2014 第 33 屆新ㄧ代設計展
大步向前走 首先,我們將愛因斯坦的名言送給今年的新一代們:「生存就像騎單車,要保持平衡,就要 不斷向前走。」 「新一代設計展」是一個變速器,驅動了人生更多的可能性;也是一個轉換點,連結了青澀 與歷練;更是站上設計領域的第一個專業舞台。2014 年,全國設計院校系所師生第 33 次齊聚, 共有台灣 61 校 131 系、國際 4 國 11 校 ( 來自加拿大、美國、義大利、日本等 ),超過 9000 位參展學生、4000 件以上的作品再次齊聚一堂,精彩可期。 今年展覽以「預備 ! 起 ! (Gear up!)」為主題,因為這個年代的挑戰似乎更勝以往,我們期待 新一代更堅強、更無懼的向前走。主視覺中的齒輪,是設計系所學生創意的變速與推進,同 時也驅動學界與業界更密切的接軌。 今年的新一代設計展在推動學界與業界合作上將邁入轉型階段,從孕育創新概念的搖籃,擴 大至產學實務深度連結的平台。我們邀集國內具代表性的企業一同站出來為明年度畢業製作 出題,並投入產業知識與技術指導,希望徵選優秀設計團隊以各企業主題發展出兼具創意與 實務的畢業成果。今年展區中我們將展出多件產學牽成的經典故事,以現在成功的案例為邁 向新型態的產學合作開場,邀請大家一起來期待未來嶄新的產學合作!
Moving Forward First of all, we would like to pass on the words of Albert Einstein to this year's new designers, "Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving." The "Young Designers´Exhibition" (YODEX) is a transmission gearbox driving ever increasing possibilities in life, and is also a switchover point linking the youthfulness of the young with actual practice and experience. Even more so, YODEX is a platform - the first professional platform for design disciplines. And in 2014 teachers and students from design schools nationwide will gather for the 33rd time. In all, a total of 61 schools and 131 departments from Taiwan, and a number of international schools will take part in this event, with over 9,000 participating students and more than 4,000 works once again assembling in one exhibition. The theme for this year's YODEX is Gear up!. Because the challenges of this age are seemingly increasing beyond those of the past, we look towards a new generation that is much stronger and has greater courage to move forward. The two gears in the main visual symbolize the shifting of gears and pushing ahead of creativity of students from design departments, and also hint at this exhibition is the platform for driving closer integration between academia and industry. In promoting cooperation between academia and industry, this year's YODEX will also move forward into a transition phase, expanding its scope from being a cradle for nurturing innovative concepts to being an exhibition that provides a platform for the intimate connection between theory and practice of the academic and industrial sectors. We invite local enterprises representative of the various industries to gather together and stand side by side in support of setting a theme for next year's graduation works, and to spearhead the development of industrial knowledge and technical guidance. The aim being to select exceptional teams to expand on the themes of the various industries and develop graduation results that demonstrate creativity and practicality. In this year's exhibition we will showcase several classic cases of the mutual support and help between academic circles and industry, and use current success stories to move towards a new beginning by opening up a new phase of academic-industrial cooperation. Let's all look forward to a new chapter in cooperation between academia and industry and see hope in the future!
2014 第 33 屆新ㄧ代設計展
往3館 Way to Hall3
Hall 1
TC 世貿 Pl 廣 az 場 a 入 En 口 tr an ce
Shih-Fu Road Entrance
信義路五段 Hsin-Yi Road Entrance
Entrance/ Exit
Post Office
Medical Station
Shih Chien University
Chaoyang University of Technology
National Taipei University of Technology
China University of Technology
Tunghai University
Chienkuo Technology University
National Taichung University of Science and Technology
Tung Fang Design Institute
Ming Chuan University
Tainan University of Technology
Kun Shan University
Tatung University
Vanung University
Fu Jen Catholic University
Fu-Hsin Trade and Arts School
Jinwen University of Science and Technology
Huafan University
TransWorld University
Da-Yeh University
National Taiwan University of Arts
Ming Chi University of Technology
MingDao University
Oriental Institute of Technology
Shih Hsin University
National United University
Chung Yuan Christian University
National Formosa University
National Kaohsiung Normal University
Chihlee Institute of Technology
Fortune Institute of Technology
National Cheng Kung University
Asia-Pacific Institute of Creativity
Shu-Te University
Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Chang Jung Christian University
National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
Ling Tung University
Taiwan Design Center
Shuter Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Gjun Information Co., Ltd.
Lien Cheng Computer Training Center
Professional Office Art Supply
2014 第 33 屆新ㄧ代設計展
往1館 Way to Hall 1
市府路 Shih-Fu Road Entrance
Hall 3
市政府 Taipei City Hall
台北 W.C
Song-Shou Road Entrance
Taipei 101
售票處 Ticketing
出入口 Entrance / Exit W.C
詢問處 Information
廁所 Toilet
醫務處 Medical Station
Snack W.C W.C
松智路 Song-Chih Road Entrance
Kainan University
Hsuan Chuang University
Hwa Hsia Institute of Technology
National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology
Hsiuping University of Science and Technology
Chungyu Institute of Technology
National Taipei University of Education
Asia University
Nanhua University
National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
Chang Gung University
National Hsinchu University of Education
National University of Kaohsiung
Chung Hua University
Fo Guang University
Cheng Shiu University
Hsing Wu University
Lee-Ming Institute of Technology
Taipei College of Maritime Technology
Far East University
Takming University of Science and Technology
National University of Tainan
Tungnan University
I01 義大利
Istituto Marangoni
Istituto Marangoni
時尚設計學院 - 米蘭 . 巴黎 . 倫敦
Fashion School (Milan, Paris, London)
Istituto Marangoni
Istituto Marangoni
Design School Milan
I02 義大利
NABA 米蘭藝術大學
Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti Milano (NABA)
I03 義大利
DA 設計碩士學院
Domus Academy
I04 加拿大
Vancouver Institute of Media Arts(VanArts)
I05 美國
NSAD 建築暨設計大學
NewSchool of Architecture + Design Academy of Art University
I06 美國
I07 美國
Ai 藝術學院
The Art Institutes
I08 美國
Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) Bunka Gakuen University, Faculty of Art and Design
I09 日本
I10 日本
Osaka Sogo College of Design
I11 日本
Musashino Art University
2014 第 33 屆新ㄧ代設計展
新ㄧ代設計展活動資訊 展出時間
2014 年 5 月 16 日 ( 五 ) 至 19 日 ( 一 )
新一代設計展 開幕儀式
每日 10:00-18:00
主辦 / 經濟部工業局 執行 / 台灣創意設計中心
時間 / 10:00-11:30 地點 / 世貿一館舞台區
台北世界貿易中心展覽大樓一館 台北世界貿易中心展覽三館
5.17 「設計力 ― 改變世界的超能力」系列講座
購票資訊 全票:新台幣 200 元 優待票:新台幣 150 元 註:
主辦 /《30》雜誌、台灣創意設計中心 時間 / 14:00-15:30 「成為全世界都在找的創意設計人」 16:30-18:00 「那些設計可以教你的事」 地點 / 世貿一館二樓 第三會議室
1. 持有殘障手冊之人士及其陪同 1 人可免費參觀 2. 65 歲以上 (1949 年之前出生者 ) 憑身分證可 免費參觀
5.18 台灣新一代設計獎 頒獎典禮
3. 軍警、學生可憑證購買優待票
主辦 / 台灣優良設計協會
4. 未滿 12 歲謝絕入場
時間 / 13:00-16:30 地點 / 世貿一館舞台區
5.19 2014 善設計 系列活動 主辦 / 台灣設計聯盟 時間 / 11:00-11:30 【分享會】「善設計 - 新銳勢力」 11:30-12:30 【影片播放】「善設計介紹」 地點 / 世貿一館舞台區
2014 第 33 屆新ㄧ代設計展
2014 Yodex Activities DATE
May 16
May 16 to May 19, 2014 from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
YODEX Opening Ceremony
PLACE Taipei World Trade Center
Organizer / Ministry of Economic Affairs Coordinator / Taiwan Design Center Time / 10:00-11:30 Location / TWTC Exhibition Hall 1-stage area
Exhibition Hall 1 and Exhibition Hall 3
TICKET Adult Ticket NT $ 200 Student Ticket NT $ 150 NOTE 1. Free entry for people with disabilities, as well as an accompanying person, with proof of identification. 2. Free entry for seniors 65 years and older (1949 or earlier) with proof of identification 3. Discount price available for police, military p e rs o n n e l , a n d st u d e n t s w i t h p ro o f o f
May 17 Lecture "Design – The Power to Change the World" Organizer / 30 Monthly, Taiwan Design Center Time / 14:00-15:30 "Become a World-Class Designer" 16:30-18:00 "Good Taste Means Good Business" Location / TWTC Exhibition Hall 1
– 2nd Floor, Conference Room#3
May 18 Taiwan Young Designers' Award Ceremony
identification. 4. Children under the age of 12 will not be admitted.
Organizer / Taiwan Good Design Association Time / 13:00-16:30 Location / TWTC Exhibition Hall 1-stage area
May 19 2014 Beneficence Design Activities Organizer / Taiwan Design Alliance Time / 11:00-11:30 "Sharing Sessions" "Beneficence Design - Young Talented Designer" 11:30-12:30 "Video" "Beneficence Design Introduction" Location / TWTC Exhibition Hall 1-stage area
2014 第 33 屆新ㄧ代設計展
實踐大學 Shih Chien University 服裝設計學系所 出境 在 2014 第 33 屆「新一代設計展」中,可觀賞到本校畢業生 及在校生的作品,展出方式以動靜態陳列,還有本系專刊、 創意產品等。
Department of Fashion Design Departure At the 2014 Yodex, you can find works by our current students and alumni. Works are displayed in both dynamic and still formats. Exhibits include Department's journals and creative products.
建築設計學系所 冷建築 「冷」是一種對視的距離,是一條「觀察」的旅途,若將建 築分為兩半,開始重新考量「這一半建築」與「另一半建築」 間的距離跟關係。
Department of Architecture Design Cold Architecture "Cold" is what separates two opposing subjects, which can be described as being on a journey of "observation". Imagine a building is divided into two halves, one can re-evaluate the distance and the relationship between "this half" and "that half" of the building.
工業產品設計學系所 HIDDEN 扮演設計者的我們從最瘋狂的想像出發,以謹慎的眼光,反 覆論證我們的想法,再以精準設計來實現看似不可能的狂想。
Department of Industrial Design HIDDEN As designers, we start with the wildest imagination, repeatedly put it under careful scrutiny, and then turn fantasy into reality with precise design.
實踐大學 Shih Chien University 媒體傳達設計學系所 COMBO ! 這世代從出生起視神經就緊連著電子映像,歲月在小方塊裡 一擊一擊上演。 " 迴圈式漫遊 " 是一種我們對這世界的詮釋, 對燦爛宇宙的奮力一搏,一擊,接著一擊。
Department of Communications Design COMBO ! We have been connecting with digital visions since we were born in our generation. Scene by scene, time flies like an arrow in a small cube. “COMBO!” is the way how we give a definition to the world; keeping punching fights against the resplendent Universe. A02
朝陽科技大學 Chaoyang University of Technology 視覺傳達系 白噪音 噪音是各種正反意見,白是理想的成果,「白噪音」是前往 理想的過程。展出內容:產品設計、形象設計、動畫…等。
Department of Visual Communication Design White Noise "Noise" represents all kinds of opposing views. "White" is the ideal result. "White Noise" is the process of reaching that ideal. Exhibits include product design, image design and animation.
工業設計系 99% 探索不存在的 100% 完美,追尋無窮盡的 1% 缺口。99% 是 未達 100% 以前的進行式,以設計的思考追尋著生活中那 1% 的缺口。
Department of Industrial Design 99% Strive for the unattainable goal of 100% perfection and search for the 1% imperfection that always exists. 99% is an ongoing state when perfection has yet to be achieved. This work helps to explore that 1% imperfection in our everyday life from a designer's point of view.
2014 第 33 屆新ㄧ代設計展
國立臺北科技大學 National Taipei University of Technology 建築系 漣漪效應 本次展出以漣漪效應為題,結合「光影」、「韻律」和「清 透感」的主題特色,展出含蓋包括建築、地景、城市等空間 設計。
Department of Architecture The Ripple Effect Works of spatial design, including architecture, landscape and urban design, feature "lights and shadows", "rhythm" and "transparency". All of them come under the theme "The Ripple Effect."
工業設計系 漣漪效應 以漣漪效應為題,結合光影、韻律和清透的主題特色,展出 包含產品、室內及家具等工業設計作品,傳達設計思考如同 漣漪擴散之概念。
Department of Industrial Design The Ripple Effect Adopting the same theme "The Ripple Effect", these works of industrial design, including product, interior and furniture design, also feature "lights and shadows", "rhythm" and "transparency", but convey how creative ideas expand like ripples.
創意設計學士班 漣漪效應 新一代以漣漪效應為題,展出內容包括產品及空間設計,而 本班畢業展為「楔子」,日期:5/22-5/25,地點:中山創意 基地。
Undergraduate Program of Creative Design The Ripple Effect "The Ripple Effect" is our main theme at the 2014 Yodex. Exhibits include product and spatial design. Our graduation exhibition "Wedge" takes place from May 22 to 25 at Chung Shan Creative Hub.
互動媒體設計研究所 漣漪效應 以漣漪效應為題,以跨領域、科技、媒體三領域結合,創造 互動式體驗的情境與數位內容,期望給使用者如同漣漪般的 傳達效應。
Graduate Institute of Interactive Media Design The Ripple Effect Also created under the theme "The Ripple Effect", these works are the result of combing cross-disciplinary, technological and media expertise, which provide interactive environments and digital content, hoping that this can cause "ripple effects" among visitors. A04
中國科技大學 China University of Technology 室內設計系 中國科技大學室內設計系 超室紀 ( 台北校區 ) INEN( 新竹校 區 ) 聯合展覽 這四年,我們享受設計的過程,我們不斷創新,超越自己; 現在我們已成長茁壯,此刻將在這裡展現最完美的成果。
Graduate Institute and Department of Interior Design Transcend Interior ( Taipei Campus ) and Interior Enjoy ( Hsinchu campus ) Joint Exhibition We have enjoyed the past four years as student designers. Through constant quest for innovation and breakthrough, we have grown and matured. At this exhibition, visitors get to see the best from us.
數位多媒體設計系 戲數繁星 「戲數繁星」啟發自浩瀚蒼穹中點點星光閃耀成璀璨星空的 概念,遂展出創意獨具的動畫、遊戲、互動多媒體類作品, 一起發光發熱。
Department of Digital Multimedia Design Digitalizing the Stars Inspired by the dazzling scenes of countless stars decorating the overarching sky, "Digitalizing the Stars" comes with creative animations, games and interative media that give visitors a "shining" experience.
2014 第 33 屆新ㄧ代設計展
視覺傳達設計系 鏡界 本次共有 46 組、46 件作品參展,包括多媒體、互動電子書、 視覺、包裝等設計類別。 主題的概念來自於生活多樣性。
Department of Visual Communication and Design Kaleidoscope This year's exhibition gathers 46 works totaling 46 pieces and covers a wide range of design categories including multi-media, interative e-books, visual and packaging. The "Kaleidoscope" concept is inspired by real-life diversity.
建築系 原 在真實的樣貌下,一切都將毫不虛假;無論有什麼感受,這 都將是最原本的設計、最原本的純粹、最原本的初衷。
Graduate Institute and Department of Architectural Design Original When the true face is shown, nothing is kept unknown. Whatever feeling that arouses among people, it is our most original design that expresses absolute purity and our primary intention.
東海大學 Tunghai University 工業設計學系 都是都市 「都是都市」的主題切合都市化議題出發,透過每個人對於 生活的深刻體悟與細心觀察,創造出屬於我們的都市化產品, 作品件數共約三件。
Department of Industrial Design Dou Shi Du Shi "Dou Shi Du Shi" ("all city") is a theme that echos the discussion about urbanization. Based on what we learn and see in life, each of us develops distinct "urbanized" products. A total of 3 works are exhibited.
建國科技大學 Chienkuo Technology University 空間設計系 創造生活 本次共有 23 件作品參展,主題為「CREATIVE LIFE」,內容 包含景觀、綠建築及概念性空間等類別。
Department of Spatial Design CREATIVE LIFE We participate with 23 works under the theme "Creative Life". Design categories covered include landscape, green building and concept space.
數位媒體設計系暨媒體與遊戲設計研究所 穿 「穿」(PENETRATE),突破自我,勇敢穿透的趨勢,涵蓋動 畫、互動、微電影等設計類別,約有 34 組作品。
Department of Digital Media Design and Postgraduate School of Media and Games Design PENETRATE "Penetrate" talks about going beyond oneself and the trend of transcending boundaries. It includes about 34 works ranging from animations, interactive designs to microcinema works.
商業設計系 冒號通報 「冒號通報」強調設計能傳達訊息、傳遞意念的過程,將設 計之包裝、整合等後,放送訊息,並讓訊息被廣大的群眾看 見。
Department of Commercial Design Colon Notification "Colon Notification" emphasizes the process in which design is capable of conveying information and thoughts. After a piece of design is packaged and integrated, it sends a message to a wide audience.
2014 第 33 屆新ㄧ代設計展
國立臺中科技大學 National Taichung University of Science and Technology 商業設計系 吾感 「吾感」是感官中跳脫、跳脫中感受的概念,展出特色是心 生活新感受,涵蓋產品、平面、包裝、多媒等設計類別,約 有 18 件作品。
Department of Commercial Design Sense Jump The concept behind "Sense Jump" is to break through the limitation of senses and capture feelings during that process. The project expresses people's state of mind and new feelings. It has about 18 works ranging from products, graphics, packages and multi-media.
多媒體設計系 凝感 我們凝感,是為了保留瞬間之美,讓思緒得以延伸,使意象 獲得拓展; 彈指之間是永恆,凝感為永久留傳。
Department of Multimedia Design Agglomerate We agglomerate to capture the beauty of an instant, extend our thoughts and let image expand. There is eternity in every instant. We agglomerate to create an eternal legacy.
室內設計系 透 「透」代表透過色彩、紋理、質感、人文、種族、以及生活 上的洗練看透最初的本質,而設計不管是室內或是室外空間, 是否清楚理解設計。
Department of Interior Design Understand the Essence of the Space Design This project expresses how one learns about the essence of design by examining the design's colors, pattern, texture, cultural and racial background and everyday wisdom, which is critical for both interior and outdoor design.
東方設計學院 Tung Fang Design Institute 美術工藝系 源創 主題反思設計與創意原意,表達設計由對話組成、生活經由 設計改變,涵蓋視覺包裝設計、立體設計、多媒體動畫類別, 共有 15 件作品。
Department of Arts and Crafts ORIGINAL The theme of "Original" is to reflect on design and originality. It tends to show that design is made up of dialogues and that life is changed through design. A total of 15 works ranging from visual packaging design, 3D design and animation are exhibited.
流行商品設計系 源創 「流行商品設計系」本持著擁有金工、木工、玻璃、陶瓷與 染織工坊的優勢基底,強勢利用在地傳統精緻工藝技術,設 計出創新多元的商品。
Department of Popular Product Design ORIGINAL The Department of Product Design has workshops for metalworking, carpentry, glassmaking, ceramics, dyeing and weaving. With that advantage and by learning from local craftsmanship, we design all kinds of innovative products.
室內設計系 源創 主題反思空間設計的源頭與原意,表達對社會、文化的關懷, 涵蓋建築、室內設計等類別,共有 10 件作品。
Department of Interior Design ORIGINAL The theme calls for a reflection on the origin of spatial design and the designer's original intention, and also shows care for the society and culture. A total of 10 pieces cover categories such as architecture and interior design.
2014 第 33 屆新ㄧ代設計展
影視藝術系 嚼視主義 品味視覺、細細咀嚼,意旨思考。每部電影包含導演想說的 故事,想表達的理念,不僅意念不同,也有深談與淺談差別。 主題提醒觀眾別忘思考的概念,培養擁有感性和理性兼具的 觀影專業。
Department of Television Arts Just Do It Every movie has a story the director wants to tell and ideas to express. The title reminds people of the importance of thinking. Cultivate your love for movies, and become a viewer who digests movies with both heart and mind. A09
銘傳大學 Ming Chuan University 商業設計學系 設計超人 我們將設計轉化為超能力並投入其中,享受設計的樂趣,熱 情地做設計,我們都是無所不能的設計超人 !
Department of Commercial Design Super Designer We transform design into a superpower, immerse ourself in it and enjoy the creative process. Fueled by strong passion, we can all become super designers!
數位媒體設計學系 人造人間 我們是沒極限並全力創造夢想的人,帶著想像力與熱情,創 造我們的異想世界,歡迎跟著我們一起追尋夢想,創造屬於 自己的世界!
Department of Digital Media Design CREATOR We are dreamers without limit. Fueled by imagination and passion, we create the world we imagine. You are welcome to join us in the pursuit of dream and create a world of your own.
商品設計學系 知者解物 知者,為中國古代工業設計師的代稱;解物,是理解設計的 方法與脈絡。 知者在解物之後,一次次地創造了革新的設計。
Department of Product Design To know,To solve Knower is a synonym for industrial designer in ancient China. Designer's solution requires an understanding of design methods and principles. Revolutionary design is born when the knower comes up with a solution.
台南應用科技大學 Tainan University of Technology 時尚設計系 台灣金―延古意、變新意 「台灣金―延古意、變新意」是由台灣的「寶島風情」、「寶 島美饌」、「寶島新樣貌」,呈現美麗寶島的特有人文生態 及文化資產。
Department of Fashion Design Taiwan Golden ― extension of old-fashioned, change Try "Taiwan Golden ― extension of old-fashioned, change Try" reflects Taiwan's unique cultural ecology and cultural asset by featuring the island's scenery, delicacies and new faces.
多媒體動畫系 觀 「觀」來自梵文觀自在;以多媒體動畫作品,透過感官探索 世界。期許設計學子觀天下、覺人生、成為行動巨人。
Department of Multimedia and Animation ' Avalokitesvara ' "Avalokitesvara" is a Sanskrit word meaning a bodhisattva. This multi-media work features the exploration of the world through senses. It calls on every young designer to "look down upon" the world, reflect on life and be a person of action.
2014 第 33 屆新ㄧ代設計展
台南應用科技大學 Tainan University of Technology 視覺傳達設計系 「言」 視覺語言是一種重要溝通工具,本屆以「言」 形象的主軸, 意味著傳達必須藉由不斷的溝通,才能提升「言」的內涵層 次。
Department of Visual Communication Design 「Word Spoken」 Visual language is an important tool for communication. Titled "Word Spoken", this projects shows that when delivering a message, the content of the "words spoken" elevates to a higher level through constant communication.
商品設計系 史詩 本屆以「史詩」為題,意在傳達待帶設計思維與創見,每件 設計都有多元詮釋,宛如敘事詩一般,使其概念能在當代烙 下痕跡。
Department of Product Design EPIC Titled "Epic", this project reflects the thinking and creative views behind contemporary design. Every piece of design can be interpreted in multiple ways, and like a narrative poem, its concept leaves a long-lasting imprint.
室內設計系 拾空 「拾」—圓、完整、回歸、未知;「空」—三角、空間、時 間及型態基礎。 「拾」取著過去的腳步,創造未來的新「空」 間。
Department of Interior Design TIME SPACE "Time" is round, whole, cyclic and unknown. "Space" is triangular, spatial, and the basis of time and form. We move on from the footsteps of the past "time" to create "space" of the future.
崑山科技大學 Kun Shan University 視覺傳達設計系 MOI 拆解和組構不規則的拼湊,滲透進縫隙中流變出那反射自彼 此的感動共鳴,如同浪花溢散出暈染滿盈的氣泡光彩。
Graduate Institute and Department of Visual Communication Design MOI Irregular patchwork is taken apart and assembled. The light that comes through the gaps between the pieces symbolizes our shared intense feelings. The same symbolism can be found from those waves swelling to create colorful bubbles.
公共關係暨廣告系 第 12 號實驗室 第 12 號實驗室強調以媒體素養、品牌再造、自我探索及社會 參與概念,展現人我平衡與集體幸福之特色,涵蓋影音及視 覺設計之呈現。
Department of Public Relation and Advertising Lab No.12 By touching on such concepts as media literacy, rebranding, self-exploration and social involvement, "Lab No.12" talks about finding balance in interpersonal relations and collective happiness. The project includes video and visual design.
空間設計系暨環境設計研究所 拾参月 月亮在農曆 2 至 14 日逐漸飽滿為滿月的過程稱為「盈」,第 13 日是最趨近於月滿的日子。「拾參月」,如同月滿盈虧的 變化,是不斷重複自我檢視及自我提升的過程,亦是接近完 美的進程。
Department of Spatial Design and Graduate School of Environment Design Moon after the 13th night
In lunar calendar , the moon's passing from new to full between the 2nd day the 14th day is called "waxing". On the 13th day, the moon is closest to full moon. Titled conveys that waxing is a process which repeated self-examination and self-improvement until project approaches perfection.
2014 第 33 屆新ㄧ代設計展
視訊傳播設計系暨媒體藝術研究所 不知影 「不知影」是好奇心充斥著年輕世代對未來憧憬和迷惘的概 念,以創新和熱血的方式,來表達影像概念,共有 15 件作品。
Department of Motion Picture and Video and Graduate Institute of Media Arts Unknown Film The concept behind "Unknown Film" is to picture a young gernation full of curiosity, feeling hopeful but also clueless about the future. 15 works feature creative and exciting ways of presenting videos.
大同大學 Tatung University 媒體設計學系 青春, 「青春,」是青春的驗收,是未來的延續,揮灑奔放的創意, 將新生命注入影片、互動、遊戲等約 15 件作品之中。
Department of Media Design Youth Pause "Youth Pause" is a final test for the youth, continuity and unchained creativity. Designers' vitality is shown in about 15 videos, interative items and games.
工業設計學系 青春, 「青春,」是青春的驗收,是未來的延續,揮灑奔放的創意, 將新生命注入傢俱、燈具、交通工具及文創產品等約 50 件產 品之中。
Department of Industrial Design Youth Pause "Youth Pause" is a final test for the youth, continuity and unchained creativity. Designers' vitality is shown in about 50 pieces of design ranging from furniture, lighting, transport vehicles to cultural and creative products.
萬能科技大學 Vanung University 商業設計系 迸發 「迸發」是拉開保險,引爆創意的概念,展現同學們畢業製 作的思想和過程,涵蓋多媒體、包裝、視覺等設計類別,共 有 31 組作品。
Department of Commercial Design Eruption "Eruption" means to go beyond the safe bet and let one's creativity erupt. The project shows the creative process of our final-year students. 31 pieces ranging from multi-media, packaging and visual design are exhibited.
輔仁大學 Fu Jen Catholic University 應用美術學系 共瞳體 四種視點,萬象視野。四種設計的不同樣貌-視覺傳達、電 腦動畫、金工產品、室內設計,各自呈現獨特的作品,共約 50 件作品。
Department of Applied Arts Quad perspective Having four different perspectives gives you an allembracing field of vision. "Quad Perspective" shows works from four types of design: visual communication, computer animation, metalworking products, and interior design, with a total of 50 works on display.
2014 第 33 屆新ㄧ代設計展
私立復興高級商工職業學校 Fu-Hsih Trade and Arts School 美工科 百煉成鋼 - 從實力創造自信 復興美工本著落實專業技能養成,多元課程教學,使每位學 生具備專業製作與獨立創作的能力,從實做中培養實力,成 就夢想新活力!
Department of Arts and Craft Practice makes perfect-Confidence comes from inner abilities The Department of Arts and Crafts is committed to professional education which develop student specialized skills and the ability to design independently. Emphasis on hands-on experience helps students build competitive skills and achieve professional goals.
廣告設計科 百煉成鋼 - 從實力創造自信 復興商工廣設科展出的作品創新且多元,利用雙手繪製或數 位表現,造型風格可愛逗趣、清新自然或詭異華麗,令人有 耳目一新的感覺。
Department of Advertisement Design Practice makes perfect-Confidence comes from inner abilities The Department of Advertising Design presents an innovative and diverse collection of hand-drawn and digital works, which include some refreshing pieces that may look comical, unpretentious or even outlandishly extravagent.
美術科 百煉成鋼 - 從實力創造自信 復興商工美術科以扎實的手繪基礎訓練,為該科專業課程學 習的核心要求,讓學生的未來擁有多元發展的能力,利於升 學與職場的發揮。
Department of Fine Arts Practice makes perfect-Confidence comes from inner abilities The Department of Fine Arts offers specialized courses, all of which include hand-drawing as their core component. Our students have more career options and find their skills useful in both higher studies and the job market.
景文科技大學 Jinwen University of Science and Technology 視覺傳達設計系 超能計劃 超越本能,用創意迸發超能力,竭盡所能實踐如超人般的超 能計劃。我們努力挖掘潛藏靈感,無懼屢屢試煉,層層堆疊 出偉大的夢想。
Department of Visual Communication Design Hyper-Power Plan / try hard to do In order to perform beyond your innate abilities, use your creativity to trigger superpowers. Make an all-out effort to accomplish this Hyper-Power Plan like superman.
華梵大學 Huafan University 工業設計學系 BOOM 思緒的醞釀、靈光的乍現 B..O..O..M.. 迸發出腦中的無限想像 精心設計的巧思呈現於作品中。
Department of Industrial Design BOOM Thinking leads to a eureka moment. BOOM, suddenly your mind is full of imagination. You can find delicate design in our works.
2014 第 33 屆新ㄧ代設計展
環球科技大學 TransWorld University 創意商品設計系 氣 人與人之間的氛圍,人生是一抹氣息與世界相生相惜,動靜 之間,以氣使然,因為這場「氣」我們聚在一起。
Department of Creative Product Design Air There is an atmosphere among people. Every person is a breath of air that coexists with the world. Anywhere and anytime, air runs through us. It is such "air" that brings us together.
多媒體動畫設計系 元素。原樹 本次共有 9 件作品參展,有包裝設計、視覺設計類別。主題 是「元素。原樹」將元素轉化成原樹,展現所學,這一刻我 們將孕育出原樹。
Department of Multimedia and Animation Design Elemental Original Creations 9 works are in categories such as packaging and visual design. The theme of the project is "Elemental Original Creations". "Element" is represented by a "tree of origin", which symbolizes the nurturing of creative ideas.
視覺傳達設計系 零度微光 透著結束與開始之間的轉換而前進,轉換稚青態度,邁向未 知世界。雖還未從微設計中脫殼而出,但終將成為一道讓人 追尋的光芒。
Department of Visual Communication Design Glimmer。 Make a forward move between finish and restart. Be young and bold again and step into the unknown territory. The design may not stand out, but will eventually become a glimmer chased by others.
大葉大學 Da-Yeh University 視覺傳達學系 燈塔水母 透過創作與學習,不斷地累積經驗,汲取營養讓能量更加強 大,並使光芒不滅與更加堅強,如同燈塔水母不斷地延續光 芒與永續循環。
Department of Visual Communication Design Maintain The Heart City Experience comes from creating and learning. It fuels your creative energy and helps secure a lasting eruption of ideas, much like a lighthouse lighting up the dark sea.
空間設計學系 遠夢 遠夢,是一種對未來的期盼。用建築空間來探討老人公寓、 活動中心與市場之間的可能性,約 20 件作品。
Department of Architecture and Interior Design Distant Dream A distant dream signifies anticipation for the future. The project features architectural space to investigate issues regarding the possibilities between seniors' housing, common areas and markets. About 20 pieces are exhibited.
工業設計學系 繭單式 像是幼蟲蛻變成繭的過程,成就一個屬於自己的故事,回到 設計初衷,用不簡單的方式去看過程,再用簡單的方式看結 果。
Department of Industrial Design Simple design Like the larva turning itself into a cocoon and undergoing transformation, designers may enclose themselves back into the origin of their design. They first reflect on the creative process in a non-simple way and later re-examine their works using simple methods.
2014 第 33 屆新ㄧ代設計展
造型藝術學系 拾葩客 淬 煉 濃 縮 的 十 種 工 房, 在 這 裡 每 個 人 擁 有 造 形 藝 術 系 的 10%;取自諧音 PARK,好比在工房裡創作的時候一樣令人愉 悅又放鬆。
Department of Plastic Arts 10% PARK These are ten workshops extracting the essense of design. Here, everyone represents 10% of the organization. Titled "10% PARK", the project depicts an enjoyable and relaxing atmosphere resembling that of a real workshop.
國立臺灣藝術大學 National Taiwan University of Art 工藝設計學系 鬆緊代 本次展覽將以產品設計的精神結合工藝的本質,顛覆傳統的 想法、靈活運用異材質創作,大膽詮釋主題「鬆緊代」。
Department of Crafts and Design Elastic The project combines the spirit of product design and craftsmanship. We break away from convention and attempt a flexible use of various materials. This is a bold realization of the theme "Elastic".
視覺傳達學系 鬆緊代 本次主題是探討許多社會現象與人的關聯,從每個人不同的 生活經驗發掘人們真正所需的設計,激盪出各種對話。
Department of Visual Communication Design Elastic The theme of our project is to investigate the connection between social phenomena and people, wishing to discover the types of design that people really need by studying their life and enabling dialogues.
多媒體動畫藝術學系 鬆緊代 我們試圖結合日新月異的科技與自在生活的理念,「鬆緊代」 是希望取得之間的平衡。作品包含多媒體與動畫等創作形式。
Department of Multimedia and Animation Arts Elastic We combine the concept of fast-advancing technology with the idea of easy life. "Elastic" hopes to point out a balance between the two. Works include multi-medias and animations.
明志科技大學 Ming Chi University of Technology 視覺傳達設計系 捌 以「乳化反應」為元素構成「8」的型態。我們是媒介,藉由 設計美感與創意的結晶,活化了周圍,維繫了作者、作品與 使用者。
Department of Visual Communication Design Eight We use "emulsification" as the element to build a shape of a figure 8. Playing the role of a medium, desingers "activate" their surroundings with aesthetic and creative design, and help to link designers, design and users.
工業設計系 鬪點 「鬪點」,象徵當下的轉捩點,卯足全力將所有能量一次綻 放。本屆共有 35 組、75 件作品參展,包括產品、互動、視 覺等設計類別。
Department of Industrial Design Do-Dian "Do-Dian", which litterally means "comma of fighting spirit", symbolizes a turing point at present. The project represents an all-out release of our creative energy, featuring 35 works totaling 75 pieces that cover categories such as product, interactive and visual design.
2014 第 33 屆新ㄧ代設計展
明道大學 MingDao University 時尚造型學系 收藏品 TROPHY STOCK 是收藏品的概念,展出特色以試衣間為主軸, 以 5 大工坊為設計類別,約有 60 件作品。
Department of Fashion Imaging TROPHY STOCK The concept of "Trophy Stock" is about collectables. The project is built around fitting rooms and features five workshops to cover a wide range of design categories. About 60 pieces are exhibited.
數位設計學系 多 主題為「多」,由四個三角形代表著不同思考脈絡的角色, 最後相湊而成獨一型態。涵蓋遊戲、互動、視覺設計約 18 件 作品。
Department of Digital Design MULTIPLE The theme of the project is "Multiple". Four triangles symbolizing different ways of thinking come together to form a single figure. About 18 pieces ranging from games, interactive to visual design are on display.
亞東技術學院 Oriental Institute of Technology 工商業設計系 史達特 ‧ 安迪 來自不同地方的我們 為尋找夢想而踏上這條崎嶇的旅程,這 一次的旅程意味著結束…,也是另一個感動的開始。
Department of Industrial and Commercial Design Start‧Ending Coming from different directions, we embark on the same bumpy journey to pursue our dream. The end of the journey is here, but so is the start of new excitement.
世新大學 Shin Hsin University 數位多媒體設計學系 DOMAS Domas 為思維之意,亦為我們作品的化身。在新一代,伴隨 著我們用思維與創意所誕生的結晶,一起慶祝這個快樂的時 光吧!
Department of Digital Multimedia Arts DOMAS "Domas" means thinking, or the spirit behind design. In this new generation, design is the fruit of thinking and creativity. Let us celebrate these fruitful and joyful moments!
國立聯合大學 National United University 工業設計系 三點一抹 微笑沒有聲音,卻比聲音更能感染人心,無聲的言語,讓彼 此多一點靠近。一點用心,一點設計,一點感動,化一抹微 笑,三點一抹。
Department of Industrial Design THREE POINTS ONE SMILE Smile is voiceless but can be more contagious than voice. It is a voiceless language that brings people closer together. It takes the designer's heart, the design itself and sensational feelings to induce a smile. The project is called, "Three Points, One Smile." C07
中原大學 Chung Yuan Christian University 商業設計系 萬花筒 萬花筒的成像受限於鏡面,但透過轉動能有豐富變化。如同 商業設計,雖有許多外在條件限制,但設計師依然能從中發 揮無限可能。
Department of Commercial Design KALEIDOSCOPE
Image seen through a kaleidoscope is confined by its inner mirrors. But by turning the kaleidoscope, the image can have many variations. Similarly, commercial design is limited by external conditions. But the designer has a way to extract unlimited possibilities.
2014 第 33 屆新ㄧ代設計展
國立虎尾科技大學 National Formosa University 多媒體設計系 國立虎尾科技大學 此次成果作品共有 19 組,19 件作品參展,包括 2D/3D 動畫、 互動遊戲、數位典藏、數位影片,展現出熱情與無限的創意 能力。
Department of Multimedia Design National Formosa University This year, NFU presents 19 works totaling 19 pieces.They are mostly 2D and 3D animations, interactive games, digital archives and digital films showing the designers' passion and creativity. C09
國立高雄師範大學 National Kaohsiung Normal University 工業設計學系 染 設計不只是單向的表達,而是雙向的渲染過程,如同染劑與 介質的交互作用,思維的交融與創造正不斷蔓延,激盪出更 多美好的想像。
Department of Industrial Design Dye Design is like a dyeing process that goes two-way, not just expressing ideas one-way. The mingling of thoughts and the creative process expand endlessly to churn out wonderful imagination. C10
致理技術學院 Chihlee Institute of Technology 多媒體設計系 原創癮 本系展出影音動畫與微電影,類型涵蓋電腦動畫、手繪動畫 與偶動畫。此外,還有數位學習的電玩遊戲,以及 App 雲端 電子教材製作。
Department of Multimedia Design IN ORIGINAL Our animated and microcinema works cover areas such as computer, hand-drawn and puppet animation. Additionally, there are video games designed for digital learning and apps to make cloud e-textbooks.
和春技術學院 Fortune Institute of Technology 商品設計系 聚離 理念 : 為人與人之間的牽絆,也代表設計和使用者的關係。 涵蓋產品,互動,視覺等設計類別,共有 21 件作品。
Department of Product Design Gather/Separation Concept is what binds people together and connects design with its user. There are 21 pieces in categories such as product, interactive and visual design.
國立成功大學 National Cheng Kung University 工業設計學系 Q to A+ 解答,是問題的結束;解答之外,是讓世界更美好的開始。 我們找出最好的解答,藉由設計引導人們思考、帶來新的體 驗和更好的生活。
Department of Industrial Design Q to A+ Answer is the end to question. Apart from that, answer is what makes the world a better place. Designers find the best answer. By leading people to think, they help bring new experience and better living.
2014 第 33 屆新ㄧ代設計展
亞太創意技術學院 Asia-Pacific Institute of Creativity 視覺傳達設計系 轉介點 突破原有.超越自我,創意的深度在於意念的轉變、符號的 轉形、文化的轉化,以各種不同面相的思維,藉由轉介點衍 生出無限發展。
Department of Visual Communication Design Downside UP Break through your existing boundaries; surpass yourself. The depth of creativity is decided by change of thinking, evolution of symbols and transformation of culture. Think from multiple dimensions and use a medium to develop infinite possibilities.
陶瓷創意設計系 轉介點 突破原有.超越自我,創意的深度在於意念的轉變、符號的 轉形、文化的轉化,以各種不同面相的思維,藉由轉介點衍 生出無限發展。
Department of Ceramic Creativity and Design Downside UP Break through your existing boundaries; surpass yourself. The depth of creativity is decided by change of thinking, evolution of symbols and transformation of culture. Think from multiple dimensions and use a medium to develop infinite possibilities.
數位媒體設計系 轉介點 突破原有.超越自我,創意的深度在於意念的轉變、符號的 轉形、文化的轉化,以各種不同面相的思維,藉由轉介點衍 生出無限發展。
Department of Digital Media Design Downside UP Break through your existing boundaries; surpass yourself. The depth of creativity is decided by change of thinking, evolution of symbols and transformation of culture. Think from multiple dimensions and use a medium to develop infinite possibilities.
樹德科技大學 Shu-Te University 視覺傳達設計系 洄游 展出內容涵蓋平面、多媒體、包裝設計類別。從創作的原點 出發,在旅程中探索自我,展現創作的潛能,回饋於土地。
Department of Visual Communication Design Migration The works exhibited are in categories such as graphic, multi-media and packaging design. Designers begin with an original idea, embark on a journey of exploring themselves, show their creative potential, and the final work is what they give back to their homeland.
流行設計系 實衣著形 本展演是以伊甸園中亞當與夏娃的無花果葉進行發想,除了 當伊甸園生活中流行造型反思,創作中我們持續力求作品精 細度與自我挑戰。
Department of Fashion Design Experiment Clothing Formation This project is inspired by the fig leaves worn by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Besides reflecting on the fig leave dress itself, we strive for more sophisticated works and challenge ourself during the creative process.
生活產品設計系 微繫 本次共 27 件作品參展,包括工業設計、工藝設計。主題是微 繫,透過一些設計的想法,串起人事物間的情感,單純、體 貼、直指人心。
Department of Product Design Simply Connect The project features 27 works in categories such as industrial and craft design. Under the theme "Simply Connect", these works build emotional connection between people, events and objects through ideas of design. They are simple, comforting and point directly to people's heart.
2014 第 33 屆新ㄧ代設計展
南臺科技大學 Southern Taiwan University 視覺傳達設計系 初出出初 本次共有 26 組、55 件作品參展,包括視覺設計、原創動畫、 互動媒體等。展現南臺視覺傳達設計系以及呈現台南文化創 新的趨勢。
Department of Visual Communication Design Premiere of Maiden Blossom 26 works totaling 55 pieces are exhibited. They include works of visual design, original animation and interactive media. The project shows you the innovative trends currently embraced by this department and by Tainan's cultural community.
多媒體與電腦娛樂科學系 樂設廠 GAMEBAGE 樂設代表著「快樂的設計」,概念由此而生。本次共有 20 件 作品展出,包括各種類型的遊戲和 3D 動畫,將展現快樂設計 的氛圍。
Department of Multimedia and Entertainment Science GAMEBAGE GAMEBAGE stands for "design with joy". The project consists of 20 pieces covering various types of game and 3D animation, which create an atmosphere of "joyful design".
創新產品設計系 一代質人 探究物件面向的參質感。本質 - 核心的原貌。物質 - 賦予輪 廓性質的共鳴。介質 - 聯繫之間的媒介。
Department of Creative Product Design New Chapter, One Generation. This project investigates objects' quality. "Nature" is the core of object in its original form. "Substance" gives objects their contours and makes them resonate. "Medium" is the linkage between objects.
資訊傳播系 TENGO 結合了「影音、新聞、互動」的技術,表達出新世代多元的 觀點。一起來探討人生、科學、情感、環境變遷與文化衝擊。
Department of Information and Communication TENGO The project combines video, news and interative technology and reflects the diverse views of the new generation. Join us for a discussion on life, science, emotions, environmental changes and cultural impact.
國立臺灣科技大學 National Taiwan University of Science and Technology 創意設計學士班 次類思考 「次類思考」說明設計過程中,破除窠臼束縛,尋找更多可 能。領域涵蓋產品設計、平面設計、視覺等設計類別。
Design Undergraduate Honors Program Think Atypical "Think-atypical" describes how designers, while designing, break away from set patterns and constraints to seek more possibilities. This project involves product, graphic and visual design.
工商業設計系 次類思考 「次類思考」說明設計過程中,破除窠臼束縛,尋找更多可 能。領域涵蓋產品 設計、平面設計、視覺等設計類別。
Department of Industrial and Commercial Design Think Atypical "Think-atypical" describes how designers, while designing, break away from set patterns and constraints to seek more possibilities. This project involves product, graphic and visual design.
2014 第 33 屆新ㄧ代設計展
長榮大學 Chang Jung Christian University 媒體設計科技學系 梭 梭以創作者與欣賞者的解與讀為概念,透過絲縷展現創意, 穿梭其中找出箇中奧妙,作品涵蓋影視動畫、互動、視覺設 計類別。
Department of Computer Aided Media Design SHUTTLE "Shuttle" talks about artists and audience' interpretation and comprehension. Threads symbolize creativity while shuttle symbolizes the designer trying to find solutions. The project involves video, interactive and visual design.
國立雲林科技大學 National Yunlin University of Science and Technology 工業設計系 擬 在模擬與感受之中,穿透生活。深入揭露,發掘不理想的偽 裝;擬身反思,再造生活美好想像。擬,是觸動生活的開始。
Department of Industrial Design LIFE INSIDE We mimic and feel life so that we can penetrate it. Once we get inside it, we can disclose the pretense that makes it imperfect. We mimic to reflect on life and build the ideal life. Inspirations about life begin with mimicry.
創意生活設計系 白光 此次展覽以白光傳達創設系學生整合設計的能量,展出作品 涵蓋視覺、產品、場域等設計類別,約有 90 件作品。
Department of Creative Design Light This project uses "light" to convey our students' ability to create integrated design. There are about 90 pieces covering such design areas as visual, product and field design.
建築與室內設計系 構境 構境是以建築情境引發心理感知的概念,透過建築語彙及手 法,使建築與自然平衡共存;涵蓋建築、室內等設計類別, 約有 9 件作品。
Department of Architecture and Interior Design The Scenario of Composing This project discusses the psychological perception of architectural scenario. Architectural language and technique create a balance between architecture and nature and allow the two to coexist. There are about 9 pieces which cover a range of design categories, including architecture and interior.
視覺傳達設計系 實境秀 「實境秀」的展覽概念源自於「文化」。文化乃「人文化成」, 透過新星設計師的角度觀察、體現,演出一場文化的實境秀。
Department of Visual Communication Design LIVE The concept of "Live" is inspired by designer's understanding of "culture". According to Chinese classics, culture is the human understanding of the world. "Live" is like a culture's reality show performed through the eyes of young designers.
數位媒體設計系 躍向 3.333 涵蓋動畫、互動遊戲、數位加值三大核心領域。以創意結合 媒體運算科技,融入視覺美感與邏輯思考,展出 20 多件數位 內容應用作品。
Department of Digital Media Design Leaping Towards 3.333 The project covers three core areas of design: animation, interactive game and value-added digital design. Behind creative use of media technology, there is aesthetics and logical thinking. More than 20 pieces of digital content application are exhibited.
2014 第 33 屆新ㄧ代設計展
嶺東科技大學 Ling Tung University 科技商品設計系 源自於 一段未被說完的話語,設計師總會用無限的創意來道盡一切。 就像在生活中不完善的設計,在設計師心中都有無盡的解答。
Department of Technological Product Design Originated From Imperfect life is like unfinished speech. Designers use their endless creativity to complete the missing parts. Designers always have a solution for imperfection.
視覺傳達設計系 上癮 我們對設計的執著與迷戀成為一種癮,檢視最基本的核心價 值,尋找一份專屬於設計人的血液 CMY,創作出能量補給的 熱血。
Department of Visual Communication Design OBSESSED Our commitment and obsession with design is like an addiction. We examine the most basic core value and search for the Cyan-Magenta-Yellow (CMY) in the "designer's blood". The aim is to create the fuel for designer's passion.
數位媒體設計系 覺境 藉視覺和聽覺整合設計,我們希望能傳達創意思想,帶給觀 眾不同的感知境界。
Department of Digital Content Design Awesome Vision "Awesome Vision" combines visual and auditory design to convey the designer's idea and to bring visitors sensory experience on a different dimension.
開南大學 Kainan University 資訊傳播系 視掘 希望藉由實際拍攝作品與規劃、參與展覽,表現學生於校內 學習「資訊傳播相關領域之科技」成果,並透過「視覺」與「視 掘」的諧音讓觀者以眼睛挖掘作品的含意。
Department of Information Communications Shi Jue Students film the works, plan for and participate in the exhibition as a way to demonstrate the results of their study. Using the word "Shi Jue" to imply "digging with eyes" ("visual"), this project uses a homophonic pun to encourage visitors to "look into" the works. G02
玄奘大學 Hsuan Chuang University 視覺傳達設計學系 催化媒 設計師的存在是將生活改善,這就像催化劑在化學過程的反 應,我們在這之中與生活進行調和、建立平衡點,將創意集 結成最完美的結晶。
Department of Visual Communication Design Catalyzer The mission of designer is to make life better, like a catalyst enabling a whole chain of chemical reactions. Designers try to harmonize with life and establish a balancing point with it. Their works are the refined products of their creativity.
藝術與創意設計學系 藝 「藝」是文化再創新的概念,展出品兼具專業領域及在地文 化特色,涵蓋玻璃、金工、版印等設計類別,共有 15 件作品。
Department of Art and Creative Design Art "Art" describes the re-innovation of culture. 15 pieces ranging from glassworks, metalworks to prints combine specialized skills with local culture.
2014 第 33 屆新ㄧ代設計展
華夏技術學院 Hwa Hsia Institute of Technology 數位媒體設計系 燃媒計畫 身處在這一個數位的時代,我們以現代數位媒體結合復古科 幻題材為概念,建立獨具一格的創新,代表我們彼此創造夢 想。
Department of Digital Media Design Fired Project Since we are living in the digital era, we combine digital media with classic sci-fic topics. "Fired Project" is a peculiar and creative piece that expresses our joint effort to make dreams come true. G04
國立高雄第一科技大學 National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology 創新設計工程系 創‧新‧設‧計 主題表達本系是新創的系,全新的創意,此次共 15 件作品參 展,展現概念即商品與量產的理念。
Department of Innovation Design Engineering Innovation Design Coming from a newly established design department, this project has some "whole new" innovations to show you. A total of 15 pieces talk about product and mass production.
修平科技大學 Hsiuping University of Science and Technology 數位媒體設計系 生活與機會 主題是機會與生活的概念,展出特色是以數位媒體結合生活, 涵蓋產品、互動、視覺等設計類別,約有 16 件作品。
Department of Digital Media Design Life and Chance The theme of this project is "Life and Chance". About 16 pieces ranging from product, interactive to visual design feature a combination of digital media and life.
崇右技術學院 Chungyu Institute of Technology 商品設計系 崇生 設計源自於生活體驗,而創新則為生活注入新的元素,「崇 生」代表我們對原創設計的堅持與責任,從心開始、重新設 計。
Department of Product Design Chung-Sheng Design comes from everyday experience. Innovation injects new elements into everyday life. We call our commitment to original design "Chung-Sheng". We design with all our heart and rethink the meaning of design.
視覺傳達設計系 樂視覺 樂視覺是以「享受設計 歡樂視覺」的概念,包括視覺、包裝、 數位多媒體等設計類別,約有 21 件作品參展。
Department of Visual Communication Design Enjoy Visual The concept behind this project is "enjoy design, create enjoyable visual design". About 21 pieces ranging from visual, packaging to digital multi-media design are exhibited.
數位媒體設計系 苒苒 「苒苒」表現邁入職場的學子以腦身心創造美好理想的概念, 展出特色以多元生命力、創意力,涵蓋產品、互動、視覺等, 約 17 件作品。
Department of Digital Media Design Flourishing "Flourishing" expresses how students entering the job market wish to fulfill wonderful ideals by the power of their brain, body and heart. About 17 exhibits show different types of vitality and creativity ranging from product, interactive and visual design.
2014 第 33 屆新ㄧ代設計展
國立臺北教育大學 National Taipei University of Education 藝術與造形設計學系 裸 裸造字本義:脫光衣服,裸露身體。作品是作者的延伸、概 念與創意的融合,設計者的想法一絲不掛的毫無遮掩呈現在 眼前。
Department of Arts and Design Nude "Nude", by definition, means "unclothed" or "naked". Design is an extension of the desinger's self; it is a combination of concept and creativity. Through design, designers reveal their thoughts uncovered.
數位科技設計學系 迴遊 徜徉於數位的新時代,展出多元作品橫跨PC、平版、機台、 體感互動等各式遊戲,帶你回歸耐人尋味的童年,找回最純 粹真實的自己。
Department of Digital Technology Design Replay Works cover PC, tablet, arcade game and sensor-based interactive game. The project looks back at childhood memories shared by many living in the digital age and allows people to find their original self.
亞洲大學 Asia University 視覺傳達設計學系 複數完形 不同的設計,面對不同的對象,跨越不同的困難與挑戰,但 是我們擁有著一樣的目標,就是在設計中,找到屬於每份事 物最純粹的價值。
Department of Visual Communication Design Integrity of Doubles Different works of design target different people and have different difficulty and challenge to overcome. But designers have one common goal, that is, to find out the original value of objects through design.
創意商品設計系 形成層 所有的設計,都是形成的過程。熱誠與積極的,堆疊了一層 又一層的思維與經驗「形成層」是小樹得以成為巨木的關鍵。
Department of Creative Product Design Forming Layer All design is part of a formation process. Passionately and painstakingly, designers put one layer of thoughts and experience on top of another to build up "formation layers", which are crucial for design to take root and come to fruition.
數位媒體設計學系 遞新引力 新穎有趣的點子,經由傳遞在我們腦中碰撞出耀眼的火花。 展出內容包括動畫類及互動遊戲類,共有 14 件作品。
Department of Digital Media Design New Gravity Fresh and interesting ideas clash against one another in our mind to spark inspirations. A total of 14 pieces are in categories such as animation and interactive game.
南華大學 Nanhua University 建築與景觀學系 築觀 面對當今的環境議題,我們必須打破「建築」與「景觀」之 間的藩籬,以融合再生的作法,修補人與自然間的和諧關係。
Department of Architecture and Landscape Design Environment-patching Faced with the current environmental issues, we need to break down the barriers between "architecture" and "landscape", using intergration and regenaration methods to mend the man-nature relationship.
2014 第 33 屆新ㄧ代設計展
南華大學 Nanhua University 創意產品設計學系 片刻 本系之應屆畢業生以「Moment」為主要題目,以捕捉瞬間的 感受衍生出瞬間即永恆部分作品透過仿生來設計得以抓住那 瞬間的感受。
Department of Creative Product Design Moment These current graduates adopt "Moment" as their main topic. Works capture instant feelings to show eternity in an instant. Some works do so through bionic design.
視覺與媒體藝術學系 奇珍藝獸 奇珍藝獸為本次的展出主題,展出特色是結合傳統與當代, 涵蓋油畫、水墨、立體造型和數位藝術等設計與藝術類別。
Department of Visual and Media Arts The Fantastic Art Monster Within Called "The Fantastic Art Monster Within", this project combines traditional and contemporary arts, covering categories such as oil and ink wash paintings, 3D design and digital art.
傳播學系 玖攝玖相 這是一群熱愛影像的傳播系玖玖級學生,我們搭上飄往夢想 路的風船,用最純熟的手法與真摯情感,讓你們聽見南華傳 播魂的心跳聲,共享今年盛夏最填祕密的回憶。
Department of Communication CHIU-SHE-CHIU-HSIANG Obsessed with image design, we are communications majors from a 2010 class. We are pursuing our dream; our works reflect skills and dedication. They represent the heart beats of Nan Hua's Department of Communication. May the exhibition become our best shared memory this summer.
國立屏東科技大學 National Pingtung University of Science and Technology 木材科學與設計系 擁生樹 科學與設計融合的結晶,淬煉出一個個不凡的作品,產品到 工藝,空間到包裝,有如蘊藏已久的種子,期待,迸發。
Department of Wood Science and Design Tree of Life These are exceptional works combining science and design. From product to craft, from space to packaging, these works are like long-dormant seeds waiting to germinate ferociously.
長庚大學 Chang Gung University 工業設計學系 賦語 「賦語」設計理念的累積與孕育,終焉誕生。 關於感官與使 用者之間不言而喻的交流,不變的本質是人類集體感情的共 同記憶和吶喊。
Department of Industrial Design Full It The concept behind "Full It" is long-awaited birth after accumulation and breeding. It talks about the indescribable exchange between senses and their owner. What stays unchanged are the memories and shouts in people's collective pool of emotions. G12
國立新竹教育大學 National Hsinchu University of Education 藝術與設計學系 潛熱 本展覽包含 5 大工藝設計領域,結合時尚的創新靈感、細膩 的工藝技術,與深厚的人文關懷,呈現出獨特的新面向。
Department of Arts and Design Potential This project spans five areas of craft design, combines innovative ideas from fashion, refined craftsmanship with a sophisticated understanding of humanity to reflect a unique and new dimension of design.
2014 第 33 屆新ㄧ代設計展
國立高雄大學 National University of Kaohsiung 創意設計與建築學系 水星人 「水星人」是主導創造力的水星 概念,涵蓋景觀、視覺傳達、 金屬工藝、木質媒材、塑性媒材、文化產品設計,約有 35 件 作品。
Department of Creative Design and Architecture Society Mercur Based on the concept that Mercury commands people's creativity, this project includes about 35 works which involve landscape, visual, metal craft, carpentry, plastic and cultural product design. G14
中華大學 Chung Hua University 工業產品設計學系 初 本次共有 27 組 27 件作品參展,以產品設計為主,以中華大 學工業展品設計系第一屆初試啼聲之姿參加新一代設計展。
Department of Industrial Design Initial There are 27 works totaling 27 pieces, mostly product design. The newly-established Department of Industrial Design, Chung Hua University, is sending its first class of student designers to YODEX.
佛光大學 Fo Guang University 產品與媒體設計學系 世間解 佛陀修行獲取知識以理解世間,透過幾何造形分別所代表的 知識、技術與無限創意,期許能以設計能力來解決問題,成 為「世間解」。
Department of Product and Media Design Lokavid Buddha comprehends the world through practice. In this project, the geometric figures represent knowledge, skills and infinite creativity. It is hoped that designers can solve problems and attain what is known as "Lokavid", or "knowing the world", in Buddhism.
正修科技大學 Cheng Shiu University 時尚生活創意設計系 回鑠 本次共有 15 組,70 件作品參展,包括立體類、平面類及工 藝類等類別。 主題為「回鑠」,展現找回設計的初衷。
Department of Modern Living and Creative Design Purely There are 15 works totaling 70 pieces, ranging from 3D works, graphic design to crafts. The theme is "Purely", which means to rediscover the designer's original intention.
醒吾科技大學 Hsing Wu University 數位設計系 告白 本次主題名為告白,展出特色內容為虛擬影視動畫與 3D 水晶 內雕,涵蓋產品、互動、視覺等設計類別,約有數件作品。
Department of Digital Design LOVE Called "Love", this project includes serveral pieces featuring virtual animation and 3D crystal sculpturing, covering categories such as product, interactive and visual design.
商業設計系 CD-LOVE 主題名為LOVE,整體視覺以戀愛.告白為設計概念,本 次有兩組作品參展,其內容包含茶類、琉璃產品設計、包裝 設計等類別。
Department of Commercial Design CD-LOVE Titled "Love", this project features a design theme of "love and confession". Two works are exhibited. They cover tea product, glass product and packaging design.
2014 第 33 屆新ㄧ代設計展
醒吾科技大學 Hsing Wu University 時尚造形系 戀愛。告白 歐式風格主題館展出,彷彿走在歐洲街道上感受時尚的薰陶, 則會場將會展式時尚產品,時尚走秀與定點櫥窗展示。
Department of Fashion Design 2014 Fall In Love This project is exhibited at a pavillion featuring a European theme. There, visitors feel as if they are walking on a European street surrounded by fashion shops. There are also fashion products, fashion shows and display windows.
資訊傳播系 攝視 7 º C 主題「攝視 7 º C」,表示本次為資傳系第 7 屆展覽外,也意 涵著 7 度 C 是最適合創意保鮮的概念,學生藉影片、圖像、 遊戲等多元作品呈現主題。
Department of Information Communication Fresh Vision 7 º C The title "Fresh Vision 7 º C" not only reminds visitors that this is a project by students from the 7th class of this department, it also conveys the idea that 7 º C is the ideal "temperature" to keep creativity fresh. Students employ a wide variety of mediums, including videos, images and games.
黎明技術學院 Lee-Ming Institute of Technology 創意產品設計系 記動 悸動 幻想與現實中徘徊,傳統與科技的匯流,大膽而含蓄,孕育 設計於悸動之中。抱持著最真摯的夢想與憧憬,踏上這個舞 台。
Department of Innovative Product Design Design Motion Designers explore between fantasy and reality, combine tradition with technology, be bold and reserved at the same time, and eventually create the design at the height of emotion. People choosing to become designers have the most sincere dream and expectation.
台北海洋技術學院 Taipei College of Maritime Technology 數位遊戲與動畫設計系 三度衝擊 廣闊的宇宙,有我們嚮往的空間,「三度衝擊」涵蓋遊戲、 動畫、多媒體,不僅是聽覺及視覺的享受,更有爆炸性創意 與規模性衝擊。
Department of Digital Game and Animation Design Thrice Impact In the vast universe, there are places which we long for. "Thrice Impact" consists of games, animations and multimedias, which are not only pleasant to the ears and eyes, but also demonstrate explosive creativity and extensive impact. G21
遠東科技大學 Far East University 數位媒體設計與管理系 豐色 「豐色」是取自於俗字「艷」的發想概念。我們秉持超脫常 理的思想,讓「艷」字能夠表達更跳脫世俗如同我們創作一 樣的趨勢。
Department of Digital Media Design and Management Vibrant The Chinese title of this project 豐色("rich color", or "vibrant") is derived from the Chinese character 艷 (colorfulness). By breaking apart a Chinese character, we wish to convey the idea that as designers, we need to break away from fixed patterns.
創意商品設計與管理系 成局 遠東科大商設系第一屆畢業班,主題「成局」共有 17 組作品 展出,包括創意生活商品、傢俱、文創商品以及安全逃生設 備等設計類別。
Department of Creative Product Design and Management Change The first graduating class of Far East University's Department of Creative Product Design present this project titled "Change". 17 works are exhibited. The design uses mediums such as home product, furniture, cultural and creative product and emergency evacuation facility.
2014 第 33 屆新ㄧ代設計展
德明財經科技大學 Takming University of Science and Technology 多媒體設計系 初綻 象徵 4 年學習成果的綻放,也是本系首次參加新一代,展出 多媒體和視覺傳達設計等作品,期待大家看到玻璃屋中綻露 的光芒。
Department of Multimedia Design First Light The project is a demonstration of the students' knowledge and skills learned over the past four years. With "First Light", this is our first appearance at YODEX. The project includes multi-media and visual design. We hope our works behind the display window will catch visitors' attention. G23
國立臺南大學 National University of Tainan 國立臺南大學美術學系 腦子體操 每件作品的產生都像是在用我們的大腦做體操,我們絞盡腦 汁,我們創意激發,我們日夜顛倒,但我們也樂在其中,更 樂此不疲。
Department of Fine Arts Brain Gymnastics The creation of a work is like a round of brain gymnastics. We think painstaking and creatively around the clock. For us, it is an enjoyable and intersting process.
國立臺南大學動畫媒體設計研究所 腦子體操 每件作品的產生都像是在用我們的大腦做體操,我們絞盡腦 汁,我們創意激發,我們日夜顛倒,但我們也樂在其中,更 樂此不疲。
Graduate Institute of Animation Media Design Brain Gymnastics The creation of a work is like a round of brain gymnastics. We think painstaking and creatively around the clock. For us, it is an enjoyable and intersting process.
東南科技大學 Tungnan University 數位媒體設計系 台灣喂 「聽你說的遙遠」微電影、「IDIOM 台灣喂」圖文書、「懶 茶 Lazy Tea」茶具設計及「漫遊深坑 - 簪纓街」深坑導覽展出。
Department of Digital Media Design IDIOM We are proud to introduce "A Voice from a Land Far Away", a microcinema work; "IDIOM", an picture book; "Lazy Tea", a specially-designed tea set; "Shenkeng Walk", a tourist guide for Shenkeng, Taipei.
室內設計系 流動。蛻變 流動是無限的空間創造和想像延伸,以 20 呎貨櫃為單元,試 圖思考在蛻變的過程中,如何尋求各個階段的空間需求與環 境對應。
Department of Interior Design Mobility。Change "Mobility" is the infinite creation of space and extension of imagination. Using 20-feet-long container as the unit, this project investigates the question that, in any transformation, how does the demand for space corresponds to the environment during different stages?
創意產品設計系 微溫 我們希望好的產品能體貼、關心使用者的心裡感受,本次展 覽以微溫為題,從心出發,用產品帶給使用者溫暖,在平凡 中找尋無限可能。
Department of Creative Product Design Tepid A good product is user-friendly and shows care for its users. This project is titled "Tepid" and conveys the message that we design with all our heart, and hope our products give users warmth and help them find infinite possibilities in ordinary things.
2014 第 33 屆新ㄧ代設計展
東南科技大學 Tungnan University 資訊管理系 互動多媒體遊戲 - 節慶來逗陣 中華文化博大精深,總有故事值得相傳。以台灣重要的 6 個 節慶為題材,從互動體感遊戲著手,利用互動媒體裝置,在 體感遊戲中學習。
Department of Information Management Festival Club Chinese culture is extensive and profound and has a whole lot of stories worth spreading. This interactive project allows visitors to learn about 6 important Taiwanese festivals while playing kinetic games using interactive devices.
營建與空間設計系 軌 軌可以定義為線性,有無限的創造力量和想像延伸,此次東 南科大營建與空間設計系將以建築景觀設計為軌,以無限的 創造力豐富世界。
Department of Construction and Spatial Design LOCUS "Locus" can be defined as being linear and having infinite creative power and imagination. The "locus" of this project is architectural and landscape design. We wish to enrich the world with infinite creativity.
I 01
義大利 Italy Istituto Marangoni 時尚設計學院 - 米蘭、巴黎、倫敦 Fashion School-Milano Paris London 針對男女服裝及針織衣 設計做展現,包括時尚造型、時尚攝影、數位時尚設計和頂 級珠寶設計、奢華飾品設計,全方位展現出義大利時尚趨勢。 Istituto Marangoni the Fashion School (Milan, Paris, London) Fashion School-Milano Paris London showcase men and women's clothing and knitted works, covering categories such as fashion design, fashion photography, digital fashion design, high-end jewelry design and luxury accessories design. This gives visitors a comprehensive view of Italy's fashion trends. Istituto Marangoni 米蘭設計學院 Design School-Milano 展出義大利空間設計與產品設計,涵 蓋精品零售空間設計、奢華交通工具內裝設計、表面與織品 設計、感性與 SPA 空間設計等學生作品。 Istituto Marangoni Design School Milan Design School-Milano showcases Italian spatial and product design, including boutique spatial design, luxury car interior design, surface and texture design and spa design.
I 02
義大利 Italy NABA 米蘭藝術大學 來自建築、動畫、藝術、室內設計領域,共 4 組、12 件歐美 學生作品參展,主題是「Global Art & Design」,表達未來全 球藝術暨設計概念與趨勢。 Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti Milano (NABA) 4 works consisting of 12 pieces by European and American students are on display. "Global Art & Design" shows some of the newest global trends in art and design.
2014 第 33 屆新ㄧ代設計展
I 03
義大利 Italy DA 設計碩士學院 來自建築、動畫、藝術、室內設計領域,共 4 組、12 件歐美 學生作品參展,主題是「Global Art & Design」,表達未來全 球藝術暨設計概念與趨勢。 Domus Academy 4 works consisting of 12 pieces by European and American students are on display. "Global Art & Design" shows some of the newest global trends in art and design.
I 04
加拿大 Canada 溫哥華媒體藝術學院 共有 5 組、6 件作品參展,包括動漫、網路開發與互動設計、 遊戲美術設計及影視特效 。主題為 VanArts Showcase,展現 加拿大在動漫與數位內容領域的趨勢。 Vancouver Institute of Media Arts(VanArts) 5 works consisting of 6 pieces are on display. They include animation, comics, web development, game art design and visual effects. VanArts Showcase shows the current trends in animation, comics and digital content in Canada.
I 05
美國 The United States NSAD 建築暨設計大學 來自建築、動畫、藝術、室內設計領域,共 4 組、12 件歐美 學生作品參展,主題是「Global Art & Design」,表達未來全 球藝術暨設計概念與趨勢。 NewSchool of Architecture + Design 4 works consisting of 12 pieces by European and American students are on display. "Global Art & Design" shows some of the newest global trends in art and design.
I 06
美國 The United States 舊金山藝術大學 主題是創意之旅 " Design Journey " 的概念,展出特色是跨界 設計與互動,涵蓋產品、互動、視覺等設計類別,約有 300 件作品。 Academy of Art University The theme of this exhibition is "Design Journey", featuring designs and interactions that transcend individual fields. Design projects, design interactions, and visual designs are some of the categories present, with over 300 works in total.
I 07
美國 The United States Ai 藝術學院 本次共 50 件作品參展,包括產品、平面、動畫、服裝、視覺、 室 內、 廣 告、 烹 飪 等 設 計 類 別。 主 題 : WHO IS CREATING TOMORROW? 誰能創造流行設計,展現未來潮流趨勢。 The Art Institutes We showcase a total 50 works covering categories such as product, graphic, animation, fashion, visual, interior, advertising and culinary design. The theme is "Who is creating tomrrow?" We ask, who can create the most fashionable design and anticipate the trend of the future?
I 08
美國 The United States 薩凡納藝術設計學院 主題為「動。靜」,展現不同類別的設計走向融合的趨勢。 共有 3 組、15 件作品參展,包括平面設計、動態圖像設計和 視覺藝術類別。 Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) Our theme is "movement and still". Works feature convergence of different design categories. 3 works totaling 15 pieces are on display, including graphic design, motion graphic design and visual art.
2014 第 33 屆新ㄧ代設計展
I 09
日本 Japan 文化學園大學造形學部 共 10 組、約 15 件作品參展,包括產品、互動、視覺、建築 等設計類別。展出造型學部畢業研究優秀作品,展現本科教 育內容及成果。 Bunka Gakuen University, Faculty of Art and Design 10 works totaling 15 pieces are on display, covering categories such as product, visual and architectural design. These are selected works from our graduating students who take the opportunity to showcase what they have learned.
I 10
日本 Japan 大阪綜合設計專門學校 主題為「日本設計驚喜發現展」,特色為日本各領域學校的 作品,展現日本特有的設計,約有 100 件作品照片、20 件作 品。 Osaka Sogo College of Design Featuring "Surprise design from Japan", our exhibition showcases works from schools specializing in different design fields. About 100 photos of our works and 20 actual works are on display to show visitors the features of Japan's design.
I 11
日本 Japan 武藏野美術大學 主題為「日本設計驚喜發現展」,特色為日本各領域學校的 作品,展現日本特有的設計,約有 100 件作品照片、20 件作 品。 Musashino Art University Featuring "Surprise design from Japan", our exhibition showcases works from schools specializing in different design fields. About 100 photos of our works and 20 actual works are on display to show visitors the features of Japan's design.
台灣創意設計中心 Taiwan Design Center 台灣創意設計中心是台灣創意產業發展整合服務平台,為提 升設計人才原創能力、促進國際設計交流、加強產業市場競 爭力,並奠定企業發展自有品牌基礎,提高產業附加價值的 國家級設計中心。 Taiwan Design Center is a national design center that provides an integrated services platform for the development of the creative industries in Taiwan. The center has set its sights on enhancing the innovative capacity of design talent, promote international design exchanges, strengthen the competitiveness of Taiwan design in the industrial market, and lay the foundation for companies to develop their own brands and increase industrial added value.
設計,不只有創意概念得獎而已。展出台灣優勢產業與新一 設計產學合作示範區 Young Designer's Incubator
代設計人才合作的示範案例,並透過業界與學界共同發表「產 學合作宣言」,發展台灣成為傲視全球的設計產學創新基地。 Design in Taiwan is not merely a creative concept for winning awards. And by exhibiting typical examples of Taiwan's competitive industries working together with the new generation of design talent, and through the "Industry-Academic Cooperation” announcement to further collaboration between industry and academia, Taiwan will develop into an industry-academia innovation base that is the envy of the world. design 設計雜誌以「創意、設計、品牌行銷」為主軸,提供 最新國內外設計分析與趨勢,為指標性專業設計資訊平台。 Published for more than 30 years, design is a periodical focusing on the latest global first-hand design information. 不只是圖書館為國內最具設計專業資訊的場域,擁有超過兩 萬冊設計期刊及藏書;今年將陸續推出更多元型態的內容。 Not Just Library with more than 20,000 design magazines and books, is the most professional and diverse area in design field with its diversity. 亞洲第一個美國創新中心 (AIC),由美國在台協會與台創共同 設置,以推廣數位學習及創新資訊為主要服務。 American Innovation Center (AIC) in Taiwan is the first center in Asia to promote digital learning and information about innovation.
2014 第 33 屆新ㄧ代設計展
S1 樹德企業股份有限公司 Shuter Enterprise Co., Ltd.
樹德企業成立於 1969 年,為台灣最具規模之收納產品製造 商。研發設計團隊共 15 人,以美學與創新為重要設計概念, 並透過產品創造品牌價值,現已行銷全球 70 餘國。 Established in 1969, SHUTER Enterprise is a well-known manufacturer and supplier of storage products in Taiwan. We have a R&D team of more than 15 specialists, who develop technically innovative and asthetically competitive products. Our state-of-the-art products are sold worldwide in over 70 countries.
S2 巨匠電腦股份有限公司 Gjun Information Co., Ltd.
巨匠電腦是全國第一家獲 SGS 認證、數位『AAA 級』認證的 原廠訓練中心,致力設計教學達 28 年,全國最大 70 家直營 分校、培訓 100 萬名學員。 Gjun is the first training center for SGS certification and “AAA Grade” for e-learning contents. Gjun is committed to digital design teaching for 28 years and which has 70 branch schools and one million students.
S3 聯成電腦教育訓練中心 Lien Cheng Computer Training Center
聯成電腦 23 年來已培訓 20 萬餘名創意設計人才,透過不一 樣的教學觀點與技術,不出國門就能與世界接軌,成就你的 設計夢想。 We provides comprehensive training to individuals hoping to expand their design skills in their current profession, and to those who wish to prepare themselves for a new career.
頤坊皮藝創業於 1980 年,是專業、資深的皮革工藝材料商, 專為全球的皮革工藝創作者提供其所需的材料和工具。產品 線完整,馳名全球逾 30 年。 Since 1980, Ivan Leathercraft has been a professional provider of leathercraft products. Our product line is one of the most complete in the industry.
S5 輝柏股份有限公司 Faber-Castell
Faber-Castell 是世界上最早的書寫工具公司,二百五十幾年 來一向由其家族進行經營管理,品牌至今享譽全世界。目前 Faber-Castell 集團已擁有十五座生產工廠和十九家遍佈全球 的分公司。針對不同年齡、使用者設計出不同產品 ; 範圍涵 蓋書寫、繪畫、孩童創意等多元系列,每一項產品除了品質、 極具設計感之外,對於無毒安全製程、環境維護的社會責任 也非常重視。 Faber-Castell, established in 1761 by the cabinet maker Kaspar Faber (1730-1784†), is one of the oldest industrial companies in the world. The company is the world’s leading manufacturer of wood-cased pencils and a varied range of products for writing, drawing and creative design, as well as decorative cosmetics. Faber-Castell is renowned for its high quality, innovative products, commitment to tradition, and environmental awareness.
2014 第 33 屆新ㄧ代設計展
S6 博彩有限公司 Professional Office Art Supply
博彩有限公司是一家集 60 年進口經驗之綜合貿易商,所有有 關設計、建築、DIY、畫材之設備、工具、耗材皆一應俱全。 公司採全方位服務的服務精神,為業界及所有消費者解決任 何疑難雜症,我們亦隨時因應時代的改變而提供及時又有效 能的服務。期待您的任何諮詢與蒞臨。 "POAS" means "Professional Office Art Supply”, our company is a leader in Design, DIY, Art Supply market more over 60 years’ experience.We are The Total Solution to our dealer & user; we also are NAMTA member over 30 years. We waiting your coming & require.
成立於 1996 年,易禧提供業界領先的專業設計課程,超過 20,000 學生與易禧一同追求一個共同的夢想 : 創造、創意、 改變。 EC Design School was established in 1996. We provide hands-on education in creative and applied arts. We have more than 20,000 students who pursue their dreams in design and media art professions.