How can we help you?
Our team Louise Barnett
Clive Spencer
What we do Chair of Regional Leadership Council Chief Executive Officer The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust Director
Deputy Director
Beverley Powell beverley.powell@
Richard Ellis richard.ellis@
Sarah Knowles
Business Manager
Andrea Overton
Development Manager National Leadership Programmes and Coaching and Mentoring, HLM GMTS
John Hunter
Amy Makler
Programme Manager
Development Manager Building Leadership for Inclusion, Talent Management
Lucy Scarisbrick
Development Manager Organisation and System Development
Amanda Reszczynski
Alumni and Engagement Officer
Programme Co-ordinator
The future of the NHS requires changes in the way leaders work; it is important for all of us to invest in ourselves and spend time on our personal development. We are here to support your leadership development needs and ensure you are prepared to take on your organisation’s current and future challenges. Our support is for staff across all NHS professions and levels, and we champion an approach of inclusive, person-centred leadership. Based in Leeds, we manage a comprehensive choice of locally tailored learning opportunities that are unavailable elsewhere in the NHS, including workshops, formal development programmes, masterclasses with renowned guest speakers. Subject areas include system leadership, primary care, inclusion, coaching and mentoring, talent management and organisation development, to name a few. As part of the NHS Leadership Academy, we facilitate access to high quality national leadership programmes and the NHS Graduate Management Training Scheme.
The values of partnership and co-creation are at the heart of what we do. Our work is informed by your needs and we work collectively to address the leadership development challenges throughout our region. We are here to be flexible and responsive to your leadership development needs – tell us what you need and we will point you in the right direction. To learn more about how we can add value to you and your organisation please contact a member of our team or email We look forward to working with you.
Vanessa Garrity vanessa.garrity@ 02 How can we help you?
Development Manager Primary Care and Clinical Leadership
Kieran Dunn
Leadership Administrator
kieran.dunn@ 03
Building Leadership for Inclusion
Coaching and Mentoring
Building Leadership for Inclusion (BLFI) is a new and radical programme of work, led by the NHS Leadership Academy, that aims to fundamentally shift the ways in which we work to develop truly inclusive leadership, organisations and health and care systems. Our local Leadership Academy is an active partner in this work drawing on our past expertise and experience of Innov8: leading differently for better healthcare.
Coaching enhances performance by empowering you and your team members to take on greater responsibility and leadership roles. It enables individuals to improve their skills, behaviours and professional performance. Typical issues addressed in coaching sessions include: skills and performance; personal development; leadership; and work/life balance.
Our Resourceful and Resilient Change Makers Programme, is a good example of a solution that arose from a request to meet a local need. The programme originated from a report we commissioned into the capability of anyone responsible for diversity and inclusion across our region. A key recommendation was that diversity and inclusion practitioners work with HR, OD, talent, workforce development and learning & development specialists as a collective with shared responsibility to deliver culture change. Now we provide targeted support to staff groups less likely to access leadership development, including Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) development days and staff network, and local implementation of the NHS Leadership Academy’s Ready Now and Stepping Up Programmes. In addition, we host RADAR – a career management and personal support network for BAME leaders who want to be on the talent radar. “I feel empowered to apply my knowledge and network with others and influential people.” RADAR Networking for Success
We actively promote coaching approaches and cultures throughout the region. Our aim is to develop a sustainable model for developing coaching capacity, capability and infrastructure, aligned to the needs of our clients. We strive to attract and develop a more diverse pool of coaches by reaching out to underrepresented communities. To professionalise coaching we offer access to formal qualifications such as the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) level 5 Coaching programme to develop the technical skills and knowledge required for coaching. Furthermore, we deliver a selection of continuing professional development (CPD) activities for coaches and mentors to access throughout the year, along with providing access to regular supervision for coaches as required to keep their practice safe and ethical. To connect the coaching and mentoring community in our region we provide my e-coach, and online platform for coaches and mentors to record all elements of their practice in one place. My e-coach is free to use for all coaches and mentors working in the public sector, and those they work with. “Have greater confidence in my ability as a coach and not worry too much about how others do the task: just be myself!” Coaching CPD workshops
04 How can we help you?
Graduate Management Training Scheme (GMTS)
Healthcare Leadership Model (HLM)
GMTS identifies, recruits and develops talented individuals who have the potential to become future leaders in the NHS. It develops the skills and confidence needed to lead the transformation of the NHS into a more efficient, successful and professional service.
HLM is a powerful 360° feedback tool to give you insight into other people’s perceptions of your leadership abilities and behaviour. It helps you assess your leadership behaviours and identify where your leadership strengths and development needs lie.
Our role is to manage the process for trainees and placement organisations across our region. This includes providing local support for trainees and placement/programme managers, and liaising with the national NHS Leadership Academy team to ensure we deliver an excellent experience overall.
We hold a regional register of accredited 360° feedback facilitators who can help you explore your 360° feedback. To keep their skills honed we offer development sessions to 360° facilitators throughout the year; and offer training to those who would like to become accredited facilitators.
We provide an on-boarding event to help GMTS programme and placement managers prepare for hosting graduates within their organisation and regular placement review check-in calls or visits. Bidding for and hosting a graduate is a large commitment for any organisation, and we value the time and effort all our partners put into the GMTS. “Great opportunity to interact with other disciplines.” GMTS Introduction to NHS Finance Workshop TM
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Organisation Development (OD) Our aims around OD are to support individual practitioners, along with assisting organisations to develop their OD workforce, be this people with a specific job role or the increasing number of managers and leaders recognising the value of OD. The OD network brings together a thriving community of practitioners across Yorkshire and the Humber, encouraging individuals involved with OD to connect, share resources and good practice and work collaboratively on a theme of significance to the NHS. The network arranges a broad programme of events – including workshops and continuing professional development for OD professionals – throughout the year and promotes connections to the national Do-OD Network. We have started to work with local system leadership teams to support the development of local OD networks aligned to the priorities of the three STP/ICS in Yorkshire and the Humber. Other activities include an OD Essentials programme for less experienced practitioners or those wanting to understand more about how OD can help their work whatever role they may have. Our OD Consulting Skills for Improvement programme is also open to both OD practitioners and others who are increasingly required to work with an OD approach. Specifically, for our OD professionals working with increasing complexity we are collaborating with colleagues nationally to provide structured support for Claiming Practice a portfolio approach to building evidence and experience of working at system level in health and care. We work with our experienced community to develop supervision and mentorship to strengthen practice and draw through the future OD talent we need. “The learning from the programme has helped me to consider my approach, have some models to think about, the importance of contracting, where the data comes from” OD Essentials Programme 08 How can we help you?
The Co-Creation Network was created to support Communities of Practice (CoP) in health and care. The Network is evidence based, drawing on published work, in particular Etienne Wenger who describes CoP as “groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly.” CoP self-manage to share knowledge across a diverse membership of NHS employees, other public and voluntary sector professionals, academics, carers and service users. CoP run with a set of defined roles and responsibilities but function without a traditional hierarchy. The role of the Co-Creation Network is to help CoP establish, act as a source of guidance and support on the CoP methodology and values, help others to consider if and how a CoP can support improved working on questions that matter across health and care. The Network itself consists of a dedicated website, social media support, and two Network-wide events to bring different CoPs together and share what is working for them. “These events are always useful to gain knowledge and meet likeminded people.” Co-Creation Network Winter Basecamp
Primary Care
System Leadership
Strong leadership within primary care is vital if quality standards, improvement programmes, and the ambitions set out in the General Practice Forward View are to be realised.
System Leadership is about working beyond organisational boundaries on issues of mutual concern that cannot be solved by any one person or institution. To facilitate this, we work with leaders to help them meet the emerging challenges of system leadership.
We are working with primary care teams to develop a robust portfolio of development opportunities including our Practice Managers programme and action learning sets, which enhances understanding of leadership behaviours, knowledge and skills, and provides an opportunity to share good practice. It equips practice managers to champion and lead change/service improvement. Our Triumvirate primary care leadership and change agent programme enables a multi-professional team from primary care practices to become a team of change agents. Participants learn to transform their organisation, and thrive as they face change challenges, transform systems/processes, and create a collaborative team approach. In addition to our GP Fellowship programme, the proposed system leadership emerging leaders forum will include membership from primary care teams, and provide Organisation Development for merging, enlarging and federating GP practices. In doing so, it ensures primary care leaders are equipped with the knowledge, skills and tools to implement talent processes and pipelines.
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Our aims are around supporting current and new strategic system leaders, and supporting our Organisation Development community to develop appropriate models of working. We work directly with Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP) and Integrated Care Partnership (ICS) teams as they create their strategies. Our work in this includes a System Change Consulting Skills programme to support leaders in working as change consultants, to develop their confidence, skills and mind-set when engaging in system change transformation projects. Previously, we hosted a series of oneday Systems Leadership Labs to address knowledge gaps in the region and encouraged cross-sector attendance. Future proposals include developing a system leadership emerging leaders forum and bespoke support work in partnership with NHS Improvement. “Very powerful, and it has affected behaviour since. I spend time now thinking about how others are seeing a situation and responding to it.” Systems Leadership Labs case study
Talent Management The NHS is full of talented people committed to delivering the best possible health and care. To be successful we need to get people with the right capabilities, commitment and behaviours in the best place to drive this success to deliver high quality services. Our role in this is in working with NHS organisations and employees to develop a strong approach to talent management and providing local responses and implementation of national plans. A major new focus on systematic talent management is being guided by the North of England Regional Talent Board. The Talent Management Hub is an online resource for everyone working in the NHS, answering common questions such as, “Where do we go to get started with talent management?” and “How do we access the right tools and supporting materials?” Home to a suite of resources, it supports effective talent management processes to maximise the potential of NHS employees and can be accessed via the NHS Leadership Academy’s website. Following on from participation in the Talent Management Building Capacity Programme commissioned and delivered nationally by the NHS Leadership Academy, we are building a local talent community that can optimise both national and regional development opportunities through activities including our Leadership Masterclass series, and Shadow Board programme. Masterclasses can cover topics such as inclusive leadership in practice and working across organisational boundaries; the Shadow Board is an innovative approach to talent, inclusion and opening up a diversity of voices. The programme is established within several NHS organisations and now at a STP level too and is receiving great feedback.
Working locally and bespoke interventions
Yorkshire and the Humber Regional Leadership Council
It is important for all leaders to invest in their personal development to meet the challenges of our future NHS. To this end, we develop bespoke activities and programmes, which uniquely meet the demands of leaders across our region and forms part of our mainstream offer.
As a local Leadership Academy we are accountable to the NHS Leadership Academy management board; however, our work is also guided by the Regional Leadership Council. The role of the Council is to ensure alignment between local need and Leadership Academy activity, plus local and national Leadership Academy strategic aims.
We aim to develop individual leaders and to build a leadership community at all levels. Aside from the programmes and other development mentioned already, increasingly our role is to work on specific briefs from organisations and systems. This may be a unique way to blend our core offer to make sure it gets maximum impact, or it may be an entirely bespoke outcome. “I am going to integrate all the learning points in my working style… Support others to become resourceful and resilient via training and modelling of the learning. I will also carry this through my personal life.” Resourceful and Resilient Change Makers Programme
The Regional Leadership Council members provide expert input, leadership and guidance to specific areas of activity and are the formal mechanism for engagement with local stakeholders on national strategy and its implementation. In addition, the Council promotes the importance of inclusive compassionate leadership and the value of leadership development across our region’s system.
“We all know we need to do much more to have representative boards in the NHS. This programme can definitely be part of that.” Shadow Board programme case study 12 How can we help you? 13
National Leadership Development Programmes As your Local Leadership Academy, we are here to support access to the national leadership programmes for health and care staff at all levels across our region. If you are looking to develop the knowledge, skills, expertise, attitudes and behaviours to support the next steps in your personal leadership journey then one of these programmes may be for you. Information on all nationally run programmes and resources are available on the NHS Leadership Academy website together with details on how to access. Are you looking for an introduction to healthcare leadership? Edward Jenner Programme The foundations of leadership; free to access e-learning for all NHS employees Have you recently moved into, or looking to take on your first formal leadership role? Mary Seacole Programme For first time leaders, available as a national programme or locally delivered at participating organisations. Are you a mid-level leader in health and care?
How to find us
Are you ready to lead larger functions, departments and more complex projects? Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Programme Exceptional healthcare leadership development leading to an MSc Are you looking to develop your role as a senior leader with an aspiration to hold a director-level role in the next two years?
Email Twitter @YHLeadershipOD @CCNetworkcom LinkedIn NHS Yorkshire and the Humber Leadership Academy website
Nye Bevan Programme For aspirant directors Are you in a chief executive role? Chief Executive Development Network Are you an aspiring black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) Leader? Stepping Up Programme For BAME healthcare colleagues in bands 5-7 (or equivalent) roles
Yorkshire and the Humber Leadership Academy Heath Education England First Floor Willow Terrace Road University of Leeds Leeds LS2 9JT
Are you a BAME leader wanting to make the next move to board level or a significantly more senior role? Ready Now Programme For senior BAME leaders
Rosalind Franklin Programme New for 2018, a nine month long programme for clinical or non-clinical colleagues
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