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I: THE FIRST FILIPINOS Let’s Find Out Match the pictures in Column A with the names in Column B. Write the letter of your answer on the blank. A


_____ 1.

a. Manunggul jar

______ 2.

b. Homo erectus philippinensis


c. Negrito


d. balangay


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To know our identity as a people, it is important to study our past –from the time of the first humans in the Philippines to the coming of our earliest ancestors. This is the study of prehistory. First human in the Philippines:

Homo Erectus Based on scientific evidence of human remain called fossils. the first human in Asia may have lived more than a million years ago. They were called Homo Erectus .they originally live in the African continent. About half a million years ago, the Homo erectus traveled to Europe and Asia.Some scientists believe that some of them eventually reached our islands.

Homo erectus philippinesis

The stone tools of the Homo erectus in the philippines were discovered in Cagayan Valley, Scientists believe that they were the first humans in the country. They were called Homo erectus philippinensis.


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The Tabon man

The earliest evidence of modern man in the philippines was found in the Tabon man Cave in Palawan. The Tabon man is referred to as modern man because unlike the Homo erectus man,it significantly looks more like today’s humans. The tabon man is also referred to as homo sapiens which means” wise man”. The skull cap, parts of jawbones and some teeth of the so –called Tabon man were found.Stone tools were also discovered. Scientists discovered that the tabon man lived in the cave thousands of years earlier before other groups of people arrived in the philippines.

The Negritos


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The Negritos were the ancestors of the present –day aetas , Agta, Ati ,Dumagat , Ayta, and 25 other tribes of the country.SOME people also believe that they were original people in the Philippines.However, up until now, there is no scientific evidence to prove that this belief is true. The Austronesians It is said that most of our cultural groups came from a band of seafaring people called Austronesians.They reached the philippines about 2,500 years ago. They traveled to our country by using big boats called balangays. They settled in the philippines and became our direct ancestors .

Over the next thousands of years, the descendants of the Austronesians who lived in the Philippines traveled farther outside the country and reached many other places.They also became the direct ancestors of some people from neighboring countries, This is the reason why we have similarities with people from Malaysia, Thailand,and Indonesia. Let’s Check This Out Did you know that one of the Philippines’ national treasures is the Manunggul jar? The jar was discovered in Manunggul Cave in Palawan. It was a burial jar represent the journey of the soul of the dead to the afterlife.


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The Manunggul jar shows not only the burial practice of our ancestors but also their spiritual beliefs.

Let’s Keep in Mind   

Scientists called the first humans in the Philippines Homo Erectus Philippinensis. Their toola made of stone were discovered in Cagayan Valley The earliest evidence of modern man in the Philippines was found in Tabon Cave in Palawan. It was named the Tabon man. It is said that most of our cultural groups came from a band of seafaring Austronesians. They were also considere as the ancestors of some people from our neighboring countries. The Negritos were the ancestors of the Aetas, Agta, Ati, Dumagat, Ayta, and 25 other tribes of the country. Some people regard them as the original inhabitants of the Philippines. However, this belief remains to be proven

Let’s Reflect Knowing our past will help us understand and appreciate our Filipino identity.

Let’s Work A. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. 1. The stone tools of Homo erectus philippinensis were found in _____________. a. Tabon Cave

b. Cagayan Valley c. Manunggul Cave

2. The earliest evidence of modern man that lived in the Philippines is the __________. a. Tabon man

b. Austronesians

c. Homo erectus philippinensis


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3. The Manunggul jar was discovered in ________________. a. Palawan

b. Cagayan Valley c. Java, Indonesia

4. Most Filipinos aare said to be descendants of the _____________________. a. Austronesians

b. Negritos

c. Malays

5. Many believe that the original people of the Philippines were the ______________. a. Homo erectus philippinensis

b. Austronesians

c. Negritos

B. WritenT on the blank if the statement is true. Write F if it is not. _____ 1. Based on scientific evidence, the first known ancestors of Asians were the Homo erectus. _____ 2. The Tabon man is an example of Homo erectus philippinensis. _____ 3. The early humans used tools made of stone. _____ 4. The Negritos used the balangay to reach the Philippines. _____ 5. A balangay is a kind of boat. _____ 6. The Negritos were the ancestors of present- day Aetas. _____ 7. The Manunggul jar was a kind of burial receptacle. _____ 8. The Homo erectus philippinensis left stone tools as evidence of their presence. _____ 9. The Tabon man lived in Palawan. _____ 10. The Austronesians were considered the ancestors of most present-day Filipino cultural groups.


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I Feel A. Write your top ten reasons why you are proud to be a Filipino. Write in complete sentences. Top Ten Reasons Why I Am Proud to be a Filipino 1.__________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

3.__________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 4.__________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 5.__________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 6.__________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

7.__________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________


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8.__________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 9.__________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 10._________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

B. Write down the things that you can do to show that you are proud to be a Filipino. At Home ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ In Your School ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

In your Community ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________


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A. Surf the Internet. Research about the way of life of the following early inhabitants of the Philippines. Write your findings in your notebook.

1. Homo Erectus Philippinensis 2. Tabon Man 3. Negritos 4. Austronesians B. Prepare for a role- playing activity. Group yourselves according to the four early inhabitants of the country. Using your findings in the research activity, show a scene from the time of the early inhabitants. Have costumes and props to make the presentation enjoyable.

Let’s Connect

English Write a sentence using each of the following terms. Write your sentence on the blanks. ancestor identity


cultured group



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1. ________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 4 ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 5 ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

Arts Create some designs on the jar using any coloring materials. Be creative with your designs.


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II: EARLY FILIPINO INFLUENCES ON FILIPINO CULTURE Identify the following foreigners who came in the Philippines and influenced the Filipino culture. Write your answer on the blank.



_____________________________________ Our ancient ancestors had a vibrant culture even before the foreigners came to the archipelago.  

The trading activities that happened between our ancestors and the early foreign traders resulted to many foreigners influences on Filipino culture. The Arabs, Indians, and Chinese were the early foreign traders who came to the Philippines. They brought with them not only their goods but also their cultures. The influences of the Arabs, Indians, and Chinese became part of the Filipino culture.


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Let’s reflect We must always be proud of our unique culture. A. Write T on the blank if the statement is true and F if it False. ________ 1. Our ancient communities were grouped into barangays. ________ 2. The maharlika is the leader of the barangay. ________ 3. Our ancient ancestors worshipped spirits called anitos ________ 4.Biagni Lam-ANg and Darangen are epic poems. ________ 5.Our ancestors knew how to mines the mountains of gold. ________ 6. The council of nobles called datu. _______ 7. Our ancient stories, songs, and poems have been passed on by word of mouth. _______ 8. Our ancient ancestors fashioned jewelry from gold. _______ 9. Our ancient ancestors had no culture before the foreigners came to the archipelago. ______ 10. The ancient Filipinos had trading relations with the Arabs, Indians, and Chinese. B. Listed in the box are the different foreign influences to the Filipinos. Write them in their proper column in the table below.






lugaw siomai lumpia Persian rug use of veil and cord in wedding Arabic numeral system Offering garlands to guests sultanate government camesa de chino colorful shawls okir designs kite-flying umbrella firecrackers slippers misua kudyapi


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Arabian Influences

Indian Influences

Chinese Influences

Asses how much you value the Filipino culture. Rate yourself from 1 to 5. Number 1 is the lowest rating and number 5 is the highest rating. Check under the column of your answer. Filipino Culture 1. I used po and opo when speaking to elders. 2. I kiss the hands of my parents and grandparents to show respect. 3. I am honest at all times 4. I keep quiet everytime I enter a place of worship. 5. I obey my parents. 6. I help in the household chores. 7. I respect the religion of others and the people who practice different religious beliefs. 8. I always pray with the family. I am friendly to everyone. I am hospitable to visitors.


1 2 3

4 5

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A. Find a recipe of an Arabian, Indian, or Chinese dish. Write the recipe in the box.

CHECK UP: 1. Let’s Answer A. Answer the following questions briefly. 1. Who were the early foreign traders? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 2. What made them come to our land? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 3. What good traits were developed by the Filipinos by interacting with foreign traders? CHINESE ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ HINDUS ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________


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ARABS ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

4. What is the most important thing that the Filipinos learn from the Chinese? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

5. What is the most important thing that the Filipinos learn the arabs? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

B. Identify these influences. Write Chinese, Hindus or Arabs on the blanks.

_______1. close family ties. _______2.use of veil and cord during weddings. _______3.arrange marriages for children. _______4.trowing rice grains for newly married couples. _______5.islam religion. _______6.planting of mango, jackfruit, and ampalaya. _______7.singkil. _______8.givingsampaguita garlands to guests. _______9.wearing white as a sign of mourning. _______10.playingsungka and flying kites.


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II. let’s do these: A. Complete the chart by writing what are asked.

Early foreign traders





















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III. VALUING A. Check that do not.

the statements that shows good deeds and cross


_______1.)Teddyrefuses to talk with his muslim classmates. _______2.) Lina stayed in the house because her horoscope says it is going to be dangerous outside. _______3.) Nita answers her parents by using PO and OPO. _______4.) The children laughed at the way Muslims pray may times a day. _______5.) Jerry happily accepts the SAMPAGUITA garland given to him by his friend. B. The Hindus are very superetitious. Think of two beliefs or superstitious that we can disregard. Write your reasons.




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1.)_________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2.)_________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

III: COLONIZERS WHO SETTLED IN THE PHILIPPINES GET STARTED; Who introduced these things to us! Who brought them to our country? Write your answers on the blanks.






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Word Watch Write the meaning of the following words. - foreigner ________________________________________________________________ - invaders ________________________________________________________________ - sovereignty ________________________________________________________________ - influences ________________________________________________________________ - colony ________________________________________________________________

BUILD UP. Aside from the early foreign traders who bartered with the early Filipinos, another group of foreigners came. These groups, however, came to colonize the country.

The Spaniards were tall and white-skinned people. They belonged to the white race. They had deep, round eyes, black hair and well-curved noses. The written history of the Philippines began with the coming of a Portuguese adventurer named Ferdinand Magellan. Magellan was then In the service of King Charles I of Spain, when he wandered into the archipelago while looking for spices. Magellan found an island off Samar named Homonhon on March 16, 1521. He wanted to have his leadership know in the land, but he found refusal from a native named Lapulapu, a brave Mactan chieftain. He fought bravely and defeated the Spanish invaders, and this YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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becomes the important events showing nationalism and bravery of the Filipinos against foreigners. The defeat of Magellan did not stop to colonized the entire archipelago, they came back and named the country Felipinasin honor of King Philip of Spain

and brought a lot of changes in the culture of the Filipinos. Religion Christianity the most important contribution of the Spaniards to the Filipino. They taught how to pray and practice Catholicism, built churches when celebrated the holy mass. Customs Filipinos learned to celebrate fiestas in honor of patron saints. People prepared special food, decorations, games, programs and processions during these important events.


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Education Parochial schools were built near the parish churches. Colleges and universities for men and women were established all over the country. The Spanish priests also served as teaachers in these schools. The Spaniards put up the University Of Santo Tomas in 1611. It was the oldest university in the Philippines and in Asia.

Language Many Filipino terms today, such as silya, mesa, and bintana, are of Spanish origin. The Spaniards also gave the Filipinos Spanish first names, such as Cecilia, Teresita, and Maria and surnames, such as Santos, Gomez, and Cruz.

Houses Spanish-inspired houses were large, made of wood and cement, and had bricks as roofs.Usually, the windows and balconies were wide and high to allow air to pass through. Pieces of furniture were made of wood with decorations carved on them.


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Food The Filipinos learned to eat and cook Spanish food such as ArrozCaldo, arrozvalenciana, paella, caldereta,afritada, mechado, as well as sweets and pasties.

Clothing The Filipinos then wore fine clothes which made them well-dressed. Men wore long sleeves shirts, socks, trousers, shoes and hats. WOMEN started to wear blousers, long skirtsm dresses, shoes and stockings. They also began to use combs as hair ornaments and fans to cool themselves.


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Arts and Culture Filipinos learned to play different games such as the palosebo, juego de anillo, and juedo de prenda during festivities. The Spaniards also introduced card games, cara y cruz and cockfighting. The Filipinos were also taught to However, not all inluences from the Spaniards were worth keeping. The Filipinos were treated as second-class citizens during the Spanish colonization. Such treatment resulted in traits such as the Manama habit, compadre system, amorpropio and overdependence on others. These negative values hindered the countyr’s progress.

The Americans. While the Filipinos were struggling for freedom, the Americans came to help the Filipinos in their battle against the Spaniards in 1898. When the Spaniards ended their rule, the Americans immediately took over. The American regime, brought with it many things that changed the lives of the Filipinos.


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The Americans also introduced to the Filipinos new values, customs, and traditions.

The following are some of the American influences on our culture

The English Language


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The public school system

A democratic form of government

American food like hamburger, spaghetti, sandwich, hotdog, and chocolate.

Sports like basketball, volleyball, bowling, tennis, and softball.


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Forms of entertainment like movies and concerts.

Clothes like T-shirts, polo shirts, jeans, and suit.

The Protestant religion


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Let’s Check This Out Did you know that before the Spaniards came to the Philippines, the Filipinos already had encountereds with a group of Japanese known as Wakos? They sailed seas of Southeast Asia and reached the Philippines. However, very little is writte about their relationship with the ealry Flipinos.

It is said that the Japanese taught the Filipinos how to breed ducks. They also shared some knowledge on making different tools and weapons. When the Second World War broke out in 1941, the Japanese invaded the Philippines. They occupied our country for over three years. Many Filipinos became homeless and very poor. In order to survive, the Filipinos learned to be creative and resourceful. They learned to boil avocado leaves for coffee or tea. For their daily meal, the Filipinos also learned to mix coconut milk and makapuno to their rice porridge (lugaw). To earn money, the Filipinos engaged in buy-and-sell business. This is a small business operated by buying goods and selling them at a price higher than the original amount. The Japanese occupied the Philippines for a short period of time, they barely left some lasting influences on Filipino culture.  Let’s Keep in Mind  The Spaniards and the Americans colonized our country and influenced the Filipino culture. These foreign influences can still be seen in our way of life today.  The Roman Catholic religion is one of the lasting Spanish influences on Filipino culture.  The Democratic system of government was introduced by the Americans. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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 The Japanese also colonized the country for a brief period however, they left lasting influences on Filipino culture.

 Let’s Reflect Despite many foreign influences, we must always value and enrich our own culture. Let’s Work A. Write S on the blank for Spanish influence and A for American influence. _____________ 1.celebration of fiesta. ______________ 2.taking a siesta ______________ 3. Protestant religion ______________ 4.lottery ______________ 5.cockfighting ______________ 6.merienda ______________ games ______________ 8.public school system ______________ 9.democracy ______________ 10.wearing jeans and polo shirts

B. The following are foreign influences on our native Filipino taste. Classify them according to the culture that introduced.









leche flan

hot cake




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Spanish ______________________






American ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ _

Identify and check (ďƒź) the attitudes and practices that you think we should continue observing. 1. praying the rosary 2. celebrating fiestas with too much food and drinks 3. buying Filipino products 4. promoting Filipino culture and tradition 5. showcasing Filipino folk dances in various programs 6. showing acts of disregard for Filipino dishes 7. wearing Barong Tagalog in formal occasions 8. criticizing the physical appearance of the Filipinos 9. being courteous and respectful at all times 10. electing good leaders


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I do Conduct a debate. Divide the class into two groups. One group will take the “yes” side, and the other, the “No” side. Prepare for your arguments on the given topic for debate. Write your notes in the box. TOPIC: “Should we continue our lavish tradition of celebrating fiestas. Arguments for the __________________ side ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Arts Origami is the Japanese art of paper folding. Through this art, one can create a representation of an object by folding paper in many different ways and patterns. Can you make an origami? Try making one and drawing in the box its folding patterns. You may consult a book or the Internet.

Physical Education Ball games were introduced by the Americans. Ball games include basketball, volleyball, football, and baseball, volleyball, football, and baseball. Choose one of these games. Practice the proper way of using the ball in the game you chose. it could be passing, dribbling, shooting, tossing, spiking, and kicking the ball. Let your teacher help you practice.


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IV: COMMON FILIPINO TRAITS AND VALUES  Let’s Find Out Find twelve common Filipino traits and values below. Encircle them. Write the traits on the blanks. I C H E R G L M Y T B D N R Y U I C R E A T F M D G I A D L K Y U H O V U L P B M R T Y R U X E S E N S E O F A D B R H T S S Z C B Y C Z X B M R W E Q Z G B R A V E R Y R D G L G G H R H O S P I T C R E L I G I O S I T M L G L K J K C H E E S C F G H K L Z D R T Z X B R Y R E S P E C F B N M R Q E T Y G U C L O S E F A M I L Y _____________ __________________


D Y U K M O V I T Y F O I O N M H J I O O P J G U M O R T Y Y U H I M I V B M R O M C M S V C N L I T Y R T R T J O P F F U L N E S H J K Z V G F U L N E S R R I X H J I E S R L K __________________

_____________ __________________


_____________ _________________


_____________ _________________







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Some Filipino traits and values Filipinos have unique traits. These traits can be seen in the way we act and behave. They can also refer to how we values things. The following are some of our traits and values that are important to our progress as nation. If you have a new classmate, how would you welcome him/ her?

Hospitality Generally, we Filipinos are known for our hospitality. Although other people in the world can also be hospitable, our hospitality is very unique. We offer the best amenities to our visitors. We make them feel comfortable in our homes. Our unique kind of hospitality continues to attract foreign tourists who visit and explore the Philippines. This helps promote the tourism industry in our country.


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Can you tell about a particular event in our history that showed the Filipino sense of unity?

Unity Our sense of unity is first seen in our homes. We help in doing house chores. We share sour skills and talents with the family. We have unity if we work and act together to make our lives better.

Our sense of unity as a nation was shown during the EDSA Revolution of 1986. Filipinos from all walks of life such as farmers, priests, nuns and students gathered at EDSA to restore democracy in the country.

Gratitude and Loyalty Filipinos have strong sense of gratitude and loyalty. We call this utangnaloob( debt of honor). If you did a favor to a Filipino, it would not only be appreciated but would also be highly regarded and not forgotten. When was the last time you said “Thank You� to your parents and friends?

Filipinos are loyal people. We value friendships. We usually return the favors we receive from others. This is another strong trait of the Filipinos. This attitude also helps our nation. Our loyalty to our country helps us advance as a nation. Let us show our loyalty and gratitude to our country by studying hard and sharing our talents and skills.


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Active cooperation: bayanihan and damayan Having the spirit of bayanihan or active cooperation is one of the most unique traits of the Filipinos. It shows the selfies offering of one’s time and effort for the good of other people or the community. The damayan system shows the Filipino way of sympathizing with other people. We feel for other who are suffering or in pain. Because of this, Filipinos help each one another in times of difficulties.

How do you help a neighbor in need?


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Bravery and patriotism Filipinos are brave and freedom-loving. We are always ready to die for our country. Our heroes and heroines showed this example when they fought for our freedom against the foreign colonizers. They offered their lives for the sake of our country. They are true patriots.

There are many ways to show love for our country. One way is to buy Filipino products. Buying Filipino products can help improve our country’s economy.

Strong Faith In God

Even before the first group of foreigners arrived in the Philippines, our ancestors already had a strong faith in a Supreme Being. They already had their own beliefs. When the foreigners came to the Philippines, they introduced different religions. The Arabs introduced Islam, the Spaniards YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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introduced Catholicism, and the Americans introduced Protestantism. These influences deepened the Filipinos’ faith in God. Our strong faith in God makes us stronger especially during difficult times.

How do you appreciate God’s blessings in your life?

Creativity We Filipinos are creative people. We use our talents and skills to create new things. We have lots of products that are skillfully crafted. The Filipino creativity is also shown in the way we improvise things out of scrap materials and even earn money from it. This also shows that Filipinos are productive.

Close Family ties

The members of a Filipino family are very close to each other. We are known for having close family ties.We value our family very much. Parents and children are not the only ones that compose a Filipino family. The Filipino family also includes other family members like grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, and other relatives. It is common for us to live in extended families.


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We consider our family as a source of strength. In times of trials and problems, we seek help from our family. We support each other and we share our blessings with everyone in the family.

Filipino parents love their children from childhood to adulthood. In the same way, Filipino children also love and respect their parents. They also make sure that they can take care of their parents until their old age.

Filipino families hold ruenios during fiesta, Christmas, New Year, Anniversary , and BirthDay celebrations. These family activities keep the Filipino family closer and their relationship stronger.


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Courtesy and respect Filipinos are naturally courteous and respectful. We show great respect and courtesy to our parents, elders, in the community. We obey and value their advice and teachings. We inherited these values from our ancestors.



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DILIGENCE Filipino are hardworking people. We are very industrious and known for our diligence.

Even before foreigners came to your country, the early Filipinos already valued hard work. They already showed great diligence. Today, there are many Filipinos who succeed in life because of hard work.

What do you think are the things that you can do today to succeed in your life?


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Love of arts, music, and dance

Before foreign cultures were introduced to the Filipinos, our ancestors already had their own forms of art, music, and dance. These were part of the early Filipino cultures. When the foreigners came to the Philippines, their influence on Filipino culture enriched our ancient forms of Filipino arts, music, and dance. This is the reason why our traditional art, dances, and music have elements of foreign culture. Today, the Filipino talents in arts, music, and dance are being recognized abroad. This proves that Filipinos have world-class capabilities.


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Let’s Check This Out.. Did you know that Filipinos are one of the most fun-loving and happiest people in the world? In a survey, we ranked on top as the happiest people in Asia. The ability to be cheerful in times of crisis is one of the most unusual positive traits of the Filipinos.We can easily laugh at our troubles. Our great sense of humor helps us endure our problems.

Let’s Keep in Mind The unique traits of the Filipinos make them different from other people. These traits are important to our nation’s progress. Our traits and values include hospitality, unity, gratitude and loyalty, active cooperation ( bayanihan and damayan ), bravery and patriotism, strong faith in God, creativity, close family ties, courtesy and respect, diligence, love of art’s, music and dance, and fun-loving character.


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Let’s Reflect

We should continue practicing our good traits and values.

I Think A. Write in the chart five Filipino traits and values that contribute to our nation’s progress. Give a situation as an example of each trait. Filipino Traits that Contribute to Progress


B. Write a plus sign (+) in the box if the statement shows a positive Filipino trait. Write a minus sign (-) if it shows a negative trait.  1. People gathered at EDSA to show support for a peaceful and honest presidential election.  2. Andrew submitted his incomplete project late.  3. Miss Angela Cruz now teaches in my school where she is also graduate.  4. Tricia and Clara hare family reunions.  5. My sisters prefers to buy good quality shoes made in the Philippines.  6. My classmate does not want to share his ideas for the class project. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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 7. My family received some visitors from the province and showed them the city.  8. The class gathered some donations for fire victims in a nearby barangay.  9. The Grade 3 section of Miss Cuevas prays before they start the class.  10. We greet our teachers everytime we meet them. I Feel Check () the proper column based on how often you practice what is stated in each of the following items. Attitudes 1. I am prayerful. 2. I invent excuses for my faults. 3. I just leave things unfinished once I get bored. 4. I am supportive of my family. 5. I prefer to work alone. 6. I am diligent. 7. I only give favors to those who are nice to me. 8. I am hospitable to visitors. 9. I am courteous to elders. 10. I am proud of Filipino products.




I DO Identify and check () the practices that you think we should observe. Discuss your answer in class. 1. respecting the elders 2. leaving projects unfinished 3. helping our neighbors or anyone in need 4. cooperating in community activities 5. sharing talents and skills 6. criticizing Filipino products 7. telling lies to save face 8. giving favors to relatives at the expense of common good. 9. criticizing other people’s success in life 10. diligence in work Let’s connect Music Sing the song and answer the questions that follow. Use the space provided for your answer.


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Welcome to the family Welcome to the family, we’re glad that you have come to share your life with us as we grow in love and may we always’s be to you what God would have us be a family always there to be strong and to learn on. ( repeat ) May we learn to love each other more with each new day. May words of love be on our lips in everything we say. May the spirit melt our hearts and teach us how to pray that we might be a true family. 1. What is the message of the song?

2. Write the positive values expressed in the song?

English / Filipino Make a 5-line poem in English or Filipino about a Filipino trait. Write it in the box and add some drawings to make it attractive.


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I. Write T or F for each statement. If the statement is false cross out the word or phrase that make it false. Then write in the word or phrase to make the statement true. ________1.Negritos were the ancestors of the present day Aetas. ________2. Always say “Thank You” to God. ________3. The Americans taught the Filipinos the public school system. ________4. A datu heads the barangay. ________5.Anitos was practiced by the Spaniards. ________6. The first Muslim missionaries arrived in Luzon. ________7. Austronesians became our direct ancestors. ________8. The Filipinos are one of the most fun-loving and happiest people in the world. ________9. Spaniards introduced Protestantism. ________10. “Siesta” means afternoon snack. ________ 11. Food like putchero, opaella and caldereta came from the Americans ________12. In the field of sports Filipinos learned from the Americans on how to play baseball, tennis, bowling and badminton. _________13.The Filipino families are not close to one another _________ 14. Although the Philippines has varied ethnic groups, we still have one race, one country, one vision II. A. Fill in the blanks. Choose your answer inside the box. 1. The first human in the country is ___________________________. 2. The _______________ is referred as the modern man. 3. The homo sapiens means “_______________________.” 4. The _____________________ are the seafaring people. 5. Our ancestor used the _______________________ as a burial jar. 6. The ________________________ are the ancestors of the Aetas. 7. Ancient communities are called ____________________. 8. The council nobles are _________________. 9. The epic ___________________ is from Mindanao. 10. And the _______________ is the epic from the Ilocanos.

barangay Biagni Lam-ang Tabon man Manunggul Jar NegritosDarangen


maharlika homo erectus philippinensis austroneseans wise man

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B. What traits are shown in the following instances? Choose the letter of the correct answer in the box. a. honesty f. bravery b. faith in God g. cheerfulness c. artistry h. respect d. gratefulness i. nationalism e. helpfulness j. close family ties ___________1. Dante returned the extra change to the fruit vendor. ___________ 2. Tina always smiles even if she has problems. ___________ 3.Totoy says “Thank you” to Mila. ___________ 4. Marie takes good care of her parents. ___________ 5. Lance buys Philippine-made products. ___________ 6.Lapulapu’s men defeated Magellan’s troops despite their guns. ___________ 7. Nelda’s family prays before and after meals. ___________ 8. Ted’s job is to carve designs on furnitures. ___________ 9. Beth offers her seat to a pregnant lady. ___________ 10. Anna asks her grandfather if he needs anything or has any problems at home. III. Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. 1. This religion was introduced to us by the Spaniards. a. Roman Catholicism b. Islam

c. Protestantism

2. The Japanese taught us to eat this kind of food. a. hotdog b. paella

c. balut

3. They came to the country using land bridges. a. the Indonesians b. the Malays

c. the Negritos

4. They gave us the freedom to choose the religion we want to practice. a. the Japanese b. the Americans c. the Spaniards 5. The Filipino trait was shown during EDSA Revolution a. bravery b. cheerfulness

c. respect

6. They introduced Islam to the Filipinos. a. the Hindus b. the Arabs

c. the Chinese

7. Trait which shows enjoyment of celebrating different occasions. a. artistry b. bravery c. cheerfulness YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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8. They built the Banaue Rice Terraces. a. the Indonesians b. the Malays

c. the Negritos

9. It was introduced to us by the Japanese. a. duck raising b. using household appliances

c. belief supertitions

10. They taught Filipinos the idea of equality for all. a. the Japanese b. the Americans

c. the Japanese

11. They used this boa to travel the Philippines a. balangay b. barangay

c. manunnngul

12. They ruled the Philippines for more than 300 years. a. the Americans b. the Spaniards

c. the Japanese

13.This is one of the most important American influences on the Filipinos. a. corruption b. democracy c. communist 14.Religion introduced by Americans. a. Catholic b. Iglesia ni Kristo

c. Protestantism

15. The first teachers during American times. a. Jesuits b. Merriam

c. Thomasites

16. Where is the Tabon cave found? a. Mindoro b. Masbate 17. In what age did asia have land bridges a. iron age b. ice age

c. Palawan

c. metal age

18. Who discovered the remains of our forefathers in tabon cave? a. Robert Fox b Robert de Niro

c Robert Ford

IV. Enumeration A. Early Foreign Traders 1.



B. Colonizers who settled in the Philippines 1. 2.



Page 48

Answer these following questions. (5 pts. each) 1. If you were given a time machine and the change to go back to history, under whose colonization would you choose to visit? Why? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2. If you were given the power to “remove” a part of history, what time would that be? Why? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________



Get started: Filipinos have unique traits that set them apart from other people of the world. As citizens of the Philippines, Filipinos need to know their duties and responsibilities. The Filipinos are considered the most important part of the country’s growth and development.

Analyze the picture above. What does it show? YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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Word Watch: A. Match the terms with their descriptions. Connect them with an arrow. A



- abilities or skills


- responsibilities

Philippines 2000


- ability to depend on one’s own capacity

duties -

-physically challenged


-aims to make the Philippines a tiger economy

B. Choose the word that is synonymous with the italicized word. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. 1. Filipinos aim for a progressive nation. a. strive

b. worry

c. do

d. work

2. Every goal unites Filipinos citizens. a. breaks apart b. scatters

c. unties d. brings together

3. Food, clothing and shelter are the people’s three basic needs. a. Things that people want b. Things that people cannot live without c. Things that people need to learn d. Things that common people wish they have

Build Up: All Filipinos aim for a better life. Former president Fidel V. Ramos promoted “Philippines 2000” because he wanted the country to become highly industrialized. A highly industrialized country is called a tiger economy. Korea, Taiwan and Singapore are considered tiger economies. Progressive life means people get more than just their three basicneeds, which are food, clothing and shelter. Other needs include electricity, water, health, labor, YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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education, recreation, transportation, and communication. These needs should also be met. SELF-DISCIPLINE: Self-discipline is a trait that develops and improves people’s moral and mental character. Self-control, obedience, orderliness and efficiency should be practiced by everybody. Rules should be followed to ensure peace and harmony in the society Hence, we will realize the importance of self-disipline to the Filipinos and to the country as well.

Industriousness and Patience: Filipinos must use their time productively and wisely. Industriousness is shown when people are involved in doing household chores and community work. Patience is shown through endurance and perseverance in whatever one does. Later, these things will help us overcome problems and challenges in life.


Page 51

Healthy Mind and Body

A person should be physically and mentally healthy. It can be achieved through proper diet and exercise. A healthy lifestyle involves eating the right kind of food. , getting the right amount of exercise, having enough sleep, and observing proper personal hygiene. Hence, body and mind should stay alert and active. Being friendly with other people and learning from them maintain healthy relationship with others, too. People need to be resistant to diseases that will affect their mind and body. They should engage in different activities that will make them healthy.

Self-Reliance and Initiative

The traits refer to a person’s ability to make things happen because one depends on herself/himself more than on others. People must strive and exert extra effort to finish the work they started and to find ways to make tasks easier. People should do their part without being told and find solutions to the problems they encounter.


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Time Management

Time is one of the most valuable things that people have. They should spend it wisely and productively. Wherever one goes, whatever one does, one has to do his/her tasks promptly and willingly.

Showing Love for Others, Country and God Filipinos should love not only themselves but also others, country and God. Help should be given to those in need, especially to the poor, the oppressed, and the victims of natural calamities, such s typhoons, floods, and earthquakes.

People are expected to share their blessings, talents and skills with others too. People need to guide others and help others improve and to preserve and protect their dignity and rights. Filipinos show their love for God. Remember His words: “Whatever you do to the least of My brothers, you do unto Me.� Loyalty to the country is also shown in various ways. Filipinos should join in the singing of the National Anthem. We should stop what we are doing, stand straight, and place our right hand on our chest. Filipinos should be proud of being a Filipino by speaking the national language, buying Philippine-made products, and following the laws of the Philippines.


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Checkup I.

Let’s answer a. Write true if the statement is correct, and write false if it’s not. _______1. A person who is lazy never succeeds. _______2. Wait for tomorrow to do the things you can do today. _______3. Help other people in developing their talents and skills. _______4. The government never cares for the progress of every citizen. _______5. Every Filipino has his or her own talents and skills. _______6. An industrious person is one who believes in one’s own talents and shares it with people. _______7.Basic needs re our wants in life. _______8. “Philippines 2000” is a government program that invited tourists to visit the country. _______9. A healthy body goes with healthy mind. _______10. Filipinos are known worldwide to be a very hospitable people.


Write down your special abilities and the ways to develop these. My Special Abilities How can I develop these abilities? 1.






Valuing Answer the following briefly. 1. How do you practice self-reliance?


Page 54

________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 2. Explain the saying “An early bird catches the worm.” ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 3. Why are discipline and self-control important? ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 4. Why is a healthy person easier to get along with? ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 5. Do you love the Philippines? How? ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________


Encircle the synonyms of the following words: 





freedom legal play work happiness


Page 55







well-being problem misery avoid do mix separate appoint life pay vote buy from broad goods without tax local

Filipino children need to exercise their rights and duties to develop them as responsible citizens.


The family is the basic unit of the society. According to the Philippine Constitution, “the family is the foundation of the nation where Filipinos build the values of love and understanding” Every member of the family has his/her own set of responsibilities. The father is the head of the family, who earns a living and serves as role model to his children. The mother is the light of the family, manages the home and is also a role model to her children. The children’s responsibilities and duties include doing households chores and responsibilities and loving their parents and the other family members. What are some of the things that children can do at home?   

Maintain the cleanliness of the house Be involved in solving family issues Respect and obey the authorities at home


Page 56


The school is an institution which has a major role in developing children abilities and basic skills such s reading, writing and arithmetic. Teachers act s role models and second parents to children. Teachers integrate moral values in all the subjects they teach. Education is a right, not a privilege. It is the best gift that parents can give their children.    

Actively participate in class discussions Actively support the school campaign on cleanliness and waste segregation Be courteous to everybody Join clubs that will enhance your talents and skills


Church is the institution responsible for people’s spiritual growth. What re the ways by which people nurture their faith?   

 

Attend Holy mass and other church services religiously Spread the word of God Join outreach activities Giving donations to and showing and sharing one’s talents with “Lingap for the Poor,” “Tahanangwalanghagdan,” and other institutions are worthwhile. Help solicit funds for the Church’s improvement Attend workshops and seminars for charcter-formation


Page 57


Community refers to a group of people living in one place. The government implements projects for its development. These programs need the participation and corporation of everybody to be successful. Working together means progress. What are some ways to help the community? 


Support the cleanliness campaign Taking care of nature by planting trees and disposing waste properly helps maintain clean surrounding. Have a healthy mind and body for a progressive nation 1. Eat fruits and leafy vegetables. 2. OplanAlis-Disease 3. Operation Patak 4. Free Medical-Dental Check-up Support government projects which promote social justice and peace. The following are ways by which social justice is promoted: 1. Right to free education in elementary and secondary levels 2. Right to suffrage or the right to vote 3. Right to seek justice and right to have access to public courts 4. Rights to benefit from housing projects and rehabilitation program in case of natural and man-made calamities 5. Respect for culture; patronize and develop native products

Let’s answer A. Identify what is described in the following statements. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided. ______________1. Capacity to do ______________2. Government program which aims at making the Philippines a tiger economy _____________3. Legal or moral claim by an individual _____________4. Consists of food, shelter and clothing _____________5. Where the foundation of love and understanding is built with family members _____________6. Value seen in love of country


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_____________7. Obligation or responsibility _____________8. A right, not a privilege; best gift parents cn give their children _____________9. Right to vote _____________10. Filipino trait seen in entertaining visitors with kindness B. Identify the institution being described. Write F for family, S for school, C for church or CO for community. __________1. Principal provided for students’ needs __________2. Sister renews her faith in Lenten recollection __________3. Children participate in class discussions __________4. Parents settle family problems __________5. Neighbors help flood and disaster victims __________6. Children do household chores __________7. Father and mother work to earn a living __________8. Earth savers and garbage brigades segregate trash __________9. Church group buys Philippine-made products __________10. Friends form dance group C. How do these institutions help develop our character? 1. Home ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 2. School ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 3. Church ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 4. Community ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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Activity Make a collage showing the value of cooperation in the family, school, church and community. Describe your work in three short sentences.

_______________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ _________.


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Lesson 3

Value of Work Word Watch Look for the meanings of these words in the dictionary. Use then in meaningful sentences.

Employment: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Professionals ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Labor group ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Blue-collar ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Wage ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

Build Up When God created the world, He made human begins above all other creatures in the universe. God gave people the ability to think, act, and govern all things He had created. Human beings have the ability to use the resources productivity; hence they are the most important creatures on Earth. People are the most important resources in the society. People compose the different institutions, such as family, school, church, government and industry.


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People are given the most important task in the society. People are also known as human resources.

There are two kinds of human resources. Professional Workers Professional workers, also called white-collar job workers; are people who use their minds and abilities in working. They studied for several years in college to acquired training and a high degree of intelligence. They provide services in schools, offices, hospitals, and other important workplaces in the community.


A person who cures the sick is called a doctor. Doctors studied medicine. They are found in hospitals and clinics. The people they cure or check up re called patients.

Lawyer A person who interprets the law is called a lawyer. Lawyers study law. They work in law firms, companies, and government offices. They defend and give justice to the oppressed.

Teacher A person who imparts valuable knowledge, information, skills and values to students is called a teacher. Teachers study Education. They are found in schools.


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Scientist A person who invents methods, techniques and new discoveries is called a scientist. Scientists are devoted to scientific study. Their inventions make people live better and easier.

Writer A person who writes for books, magazines and newspaper is called writer. Writers impart meaningful knowledge for people to learn.


A person who designs houses and buildings is called an architect. Architects study Architecture. They also ensure the safety of the buildings they design.

Engineer A person who designed and constructs buildings, factories, bridges and other infrastructures is called nengineer. Engineers study Engineering. They create thins needed for the nations progress. Engineers ensure the safety, unity and durability of these structures too.


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A person ordained to preach the Good News of God to the people is called a priest or pastor.


A person who creates medicine to fight diseases is called chemist. Chemists study Chemistry. They work in pharmacies and factories that make medicines.

Pilot/Ship Captain A person who operates and controls aircrafts and ships is called a pilot (for airplanes) and captain (for ships). Pilots and captains also control planes and ships entering and living the hangar or harbor. Planes and ships transport people and goods to far places,.


Page 64

Skilled Workers Skilled workers, also known as blue-collar job workers, are people who use their special abilities to work. They often use their hands and exert physical effort to perform their duties. They become when they practiced their skills on the job they have. Farmer

A person who plows the field is called a farmer. Farmers plant crops and harvest them too. They provide people with food from the land.


A person who catches fish is called a fisherman. He provides people with food from the sea.


A person who drives vehicles is called driver. Drivers ensure the safety of their passengers s they bring them to different places.


Page 65

Market Vendor

A person who sells food and goods is called a vendor. Market vendors sell meat, poultry and other important food products in marketplaces. They also sell thins we need at home.


A person who works in mines is called miner. They dig into the earth to find minerals such as coal, iron, old, and copper. These minerals are used to make pieces of jewelry and household utensils. These minerals are also valuable for bi industries.

Factory Worker

A person who works in a factory is called a factory worker. Factory workers work in an assembly line to make and pack goods for consumers’ use and other food products.

The government takes care of its human resources because they are important in the country’s progress. These workers deserve respect and should be looked up to s role models in the society.

Workers have the right to safety, security and tenure in their jobs s provided by the Philippines Constitution. All establishments should observe the rights and YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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privileges of workers. These rights include the right to receive proper wages, health benefits, and vacation and sick leaves. These rights and benefits help workers become productive citizens of the country.

Therefore, the government should always promote workers’ welfare. As citizen of the Philippines, Filipinos should lead the nation to progress. All professionals and skilled workers have significant contributions to the country’s development. The government should promote worker’s welfare as provided in the Philippine constitution. Check-Up Let’s Answer A. Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false. Write you answer on the space provided. ____1. People are the most important resources of the country. ____2. It is the aim of the government to improve the living standards of Filipino workers. ____3. Manual labor is degrading. ____4. Higher wages raise the people’s standard of living. ____5. People who engage in research and inventions are called miners. ____6. Only professional workers are respected. ____7.Professional workers re also known s white-collar job workers. ____8. The character of the country’s human resources determines the progress of the Philippines. ____9. There are types of labor that doo not require study or training before one can work. ____10. Without human resources, the country’s natural resources will be wasted. B. Answer the following questions: 1. Which are more important, the professional workers or the skilled workers? Explain your answer. ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 2. What are professional workers? Skilled workers? Describe them. ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 3. How can the government help develop the country’s human resources? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ II.

Let’s Do These A. Write P if the worker is a professional worker and S if the worker is skilled worker. ________1.electrician ________2.driver ________4.street newspaper _______5.carpenter _______6.painter _______7.teacher _______8.dressmaker _______10.farmer _______11.scientist president _______14.manager _______15.vendor B. Below are some reasons that encourage people to work. Check (check) the best reasons. _____1. Desire for wealth _____2. Attractive of the work _____3. Satisfy person’s wants _____4. Meet people _____5. Provide basic needs _____6. Be a good citizen _____7. Be above others _____8. Develop personality _____9. Command other people _____10. Be famous


Page 68

C. Interview one professional worker and one skilled worker. Ask them about the kind of work they do and the challenges that they meet. Ask them why they chose that kind of job. Report it in class. III.

Valuing A. Write a five sentence paragraph about a worker you look up to.

________________________________________________________ Title

b. Draw and color the kind of worker you want to be. Then write three sentences about it.


Page 69

________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Answer completely but briefly. 1. How cn the government helps protect people’s dignity? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 2. How can you use your talents productively? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 3. Why is education important? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 4. Why is cooperation an important factor to achieve progress? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________


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______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 5. If you were the president, how can you help improve the quality of life of the Filipinos? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

VII: THE PRIDE OF OUR NATION Let’s Find Out: Name at least three Filipinos who brought honor to our country in each of the following fields.

___________________ ____________________ ____________________

___________________ ___________________ ___________________


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______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

PAINTING Fernando Amorsolois one of the great Filipino painters of all time. He was known for using bright colors in his paintings. Most of his works show the traditional Filipino practices. In 1972, he was proclaimed National Artist for Painting.

MUSIC Levi Celerio. is a famous Filipino composer. He wrote many songs which became very popular. He was also known for his ability to create music using a leaf. In 1997, he was proclaimed National Artist for Music.

SCIENCE Dr. Fe delMundo is the first Asian to have entered the prestigious Harvard University’s School of Medicine. She received the Elizabeth Blackwell Award in 1966 for her outstanding public service to mankind. She was also bestowed the Ramon Magsaysay award for outstanding public service. Fe del Mundo was a servant, and achiever, and an inventor rolled into one. She YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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made an improved incubator for premature babies and a Jaundice relieving device. Her contribution to the field of pediatric health is truly remarkable. She was named National Scientist of the Philippines in 1980. FILM LinoBrocka is known as one of the great film directors of the country. He received numerous awards from awardgiving bodies like Film Academy of Movie Arts and Sciences (FAMAS), Film Academy of the Philippines (FAP), and GawadUrian. One of the good movies he directed was the film entitled “Mynila: SamgaKuko ng Liwanag.” LinoBrocka died in 1991. He was posthumously proclaimed National Artist for Film in 1997.

SPORTS Gabriel “Flash” Elordeis considered the greatest Filipino boxer of all time. He was a world champion from 1960 to 1967, making him one of the longest reigning world super featherweight boxing champion ever. He also held the title “ the greatest world junior lightweight boxing champion in WBC history” in 1974. In 1993, he became the first Asian boxer to be included in the International Boxing Hall of Fame.

LITERATURE Jose Garcia Villa is a National Artist for Literature. He is known as one of the finest contemporary poets in the country and in the world. He is famous for his innovative comma poems. His penname is Doveglion (Dove, Eagle, Lion). Some of his works include Footnote to Youth and Poems in Praise of Love: The Best Love Poems of Jose Garcia Villa.


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ARCHITECTURE Juan F. Nakpilis a National Artist for Architecture. He is known for designing famous landmarks such as the Rizal Theater, Philippine Village Hotel, University of the Philippines Administration Building, and many more. He reconstructed the Rizal House in Calamba, Laguna. He enlarged the Quiapo Church by adding a dome and belfry in 1930. His famous contribution to Philippine architecture is the element of local culture and tradition in all of his works. DANCE Lucrecia Reyes-Urtula is a National Artist for Dance. She has choreographed several Philippine folk dances for more than 30 years for the Bayanihan the National Folk Dance Company of the Philippines. Her Spanishinfluenced dances, Muslim and other folk dances have received praises in their world tours in America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa. Some of their famous dances include the “Singkil,” which is based on a Maranao epic, the “Vinta,” which honors the sailing capabilities of Filipinos, “Pagdiwata,” a harvest festival dance, and “Salidsid,” a mountain wedding- dance. SCULPTURE Abdulmari Asia Imao is a National Artist for Visual Arts. His sculptures and other works of art embody Muslim art and culture. His works include ukkil, sarimanok, and naga motifs. These are indigenous Filipino creations which he continuous to use. His sculptures and monuments are found all throughout the Philippines. The “Sulu Warriors” statues in Sulu are examples of his works of art. FASHION DESIGN Ramon Valeracomes from Abra. His famous contribution to the arts is the modified version of the national dress, baro’tsaya. His creation came to be known as the terno. The terno is a single dress with bell or butterfly sleeves. He set the standard for fashion designers that continue to recreate the terno. He helped form a sense of the Filipino nation by his pursuit of YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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Let’s Check This Out Do you know Roselle R. Ambubuyog? Roselle lost her eyesight when she was six years old. Despite this handicap, she held on to her dreams. It did not stop her from becoming the best in everything she does. From preparatory to elementary and secondary schools, she always came out on top of her class. In 2001, she graduated at the Ateneo de Manila University with the highest honor. Her determination and strong faith in God pushed her to rise above her physical disability. Today, she continues to inspire many people, not only the physically handicapped. Let’s Reflect Let us give our best in all the things that we do as a way of showing our love for our country. Let’s Work A. Encircle the letter T if the statement is true. Encircle the letter F if it is false. T F paintings.

1. Fernando Amorsolo showed traditional Filipino practices in his


2. Roselle Ambubuyog was deaf since birth.


T F time.

3. Gabriel “Flash” Elorde is considered the greatest Filipino boxer of all



4. Dr. Fe delMundo is remarkable pediatrician.



5.LinoBrocka was a music director.



6. Levi Celerio was a famous Filipino composer.



7. Jose Garcia Villa was a National Artist for Architecture.



8.LucreciaUrtula is a National Artist for Dance.



9.Abdulmari Imao is a National Artist for Visual Arts.



10. Ramon Valera reinvented the Barong Tagalog through the terno.


Page 75

B. What is the profession of the following famous people? Choose your answer from the box. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank.

a. dance choreographer

f. poet

b. musician

g. architect

c. boxer

h. fashion designer

d. movie director

i. sculptor

e. pediatrician

j. painter

_________ 1.LucreciaUrtula _________ 2. Jose Garcia Villa _________ 3. Ramon Valera _________ 4.Abdulmari Imao _________ 5. Levi Celerio _________ 6. Gabriel Elorde _________ 7. Fe delMundo _________ 8. Juan Nakpil _________ 9.LinoBrocka ________ 10. Fernando Amorsolo

I feel How good are you? The following are good traits that someone who is a pride of the nation may possess. Rate yourself against the traits by encircling the number corresponding to your selfevaluation. The highest rating is 5 and the lowest is 1.







1 Page 76
































Honest Patriotic Helpful Creative humble I Do 1. Research on the biography of one of the famous people discussed in the text. 2. Paste on the frame his or her picture. Below the picture, write his or her name and good traits. Share you work with the class.

_______________________________ Good Traits __________________________











Page 77

THE FILIPINO CITIZENS AND THE PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT THE RIGHTS OF THE FILIPINO CITIZENS LET’S FIND OUT Written in the hearts are some of the rights of children. Color the heart that’s shows the right that you enjoy as a young citizen

I live in a peaceful and safe environment

I can express my thoughts and feelings at home.

I have a name that gives me identity.

I play regularly.

My parents provide my basic needs.

I go to school.

Our Rights As Filipino Citizens As citizens of our country, we all have rights. It is duty of our government to protect these rights. Freedom to do or have something is called right. This right is protected by law. We have equal rights. The rich, the poor, the young and the old have the same rights. We should respect each other’s rihts. If our rights are respected and protected, we will feel safe and secure.


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The right to live

Everyone has the right to live. No one has the right to take life of others. Killing person is punishable by law. It is a violation of God’s law. Our parents protect our life. They care for us. They do everything to keep us healthy and secures. Even a baby inside a mother’swomb has the right to live and be protected. The right to a nationality

Nationality refers to membership in a particular country. Every member of a country is called a citizen. Every person has the right to citizenship or nationality. Our citizenship is very important. It allows us to enjoy certain rights given only to Filipinos. The rights to education We all have the right to be in school. Parents are required to send their children to school. They have the responsibility to encourage their children to study and finish schooling. It is the duty of the government to give good education to its citizens. Our government fulfills this duty by providing free elementary and secondary education in all public schools. Our parents play an important role in our education. They are our first teachers. At home, they teach us good values and attitudes.


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The right to choose one’s own religion We all have the right to worship God. We also have the right to choose our own religion. In our country we can freely express our faith. We can pray, go to church, and talk about our religious beliefs.

The rights to express one’s self In our country, we have the right to give opinions and express our thoughts and feelinggd. However, we also have the responsibility to be truthful and tactful in expressing our views. As concerned citizens, we can use this right to help improve our country. We can suggest solutions to the problems of our country. We can also remind our leaders to honestly do their duties and responsibilities. The right to vote Every Filipino has the right to vote. Filipino citizens can participate in the elections. We can freely choose the candidates who will honestly serve our country. Voters cast their votes during an election. A YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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person can vote if he or she is a qualified voter of a particular place. The law cays that only citizens aged 18 years old and above can vote. Rights of Children Aside from the rights already mentioned, children have others rights already mentioned children have others rights. These are special rights meant to protect them. These rights are the same for all children all over the world. Here are some of our rights as declared in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

We have the right to rest and play.

We have the right to eat nutritious food, wear proper clothing and live in a comfortable shelter.

We have the right to develop our talents and skills.


Page 81

We have the right to row in a clean, safe, and ealthy environment with the love, care and suport of our parents.

We have the right to grow as good persons through the guidance of our parents and other adults

RIGHTS OF WOMEN The Philippine government also recognizes the rights of women. Men and women have equal rights. They have the right to be protected against any form of abuse.


Page 82

Women have the right to work. They have the right to ake important positions or responsibilities in their jobs if they are qualified. Their opinions and suggestions should be heard.

RIGHTS OF THE ELDERLY The elderly must be respected and protected. In our country, they are given discounts from stores, transport fares, and other services. Our government also provides shelter for the elderly who are either orphaned or abandones by their families. These places are known as homes for the aged. RIGHTS OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES Person with disabilities have special rights. Some of these include the right to be given seats in vehicles, and the right to be provided with special access to places such as comfort rooms, parking lots, and stairways.

LET’S CHECK THIS OUT Did you know that United Nations Childrens Fund or UNICEF works for children’s rights? According to UNICEF, many children in the country enrol in school. However, only 63 out of 100 who are enrolled finish primary school. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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The UNICEF and our government are working together to make sure that the Filipino children’s right to education is realized. UNICEF has funded construction of classrooms in many places in the Philippines. All children must go to school. A. Identify the particular right shown in each picture. Write your answer in the blank.






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B. Put a check  on the blank if the statement shows a right and a cross mark  if it does not show a right. _____ 1. The residents of Barangay Magiting will choose the best candidates who can serve the community in the coming Barangay election. _____ 2. Roman is a blind 9- year old boy. His parents say there is no need for him to go to school. _____ 3. My grandmother received a discount when she bought medicines at the drugstore. _____ 4. Aling Juana gave birth to a healthy baby boy whom she named Matthew. _____ 5. Arlyn expressed her opinions regarding clean and honest elecyions. _____ 6. Cora’s Filipina mother who was born in the United States chose Filipino citizenship over American citizenship. _____ 7. Mrs. Juanita Ramos is not allowed to run for the provincial election because she is a woman. _____ 8. Abdul goes to the mosque with his family to worship Allah. _____ 9. My friend Clara studies in a public school. _____ 10. Andrea is not allowed to play; she studies her lessons after school.


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Write a letter to your parents. Thank them for protecting your rights.

A. Write about an experience when you felt you have been denied of your rights.

B. List down the rights that you enjoy at present. _____________________



















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ARTS and ENGLISH Design a draft of a poster in the box showing the rights of Filipino children. Below the poster, write a slogan to promote the right you have shown. Make a final copy of the poster in a whole sheet of Manila paper. Color your poster.


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OUR DUTIES as CITIZENS Look at the following pictures of children. Put a check  in the box if the picture shows the correct duties of children.

Our duties as citizens of our country


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As citizens free to enjoy our rights, but with these rights come also our duties. Duty is something is something that a person must do. It is similar to responsibility. We have to be always aware of our duties and carry them out responsible. It is our duty to exercise our rights responsibly. It is also our duty to respect the rigts of others. A good citizen fulfills his or her duties to himself or herself. He or she also fulfills his or her duties to his or her family, to others, to the community, to the environment, and to our country.

Duties to our country As Filipino citizens, it is our duty to love our country. We must do our best for the good of our nation and to contribute to its progress.

Paying Taxes We serve our contry by paying the right taxes on time. Tax is an amount of money paid by the people to the government. The government uses this money to provide services for the people.


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Respecting National Symbols It is our duty to respect and honor the symbols of our country. We have to respect the Philippine flag, the national anthem, and the pledge of allegiance to the flag and country. We also have to respect and honor the memory of our heroes.

Buying Filipino products It is our duty to buy Filipino products. When we do this, we help improve our economy. We also help improve the life of Filipino worker.

Obeying the laws It is our duty to obey the laws of our country.ithout laws, there will be no peace and order in the community. Laws are important to give us security and peace. Laws are made for the common good of the people. We must follow them for our own protection. Our country will be a better place to live in if the laws of the land are followed. Defending the country’s freedom. In the past, our heroes fought and died for our country. Today we can also show our love for our country by serving our country in any way we can. We should keep in mind our common goals. We can work towards our goals if we enjoy our rights in a free society.

Duties in the community Do you want to live in a clean, healthy, peaceful, safe and progressive community? A community is a place YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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where people live together. The progress of the community depends on its people. It is the duty of every citizen to be aware of the laws and regulations in the community. to maintain peace and order in the community, the people must obey the laws. As members of the community, it is our duty to get involved in activities that promote the common good. As children, we can serve the community in our own little ways. We can take part in the community projects like clean- up campaigns and tree- planting activities. Here are some of the rules and regulations that must be observed in the community.

Obey traffic rules.

Keep the sorroundings clean and free from garbage.

Maintain peace and order.


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Duties to the environment We have a duty to protect nature and take care of our environment. Nature provides us with all the things we need to survive. Sadly, people continue to abuse nature and destroy our environment. We must stop polluting our water, air and land. We must stop throwing our garbage into the rivers, seas, and lakes. We must stop cutting down tresss and destroying forests and mountains. We should act now before it becomes too late. We should start doing our share in caring for the environment. Duties to the school We enjoy the right to education. In school, we learn to read, write, and count. We learn to develop our skills and talents. We also learn to socialize and behave properly. We have the duty to follow the school rules and regulations. Here are some of them. We should come to school on time and in complete uniform. We should observe silence and order in line. We should participate in the flag ceremon and other school programs and activities. We should diligintly do our tasks and assignments. We should participate in classroom activities. We should our hand before we recite. We should pay attention to our teacher. We should keep our school clean. It is our duty to serve others. We must help those are in need. A person cannot live alone. Everyone needs the help of other people. Filipinos are kind people. We help each other in times of need. It is our unique trait to be always ready to sacrifice our lives for the sake of others.

Duties to the family We have a duty to love and serve our family. Part of this duty is to follow the rules set at home. Part of this duty is to follow the rules set at home Some of these rules include schedules for household chores, play time, study, and YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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bedtime. Some of our responsibilities at home include household chores like washing the dishes, setting the table before meal time, cleaning the house, preparing the beds, running errands for the family, and taking younger siblings. Let us do our duties and follow the rules at home. Duties to one’s self Good health is very important. A healthy person can do many things and can perform his or her duties well. It is our duty to take care of our body. We should keep our body strong and healthy Here are some tips to maintain a healthy body. Eat nutritious food. Exercise daily. Always keep the surroundings clean and safe. Take a bathe regulary. Brush your teeth after meals. Wear clean clothes. Get enough sleep. It is also our duty to keep our good traits and habits. Let us practice our god habits everyday. It is also our futy to improve our talents and skills. Everyone has his or her own talents and abilities. We can use our talents and skills not only to improve our life in the future but also to serve our country. Did you know that the Ten Commandments is a set of laws given by God to the Jews? Christians perform their duty to God by obeying the Ten Commandments. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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I THINK A. Write down five responsibilities that you should do at home. 1. _______________________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________________________ 5. _______________________________________________________________ B. Write down the duties of a citizen. 1. _______________________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________________________ 5. _______________________________________________________________ 6. _______________________________________________________________ C. WriteRon the blank if the situation shows a right. Write D if it describes a duty. __________ 1. I study my lessons after school. __________ 2. Lita goes to apublic elementary school. __________ 3. Carlo stands at attention during flag seremonies. __________ 4. My family joined the barangay tree planting project. __________ 5. Helen is allowed to join a Cathecism class. __________ 6. Our school bus driver, Mr. Bong Chavez follows traffic signs. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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__________ 7. My mother buys shoes made in the Philippines. __________ 8. The residents of Barangay 142 are registered voters of the city. __________ 9. Tina’s baby brother was baptized and given the name Mark Anthony. __________ 10. Nina obeyed her parents when she was told to go straight home from school. I FEEL A. What should yo do in each of the following situations? Encircle the letter of your nswer. 1. Your mother requested you to look after your younger brotrher.. What will you do? a. I will ignore the request of my mother. b. I will leave the house and play outside c. I will look after my younger brother. 2. You noticed that the lights in the living room are on but nobody is using them. What will you do? a. I will turn the lights off. b. I will leave the lights on. c. I will tell my mother that the lights are on. 3. You entered the library and you saw the sign that says “SILENCE PLEASE.” What will you do? 4. One day, your sister went to school early in the morning. After she left, you noticed that her beddings are not made. What will you do? a. I will ignore it. b. I will inform my mother about it. c. I will arange the beddings properly and I will just remind my sister when she gets home. 5. One of our responsibilities in the community is to keep the surroundings clean and safe. What will you do to make it happen? a. I will throw garbage anywhere. b. I will support the Clean and Green campaign in the community. c. I will ignore the community leaders. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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B. Write in the scroll a duty in school that you promise to fulfill for the rest of the school year.

I promise to

_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ ____________________________ Make a poster showing the things that you can do for the environment. Write a catchy slogan. Make a draft of your poster in the box. Use a cartolina for your final output.


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Information Technology Surf the internet for a right that has been violated. Research about what the government is doing to protect the person or people involved. Print your research. THE GOVERNMENT SERVES the FILIPINO PEOPLE What comes to your mind when you hear the word “government�? Write as many words in the boxes. Add more strands and boxes needed.

The government is a social institution that has the power to make laws, carry out rules and activities according to laws, and judge cases of violations of the laws. The government serves the people. It has the duty to protect the citizens and provide services that the people need.


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Government Agencies The government gives services to the people through its different departments and agencies. The following is a list of some departments and offices in Philippine government. The Philippine Government Agencies Department of Agrarian Reform Department of Labor and Employment Department of Agriculture Department of National Defense Department of Budget and Management National Economic and Development Authority Department of Education Office of the Press Secretary Department of Energy Department of Public Works and Highways Department of Environment and Natural Department of Science and Technology Resources Department of Finance Department of Social Welfare and Development Department of Foreign Affairs Departent of Tourism Department of Interior and Local Department of Trade & Industry Government Department of Health Department of Transportation & Communications Department of Justice Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Constitutional Offices Commisiion on Audit Civil Service Commisiion Commission on Elections Office of the Ombudsman Commisssion on Human Rights

Judicial Offices Supreme Court of the Philippines Court of Appeals Sandiganbayan

Legislative Offices The Philippine Senate House of Representatives

Education Services To attain progress, we need quality education. The government ensures that its people are provided with quality education for the common good


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Health Services The government has the responsibility to guarantee the health of its people. The Department of Health (DOH) gives health services to the people. It makes sure that the health concern of the people.

Social Welfare Services One of the duties of the government is to improve the lives of the people.The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) is assigned to undertake this task. The DSWD protects and promotes the rights and welfare of the poor., the vulnerable, and disadvantaged Filipinos an communities. Peace and Order The government has a duty to protect the people. It must ensure public safety. It has a duty to maintain peace and order to our society. The departments of government that are tasked with peace and order concerns of the ocuntry ara the Department of National Defense (DND) the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) Housing Projects Shelter or house is one of the basic needs of the people. It is duty of our government to make sure that every Filipino family has a shelter. In our country many Filipinos do not own a house. There are homeless families that live on the streets. Others live in informal settlements called “squatters� areas. Life becoes more difficult if you do not have a decent shelter. For those who have some source of income, they rent houses, apartments, or rooms. Transportation and Communication services Our government works to improve our forms of transportation and communication. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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Through the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) roads, bridges, highways, railroads, airports, terminals, and piers are built, repaired and maintained. People all over the country are able to travel conveniently through these facilities. Our government also provides us with all lines of communication. AT present we enjoy using telephones, cellular phones, Internet, radio, television, and postal fascimile services. Public Information Services It is also the duty of the government to give correct and true information to the people. There are government agencies that provide this need. PAGASA The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services and Administration (PAGASA) warns the people in times of natural calamities like typhoons. PHIVOLCS The Philippine Institute of Volcanology ans Seismology (PHIVOLCS) informs and warns the public about the activities of an active volcano. Its information is very important to the safety of the people living near the surounding areas of a volvano. PIA The Philipppine Information Agency (PIA) gives information about government programs and projects that are important to our country. NSO The National Statistics Office (NSO) produces statistical information for the country like population census, income and rice statistics, and other related information. I THINK Write the meaning of the following acronyms. 1. DOH _________________________________________________________ 2. DENR _________________________________________________________ 3. DOLE __________________________________________________________ 4. DND _________________________________________________________ 5. DOST _______________________________________________________ 6. DOF ________________________________________________________ YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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7. DepEd ______________________________________________________ 8. DA ____________________________________________________________ 9. DSWD ______________________________________________________ 10. DPWH ___________________________________________________ I FEEL Write five things that describe a good government. 1. __________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________________________ I Do In our own simple ways, we can help our government.Evaluate how often you do the following by checking the appropriate column. Activities 1. I take care of the school facilities. 2. I value my education. 3. I help people in need. 4. I try to become productive. 5. I do not waste resources. 6. I obey my teachers. 7. I treat my friends fairly. 8. I am honest at all times. 9. I behave well. 10. I take care of my things.




Arts Make a collage of government services in your area. Describe your collage.


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___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Different Laws of Our Country Why we need laws Laws are rules to be followed. They help maintain peace and order in society. They also help to make the people feel safe. Laws protect the rights of the people. They are made ans enforced for the common good. The Branches of Government Our government has three branches: the executice, legislative and judiciary THE THREE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT

The executive branch of our overnment runs the contry. It implements the laws. It is headed by the President. The Legislative branch of the government creates laws. It is also called the Philippines Congress. It is composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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The Judiciary interprets the law. It is composed of the Supreme Court, the court of Appeals, and all the lower courts in the Philippines. These three branches of the government have equal powers and importance. They work hand in hand. Each branch checks and balances the other branches. Each branch makes sure that the other branches are doing their duties to the people. How Laws are made. Before a law is made, a congressman or a senator must first write the bill. A bill is a proposal of law. The bill undergoes discussions in the House of Representatives and then in the Senate. It must be passed by the congress. Once a bill is approved by the Senate and House Representatives, it will be sent to the President for further approval. When the President signs the bill, it becomes a law. But if the President does not sign the bill into law, he or she must explain the reason to Congress within ten days. However, if two-thirds of the members of Congress will voe to pass the bill , it will become a law. THE POWER OF THE President to refuse to sign a bill into law is called veto power. Our country has many laws. The following are some of our laws. Laws that protect persons and families We have laws that protect persons and families. These laws are in the civil code of the Philippines, the Family Code of the Philippines, the Child and Welfare Code of the Philippines and the Anti- Violence Againsst Women and Their Children Act of 2004. Laws that protect our health We have laws that protect our health. Among these laws are the Generics Act, Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act, and the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act The Genetics Act, through Republic Act 6675, was implemented to promote the manufacture of generic medicines as substitute to branded ones. This makes sure that there will be enough supply of cheap and safe medicines. The Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act of 2002 safeguards the people specifically the youth from dangerous substancess that might cause physical and mental problems. Under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1963, the Food and Drug Authority (now Bureau of Food and Drugs) was established to ensure the quality andics produced in the country. Laws that Protect the Workers The workers in our country are also protected by different laws. Some of these laws are the Labor Code of the Philippines the Wage Rationalization Act.


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President Ferdinand Marcos ratified the Labor Code of the Philippines in 1974. It oversees employment processes from hiring to termination and ensures the rights and benefits of employees. In 1989 regional wage boards were created in compliance with the Wage Rationalization Act or Republict 6727. The board’s aim was to create reasonable salary rates for all types of employeres. The Protecton against Child Abuse Act ( R.A. 7610 of 1992) guards the rights of children from abuse, exploitaton, and neglect of their rights. This law allows children to work under certain conditions. Through R. A. 7658, an amendment to R.A. 7610, children less than 15 years old are prohibited to be employed in private and public establishments. Laws that protect our environment Our government laws that protect our environment. The Philippine Clean Air Act of 1990 seeks to keep the air clean and healthy for Filipinos through education and regulation board against air pollution. The Department of Environment andnatural Resources (DENR) launched the Clean Water Act in 2004 which ensure waters quality management of all bodies of water. It requires busiess firms to have their own sewage system to prevent them from polluting the rivers and other bodies of water in the country. Did you know that there is a law that can put the whole country under milatary rule? This law is caled martial law. It is declared only in times of war, or if the country is in great crisis or if the government threatened from its enemies. Martial Law is frightening law. Once it declared, the country will be like a big military camp that is run by soldiers and ruled by a dictator. In 1972, former President Ferdinand Marcos placed the whole country under martial law. It resulted to almost 9 years of dictatorship and one- man rule. A. Identify what is being described. Encircle the letter of your answer. 1. This is the branch of government that implements the law. a. Judiciary

c. Executive

b. Legislative

d. Supreme Court

2. This is the branch of government that makes laws. a. Judiciary

c. Executive

b. Legislative

d. Supreme Court

3. This is the branch of Government that interprets the law. a. Judiciary YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

c. Executive Page 104

b. Legislative

d. Senate

4. This is a proposed law that needs to be discussed by Congress. a. Bill

c. Civil Code of the Philippines

b. Report

d. Law

5. This is the set of rules to be followed in a society. a. Bill

c. Court

b. Law

d. Warnigs

B. Answer the following questions in complete sentences. Write answers on the blanks. 1. What is the role of the executive branch of government? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2. What is the role of the legislative branch of government? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 3. What is the role of the judiciary? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 4. How does a bill become a law? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 5. Why are laws important? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ The following are some of the rules and regulations being implemented in schools. Evaluate how often you follow these rules by checking the appropriate column of your answer. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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Rules/ regulations 1. Wear the proper school uniform. 2. Do not loiter in areas that are off- limits to students. 3. Do not run along the corridors. 4. Do not vandalize the walls and other places in the school. 5. Throw your litter in proper trash cans.




Write on the blanks five rules that would impose on yourself to help you improve your grades in all your subjects. 1.______________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________________ 4. ______________________________________________________________ 5. ______________________________________________________________ COOPERATION BETWEEN THE CITIZENS AND THE GOVERNMENT Role of People The following are some of the ways citizens can help the government. Paying taxes paying taxes is one of the obligatons of the people to the government. Tax is the amount of money paid to the government. The government uses tax money for its many programs and projects like building public schools and hospitals. The people must pay taxes to help the government continue its services to the people. PARTICIPATING IN THE ELECTIONS One of the most important rights of the people is the right ot vote. The people must participate in the elections. They have a duty to cat their votes for certain people who will become good leaders of our country. JOINING ORGANIZATIONS AND ACTIVITIES By joining different organizations and participating in various activities, we do not only develop our talents and skills but we also become productive. This way, we can help the government and the country achieve their goals. BUYING FILIPINO PRODUCTS


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Buying Filipino products is one of the ways to help improve our country. When we support our own products, we help create jobs and provide income for many Filipinos. CARING FOR THE ENVIRONMENT When we take care of the environmment, we help protect natre. When we do this we also help the government conserve our natural resources which provide us with many of the things we need. BEING PRODUCTIVE In our own simple ways, we can contribute to the government by being productive members of the soceity. As Grade III pupils we can be productive by studying our lessons well, doing our assignments, helping our parents at home, spending our allowance wisely, and going to church regularly. We should give our best in everything we do.

A. Match the descriptions in column A with the words in column B. Write the letter of your answer on the blank before each number. Column A Column B _____ 1. Showing respect

a. Paying taxes

to nature by not throwing trash in the river _____ 2. Becoming

b. particpating


in the election

by showcasing talents and skills _____ 3. One way

c. buying Filipino product

of showing the spirit of patriotism _____ 4. An obligation

d. caring for the environment

to the government


Page 107

_____ 5. Choosing the leaders

e. joining organizations and activities

of the community B. Complete the diagram below by writing words in the boxes that are related to the two key phrases in the circle. You may add more strands and boxes as needed.

As a young citizen you can do simple things that show your concern for our country. Evaluate how often you do the following by checking the appropriate column. Activities 1. I respect nature and take care of the environment. 2. I study hard. 3. I finish my tasks in school. 4. I help in doing the household chores. 5. I pray to God to bless our country. 6. I recycle the empty pages of my used notebooks. 7. I help maintain the cleanliness of the surroundings. 8. I save my extra money. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE




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9. I get along well with other people. 10. I respect and follow the rules and regulations at home, in school, and in the community. The 5-S system is one way of maintaining the cleanliness of the surroundings. The five S stands for Sort, Systematize, Sustain, Sweep, and Self- Discipline. This system is implemented in schools offices. Write on the spaces provided how you can apply each process in your home. Sort





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In the space below design a poster and make a slogan that promotes Filipino products.


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GMRC Write in the scroll a simple prayer for our country and the Filipinos.

_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________


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