Interior Wellness Summer 2014
Yoga, Health & Spirituality in B.C. Interior
Summer Festivals & Events Yamuna Body Rolling
Shanti Mission
A Path to Peace
Hypermobility Are you an
& t h e Wa k i n g S t a t e
Yoga for back pain
Grid-Tied Solar Power in BC
Lo ca l!
Summer break:
No meditations in June, July & August
Meditations start again in the fall
September 14 October 12 November 9 December 14
Yoga, Health & Spirituality in Kamloops & B.C. Interior
F r om t h e P u b l i s h e r ,
Elizabeth Beeds
Elizabeth with William Davis, author of Wheatbelly. He was in Kamloops for a speaking event where we had a chance to meet and talk to him. We are proud to share Interior Wellness Magazine with our community and beyond!
Interior Wellness
MAGAZINE For subscriptions, comments, advertising opportunities, information or to contribute articles contact us!
Elizabeth Beeds: Publisher
Facebook Interior Wellness Magazine Daily updates of wellness events and information in Kamloops & BC Interior. A fun, informed and interactive community
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The information in this magazine is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for advice a reader might seek from a physician or other health care professional.
4 | Summer 2014
William Davis Likes Interior Wellness Magazine!
Come Together...
Here at Interior Wellness we are getting excited about our upcoming annual Wellness Festival. It is held in September at TRU, Kamloops and we spend our summer planning and preparing for this gathering which is unlike any other in BC Interior. This year an incredible leadership team has come together, volunteering their time plan and organize this event for our community. The lineup of speakers and workshop leaders will be our best yet. It is an opportunity for the whole community to come together, and we are thrilled!
Until the September event, we will be going to summer music festivals. What is a summer festival? It’s a transformational, outdoor event and lots of fun! Most festivals have live music and are family friendly: Vancouver Folk Fest and Robson Valley Music Festival are both vibrant and eclectic examples. Some festivals are focussed on certain types of music and some, such as Wanderlust in Whistler or Kootenay Spirit in Nelson focus mostly on Yoga but also include music.
You can dance all day (barefoot if you like); smile at people you don’t yet know; meet amazing friends for life and sample delicious local treats; stroll around the markets checking out local goods, or treasures from around the world; be outside in nature all day; camping or staying nearby so you are immersed for the whole weekend; enjoy incredible performers from around the world and take in classes and adventures to learn new things; leave with a grin you can’t wipe off for days, energy you didn’t know you had and notice that everyone seems to be feeling the same. Try out a festival this summer, it’s a great way to come together with friends and family, focus on health and celebration of community. After the summer, get back into the swing of fall with our annual Interior Wellness Festival: September 26-28 at TRU in Kamloops. The focus is on healing, fitness and wellness: treatments, classes, workshops and there’s music and performance too. We hope you will come together with Interior Wellness Magazine and our vibrant community at the festival.
By Michelle Morrison
Do you ever feel like you just don’t know what to do, what choice to make or which path to take? Do you get stuck making decisions, feeling like you just don’t want to make the wrong one? Or perhaps you see a decision that you made in the past as the wrong decision and you just don’t want to make that decision again. Whatever your experience is, we can all relate to feeling this way one time or another. The fact is that we all have this 6th sense, an inner knowing or gut instincts. When we open ourselves to “being” this way in the world, we really can experience an amazing way of navigating through our world.
Did you ever have a “feeling” about something, you watch it play out and say, “I knew that would happen!” So often, we ignore our gut instincts, dismissing our feelings as not as important as our reasoning or intellect. If you are skeptical, you are not the only one! Even as I was beginning down my own path, I was incredibly skeptical. I would have a feeling, make a prediction and still need to be shown many signs, confirming my “feelings.” It seems funny to say, but completely true! Yet the more and more that I relied on my instincts, the deeper and deeper my intuition became.
Pay attention to your dreams, they can give you so much information about what is happening in your life and where your energy is.
Take time for yourself and spend some time in solitude. Sensitive people need time to recharge their energy. It actually takes a lot of energy to be a sensitive being and you need time to refuel.
Be present. The more that you are in the moment rather than worrying about the past or the future, you are more likely to be
Now, I find that I completely live my life connected and tuned in to everything around me. There are signs, symbols and vibrations of energy all around me that help me to understand, see, feel, sense and know all kinds of information about my world and the Universe. We each have this ability and this is one of the reasons why I love to share the gift of intuition and support with others as they open to finding and using their own, seeing people really get it!
aware of your complete sensory experience.
Listen to your inner voice and to your body. Your body is like a crystal, it is naturally tuned in to the energy around you. When you listen to your instincts and tune into the messages of your body, you will find it gives you incredible guidance.
Ask for what you need and watch for signs. We forget to ask for what we need and then are too busy outside of the moment to realize the signs are right there in front of us. Tuning in will help you to work as a co-creator in your experience and help you reap the rewards of the connection.
There are so many things you can do to support your intuition on a daily basis and these are some of the things that I know to be true for myself.
Be curious and look at your world through that childlike
wonder and curiosity.
Be creative. Creativity does something to the fluidity within your body. I can’t explain it, but I can physically see it and see auras change because of it. Unleash your creativity and let it flow and watch your intuition flow along with it.
Michelle Morrison is a Spiritual Consultant, Intuitive, Medium, Reiki Master Teacher, Shamanic Practitioner writer and speaker. Transformational One on One or Group sessions and workshops. To learn more, visit or contact by email: or call: (250)682-8176.
Summer 2014 | 5
Summer Festivals: outdoor • live music • dance • yoga • community • fun • family • nature • adventure
Serenity Harvest Music Festival
Serenity Performing Arts Centre is now an Extraordinary House/Garden Concert Series and they’re not just folk'n around! Awesome musicians play'n their amazing MUSIC: rock'n it out with full bands too! They now have 3 stages so they can host music all year long! And in September they present the Serenity Harvest Music Festival! Three days of the extraordinary Serenity Experience! September, 5-7 at Birch Island near Vavenby.
Serenity Harvest Music Festival will be about family, friends, and inspiring our youth to love music. You get to hang out with the musicians around the bonfire at night for the encore show! It will be a village of interaction including a Children's Art Garden with many wonderful things to participate in including a drum circle and interpretive dance: all before music in the morning, early afternoon, and then you get enjoy music all evening into the night! Lineup: Limited Free Camping....Get your tickets early!
Harvest Music Fest Birch Island, BC September 5 to 7th
Cod Gone Wild
Red River JJ Shiplett & theRebellion
Devon Coyote
Camping North Country Gentlemen
Greg Drummond
Tickets: 6 | Summer 2014
Brodie Dawson
Tracey Riley
Adult 3 Day Pass.....$ 75.00 Student/Teen 3 Day Pass.....$ 40.00 Day Passes- Check Website Children Under 12..........$ Free
Free for reserved customers. Limited space so call to book a spot.
Taco’s n’more Serenity Cheesecake
For Tickets & Reservations: 250-676-9456
Summer Festivals: inspiration • global • joy • healing • art • celebration • musicians • food • friends •
Summer 2014 | 7
A Quick Escape By Kris Rae
We need relaxation and a temporary sanctuary; an escape where we can bring in peace and self appreciation. Have you ever thought, while going through your day, week, month, “I could be enjoying this more?” When you look at the majority of your regular activities, many should be fun! However, the combination of too much on your plate makes it all an overwhelming and less than enjoyable experience.
There are easy options, though! It is just a matter of escaping for short intervals and ensuring you get some revitalization.
One way to break the cycle of overwhelm is to check in quickly with yourself by mentally removing yourself from your current situation. This involves taking a very short break – even a minute – and pausing to imagine the following:
You step into a round room surrounded by TV/computer screens. These screens have imagery from your life – scenes currently on the go and past/future scenes in your mind, either consciously or subconsciously. In the center of this room is a comfortable station - however you imagine it. Perhaps a massage chair, a recliner, a refreshment station... anything! Now imagine that you sit and relax for a moment and, with detached emotion, look at your scenes. Find the beauty, humour or insight from them! Notice what has been on your mind or running as a program in your background. You also have a remote control, an easy one – with a “replace” button. Acknowledge the past, present, future concerns – they are your valid thoughts – and if you feel ready to let them go, just hit the button! See them replaced with what you really want and imagine new images on the screens instead. This technique is a quick check to see what is on your mind and enables you to find some calm!
Kris Rae has been an Intuitive Energy Healer for 10 years and teaches people through classes and one-to-one sessions how to calm overwhelm, find relaxation and to tap into their own healing ability. She also provides guidance, tools and techniques to use on their own.
vendors on site! 8 | Summer 2014
Shanti Mission
A P at h t o P e a c e By Surya Krishna
Shanti Means Peace. A Shanti mission is a Peace mission. It is headed by Australian Guru Shakti Durga and is spreading all over the world. And it’s right here in Kamloops! The not-for-profit charity operates a widevariety of projects and programs with the sole aim of creating an age of peace on earth: inner peace and peace between people. More about Shakti Durga and Shanti mission can be found at Surya Krishna and Avalokiteshvari have studied with Shakti Durga and her senior disciples and are now bringing the teachings and philosophy of Shanti Mission to Canada, starting in Kamloops. They offer energy healings called Ignite Your Spirit therapy, run meditations and facilitate workshops called the Path of Ease and Grace.
Energy healing: Ignite your Spirit therapy (IYS)
Ignite your spirit therapy is a no-touch energetic healing modality that works on the emotional, mental, physical, and the spiritual / energetic level and bodies to facilitate real and lasting change.
Your ignite your spirit therapist will discuss with you the area of your life you wish to change and assist you to facilitate/create that change by perceiving what is going on in your energy body (aura and chakras), releasing or removing the energy that is holding in place the thing that you wish to change, and then energizing what you would like to have, thus helping you to create the life you wish to live. For more info, check out
An easy to follow style of meditation (via positive), ideal for those with busy minds. Using a mixture of enjoyable chanting, guided visualizations, spoken releases, breath and body awareness, these meditations assist you to clear the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body, removing any energy that is unhelpful, draining and no longer serving us. Workshops: Path of Ease and Grace
The Path of Ease and Grace is a seminar series. Shakti Durga has created the Path of Ease and Grace (PoEG) seminar and book series to assist people to do exactly that: live a life of more ease and grace. The seminars are offered entirely by donation so that people of any means can attend. They are jam packed full of practical tools and techniques to create a more peaceful life. You’ll also gain a strong understanding of your energy field, your spiritual nature and the divine, spiritual healing, manifesting and creating abundance, karma and the spiritual laws that are common to all religions and faiths on earth. Surya Krishna has been studying with Shakti Durga in Shanti Mission for over 6 years and has been empowered to bring Shanti Mission and the teachings of Shakti Durga to Canada.
Summer 2014 | 9
Meditation simplified
By Leanne Oaten
There was a time when reading or hearing about the benefits of meditation and why I should be doing it, created a lot of discomfort within me. I thought it was a complete waste of my effort and time, and believed I was one of those people that just didn’t need to bother with it. While I was gently ‘nudged’ along the way to persue a practice that helped me stay calm and grounded, I resisted meditation for many years. I would try it for a while, get frustrated or bored with it, and give up. Now, as I work with other souls looking for some sort of relief to their feelings of overwhelm and suffering, I see that I was not alone in how I felt about meditation. This is a struggle most people experience on their journey inward. Many people want the peace, and calm in their lives, but they just can’t see how meditation will help. For some, the suggestion of starting a meditation practice is so daunting and there is so much resistance to the idea of sitting still and quiet with one’s thoughts, that there has to be a baby-step approach to experimenting and finding a way to incorporate this healing practice into an already busy, overbooked life. Meditation is simply the act of sitting still, getting really quiet, and tuned in to our SOUL~self, and tapping into our source energy. Whatever that source is for you, in whatever way is most meaningful to you is perfect. Universal energy, Divine, God, creator of all that is, whatever resonates. There is no destination to arrive at, or some special life changing awakening we are striving for. Our work is simply going into each session with the clear intention to connect. To see, hear, feel, and listen. Really listen to what our soul is trying to tell us. When we are racing around at high speed with no time to be still, we are not connected to what is going on within.
10 | Summer 2014
For physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, a daily practice is worth your time. This is time just for you, and you will reap the benefits in so many areas in your life. Some simple tips to get started... Sit or lie down in any way that is most comfortable. You do not have to sit on a cushion on the floor if this is uncomfortable for you.
Set a timer, and commit to sitting still, in silence for 5 minutes in the morning and evening. If you feel the urge to get up or stop during your session, just remind yourself, you are sitting until the timer goes.
Don’t try to stop your racing thoughts or emotions. It is impossible to do! Just notice them passing by, without judgement or attachment. If you need to cry, then let it flow! Allow what is present to be what it is. Breathe! Connecting to our breath is the fastest way to Zen there is. Just sit. Be still. Breathe.
Once your timer is up, just sit for a moment or two longer, noticing how you are feeling. Developing a consistent practice can take some effort, but I promise you the efforts will be very much worth your while. You will find yourself craving this time, and eventually will know when you need to pause in your day and take little mini-time outs to sit and breathe as you go about your day. So, find a way that works well for you, and find your quiet place. The world will not fall apart while you take these moments for yourself. Leanne Oaten is a Holistic Counselor providing an integrative approach to assisting others on their healing journey by combining energy healing, psychotherapy, and health & wellness coaching. She facilitates workshops, is a public speaker and writer and is passionate about living well mind, body & soul. More info:
Summer 2014 | 11
Discomfort’s Wisdom By Tamryn Fudge
In times of change and in times of healing, discomfort arises. This aspect of growth and expansion is something that isn’t talked about or focused on in current culture. Our society leans towards the search for constant happiness, perfection and improvement – and the unwavering avoidance of discomfort.
On my path towards becoming a medicine person, I have experienced a great deal of discomfort, which is a natural by-product of spiritual growth and deep personal healing. At first, I struggled with it and wondered why it was happening. I thought that when I let go of the old stories, myths, beliefs and roles that had been disempowering me for so long, I would become
instantly lighter and happier; that things would be easy and begin falling into place.
I remember my absolute shock and considerable panic at my first realization that my growth and healing had brought me to a place of deep discomfort and intense “not-knowing.” Although it makes complete sense to me now, at the time, it was worrying. One of my shaman teachers once told me: it isn’t always pretty when we shake up the hoocha (hoo-cha; heavy energy). Boy! She wasn’t joking. Discomfort can make us want to retreat back to our old ways of being and believing and behaving, to take shelter in the comfort and convenience of the past. But by the time we experience the discomfort, it is already too late. We have gone too far, and cannot turn back. And so we must learn to move forward, in the companionship of discomfort; with the understanding that discomfort is a gatekeeper, of sorts. It is a sure sign that we are letting go, we are healing and we are growing.
Now discomfort and I are old friends, and I am honoured to assist others in becoming familiar with the great wisdom and gifts that ride in on the wings of discomforts’ appearance. When discomfort arises, let it inform you. Let it share with you its wisdom, its certainty of your becoming. It is the cleanser, it is the purifier. It is the visceral experience of you releasing those things that no longer serve you, those things that are ready to move out.
We may also think of discomfort as the herald of light’s arrival. As the last pieces and shards of old heavy energy make their way out of your system, they create space for more light, more life force, and more personal power. What is most remarkable about discomfort is the sensation of utter peace and clarity that follows its departure, like the pristine beauty that settles after a strong storm has moved across the land.
So, to my fellow travelers, I offer these words: when you find yourself feeling discomfort, rest assured that your body and your spirit carries the wisdom to move you through to the other side. As discomfort is the messenger of deep healing, you are in good company indeed.
12 | Summer 2014
Tamryn Fudge offers intuitive readings and healing sessions for people and animals. Rooted in the ancient teachings of Incan Shamanism, her work brings clarity and peace to her clients. Deepen your connection to yourself and/or your animal friend., 250-573-1744
On being an “Empath”
We are all “Empaths” to some extent – many people have learned how to shut down our ability to feel because of the pain that feeling may bring. We can learn to ignore our “spidey senses” through meditation, and sometimes by the use of addictions such as smoking, alcohol or drugs. Yes, I said addictions – and please understand, while tobacco and alcohol use may be addictions, they may also be a means of dulling our sensitivity so we don’t hurt so much and we can then ignore our feelings. Often, individuals will deny they have feelings and yet, the feelings are so strong they need to dull them. For instance, we might have a glass of wine in order to unwind at the end of the workday. So let me start at the beginning – with the definition of an empath.
Empathy is a noun and, according to the Miriam Webster dictionary, it is the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience, fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner; also, the capacity for this.
So let me go a little deeper – being an “Empath” is an extreme sense of Clairsentience – which I defined in my “Intuition” article in the Winter 2014 issue of Interior Wellness as: When we know something because we can feel it on our body – we don’t always know why we know, we just feel it. For example, you might be perfectly healthy and free of any pain, and you become aware your lower leg is painful, and you look around and there is a person nearby with a cast on their leg.
By Maggy Davidson
– in either direction. Intent is the key. You intend it to be in place, and until you feel secure, you reinforce it during the day.
As we have our life experiences, and begin to process what is actually ours and what has been put upon us by others, we may become more sensitive often to a point where it hurts. Have you ever been in a situation where you walk into a room and just want to burst into tears? It might be because of something that happened there, or it might be that the area is so clear of negativity, that we are in a moment of truth and that can bring tears to our eyes. Meditation is how I learned to cope with too much incoming information, and I can now receive or block information/feelings at will, so I can live my life for me without the interference of the thoughts of others. There are many forms of meditation available. I teach an “active” meditation that works well for the western mind. Look for a class that resonates with you.
Maggy Davidson has over 40 years experience with psychic matters and is the proprietor of Spirit Quest Books in Salmon Arm and offers services such as aura pictures and analysis, neuro-spa sessions, psychic readings, astrological charts, [MD1] as well as courses in numerology, pendulum dowsing and energy awareness and meditation. Contact her at 250.804.0392 or
Often an “Empath” will feel better out in nature away from the rush of densely populated areas, and when they are around other people, they want to shut down or just wait to be alone. These are the folks who can feel just fine, enter into a crowded room such as a party or other gathering, and suddenly they feel sad and just want to go home because unintentionally, they have picked up the intense feelings of another person.
So if this describes you, how can you learn to manage the intrusive energy of others in the world? You need shielding or psychic protection. Shielding can be achieved through many different exercises. The most important word to remember in shielding and protection is intent.
There are many ways to psychically protect yourself. Some prefer to carry a crystal like an amethyst, quartz point, citrine, or labradorite, to name just a few. What if you are out, and you’ve forgotten your crystal? That’s when meditation comes in handy – you can create a place in the “theatre of your mind” where you are completely safe, shielded from the world, and yet active in the world. And, in meditation, you can create a shield around yourself with an intent that only love can go through the shield
Summer 2014 | 13
Is It Time to Freq Out? By Sherrie Manholt
According to physicists, you have enough energy housed in the cells of your body to power a city the size of Vancouver for several months! If that is true, why is everyone so tired? In a nutshell, limitation and stress!
Most of us are familiar with the more commonly known stressors like lack of sleep, worry, poor nutrition, chemical overload, relationship or financial issues and illness. What you may not be as familiar with is what I collectively call limitation (which includes limiting beliefs, judgments, resistance, thought patterns and old stories often of victimization and martyrdom) and which primarily exist in your subconscious mind so you are not even aware that they exist. Limitation is often the largest drain on our energy resources
the more abundance and the more vitality you can create. And, as an added bonus, the higher your vibrational frequency, the harder it is to actually hold onto limitation. Wishing you high frequency living for your limitless life! To help you get started try these Daily Freq Outs:
Morning Meditation
Did you know that just 15 minutes of meditation a day can improve focus, lower anxiety, increase creativity, improve memory, lower stress, relieve chronic pain, and slow the aging process? Those 15 minutes pack a powerful vitality punch!
Generate More Energy Than You Expend!
Most people fall through the door at the end of the working day exhausted. You can’t build the life of your dreams if you don’t have the energy to fund it.
Everything you eat, wear, think, say, do, believe, avoid, fear, hope and dream either creates energy in your body or depletes it. You inherently know what is generative for you and what is not by how you feel.
and our bodies. This is why clearing them can create some of the swiftest and most profound change to our energy, vitality, and vibrational frequency. Change your frequency and you change your life!
Every cell in your body, every thought, every experience, every emotion, every story – everything has its own vibration. You are the amalgamation of all of those vibrations – the ten percent you are aware of and the ninety percent that you are not! And it is your frequency, your vibration that becomes the creation point of your life. Everything you create is always a vibrational match. If you don’t like what is happening in your life, change your frequency. Your life then becomes not something to judge as good or bad, right or wrong, but instead a valuable source of information to see where you are not yet a match for the life you actually want to be living.
When we use our precious energy resources to hold limitation in place instead of to create our life, it contracts and lowers our vibrational frequency. Limitations and low frequency can look like low energy, disease, depression, body pain, anxiety, self sabotage, fatigue, lack of joy, money problems, addiction, illness, muscle weakness, difficulty coping, inability to manifest, and so much more. Low frequency is the land of survival. If you want to thrive, you must elevate your vibrational frequency and expand it outward. In other words, you must freq out!
The more energy and the faster your body can move it, the higher and more expansive your vibrational frequency. The higher your vibrational frequency, the more joy, the more ease, the more fun,
14 | Summer 2014
Make a list of everything that you have to do tomorrow. On one side of the page list everything that generates energy. On the other side, everything that is more depleting. Which list is longer?
Add energy generators into your day to ensure that you finish strong and focused with a surplus of energy. An energy generator is something that you can do that adds energy to your system or that frees up energy by reducing the stress load.
For example, an energy generator could be taking a few conscious breaths, a 5-minute walk, assuming a power pose for 30 seconds or throwing a 3 ½ minute dance party for one. It could be a chi gong self massage or a 3-hour round of golf. Whatever is generative to you!
Close Open Loops!
Open loops are those things that you have left undone or have been avoiding or just haven’t had time for but that still clamor for your attention and drain your energy. It can be an unfinished project, an avoided conversation, a decision that you haven’t made, or even a stack of laundry that you keep looking at that you just haven’t dealt with.
Make a list of all of your open loops and commit to yourself to close at least one within the next two days. Then close another and another until they are complete. With every loop you close, you will notice a surge in energy and a lightness in your body. This lightness is your vibrational frequency elevating. This is one freq out you are going to want to do daily!
Sherrie Manholt is an energy alchemist, transformational healer and consciousness facilitator offering Life Creation workshops, private sessions, and vibrational re-boots. 250-574-4325. Get your free Daily ‘Freq Out’ Resource Kit at
Unconditional Love
,, &: &: &:
By Michele Gieselman
Unconditional in the dictionary is described as "without conditions or limitations"
"To Love oneself is Paramount." This quote was written by my mother, a few days before she died. When we looked up the mental cause that can bring on the disease that our Mother died of, this is the quote: "Unwillingness to accept self-worth. Denial of success."
To love ourselves has the connotation that we are being selfish. My first time on a plane, this concept of putting myself first was quite a lesson. As the flight attendant read out the safety information, it was mentioned that when the oxygen mask came down, you put it on yourself first, and then help the people around you. I was shocked. Put it on me first, before I help my child, or anyone else? Processing can be a challenge at times, however, I did get it. Simple, if I can't breathe, how can I possibly help anyone else. "To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance." - Oscar Wilde
We are pushed and pulled in all directions every day. Sometimes we hear ourselves saying: When I get 'this' done, then I can relax and take some time for me. The trick is, to incorporate time for us every day. Record it each day as you would an important appointment.
"Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that everything in this life has a purpose." - Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
High frequency living for your limitless life!
Transformational Healer & Consciousness Facilitator 250.574.4325
Visit to discover
Transformational Life Creation Programs Private Session Packages (save up to 25%) Free Vibrational Tools & Activations New Free ’Freq Out’ Resource Kit
What’s in the way of your phenomenal life? Body pain Depression Overwhelm Lack of Focus Illness Low Energy
Addiction Anxiety Trauma Abundance Blocks Relationship Issues Career Issues
Stress Body Image Self Esteem Issues Limiting Beliefs Sleep Issues Negativity
Change your frequency - Change your Life!
To love ourselves unconditionally is a difficult concept to adopt, however, it is one worth working on. Become the observer and notice the self talk, and the attitude that you may have for yourself. We are our best friend and we need to treat ourselves accordingly. Time is of the essence, do it now, put yourself first on your list.
A friend of mine attended a four day Meditation Retreat. Her life is full. She is married, has two beautiful children, has a job that she loves, which includes travel, and of course is there for her children and her husband. Meditation is now her daily practice. Despite the demands on her, she takes that time for herself, every day. She has noticed a huge change in how her life unfolds. Pick whatever brings you serenity, do it every day. Our health depends on it.
"You must have a room or a certain hour of the day or so where you do not know what was in the morning paper... a place where you can simply experience and bring forth what you are, and what you might be... At first, you may find nothing's happening. But if you have a sacred place and use it, take advantage of it, something will happen." - Joseph Campbell Unconditional love is a gift we can give ourselves every day.
Michele's twenty years experience and her interest in Earth Based Medicine led her to peruse the Shamanic teachings of the Inca Tradition. Michele is an Intuitive as well as a Shamanic Practitioner, she offers Intuitive sessions, group Guided Meditations, and Workshops designed to Empower and align you with your highest Potential. 250- 372- 0469
Summer 2014 | 15
Beyond Me Creating a Healthy Aura By Marianne Ferguson EEM-CP
Your physical body is merely a part of your whole self. We consist of energy that permeates every layer of our physical being and extends in layers outside the body, surrounding us with an Aura of energies.
disturbances are not repaired and continue to occur over time, it will eventually reflect as a disorder in the physical body. Repairing the Aura helps to strengthen and support the physical body. When the Aura energies are not strong, you may feel vulnerable, like you are being “dumped on” and energy is being sucked, and indeed it is. When your Aura is strong, you are in control of your energies and you will have a strong sensory perception device to interpret and understand other people.
The Aura is a multi-layered sphere of energy that surrounds and protects you. It is denser, closer to the body and lightens and vibrates at an increasing higher frequency as it extends away from the body. The Aura is usually invisible to us, though we can learn to perceive it with practice. As well as providing protection, it is a signaling device to tell you what is going on around you. As you tune in, you will begin to feel and notice the vibrations of the Aura. Many have already experienced this, such as when someone passes near you and you think “oh my!”
The following Eden Energy Medicine self care techniques are part of Donna Eden’s daily routine and will help keep your Aura strong. Do these techniques daily to train your Auric field to extend further and stay strongly attached to your body for longer periods of time.
1. The Celtic Weave to form a strong protective web: • Rub hands together and place palms close to the ears with a deep breath. • Inhale and bring your elbows together. • Exhale cross your arms and swing them out to the sides. • Cross and swing again, moving down the body and back up. • End by scooping up the energy and pouring it above your head to flow down your whole body.
Your Aura is a buffer zone, filtering out environmental and emotional toxic energy and the bridge between you and your world, including connecting you with other people. Some Auras reach out and embrace you while others keep you out like an electric fence.
Everyone has an Aura. It contains the energetic aspects of every structure and function of the body, as well as everything that we experience. Some Auras pulse way out and some stick close to the body. Most people’s Auras function best extending beyond arm’s length.
Have you ever had the experience of feeling that you are bigger than your physical body? When you are walking down the street and you feel so good and have so much energy, you can be sure that your Aura is vibrating way out. Conversely an Aura collapsed around the body will leave you feeling small, invisible, and weak you are not taking up your space on planet earth and your protective field is just too small.
Trauma, emotional and environmental disturbances can create blocks, holes and other damage in your energy body. If these 16 | Summer 2014
2. Fluff your Aura to create movement & release toxins: • Roll your arms in circular motions up and down your aura flowing towards and away from your body with deep breaths.
3. Scan your Aura to locate and seal leaks and lesions:
• Move your hand slowly over your body about 20cm out and feel for irregular energies.
Clear areas by circling both directions and figure 8 over the area.
Marianne Ferguson is an Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioner, EEM teacher and herbalist in Kamloops BC. Eden Energy Medicine explores the body's many layers of energy, and brings them to balance.
Summer 2014 | 17
Moms, kids & families
Ten Weeks of Outdoor Summer Fun “Children can’t bounce off the walls when there are none”
Make this summer one of the most memorable yet with this list of summer activity ideas for parents in Kamloops and area:
Community Activities • Art in the Park at Riverside Park, watch the sun set on the beach (July 1st) • Have a picnic in Riverside Park & stay for Music in the Park • Bike the entire Rivers Trail & Schubert Drive • Build a sand castle or turtle • Go for a bike ride in your neighbourhood • Swim at Brock Pool • Swim at McDonald Pool • Watch the Children's Theatre in Riverside Park • Pick up garbage on the river shore (late August) Backyard Fun • Build a fort outside • Plant a flower garden • Edge the lawn with scissors • Have a water fight • Turn the backyard into a circus or fair • Camp in the backyard • Have a fancy dinner in the backyard • Make a cardboard box fort in the yard • Have a water fight • Build a nature center 18 | Summer 2014
Outdoor Art • Draw or paint a huge chalk mural in the driveway • Paint with flowers • Make a driftwood sculpture at Tranquille Lake • Make bubble wands and blow bubbles • Make a mud pie • Draw the things you see in nature • Make a leaf scrapbook and try to identify all the leaves • Paint a watercolor mural on a bed sheet • Paint Rocks • Build a fairy or gnome house at your yard
Games & Fun • Play capture the flag • Play neighbourhood soccer • Make a mini-golf course in the yard • Nature Scavenger Hunt • Play bocce ball with the neighbours • Play water balloon catch • Have a car wash • A - Z scavenger hunt • Get soaked in a summer rainstorm • Build a simple pulley for the porch, playhouse or a tree
Summer Hiking (Join our Facebook Group - Hiking with Kids in Kamloops) • Dew Drop (Brock/Tranquille Rd) • Coyote Crossing (Valleyview) • Gibraltar Rock (Paul Lake) • 3 Pond (Lac du Bois) • McConnel Lake (Lac le Jeune) • Isobel Lake • Watching Creek (Brock/Tranquille Rd) • Mara Loop • Needles Peak (Coquihalla) • Kenna Cartwright (Sahali)
Mighty Oak
Midwifery From a tiny acorn, grows the mighty oak
Midwives Joanna Nemrava Elaine Barnes Rosalynd Curry Ace Porter
Road Trips • Go Camping in Wells Gray • Go canoeing or kayaking • Roast Marshmallows & watch the stars come out • Trophy Meadows & Moul Falls (early July) • Vernon Waterslides & Farmers Market for Peaches (mid August) • Pick raspberries at Pilgrims in Armstrong (mid July) • Triathlon in Penticton (August 22) • Triathlon in Kelowna (July 20)
Krystal Williams-Gardener is a mom to three children under 10 in Kamloops BC. She is also the owner of Kamloops first Outdoor Preschool for children aged 3-6 years. For more fun summer tips, visit
Joanna Nemrava, founder of Mighty Oak Midwifery and President of the Canadian Association of Midwives, has been providing care to women and families in Kamloops since 2008 Now accepting new clients. Midwifery Care is covered by BC Care Card
202 - 322 Victoria Street
Summer 2014 | 19
20 | Summer 2014
By Jodi Latremouille
"When you thaw shrimp to put on your barbecue, it’s likely that the last person who handled that shrimp was a slave."
The book, Disposable People: New Slavery in the Modern Economy, by Kevin Bales, opened my eyes to something that we all would wish to be a remnant of a darker time in our history. We are well aware of the trials of unfair working conditions and wages, but the hard truth is that actual slavery is prevalent in our world today. Our modern global economy provides a means for denying personal and corporate responsibility by distancing consumers and businesses from the source of our goods and services. The combination of a flood of desperate, impoverished workers into the world’s labor markets, an agricultural revolution which has dispossessed poor farmers, and rapid economic change leading to a destruction of social traditions and an increase in corruption and violence, have come together to leave 27 million people trapped into modern-day enslavement.
The author examines case studies describing chattel slavery in Mauritania, coal-burning operations in the Brazilian rainforest, prostitution in Thailand, and brick-making kilns in Pakistan. The website also highlights the Asian shrimp industry, which uses mostly slave and child labor.
Although officially illegal, slavery is still condoned in bureaucratic language and hidden in complex record keeping, covered up by corrupt public officials and covertly supported by contractors who operate in such a way so as to distance business owners and international corporations from responsibility for these crimes. If you are shocked by this, claiming that you had no clue, believe me, that is exactly what is intended by those covering it up.
The sources that I found listed many ways to take action, including buying local and fair trade, participating in volunteer work and educating yourself and others. Coffee, tea and cocoa are three of the easiest and most widely available organic and fair-trade products out there. Most coffee, tea and cocoa are
grown on plantations that harm the environment, with extremely underpaid, child and even slave laborers doing the work that nobody else is willing to do. In the case of one country, Ivory Coast - where 40% of the world’s cocoa is produced - cocoa sales have been used since 1999 to fund a civil war. The impact you can have on workers, the environment, and even entire countries’ economies will be enormous if you choose to make a more ethical purchase.
Very few of the major brands offer ethical coffee, tea or cocoa, and they sometimes try to pass off their products as “earth-friendly.” If you aren’t sure what a label means, rather than cross your fingers, do some research and be certain! Beware of vague statements on packaging, such as “responsible” and “good for the earth.” Remember that many companies quietly buy “unfairtrade” and slave-made products while loudly celebrating their donations to charities. This bandaid charity approach is often a media ploy, and while donating to charities is a good start, it simply does not absolve them of responsibility for the harm that their products cause on the front-end of the production process.
Every time you hit up your local coffee shop, ask about their coffee and tea, and see what they have to offer. Check out some locally available brands such as Ethical Bean Coffee Company, Oso Negro, Kicking Horse Coffee, Coca Camino, Alter Eco Tea, and Choice Organic Teas. Growing your own tea is a very satisfying alternative as well. I found this to be an emotional, eye-opening, and worthwhile read. We can’t do everything at once, but if you are thinking about the implications of fair trade, this is an excellent place to start. Want to take action today? Some excellent resources include:
Jodi Latremouille is co-owner of Footprints Harvest Organic Produce Delivery Service, operating in Merritt, B.C., since 2009. She can be reached at, 250-315-4743, or by visiting the website, Summer 2014 | 21
Do you know your
Chakra System?
By Billy Feistmantl
Chakra means “Wheel” in Sanskrit. Our body has 7 major energy centres that look like spinning wheels. They interact with the endocrine glands and the lymphatic system by feeding in good energy and releasing negative energy. Chakras are fundamental to holistic healing.
As with all things in our reality, they are linked to sound, light, colour and scents. To heal is to bring the Chakras into alignment and balance, then you will understand the nature of creation and your purpose in it.
Every energy point has a special meaning: ROOT Develop Strength Energy, Vitality, Healing, Courage Colour: Red Stone: Haematite
SACRAL Release your passion Sexuality, Creativity, Desire Colour: Orange Stone: Carnelian
SOLAR Believe in yourself Confidence, Personal Power, Manifestation Colour: Yellow Stone: Yellow Jade
HEART Live Compassionately Love, Joy, Wisdom Colour: Green Stone: Aventurine
THROAT Express yourself freely Tangerine, Balsam Peru, Sweet Orange Colour: Blue Stone: Sodalite
THIRD EYE Follow your Dreams Dream, Intuition, Clear Mind, Visions Colour: Indigo Stone: Amethyst
CROWN Be at One Enlightenment, Centre of Spirituality, Bliss Colour: Violet Stone: Clear Quartz
There are very good books and more info on the internet. Educate yourself on the Chakra system and how to become One with the Universal energy and our Creator by healing your being.
Green Sisters have a line of Chakra Balance Body Mists, Body Massage Oils and Roll on Perfumes. Available online and fine Health Food Stores in BC (see store locations on our website)
22 | Summer 2014
Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis Oh My! By Dr. Alison Beach
Naturopathic Doctors treat a lot of skin conditions with the most common being acne, eczema, psoriasis, hives and rosacea. Typically, most people think of treating such skin conditions with topical products like antibiotics for acne, or cortisone cream for eczema and psoriasis. Although topical products can help to minimize symptoms, they do not seem to clear up the skin condition permanently, as skin conditions generally need to be treated from the inside out. This means that we need to find the cause of the problem which for skin is usually hormone imbalance and/or digestive disorders leading to poor body detoxification.
allergies Food commonly cause skin conditions by impairing proper body detoxification. This is because food allergies can cause inflammation of the gut. Inflammation is the body’s protective mechanism to tissue injury in order to promote healing, but in the long term can cause more harm than benefit. This is due to the fact that chronic gut inflammation impairs our ability to digest food and eliminate toxins from the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, the body starts to eliminate these toxins through the skin.
Acne can not only be caused by food allergies, but also by hormonal imbalance especially in the female body. The most common causes of acne are elevated testosterone levels, or estrogen dominance. Estrogen dominance is a condition where the body is producing or being exposed to too much estrogen, or when there is not enough progesterone to balance out the estrogen. Such hormone imbalances can also lead to other symptoms, including fibrocystic breasts, PMS, irregular periods, depression, infertility, and weight gain to name a few.
If you suffer from a skin condition, it may be a way that your body is telling you that there is an internal imbalance. Seeking out treatment by a qualified health care professional, like a Naturopathic Physician, can help in determining the root cause of the problem, thus treating the skin effectively from the inside out. Dr. Alison Beach (formerly Assmus), ND has been in practice for 5 years, previously at Kamloops Naturopathic Clinic she has opened her own practice as of July 1, 2014: Thompson Valley Naturopathic Clinic. 778-471-2949. 875 Seymour St, Kamloops.
If you suffer from back pain, you know the limiting effects it can have on physical activities. What exercise or activities are appropriate? What to do and how much? These are common questions of back pain sufferers. What about yoga..?
How can yoga help back pain?
Although no one treatment works for everyone, many aspects of yoga make it ideal for treating back pain. It is common for back pain sufferers to try numerous forms of exercise and therapies in an attempt to find appropriate means to manage pain. For many, yoga has proven to be a safe and effective way to alleviate pain and help prevent recurrence of pain.
Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years to promote health and well-being. The most commonly practiced form of yoga is Hatha yoga, which consists of a combination of asana (postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), meditation and relaxation. A regular yoga practice can lead to increased strength, endurance, flexibility, and muscle relaxation, which are the basis for most rehabilitation programs. Moving though gentle yoga postures and increasing blood circulation brings healing nutrients to the injured tissues.
Benefits of Yoga
Strength and Endurance Strength and endurance are increased by holding postures, as well as controlling movement through the transition from one pose to the next. Many yoga postures strengthen the muscles in the back, as well as the deeper core muscles. The muscular network of the spine allows the body to maintain proper upright position as well as movement. When these muscles are properly conditioned and in balance, back pain can be greatly reduced.
Stretching and relaxation Yoga incorporates stretching and range of motion, which increases blood flow, allowing nutrients to flow in and toxins to flow out. One of the primary causes of back pain is due to muscle tension. The stretching component of yoga postures can provide a means for tension release, while offering rest and restoration.
Posture, balance, and body alignment Over time, a consistent practice can result in improved posture, an increased sense of balance and proper body alignment, notably the natural curvature of the spine. The idea is that all the parts of the body affect the others. The premise is that, since the body is connected, an increase in strength and flexibility in one area of the body can positively affect other areas. Modifications or alternative postures are the key to provide the most appropriate position for the individual, therefore minimizing the risk of pain or further injury. Yoga props can be used for optimal alignment and support.
Breathing Whether you're a beginner or an advanced yoga enthusiast, breathing is the key. The quality of the breath can determine the quality of the yoga practice. The intention is to have a deep, free, and rhythmic breath through the nose on both the inhale and the exhale, which can stimulate the body and promote relaxation. In yoga, breathing techniques are used to increase oxygenation throughout the body. Breathing also provides an opportunity for meditation, which can also provide a means for pain management.
Body awareness Awareness is developed with practice. In theory, specific positioning and repositioning not only limbers the body, but also trains people to understand the limitations of their body. Greater awareness acts as a preventative measure, in that the individual will know what is appropriate for their unique body.
In addition, there are many mental benefits. Yoga practice affords the practitioner with a mental state of mind that is ready for meditation, which in turn reduces stress and enhances mood. This can be helpful for those suffering from depression, anxiety, and many other mental health concerns. In theory, yoga helps people concentrate their energy on breathing and maintaining posture. The methodical breathing increases oxygen flow to the brain and sets a rhythm within the body and mind. This action combined with yoga postures and meditation can decrease symptoms, therefore, relieving back pain caused by psychological and emotional factors.
Is yoga for me?
Yoga can be safe for most people, but depending on the condition, certain poses may need to be modified or avoided. Yoga may not be suitable for those with severe pain or other significant spinal conditions, such as spinal stenosis, which requires specific care. Before you start yoga or any new activity, talk to your doctor. Those with occasional soreness or chronic aches may greatly benefit from yoga postures involving gentle stretching and strengthening, create lengthen in the spine, and promote muscle relaxation. Before your first class, inform the yoga instructor about your condition. Be open to assistance, modifications and the use of props to gain the most out of the yoga session. Private sessions can be an excellent means for personalized instruction and to allow you to learn modifications, after which it may be easier to transition to a group yoga class.
Natalie Saari B.Sc. - Kinesiologist; ACSM Clinical Exercise Specialist RYT500, Natalie takes a kinesiological and therapeutic approach to yoga, assisting students based on their needs - finding the optimal posture or modification of their individual body, while providing education and guidance. Natalie will be leading Yoga for Back Pain 4 session series on Sundays from 7:00-8:15 pm in July at Kamloops Hot Yoga.
Summer 2014 | 23
Interior Wellness Magazine brings you the annual...
Interior Wellness
Festival September 26-28, 2014
Seminars Workshops
Friday, September 26 6pm - 9pm
Saturday, September 27 9am - 5 pm
Yoga &
Fitness Classes
Sunday, September 28 10am - 3pm
Thompson Rivers University Campus Activity Centre Kamloops Airport (the entire building!) 5 Kamloops BC
Entertainment & Cafe
Direct flights to Kamloops from Vancouver, Calgary,and Prince George
ve Dri Road ne ille rtu Tranqu Fo
ad e Ro quill Tran
3 Days of Transformational Wellness
To Sun Peaks Ski Resort 45 minutes from TRU Campus
To Jasper/Edmonton
Mount Pau l Way
Free parking all weekend
Healing Garden
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366 Exit # Drive Cop per hea d
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To the Okanagan Exit #370
Coquihalla Hwy
Exit #36
City Centre
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McGill Rd
Aberdeen Mall
Exit #36 7
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Exit #368
Hugh Allan Dr.
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1.5 hrs – Vernon 2 hrs – Kelowna 2.5 hrs – West Kelowna 3 hrs – Penticton
Detailed driving directions > Driving West: Take Exit #370 onto Notre Dame Drive. Turn right at Hillside Drive, which leads to the TRU Westgate Entrance.
> Driving East: Take Exit #366; Turn left onto Copperhead Drive,
5a To Merritt More info: 2.5 hrs – Fraser Valley 3.5 – Vancouver To The Lower Mainland
then turn right onto Hillside Drive. The TRU Westgate Entrance is at the Bottom of Hillside Drive.
> Driving East: Take Exit #367; Turn left on Hugh Allan Drive, then immediately left onto Pacific Way. Turn right at Hillside Drive, follow to the TRU Westgate Entrance.
facebook event: Interior Wellness Festival> Driving East: Take Exit #368; Turn left at the Highway 5A junction, then right onto Hillside Drive, follow to the TRU Westgate Entrance.
> Driving East: Take Exit #369; Turn at the first left onto Notre Dame Drive. At Hillside Drive, turn right and follow to the TRU Westgate Entrance.
A complete program of all classes, workshops & seminars with detailed schedules can be found on-line
In t er ior W e l l nes s Fe s t i val September 26-28, 2014: TRU Once a year practitioners, teachers and businesses come together to present an event that will inspire you to wellness: body, mind and spirit. It’s a celebration of Health, Wellness, Yoga, Fitness & Spirituality in BC Interior: The 5th Annual Interior Wellness Festival. Featuring healthy-living seminars and workshops, a vibrant, interactive marketplace; a Healing Garden and Intuitives Area with practitioners working to provide holistic treatments; Yoga and fitness classes and a cafe with fresh food and live entertainment. Plan to come and stay for a while and come back each day! The Festival is a community event, a fundraiser for local organizations, it’s on a bus-route and is free to attend: encouraging easy access for the whole community.
WORKSHOPS Dive deep into inspiring workshops and in depth sessions on health, nutrition, spirituality, wellness, hormones, relationships, stress management, meditation and more. Pre-register to ensure your spot since space is limited! Complete schedules can be found online as well as in the Festival Program Guide.
SEMINARS Introductory sessions, inspiring talks and lessons at various times throughout the day. Learn more about health, nutrition, spirituality, wellness, hormones, relationships, stress management, meditation and more. These sessions are free and you do not need to pre-register. It is a good idea to line up a little in advance to ensure your spot since space is limited! Complete schedules can be found online as well as in the Festival Program Guide.
YOGA AND FITNESS CLASSES 45 minute introductory classes, on the hour, every hour! Yoga, Zumba, Nia, Bellydance, Hula Hooping, Awareness Through Movement and more! Open to all ages and all levels, beginners welcome: no experience necessary.
HEALING GARDEN: Wellness Services, Healing Arts, Intuitive Readings Relax and take time to rejuvenate body & spirit in the Healing Garden's ambiance, where you can choose from a variety of healing arts shared by skilled professionals. Get as much or as little time as you like. Sample as many different modalities as you like! You can pre-book and hold a spot by paying in advance. Before and after your treatment, rest with a cup of herbal tea in the Healing Garden Relaxation Lounge. Sign up Early!
Massage | Tesla Metamorphosis Healing | Reiki | BodyTalk | Shamanic Healing and Intuitive Readings | Touch for Health Energetic Healing and Self-Healing | Eden Energy Medicine | Emotional Freedom Technique | The Emotion Code Coaching | Animal Communication Readings | Head & Face Massage | Quantum Energy Transformation Thai Massage...and much more!
MARKETPLACE Come and wander through, in between classes and workshops, or just come for the marketplace! There will be lots to sample, get free gifts and inspiring information, enter draws, talk to local teachers, get a book or CD signed by local authors and musicians, purchase local and international gifts, jewelery, crafts and natural products.
LIVE ENTERTAINMENT & CAFE When you’re hungry and need a break, you can get some delicious and healthy treats from the TRU Servery and sit down in the cafe to enjoy some of the amazing performances by local talent.
Volunteers, practitioners, businesses, & teachers...join us!
September 26-28, 2014 Thompson Rivers University: Centre, Kamloops BC
Summer 2014
Interior Wellness Kamloops Class Directory
With over 60 different types and styles of classes to choose from in different parts of town, at different times of the day...there’s something for everyone!
7:45 - 8:45 am YOGA: Hatha Shevani @ Let’s Move Studio 9:00 - 10:30 am YOGA: Restorative Robyn @ Let’s Move Studio
9:00 - am
12:00 - 1:00 pm YOGA: Any Shape Any Size! Bonny @ Let’s Move Studio
9:00 - 10:30 am YOGA: All Levels Christine S @ Let’s Move Studio Bones for Life: The Feldenkrais Method Cathy @ Centennial Building Wellness Centre
10:00 - 11:30 am YOGA: Gentle Movement Andrea @ North Shore Community Centre
Carrie Few @ Hal Rogers Centre 3:30 - 4:30 pm Kids Yoga @ The Yoga Loft
3:30 - 4:30 pm YIN YOGA - All Levels Susan @ Let’s Move Studio
10:30 – 11:45 am Parent & Baby Yoga (pre-register) Tania @ The Yoga Loft
4:15 - 5:10 pm YAMUNA Body Rolling Nicole @ The Pilates Tree 5:00 - 6:00 pm YOGA: All Levels Cheryl @ Let’s Move Studio
10:45 -11:45 am ZUMBA GOLD (Beginners) Shay @ Let’s Move Studio
5:30 - 6:15 pm WATER MOVES: Feldenkrais Method Cathy @ Centennial Building Wellness Centre
12:00 - 1:00 pm Bellyfit Shay @ Let’s Move Studio
6:15 - 7:05 pm ZUMBA: All Levels Shay @ Let’s Move Studio
3:30 - 4:30 pm Kids Yoga @ The Yoga Loft
5:00 - 6:00 pm YOGA: Beginners Yoga + Carrie Few @ Valleyview Hall 6:15 - 7:05 pm ZUMBA: All Levels Shay @ Let's Move Studio 7:10 - 8:00 pm Abs & Buns All Levels - Jaime @ Let's Move Studio 8:00 - 9:00 pm Modern Jive Imogen @ Nuance Dance Studio
8:10 - 9:00 pm HipHop - All Levels Jaime @ Let’s Move Studio
2:00 - 3:00 pm
Gentle Touch Yoga With & Without Chairs
10:10 - 11:05 am NEW Pilates Barre Tricia @ The Pilates Tree
5:00 - 6:00 pm YOGA: Restorative Robyn @ Let’s Move Studio
9:00 - 10:00 am Bellyfit Shay @ Let’s Move Studio
12:00 - 1:00 pm Awareness Through Movement Colleen @ Let’s Move Studio
5:00 - 5:55 pm Bellydance: Beginners Tammy @ Let’s Move Studio 5:30 - 6:20 pm Hoop Dance Daryl: OUTSIDE @ Pioneer Park
6:00 - 7:00 pm YOGA: All Levels Susan @ Barnhartvale Hall 6:00 – 7:00 pm YOGA: Mind & Body Yoga - All Levels Colleen @ Let’s Move Studio 6:35 - 7:30 pm NEW Pilates Barre Tricia @ The Pilates Tree
7:10 - 8:00 pm Sculpt & Scorch - All Levels Shay @ Let's Move Studio
7:00 - 7:55 pm NEW Total Barre Geralyn @ The Pilates Tree
7:00 - 8:15 pm YOGA: Stong Flow Power Yoga Drop in Amber H @ The Yoga Loft (outside)
7:15 - 8:15 pm YOGA: Beginners Any Shape, Any Size! Bonny @ Let’s Move Studio
Types of Classes
7:00 - 8:15 pm Yoga: Prenatal Yoga Tania M @ The Yoga Loft
For class updates and changes, more information & free subscription:
Heart Bound Discoveries ...inspiring transformation
Wendy Marr
Certified Passion Test Facilitator
250-314-4106 Individual & Group Discoveries ~ Pay What You Can 26 | Summer 2014
Summer 2014
Interior Wellness Kamloops Class Directory THURSDAY
8:00 - 8:50 am ZUMBA Imogen @ Let’s Move Studio
9:00 - 10:30 am YOGA - All Levels Bonny @ Let’s Move Studio
8:00 - 9:00 am Yoga: Foundations @ The Yoga Loft
12:30 pm PILATES: Reformer NEW Nicole @ The Pilates Tree
9:00 - 10:00 am YOGA: All Levels Susan @ Let’s Move Studio
4:00 - 5:00 pm Yoga: Teens @ The Yoga Loft
9:30 - 10:30 am Kids Yoga @ The Yoga Loft
5:00 – 5:50 pm ZUMBA: All Levels Imogen @ Let’s Move Studio
10:30 – 11:30 am YOGA: All Levels Tania @ Let’s Move Studio
6:00 - 6:50 pm Bokwa: All Levels Imogen @ Let’s Move Studio
9:00 - 10:00 am Yoga: Flow Yoga @ The Yoga Loft
9:00 - am
Bones for Life: The Feldenkrais Method Cathy @ Centennial Building Wellness Centre
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm NEW Total Barre Geralyn @ The Pilates Tree
9:00 - 10:30 am YOGA: All Levels Cheryl @ Let’s Move Studio
10:45 -11:45 am ZUMBA GOLD - Beginners Shay @ Let’s Move Studio 11:20 - 12:15 pm YAMUNA Body Rolling Nicole @ The Pilates Tree 12:00 -12:50 pm No Sweat Stretch Paul @ Let’s Move Studio
2:30 - 3:30 pm YOGA: Beginners Yoga Carrie Few @ Mt Paul United Church (N.Shore) 3:30 - 4:30 pm YOGA: Ananda Yoga Shevani @ Let’s Move Studio
4:15 - 5:10 pm Prenatal Pilates Reformer Tricia @ The Pilates Tree 5:00 - 5:50 pm Bellyfit Shay @ Let’s Move Studio
5:25 pm PILATES: Reformer NEW Nicole @ The Pilates Tree 5:25 pm PILATES: Tower Deborah @ The Pilates Tree
7:30 - 8:30 pm MEDITATION @ Let's Move Studio
The Yoga Loft #201-409 Seymour Street, Kamloops
Amber Hooton 250-318-5370
Valleyview Hall 2288 Park Drive
Amy Gingell 250-574-2204
Bonny Ziegler 778-470-5803
Barnhartvale Hall 7370 Barnhartvale Road
Cathy Lidster 250-819-9041
Centennial Building Wellness Centre 153 Seymour Street, Kamloops
Christine Schieberle 250-374-5421
Christine W. 250-320-2639
Diverse Training Studio #9 - 1445 McGill Road
Colleen Tobin 250-819-9100 Cheryl Gray 778-220-0787
Hal Rogers Centre 2025 Summit Drive
Nicole Bruce
Let’s Move Studio 250-372-9642 NEW: 831 Victoria Street
Shay Curle 250-372-9642 Susan McDonald
The Mind Body Connection 250-374-2748 or 250-374-5421 253 Victoria St. Kamloops
Tricia 250-320-2639
North Shore Community Centre 730 Cottonwood Avenue, Kamloops
6:00 – 7:00 pm YOGA - All Levels Brenna @ Let’s Move Studio
Nuance Studio 253 Victoria St. Kamloops
The Pilates Tree #101-409 Seymour Street 250-320-2639
7:00 - 8:15 pm Yoga: Restorative @ The Yoga Loft
St. Paul’s Hall 360 Nicola Street, Kamloops
Create The Life You Want
e ntr
250.554.6707 lli g ng n cell: 250.319.7364 i a n d Tr a i n #204-535 Tranquille Kamloops, BC V2B 3H5 Tranquille Rd.
Find Strength in Action Personal and Business Life Coaching
Specializing in Health & Wellness & Work-Life Balance
Mt. Paul United Church 140 Laburnum St.
7:10 - 8:00 pm ZUMBA - All Levels Susy @ Let's Move Studio
Kathy Richins, ICF Certified Life Coach
Ask about Special Rates!
Summer 2014 | 27
Are you an Empath? Are you sensitive, intuitive, and really enjoy having quiet time alone? Do you love animals, nature, and peaceful quiet places? Are you someone who often put the needs of others before your own? Do you sometimes experience mood swings for no known reason? Are you someone who often feels misunderstood or like you do not fit in? Do you avoid busy places and large social gatherings?
Empaths are individuals who are sensitive and tend to automatically sense the thoughts, emotions, and intent of people around them. Many people are not aware they are empathic and do not realize they are unconsciously affected by other people's energies. Empaths actually experience the thoughts and feelings of people around them as if they were their own, and this impacts them deeply.
Splinter Hill
w w w. s p l i n t e r h i l l w h o l i s t i c s . c a
Eden Energy Medicine Every aspect of our physical and emotional being has an energetic core, and working with these energies gives us incredible power to affect and improve our health and happiness. When our energies are healthy and balanced, we feel stronger, happier and more able to handle whatever is happening in our life. 90 minute sessions are offered in Marianne's Kamloops Studio.
Visit my website to find information and dates for learning energy medicine. w w w. s p l i n t e r h i l l w h o l i s t i c s . c a
Marianne Ferguson, Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner
w w w. s p l i n t e r h i l l w h o l i s t i c s . c a 28 | Summer 2014
When an unaware empath experiences the random thoughts and feelings of others, they believe these are actually their thoughts and feelings to navigate. Believing these are generated from oneself, they may create stories to explain why they feel this way. This can create much chaos and confusion in one’s life. This is why some empaths at times experience mood swings and intense emotions suddenly.
Being alone in a calm, quiet, place allows a space for an empath to process and recharge without having to use any energy for responding to outside stimulation. When you do go to busy places, imagine a capsule of protective gold light around your body, this will create a barrier to receiving unwanted energies. If you want to remove any lower vibrations simply hug a tree or take a sea salt bath. Consistent self care and mediation are also helpful to counter emotional overload. If you feel this applies to you, exhale, you are not crazy, you are gifted, embrace who you are.
Tania Niedbala's focus is a complementary healing approach to emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual challenges to assist personal wellness & empowerment. To contact Tania, email or cal1 250-434-9171.
Get Turned On... By Powering Down! By Shalen Curle
I've put myself on a strict no cell phone diet! At first, thinking about powering down scared me. I feel anxiety with the passing thought of potentially turning off my life line. The truth is, although I am more connected then ever, there are some moments when I feel like the loneliest girl in the world. I had to ask myself, what the hell is going on here?
On a daily basis I answer text messages like a blood hound sniffing for clues. I Snapchat, I upload my daily dish to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. I take selfies, I scroll online profiles and I creep. On a few occasions I've even fallen victim to the Candy Crush and other cell phone sagas.
Endless questions raced through my mind as I considered powering down: Could my business survive? Could my relationships
Let’s Move Studio Kamloops’ Longest running and most diverse studio
Group Fitness
Abs & Buns
survive? Can I survive without the continuous flow of contact? My answer became, I don't know.
So, with the spirit of adventure as my tailwind and the hopes of melting into more happiness, I decided to take the plunge. Powering Down Now... A FEW DAYS LATER:
I am several days into my diet and I am chill and calm. I feel like a kid again: free! Instead of reaching for my phone to find a new offer in each free moment. I now am forced to choose what I feel might fill me up. So far, I've taught myself the break dance 6-Step and I dreamt up two new dance class concepts. I've had lunch with a friend who I passed driving on the highway. I gestured coffee and he agreed, how fun is that! I accomplished several lingering to do's including completing my taxes and developing my marketing plan. I also decreased my stress by choosing what, how and when to do it. I feel more productive and lighter. Best diet I ever chose! Take the plunge, ditch the device and let your life TURN YOU ON! Shalen Curle is the
and much more!
2 For 1 Yoga: July, Aug & Sept Tuesdays & Thursdays 6pm All levels | All ages | Drop in anytime!
NEW LOCATION 831 Victoria St
Free Parking is around back
New Students
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Summer 2014 | 29
As a Yoga teacher and therapist, my perspective may be skewed, but doesn’t it seem like everyone and their dog (and cat too, literally) are “doing Yoga” these days? In my ten-plus years in the field, I have watched an ever-increasing number of studios offering classes, workshops, retreats, trainings in yoga, yoga and more yoga.
At the same time, I meet people who react to the yoga craze: they’re a little cynical perhaps about “jumping on the bandwagon,” sensing that enlightenment doesn’t come from a spiffy outfit and a sweaty workout of fast-flowing yoga postures. True enough.
Also true: yoga has some serious history, staying power, and comes from a deep-rooted tradition that temporary fads do not. So, while some people still think it’s a fitness program to make you more spiritual, if you spend some time with the teachings of yoga, you might start to understand its potential to transform your experience from suffering, at any level of your being, toward freedom, joy and peace.
My path was greatly enriched by finding a teacher who inspired me to have faith in the teachings -- never blind faith, but faith that came through listening carefully, trusting his authenticity, education, experience, learning from his teachings, and following his advice. I feel very fortunate to have connected to a yoga lineage that is suffused with the history, philosophy, art and technology of the yoga tradition. It’s wonderful stuff! 30 | Summer 2014
By Margaret Huff
The very first phrase in the classic yoga treatise, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is: Atha Yoga Anushasanam.
First, “Yoga” means “yoke,” as an ox yoked to a cart. So “Yoga” means connector, linking life force (the ox) to materiality (the cart loaded with stuff for the market). Without the yoke, the cart would sit there forever; the product would rot. Linking our life force to whatever we need to move or shift can transform the stuff. That’s yoga.
Atha, translates as “now,” and also implies “ready.” Are you ready now for what’s coming? Anushasanam means “ to follow the story, the explanation.” So, the first sutra says: “Here it comes now, the teachings from this ancient-rooted practice and state of Yoga ~ are you ready?”
It took me years to get to the material that would help me change, to hear it, to practice it. It took a good teacher that I trusted; it took a leap of faith. I’d heard about the techniques involved in the work of yoga, but I really wasn’t ready. I felt the suffering in my life, I know I’m the common denominator in everything I experience, that I’m the only one who can do anything about it. And paradoxically, realizing how not ready I am makes me more ready. The first step in really launching the yoga journey could be acknowledging suffering: I’m unsure about who I really am, I am reactive and do and say things I wish I hadn’t, I don’t do and say things I wish I would, I am stressed out and feel lost. It’s rather paradoxical, but if we cannot recognize our suffering, if, instead, we say, “Well, look around; that’s just life,” well, then, there’s nothing to be done. Cool! But if you’re ready, the remedy is here, now.
Margaret Huff has taught Yoga in Kamloops for over a decade and is a certified Yoga Therapist by the American Viniyoga Institute. 250-374-2748
An Osteopathic Perspective By Paul Roberts
Joint hypermobility is the ability to move a joint further than its normal anatomical range of motion. Some people call it being double jointed or having loose joints. It is not something that needs treatment if it is not causing any symptoms or pain. It is usually genetic – inherited from parents. It is thought to be related to the genes responsible for regulating collagen. Collagen is one of the main building blocks of the connective tissue which runs throughout our bodies in ligaments, joints, muscles and tendons.
Who gets it?
Anyone can be hypermobile. It is more common in women than men, and will naturally decrease as we get older.
How is it assessed/diagnosed?
The Beighton scale is used to diagnose hypermobility. A score of more than four of the following criteria shows benign hypermobility. Only when combined with other symptoms (the Brighton Criteria) would this be classified as hypermobility syndrome.
• • • • • •
Can you put your hands flat on the floor with your knees straight? Can you bend your left elbow backwards? Can you bend your right elbow backwards? Can you bend your left knee backwards? Can you bend your right knee backwards? Can you bend your left thumb back on to the front of your forearm? • Can you bend your right thumb back on to the front of your forearm? • Can you bend your left little finger at 90 degrees, towards the back of the hand? • Can you bend your right little finger at 90 degrees, towards the back of the hand?
As an osteopathic practitioner – I am often encouraged to check this scale once I have started treating a patient. For example, during assessing normal flexibility, but often through palpation of stretchy skin during massage.
Symptoms/benign hypermobility syndrome
Hypermobile patients commonly present with joint and muscle pain in a wide variety of areas – however, in my personal experience, low back and shoulder pain are particularly common. Because of the laxity in ligaments and joints, a hypermobile person`s skeleton has more trouble maintaining stability. As such – in order to perform normal day to day activities the muscles have to work harder to keep everything tight and controlled – and as such, they are more likely to fatigue. Also, with less stability, excessive movements can move through joints and pre-dispose strains and microtrauma. Longer term – a joint which moves too much may also become predisposed to osteoarthritis in the same way that a restricted joint can.
Massage techniques which improve recovery of muscles is a strong part of osteopathic management of hypermobility. Some joints may also be relatively restricted compared to some which are moving far too much, so sometimes balancing the way joints move can bring relief. However, the largest thing people with hypermobility can do to keep symptoms down is to exercise. By increasing muscle strength, they are better able to stabilize joints without fatigue. Weight training can work really well – as can exercise with a core stabilization aspect, such as Pilates. Many people with hypermobility tend to gravitate towards yoga. This might be because they will be the “naturals” who can quickly develop their flexibility! It often gives relief by stretching tired muscles – however, it is wise that people find a yoga style with a good focus on stability, as excessive stretching from a relaxed position, whilst temporarily relieving symptoms - will exacerbate symptoms if you are not learning to stabilise joints as well.
Paul Roberts is a UK trained osteopathic practitioner and owner of Kamloops osteopathy. He has additional training in sports massage and sports taping and enjoys working with a variety of people ranging from young athletes to elderly people with arthritis.
Summer 2014 | 31
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amongst cancer patients. Let’s tell our l makers and our medical system that we want our addicted sons and daughters treated with compassion and respect. Studies h e shown that the addict with the best chance of recovery is the one with a support network, people who will encourage them, honour and celebrate their baby steps, not condemn th r every slip. For every other disease we handle the symptoms, then look r the cause eed to first ensure that the addict can get the substance s/he needs sa l en, we can begin to reduce the dependence and treat the cause. I believe the nee r anything external, whether it be dang ex, sugar or cocaine, arises because we do not know our enoughness, we do not know our own power to create our own experience of L , we h e lost our spiritual connection, the loving, compassionate source of L hat wells up within each of us. rgotten coaching that we av rgotten wartisan ho we adesigns re av creative Unacreations and are divine and sacred beings, every one of us. Could we help each other to remember? That could be our only hope. Custom, one of a kind unique home Addiction is a chronic illnes ng chjewelry, allenge. N ext time you meet an addict on the strdecor, eet, knocanvas w that thiprints s is somebody’s child, just trying to survive. and more!
Pat Zogar is Spiritual Director at the Centr r Spiritual Living, Kamloops where she strives to release judgment an ar and to teach only love. Re atricia Zogar Centr r Spiritual Living, K loops ww l 250-314-2028 Join us on facebook!
250-314-2028 or
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32 | Summer 2014
& the Waking State By Padma
These days while I’m on my meditation retreat in the Himalayas of India, I like to spend an hour or so each morning doing some hatha yoga. I can hear the roar of the powerful Vyaas river just in front of my home, and in the orchard, the song birds and parrots enjoy the cool morning. I normally put on an audio recording of a talk by my guru and stretch out while I listen. This is my version of multi-tasking! I love the quality of bringing my awareness to subtle spaces even while I do physical yoga. I find myself staying in poses longer and meditating, listening and absorbing the knowledge.
This morning my teacher was speaking about oneness. When we are in deep sleep, there is no duality in us. Between two people sleeping there is no duality in their minds; there is only the one space of deep sleep being known.
The dream state of consciousness might come into the mind and be active and full of life for the dreamer, but there is no sense of separation from any other real person. The space of oneness that was present in deep sleep is still present, even when dreams come into the mind.
If you meditate deeply on this you begin to understand that the space of oneness, the pure space of our being is ever-constant, even when movement is activated in the mind’s consciousness and dreams start to live in our mind. The base foundation of our life, our raw existence and its potential consciousness, has not gone away just because the power of our mind began to move and create ideas.
Then my teacher said, “then waking state comes and oneness is still there.”
Normally in the waking state we feel all sorts of sense perceptions and emotions and we have all kinds of thoughts full of joy and love but also of duality, worry and agitation. We wake up and our whole day starts with everything we knew from the day before: Our home, our body, our relations, our job, our worries and responsibilities. This waking state is full of duality. People are different from us, we’re in competition with others, others are nice or not nice to us, we feel happy or we get sad about ourselves or about local or world situations. Living with this awareness of the “reality” of life, how can it be understood that oneness still exists? It’s a shift in our attention.
Habitually, all day we put our attention on the forms and actions of the waking state of consciousness in our minds. When we put our attention only on the perception of the senses of the body, and on the thinking in the mind, then automatically we will forget about the oneness that is everpresent. Our mind will not remember both at the same time: the forms of our busy life and the formlessness of our pure existence when we are asleep. An assumption in the mind is also that “if I don’t constantly pay attention to the forms of my world then I will lose some competition, I’ll get behind in some race or start to decrease the power of my life and ego.” The waking state is full of the fear of death of itself and takes itself as the whole of reality. It cannot see itself for what it is: a state of mind. If you meditate on the purity of your own existence, before you adopted any name or identity as an ego, then you’ll start to discover the state of oneness in yourself. You’ll come to recognize this pure state as who you have always been: when you were a little child, when you grew to be an adult, and who you’ll be when you’re 90. Once you can see this oneness in yourself, then you will be able to understand that everyone is and always has been this same pure one.
Whether the dream state comes, or whether the waking state comes, you and me and everyone are always the one ever-present existence. In your daily meditation, you can simply close your eyes and know that this oneness is pure, free and forever, and most importantly, this oneness is you.
For information on Padma's upcoming 'OM Meditation Retreat' in the Himalayas see:
Grid-Tied Solar Power in the BC Interior By Wendy McLean
Installing residential and commercial-scale PV and other renewable energy generation helps our community by creating local economic development, enhancing security and building long term societal benefits. It helps the environment, displacing coal and gas generation and causing less need for new hydro development. It helps the utility, creating increased generation capacity, resiliency against peak demand and can yield savings in transmission and distribution costs.
BC currently enjoys one of North America's lowest rates for electricity and this partly explains why we have not seen a more widespread use of PV. But Grid Parity is here, now. Do the math and consider - does your granite countertop or other esthetic item give you a better return on investment while at the same time help save the planet? PV does both, even now at current utility rates.
Solar electricity, or PV, short for photovoltaics, is a viable renewable energy source, here and now.
Our solar resource in Kamloops is greater than many other parts of Canada and Europe. Solar PV prices have now dropped to a level that payback for a system can be realized in 10 to 15 years, depending on system size, southern exposure and utility price increases. Both major utility companies have adopted a twotiered rate schedule and price increases that have long been held back, have started. It now makes financial sense to include or plan for solar in all your renovating and building plans.
As part of a continent-wide grid, the more we green our grid, the more we assist other jurisdictions to green theirs by selling them our greener power. Our grid is already one of the greenest in the world. By adding grid-tied solar and other renewable energy, it becomes potentially the greenest and most resilient in the world. Wendy McLean is a Renewable Energy Technician and Owner of Split Rock Sustainable Technologies. You can find out more about renewable energy at or contact Wendy: e: c: 250-318-7524
Isn't renewable energy too intermittent to provide largescale Grid power?
Actually, no. Europeans and Americans have successfully turned to renewable energy despite having more technical challenges to do so than BC. In Europe and California, outgoing power from fossil - and nuclear fuel plants must be adjusted to allow for the variable input of renewable energy sources, unlike BC where our large hydro dam system gives us more flexibility. The patterns of our water levels and high resource times from renewables sync well, aiding this integration.
To see the impact of solar and other renewable-generated power, we can look at the US and Europe. In 2012, PV generated approximately 5.3 percent of Germany’s total net power consumed. PV and all other renewable energy combined in Germany in 2012 provided almost 29 percent of total net power consumed. Last November, Denmark reached a daily high of 122% of its power being provided by wind energy. Germany had a high of wind power as well the same day and yet their integrated grid functioned well. Record amounts of renewable energy continue to be made each year in both countries. In California this March, PV hit several highs of providing up to18 percent of daily demand. The benefits of building more solar PV into the provincial power grid go far beyond the financial.
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Summer 2014 | 33
2'" #-9+ (4-,
0ANTONE 2'" #-9+ (4-,
Yoga, Health & Spirituality in B.C. Interior
Interior Wellness Directory ACUPUNCTURE/ACUPRESSURE Dr. Andrea Hansen: Wild Roots Clinic
Create the Conditions for Healing with Chinese Herbal medicine, acupuncture & food therapy
Jennifer Harte Acupuncturist Health Quest Wellness Center 659 Victoria street Kamloops BC
Vital Point Acupuncture Jennifer
Larsen,R.Ac. Classical Acupuncture, Facial Rejuvenation, Reiki, Acutonics 250-376-3070 #102-1120, 8th St.
in harmony unique earrings many designs made from recycled jewelry at select Kamloops stores contact Laurie:
Kamloops Sailing Association at Quilchena
on Beautiful Nicola Lake. Encourage your sense of adventure by going sailing. Gisele 250-372-9780
Threading and Henna Tattoo Specialist Bhumika Talla: Esthetician & Hairdresser Bridal packages, house parties, events 250-376-9765
Organic skin care & organic essential oils. Handmade with Spirit in 108 Mile Ranch, BC
Holistic Facials “Healthy Skin is Beautiful Skin” Discover amazing results using a holistic approach to skin care and to your “Successful Aging” # 301-141 Victoria St. 250-828-0909
Kamloops Back Solutions Spinal Decompression
Health Quest Wellness Center 659 Victoria street Kamloops BC
34 | Summer 2014
Spirit Quest Books: Salmon Arm, BC 250.804.0392 offers books, sterling silver jewelry, cd’s, crystals, aura pictures & unique giftware.
Dr Kelly Ouimet B.Kin, Chiropractor Health Quest Wellness Center 659 Victoria street Kamloops BC
Dr Paul Ouimet B.Sc, Chiropractor Health Quest Wellness Center 659 Victoria street Kamloops BC
Dr. Shane Gathercole B.Sc, Chiropractor 14 years experience treating musculoskeletal pain. New location 875 Seymour Street, Kamloops July 2014. 250-828-7844
Breath Integration Counselling Lynn Aylward 250-319-7364 Breath Integration, Counselling, Bodywork
Crystal Clear Energy Medicine
Corinne Mackenzie M.Sc,Counselling RPC,RTP,
Individual and Couples Therapy on Evenings and Fridays Cell:250-852-1580
Fairwinds Counselling Services Tammie Oram, MTC, MPCP 250-320-6018
Counselling Individuals, Couples, Workshops
Shift Enterprises The Ultimate in Dance & Entertainment...Private Classes, Stagettes, Birthday Parties, Flash Mobs, Entertainment & More... 250-372-9642
FITNESS Fitness 250-314-0011
Cliffside Climbing Gym Climbing is a fun and challenging activity for all ages & abilities! Drop-ins welcome. 250-372-0645
KIX 4 CHIX A non-competitive, ladies-only kickboxing program. Making women feel healthy, strong, beautiful & empowered. 250-819-4121 Let’s Move Studio: Yoga, Dance, Fitness & more. Kamloops’ Most Diverse Studio. NEW LOCATION: 831 Victoria Street 250-372-9642
North Shore Community Centre Classes, Events, Rentals 452-730 Cottonwood Ave, Kamloops 250-376-4777
Western Karate Academy: The First Month is Free! 250-376-5428 (or on facebook) to find more information
Suzanne Marsel Footcare Nurse Foreverfeet-footcare Ltd. Nail & Skin Care, Keeping Your Feet Healthy One Step at a Time
Seeking tree/garden owners and Harvest Volunteers to pick leftover/ unwanted produce from fruit trees/ backyard gardens.
Green Space Services: Healthy Cleaning & Janitorial. Commercial Carpet Cleaning; The Bigger Your Space, the More Green You $ave!!
Access the body’s innate healing ability with Katina O’Neil. Over 20 years of experience with energy healing modalities. Angel Energys with Sharyl Johnson
Wellness for Body, Mind & Soul with Reiki, Craniosacral Therapy & Meditation Facilitation 250 378-5385
Anjelia Boulter 21 years Certified Iridologist,
Herbalist, Nutrition Consulting. Shamanic Light Healer, Body Talk Practitioner. 250-579-9328
Being-In-Balance Christine Karl: Massage CranioSacral, Osteopthic bodywork, Shiatsu, Reiki and Rehabilitative Exercise 1175B Battle St. 250-320-9960
Bowtech (Bowen Technique) Every body is better with Bowen ($30-50) Tuesdays 10am - 6pm Pre-booking preferred 250-573-2699
Breath Integration Counselling Lynn Aylward 250-319-7364 Breath Integration, Counselling, Bodywork
Body Code/Emotion Code 250-373-2473 Bonnie Haywood-Farmer CBCP, CECP Finding Balance by identifying & releasing the root causes that create DIS-EASE
Christine Schieberle 25 years experience Deep Release Bodywork, Massage, Reiki Craniosacral therapy. 250-374-5421
Creative Transformation for Body Heart & Mind
Marilyn Puff BSW, Energy Healing Massage, Medicine Wheel Coaching, Couple & Family Counselling
250 579-5778
Emotion Code
Releasing trapped emotions that cause dis-ease
Certified Practitioner Sheila Langlois D.PSc 250-819-8156 or Feldenkrais, Yoga and Reflexology Colleen 250-819-9100 Hawaiian Massage
Health & Wellness Massage & Life Coaching
Bodymind Cntr, #205, 635 Victoria St. 250-574-7521
Kathy Richins
Innovative Changes - Kim Jensen
Usui & Karuna Reiki Master Practitioner & Teacher. Celtic Reiki Practitioner. Life Skills.
Jason Hogue 250-434-9171
Shamanic Healing, Stone/Crystal Clearings & Intuitive Readings via Shamanic Journeying
Julie Severn Spiritual/Bodywork healing, intuitive sessions 778-472-1956 Blog: Healing the Planet Human blog
w w w. I n t e r i o r We l l n e s s . c o m
Summer 2014 | 35
HEALING & BODY THERAPIES Lotus Lane Yoga, Watsu & Wellness
Watsu Aquatic Bodyworker, by appointment;
RYT 200 Yoga Teacher, public, private, group classes
Marianne Ferguson Eden Energy Medicine Prac-
titioner, Combining ancient healing traditions with contemporary scientific understanding of health, wellness & healing. 250-374-1628
Margaret Huff, Certified Vini-Yoga Therapist Co-creating personalized practices for greater physical, psycho-emotional, "spiritual" freedom. 250-374-2748
Marilyn Manderson,
Attunement Practitioner
Foundation of Healing Beings Comprehensive focus on combining evidence-based western medicine with eastern-based healing. Lori Putoto 250.682.0466;
Start Your Career with Thompson Career College! Entry Level Health Care Training 774 Victoria Street, Kamloops BC 250-372-8211
HEALTH AND WELLNESS CENTRES Breath Integration Counselling
Individual, couples, family counselling. One day workshops, 6 month Personal Empowerment Trainings. Body work. Sunday Spiritual service. 250-554-6707
A sacred healing art & spiritual practice Deepen your connection with Source
Centennial Building Wellness Centre
Michele Gieselman Speaker and Writer 250-374-7383 250-579-9444
Intuitive Readings,Meditation, Workshops, Shamanic Practitioner. 250-372-0469
Michelle Morrison
Psychic Medium, Spiritual Consultant, Reiki Master Teacher, Inspirational Speaker 250-682-8176
Sherrie Manholt, Limitless Youniverse
Success coach, multi-faceted energy healer, consciousness facilitator. Private & group sessions, workshops
Surya Krishna Ignite Your Spirit Therapy, Chakra Balancing, Crystal Dreaming, Meditations, Workshops, Spiritual guidance/counselling
Tania Niedbala 250-434-9171 Tesla Metamorphosis Healing, Reiki Quantum Sound Therapy, Hypnotherapy
Thai Massage & Feldenkrais with Tyson Fully-clothed, acupressure-yoga-massage 1-250-226-6826
Traditional Indian Ayurvedic Herbed Oil Massage Nakul Dey: circulation, detoxification, immunity, calm, combat stress, encourage sleep, 250-319-9855
Wendy Marr, Certified Passion Test Facilitator One-on-One or Group Discoveries Inspiring Transformation Through Love 250.314.4106
w w w. I n t e r i o r We l l n e s s . c o m
36 | Summer 2014
Therapeutic Spa for Tension & Stress Relief Watsu (water-shiatsu,) WaterDance, Sound Baths New Member Summer Special 2 months for 1!
CHANGE Your PAIN Kamloops Pain Edu
cation, Manual & Movement Therapy, Kinesiology, Neural Re-balancing, DNA testing. Centennial Building
Natures Fare Markets Live Well - Live Organic 250-314-9560 #5 - 1350 Summit Dr, Kamloops BC Vitamins | Supplements | Produce | Bistro
Tania Niedbala 250-434-9171 Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy
Dolores Cannon's Past Life Regression/Healing
Sheila Wardman M.H. CHt. 250-517-9690 Clinical Hypnotherapist, BET Practitioner Eagle Bay BC, Step into your inner wisdom and vision Discover your resources and full potential. HypnoCoaching (NGH member) Uli Johnson-Krack, 250.319.8933
Spirit Partner Shaman Services Intuitive readings for people and animals
with Tamryn Fudge In-home & telephone sessions 250-573-1744
Therese Dorer Spiritual Consultations Medium, Shamanic Healing, Meditation, private sessions, empowering you through your Spirit Guides. 250-578-8437
Coaching Insights
Nancy Plett, Certified Professional Life Coach
Embrace change & fulfill your true potential
Find Strength in Action Life Coaching
Kathy Richins, ICF Certified Life Coach Health, Wellness & positive change 778-471-2634 or 250-574-7521
Barb Harris Registered Massage Therapist
Health Quest Wellness Center 659 Victoria street Kamloops BC
Body: Healthy Reg’d Massage Therapy Let us facilitate your body's natural healing process with effective, holistic soft tissue care 778-220-2225
Darlene Fair, RMT, RYT Craniosacral, WENDY McLEAN B.A., R.M.T.
Visceral Massage, Osteopathic Techniques, and Unwinding. 250-318-6300 #405-153 Seymour
In the kamloops naturopathic clinicRelease Myofascial 100 - 1315 Summit dr., KAMLOOPS, BC V2C 5R9
David Wolynec Registered Massage Therapist
Health Quest Wellness Center 659 Victoria street Kamloops BC
Niki Coster Registered Massage Therapist
Health Quest Wellness Center 659 Victoria street Kamloops BC
Jenna Nicklas Kamloops Optimal Health Clinic
#101-1120 8th Street Kamloops 778-470-5850
Find me on Facebook: Jenna Nicklas, RMT
Welcome Back MRI & Pain Management Centre: Theresa Draper 250-828-6740 Fascial Manipulation & Fascial Fitness
An inter-denominational contemplative/meditation group whose focus is the wisdom/mystical tradition in Christianity. Monday evenings 2x/ month. *FREE* Brian Mitchell
Inner Bliss – Meditation & Wellness
Chopra Centre Certified Meditation Instructor & Reiki, Practitioner. Individual/group sessions
Stacey Mayne 250-299-5559
Kris Rae Mind and Body Wellness
Stress Reduction/Self Healing Instructor and Intuitive Energy Healer, Meditation classes, sessions for deep healing and relaxation 250-571-1009
Meditations at Let's Move Studio Sundays 7:30-8:30pm (Doors 7pm) $11 or Use Let's Move Studio Punch Card
Transcendental Meditation Reduce stress & live life to its full potential Call Chelsea at 604-263-2655
Shambhala Meditation Group is in a new location, #7-231 Victoria Street. Meditate with us Thursdays 7:00pm-9:00pm with meditation instructions, Saturdays 9:30am11:30am. See website for special programs., Liz 250-376-4224
OM Himalayan Meditation Retreat in India with PADMA 1 & 2 week options September 21 to October 4, 2014 Register now!
MIDWIFERY, CHILDBIRTH , BABIES Mighty Oak Midwifery Care Personal, professional, woman-centered maternity care. 250-377-8611
Nurture Mama Doula Care Cat Taylor Professional Birth & Postpartum Doula Care (DONA Trained) - Placenta Encapsulation 250-318-1463
Thompson Rivers Midwifery Complete Mother-Baby Care. Free for BC residents. Choose Home or Hospital Birth. Accepting new clients 250-572-0632 Snug Glee Bumz Diaper Service 250-554-9722 Ease of Disposables, Benefits of Cloth.
Dr. Alison Beach (Assmus), BSc., ND 778-471-2949. NEW LOCATION: Thompson Valley Naturopathic Clinic 875 Seymour st, Kamloops
Dr. Tracy Levins, Naturopathic Physician Women’s health, hormones, fertility, PAP and breast exams
Kamloops Naturopathic Clinic. 754 Seymour St 250-377-3077
List with us:
Summer 2014 | 37
Dr. Melissa Bradwell, ND Full Naturopathic services: Acupuncture and IV Therapy. 735 Victoria Street
The PILATES Tree Christine Waterman - Quality, classical instruction. Building strength from the inside out! 250-320-BODY(2639) #101-409 Seymour St.
The PILATES Tree Nicole Bruce: Mat & Apparatus classes & privates
Feel great, improve posture, strengthen & tone 250-320-BODY(2639) #101-409 Seymour St.
Energy Response® Testing & Accelerated Allergy Clearing® Chronic conditions resolved! Free monthly seminars Cathy Lidster, GCFP, ANRC. 250-819-9041
Rina Cooke Holistic Nutritionist Health Quest Wellness Center 659 Victoria street Kamloops BC
Q96: clinically proven drug free proprietary formula - supports mood stability, improved cognition, & overall brain health! or
Everything Organized Downsizing, Professional Home Organizing, Estate Liquidation, Hoarding/Chronic Disorganization.
Free consult 250-377-7601
Kamloops Osteopathy: Imogen Wood M.Ost & Paul Roberts M.Ost Osteopathy, obstetric osteopathy, Sport Taping, Arthritis Care, Sports Rehab 250-299-5554
#205 - 635 Victoria Street, Kamloops
Health Quest Cold Laser for Pain Management
Health Quest Wellness Center 659 Victoria street Kamloops BC
Cloth for a Cause: Non profit, volunteer run organization that loans cloth diapers to interested families. Apply or donate (Facebook too!) Snug Glee Bumz Diaper Service 250-554-9722 Ease of Disposables, Benefits of Cloth.
EVOLVE Pilates Studio 250-372-7237
Cassie Marchuk: Change the way you work out! Achieve improved posture, balance & strength. #201-1361 McGill Rd
38 | Summer 2014
The PILATES Tree Tricia Treherne - Pre-natal specialist, dance & injury rehabilitation, classes & privates 250-320-BODY(2639) #101-409 Seymour St.
Corinne Mackenzie, MSc, Counselling Crystal Clear Energy Medicine Reiki Master Cell: 250-852-1580
Reiki Master Katina O’Neil Treatments adapted to your special needs. Teaching with Initiations also available. Val Theroux, Reiki Master Energetic Healer, Pilgrimage Facilitator, Meditation, Mentoring, Reiki Workshops.
Akashic Ranch & Stables Private, natural healing environment available for your workshop, class or getaway. 250-573-1124
EQUINISITY RETREATS: Transformational, healing retreats on 320 acre sacred land with Liz Mitten Ryan and her herd of equine higher beings. 250-377-3884 Relax your mind, rejuvenate your body
a haven for lifting your spirits near SunPeaks
Ulis Mountain Retreat & Massages 250.319.8933
Lynne Kraushar, Certified Rolfer #6-231 Victoria St. 250-851-8675
Ronik Security Ltd is available 24 hours a day to provide Guards, Patrols & Alarm Response. 250-828-0511
LLean ean
Vata Health 268 Tranquille Rd. Kamloops No Problem negative ion bracelets and Easy Vitality Vibration Exercisers 250-682-8925
Katina O’Neil Integrating shamanism with Reiki for Healing, Soul Retrieval, and Extractions Spirit Partner Shaman Services
Shamanic energy healing for people & animals
with Tamryn Fudge In-home & telephone sessions 250-573-1744
WOMEN’S HEALTH & WELLNESS Dr. Andrea Hansen: Wild Roots Clinic
Create the Conditions for Healing with Chinese Herbal medicine, acupuncture & food therapy
Aina Organic Spa 778-471-6411
Studio Massage and Spa Brittney Matte Massage/Spa Technician Wellness, Couples, Deep-Muscle, Thai Massage and more 248 Victoria St. Kamloops 250-819-1089
Customized bodywork, reiki, reflexology, chinese cupping, lomi lomi, acupressure, organic skin care, couples treatments, manicures, pedicures.
Janice Otremba: Catalyst for Change Professional Development to Rejuvenate Your Work with More Joy and Less Stress. 250-574-3734
Centre for Spiritual Living. Change Your Thinking...Change Your Life. Sundays Meditation at 10:00 am Celebration at 10:30 am 540 Seymour Street 250-314-2028 Find us on Facebook!
Sunday Spiritual Service 10:00 am
July 13th & 27th, Aug 3rd & 31st
# 204 - 535 Tranquille Rd 250-554-6707 Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Kamloops Freedom of religious thought
Sunday services, Children's programs, Social and Environmental Projects
Consultation, design, installation, sales & service for renewable energy production & back-up power systems.
INTERIOR WELLNESS FESTIVAL September 26-28, 2014 TRU, Kamloops 3 Days of transformational Wellness FREE ADMISSION: Seminars, Workshops,
Healing Garden, Yoga & Fitness, Marketplace, Live tainment, Cafe & more!
Join the volunteer crew, inquire about being a speaker or working in the Healing Garden:
Body: Healthy Reg’d Massage Therapy Gentle, safe and effective techniques for pelvis, bladder, muscle balance and more 778-220-2225
In the kamloops naturopathic clinic The Pilates Tree BC V2C 5R9 100 - 1315 Summit dr., KAMLOOPS,
Nicole Bruce: Experience a self given deep tissue 778-220-2225 massage: small class sizes & personal attention! 250-320-BODY (2639) #101 – 409 Seymour St.
Bikram Yoga The Hottest Yoga in Kamloops! 905A 8th St. North Shore 778-470-4688
Let’s Move Studio: Yoga, Dance, Fitness & more. Kamloops’ Most Diverse Studio. NEW LOCATION: 831 Victoria Street 250-372-9642 Kids•adults•pre & post natal full details on web site 4th & Seymour @ 409 Seymour Street 250-828-6206
Andrea Jittler-Friesen, Yoga Instructor North Shore Community Centre Tues 6:30-8pm, Thurs 10-11:30am All Levels 250-375-0082
Christine Schieberle 15 years experience
teaching yoga,focus on mind/body connection, graceful aging & lightheartedness,private sessions,workshops
Darlene Fair, RMT, RYT Private &
semi private yoga sessions available relax-rejoice-renew #405-153 Seymour 250-318-6300
check our facebook page for more info & events posted daily! facebook: interior wellness
Summer 2014 | 39
Margaret Huff, American Viniyoga Institute Certified Yoga Therapist.
Five regular classes/week in the Viniyoga tradition 250-374-2748
Yoga with Amber ~ RYT500 with Yoga BC Power ~ Prenatal ~ Private classes or 250-318-5370
Marcia Wilson Find me downtown at The Yoga Loft 250-828-6206 kids, tweens, teens and adults
South Okanagan Yoga Academy - Yoga Teacher Training - RYT200 and RYT500. Flexible Training. In BC, AB & Mexico! 250-492-2587
Margaret Huff, American Viniyoga Institute certified Yoga Therapist. Private, small group
Yoga sessions for individuals' needs & conditions 250-374-2748
Conversations In Health
A free event to share common sense ideas and content rich information. We start a conversation, get you thinking, talking and leaving with specific action steps that can make a difference right away. 1st Tuesday, Monthly: September - June, 7pm – 9pm. LIKE us on FB or call Janice 250-574-3734 Access Bars Practitioner Trainings July 16/17, July 19, Aug 6/7 125 Bestwick Dr, Kamloops $200 first time/$100 repeaters Therese 778-471-5598 or Cathy 250-819-9041
Healers On Healers - FREE 250-819-9041 All Healing/Transformation Practitioners Welcome! Free exchange. Join Facebook Group "Healers on Healers - Kamloops"
Morning Sacred Circle with Therese Dorer
Kamloops 10:00am ~12:00 noon
Investment: $20 Location: Kamloops
The Passion Test© Discover how to live a life
of Fulfillment and Joy effortlessly with Certified Passion Test Facilitator and Inspirational Speaker Wendy Marr. Experience this simple, fun & effective clarity process during a One-onOneSession, Discovery Party or Workshop. 250-314-4106
40 | Summer 2014
INTERIOR WELLNESS FESTIVAL September 26-28, 2014 TRU, Kamloops 3 Days of Transformational Wellness
Seminars, Workshops, Healing Garden, Classes, Marketplace
Interior Attunement Service An experience & teaching of the spiritual healing art of Attunement, followed by an interactive transformational process entitled The Creative Field: stimulates creative thinking, deep feeling, & honest expression. Marilyn 250-579-9444
Marianne Ferguson, Eden Energy Medicine Approved Teacher Energy Medicine Workshops. 250-374-1628 Check my website for info
Is Nutrition Response/Allergy Clearing for You? Free Seminars Monthly - evenings CB Wellness Centre Call Cathy Lidster, ACNRT 250-819-9041
Centennial Building Wellness CentreTrauma & Stress Relief: Let us help you learn to heal yourself! Introductory 4-Part TRE® Series Thurs @ 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm Cost $120 Dates TBA 250-374-7383 Shamanic Workshops, Mentoring, Mastery in Shamanic Healing, Shamanic Journeying, Reiki Initiations. For dates & location, please contact Katina O’Neil
Centennial Building Wellness Centre Events Learn Basic Watsu(water shiatsu) Flow Freeing the Body in Water August 26, 27, 28. $400. Taught by Mary Seamster 250-374-7383 Crystal Singing Bowl Meditations
with Pauline Lynnes @ St Andrews on the Square,159 Seymour St, Kamloops, 6-7:30pm. Summer break: no meditations in June, July & August. Meditations start again in the fall: Sept 14, Oct 12, Nov 9, Dec 14. Experience the beauty & power of Pauline's beloved Crystal Bowls & Pyramids, Solfeggio pipes. Relax. Release. Rejuvenate. 778-921-2626
Meditations at Let's Move Studio Sundays 7:30-8:30pm (Doors 7pm) $11 or Use Let's Move Studio Punch Card
Tribalicious Reprise: For The Love Of Kamloops - Global Dance & a Collection of Community Dance & Yoga Classes FUNDRAISER: Friday July 18th 7:30pm & Saturday July 19th all day from 1:30pm Let's Move Studio 831 Victoria Street (use alley way entrance) Contact Lill Scott 250-320-8768
Vancouver Folk Music Festival July 18-20 Jericho Beach Park, Vancouver Vancouver. 60+ brilliant music acts from around the world!
Ashcroft Wellness Festival July 19 - 21 Vendors, Entertainment, workshops, activities, demos, street dance in Ashcroft BC Ashcroft Wellness festival on facebook! WANDERLUST July 31 - August 4
Healing All Bodies By Anjelia Boulter
When we are born, we come into this world only wanting love. Some of us get all the love we require, but some of us don’t.
Whistler Resort, Whistler, BC
The Salmon Arm Root & Blues Festival August 15-17, 2014 250.833.4096 Robson Valley Music Festival AUGUST 15-17, 2013 Dunster BC
outdoor stages, camping, music, community!
Trance Dance Dynamic Mythology Retreat with Wilbert Alix at Chaganjuu Retreat in Eagle Bay BC Aug 29, 30, 31. $495 includes shared accommodation facilitation & meals Serenity Music Harvest Festival Sept 5-7 LIVE music to nourish the soul! Free camping
Birch Island, North Thompson River d a te s/i n fo : www.s e r e nit y m us ic .c a
Kootenay Spirit Festival Sept 14-16 a celebration of yoga, dance, meditation & music held in the natural beauty of Nelson, INTERIOR WELLNESS FESTIVAL September 26-28, 2014 TRU, Kamloops 3 Days of transformational Wellness FREE ADMISSION: Seminars, Workshops,
Healing Garden, Yoga & Fitness, Marketplace, Live Entertainment, Cafe & more!
Join the volunteer crew, inquire about being a speaker or working in the Healing Garden:
OM Himalayan Meditation Retreat in India with PADMA 1 & 2 week options September 21 to October 4, 2014 Register now!
For more local events, workshops & festivals follow Interior Wellness on Facebook!
There can be such things happen to us that try to dampen that love and personal power within each of us that wishes to grow. This can be in the form of our parents never telling us that they love us, or that we were a mistake. Some of us are abused either in a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual way. Any type of abuse seems to crawl in and make us feel helpless, emotionless, and hurt. Some of us go through life not understanding why these things happen to us, and we don’t know how to fix ourselves. The pain becomes greater than the fear, and we start on a journey to find solutions in healing the victim side of ourselves. Within each of our chakras are imprints of how we have created our pain and suffering or someone else that has influenced us at a young age. We now live in a time of significant healing. When we begin this journey of healing all bodies, we begin the transformation of who we really are. We can then stand in our own personal power, learning from all modalities of healing. We search out to find what we need. This is awareness into oneness. This is one’s desire to be in alignment with the Universe. Physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual healing begins.
Everything is transformational, nothing is set in stone; we learn to feel, hear and heal the lost pieces of ourselves, without judgment, or lack of love, so that we may be the LIGHT that we are. The journey is well worth the ride, with intent of becoming someone spectacular! Anjelia Boulter is an Iridologist, Herbalist, Shamanic Energy Healer and BodyTalk practitioner. She can be reached at 250-579-9328 or at Her website is Summer 2014 | 41
Let’s Move Studio YOGA
Kamloops’ Longest running and most diverse studio
Group Fitness
Abs & Buns
and much more! All levels | All ages | Drop in anytime!
7:45am Yoga 9am Yoga
9am Yoga
9am Bellyfit
12pm ATM*
12pm Yoga
9am Yoga
6:15pm Zumba
7:10pm Abs/Buns
8:10pm Hip Hop
Tuesday Nights
at Pioneer Park 5:30 - 6:20 Hoop Dance
NEW LOCATION 831 Victoria St
7:15 Yoga *G
*B = Beginners *G = Gentle I* = Intermediate
ATM* Awareness Through Movement Zumba*G = Zumba GOLD (beginners/50+)
9am Yoga
10:45am Zumba*G 5pm Zumba
10:45am Zumba*G 5pm Bellydance*B 3:30pm Yin Yoga 12pm Stretch 3:30pm Yoga 5pm Yoga 6:00pm Yoga 12pm Bellyfit 5:00pm Yoga *R 7:10 Sculpt & Scorch 6:15 Zumba
5pm Bellyfit
6:00pm Yoga
7:10 Zumba
8:00am Zumba 9:00am Yoga 10:30am Yoga
7:30pm Meditation New Students: Mention this ad for Kamloops Free Parking is around back
One Free Week
Check for events, workshops, current deals and more:
42 | Interior wellness | Fall 2013 42| |Summer Interior wellness | Fall 2013 42 2014
7 days of Unlimited classes: FREE
Interior wellness | Winter 2014 | 42 Summer 2014 | 42
Yamuna Body Rolling The NEW Foam Roller By Nicole Bruce
Is your foam roller just not cutting it anymore? Wouldn’t it be great to find an effective tool that helps prevent injury and helps heal the areas of the body that experience the most wear and tear?
Although the foam roller has many benefits: increased flexibility, improved blood circulation and helps to break down scar tissue, it has its downfalls too. Due to the shape of the foam roller, it treats the body as one large muscle instead of an intricate structure of joints, bones and muscles. We are excited to let you know there is another form of body rolling in town that does all that the foam roller does and much, much more!
Yamuna Body Rolling (YBR) is a workout, a massage and a chiropractic adjustment rolled into one! As you roll through your body on the three different sized balls, you essentially tone and lengthen muscles, stimulate the bones and release energy blockages. You let go of unproductive patterns in your body that hold and restrict you from free movement. YBR allows you to
work specific muscles in detail, to create suppleness in tight areas and optimize range of motion and flexibility in and around the joints. Each class is led by a qualified instructor who guides the group through a routine designed specifically for the members in the class. The results from just one session leave you with the feeling of yoga euphoria and a released tension free body. The movements are strategic, working on the bone first, through the tendon and all the way from origin to insertion along the muscles.
Compared to the foam roller, the YBR balls are three dimensional and muscle specific, allowing you to get in and open the joints (i.e. hip and shoulder) as well as work the muscles along the spine. YBR works all areas of the body from the buttocks to the calves; from the tail bone up to the skull; from the abdominals up to the collar bone out to the shoulder joint; and so on. Everywhere you have muscle connecting from one place to the next, YBR can provide great relief from pain and your body will love it! Another great reason to take up YBR as a maintenance system is that it will allow you to do the things you love to do in life without injury. It is very important to make sure that your body is properly aligned before exercise to avoid unnecessary strain and wear and tear on the joints - Yamuna Body Rolling is perfect for this as well. It is a simple tool you can use anywhere to feel more at ease in your body and counteract the effects of aging and repetitive stress. Nicole Bruce is the Co-Owner of The Pilates Tree, Kamloops
Sunday Spiritual Service A Sunday Service for ALL
We welcome you to come and share your Spirit with us in a service of celebration! Join us for singing, readings from A Course in Miracles and heartfelt sharing of spiritual insights delivered by speakers from all walks of life. Give yourself this time for introspection through prayer and meditation.
Sundays 10:00am
July 13th July 27th August 3rd August 31st 250-554-6707
#204 - 535 Tranquille Road Summer 2014 | 43
Piercing the Veil: Finding the Practical Mystic By Rev. Joy-anne Fournier
As we dive into Summer with beautiful sunshine, communing with nature, music in the park, vacations, and a deep calling to unravel our busy lives, I often feel a deep call within me to let go of my “busy-ness” and instead to connect with, commune with and be in conscious union with Nature and a Power Greater Than I am. I have realized that when I answer this pull, this draw, I move into the Mystic! And when I move into the Mystic, I become a living expression of joy, creative energy and positive blessings to the world.
But how do I let go and what exactly is a Mystic anyway? Dr. Ernest Holmes, founder of Science of Mind, said this: “A mystic is not a mysterious person but is one who has a deep, inner sense of Life and of his or her unity with the Whole. A mystic is one who senses the atmosphere of the Spirit within, as, around and through all that is and knows that it is very personal to all who feel Its Indwelling Presence.”
hearts and in our heads, and we say that is real. We say that is our reality. At the level of our humanity, that is absolutely correct. And we don’t deny any of it or minimize the impact it can all have on us. And we are more than that – so much more than that.
• We have bodies, but we are more than our bodies. The body may be in different conditions of health or sickness, rested or tired, but that has nothing to do with the Real Self.
• We have a mind, but we are more than our minds. Our minds may take us on some interesting journeys and it may seem like we have no control over them, but this is simply not true. The Real You is beyond your mind.
• We have emotions, but we are not our emotions. Our emotions may fluctuate, but our True Nature does not change. We may have strong feelings about things, but we are not those feelings. There is something much, much more that we are. We are much, much deeper than our feelings at any given moment.
• We have experiences and conditions, but we are more than our experiences and conditions. We may like some of them; we may dislike, strongly dislike, others, yet they cannot touch our True Selves.
When we identify solely, or in great proportion, with only the mind, the body, the emotions or the conditions; we weave a tighter veil. And every time we get caught in our conditions, circumstances, emotions, thoughts or the physical state of our bodies, we move into a sense of separation.
Here is some good news about the path of seeing beyond the body, mind, emotions and experience, I call it The Mystic – it is progress, not perfection. It is through the journey that the image of the Divine is brought forth through us. To pierce the veil and get fully in touch with Spirit, here is what we can do: We can engage in what is called the practice of fasting. Not a fast from food, but rather a fast and a feast as we journey through this life experience. It goes like this: •
What I have noticed and acknowledged is that in this world, we are pulled and tugged in so many directions, not only in our outer life with duties and responsibilities, but in our inner life with emotions such as hurt, misunderstandings and over-working. It often seems that cultivating the sweet and sacred place within us, the place of the I AM, can sometimes take a back seat or can seem difficult. However, when we do cultivate it in times of conscious intention, in the silence, in prayer, by making conscious choices to cultivate it even when it may seem difficult; it comes bursting forth in us in the form of intuition, love, peace and clarity.
As I intentionally become aware of the Divine Presence, I pierce the veil of separation and experience myself as an individualized centre of God Consciousness. I realise I am one with the Power of God and it flows through me. It is the Presence of my real and true self. I am forever one with Life. I am forever one with Love. That is my intention and life’s goal – to remember this no matter what is going on in my world.
I feel that the root of much of our difficulty is in the fact that we tend to identify ourselves only as mind, body, emotions and conditions. We tend to look at the outer circumstances of our lives, we look at what is going on in our bodies, in our situations, in our 44 | Summer 2014
• • • • • •
Fast from judging yourself and others; feast on the great I AM dwelling in you and in them. Fast from Pessimism; feast on Optimism. Fast from thoughts of Illness; feast on the Wholeness of you. Fast from Worry; feast on Divine Providence. Fast from unrelenting Pressures; feast on unceasing Prayer. Fast from Complaining; feast on Appreciation. Fast from loss; and feast on Love.
And because Love is so, so very important, I share this quote as my final thought, in the words of New Thought giant Emmet Fox:
“There is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer, no disease that enough love will not heal, no door that enough love will not open, no gulf that enough love will not bridge, no wall that enough love will not throw down, no sin that enough love will not makes no difference how deeply seated may be the trouble, how hopeless the outlook, how muddled the tangle, how great the mistake. A sufficient realization of love will dissolve it all. If only you could love enough you would be the happiest and most powerful being in the world.” And so it is! Rev. Joy-anne Fournier is the Minister serving the Centre for Spiritual Living, Kamloops. She has over 18 years experience teaching classes on Spirituality, offering Spiritual Counselling, officiating weddings and memorials, and in her spare time enjoys the creative arts, walks in nature and ballroom dancing.
Yay…It’s Summer! By Tammie Oram
Long gone are the enthusiastic days when I excitedly anticipated the end of school days to the lazy months of summer where I could “do nothing” for 2 whole months. Summer was a magical time of heading to the Lake camping, boating, dirt biking, playing cards and making new friends. Now, looking back as a parent of older children, I have realized that summer can be either a really great experience for the family, or a very frustrating and exhausting one. We needed to have definite ideas about what summertime fun is and what we wanted most out of our time. This has led me to begin sharing an idea that our youngest daughter had a couple of years ago she found while scrolling through Pinterest. She began a Summer Bucket List, plotting out the summer for our family with more intentionality. We know that if we don’t, summer will not only slip away very fast, but also be disappointing; for myself, it brought sadness upon me. We only have a few weekends and glorious days… let’s make the most of them! Some ideas she came up with was going to the Starlight Drive-In in Enderby, hiking around Sun Peaks area, going for a picnic, watching fireworks and meteor showers, seeing a waterfall, going camping, having a campfire and making s’mores, the ideas are endless, especially here in the Kamloops area. To help you get started, here are a few suggestions 1. Hold a Family Meeting - Schedule a meeting for every member of the family to gather and share their thoughts and expectations for the summer. Finding out each other’s plans and hopes at the beginning or middle of the summer instead of hints throughout the
practice healthy communication.
summer can help avoid disappointments. We cannot read thoughts; it is a great opportunity to
2. Empower Every Member to have a Voice - While holding this meeting, be sure to allow everyone an opportunity to voice their ideas without criticism but with openness and acceptance. 3. Decide on Some Options as a Family - After each member has shared their desires, start making some decisions, being sure that each member has an idea honoured can be tricky, but this is part of the process and maybe a little compromising needs to be done. 4. Create the List and Post It - Place the list where all the family members can see it and be sure to actually schedule these ideas into your calendar. This idea is not only for families with young children, but for families of all ages including couples and single individuals. Kamloops and area is beautiful with so much to offer, now is the time to get out there and start having fun!
Yt|Üã|Çwá VÉâÇáxÄÄ|Çz Tammie L. Oram
Certified Professional Counsellor
Master Practioner Counselling Psychology
Centennial Building: 301-153 Seymour St.
Kamloops 250-320-6018
Summer 2014 | 45
Yoga: How to Begin
As a yoga teacher, outside the yoga studio, I talk to a lot of people who either say “I tried yoga once and I hated it” or “I’ve always wanted to try yoga, but don’t know where or how to start.” This always makes me smile because I know, first hand, the far reaching benefits of yoga in your life: the calm it can bring, the happiness, the “everything is actually OK with me and in the world” feeling that seems to be in short supply these days.
Times have changed. Young people are growing into adulthood feeling decidedly not OK with themselves and the world. We have sleep issues, anxiety, depression, panic attacks and addictions like never before. We have pain in our bodies that we don`t need to have: arthritis, back, knee, neck, and shoulder pain. The list goes on. A simple regular yoga practice can help, but sometimes this help is not reaching people.
In this busy, “modern” lifestyle, we are running, running, running every day to catch up and keep up. Yoga helps keep us balanced, grounded and stable amongst so much movement. Many are using yoga to keep their sanity as they face the demands of daily life. Others come to stretch, strengthen or compliment whatever other physical activities they are doing.
Remember that your yoga is about you. You are there for your own well being, inside and out. So approach with an attitude of curiosity and discovery about yourself, like a scientist conducting experiments.
46 | Summer 2014
By Angie Edgson-Dey
Be patient with yourself in the beginning while everything is perhaps new to you. Part of yoga is the process your mind goes through as you learn to accept where you are at only to find yourself doing things that once seemed unattainable. It’s a metaphor for life. As we gain confidence in our yoga practice, we gain confidence in life, in our capabilities, in ourselves. We begin to see that change is possible and our potential is greater than we had imagined. Yoga can be very transformative in this way.
Try as many different styles and teachers as possible before you decide. There is a wide range, from the gentle and restorative to the power flow. Look for a teacher and style that resonates with you, where you will feel at home in the class. You don’t have to look a certain way, have special clothes or a certain physique to begin to enjoy the benefits. Just show up, have fun and breathe. Start small and see what happens. Choose a studio that is welcoming, has a variety of class types and where the teachers are passionate about sharing the benefits of yoga in a caring and compassionate way. We all want to be pain free, relaxed and happy. This is our true nature as human beings, and it is our birthright. Nothing needs to be changed or improved about us. We already are exactly what we are looking to become. Yoga just helps to point this out to us, and this... makes me smile.
Angie Edgson-Dey completed 200hr with Yogrishi Viswa-ketu, Anand Prakash ashram, Rishikesh and 500hr with Integrative Yoga Therapy. She teaches at the Yoga Loft in Kamloops. 250-319-9855.
Interior Wellness Magazine brings you the annual...
Interior Wellness
Festival 3 Days of Transformational Wellness
September 26-28, 2014
Workshops Seminars
Healing Garden
Yoga, Dance
Live Entertainment
& Fitness Classes
Thompson Rivers University: Campus Activity & Conference Centre, Kamloops BC