work sample for issue

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PROTFOLIO OF YINGXU FAN WORK SAMPLE OF YING UniversityBachelor of Virginia of Architecture of School Architecture Appplying for Internship for 2020 summer School of Architecture, Tianjin Chengjian University Applying for Master of Architecture path2 ,19Fall

Clearing slum plans from Lincoln Square

history lincoln 1962

A West Side neighborhood before Lincoln Center Ephemeral New York

The West side of Amsterdam Avenue between 72nd and 73rd in 1949

This is an image of Hoovervilles from the Great Depression (photo is from sometime between 1930 and 1932

This photo from November 10, 1927 shows Lincoln Square and the elevated train there

Listed as the Lincoln Square Theatre in the American Motion Picture Directory 1914-1915. Ornate inside, as were most Loew’s theatres in their heydey, it presented movies & vaudeville.

Our Site

Commercial District Residential District Manufacturing District

preservation building), a photo album of Urban village's changing history and one of the bus Exhibition Hall is located in the city of the original central location of the village, the original existence of a small square can play the role of the crowd distribution. The exhibition hall is next to the old yamen (historic preservation building), a photo album of Urban village's changing history and one of the busiest transfer stations.

Exhibition Hall

Exhibition Hall

Exhibition Hall is located in the city of the original central location of the village, the original existence of a Exhibition Hall the distribution. city of the of the(historic village, the orig small square can playis thelocated role of theincrowd Theoriginal exhibition central hall is nextlocation to the old yamen preservation building), a photo Urban changingdistribution. history and one of the busiest transferhall stations. small square can playalbum the ofrole ofvillage's the crowd The exhibition is next to the

preservation building), a photo album of Urban village's changing history and one of the busie

ystem ystem

Open Area Non-Residential Building Historic Building Protected Building

Playground The playground is the closest of all the transfer points where children can stop off to play and take the train home. In addition to students, visitors can also come here to experience the childhood of the children in the city village. A variety of fitness facilities also provide a fitness facility for people of all ages.

Main Roads


Secondary Roads


The playground is the closest of all the transfer points where children can stop off to play and take the train home. In addition to students, visitors can also come here to experience the childhood of the children in the city village. A variety of fitness facilities also provide a fitness facility for people of all ages.

Minor Roads

The playground is the closest of all the transfer points where children can stop off to pla home. In addition to students, visitors can also come here to experience the childhood of th village. A variety of fitness facilities also provide a fitness facility for people of all ages.


gs gs

The playground is the closest of all the transfer points where children can stop off to play home. In addition to students, visitors can also come here to experience the childhood of the village. A variety of fitness facilities also provide a fitness facility for people of all ages.




This picture shows the image of the most used transit station in the city village. The transit station in the city village not only provides the transportation hub for the villagers,

The visitor center is located at the busiest entrance of the village, and after the renovation, Urban village is likely to become a tourist attraction The addition of a visitor centre would

It is necessary to have a small farm in the city village to evoke the villagers'memories of their past habits. The new foldable farm not only acts as a plantation, but also provides

pace space Serbice Area(R=300m) Serbice Area(R=600m) Pedestrain Area



Urban public space Urban green space Main road


0 Building Age

The main connection between the temple and the town was to the northeast, where climbers and visitors from around the world stopped at the town in the northeast corner and followed the path to Meili Xue Shan The temple should provide a place for the user to: Vipassana, chanting, Meditation, etc. and related activity such as visit, sightseeing, yoga and teaching.

In the southeast corner is the main village of Yu Beng village and the local sacrificial site




area:2373 hightďźš8m material:concrete glass function: exhibition office activity

area:265 hight:99m material:concrete function: accomodations/meditation sightseeing

area:690 hightďźš48m material:concrete function: sermons vipassana leisure



Different dimensions of arches can bring different spatial experience. n different dimension I combine arches into different patterns to suit architectural functions and provide a rhythm running through architectural space.

Here all the behavior is closely related to the arch and the shadow of the arch, in the space formed by arch, like dancing between the real arch and the fake arch,which I believe is particularly interesting

FIRST FLOOR PLAN: Hall Office Basic function

SECOND FLOOR PLAN: Reading Report Gazebo

THIRD FLOOR PLAN: Reading Prey ttower

Tsukiji supplies 25 million people a day, and fish from all over Japan are concentrated here.

...the ...the relocatio relocatio of of tsukiji tsukiji m amr ka er kt eatr oa u r os ue sd e sdt rsot n r ogn g d i sd si sa st a i st fi as cf at icot ni o n a ma omgo g citizens...... citizens...... thethe citizens citizens took took to the to the streets streets in protest.... in protest....

T h Te hm e om v eo vhea h s anso n t ot gone gone smoothly. smoothly. T hTeh g e ogv oe vr en rmnemnet n t w iw s hi s h toto r e rpel ap cl ae c e t h et h m e amr k ae r kt ei tn i tno t o "Toyosu "Toyosu market" market"

Tsukiji is the world's largest fish distribution center. About 2,000 tons of fish are sold here every day.

YetYet people people in toyosu in toyosu

d odno`nt ` st eseeme mt o t o Fisherman t h itnhki nikt `ist `as ag o g oo do d

Now Intermediate Wholesalers

idea...They idea...They took took to to thethe streets streets to protest to protest against against thethe relocation relocation

TheThe situation situation looks looks desperate... desperate... ... ...

出走 走! ! 出

They They realized: realized: Maybe Maybe there`s there`s no no place place forfor them them we... we... on on land land should should leave leavethethe only only possibility possibility remains remains in the in the seasea Where Where no no oneone cancan robrob them them of their of their territory territory findfind a a new new place place

T h e Ts u k i j i m a r k e t c a n guarantee the stable supply of fish in the whole year. Starting at 3 am every day, fish and TheThe Tsukiji fishfish market hashas been a local landmark Tsukiji market been a local landmark forfor hundreds of years. TheThe Japanese government`s hundreds of years. Japanese government`scargo are being trafficked from decision to relocate it was inappropriate. decision to relocate it was inappropriate. the fish to the market.


or build or build oneone

break breakoff off

YetYet forfor thethe sake of the Tokyo sake of the Tokyo

因为奥运所以 因为奥运所以 Olympics and Tokyo City`s Olympics and Tokyo City`s

The work of the Intermediate wholesalers is to evaluate YetYet forfor fishmongers likelike us,us, such a move would fishmongers such a move would and classify, first go to the undoubtdly cutcut offoff ourour financial resources. undoubtdly financial resources. OurOur family hashas been in in this business forfor three family been this business three auction to bid, and then resell generation. TheThe government decide to remove thethe generation. government decide to remove market wewe all all living on,on, then where should wewe go go ? ? according to customer needs. market living then where should International image, it was a a International image, it was necessary sacrifice. necessary sacrifice.

WW e ed edcei cdied et ot o b ub iul idl da an en w ew market marketin inthe the Tokyo Tokyo Bay Bay

Oordinary citizens willwill nver understand thethe Oordinary citizens nver understand economic benefits of the Tokyo Olympic Game. economic benefits of the Tokyo Olympic Game. I know how much peope love thisthis place, So So wewe I know how much peope love place, decide to open a new land fot fot thethe fishfish market, decide to open a new land market, which thethe fishmonger could move there andand which fishmonger could move there restartw their new bussiness, restartw their new bussiness,

Intermediate wholesalers are closer to consumer positions to choose the right goods for the guests from the fish.

with with New New Order Order

Form Evolution

Basic Element I

Combination I

Basic Element II

The Intermediate wholesalers will also help with the fish, take off the nerves to keep the meat delicious, or help cut the right fish. Combine

Combination II

Complete Form

Combination I

Incomplete Form I

Combination II

Combination III


Residential area

Incomplete Form II

Functional Module




Fish Market





Residential area

Snack Street Park


Snack Street


Fish Market


Relative Mobility

The fish market is like an arena, and every seller will say that his goods are the best. Doing fish business, talking to people of all kinds every day.



Relative Mobility(Never)

Relative Mobility(Sometimes)

Route Boundary Wharf

Fish Market Relative Mobility(Usually)

Auction Auction

School's Public Space


Fish Market Snack Street

Residential Public Space

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