Merry Christmas San Miguel School Armilla- 5th Grade
Christmas celebrations: 1“Nochebuena” 2“Los Reyes” New Year’s Eve
Christmas Eve Three Kings Day
“ Nochebuena “ (Christmas Eve)
•Family time at home •Meal of cold seafood and cold meats •Followed by baked fish and potatoes • Then roast lamb or suckling pig •Dessert = “túrron” (nougat with almonds) or “polvorones” ( ground almond biscuits with marzipan)
•Children receive only one present on Christmas Eve • At midnight, people go to church for midnight mass • Most towns display a “belén” (nativity display)
2. “Los Reyes” (Three Kings Day) 6th January
• Children leave straw & barley in their shoes the night before to feed the camels which the Three Kings ride • The Three Kings empty the shoes and leave presents
in the streets and sweets are thrown
• Eat “Rosca del Reyes” (cake with plastic toys or charms inside)
3. New Year’s Eve
•Tradition to wear red underwear !! • Fireworks and fancy dress in the evening
• Eat 12 grapes at midnight
•Other activities in the lead-up to Christmas 8th Dec
“Immaculada” (beginning of the religious celebrations)
21st Dec
“Hogueras” (bonfires)
22nd Dec
“El Gordo” (Lottery). The largest in the world
28th Dec
“Santos Inocentes” (Same as “April Fool’s Day and people play practical jokes on each other)
Merry Christmas COMENIUS friends! From 5TH GRADE -San Miguel School in Armilla