NORTH VALLEY FAMILY YMCA 11336 Corbin Ave, Northridge, CA 91326
JUNE 2013 www.ymcala.org/nv
A newsletter for members and volunteers of the Y
SUMMER FUN FOR EVERYONE YMCA summer youth programs
At the Y our priority is to create new and exciting experiences for youth. For more than six decades, kids throughout the San Fernando Valley have come together with our trained, licensed staff for a summer full of water fun, arts& crafts, sports & science, hiking & campfire, character building & new friendships. MORE on P. 2
Great Outdoors Month June is the perfect time to get outdoors with the YMCA and your family. Let’s celebrate these national events together. JUNE 1: National Trails Day Go take a hike! Celebrate again on June 15 with a Summit Seekers Hike at Trail Falls.
June 8: National Get Outdoors Day This is a new annual event to encourage healthy, active outdoor fun. Each GO Day event will offer a mix of information centers and “active fun” areas – places where guests, and especially kids, can use a fishing pole, go geocaching, help pitch a tent and more. Find an event, or venture out on your own as National Forests are FREE on June 8th.
JUNE 22: Great American Backyard Campout Thousands of people across the nation will gather in their backyards, neighborhoods, communities and parks to take part in a one-night FREE event that will provide an experience for all generations to connect with nature.
AND CHECK OUT ALL THE great YMCA summer camps (on P.2 & 3) to help you Get Outdoors and have fun!