17 WC Observer th
Photo by Simon Williams
FRIDAY, JULY 23rd, 2010
Dr. Bart Shaha speaking at the Investor’s Circle Meeting (left), Maria José Volpe Arouca from Brazil (right)
YMCA Leaders Invest in the Future of the YMCA By Rebecca Morton Doherty, World Alliance of YMCAs
This morning, 100 YMCA leaders were presented with a “million dollar investment opportunity”; the chance to invest in the future of the global YMCA Movement and change the lives of thousands more young people around the world. US $78,550 was pledged on the spot from YMCAs, as well as individual staff, volunteers and youth. As part of the 17th World Council of YMCAs, taking place from 19-24th July in Hong Kong, a group of YMCA leaders from across the world was invited to participate in an Investor’s Circle meeting. Dr Bart Shaha, Secretary General of the World Alliance of YMCAs, and Johan Vilhelm Eltwik, General Secretary of YMCA Europe, shared information on a resource mobilisation process that was initiated in 2008, and that is already reaping significant rewards. Work has been done at national, regional and world level to improve the YMCA’s capacity to raise funds. In particular, work has been done with YMCAs in the areas of governance, financial management, communications, programme development, and proposal writing. This work, financed by an initial seed fund of US $500,000, has already generated over US $1million. During the Investors Circle meeting, YMCA Area leaders from Africa, Asia and Pacific, Europe, and Latin America presented
plans for phase two of this work (2010-2014), which aims to raise a further US $3 million from external sources to strengthen YMCAs worldwide and increase their impact on youth and communities. Impressed and inspired by the success of phase one of this work, in less than 15 minutes, 34 individuals, and 15 YMCAs, representing all the regions, had pledged financial support to continue work to increase the visibility, social relevance, and organizational capacity of YMCAs so that they are better placed to raise, manage and report on funds from external donors. YMCA England sent a powerful message to other National Movements, by making the first pledge of US $50,000 to support this process. John Lilley of YMCA Canada was the first to make a personal commitment to be an individual donor to this process with US $1,000. Phase two of this process“is for those who hold a vision for the YMCA that is without boundaries. It is for those who are inspired by the collective power and untapped potential of the full YMCA family. It is for those who are proud to stand for global youth by standing for the global movement” said Dr. Bart Shaha.