YMCA GCSCC Newsletter Jan - Jun 2018

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The first 6 months of operations of YMCA SCC @ CHIJ-OLGC has been full of fun & learning! Here’s an insight into the happenings! Page 1

Page 2 And So It Begins!

YJEP 2018 (continued)

Y Junior Entrepreneurship Programme (YJEP) 2018

March 2018 Holiday Week!

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Page 4 Seed Kindness Fund Junior Programme 2018

Y Sport Stacking Competition 2018 (continued)

Y Sport Stacking Competition 2018

June 2018 Holiday Month!

And So It Begins!

We started operations on the 3rd of January, with enthusiastic girls and earnest mentors. All of us were new to the routines and we could not wait to get to know each other. Our first month together was exciting and memorablyfilled to the brim with brand new experiences for the students and mentors alike. The students were thrilled about shower and nap time as it felt like camping, and the mentors were enraptured by the unique personalities of each child. As the weeks passed, the centre became more like a second home to the students and they were able to let their guards down and feel comfortable with their mentors. Mentors watched as the students blossomed with independence and dexterity in carrying out their daily tasks.

Y Junior Entrepreneurship PROJECT 2018 Our first term was a very exciting one. A large chunk of that was attributed to one of our enrichment programmes for 2018 – the Y Junior Entrepreneurship Programme (YJEP). The YJEP is one of YMCA SCCs’ signature programmes, through which our students learn to brainstorm, make, pitch and sell their own handiwork and ideas; the funds raised were then used to benefit those who are in need. This year, all 20 student care centres came together for the Sengkang South Little Entrepreneurs 2018 to sell their handiwork and set up their 1|Page

YMCA SCC @ CHIJ OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL January – June 2018 game and activity booths. Organised by Central Singapore CDC, Citizens’ Consultative Committees, People’s Association and Sengkang South RC, the event saw students as young as six years old running their own business. Students from our centre put their efforts into coming up with designs for our “hand art” booth. At the end of the evening, students met Prime Minister Lee; who was the Guest-of-Honour for the event.

Ashlee (front, 3rd child from left) from our Centre along with other YMCA Centre students at Sengkang South.

MARCH 2018 HOLIDAY WEEK! The very first holiday week at a brand-new centre… and the theme for the week was: The History of Baking! Students spent the week learning all about baking and how it originated, the earliest evidences of baking and how people baked before the oven was invented! The week culminated in our first workshop: Little Cookie Masters! Our students baked 2 different types of cookies; Oatmeal Raisin cookies & Chocolate Chip cookies, with their friends and brought some home to share with their families.

Before going in the oven!

Little bakers with their chef hats!

Listening carefully to instructions!



Seed Kindness Fund Junior Programme 2018

Ambassadors distributing flyers

Packing up ‘carepacks’ for domestic helpers

Distributing carepacks!

Seed Kindness Fund Junior (SKF Jr) is a new programme for primary students in student care centres to promote the values of kindness and graciousness in their community. A group of students from each YMCA SCC were nominated to be Kindness Ambassadors to work on the SKF project that would impact the community. These students would be honoured as Kindness Ambassadors upon completing the SKF project together. The kindness ambassadors from our centre decided to focus their efforts on showing appreciation and kindness to the domestic helpers in the estate surrounding the School. They went on a walkabout to distribute flyers to households around and then packed goodies and treats into “care packsâ€? which were then distributed to domestic helpers in the surrounding households. Our ambassadors also roped in their friends in the centre to assist in the packing and making of special cards to give to the domestic helpers. Our girls were happy to see the joy on the faces of the domestic helpers who received the care packs from them. Way to go, girls! đ&#x;˜Š

Y Sport Stacking Competition 2018

Our Sport Stacking Team: Bella, Ayaka, Sayano, Syuen, Sanaa, Clare, Jeorgia & Evy – we are proud of you! đ&#x;˜Š

Y Sport Stacking is an individual and team sport. It is where participants of all ages try to up-stack and down-stack 12 specially designed plastic cups in pre-determined sequences at a very quick speed. Stackers challenge their own ability by racing against the clock. Y Sport Stacking enrichment programme will culminate in a competition at the YMCA Headquarters at Orchard Road during the June school holidays. It is run in conjunction with World Sport Stacking Association (WSSA) Singapore. 3|Page

YMCA SCC @ CHIJ OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL January – June 2018 This year’s competition was held on 19 June 2018 at YMCA Headquarters. A team of 8 students from our Centre participated in the different categories, challenging themselves and their peers in the process.

JUNE 2018 HOLIDAY MONTh! The June holidays arrived and our students were set to focus on the themes, “Animals & Reptiles� and “Creepy Crawlies�. Each theme included an optional workshop, wherein our students had the opportunity to have a handson cupcake-baking or slime-making experience with their friends. One of the workshops was ‘Little Miss Cupcake� and students who signed up for the workshop got to bake and apply icing on their own animal-themed cupcakes.

Cupcakes ready to be bake!

Chocolate batter!

Vanilla batter!

Ready for home!

The other workshop was ‘Icky Wicky Slime� slime-making workshop and students who signed up for the workshop got to make their own slime to fit their icky-wicky creepy crawly theme!

“Why do I have to stir so much?�

“It’s becoming more like slime!�

“Why are we still mixing?�

See you later, alligator! Well, that’s it for now! We’ll bring you a new round of highlights soon! đ&#x;˜Š


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