Yorkshire and the Humber Leadership Academy 2016-17 Report

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NHS Yorkshire and the Humber Leadership Academy 2016-17 Annual Report

Delivered in partnership by: Yorkshire and the Humber Leadership Academy NHS Leadership Academy Health Education England

NHS Yorkshire and the Humber Leadership Academy - 2016-17 Annual Report

Introduction Once again, Yorkshire and the Humber Leadership Academy has had a very active year across a wide range of work streams, addressing current and future challenges in leadership development for our region. We have continued to provide a variety of offers to support local organisations, transform systems, and develop excellent leadership, whilst reinforcing our values of partnership and co-creation, which remain at the heart of our work. Making developments in how we work has allowed us to evolve to meet the objectives of our diverse stakeholders, and provided us with opportunities to better measure our impact on the organisations and communities we support. Since our inception, our work has been informed by the region’s needs, working collectively to listen to and address local priorities.

We have continued to refresh the way we gather this information: this is the first year we have used a standardised approach across survey evaluations, which has produced more reliable, consistent feedback data. Alongside this, the implementation of the NHS Leadership Academy’s LeaDER Framework and other evaluation formats has provided in-depth learning from our recent interventions, which will be valuable in shaping our future objectives. The Regional Leadership Council, chaired by Louise Barnett, Chief Executive of Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust has continued to provide direction, challenge and support for our work during a time of increased need for effective system leadership.

Achieving all our objectives through a number of national and local changes has, at times, been challenging, but the dedication, hard work and commitment of colleagues has allowed us to continue delivering our high standard of work. By continuing with our core Academy activities and launching new offers in 2016-17, the team has continued to champion inclusive, person-centred leadership, providing vital access to support for staff across all levels and professions of the NHS. We look forward to continuing this work with you into the next year and beyond. Andrea Overton Deputy Head of Leadership & Head of Operations


NHS Yorkshire and the Humber Leadership Academy - 2016-17 Annual Report

Our team in 2016-17 Where to find us Kathryn Winterburn, Head of Leadership (to June 2017) Andrea Overton, Deputy Head of Leadership & Head of Operations Amy Makler, Business Support Officer John Hunter, Development Manager Grace Jeffrey, Programme Lead Anthony Owens, OD Consultant Lucy Scarisbrick, Alumni and Engagement Officer

http://hee.nhs.uk/yh/leadership-academy https://co-creationnetwork.com/ http://nhsmentorcoach.mye-coach.com/ Twitter: @YHLeadershipOD Twitter: @CCNetworkcom Youtube channel Leadershipenquiries.yh@hee.nhs.uk

Amanda Allen, Programme Coordinator Halema Khatun, Programme Coordinator Jed Skinner, Leadership Administrator

OD and Leadership Associates Humaira Ashraf, HNA Associates Ltd Rebecca Bevington, Evaluation LeaDER Associate and advisor Vanessa Garrity, Sociable Angels Beverley Powell, Leadership Associate


NHS Yorkshire and the Humber Leadership Academy - 2016-17 Annual Report

Headlines 1512 places were taken on Yorkshire and the Humber Leadership Academy offers, over 89 programmes, workshops, conferences, meetings and events.

We offered programmes, workshops, conferences and events under the following areas of work:

• The average number of participants per NHS Trust: 36.5 • The average number of participants per CCG / Commissioning organisation: 6.48 • The average number of participants per Arm’s Length Body: 21.63 • The average number of participants per provider Community Interest Company/ Social Enterprise: 5.2

Coaching and Mentoring – training coaches; offering continuing professional development sessions; connecting coaches and mentors via the My E-Coach website.

We worked with participants from 61 NHS organisations out of 63 in Yorkshire and the Humber (see Appendix 1 for list of organisations).

Diversity and Inclusion – through Innov8: leading differently for better healthcare, developing Equality and Diversity leads; ensuring access to vital training and development opportunities for health and care staff from a Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) background, providing funding for organisationspecific interventions. Graduate Management Training Scheme – managing the process for trainees and placement organisations in our region. Models and Frameworks – training Healthcare Leadership Model (HLM) 360o feedback Facilitators; supporting access to HLM assessments to staff in our region; evaluating our work.


Participants who completed their individual leadership development programme by 31st March 2017

Organisation Development (OD) and Improvement – supporting practitioners in their work, funding and coordinating the Co-Creation Network website and events to allow health and care Communities of Practice to flourish. National professional development programmes – working in partnership with the national NHS Leadership Academy to recruit 2301 participants; managing application assessments for the Stepping Up Programme; promoting the Edward Jenner programme our first NHS MOOC (massive open online course). Systems Leadership – increasing capability and capacity in line with supporting the Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships. Talent Management – engaging with leads for talent management and sharing the NHS Leadership Academy’s Talent Management Hub resources with a view to developing more systematic talent management in the NHS.


NHS Yorkshire and the Humber Leadership Academy - 2016-17 Annual Report

11% CCGs/ Commissioning Organisations 16% Arm’s Length Bodies

2% Provider CICs/ Social Enterprise

Yorkshire-Humber participant breakdown by organisation type

2% Local Authority 1% Universities 2% Charity/ Not for profit

13% Not provided* 53% Trusts


at the point of registration via Eventbrite booking service.

<1% NHS outside Yorkshire-Humber 4


*u nk no w n/

al no rn e sle tp NH y Br ro S Ho ad vi Fo de s f p u o Br d i n r t d al da ad Di NH tio fo s tr rd n S ict Fo Tr Te us Ca un Ca ac t hi re ld da ng er NH tio Do da H n S le os nc Fo Tr pi an as us un ta te t d da ls ra Hu N t io nd dd HS n er Ba Fo Tr sf us ss un ie et t l d d la a NH w tio Ha Ho n S rr Fo Tr sp og us un ita at t da ls e NH an tio d n S Hu Di Fo Tr ll us st un an ric t d d tN at Ea i H o st n S Yo Fo Tr us u r k nd Le t s hi ed a re tio sa H n Hu nd os Tr pi m us Yo t b t a er rk ls NH NH Pa rt S S ne Fo Tr Le us rs un h t ed ip da sC NH t io om n S Fo Tr m us un un t ity da Le t He io ed n No al sT Tr th rt ea Ro us c h a c t er th h r e i n er n NH M g Li ha id nc Ho S m Yo ol Tr sp Do ns us r i k t hi t a nc s hi ls re as r N e an te HS H ra d os Tr Go nd pi us Sh ta o t So le ef l sN ut fie N h H H ld S S Hu Fo Tr Ch Sh m us u i l b ef nd dr t e fie rN en at ld io 's HS n Ho He Fo Tr al sp us un Sh th ita t da ef & l N fi e t So i H o So ld n cia S Fo Tr ut Te lC us h un a a c t W h r d e in es a NH tio g tY H n S or os Fo Tr ks pi us un hi t t a re da ls NH Pa tio rt n S ne Fo Tr us rs un Th hi t d p e a N tio Ro Yo H n th S rk Fo Tr er Te us ha un ac t m d hi at NH ng io n S Ho Fo Tr sp us Yo un i t t rk al da sh NH t io ire n S Fo Tr Am us un bu t d la at nc io e n Se Tr us rv t ice NH S Tr us t


Ai re d

NHS Yorkshire and the Humber Leadership Academy - 2016-17 Annual Report

Number of participants per organisation (Trusts)

at the point of registration via Eventbrite booking service.



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NHS Yorkshire and the Humber Leadership Academy - 2016-17 Annual Report

Number of participants per organisation (CCG and others)

at the point of registration via Eventbrite booking service.


NHS Yorkshire and the Humber Leadership Academy - 2016-17 Annual Report

1% Talent Management

34% Innov8: leading differently for better healthcare

2% Systems Leadership Labs 2% Patient Leadership 2% Alumni and awards engagement events 2% Co-Creation Network: Communities of Practice

Delivery days for programmes, workshops and events

2% Regional Leadership Council meetings 5% Facilitator training* 6% Graduate Management Training Scheme 11% OD and Improvement


Facilitators trained for delivering Healthcare Leadership Model feedback and the Mary Seacole ‘Local’ programme.

33% Coaching and Mentoring


NHS Yorkshire and the Humber Leadership Academy - 2016-17 Annual Report

Highlights Coaching and Mentoring • We supported six organisations to build their coaching capacity, helping them to train coaches in the ILM Level 5 accreditation. • We provided the My E-Coach platform to support Coaching and Mentoring relationships in the public sector in our region.

Coaching CPD workshops ”Have greater confidence in my ability as a coach and not worry too much about how others do the task: just be myself!” Coach Training case study ”It’s really clear the course has been developed very thoughtfully, effectively and has been engaging and challenging.” OD Practitioner case study ”I’ve really valued the opportunity to gain a qualification in coaching supervision… the learning from that I’ve brought back in the organisation and set up a clear infrastructure for the internal coaching community.”


NHS Yorkshire and the Humber Leadership Academy - 2016-17 Annual Report

Highlights Diversity and Inclusion • We delivered the Innov8 Creating Healthy Organisations Report to help organisations make progress to a more inclusive NHS where diverse talent can flourish. • We commissioned the Resilient and Resourceful Change Makers programme to help leads for inclusion, diversity, HR, OD and talent management work more effectively as an internal change team. • We ran the fifth and final cohort of our inclusive leadership Accelerate programme for junior to mid-level leaders, described as ‘best practice in leadership development’ by Professor David Williams. • We launched RADAR – our career management and personal support network for BAME leaders who want to be on the talent radar of existing senior leaders and recruiters.

Accelerate Programme ”The most practical and useful course I have ever undertaken. The skills I have gained I now use on a daily basis, not only at work, but in my everyday life.”

i-lead Inclusive Leadership event ”Excellent event and well delivered passionate speakers. Batteries recharged so feeling re-energised and inspired after attending.”

Resourceful and Resilient Change Makers Programme ”The whole course was really beneficial, a great reminder of some of the techniques and models I have learnt, and forgotten about, the map of people’s world, for me was a very powerful reminder that you need to understand peoples starting point, before you can really make a difference!”

RADAR Networking for Success ”I feel empowered to apply my knowledge and network with others and influential people.”


NHS Yorkshire and the Humber Leadership Academy - 2016-17 Annual Report

Highlights Engaging with Stakeholders and Colleagues • We evaluated the Co-Creation Network’s Communities of Practice for wider learning. • We produced 10 case studies, to demonstrate how people and organisations are applying learning accessed via us in their own setting, highlight best practice and share inspiring stories from our region. • We hosted a regional Leadership Summit and Recognition Awards event for over 170 colleagues. • We met with senior stakeholders from 18 organisations including higher education and local authority, three times in 2016-17 at the Regional Leadership Council (RLC), a subcommittee of the (as was) Yorkshire and the Humber Local Education and Training Board (LETB), to agree our work plan in consultation, explore local needs for leadership and organisation development.

Leadership Summit and Recognition Awards “The event was exceptionally well organised, really enjoyable and rewarding. Thank you so much for a great day. The [Hull and East Yorkshire NHS Trust] choir were outstanding!” Mary Seacole Graduation Ceremony “Thank you for the experience, it was a lovely day, and one that I will remember.”

Graduate Management Training Scheme (GMTS) • 41 organisations offered 112 placement opportunities for the September 2016 GMTS first placement and September 2015 second placement trainees. • We developed a robust Statement of Commitment verification process for placement organisations requesting to host a Graduate Management Trainee.

GMTS Introduction to NHS Finance Workshop “Great opportunity to interact with other disciplines.”


NHS Yorkshire and the Humber Leadership Academy - 2016-17 Annual Report

Highlights Models and Frameworks

Non-Programme Based Engagement

• 47 colleagues in our region accessed the Healthcare Leadership Model. • We trained 42 HLM facilitators. • We evaluated nine of our interventions, using an evaluation framework developed by the East Midlands Leadership Academy and shared for use across all local Leadership Academies.

The Academy also works with individuals, teams and organisations and more lately STP leads on activity that is concerned with creating the right conditions for change and development (enablers) rather than programmes or events. In 2016/17 this included: • OD consultancy support to two organisations. • Consultancy and support to a number of formal and informal networks such as the South Yorkshire OD Network and Health Coaching Community of Practice.

• Innov8 work within five organisations we have funded via Health Education England or Innov8 to support organisational readiness for change. • Supporting one organisation to provide a programme for clinicians moving into a formal leadership role. • Engaging with 12 organisations in an inclusive Talent Management project, in order for us to produce reports reflective of our region’s evidence and experiences.


NHS Yorkshire and the Humber Leadership Academy - 2016-17 Annual Report

Highlights Organisation Development (OD) and Improvement • We continued to host a region-wide OD network to bring practitioners together. • We commissioned an OD Essentials programme for less experienced and new to field, and an OD Developmental Supervision offer for six of our most experienced practitioners.

• We launched the ‘Back to the Future’ Practice Managers Programme to introduce the principles of Patient Leadership into general practice. • We trained facilitators to deliver an in-organisation version of the NHS Leadership Academy’s Mary Seacole Programme.

• We provided a Communities of Practice framework to use in our region via the Co-Creation Network website and ‘Basecamp’ events. • We commissioned an innovative Shadow Board Programme for six trusts and a participant network event run by Inspiring Leaders Network.

OD Essentials Programme “The learning from the programme has helped me to consider my approach, have some models to think about, the importance of contracting, where the data comes from, too much to say really!”

OD Practitioner case study “The OD Network has been a real key part for me… getting to know people on a personal level, understanding what they are doing and seeing the potential for us to do great work together.”

OD Team case study “The theory and skills we’ve got from the Leadership Academy has really helped us to enhance the existing skills we have.”

Co-Creation Network Winter Basecamp “These events are always useful to gain knowledge and meet like-minded people.”


NHS Yorkshire and the Humber Leadership Academy - 2016-17 Annual Report

Highlights Systems Leadership

Talent Management

• We supported our three Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STPs)2 in Yorkshire and the Humber as they created their plans, and support their leadership development offer as required. • We hosted a series of one-day ‘Systems Leadership Labs’ to address knowledge gaps in the region, and encouraged cross-sector attendance relevant to the location.

• We brought together Talent Leads to share experiences and to introduce the NHS Leadership Academy’s Talent Management Hub resources. • We produced a practical Talent Management Guide for Busy People for talent management leads, engaging with five organisations for their evidence and experience, through the Innov8 Inclusive Talent Management project.

Systems Leadership Labs case study “Very powerful, and it has affected behaviour since. I spend time now thinking about how other are seeing a situation and responding to it.”

Shadow Board case study “We all know we need to do much more to have representative boards in the NHS. This programme can definitely be part of that.”

The NHS and local councils have formed partnerships in 44 areas covering all of England, to improve health and care. Each area has developed proposals built around the needs of the whole population in the area, not just those of individual organisations.



NHS Yorkshire and the Humber Leadership Academy - 2016-17 Annual Report

What we learned: • Through assessing Stepping Up Programme applications we learned there was an appetite for NHS BAME staff to develop specific soft-skills in preparation for application to further study, professional development or job vacancies. • Our stakeholders want us to support staff networks and network development, to ensure sustainability. • Facilitators trained to deliver the Healthcare Leadership Model in our region need access to additional development sessions and opportunities to practice, in order to keep their skills sharp. • Through feedback at the Regional Leadership Council and the success of the Shadow Board Pilot Programme, that there is a demand for talent succession planning schemes. • Regional Graduate Management Trainees and Health Education England’s Clinical Leadership Fellows appreciate the opportunity to meet and share learning and best practice.

• We need to gather in and analyse evaluation data in a more consistent manner. • Our Innov8 ‘Healthy Organisations’ focus groups revealed a request from our stakeholders to help develop their capability as inclusive employers. • Individual leads working to improve inclusion and diversity need support for their personal wellbeing and effectiveness which led to our Resourceful and Resilient Change Makers Programme.


NHS Yorkshire and the Humber Leadership Academy - 2016-17 Annual Report

Our Surveys say‌. 2016-17 was the first year we have applied the same questions across our programmes, workshops and events to capture quantitative data that can be analysed for trends across what we do. While only 23% of our local offers were evaluated using this approach the data collated has been very informative and has been taken into account alongside offers that were evaluated using the NHS Leadership Academy’s LeaDER Framework or other survey formats.

Programmes with 3 or more separate module days (3 surveyed)

Network ½ day or full day events (7 surveyed)


Agree that the programme they attended completely or mostly met the stated outcomes.


Were very satisfied/ satisfied with the content of the programme.


Agree that the event they attended completely or mostly met the stated outcomes.


Were very satisfied/ satisfied with the content of the event.


Were very satisfied/ satisfied with the facilitators or speakers at the programme.


Felt they had increased knowledge and/or skills as a result of the programme.


Were very satisfied/ satisfied with the facilitators or speakers at the event.


Felt they had increased knowledge and/or skills as a result of the event.


Felt confident in their ability to apply knowledge and/or skills as a result of the programme.


Felt inspired to think or behave differently as a result of the programme.


Felt confident in their ability to apply knowledge and/ or skills as a result of the event.


Felt inspired to think or behave differently as a result of the event.


Felt they had developed their network/met new people as a result of the programme.


Felt they had refreshed or updated knowledge and/or skills set as a result of the programme.


Felt they had developed their network/met new people as a result of the event.


Felt they had refreshed or updated knowledge and/or skills set as a result of the event.


NHS Yorkshire and the Humber Leadership Academy - 2016-17 Annual Report

Continuing Professional Development ½ day or full day workshops (4 surveyed)

Stakeholder Engagement events (2 surveyed)


Agree that the CPD they attended completely or mostly met the stated outcomes.


Were very satisfied/ satisfied with the content of the CPD.



Were very satisfied/ satisfied with the facilitators or speakers at the CPD.


Felt they had increased knowledge and/or skills as a result of the CPD.


Were very satisfied/ satisfied with the facilitators or speakers at the event.


Felt they had increased knowledge and/or skills as a result of the event.


Felt confident in their ability to apply knowledge and/ or skills as a result of the CPD.


Felt inspired to think or behave differently as a result of the CPD.


Felt confident in their ability to apply knowledge and/ or skills as a result of the event.


Felt inspired to think or behave differently as a result of the event.


Felt they had developed their network/met new people as a result of the CPD.


Felt they had refreshed or updated knowledge and/or skills set as a result of the CPD.


Felt they had developed their network/met new people as a result of the event.


Felt they had refreshed or updated knowledge and/or skills set as a result of the event.

Agree that the event they attended completely or mostly met the stated outcomes.


Were very satisfied/ satisfied with the content of the event.

16 surveys were completed out of a possible 72 programmes, workshops or events we ran last year which this evaluation could be applied to. 16

NHS Yorkshire and the Humber Leadership Academy - 2016-17 Annual Report

Appendix 1 Organisations in Yorkshire and the Humber Airedale NHS Foundation Trust

NHS Barnsley CCG

NHS Rotherham CCG

Barnsley NHS Foundation Trust

NHS Bassetlaw CCG

NHS Scarborough and Ryedale CCG

Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust

NHS Blood and Transplant

NHS Sheffield CCG

Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

NHS Bradford City CCG

NHS Vale of York CCG

Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust

NHS Bradford Districts CCG

NHS Wakefield CCG

NHS Calderdale CCG

Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust

Care Plus Group City Healthcare Partnership CIC Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Embed Health Consortium Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust Health Education England Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust Humber NHS Foundation Trust Improvement Academy Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Locala Community Partnerships Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust National Institute for Health Research Navigo Health and Social Care CIC NHS Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven CCG

NHS Digital NHS Doncaster CCG NHS East Riding of Yorkshire CCG NHS Employers NHS England NHS Greater Huddersfield CCG

Public Health England Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust Sheffield Children’s Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

NHS Hambleton, Richmondshire and Whitby CCG

Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust

NHS Harrogate and Rural District CCG

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust


South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

NHS Improving Quality NHS Leadership Academy NHS Leeds North CCG NHS Leeds South and East CCG

Spectrum Community Health CIC The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

NHS Leeds West CCG

Yorkshire and the Humber Academic Health Science Network

NHS North East Lincolnshire CCG

Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust

NHS North Kirklees CCG

Yorkshire and the Humber Commissioning Hub

NHS North Lincolnshire CCG


NHS Yorkshire and the Humber Leadership Academy - 2016-17 Annual Report

Appendix 2 National Leadership Academy leadership development programmes figures for Yorkshire-Humber 54% Mary Seacole <1% Ready Now 1% Stepping Up

2% Aspiring Chief Executive

National Programme Participants Completed

3% Directors Programme

14% Nye Bevan

26% Elizabeth Garrett Anderson 18

NHS Yorkshire and the Humber Leadership Academy - 2016-17 Annual Report

9% CCGs/ CSU

5% Arms Length Bodies

National participants breakdown by organisation type

1% Provider CICs/ Social Enterprise 1% Private Healthcare Provider 1% Charity/Not for Profit

84% Trusts


Where to find us http://hee.nhs.uk/yh/leadership-academy https://co-creationnetwork.com/ http://nhsmentorcoach.mye-coach.com/ Twitter: @YHLeadershipOD Twitter: @CCNetworkcom Youtube channel Leadershipenquiries.yh@hee.nhs.uk

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