Yellowstone Forever Annual Report 2017

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2017 ANNUAL REPORT MARCH 1, 2017–FEBRUARY 28, 2018



LETTER FROM THE CHAIRMAN AND PRESIDENT & CEO We have continued to build upon the strong success of our inaugural year, and we’re excited to share how your support is making a significant difference in the world’s first national park. Yellowstone Forever has raised more than $36 million in new revenue since the merger of the Yellowstone Association and Yellowstone Park Foundation in October 2016. We’ve added 21 new foundations and 6 lapsed foundations to our growing list of supporters, and our corporate partners program is thriving. We’re also reaching more people than ever before with our educational mission. Over the past year, we’ve increased the number of participants in Yellowstone Forever Institute programs by more than 10%, and increased Institute Youth Programming by 90%. Yellowstone Forever’s digital reach has quintupled since the merger; our online community is now more than 800,000 strong across all platforms. By utilizing this technology, we’re able to take the Yellowstone experience out into the world as well as engage with a new generation of park stewards. In 2017, Yellowstone Forever provided critical support for projects such as Native Fish Restoration, Youth Education, and

Wolf Research and Education. We also funded programs that directly impact the visitor experience in the park, such as the Wildlife and Visitor Safety Program. Our continued support of the Bear Box Program enabled National Park Service staff to install 102 bear boxes in the Canyon, Bridge Bay, Mammoth, and Slough Creek front-country campgrounds last year. We’re extremely proud of what we’ve accomplished for Yellowstone National Park over the past year, and we look forward to providing even more support for priority park projects as we move forward. None of this good work could be accomplished without your support. Thank you for your continued commitment to Yellowstone Forever and Yellowstone National Park.

Kay Yeager, Chairman Yellowstone Forever

Heather White, President & CEO Yellowstone Forever

LETTER FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT Though you will receive this report after I’ve retired from the National Park Service, I am pleased to share what we’ve achieved over the past year thanks to your dedicated support. Your commitment is making a real and substantial difference in the park. Yellowstone National Park is proud to work with Yellowstone Forever, our official nonprofit partner. Yellowstone Forever’s mission of engagement and support for the park will ensure Yellowstone is protected and continues to inspire for generations to come. Last year we received a total of $5,613,726 in cash and $9,134,254 of in-kind support that will benefit visitor enjoyment, education, and preservation. This support helped fund priority

projects in the park such as Native Fish Restoration, Wildlife and Visitor Safety, Youth Education, and building an expanded youth campus for Yellowstone’s future stewards. I’m extremely proud of what we’ve accomplished together over the past year, as well as the strong foundation we’ve laid for the future. On behalf of Yellowstone National Park, thank you for all you have done and will continue to do to support the world’s first national park.

Dan Wenk, Superintendent Yellowstone National Park 2

WILDLIFE, WONDERS & WILDERNESS WILDLIFE • GEOLOGY • SCIENCE • GEOTHERMAL NATIVE FISH RESTORATION Since their discovery in Yellowstone Lake in 1994, predatory lake trout have depleted 90% of the four million native Yellowstone cutthroat trout that once thrived in Yellowstone. The dramatic loss of Yellowstone cutthroat trout, a keystone species, resulted in a disastrous ecological cascade throughout the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. As Yellowstone cutthroat trout, once a reliable food source, began to disappear, grizzly bears, bald eagles, ospreys, otters, and dozens of other native species were negatively impacted. To respond to this and other threats to Yellowstone’s fisheries, Yellowstone Forever launched the Native Fish Conservation Program, which seeks to repair damaged ecosystems, enhance biodiversity, and restore what was once a multi-million-dollar fishing industry in Yellowstone National Park.

Removal of invasive lake trout from Yellowstone Lake forms the core of the program, which is accomplished through both gill netting and experimental egg-suppression techniques. In 2017, more than 397,000 non-native lake trout were removed from Yellowstone Lake. To date, more than 2.8 million lake trout have been removed from Yellowstone Lake, enabling the area’s biodiversity to rebound. As Yellowstone cutthroat trout populations recover, biologists have witnessed grizzly bears fishing on streams that are once again filling with the park’s namesake trout species.

WOLF RESEARCH AND EDUCATION In 1995-1996, 31 gray wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone after nearly 70 years of absence. Following wolf reintroduction, the Wolf Research and Education Program has played an important role in monitoring the health of the park’s wolf populations, the impact of this apex predator on other species, and the public’s understanding of wild wolves in the park. The Yellowstone Wolf Research and Education Program is the longest-running program continually funded by Yellowstone Forever supporters. Yellowstone Forever has contributed more than $7.6 million to the program since the program’s inception in 1996. During the 2017 field seasons, biologists conducted seven aerial monitoring flights to conduct population surveys, identify


wolf kill sites, and capture and collar seven wolves with GPS collars that will monitor their movements for years to come. On the ground, biological technicians hiked a cumulative 1,950 miles to investigate areas of high wolf activity. During these outings, biologists collected non-invasive DNA samples, monitored wolf populations for disease or infection, conducted population surveys, and collected predation data. While project staff logged long hours in the field, wolf education staff introduced park visitors to this remarkable animal through presentations and field-based wolf watching programs that reached more than 25,000 visitors throughout the year.

PREDATOR RESEARCH Yellowstone is well known for the seven species of large predators that roam within its boundaries (black bears, Canada lynx, coyotes, grizzly bears, cougars, wolverines, and wolves). In Yellowstone, many of these species populations have increased over recent decades and have consequently brought changes to prey species communities throughout the park. The Predator Research program specifically focuses on how the collective predation impact of black bears, grizzly bears, cougars, and wolves affects prey species populations in Yellowstone. Tracking Yellowstone’s predators is not easy work, and biological technicians from the Cougar Team alone hiked more than 1,000 miles through rugged terrain in Yellowstone during the 2017 field seasons to track cougars and monitor their behavior. Fifty cougar kill sites were discovered in 2017, primarily consisting of elk and mule deer, but additional porcupine, coyote, and fox carcasses were also discovered. Data gathered from predator research field surveys is shared between park wildlife managers to enable biologists to better understand how Yellowstone’s remarkable diversity and healthy predator populations affect the overall ecosystem health within the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.

WILDLIFE, WONDERS, & WILDERNESS CASH SUPPORT Native Fish Restoration Wolf Research and Interpretation Through a Changing Lens: A Study in Climate

$1,072,250 $530,271 $217,712

Wildlife Health Research Projects


Slough Creek Fish Barrier


Raptor and Golden Eagle Research Cougar Research Yellowstone Science Black Bear Research Ungulate Grazing Tracking

$63,122 $60,619 $60,000 $37,681 $16,050

T O TA L C A S H S U P P O R T $ 2 , 3 9 6 ,7 5 4



VISITOR EXPERIENCE EDUCATION • RECREATION • SAFETY • ACCESSIBILITY WILDLIFE AND VISITOR SAFETY PROGRAM With unsurpassed national park visitation, it’s more important than ever to have programs in place that allow for natural resource preservation while connecting millions of visitors to the wonders of the natural world. The Wildlife and Visitor Safety Program is among the top priorities for park management and is funded by an annual Yellowstone Forever grant of $220,000, made possible by supporter contributions. The program seeks to provide visitors with resource education information at critical locations where wildlife and visitors interact, most commonly around roadways and campgrounds. Rangers are invaluable in handling wildlife traffic jams, keeping visitors and wildlife safe, and educating park visitors.



Last year, rangers interacted with more than 82,000 visitors at wildlife traffic jams on roadways, more than 31,000 visitors during roving assignments in the field, and more than 8,000 visitors at formal talks and presentations. During these interactions, they stressed the importance of proper food storage and maintaining a safe distance from wildlife. They also urged visitors to carry bear spray and explained how to hike safely in bear country. Wildlife and visitor safety rangers also issued 11,047 warnings in 2017 for resource infractions, making the park a safer place for both humans and wildlife.


In the years since their listing under the Endangered Species Act in 1975, grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem have enjoyed steady recovery and recolonization in Yellowstone National Park. Since both black and grizzly bears now thrive in Yellowstone, it is essential that wildlife managers take steps to prevent bears from obtaining human food, which can lead to bears becoming more aggressive towards humans and therefore may require their removal from the population.

Roosevelt Arch Restoration/Confluence Park Pavilion

NPS Park Pass Sales


Fortunately, there is a solution. Installing bear-proof food storage boxes in Yellowstone’s roadside campgrounds improves visitor safety and prevents bears from accessing human food. With the help of our generous supporters, Yellowstone Forever has committed to installing a bear box in every campsite in Yellowstone.

Total Cash Support


In 2017, Yellowstone Forever funds were used to purchase a flatbed trailer for delivering bear boxes to campgrounds throughout the park. In partnership with Youth Conservation Corps crews, project staff installed 102 bear boxes in the Canyon, Bridge Bay, Mammoth, and Slough Creek front-country campgrounds, exceeding the annual goal of 100 installations.


Visitor and Wildlife Safety Programs


Bear Box Program


Visitor Publications


Canyon Overlook Trails Restoration


Michelin Mobility Study


Trailhead Information Displays


VISITOR EXPERIENCE IN-KIND SUPPORT Educational Product Sales Visitor and Community Engagement Total In-Kind Support

T O TA L S U P P O R T $4,278,070

$2,973,773 $280,486 $3,254,259



C U LT U R A L T R E A S U R E S PROTECT • PRESERVE • RESEARCH • SHARE HISTORY THE YELLOWSTONE HERITAGE AND RESEARCH CENTER With several million items housed in its vast collections, the Heritage & Research Center (HRC) is home to the historical collections of “Wonderland.” This remarkable facility, funded in part by Yellowstone Forever, holds both objects and written records that document the history and science of the park. In 2017, $129,343 in funding from Yellowstone Forever employed two full-time research librarians and a park archivist to document, maintain, and organize irreplaceable cultural artifacts and rare memorabilia, while also operating the center as a public facility that is open to visitors five days a week. These staff serviced nearly 2,000 research requests received in 2017, from individuals ranging from park staff to students to tourists re-tracing an ancestor’s visit. This year, HRC staff also initiated a large-scale digitization effort in partnership with the Montana Memory Project to improve public access to maps, oral histories, superintendents’ annual reports, and a selection of historic photographs. Additionally, the librarians professionally bound 73 items (periodicals, theses, and custom books) for the library collection.


CULTURAL TREASURES CASH SUPPORT Heritage & Research Center Operations


Canon Equipment


Archive Projects


T O TA L C A S H S U P P O R T $144,922




ANNUAL STOCK PURCHASE PROGRAM The use of horses and mules for transportation of people, equipment, and supplies in the backcountry is critical for Yellowstone operations, from ranger patrols and trail work, to research studies. These horses and mules eventually reach an end of their careers, which require them to be sold into retirement, and new animals must be purchased to fill their places. The purpose of this project is to purchase new animals for the stockuse program and to reduce the average “working life” of stock to 14 years to minimize stock injuries. The current optimal herd size required to facilitate the needs of the service is approximately 100 animals. In 2017, Yellowstone Forever supported this effort with a grant in the amount of $34,000, enabling the purchase of six horses and five mules to support backcountry rangers as well as fisheries, bison management, and National Park Service archaeology crews conducting field work.



ARCH Volunteer Program/Stephens Creek Phase 1


Trails Restoration


Ranger Training Ranger Stock

$53,389 $34,000

Heart Lake Cabin Roof Restoration


Ranger Equipment


T O TA L C A S H S U P P O R T $ 8 3 9, 0 7 6

CARDIAC ARREST PREPAREDNESS As the popularity of our nation’s national parks increases and visitation continues to skyrocket, it is imperative that local Emergency Medical Services (EMS) operations continue to grow and improve their level of service to park visitors. Yellowstone National Park first responders are responsible for responding to more than 1,000 emergency incidents annually over Yellowstone’s 2.2 million acres. These incidents include an average of 10 out-of-hospital-cardiac-arrests (OHCA) each year. Although first responders understand the critical importance of quickly administering high-quality and uninterrupted chest compressions to OHCA patients, this task is difficult, tiring, and impossible in certain situations. The quality of manual chest compressions varies largely with the skill of the first responder and typically deteriorates after only several minutes due to the exhausting and stressful nature of the activity. 9

This year, Yellowstone Forever partnered with the Helmsley Charitable Trust to bring 14 automated CPR devices to Yellowstone, one for each of the park ambulances and three for training purposes. These devices are proven to provide safe, effective, and highly reliable chest compressions to patients for an extended period of time. Unlike manual CPR, which often involves pauses, irregular rhythms, or improper compression depth, these unique devices standardize chest compressions in accordance with the latest scientific guidelines. Through consistent and high-quality chest compressions, blood is continuously sent to the head and the heart of the patient while first responders are provided with extra time to focus on other life-saving tasks. These life-saving devices are now a mainstay of the park’s EMS program and will enhance visitor safety for years to come.




MICHELIN MOBILITY Yellowstone National Park has experienced a dramatic escalation in the number of visitors in recent years, surpassing four million visits for the first time in 2015, and reaching 4,257,177 visits in 2016. This rapid influx of visitors is seriously straining the capacity of current park systems, including roads, pathways, space at popular attractions, parking areas, and the park’s efforts to reduce greenhouse emissions from vehicles. From 2014 to 2016, Yellowstone National Park posted an annual increase in visitation of more than 21 percent, with visitors entering the park in nearly 1.5 million cars, recreation vehicles, and buses.

better plan for the future of the park. Data gathered through this study will inform transportation and visitor-use planning efforts in the future, dictating management decisions that will include infrastructure improvements, management or capacity restrictions, and transportation innovations throughout the park. The Michelin Mobility project is a unique public-private partnership that provides park decision makers with the necessary information to reduce traffic congestion and crowding in Yellowstone, enhancing the visitor experience in the crown jewel of the National Park System.

The Michelin Mobility project collects traffic, parking, and visitoruse data to better understand Yellowstone’s visitors and to

NATURAL LIGHTSCAPES With widespread development taking place across the country, our national parks offer an incredible resource that many take for granted—natural darkness. The quality of the night sky offers visitors the ability to see and learn about celestial bodies and astronomical events, as well as providing a profound feeling of solitude and wonder. Allowing the night sky to prevail is also beneficial in reducing unnecessary energy use. In 2017, the park completed an outdoor lighting inventory which demonstrates that more than one-third of its 5,200 exterior lighting fixtures provide excessive levels of light and energy waste.


This project improves exterior lighting conditions throughout Yellowstone in order to restore and protect the park’s natural night sky and enabled the park to achieve Dark Sky Park Certification. The park was also able to identify and prioritize efforts required to address existing light pollution concerns while significantly reducing energy use.

GREENEST PARK CASH SUPPORT Michelin Old Faithful Blacktop Phase 3


Michelin Tires Program


YES! Intern Program


Restoring the Natural Lightscape


Lamar Energy


General Sustainability Projects


T O TA L C A S H S U P P O R T $361,311




YELLOWSTONE YOUTH CAMPUS The future of Yellowstone depends on the young. They are the caretakers, the stewards who will preserve and protect the park for posterity. And young people need Yellowstone—from witnessing Old Faithful erupt to glimpsing a grizzly bear for the first time, Yellowstone sparks a passion for learning and an appreciation for nature that lasts a lifetime. The new Yellowstone Youth Campus will be a sustainable facility dedicated to teaching tomorrow’s national park stewards about the wonders of Yellowstone, and the amazing resources and value it holds for all generations. The project replaces the current Youth Conservation Corps campus, which is outdated, fails accessibility requirements, and inadequately serves educational needs, with a next-generation campus of regenerative buildings that will double the park’s capacity

for youth programs. This revolutionary project will be built according to the principles of the Living Building Challenge for the first time ever in a national park, creating a campus of 15 buildings that will operate with zero net energy consumption. In one of the world’s finest outdoor classrooms, youth will explore and learn about the natural world, discover their individual strengths, and have the opportunity to develop into environmental leaders. When students return to the campus after a long day in the field, they will be surrounded by a living example of sustainability, encompassed within the walls of the innovative Yellowstone Youth Campus. This profound experience will continue to reap benefits—for Yellowstone and for the youth—far into the future.

YELLOWSTONE FOREVER INSTITUTE For many, a visit to Yellowstone is the beginning of a lifelong connection to national parks. Yellowstone provides an unparalleled opportunity for people to connect with wild places and serves as an incomparable natural classroom. Visitors to Yellowstone can expand their knowledge of Yellowstone and this remarkable planet by participating in any of Yellowstone Forever’s numerous education programs. Yellowstone Forever also recognizes the importance of educating teachers and connecting them with Yellowstone, as their ability to reach many students can create a ripple effect across the country. To make courses offered through the Yellowstone Forever Institute


more accessible to teachers, Yellowstone Forever offers financial aid scholarships to teachers pursuing professional development opportunities or seeking to bring youth to the park for a once-in-alifetime Yellowstone expedition. Financial aid offered in 2017 enabled numerous teachers and students to deepen their connection to Yellowstone and our natural world at a discounted rate. Through in-depth Field Seminars, Lodging & Learning programs, and Private Tours, the Yellowstone Forever Institute is proud to offer need-based scholarships for those who may otherwise be unable to experience the wonders of Yellowstone through an educational program.



T O M O R R O W ’ S S T E WA R D S , c o n t i n u e d EDUCATION • NEXT GENERATION YELLOWSTONE YOUTH CONSERVATION CORPS 2017 marked the 28th consecutive season of the Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) program in Yellowstone. This one-month-long, residential program supports teens aged 15-18 from diverse backgrounds to learn, work, and recreate in Yellowstone. The program is challenging, educational, and fun, and offers participants opportunities to expand their horizons while building skills that will benefit them for a lifetime. The 2017 season was a banner year for the YCC program with 56 new enrollees hailing from 25 states. YCC participants conducted priority projects throughout Yellowstone under close supervision from 19 National Park Service staff members and six youth crew leaders who were selected by peers and staff from the 2016 YCC season. Many of the projects completed by the youth crews are backlogged maintenance projects, and would otherwise go unfulfilled due to lack of park staffing to complete them.

TOMORROW’S STEWARDS CASH SUPPORT Yellowstone Youth Campus Youth Conservation Corps



Resource Education with Evolving Technology


Expedition: Yellowstone


Native American Programs


Canon Research and Education Projects


Distance Learning


Quake Lake Education Grants


Total Cash Support


TOMORROW’S STEWARDS IN-KIND SUPPORT Yellowstone Forever Institute Programming Volunteer Programming

The program participants completed a wide array of projects such as constructing fencing and bumper logs, conducting citizen-science projects, restoring backcountry trails, installing bear boxes, and removing invasive plants and weeds. The YCC program helps promote the stewardship of Yellowstone and other wild places among the next generation while providing much-needed labor for park priority projects.


$2,819,528 $204,482

Supporter Education


Total In-Kind Support


T O TA L S U P P O R T $ 5 , 0 8 5 ,7 6 6


Julie Hall

Mark Payne

Sandra Babcock

Mary Handzo

Erika Perloff

William Babcock

Stephen Handzo

Kathy Powell

David Bane

Thomas Hartmann

Charlie Pyle

Grace Barber

Jane Hays

Bonnie Quinn

Sara Bayles

Rick Hays

Fran Ragsdale

Nan Brandenberger Payne

Jan Hill

Ken Reed

Steve Burch

Jeff Howard

Tom Reed

Mary Butler

Laurie Kaufman

Marcia Rider

Moe Cairns

Patti Kelly

Bob Rider

Joy Carlough

Ruth Kopec

Cody Ringelstein

Leonard Carolan

Jennifer Kurtz

Nancy Rutkowski

Mary Carparelli

Carla Kutzuba

Levurn Salters

Peter Carparelli

Sarah Lane

John Scarlett

Susan Contreras

Barbara Lee

Debbie Shepherd

Shirley Cope

Nancy Lewis

Vicki Sielaff

Glen Cope

Carolyn Lillehaugen

Wayne Sielaff

John Cornish

Mark Lillehaugen

Teri Sinopoli

John Costello

Chad MacDonald

Richard Sivertson

Suzanne Cotner

Jan Mann

Emily Smith

Kathleen Cotter

Stephanie Markovich

David Smith

Pat Cotter

Alex Markovich

Chuck Snover

Mike Cotter

Phyllis Mayfield

Louis Spencer

Jack Cotter

Donald Mayfield

Mary Strickroth

Carolyn Courson

Rebecca McCormick

Linda Swartley

Sally DeVore

Phyllis Merriam

Steven Swartley

Cynthia Dillard

Victor Merriam

Fred Thurnherr

John Dillard

Kris Anne Meyer

Kathleen Tiedje

Gayle Eisner

Meredith Moran

David Tillery

Fred Engel

Paul Nolte

Jasmine Tom

Ann Fields

Chuck Noth

Barbara Washburn

Jennifer Gardon

LuAnn Oburn

Bob Washburn

Teresa Garner

Terry Oburn

Dee Welch

Lynne Grandvoinet

Donna Onstott

Robin Westby

Deborah Griffiths

Jim Onstott

Holly Williams

Susan Gunter

Mary Orr

Elizabeth Wright

Kathy Haines

Peggy Osbourn



3,937 103


INDIVIDUAL DONORS | GIFTS RECEIVED MARCH 1, 2017–FEBRUARY 28, 2018 The Yellowstone Society is a distinguished group of donors who support Yellowstone Forever with annual gifts of $1,000 or more.


Vicki Adair Delores and John Adams Paul Adams Ilene and Pat Adams Cookie and Agnus Agnew Mary and John Alda Anne and John Allen Candace Allen and Robert Woodward Linda and Barry Allen Jocelyn Allen Karen and Richard Allen Diana Allison Ann and Donald Alsted Edward Amrhein O. Steven Anderson Kay and Keith Anderson Margaret and Melvin Andrews William Andrews* Aida Araissi and David Phillips Sue and Mike Arneson Jane and Anthony Arnold Tracy Arthur* Janice and Travis Atterberry Fred Auch Beth Averbeck Catherine Aves Charlie Avis Eric Bagelmann Darlene and Jim Baker* Carol Baker and Mark Stein Susan Baker* Genevieve Bancroft Cathy and Stuart Barnes Julie and Bruce Barrick Marcia Bartlett* Teresa and Jeffrey Bastin Robin Bateman Joan Baxter Barbara and George Beal Mary and Len Beavis Colleen Begley and Slim Seamus Ann Marie Beisser Virginia and C. R. Belknap Stella Bentley Michelle Bergeron and Patrick Gaunt Natalie and Warren Bergholz* Susan and Steven Bergin

Nancy and Theodore Berndt Ashley and Jason Bernhard Alexander Bernhardt Paul Bertelli Pamela Bertram and David Laing Sue and Bill Bettman Doug Bickerstaff* Kelly and Timothy Biltz Jenny and Chuck Bilyeu Brock Binford* Judy Biscan Katherine Bishop Sherry Black Victoria and Iain Bonner* Nina and John Bottomley Dorothy and James Bowers Kenneth Bowling Linda Bozung Barbara and Philip Brandhuber Noreen and Roger Breeding Susan and Douglas Brengle Cheri Brennan and Thomas Horsley Nancy Brennan Cindy and James Briggs Melissa and Jeffrey Brodsky Janet and Michael Brown Joan and Michael Brown Debra and William Brownlie Katherine Broyles Ann and Cliff Bruder Karen and Kenneth Buchi Barbara and Leslie Buckland Anna and John Buckley Eileen Buckley Cheryl Budzinski David Burday* Beat Burger Kathy Burkholder Sandy and David Burner Shari Burns Kevin Butt Beth Byron-Reasoner and Samuel Reasoner Jeff Cadwell Rhonda and Steven Caldwell

Claire Campbell and Brian Makare Ginny and Mike Campbell Jill and William Carlberg Debbie and Raymond Carlin Joy Carlough* Jennifer and Chad Carlson Susan and Ronald Carney Patricia Carocci Debra Caruso and J.D. Davis Patricia and John Case Katherine Cattanach and David Charles* Chris and John Cavanaugh* George Cero* Eddie Chan* Teresa and Shain Chappell Janet Chapple and Bruno Giletti Meryl Charles Trudy Chester Mary Chisholm and John Schuldt Amy and John Cholnoky Aimee Christian Barbara and Stephen Claiborn Kathryn Clancy Joseph Clark Susan and James Clay Karen and Kent Cochran Grace and John Cogan* Linda and Tim Cohane Ginny Coleman and Paul Allshouse Jeanne and Dave Collins* Patricia and John Connolly David Conway Shirley Cooper Barbara Corlett Linda and William Cornell Janet and John Costello Kathy and Royal Coulter Christine and James Cowden Susan Crinnion Daphne Crosbie and Jack Stults Leslie and Thomas Croyle*

Marlene and David Culbertson David Culver Lisa and Jim Cummings* Tom Cunningham Kristin and Jeff Dahl* Dawn and Edward D’Alelio Dorothy and Jack Daniels* Kathryn and Danny Dansby Catherine and Brooks Darby Joseph Davenport Chris and Timothy Davis Elzie and Martha Davis Gale and Shelby Davis Rosamond and Edward Davis Susan Davis and Keith Crandell Robert Dawkins Betsy De Leiris* Kathleen and Dominic DeMarco Judith and Stanley Dempsey Patricia and Clayton Denton Marguerite and Tom Detmer Jerry Devault Joan and Steven Dinardo Stella and Alphonso DiPasqua Rebecca Ditch and Donald Penn Theresa and Richard Dixon Thomas Doneker Susan DonohueFerguson and Michael Ferguson Rory Dooley Joseph Dopilka Constance and Tom Dotzenrod Catherine and Richard Dowdell Robert Dowling* Bari and Peter Dreissigacker Muriel Drewitz Ken Duell Janet and Jim Dulin Lynne Duncan Anne and Charles Duncan Sandra and Jeffrey Dunning

Patty and Tom Durham Michal Dusza* Melissa and Lindel Eakman Mary Kay Eberle Charlene and Jim Eckman Debbie Eddlemon Jo Ann and Bert Eder Debbie and John Edgcomb Jennifer and Tim Edwards* Lee-Ann and Andrew Edwards Lisa and Harold Eisenacher Margaret and Randall Ellenz* Jason Emert John Engelbart Drew Epps Sandy and David Epstein Nancy Erlanson and Donald Gibe* Nancy and Pete Etheridge* Betty Jean and Thomas Eubanks Sharlene and Michael Evans Lynn Evans* Sally Fall Charlotte and William Fecht Cynthia and Joel Fedder Brooke Feister and Richard O’Brien Jeannette and Fred Fell Patti Felton Linda and Robert Fenner Greg Ferguson Cheryl and Roger Fiery Marlene and Patrick Foard Walter Fock Suseann Forbes Linda Forshee Osborn Foster Sarah and Tom Foster* Frederick Fox Barbara Francis and Robert Musser Jim Frank Janet and Churchill Franklin Lucy and Harold Fredrickson Bradley Fricke Kathy and Ed Fronheiser

Barbara and Donald Fuhrmann Caroline Gabel Helga Gaffron Diane and Tom Gallegos Janet Gardner John Gardner Beverly and Richard Garnet Tanya and Jerry Gee* Stephanie and Jesse Gerdes Elizabeth and Greg Gerhard Erin Gibson and Matthew Wallace* Jo Giese and Ed Warren Susan and William Gillilan Sharon and Edward Gillum Margaret and William Gleghorn* Linda and Marshall Glenn Liberty Godshall Brian Goeckel Michael Goeke* Margaret Good and Thomas Von Lehman Eugene Gordon Peter Graef Melody Graham Annie and Bob Graham Maurie and William Gray* Dave Gregg Judith and Daniel Gresham Kathleen and William Grubbs* Michelle Guertin and Daniel Kung Barbara and Christian Gunther Anita and James Guyette Janet and Charles Haas Julie Haight-Curran* Sherrie Hald Clarence Hall Eleanor and Barry Hall Betty Hallowell Ellen Halter Helen and James Hamilton Julie and John Hamre Vicki and Jim Hanna Susan and W. Reese Harada Carolyn and John Harbison Sharon Hargrave

Rebecca and Curtis Harris Dabney Hart Duane Hartman John Harvey Deborah and Phillip Harwood Laura Hastings Kathryn Hayes and Victor Tortorelli Debra and Albon Head* Deborah and Thomas Heau Jean and Joseph Hedrick* Kathleen and Alan Heibein Amy and Robert Heinrich Rachelle and Zach Heitz JoAnne and Donald Heltner Debby and Joel Hendrickson Jesse, Margaret, Jill Hennell* Elizabeth and Daniel Hennessy Barbara Henon and Richard Shilling Carolyn and Scotty Heppel Scarlett and Don Hibner Steven Hickman Dianne and Cline Hickok Tamara and Martin Hicks Lyda Hill Michelle Hillery Judith and William Hiltz Marcia and Edward Hogan Nora and Christian Hohenlohe Nancy and John Hoppe* Patricia and Michael Horn John Howell Judith and Robert Hoy Cecily and Bannus Hudson Janice and Robert Huie Linda and Jeffrey Huttenburg Connie and Larry Hyndman Elisabeth and George Ireland Deanne Jackson Susan and John Jackson

Gail and Robert Jacobs Shelly and Bob James Betty and John Jarman Jane and Jay Jennings Joan and Robert Jensen Sterling Jensen Ann Jochens Judy Johnson and Hubert Lattan Kim and Ken Johnson Sandy and Scott Johnson Carolyn and Steven Jones Elizabeth Jones* Jeanne and David Jones Marydell Joyner* DeeAnn and Barry Judd Anna Kalynych and Harry Rinker Sherry and Dave Kapes* Jessica Kardish Barbara and Kenneth Kaufman Norma and Steven Kearsley Julie and Roger Keaton* Elizabeth and Ronald Kellogg Harriett Kesler Celia Kiela and Jay Schad Maggie KilbourneBrook Joyce King Suzanne King Ellen Kirch Susan and Peter Klock* Michael Koehl Pamela and Charles Koob Katherine Korba and Ray Laible* Elizabeth and Dale Kostelny John Kowalewski* Franklyn Kraus Zona Kreidle Karen Kuehneman Kellie and Joel La Follette Deborah and John Lahey Karrie and Christopher Lang* Sue and Roger Lang Sandy and Pat LaPointe Joan and Louis Lauch Jacqueline and Jay Lauderdale

Judy and Steve Laughrun* Connie and Sam Lawrence Onelia Lazzari Maureen and Peter Lee Dianne and Jose Leis Theodora Lengowski Elizabeth and John Leonard Elizabeth and Leon LeVan Carolyn and Mark Lillehaugen Nanci and Paul Limbach* Pamela Little and Howard Anderson* Julia and Richard Llewellyn Catherine and David Loevner Rebecca and Richard Loftus Sally and David Long Katherine Loo and Jim Raughton Helen Lord and Raymond Taylor Gigi and Mike Louden Randy Luing Mary Beth and Thomas Lukas Barbara Lukes Gail and Jay Lund Ben Lunsky* Sarah Maca and Alex Alimanestianu Marilyn and Alexander Macgregor Andy and Clark MacKenzie Denise and Gary MacLean Nancy and Erwin Maddrey Jerome Mage* Shirley and Robert Mahoney* Timothy and Brandon Manka-Clemons Mary Lou and Ben Marchello Donna and Ivan Marcotte Sarah and Peter Mariani* David Marks Sue Marler Kathleen and Bryan Marsal Reba and Richard Martin Dana and David Martin Barbara Martin Vicki Marx and Warren L. Garner Darlene and Joseph Marushack

Margie and Jon Masterson Susan and George Matelich Beth Maxwell Maryanne and Timothy Mayeda Jean McBee* Ferrell and Chi McClean Laura and Robert McCoy Susan McCuaig Ronald McDaniel Elizabeth and James McDonald Andrew McDougald* Barbara and Donald McFarland Mark McGrath Krista and Michael McIntyre Patricia and Charles McKernan Yvette Meftah Paul Mensch* Robin Merlino Julia Merry* Ellen and Daniel Meyer Kathy and Roy Meyer Robyn Meyer* Cara and Adam Mika David Miller David Miller* Polly and Nick Miller Marjorie and Rodney Miller Nelson Miller Therese and Scott Miller Kathy and Robert Millwee M. E. and John Minton Iris Model Mariko and Dennis Molodowitch Yvette Montiel and Richard Schafer* Cristina Moody* Dick Moore* Axson and Bryan Morgan Jean and Robert Morgan Judith and James Moroney Glenn Morris William Morris Sylvia Morrison Jane and Bill Mosakowski Trese-Ann and Steve Mount* Kevin Mulcahy Rose Muldowney and Matthew McDowell Edward M. Murphy Lynn and William Murphy Jill and Ken Murray Ken Mutell*

Barbara and John Nau Jeanne and Jonathan Nauman* Jim Nelson Sandy and Terry Netzley Margaret and John Neverka Diana Nevins John Nichols Maureen and Ronald Nichols* Kaye and Mark Nickell Deborah and Dale Nickels Andrew Nicklawsky* Blair and Dennis Nickle Kurt Niederpruem K. E. Niedner* Brenda and Jack Nixon Elizabeth and Robert Noble The Nokes Family Jeanette and Michael Norte* Lisa and Ricky Novak Elaine and William Obernesser Dianna and David O’Brien Carolyn and Jerry O’Connell Linda and Timothy O’Connor Susan and Roy O’Connor Susie Odom* Kristin and Thomas Ogren Gregory O’Neal Donna and Jim Onstott Mary Beth and Charlie O’Reilly Teresa Orlick and Joseph Pokorski Richard Orlowski* Holly and Carlos Ortiz* David Ottolino Carolyn and David Oxenford Michael Pacicca Doreen and Lee Packila* Shery and Jan Packwood Paulette Pallazzolo and Robert Flora Wendy Palmer and Richard Ruh Yvonne and Edwin Parish Biba and Jonathan Parker Geni Miller and B. Parker Kathleen Parrish and Doug Spencer Kim and John Patterson Kimberly Patterson

Anne Pendergast Sharon and Keith Penner Jocelyn Perry and Daniel Samelson Sondra Perry David Pfeffer Jean Phelps Mae and John Pickford Cindy Pigott Leslie and Roger Piscitella Martha Pittard and Allan Krapfs Norma and Robert Placensia* Barbara and Michael Polemis Jane and Frederick Poole Deborah and Dale Pope* Daria and Tony Pori Brandon Porras Karen Powell Patty and William Powell Wendi and James Proffitt* Lori and Thomas Prokop Diane and Cory Pulfrey Margaret Purves Anne and David Radke Janice and Ronald Randall S.M. and Jeffrey Rarich Gregory Ratterman Esperanza Rebollar* Mary and William Redmond Evelyn and William Reed Pamela and Rodney Rempt Joy and Jordan Renner Darren Rhinehart* Grace and Matthew Rhoades Katharine and Kurt Rice Peggy and Chris Rice* Reuben Rich Patricia and Tony Richards Lynn Richardson Elizabeth and Alfred Richter Kelli and William Ritter Karen Robinson Tia and Jim Roddy Lois and John Rogers Lynne and Bennett Roginski Terry and Bert Romberg Celeste and Mike Rooney Evelyn Rose and Sharon Nadeau*

Michael Rosenberg Lisa Rosenfield Carolyn Rosin* Dennis Rowe Richard Rowe Kim and Alan Roylance* Lynne Ruess and Christopher Deryck William Savage Andrea Sayles Carol and Robert Scallan Sharon and Richard Schaefer Kana and Mike Schaffer Mary and Brett SchatBeimers* Roberta and William Scherer Ede Ellen Schmidt and Thomas Weber Janet and Walter Schuchmann Diane and Leland Selby* Michael Semmler Susan Sewell* Sandra Shapiro Martha and James Shaw Barbara and Franklin Shekore David Shimp Catherine and Robert Shopneck Karen Simmons Suzanne and John Simmons Sandra and Denny Simonson Emily and Paul Singer Harnek Singh and Ishinder Kaur Trent Sizemore* Ann and Michael Skelton Andrea Slattery Julie Slocum Erna Smeets and Bill Simkins* La Dean and Randy Smith Christine and Brian Smith Gerry Smith and David Syfert Jerry Smith Judith and Richard Smith Tamara Smith Joann and Scott Snowden Lynette and Mark Sodja Sheryl and Charles Sommer Cheri and William Sowter Jean Spears and William Kropp

Catherine and Albert Spottke Karen and John Springthorpe Alan Stabler Loretta Stadler Richelle and Eric Stafne Judith Stalder and David Hughes* Mary Steinberg Susan and Edward Steiner Amy Stephan and Mike Mohan* Lillian Stephens Marie and Frank Stephens Hazel and Jay Stevens* Sally Stilwill Richard Stokes Nancy Stovall* Joan and Mark Strobel Keith Suchy Sidney Suggs Anne and Andrew Suk Michelle and Joel Susco Jane and Steve Sutton Mary Swanson and Peter Murray Linda and Steven Swartley Anne Symchych Catherine Symchych Karen Talmon-L’Armee Curtis Tamkin Christopher Tan* Robin Tawney-Nichols and William Nichols Joan and Rufus Taylor Dawn and Bruce Tecklenburg Patty and Mark Tedesco Cindy and James Thompson Martha Thompson Jane and Russell Thorpe Betty Tichich and Fred Bunch Dottie and Mike Tillotson* Kathy and David Titley Carol Tolan Gene Tomek Judith Tor Debbie and William Tracy* Rita Tracy Sandra Carrell Tremblay and Dale Tremblay Edwina Trout* Kelly and Len Trout Elizabeth Trowbridge Barbara Trueman Joy Trute Catherine and Stan Uchiyama Karen Uhlenbeck and Robert Williams

Emily and Jonas Van Aken* Nissa and Stephen Van Riper Jennifer and Timothy Van Roekel Van Vanderwal Rita Vasquez-Myers and Brys Myers Marty Vaughan Carol Vaughn and Ken Brewer Megan and Mark Veldee Pat and James Vinson Jayne Visser Jennifer and Ken Voorhis* Dianne and Steve Wagner Veronica Wald and Kevin Kuehnel* Martha and John Walda Diana and Mallory Walker Kevin Wallace* Janet Walsh Naomi and Robert Warchol Rebecca Ward and Mark Shull Betty and Wallace Warmack Lisa and Richard Warner Nancy and Dennis Warren Leann and John Washabaugh Annette and Kelley Waters Kim Waters and Larry Rogers* Pamela and David Waud Alecia Wawrzynski Elizabeth and Carl Webb Catherine and Norman Weeden Laura and Henry Weil Dee and Jay Welch* Nancy and Richard Welch* Richard Wentz* Norma and Kirk Westervelt* Alice Whitacre Heather White and David Diamond* Gigi and Randall Whitman Jonna and Barton Whitman Jane and Dale Wierman Jill and Lewis Wilks* Joseph Willhelm Marc Williams Marsha and Ronald Williamson*

Shirley and Richard Wilson Anita and Gerald Wiseman Jesslyn Witte Virginia Wolfe* Cynthia and Dale Woodling Suzanne and David Worley* Kim Worsencroft and Dennis McEvoy Janet Wrestler and Randall Eckhoff* Ann Wright Barbara Wunderlich William Wynne Kay and Frank Yeager Sarah and Oliver Yost Anne Young and James Nielson John Youngblood Catherine and John Zammito Barbara and Donald Zucker Karin Zuckerman

*Indicates Yellowstone Guardian Monthly Supporter

We are grateful for all of our donors. Every effort has been made to ensure that this list of gifts received March 1, 2017February 28, 2018 is accurate and complete. Please contact us at 406.848.2400 or supporters@ if a name has been omitted or otherwise improperly reported so we can correct our records.


PLANNED GIVING AND TRIBUTE DONORS THE OLD FAITHFUL SOCIETY These outstanding donors have made legacy commitments to Yellowstone Forever through planned gifts. Barbara and Robert Aaron Dolores Albers Bruce Anderson Alva Anderson, Jr. James Angresano Mary Ann Kiely Valorie Anne and James Taylor Tracy Arthur Sandi and Bill Babcock Lynn Bart Natalie and Aaron Bissonette Debra and Brad Blome Michael Bocchinfuso Sheila Boeckman Leslie Boff Dianne Bordas Debra Botellio Nina and John Bottomley Rita Boulton-Wolfe and Gary Wolfe Kenneth Bowling Judy Bradley Jeanne Burlein Claire Campbell and Brian Makare Chris and John Cavanaugh Linda Collins Lara and Stephen Compton


Diana and Craig Connolly Shirley and Gerard Cormier Pat Crane Caroline Cullen Debra and Lewis Demler Stella and Alphonso Dipasqua Mona and Richard Divine Theresa and Richard Dixon Kris and Jim Dorris Catherine and Richard Dowdell Lucinda and Thomas Downing Susan and Robert Duke Charlene and James Eckman David Edwards Linda Edwards Beverly Brooke England Eva Mariana Farova Charlotte and William Fecht Linda Fidler Albert Fierer Trust Teresa Fischer Denise Fitzhenry Elizabeth Fournier and Daniel Ellison Linda and Eldon Francis Betsy and Tom Franz Matthew Frend Sue and Bill Friedlander Kathy and Ed Fronheiser Aaron Gaines, in memory of Prairie Liane Gaines H. D. Galusha III Maureen and Larry Gamble Marie Gore Ken Grey Barbara and Christian Gunther

Kathleen Haines Barbara Hanka and Daren Striegel John Harvey Amy Haugerud Arvis Heling Frank Hensing Native American Fund Carolyn and Scott Heppel James Herr Jim Hersrud Debra Hopfer Dorothy Howard-Flynn Cecily and Bannus Hudson Gayle and Michael Hughes Chrys Hulbert Florence Hybl Heidi and Mark Ingenito Elva Jean and Wayne McNeely Jeslyn and William Johnson Cynthia and Mark Jordan Sherry and Dave Kapes Dianna Kellie Dana Kellogg Dr. Stephanie Kiewlich and Lief Kiewlich Beth and Michael King Jana and Robert Knight Rea Labar Jane and Ron Lerner Cynthia and Doug Lewis Susan Light and Boyd Ratchye Sarah and William Lindsey Karen Litt Steve Lokker Helen Lord and Raymond Taylor Kathleen Lynch

Susan and Mitchell Malone Susan Malone Jane Massey and Walter Gerlesky Joanne and Harold Mayo Jeanne and Kim McCarthy Terri Lynn McConnell Linda and Robert McPhail Shane and Scott Mills Judy and David Mitchell Mardell Moore Marshall Moss Donna Murphrey Sue and Richard Muza Nanci Navarro Jan Nethery Nancy Nicolai Natalie and Kevin Nolan Heather and Andrew Olsen Diane Orme and Lori Raborg Gerald O’Sullivan James Pape Wayne Parsons Valeria Peyton Jean Phelps Jayne and Dennis Poydence Barbara and Franklin Propst Peggy and Chris Rice Jed Richardson Sue Robertson John Reed Rodgers William Ryerson Robert Sanders Ellen Schmidt Janet and Walter Schuchmann Monica Nesbit Schultz and Larry Schultz Susan and Stanley Schumacher

Allison Schumer Kevin Sheridan Catherine and Robert Shopneck Ann and Michael Skelton Gerry Smith and David Syfert Jerry Smith Luetta Smithhisler Richard Stokes Linda and Joseph Summers Susan and W. Lawrence Patrick Mary Swanson and Peter Murray Marguerite and Ron Thompson James Thorp Betty Tichich and Fred Bunch Nancy Tronaas Neil Uranowski Janet Walsh Kelly Waymire Elizabeth and Rudy Weinhold Rita Wetzel Carl Wilkinson Randolph Willoby Pamela Wrench Barbara Wunderlich Linda and Howard Wynne Anne Young and James Nielson


Linda Bates Mortimer Bates III Elizabeth Bowhan Eleanor Clark Kathy Dickey

Carolyn and Scotty Heppel Margaret Neverka Susan Prestwich Charlie Pyle Ben, Jake, and Nick Simmons Susan Stiger Kay and Frank Yeager

In memory of

Bertha Ballantyne John Buckley Lori Lee Brotzman-Morris Sally Chambers Ruby Clara and Alan Gardner Sara Combs Dorothy Mills D’Orazio Nate Herrington John Joseph Morris, Jr. Eric and Joan Norgaard Bernie Patriacca Michael Robinson Dwight Syfert Jonathan Ryon Witte We are grateful for all of our donors. Every effort has been made to ensure that this list of gifts received March 1, 2017February 28, 2018 is accurate and complete. Please contact us at 406.848.2400 or supporters@ if a name has been omitted or otherwise improperly reported so we can correct our records.

CORPORATE & GATEWAY COMMUNITY PARTNERS Yellowstone Forever sincerely thanks the members of the corporate and gateway communities who have invested in the future of Yellowstone National Park. In fiscal year 2017, the following corporations and businesses provided major support to Yellowstone Forever.


Andersen Corporation Foundation** Canon USA, Inc.** ConocoPhilips Michelin North America, Inc.** The Coca-Cola Company


Living With Wolves, Ltd. Physio-Control * Rothy’s* Xanterra Parks and Resorts Zeiss*

$25,000-$49,999 Google, Inc.* Patagonia


Counter Assault* First Interstate Bank* Gallatin Motors Montana Office of Tourism and Business Development* Wyoming Council Trout Unlimited


Cabella Properties Cresa Facebook* Flying Pig Adventure Company Four Corners Recycling LLC GRG Enterprise LLC Grayl IG Duck Calls Jelt Mystery Ranch Backpacks Natural Habitat Adventures Nuveen Investments, LLC

Oboz Footwear Omidyar Network Temple Fork Outfitters The Wildland Trekking Company, LLC Visit Big Sky Yellowstone Dino Lube and Repair Yellowstone Park Service Stations


Chevron Matching Employee Funds Intel Corporation Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Microsoft Corporation Shell Oil Company Starbucks Coffee Company Yum! Brands *IN-KIND DONATION **IN-KIND AND CASH DONATION


FOUNDATION DONORS $250,000 - $999,999

M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust National Park Foundation through the Argyros Family Foundation


Anonymous Arthur L. and Elaine V. Johnson Foundation The Asness Family Foundation The Chicago Community Foundation Community Foundation of Jackson Hole The G. Unger Vetlesen Foundation George B. Storer Foundation George L. Ohrstrom, Jr. Foundation The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust National Park Foundation Wayde Family Foundation Wheeler Foundation


Cornelia Cogswell Rossi Foundation, Inc. Solot and Karp Family Foundation

The Tapeats Fund YOT Full Circle Foundation


The Ahmanson Foundation Anonymous The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation The Baltoro Family Trust Benjamin Family Foundation Clarks Fork Foundation The Community Foundation of Southern Indiana The Dallas Foundation Daniel K. Thorne Foundation, Inc. Dr. Scholl Foundation The Fitzpatrick Foundation The Fuller Foundation, Inc. Greater Houston Community Foundation Henry E. Niles Foundation Hollomon Price Foundation Hope Christian Community Foundation James and Barbara Cimino Foundation Jane Smith Turner Foundation The John C. Kish Foundation Kathryn Nell Harrison Foundation

Laura J. Niles Foundation, Inc. McGuire Family Foundation Nathan P. Jacobs Foundation O.P. and W.E. Edwards Foundation, Inc. The Pathways Foundation Perkins-Prothro Foundation The Richard D. Donchian Foundation RJM Foundation The Rowe and Reynolds Charitable Fund at Ayco Charitable Foundation S. Livingston Mather Charitable Trust The Tow Foundation Towering Pines Foundation Treacy Foundation Veverka Family Foundation Vin and Caren Prothro Foundation The Weglicki Family Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation Willard L. Eccles Foundation


Alan and Rebecca Johnson Family Advised Fund at Bethel University Foundation Anita & Julian Saul Foundation Inc.

Anonymous Anyone Can Whistle Foundation Bates Family Foundation The Beartooth Foundation The Brady Foundation, Inc. The Bydale Foundation The Campbell Foundation Fund Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida Defenders of Wildlife Eaglemere Foundation, Inc. East Texas Communities Foundation Edwards Family Foundation The Eric and Joan Norgaard Charitable Trust Gellman Family Foundation The Greater Cincinnati Foundation The Greater Washington Community Foundation The Harold M. & Adeline S.Morrison Family Foundation Highfield Foundation inFaith Community Foundation Janney Montgomery Scott, LLC LegacyTree Foundation Louis and Anne Abrons Foundation, Inc

Lucille Ellis Simon Foundation Margaret Mellon Hitchcock Foundation The Martin Family Charitable Foundation Meg and Bert Raynes Wildlife Fund The Millmont Foundation The Montana Community Foundation National Christian Foundation of South Florida The New York Community Trust The Pyle Foundation Ray Griffin Foundation Renaissance Charitable Foundation, Inc. The Reuter Foundation The Sample Foundation The Stephen A. and Diana L. Goldberg Foundation Inc. Stuart Family Foundation The White Pine Fund



Operating Fund

Capital Fund

Endowment Fund










Pledges Receivable





Inventory and Prepaid Expenses









Cash and Investments Accounts Receivable

Due From Other Funds Capital Assets, Net of Accumulated Depreciation









Accounts Payable and Current Liabilities





Deferred Revenues






Grants Payable













Unrestricted Net Assets





Temporarily Restricted Net Assets




















Permanently Restricted Net Assets


INCOME STATEMENT UNRESTRICTED NET ASSET ACTIVITY Educational Product Sales Less: Cost of Goods Sold Contributions and Gifts Educational Tuition and Fees Investment Earnings, Net Loss on Disposal of Property

Operating Fund

Capital Fund

Endowment Fund
































Other Revenues Total Revenues Before Releases







Net Assets Released from Restriction TOTAL UNRESTRICTED REVENUES

$5,900,553 $17,767,431


$54,306 $54,306

$5,954,859 $17,903,417









Educational Product Sales





Educational Programming













EXPENSES National Park Service Grants US Forest Service Grants

Volunteer Programming Supporter Education Visitor and Community Engagement Total Program Service Expenses









Philanthropic Fund Development





Administration Total Supporting Service Expenses





$3,229,620 $17,272,907

$90,187 $884,161


$3,319,807 $18,164,933 ($261,516)

TOTAL EXPENSES Net Income Before Transfers Transfers Between Funds Change in Unrestricted Net Assets TEMPORARY RESTRICTED NET ASSET ACTIVITY Contributions and Gifts Investment Earnings, Net Present Value Adjustment of Discounts on Pledges Total Revenues Net Assets Released from Restriction Change in Temporarily Restricted Net Assets









































Present Value Adjustment of Discounts on Pledges





Change in Permanently Restricted Net Assets





*Reduction in Temporary Restricted Net Assets is due to the granting of previously unused donor funds (on hand for more than three years) to the park in compliance with donor restrictions to ensure the park received the funds as donors wished as quickly as possible.



Yellowstone Forever Cash Support to NPS Cultural Treasures Greenest Park

$144,922 $361,311



Tomorrow's Stewards


Visitor Experience




Total Cash Support


Yellowstone Forever In-Kind Support to NPS Educational Product Sales


Educational Programming


Volunteer Programming Supporter Education Visitor and Community Engagement

$204,482 $1,213,904 $280,486

General Park Support


Total In-Kind Support


TOTA L S U P P O RT: $ 1 4 ,74 7, 9 8 0 23




YELLOWSTONE SOCIETY Join our community of like-minded philanthropic supporters who annually contribute a gift of $1,000 or more (or $84 per month as a Yellowstone Guardian).

YELLOWSTONE GUARDIANS Become a Yellowstone Guardian with a monthly gift of $10 per month or more at


GATEWAY BUSINESS PARTNERS Businesses located near the park can be stewards of Yellowstone through our Gateway Business program. Please call 406.848.2400 to learn more.


Leave a legacy for Yellowstone and help ensure the continuation of our work for Yellowstone National Park by making a planned gift.

To make a gift in someone’s honor or memory, please call 406.848.2400.



Gifts of stock and other securities are an easy way to help Yellowstone, while receiving a number of tax benefits.

MATCHING GIFTS Double your gift! Please ask if your employer will match your gift.

YELLOWSTONE FOREVER BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kay Yeager, Chairman Edna Johnson, Vice Chairman Tom Detmer, Secretary John Walda, Treasurer Kevin Butt Michael Campbell John Costello Annie Graham Carolyn Heppel Charles Kaufmann Joe Maruchack Robert Mathias Jackie Rooney Bob Rowe Doug Spencer Heather White


Please contact us at 406.848.2400 to learn about the benefits of becoming a Corporate Partner of Yellowstone Forever.

Make a one-time or monthly donation at

DONATE BY CHECK Yellowstone Forever 222 E. Main Street, Suite 301 Bozeman, MT 59715

YELLOWSTONE FOREVER EXECUTIVE TEAM Heather White, President & CEO Ken Voorhis, Chief Operations & Education Officer Kelly Herman, Chief Development Officer Wendie Carr, Vice President of Marketing & Communications Thomas Cluderay, General Counsel Leslie Everett, Director of Administration Terry “J.R.” Hunt, Vice President of Information Technology Roger Keaton, Vice President of Finance Erin Makowsky, Director of Employee & Volunteer Engagement

YELLOWSTONE FOREVER NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL Alice Ryan Griffith Harsh V Aida AraissiDiane Selby Scott Heppel Phillips Lee Selby Elizabet Webb Laurel Asness Michael Solot Patty Kaufmann Paul Bertelli Jim Taylor Tom Kelly John Bottomley Elizabeth Webb Pat LaPointe Tucker Bounds Denise Weglicki Theodore May Anne Brinkley Tim Weglicki Tom Murphy Dr. Doug Brinkley Kendrick Wilson Storm Nickerson Clint Bybee Frank Yeager Valerie Ohrstrom Kent Cochran Wright Ohrstrom Janet Costello A special thank you Arielle Patrick David Coulter to National Advisory David Phillips Susan Weeks Council member—and renowned wilderness Kelli Harrison David Culver, Jr. photographer—Tom Ritter Lauren Davis Murphy for donating Susan Roeder Anne Duncan images to Yellowstone Forever. Celeste Rooney Charles Duncan Patricia Rooney Jim Hanna

PHOTOS—Front Cover: Jim Futterer, Matt Lundin, Jessie Knirsch; P1: Ann Skelton, Lauren Beltramo; P3: Linda Carney, Matt Ludin; P4: Brad Orsted, Ann Skelton; P6: Jim Futterer, Maria Bisso; P7: Lauren Beltramo; P8: Lauren Beltramo, National Park Service; P10: Maria Bisso; P12: Shutterstock; David A. Thompson; P14: Lauren Beltramo, Hennebery Eddy Architects, Maria Bisso; P15: Lauren Beltramo, Maria Bisso; P16: Maria Bisso; P19: Lauren Beltramo, Matt Ludin; P21: Matt Ludin, Lauren Beltramo, Tom Murphy; P24: Jim Futterer, Matt Ludin, Lauren Beltramo, Ann Skelton; P26: Matt Ludin, Lauren Beltramo, Jim Futterer; Back Cover: Matt Ludin.



Yellowstone Forever partners with Yellowstone National Park to create opportunities for all people to experience, enhance, and preserve Yellowstone forever. O F F I C I A L N O N P R O F I T PA R T N E R O F Y E L LO W S T O N E

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