TITLE: Credit overview/loyalty LENGTH: EDIT DATE: AIR DATE: May 27 corp.
VIDEO MONTAGE: Credit card swipes, cash registers, credit applications being filled out WIDE Jodi walking in cosmetics ‐ camera is outside the entrance looking in. Elmhurst footage MED in COSMETICS Elmhurst footage
AUDIO MUSIC UP AND UNDER JODI: One of the major goals for Saks Incorporated in 1999 is to increase the percentage of our total sales made using our in‐house credit cards. In 1998, Saks Incorporated associates opened nearly 1.2 million new accounts across all divisions. This year we plan to open more than 1.2 million new accounts ‐ and there are a number of initiatives planned for helping us reach that goal. V/) One exciting change is the conversion of the Saks Fifth Avenue credit card portfolio to the Saks Incorporated credit system. Both the credit and IT departments are currently focused on the massive task of converting the system which is currently managed by an outside company. By July of this year, the conversion will be complete and we will begin to service Saks Fifth Avenue customers from our Elmhurst, Illinois credit facility. The conversion will create more than 200 new full time and part time positions in the Chicago area and will allow us to provide more personalized service to our Saks Fifth Avenue customers.
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