualified migrants and/or migrants with a rare skill set as well as locals alike Some countries have clearly seen fit to make their country more interesting to migrants by taking
migrants to remain in the UK or equally important, to apply to work and live in UK

Committee intends to consider migration policies in whole and, rather than focussing on specific immigration pathways in isolation, intends to investigate the differences between different pathways It is interested to know about the wider trends in the design of family immigration pathways, how migration policies affect families, and how family migration policies affect society The Committee will be interested to identify any emerging best practices or lessons learnt in how recent immigration pathwayswere designed, and how thisaffectsfamilies. For iyour mmigr at ion concer ns, cont act us via f ol l owing: cabatbat@douglass simoncom 02033750555 You can also watch our programIM M IGRATION CORNER Every................. THURSDAY 7:30 PM UK Time To watch it LIVE, visit: FILIPINO TV EUROPE
https://wwwthetimesco uk/article/nhspension rulesface ove rhaul exodussenior doctorslatest lcz3pj5zx
Source:FreeMovement ibid
D15 ECEMBER 2021

SEPTEMBER 2022 NEWS FROM CHOME OMMUNITYCNEWS OVER STORY 16 Headings Nakakalungkot yung araw na ito ngayon It?s a sad day for us here in the United Kingdom &probably not only in the United Kingdom pero all over the world We cannot express our sorrow or sadness enough on thepassing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II On behalf of the European Network of Filipino Diaspora UK, our condolences to the Royal Familyandour profoundgratitude&sincerest thanks toour Queen RONALDSIPAT Chaiperson EuropeanNetwork of FilipinoDiaspora UK Nakakalungkot at lakingkawalanangpagkawalangReynangbuongUnitedKingdom pati narinsalabas ngUnitedKingdom Isangbabaengsimbolongkapayapaan Kaya kami saBatangas AssociationUKaynakikiramay TONYSEVILLA Batangas AssociationUK Ijust want toexpress mycondolences tothewholefamilyof Her Majesty,theQueen Ireallyfelt sadbecauseIwas out thewholeday andas soonas Icamehome,Inoticed thetext inmyphone about thepassingof our Queen Theworldis inmourningnow becauseshewas suchagreat leader All Icanwishfor is her eternal rest IRENEDUAY Chairwoman FilipinoDerby&DerbyshireCommunity Filipino Community in the UK extend their condolences to the Royal Family

PhotoCredits:Samir Hussein/W


17 COVER STORY SEPTEMBER 2022 When I was a child, Queen Elizabeth II was the only monarch I've known An epitome of dedicated work for 70 years of service 24/7 Rest now your Majesty You'vedoneagreat job. EDGARDOENRIQUEZ London,UntedKingdom I was in the meeting when we were interrupted by the sad news! I said OMG ! GodHave(sic) theQueen!ThenIbowedmy head, didthesignof thecross and said a prayer for the Queen! She was a patriot and symbol of love, only love. Rest inloveandpeace,Your Royal Highness! EDGARDUAY Derbyshire,England I was soshockedandsadwhenI heardabout the news on TV that the Queen of England died My condolences andrest inpeace,QueenElizabethII Now,you'rejoiningPrincePhilipwithGod EMOLYNRAFELL London,UntedKingdom May our beloved Queen Elizabeth ll rest in peace Prince Philip must be very happy with her now in heaven CORACARSOLA London,UntedKingdom QUEEN ELIZABETH II BRITAIN'SLONGESTREIGNINGMONARCH 1926 - 2022 REST IN PEACE

FACE THEMONTH OF KATHRYNJOYCEVENTURA AGE:27 HOBBIES:Baking,gardening,listeningto music,zumba,spendingtimewithfriends andfamily. CURRENTLYDOING : Workingas achef at a newlyopenedrestaurant inDerbycalled theBinary&Bar inMickleover AMBITION:Totravel theworld,be successful inlife,befinanciallysecure, especially,havemyownrestaurant cafe andbemyownboss; becomean entrepreneur inthefuture MOTHER:ElizabethVentura FATHER:BenedictoVentura

During the call, Alyssa shared with Post her passion project ?the making and distribution of thermal blankets made from recycled packaging of chips/crisps for the homeless
Alyssa won the Miss Royal UK Pre teen title on 20 August partly because of her advocacy and will compete at the Royal International Pageants in Florida in July 2023


The entire process of making a blanket takes her around an hour and a half She starts by flattening the crisp packets out, washes and dries them, then uses an iron to bond them together Her passion project became an opportunity for the family and the local community to bond as she receives help and support from her family and the community
Alyssa?s crisp packet blanket project has caught the attention of British and international media, including BBCand ITV, and she has been interviewed in both the English and Welsh languages
In the past year alone she has produced and distributed to homeless shelters over 200 survival packages containing her handmade blankets and other provisions such as socks and knitted hats
Chargé d?Affaires, a i Rhenita B Rodriguez congratulated and lauded Alyssa for her efforts in not only helping the homeless but in helping the environment through recycling as well
She was inspired by Pen Huston, a British woman who founded the Crisp Packet Project and creates sleeping bags made out of crisp packets
WELVE YEAR OLD Filipino Brit ish Alyssa Fait h Fallorina Dean of Prest at yn, Wales, w ho w as recent ly crow ned Miss Royal UK Pre Teen 2022/ 2023, paid a court esy visit t o t he Em bassy on 31 August
12-Year-Old Filipino-British Girl Who Makes Blankets Out of Crisp Packets for the Homeless Visits Philippine Embassy in London

(Philippine Em bassy in London)

Alyssa also conducts workshops on making these thermal blankets from crisp packets in their home in Wales Dr James Davies, her local MP, recognized her ?compassionate nature?and invited her to visit the House of Commons, which Alyssa did on 01 September


To recall, a Strike Group undertook a series of multinational exercises with global allies in the Philippine Sea last August 2021
o Credit s: gov uk
The British International Investment will invest 500 million British pounds in the region for the next five years and "the Philippines (would be) one of the three focus countries," UK Ambassador to the Philippines Laure Beaufils said "(There's) a strong focus on economic development, trade and investment We're really going to increase significantly our investments in the Philippines through new mechanisms that we have put in place," she said during the Queen's Platinum
absolutely fundamental in terms of having international rules of the game that govern how we work together as states And we will continue to be firm supporters of that," she said "We're very supportive of the President's statement when he said that he would not relinquish one inch of Filipino territory ?
Jubilee celebration in Makati City Thursday night "There'll be a lot more by way of investments and in particular, green investments in infrastructure because a climate change is a key priority "
SEPTEMBER 22022 0 NEWS FROM HOME ht t p s:/ / w w w f aceb ook com / Pinoy Rad ioUK w w w p inoy rad iouk com +4 4 (0 ) 7 8 5 0 7 4 0 5 5 3 HE Unit ed Kingdom is increasing it s invest m ent in Sout heast Asia, w it h t he Philippines as one of t he priorit y count ries

Beaufils said aside from economic development, maritime cooperation, climate change adaptation, and technology would serve as pillars of the Philippine UK relationship under the Marcos administration
The UK will continue to work with the Philippines on maintaining peace and stability in the region, including on maritime law and maritime domain awareness, she said
"For us, international maritime law is absolutely critical UNCLOS(United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea) is

Beaufils said UK's Carrier Strike Group is set to visit the region by the end of 2023 or early 2024
"So that presence is going to come back and we're here to stay," she said (PNA) BYJOYCEANNL ROCAMORA

UK to increase investments in PH: envoy

What an experience it was; bringing the Filipino experience to Gloucester! I remember coming into the United Kingdom and settling in Gloucestershire six years ago Newly married and homesick I knew no Filipinos living in our area Then eventually I found them I bonded with the Filipino groups in Gloucestershire: Filgroup of Cheltenham n Friends and GlosPinoys

Phot o Credit s: Lee Vist al Edw ards
HE Filipino Associat ion of Gloucest ershire also know n as GlosPinoys celebrat ed it s first ever Filipino Herit age Day: Experience t he Philippines t hrough food, m usic, and cult ure at King's Square, Gloucest er, on Sunday, 24t h July

The Philippine Experience in Gloucester

Philippines NewsMagazine UK

Looking forward to more events like this that showcases the best that Filipinos have to offer in the UK!

?Experience the Philippines through food, music, and culture?event was made possible by our generous supporters: Gloucester City Council, Department of Tourism Philippines, Megaworld, L J?s Catering, Fortis Financial, Fresenius Medical Care, Ocho Ocho Asian Foods and Goods, Pyesta Filipino Restaurant, Lexi?s Cake Corner, S E A T Consultancy and Training Services Ltd , i fern, Dias Solicitors, Saladmaster We Change Lives, Sance by Hannah Mae, Herb ALL Amazing pure organic Barley powdered drink, Love Viva Cakes and Crafts, and Yes

To further make Filipinos feel welcomed and embraced, there were moving speeches from our invited dignitaries: Cabinet Member for Culture Andrew Lewis, Gloucester Cllr Declan Wilson, The Right Worshipful Mayor of Gloucester: Cllr Howard Hyman, Gloucester MP: Richard Graham, and our sponsors
As the secretary of GlosPinoys I helped in organising the event and its fruition It started with the vision of our Chairman and President who is a councillor member for Matson, Robinswood and White City, and the Cabinet member for Communities and Neighbourhoods, Cllr Raymond Padilla He had this idea to make known the Filipino talent creativity food music, and culture with the British community
It was a smashing success! Listening to Original Pinoy Music played by the DJand performed by Filipino talents from across the UK at the centre of town made me feel at home and accepted These performances were from Ruhiya, Nikki Dunham on the harp, Erika Binosa, CJ and Company, Pinoy Zumba with the BMD Group, Filipino cooking lesson with Randy of Saladmaster Filipino Folk Medley by Rockabilly Babes Avygayle Walter Begaso Rex Portillano, and The Soulma8s The event emcee was Karlo Babiera Gloucester tasted Filipino food and bought Filipino made products
It has a multitude of benefits and is a full body workout that encourages you to dance, sweat, meet new people, and enjoy! It promotes flexibility, raises the metabolism, increases strength, promotes a better posture, and increases endurance Everyone has had an ENJOYABLE & FUN time more sweating, of course, and aching muscles to follow!
Thank you to the members of the Outreach Working Group such as Lydia Sumang Nanie Perez, Pat Shah, Mary Rose Laurea, and Bing Cabatic who helped organise another successful event

Eat Zumba and Bingo were the themes of the fun afternoon! Everyone went home with a big smile on their faces
The Outreach & Community Affairs Committee inspired by the success of the ?Getting to Know You Afternoon Tea Party? , held its own event ?FUN TIMEAFTERNOON?last Saturday 13th August at the Artist Corner of the Copthorne Tara Hotel, London It has been a while since the Association has held an event for senior members of the community due to the COVID pandemic The event gave them a real treat with an afternoon off to meet and mingle with fellow friends and meet new ones! ? EAT, ZUMBA, and BINGO!
Thank you, FWA UK!
As always, eating together essentially enabled us to stay connected and allow bonding to take place over food We all know that people love food almost as much as we love each other, so together they bring happiness and joy to us all Noodles, sweet potato fries, a variety of delicious pizzas, and jugs of iced water were served on the day The delicious Pinoy ?empanadas?donated by our Master of Baking, Ms Chelo Valencia, was added to our menu and was enjoyed by everyone

Finally the ladies engaged in a fun game of Bingo an old game that dates back to the 16th century It is surely the one that is the most social and user friendly, mostly played by women who appreciate its light hearted nature, social component, and easy to follow rules that allow them to communicate with each other whilst playing Many of the Bingo prizes were donated by members of FWA UK, while a grand prize of a dinner for 2 at Coco?s Lounge was won by a prospective member from Morocco
After catching up over food, it was time to burn calories Maniland Glamour ladies, Mary Rose Laurea and Grace Pineda led the group for the Zumba dance/workout routine full body workout which is extremely beneficial for older adults

Ladies who took part were Bing Cabatic, Nannie Perez, Linda Challis, Nieves Bates, Rina Grosser, Pat Shah, Cel MacFarlene, Lydia Sumang, Dulia Prado, Imee Pinto, Zanie Delmundo, Amor Bayudan, Patty Realeza and Batcha
Before we all said goodbye, Lydia Sumang surprised us with a birthday cake! Everyone sang ?Happy Birthday?to Ms Linda Challis

DECEMBER 2021 23

m ult i art s port al w hich aim s t o provide art s educat ion and a plat form for art ist ic and socially relevant cont ent , is launching t he first of it s kind ?Shout Out Fest ival (Maghayag at Lum ikha)? Online Fest ival from Sept em ber 19 t o 25, 2022
In cooperation with the National Commission on Culture and the Arts, the ?Shout Out Festival?is a seven day online festival of short films and stage plays, a culminating activity of the enrollees of the Pelikulove master classes of National Artist for Film and Broadcast Arts Ricky Lee, and Palanca Hall of Fame awardee Rody Vera The works are produced in cooperation with regional theater and film organizations and can be viewed for free at pelikulove com beginning September 19

Set B features the short films ?How to Make an Effective Campaign Ad?written by Paul Dela Cruz and directed by Roman Perez Jr of Pelikula Indiopendent, ?Hypertext?tackling intimacy issues, written and directed by United Kingdom based Pinoy visual artist Jovi Saysay, a member of SOA Philippine Studies, University of London, and ?Quarantine 5?a story of five former activists written by Andrew Estacio and directed by Sari Saysay of Sining Banwa in Bicol
Set Cfeatures the play ?No Trespassing?set in the sugar plantations in Bacolod written and directed by Dada Grifon and co directed by Julius Dela Peña of the La Salle Film Society of Bacolod, ?Ilaw sa Labas ng Tahanan?on two women trying to cope with their husband?s deaths written by B Salvador and directed by Benjie Kitay of the theater
Organizers would like to reiterate that access to the festival?s content is free However, due to the platform?s limitations, only selected audiences can join through prior arrangements Early registrants have a chance to avail of e books by Ricky Lee, Rody Vera, and film critic Joel David without any fee
There are three sets of works to be showcased; each set is composed of three productions
company YATTA in Dumaguete, and ?Till Human Voices Wake Us and We Drown? about mambabarangs now working as nurse and caregiver, also from the UK group, written by Rogelio Braga and directed by Nyel Camilon
Aside from the short films and plays, the ?Shout Out Festival?Online Festival will also present virtual learning seminars, talkbacks, and Q&As with artists and mentors Festival visitors will access e books, self paced courses on playwriting and scriptwriting, and other arts and culture related content
Set A features the short films ?Libro for Ransom?tackling the theft of Jose Rizal?s masterpieces written by Ralph Morales and directed by Arjanmar Rebeta, ?Cooking with Love?written by Viva Andrada O?Flynn and directed by Delfin Castillo, and ?When a Manananggal Loves a Man?by Raymund T Barcelon and directed by Neil Azcuna of Integrated Performing Arts Group off MSU Iligan Institute of Technology
Pelikulove?s founder and President Ellen Ongkeko Marfil declare, ?We are very excited to hold the first ever ?Shout Out Fest?as this festival epitomizes Pelikulove?s mission of nurturing an engaging and open environment towards building a creative community We?d like to show that art is the soul of our lives and it must continue to thrive even in the midst of a pandemic Now, more than ever is the time to shout out our fears and triumphs, and shout out for the future ?
Multi-arts portal PELIKULOVE launches
* * * * * * * * P CULTURAL NEWS
the ?Shout Out Fest '' Online Festival from September 19-25 for free

For questions and inquiries about the ?Shout Out Fest?Online Festival, contact mobile (+63) 923359 6286 or the Pelikulove?s Facebook Twitter Instagram and YouTube social media accounts The festival?s complete schedule is available at pelikulove com

Shout Out?s board of festival directors includes National Artist Ricky Lee, Palanca Hall of Famer Rody Vera, TVand film director Jeffrey Jeturian, University of London Professor Cristina Martinez Juan, University of the Philippines director and educator Issa Manalo Lopez, Artistic Director of Harlequin Theater Guild, De La Salle University and Pelikulove?s Program Director Raffy Tejada, and indie film director and Pelikulove?s Chief Creative Producer Ellen Ongkeko Marfil The festival?s council of evaluators includes film critic Joel David, actress screenwriter playwright Bibeth Orteza and playwright and Ateneo ?de Manila?s Theater Arts Program Coordinator, Glenn Sevilla Mas

An altogether unique experience, the Filbrit Sportsfest showed so much promise, it can only go from strength to strength

Saturday, 13 August 2022, an exceptionally beautiful day, saw the fulfillment of the first ever Summer Sport fest by the Filipino British Community Nottingham shire/Derby shire (Filbrit) at Murray Park, Derby Excitement was felt everywhere as this was a sport fest with a difference, Not only did it have a variety of games (football, basketball, volleyball, badminton) for all ages (7 to 40 year olds), it was also a fun packed family and friends day entertainment graced by talented performers, mayors, and beauty queens, and of fabulous Filipino food and delicacies It was a great day of races, games and bouncy castles of picnics on the grass playing chess and 'sungka' a traditional Filipino game with shells Special praises must go to the Arts and Crafts stall which attracted and made so many children happy


concluded with a salo salo of Filipino food (London PE) T NOW PLAYING ORIGINAL PINOY M USIC 24.7 T h e G r eat est O PM Songs C ollect ion w w w.pinoyra diouk.c om Students andmembers of theFilipinocommunitylisten intentlyas Ms AdelinaDuenas reads abelovedFilipino folk taleduringthe"KwentuhansaSentroRizal"
were awarded to the game participants In
the story Simple

the importance of celebrating Buwan ng Wika as it bonds Filipinos as a people and fosters Filipinos?sense of national and cultural identity The
Philippine Embassy in London Celebrates Buwan ng Wika

They were also encouraged derived from tokens her opening remarks, Rhenita B Rodriguez underscored celebration
Chargé d?Affaires
to share and discuss the moral lessons they
HE Philippine Em bassy in London spearheaded t he celebrat ion of Buw an ng Wika (Filipino Language Mont h) am ong t he Filipino com m unit y in t he Unit ed Kingdom , w it h a ?Kw ent uhan sa Sent ro Rizal? at Sent ro Rizal London on 26 August 2022 community leader Ms Adelina Dueñas read to students and members of the Filipino community a beloved Philippine folk tale ?Ang Alamat ng Pinya ?The storytelling session included a quiz portion, with the storyteller asking the guests some questions about the folk tale

But underdogs can beat their Goliaths by believing they can And by deciding they will
Winners don? t quit
Among the many studies is this one headed by a team headed by Josepth Vandello from the University of South Florida The research concluded that people back apparent ?losers? because we like to see a team beat the odds Their victory is always sweeter! The study also discovered that the unfairly disadvantaged awaken in us a sense of fairness and justice, which are intrinsic human values
It is obvious that God has a deliberate plan to use ?the unqualified?to be a showcase of how faith, hope and love can work miracles
There is a n underdog in ea c h of us
NCE, m y fam ily and I st ayed in a w orld class resort hot el ow ned by a form er janit or
Sources: Wikipedia;TheElement byKen Robinson;Ariana Huffington:What Will BeYour Spiritual Wake up Call in Oprah?sSoul Conversationswebsite;TheAppeal of the UnderdogbyNathan A Heflickin the PsychologyTodaywebsite;thewebsite Science Daily;Al Foxxin WinnersDon? t Quit Associationwebsite;Exodus4:10)
My friend, the owner, was dirt poor as a child He sold food, sweets and cigarettes in the streets He worked as a janitor to pay his way through university His own hotel is one of the most beautiful things he had built as an architect
UnderdogsWhy they inspire us, and how we can beat the odds

His father went to his employer and on bended knees he pleaded ?Please send my son to college To repay you, I will serve you all my life ?So, Rudy went to college But he didn? t have any summer vacation While his friends played and courted women, Rudy laboured in the farm A few years later the result of board exams for mechanical engineers was released Rudy was a topnotcher at No 8 nationwide! Rudy now serves in the work for the poor advocacy of the Couples for Christ
If you?re facing the odds today, believe there?s a plan
I think we also relate to the unlikely winner because there is an underdog in each of us We can feel inferior to some people We may think of ourselves as inadequate Maybe we feel unappreciated Perhaps we?re broken Threatened by a giant problem or a serious illness Overcome by depression and anxiety or consumed by guilt Many of us are going through something Something bigger than our human capacity
My tears fall for stories of uphill triumphs Experts have proven that more people root for the underdog, be that in sports, politics, literature and movies

I have another friend with a story to tell Rudy Gaspillo was one of ten children by a sugarcane plantation worker After high school graduation, Rudy sat down by the big bamboo plant and wept He knew he couldn? t go to college because all his older siblings did not He cried hard but also prayed hard Next day, Rudy?s father said,?You are good at fixing motorcycles you should study to become a mechanical engineer ?
Juan Antonio ?Chi Chi?Rodriguez was a 7 year old water carrier in a sugar plantation
How c a n a poor boy suc c eed in t he ric h ma n?s ga me of golf ?
Never giving up
Most Bible heroes were underdogs Among the first disciples were poor fishermen and sinners King David was the least qualified in the eyes of his own father Jessie Jesus himself was not born into royalty When being asked to lead the chosen people, Moses protested, ?Oh, my Lord, I am not eloquent, either in the past or since you?ve spoken to your servant, but I am slow of speech and tongue ?
When the young church in Corinth was experiencing the trials of rivalry and jealousy, St Paul wrote to them, ?But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong ?
The overdriven Ms Huffington collapsed on her hard office floor and woke up in a pool of blood After that, she wrote a book that redefines success In the book Thrive, she said that beyond success and power is the third metric: it?s our well being coming from our inner wisdom, sense of wonder and capacity for giving and compassion
Biblic a l inspira t ions
Al Foxx is a paralyzed brain damaged survivor of a motorcycle accident Initially leaning into depression, he found a new calling as a stand up comedian Today he is a famous ?motivational humorist?and keynote speaker He is the founder of the Winners Don? t Quit Association His A B Cadvice is for us to Accept the book that we have been given, meaning accept what has happened to our life Believe that we can write a happy ending Care for others because ?the real keys to happiness are the intimate connections we have with the people in our lives ?
He decided to become a caddie because it paid more Imitating the golfers, he swung twigs to hit tin cans as ?golf balls? Two years later, he was already playing real golf on a real course At only 12 years old, he scored a 67! Rodriguez has been inducted into the World Golf Hall of Fame He gives back through a foundation that instills self esteem in young victims of abuse and hardship
The young Arianna Stasinopolous and her mother didn? t give up They bought cheap tickets and flew to London To the family?s great disbelief, Arianna was accepted on a scholarship Later on, she even became the first woman president of Cambridge University?s legendary debating team In 2006, Time Magazine put Arianna Huffington on the list of the one hundred most influential persons in the world But before Huffington Post became a giant media brand on the Internet, Arianna wrote a book that was rejected by 35 publishers
?But how, Papa??Rudy asked
Anytime today, you will see Huffington Post on the Internet Its founder, Arianna Huffington, was a peasant teenager in Greece when she saw a picture of Cambridge University She decided that she will study there Her family thought it was an outrageous idea No one took her seriously because she was just a girl, they were too poor for Cambridge, and they didn? t have connections in one of the world?s most prestigious schools
IMING to preserve the spirit of camaraderie and cooperation between its members, the Filipino Community of Oxfordshire held its annual gathering in celebration of its 20th year on 6th August 2022, at the Jury?s Inn Hotel, Oxford

The community is led by its Chairman, Mr Ariel Lanada, a Divisional Lead for Practice Development and Education at Oxford University Hospitals NHSFoundation Trust and a newly appointed Deputy Lieutenant of Oxfordshire The event also celebrated the 124th year of Philippine Independence and welcomed newly arrived Filipino nurses to the area The event was attended by more than 120 guests from across the county dressed in formal attire or in traditional Barong Tagalog or Filipiniana

From the Philippine Embassy based in London Ms Rhenita Rodriguez Chargé d'Affaires and
Consul General and Ms Amuerfina Reyes highlighted the consular services of the embassy and gave their appreciation and encouragement to the attendees Ms Shiela Mae Aguilar from the Philippine Overseas Labour Office ? Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (POLO OWWA) explained the services offered by the agency Mr Emilio Lopue Jr , Vice Consul was also present International Recruitment and Ethnic Minorities Nurse Advisor for NHS England, Ms Jennifer Caguioa, also delivered a message to further inspire and reassure the newly arrived Filipino nurses
The evening?s programme consisted of the presentation of the newly arrived Filipino nurses and the distribution of welcome gifts Live performances from a well known family band called ?The Soulm8s?serenaded the attendees A fantastic singer, Ms Susan Lovejoy, also showcased her singing talent at the event Guests also had the opportunity to enjoy a disco in between parts of the programme Everybody was encouraged to join in and were seen dancing the night away The celebrations ended with the raffle draw, where various gift and monetary prices from generous sponsors were given to the lucky winners
Phot o Credit s: Vict or Manuel
Honoured guests included Ms Moira Darlington, Deputy Lieutenant of Oxfordshire; Councilor James Fry Lord Mayor of Oxford, together with his wife Councilor Susanna Pressel, Chair of Oxfordshire County Council; who all expressed their appreciation and gratitude for the contribution Filipino workers make to the economy and healthcare system of the country, as well as the importance of having such a vibrant and reliable local community They also welcomed and gave encouragement to the new arrivals
PhotoCredits:Victor Manuel
A three course meal was served and enjoyed by the guests The event was sponsored by some of the top brands with Filipino roots in the UK: Megaworld International, Pooten Forwarding Ltd, Mega Gloryoung International (MGI) MM Catering Services Elements of Zen and Alrodia Jewellery Ltd

SEPTEMBER 2022 PINOY CREATIVES 31 A SOLO EXHIBITION OF MS. WAWI NAVARROZA, A MULTI-AWARDED FILIPINA VISUAL ARTIST, AT KRISTIN HJELLEGJERDE GALLERYLONDON BRIDGE FROM 19 AUGUST to 17 SEPTEMBER 2022 The Philippine Embassy in London invites everyone to a solo exhibition of Ms Wawi Navarroza a multi awarded Filipina visual artist at Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery London Bridge from 19 August to 17 September 2022 The exhibit, ?As Wild as We Come?, includes Ms Navarroza?s latest collection of self portraits which highlight her vivid, layered explorations into identity, place and belonging, female experience and motherhood It weaves together a multitude of references from ancient and contemporary cultures Ms Navarroza?s works has been featured in exhibitions and in museums in various countries, such as Australia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Laos, Cambodia, Dubai, Germany, London, Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Russia, and Philippines More details of the Ms Navarroza?s exhibit can be found on the gallery?s website, https://kristinhjellegjerde com/exhibitions/252/overview/

32 ISSUE 6