Digital Design Module2 Journal

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Digital Design - Module 02 Semester 1, 2018 Yichen Cao

900359 Michael Mack Studio 5

Week Three

Reading: Kolerevic B. 2003. Architecture in the Digital Age

Kolerevic described three fundamental type of fabrication techniques in the reading. Outline the three techniques and discuss the potential of Computer Numeric Controlled fabrication with parametric modelling. (150 words max)

The three fundamental type of fabrication techniques according to Kolerevic are: subtractive fabrication, additive fabrication and formative fabrication. Subtractive fabrication involves the removal of a specific volume of materials from solids. For example, CNC milling and laser cutting are methods of subtractive fabrication. These machines usually allow 3 to 5 axes of movement. Additive fabrication, however, involves a process that is the converse of milling, which is layering materials to create volumes. Formative fabrication applies mechanical forces such as heat or steam to form materials into desired shape. The CNC multi-axis milling has been applied in architectural experiments for a long history. Yet with the exploration of new materials, it is becoming more crucial in producing geometry that of high complexity. For example, it was used in Gehry’s Guggenheim Museum to analyze the areas of excessive curvature to control the overall costs. With the emerging needs of mass-customization, computer numeric controlled fabrication also facilitate the industrial production of unique objects. Not to mention its other benefits such as cost-saving, fast speed and high precision.


Week Three

Surface Creation

The script first constructed a 150 x 150 x 150 mm box. Then it extracted the edges out of the brep, using sliders to extract an exact point out of ten evenly distributed points from that edges. Finally those points were connected into lines and used for lofting surfaces.





I start wth two surfaces having simple spatial relationship and intersection. After that, I explored how complex the curvature of two surfaces can be. Then I reached a balance with two surfaces intersect at the same point and have curvature towards different direction. Though later when unrolling the panel this caused a lot pain of due to the mesh component in Grasshopper tend to further triangulate the meshes when applied on a surface has double curvature, thus creating overlapping. Those surfaces enclose a space that have a triangle frame at the top and gradually transit to a quad frame at the bottom, preparing interesting volume quality for the waffle structure.


Week Four Panels & Waffle




2.4 The script explored panelling tool in Grasshopper and particularly, the cull pattern component. I started this exploration by trying to apply panel variations as using paneling tool in Rhino. However, I find it struggling with Morph3D in Gh. During the drop-in session, I was introduced to use this cull pattern component to realize applying two pattern onto one surface. How the cull pattern works is based on the value True or False you input into the component. When input True, it keep the pattern, Otherwise, it cull the pattern. The order is based on the list order and can be viewed by using a list item or point list. It can also recognize boolean toggle and 0 or 1in a panel. The key thing I learnt when using this is to remerber to turn the input panel into multiline data. One thing I still questioned is how to apply more than two pattern onto the suface using the cull pattern.

The highlighted script aims to offset the grid to different heights to create more variation of the panels.


Week Four Panels & Waffle

Based on my precedent study of Toyo Ito Serpentine pavilion in Module 1. I was impressed by the use of materiality and placement of openings to create permeability. Therefore in panel design I mainly explored how to direct light entering the space. On first surface I added contrast using one geometry that has no perforation but with a pyramid sunken inward and another pyramid have openings on each face. On my second surface I pushed the exploration of perforation further, since the double pyramid and fan-shaped geometry have more faces, it creates more complex light and shadow experience inside the space.

The waffle model was developed based on my two surfaces. I have tested waffle originated from more complex surfaces, but it got messy uv direction when generating the waffle structure. This waffle was generated from two surfaces that intersect at the top. It creates interesting transition from a triangular frame on the top to the quad shape bottom space. Since my two surfaces have double curvature, enveloping the waffle with dynamic volume that has subtle twist.

In this image I captured one of the surface using the opposite direction of isometric view in order to show both front surfaces.


Week Four

Laser Cutting

The first issue I encountered when creating laser cutting file was serious overlapping due to the mesh is too complex. The I fix the problem by creating a simple mesh in rhino first, then refer it to Grasshopper. Problem solved! Another thing coming across is to put the edges in different etch and cut layer. This process is so time consuming, but the result proved to be worth it ! From the panel nesting image can seen I’ve tested more than the geometry I have to put on the surfaces, because I want to test whether the laser cutter will burn out the place where multiple lines intersecting at on point. This laid a foundation for me trying complex geometry that has many faces or openings with confidence to fabricate it.


Solid and Void Task 02


Week Five

Boolean Iterations

For task two I used the aggregate of modules of blocks to boolean the 150 x 150 x 150 mm box. The first iteration have blocks that are of same height. It gave a rigid look. So I offset the blocks to a series of height and shift the direction, which making a space has space with stairs. Then I further develop the complexity using sine and cosine function to give the space a wavy, organic dynamic. Instead of using graph mapper or random component, I wish to have more control using this in my script.


Week Five


The image on the left is the isometric line work of the section from my final iteration of boolean geometry. I choose this section for 3D printing because it shows the most spatial quality of my boolean geometry. The openings on the top can be clearly seen from this section, connecting the inner space and outer space. Also, the place where the openings were made intensionally direct how light entering the space. When the geometry was culled, leaving columns as supporting elements of the structure. Those stair like solids with height variation creating interesting space for people to occupy.


Week Six Task 01







Math Function Graph

{0, 150, 150} {0, 150, 150}

{0, 150, 150}

Grid Points

{60, 150, 150}

{-150, 0, 150}

{0, 0, 150}

{30, 0, 150}

{60, 0, 150}

{0, 0, 150}

{0, 150, 0} {-150, 50, 0}

{75, 150, 0}

{0, 0, 0}

{0, 0, 0}

{90, 0, 0}

{0, 0, 0}

Panel cull patterns










Task 01 Matrix For task 1 I want to study how does perforation affect light and shadow in the inner space. I explored how to apply multiple panels onto one surfaces using Grasshopper cull pattern component. It creates rhythmic contrast with solid geometry versus geometry that has various openings. For the panels I tested from simple pyramids to geometry that has more faces, allowing more openings to direct the light entering the space.


Week Six Modelling

These images show my exploration of how the perforation on the panels direct light into the space. From the surfaces on which panels have more perforation, more complex shadow was created. Surprisingly, the perforation on the panels not only affect the inner space, but also casting shadows onto the outer space, which made me think how can I employ this feature to my further pavilion design. For example, directing light to respond to the context. To further look at the perforation on affecting the way people occupy the space, I put 1 to 100 figures inside the space. Also I can imagine with the scale of the figures becoming larger, the experience will be a lot different.


Week Six Task 02

Grid Distribution Function Graph and Extrusions





Boolean Outcomes









Math Function Graph Grid Points

Task 02 Matrix For task 2 I want to see to what extent a complexity can be reached using a simple geometry to boolean a box. So first I used three layers of grids to offset blocks at same height. It achieved a classical look of traditional building, yet is quite rigid. Therefore I offset those blocks to different heights using series component in Grasshopper. And I used explode tree to manipulated each row starting at the opposite height. That gave me space filled with stairs, almost like a monumental hall. Based on those former explorations, I want to further explore how can I add more “random“ effect into the look, but with control over it. Therefore I introduced trigonometric functions into my script. Since the function graph has a periodic phenomena, I used it to create rhythmic effect that looks like sonic wave, which forming a space with a lot dynamic. I also put some small figures at 1 to 100 scale to speculate how people might occupy space differently.



- 900359





Week Six

Final Isometric Views Design Matrix 1:5

A transition from a triangluar frame at the top to the quad shape at the bottom creating dynamic space. Solid panels create a definitive boundary between exterior and interior.

Cut out forms create interesting interior experience through light and shadow. Contrast between solid panel and cut out panel creating dynamic effect. Rhythmic arrangement of solid panels and cut out panels direct the light intensionally.

Perforations on the face control the direction in which light can enter the volume.

Panels are smaller at the bottom and increase in size towards the top of the volume.

This fan-shaped geometry has more faces, allowing more light to access the space.

A hollow waffle structure allows for the creation of an interior volume.

Exploded Axonometric 1:1 0




oolean Outcomes






Week Six

Final Isometric View Design Matrix 1:5

With the geometry booleaned, some openings are left upside for creating connection to the outside. The place of these openings direct how the light coming through the inner space.

Where some solids are culled leaving structure elements as columns to support the surface envelop.

This organic form is to mimic the sonic wave using the graph of the math function sine and cosine, which adds ryhthm to the solid.

The solids left behind can be interpreted either as stairs or space for people to occupy. This almost intersecting space left interesting in-between space for people to interact with.

Axonometric 1:1 Solid boolean using 3.2 morph itteration. 0




Appendix Process

I attempted to make two surfaces interct. But I couldn’t make the waffle structure based on this. Thus I reduce the comlexity to achieve a balance between complexity of surfaces and practicality of fabrication.

After unrolling panels, I found adding tabs using Rhino Tab command will cause many overlaps so I had to fix them manually. For the fan-shaped panels, I had to manually drew all the tabs.

Before sending my file for laser cutting, I printed some test panels on A4 and fold them to see if works.

Modelling process, using clips to hold the tabs while the glue drying.



Grasshopper Debuging

From this bug I learnt that order when constructing lines in Grasshopper matters. Wrong order can cause failure of constructing lines / surfaces.



Grasshopper Debuging

In this image the origianal loft direction is wrong. I changed it by plugging a negative component to shift the direction.

In this image the waffle intersects at which the two surfaces intersect. So I use cull index to cull those two waffle lofts.



Grasshopper Debuging

In this image the direction of solids that are prepared for trimming is wrong. I shift the direction by change the vector direction.

In this image the waffle structures after orienting were at the wrong plane. In order to preparing them for laser cutting, I change the plane to xz plane instead of the original xy plane from the workshop file and it fixed the problem.


Thanks for reading!


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