HKSW Sound of Christmas 2016

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PROGRAMME 萬世巨星 Jesus Christ Superstar 三分鐘胡桃夾子 The 3-minutes Nutcracker 願你有個小小快樂聖誕 Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 聖誕頌歌幻想曲 A Christmas Carol Fantasy 白色聖誕 White Christmas 我在聖誕只想有你 All I Want for Christmas is You * * Intermission * *




北極快車 The Polar Express 聖誕特工 Secret Agent Santa 聖哈利路亞 Saint Hallelujah 聖誕好心情 In the Christmas Mood 場地規則 House Rules 為了令大家對今次演出留下美好印象,我們希望觀眾切勿在場內攝影、錄音或錄影,亦請勿吸煙或飲食。在節目進行前,請關掉手提電話、 其他響鬧及發光裝置。多謝各位合作。

In order to make this performance a pleasant experience for the artists and other members of the audience, please refrain from recording, filming, taking photographs, and also from smoking, eating or drinking in the auditorium. Please ensure that your mobile phones and any other sound and light emitting devices are switched off before the performance. Thank you for your kind co-operation.


2015年10月的最後一天是樂團的秋季音樂會《巨人》,這 場音樂會可謂香港交響管樂團,甚至香港管樂界的一個里 程碑。首先,我們請到美國伊士曼音樂學院的小號教授詹 士-湯臣與樂團合演一首《小號與管樂合奏奏鳴曲》。湯 臣教授是當今管樂界的殿堂級人物,學生無數且皆出類拔 萃,而他本人亦十分活躍於演出及錄音。樂團成員能同台 演出,實在獲益良多。而當晚的壓場曲,正是樂迷熟悉的 馬勒《D大調第一交響曲-第四樂章》。本團有幸得到西 班牙Societat Musical L'Aartistica Manisense提供管樂 改篇版本。為了挑戰這經典樂章,團員投入了最大量的時 間及努力,務求能媲美管弦樂版本的氣勢,結果不負眾 望,樂曲完結後換來全場熱烈掌聲。

香港交響管樂團 簡介

宗旨 香港交響管樂團成立的目的乃在於 推廣管樂團音樂發展及培育優秀的 管樂人才。 簡介

1987年5月,黃日照先生及葉惠康博士創立了香 港第一隊具規模的業餘管樂團「香港交響管樂 團」。黃氏畢生致力音樂教育,對音樂教育的發 展可謂不遺餘力。黃氏曾於北京中央音樂學院任 教29年,回港後專注發展管樂,對音樂教育貢獻 良多,更曾獲權威雜誌《人民音樂》報導,對所 有管樂團的團員影響深遠。香港交響管樂團至今 培育之音樂人才多不勝數,大部份為黃日照先生 的學生,當中有些更是黃氏的徒孫。這正實踐了 本樂團之宗旨—薪火相傳。樂團多年來人才輩 出,繼承了黃氏的抱負。本團部份團員從事音樂 教育及演奏工作,當中有些更成為一流的專業樂 手,活躍於本地及國際舞台。承蒙黃氏過去29年 來之領導及所付出的努力,香港交響管樂團將不 斷培育出更多優秀的音樂人才,為各音樂領域作 出貢獻。



本樂團在推廣管樂方面不遺餘力,自1988年2月20日假 沙田大會堂舉行首演後,樂團一直積極參與本地音樂推 廣,並與前市政局及康樂及文化事務署合作,一同走遍 港九新界,為社會各界演出超過300場音樂會,演奏無 數古今中外名作。2007年,香港交響管樂團假香港大 會堂音樂廳舉行了《香港交響管樂團二十周年慶祝音樂 會》,黃氏多年以來培訓的學生一同出席音樂會,濟濟 一堂,場面感人。2008年,樂團舉辦了兩場《安達臣 百周年致敬音會》,並獲安達臣(Leroy Anderson) 的家屬同意,由樂團改編其遺世之作《鋼琴協奏曲》, 以管樂團伴奏鋼琴獨奏(原曲為雙鋼琴版本)。此曲目 不僅是香港,更是亞洲首演,音樂會空前成功,好評如 潮。2010年除夕,樂團應邀出席沙田中央公園舉辦之 《2010除夕倒數嘉年華》,透過音樂與群眾在歡樂氣 氛中迎接新一年。2010年,樂團大膽嘗試,舉辦了 《兒童節音樂會》。當晚全院滿座,觀眾不但沉醉於歡 樂的音樂中,笑聲更是不絕於耳。樂團再接再勵,並移 師至香港大會堂音樂廳,舉辦《樂園》(2012)及 《童聲童戲》(2013)兩場老幼咸宜,雅俗共賞的音 樂會;後者更再次錄得全場滿座的紀錄!2011年,樂團 獲世界級跨媒體企業邀請,參與錄製該公司的主題歌, 樂團水平獲外界一致肯定。此乃樂團首次參與專業及多 角度高清攝製工作。2012年10月,正值香港交響管樂 團二十五周年,樂團於大會堂音樂廳舉辦了一場名為 《再創傳奇》的音樂會,當晚匯聚了在過去的悠長歲月 裡,影響著樂團發展的重要樂曲,並演奏出關乎樂團將 來發展路向的新曲目。樂團定期舉辦兒童節音樂會如 《號召英雄》(2014) 和《音樂奇緣》(2015) 。《音樂 奇緣》台上台下皆化身為王子公主,參與一場音樂盛 宴,從樂聲中追尋一個個動人的童話故事。2015夏天 《音樂奇緣》更受邀請,移師澳門文化中心綜合劇院, 作為澳門管樂節的其中一項表演項目!當地觀眾反應與 香港一樣熱情。自2013年開始,樂團的每一場兒童音 樂會均錄得全院滿座的紀錄。

年多的集訓,加上臨場發揮穩定,終讓我們在 「Harmony First Division」組別中,奪得金獎,載譽 歸來!此趟歐洲之行,除了參加比賽,樂團亦在德國 的科恩伯格(Kornberg)作短暫停留,並與一隊歷史 悠久的管樂團交流,在一座逾百年歷史的建築物內演 出,聲音之甜美,氣氛之融和,實在難以筆墨來形 容。這次交流,更成為當地報章的一項新聞報道。

自1988年起,樂團已錄製逾10 隻現場錄音的音樂會CD及 DVD,當中包括樂團所有周年音樂會的現場演奏,每位團 員均獲贈CD及DVD作教學用途,從而提昇各團員的音樂 造詣。本團多年來推廣管樂音樂,獲得香港社會各界支 持,使本樂團決心把推廣管樂的精神繼續承傳。



本樂團不斷衝破地域界限,把音樂推廣至世界每一角落。 2001年,樂團應「澳門管樂協會」邀請出席《第二屆澳門 管樂節》開幕音樂會。2002年,樂團出席並演出「亞太 區管樂協會」於廣州舉行的《亞太區管樂協會第12屆會 議》。2006年,樂團應「廣州管樂協會」邀請,於《海 峽兩岸管樂演奏大會》作示範演出。同年下半年度,又應 「上海周莊人民政府」及「上海中央電視台」邀請,前往 上海演出兩場音樂會。2011年,樂團出席國際管樂協會 (World Association for Symphonic Bands and Ensembles)在台灣嘉義市舉辦三年一度的大會,參與推 廣全球管樂交流。2013年7月,香港交響管樂團衝出香 港,奔向世界舞台了!樂團終於來到荷蘭的凱爾克拉特 (Kerkrade),首場音樂會在市中心廣場,一幢古色古 香的建築物前舉行,我們演出了幾首中國音樂,觀眾紛紛 報以熱烈的掌聲。至「世界管樂大賽」的比賽當天,我們 與來自世界各地的樂團同場較技,既興奮又緊張。歷時半

除了管樂演奏人材,本團亦積極鼓勵本地原創,或中 國風格的管樂作品。我們的桂冠音樂總監黃日照老 師,創作和改篇了不少樂曲,除了《小河淌水-小號 小協奏曲》和《香港交響管樂團進行曲》外,1998至 2004年間,黃氏改編了周文軒先生一系列藝術歌曲, 包括《古詩今譜》四首、《過零丁洋》及《花木蘭狂 想曲》。這幾首管樂作品在香港及海外演出時,均獲 好評。而由黃氏的老師夏之秋先生創作的《思鄉曲》, 則由游元慶改編成管樂團版本;游老師亦特別創作了 一首《慶典序樂》,以祝賀本團成立20周年。1999年 秋天,斐聲國際的作曲家顧七寶博士,為黃老師及本 團創作了一首大型管樂作品《虹》,此曲於2000年1 月在香港首演。


香港交響管樂團亦參與不少慈善活動,2002年4月, 應國際獅子會總會港澳303區邀請,為香港盲人輔導 會籌款演出一場;2004年3月,再為國際獅子會腎病 教育中心及研究基金籌款演出。2013年3月,派出團 員前往深水埗區,為新家園協會及西九社區共融服務 中心兩個社福機構的服務對象,進行管樂導賞活動, 並送出160張《童聲童戲》的門票。同年4月,樂團應 九龍醫院病人資源中心的邀請,為病人及其家屬舉辦 午間音樂會《眾樂樂》,甚受歡迎。


Hong Kong Symphonic Winds About OUR MISSIONS

The missions of the Hong Kong Symphonic Winds are to promote wind band music and to nurture local talented wind instrument performers.


Founded by Dr. Wai-hong YIP and Mr. Alfonso WONG in May 1987, The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds (HKSW) is the first amateur band in Hong Kong with considerable size and structure. WONG has devoted himself to promoting music education in the community. He dedicated 29 years of his life to teaching at Central Conservatory of Music - the national leading music school in China. His devotion and contribution to music and teaching, especially wind band music development, have deeply influenced all band members. His works were also recognized by the Chinese authoritative media, namely “People’s Music”. Members are the greatest assets of the HKSW. The HKSW has evolved into a house of music, nurturing hundreds of talented musicians, with a majority being WONG’s students and even students of his students. This adheres to our principle and core value - Passing the Torch. Among all our members, some are distinguished professional players actively performing on local and international stages, while some are making their great efforts and contributions to music education and performance. Thanks to the inspiration and cultivation of WONG and the HKSW in the past 29 years, our missions have been transformed to all these achievements.

Highlights of Local Promotion

Since the debut concert in Shatin Town Hall on 20 February 1988, the HKSW has started to work with the former Urban Council and the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) to promote music among people from all walks of life in Hong Kong. Over 300 concerts have been held all over Hong Kong, bringing the joy of music to every home by visiting every district. The repertoire includes masterpieces from both the East and the West. In 2007, the HKSW held the 20th Anniversary Celebration Concert at the Hong Kong City Hall. Students whom WONG trained over the decades came and supported, not only the concert but also what HKSW has been doing in the past two decades. Everyone in the house, no matter on stage or not, celebrated the long history of the HKSW in music making and sharing. In 2008, two concerts were held to pay tribute to Leroy ANDERSON. With the permission of ANDERSON’s family, the HKSW re-arranged his piano concerto for piano solo with wind band accompaniment. Not only were the concerts a debut of great success for his masterpiece in Asia, but they were also highly acclaimed with full house audience. On 31 December 2010, the HKSW was invited to perform at the ‘New Year Eve Countdown Carnival 2010’, bringing up and sharing the joyful atmosphere of a New Year Eve to the crowd through each note we played genuinely. The HKSW has built its reputation and has received much recognition for its music making in diversified industries. In 2011, a prestigious international company invited the HKSW to produce its corporate song with world-class multimedia teams. The recordings have been used in its multiple corporate events. To celebrate its 25th anniversary, the HKSW has held a concert in September 2012, The Legend, to share a spectacular and commemorate evening of iconic music with symbolic meanings in HKSW’s 25 year development. In 2010, HKSW launched a children’s concert and attracted a lot of children with their families to enjoy a night of music and laughter. After launching a children’s concert in 2010, the HKSW have succeeded to carry out 4 children concerts in April 2012, March 2013, April 2014, April 2015, July 2015 namely Merry Go Round, Music4Kids and Summon the Heroes and Happily Ever After, Happily Ever After (Macau Band Festival). HKSW’s Children’s concerts had attracted audience of all ages and the tickets of all 4 HKSW Children’s concerts since 2013 were completely sold out. 2015 also marked a big milestone for HKSW as the “Titan” concert on Oct 31, 2015 featured James Thompson, Trumpet Professor at the world renowned Eastman School of Music. He came to this position having played Principal Trumpet at world renowned orchestras such as Atlanta and Montreal. Gustav Mahler’s Finale from Symphony No. 1 and Kent Kennan’s Trumpet Sonata were the highlights of the “Titan” programme. Since 1998, the HKSW has published over 10 professional live recordings, both audio and video, including live performance of anniversary concerts. The HKSW was determined to offer our members live records for internal educational use, enhancing music thoughts sharing and communication

among members. With all the encouragement received, especially from some international professional players, the HKSW continues to bring music everywhere throughout our lifelong pursuit of promoting wind band music.

Highlights of Overseas Exchange

Our missions are not bound by any geographic or national boundaries. Music promotion and sharing have been taking places beyond the borders. In 2001, the HKSW was invited by the Macau Band Directors Association to perform at the “2nd Macau Band Festival Opening Concert”. In 2002, the HKSW was invited to Guangzhou, performing at the “International Wind Band Performance Convention”, by the 12th Band Conference of Asia & Pacific Band Directors Association (APBDA). In 2006, the HKSW was invited by the Guangzhou Band Directors Association to conduct several demonstrative performances in Guangzhou. In August 2006, the HKSW performed two concerts in Shanghai under the invitation of the Shanghai Zhouzhuang Government and the Shanghai CCTV. In 2011, the HKSW participated in the International Band Festival of the 15th World Association for Symphonic Bands and Ensembles (WASBE) Conference held in Chiayi, Taiwan. Those concerts were highly accredited for all the great successes.

The HKSW has built its reputation and gained musical growth and development through overseas exchange. In January 2013, the HKSW co-hosted a Masterclass section with maestro Jay Friedman, principal trombonist of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, one of the top world renowned orchestras. The HKSW has grouped an elite group of brass sixtet specially for the event, which was highly acclaimed by Jay Friedman. In July 2013, the HKSW has brought its members to expand footprint in Europe. The HKSW went to the Netherlands, Kerkrade. the first performance was in the town square in front of a historical European building. We performed a few pieces of Chinese and Western music, receiving rapturous applause. On the World Music Contest day, we competed in the Harmony First Division with many other bands from around the world with a mix of excitement and nerves. After an intensive training of more than six months, we finally won the gold medal. In this Europe tour, besides the Contest, the HKSW has also paid a brief visit to Kornberg in Germany to have an exchange programme with a long-running local band. Performing in a historical building for more than a century, the exquisite sound and superb harmony resounded are just beyond words. This exchange programme has also generated local media coverage.

performers, the HKSW is also actively engaged in encouraging local compositions and Chinese wind band music works. Our Music Director Laureate, Mr. Alfonso WONG, composed and adapted numerous music works. His remarkable works include Stepping by the Stream Trumpet Petit Concerto and Hong Kong Symphonic Winds March. Between 1998 and 2004, WONG adapted a series of art pieces of Mr. Wen-hsien CHOU, including four pieces of the Old Songs with New Compositions Suites, Crossing the Ling Ding River and Mulan Rhapsody. The performances of these music works have been well received, both locally and internationally. Composed by the teacher of WONG, Mr. Zhi Qiu XIA, Nostalgia for Home is arranged by Yuen-hing YAU for wind band. YAU was also commissioned the Prelude to a Celebration to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the HKSW. In the fall of 1999, Dr. Brian Chatpo KOO, the internationally eminent composer, was commissioned by WONG and the HKSW to compose a great wind band music piece, Rainbow, debuted in Hong Kong in January 2000.


The HKSW engages in a variety of charitable activities. In April 2002, the HKSW was invited by Lions Clubs International District 303 - Hong Kong & Macau, China to participate in a fundraising concert supporting The Hong Kong Society for the Blind. In March 2004, the HKSW performed again for a fund-raising performance of the Lions Kidney Education Center & Research Foundation. In March 2013, the HKSW presented a community project in Sham Shui Po specially devised to encourage local children to appreciate and learn more about wind band music. Some HKSW members have volunteered to hold a demonstrative instrumental section with small groups of children serviced by the New Home Association and the Kowloon West Community Harmony and Solidarity Services Centre. The HKSW has also followed-up the small group section by sending 160 tickets of the concert MUSIC4KIDS to the two associations. In April 2013, the HKSW was invited by the Patient Resource Center of the Kowloon Hospital to hold a lunchtime concert for its patients and their families.

Local Composition & Chinese Wind Band Music Works Apart from nurturing local talented wind instrument




WONG Alfonso

黃日照1931年出生於菲律賓,九歲起學習小號。1953 年,憑着一顆熱愛音樂之心,滿懷希望地北上,渴望投 考「北京中央音樂學院」深造。由於建院初期,急需管 樂師資人材,黃氏在前輩的建議和鼓勵下,接受作為任 職教師。一方面教授小號,另一方面進修了一系列學院 的作曲、理論等課程。1954年,黃氏成為 有「中國小 號之父」之稱的夏之秋老師的助教。在任教期間,並得 到前蘇聯知名小號演奏家提摩費.多克西哲(Timofei Dokshitser)於小號演奏技藝方面的指導,獲益良多。 1974年回港後,隨即加入「香港浸會學院」(現「香 港浸會大學」前身)為音樂系講師。1975年加入聖文 德書院為管樂導師,帶領聖文德書院管樂團於香港校際 音樂節贏得共十次高級組管樂團冠軍的輝煌成績,其中 更包括連續六年贏取該冠軍,「六連冠」的成績至今仍 未被打破。1978年黃氏加入「香港音樂事務統籌處」 並任職一級訓練主任,任教小號長達九年。退休之後, 於1987年為「香港中國婦女會中學」籌辦及組織了管 樂團。1987年5月,黃氏聯同葉惠康博士及「香港泛亞 交響樂團」,成立了「香港交響管樂團」,並擔任副音 樂總監一職。1992年擔任音樂總監,29年來帶領「香 港交響管樂團」不斷演出,走遍香港各區。管樂團水準 亦不斷提昇,不但創造出輝煌成績,更培養出大批管樂 演奏人才、作曲家及樂隊指揮,可謂桃李滿天下。黃氏 把《聖文德進行曲》改名為《香港交響管樂團進行 曲》。1999年開始,黃氏帶領香港交響管樂團到海外 演出及交流,所到地方包括澳門、廣州及上海。當中每 次演出均獲很高的評價。2001年8月,黃氏獲「中國藝 術教育促進會」聘任為「亞洲學生管樂協會理事」。 可見黃氏對管樂教育的貢獻得到社會廣泛的認同。 黃氏對樂曲編寫創作具濃厚興趣,數十年來,共編作了 一百多首小號練習曲,近20首管樂團作品及十多首小號 獨奏作品。黃氏亦根據周文軒先生所寫的中國樂曲編作 給管樂團演奏,促進了中西音樂的交流與融合。


Wong Alfonso, born in the Philippines in 1931, began learning the trumpet at the age of 9. Filled with passion for music, Wong decided to move to Beijing in hopes of furthering his studies at the Central Conservatory of Music. As the Conservatory was newly built, it was in desperate need of brass teachers. Under the advice and encouragement of his elders, Wong took up the job as a teaching staff in the Conservatory. On one hand, he taught trumpet performing, while on the other hand, he furthered his knowledge by attending classes such as music composition and music theory. In 1954, Wong became the assistant lecturer of the “Father of Trumpet in China”, Mr. Xia Zhiqiu, at the Conservatory. During his stay at the Conservatory, Wong received performance techniques trainings from the renowned Russian virtuoso trumpeter Timofei Dokshitser. Wong returned to Hong Kong in 1974, and taught at the Department of Music of the Hong Kong Baptist College (now known as the Hong Kong Baptist University). In 1975, Wong started to teach in the St. Bonaventure College and High School Band and has led them capturing many championships at the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival, including a significant record of “Six Consecutive Championships” which has never been broken ever since. In 1978, Wong joined the Hong Kong Music Office as Assistant Music Officer I and had taught trumpet for 9 years. After his retirement, Wong formed and taught in the Hong Kong Chinese Women’s Club College School Band. In May 1987, together with Dr. Yip Wai-hong and the Pan Asia Symphony Orchestra, Wong founded The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds, taking the position as Assistant Music Director, and acted as Music Director in 1992. For the past 29 years, Wong has led the band in performing all over Hong Kong with brilliant achievements, and had trained large numbers of performers and conductors of public recognition. Wong has had over 300 students. Starting from 1999, Wong had been leading The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds into performances and inter-flows outside Hong Kong, places included Macau, Guangzhou and Shanghai. All performances were highly accredited. In August 2001, Wong was appointed by the Chinese Art Education Promotion Association as a committee member of the Asian Student Band Music Council. This had showed that his influence and attributions in wind music were highly recognized. Wong also had a passion for music compositions. Throughout all those years, Wong had composed over 100 trumpet studies, over 20 band music and over 10 trumpet solo pieces. Wong also transcribed several renowned music written by Dr. Chou Wen-hsien into band music. This has encouraged the fusion of Chinese and Western music.



LEE Shu-sing 李樹昇畢業於聖文德書院,11歲開始在校內跟隨 黃日照老師學習管樂,16歲已擔任兩隊中學管團 樂的副指揮,其後又出任西貢兒童合唱團節奏樂 導師。 他曾於多個香港音樂事務統籌處組織的樂團出任 第一聲部單簧管手,亦曾參加香港兒童交響樂團 及泛亞交響樂團的演出工作。李氏曾就讀香港演 藝學院,一直熱枕於音樂教育、管樂推廣,以及 提昇管樂水準。 李氏於1987年加入香港交響管樂團並擔任首席單 簧管手,現為該團的音樂總監及指揮,繼續活躍 於中小學管樂教育及樂團指揮工作。李氏多次於 香港不同的管樂團之公開演出中擔任指揮,場數 多達三百場以上。 李氏不斷推動香港音樂發展及香港整體文化藝 術,例如參與區議會和香港電台等製作的音樂教 育節目,又為《經濟日報》撰寫音樂專欄,創作 散文、小說及電影劇本,貢獻良多。

Graduated from the St. Bonaventure College & High School, LEE Shu-sing began his first wind instrument lesson at the age of 11 with Mr. Alfonso WONG. At 16, LEE had already been appointed as Assistant Bandmaster of two secondary schools. He was then appointed as tutor of the Sai Kung Children Choir Percussion Ensemble. His commitment to nurturing future generations of musicians in Hong Kong has begun ever since. LEE took part in several Hong Kong Music Office bands as First Clarinetist. He was also a member of the Hong Kong Children’s Symphony Orchestra and the Pan Asia Symphony Orchestra. Studied at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, LEE has always been enthusiastic about music, devoting himself to music education, the promotion of band music and the pursuit of new heights of musical excellence in the wind band industry. In 1987, LEE joined The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds as Principle Clarinetist. He is currently the Music Director and Conductor of the HKSW, and is actively involved in wind band education and conducting. LEE has conducted more than 300 concerts in his music career, a considerable number of performances as Conductor in the wind band industry. With his dedication to the local music development in Hong Kong, LEE has long been endeavoring to achieve his ambition of promoting music with diversified approaches, participating in music educational programmes presented by the District Council and the Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK), and writing music column in the Economic Daily News. His overall contribution in arts and cultural promotion in Hong Kong, besides music making, is apparent by various means, creative writing in short stories, fiction, column, screenplay, to name a few.


指 揮


JIM Ho-ming 詹灝銘,香港土生土長的小號演奏家。中學就讀聖文 德書院,跟隨黃日照先生學習小號,並在香港校際音 樂節屢獲殊榮。曾獲得祈良神父獎學金。

Jim's trumpet journey start at 13 years old after joining St. Bonaventure College Symphonic Band. He received scholarships from the Hong Kong SAR Philharmonic Orchestra in 2008 and 2009.

於2004年考入香港演藝學院,主修小號演奏,師隨香 港管弦樂團首席小號手Mr. Jonathan Clarke及香港小交 響樂團首席小號手馮嘉興先生,先後完成演奏文憑及 高級演奏文憑課程,並在2008及2009獲得香港愛樂管 弦樂團之獎學金。詹氏曾多次參與 Prof James Thompson 、Allen Vizzutti 、Rod Franks、Joe Burgstaller、Canadian Brass、Empire Brass及Boston Brass之大師班。2008年曾跟隨香港演藝學院管樂團到 美國演出。

He has achieved the Advanced Diploma and Diploma in Trumpet Performance from the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts in 2008 and 2007 respectively.

詹氏活躍於音樂界,也是多個職業樂團的特約樂手, 例如香港管弦樂團、香港小交樂團、香港城市室樂 團、澳門樂團、香港交響管樂團、馬勒幾團、香港愛 樂室樂團、香港小號匯、Trumpet Notes 等。詹氏也曾 參予香港及澳門藝術節的演出,例如百老匯音樂劇 「Peter Pan」更在「Miss Saigon」、「蕭紅」擔任首 席小號、香港舞蹈團「梁祝」大型舞蹈詩、日本名創 作歌手玉置浩二演唱會。 詹氏現為多間中小學擔任指揮,分別有聖保羅男女附 屬小學、聖士提反女子附屬小學、英華小學(中級管 樂團),觀塘官立中學、中華傳道會安柱中學。他所 帶領的學校管樂隊在香港不同的音樂比賽獲得兩金七 銀的成績。


His major teachers include Mr. Wong Yat Chiu’s teaching, Mr. Jonathan Clarke, the Principal Trumpet of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, and Mr. Fung Ka Hing, the Principal Trumpet of the Hong Kong Sinfonietta. Jim also participated some masterclasses by international trumpeters and brass ensembles, including Mr. Allen Vizzutti and Prof. James Thompson, Rod Franks, Joe Burgstaller, Canadian Brass, Empire Brass and Boston Brass. Jim is active as a soloist, chamber music and orchestra player. Included Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Hong Kong City Chamber, Macao Orchestra, Hong Kong Symphonic Winds, Gustav Mahler Orchestra, Hong Kong Symphonia, Hong Kong Trumpet Gala, Trumpet Notes. Jim also performed the Broadway musical - Peter Pan "Miss Saigon" 'Hsiao Hung' in the Hong Kong and Macao Art festival, Grand Dance Pome 'The Butterfly Lovers' with Hong Kong Dance Company, Pop concert with Japanese singer Koji Tamaki. Jim is currently being the Band Director in several Hong Kong School Band, St. Paul Co-Educational College Primary School, St. Stephen Girls' Primary School, Ying Wa Primary School (Junior Band), Kwun Tong Government Secondary School, CNEC Christian College. He was leading them participated and won several competition.

指 揮


Scott LIU 廖少國先生於十四歲時開始修習大號,1992年, 廖氏入讀英國皇家北方音樂學院深造大號演奏, 師承史特克茨‧魯北克勞斯及白賴仁‧京斯尼,並 於1996年獲得專業演奏文憑。於留學英國的數年 間,廖氏曾先後參與華威郡青年管弦樂團和管樂 團;皇家北方音樂學院的管樂團、管樂小組、管 弦樂團和交響樂團;並為樂團錄製了三套鐳射唱 片和參與英國廣播公司第三台之錄播演出。1995 年,廖氏曾跟隨英國皇家北方音樂學院管樂團參 與第七屆世界管樂節 (日本濱松市),此外亦在美 國、法國、挪威、荷蘭、台灣、廣州、日本、馬 來西亞及韓國等地作巡迴演出。 1996年,廖氏畢業後回港發展,曾擔任香港管弦 樂團、香港小交響樂團和澳門樂團的演奏員; 1995及1998年,廖氏更隨香港演藝管樂團到新加 坡及澳洲作大號獨奏。1997年香港回歸祖國之 際,參加了「頂級華人音樂家交響樂團」。 除演奏外,廖氏亦熱衷於指揮及青少年的音樂培 訓工作。廖氏現為香港演藝學院音樂學院導師、 初級管樂團和香港新青年管樂團指揮及香港管樂 協會之協員(2004-2016)。2006年,廖氏與友人創 辦香港流行管樂團、香港管樂團及香港大號及中 音號協會(2015),旨在推廣音樂。

Mr. Scott Liu began playing the tuba at the age of fourteen. In September 1992, he entered the Royal Northern College of Music (RNCM) in the United Kingdom where he studied under the late Stuart Roebuck and Brian Kingsley. He subsequently graduated with a Professional Performance Diploma in 1996. Before he studied at RNCM, he joined the Warwickshire County Youth Orchestra and Wind Orchestra, then the college Brass Band, Brass Ensemble, Wind Orchestra and Symphony Orchestra of RNCM. And with some of these ensembles, he has recorded on three commercial CDs and several broadcasts on BBC Radio 3. In 1995 he took part in the 7th WASBE (The World Association for Symphonic Bands and Ensembles) Conference with the RNCM Wind Orchestra in Hamamatsu (Japan) and also overseas performances in the United States of America, France, Norway, the Netherlands, Taiwan, Guangzhou, Japan, Malaysia and Korea. After he returned to Hong Kong in 1996, Scott started his career as a band director and brass instructor. He’s a free-lance tuba player of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, the Hong Kong Sinfonietta and the Macao Orchestra. In 1995 and 1998, Scott gave solo performances with the Academy Symphonic Wind Ensemble in Singapore and Australia. In 1997 he joined the Top Chinese Musician Symphony Orchestra which performed during the Hand-over of Hong Kong to China. Apart from musical performances, Scott is also interested in band directing and teaching. Currently, he is a brass instructor at the HKAPA and the conductor of the HKAPA Junior Wind Band and the Hong Kong Youth Neowinds Orchestra, also was a committee member of the Hong Kong Band Directors Association (2004-2016). In 2006, Scott established Hong Kong Pops Wind Orchestra, Hong Kong Wind Orchestra and Hong Kong Tuba & Euphonium Association in 2015 with friends.





Ahtsui 插畫家 + 設計師 + 舞台創作演員,一條簡單的佬,記性不太好; 插畫風格集夢幻童真情懷加少少詩意仔於一身,常企圖透過插畫 創作將自己包裝得文藝一點以遮掩膚淺,但是又經常被自己的攪 笑表情出賣,及總是按耐不住在舞台上擠眉弄眼攪攪震。 表演方面,從1997年開始走上舞台,近年主演及參與創作之《勁 金歌曲》系列、《他有囍事》、《二人餐》及《二十出頭》都ok 叫好叫座;其中與蔡卓妍、林欣彤、糖兄妹、Robynn & Kendy、 張紋嘉Crystal、細蘇及余宜發等聯合主演之《勁金歌曲》音樂劇 場系列更是唔知點解一再重演。連續10年上演累積場數接近200場 抽水式年度大事回顧、浮誇演繹+三流歌舞、少少反思少少感動喜 劇《快樂無罪》系列。其他舞台作品包括:自編導演畫獨腳戲《一 碌木》及棟篤笑作品《我不好笑》;創作及演出《愛麗斯夢醒時 份》舞台劇概念畫及舉行展覽;為舞台劇《親愛的,維多利亞 Dear Victoria》創作故事文本。另外還參與廣告演出,尤其每年 夏天都會以小巴司機造型在電視上洗腦式提醒你天時暑熱「响戶 外唔好玩咁耐」、「飲多啲水」同埋「記得帶闊邊帽」! 除演出外,從事設計工作多年,曾任職商台美術指導;近年以插 畫家身份活躍於插畫創作,2007-2009年間與森美合作於《Milk》 發表《森之愛情》詩畫創作,後推出結集作品及舉行大型展覽及 簽名會。自此開始與更多商業、教育及慈善機構合作,包括紅十 字會、大新人壽、公益金、黃巴士、護苗基金、東華三 院、商業 電台、海港城、Kiehl’s、ohmykids、富士施樂(香港)、Adobe、 數碼港、美麗華商場、亞洲博覽館、 科技大學、 嶺南大學、合和 酒店及餐飲、恆隆地產、趙增熹、林欣彤、細蘇、小說家陳慧、 張紋嘉Crystal、Karen龔柯允,及多表演團體等。 曾為音樂人趙增熹多個音樂會設計及繪畫音樂錄像、出版第一本 個人創作繪本《一個說故事的人的故事》、小說家陳慧x阿徐 《K》及張紋嘉x阿徐繪本小說《聽瘋說的女孩》。去年唔知醜以 自己的漫畫造型為主角,推出《方方面面》漫畫專欄及成為《精 神健康月2015》宣傳大使。 最新作品為張敬軒新歌《不同班同學》繪畫單曲宣傳插畫及為丁 噹第一首廣東歌《復活》創作MV動畫。


Tsui is an illustrator, designer and stage creation actor, who often combining humour with contemporary art. Tsui started his performance career since 1997, and actively participated in the production of "Sing A Long Series”, "I Do…!?", "Table For Two" and "Those Were The Days” which “Sing A Long Series” and “Shall We Ha Series” are the most C popular among all. “Sing A Long Series” starring various M artists such as Charlene Choi, Mag Lam, Sugar Club, Robynn & Kendy, Crystal Cheung, Danny So Yiu Chung, Andes Yue Y etc. ; and “Shall We Ha Series” is a musical reflecting political CM situation in Hong Kong that had been performed over 200 times for more than 10 consecutive years. MY Other stage works including the self-directed monodrama CY “One Wood Mood", the comedy "I'm Not Funny “, the musical CMY "Alice in Wakeupland” and "Dear Victoria". Tsui also involved in advertising, such as TV advertismentK in the summer every year regarding public health information. In addition, Tsui engages in the design work for years and served as production designer of the Commercial Radio Hong Kong. Recently, Tsui works as an illustrator in the publishing industry. From 2007 to 2009 , he published “Colours of Love” with Sammy Leung in the magazine "Milk". Since then, Tsui has cooperated with many other commercial, educational and charitable organizations, including the Red Cross, Community Chest, Nursery Fund, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, Commercial Radio, Asia World-Expo, University of Science and Technology, Lingnan University and various performing groups. Tsui designed for a number of concerts and music videos for Chiu Tsang Hei, the promotion of Hins Cheung’s new song, and also for the MV animation of Dell Ding’s first Cantonese song. Tsui has published several works, including a picture book named as "A Story about a Storyteller" and "K" with the novelist Chan Wai. In 2015, Tsui is the illustrator of the cartoon column " Square Face " and became the ambassador of "Mental Health Month 2015".





Create Your Own Musical Snow Globe

聖誕精靈忘記了以下聖誕音樂的歌曲名字和所屬的拍子記號, 你可以協助他嗎?

作品將會登上HKSW的facebook專頁! The selected drawings will be posted on HKSW’s facebook page!


e Jingl s Bell 4

4 拍子記號 Time signature: _____

Joy to the world

1. 拍子記號 Time signature: _____

Silent Night

2. 拍子記號 Time signature: _____


White Christmas 拍子記號 Time signature: _____

4. 拍子記號 Time signature: _____ 14


答案於第18頁answers on page 18

一 頁並放 在 音樂廳 門 外的收 集 箱 Tear off this page and put it in the collection box outside the concert hall.

Mr Elf has lost the names and time signatures of the Christmas tunes below, could you help him?

We Wish You A Merry as Christm 15

Programme Notes

願你有個小小快樂聖誕 Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas

曉治・馬田、拉夫爾・布蘭作曲;德格拉斯・華格納編曲 | Comp. Hugh Martin & Ralph Blane ; arr. Douglas Wagner


Jesus Christ Superstar 安德魯・韋 伯 作 曲 ; 威 利・荷夫化斯編曲 | Comp. by Andrew Lloyd Webber; arr. by Willy Hautvast

《 萬 世 巨 星 》 是 作 曲 家 安 德 魯・韋 伯 , 與 作 詞 家 添・賴 斯 聯 合 創 作 的 音 樂 劇 , 因 題 材 問 題 發表時阻礙重重,只能以錄音唱片形式發表,但理想的銷情證明其受歡迎程度。1971年 《萬世巨星》終於在百老匯首演,並獲得空前成功。全作品以搖滾音樂劇的方式呈現,以 十二門徒中的猶大為視點,講述主耶穌在世上最後七天的事。並用現代觀點來增添描寫猶 大與耶穌間的愛恨。 Jesus Christ Superstar is the musical produced by the composer Andrew Webber, and the lyricist Tim Rice. It was originally released as a concept album due to controversy on its subject, yet it had hit the charts. In 1971, Jesus Christ Superstar finally debuted on Broadway with a huge success. The musical is a rock opera based on the last week of Jesus’s life. The plot highlights the struggling relationship between Judas and Jesus from the perspective of Judas with a modern form.

三分鐘胡桃夾子 The Three Minute Nutcracker

《願》是美國人最愛的其中一首聖誕老歌,最初是茱迪・嘉蘭主演的電影《火樹銀花》 中的一首插曲,茱迪親自主唱,其後幾乎每位名歌星都會翻唱此曲。時至今天,每當聖誕 節走在美國街頭,就會聽到這首悅耳迷人的音樂。 "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" is one of the American favorite Christmas songs, which was immortalized by Judy Garland in the movie "Meet Me In St. Louis”. Ever since, it has been recorded with only slight variations by numerous great singers. You can always hear this sweet and heart-warming music around the corner in the US around Christmas.


Have yourself a merry little Christmas Let your heart be light Next year all our troubles will be out of sight Have yourself a merry little Christmas Make the yule-tide gay Next year all our troubles will be miles away Once again as in olden days Happy golden days of yore Faithful friends who are dear to us Will be near to us once more Someday soon, we all will be together If the Fates allow Until then, we'll have to muddle through somehow So have yourself a merry little Christmas now.

柴可夫斯基作曲;萊德・康里編曲 | Comp. P.I. Tchaikovsky; arr. Lloyd Conley

《胡桃夾子》是柴可夫斯基根據大仲馬的故事,譜上管弦樂而成的芭蕾舞劇,自從1892 年在聖彼得堡首演後,直到今天仍廣受歡迎,甚至成為聖誕節的傳統節目。從舞劇節選出 來的組曲亦很受歡迎,而且版本眾多。今晚演出康里的版本,將原來二十多分鐘的音樂, 濃縮成三分鐘,充份發揮當代的簡約精神。 The Nutcracker, composed by Tchaikovsky, is a ballet adapted from Alexander Dumas’s story. Premiered in St. Petersburg in 1892, it has become a traditional Christmas program ever since. It has then been arranged into a wide range of versions and the 20-minute suite extracted from the ballet has been greeted with rapturous acclaim by audiences. The Three Minute Nutcracker arranged by Conley, compressing the original piece into a 3 minutes piece to bring out the essence of the spectacular, will be staged tonight.


聖誕頌歌幻想曲 A Christmas Carol Fantasy

星出尚志作曲 | Comp. Takashi Hoshide

如何令優美的旋律更具風格?當然是精巧的編曲及配器吧!星出尚志將八首傳統聖誕頌歌 重新改編,以現代風格貫穿全曲,新舊結合,一氣呵成。保證耳目一新的聖誕頌歌,大家 能否一一辨認? A beautiful melody can be well-polished by sophisticated arrangement and instrumentations! Hoshide composed “A Christmas Carol Fantasy” by rearranging the eight traditional Christmas carols with a modern style. Can you identify each of them in this refreshing Christmas medley?


白色聖誕 White Christmas

歐文・柏林作曲;岩井直溥編曲 | Comp. Irving Berlin ; arr. Naohiro Iwai

《白色聖誕》原本是1942年荷里活電影《假日酒店》中的插曲,由冰・歌羅士比主唱。 由於歌曲十分受歡迎,電影公司在12年後,為冰哥羅士比度身訂造《白色聖誕》這套歌 舞電影。根據健力士世界紀錄2009,單是由冰・哥羅士比演唱的版本在全球便銷售出超 過5000萬份,在全世界暢銷單曲列表中排行第一位。 "White Christmas" was a popular song introduced by Bing Crosby in the Hollywood film Holiday Inn. 12 years later, the film studio produced a musical film White Christmas featuring the songs of Irving Berlin. According to the Guinness Book of World Records 2009, more than 50 million copies were sold and "White Christmas" ranked Top 1 on the world's best-selling singles list.


I'm dreaming of a white Christmas Just like the ones I used to know Where the treetops glisten and children listen To hear sleigh bells in the snow I'm dreaming of a white Christmas With every Christmas card I write May your days be merry and bright

我在聖誕只想有你 All I Want for Christmas is You

瑪麗・嘉兒、禾特・亞凡瑟夫作曲;拉里・卻舒拿編曲 | Comp. Mariah Carey & Walter Afanasieff ; arr. Larry Kerchner

美國著名女歌星瑪麗・嘉兒其中一首十分受歡迎的作品,首次發行為1994年。在澳洲、日 本、荷蘭、挪威和英國取得單曲榜第2名的成績。歌曲成為20世紀最暢銷的單曲第11 名,賣出超過1400萬張,並成為假日歌曲榜排行最高的歌曲。 As one of the most popular works, “All I Want for Christmas is You” was introduced in 1994 by the famous American singer, Mariah Carey and ranked high on the holiday songs list. It achieved Top 2 on the singles chart of Australia, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway and the UK. Thereafter, the song peaked the Top 11 among all 20th century's best-selling singles, with global sales of over 14 millions copies.



I don't need to hang my stocking There upon the fireplace Santa Claus won't make me happy With a toy on Christmas Day

'Cause I just want you here tonight Holding on to me so tight What more can I do? Baby, all I want for Christmas is you You, baby Oh, all the lights are shining So brightly everywhere And the sound of children's Laughter fills the air

I just want you for my own More than you could ever know Make my wish come true All I want for Christmas is you You, baby

And everyone is singing I hear those sleigh bells ringing Santa, won't you bring me the one I really need? Won't you please bring my baby to me?

Oh, I won't ask for much this Christmas I won't even wish for snow And I'm just gonna keep on waiting Underneath the mistletoe

Oh, I don't want a lot for Christmas This is all I'm asking for I just want to see my baby Standing right outside my door

I won't make a list and send it To the North Pole for Saint Nick I won't even stay awake to Hear those magic reindeer click

Oh, I just want you for my own More than you could ever know Make my wish come true Baby, all I want for Christmas is you You, baby

I don't want a lot for Christmas There is just one thing I need And I don't care about the presents Underneath the Christmas tree

北極快車 The Polar Express

艾倫・席維史崔、格倫・巴拉德作曲;謝利・布魯貝克 | Comp. Alan Silverstri & Glen Ballard ; arr. Jerry Brubaker

《北》著名兒童文學作家克里斯・凡・艾斯伯格1985出版的作 品。故事講述一個小男孩 在聖誕夜坐上名為「北極快車」的魔法火車去北極冒險的故事。最後,他拜訪了聖誕老人 並得到一份特殊禮物。2004年《北》被改編拍成電腦動畫,其中的配樂及歌曲十分動聽 ,讓人有如置身夢幻之中。 "The Polar Express" is a well-known children's literature written by Chris Van Allsburg in 1985. It is a adventurous story about a little boy’s journey on the magical train - the Polar Express on Christmas Eve, heading him to the Santa and getting a special gift. In 2004, the story was adapted into a 3D animated musical fantasy film with masterfully scored soundtracks.



Secret Agent Santa 謝 夫・西 門 士 編 曲 | arr. Jeff Simmons

聖誕老人每年的任務是什麼呢?走遍全世界,為乖孩子送上禮物?抑或另有秘密使命?換上 燕尾西裝的聖誕老人大家又可會認出?注意,我們即將揭開聖誕老人不為人知的另一面喲! Does Santa really traveling around the world just to give presents to the children, or he has other secret mission? Can you recognize Santa if he wears in a tuxedo? Hark, we are going to unveil the mysterious life of Santa to you!


The most complete collection of wind music albums in Hong Kong!

Saint Hallelujah

奇雲・吉士拿編曲 | arr. Calvin Custer

《聖》多年來一直是熱門的加拿大銅管音樂會選曲。這首樂曲結合了“當聖徒進入天家” 和“哈利路亞大合唱”的旋律, 配合精彩的編曲,由小號聲部合奏帶領著樂隊演奏此首夢 幻的音樂。 The lively combination of When The Saints Go Marching In and The Hallelujah Chorus has been a popular Canadian Brass concert selection for years. This playable version of that imaginative arrangement features a trumpet soli section and solid concert band scoring throughout.

聖誕好心情 In the Christmas Mood

約翰・華生編曲 | arr. John Wasson

將幾首耳熟能詳的聖誕傳統歌曲,配上當代音樂節奏,會有多好玩?編曲家特意使用經典 爵士名曲《好心情》來貫穿全曲,必將節日氣氛推至最高點! What an idea to feature several holiday favorites and mix them with the hottest musical style going today! The result is a fabulous medley including A Holly Jolly Christmas, Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer, Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!, Frosty The Snow Man, and Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree, all gift wrapped with the classic In The Mood. This will undoubtedly take us to the climax of the concert tonight!

聖誕音樂對對碰 Christmas Tunes Matching (p.12)



4 3 1. Jingle Bells 4 C 2. We Wish You a Merry Christmas 4

3. White Christmas 44 C

Tuba Soloist : Øystein Baadsvik Orchestra : Trondheim Symfoniorkester, Conductor : Torodd Wigum Choir : Cantus Women's Choir - When You Wish Upon the Star - Ave Maria - Ding Dong Merrily on High - Silent Night and many more...

Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra Conducted by Naohiro Iwai - A Christmas Carol Fantasy - Santa Claus is Comin' to Town - White Christmas - Rudolph, the Red-nosed Reindeer - Christmas Today - Winter Wonderland - I Saw Mammy Kissing Santa Claus - Dreams in the Silent Night

3 4. Silent Night 4


團員名單 Member List

指揮 李樹昇 詹灝銘 廖少國

舞台總監 Stage Manager TANG Oi Ling 鄧藹玲

短笛 方善瑤

Piccolo FONG Sin Yiu

長笛 梁偉陶# 陳俊廷 蔡雅詩 鍾子希 馮芷蕎 林葆懿 李國輝 連家駿 連曉彤 麥淑欣 吳海圓 胡珮而

Flute LEUNG Wai To # CHAN Chun Ting CHOI Nga Sze CHUNG Tsz Hei FUNG Tsz Kiu LAM Po Yi LI Kwok Fai LIN Ka Chun LIN Xiao Tong MAK Shuk Yan NG Hoi Yuen Vivien WU Pui Yee

雙簧管 林嘉奇#

Oboe LAM Ka Ki#

降E調單簧管 Eb Clarinet WONG Cheuk Nang* 王卓能*


Conductor LEE Shu Sing JIM Ho Ming Scott LIU

單簧管 何晉業# 陳鏡全 蔡照舜 趙堅兒 呂家俊 沙才俊 沈少雄 施清丕 謝偉群 温子俊 葉家威

Clarinet HO Chun Yip# CHAN Keng Chuen CHOI Chiu Shun CHIU Kin Yee Gladys LUI Ka Chun SHA Choi Chun Felix SHUM Siu Hung SZE Ching Pai TSE Wai Kwan Janet WAN Tsz Chun YIP Ka Wai

中音單簧管 李樹昇

Alto Clarinet LEE Shu Sing

低音單簧管 凌子程 袁卓瑩

Bass Clarinet LING Tsz Ching YUEN Cheuk Ying

中音薩克管 謝偉君# 黎海盈 藍靖喬 岑嘉豪

音樂會統籌 Concert Coordinator 温志堅 WAN Chi Kin

執行委員會 Executive Committee

藝術設計 葉羨衡

永遠名譽顧問 周文軒博士

Honourable Life Advisor Dr. CHOU Wen-hsien, OBE, JP

音樂總監 李樹昇

Music Director LEE Shu-sing

名譽音樂總監 葉惠康博士

Honourable Music Director Dr. YIP Wai-hong, MH

副音樂總監 馮嘉興

Associate Music Director FUNG Ka-hing

名譽顧問 蔡建中先生

Honourable Advisor Mr. CHAI Jian-zhong

秘書 吳宗鵬

Secretary NG Chung-pang

桂冠音樂總監 黃日照先生

Music Director Laureate Mr. WONG Alfonso

Alto Saxophone TSE Wai Kwan# LAI Hoi Ying LAM Ching Kiu SHUM Ka Ho

次中音薩克管 Tenor Saxophone LAW Cheuk Wing 羅卓榮 上低音薩克管 Baritone Saxophone CHAN Kwan Yi 陳君兒 圓號 唐梓諾# 余文偉 郭肇廷 關建強 郭柏然 劉世勤 羅婉穎 何鑑亨 潘慧韞 余文強

Horn TONG Tsz Nok# Alan YUE Alfred KWOK KWAN Kin Keung KWOK Pak Yin LAU Sai Kan LAW Yuen Wing Richard HO Vivian POON YUE Man Keung Samuel

小號 余偉賢# 陳銘浚 張浩昇** 張錫雷 程思惠 李兆昌 廖碧恩 冼楚翹 譚熒熒 黃家聰 葉育泉

Trumpet YU Wai Yin# CHAN Ming Chun CHEUNG Ho Sing** CHEUNG Sik Lui CHING Sze Wai Vicky LI Siu Cheong LIU Pik Yan SIN Chor Kiu TAM Ying Ying WONG Ka Chung YIP Yuk Chuen

長號 趙漢權# 張樂安 吳宗鵬 温志堅 張錦添 鄭健民

Trombone CHIU Hon Kuen Jimmy# CHEUNG Lok On Rocky NG Chung Pang WAN Chi Kin ZHANG Jin Tian ZHENG Kin Man

低音長號 盧天恆

Bass Trombone LO Terence

Artistic Design Natalie YIP

次中音號 高偉晉# 陳錦昕 李俠恩

Euphonium KO Wai Chun Alex# CHAN Kam Yan Hermone LEE Hap Yan Arthur

大號 陳栢恒# 鄒海傑 黎得駿

Tuba Brian CHAN# CHOW Hoi Kit LAI Tak Chun

敲擊 陶永琼# 陳柏螢 周柏林 林億泰 麥德偉 石偉平 譚家怡 謝禧文

Percussion TO Wing King# CHAN Pak Ying CHAU Pak Lam LAM Yik Tai MAK Tak Wai SHEK Wai Ping TAM Ka Yi TSE Hei Man

低音大提琴 Double Bass WONG Chiu Yu^ 黃照宇^

* 團長 Concertmaster ** 副團長 Associate Concertmaster # 首席 Principal ^ 特邀樂手 Guest Performer

總務委員會 General Committee

藝術委員會 Artistic Committee

財務 潘慧韞

Treasurer POON Wai Wan Vivian

音樂總監 李樹昇

Music Director LEE Shu Sing

項目經理 劉銘章 温志堅

Project Manager LAU Ming Cheung WAN Chi Kin

副音樂總監 馮嘉興

Associate Music Director FUNG Ka Hing

推廣總監 余文偉

Marketing Manager YUE Man-wai Alan

團長 王卓能

Concertmaster WONG Cheuk Nang

物流主任 張浩昇

Logistics Officer CHEUNG Ho Sing

副團長 張浩昇

Associate Concertmaster CHEUNG Ho Sing

資訊科技主任 李國輝

Information Technology Officer LI Kwok Fai

木管聲部長 陳中豪

Section Leader - Woodwind CHAN Chung Ho

樂譜編輯主任 羅裕廣

Music Score Editor LO Yu Kwong

高音銅管聲部長 張浩昇

Section Leader - Upper Brass CHEUNG Ho Sing

行政主任 麥淑欣

Administrative Officer MAK Shuk Yan

低音銅管聲部長 吳宗鵬

Section Leader - Lower Brass NG Chung Pang

譜務 麥德偉

Librarian MAK Tak Wai

敲擊樂聲部長 謝禧文

Section Leader - Percussion TSE Hei Man

總務主任 謝禧文

General Affairs Officer TSE Hei Man


鳴謝 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 香港交響管樂團謹向以下人士及單位之協助及支持致謝 The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds wishes to thank the following parties for their unfailing assistance and support

Dr. YIP Wai Hong, MH 葉惠康博士 MH Mr. CHAI Jian Zhong 蔡建中先生 Mr. CHOW P.Y. 周百英先生 Mr. CHOW Chung Kai, OBE JP 周忠繼先生 OBE JP Ms. WONG On Cheuk 黃安爵老師 Ms. CHEUNG Fanny 張可薇小姐 St. Bonaventure College & High School 聖文德書院 Principal LAW Wai Lam 羅偉南校長 Mr. LO Chiu Keung 盧照強老師 Mr. CHOW Lok Man 周樂文老師

Hong Kong Chinese Women’s Club College 香港中國婦女會中學 Principal WONG Ming-hau 黃明孝校長 Ms. CHUI Tsan Ling 徐燦玲老師

Concert Audio Recording 大會錄音 Mr. CHAN Pui Ching 陳沛正先生

Concert Video Recording 大會錄影 Sereno Art Management 睿智藝術策劃

Concert Photography 大會攝影 Mr. Gary Hui 許聯發先生

Guest Christmas Town Guardian 特邀搞搞震大使-Ahtsui 阿徐


Joseph Optima & Co. Ltd. 雅詩有限公司 The Hong Kong Society for the Blind 香港盲人輔導會 The Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong 香港展能藝術會 Christian Family Service Centre - Urban Oasis 基督教家庭服務中心-都市綠洲

聯絡我們 CONTACT US 加入我們的Facebook專頁 Join us on Facebook THE HONG KONG SYMPHONIC WINDS 香港交響管樂團


電話 Tel: +852 9613 7160 傳真 Fax: +852 2893 8818 電郵 Email:


HKSW PHILANTHROPY 公益慈善事務 成立了29年的 HKSW「香港交響管樂團」是一個非牟利團體,在香港推廣管樂並不斷進步,有賴 各團員無私奉獻,和兩所學校的協助。沒有資助,以自身缺乏資源的環境下仍能創造傳奇,貫徹 我們的宗旨推廣管樂。 樂團自己出發,積極參與不少慈善活動,包括舉辦免費音樂會。舉辦免費管樂導賞,協辦免費大 師班,協助慈善團體籌款,與公營機構協辦音樂會,並與企業合作讓社福機構朋友們參與音樂活 動。 The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds (HKSW) was established in 1987. We are a non-profit organization promoting wind music in Hong Kong. Thanks to all the HKSW members and two schools, HKSW is able to drive its philanthropy program to inspire and expand musical appreciation. HKSW philanthropic activities include free concerts for the underprivileged, free seminars for wind band music education, hosting master classes, co-hosting master classes in the Hong Kong Arts Festival, collaborating with NGO's, and collaborating with businesses to sponsor the underprivileged to join concerts.

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香 港 交 響 管 樂 團


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