YMCA KCC @ SENGKANG GREEN January – June 2018
Vol. 1 January 2018 –June 2018
What’s in this issue: 1. Chinese New Year Celebration 2. June Holiday Programmes
Civil Defence Heritage Gallery Police Heritage Centre Y Junior MasterChef Sports Day
3. Glimpse of the Modular Activities
K1 and K2 children coming together to celebrate Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year Celebration On the 1st of February, we had a show and tell display of Chinese New Year Lanterns, created by the children and parents to foster Home–Centre partnership. On the 14th of February, YMCA Sengkang Green KCare celebrated Chinese New year with a fashion parade of the children wearing traditional Chinese outfits. The girls came dressed in the traditional cheongsam and the boys wore traditional changshan. We also had fun participating and playing several interesting Chinese New Year games!
Holiday Programmes 2018! Civil Defence Heritage Gallery The Civil Defence Heritage Museum offers the public a tour of the past and to learn about the latest firefighting and rescue technology developed and used by the SCDF. In line with our June Holiday Programmes on “Occupations”, we had the opportunity to visit the museum so as to engage our 5 and 6 years old to understand, experience and to physically touch the equipment used by the SCDF. It was definitely an enriching and interesting experience for the children to learn about the history, usage and evolution of the SCDF in Singapore. With this experience, the children gained better knowledge and understanding of how fire fighters work during emergency calls and how fires are put out.
Patience PM taking turns to dress up as Firefighters!
At the end of the trip, the children received free booklets with more information on the heritage and walked away with interesting and shareable fun facts. It was truly a memorable experience!
A Trip to the Police Heritage Centre The K2 Children also visited the Police Heritage Centre and they were kept engaged in a short sharing session by a police officer, The officer spoke about crime prevention and basic knowledge about the Singapore Police Force. The children were given a guided tour around the Police Heritage Centre. They learnt about the history of the Singapore Police Force – the different posts of police officers For e.g. Traffic Police, Marine Coast Guard. History of the Pioneer Police Force (from 1820-1945), the revolution of the uniform worn by Singapore police officers, the mode of transportation and communication (vehicles, telephones, etc) used in the olden days of Singapore were also shared with the children.
K2 Children posing in front of the Singapore Police Radio Patrol Car used in the olden days of Singapore.
The children explored various interactive corners at the gallery and learnt more about the job scope of the different posts in the Singapore Police Force. 2
Y Junior MasterChef One of the many occupations that we wanted to introduce to the children was a “Chef”. Prior to meeting the chef, the children learnt about a Chef’s outfit and its functions. We learnt that for hygiene purposes, a chef would don on gloves when handling food to prevent food contamination. A chef also wears an apron to protect their clothes and body when cooking or preparing food. Chef wears a hat or shower cap to keep their hair away from their faces and to prevent hair from going into their food. The children were most excited to meet a real chef, “Chef Liza”! Chef Liza introduced the food that they will be cooking for that day, Spaghetti Carbonara! We also talked about the various ingredients needed. For e.g. cream, milk, spaghetti pasta, chicken ham and mushrooms The children were guided and helped in the cutting, slicing of the chicken ham, mushrooms and cooking of the sauce and spaghetti. After the dish was cooked, the children enjoyed their very own delicious Spaghetti Carbonara!
Chef Liza with the class of K1
YMCA KCC Sports Day 2018 On 13th June 2018, Sengkang Green Kindergarten Care Centre (SGKCC) hosted our very first sports day event. The children showcased their athletic skills in a variety of sports and related games to enhance their gross motor skills, eye-hand coordination skills and team work. The event started off with a mass warm up and a cheer - off between the various classes.
Game 1: Balancing of Ping Pong Ball Children were placed in different groups to encourage mixed class play. In their groups, they were to take turns to balance and pass the ping pong ball to their group mates on the other side of the field. The children were all very enthusiastic, completed the first game in no time and were excited to move on to the next game!
Game 2: Throwing of Beanbags In this game, the children were challenged to throw the beanbags accurately into the hula hoops from a distance. It was heart-warming to see every child trying his/her best and not give up. What great sportsmanship!
Game 3: Baton Relay Lastly, we had the highly anticipated Baton Relay. This was an inter-class game and everyone was eager to start the race. It was uplifting to see everyone cheering for one another and encouraging each other. The children ran hard and tried their very best to complete the race! It was without a doubt that the children had an amazing Sports Day judging from their tired and happy faces! To conclude the event, each child was awarded a medal and a hand-made trophy as a form of encouragement in thanking them for their participation. GO SKGCC!
Glimpse of the Modular Activities
Our KCare children at outdoors – Sand and Water Play
Making and baking our very own Pizzas during Cookery!
We are ready to get our hands dirty for Art and Craft!
Pretending to be a Policeman in Music & Movement
Let’s make our Garden a clean and green place!
YMCA KCC @ Sengkang Green c/o Sengkang Green Primary School 15 Fernvale Road Singapore 797636 Tel: 6241 0816 | Email: sgkcc@ymca.edu.sg