5 effective yoga poses by baba ramdev to keep your diabetes under control

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5 Effective Yoga Poses By Baba Ramdev To Keep Your Diabetes Under Control The Yoga for diabetes control: A recent study published in an international journal confirmed that diabetes is four times as common as all the types of cancer and is in the verge of being named as the most prevalent major health concern of the 21 st century. Not only this, the "accelerator hypothesis" theorizes that the children who have quick growth have more chances to develop type 1 diabetes. Lack of exercise and inactive lifestyles contribute to the increase in the obesity rates in adults and children. One of the keystones of controlling one’s blood sugar is regular and complete exercise. Yoga for diabetes control is one such measure meant to effectively control your blood sugar levels. This article brings to you the most effective yoga asanas for diabetes control that can help cure diabetics as well as lower its harmful effects. Pranayam: ●

Breathing in and breathing out deeply helps oxygenate blood and improves the blood circulation.

Breathe in and hold your breath for five counts. Exhale slowly

Then repeat for 10-15 times in a day.

Once you are done, rub your palms together to make it warm

Place your palm on your eyes. Balasana: Mental stress always increases the blood glucose level, thus causing higher blood glucose level in diabetic people. This asana is best for relieving stress. It calms the mind and soul. This is otherwise called as the child pose and is also a great remedial pose for lower back pain.

Sit on the floor with weight on your knees

Sit on your heels while your thighs placed a little apart

Exhale and then bend forward with your stomach on your thighs

Stretch your arms and rest your forehead on the floor

Rest at this position and breathe normally Vajrasana: It is one the most beneficial yoga for diabetes control to keep the patient's strong and healthy. It has multiple benefits as it can cure urine and stomach problems, increases the blood circulation, cures acidity and improves the digestion process, and instills calmness and stability in mind. This should be practiced after lunch and dinner.

Sit on the yoga mat and fold your legs.

Ensure that your spine is straight and close the eyes.

Place your right palm on right knee and left palm on left knee.

Slowly inhale and exhale.

While you exhale, imagine that the disorders in your body are coming out from your nose. Setubandhasana: In diabetic patients, the blood cells do not respond well to insulin, thus it is important to adopt a good exercise regimen, which can improve blood circulation. One such yoga for diabetes control is Setubandhasana. This asana keeps the blood pressure in control and helps relax the mind.

Lie flat on your yoga mat

Exhale and push off the floor on your feet

Try to raise your body up but your head and neck should be flat on the mat.

Use your hands to push down.

Be cautious that you do not or over exert yourself while practicing this asana. NadiShodhan Pranayama is also beneficial for the diabetic people. It not only helps release stress but also cleanses out toxins from the body. Another unique breathing technique to control diabetes is Sudarshan Kriya.

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