1 minute read

Meetthe Brokers

continued from page 95

Whatchangeshave you seen in the island’srealestate market since you started in the business?

Greg:A lothaschanged.When Igotinto the business,Iwasone ofthe few who had a cellphone.We faxed lis ng sheets,and if itwas a really specialproperty,we would go take pictures and have them developed atthe one­hourphoto and mailthem off. There are more o ces and agents, the houses have go en fancier,and things move faster.But what is interes ng is that the thingspeople love aboutNantuckethave notreally changed.

Whatadvice would you give to someone interested in buying a home on Nantucket?

Edward:Ifa buyeriscommi ng to Nantucketlong term,history has shown thatowning any island realestate is a greatinvestment.Homeownersgetunquan fiable pleasure astheirfamilies plantrootshere and Nantucketbecomesthe family focalpoint. And thatispriceless.

Whatadvice would you give to someone interested in selling a home on Nantucket?

Greg:Icould say declu er,paint,and clean the windows,but the mostimportantthing isto make sure you are ready and have a plan.Selling iseasy;ge ng back in isharder.While Ihave had no buyersexpressregretaboutbuying,Ihave had more than a few sellersexpressregretaboutselling.

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