journal final

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design journal YIFAN WANG_ 385831

architecture studio air 2012

PASSAGE SCULPTURE in Visual Communication


Although the final result does not look completely the same as in my mind, It demonstrates the designing concerns. Someone argued that the circular surfaces were impossible to float without frames. While, designers always imagine futures and explore virtual visions instead of solving real problems continuously. Indeed, this explanation established only if I can skillfully use computational tools to translate data to the model layout. Moreover, This project is only a shallow practice of rhino modeling. Architecture requires deep thoughts or conceptual contributions behind the designing. Thus, i need to avoid the misapprehension of architectural design as exclusively a form-making exercise. is the greatest in art. “Architecture Every work is a work of art. �

Richard Meier

This passage sculpture was my first attempt on Rhino modeling in the Visual Communication subject. My idea was to create the spatial and visual experience for people passing through. I was not satisfied because, to be a sculpture, it did not explore the connection with the environmental conditions.




“ Architecture, of all the arts, and is the one acts the most slowly, but the most surely, on the soul.

The architects proposed a simple symbol for this building that would express water, as well as the box of bubbles. The greastest challenge was to find a structure that could uniformly fill the 3D space between the skins. That means it needs ‘a new type of frame geometry, resulting in a naturalistic sea of bubbles of varying size and shape on the cladding’. The inspirationn of starting point was the soap-film bubbles. And the computational modeling was to achieve space-filling arrangement of similar cells, of similar volumnes. In the virtual design model, the polyhedral bubble cells were arrayed in ahorizontally and vertically oriented packing. it created an appreantly ‘naturalistic, random, non-repeating and organic pattern’ on the facades.

Water Cube, CH, 2009, Water Cube Office, 2008,Source:



Architects are ultimately choreographers of systems, and the benefits of teaching programming in an architectural context are manifold. If architecture wants to survive as a discipline, it needs to engage the culture of innovation and computing. (Mark Collins & Toru Hasegawa, Proxy)

Contemporary Scripting Cultures The architects generate mesmerizing outcomes systems and material from the computer-coded inputs and rules. There is a significant exchange between physical embodiment and its computational eye of creation. John Holland described that as ‘’ a lot coming from a little’’. However, there is no clear scientific definition of the concept.

Design Philosophy Criticism The project stems from investigations into potential organization at macro level. It has interests to combine the performances and expressive design approach. However, As the concept is only ‘complexity’, everything from low-level rules become high-level through self-organization. The potential illustrated that it diverged strangely from ‘emergent processes’ in nature. The complex work we see is not seeking to innovate enough. Scripting cultures should be much deeper enquiry and the quest for discovery new approaches. h t t p : / / w w w . b i o t h i n g . o r g / ? c a t = 5

WEEK 4 COMBINATIONS OF MATRIX According to Kayla, computational tools broadens the search processes for further considerations. The candidate solutions should be chosen from further development. And the search method would use the combination of depth and best first. Instead of searching the right solution, we look for a solution that closest to the Gateway project.

Overlapping Soilids ImageSampler

Curve Intersection Linear Math function

Explicit Grids Image Sampler

Using surface normals Math Function

BoolearnPattern Polygons

Curve Intersection Linear Math function

Attractor Points + 2 Graphmappers +Component

Arbitrary Points Mulitiple Maths Functions

Using sets Paneling Geometry

Arbitrary Points Rotation

Curve Intersections Attractor Points

Explicit Grids Usingsets

MATRIX parabole& & square


bezier & sine summation

side view

attractor points; 2 graphmappers; component

artitrary points; multiple math functions tan(x)*sin(y)*z

tan(x)*tan(y)* z




“ Frame the view, but not merely exhibit it, Make richer experiences. ”

Architecture Effect The Spacing between the ribs is variable. The ribs far away is compressing and the nearby is releasing. This model maintains the densities of surfaces from different angles, If this model applied on the GATEWAY site, it could create a subspace in 3 seconds for visitors passing-by. The model itself doesnt have patterns, while visitors enjoy the surface motions, shadows and lights in pace with their own movement. The model emphasises the users’ visual experiences on the way between the urban and countryside.


Digital Model

The case study of Banq restaurant appears simple. The transformation of the developed one was aim to add shadows and light effects. Panels become thinner and hollowed so that increasing the penetrating of the lights. Comparing its architectural effects, the initial characteristics of relesing and compression effects decrease. For the materility, shinning metal structure is better in the considerations of wealthering and aesthetics.

HILLS PLACE CASE-STUDY PROJECTS This case is not difficult to build model, while the essential point is, How does it reflect the architecture effects on the specific building? It changes facede structures and advancing the viewing points pentration. In the Gateway Project , this model will lose its panels functions. The fluied surface and the pointing direction needs more effects. It left many blankets to be filled.

Amanda Levette Architects

PHYSICAL MODEL EXPLORATION This physical model is based on the definition of the Banq restaurant interiors. The lightweight timber has beautiful textures but the physical model is made by plywood. The plastic sheet is such a malleable material when heated, it needs to sit on a frame, when it cools down. its shape will follow the form of the frame. Thus, a wooden frame with contour of the gateway site was adopted and further experimented. The transparent material is flexible in high temporature so it cannot be cut and have perforation performances. As the transparent sheet is dull in shape, the light changing is not apparent, either. It can be bended and not to strech.

Reference List w4-6 TEXTS

Kalay, Y, 2004, Architecture’s New Media : Principles, Theories, and Methods of Computer-Aided Design, Branko, 2003, Architecture in the Digital Age: Design, Spon Press, London.



Arch i D ai l y, 2008, S ou rcces: h t t p : / / www. a rch d a i l y. com/34887/10-hills-place-amanda-levete-architects/. Horner, J, 2009, Source:

The initial project is only the practice and experiement of the material , we need to find the concept behind to support design approach. Meanwhile, the further exploration of models need highly relate to the Gateway project. It is not only to show eye-catching shape to visitors, but also to be a hieratical cultural representations of Wyndham City.

The Wyndham City has a short history from 1862, the population of the first centry was small untill the hot period of immigrations. The population and the city development soared from 1970s. If the concept formation moves to the abstract level, it can be claimed that the frame is a representation of population structure of Wyndham City and reflects its development in two hundred years and indicates the future.


The transparent malleable materials and overlapping pattern. these ideas will be further investigated and modified to create the most satisfying result to suit the goals of our teams as well as Wyndham city council

Population structure of Wyndham City

SITE REBULD National Population Figures, 2012 Wyndham_Growth_Snapshpt_20120417

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