The Playbook - Our joint work plan fro 2013-2014

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NEW WAY the playbook Our joint work plan for 2013 and 2014 January 2013

Our Story The YMCA movement has been a source of service and inspiration to communities for nearly 170 years. We are well known in the 119 countries and thousands of communities where we work. However, we have collectively become nearly invisible with the institutions, policymakers, and donors who work at a The YMCAlevel. movement has been a source of service and inspiration global Today, we are a Sleeping Giant – we can to becommunities for nearly 170 years. We are well known in the 119 countries and thousands of communities where we work. awakened to achieve our combined potential. Together we and Hocan wevbring er, we new have impact collectivto elythe becworld ome nea rly iwe nviscan ible raise with thour e institutions, policymakers, and donors who work at a glimage obal levas el.aTworld oday, wleader. e are a Sleeping Giant – we can be awakened to achieve our combined potential. Together we can bring new impact to the world and we can raise our image as a world leader.

The NEW WAY is our road map for this journey. It establishes

The NEW empowerment WAY is our road map journey. establishes youth empowerment as the vehicle for our collective journey. In youth as for thethis vehicle forIt our collective 2012, 80 YMCA leaders from all regions of the world met in Nairobi to examine our future. They determined that we can do journey. In 2012, 80 YMCA leaders from all regions of the more, for the world and for our movement, by deepening and promoting our commitment to youth. The World YMCA our Plworld aybookmet is ouin r inNairobi vitationto to examine you. In the nexfuture. t few paThey ges yodetermined u will find our work plan of projects for 2013. Each project that we can do more, for the world and for our movement, is part of the NEW WAY Strategy; we invite you to join and participate in each project.

by deepening and promoting our commitment to youth. The

1.World Leadership Engagement: The global YMCA benefits fromIninclusive, direct engagement of volunteers and staff leaders to YMCA Playbook is our invitation to you. the next strengthen the worldwide movement, increase our collective capacity to do more, and advance youth empowerment as our few pages will find our work plan of projects for 2013. vehicle for theyou future.

project is part ofWorld the NEW Strategy;empower we invite 2.Each 200 Change Agents: The YMCAWAY will collectively andyou mobilise Change Agents from all Areas of the world to to join and participate in each project. be inspired and lead a change process on the institutional level and build a strong collective voice of the global YMCA. 200 Change Agents: TheA World YMCA will collectively 3.1. One Million Voices Research: large-scale, high-visibility, evidence-based participatory youth voice project to inform YMCAs, youth and agencies, and partners’ andall policies. empower mobilise Changeprogrammes Agents from Areas of the world to be inspired and lead a change process on the

4. Communications and Outreach: To wake up the Sleeping Giant, YMCAs can celebrate our success with youth institutionaland level and a strong collective empowerment, make ourbuild collective work known to thevoice world.of the

global YMCA.

5. Global Advocacy: Empowered youth act and speak on topics that affect their lives. The YMCA supports their advocacy in 2. Leadership Engagement: YMCA benefits from four areas: employment, health,The civicglobal engagement, and environment.

inclusive, direct engagement of volunteers and staff leaders to

the worldwide Amovement, increase ourand collective 6.strengthen Movement Strengthening: worldwide commitment common agenda to work together to strengthen YMCAs: Mission capacity to do more, and advance youth empowerment as our Clarity, Social Relevance and Institutional Viability. vehicle for the future.

7. Resource Mobilisation: A global strategy and process to develop a diversified, expanded resource base for long-term YMCA 3. Communications and Outreach: To wake up the Sleeping sustainability worldwide.

Giant, YMCAs can celebrate our success with youth make our collective work known to the space and opportunity for empowering young people 8.empowerment, World Council: Inand 2014, we will collectively experience the worldwide and strengthening our global movement. world. 4. Global Advocacy: Empowered youth act and speak on topics that affect their lives. The YMCA supports their FOR MORE INFORMATION advocacy in four areas: employment, health, civic Contact Johan Vilhelm Eltvik, Secretary General at engagement, and environment. World Alliance of YMCAs,

World Alliance of YMCAs

5. One Million Voices Research: A large-scale, high-visibility,

Leadership Engagement Engaged volunteers and staff leaders to strengthen the worldwide movement



A meeting of YMCA Stakeholders as well as Executive Committee in Nairobi, stated that:

Informed and engaged leaders contribute to greater organisational capacity, innovative programmes, and expanded impact and sustainability of the global YMCA.

The YMCA wants to achieve its full potential. We therefore must be a stronger movement. We therefore must attract greater resources. We therefore must have more visibility. We therefore must demonstrate greater impact. We therefore must have a shared focus. This focus should be relevant to the world, grounded in our mission, worthy of our aspiration and connected to our current work. We therefore choose to collectively stand for youth empowerment.

The world movement committed to advance a common focus on Youth Empowerment in Action. Based on this commitment, future discussions with global leaders will focus on youth empowerment and Change Agents, as well as related topics: Creating change in the YMCA worldwide, improving our image and impact, conducting resource mobilisation and Movement Strengthening, planning for World Council 2014 and preparing delegates for a new experience there, and increasing the role of small and midsize National YMCAs in our global agenda. A more participatory process to decide the future strategic directions of the global YMCA movement will invite this wealth of leadership to play a more informed and active role through a movement wide discussion leading up to World Council in 2014.


IN 2013‌ YMCA National General Secretaries, Area Executives, and World Alliance staff will come together on February 11 to 15 (in Dunford House, England) to participate and engage in a worldwide process of strategic discussion, engagement and preparation for World Council. Executive Committee meeting will take place in April. Global Staff Team meetings of Area Executives will take place in February, April and October. OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE Area office: Area Executives are invited to participate and engage in the worldwide process and bring each Area’s context and reality into the strategic planning and preparations process. National office: National General Secretaries are invited to engage directly in the strategic planning and preparations process. Local association: Through its National office, local associations will have input and be engaged as key stakeholders in the strategic planning and preparations process for World Council.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact Johan Vilhelm Eltvik, Secretary General at World Alliance of YMCAs,

Change Agents A new generation of leaders for change


IN 2013…

Change Agents are a new generation of YMCA leaders. They are drivers on our journey into the future, helping everyone see the value of youth empowerment as our vehicle for success.

Area offices and World Alliance will continue training and mentoring of Change Agents.

Approximately 200 Change Agents, ages 18 to 30, are receiving training and mentoring to bring about institutional change for the YMCA. Their work is based on the YMCA Change Model of SPACE | TRANSFORMATION | IMPACT. This model helps us do our best work to empower young people.

Change Agents will participate in meetings and events at the local, national and international levels; they will share the outcomes of their training and have a leadership voice within our movement. Change Agents and National movements will be invited to play a key role in the implementation of the One Million Voices Research campaign.

Change Agents will be trained through Area events, World Alliance events, and programmes delivered on the internet. This training continues through December 2014.

Change Agents will be integral to the Love2Live YMCA European Youth Festival in Prague (August 4 to 10). They will receive special training.

World Council 2014 is a milestone in this process; Change Agents will provide leadership for the World Council agenda and help set direction for the world movement.


WHY WE ARE DOING IT Youth empowerment is what we stand for as a global movement. It is the vehicle to broaden our impact and visibility, and it calls us to have young people play a direct role in leadership of our movement. Change Agents will bring new energy and strengthen our collective relationships and processes. They will be role models who inspire our movement to increase its investment in young leaders. Their life experience and views will help us stay relevant to young people and the world.

Youth Empowerment

Area office: Each Area office is conducting training, supporting mentoring, and making connections among its Change Agents. Each is also conducting fundraising through the “Waking the Giant” campaign to pay the costs of training Change Agents. National office: Many National offices are providing funding for Change Agents, and are involved in supporting training and mentoring. National Movements will create the conditions and support for Change Agents to succeed. Local association: Local associations can provide opportunities for Change Agents to engage and support empowerment of youth in their communities. Local associations can also provide financial support for Change Agents.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact Romulo Dantas at World Alliance of YMCAs,, Skype: romuloguto

One Million Voices Research A large-scale, high-visibility project to inform the work YMCAs, youth agencies, and partners worldwide. It will demonstrate the value of YMCA youth empowerment.


IN 2013…

This exciting project helps move us into a new future.IIt will engage the world’s youth through an empowering participatory process that documents how young people view their life, their world and their priorities for change. The project seeks participation from one million people ages 15 to 24, representing all regions. It will involve a combination of qualitative (interview) and quantitative (survey) methods, and use face-to-face as well as online information gathering.

We will complete design of the research methodology and implement qualitative and quantitative activities.

WHY WE ARE DOING IT A core component of the YMCA Change Model for Youth Empowerment is SPACE—providing a welcoming space where young people can make their voice heard and relevant. This project will document thousands of voices aged 15 to 24 in local communities using an inclusive process that spans a wide geographic reach. The findings of this project, which will have statistical significance, can inform the policies and practices of youth-serving agencies everyplace, and inspire new programmes, funders and advocates for empowered youth. Through our partnership with the United Nations, the YMCA will help youth speak their voice to the world, and give heightened visibility to our global movement.

Youth Empowerment

Final schedule is being developed in tandem with an expert leader for this research. We anticipate completing research by end of 2013, with findings made public at World Council in June of 2014. OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE Area office: Each area office is invited to nominate a professional to serve on the global research advisory committee guiding this effort. National office: Each national office is invited to name a national coordinator or team member to support active youth participation. We anticipate research being conducted in a minimum of 80 countries. Local association: Through its national office, each local association is invited to form a team of young leaders to promote and implement the research process locally, using local infrastructure and systems, and ensuring that young voices in home communities are heard through this process. Special focus on change agents: The 200 Change Agents will be trained and equipped to actively participate in the implementation of the research process.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact Selma Zaidi at World Alliance of YMCAs,, Skype: saz101

Communication and Outreach To wake up the Sleeping Giant, YMCAs can celebrate our success with youth empowerment, and make our collective work known to the world.


IN 2013…

Communication and outreach help us shine a light on success in our journey. At the 17th World Council in Hong Kong, the collective voice of the YMCA called for increased visibility and clear, consistent messages focused on youth. Guided by the Image and Impact Task Force, a mapping process entitled Partners In Progress (PIP), and research conducted in 2011, we learned that all YMCAs have a shared strategic focus on empowering young people. Youth empowerment is in the “DNA” of the YMCA—it was central to our founding in 1844, and it gives life to our work today at the local and national levels.

World Alliance will make online communication—including our website and social media—the primary means for delivering information. This involves improving our online systems to make it easier for people to access information and knowledge created throughout our global movement.

However, on the global level, this reality is barely known, and the reach, scale, and impact of the YMCA worldwide are nearly invisible. YMCAs are strong and visible on the local and national level, but not on the global level. On the global level the YMCA is the “Sleeping Giant.” To change this reality and achieve our collective potential, YMCAs need to build and tell the story of our global movement to more people. WHY WE ARE DOING IT Through telling our story more clearly, the YMCA will become known as the global leader in youth empowerment. This awareness will help us attract more resources, strengthen our movement, and empower more youth.

Image and Impact

YMCAS will be offered online communications and outreach resources, including a platform to access and share photos. Youth Empowerment practices and stories will be highlighted and featured for all YMCAs to use in their communications. Areas and National Movements will provide narrative content and share data on systems created by World Alliance. World Alliance will produce a series of knowledge resources on youth empowerment programmes. OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE Area office: Areas will continue to bring forward core messages for the communications and outreach process. Each Area will provide input and content that supports broader learning across the movement. National office: National movements are invited to share stories, audio and video materials with the World Alliance and to promote consistent messages on Youth Empowerment in national level benefiting from the available resources. Local association: Through coordination with their National offices, local YMCAs will be able to share communication materials. They will have new communications that they can use to reach out to local audiences in their communities.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact Carlos Sanvee at World Alliance of YMCAs,

Global Advocacy Initiatives A youth voice heard in what really matters


IN 2013‌

If youth empowerment is our vehicle into the future, then our movement must stand for youth. Advocacy initiatives strengthen the participation of the YMCA movement in critical world discussions on youth issues.

We will influence the United Nations in preparing its new development goals to be announced in 2015. This involves opportunities to participate in UNA national consultations in 50 countries to help inform these goals.

To achieve the impact and image we desire, we will influence policy and decision-making processes on the international level. Advocacy provides decision makers with information and knowledge on negative policies and practices that are disempowering to youth, especially in the areas of employment, health, civic engagement and the environment. Our advocacy focuses on international forums and institutions, such as the United Nations. Our research gives us credibility to speak about youth issues. Our Change Agents and empowerment programmes help youth speak for themselves. Our youth events and campaigns make the passion and potential of youth known to the world. Through the YMCA, the voice of youth can be expressed in ways that make it heard. WHY WE ARE DOING IT Through advocacy, the YMCA works to influence agendas and policies that directly affect the wellbeing of young people. Advocacy is fundamental in our commitment to youth empowerment. It is also core to our desire to be a leading organization and reference contact for the global youth agenda. The YMCA needs to be known for playing an active role in addressing the needs of young people on a long-term basis.

Youth Empowerment

We will participate in international forums and conferences on youth priority topics (employment, health, civic engagement, environment). This includes providing space and participating in events such as the follow up to Rio+20, a UN conference on sustainable development held in 2012. OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE Area office: Areas are encouraged to motivate YMCA engagement in the UN development goals country consultations, and to identify young leaders and delegates to join in special meetings. National office: Through its Area office, each is encouraged to mobilise participation for UN country consultations, to document and share stories and good practices in the areas of employment, health, civic engagement and environment; as well participate in global resource groups such as the Resource Group on Environment. Local association: Through its National office, each local YMCA is invited to lead advocacy efforts on the areas employment, health, civic engagement and environment mobilise young leaders to participate in global advocacy events/initiatives.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact Romulo Dantas at World Alliance of YMCAs,, Skype: romuloguto

Movement Strengthening SSttrroonngg YYM MCCAAss hhaavvee M Miissssiioonn CCllaarriittyy,, SSoocciiaall RReelleevvaannccee aanndd IInnssttiittuuttiioonnaall VViiaabbiilliittyy..


IN 2013…

Movement Strengthening speeds our journey into the future. It is our movement-wide commitment to build the leadership, programmes and organisational capacity of YMCAs in all regions of the world.

We will continue to work with Areas through country focus groups, partner groups, and field groups.

It is based on our shared desire to make sure that every YMCA can deliver on our mission in a way that is relevant to its local community. The process involves assessing current strengths and weaknesses, planning to create goals and strategies, and monitoring progress throughout an ongoing process of implementation. It is a living process that includes partners, donors and networks such as the World Urban Network and NAYDO. WHY WE ARE DOING IT Movement Strengthening is our “bread and butter” because strong local and national YMCAs are critical for a healthy, sustainable YMCA movement worldwide. YMCAs know that if we stand together collectively as a strong global movement then communities in all regions will be stronger. Today, in an environment where communities are in crisis, the YMCA has a vital and relevant role to do more and be more, especially for and with young people. To be prepared and able to act, the YMCA must have mission clarity, social relevance and institutional viability.

Movement Strengthening

Organisational assessments, work plans and impact measurement tools will be applied throughout the movement strengthening process. OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE Area office: Each Area office provides leadership in developing the Movement Strengthening strategy for its geography. This process actively engages partner YMCAs around the world. National office: Through their Area office, select National movements participate as Movement Strengthening countries. In this role they develop and implement a work plan for Movement Strengthening. This process will take place with at least 40 countries in 2013. Each has responsibility to prepare and act as a mature partner throughout the process. Local association: In some cases, and in coordination with their National offices, local YMCAs directly engage in the Movement Strengthening process. In these cases, local associations also carry responsibilities to prepare and participate fully in the process. Special focus on networks: The World Urban Network (WUN) and the North American YMCA Development Organisation (NAYDO) will continue to partner with the World Alliance to cooperate on special Movement Strengthening projects as negotiated with each Area office.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact Selma Zaidi at World Alliance of YMCAs,, Skype: saz101

Resource Mobilisation A diverse, expanded resource base for long-term YMCA sustainability worldwide


IN 2013…

Resource mobilisation fuels our journey into the future. YMCAs have agreed that important work must be done in resource mobilisation to strengthen the movement worldwide. This work is about growing new financial resources to support youth empowerment as our vehicle for greater impact and visibility.

World Alliance and partners will continue contributing resources, technical assistance, coaching and mentoring to Areas implementing resource mobilisation plans.

It begins with expanding organisational capacity and leadership to conduct fundraising. This includes improving our ability to collaborate with individual donors, grantmaking organisations, corporate donors and government agencies. Resource mobilisation is multi-faceted. For YMCAs it involves having good governance, recruiting professional staff and consultants, training staff and volunteers to grow their skills, supporting organisational change processes, building relevant programmes with measurable impact, and conducting fundraising activities such as annual campaigns.

US$700,000 is being raised to support 200 Change Agents’ training and leadership opportunities, including active roles at YMCA Europe’s Love2Live Festival in Prague in 2013 and at the World Council in 2014 (theme: Empowering Young People). By 2014, the worldwide YMCA expects to raise $3 million new financial resources and will leverage an estimated value of $2 million in collaborations through this global focus on resource mobilisation. OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE Area office: Each Area developed a resource mobilisation plan to increase organisational capacity and diversify and expand its resource base. Together with World Alliance, these plans are periodically evaluated and revised to ensure that the desired impact is being achieved.

The World Alliance and Area offices launched the Investors Circle to financially support Areas in growing capacity for resource mobilisation. By December 2011, US$1million was pledged by Investors Circle members. Network partnerships are providing additional support to further expand this work.

National office: Through its Area office, select National Movements have opted to participate in training, technical assistance, and pilot fundraising activities. Some training and technical assistance is offered to all National Movements on an Area-wide level. We anticipate that resource mobilisation plans and activities will reach at least 60 countries.


Local association: Through its National office, select associations are participating in local level training and capacity building for resource mobilisation.

Effective resource mobilisation contributes to greater organisational capacity and leadership, better youth empowerment programmes, and expanded impact and visibility. It is essential to the sustainability of a strong YMCA movement.

Resource Mobilisation

Special focus on networks: The World Urban Network provides coaches and mentors for projects in Asia and the Pacific and in Africa.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact Selma Zaidi at World Alliance of YMCAs,, Skype: saz101

World Council 2014 Empowering young people and strengthening our global movement.


IN 2013‌

This 18th quadrennial meeting of the YMCA movement will involve everyone in creating the story of youth empowerment and the YMCA today. It takes place 29 June through 4 July, 2014. National General Secretaries and youth participants will continue for a forum on 5-6 July. World Council will be held in the beautiful camp of the YMCA of the Rockies (Estes Park, USA).

The World Council programme will be planned and developed through a movement-wide participatory process.

At World Council, everyone will join in creating the new story of the YMCA global movement. This event will be different than recent World Councils in several ways: Youth participants will be fully integrated into the World Council programme; each participant will become part of a global group of about 20 people who will work together throughout the event and contribute to a concluding performance involving the full World Council audience; leadership of programme elements will be shared among youth (via our 200 Change Agents), Area office volunteers and staff leaders, and World Alliance volunteer and staff leaders. The goal is to gather more than 1,500 people of all ages from more than 80 National Movements to create a vibrant global community of YMCA leaders in Estes Park.

Area office: Each is invited to engage Area staff and volunteers in World Council preparations, and to in turn encourage and support National office involvement.

We will work through Area and National offices to develop and promote this event, and to encourage registration by YMCA people everywhere. OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE

National office: In coordination with Area offices, all National offices are encouraged to send delegations to World Council, including national- as well as local-level YMCA leaders. Local association: In coordination with National offices, local associations are encouraged to send delegations to World Council, including volunteers and staff, and with special emphasis on youth who are involved in leading and/or participating in YMCA programmes. Special focus on Change Agents: The 200 Change Agents will be trained and equipped to actively lead components of the World Council programme.

WHY WE ARE DOING IT World Council each four years is a vital tradition. It is where we make the unity and diversity of the YMCA movement visible, deepen our relationships and set direction. 2014 is a special opportunity to advance our impact and image as the leading organisation empowering the world’s young people. This event features core elements of our global strategic road map, the NEW WAY: Youth empowerment is the vehicle we are using to move forward as a strong movement fueled by resource mobilisation.


FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact Selma Zaidi at World Alliance of YMCAs,, Skype: saz101

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