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CHAPTER 1 COMPUTER BASICS LESSON 1: BASIC COMPUTER PARTS AND PERIPHERAL A computer is an electronic machine that accepts data and instructions. It can store and process large amount of data and produce results in a second. Parts of a Computer A computer is made up of several parts. Each part performs a specific function. All these parts work together to function as one.

The Central Processing Unit or CPU is known as the ‘’brain ‘’of the computer. It runs all the activities inside the computer. It controls how each part of a computer should work.

The monitor displays letters, numbers and pictures entered into a computer.

The keyboard is used to type data and to enter commands into a computer.

With the CPU, monitor and keyboard, one can already use the computer. However you can also attach other devices to a computer to increase its usefulness. Such devices are known as peripheral devices.


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A mouse allows you to move and select items on the screen.

A printer is a device that transfers text and images on paper.

Speakers allow you to hear sound from a computer even from a distance.

A headphone allows you to privately listen to sounds from a computer.

A microphone allows you to record sounds into a computer.

A headset combines the functions of a headphone and a microphone.


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A webcam or web camera captures video images and transmits them to the internet.

A scanner copies a picture or a document into a computer.

A joystick is a control device used for playing computer games.

A trackball is a pointing device that looks like an upsidedown mouse.


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● headphone





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● trackball

● joystick

LESSON 2: THE COMPUTER AS A USEFUL TOOL Computers are very useful. You can do many things using computers. You can use a computer to accomplish tasks in school or in the office. You can use it to communicate with people. You can also use it for entertainment.

The Computer as an Educational Tool A computer can be used to help you in your studies. You can use it to type your assignments. You can also use the computer to search for information on the Internet.

The Computer as a Business Tool A computer can be used to organize businesses. It can be used to manage files and records. It can also be used to present business matters to clients.

The Computer as a Communication Tool A computer can be used to communicate with other people. You can use it send instant messages and electronic mails. You can keep in touch with your friends through Facebook, Myspace, and other social networking websites using a computer.


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The Computer as an Entertainment Tool You can play games on a computer. You can also watch movies or listen to your favourite music using a computer.

Activity 1: Circle YES if a computer can be used for the activity being described. If not, circle NO. YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES


1.Create inventions and greeting cards. 2. Help in household chores. 3. Explain lessons on how to solve math problems. 4.Provide information for your homework. 5.Prepare nutritious food for you. 6. Wash and iron clothes. 7. Talk to friends and relative abroad. 8.Play online game with friends. 9. Compute the daily sales in the shop. 10.Draw cartoon characters.


1. Hardware - is made up of the parts of computer that you can see and touch.


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2. Software is a set of instructions that tell a computer how to do certain things.    

Microsoft word MS Paint MS PowerPoint Internet explorer

3. Peopleware refers to people who use the computer.

Activity: A. Unscramble the following words to reveal what is defined.


1.It simply refers to computer parts. 2. All computer programs which control computer hardware and processing. 3. Refers to the personnel who use the computer

B. Identify what element of computers are the following by completing the table. 1. monitor 2. Microsoft word

6.MS Paint

3. printer



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4. Keyboard

8. Call center agent

5. Computer teacher

9.Bank teller




LESSON 4: HOW A COMPUTER WORKS? Input-Process-Output A ll co mp u t e rs f o llow t h e st a ge s of I np u t -P ro ce ss -Ou t put -S t o ra ge . a . T h e I NP UT st a ge in vo lve s p u t t in g inf o rma t io n in to th e syst e m . b . T h e PRO CE S S st a ge in vo lve s d o in g so me th in g wit h t h e in f o rma t io n . c . T h e O UTP UT sta ge in vo lve s d isp la yin g re su lt s. d . T he ST O RAG E sta ge ke ep in g d a ta wh e n th e com p ut e r is swit ch e d of f . L o t s of ot h e r th in gs f o llo w t h e In p u t -P ro ce ss -O u tp u t sta g e s, like t h is:

Fo r e xa m p le , t a ke a t oa st e r.

Fo r a wa sh in g m a ch in e yo u ha ve :


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A com p ut e r wo rks in t h e sam e wa y :


T he ha rd wa re d e vice s a re gro u pe d by wh a t t h e y a re u se d f o r in t he syst e m . A com p ut e r syst e m ha s f ou r ma in co m po ne n t s.

I nput de vi c e s a re u se d t o p u t inf o rma t io n in t o t he comp u t e r T he P r oc e ss or is u se d t o d o a ll t h e wo rk su ch a s ca lcu la t io n s, se a rch e s, co m pa riso n s O utput de vi c e s use d to d isp la y t he re su lt s S tor a ge de vi c e s use d to kee p inf o rma t io n wh e n t h e com p ut e r is swit ch e d of f


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Fl ow of Da ta T he a rro ws sh o w h o w t h e d at a f lo ws i n t he com pu t e r syst e m . S o me de vice s a re u se d f o r in pu t , so inf o rma t io n f lo ws I N t o t he p ro ce sso r. S o me de vice s a re u se d f o r ou t pu t , so inf o rma t io n f lo ws O UT of th e p ro ce sso r. S o me de vice s a re u se d f o r ba ckin g st o ra ge . I nf o rm a t ion f lo ws O UT of th e p ro ce sso r f o r sa vin g a n d f lo ws I N t o t h e p ro ce sso r wh e n loa d in g.

LESSON 5: INPUT DEVICES Input devices are used to enter data or give commands to a are some input devices that are commonly used. Keyboard Most common and very popular input device is keyboard. The keyboard helps in inputting the data to the computer. The layout of the keyboard is like that of traditional typewriter, although there are some additional keys provided for performing some additional functions. Keyboards are of two sizes 84 keys or 101/102 keys, but now 104 keys or 108 keys keyboard is also available for Windows and Internet.


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Mouse is most popular Pointing device. It is a very famous cursor-control device. It is a small palm size box with a round ball at its base which senses the movement of mouse and sends corresponding signals to CPU on pressing the buttons.


Joystick is also a pointing device, which is used to move cursor position on a monitor screen. It is a stick having a spherical ball at its both lower and upper ends. The lower spherical ball moves in a socket. The joystick can be moved in all four directions. The function of joystick is similar to that of a mouse. It is mainly used in Computer Aided Designing (CAD) and playing computer games.

Light Pen


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Light pen is a pointing device, which is similar to a pen. It is used to select a displayed menu item or draw pictures on the monitor screen. It consists of a photocell and an optical system placed in a small tube. When light pen's tip is moved over the monitor screen and pen button is pressed, its photocell sensing element, detects the screen location and sends the corresponding signal to the CPU.


Track Ball

Track ball is an input device that is mostly used in notebook or laptop computer, instead of a mouse. This is a ball, which is half inserted and by moving fingers on ball, pointer can be moved. Since the whole device is not moved, a track ball requires less space than a mouse. A track ball comes in various shapes like a ball, a button and a square.



Scanner is an input device, which works more like a photocopy machine. It is used when some information is available on a paper and it is to be transferred to the hard disc of the computer for further manipulation. Scanner captures images from the source which are then converted into the digital form that can be stored on the disc. These images can be edited before they are printed.


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Microphone is an input device to input sound that is then stored in digital form. The microphone is used for various applications like adding sound to a multimedia presentation or for mixing music.


An output device is any peripheral that receives or displays output from a computer

Monitor- is also called a visual display screen. It converts electronic signals from the computer into visual display.

Printer- allows one to create a hard copy of the information present in the computer.


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Speakers enables one to hear a sound coming from computer.

Headphones (or "head-phones" in the early days of telephony and radio) are a pair of small loudspeakers that are designed to be held in place close to a user's ears. They are also known as earspeakers, earphones[2] or, colloquially, cans

LESSON 7: STORAGE DEVICES Secondary storage refers to storage devices and media that are not constantly accessible by a computer system. These devices and media must be either plugged in or inserted into a computer in order to be accessed by the system. Because secondary storage technology is not always connected to the computer, it is commonly used for Magnetic media.

Types of Secondary Storage 

Magnetic Storage Media

Hard drive Alternatively referred to as a hard disk drive and abbreviated as HD or HDD, the hard drive is the computer's main storage media device that permanently stores all data on the computer. It consists of many disks or platters that store data.


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Optical Storage media

CD-ROM Short for Compact Disc-Read Only Memory, CD-ROM drives are CD players inside computers that can have speeds in the range from 1x and beyond, and have the capability of playing audio CDs and computer data CDs. It can hold up to 650 megabytes of data. DVD Short for Digital Versatile Disc or Digital Video Disc, a DVD or DVD-ROM, is a type of read-only memory compact disc. A disc capable of storing large amounts of data It can store up to 17 gigabytes of information. Blu-ray Re-Writable and Read Only versions available. Uses a blue laser, that is able to recognise smaller pits and lands, which allows for the pits and lands to be more closely packed, and so store more data.

USB Flash drives -are solid state, that means that there are no moving parts. It allows for fast Random Access Memory. Flash drives can be set to read only mode, but they will always allow for reading and writing. The size of flash drives is not as great as a Hard Disk and they are generally much more expensive per megabyte.


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Memory Cards Work in much the same way as a Flash drive and can often be converted into Flash Drives. They have different connectors and are generally smaller than USB Flash drives allowing for them to be used in cameras, mobile phones and game consoles.

Activity I Fill in the blanks. 1. A __________ is a popular type of optical storage. 2. The term CD_ROM is an abbreviation of ____________________. 3. You can take data from one computer to another with the help of ______________. 4. CD ROMs can hold up to ______________ of data. 5. A hard disk has many______________. 9. ___________ work in same way with flash drive although generally it is smaller. 10.____________ uses a blue laser, that is able to recognise smaller pits and lands.


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A mouse is an input device used to move the pointer and to select objects on the screen. It has two main buttons: the left button and the right button. The left mouse button is used to do a specific action. The right mouse button is used to display a shortcut menu of commands. Different Mouse Actions Point is used to display the tool tip or information about an object. To point position the mouse pointer on an object on the screen. Click is used to select an object in the screen. To click, press and release the left mouse button once. Double-click is used to open a file or a program. To double-click, quickly press and release the left mouse button twice. Right-click is used to display a list of shortcut commands. To right-click, press and release the right mouse button once. Drag is used to move an object to a new location. This allows you to copy a file to another folder. To drag , point to an object on the screen. Press and hold down the left mouse button. Keep on holding the right mouse button down while moving the object to the desired location, then release the button.


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Activity 1 Match each mouse action in Column A with its function in Column B. Write the letter of answer on the blank. A


______1. Click

A. Moves an object to a new location

______2. Drag

B. Displays the information about an object

______3. Double-click

C. Selects an object on the screen

______4. Point

D. Displays a list of shortcut commands

______5. Right-click

E. Opens a file or a program

Activity 2 Complete each sentence by writing the missing words on the blank. Choose your answers from the box.



Press and hold



1. To POINT_________ the mouse pointer on an object in the screen. 2. To CLICK, press and release the position_____________mouse button once. 3. To DOUBLE-CLICK, quickly press and release the left mouse button_______________ 4. To RIGHT-CLICK, press and release the __________mouse button twice. 5. To DRAG , point to an object then_____________the left mouse button. Keep on holding the left mouse button down then move the object to the desired location. Release the left button.


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LESSON 2: STARTING UP AND SHUTTING DOWN A COMPUTER Starting up a computer means getting it ready for use. Shutting it down means closing all open programs and turning off the computer Starting up a Computer The following are the steps in starting up a computer properly: 1. Check if all data and power cables are complete and properly connected 2. Switch on the CPU. 3. Switch on the monitor. 4. Wait for the computer display to appear on screen.

Shutting Down a Computer Improper shutting down of a computer can cause serious damage to your file .Follow the given steps to shut down a computer properly. Step 1: Click on the start button. Step 2: Click on shut down. Step 3: Select shut down from the list click on the Ok button. Step 4: Switch off the monitor.

It is important to always shut down a computer properly. When the power button is switched off without doing the previously presented steps, files that were not saved will be lost. Make sure to save your work and remove all portable storage devices that are attached to or inserted into your CPU before shutting down your computer.

Activity1 Arrange the steps in Starting up a computer. _______ Select shut down from the list click on the Ok button. _______Click on the start button. _______ Switch off the monitor. _______ Click on shut down.


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Activity 2 Arrange the steps in shutting down a computer. Write the numbers 1 to 4 before each number Shutting Down a Computer _______ Select Shutdown then click on the OK button. _______ Click on Shut Down. _______ Switch off the Monitor. _______Click on the Start button.

Activity 3 Write R on the blank if the statement is correct . Write W if it is not. _______1. Check if all data cables are connected to the CPU before starting up a computer. _______2.When you are finished using a computer, press the power button of the CPU to turn it off. _______3. Improper shutting down can cause serious damage to one’s files. _______4. Starting up a computer means closing all the open programs and turning it off. _______5. It is safe to unplug the power cable while the computer is switched on.


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LESSON 3: EXPLORING THE MS WINDOWS SCREEN Microsoft Windows or MS Windows is an operating system. It allows you to use the programs in a computer. It uses graphics to represent file, commands and programs. The name MS Windows was coined because the rectangular working areas on the screen really look like windows. Parts of the MS Windows Screen

desktop Icons

Start button


1. The desktop is the display area that covers the entire screen. This is where icons are usually found. 2. Icons are small images that represent programs, files, or folders. 3. The Start button is located at the lower left corner of the screen. It provides you an easy way to operate a program or to shut down a computer. 4. The taskbar is the long horizontal bar at the bottom of the screen. It displays other icons and programs that are open. It also helps you to quickly switch from one program to another.


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Activity 1: Name the Parts Identify each part of the MS Windows screen. Write your answer on the blank.

1. 2. 3. 4. Activity 2: Find and Learn Identify what is being described by each statement. Choose your answers from the box. Write the letter of your answer on the blank. A. B. C. D. E.

Desktop Start button Icon Taskbar Windows

_______ 1. It is an operating system that allows the use of a computer programs. _______ 2.It is a small image that represents a program or a file. _______3. It is the display area that covers the entire screen. _______4. It provides quick access to programs or an easy way to shut down a computer. _______5. It is the long horizontal bar that displays programs that are open


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LESSON 4: Changing the Wallpaper and the Screen Saver

The wallpaper is a picture used as a background for your desktop. Different designs can be used as wallpaper. You can change the wallpaper of your computer anytime.

Changing the Wallpaper 1. Right-click on any part of the desktop. 2. Click on Properties. 3. Click on the desktop tab. 4. In the background list, click on the wallpaper that you want to use. 5. Click on the OK button. Changing the Screen Saver The screen saver is a moving text or picture that appears on the screen when your computer is on. A stand-by mode. It indicates that the computer is turned on but is idle. It also prevents the computer from hanging. The following are the steps in changing the screen saver. 1. Right-click on any part of the desktop.


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2. Click on Properties.

3. Click the Screen Saver tab.

4. In the Screen Saver list, click on the style that you want to use 5. Click on the OK button.

Activity 1 Identify what is being described by each statement. Write the missing letters in the boxes.

1. ________________ is a picture as a background for your desktop. 2. _______________is a moving text or picture that appears on the screen when your computer is on a stand-by mode. 3. Activity 2: Arrange the Steps Arrange the steps in changing the wallpaper. Write the numbers 1 to 5 in the blank. ______ Click on the OK button. ______In the background list, click on the wallpaper that you want to use. ______ Right-click on any part of your desktop. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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______Click on the desktop tab. ______Click on Properties.


A program is a set of instructions used to perform tasks on a computer. Different programs are used for different activities. When you run a computer, the Window of that program opens. You may run many programs at the same time. You can also switch between two or more programs that are running. Opening a Program There are two ways to open a program in MS Windows. Using the Start Button This method is longer way of opening a program because you have to do a series of steps. 1. Click on the Start button. 2. Click All Programs. 3. Click on the programs that you want to open.

Using the Shortcut icon This method is a shorter way of opening a program because you simply have to do either of the following: 1. Double-click on the program icon on the desktop.


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2. Right-click on the icon to display the shortcut me nu. Then click on open in the list of commands. Switching between Programs To switch between open programs, click on the program’s name found in the middle of the taskbar. You may also hold down the Alt key while continuously pressing the tab key to switch between open programs. Release the Alt key when the desired program is highlighted.


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Closing a Program There are two ways to close a program. Using the File Menu 1. Click on the File menu. 2. Click the Exit.

Using the Close Button. Click on the close button located at the upper right corner of the window.


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Activity 1: Let’s Check Identify what is being described by each statement. Circle the letter of your answer. 1. It is a set of instructions used to perform tasks on a computer a. Desktop b. Programs c. Windows 2. The program window opens when you do this to the program. a. Click b. Process c. Run 3. This mouse action allows you to switch between open programs. a. Drag b. Click c. Point 4. This mouse action allows you to open a program using the icon. a. Double-click b. drag c. Point 5. This is where you can find the names of programs that are open. A. Desktop b. icons c. Taskbar

Activity 2: Complete the steps Complete the steps in opening and closing a program by writing the missing word /s on the blank. Choose your answers from the box.

All Programs

A. 1. 2. 3.





Opening a Program Click on the ______________________ button. Click on __________________. ________________________ on the program that you want to use.

A. Closing a Program 1. Click on the _________________menu. 2. Click on ______________________.


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If you look closely at a program window, you will notice three little buttons at the upper right corner of the title bar. These are the minimize, maximize/restore and close buttons. They are sometimes called control buttons. Managing the Window Display Control buttons allow you to change the size and position of a program window.

Minimize button This reduces a window to a button on the taskbar

Maximize button This makes a window fill the entire screen. When a window is maximized, the restore down button replaces the maximize button on the title bar. Restore down button This returns a maximized window to its previous size.

Close button This causes a program to exit.

Changing the Size of a Window You can make the size of the window smaller or bigger by doing the following steps: 1. Click on the restore down button to reduce the window to its previous size. 2. Paint to any of the window’s corners or borders until you see a line with two arrowheads. 3. Drag the corner or border inward to make the window smaller. Drag it outward to make the window bigger. 4. To make a window fill the entire screen, click on the maximize button or double-click on the title bar. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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Activity 1: let’s check Identify the control button bring described. Choose your answers from the box. Write your answer on the blank.

Close button

Minimize button

Maximize button

Restore down button

1. It allows you to exit a program. 2. It allows you to reduce a window fill the entire screen. ________________________________________________________________ 3. It allows you to return a window to its previous size.

CHAPTER 3: KEYS TO KEYBOARDING Lesson 1: Keyboarding Basics


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Keyboarding is the skill of typing data using a computer keyboard. It speeds up activities that require the use of a computer. Thus, it is important to learn proper keyboarding. A computer keyboard has different groups of keys. Each group of keys has specific functions. Typing keys This group of keys consists of the home row keys, top row keys, and bottom row keys. The home row keys refer to the middle row of keys on a standard keyboard. The home row keys are A,S,D,F,G,H,J,K,L and semicolon(;)

The top row keys are also called QWERTY row. They are found above the home row keys. This group of keys is composed of Q,W,E,R,T,Y,U,I,O, and P.

The bottom row keys are located below the home row keys. The bottom row keys include Z,X,C,V,B,N,M, comma(,) period(.) and slash(/).


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Special keys Enter key It is used to move the cursor to the next line. This key is also used to perform a command.

Caps lock key It is used to type capital letters. When the Caps Lock indicator light is on, the letters you type are capitalized.

Shift key It is pressed together with an alphabet key to capitalize the letter. It is also use to type alternate characters in certain keys of a keyboard.

Tab key It is used to indent the first line of a paragraph.

Backspace key It is used to erase characters on the right of the cursor.

Space bar It is used to insert a space between words or symbols

Let’s Take a Byte Activity 1 Write the letters on the blank keys to complete each sentence. 1. _______________is the skill of typing data using a computer keyboard.


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2. The ________________ refer to the middle row of keys on a standard keyboard.

3. The top row keys are called the _____________________ row.

4. The ________________ include Z,X,C,V,B,N,M , comma (,) ,period(.) ansd slash(/).

5. The _______________consist of the letters Q, W, E, R, T, Y, U, I, O, and P


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LESSON 2: PROPER POSTURE IN KEYBOARDING Proper posture can help you improve your keyboarding skills. It can also help prevent body pain. With proper posture, keyboarding is easier and faster. Thus, it is important to observe proper posture when typing. Proper Keyboarding Posture Follow these steps to achieve the proper posture when keyboarding:

1. Sit up straight. 2. Keep your back against the chair. 3. Keep your feet flat on the floor. 4. Keep your elbows close to your body at about a 90° angle (like the letter L). 5. Keep your wrists straight and your fingers slightly curved. 6. Position the screen at your eye level. 7. Keep your fingers on the home keys when you are not typing. Activity 1: Posture Quiz Circle the check mark ( /) if the statement is correct. Circle the cross mark(X) if it is incorrect. / X 1.Correct posture can make us look and feel good. / X

2. Proper posture is only advised for those who use a computer.

/ X

3. Poor keyboarding is only advised for those who use a computer.


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/ X

4. Good keyboarding posture helps you to type faster.

/ X

5. It is all right to slouch especially if you have been typing for a long

/ X

6. Having a proper posture helps in developing keyboarding skills.

/ X

7. Your fingers can be positioned anywhere on the keyboard.


LESSON 3: ASSIGNED FINGERS FOR THE HOME KEY Names of the Fingers Study the names of the fingers Each finger has its own home key assignment on the keyboard. The keyboards are placed on the home keys before and after typing. To develop your keyboarding skills, it is important to always use the correct fingers when typing.

Home Key Assignment of your Fingers The fingers on your left hand are placed on the A, S, D and F keys. The fingers on your right hand are placed on the J, K, L and ; keys. Your thumbs are placed on the spacebar. An easy way to remember the home key assignment is to feel the bumps on the F and J keys.


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Once the index finger are placed on the F and J keys, all the other finger rest naturally on their assigned key. Activity Identify the assigned home key for each finger.Write your answer at the top of each finger.


Opening the WordPad Program Follow the steps in using the Wordpad program. 1. Click on Start 2. Click on All Programs. 3. Click on Accessories. 4. Click on WordPad


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Parts of the Wordpad Window

The title bar displays the name of the Wordpad program and the name of the file you are currently using. The menu bar contains a list of commands that the program can perform. The toolbar consists of the basic command buttons that are shortcuts for common file management tasks,like saving and printing. The format bar contains buttons that you can use to format or change the appearance of the text. The ruler allows you to set margins and tab stops. The insertion paint or cursor is the blinking vertical line that tells you where th next character that you type will appear. The status bar provides additional information about the buttons and commands in Wordpad.


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ď ś Formatting Text in Wordpad You can change the look of your text by choosing a different font, size, style, color and other effects.

Using the Format Bar 1. Drag the pointer over the text that you want to select. 2. Click on the font, size, style you want to use. Using the Menu Bar 1. Select the text that you want to change. 2. On the Format menu, click on Font. 3. Select a font, style, size and color you want to use. You can double-click on the font size box to type any size you want. 4. Click on the OK button

Saving A Document In Wordpad Using the File Menu

1. Click on File. 2. Click on Save. 3. 3.In the Save in box, select where you want to save the document. You can save your work in the hard disk or in a portable storage device. 4. In the File name box. Type a name for the document. Note that the .rtf file extension is used for all documents created in WordPad. 5. Click on the Save button. Using the toolbar. 1. Click on the save button. 2. In the save in box, choose the desired folder or drive. 3. In the file name box, type a name for the document. Then click on Save. You can also press Ctrl + S on the keyboard to save the file.


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Activity Match each part of the WordPad window in Column A with its description in Column B. Write the letter of your answer on the blank. A B _____1. Title bar a. it tells you where to type text. _____2. Menu bar b. It displays the names of the program and the file. ______3. Toolbar c. it allows you to change the appearance of the text. ______4. Format d. it contains a list of commands that the program can perform. ______5. Ruler e. it allows you to set margins and tab stops. ______6. Cursor f. it consists of the basic command buttons, like save and print. ______7. Status bar g. it provides additional information about the buttons and commands in WordPad. LESSON 5: THE HOME ROW KEYS

Recall that the home row keys are composed of A, S, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, and; The left hand fingers are placed on the J,K,L and ; keys. The thumbs are placed on the space bar. The G and H keys are the home row extensions for the index finger. The following are the steps in typing G and H properly 1. Position your fingers on the home keys. 2. Place your thumbs on the space bar. 3. To type G, move your left index finger to the right without moving the other fingers on the home key position. Press G then put your finger back on F.


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4. To type H, move your right index to the left without moving the other fingers on the home key position. Press H, then put your finger back on J. Activity The Home Row Keys Write the home row keys in the correct order.

LESSON 6: THE TOP ROW KEYS The Top Row keys are located above the home row keys. This group is composed of the letters Q,W,E,R,T,U,Y,I,O, and P. From the home keys, you have to move your fingers up to type these keys.

Typing QWERTYUIOP Left-hand Fingers Pinky Q Ring Middle E Index R and T Thumb Space bar YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

Right hand Fingers Index Y and U Middle I Ring O Pinky P Thumb Space bar Page 42

To type using the top row keys, follow the steps below. 1. Position your fingers on the home keys. 2. Place your thumb on the space bar. 3. Move your fingers up from the home keys. Press the top arrow keys, then pit your fingers back on the home keys. LESSON 7: THE BOTTOM ROW KEYS The bottom row keys are found below the home row keys. This set consists of Z, X, C, V, B, N, M, comma (,) and (.) and slash (/).To type the bottom row keys, you have to move your fingers down from the home row keys. Typing Z,X,C,V,B,N,M,./ Left hand Fingers Pinky Z Ring X Middle C Index V and B Thumb Space bar

Right Hand Fingers Index N and M Middle , Ring . Pinky / Thumb Space bar

Follow the given steps in typing the bottom row keys. 1. Position your fingers on the Home keys. 2. Place your thumbs on the Space bar. 3. To type a bottom row key, move your assigned finger down from the home key. Press the bottom row key, then put your finger back on the home key. Keyboarding Numeric Key The Numeric keys The first set of number keys located above the top row key is called the numeric keys. This set contains of the digits 0 to 9.From the home keys, you have to move your fingers up to type these keys. Left Hand Fingers Pinky







4 and 5


Space bar


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Follow the given steps in typing numbers using the numeric keys. 1. Position your fingers on the home keys. 2. Place your thumbs on the Space bar. 3. Move your assigned finger up from the home key. Press the desired numeric key, then put your finger back on the home key. The Numeric Keypad The numeric keypad is located on the right side of a keyboard. The keys on the numeric keypad are grouped together in the same way as most calculators. It consists of the digits 0 to 9,and the mathematical symbols for addition (+) subtraction (-), multiplication (*0 and division (/).It also include the decimal point (.), Num Lock key and Enter key When th Num Lock indicator light is on you can type numbers using the numeric keypad. When the Num lock key is off, the numeric keypad acts as arrow keys. The middle row in the numeric keypad includes the numbers 4,5 and 6.The number 5 key has a bump which helps you find the correct position of your right hand fingers on the numeric keypad. Right Hand Fingers Index

Num Lock 4,7,1






-,+, Enter



To type numbers using the numeric keypad, follow the steps below. 1. Position your right index finger on 4,right middle finger on 5, and right ring finger on 6. 2. Place your right pinky on the Enter key. 3. To type any of the numbers 7,8 and 9 move your assigned finger up from the middle row key. Press the number key, then pit your finger back to the middle row key of the numeric keypad. 4. To type any of the numbers 1,2 and 3 move your assigned finger down from the middle row key. Press the number key, then put your finger back to the middle row key of the numeric keypad. 5. Type O using your right thumb.


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CHAPTER 4 MAKING GREAT DESIGNS WITH MS PAINT LESSON 1: THE MS PAINT PROGRAM MS Paint is a program that you can use to draw, color, and edit pictures. It also allows you to add text to pictures and edit scanned photos. You can then set your design as your desktop background or print your pictures on paper. Follow the steps in using the MS Paint program. Using the Start button. 1. Click on the Start button. 2. Click on All Programs. 3. Click on Paint. Using the Shortcut Icon Double-click on the MS Paint icon on the desktop. Parts of the MS Paint Window.

The title bar displays the names of the program and the file that you are currently using. The menu bar displays a list of commands that you can choose from. The toolbox contains the drawing tools that you can use to create pictures. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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The drawing area is the workspace or canvas where you draw and create designs. The color box contains colors that you can apply in the drawings. The scroll bar allows you to view the hidden parts in the drawing area. The status bar shows the function of each button on the toolbox. The MS Paint toolbox To display the toolbox, click on the View menu, then select tool box. You can select a tool from the toolbox by clicking on the tool button.

Activity: Name the Parts Identify the parts of the MS Paint window. Choose your answers from the box. Write your answer on the blank. Menu Bar Color Box

Scroll Bars Drawing Area


Toolbox Title Bar

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LESSON 2: DRAWING LINES AND CURVES FOREGROUND AND BACKGROUND COLORS The foreground color is shown on the top square on the left side of the color box. It is used for lines, borders of shapes and text. To change the foreground color click on a color in the color box using the left mouse button. Foreground color

Background color The background color is shown on the bottom square on the left side of the color box. It is used to fill closed figures and to color text frames. It also appears when you use the eraser tool. To change the background color, click on a color in the color box using the right mouse button. Drawing Lines The line tool is used to draw a straight line.

1. Click on the line button. 2. Select a line thickness from the line styles option box. By default, MS Paint uses the thinnest line whenever you open the program. 3. Click on a color in the box.


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4. Drag the pointer in the drawing area to draw a line. You may also right-click while dragging the pointer to draw using the background color. To draw a perfectly horizontal, vertical or diagonal line, hold down the Shift key while dragging the pointer. The pencil tool is used to write letters and draw free- form lines. 1. Click on the Pencil button to draw or write in the drawing area. Drawing Curved Lines The curve tool is used to draw a curve line. It is trickier to use than the line tool. Drawing curve lines to make the shape that you want requires practice and a lot of patience before you get used to it.

1. Click on the Curve button. 2. Select a line thickness from the line styles option box.

3. Drag the pointer in the drawing area to draw a line.

4. Drag a portion of the line where you want the first curve to appear. Repeat this step for the second curve. Only two curves can be made for each line drawn. Erasing Mistakes in a Drawing The eraser tool is used to erase mistakes or parts of a drawing.


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1. Click on the eraser button. 2. Select the size of the eraser from the eraser sizes option box. 3. Drag the eraser over the area that you want to erase. 4. The eraser changes any area that you erase to the background color. Selecting Parts of a Drawing Ms Paint selection tools allow you to select a part of a drawing that you want to copy, move or delete. The free-form select button is used to select a part of a drawing by forming the shape that you want to select. 1. Click on the free-form select button. 2. Drag the pointer to form the shape of the part that you want to select. 3. Drag the selected part to move it anywhere in the drawing are. 4. The select tool is used to select a rectangular part of drawing. 1. Click on the select button. 2. Drag the pointer to select a part of the drawing by enclosing it in a rectangle. Drag the selected part to move it anywhere in the drawing area. If you want to erase the selected part. You may either used the Edit menu and click on Clear Selection or simply press the Delete key on the keyboard. How To Copy A Part Of The Drawing 1. Click on the free-form select button. 2. Drag the pointer to select a part of a drawing that you want to copy. 3. Below the toolbox, choose a background style. a. Opaque-The background color is included in the selection and will appear in the pasted drawing. b. Transparent – the background color is not included in the selection. When you paste the selection, the background color is transparent. 4. On the Edit menu, click on Copy. You can also press Ctrl+ C on the keyboard to copy the selected part into a temporary Windows storage area called the clipboard. 5. On the Edit menu, click on Paste. You can also press Ctrl+V on the keyboard to paste the copied selection. 6. Drag the picture to its new location. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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To quickly create multiple copies, press and hold down the Ctrl key while dragging the selected part to the desired location. Saving a Drawing in MS Paint 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Click on the File menu. Click on Save. In the Save in dialog box, select my pictures. In the File name box, type a name for the file. Click on the Save button. Activity Complete each statement by writing the missing word on the blank. Choose your answers from the box. Background Click Erase Right Foreground 1. The _____________ color is used for lines, borders of shapes and text. 2. To set the background color, click on a color in the color box using the _______ mouse button. 3. Any areas that you _____________ will be replaced with the selected background color. 4. To set the foreground color,____________ on a color in the color box. 5. The _____________color is used to fill closed figures and as color of text frames.

LESSON 3: SHAPE TOOLS The MS Paint shape tools allow you to combine different shapes to create drawings. Learn to draw rectangles, ellipses and polygons with different styles, colors and designs. Drawing Shapes Study how you can draw shapes in three fill styles. The outline style allows you to draw a shape with a border having the foreground color but with no color fill. The filled with outline style allows you to draw a shape with a border having the selected background color and which is filled with the background color. The filled without outline style allows you to draw a shape with no borer but which is filled with the foreground color. You may also right-click while dragging the pointer to draw a shape using the background color.


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To Change The Border Thickness Of Shapes You can choose the thickness of the border that you will use to draw any shape 1. Click on the line button. 2. Select a line thickness from the line styles option box Drawing Rectangles and Shapes The rectangle tool is used to draw a rectangle and square. The rounded rectangle tool is used to draw a round-cornered rectangle and square.

1. Click on the rectangle button. 2. Choose a fill style. 3. On the drawing area, drag the pointer diagonally to the area you want to draw a rectangle. Drawing Circles and Ovals The ellipse tool is used to draw a circle or an oval. 1. Click on the Ellipse button. 2. Choose a fill style. 3. On the drawing area, drag the pointer diagonally to draw an oval. To draw a circle, hold down the Shift Key while dragging the pointer. Drawing Polygons The polygon tool is used to draw a closed figure with three or more straight sides. 1. Click on the polygon button. 2. Choose a fill style. 3. Drag a pointer to draw a straight a line. Then click once at the next corner of the polygon and drag the pointer again to draw another line. Continue that until you have drawn all corners of the polygon. 4. Double-click when you are done. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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To create a polygon with only 45° or 90° angles hold down the Shift key while dragging the pointer. To draw a square, hold down the Shift key while dragging the pointer.

LESSON 4: USING COLORS Colors are all around us. You can make your drawing more beautiful and interesting by adding colors to it. With MS Paint tools, you can choose colors from the color box or color in a picture. Making a Bigger View The magnifier tool is used to have a more detailed view of a drawing.

1. Click on the Magnifier button. 2. Below the toolbox, select a magnification view. 3. Drag the scroll bars to view the rest of the drawing.

To Zoom In and Zoom Out a Drawing 1. On the View menu, point to Zoom. 2. Click on Large Size or Custom. To return to normal view, click on the magnifier button, then click on any part of the drawing. Applying Colors to Drawing The fill with color tool is used to fill a shape with color. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Draw a closed shape. Click on the fill with color button. Click on a color in the color box. Click anywhere inside the shape to fill it with the selected color.


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Painting with a Brush The brush tool is used to write words and draw and paint pictures. 1. Click on the brush button. 2. Click n a color in the color box. 3. Choose a brush type. There are three kinds of brush shapes. a. Round or circular b. Boxed type c. Slanted 4. Drag the pointer to draw and paint a picture or to write words.

Creating Airbrush Effects The airbrush tool is used to spray colors on a drawing.

1. Click on the airbrush button. 2. Click on a color in the color box. 3. Choose a spray size from the spray sizes option box. 4. Drag the pointer over a picture to spray the color. Copying Colors From Another Shape or Picture The Pick color tool is used to copy any color in a drawing.

1. Click on the pick color button. 2. Click on the color in a picture that you want to copy as the foreground color. Right-click on the color in a picture that you want to copy as the background color. Activity 1: MATCH AND LEARN Match each tool in Column A with its function in Column B. Write the letter of your answer on the blank. __________1. Airbrush

A. It allows you to paint pictures using brush strokes.

_________2. Fill with color

B. It allows you to fill a closed shape with a color.


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_________3. Magnifier

C. It allows you to copy any color from a picture.

_________4. Brush

D. It lets you to zoom in or zoom out a drawing.

_________5. Pick color

E. It allows you to add spray paint effects

LESSON 5: ADDING TEXT TO DRAWINGS One can easily add text and numbers to your drawings using the text tool in MS Paint. Working with Text The text tool is used to add text to a drawing or picture. 1. Click on the text button. 2. Click anywhere in the drawing area to create a text box. The text toolbar will appear on the screen.

You can move the text to a different location by clicking on its dashed border while dragging the pointer. You can also drag on e of the corners of the text box to adjust its size. 3. Type your text. You may also paste text into the text box.


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You can add text into a picture only when the window is in normal view. You can change the text that you types as long as the text box is still displayed. You cannot paste graphics into a text box. To Format text 1. Click on a color in the color box to change the color of the text. 2. Below the toolbox, choose a background style. 3. To type the text in a colored background, click on the opaque background, then right-click on a color in the color box to change the background color. 3. On the text toolbar, select a font, size and style you want to use. You can drag the text toolbar anywhere on the MS Paint window. 4. Click outside the textbox when you are done. The text will be fixed into the picture.


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Activity 1 Circle T if the statement is correct .Circle F if the statement is wrong T T T T T T T T

F 1. You can add text into a picture only when the window is in large view. F 2. You can paste text only when the text tool is selected. F 3. You can paste graphics into a text box. F 4. You can copy pictures from other programs and paste them into MS Paint. F 5. When you click outside a text box, the text becomes part of a picture F 6. You can undo previous actions as many times as you want to. F 7.You can right-click on a color in the color box to change the foreground color. F 8. Once you have added text, it can no longer be erased.

LESSON 6: BASIC PICTURE EDITING How to Flip and Rotate a Picture Flipping allows you to create a mirror effect of a picture. Rotating allows you to turn a picture around a fixed point.You can rotate a picture in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction. . 1. Click on the free-form select button or the select button 2. Drag the painter to select the picture.


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3. On the image menu click on Flip/Rotate. In the Flip and Rotate dialog box, choose from the available options, flip horizontally( to make a mirror effect on the mirror) flip vertically ( to turn it upside down) or rotate by angle (by 90,180 or 270 degrees)

4. Click on the OK button


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Different types of rotation on MS Paint Study the following rotated images

Normal position




How to Stretch and Skew a Picture Stretching allows you to change the height and width of a picture. This also creates a distortion effect on the picture. Skewing allows you to change the angle of a picture, causing it to slant or twist.

1. Click on the Free-Form Select button

or the select button.

2. Drag the pointer to select the picture. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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3. On the image menu, click on Stretch/Skew. 4. In the stretch section, type the percentage by which the picture will be stretched horizontally or vertically. In the skew section, type the number of degrees by which the picture will be skewed horizontally and vertically.

5. Click the OK button. How To Combine Pictures With MS Paint, you can easily combine two or more pictures into one 1. Choose two pictures you want to combine and copy them. Then paste the pictures into MS Paint.


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3. Drag the pointer to select a part of the picture that you want to combine with the other picture. 4. Right0click on the selected part, then click on Copy. Right-click again, then select Paste. 5. Drag the pasted picture to its new location. 6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 for the other picture to combine them.


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Activity 1: Draw and Rotate Draw a picture at different angles of rotation in the boxes.

Normal Position

Rotate by 180°

Rotate by 90°

Rotate by 270°


Setting Your Drawing as desktop Background 1. Open the MS Paint program. 2. On the File menu, click on Open

3. Change the Look in field to My Pictures. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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4. Click on the file name of your desired file, then click on the Open button.

5. On the File menu, choose Set as Background (Tiled) or Set As background (Centered). The picture will now become your desktop background.


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Printing Your Drawing A. To preview your drawing Always preview your drawing before printing it to see how it will appear on paper and to check any details you may need to change. 1. On the File Menu, click on Print Preview.


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2. Click on the Zoom in button to have a larger view of your drawing. Click on the Zoom out button to have a smaller view. You may also click on the area you want to zoom in or zoom out.

3. Click on the Close button to return to the normal view.

B. To Set up the page Before Printing 1. On the File menu, click on Page Set up.


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2. In the page set up dialog box, set the required paper size ,margins and page orientation. Then click on the OK button. To Set the Paper size

Set the Page orientation

Set the margins

Change the position of a drawing on the page. Change the scaling of a drawing

Do This Under Paper, select the size of the paper that you want from the list. Letter size is for short bond paper. Legal size is for long bond paper. Under orientation, click on Portrait for a vertical layout or Landscape for a horizontal layout. Under margins, type the desired measure of the Left, Right, Top and Bottom margins of the paper. Under centering, click on the option to center the drawing either horizontally or vertically. In the Adjust to section, type the percentage by which the size of a drawing will be adjusted. In the Fit to section, specify the number of pages where you want to fit the drawing.

To print your Drawing 1. On the File menu, click on Print. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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2. In the select printer option box,click on the printer y ou want to use.

3. Click on the Print button

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Barrion, B.,& Gorres,M. (2013) I.T. Bytes.Book 4.Quezon City.C& E Publishing House, Inc.


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