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Group Exercise Classes
SilverSneakers Classic
Silver Sneakers Classic concentrates on improving strength and flexibility so daily living activities become easier. It's a fun way to stay in shape and increase social interaction Have fun and move to the music through a variety of exercises designed to increase muscular strength, range of movement, and activity for daily living skills. Hand-held weights, elastic tubing with handles, and a ball are offered for resistance, and a chair is used for seated and/or standing support
SilverSneakers Muscular St rengt h & Range of Movement (MSROM)
Silver Sneakers EnerChi introduces modified Tai Chi forms Linking forms together in a guided flow increases strength and vitality In EnerChi you will teach participants the foundations of weight transfer and rhythmic movement along with awareness and focused breathing.
Chair Yoga
Chair Yoga will move your whole body through a complete series of seated and standing yoga poses Chair support is offered to safely performa variety of postures designed to increase flexibility, balance and range of movement Restorative breathing exercises and a final relaxation will promote stress reduction and mental clarity
SilverSneakers Circuit
SilverSneakers Circuit combines fun with fitness to increase your cardiovascular and muscle endurance Class will consist of standing low-impact choreography alternated with sitting or standing upper body strength work using hand weights, elastic tubing with handles, and a SilverSneakers ball. A chair is offered for support during the class
Zumba Gold
Zumba Gold is a modified Zumba class that recreates the original Zumba moves at a lower intensity. Easy-to-follow choreography that focuses on balance, range of motion and coordination. This class helps with cardiovascular health, muscular conditioning, flexibility and balance!
Line Dance
Line dance is a fun choreographed dance with a repeated sequence of steps in which a group of people dance in one or more lines or rows, all facing, either each other or in the same direction, and executing the same steps at the same time
St rengt h & Tone
Stay strong with this workout designed for active older adults of all fitness levels This class includes a variety of exercises geared at increasing muscular endurance, range of motion and agility required for activities of daily living
Join us for the fast growing sport of Pickleball Pickleball is a sport in which 2 or 4 players use solid paddles to hit a ball over a net. The sport shares features of other racket sports, the dimensions and layout of a badminton court, and a net and rules similar to tennis.
Check out Pickleball at one of our YMCA Locations:
Tuesday & Thursday 9am-1pm, Starting June 5th - Tuesdays & Thursdays 12:30-3:30pm
Hut t o Family YMCA:
Monday 1-4pm, Wednesday & Friday 12-3pm
YMCA of t he Highland Lakes:
Monday - Friday 9am-12pm
Twin Lakes Family YMCA: Coming Soon
Great er Waco YMCA: Coming Soon
ChildWat ch and Zone
ChildWatch is offered as a free service for members with family memberships. ChildWatch is more than just a safe place to look after your children while at the Y. This programs offers children and infants the chance to get the most out of their own visit to the Y through playing, learning and staying physically active Age requirements, time limits, and hours vary by branch
Free Family Friday
Ages 6 wks - 13 yrs
One Friday each month from4-8pm, parents who are YMembers can drop off their children for a free evening of fun while they enjoy an early dinner. For an additional $5 per child you can extend your time to 9pm Additionally, for $4 per child you can purchase the Family Friday Meal which includes pizza, juice and a snack Please note, parents must sign up in advance for the evening that they plan to have their children attend Space is limited and only one of these programs is allotted per month to each family
Craft Pizza Play
Ages 6 wks - 13 yrs
Hours are 5-10pm This programincludes pizza, juice and a craft/ This night specifically focuses on a craft We have done ceramics, canvas painting, tie dye and more!
Cost: $25 YMember/ $35 Community Member
Y Aft erschool
Grades K-5
The goal of our afterschool programis to ensure safety for children (K-5th grade) while promoting healthy physical and emotional growth, assisting working families, and inspiring children to learn We strive to help each child reach their full potential by offering a positive and enriching environment that encourages the development of character, leadership and cooperative spirit. We offer afterschool care until 6:30pmand all-day care on most school holidays, including summer, at convenient school sites throughout Central Texas For more information, please contact the YLicensed Child Care Services Desk at 512-615-5563
Kid's Night Out
Ages 6 wks-12 yrs
It's 9pmon a Saturday night, do you know where your kids are? Of course you do! They're eating pizza, playing games and making friends at the Yduring this evening event Event time is 5-10pm. Children in attendance should wear comfortable clothing (including socks), bring their own blankets, pillow and/or wear pajamas
Cost: $20 Y Member/ $29 Community Member
Mot her's Day Out
Ages 12 mos - 5 yrs
Tuesdays & Thursdays 9am-1pm
What better way to help out momthan with Mother's Day Out! This great bonding experience will provide the building blocks of learning for children. Our programcurriculum includes art, cognitive development, social and emotional development, and physical development