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MEET THE BROKERS: GREG, BILL, & EDWARD It’s All about Our Island Community

Whetheryou are buying or selling property, you want to work with an experienced professional who understands our island and who respects your needs and desires. The first step is ge ng to know yourbroker.
Greg McKechnie, Bill Liddle, and Edward Sanford are the expertswho have combined forces to create Great Point Proper es. Great Point Proper es was founded in 2002 by brokers Greg McKechnie and BillLiddle. In 2008 they joined forces with Edward Sanford ofSanford RealEstate underthe GreatPointProper esname. In 2013,GPP purchased Sconset RealEstate,the only firm focused solely on the island’sunique eastend.
Today,GreatPointProper esisone ofthe largestrealestate firms on the island,with 30 agents and five full me administrators.
Whatbroughtyou to Nantucket?
Greg:Every year,my family would come to the island forthe summer,and italways feltlike home.A er college,Iworked in England fora bit,butitdid nottake long forNantucketto pullme back.Once you spend some me here,this island will draw you in.
Edward:My grandparentscame to the island in the 1920s,my parentsmeton island,and ourfamily summered on Nantucket every year.As many can relate,when Idecided to take a year off from college and spend the winterworking asa carpenter, Ineverle .
Bill: My parents vaca oned on the island for a number of years;in 1979,when Iwasin sixth grade,we moved to the island full me.
Whatis yourfavorite season on Nantucketand why?
Bill:Like everyone else,Ilove summer.The island comesto life with friendsreturning to the island and familiesreconnec ng. The days are long,the harbor is full,and the landscape is amazing.
Whatis yourfavorite place to relax on Nantucket?
Greg:Iam notvery good atrelaxing,butIlove spending me with family and friends outon Coatue.Itisone of the few mes and placeswhere Imay just sit s lland appreciate good company in a spectacularse ng.
Are you involved in any island nonprofits?
Bill: I'm involved with Nantucket Community Sailing. Being on the waterand sailing is an important part of my life and NCS helps over 1,000 par cipants annually, all ages and abili es, to share the same experience.Plus, seeing Nantucketby wateristhe bestway to do it.
Whatmakes Nantucketspecial?
Greg:Naturalbeauty,the beaches,and the history allpale in comparison to whattruly makesNantucketspecial.Nantucket isallaboutcommunity.Ifthere wasevera place where people come togetherto help li up those who need a hand,thisisit. Maybe because we are an island 23 miles atsea,maybe because were alldrawn to the same place,butwhateveritis,this island knows how to take care ofitsown.
Bill: The island is stunningly beau ful—thanks to forwardthinking preserva onists and conserva onists. But what makesthisisland truly beau fulisthe people who make up the community.
How did you getstarted in realestate?
Edward:A erspending five yearsbuilding Alerion Classsloops on the island,Iwenton to manage my family businessrunning rentalco ages.Not long a er that,Idecided to get my real estate license in the mid1980s.
Who established GreatPointProper es?
Greg:Billand Istarted GreatPointProper es back in 2002.It was a pre y big leap,but it has worked out be er than we could have hoped.Billand Iused to work outwith Edward,and Iwould bug him aboutmerging hiso ce with ours— finally,in 2008,we wore him down.The three ofuscome atthingsfrom very differentplaces,butthatcombina on iswhathascreated an amazing team and some longlas ng friendships.