interior wellness magazine

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Interior Wellness

Issue #23

Healing From Within

‘Heal thyself ’ 1. Such simple words, yet what a challenge in this world of experts and science. We have become so accustomed to relying on the miracles and complexity of science to cure all that ails us that we have lost touch with the innate capacity for healing that lies within each of us. Instead, we give ourselves up to the medical system or the experts. Unfortunately, only the patient truly knows how he or she feels, something the person providing treatment may or may not even ask about or understand. Consequently, the treatment may only focus on the symptoms, possibly ignoring the cause and providing only temporary relief. With every symptom, or imbalance in the body, there is an opportunity to learn about ourselves.There is a message for us to realize that we are out of synch with our true potential and, if you will, our higher power. By taking time to acknowledge what it is that we are feeling, we can potentially identify areas that may be out of balance and recognize that these emotional imbalances can manifest as the physical illnesses we experience. Disease has the potential to be the messenger to those who are living a life that is disconnected from their true purpose. Unfortunately, when we suppress the symptom, we miss the opportunity to fully grasp this. The symptom is gone for now, but will very likely reappear in the same form or as something more serious – we may have missed the message, but it will persist.

If, instead of suppressing or ignoring, we look more deeply at what we are experiencing and seek to understand how we feel, we have the opportunity to regain balance at a much deeper level. In that place, the mind-soul connection creates a harmony that allows the body to heal and gives the individual the opportunity to experience the joy of life and to experience a connection to the Divine Self. Be it through meditation, yoga, gardening, or whatever activity it might be that allows you to quiet the mind, take the opportunity to be in the moment and truly feel. It doesn’t have to be a perfect practice to begin the process of increasing self-awareness and self-

By Justine Richmond

healing. By setting the intention, we can create an effective and potentially empowering process for ourselves. In his book Quantum-Touch, Richard Gordon quotes a spiritual teacher as saying, “The definition of a great healer is someone who was very sick and got well quickly.” So, whether you are focused on prevention or are in the process of healing, why not take a few moments to acknowledge your very significant and important role in your health and well-being. Within each person there is the potential to add our own healing energy to the wide array of external therapies available – what an amazing gift! Justine Richmond, BSc, BFRP. Justine is a certified Bach practitioner as well as an advanced PSYCH-K facilitator. Her focus is on the impact of emotions, beliefs, and energy on well-being. Finding the Balance Within 250-374-4073 1 Bach, Edward, MD, Heal Thyself, 1931



Interior Wellness

Prevention versus Treatment in Health and Wellness

By Kathy Richins

Chronic diseases are increasing in the U.S. and Canada at an alarming rate. In a recent article in the Province, Sheila Dabu Nonato discusses the following statement made by Gabriela Prada, Director of Health, Innovation Policy and Evaluation at the Conference Board of Canada: “Canada is facing a growing burden from such chronic diseases as diabetes and cancer. This burden is expected to increase due to an aging population and rising rates of obesity.� The article goes on to point out that The World Health Organization estimated that Canada lost $500 million in national income in 2005 due to premature deaths resulting from heart disease, stroke and diabetes; and that the Conference Board recommended healthier lifestyle choices, such as improvements in diet, increased physical activity and maintaining a healthy body weight.� But, Nonato also makes the point that in comparison to our peers, Canada is not making enough progress and states that, “targeted health policies and programs could be the reason why other countries are outperforming Canada�. She states that the top countries have “public policies that focus on health promotion and lifestyle changes such as healthier diets and increased physical activity� (Nonato, March 2, 2012). This recommended lifestyle change, however, is oftentimes easier said than done. It is difficult to change one’s behavior and there is no quick fix. Health and Wellness Life Coaching and Motiva-

tional Interviewing are newer models that focus on helping individuals set goals and move toward healthier lifestyles. Russ Reid, a retired physician in this community, states, “Prevention has two parts – providing the information and modifying behaviour. It is fascinating how little and how slowly information translates into behavioral change (Reid, February 27, 2012). But, are we paying enough attention to programs that support individuals with healthier lifestyle choices? We’ve all heard the old saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,� but what incentives are being given for helping people to change lifestyle behaviors? What priority is being given to programs that focus on prevention rather than treatment here in our community? Christine Gorman, health journalist, states, “a well-functioning health system requires both prevention and treatment� and points out how little funding is generally assigned to prevention. Nurses, doctors, community health workers, Certified Diabetes Educators, health and wellness life coaches, pharmacists, physiotherapists, yoga and fitness instructors, and many others in the field of health and wellness have been making in-roads and working on preventative programs and measures for some time now. Russ Reid emphasizes, “Prevention has the biggest chance of saving any health-care system from a financial death. We have witnessed such great success in the prevention of acute illness with antibiotics, vaccination,

Brochures available at Nature’s Fare, The Art We Are, Healthy Life Nutrition and Mystic Dreams in Kamloops


Kathy Richins is a Health and Wellness Life Coach. You may contact her at Find Strength in Action Life Coaching, 778-471-2634

Ove Ov ver erlooking look kin ng Koo ootena enay en a y La Lak ake, ake e, near near N Ne elson, B elson, BC C

Center 2012

I believe that Interior Health and our community in general is starting to move toward more attention in the area of prevention. I am hopeful that soon there will be increased financial assistance and incentives for individuals who wish to focus on preventative health measures and wellness. It may be that individuals who become involved in any program increasing their health and wellness are able to have their expenses reimbursed (possibly through their workplace extended health benefits programs), through tax incentives, or other means to encourage and create healthy lifestyles. Canada has one of the best health care systems in the world, and I am hopeful that prevention will play a significantly greater role in the movement toward healthier and happier communities. Health and wellness life coaching may be one of a number of preventative ways to assist people in making significant health and wellness changes.



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seatbelts, helmets, and tough laws against drunk driving that most of our citizens are now surviving to the age where chronic disease is becoming the major issue� (Reid, February 13, 2012).

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Issue #23

Interior Wellness

Workplace Yoga By Lynn Roberts

Many people have jobs where they are required to sit at their desks for long periods of times. It’s inevitable. I’d love to say “quit your job and go live on a beach somewhere” but for most of you, that just wouldn’t fly. You’ve got mortgages to pay, families to feed and, well, you like your job, right? Alright, so you have a desk job. Big deal. That doesn’t mean you are condemned to a life of inflexible hips, a stiff, tight body, a neck that hardly moves anymore and short, tight breath. There are plenty of things you can do at work to minimize all this strain on your body. Try going for a walk on your lunch break, take the stairs, walk to someone’s desk to speak with them instead of emailing them, and never sit for longer than two hours at a time. Make excuses to get up and move around – why not walk to the water cooler to refill your water bottle? And when your body starts to feel tense and tight, take 2-3 minutes at your desk to stretch, move and breathe. Stress IS cumulative, so if you break it up during the day, you won’t carry it forward to the next day, week, month and year as much. One part of our body that we usually start feeling a lot of strain is in our back and shoulders. Here is a quick exercise you can do right at your desk to make your back stronger, open your chest and relieve back and shoulder tension.

BACK STRENGTHENER BENEFITS Strengthens the back muscles, realigns posture, opens chest, facilitates deeper breathing, releases back tension and more.

INSTRUCTIONS Step 1: Sit slightly forward on your chair, legs at a 90° angle, feet flat on the floor. Contract your abdominal muscles, roll your shoulders back and down, and lift your chest up. Step 2: Hold your hands up and elbows downward, in a “stick-em-up” position. Make sure your elbows are not pointed out to the sides or back, but down. Spread your fingers apart and relax your hands. Step 3: Take a deep inhale, and as you exhale, move your elbows down, squeezing your shoulder blades back and down at the same time. Feel how this opens your chest. Inhale, release the stretch and slide your hands back up, then exhale and squeeze your shoulders back and down again. Step 4: Repeat 3-5 times, then shake out your arms, take a few relaxed breaths, and return to work. Lynn Roberts is a yoga teacher, owner of Innergy Corporate Yoga Inc., Isagenix nutritional cleansing coach, mother, former journalist and resident of Kamloops, BC. She is passionate about health and wellness – especially cooking healthy foods for her family and the many benefits of yoga. Contact Lynn for more info 250.572.4162 Toll Free: 1.888.457.3543



Interior Wellness

The ““Wholly” Wholly” Y You Yo ou

Are you looking to change how you experience liffe? e? Are you dealing with ongoing health and emotional issues? Do you want aliveness, energy, ffrreedom, love, peace and abundance in your liffe? ee? If this is your goal, we can help you at The ““Wholly” Wholly” Y You Yo ou. I am Denise Morris and along with Tas asker, we are my partnerr, Pauline T blending our expertise and knowledge to create an opportunity ffo or all those truly interested in changing their lives and their health. W Wee began our Who W holly” Yo You Y ou in 2011 business, The ““Wholly” and are based in Armstrong, BC. So we would like to introduce ourselves to you. I am a registered nurse and have had a varied career fo for many years, practicing nursing in Canada and the UK. During my many years of working in the healthcare field I have realized that there is a need ffo or a more wholisitic approach. Just treating the symptoms will never bring about

optimal wellness. As a mentor of mine once said, “Healing never came from a pot of pills”. So I put in nto action my liffeelong passion fo for nutrition and healthy eating by studying with Barbara W Wrren at the College of Natural Nutrition in the UK. Upon returning to Canada in 2008, I continued my q ques uest fo for knowledge at the BodyMind Institute under the tutelage of Lars Gustaffson. Pauline T Taasker has over 15 years experience in healing and well-being, initially practicing Aromatherapy and Reflexology. Spurred by the illness of her mother she studied the philosophy of Louise L. Hay under Patricia Crane and has been a Louise Hay T Teeacher ffo or 13 years. She has successffully led many You Can H Heeal Your Life W Wo orkshops in Regina, SK, England and the Okanagan. Pauline is also an expert in Emotional Teechniques (EFT) having Freedom T studied through Gary Craig and has found the technique arrives at the depth of issues quickly. Her successfful businesses in healing and well-being span over 15 years in Canada and the UK. On the spiritual side, Pauline is also an ordained minister of Spiritis

Church. Through The ““Wholly” Who W holly” Y You Yo ou , Pauline and I encourage the individual to look at all aspects of their being, their physical and nutritional health, their emotional and mental contribution and also to pay attention to their spiritual side and exploring how that also plays a large role in well-being and balance. Through our own experience and growth it has become very clear that all aspects of one’s Yo ou cannot being are interconnected. Y work on just one area, ignore the others and become a totally balanced, healthy and happy individual. The specific services that Pauline and I off ffer er are: Emotional Freedom T Teechniq ques; Transfformational “You Ca Can H Hea eal Yourr Liffe” Workshops based on the philosophy of Louise L. Hay ; Reflexology ; Aromatherapy ; “The Blessing of Jeshua”, a gentle and non-invasive Spiritual blessing and Nutritional Counselling/ Coaching. Free consultations are available to individuals. W Wee

­ M id wife, Joan na Nemrava w elcomes n ew baby Row en M ichael Stagg, born February 25th to proud paren ts Larissa & B ill of Tappen BC.

250-377-8611 Now accepting new clients. Midwifery Care is covered by BC Care Card. 6



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also give talks, combined workshops and seminars.

off all my clients with in their journey to optimal nutritional health!

Now, I would like to share with advice. you some easy nutritional adv Adopting nutritional habits does not need to be difficult or complicated. few Simple Shifts In fact, there are a fe you can start on right now. These nutritional shits are so fun fundamental to the way way your body and mind work that you will instantly fe feel the differ diff erence in your life life. Yo You will fe feel more energy, start to drop unwanted feel and experience pounds, and see, fe your reality in a whole new way!

Many of you may be awa aware of the work of Louise L. Hay. Her work has transf sfoormed the lives of millions. Here are some empowering tips from her philosophy for YOUR life! life! 1. Be willing to love and accept yourself – no matter what! Yo You don’t need to lose the weight, hav have the relationship, or anything else first. Start NOW. 2. Pay attention to your thoughts. If your thoughts create your future (and we believe they do!), are your “typical” thoughts during the day the ones you really want to be thinking? Yo You hav have the power to change them at any moment. 3. Learn to create and use powerful affirmations to fo focus on what you DO want in your life life. 4. Nurture yo your Inner Child. Ta Talk to him/her with encouraging words and positive messages. 5. Be willing to change. Our ego tends to hang on to “the way way things are”. Tr Trust yourself and Spirit as you change. 6. Meditate on a regular basis. This will help you listen to your inner



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Issue #23

Interior Wellness

What are these fo four Simple Shifts? 1. Drink 2 ½ -3 litres of clean filtered room temperature water each day. 2. Add a pinch of Himalayan salt to ever y litre of filtered water, aavvoiding processed salt. 3. Maintain a continuous energy fruit between meals. supply by eating fr Awareness and Presence 4. Live with Awa These are the simple shifts that I start

The “Wholly” You Meridian Tapping/EFT Nutritional Guidance 5HÀH[RORJ\

Pauline Tasker


Individuals Seminers Workshops

guidance. 7. Listen to your body’s messages. They will give you vital clues about the emotions aff ffeecting you. 8. Honour your emotions, but don’t get stuck in them. Release anger, resentment and guilt. 9. Forgive the past and fr free yourself fr from bondage. 10. Stop criticizing and judging yourself. Love and accept yourself, that’s all that matters. Pauline’s Yo You Can Hea Heal Your Lif ifee Weekend W Woork rksho shop life is a powerful, life changing workshop. It will show you how to learn to love and accept yourself lf,, discover and release negative emotions and belief systems that have a profound effe effect You will also on your physical health. Yo forgiveness is the greatest learn how fo for your biology and thing you can do fo acefu ul will bring you greater health, a peacef mind and set you fr free to enjoy your lifee. A basic knowledge of EFT will lif also be included in the weekend. Change can be challenging, but not impossible, you just need to be willing. “When you change the way way you look at things, the things you look aatt change.” Pauline is facilitating a You Can Hea Heal Your Lif ifee Workshop on Saturday and Sunday, March 31 and April 1, 2012 at for Let’s Move Studio. See ad below fo more info information info information.


You Can Heal Your Life Weekend Workshop Based on the philosophy of Louise L. Hay March 31, 12pm - 8:00pm & April 1 9am - 5pm

Let’s Move Studio, Kamloops Cost: $165 Register with Pauline Tasker 250-546-0348


email: 2215 Fletcher Ave., Armstrong, BC

see the above article “Wholly” You for more details 7


Interior Wellness

THOMPSON RIVERS WELLNESS And Midwifery Centre A community of practitioners offering beautiful and holistic treatments to empower individuals to achieve harmony in Mind, Body, and Spirit

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Karen Beck

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Bach Flower Essences, Stone Therapy & Psychological Kinesiology (PSYCH-K) (250)374-4073

Intuitive Readings, Energetic Healing and Guided Meditation (250)682-8176


Vibrational Body Massage using Acutonics Sound Therapy (778)257-1713 8

Interior Wellness

Issue #23

Having a baby or have kids? Make them Eco friendly!!

By Dawnica and Jason Flatt

Babies are born pure and innocent, a clean slate in which everything they are exposed to has an effect on their future. That sounds like a huge responsibility, and well, it is. We must constantly be aware of their environment and what we are exposing them to. It doesn’t have to be overwhelming and some simple changes can make a big difference.

Here are 10 ways of creating an Eco friendly baby/child. t Handy Hand me downs – Gather clothes and toys at garage sales, consignment stores like Lizzie Bits and Mommy & Me the Markets or resale sites like Monkey Business Consignment or swap groups on Facebook. This saves money with not having to buy everything ‘New’ and a great way to reuse. t Entertainment and toys - Put only a few toys out and rotate them from time to time. Include common household objects in the mix: kitchen spoons, pots and measuring cups can entertain for hours. When buying toys, choose toys that are made from sustainable, BPA Free and organic materials. This reduces toxic substance exposure. Getting books from the library is another great idea. t Make your own baby food – not only will you know what is in the food, but you will also save. It’s healthy, quick and cost-effective. t Nurse instead of Formula – although this is not always an option, it’s a great way to provide the best nutrition. You are also saving on all the manufacturing, packaging or shipping that goes along with all those bottles and cans. t Buy organically grown, local products when possible. t Know what you use – Deciding what products we use on our

children is crucial. Read food labels and also read product labels such as bath products to know they are safe to use our on children’s skin. t Clean Green – We know that chemicals are all around us: some good, and some bad. Think about the products you use in your home. Chances are, your child will come in contact with these products as they play and explore in their surroundings. t RE- Use where possible – plastic bags have their uses but try to limit the times plastic is used. Instead use reusable containers and try to remember that cloth bag instead of accepting another plastic bag when you shop. t Laundry – Do full loads when washing and air dry whenever possible. You’ll reduce your electricity bill and you won’t have your dryer heating up the house as the warmer weather approaches. t Use Cloth Diapers – Why add to landfills when you don’t need to? Disposables sit for 250-500 years. This is our children’s future. Disposable diapers also expose our children to many chemicals that sit against their baby’s skin between changes causing diaper rash. Cloth diapers allow the skin to breathe. There are many options today in styles and materials and there are also diaper services that do the laundering for you, making cloth even easier to use. The more you include your child in all of these daily tasks, the more they will realize why you’ve made the choices that you have. Setting this example is probably the most important step in creating an eco friendly child because they become aware of their environment and the impact that they have on it based on the decisions you make today. Dawnica and Jason Flatt are owners of Snug Glee Bumz Diaper service. They provide the diapers and even wash them too, diverting over 25 000 diapers from the landfills so far! Ease of Disposables with benefits of cloth. Snug Glee Bumz Diaper Service, 250-554-9722



Interior Wellness By Val MacKay-Greer

SOUN D AND AN D THE BRAIN SOUND “ We are all of us without exception continually re-creating our world through the power of sound.� Tom Kenyon Sound immerses and surrounds us in our daily lives, yet how often do we stop and think about its profound effeects in our bodies an eff and in our lives? This ar article will discuss sound generally with a cursory look at at what it is, current concepts, how it effeects the body an eff and emotions while providing a more specific fo focus on sound and the brain. Barbara Hand-Clow who wrote the emyy ooff the Nine Dimensions, book Alchem defines sounds as... “the vibra rattion of air molecules which we measure by pulses/sec. or hertz. The molecules create solidity, sound, color, light and all living beings.� (p.105) This is supported in a broader context by Kenyon who states “ vibra rattion is the fundamental basis of everything that exists ffrrom the stars and galaxies to our bodies and minds.� (p.197) As humans, we are constantly vibra ratting even though we don’t ffeeel it because we are part of the vibra rattion. Similiarly, we don’t hear sound much above the ran ra nge of a keyboard. Of course, this doesn’t negate the obvious fact that vibra rattion and sound are integral parts of our environment. Something that helps make the concept of vibra rattion more concrete for me is the work of the cymatics machine. ‘ The what ’, you say? I know, I had no idea what it was either until I started delving deeper into the whole notion of sound. This machine, using a medium like fine sand, studies geometric patterns created by sound. The low fr frequency sound molecules create simple geometric patterns and high fr frequency sound molecules create very complex geometric patterns. These geometric patterns aarre the ‘ solidity’ Hand-Clow mentions above. Another sound concept tied to vibra rattion is the principle of resonance.

Hand-Clow describes this as the “ vibra rattory responses of fr frequencies.� (p.106) For example, if we hit lower A (220 Hz) on a keyboard all the other A’s on the keyboard will vibra ratte as well. Tr Try it fo for yourself lf,, it’s easy to see! Now that we have a fo foundation of what sound is, relationships between the var various concepts related to sound, i.e. vibra rattion, fr frequency an and resonance, we can begin to correlate this with the human body / mind. Although we think of ourselves as being in solid bodies, the truth is we are composed of 70% wat water and vibra ratting electromagnetic (EM) particles with extensive space between the particles. It has been said by many that the amount of matter in the human body would fit on the head of a pin! When we produce sound using our voice, this energy genera erattes vibra rattional responses of fr frequency or resonance similar to a standing wav wave that embraces the whole body fr from the cellular level to all of the body systems such as circulation. Emotions have their own unique energy, a vibrational resonance or sound signature that profoundly influences the body/mind fo for example the oxygenation of our blood an and hormonal levels. Often in our culture, we habitually suppress our emotions. In fact, it can be a badge of honour if we keep our fe feelings ‘ under control ’. However er,, the suppression of our emotions over time can push this energy deeper into the cells causing dissonance an and imbalance e.g. high blood pressure . From our cursory discussion of the effeects of sound on the body and eff emotions, let’s shift our perspective now to the specifics of sound and the brain. To To begin with, what do we know about the physiology of the brain? Generally, the latest brain research reported by Dr. Doidge


sound healing ffoor whole body body health phone 250.374.6907 Val MacKay-Greer Certified Sound Healer 10

ways ys describes the brain as “plastic, alwa learning how to learn with the ab ability to grow and change itself.� (p.47 ) Specifically, there are three lobes behind the fr frontal lobe of the brain, in’’s sensory which comprise the brain system. It processes signals sent to the brain fr from our ears, eyes, touch, smell, etc. When sound is produced it is converted into vibra rattional patterns (frrequencies) that travel through (f the auditory nerve into the auditory cortex of the brain. Doidge states, “ Recently it has been discovered that these sound fr frequencies in the auditory cortex are recorded tonotopically; in other words they are organized like a piano; lower sounds at one end and higher sounds at at the other.� (p.57) What is aam mazing to me about this, is the intricacy of the brain and it’s wiring! We have all experienced how what we think has a significant effe effect on our way way of being in the world. For instance, if I have been trying to soothe a crying baby without success my state of mind will be very differ diff erent fr from my mind state after just mediating! An explanation of differ different bra rain in states by Kenyon may provide some insight into this phenomenon. t BMQIB )[ BXBSFOFTT SFMBYFE state, usef efu ul in stress management an and accelerated learning e.g. languages t CFUB )[ JODSFBTFE TUBUF PG alertness - normal waking state t IJHI CFUB )[

BMFSUOFTT which can be related to anxiety t , DPNQMFY )[ IBQQFOT JO short bursts; ‘aha’ moments t 4VQFS IJHI CFUB )[ A PVU PG body’ experiences; kundalini release, other dynamic psycho-spiritual states ( p.40) The brain aan nd mind work ‘ hand in glove’, change your mind and instantly the brain rewires creating new neurological connections. Biochemical and electromagnetic potentials shift to change your experience. In this context, it is helpful to remember that these fr frequencies can happen in differ different parts of the brain simultaneously an and like a fingerprint, each person’s brain, processes these frequencies differ differently. So we do have original thoughts! Of course, shaman from indigenous cultures throughout the world have known this fr from the beginning of time using drumming and chanting to change brain patterns

to enter the ‘ dreamtime’. So, at at last, science an and scientific research is catching up! up! Sound healing encompasses these same principles. The use of your voice with it’s unique sound signature resonates wav wavelike through the body charging the brain, changing the biochemical / electromagnetic potentials of the body at at the very cellular level. Yo Your sound, resonating throughout your body helps you move into the ‘ dreamtime’ and remember your lightness of being. The fo following exercise will give you apply some of an opportunity to ap this sound healing ‘science ce’’ using intention, awa awareness and your own voice. First, using your ‘ mind’s eye’ do a for sweep through your body looking fo any areas that may need at attention. Often, your intuition will quickly take you there. Next, begin deep breathing into your belly. Add your fav favorite colour (light) as you breathe slowly in and out to increase your relaxa axattion. Once you fe feel relaxed, choose a sound. It can be a favorite mantra, OM, or simply sounds ‘ ah, a, e, o, u ‘ etc. Aga gain, in, intuition will lead the way. Lower sounds (fr (frequencies) will correspond with the lower chakras providing a sense of grounding. Garrdner - Gordon comments “ higher Ga notes (fr (frequencies) will correspond to the higher chakras giving an increased charge to the brain. (p.125 ) How does it fe feel? Which tone/ sounds seem to be resonating most effe effectively in your body? Play with the sound‌ make it softer er,, louder‌ Wo Working with your sound fo for 10 minutes will move energy, shift your brain state and clear your body. feel Some people tell me that they fe funny making sounds. “ What if someone hears me ? â€? My My response is “ try it in the shower er,, your body /mind / spirit will thank you.â€? 7BM .BD,BZ (SFFS JT B SFUJSFE 3 / XJUI ZFBBSST PG clinical/ teaching experience. She has been a holistic IFBMFS GPS UIF QBTU ZFBST 4IF JT B DFSUJÄ•FE TPVOE healer. IBSNPOJDTIFBMJOH!HNBJM DPN Ref efer erences Clow - Hand, B., Clow, G., Alchemy of the Nine Dimensions. Chaarrlottesville: Hampton Rd., 2010. Doidge, Norman, M.D. The Brain That Changes Itself. Toronto: Penguin Gr Group, 2007. Gordon - Ga Garrdner, J. The Healin lingg V Vo oice. Freedom: The $SPTTJOH 1SFTT Ken enyyon, T., T., Essene, V., V., The Hathor Material. Orcas Is.: ORB Communications, 1996. Ken enyyon, T. T. Bra rain in States, Lithia Sprin ings: gs: New Leaf, 2001.

Issue #23

Interior Wellness

Psoma Yoga Therapy In her wonderful book, Move Into Life, Anat Baniel, who trained with Moshe Feldenkrais, identifies nine "essentials" for vitality. I won’t try to explain her approach here, but I will refer to these “essentials” as key ingredients in what I call psoma yoga therapy. They are:

By Donna Martin

His habitual head position had kept him feeling suspicious that no one was trustworthy. By very slowing moving his head from that old position to a new one, he discovered a new possibility. 6. Enthusiasm Psoma yoga therapists practise feeling inspired, enthusiastic, appreciative. We want to notice something inspiring about our clients. Seeing clients this way relaxes us with the reassurance that they have the resources they need to thrive. Our demeanor reflects back to clients a reminder of their own strengths. This is perhaps the single most valuable benefit they get from being with us. It might seem like a radical suggestion for therapists to take in something from people we are supposed to be helping. It turns out that this attitude creates the ideal context for clients to have a healing experience.

1. Movement with attention 2. The Learning Switch 3. Subtlety 4. Variation 5. Slow 6. Enthusiasm 7. Flexible goals 8. Imagination and dreams 9. Awareness 1. Moving with attention In psoma yoga we practise mindfulness, both in traditional yoga asanas, and in ordinary experiences like walking, listening, eating, and sitting still. This state of mind moves us out of a paradigm of right and wrong, fixing or correcting. In psoma yoga, the therapist's role is to draw attention to aspects of your present experience that you might not otherwise notice. Experience is organized by habits, which are inevitably limiting. The psoma yoga therapist points out some habits outside of your conscious awareness and helps to expand the possibilities of what you are aware of and can therefore change. 2. The Learning Switch Having a learning model, rather than a model of fixing or correcting, is essential to the practice of psoma yoga. Motivated by a desire to be more aware of our habits, we want to discover the automatic behaviors and underlying assumptions that limit us. This practice is a learning journey; we stay open to the mystery of healing as it unfolds, confident that whatever we discover might hold the key to nourishing new experiences that we cannot predict. 3. Subtlety In psoma yoga we are not trying to make something happen. We participate in the unfolding process without trying to control it, and stay curious about two things. What’s happening now and what wants to happen...? This is ahimsa, non-violence. Body signals may be very subtle so we need a high level of sensitivity. Changing one thing very slightly in mindfulness can generate a lot of emotional information about old habits. 4. Variations Psoma yoga therapy involves experimenting with variations in how we do things. There’s an important distinction between changing posture or movement pattern as a correction, on the one hand, and making a change as an experiment in mindfulness for self-discovery on the other. In the first we inevitably set up a struggle between the old behaviour and the new. Habits persist and resist attempts to force a change. When a habitual pattern is connected with a belief, it is unlikely to change unless the belief is brought into consciousness. Old beliefs are limiting and can cause unnecessary suffering. Until we become aware of them, they persist as automatic ways of perceiving and behaving. Experiments in mindfulness offer alternatives to habits. This proves to be far more successful than trying to force change. 5. Slow Down We need to slow down in order for our brain to acquire the information needed for learning anything new. In psoma yoga, we invite the client to study a habitual gesture or movement by doing it slowly in mindfulness to learn about it. One client looked at me with his head turned slightly to one side. I invited him to very slowly turn his head to face me directly. As he did so, he was amazed to feel intensely vulnerable. I said, as an experiment, "you can trust me." He suddenly realized how he longed to trust someone.

7. Flexible goals In psoma yoga we hold very loosely the intention to become more consciously embodied; we let go of specific goal setting around getting stronger or more flexible, or even healthier, although all of these are likely results from yoga practice. Instead, we put our attention on the journey, not the destination. We notice changes but we let go of judging them as good or better, right or wrong. We engage whole-heartedly in the practice without trying to make anything happen. We simply observe what does happen. In psoma yoga therapy, we want to support the process but we give up the need to control it or know what needs to happen. We enter into the journey willing to explore rather than trying to reach a certain end result, open to the unfolding of what wants to happen. 8. Imagine and dream In psoma yoga therapy we invite an openness to embrace mystery. We help clients to imagine new possibilities for positive embodied experiences, beyond what their old realties have allowed. We assist them to stay open; to consider something new, to turn a dream of what might be possible into a new experience and reality. 9. Awareness Awareness of present experience is limited to the habitual ways we have learned to pay attention. The role of a psoma yoga teacher or therapist is to invite you to pay attention in new ways, and to become curious about who is noticing, not just about what you are noticing. When we become aware of how we are observing ourselves and others, and begin to experiment with new ways, we open to new nourishing possibilities. In so doing, we discover a kind of freedom and aliveness. Donna Martin, M.A. has been a yoga teacher for forty years and an international Hakomi trainer for the past fifteen years. Psoma yoga therapy is her original approach integrating yoga and the Hakomi Method. The author of several books, she is currently working on a Psoma Yoga Therapy manual. In 2012 she will offer week-long trainings at Hollyhock Retreat Centre in May and at Hui Ho’olana in Molokai in November. Donna has a private practice in Hakomi and psoma yoga therapy in Kamloops. Article from Donna Martin: Psoma Yoga Therapy: excerpted from an article from Rick Hansen’s MindBrain Bulletin

Psoma Yoga Therapy one week training retreat

with Donna Martin at Hollyhock May 9-15 and Molokai, Hawaii November 17-23

250-374-2514 11


Interior Wellness

Pathways to Wellness

s t y o a W w ellne h t s a s P

By Michele Gieselman Creating Pathways to Wellness is similar to having your own personal Wellness Tool Box. This means taking the time to incorporate the activities that help you to feel: -Grounded -Energetic -Creative -Passionate about who you are and what you do.

Each and every person is a gift who blesses the Mother Earth with presence and sacredness. Through meditation, respecting your intuition, embracing the outdoors, setting up an altar indoors, your sacredness will EH UHĂ HFWHG EDFN WR \RX DQG \RX ZLOO EH UHPLQGHG RI ZKR \RX DUH DQG why you are here. your day with a simple practice of to gentleness towards yourself Starting Pathways Creating to Wellness is similar having your own personal Wellness Tool Box. This means taking the time to incorporate Wellness Toolthat Boxhelp and pick the activities you something to feel: that will start you on your journey for the day:

Grounded -Meditation -Visiting your Sacred Altar -Spending time outside in silence - Ask your Inner Advisor a question Energetic -Look at your latest Vision Board Creative What would you like your day to look like? Passionate aboutto who yousacred aretools and Join Michele Gieselman learn these for what wellness you and do balance. See ad to the right.

Each and every person is a gift who blesses the Mother Earth with worked as an intuitiveThrough healer and body work practitioner since 1998. Michele hasand presence sacredness. meditation, respecting your intuHer interest in Earth Based Medicine led her to pursue the Shamanic teachings of the Inca ition, embracing the outdoors, setting up an altar indoors, your Tradition: sourced from the Medicine People of Peru. Michele is a full mesa carrier and sahas pursued mastery teachings with Jose Luis Herrera. credness will level be reflected back to you and you will be reminded of 6KH KDV RYHU \HDUV H[SHULHQFH LQ WKH ÀHOG RI KHDOWK DQG ZHOOQHVV 0LFKHOH EHJDQ KHU LQWHUHVW who LQ WKHyou HLQJand DV D ÀWare QHVV here. LQVWUXFWR PLGGOH HDVWHUQ GDQFH LQVWUXFWR DQG ZHOO Eare RI WKHwhy ERG\ you personal trainer. She assists her clients in working towards achieving balance and personal well

Pathways to Wellness with Michele Gieselman

4 Sundays April 15, April 22, April 29 and May 6 10am - 12pm Create: Treasure T reasure Maps/Vision Maps/Vision Boards Nature Mandalas Sacred Altars

* Connect with Your Your Self and Nature * Find out What Your Your Passion Is

Vision Board A Vision Board informs you. Your intuition is at work when you create a vision board. It will remind you of things you have wanted to do maybe you forgot and when you are finished your masterpiece there they are the beautiful reminders of what you would like in your life. Exciting!

Mandala A Mandala involves finding a piece of nature that you can visit and nurture; a quiet place where you can sit in silence and listen. Breathe in the beauty and surround yourself with the unconditional love of the outdoors. Start your day with a simple practice of gentleness towards yourself and what you would like your day to look like. Reach into your Wellness Tool Box and pick something that will start you on your journey for the day:

What would you like YOUR day to look like?

Create the stillness through meditation that reconnects you with your inner self and awakens your intuition.

$100 for all 4 sessions &RQWDFW 0LFKHOH ‡ Location: #1 - 763 Front Street, Kamloops 12

Creating a Sacred Altar brings in the energies of mother earth and the universe and it reflects your own sacredness back to you. Having objects on your alter that make you smile each time you see them. Perhaps a picture of you as a little one, beautiful seashells, feathers, stones; anything that brings you joy. Each time you spend time here brings you closer to seeing who you really are and brings a little peace into your being.

-Meditation -Visiting your Sacred Altar -Spending time outside in silence - Ask your Inner Advisor a question -Look at your latest Vision Board


Sacred Altar

Join Michele Gieselman to learn these sacred tools for wellness and balance. See ad to the left for more info. Michele has worked as an intuitive healer and body work practitioner since 1998. Her interest in Earth Based Medicine led her to pursue the Shamanic teachings of the Inca Tradition: sourced from the Medicine People of Peru. Michele is a full mesa carrier and has pursued mastery level teachings with Jose Luis Herrera. She has over 20 years experience in the field of health and wellness. Michele began her interest in the well being of the body as a fitness instructor, middle eastern dance instructor, and personal trainer. She assists her clients in working towards achieving balance and personal well being. Contact 250-851-0966

Issue #23

Interior Wellness

Thai Massage for Health and Wellness

By Tyson Bartel

The oriental bodywork style called Thai massage is recognized internationally as an effective form of therapy for body, mind and spirit. It originated in ancient India as a massage based on the science of yoga practice, came to Thailand 2,000 years ago and became part of traditional Thai medicine. People in Thailand still visit ‘massage doctors’ who use natural methods to assist the person to heal from within. Tourists, health professionals, athletes and artists were the first to recognize the value of Thai massage. More and more people are realizing that it is good preventative healthcare for anyone willing to make the time to receive regular treatments, especially if yoga is practiced in between! Thai massage is playfully called ‘yoga for lazy people’ and gives the same benefits of yoga in a focused way. Thai massage is done fully clothed and usually performed on a padded floor or low, wide table. It is a unique experience to seek out, especially if one loves yoga and would like new inspiration for yoga practice. Yoga has long recognized the human being as an energy system that is maintained by harmonizing with Prana: the subtle life force that sustains all life (the Chinese call it Chi). Prana circulates in the body/ mind through channels called Nadis similar to the meridians identified by Chinese medicine. The aim of Thai massage is to harmonize mind and body with the flow of Prana through the Nadis. When ‘in tune’ with Prana we experience our natural vitality. Thai massage balances energy flow using many techniques including rhythmic massage and acupressure sequences, pleasant stretching and gentle movement into yoga postures with conscious breathing. These flowing complimentary practices are given with the intention for the massage to improve the health and well being of the person receiving. This compassionate intention amplifies the physical and mental benefits, inviting deep healing through helping giver and receiver remember that all is one in universal essence: the enlightened aim of yoga practice.

creativity and sense of peace and well-being. The modern world is abundant with many wonderful outward directed, often materialistic, experiences of life. With its origins in the ancient tradition of yoga, Thai massage is a unique form of going inwards to experience oneself in a deeply relaxing and healing way. Book your Thai Massage with Tyson:, 1-250-226-6826

Tyson Bartel is native to Kamloops. While visiting Asia 20 years ago he began to learn and share meditation, yoga and massage. He also teaches Feldenkrais movement lessons through classes and hands-on sessions. In 2007 Tyson moved to Nakusp and helped start the NaCoMo Wellness Centre where he teaches weekly classes. These days he lives in the Slocan Valley while seeking an intentional community to settle in. "XBSFOFTT ćSPVHI .PWFNFOU 8PSLTIPQ t :PHB XJUI 5ZTPO #BSUFM #: %0/"5*0/ Sunday March 25th 3-5pm Let’s Move Studio pre-register: 1-250-226-6826

For more info. & bookings Tyson 1-250-226-6826

Thai Massage with Tyson Kamloops sessions: by donation March 17 - 27 & April 13 - 24 Office sessions and house-calls available Also offering: Feldenkrais FI Lessons

Besides a potential experience of self-realization (the original goal of yoga), common benefits of Thai massage may include: physical, mental and emotional tension release; gentle realignment of spine and joints; pain relief; performance improvement; promoting inner self-healing powers; enhanced

Awareness Through Movement Workshop Yoga with Tyson Bartel BY DONATION Sunday March 25th 3-5pm Let’s Move Studio pre-register: 1-250-226-6826 13


Interior Wellness


al Healing Power!

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As I sit down to my seemingly benign breakfast of orange juice, cereal with a sprinkling of sugar, some fresh exotic fruit, Conroy, D.C. By Lisa and a cup of nice herbal tea with honey, I notice the Fairtrade impact bodies. it is that we label onour myphysical mango and I amLikewise, reminded of thisimportant growing global understand that what we eat, how we move, and take care of movement.

our physical body will have a profound impact on our mental I look atself-perception, a few more labels. other items are not Fairtrade attitude, andMy state of mind.

and this disturbs me greatly. Someone suffered needlessly to bring this breakfast to my table. Perhaps even died QWO\ For residents in and around Kamloops, the someone wellness chiropractic of starvation, inhumane working elf, team at Inspire Chiropractic & Wellness Studio in Valleyview conditions, or exposure to you XVHV WKHLU 6SDFH )RXQGDWLRQ &HUWLÂżHG ,QVLJKW 7HFKQRORJ\ WR agricultural chemicals. My establish a holistic view of your current heart sinks at the thought. wellness condition. Together you will I participate daily in an explore your health and lifestyle goals, and economic system that does map your not respect human beings, or path to optimum wellness. anything other than the mighty Having utilized the non-invasive Insight dollar, for that matter. But I am to establish your current not powerless. I canTechnology begin wellness benchmark, as well as track your to account for my consumer ERG\ÂśV UHVSRQVH WR FDUH D QHZ VFLHQWLÂżFDOO\ choices through Fairtrade.

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valid, quantitative way of tracking and

Fairtrade helps to reduce communicating the effectiveness of poverty by providingWUHDWPHQW LV ÂżQDOO\ SRVVLEOH fair prices to farmers, eliminating unnecessary steps in regulating working Asthe a trade way process, to celebrate their new studio conditions, and providing support for communities engaged in opening this February 2012 in Kamloops, development projects. It encourages sustainable practices and Drs. Robert and Lisa Conroy would like to give you a coupon for education.

herbs, rice, juices, sports balls, sugar, tea and wine. There are many simple steps we can take to minimize our impact when making purchasing decisions. Here are a few of the changes I have made to my lifestyle, with a mind to Fairtrade. Buy second-hand. With a great deal of “consumer anxiety,â€? I am learning to ignore that incredibly powerful urge for spanking-new furniture and matched dishes. Your collection of random cutlery does not bother me at all! I love it. I enjoy KHDULQJ VWRULHV DERXW \RXU EDUJDLQ WKULIW VWRUH ÂżQGV DQG ÂłROGLH but goodieâ€? garage sale treasures. You know the ones: they don’t make ‘em to last like that anymore! Peruse local swap meets or do a little asking around; you would be surprised at what people are looking to pass on to you! ( %D\ .LMLML &UDLJVOLVW and )DFHERRN Buy DQG 6HOO pages have added that much-needed convenience factor to this type of shopping. I recently bought a gorgeous old headboard, a double stroller, and a pristine used kids’ bunk bed through these media. Buy local! When you buy local, you are more in touch with your producer and you can get to know them in order to not only build a relationship, but also to bear witness to the fact that you are paying them a fair price. This accountability is lost when you are separated from your producer by several degrees of separation, not to mention thousands of kilometers.


coupon. Follow the prompts and claim your FREE examination

DQG GLVFRXQW RQ WKH ,QWURGXFWRU\ &OLHQW &RQVXOWDWLRQ The top product categories for Fairtrade are: bananas, cocoa, today. Individual results may vary. FRIIHH FRWWRQ ÀRZHUV IUHVK IUXLW KRQH\ JROG VSLFHV DQG

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By Jodi Latremouille

“Live the life you were meant to live�

2009â€? pair lurking at the back of my closet? It is just for one evening, and who is going to notice my shoes, anyway? Once the necessity of the item has been ascertained, a simple round of *RRJOLQJ turns up a wealth of resources for nearly any product you could wish to buy Fairtrade, Organic, Vegan, or otherwise. is a great place to start IRU UHVSRQVLEOH VKRSSHUV ,W PD\ QRW DW ÂżUVW VHHP SUDFWLFDO RU affordable to purchase everything Fairtrade, but starting with the easier products, such as coffee and chocolate, can slowly lead to a growing awareness. Âł&RIIHH LV WKH ZRUOGÂśV VHFRQG PRVW YDOXDEOH WUDGH FRPPRGLW\ DIWHU RLO ZRUWK DOPRVW ELOOLRQ D \HDU DW ZKROHVDOH SULFHV ´ 7KH ODUJHVW SURGXFHUV DUH ,QGRQHVLD 9LHWQDP &RORPELD %UD]LO DQG (WKLRSLD &RIIHH IDUPHUV LQ (WKLRSLD HYHQ ZLWK IDLU WUDGH SULFHV DUH DPRQJ WKH SRRUHVW FLWL]HQV RI WKDW FRXQWU\ 7KH 8QLWHG &KXUFK 2EVHUYHU )HEUXDU\ 250-819-8585 (Lisa) 250-851-1145 (Rob) (DVW 7UDQV &DQDGD +Z\ ‡ 9DOOH\YLHZ 6TXDUH 6KRSSLQJ &HQWHU 14

Skip the middleman or woman. Many international as well as Canadian farmers are affected by low free-market prices and competition with subsidized products. When you buy directly

Issue #23

Interior Wellness


Give the gift of artisan crafts. Handmade items and consumables, beautiful and useful (hopefully both!), can be found your local craft fair or through Fairtrade organizations such as 7HQ 7KRXVDQG 9LOODJHV (www.tenthousandvillages. ca). Even better, spend a little time in the kitchen or at the woodworking table, and show off your skills! Fairtrade Tourism. ³6RPHWLPHV RQH PD\ WKLQN WKDW ZKHQ ZH WUDYHO WR H[RWLF SODFHV ZH DUH VRPHKRZ KHOSLQJ WKH SHRSOH LQ WKH FRXQWU\ ZH YLVLW DV ZH H[SHFW WKDW SDUW RI WKH PRQH\ ZH VSHQG WKHUH ZLOO JHW WR WKHP VRRQHU RU ODWHU 7KH UHDOLW\ LV WKDW PRVW LQWHUQDWLRQDO WRXULVWV ZKR JR WR GHYHORSLQJ FRXQWULHV VWD\ DW LVRODWHG UHVRUWV RIWHQ RZQHG E\ FRUSRUDWLRQV IHQFHG IURP WKH ORFDOV DQG RQO\ D IHZ RI WKHP FDQ SUR¿W IURP WKDW NLQG RI WRXULVP XVXDOO\ WKURXJK WKH WLSV DW WKH EDU ´ ZZZ IDLU WUDGH KXE FRP IDLU WUDGH WRXULVP KWPO


During my recent trip to Peru, I experienced some extreme Fairtrade Tourism. I had the honour of staying in the homes of local villagers in a remote mountain community overlooking the Sacred Valley. We learned about daily routines and ate local food prepared by the villagers. The community has undertaken a project welcoming tourists into their homes for EULHI VWD\V DQG XVLQJ WKH SURÂżWV IURP WKH YLVLWV WR LPSURYH their standard of living. In a country where few rural children have the opportunity to go to school, this isolated village had a 100% school attendance rate. What an incredible way to build global connections, and to contribute to a healthier, happier world. Invest ethically, and keep the pressure on. There are ethical investment funds available to investors, which allow investors to take a stand for sustainable and rights-driven companies. artwork by Rita Loyd

With continued pressure from consumers and investors, more companies will be encouraged to make choices that support our planet. We have a responsibility to hold them accountable! When it comes to large corporations, there is no such thing as “good enough.â€? With the dollars and clout that large corporations have, they are capable of changing our world for the better. Make them do more. No excuses. Don’t write off big companies. Two major targets of criticism, Wal-Mart and Starbucks, have responded to public pressure by providing sustainable, ethical, and Fairtrade products to consumers. Starbucks has agreed to work in the interests of Ethiopian farmers by signing a distribution, marketing and licensing agreement that recognizes Ethiopia’ s right to control the use of its specialty coffee brands, Harar, Sidamo, and Yirgacheffe. More than 96,000 people, including a broad coalition of student groups, nongovernmental organizations and Ethiopian community members, contacted Starbucks to urge them to sign the agreement by e-mail, fax, phone and by visiting local stores. ( Wal-Mart has launched six new coffees under its exclusive Sam’s Choice EUDQG 7KH QHZ FRIIHHV LQFOXGH 2UJDQLF )DLU 7UDGH &HUWLÂżHG DQG 5DLQ )RUHVW $OOLDQFH &HUWLÂżHG EOHQGV KWWS ZZZ VXVWDLQDEOHLVJRRG FRP SURGXFWV ZDOPDUWFRIIHH KWPO

I am learning that this is a global issue, but also one that affects producers right here in Canada. As my awareness has increased, I have found that far from being powerless, I am already beginning to live a Fairtrade lifestyle. The above ideas are just a few of the ways that we can contribute to a IDLUHU world. -RGL /DWUHPRXLOOH LV FR RZQHU RI )RRWSULQWV +DUYHVW 2UJDQLF 3URGXFH 'HOLYHU\ 6HUYLFH RSHUDWLQJ LQ 0HUULWW % & VLQFH 6KH FDQ EH UHDFKHG DW LQIR#IRRWSULQWVKDUYHVW FRP RU E\ YLVLWLQJ WKH ZHEVLWH ZZZ IRRWSULQWVKDUYHVW FRP


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Interior Wellness

Why Choose Chinese Medicine?

By Dr. Andrea Hansen

Historically, Chinese medicine (which includes acupuncture, herbal medicine, moxibustion, cupping, and more) was the main system of medicine available to the people of China. It had to have the tools and diagnostic methodology to treat everything. Whether someone had a common cold, acute dysentery, heart palpitations, retained placenta, a broken bone, infertility, or asthma, this system of medicine was his or her only resource, and therefore it had to develop comprehensively to accommodate the needs of all those seeking treatment. This medicine worked then, and it works for us now, but if offers something different from what the western mind has come to expect from medicine. We, as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners, invite you to let go of what you think you know about your body and try to understand yourself in a new way. Thousands of years ago, (and, largely, still today in China) Chinese medicine was integrated into everyday lives. The way that people ate, exercised, and lived was inspired and encouraged by the practice of Chinese medicine. It was a part of the culture: a way of life. At the heart of the practice are the teachings of the Tao and the idea that it is best to live in harmony with nature, with your environment. The Tao, literally translated, is The Way, and people sought to create a way of life in accord with it. Because the focus was on disease prevention, your TCM physician was paid to keep you healthy. Once you fell ill, you no longer were expected to pay for his or her services. How different it is for us today! In the absence of such preventative traditions for maintaining health, we wait until we are very sick or uncomfortable before we seek out help. For many in our society, we wait until we are profoundly imbalanced, and disease has firmly taken hold. By this time, diseases are much more difficult to treat and the time need for treatment is much longer. As a consequence of our culture’s predisposition to living an imbalanced lifestyle and then seeking treatment when disease manifests, TCM practitioners treat illnesses more than they mentor harmonious living. But the Chinese medical process differs from conventional western approaches in this regard as well. The most important difference is that the focus of the treatment is the person rather than the disease. The disease is addressed, of course, but through addressing a person’s unique systemic imbalance.

Wild Roots Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Clinic

Dr. Andrea Hansen, Doctor of Chinese Medicine and L. Acupuncturist

Acupuncture, herbal medicine, food therapy Fertility Awareness Methods Create the Conditions for Healing 16 250-682-7289

Indeed, because no two people are the same, no two treatments will be either. Take for example bladder infections. TCM recognises many possible types of painful urination ranging from acute bladder infections to chronic cystitis, interstitial cystitis, and so on. But even so, Chinese medical thinking goes beyond one herbal formula or set of acupoints for each type. Rather, each individual’s medical history and constitutional indicators are taken into account before a diagnosis is made and a treatment program designed. There are dozens of potential treatments for each unique case. Your TCM practitioner is trained to assess which medicinals or acupuncture points would best suit you and your individual condition. Some of the formulas used to treat bladder infections, or painful urination, will have antibiotic properties and some will not. (Many diagnosed “bladder infections” do not respond to antibiotics, either because there is no actual bacteria present or because the antibiotics have been overused and resistance has developed.) Thankfully, TCM physicians observed centuries ago that this problem called for a variety of treatments and have provided us with other options. In fact, it is common to treat recurrent bladder infections in Chinese medicine with herbs that have no antibiotic properties at all, but come from a completely different class of herbals. Indeed, most forms of painful urination (cystitis, interstitial cystitis, urethritis, urinary calculi, vulvovaginitis, prostatitis, atrophic vaginitis and herpes infections) respond well to Chinese medicine. Another example of Chinese medicine’s unique approach is with painful periods. The standard treatments available to women today are over the counter or prescription pain medications, anti-inflammatories, the birth control pill, the removal of lesions (in the case of endometriosis), or even a hysterectomy. In Chinese medicine, treatments for painful periods will vary depending on the location of the pain, the nature or intensity of the pain, if the pain is associated with other symptoms such as heavy bleeding or light bleeding, feeling chilled or nauseous—each calls for a different approach. Dozens of herbs from many different classes of herbal categories, as well as numerous acupuncture techniques, can help relieve the pain associated with menstruation, bladder infections, and almost any condition that we find ourselves living with. And, in accordance with TCM philosophy, while the symptoms are effectively treated, the ultimate goal is a holistic return to balance of your entire bodily system, a return to living in harmony with nature. What worked for the ancient Chinese, works for us now. In this modern world, it is important to remember the wholeness that Chinese Medicine has to offer. Western medicine has opened many doors for us, of course, but our western minds may have, in fact, limited what we expect from medicine. Let go of what you think you know about your body and embrace new ways of finding health. Dr. Andrea Hansen is a licensed Acupuncturist and a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine. She enjoys the rich full scope of practice embodied within the application of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which draws on many modalities and can be applied to any body. She welcomes all newcomers to experience the balanceand wholeness that TCM has to offer. www. 250-682-7289

Issue #23

Interior Wellness

6+$0$1,& 678',(6 6+$0$1,& & 678',(6 The Way W ay of the Shaman Basic workshop

May 26-27, 2012




Interior Wellness

Seven Ways to Savor Your Salutations By Tracey Rich

Suryanamaskar, the salute to the sun, can be a melodic moving meditation. Surya translates to the word sun in Sanskrit, the original language of yoga. Namaskaram, the traditional greeting in the South of India, translates to the word salutation like the more familiar word namaste which is in the dialect of Hindi and is used in the North of India. There are many physical translations of Suryanamaskar from various schools dating to different origins and traditions. These sequential vignettes or rhythmic vinyasas can be used to open a practice, singularly used to link other sequences of asanas together and can become an entire practice in themselves. Surynamaskar A, B, and C are the most well-known and can be learned through all of our Flow Series DVDs in their proper alignment DQG ZLWK PRGLÂżFDWLRQV IRU JUHDWHU DFFHVVLELOLW\ Here are some suggestions to help you savor your salutations. Try practicing each new repetition or grouping of salutations with your full attention on one of the focuses suggested below.

FOCUS ON ATTENTION WHILE CONCENTRATING: Keep your attention and concentration vigilant. Balance one-pointed focus with awareness in all directions. This includes upward and downward moving energy, inward and outward attention, aware ness of the space you occupy, the negative spaces within the form of the asana, and awareness of the entire surrounding environment. Energy comes from everywhere and can be lost through inattention.

FOCUS ON GRAVITY: The trick here is to work with and against gravity depending on the movement. Don’t do your own heavy lifting. In essence, learn to understand and use gravity to elevate your practice. This is the secret to creating lightness in your asanas and experiencing the pleasure of being on the planet. FOCUS ON FREEDOM: Give yourself the freedom to explore range of motion, intuitive variations and creative nuances within the poses that make up the salutation sequence. Letting go of what you expect to experience in the asanas allow the freedom of insight to VXUIDFH DQG HQFRXUDJH WKH MR\ RI SUDFWLFH

FOCUS ON THE FLUIDITY OF YOUR BREATH: Let each movement within the salutation begin and end with a full, unbroken breath. Let the timing of your breath create the pace of each movement. This LV ÂżQGLQJ UK\WKP LQ WKH VDOXWDWLRQ

FOCUS ON FLOW: /HW RQH PRYHPHQW ÀRZ into the next. Even though you want to execute each aspect of the salutation completely, let the next corresponding movement begin seamlessly. Focus on the FOCUS ON LINES OF ENERGY: Let extensional energy spaces between asanas as well as the asana itself. Listen for the be the key element of each movement. Find the polarity within each rhythm, look for the harmony, and experience the grace in your action by sensing opposing directional energies‌ left, right, up, practice. Flow is achieved by bringing all of the aforementioned down, forward, backward. Over-effort will block energetic or nerve focuses into play at one time. Namaste! ÀRZ ZKHUHDV XQGHU DSSOLHG HIIRUW FDQ EORFN HQHUJ\ DQG FUHDWH MRLQW tension. Tracey Rich, creator of the Yoga Flow DVD Series, will be co-leading at the SOYA FOCUS ON ALIGNMENT: Let each complete salutation and each movement within the salutation follow the wisdom of proper placement. Finish each movement fully before executing the next.

Annual Yoga Retreat at Naramata Centre, June 8-10, 2012 along with Ganga White. Tracey and Ganga operate the White Lotus Foundation in Santa Barbara, California. Š 2012 White Lotus Foundation. All Rights Reserved. Reprinted by permission

South Okanagan Yoga Academy presents‌

Ganga White & Tracey Rich

From White Lotus Foundation, California “Yoga Inner Union, Outer Dance�

June 8-10, 2012

Friday 7pm to Sunday 12noon on Okanagan Lake in the village of Naramata Centre, BC

Early Bird Registration til March 31st $265 + hst (meals, camping & accommodation extra)

One of the “architects of American yogaâ€? and a “pioneer of yogaâ€? ‌the Yoga Journal.

Details & to Register go to email 250-492-2587. 18

Issue #23

Interior Wellness

“What Should I Do When I Grow Up?” By Michelle Morrison

As an intuitive, I am blessed with being able to

get to know some amazing people during an intuitive session. I always find that there are themes with readings that I do, that the questions and concerns that are brought forward, tend to be similar between clients in a certain time period. What I can tell you about the clients that I have been seeing in 2012 is that so many people are questioning their careers, what they currently doing and where they would really like to go. I find this incredibly exciting! More and more people consciously choosing careers that really sing to their hearts, feed their souls and that are truly geared towards who they really are. Even if they are not sure what they want to do, what they do know is that they no longer want to work to just work, they are seeking fulfillment, they are seeking to honour who they really are. Perhaps you are thinking about a career change, you are out of work or you are in the place where you are beginning to look at possibilities. Wherever you are, it is the perfect place to begin asking yourself the questions and taking the steps to get clearer about what truly fulfills you and what would make you excited to get up and do each day. So, what if you are in a job that you are not enjoying? What if you dread getting up each day and going to work? What if you are thinking that you are meant to do something meaningful, but you are just not sure what it is. Let’s talk about how to get the career you want! The year of 2012 is all about moving into deeper conscious awareness and so I am not surprised that so many people are taking steps that move them towards their highest potential, their life purpose. First of all, if you are currently in a job that is not fulfilling you, you need to be clear about why. Whenever you are in a place, looking for change, you must know exactly where you are first. I don’t mean for you to focus on the negative, but it is really important to look at what you no longer want to include in your experience. Examples of this may be; no longer wanting to work in a negative environment, not wanting to work the same hours, perhaps no longer wanting to be away from home so much. Get clear about what is not working for you, make a list and then put it aside. Now, what type of working environment do you want to work in? What kind of hours do you want to work? What kind of people do you want to work with? Do you want to work in an office, or do you prefer to work on your own? What kind of income would you like? Make a list of all of the things that you want to bring into your experience, connect to how you want to feel when you work, the emotional fulfillment that you would gain if all your dreams come true. You don’t need to know what you want to do, just how you want to feel when you will do it. The next step is to begin taking inventory of things that you really love to do. Even if you don’t think it would be a career or what you would do for a career, just get a list going of what truly makes you smile. This will help to get you going in the right direction, thinking about what you want to

bring more of into your life. When you are continuously connecting with thoughts, ideas, emotions and experiences that bring you joy, make you feel happy and smile, you will bring more and more of that into your life. It is your way of saying to the universe, “Yes! I love it! I want more! Thank you!” Do you feel the difference in the energy when you are on this plane, rather than beating the drum of hating what you do? It is important that you focus on joyful experiences. When you are continuously focusing on what you don’t like, that is all you will see in your experience. You become “stuck”, you can become depressed or feel despair. When you take control of your thoughts and move them over to what makes you happy, what brings you joy, ways you can feel peaceful, you begin to experience more of all of those things. You put yourself in a place of positive momentum and positive direction. When you are in this place, it is much easier to begin connecting to bigger questions, such as “what should I do when I grow up?” So, now you are in a better frame of mind...ask for what you need! I am continually reminding people that they can actually ask for what they need. Whether you are on a first name basis with your spirit guide or not, doesn’t really matter, the universe wants you to succeed! If you say to the universe; “please help me with my life purpose, please bring me messages, signs, experiences and opportunities that will help lead me to my highest potential, the perfect career for me,” you will get exactly that. Your job is to stay positive and connected to how you want to feel, then stay aware. Pay attention to where your attention goes, what is attracting you? What words do you see over and over, what images do you see over and over, what conversations do you keep hearing? Pay attention to your “gut” instincts. Are your instincts telling you to stop at the book store where you see a magazine with the perfect words on the cover? Maybe you have a feeling to Google “graphic design” or “healing modalities”. It doesn’t matter what it is, just do it, it may lead to exactly what you are looking for or something else that interests you. The point is that you are paying attention and then taking the steps one at a time that are before you. This creates the process of awareness, expansion and then creation. Allowing yourself to look for things you like, things you love and focus on them, brings you to a place where there is less tension and more fluidity, more allowing. Allowing the flow of positivity guides you to awaken and become the light filled being that you are; to come into your highest potential. It is my wish for you that wherever you are, you are living a life of love and joy and finding peace within. From my heart to your heart, Namaste. Michelle is an Intuitive, Usui Reiki Master / Teacher and Shamanic Practitioner. You can book your own private intuitive session, energetic healing session or guided meditation session or attend an empowering workshop with Michelle. During an intuitive reading, Michelle connects with your aura, energy, animal totems and spirit guides and your highest potential to help bring you clarity and alignment with achieving your dreams and desires. An energetic healing session is a gentle and holistic way to help heal the body and transform negative energy or to change the patterns that may be causing “dis-ease”. You can follow Michelle on Facebook for weekly readings (The Balanced Soul) and on Twitter (thebalancedsoul). For more information, please contact Michelle at 250-682-8176 or by email: or visit

Animal Totems & Reiki

with Michelle Morrison

Animal Totems Learning About and Connecting With Your Personal Animal Totems Saturday April 21st 10am to 4pm Cost: $130 (Includes lunch) Learn about the incredible world of animal totems, connect with and build your own personal “totem pole. For more info or to register please contact Michelle 250-682-8176

Reiki Level I Saturday April 14th 9:30am to 4:30pm Reiki Level II Saturday May 12th 9:30am to 4:30pm 19


Interior Wellness





5:45 - 6:45 am Monday - Thursday YOGA FITNESS BOOT CAMP Pre-Register!

9:00 - 10:30 am Yoga: All Levels Christine S. @ Let’s Move Studio

Yoga: Align and Flow: All Levels

10:00 -10:55am PILATES: Beginner Cardio Mat Cassie M @ EVOLVE Pilates Studio

12:00 - 1:00 pm Awareness Through Movement Colleen @ Let’s Move Studio

10:45 am - 11:45 am Gentle Touch Yoga: Beginners Cathy @ Let’s Move Studio

10:30 am - 11:45 am Parent and Baby Yoga: All Levels Tania @ Let’s Move Studio

12:05 - 12:55 pm Lunch Hour Yoga Christine S. @ Mind Body Connection

12:00 - 1:00 pm Yoga: Any Shape, Any Size! Bonny Z. @ Let’s Move Studio

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Yoga: Beginners Tania @ Let’s Move Studio

5:00 - 6:30 pm Belly Dance: Beginners Rosi @ Let’s Move Studio

12:10 -1:05 pm PILATES: Well Backs Mat Cassie M @ EVOLVE Pilates Studio

12:30 - 1:30 pm Mon - Fri Ai Chi (Water Tai Chi) Audrey @ CB Wellness Centre

5:00 - 6:30 pm Yoga: All Levels Christine S. @ Mind Body Connection

4:15 - 5:10 Pilates: Beginner Mat Class Emma @ The Pilates Tree

5:00 - 6:00 pm Yoga: Heart Centered Hatha - All Levels

Marcia @ Let’s Move Studio

5:30 - 6:30 pm Woga (Water Yoga) Tuesdays & Thursdays Audrey @ CB Wellness Centre

Yoga: Heart Centered Hatha - All Levels

5:30 – 6:40 pm Power Yoga Amber H. @ St Andrews

6:35 - 7:35 pm Pilates: GUYS ONLY Mat Class Emma @ The Pilates Tree

6:00 - 7:00 pm Yoga Alison @ Dallas Elementary

Yoga: Ashtanga Flow, All Levels Colleen @ Let’s Move Studio

Alison @ Barnhartvale: R. L. Clemitson Elementary

6:15 - 6:55 pm Zumba: All Levels Shay @ Let's Move Studio

7:00 - 8:35 pm Zumba: All Levels Amber D @ EVOLVE Pilates Studio

6:10 - 7:00 pm ZUMBA: All Levels Shay @ Let’s Move Studio

7:00 – 8:00 pm

7:45 - 8:35 pm Zumba: All Levels Jacqueline @ Let's Move Studio

7:00 - 8:10 pm Power Yoga Amber H. @ St. Andrews Let’s Move Studio

9:00 - 10:20 am Yoga: Deep Healing Restorative

Katrina @ Let’s Move Studio

Prenatal Yoga (pre-register) Amber H. @ St Andrews 7:10 - 8:00 pm Urban Abs & Buns Jaime @ Let's Move Studio

9:00 - 10:20 am Katrina @ Let’s Move Studio 10:10 -11:05 am PILATES: Beginner Mat Tricia @ The Pilates Tree

5:00 - 6:00 pm Marcia @ Let’s Move Studio

6:30 – 7:30 pm

For class updates and changes check out:


6:00 - 7:00 pm Yoga

7:15 - 8:15 pm Yoga: Beginners Any Shape, Any Size! Bonny Z. @ Let’s Move Studio

The Pilates Tree #101-409 Seymour St. 250-320-BODY

Let’s Move Studio 925 McGill Place 250-372-9642

Barnhartvale: R. L. Clemitson Elementary Todd Rd

St. Andrews 159 Seymour St.

Centennial Building Wellness Centre 153 Seymour 250-374-7383

St. Paul’s Church Hall 360 Nicola St.

Dallas Elementary: 296 Harper Rd

The Mind Body Connection 253 Victoria St. 250-374-2748/250-374-5421

EVOLVE Pilates Studio #201-1361 McGill 250-372-7237


Issue #23

Interior Wellness




9:00 - 10:30 am Yoga: All Levels Robyn @ Let’s Move Studio

9:00 - 10:30 am Yoga: Heart Centered Hatha Marcia @ Let’s Move Studio

11:00am Meditation: by donation Christine S. @ Mind Body Connection

Issue #21


10:00 - 11:25 am ZUMBA & PILATES: All Levels Amber D @ EVOLVE Pilates Studio 12:00 - 1:00 pm Yoga: Any Shape, Any Size! Bonny Z. @ Let’s Move Studio

10:30 – 11:30 am

Yoga: All Levels Cheryl @ Let’s Move Studio

12:00 - 1:00 pm Awareness Through Movement Colleen @ Let’s Move Studio 12:00 - 1:30 pm Yoga 50+ Christine S. @ Mind Body Connection

5:00 - 5:50pm Hula Hoop Fit: Beginner (hoops provided) Daryl @ Let's Move Studio

3:30 – 4:00 pm

6:00 - 6:50 pm ZUMBA: All Levels Shay @ Let’s Move Studio

ZUMBATOMIC: Age 4-7 with parents Jacqueline @ Let’s Move Studio

4:15-5:10 pm Pilates: Beginner Mat Emma @ The Pilates Tree 5:00 - 5:55 pm PILATES: Beginner Cassie M @ EVOLVE Pilates Studio 5:00 - 6:30 pm Belly Dance: Advanced Rosi @ Let’s Move Studio 5:00 - 6:30 pm Yoga: All Levels Christine S. @ Mind Body Connection 5:30 - 6:45 pm Anusara Yoga Katrina @ St. Andrews 7:00 - 8:20 pm Prenatal Yoga Tania @ Mind Body Connection

6:30 – 7:30 pm

Yoga: Vinyasa Flow - All Levels Colleen @ Let’s Move Studio

7:45 – 8:35 pm

ZUMBA: All Levels Tara @ Let’s Move Studio

SUNDAY 7:00 - 8:00 pm


by donation @ Let’s Move Studio

Teachers Contact Info Alison N.


Amber D.


Amber H.




Bonny Z





250 851-2909

Christine S.


















Subsc rib free! e 21


Interior Wellness

My Mind is Too Strong... for Hypnosis By Eivind Andersen

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MarilynManderson Manderson Marilyn (250) (250)579-9444 579-9444 marilyn.manderson@sha 22

One of the most misunderstood modalities in the area of wellness today is hypnosis. When asked what people know about hypnosis, most people bring the same perspective to the table. This perspective tends to come from the massmedia and other sources such as group hypnosis found in the entertainment industry. Many people believe that hypnosis is the art of mind control. Or that it is the ability to make people do unusual things that they may or may not want to do. I’ve heard people say that their mind is too strong to be hypnotized or it just doesn’t work for them. It appears that this modality has been fighting an uphill battle over the past several decades. The truth is that it is one of the most effective tools for working though emotional and spiritual blocks that we have. The facts around hypnosis are quite different from what we are led to believe. Firstly, it is about being in a relaxed state that usually ranges from a subtle daydream to a light sleep. These are the same relaxed states that your body needs to be in to repair itself. Also, most people are unaware that it is not only possible, but more likely to remember everything that happens while under hypnosis without being told by the therapist. Secondly, the therapist does not take control of your mind, in fact, cannot unless you really want him or her to. In addition, hypnosis is a simple process that allows a person’s subconscious mind to speak and work through issues or goals. The therapist can insert post hypnotic suggestions, which simply act as strong reminders after the session. The subconscious mind will always protect you as if you were wide awake, no matter how deep under you have gone. It will not give away your secrets or tell on you, in fact, it will find other creative ways to talk through core issue you may not be comfortable talking about. Finally, as long as trust is established and the client has willingness or desire to use the modality, hypnosis will be successful. Perhaps, the stronger your mind is the more successful hypnosis will be for you. The uses for hypnosis are many, so here are just a few of them. Most of us are aware that group hypnosis is used to entertain. You should know that throughout a show, there is a very extensive screening process that takes place to pick the most willing audience members to participate. There are more serious forms of group hypnosis that tend to be very affective, such as stop smoking session or sessions on breaking other addictions. Private hypnotherapy sessions are very affective when working through past issues, setting goals or simply finding direction in life. At some point, many of us find that talking about it just isn’t enough or doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. Hypnosis can be an effective way to find that solution or that truth that inevitably has been in you the whole time. If you would like more information or have any questions, feel free to contact Eivind Andersen. He is a certified wholistic practitioner and hypnotherapist with Together in Wellness. Drop him a line at 778-882-5061 or email

Issue #23

Interior Wellness

What Does Happiness Mean to Me? By Dominique Baird

Let’s Move Studio Yoga Dance Wellness

Feb 11, 2012 was world happy day. My mom and I went to the Lets Move dance studio to watch a documentary film called HAPPY. It was very interesting, as the film told stories of people from around the world and what made them happy.One beautiful lady named Melissa was run over by a truck, now disabled and disfigured for life. She said she is happier now than before her accident. A rickshaw puller from the slums of India lived in a hut made of plastic bags with his family. His family and friends made him very happy even though he did not have much money. After the movie I asked my mom what made her happy. She said knowing I am (her daughter) safe and happy, having love, family, and friends. Not money, not clothes, not things. She then asked me what made me happy. Of course friends, family, and my dog, but feeling accepted and connected in the community was important for me. Having good health makes me happy too. I am a young lady myself, 20 years old, and I am a very diverse person. I do not think of having a disability, but just different abilities than some people. I have Down syndrome, Trisomy 21. Some people do not know that there are three different types of Down syndrome. One thing that was most heart warming about the film for me is that even though are world has many diverse places and people this really makes the world we live in so beautiful. Most people want to be happy. Everyone may have a different answer but most will find feeling happy comes from our family and friends and being a part of a community that accepts you. I have five jobs, four are volunteer. One of my volunteer jobs is at the dance studio. It makes me very happy to work there because I can dance, meet new people, and I feel loved and accepted. In the film a Japanese community said helping others and being friends made them live much longer.

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12pm ATM* 5pm Bellydance 6:30pm Yoga 7:45pm Zumba

Wednesday 9am Yoga 10:45 am Yoga*G 12pm Yoga*G 3:15 Yoga: Kids 5pm Yoga 6:10 Zumba 7:15 Yoga

Thursday 9am Yoga

Friday 9am Yoga 12pm Yoga 12pm ATM* 5pm Hoop-Fit 3:30pm Zumba* 6pm Zumba 5pm Bellydance 6:30pm Yoga 7:45 Zumba

Yoga Fitness Boot Camp *B=Beginners *MB=Mom & Baby *G=Gentle *Zumbatomic: Kids, age 4-7 Mon-Thurs 5:45-6:45am *ATM=Awareness Through Movement

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I will live a long happy life because I am healthy from dancing, I have a loving family, and I have good friends. I hope everyone will think about what really makes them happy and share love and happiness with the people all around us to make our world a better place to live. Dominique is an active self advocate, writer, artist, and volunteer in Kamloops. Volunteering with People in Motion recently had her speaking to high school students and various groups in the community about diversity and bullying. She has been featured on the mid-day show and in the local newspapers for Buddywalk and TNUDS (Thompson Nicola Ups and Downs Society) in which she has been an active member since March 2006. Selected by the Kamloops North Shore Business Improvement Association, she painted one of her art submissions onto a 5 foot banner that was displayed in the city street. Dominique’s poetry has been publicized in the National Voices magazine, produced by the Canadian Down Syndrome Society, as well as in her former high school newspaper and the North Shore Echo magazine, and she continues to have a deep passion for writing poetry, songs, and short stories.

Tuesday 9am Yoga


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1ΎƞƪƝƝΎƛȺȯɁɁΎ Expires May 31, 2012 23


Interior Wellness

SPECIALIZED IN: • relationship issues • individual issues • anxiety • grief • life transitions • sexual health for couples


UPCOMING WORKSHOPS / WEEKEND INTENSIVES • based on Best-selling self help books • Respectful Relationships • Loving an Addict, Loving Yourself • Overcoming a Toxic Divorce




Counselling Services Email: • Phone 250-372-5634 (Jodi) w w w . t h e t r a v e l i n g t h e r a p i s t . c a


Counseling is confidential time & space just for you. Any issue can be explored and understood.


A general sense of understanding of the nature of the issue and how it is to be resolved; as well as a sense of control & well being.

BCACC is moving to be covered by basic medical. At present most extended benefit packages will cover counsellors services. Please call if finances are an issue for you.

• Individual • Group Therapy • Weekend Intensives • Workhsops



- meets Mondays for open conversation / skill development (assertiveness, happiness, relationship skills) THE BUDDHIST CAFÉ © - meets twice amonth to explore Eastern principles as they apply to Western Psychology K.A.A.G. Kamloops Adult Activity Group - meets twice a month. For any adults wishing to add to their social life

To register call JODI WIUM at 250-372-5634 (Jodi) or e-mail 24

Issue #23

Interior Wellness

Lentils by Laura Kalina

Lentil Spaghetti Sauce. Sounds weird? This is one of my favourite recipes using lentils and it tastes great. Lentils fall under the legume family and may be sold whole or split into halves with the brown and green varieties being the best at retaining their shape after cooking. They grow in pods that contain either one or two lentil seeds that are round, oval or heart-shaped disks. Lentils, like other beans, are rich in dietary fibre both the soluble and insoluble type. Soluble fibre forms a gel-like substance in the digestive tract may help to lower blood cholesterol. Research studies have shown that an insoluble fibre not only helps to increase stool bulk and prevent constipation, but also helps prevent digestive disorders like irritable bowel syndrome and diverticulosis. Lentils’ contribution to heart health lies not just in their fibre, but for the significant amounts of folate and magnesium they contain. Folate helps lower levels of homocysteine which damages artery walls and is considered a serious risk factor for heart disease. Magnesium helps veins and arteries breathe a sigh of relief and relax which improves the flow of blood, oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. Want to literally keep your heart happy? Eat lentils Lentils cook in about 15-25 minutes, are high in fibre and an inexpensive source of protein. They have a hearty, rich, nutty flavour that holds up to lots of seasoning. Lentils are not only great in soups, but can also be eaten hot or cold, as a hearty main or side dish. They are very popular in French, Middle Eastern and Indian cuisine. The brown ones are the most common and the least expensive. You can also buy green, red, orange, black, and white lentils.

These are general cooking directions. Be sure to check the directions on the back of the package of lentils you have bought. Cooking times and amounts of liquid may vary slightly. Different types of lentils require different cooking times. If you are eating them as a side dish or in a salad be sure not to over-cook them. If they are going in a soup, you may want to cook them a bit longer. If you need to season the lentils with salt, do not add it until after the lentils are cooked and removed from the heat as it can toughen the lentils if added during the cooking process.

Lentil Spaghetti Sauce Serves 6 1 large onion, chopped 2 stalks celery, chopped 3 cloves garlic, chopped 1 tbsp oil 1 Âź cup red lentils, washed and drained 3 cups water 1 can ( 19 oz) diced tomatoes 2 cans (5.5 fl oz) tomato paste 2 tbsp parsley, chopped 1 tsp dried oregano 1 tsp salt Âź tsp cayenne pepper (BSOJTI HSBUFE QBSNFTBO DIFFTF

15 ml 300 ml 750 ml 540 ml 156 ml 30 ml 5 ml 2 ml

1. In a large pot on medium high heat, cook onion, celery, and garlic in hot PJM GPS BCPVU NJOVUFT PS VOUJM UFOEFS "EE MFOUJMT BOE XBUFS $PWFS BOE cook on low for about ½ hr, or until lentils are tender. Stir often. "EE UPNBUPFT UPNBUP QBTUF BOE TFBTPOJOHT $PPL DPWFSFE GPS BCPVU NJOVUFT PS VOUJM MFOUJMT BSF TPÄ™ BOE NVTIZ "EE NPSF XBUFS DVQ JG TBVDF becomes too thick. 3. Serve over cooked spaghetti or spaghetti squash. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese 3FDJQF GPS -FOUJM 4QBHIFUUJ 4BVDF GSPN -PX (MZDFNJD .FBMT JO .JOVUFT $PPLCPPL For further info

Lentils should be kept in a cool, dark place, (not the refrigerator) and can be stored up to 12 months. If you have different types of lentils store them separately. They all require slightly different cooking times so you don’t want to jumble everything together. Once cooked, lentils should be stored in the refrigerator, covered, and should be eaten within 3 days. You can cook lentils by themselves in just water or stock and then eat them as is. Here’s how: Measure out about 1 cup of Lentils to 1 ž cups of liquid. But first, sort through the lentils to make sure there are no small stones or bits that should not be there. If need be, you can spread the lentils out on a clean kitchen towel to do the sorting. t ćFO SJOTF UIF MFOUJMT VOEFS DPPM XBUFS t #SJOH ÂŁ DVQT PG TUPDL PS XBUFS UP B CPJM t "EE UIF MFOUJMT UP UIF QPU t (JWF UIFN B TUJS t ćFO CSJOH UIF MFOUJMT CBDL UP B CPJM Cover the pot and turn the temperature down to simmer and cook for about 20 more minutes or until the lentils are tender. If you’ve added too much liquid and over cook them, they will get NVTIZ "Ä™FS NJOVUFT NPTU PG UIF MJRVJE XJMM IBWF CFFO BCTPSCFE There may still be a bit of liquid on the bottom, which is fine. Taste them. You may want them to be a bit more tender, in which case DPOUJOVF DPPLJOH VOUJM BMM UIF MJRVJE JT BCTPSCFE "CPVU NJOVUFT more).



Interior Wellness

Happy Day, Happy Dance, Happy Life –

How Happy Are You You? ? Have you ever thought of someone and had them call you a ffeew minutes later? Or had your carefully arranged plans ruined only to realize later that it worked out better than your original plan? Do you ever get the fe feeling that things are just meant to be because they fall into place so easily? The Universe works in strange ways and I am so happy that I get to observe this all the time! My most recent universe-led experience was with the screening of the movie Happy. There is no way I could tell you wh when I was first introduced to the movie or by wh whom, but I can tell you that the idea to screen the movie in Kamloops and the ensuing ease with which we did show the film here could only have been guided by something more universal. Needless to say, the afternoon of the screening was fu full of love, popcorn and cookies (provided by amazing people!) and, of course, happiness! But I’m not here to give you a rundown on the screening or review the movie, which was fantastic; I’m here to share some happiness! So, are you truly happy? What makes you happy? And are you actually doing those things that make you happy? And really, are you contributing to the happiness of your community, nation, and world in any way? These questions might be really easy fo for you to answer! Or maybe they aren’t. Either way, finding ways to be happy or to be happier or to be happy more often is something we should all aspire to! A happier you means a happier world, and the world really could use a lot more happy right now. So what are some things you can do to increase happiness? Here are some ideas fr from the makers of the Happy movie: Get out there and Play or Move! – The benefits of movement, including endorphin release, are well documented and by just moving at least a little every day we can improve our peace of mind, state of health, and level

250-320-0475 280 W. Victoria St, Kamloops Brittanya Beddington ‡ 0HGLWDWLRQ 0DVVDJH ‡ +RW 6WRQH 7KHUDS\

Feel like “floating jello�...




Connect with Other People – building relationships with people is a fantastic way to fos foster a sense of community and fu fulfill that inner need to be a part of something bigger than yourself lf.. Plus you get to share all of that happiness! Join a club or group, volunteer, connect and re-connect with friends, family, co-workers, neighbours, teachers, and more. Work out your Gratitude Muscles – recognizing that there is so much in your life life to be gra rattef efu ul can, in itself lf,, be a more happy person! Tr Try increaslife that truly ing your appreciation by acknowledging the little things in life make you fe feel great, seeing the beauty in every single thing, writing a gratitude list, showing your appreciation fo for the people around you, and doing something nice fo for another person just because you can! Get lost in the Moment – some call it “flowâ€? wâ€?,, some call it “engagementâ€?, but you probably know it as that activity that takes you to a whole differ different world where time doesn’t exist and all that matters is what you are doing in that exact moment. Spending time doing these activities can lead us to a more fu fulfilled lifee and can increase our well-being! So lif get lost! Go Big Picture – find something that has a purpose beyond your personal gain and get involved with it. Maybe it is religion fo for you, or maybe it is contributing to a cause that you believe in, or it could be volunteering fo for a group that you really want to support. By getting involved in something larger than you and your personal bubble, and becoming part of a community of kindred spirits, we can often delve deeper into our sense of purpose and contentment. Be Still – by taking up a practice like meditation we can become more self-aware, control our emotions better, and actually change our brains in a positive way! Even a fe few minutes a day can increase your health and happiness, and open you up up to a whole new world of peace, relaxation, and satisfaction. If meditation isn’t your thing, make sure you are finding things to get lost in‌I like to call that moving meditation! And don’t fo forget about the little things like smiling aatt a stranger in the street, stopping to smell some flowers, saying thank you, and just calling to say hello! I hope some of these suggestions brought a smile to your face, but if they didn’t then I recommend taking a second right now to think of the last funn funny thing that happened in your lif lifee. Got it? Good! Now go out and spread that beautif ifu ul smile of yours! I wish you health, happiness, and many smiles! Brittan anyya



of happiness. It doesn’t matter what sort of moving you are doing either‌ from playing hide and seek to swimming, from gardening to dancing, fr and fr from cleaning the house to walking the dog, every little bit counts!

Ref efer erence: Wo World Happy Day – Screening Guide, Brittanya is a local practitioner of massage, animal lover, and fr friend to the environment. For info info about events she hosts and more go to

Issue #23

Interior Wellness

A Celebration of Health, Wellness, Yoga, Fitness & Spirituality, in Kamloops & B.C. Interior

Interior Wellness

Festival June 13, 2012 Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops

f 3 Days o a l ation Transform ss Wellne

FREE A dmiss ion



Marketplace Healing Garden Yoga & Fitness Classes

Entertainment Healthy Cafe 250-371-1938




Interior Wellness

Issue #23

Interior Wellness

Freeing the Body in Water Give Yourself the Gift of Bliss! Limited Membership to a warm salt pool! Annual rate $100. per month until March 31 Pain free exercise, Ai Chi, Woga, unlimited Far Infrared Saunas, Sound Baths, Watsu & Waterdance in our warm saltwater pool.


Centennial Building Wellness Centre Reception 9:30 - 12:30 M-F # 103-153 Seymour St.




Interior Wellness

Interior Wellness


­Jodi Wium Counselling Services Registered Clinical Counsellor Specializing in Buddhist Psychology. One to one, couple & group counselling.

­Vital Point Acupuncture Jennifer­Larsen,R.Ac.­ Offering­Classical­Acupuncture,­Facial­Rejuvenation, Reiki­and­Acutonics­Sound­Therapy


# 15 - 219 Victoria St.,­250-372-5634­

CHIROPRACTORS Inspire Chiropractic & Wellness Studio Drs.­Lisa­and­Robert­Conroy "Live­the­life­you­were­meant­to­live" 250-819-8585­(Lisa)­250-851-1145­(Rob)

Wild Roots Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Clinic Dr.­Andrea­Hansen,­Doctor­of­Chinese­Medicine­&­Licenced Acupuncturist.­Acupuncture,­herbal­medicine,­food­therapy. Create the Conditions for Healing.­­250-682-7289­­



Global Goddess Aromatherapy Ellen­Huggett,­­Certified­Aromatherapist 250-374-0755

Fluid Fire: Lisa­Hyder:­firedance­equipment,­ LED­toys­&­custom­hula­hoops.­ lessons­and­performances­250-572-4615­


Shift Enterprises The­ULTIMATE­in­fitness­fun­&­dance! Zumba,­hula­hoop,­hip­hop­&­More...­­­(250)­852-0564

Kamloops Esthetics: Jan Wynnychuk Discover­amazing­results­using­a­holistic­approach­to­skin­care.­­“Successful­Ageing”­ #­301-141­Victoria­St.­­250-828-0909

Traditional and Modern Bellydance &­Tribal­Fusion Bellydance.­Classes­for­beginner,­intermediate­ and­advanced­at­Let's­Move­Studio.­Fatamorgana Bellydancers available­for­workshops­&­performances Rosi:­250-318-5445­

­Yoga Potion: High­Grade­Essential­Oil­Blends;­ Medicinal,­Skin­Care.­Environmental­&­Perfume­Potions. No­chemicals­or­synthetics­added.­Hand­made­in­B.C. 1-888-974-6259­­­


COUNSELLING Breath Integration Counselling Lynn­Aylward­250-319-7364 Breath­Integration,­Counselling,­Bodywork­­

HOME STRETCH FITNESS Personal Training & Bootcamps SIGN UP NOW for your FREE consultation Home­Stretch­Fitness:­Wendy­Peterson.­­­­ and join one of my Results Driven Fitness Programs­250-31­ 9-7890 “Your success is my passion” COMMITTED TO GETTING YOU RESULTS!

Wendy Peterson • 250.319.7890 •

­Creative Transformation for Body, Heart & Mind Marilyn­Puff­BSW,­Intuitive­Bodywork,­Breathwork,­ Coaching,­Scalarwave­Technology,­Sound­and­Drum­ Healing­Journeys­250­579-7688,­ 30

Yoga Fitness Bootcamp for Women Have­fun­while­you­get­in­shape.­Get­strong­&­inspired!


Issue #23

Interior Wellness


HEALING & BODY THERAPIES I­nterior Wellness Festival HEALING GARDEN All wellness treatments $1 per minute June­1­-­3,­2012­­TRU­-­Campus­Activity­Centre FREE­ADMISSION­

Angela Strank, Intuitive Consultant, Life & Abundance Coaching Founder­of­the­'Living Your­Best­Life­Series'­­­ Phone­Consultations:­250.532.9638­­ Your­Best­Life­Awaits­YOU!­What­Are­YOU­Waiting­For?

One-On-One Fitness and Massage Christine­Karl:­Personal­Trainer­ Ortho-Bionomy,­Shiatsu,­Reiki­Master.­ #7­231-Victoria­St.­­250-320-9960

Ariadne Sassafrass: Intuitive Awareness Intuitive­Healer/Reader,­Life­Coach,­Access­Bars­ Facilitator,­Quantum­Energy­Practitioner,­Reiki­Master.­­­­­­­250-837-9276

Sharyl Johnson: Angel Energys Reiki,­Cranio­Sacral­Therapy,­Meditation­ Facilitation,­Ceremony­&­Blessings­MERRITT 250-378-5385­­

FINDING THE BALANCE WITHIN Justine­Richmond,­BSc.­BFRP.­ Bach­Flower­Consultation,­Stone­Massage­Therapy Advanced­PSYCH-K®­ine.­250.374.4073­

Stone Therapy Massage & Holistic Massage with­Brittanya­Beddington;­Holistic­Massage­&­Stone­ Massage­-­Available­evening­&­weekends­250-320-0475­

Feldenkrais, Yoga and Reflexology Colleen­­­ 250-377-7203 George Cheyne 1-888-804-4773

Tania Niedbala Tesla Healing Practitioner Tesla­Healing­-­Reflexology­-­Massage Tesla­Light­Body­Metamorphosis­Sessions 250-434-9171

Certified­Live"­­Blood­Analysis,­Body­Management,­cleanses, herbal­supplements,­instructor,­cardiovascular­scanning. Body­Management­course:­May­26th­-27th.­250-804-4776,­

Tesla Metamorphosis You Are the Light Tesla Metamorphosis Sessions & Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis with Cornelis Brink 778 472-3537

HARMONICS HEALING Val­MacKay-Greer Vocal­Toning­for­Bodymindspirit­Healing 250-374-6907 Innovative Changes - Kim Jensen

Thai Massage & Feldenkrais with Tyson

Usui­&­Karuna­Reiki­Master­Practitioner­&­Teacher Celtic­Reiki­Practitioner


Fully-clothed­acupressure­massage­By Donation


250-572-3103 Paul Laviolette HHP ACTP RCRT Trigger­Point­Therapy­Massage­-­Trigger­Point­Chair Massage,­Advanced­Reflexology­­#316­-141­Victoria­St. 250-319-7292­-­

Therese Dorer Private­Consultations:­Medium, Shamanic­Healing,­Meditation,­empowering­you through­direct­connection­with­your­Spirit­Guides.­­­250-578-8447­

Marilyn Manderson, Attunement­Practitioner A­sacred­healing­art­&­spiritual­practice Deepen­your­connection­with­Source­­250-579-9444

Therese Laforge Theta, Sacred Sound, Yuen and Bodytalk practitioner, Reflexology and Massage 778-471-5598 or

Michele’s Intuitive Healing and Massage

Together in Wellness: Eivind Andersen Certified­Wholistic­Practitioner,­Hypnotherapy,­Emotional Clearing,­Message,­Reflexology,­Energy­Healing,­Intuitive­ 778-882-5061­

Workshops,­Meditation,­Massage,­CranioSacral­& Intuitive­Readings­&­Shamanic­Healing.­ #2­-­231­Victoria­St.­250-851-0966,­


Michelle Morrison: The Balanced Soul Intuitive­Readings,­Meditation­&­Energetic­Healing­­


Usui­Reiki­Master­and­Shamanic­Practitioner 250-682-8176­

Interior Wellness Festival: June 1-3

Natures­Fare­Markets­ Live­Well­-­Live­Organic­250-314-9560 #5­-­­­1350­Summit­Dr,­Kamloops­BC Vitamins­|­Supplements­|­Produce­|­Bistro­ 31

iveness to come to your awareness. mpowers you to make clearer decisions er, more successful life.

ours, include a consultation and are eries of twelve sessions.


Interior Wellness

that it can be gentle and fun, we encourage e yourself this incredible opportunity.


LIFE COACHING ­Find Strength in Action Life Coaching

Breath Integration Counselling

Individual,­couples,­family­counselling.­One­day workshops,­6­month­Personal­Empowerment Trainings.­Body­work.­Sunday­Spiritual­service.­250-554-6707

Kathy­Richins,­ICF­Certified­Life­Coach Coaching­for­Health,­Wellness­&­positive­change (778)­471-2634­or­(250)­574-7521­

Musings and Mud Coaching Studio Create­the­life­that­sings­to­your­soul. Janet­L.­Whitehead,­ Certified­Professional­Life­Coach­250­376-8402­

Centennial Building Wellness Centre Freeing the body in water: Watsu, Ai Chi, Woga, Aqua Jogging, Water Dance & Sound Baths 250-374-7383 Inspire Chiropractic & Wellness Studio Drs.­Lisa­and­Robert­Conroy "Live­the­life­you­were­meant­to­live" 250-819-8585­(Lisa)­250-851-1145­(Rob)

Let’s Move Studio Yoga­&­Dance­classes,­Infrared­Sauna,­ Workshops,­Events,­Meditations­and­more! 250-372-9642­

MASSAGE THERAPY: REGISTERED ­Darlene Fair, RMT, RYT Craniosacral,­Visceral Massage,­Osteopathic­Techniques,­Myofascial Release­and­Unwinding.­ #405-153­Seymour­250-318-6300


Thompson Rivers Wellness Centre

Craniosacral­Therapy,­Energetic­Healing,­Acutonics,­ THOMPSON Homeopathy,­Hypnotherapy­and­much­more­for­your RIVERS WELLNESS well-being­­­#­104­-­418­St.­Paul­Street And Midwifery Centre


BODY: HEALTHY - Wendy McLean, RMT cranial­osteopathy­-­myofascial­-­visceral­ headache­-­neck/back­pain­-­pregnancy­ injury­-­stress­­­­­­­­Effective­Holistic­Care­­­ #260­-­546­St­Paul­St.­­­­­­­778-220-2225­­ WENDY McLEAN B.A., R.M.T.


In the kamloops naturopathic clinic 100 - 1315 Summit dr., KAMLOOPS, BC V2C 5R9

778-220-2225 Full and New Moon Crystal Bowl Meditations with Therese Laforge Fridays March 23, April 6 & 20th, May 4 & 18 8 - 10 pm No preregistration required, $10 Let’s Move Studio

HOMEOPATHY Hands On Homeopathy: Constitutional­ approach­for­acute­and­chronic­concerns.­ With­manual­chi­gong­for­maximum­benefit.­ Brian­Scrivener,­Hands­On­Health,Tudor­Village 250-377-7675­­

Carrie Martens, Advanced Homeopath Consultations,­Home­Remedy­Kits,­ and­Training­for­Families.­­­­250-372-1760

HYPNOTHERAPY ­Cameron Grant, MA CEH ARW Generative­Hypnotherapy­and­Psychotherapy.­Restoring­ harmony­and­balance­to­the­subconscious­and­somatic­minds. Phone­Cam­today­250-318-3008

Meditation in Daily Life With­Head­Abbot­Ajhan Sona from the Birken Forest Monastery: Meditation,­potluck­and­Q&A­­ Sundays:­March­18th,­April­15th­May­6 9:30am-12:00­Let’s­Move­Studio­BY­DONATION

Shambhala Meditation Group of Kamloops Free­weekly­meditations­ Thursdays­7­pm,­instruction­offered.­ 433b­Lansdowne­St.­(above­Frankly­Coffee)­ See­our­website­for­upcoming­programs­­­ or­call:­Liz­250-376-4224,­Evelyn­250-573-5519. Meditation with Michele Gieselman March­20,­April­24,­May­29,­June­26th­­­­6­-­7:30pm March­22,­April­26,­May­31,­June­28th­­­10­-­11:30am­­­ $15­Contact Michele 250-851-0966

Clinical Hypnotherapist Karen Beck DHsc,CHt,MH 250-571-9328­ Stress,­Anxiety,­Fears,­Phobias,­Stop­smoking, Confidence,­Goal­Setting­&­Peaceful­Pregnancy­

Weekly Meditation Group FREE­­ Sundays:­7-8pm Let’s­Move­Studio

LIFE COACHING Body Mind Spirit Coaching: Marlena Field, PCC,­CPCC­ Professional­Certified­Coach:­Learn­to­trust­your­body's wisdom­as­you­face­challenges­and­make­decisions.­­250-851-0145 32

Interior Wellness Festival: June 1-3

Issue #23

Interior Wellness


PRODUCE: Local, Organic Organic Produce Delivery Service

Mystic Dreams: Your­North­Shore­Metaphysical­Store! Books,­Tarot­cards,­crystals,­jewelery,­clothing, CDs,­buddhas,­statues,­incense,­candles­&­more! Tranquille­Rd.­Near­Cowboy­Coffee,­North­Shore


POWER­UP­WITH­CRYSTALS! *­Display­Crystals­*Points­*­Clusters­*Rare­Collectible­Minerals­ *­Tibetan­NEW­discoveries!­Metaphysical­tools­*­Pendulums­*Wands*­­Asian Collectibles!­*­Buddhas­*­Guan­Yin­­*­Tara­­statues­&­pendants­*­Tibetan­Becky­Pickard­1.877.296.4621



PARENTING ­Snug Glee Bumz Diaper Service­250-554-9722 Ease of Disposables, Benefits of Cloth.


Kamloops Momma Magazine The­free­magazine­for­local­moms… and­dads­too!­­­

Mighty Oak Midwifery Care Personal,­professional,­ woman-centered­maternity­care. 250-377-8611­­­


Thompson Rivers Midwifery Holistic­Mother-Baby­Care.­Free­for­BC­residents. Choose­Home­or­Hospital­Birth.­Accepting­new­clients!­ (250)-572-0632­­

Focus on Health Physiotherapy Erna­Stassen­BSc.­PT.­Registered­Physiotherapist



Hands On Health Clinic:­Spirited,­manually oriented,­professional­care­for­your­health concerns.­Physiotherapy,­Homeopathy,­ Therapeutic­Yoga.­Tudor­Village­ 250-377-7675­

Dr. Melissa Bradwell, ND Full­Naturopathic­services:­Acupuncture­and­IV Therapy­735­Victoria­Street­250-374-9700­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­

NUTRITION ADULT STEM CELL HEALTH MATTERS! Support­your­body's­natural­repair­process.­ Natural,­organic­nutritional­supplement­increases the­amount­of­adult­stem­cells­in­the­bloodstream.­­­­(250)­371-4836

Holistic Physical Therapy Cathie Levin, BSc. PT: Registered­Physiotherapist The­Bodymind­Centre,­#205-635­Victoria­St.­or­250-374-4383

PILATES EVOLVE Pilates Studio 250-372-7237 Cassie­Marchuk:­Change­the­way­you­work­out! Achieve­improved­posture,­balance­&­strength.

Laura Kalina, RD, M.Ad.Ed, Registered Dietitian USANA­Nutritional­Supplements,­Low­GI­Eating,­ Weight­Loss,­Diabetes­Management­­250-372-0815­­

#201-1361­McGill­Rd­ The PILATES Tree - Christine­Waterman­-­Quality,­classical­instruction, personal­attention­Building­strength­from­the­inside out­for­a­longer,­leaner,­stronger­body 250-320-BODY(2639)­­­#101-409­Seymour­St.

Lynn Roberts - Health & Wellness Coach Boost­Energy,­Lose­Weight­&­Eliminate­Cravings With­the­Isagenix­Nutritional­Cleanse 250.572.4162­­

­ True Balance Nutrition and Wellness Alexis­Blueschke,­Registered­Dietitian­and­Certified Laughter­Yoga­Instructor.­Change­your­life­one­bite­ at­a­time.­250.319.7521­


OFFICE/WELLNESS SPACE FOR RENT Suite with two treatment rooms and reception area to­rent­or­cost/share Great­downtown­location­with­elevator­access Numerous­amenities­possible­ Very­resonable­rate­call­250-319-7292

Ulis Mountain Retreat & Massages Personalized­Massages,­Hot­Stone­Massage, Reiki,­Bowen­Technique­and­Health­Coaching­250-319-8933 I­nterior Wellness Festival 2012 June­1­-­3,­2012 3 Days of transformational Wellness FREE­ADMISSION TRU­-­Campus­Activity­Centre. Seminars,­Workshops,­ Healing­Garden,­Yoga­&­More­



Interior Wellness



Lynne Kraushar, Certified Rolfer #6-231­Victoria­St. 250-851-8675­

To Peace

Full and New Moon Crystal Bowl Meditations with Therese Laforge Friday, March 23. April 6 and 20th, May 4 & 18 8 - 10 pm No preregistration required, $10 Let’s Move Studio

SPIRITUAL CIRCLE InteriorAttunement

inner peace, love, joy, release of emotional pain ath technique is what you ching for.

SERVICE Attunement Circle 4 - 5 p.m.


Sundays, April 15 - May 27 at Lets Move Studio Relaxing, healing, nurtures change, Marilynconnection Manderson with Source enhances (250) Marilyn 579-9444 (250) 579-9444 By donation.

of counselling that allows ortunity to see how our lives. As we use the eness level increases. houghts, feel the emotions around ating better results now. Counselling Session?

ualified Breath Integration Counsellor, a connected circular breathing method. ws core subconscious thoughts and veness to come to your awareness. powers you to make clearer decisions r, more successful life.

Sacred sound and theta love vibrations combine to serve you at the Full and New Moon Crystal Bowl Meditations. On these Friday evenings, we get to rest and unwind in restorative positions of our choice in the yoga studio. Harmonies and some dissonance are brought to you live from three types of bowls: frosted, clear and alchemic bowls. The sound assists in opening chakras and consciousness. The event is private and internal even when we are numerous. Bring your water bottle and your blankie!

SUNDAY SERVICE Centre for Spiritual Living Change­Your­Thinking...Change­Your­Life

ours, include a consultation and are ries of twelve sessions.


hat it can be gentle and fun, we encourage yourself this incredible opportunity.

540­Seymour­Street­250-314-2028­Find­us­on­Facebook! Sharing tools to transform your personal life and make a difference in the world.

! #


$# #%

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Sunday Spiritual Service 10:00­am,­Sundays:­March­4th­and­18th April­1st,­15th­and­29th,­May­13th #­204­-­535­Tranquille­Road­250-554-6707

" ' )

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Kamloops Freedom­of­religious­thought Sunday­services,­Children's­programs,­Social and­Environmental­Projects­

VIBRATIONAL SOUND THERAPY VIBRATIONAL BODY MASSAGE Using­Acutonics Sound­Therapy.­Allow­your­Self­to­experience­the sounds­of­the­Universe!­Karen­Houghton,­BSW*­­ Certified­Acutonics­Practitioner­778.257.1713

­ Vibrational Transformation Acutonics 5­Element­Acutonics­Practitioner Sound­Medicine,­Sound­Baths Audrey­Meuse­CB­Wellness­Centre­374-7383

WEDDINGS Sacred Bliss Wedding Ceremonies. Let your ceremony tell the story of your relationship.­Specializing­in­same­sex­and alternative­wedding­ceremonies.­Licensed­with­Vital­Statistics Canada.­Angela­Clark­250-318-2930­

WORKSHOPS & SPECIAL EVENTS Awareness Through Movement Yoga with Tyson Bartel BY DONATION Sunday­March­25th­3-5pm­Let's­Move­Studio pre-register:­1-250-226-6826­­

More: 34

Movie Nights At Let's Move Studio ~ Conscious Films

Matinee­Screening:­3­-­5­pm­ CHECK ON LINE FOR SCHEDULE Upcoming­dates:­April­14th,­May­12th­and­June­9th.­ Brittanya:­­ or­250-320-0475­or­Wendy­

­Hand Drumming with Raven:­Drum­circle­facilitator­& teacher,­250-828-2953,­ Info­on­drum­events,­updates­on­posts,­drum­circles, lessons,­&­festivals.­Join­the­Ujamma­Drum­Circle All­levels­&­ages,­come­and­be­a­drum­buddy!­ Sundays­at­Let’s­Move­Studio,­March­11th,­April­22. Drum­Lessons­11am-1pm­(pre-register­only).­ Drum­Circles­1:30-3pm­open­to­all­$5

Tools for Shamanic Healing: With­Wendy­Grono­& Therese­Dorer.­Workshops:­Healing­Mandalas­March­31 Despachos­(Prayer­Bundles)­May­12­­Apachetas­April­22­250-578-8437

Meditation in Daily Life With­Head­Abbot­ Ajhan­Sona from the Birken Forest Monastery Meditation,­potluck­and­Q&A­­ Sundays­March­18th,­April­15th,­May­6 @­Let’s­Move­Studio­9:30am-12:00 BY­DONATION­ You Can Heal Your Life Weekend Workshop Based on the philosophy of Louise L. Hay March­31,­12pm­-­8:00pm­&­April­1­9am­-­5pm At­Let's­Move­Studio­­Cost:­­$165 Register­with­Pauline­Tasker­­250-546-0348­­ email:­­ See­the­article­The­"Wholly"­You­for­more­details

MEDITATION TEACHER TRAINING Become­a­certified­Padma­Meditation­Teacher.­ Advanced­Education­for­Yoga­Teachers.­Learn­to teach­meditation,­philosophy,­yogic­psychology, breath­work,­Asana,­Sanskrit­chanting,­&­mudras. Starts­April­2012­in­Vancouver­at­Semperviva­Yoga Pathways to Wellness with Michele Gieselman 4 Sundays: April 15, April 22, April 29 & May 6th 10am - 12pm Create: Treasure Maps/Vision Boards, Nature Mandalas & Sacred Altars: Connect with Your Self and Nature Find out What Your Passion Is $100 for all 4 sessions Contact Michele 250-851-0966

Issue #23

Interior Wellness



Interior Wellness Festival: June 1-3

­ Innergize YOUR workplace! Bringing­the­benefits­of­yoga­into­the corporate­world 250.572.4162­

Meditation with Michele Gieselman April­24,­May­29,­June­26th­­­­6­-­7:30pm April­26,­May­31,­June­28th­­­10­-­11:30am­­­ $15­Contact Michele 250-851-0966

Kamloops Hot Yoga Seven­Styles­of­Hot­Yoga­Offered

Spring Conference 2012: Vibrant Healing & Inner Peace Are Within Your Reach! Saturday,­May­26/2012 $50-ticket­*proceeds­to­be­donated*


3:00p.m.­-­7:00p.m.­TRU-House­of­Learning­Bld. Irving­K.­Barber­Round­Lecture­Theatre­900­McGill­Road­­ contact­Lori­­250.682.0466­

Let’s Move Studio: Yoga­-­Dance­-­Wellness­ Yoga,­Bellydance,­ZUMBA,­Fitness­&­more Kamloops’­Most­Diverse­Studio­250-372-9642 signup­for­a­free­class

Psoma Yoga Therapy One week training retreat with Donna Martin at­Hollyhock­May­9-15­ and­Molokai,­Hawaii­November­17-23 250-374-2514­­

Yoga Fitness Bootcamp for Women Have­fun­while­you­get­in­shape.­Get­strong­&­inspired!


­The Way of the Shaman: Basic Workshop

Yoga with Amber ~ RYT500 with Yoga BC Power­(Drop­In)­~­Prenatal­(Preregister)­ ~­Private­classes­­­­or­250-318-5370

Shamanic­Journeying,­Power,­&­Healing­Presented­by­The­Foundation­for­Shamanic­Studies.­An­introduction­to­core­shamanism­and initiation­into­the­classic­shamanic­journey­for­awakening­dormant spiritual­abilities,­healing,­problem­solving,­and­restoring­spiritual power­&­health.­ May­26-27,­2012­(Saturday­10:30-5:30­&­Sunday­9-5) Let's­Move­Studio,­Kamloops,­BC­Early­Registration:­$260­by­May 4th­or­Late­Registration:­$290­after­May­4th­­(register­early)­

yoga with marcia wilson kids,­tweens,­teens­&­adults 250-319-8583­­

Gizelle­Rhyon-Berry,­M.A.­ED­ 604-378-9127­

­ outh­Okanagan­Yoga­Academy­presents… S Ganga White & Tracey Rich From­White­Lotus­Foundation,­California­ “Yoga Inner Union, Outer Dance” June­8-10,­2012­Friday­7pm­to­Sunday­12noon­ on­Okanagan­Lake­in­the­village­of­Naramata­Centre,­BC Early­Bird­Registration­til­March­31st­$265­+­hst­(meals,­camping­& accommodation­extra)­Details­&­to­Register­go­to­email­­­250-492-2587.­ I­nterior Wellness Festival 2012 3 Days of transformational Wellness June­1­-­3,­2012­­TRU­-­Campus­Activity­Centre FREE­ADMISSION­ Seminars,­Workshops,­Healing­Garden,­Yoga­& Fitness,­Live­Entertainment,­Marketplace,­Cafe­&­more!

YOGA TEACHER TRAINING ­South Okanagan Yoga Academy - Yoga­Teacher­Training­ Registered­Yoga­School­for­RYT200­and­RYT500 Flexible­Training!­ Immersions­or­Extended­programs­in­BC,­AB­&­Mexico!­­­250-492-2587

YOGA THERAPY ­Darlene Fair, RMT, RYT Private­&­semi­private­yoga­sessions­available­ relax-rejoice-renew­ #405-153­Seymour­250-318-6300


Optimal Health with Optimal Alignment Katrina­Ariel­~­250-374-6493 Freedom­from­pain­through­empowerment.

Andrea Jittler-Friesen, Yoga Instructor­­

Children’s­&­Adult­Classes­Available.­ On-going­classes­@­North­Shore­Community­Centre Tues­6:30-8pm,­Thurs­10-11:30am­All­Levels­Welcome 250-375-0082­­

Bikram Yoga The­Hottest­Yoga­in­Kamloops!­ 250-314-3636­340­Victoria­St.

Psoma Yoga Therapy: Donna Martin 635­Victoria­St.­250-374-2514­­­­,­­

Interior Wellness Festival: June 1-3



Interior Wellness

Sitting With Love EXPLORING KUNDALINI ENERGY Sitting Part With Love EXPLORING KUNDALINI ENERGY II of a three-part series articulating a yogic meditation practice

Part II of a three-part series articulating a yogic meditation healer. Look for the bliss, but also watch our ownpractice Deepening with Kundalini for the pain and healing andbliss, whatever elsewatch it is If, after months or years of your own daily our own healer. Look for– the but also Deepening with Kundalini that youpain might If at any point it seems meditation practice areofcalled godaily further, it for the andneed. healing – and whatever else ittoisbe If, after months oryou years your to own is possible topractice deepenyou theare meditation too much for atotime becoming that you might need.toIfbear, at anydiscontinue point it seems be meditation called toby gofocusing further, it the channeling of ‘kundalini’ loveby energy to on techniques thatmuch specifically the kundalini is possible to deepen the meditation focusing becoming too to bear,cause discontinue for a time and through the seven major chakras and in to energy to rise instead practice grounding on the channeling of ‘kundalini’ love energy techniques thatand specifically cause the kundaliniwork the a deeper conscious and and seek ‘Stay calm, be brave...and andprocess throughfacilitating the seven major chakras and in energy tosupport: rise and instead practice groundingwatch work subconscious union with infiniteconscious universaland energy. for signs!’ the process facilitating a deeper andthe seek support: ‘Stay calm, be brave...and watch Further study union of bothwith kundalini – which is with known other words, it is important to be adequately subconscious our true Self and forInthe signs!’ by manyuniversal names across theFurther planet –study and chakras prepared order to minimize possible infinite energy. of both In otherbeforehand words, it isinimportant to be adequately in conjunction withismeditation is in order before disorientation and fragmentation of uncentered kundalini – which known by many names across prepared beforehand in order to minimize possible proceeding, books or with a personal aspects of the psyche. Ideally, youof will first be the planet – through and chakras in conjunction with disorientation and fragmentation uncentered guide. stable, andIdeally, centered a committed meditation is in order before proceeding, through aspectscomfortable of the psyche. youinwill first be To enhance in this direction, study yoga/meditation practice that hasinopened, purified books or with explorations a personal guide. stable, comfortable and centered a committed of To theenhance following books is recommended: and strengthenedpractice the body/mind/spirit forpurified a The study Five explorations in this direction, yoga/meditation that has opened, number of years. the body/mind/spirit for a Tibetans by Christopher Kilham (with The particular of the following books is S. recommended: and strengthened Five Such aofpractice attention to Christopher the sections on meditation, number years. is a good idea even if one has Tibetans by S. Kilham (withkundalini particular noSuch specific interestisina good promoting intentional and the chakras); Zen Flesh, Zen Bones, by Paul a practice idea even if one has attention to the sections on meditation, kundalini kundalini as there areintentional documented Reps (with particular the section no specificenergy interestflow, in promoting and the chakras); Zen attention Flesh, ZentoBones, by Paul on centering); cases of unaware who experienced Yoga and the Quest for the True kundalini energy individuals flow, as there arehave documented Reps (with particular attention to the section very spontaneous kundalini flow ‘out Self by StephenYoga Cope, Rising, on centering); casesintense of unaware individuals who have experienced andand theKundalini Quest for the Truea of theintense blue’. This has resulted in some cases collection of current articles from Sounds very spontaneous kundalini flow ‘outin Self by Stephen Cope,relevant and Kundalini Rising, a While such ‘super natural’ results are fascinating, traumatic psychosomatic symptoms which have True Publishing. Also, try getting in touch with of the blue’ . This has resulted in some cases in collection of current relevant articles from Sounds While such ‘super considered natural’ results fascinating,of they are generally to beare by-products been mistakenly believed symptoms to be mental illness, the of much-beloved ancientinSufi mystic traumatic psychosomatic which have Truewords Publishing. Also, try getting touch with they are generally considered to be by-products of the deeper quest for union with true Self and they manicmistakenly activity, psychic breaks, Theillness, nature of Jelaluddin Rumi, who teaches us to: Sufi “Begmystic for the been believed to beetc. mental the words of much-beloved ancient the for aunion with true Self and away they can,deeper in fact,quest become distraction to be shied kundalini is to flow unimpeded, andThe if dammed love expansion. Meditate only on THAT. ” manic activity, psychic breaks, etc. nature of Jelaluddin Rumi, who teaches us to: “Beg for the can, in fact, become a distraction to be shied away from. It is quite possible to become enamored with up by an emotional, spiritual, mental, physical kundalini is to flow unimpeded, and ifor dammed love expansion. Meditate only on THAT.” from. It is quite possible to become enamored with such phenomena, but the sages tell us that they blockage, the energyspiritual, can buildmental, within or over time Kundalini Energy up by an emotional, physical such phenomena, but the sages tell us that they remain nothing more than phenomena. to suddenly burst forth like an interior tsunami Simply put, the chakras are seven primary blockage, the energy can build within over time Kundalini Energy remain nothing more phenomena. The intention of thisthan meditation practice is – possibly severe consequences energy centers located along body’s spinal path towith suddenly burst forthdisruptive like an interior tsunami Simply put, the chakras arethe seven primary The intention of thisand meditation practice aimed solely at opening connecting with the to an unprepared, unaware individual. Working which are the hubs of conscious and subconscious – with possibly severe disruptive consequences energy centers located along the body’s spinal path is aimed solely at opening and connecting with with kundaliniunaware energy inindividual. a friendly welcoming energy andthe activity. These are central aspects of the interior energy of true love and its corresponding to anthe unprepared, Working which are hubs of conscious and subconscious the interior energy of true love; with committed connection with universal/infinite loving way not only opensenergy a path in to adeeper meditative subtle and theyThese correspond to seven primary with the kundalini friendly welcoming energybody and activity. are central aspects of the loving relationship, and with the corresponding consciousness, or higher power. physical energy vortices along the physical spine. enlightenment, it also establishes prudent building way not only opens a path to deeper meditative subtle body and they correspond to seven primary connection with universal/infinite While relatively simple, becauseloving of its nature, Collectively, the chakras and the physical energy blocks for healthy, balanced wholeness in general. physical energy vortices along the physical spine. enlightenment, it also establishes prudent building consciousness, or higher power. kundalini meditative practice can challenge vortices can be considered to comprise what we Traditionally, the yoga guru has played a key Collectively, the chakras and the physical energy blocks for healthy, balanced wholeness in general. While relatively simple, because of its nature, the limits of our previous understanding think of as the mind. role in helping guide practitioners through rough vortices can be considered to comprise what we Traditionally, the yoga guru has played a key kundalini meditative practice can challenge and experience. When practicing kundalini Kundalini energy resides in and flows through spots that might come up in a practice. Today’s think of as the mind. role in helping guide practitioners through rough the limits of our previous understanding meditation, be aware it’s not necessarily all about the chakras. According to yogic teachings, we western practitioner may be just as likely to seek Kundalini energy resides in and flows through that might come up in a practice. Today’s and experience. When practicingIt kundalini having a ‘feel-good’ experience. is quite possible, spots all carry kundalini energy at all times – it is our guidance and support through regular group work the chakras. According to yogic teachings, we western practitioner may be just as likely to seek meditation, be aware it’s not necessarily all about even probable, to encounter some of the “weird essential life force. Prana, the energy flow many with an experienced yoga/meditation teacher; all carry kundalini energy at all times – it is our guidance and support through regular group work having ‘feel-good’ experience. It is quite energy aexperiences” named in Cope’s book,possible, as well yoga students are familiar and comfortable with, through enlightened counseling, and through selfessential life force. Prana, the energy flow many with an experienced yoga/meditation teacher; even probable, to encounter some of the “weird as some pretty wild rides through time and space can be seen as subdued kundalini. It has many education. yoga students are familiar and comfortable with, through enlightened counseling, and through selfenergy experiences” named in Cope’s book, as well as related in the several books named above. other names in many practices, traditions and can be seen as subdued kundalini. It has many education. Editor’s note: Part I, Sitting with Love: A Yogic Meditation, was as some pretty wild rides through time and space But perhaps more importantly, please be aware religions, but kundalini can be considered to be the published in the Winter 2011/2012 Interior Wellness Magazine. other names in many practices, traditions and as related in the several books named above. that the deeper meditation can bring to light essence of life and love residing within each of us. Editor’s note: PartChakra I, Sitting with Love: A published Yogic Meditation, was Part III, Kundalini Breath, will be in Summer religions, but kundalini can be considered to be the deeply But perhaps moretrauma importantly, please possibly be aware submerged and dis-ease Yogis and spiritual masters throughout the ages published inarticle the Winter 2011/2012 Interior Wellness Magazine. 2012. This was written by Moontanning Yogi, an essence of life love residing each of us. that deeper meditation can bring to light long the buried in the subconscious – which can Part III, Kundalini Chakra Breath, will be published Summer have found realand repeatable ways within to access, enhance experienced Kamloops-area meditator who wishes toinretain the and spiritual throughout the ages deeply trauma and dis-ease 2012. article wasanonymous. written by Moontanning anthis article then besubmerged released and appropriately dealtpossibly with. andYogis direct this energy,masters producing storied results privacyThis of remaining Permission toYogi, share have found real repeatable ways to access, enhance long buried in the subconscious – which can then experienced Kamloops-area meditator who wishes to retain the As Cope’s book tells us, meditation can be “like of sometimes startling abilities and powers that with others, in its complete form, is explicitly given. Comments and this energy, producing results of be released and appropriately with. Cope’s or privacy of remaining anonymous. Permission to share this article surgery without anesthesia” – dealt and we can As become questions may be directed to: seemdirect to transcend normal humanstoried capabilities. sometimes startling abilities and powers that seem with others, in its complete form, is explicitly given. Comments book tells us, meditation can be “like surgery or questions may be directed to: to transcend normal human capabilities. without anesthesia” – and we can become

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Issue #23

Interior Wellness

For t 0R_N t 7N\\

ha it comes to matters of the heart. It requires great nd patience. strength, understanding, compassion aan It is a state of complete acceptance of ‘what is’ an and transmutation of an any previous judgments or fe fears. But what does this mean? How do we truly fo forgive and let go? I believe the an answer is in our judgments and in the act of fo forgiving ourselves. In the dictionary, ffoorgiveness is defined as: “compassionate fe feelings that support a willingness to fo forgive, or excuse a mistake or off ffen ense. It means to cease to fe feel resentment towards or gra ran nt pardon for a particular act or person.” The two key emotions involved are compassion or resentment. Resentment is a natural byproduct of our judgments an and when present there is no room fo for fo forgiveness. It is energy consuming, toxic an and blocks us fr from moving forward. It suff uffoocates any fo forgiveness aan nd locks people in the past.

nows is ronged d grow each

y way, j and everyday.

But how does one bridge the gap bet etw ween resentments and true fo forgiveness? I believe the answer is in our judgments. We We need to learn to let go of our judgments by fo forgiving ourselves. Many would disagree with this statement and argue that by suggesting we need to fo forgive ourselves is somehow implying we are fundamentally flawed. This is not the case. In truth, an experience is neither ‘g ‘good’ nor ‘bad’ and as such does not require a judg udgm ment. It’s our mind that seeks to place judg udgm ments upon experiences so that it may be able to understand, measure, and assimilate the infoormation it is taking in. However, without the inf mind’s judg udgm ments, fo forgiveness is never required. Try and visualize it like this: It’s kind of like we are all silk nets flowing in the wind and life life is meant to flow through us. Every time we hold a judgment towards something, we catch that experience within our net.

Meditation M editation with Michele Gieselman

So what have I learned fo forgiveness really means? I believe it is transcendence of an any judg udgm ment through forgiveness fo for oneself lf.. We We are all here to learn forgiveness. To To do so, there has to be something within our lives to fo forgive and this is not alwa ways ys easy sy.. T Too truly fo forgive an another, we have to fo forgive ourselves. But forgiveness is not about fr freeing us fr from being judged, it’s ab about fr freeing the judg udgm ment fr from us so that we can be fr free! Angela Strank, Founder of the ‘Living Yo Your Best Lif ifee Series!’ Lif ifee & Ab Abundance Coach, Intuitive Consultant, Practitioner. Angela’s work is designed to support your unfo unfolding and the possibility for change in your life life is unlimited! As an Intuitive Lif ifee & Abundance Coach, Angela is highly passionate ab about helping others awa awaken to their BEST LIFE!

Take time out to enjoy the stillness, connecting with your breath and listening to your inner wise self

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opportunity to be still, breathe and rest.

ep eap of lessons learned and the fu future is our untapped possibilities of what’s to come. But the mind gets in the way! Through judg udgm ments we hold onto experiences instead of allowing them to move through us and this takes us out of the present moment. We We hold the judgment within our hearts, our minds and our bodies. This makes us tired, depleted and toxic just like our silk nets. The end result is harbored resentments.

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Interior Wellness

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Teaching Teaching the Science of Mind 38

Issue #23

Interior Wellness

What is Shamanic Healing? Shamanism is the path of the wounded healer, the idea being to track and be aware of your own shadow pieces as a healer so when you are working with a client you are not tracking your shadow. I have embraced the beautiful teachings of the Quero in Peru and have seen transformations in my personal life, and the clients I serve. When a client comes to see me I explain that I will ask spirit for guidance as we go into the Shamanic Journey to release stress and hucha. Hucha is the word the Quero in Peru use for heavy dense energy such as worry, guilt and fear, there is no judgment on this energy only an invitation to release what no longer serves us on our journey. I begin the session with prayers and opening sacred space and guiding the client to place of stillness so they can release and let go. This is the first step for any healing session to release; this is supported by the breath, intention, focus, and availability. The first prayers are to Pacha Mama, Mother Earth, giving gratitude for the food we eat the clothes we wear, I ask Mother Earth to hold us gently and sweetly as we do this sacred work. I then go to the East the land of the rising sun, and call Father Sun thanking him for the heat, light and love which shines upon the earth and allows us to make our journey on this planet. Without this light and heat we could not exist on this earth; we truly are children of the light. I call to the archetypes in the east the eagle, condor and hawk and ask them to help us to see our world from a different perspective; to fly wing to wing with them. I then direct my prayers to the Zenith and call to the Angels, arch angels, ascended masters, and Great Spirit and Mountain spirits. Turning to the West the land of the dying sun, and I invite in the archetypes of the bear and Jaguar. I ask for these beautiful ones to support us in dying to the old, so that we can be reborn, to show us the way across the rainbow bridge to become rainbow warriors. I then go to the South the archetype here is the serpent; Sacha mama. This archetype is known as Mother of the Waters and helps us with fluidity in our bodies, and the invitation here is to shed old stories that no longer serve us. The last direction I call in is the North. Here the archetypes are the buffalo, humming bird, and grandmothers and grand fathers. The Buffalo is the promise of abundance and the power of prayer. The humming bird, makes the impossible journey for South America to North America and so she can support us in our journey on this earth. The humming bird also can teach us to drink directly from the sweet nectar of life as seamlessly and easily as she drinks from the flowers. The Grandmothers and Grandfathers provided the wisdom and clarity from our personal lineage, and from the lineage of the Quero of Peru, and the first people of this land. As I called in sacred space with my rattle and voice I feel the room fill up with support from Spirit, The rattle is an old sound and as we connect to this sound it helps us to release our stress. The prayers and invocations benefit the client, as it gives them an opportunity to hear the prayers and prepare themselves to go into a relaxed state. As I say

the prayers I am preparing get my logical mind out of the way and make room for the wisdom of spirit. Working with in this way is a partnership, of trust between the client, spirit, and me and I want to ensure I call in the highest light, love and truth. It is always a delight for me to lead the client through the opportunity to release, I do this by inviting them to imagine they are sitting by a turquoise colored lagoon. Here I encourage the client to release their hucha into the lagoon, through the power of their breath. The image of the lagoon came to me for clients after my third trip to Peru when we hiked to 14,000 feet and were taken to a turquoise Jaguar lagoon and invited to release our fears and worries into the pond. We were told that medicine men and women had been coming to this place to re-set for hundreds of years. Releasing is the first step to a healing as it allows us to release before we can receive. Imagine that a glass is full we need to release before we can put more water into the glass. The second step for healing is to balance the body, mind and soul. This puts the body into a place of receptivity to receive life force into their being. I guide the client to imagine there is a boat waiting for them by the lagoon and to get in the boat and get as comfortable as they can. Once in the boat they envision the boat taking them to a crystal clear river. Here I encourage them to allow the boat and the river to hold them while they go into a place of allowing their breath to be like a river of light, with no decisions to make, complete relaxation. When I can feel that the client is in a deep state of receptivity I then guide them to a sandy beach to get out of the boat, feel the sand beneath their feet. I invite the client to turn to the beach and here I see the spirit guide that desires to show themselves - for the client. This moment in the session for me is always incredible I am completely captivated by the images, emotions, and overall magnificence that has been are gifted. Many times I feel overwhelmed and tears come to my eyes to be in the presence of such wonder, and unconditional love. From here the session continues with the guidance from the clients personal Spirit Guide. Therese has embraced the Shamanic Cosmology as a way of walking in the world. Through these ancient teachings she has discovered rituals, and ceremonies that she would love to share with you in workshops, private consultations, or her Mediation CD. Therese Dorer. $SZTUBM $MFBS *OTJHIUT t t UEPSFS!TIBX DB t XXX DSZTUBMDMFBSJOTJHIUT DB

Shamanic Workshops with

Wendy Grono & Therese Dorer Healing Mandalas March 31 Apachetas April 22 Despachos (Prayer Bundles) May 12

For more information:

Phone: Therese 250-578-8437 Wendy 250-682-1822 39


Interior Wellness

Awaken the Dragon:

RIDING THE OCEAN OF ALCHEMY by Katrina Hokule’a Ariel

So. How are you enjoying the Year of the Water Dragon thus far? Everywhere we look—on every scale from personal to global— there are waves of transition and transformation. Which is perfect, because that’s a big part of Dragon energy. And very much a part of yoga as well. <RJD LV WKH VFLHQWLÂżF DUW RI EULQJLQJ WKH 8QLYHUVDO DQG ,QGLYLGXDO DVSHFWV RI ZKR \RX DUH LQWR D VWDWH RI FRQVFLRXV DQG MR\IXO XQLRQ ,W HQcompasses physical, mental, emotional and philosophical practices WKDW WUDQVIRUP WKH SUDFWLWLRQHU OLNH DOFKHP\²UHÂżQLQJ DQG UHYHDOLQJ the sparkling essence of who you are. Yoga is the method by which Dragon Riders and Seekers of Truth emerge from where they are hidden, deep within, sleeping beneath the limiting ideas of human habits and conditioning.

Yoga is ancient, with many secrets to be uncovered, and yet it has evolved to become one of the most liberating approaches to live a OLIH ÂżOOHG ZLWK PHDQLQJ²D OLIH ZKHUH ODXJKWHU DQG VLOHQFH DUH HTXDOly revered. The following is an excerpt from the book Yoga for Dragon Riders, which has been creating itself in my “spare-timeâ€? for the past three months. Yoga for Dragon Riders invites you to gather the practices that call WR \RX DQG VLQJ WKH VRQJ RI \RXU KHDUW ,W LV DQ DGYHQWXUH LQWR D ZRUOG where the boundaries of conditioned thought start to dissolve. ,W LQFOXGHV VHFWLRQV RQ LQWHQWLRQ LQWHJULW\ HPERGLPHQW \RJD DVDQD meditation, yoga philosophy, energy and healing practices. The practice on the following pages is called “Awaken the Dragon.â€?

The Call of the Heart Greetings! You know why you are here. If you are reading these words, you have been called. You have asked the deep questions of the heart and aspire to awaken to a more fulfilling, enriching, and meaningful life. Your path is one that has wandered and wound its way through many challenges, and you have survived, grown, and evolved to become who you are today. Your heart desires the magic you know exists, but you have yet to fully understand how completely this magic actually surrounds you, even in the seemingly dull and mundane of that-which-must-be-done. You yearn for the extraordinary and know that you have unique talents and capabilities, even if you are not fully aware of what they are.

This Yoga is an Invitation. Your capacity is great; discover how great! Become who you want to be. Ride the waves of life. Unleash your inner Dragon. In the context of this book, a Dragon Rider is one who lives life fully, walking her (or his) own path with integrity, honor, and skill—one who discovers what it is to have balance between the essential elements of love, power, and wisdom. Life often feels like an ocean, and we are constantly riding the waves of life. To ride skillfully, or to surf these waves, requires proficiency and willingness. When you have both, you can find beauty and benefit both in the low times and the high times and can balance yourself wherever you are and whatever you experience. To be a Rider (to live your yoga) is to realize that the energy that pulsates within your blood and breath is the same energy that moves the waves and is the water.

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Interior Wellness

Issue #23

Breathe. Align. Move.

A      D When you do yoga you move energy, which we describe and experience as Shakti. Your mat holds Shakti, and that energy builds as you practice. As you physically practice yoga and any other modalities of being in mindful, playful, skillful embodiment, you move Shakti. You flow and co-create with the energy of life as you breathe, align, and move. Your Dragon is an expression of Shakti, the creative force of the Universe. So, as you practice yoga you are literally Dragon Riding, dancing with the Divine power of Shakti. Everything in life pulsates. Even the molecules in the floor beneath you are vibrating on some level. Your breath is a pulsation, as are the cycles of night and day, the seasons, the tides, the beating of your Dragon’s wings as you fly together, and the waxing and waning of the moon.

The alignment and philosophical principles of yoga pulsate. This pulsation, in Sanskrit, is known as spanda. When you do the physical practice of asana, you layer integration and expansion. You breathe, you open, and then you integrate. You expand and then you plug in. And you stretch out into the world in a way that glorifies the goodness of who you are and what your life is about. Let’s get a little bit more detailed in how these alignment actions of yoga actually work . . . Coming from a sense of internal spaciousness, you then strengthen your body. Your muscles embrace your bones, and you bring a safety to each pose by plugging everything in to your core. For example: if you are standing, without losing a sense of internal spaciousness, you tone your muscles and make your body subtly more compact as your arms and legs draw towards the center. This integration serves to stabilize your entire body, including your joints, and helps you feel supported and capable. To balance the strength and integration, you then stretch out. The key is to stretch without losing the integration. You’re spacious on the inside, integrated through strength, and then you extend fully to express the pose. If we take the same example as above where you are standing mindfully, with an inner fullness and also a physical connection of strength, then—through the strength you have created—you also stretch out, extending into the ground through your feet and also up through the crown of your head. In yoga we pulse between spaciousness and focus, strength and expansion, so that each moment guides you to further refine and delight. It is the balance of these opposites in cooperation that brings the feeling known as “yoga bliss.” Open. Contract. Expand. Create spaciousness. Create integration. Stretch out!

If you play with the Awaken the Dragon practice on the following pages please remember that: You are completely responsible for choosing what is appropriate for your body and situation when it comes to the physical practice of yoga. Listen to your body and practice without forcing, straining, or going against your breath or inner knowing. Know that studying in person with a qualified yoga teacher is highly encouraged for deepening your understanding and ability. You cannot always see yourself clearly, and a skilled teacher can help you progress much faster than you might on your own. That settled, let’s continue.

Yoga from the Heart

Katrina Hokule’a Ariel

Playful, Empowering, and Profound Yoga Instruction Local Author ~ Yoga for Dragon Riders

Check Online for Class Schedule and Descriptions:

www.Yoga With



Interior Wellness

Awaken The Dragon Yoga Practice This practice can serve as a stand-alone practice or a mindful movement prep. It’s also a great way to start your day. Let your intention be reflected in each pose, and center in before you start.

Tadasana spread your wings

(Please be sure you’ve read the article on the previous pages.) *Optional transition point means that from Flying Warrior you could go into any other type of activity feeling warmed up for stable, powerful movement. You could insert your workout or run/bike/hike and so on; then return to yoga and continue from the transition point with the rest of the practice serving as a cool down and mindful stretch.

Uttanasana pulse with your breath

Rotator Cuff Twist - Inhale center, Exhale to twist go from side to side withyour breath. Press your shoulders firmly back

Scorpion twist from side to side

Plank, hold 3 breaths Optional: push-ups or one leg push-ups

Chaturanga lower to belly

Bhujangasana Cobra pose

Down Dog enjoy your breath

Twisting lunges with straight back leg Optional variation for side to side 5 to 10 times each side Vira III with chair

* Optional Transition Point Flying Warrior III pulse Tadasana to Vira III to Tadasana 5 to 10 times each side 42

Down Dog enjoy your breath

Anjaneyasana both sides


Pulse from lunge to straight leg stretch 3 breaths straight, 1 breath bent knee 3 times each side

Down Dog, bend knees pulse with your breath

Issue #23

Interior Wellness

Runner’s Lunge both sides

Down Dog enjoy your breath

Uttanasana > Tadasana

VINYASA: Plank > Chaturanga > Cobra > Down Dog

Uttanasana shoulder stretch

FLOW: Warrior II > Goddess Warrior >

< VINYASA > Trikonasana > Down Dog repeat FLOW on other side


Pigeon thigh stretch both sides

Janu Sirsasana on both sides


Pigoen forward fold both sides

Hamstring Hug both sides

Savasana relax for several minutes enjoy your breath Namaste: I honor the place in you in which the entire Universe dwells. I honor the place in you which is of love, of truth, of light, and of peace. When you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me, we are one.



Interior Wellness

Vibrant Healing & Inner Peace Are Within Your Reach! World Renowned Integrative Doctor comes to Kamloops Join Founder and administrator of Be Hive of Healing, from Los Angeles, California, Dr. Habib Sadeghi D.O. this May in Kamloops for the Spring Conference: Vibrant Healing and Inner Peace Are Within Your Reach. Dr. Sadeghi brings to his practice a comprehensive knowledge of revolutionary healing protocols in Integrative, Osteopathic, Anthroposophical, Environmental, and Family Medicine, as well as Clinical Pharmacology. He maximizes the health of his patients by offering them the full spectrum of healthcare - from evidencebased, western practices to intuitive, Eastern healing modalities. By integrating these philosophies, he assists patients in achieving optimum levels of health, taking them far beyond the “average” or “normal” by expanding the dictates of routine procedure. Announcing the 2012 Spring Conference: Vibrant Healing & Inner Peace Are Within Your Reach! The event will focus on how we can realign our awareness during a health crisis to accelerate healing. By raising our consciousness to facilitate a spiritual evolution first, we will see these vibrational changes echoed in our bodies in an effortless, organic way rather than trying to “make” healing happen. The conference will provide unique tools and insights into transmuting negative energy that results from the “violent” experiences of our lives; the energy that causes us to fall out of the balance of wellbeing. We’ll look closer and see that just as the word “violence” contains the word “love” within it, every harmful act, whether physical or emotional perpetrated upon us contains a loving element within it. You’ll understand how integral it is to engage this love and initiate transcendence so negative patterns can be released and healing ignited.









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This concept is based upon the Buddhist saying, “No mud, No lotus”. The metaphor refers to the realization that there can be no healing, happiness or good times without having gone through some form of difficulty or darkness. In fact, it’s the darkness that nurtures the seed that makes the beauty of the

a n d Tr a i n i


bloom possible. When we understand this divine partnership, we can stop resisting our supposed “negative” experiences and cooperate with them to move through this natural process and realize our greater good much sooner. Wellness involves your physical and spiritual well-being. The body/mind/spirit is one entity: there cannot be effective lasting health and healing in one realm without it existing in the others. Our wellness mission is to reach as wide an audience as possible with soul-centered healing. Properly performed, holistic healthcare involves a great deal of practitioner education. Healers are by their own nature teachers, and we shall all experience an intellectual and spiritual renaissance on May 26! Also joining this exciting presentation is international spiritual therapist, Sri Madhuji of the Church of Apitherapy. He has taught his philosophy of Integrative Healing Yoga Therapy on six continents and will be sharing his wisdom with us. The conference will also feature opening and closing sessions of The Sacred Science of Sound: The Path of Kundalini Music with Siri-Kartar Khalsa. Please join this very special gathering of healing and fellowship. Seating is limited, so be sure to get your tickets as early as possible! Spring Conference 2012: Vibrant Healing & Inner Peace Are Within Your Reach! Saturday, May 26/2012 $50 per ticket *proceeds to be donated Breath Integration Training & Counselling Centre & Church of Apitherapy* 3:00p.m. - 7:00p.m. TRU-House of Learning Building Irving K. Barber Round Lecture Theatre 900 McGill Road Kamloops B.C. For more information or to purchase tickets please contact Lori & Eric Putoto 250.682.0466 (Lori) or 250.819.4727 (Eric) or Lynn Aylward 250.319.7364 or email Lori Dr. Sadeghi is a member of the Physician’s Association for Anthroposophic Medicine and International Post-Graduate Medical Training for Anthroposophic Medicine. An active member of the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation and American Holistic Medical Association, he is devoted to the advancement of wellness through research, and the dissemination of nutritional and environmental information that impacts our health and healing. Dr. Sadeghi is an Attending Physician and Clinical Facilitator at UCLA Medical Center and Clinical Instructor of Family Medicine at Western University of Health Sciences. Having personally experienced miraculous results through the usage of Integrative Medicine, he passionately promotes this protocol among residents and medical students. His multi-dimensional training in variety of disciplines makes him a sought-after presenter at healthcare forums, particularly those involving dietary supplements, detoxification and the holistic treatment of common medical conditions. For more information on Dr.Sadeghi please go to

Issue #23

Interior Wellness

My Changing Body, My Changing Practice A series exploring a yogini’s journey, both pre and post baby. By Tania McCartney

consultation with an obstetrician yesterday, he empathetically laid

We practice yoga not so our life is perfect it out for me: my placenta is implanted over my fibroid, which is but so we can cope when it isn’t. Jai! implanted over the scar from my previous caesarean birth. And there ~ Judith Hanson Lasater is no way that my baby’s head will fit past a head-sized fibroid. He gave At the time of writing this I am 32 weeks pregnant, with my second child about 7 months. It is fairly arbitrary really, considering only 3 percent of women deliver on their “due date�. But numbers tend to have a calming effect on people. It provides us with a sense of certainty. This is plain silly. There is nothing certain about life except that one day it will cease, and there is absolutely nothing certain about childbirth or being a parent.

There is nothing certain about life except that one day it will cease, and there is absolutely nothing certain about childbirth or being a parent.

me the decision to make on my own, but it is pretty clear to me. He also informed me how lucky I was to have conceived so easily as this can be an issue with fibroids. So my work now is to mourn and accept this, give gratitude for what I have achieved, and to continue to meditate on how I can make the birth of my baby a birth and not a medical prodedure. Even in a bright, sterile, surgical room. I thought I would be so good at birthing babies. I am being a little facetious, but with all that I have learned and observed, and from the feedback that I have gotten from my students, I know moving the body intuitively, feeling the support of the earth, and embodying the breath all assist women to have their babies powerfully and naturally.

Such is life. I have a large uterine fibroid (a benign growth) very low in my uterus, which is very low in the bowl of my pelvis. This is a common growth, but they are not commonly this big. It is approximately the size of a baby’s head or bigger. And because of this growth, rather than having my baby at home as I wished, I delivered my first child via caesarean birth. This is something I still mourn from time to time. “Get over it and move on�, I say to myself, but this is challenging. As a teacher of prenatal yoga and someone who wants to become a doula and support the journey our bodies were designed so beautifully for, I sometimes feel as though I am unable to offer a true perspective of what most of my students will endure and journey through. As a momma with fairly “crunchy� friends (they are admittedly crunchy), I listen to their stories of labouring and birthing their babies, which I LOVE hearing, but I secretly long to share this experience somehow, to feel part of this Motherhood, having birthed my baby like the strong and HSPVOEFE XPNBO * LOPX NtZTFMG UP CF This is also plain silly. This is attachment to an idea. This is my ego. I have a lot of offer my students with my experience as a mother. I am part of the Motherhood. And I need to let this pain go. There is nothing useful in hanging on to this idea of a natural childbirth when it is truly something out of my control. So, while attending a

So I come back to the words at the beginning of this article. Would I think of stopping my practice even if I know it won’t lead to the experience I so desperately desire? Of course not. The most challenging aspect of a yoga practice is sticking with it when things are imperfect, as they so often are. My practice gives me the physical and mental fortitude to stay in my body and wholly welcome my baby into the world as she is born, birthed by caesarean. My practice will also undoubtedly hasten my healing. In the end, or shall I say the beginning, less than 8 weeks away, I will be the mother of not one, but two beautiful children and I will still be part of the Motherhood, regardless of how they arrived in the world. Next issue: Settling into life as a family of four, beginning my practice again, and introducing Itsy Bitsy Yoga to my little one. Tania is a 750-hour certified Hatha Teacher who has been teaching for 5 years. After having her first baby and discovering that there was no information for new moms and yoga, she has made it her mission to be better at documenting this journey and sharing it with others. You can find out more about Tania, her classes, and her other thoughts at She will be taking a brief hiatus from teaching to have her baby starting in April. Namaste!



Interior Wellness

Passion & Inspiration

Wellness Q&A You ask, We Find a Practitioner to Answer! Send your questions to Why does my nose always get congested when I get a massage?

This is a common experience, along with a nose that won’t stop running during a massage. There is not a solid consensus on exactly what occurs, however, the two main trains of thought on it are: 1) that it is the release of toxins/cellular waste/muscle congestion 2) that the face-down position in the face cradle puts pressure on the face and forehead sinuses, thereby causing congestion. I personally think that it is the release of toxins from the body. Fluids are constantly being pushed towards the heart during a massage and, unless a neck massage is included with a good effleurage flush, that generally means that fluids are also being pushed towards the head. In my experience people who have more muscle congestion or experience more muscular/energetic release tend to be the ones who get the most congested or leaky (on goes the nose faucet). However, I do believe there are instances where the pressure of the face cradle causes congestion as well. Next time you find yourself at the end of a massage with a head full of congestion try drinking more water than usual (which is a good idea after a massage one way or another), gently inhaling some eucalyptus essential oil, or going out for a brisk walk. I have also heard that placing a warm towel over your forehead/eyes/nose and behind your neck can aid in reducing congestion, however, I would leave this up to careful experimentation as I have not tried it yet. I wish you much love and many laughs! Brittanya, Massage Wizard Brittanya Beddington is a local practitioner of massage, animal lover, and friend to the environment. For info and to Send your questions:

It’s the best issue ever! know, I always say that. And each time I mean it! We have a vibrant and growing community of wellness practitioners, leaders and teachers here in Kamloops and the BC Interior and it shows: Interior Wellness. A good friend of mine introduced me to this phrase a while back: “Kamloops is the Sedona of the North”. I love this because it reveals the potential of this community. Sedona, Arizona is well known as being a powerful and potent land and healing due to the energy lines that run through the earth in that area. Do we have something similar here? What I do know is that there are hundreds of practitioners, leaders and teachers right here in Kamloops and BC Interior; there are people moving to this area from other places just because of it’s energy and beauty! With our upcoming third annual Interior Wellness Festival, we are continuing to become a hub of great wellness and spiritual abundance in the Interior. People will be coming from all over BC to this unique event. Joined by speakers, leaders and healers, they will experience transformational wellness all weekend long. I hope you will join us at this magnificent event June 1 - 3, 2012. This year we are taking over the campus activity centre at the TRU Conference Centre. With a vibrant marketplace and peaceful healing garden in the grand hall and three more separate rooms for workshops, seminars and yoga and fitness classes all day, every day; there is something for everyone! The festival is a celebration of healing and wellness in our community and an opportunity to learn, transform and connect. It is also our way of saying thank you to our wellness professionals and to you, our subscribers for your incredible support in the past year. We hope to see you there! Interior Wellness Festival June 1- 3, 2012 Free, local, inspiring. Interior Wellness. & on facebook! We’d love to hear from you. Tell us your stories! How has Interior Wellness helped or inspired you or someone you know? We will publish your responses! Please email us The intention of this publication is and always has been to bring local information about what is going on in our community to our readers while inspiring them in to wellness. It is also a free resource where practitioners and teachers reach out to their local community through posting wellness services, workshops and classes. ~:) Elizabeth, Editor & Publisher

Yoga, Health & Spirituality in Kamloops & B.C. Interior

Interior Wellness

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Personal Empowerment Training The Most Powerful Training You Will Ever Experience

Experience dramatic life changing results as you create exactly what you want in your life!

In This Training You Will: Lovingly owned and operated by: Cory Erlandson and Lynn Aylward

Learn to use Universal Principles to assist you in making choices from love rather than fear. Explore ways to live your life with less struggle and more ease.

Our teaching staff is a group of successful counsellors & trainers in the field of personal development. They continue to grow and learn themselves to be able to teach from their own experience. Their passion is to join and cooperate with one another as they build a community with love.

Implement relationship building skills to decrease the drama and intensity in your life & increase intimacy & love. Learn to identify and manage your emotions with more confidence Learn tools and techniques that will allow you to live a whole, fullfilling life Let go of unwanted beliefs utilizing the power of the Breath!! Create a successful relationship with yourself as you address and balance the four main dimensions; Physical, Menatal, Emotional, Spiritual.

The Personal Empowerment Training is the most dynamic training offered in Kamloops. It provides you a platform to expand and enhance your life as you open to new possibilities. This training explores who you are through different experiential activities such as, group breath sessions, private consultations, meditation, affirmations and individual assignments.

Allow your joy to rise to the surface and participate in your life with passion!

Training Starts June 9, 2012 Introduction Evenings Begin: Wednesdays, April 18th - June 6th at 7:00pm Location: Breath Integration Counselling and Training Centre #204-535 Tranquille Road Kamloops, BC V2B 3H5 Contact Lynn @ 250.319.7364 by email: or the office @ 250.554.6707 Visit us online at:

Join us for this enhanced Personal Development

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