December 2016 Chakra Sha Publishing TM
Article by Sha René Certified Aromatherapist
Let’s Tango with Mango: Mangoes have a fruity scent. Buddha meditated in a bush of mangoes. They can calm your mind and allow you to take deep breaths. Mangoes have a cooling sensation so the combination of our hot eucalyptus and cool mango give you a treatment for your skin treatments and can remedy your cold. symptoms. Essential Oils: Just think of when you were a child and you had a cold. Mom put this dark blue gel on your chest. All of a sudden you could breathe and sleep better but it took a while to get over the strong smell. Eucalyptus Globulus, commonly known as Eucalyptus is great for sinus issues and colds. It is anti-viral and a natural decongestant. One would never think to apply a Vapo rub to a bee sting. It should help with the pain and swelling. For Aromatherapy, placing it under the nose as my mom also did when I was a child was a great benefit to me. Hey, since eucalyptus helps with mental capabilities, maybe after you study at night for that final exam, you will remember all of the answers to all of the questions. Remember your mother knows best. Mine sure did! Yoga Therapy: Our Vapo therapy rub is a way to breathe and sleep. This product has a plant in it called Valerian Root. Valerian is a special plant that aids in sleep therapy. Benefits of using Eucalyptus: Clears Sinus Issues Is a Decongestant Is Anti-Viral Helps with Inflammation Soothes Bruises Helps with Infections Aids in Healing Wounds Heals Infections Great for Insect Bites Helps Bronchitis Helps Nasal Congestion Stimulates Mental Capability Natural Pesticide Helps Brain function Helps with Muscle Pain
Vaporizing Rub – Vapo
Vapo Copyright 2016
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