Graduation Program 2024/5784

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Yeshivah of Flatbush Joel Braverman High School

The Seventy-first



Thursday, the sixth of June

Two thousand twenty four 5:00 p.m.

1 ןמרברב לאוי םש לע שובטלפ תבישי לש ןוכיתה רפסה תיב
רייא ט”כ ישימח םוי ד”פשת ברעב שמח העשב

Yeshivah of Flatbush

Joel Braverman High School

Rabbi Joseph J. Beyda Head of School

Ms. Esther Hidary

Rabbi Yigal Sklarin

Associate Principal Associate Principal

Dr. Michael Atlas

Rabbi David M. Galpert

Associate Principal Assistant Principal

Rabbi Naftali Besser Dean of Students

Rabbi Avi Harari Rosh Bet Midrash

Mr. Abe Hanan

Rabbi Dr. Jeffrey Rothman President Executive Vice President

ןמרברב לאוי םש לע שובטלפ תבישי לש ןוכיתה רפסה תיב


Welcome to the 71st Commencement Exercises of the Yeshivah of Flatbush Joel Braverman High School.

For almost a century, the Yeshivah of Flatbush has maintained a remarkable level of educational excellence. We look back with pride on what we have accomplished. Among these many achievements are the love for Israel we have instilled in our students, the excellence in academics we have infused and the commitment to Torah u’Mitzvot we have fostered. The joy of giving and helping others and the awareness of a philosophy of Torah and Derech Eretz are reflected in the accomplishments of our alumni.

While we are justifiably proud of our achievements, the Yeshivah of Flatbush looks with still greater expectations towards the accomplishments of those who graduate today.

In this spirit, we extend our warmest congratulations and best wishes to the Class of 2024 and to the parents, families and friends who have helped make this special day possible.



Program Chairs

Ms. Esther Hidary, Associate Principal

Rabbi Yigal Sklarin, Associate Principal

Dr. Michael Atlas, Associate Principal

Rabbi David M. Galpert, Assistant Principal


The National Anthem

Prayers for Israel

and the United States

Class of 2024

Prayer for the

Release of the Hostages

Emma Dayan

Ezra Harari

Marsha Kairy

Beni Keda




Eric Azrak

Abe Hanan, President

םימייסמה תסינכ
יאקירמאה ןונמהה
לארשי תנידמ םולשל תוליפת
תירבה תוצראו
םייובשהו םיפוטחה םולשל הליפת
החיתפ תוכרב
הבישיה שאר םואנ

Valedictory Address

Senior Memories

Elisha Kahan

Yearbook Dedication

Senior Slideshow

Address to the Graduates

Rabbi Avi Churba

Parting Song

Rabbi Naftali Besser, Dean of Students

Presentation of Candidates for Graduation

Prayers for our Soldiers

Grace Bawabeh

Steven Benun

Merle Kassin

Victoria Keda


Max Elmann

Debra Mizrahi



5 תינכת
הדירפ ימואנ
םימייסמה תונורכז
הדירפ תולימ
הדירפ תריש
םימייסמה תגצה
לארשי ילייחל תוליפת תירבה תוצראו
םויס תכרב



Jennifer and Shawn Safdie in honor of Shelley Safdie


Maggie and Elliot Betesh in honor of Avery Betesh


Celia and Sol Gindi in honor of Susan Gindi

Gladys and Ezra Hedaya in honor of Joseph Hedaya


Mari and Eli Balleh in honor of David Balleh

Tehilah and Gary Kahan in honor of Elisha Kahan





Abe Hanan

Vice Presidents

Dawn Levy

David Oved

Seymour Sammell

Ami Sasson

Isaac Silvera

Jeanne Zirdok


Ralph S. Shamah

Associate Treasurers

Albert Hasson

Hymie Mishan

Louis J. Shamie

Morris Tabush

Financial Secretary

Morris Doueck

Steven Adelsberg

Zvi BenHaim

Maggie Betesh

Jack Cayre

Morris Doueck

Marjorie Gindi

Mark Goldstein

Abie Haddad

Abe Hanan

Ralph Harary

Associate Financial Secretaries

Abe Anteby

Jaret Feldman

Dory Salem

Sam Shamie


David Azar

Associate Secretaries

Joey M. Allaham

Joseph Betesh

David Chabbott

JoJo A. Chehebar

Dr. David Khaski

Ruvin Levavi

Assistant Secretaries

Limor Madeb

Joey Oved

Amy Sasson

Alberto Smeke

Eric Stern

The Naomi Houllou A”H

Ladies Auxiliary

Sarah Chalouh

Beatrice Sutton


Abie J. Hidary

Louis Jerome

Albert Laboz

Ronit Laniado

Hymie Mamiye

Jack Mann

Jack Mosseri

Solomon Mosseri

David Oved

Jack A. Rahmey

Seymour Sammell

Ami Sasson

Alan S. Shamah

Ralph S. Shamah

Louis J. Shamie

Isaac Silvera

Steven Stein

Joseph Tawil

Jeanne Zirdok

The Naomi Houllou A”H Ladies Auxiliary: Sarah Chalouh, Beatrice Sutton

honorary TRUSTEES

Robert Frastai, Ronald Tawil, Mitchell Vilinsky


Class of 2024/5784

Aliya Abergil ***A@h

Allison Abraham

Jaclyn Abraham

Daniel Ades *

Jack Alboucai **A@

Mourad Mark Allaham **A

Danielle Ashear

Marilyn Ashkenazi

Mollie Ashkenazi @ Rachel Ashkenazie

Hannah Ayash

Jacob Azarbad

Charles Azrak

Eric Azrak ***A@eh

Jacques Baghdadi

David Balleh **A

Eli Zvi Bawabeh

Grace Bawabeh ***A

Linda Benun **A@

Steven Benun *@

Avery Betesh

Reuben Bibi **

Victor Braca **A@

Ralph Braha *@

Perline Castro

Jacob Cayre @

Ronnie Chaaya

Teri Chalouh ***

Raymond Chappan *

Rachel Chaya ***Aeh

Norma Chazanoff ***A

Cherie Chehebar **A

David Cohen

Ezra Sonny Cohen *@

Gabrielle Cohen

Levana Cohen

Rosette Cohen

Isaac Cooper

Victor Dabah *

Joseph Dana **A@ Emma Dayan ***A@eh

Rachel Didia

Michaela Duenyas *

Albert Durzieh *

Sylvia Ebrahimoff ***Ae

Max Elmann ***A@

Francine Esses *

Henry Esses

Isaac Esses **A

Joseph Esses *

Norman Esses *

Steven Esses

Robert Falack **A@

Albert Fouerti

Joseph Fouerti **A

Rosy Gadeh **A

Solomon Gadeh

Oren Garber

Racquel Garbulsky

Marsha Gindi *

Norma Gindi *

Susan Gindi **A

Jack Gomberg *

Claude Grazi **A@

Felix Green *

Irwin Haddad

Jacob Haddad

Lillian Haddad

Celine Halabi *

Jacqueline Halabi ***A@

Michelle Hamowy

Jack Hamui

Nitza Hanan ***A

Joey Hara *

Ezra Harari ***A@h

Mony Harbon

Joseph Hedaya **

Eli Helwani *

Isuf Izkiyayev

Shirley Jajati **A@ Aleen Jaradeh ***A@eh

Elisha Kahan ***A@eh

Marsha Kairy *

Celine Kameo

Pauline Kameo

Merle Kassab **A

Merle Kassin ***A@ Ezra Katash **A

Shlomie Katash **A

Yola Katri

Beni Keda **A@

Victoria Keda ***A@ Albert Khaski **A@ David Kishk **


Danielle Kraiem *

Joseph Kraiem

Rosalind Kurtz **A

Teddy Kurtz **A

Lauren Laham *

Rivkah Lahav ***A@e

Albert Lati **

Leah Lati ***Aeh

Esther Lazerowitz **A@

Albert Lessler **A@

Daniel Levy

Marco Levy

Reina Levy

Sarah Levy ***Ah

Lauren Leybovich

Maor Lugasi

Grace Madeb

Sophia Madeb *

Samuel Mandil

Joseph Marcus

Yola Matalon *

Edward Menashe

Jacqueline Mizrachi **A@

Debra Mizrahi *@

Joseph Mizrahi ***Ah

Moshe Mizrahi *

Steven Morano

Sara Moreno *

Lillian Mosseri

David Natkin

Violet Natkin

Eli Nawlo

Joseph Nawlo

Jacob Nussbaum @

Liam Ohayon

Jennifer Oved **A

Helaina Podolsky

Eitan Rivkin

Jacqueline Romano **

Ezra Rosenfeld **@

Victor Ryba

Paulette Saada ***A@eh

Rachel Saadia

*** Summa Cum Laude — 95

** Magna Cum Laude — 92.5

* Cum Laude — 90

Shelley Safdie ***A@ Barbara Saff

Rachel Salama ***Aeh

Sara Salama **A

Marilyn Salem **A

Sophia Salem *@

Natalie Sasson @ Robin Sassoon ***Ah

Albert Shalom *

Abner Shamah

Joseph Shamah

Morris Shamah **A

Nina Shamah **A

Steven Shamah ***A@ Bella Shamayeva ***A@e

Rochelle Shaoul ***A@ Elinor Shapir

Bella Shasho *

Lauren Shasho *

Esther Shemia ***A@eh

Elie Shrem *

Lillian Shrem *

Samuel Silvers

Annie Skaba ***Ae

Bella Soudry **

Joseph Srour

Barbara Stein **A

Morris Sutton **

Sam Sutton ***A@

Samantha Sutton

Joseph Tawil ***A

Jaclyn Tobias ***A

Ryan Vaisman *

Joseph Vidal ***A@e

Michael Wahba ***

Lawrence Warren

Abie Yadid *

Moshe Yazdi

Sandra Yedid **A

Maya Yehoshua ***A@ Mazie Zalta

Joseph Zeitoune **A

Joyce Zeitouni *

A - National Honor Society

@ - Archon

e - English Diploma With Distinction h - Hebrew Diploma With Distinction



National Merit Scholarship Finalists

National Merit Scholarship Letter of Commendation

National AP Scholars

With Distinction

With Honors


Elisha Kahan, Rivkah Lahav

David Cohen, Emma Dayan, Albert Lessler, Sam Sutton, Joseph Tawil, Joseph Vidal

Jack Alboucai, Eric Azrak, David Balleh, Victor Braca, Emma Dayan, Max Elmann, Claude Grazi, Elisha Kahan, Merle Kassin, Rivkah Lahav, Albert Lessler, Sam Sutton, Joseph Tawil, Joseph Vidal

David Cohen, Sylvia Ebrahimoff, Jacqueline Halabi, Ezra Harari, Ezra Katash, Shlomie Katash, Esther Lazerowitz, Joseph Mizrahi, Ezra Rosenfeld, Steven Shamah

Aliya Abergil, Ralph Braha, Albert Durzieh, Joseph Hedaya, Shirley Jajati, David Kishk, Albert Lati, Rachel Salama, Morris Shamah, Bella Shamayeva

New England Society in the City of Brooklyn History Award

New York State Scholarship for Academic Excellence

Eric Azrak

Eric Azrak, Emma Dayan, Aleen Jaradeh, Elisha Kahan, Leah Lati, Rachel Salama

New York Blood Center High School Scholarship

XEROX Award for Innovation and Information Technology

Math Majors of America Tournament for High Schools

American Mathematics Competition Winners

Steven Esses

Victor Braca

Elisha Kahan

Elisha Kahan

Jerusalem Science Contest Winners Jack Alboucai, Emma Dayan, Sam Sutton



Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke Achievement Award recognizes two students for their academic accomplishments. Elisha Kahan, Leah Lati

Congressman Hakeem Jeffries Certificate of Recognition is given to students who have demonstrated an exceptional commitment to their community.

Victor Braca, Shelley Safdie

New York State Attorney General Triple “C” Award recognizes the “Character, Courage and Commitment” of individuals who have shown a commitment to learning, to their community, and to their fellow classmates. Ralph Braha, Rochelle Shaoul

New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli Achievement Award is given to two students who have demonstrated leadership potential and a commitment to public service. Emma Dayan, Steven Shamah

New York State Senator Simcha Felder Community Service Award is presented to two students who have given time and service to the school and the community.

Linda Benun, Joseph Vidal

New York State Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein Community Service Award is given to two seniors who have demonstrated a sincere involvement in community affairs and encouraged others.

Francine Esses, Albert Lessler

The Mayor Eric Adams’ Award of Honor is bestowed to an individual who exhibits academic excellence, diligence, commitment, generosity of spirit and a dedication to service that consistently enhances the lives of others in his or her community.

Max Elmann

New York City Public Advocate Award is given in recognition of academic effort and extra-curricular achievement.

Jacqueline Halabi, Shirley Jajati

New York City Comptroller Brad Lander Student Achievement Award is given to students who have excelled academically with outstanding leadership and citizenship.

Teri Chalouh, Elie Shrem

New York City Council Speaker’s Achievement Award recognizes outstanding commitment to academics in combination with good citizenship and community service.

Reina Levy, Ezra Rosenfeld

Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynoso’s Brooklyn for All Award is presented to a student who has gone above and beyond to assist his or her community and peers; encourages civic pride and enhances the lives of all Brooklynites. Ezra Harari

Kings County District Attorney, Eric Gonzalez Certificate of Excellence is presented to a student who has demonstrated outstanding leadership, character and service to his or her school and community. Henry Esses


SCHOOL awards

Irving & Ida Allerhand Memorial Bible Award was donated by Irving Allerhand, a former president of our Yeshivah, and his wife Ida. Moshe Mizrahi

Donna Becker Memorial Award for Peer Tutoring is given to a senior who is a caring and supportive friend, who helped fellow students to succeed in specific subjects and helped them master the challenges of high school study. Albert Durzieh

Dr. David Birnbaum Memorial Tanakh Award was established by his family and friends. Dr. Birnbaum A”H was the librarian of the Yeshivah, a Bible scholar and a Renaissance man. Nitza Hanan

Abraham Carmel Memorial English Literature Award was donated by alumni and students who knew Mr. Carmel A”H, a beloved teacher and a sterling example of a committed Jew. Bella Shamayeva

Eleanor Chertok Mathematics Award was established by her husband, Marvin, and her children Sandy and Solomon, in memory of the Yeshivah’s longtime beloved math teacher who was dedicated to her students and colleagues. Joseph Esses

Irving & Frances Dinitz Memorial Award for Community Service was established by the Dinitz family. Mr. Dinitz was president of the Yeshivah; Mrs. Dinitz was a Ladies Auxiliary Vice President. Robert Falack

Ira H. Gewolb Memorial Award was established in memory of Dr. Ira H Gewolb A”H by his family. This award recognizes the academic achievements of a student who plans to pursue a career in biological/medical sciences. Rivkah Lahav

Moshe A”H and Helene Gewolb Zachor Scholarship was established by Dr. Ira Gewolb A”H and family in honor of his parents, who were survivors of the Shoah. This scholarship recognizes commitment to Holocaust education and Yom HaShoah.

Ezra Rosenfeld, Rochelle Shaoul

The Albert and Peggy Hazan Sephardic Heritage Award is donated by their children in memory of their parents. Elinor Shapir

Ilan Kirsh Memorial Scholarship was established by his family and friends. The award is given to a graduating senior who is planning to attend Cornell University, Ilan’s college alma mater. Claude Grazi

Ladies Auxiliary Award for Character and Citizenship is given to a member of Senior Council by the Naomi Houllou A”H Ladies Auxiliary. Debra Mizrahi


Rabbi Max Mintz Memorial Talmud Award was established by the Feder and Mintz families in memory of Rabbi Max Mintz. Rabbi Mintz was a Chairman of the Board of Education. Sam Sutton

Marc Sackin Memorial Scholar-Athlete Award was established in memory of a member of the Class of 1973 who was killed in a tragic accident. Esther Shemia

Dr. Irving and Dubby Shulman Derekh Hayashar Citizenship Award was established in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Shulman who exemplified the Derekh Hayashar, the “proper way”, in their family, community, religious and professional lives. Jacques Baghdadi

Scott Topolanski Memorial Award in Political Science was established in memory of a student in the Class of 1990. Marsha Kairy

Mr. and Mrs. Erica and Sol Weitzman A’’H Hebrew Language Award is given for effort in Hebrew Language by Drs. Joyce and Yankie Fruchter. Eli Helwani

departmental awards


Sophia Salem

Biological Sciences

Esther Lazerowitz


Joseph Vidal


Shirley Jajati


Aleen Jaradeh

Graphic Design

Sylvia Ebrahimoff


Joseph Dana


Emma Dayan

Jewish History

Shelley Safdie


Elisha Kahan


Jacob Nussbaum

Musical Theater

Linda Benun

Physical Education

Paulette Saada

Sam Silvers


Merle Kassin

Social Studies

David Balleh


Isaac Esses


Joseph Mizrahi


Leah Lati



We are proud of those students who have chosen to continue their Jewish education in Israel for the 2024-2025/5785 school year.

Aliya Abergil

Midreshet Moriah

Daniel Ades

Yeshivat Torat Shraga

Jacob Azarbad

Yeshivat Moreshet Yerushalayim

Charles Azrak

Yeshivat Moreshet Yerushalayim

Jacques Baghdadi

Yeshivat Mikdash Melech

Steven Benun

Yeshivat Moreshet Yerushalayim

Linda Benun

Midreshet Lindenbaum

Reuben Bibi

Yeshivat Moreshet Yerushalayim

Victor Braca

Yeshivat Eretz HaTzvi

Ralph Braha

Yeshivat Torat Shraga

Jacob Cayre

Yeshivat Moreshet Yerushalayim

Ronnie Chaaya

Yeshivat Lev Aharon

Raymond Chappan

Yeshivat Moreshet Yerushalayim

Rachel Chaya

Midreshet Eshel

Norma Chazanoff

Midreshet Moriah

Joseph Dana

Yeshivat Moreshet Yerushalayim

Emma Dayan

Midreshet Lindenbaum

Rachel Didia

Midreshet Moriah

Henry Esses

Yeshivat Orayta

Joseph Esses

Yeshivat Moreshet Yerushalayim

Steven Esses

Yeshivat Torat Shraga

Robert Falack

Yeshivat Moreshet Yerushalayim

Solomon Gadeh

Yeshivat Moreshet Yerushalayim

Oren Garber

Israel XP ar Bar-Ilan University

Claude Grazi

Yeshivat Eretz HaTzvi

Jack Hamui

Yeshivat Torat Shraga

Nitza Hanan

Midreshet Torat Chessed

Ezra Harari

Yeshivat Moreshet Yerushalayim

Joseph Hedaya Yeshivat Moreshet Yerushalayim

Elisha Kahan Yeshivat Har Etzion

Marsha Kairy Midreshet Eshel

Pauline Kameo

Midreshet Eshel

Ezra Katash

Yeshivat Mikdash Melech

Shlomie Katash Yeshivat Mikdash Melech

Merle Kassab Midreshet Eshel

Albert Khaski

Yeshivat Moreshet Yerushalayim

David Kishk

Yeshivat Moreshet Yerushalayim

Danielle Kraiem Midreshet Moriah

Joseph Kraiem Yeshivat Moreshet Yerushalayim

Esther Lazerowitz Nishmat

Marco Levy Yeshivat Moreshet Yerushalayim

Reina Levy Midreshet Amit

Samuel Mandil Yeshivat Torat Shraga

Yola Matalon Midreshet Eshel

Edward Menashe Yeshivat Moreshet Yerushalayim

Debra Mizrahi Midreshet Eshel

Joseph Mizrahi Yeshivat Mikdash Melech

Moshe Mizrahi Yeshivat Eretz HaTzvi

Steven Morano Yeshivat Moreshet Yerushalayim

Sara Moreno Midreshet Eshel

David Natkin Yeshivat Moreshet Yerushalayim

Eli Nawlo Yeshivat Lev Aharon

Paulette Saada Sha’alvim For Women

Shelley Safdie Midreshet Moriah

Barbara Saff Midreshet Eshel

Rachel Salama Midreshet Moriah

Robin Sassoon Midreshet Moriah

Albert Shalom Yeshivat Moreshet Yerushalayim

Joseph Shamah Yeshivat Moreshet Yerushalayim

Morris Shamah Yeshivat Moreshet Yerushalayim

Rochelle Shaoul Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim

Bella Shasho Midreshet Eshel

Joseph Srour Yeshivat Lev Aharon

Morris Sutton Yeshivat Moreshet Yerushalayim

Michael Wahba Yeshivat Moreshet Yerushalayim

Maya Yehoshua Israel XP ar Bar-Ilan University

Joseph Zeitoune Yeshivat Moreshet Yerushalayim

Joyce Zeitouni Midreshet Eshel



Axelrad Memorial Scholarship was established to honor the Axelrads’ attachment to Jewish learning and their commitment to Israel. Victor Braca, David Kishk

Rabbi Akiva and Tzila Besser Midot Award is donated by the Besser family in memory of their father and mother whose lives exemplified midot tovot. Linda Benun

Abraham Carmel Israel Scholarship: Shelley Safdie, Rachel Salama

Abraham Carmel Memorial Award in Bible: Ralph Braha These awards were established by alumni and students in memory of a beloved teacher, a sterling example of a committed Jew.

Morris Goodman Memorial Award was established through the efforts of Rabbi Allan and Suzanne Blaine A”H. Mr. Goodman was a strong supporter of Jewish education and the State of Israel. Rochelle Shaoul

Saul & Frieda Insel Memorial Award, was established by their children, alumni of the Yeshivah, honors their parents’ devotion to Torah, Jewish education and Israel. Rachel Didia

Morris and Goldie Kalter Memorial Award: Reuben Bibi Morris and Lena Presser Memorial Award: Robert Falack Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Presser gave these scholarships in memory of their parents to thank the Yeshivah for the excellent education of their son, Mitchell (HS ‘82).

Rosenthal Family Hakarat Hatov Scholarship is in memory of Beverly and Alvin Rosenthal and honors Mr. & Mrs. Rosenthal’s passion for Israel and Jewish education. Esther Lazerowitz

Dr. David Sheinkin Memorial Award is given in recognition of Dr. Sheinkin’s commitment to the Yeshivah (HS ‘56) and to Torah learning. Aliya Abergil

Señora Rita Stone Memorial Award was established by family, friends and alumni to honor the former chairperson of the Foreign Language department. Ezra Harari

Jeffrey Weitzman Memorial Award was established in memory of an alumnus who met an untimely death, after spending a year learning in Israel. Joseph Mizrahi





Aliya Abergil

Eric Azrak

David Balleh

Rachel Chaya

Emma Dayan

Sylvia Ebrahimoff

Max Elmann

Susan Gindi

Jacqueline Halabi

Nitza Hanan

Ezra Harari

Shirley Jajati

Aleen Jaradeh

Elisha Kahan

Victoria Keda

Rivkah Lahav

Leah Lati

Esther Lazerowitz

Sarah Levy

Joseph Mizrahi

Paulette Saada

Shelley Safdie

Rachel Salama

Steven Shamah

Bella Shamayeva

Esther Shemia

Annie Skaba

Joseph Tawil

Joseph Vidal


Aliya Abergil

Jack Alboucai

Mark Allaham

Eric Azrak

Grace Bawabeh

Steven Benun

Teri Chalouh

Rachel Chaya

Norma Chazanoff

Cherie Chehebar

Emma Dayan

Sylvia Ebrahimoff

Max Elmann

Joseph Fouerti

Rosy Gadeh

Norma Gindi

Susan Gindi

Claude Grazi

Celine Halabi

Jacqueline Halabi

Nitza Hanan

Ezra Harari

Joseph Hedaya

Eli Helwani

Aleen Jaradeh

Elisha Kahan

Merle Kassab

Merle Kassin

Shlomie Katash

Beni Keda

Victoria Keda

Albert Khaski

David Kishk

Danielle Kraiem

Lauren Laham

Rivkah Lahav

Albert Lati

Leah Lati

Sarah Levy

Sophia Madeb



Debra Mizrahi

Joseph Mizrahi

Jennifer Oved

Jacqueline Romano

Paulette Saada

Shelley Safdie

Rachel Salama

Sara Salama

Marilyn Salem

Robin Sassoon

Albert Shalom

Morris Shamah

Nina Shamah

Steven Shamah

Bella Shamayeva

Rochelle Shaoul

Esther Shemia

Lillian Shrem

Annie Skaba

Morris Sutton

Jaclyn Tobias

Joseph Vidal

Michael Wahba

Abie Yadid

Sandra Yedid

Maya Yehoshua

Joyce Zeitouni


Aliya Abergil

Mark Allaham

Eric Azrak

Grace Bawabeh

Linda Benun

Teri Chalouh

Rachel Chaya

Norma Chazanoff

Cherie Chehebar

Emma Dayan

Michaela Duenyas

Max Elmann

Rosy Gadeh

Ezra Harari

Joseph Hedaya

Eli Helwani

Aleen Jaradeh

Elisha Kahan

Marsha Kairy

Merle Kassab

Beni Keda

Victoria Keda

Rosalind Kurtz

Rivkah Lahav

Leah Lati

Sarah Levy

Joseph Mizrahi

Paulette Saada

Shelley Safdie

Rachel Salama

Sophia Salem

Robin Sassoon

Nina Shamah

Steven Shamah

Rochelle Shaoul

Esther Shemia

Annie Skaba

Bella Soudry

Morris Sutton

Jaclyn Tobias

Joseph Vidal

Abie Yadid

Maya Yehoshua


Aliya Abergil

Jack Alboucai

Eric Azrak

David Balleh

Grace Bawabeh

Linda Benun

Teri Chalouh

Rachel Chaya

Norma Chazanoff

Emma Dayan

Sylvia Ebrahimoff

Max Elmann

Robert Falack

Susan Gindi

Claude Grazi

Jacqueline Halabi

Nitza Hanan

Ezra Harari

Aleen Jaradeh

Elisha Kahan

Merle Kassin

Rivkah Lahav

Leah Lati

Esther Lazerowitz

Sarah Levy

Sophia Madeb

Joseph Mizrahi

Jacqueline Romano


Paulette Saada

Shelley Safdie

Rachel Salama

Robin Sassoon

Steven Shamah

Bella Shamayeva

Rochelle Shaoul

Esther Shemia

Annie Skaba

Jaclyn Tobias

Joseph Vidal

Michael Wahba

Sandra Yedid

Maya Yehoshua

Joseph Zeitoune


Jack Alboucai

Eric Azrak

Reuben Bibi

Teri Chalouh

Norma Chazanoff

Emma Dayan

Albert Durzieh

Sylvia Ebrahimoff

Steven Esses

Jacqueline Halabi

Jack Hamui

Aleen Jaradeh

Elisha Kahan

Shlomie Katash

Beni Keda

Rivkah Lahav

Leah Lati

Albert Lessler

Sarah Levy

Sara Moreno

Paulette Saada

Shelley Safdie

Rachel Salama

Robin Sassoon

Bella Shamayeva

Rochelle Shaoul

Esther Shemia

Joseph Tawil

Jaclyn Tobias

Joseph Vidal

Maya Yehoshua

Joseph Zeitoune


Aliya Abergil

Eric Azrak

Emma Dayan

Sylvia Ebrahimoff

Max Elmann

Ezra Harari

Aleen Jaradeh

Elisha Kahan

Merle Kassin

Rivkah Lahav

Leah Lati

Albert Lessler

Rachel Salama

Robin Sassoon

Sam Sutton

Joseph Tawil

Jaclyn Tobias

Joseph Vidal


Aliya Abergil

Daniel Ades

Mark Allaham

Eric Azrak

Grace Bawabeh

Steven Benun

Reuben Bibi

Teri Chalouh

Rachel Chaya

Norma Chazanoff

Cherie Chehebar

Victor Dabah

Emma Dayan

Max Elmann

Rosy Gadeh

Jacqueline Halabi

Nitza Hanan

Ezra Harari

Joseph Hedaya

Aleen Jaradeh

Elisha Kahan

Merle Kassab

Ezra Katash

Shlomie Katash

Beni Keda

Victoria Keda

Albert Khaski

David Kishk

Teddy Kurtz

Rivkah Lahav

Leah Lati

Sarah Levy

Joseph Mizrahi

Jennifer Oved

Paulette Saada

Shelley Safdie

Rachel Salama

Robin Sassoon

Morris Shamah

Nina Shamah

Esther Shemia

Annie Skaba

Sam Sutton

Joseph Vidal

Michael Wahba

Abie Yadid


Aliya Abergil

Mark Allaham

Eric Azrak

Reuben Bibi

Victor Braca

Teri Chalouh

Rachel Chaya

Norma Chazanoff

Cherie Chehebar

Sonny Ezra Cohen

Victor Dabah

Joseph Dana

Emma Dayan

Max Elmann

Isaac Esses

Robert Falack

Joseph Fouerti

Celine Halabi

Ezra Harari

Joseph Hedaya

Eli Helwani

Aleen Jaradeh

Elisha Kahan

Merle Kassab

Merle Kassin

Shlomie Katash

Beni Keda

Victoria Keda

Albert Khaski

Rosalind Kurtz

Lauren Laham

Rivkah Lahav

Leah Lati

Esther Lazerowitz

Sarah Levy

Joseph Mizrahi

Moshe Mizrahi

Ezra Rosenfeld

Paulette Saada

Shelley Safdie

Rachel Salama

Robin Sassoon

Nina Shamah

Steven Shamah

Bella Shamayeva

Esther Shemia

Annie Skaba

Morris Sutton

Sam Sutton

Joseph Tawil

Joseph Vidal

Michael Wahba

Abie Yadid

Joyce Zeitouni



President: Max Elmann

Vice President: Marsha Kairy

Treasurer: Ezra Harari

Secretary: Emma Dayan



President: Debra Mizrahi

Vice President: Grace Bawabeh

Treasurer: Merle Kassin

Secretary: Vicky Keda

Advisor: Steven Benun


Faculty Advisors: Ms. Carolina Cohen/Ms. Jaclyn Pahuskin

American Scholastic Press Association Publication Award

1st Place with Special Merit - Most Outstanding High School Magazine 2023-2024

Best Photograph: Danielle Kraiem

Editor-in-Chief: Linda Benun Art Editor: Rachel Chaya


Faculty Advisors: Ms. Carolina Cohen/Mr. Adam Hofstetter

American Scholastic Press Association Newspaper Award

1st Place - High Schools with Enrollment of 500-1,000

Jewish Scholastic Press Association Journalism Award

1st Prize - News Reporting 2024

Editors-in-Chief: Jacqueline Halabi, Aleen Jaradeh Senior Editor: Reina Levy, Sarah Levy

Section Editors: Aliya Abergil, Eric Azrak, Victor Braca, Henry Esses, Nitza Hanan, Shirley Jajati, Elisha Kahan, Leah Lati, Sophia Madeb, Paulette Saada, Bella Shamayeva, Esther Shemia


Faculty Advisor: Mr. Brian Katz

American Scholastic Press Association

1st Place 2023-2024

Editor-in-Chief: Ralph Braha, Reina Levy

General Editors: Teri Chalouh, Oren Garber, Albert Lessler, Shelley Safdie, Sophia Salem

Photography Editor: Victor Braca Design/Layout Editor: Sylvia Ebrahimoff


Rabbi Dr. David Eliach Z’L Award for Outstanding School Service Max Elmann

Special Recognition Award Victor Braca


Ahavat Yisrael Award in Memory of Rabbi Amnon and Mrs. Dinah Haramati

Night of the falcon

Most Outstanding Senior Student Athletes

Ralph Braha

Merle Kassab, Beni Keda


Faculty & Staff

Ms. Judith Aharoni

Ms. Doris Anteby

Ms. Emily Anteby

Dr. Michael Atlas

Ms. Paulina Azrak

Ms. Julia Baghdadi

Ms. Esther Beck

Dr. Moises Hassan Bendahan

Ms. Debra Benzakein

Ms. Elisheva Berenstein

Mr. Aaron Berkowitz

Rabbi Naftali Besser

Rabbi Joseph Beyda

Ms. Yvette Beyda

Ms. Mica Bloom

Rabbi Joseph Blumenthal

Dr. Drew Bucilla

Ms. Frieda Cattan

Dr. Teddy Chattah

Ms. Rachel Chrem

Rabbi Avi Churba

Ms. Carolina Cohen

Ms. Jaclyn Cohen

Dr. Samantha Jellenik Cohen

Ms. Vivian Cohen

Ms. Robin Coopersmith

Mr. Jose Cruz

Ms. Eva Dayan

Ms. Christine Depalo

Ms. Florence Deutsch

Mr. Morris Didia

Mr. Seth Dimbert

Ms. Maria Dressler

Rabbi Max Dushey

Ms. Caroll Dweck-Sutton

Mr. Jeffrey Dweck

Ms. Robyn Dweck

Mr. Justin Engel

Ms. Rachel Erani

Ms. Mia Erdos

Mr. Abraham Esses

Mr. Avinoam Ettun

Ms. Ariella Falack

Ms. Renee Franco-Tawil

Ms. Sarah Frastai

Ms. Binah Freedman

Ms. Freide Friedman

Rabbi David Galpert

Ms. Penina Ginsberg

Mr. Adam Ginsburg

Rabbi Moshe Gitler

Ms. Shaindy Goldberg

Ms. Chani Guttman

Ms. Kristen Hall

Ms. Tara Harary

Ms. Sally Hamway

Rabbi Avi Harari

Rabbi Dr. Raymond Harari

Ms. Renee Harari

Ms. Talia Harcsztark

Rabbi Abraham Hayoun

Rabbi Dr. David Hertzberg

Ms. Esther Hidary

Mr. Adam Hofstetter

Ms. Esther Malka Issever

Ms. Jenny Kamagi

Ms. Shelley Kaplowitz

Mr. Brian Katz

Mr. Gus Kennedy

Ms. Merav Khalili

Ms. Fayge Kleinbart

Ms. Michelle Kopylov

Rabbi Benjamin Kramer

Ms. Helen Kuznicki

Ms. Naomi Leader

Ms. Jenna Lefkowitz

Ms. Hen Lerrer

Ms. Erika Levavi

Rabbi Moshe Levi

Mr. Jean Louisaire

Mr. Matthew Malc

Ms. Sarah Marcus

Rabbi Moshe Mark

Dr. Sari Mayer

Ms. Shoshana Mayer

Ms. Claudette Mikhli

Ms. Grace Minyan

Rabbi Joseph Mizrachi

Mr. Charles Mizrahi

Dr. Etty Mizrahi

Ms. Emily Mottahedeh

Ms. Jaclyn Pahuskin

Ms. Janet Pichotto

Rabbi Zelig Prag

Mr. Lennox Price

Mr. Jon Remache

Mr. Mark Robertson

Ms. Sarah Rosenbaum

Ms. Shoshana Rosenblum

Mr. Howard Rothbort

Mr. Steven Russo

Ms. Paula Saff

Mr. Eily Saadia

Rabbi Charles Safdieh

Ms. Annie Savdie

Mr. Artie Schmitt

Ms. Michal Schulman

Ms. Yaffa Setton

Ms. Claire Shabot

Dr. Doron Shahar

Ms. Johanna Shamah

Ms. Shannon Shamah

Ms. Alyssa Shamah

Ms. Erica Shaposhnik

Ms. Sally Shatzkes

Ms. Sarah Shulman

Ms. Esther Spigel

Rabbi Yigal Sklarin

Ms. Frady Steinhaus

Ms. Barbara Stern

Mr. Mauricio Tavil

Dr. Abe Tawil

Mr. Abraham H. Tawil

Ms. Fortune Terzi

Ms. Batia Theil

Mr. Moshe Tobias

Rabbi Etan Tokayer

Mr. Isaac Toussie

Ms. Esther Varon

Mr. Ben Weinstein

Ms. Miriam Wielgus

Ms. Rachel Winkler

Ms. Rivki Wurzburger

Ms. Hagit Yakovis

Rabbi Joseph Yanetz

Ms. Hannah Zaltzman


Al and Sonny Gindi Campus

1609 Avenue J, Brooklyn, NY 11230

Yeshivah of Flatbush Joel Braverman High School
ןמרברב לאוי םש לע שובטלפ תבישי לש ןוכיתה רפסה תיב

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