Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Comenius School School Partnership
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Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
A GENERAL VIEW ABOUT OUR COMENIUS PROJECT Water, as a symbol of life, has become in the twenty-first century a topical issue that involves the whole of society and especially education. This Comenius environmental project about water culture emerged in 2009 as part of a preparatory visit to Denmark. All partner schools shared the same concerns: the necessity to raise awareness in society towards issues concerning water such as;drought, lack of drinking water, global warming and water pollution. It was felt that the Comenius group should reflect on future solutions, i.e. the appropriate and responsible use of water and the reduction of consumption levels. Among the most significant proposals about water are such key issues as; • • •
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to understand and appreciate the vital importance of water to help students appreciate the literary, cultural and artistic aspects of water to explore the characteristics of water and to test the potential of such characteristics in a practical way to promote the personal and global commitment to the importance of water to heighten awareness of environmental protection and sustainability to show patterns of responsible water consumption to encourage a student-centred approach to the realities of living in places where the lack of an accessible and clean water supply is freqently the cause of major crises to make known scientific and technological developments with regard to the hydrological cycle and to promote the responsible use of water in recreational and leisure activities and thus at the same time help to protect the environment.
During the project, some mobilities have been arranged for the exchange of experiences and knowledge and to promote the European dimension and languages. The use of ICT among teachers and students and the creation of our own website are both essential factors in the dissemination of our common proposal.
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
COMENIUS PARTNERS OSNOVNA ŠOLA DRSKA (NOVO MESTO-SLOVENIA) http://www.os-drska.si/drska/ Coordinator: Tina Senica Our school is the youngest out of 5 primary schools in Novo mesto. The school is situated at the end of a quite big residential area, mostly comprising blocks of flats. On one side the school is surrounded by green areas on which it has a playground for children and a recreation ground for sports activities. We also have some lessons outside in our 'classroom in nature' when the weather is nice. The school is the only one in town equipped with an elevator so handicapped pupils are able to attend classes here. We have three students attending classes in wheelchairs now. We also include pupils with other special needs like significant learning difficulties, very low sense of hearing or very low concentration. They have individual or group help assigned either by the state or the school itself. Pupils are also led towards higher tolerance for the cultural and national differences. Some of our pupils originate in Bosnia, Serbia and Kosovo. We have quite a few single-parent families. Usually this means they have low economic standard. Talented pupils cooperate in various projects and research assignments. The main aim of our school's participation in this European project is to learn about other European cultures, languages and to educate children about the care for environment on the international level. RAVNSHOLTSKOLEN PRIMARY SCHOOL (ALLEROED-DENMARK) www.ravnsholtskolen.dk Coordinator:Kirsten Due We are a typical Danish state comprehensive school in a provincial town, Alleroed; north of the capital Copenhagen. The school has a primary and a secondary department, thus we have pupils from the age of 6 till the age of 16. Our school is 30 years old and divided in four flat buildings. The school lies on the edge of the town, and is fortunate to have easy access to a forest and other outdoors areas. We try to integrate these areas into our teaching. Nature and the environment have a clear profile at our school. Our school is called” The School in the Nature”, and we have received an award with a green flag. Our school is well equipped with spacious classrooms, gym, sport activities, art, craft, science, music, library, computer room and many other facilities to accommodate the needs of the students.
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
We believe that an international education is essential for a school that wants to educate according to respect the environments values. Grundschule “Geschwister Scholl”(PERLEBERG -GERMANY) www.geschwister-scholl-grundschule.stadt-perleberg.de Coordinator:Ursula Thies Our school is situated in a rural area in the Northwest of Brandenburg Perleberg as its district principal town has got about 12.000 Inhabitants. An increasing number of pupils from social weaker families are at our school and we also offer our education to special needs pupils. They are integrated in our classes and our teachers give them special educational support. We are also involved in a national preventive project called Anti Bullying in cooperation with the police department for prevention of violence. Further activities are the cooperation with our local school for mentally handicapped students and with our local Grammar school. We joined Comenius to show our pupils, our teachers and our families that Europe is open for open- minded people. FRANCIS ASKEW PRIMARY SCHOOL (HULL-UK) www.francisaskew.hull.sch.uk Coordinator:Susan Petch The school is a large site situated on the west side of Kingston upon Hull with 250 children from 3 to 11 years. It is an inner city school within an area of social housing, which is socio-economically deprived. 60% of children are eligible for free school meals, this figure is well above the National average, and 20% of children have special educational needs. Further west and north of the school the areas are more prosperous and the housing is owneroccupied. Traditionally a city of very few other ethnic groups, there has now been a change in the city’s population. The school now has 10% of children whose home language is not English, with children from Poland, Slovakia Russia, Latvia and other Asian countries. Many of our children come from single parent families, unstable family units or families without the protection of regular employment which creates a lot of social problems which schools have to address. The school is spacious, well-kept and well-resourced. It has two halls a computer suite, library and a large field.
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
IV Circolo Didattico“Tommaso Fiore�(GRAVINA IN PUGLIAITALY) www.scuolainfiore.gravinainpuglia.scuolaeservizi.it Coordinator:Rosalia Petrocelli Our school is located in the periphery of town, near the principal roads that connect our territory to the nearest towns. Learners of our Institution come, mainly, from Popular Cooperative Buildings (CEP), but there are also pupils from other quarters, as rural areas and some children living in the house-family "Il Sipario". In these quarters you'll find people from different cultural profiles and extra-communitarian families, especially from Morocco, Romania and Albania. Most of pupils are at risk of social exclusion, not only because they have different culture but also because they belong to lower social classes. There are also many pupils with special needs. Many parents are involved in the school activities as learners and protagonists in the organization and
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
preparation of extension and benefit market. They participate also in competitions, travels, folkloristic groups and in the stable chorus of the school. IV Circolo Didattico“Tommaso Fiore”- ITALY has two school complexes of Primary school and three school complexes of pre-primary school. We are 92 teachers and we have 897 pupils. European Union let our pupils to know better about European active citizenship and create a common cultural knowledge, especially for disabled, disadvantaged and immigrant pupils.
Základná škola s vyučovacím jazykom maďarským Juhásza - Juhász Gyula Alapiskola (LEVICE-SLOVAKIA) www.zmadlevice.edupage.org Coordinator: Katarina Mudra
Our school is in a special position in the town, because we are the only Hungarian teaching language primary school in the town, where nearly 15 percent of the population is Hungarian. Our pupils come not only from the town, but also from the nearby villages where there is no school. The school has just moved to another building, which is bigger and better equipped than the former one. We have our own gymnasium, playground, football ground, computer room, library, chemical laboratory and a new language lab. Our aim is to educate Hungarian people protecting their identity surviving in Slovakia. BSGO DE SCHORRE (SINT AMANDS-BELGIUM) www.bsdeschorre.be Coordinator: Katleen Michiels We are a typical Belgium public primary school in a rural area in the center of Belgium north of the capital Brussels. Our school has a relatively high number of foreign pupils and pupils that belong to rather weak social groups. Contact with others will make it possible to learn pupils about "the other" culture. Special needs teaching is usually integrated in normal classroom teaching. We have a well developed cooperation with the nursery schools, kindergartens and after school care institutions. Since an exchange of schools is quite difficult to realize these days, the Comenius project is very welcome. Moreover, some of our teachers can use the contact with foreign colleagues and schools.
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
C.P.R. AL-DEHECUN (DEHESAS DE GUADIX-SPAIN) http://sites.google.com/site/cpraldehecun/ Coordinator: Carmen Yolanda Egea Bernet Our school is a Public School in the South of Spain, Andalusia, and it is part of the Oriental Mountains of Granada. Our school is compound of three towns: Dehesas de Guadix, AlicĂşn de Ortega and Villanueva de las Torres (this last one, only with Secundary Education students). The school take in students from 3 to 14 years old. Our school has two buildings in two towns, Dehesas de Guadix (the main School) and AlicĂşn de Ortega. We have mixed backgrounds because of the students of diferent villages and some children who come with their parents for a short period to work in the Olive trees. Moreover, we have students with special needs, who are in social and economical disadvantages. Our school joined to the Comenius Multilateral Project because of it social and economic background, which shows important disadvantages and special needs group. Our partipation has contributed to develop innovative pedagogies and to improve the quality of education among our teachers staff. However, the main aim we got with this project has been to create future democratic citizens, who respect and tolerate the diversity of European cultures and peoples; children who has adquired the basic life-skills and competences to develop themselves in a global society, learning languages in a closer context and improving their social and economical region with an open and innovative view in their future lives.
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
WORK PROGRAMME 2009/2010 I. Water in Language and Literature. Poetry, stories and essays related to water. II. Water as “The water as a symbol of creation” Contest of drawings and paintings. III. Traditions and rituals related to water. IV. Water in Science. Composition and properties, chemical experiment about water’s quality V. Water’s cycle in Nature. VI. Water as a source of inspiration in Art. VII. Exploitation of the water’s resources. Photo workshop. VIII. Water Celebration Event. Enjoying with music and drama “Sources of water performing”. IX. Comenius exhibition of drawings, photos, products and leaflets made by all the partnership schools -national and international- in this year 2009-2010. 2010/2011 I. Formal letter of intention addressed to the Water Authorities about procteting water and explaining our Comenius Project. II. Water as a source of inspiration in Art. III.Water as a source of life. IV. Water: way of therapy and relaxing. Water Sports. V. Photo experience about water and light. VI. Water´s saving. VII.Water pollution and measures to protect water. VIII.Green Constitution: “Be water´s friend, not its enemy” IX. A travel through music and plays about water.
MOBILITIES HOST COUNTRY Spain (Dehesas de Guadix) UK (Hull) Slovakia (Levice) Germany (Perleberg) Denmark (Alleroed) Slovenia (Novo Mesto) Italy (Gravina in Plugia) Belgium (Sint Amands)
Comenius School School Partnership
DATES 12/10/2009-16/10/2009 25/01/2010-30/01/2010 22/03/2010-26/03/2010 17/05/2010-21/05/2010 04/10/2010-08/10/2010 06/12/2010-10/12/2010 28/03/2011-01/04/2011 23/05/2011-27/05/2011
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
EUROPEAN IMPACT AND VALUE All the activities have been students-oriented throughout all the partnership’s progress in the accomplishment of the project’s activities. Group work, teachers’ enthusiasm, active involvement of pupils and the wider community through exchanges of ideas and work with other European pupils have been essential to develop our Comenius project. Our cooperation and communication between the participants have been effective using emails, our blog,our web page and videoconferencing. Pupils have taking part in the project by the guidance and the monitoring teachers, establishing human relationship, developing common methods and ways that allow to the teachers to evaluate students’ opinions and the progress made by the students. The teams of work have been made by pupils, teachers of different subjects (Mother Tongue, Foreign Languages, Sciences, Chemistry, History, Arts and Music, ITC, Geography, Religious Education, Civic Education) and certain activities we implied parents, management staff, Educative Inspectors, local community. There have been active measures to promote inclusion in the project activities of all students, specially the ones coming from minority social / ethnical or any other groups. It have beem stimulated the promotion of challenges / researches related to European citizenship, the development of their motivation in order to discover their own daily life. Teachers and students have shared an active roll in the planning and implementation of all activities. Students will participate in discussions dealing with the choice of the project’s topics and planning of tasks’ schedule. Teachers’ and students’ involvement have been crucial for the success of our project because we wanted to create a spirit of active European citizenship throughout the cooperative work of our children and the influence they had inside their families and by their intermediation, in the local community, in the region and also establish a national standard mark of cooperation made possible by the efforts of the young generation.
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
As international awareness is getting more and more important in an increasingly international world, our Comenius Project wanted to share this value and to participate giving the opportunity to our pupils to interact with pupils with different linguistic, cultural and religious background. The main aim is to achieve a better understanding of how our cultural heritage has made the world we live in today. In addition, the pupils have had the opportunity to discover the connection in European culture and stylelife. They discovered that the differences are not so great, and they have discovered an open Europe without so many stereotypes. Our involvement in a Comenius project and the fact that the students need to use foreign languages in communication, have motivated the students in the language subjects, and they have improved their communication skills, using letters, poscards, e-mails, the exchange of materials and videoconferencing. As teachers, the cooperation with our partners has given us educative and cultural enrichment through sharing experiences, ideas and teaching methods.As a summary about the European impact and its value, these are the main points: -More students and the teachers have developed their ability to communicate and to express their opinion in English. -Students have learned and become aware of the importance of different cultures from the environmental perspectives as well as their cultural heritage which are being protected and preserved. -A common way of communication has been created through art and artistic representation. -Pupils have found out interesting information about the costumes and traditions of their own country and of other European countries by visiting them and getting familiarized with their artistic and musical creation. -Finding and stocking information referring to the theme of the partnership has been done through ICT. This way of working has improve their skills in using the Internet and computers. -Teachers have used alternative methods of teaching and have encouraged investigation and the sense of exploring in their students. -Sharing noble feelings of love for humanity and nature, friendship, peace and tolerance have also been encouraged. -Teachers and students have developed creative thinking. -Teachers have also acquired new teaching methods. The schools working for the project have re-evaluated their educational aspects.
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
-Increasing pupils’ interest for learning about the way of life and the way of thinking of other people has been improved. -Local community and parents have been involved in school life and young people’s education.
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
EVALUATION OF THE PROJECT Coordinators made an assessment regarding the starting situation in the mobility in Spain and, in each coordinators meeting, we have assessed the project progress, the adapting capacities and the rhythm of students learning, after the staff teachers meetings in each country. Evaluation has been made in different ways. The Comenius project has been assessed in each Comenius school in different periods each year from different point of view, having in mind students, teachers and local contributions. The progress of the partnership has been monitored by all partners in their schools throughout an evaluation taking into consideration the timetable, developments and the level of realization of the project. Students’ implication on the project have been evaluated observing their behaviour during free and guided activities and through questionnaires analyzing their own answers and their performance. Monitoring of activities have been focus in: -Objectives and activities of the project. -Modality of implementing the project. -Level of students’ involvement in project activities...
In particular there has been an evaluation about: -The level of interaction and cooperation among students and teachers. -Short assessment with questions about realization current tasks in the project. -Everyday conversations with teachers, students and their families. -The impact of the proposed methodology. -The whole educational process in the schools involved. -The approval level of the students. -The improvements in linguistic and in the cognitive skills. -The enhancement of the use of ITC by pupils and teachers. The website, the blog and the displays in each country have been made as final products to show each European school work during the different period. The results of the evaluation have made public through periodical reports which show the progress of the intercultural communication abilities of the participants of the project. Each partner has participated in making a self- assessment process .The results of this process has been transmitted to the coordinator country to elaborate proposal for a Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
better progress in the project. As an instruments of assessment in our partnership:
-Debate with the local community, the students and with the teachers from every school having as subject:” Water – a serious problem for all of us ”. Some schools had the opportunity to invite the Educative Inspector from their school for this event. -Debates with the students have made so as to reflect their attitude towards the activities developed in the school, for teaching them in the spirit of European innovation and creativity, for involving them in these activities as well as their wishes and expectations regarding the future activities based on the same subject. -Meetings for the teachers and parents which have reflected their opinions regarding the activities developed in the school and the intercultural community. -Observation – during the activities of the project the students’ behaviour has been continuously observed, the observations have been noted and some interpretation criteria have been used. -Analysis and registering of the use of materials connected to the developed actions: while it involves extra work for these actions, using ICT (e-mails, chats, videocalls and maintenance of the website and blog) -Analysis of the final products made during the activities developed in the school: Displays about Comenius project (in the school and other local institutions)
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
DISSEMINATION The dissemination of the results, experiences and products of our partnership has been done using a variety of ways: Frequent contact by email, chat and videocall. Frequent exchange of audio and video materials by our blog and website. Visits to places of interest for the study of the topic of water. An Environmental Celebration Day related to water. The dissemination has been accomplished on two ways: -During every activity of a partner country inside the project. -From one country to another, thus covering the entire duration of the project. The plan of the dissemination has been done by using various methods, including written information, electronic communication and face-to-face contact. The ways of dissemination has been done through: - Teaching activities. - Informal debates with the partners. - Activities developed at the meeting of methodic commissions, at teachers’ meetings, professional debates, activities developed in the school or in other institutions. - Development of teaching and informative materials - Publishing some articles in the press. - Promoting in TV shows in press conferences. - Info-pack project from products that has facilitated publishing activity. Levels of dissemination: 1. Dissemination activities at regional level. At this level each partner has contacted the regional authorities, associations, social partners, educational centres and has promoted the project. 2. Interregional dissemination has been made between the partners involved in the project, through constant communication. 3. School dissemination: teachers, school personnel, local authorities, parents. In order to ensure success, a communication path has established between the teachers and the school personnel, local authorities and the families.
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Droppy is the mascot of our project ‘Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink!’. She was born in the first mobility in Spain and since then, she has been travelling all around Europe to each host school that has taken part in this Comenius project. All the children, teachers, families and local communities have had the opportunity to see her. Moreover, nowadays she has brothers and sisters in other countries, due to the partnership spirit of Comenius.
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
POETRY (POEMS: SLOVENIA, UK /PICTURES:BELGIUM) Water! Living in the sea, Blue waves, surfing kids, Sparkling mermaids. Nika BratkoviÄ?, 9.a
WATER When the Earth is seen From space, it looks blue But why? Is this one more sky? No, this is water, Big blue ocean, Source of life For everyone and me. Every day I'm thirsty. I would die without water, So do not use water as a toy See the water as a source of life! Katja Urajnar, 9.a
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
“The rime of the Ancient Mariner� by Coleridge (TEXT: SPAIN/ PICTURES:SLOVENIA)
An albatross appears and leads them out of the Antarctic, but even as the albatross is praised by the ship's crew, the Mariner shoots the bird. The crew is angry with the Mariner, believing the albatross brought the South Wind that led them out of the Antarctic. However, the sailors change their minds again and blame the Mariner for the torment of their thirst. In anger, the crew forces the Mariner to wear the dead albatross about his neck. He must suffer from killing it, or perhaps as a sign of regret. The ship encounters a ghostly vessel. On board are Death (a skeleton) and the "Night-mare Life-in-Death" (a deathlypale woman), who are playing dice for the souls of the crew. With a roll of the dice, Death wins the lives of the crew members and Life-in-Death the life of the Mariner.
See more in:
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047 http://watereverywheremultilaterproject.wikispaces.com/LITERATURE
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Essay about water (Denmark) Water is everywhere. It is around us, beside us and inside us. We can die in water and we can not live without. Some people drown, some people thirst. At some places it is raining all year, at others it is dry and uncomfortable. Some are sailing on the sea while others are dying when a hurricane damages. Water can fall as rain or be collected underground as ground water. The day passes slowly by and water becomes a part of that day. Every morning thousands of people wake up. Every morning a toilet is flushed, a faucet is turned on, and a shower is taken. After the smooth water has touched your body, after it has warmed you up on a cold day, it travels on – to other places and communities. The sewer is the water’s best friend. They are playing, side by side. They meet again and again, and every time the water has something new to tell. The water continues its traveling. It travels from Denmark to Japan and from Burkina Faso to Afghanistan – Around the world. After a long day the water ends up at a water treatment works. Then it is dirty and stinky. Cotton buds, toilet paper and leaves are some of the things the water has collected during the day. After different ways of purification, the water is clean and pure. But what if all our water was polluted? What if we could not turn on the faucet without meeting a leave in our glass? What if our water became so poisoned so that we could not use it? The questions keep coming. And the scary thing is that some of the answers are already facts in some parts of the world. The water is in a constant cycle. The water that is today is also the water that was 100 and 200 years ago. It is the only water that we have, so we have to take care of it. Do not throw all your garbage in the water. Instead, think of all those millions of m3 water that is around. It is not that hard to go two meters to the closest trash can! Veronika 9.C
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
WATER AS A SYMBOL OF CREATION (SPAIN) From the religious point of view: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was without form and void. When first created, the earth was simply a mass of water. Beginning with water, we have the basic elements of earth's reactions, and the essential ingredient of life's processes.
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
From the scientist point of view: Our special home, the Blue Planet is truly unique in our solar systems with liquid water covering 70% of its surface. The life on our planet is carbon based, but without liquid water there would be no life here. Our lives and the future of all life on our planet depends on water. The water on Earth grew thanks to gravity. The showers of comets onto the surface of the earth initially generates large amounts of heat. Eventually the Earth cools enough so the water vapour is retained. There was initally no free oxygen in the atmosphere. Then the temperature of the Earth dropped below 212 degrees Fahrenheit (100 degrees Celcius) allowing the water to condense into oceans and the physical water cycle began (evaporation from the oceans => vapour => clouds => rain => drain into rivers => discharge into the ocean and round and round our planet goes). Life originated in the ocean and the terrestial animals are still essentially water animals, we have the water in our bodies. So water is the essential piece for our life in the Earth, this is why is a symbol of creation.
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Water in religion (BELGIUM)
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
It is very important for every nation to keep and build their own spiritual heritage. We would like to expresse with this publication that keeping traditions is very important for us and it is an active part of our school and it is one of the main targets. At the same time we would like to thank to teachers Ms. Beรกta Drenka and Mr. Julius Varga. Their work contributes to publish this brochure.
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
OUR COMMON COMENIUS SONG: ONE SKY (UK) Verse 1 I can smile in any language, I can join in any game. On the outside I look different, But inside I’m just the same. I know tears and I know laughter, I know sorrow I know joy. I know this world is for all to share, For every girl and boy. You may live across the water In a strange and distant land. But someday I shall meet you And I’ll offer you my hand. I will welcome you with open arms And I’ll show you that I care. This world is mine, This world is yours And together we can share. Chorus We all live under one sky, The sun shines on us all, From Mexico to Mali, From New Zealand to Nepal. Don’t judge me by language Or the colour of my skin. Together we can change the world, Together we can win. Verse 2 Sing of harmony and friendship, Spread the message far and near, That we all must work together, Sing it loud and sing it clear, For the children of Comenius Will be there to show the way. We’ll join our hands all around the world, And together we will say, Let the water from the heavens Fall to earth from way up high. Let the colours of the rainbow Build a bridge across the sky. Let us reach across the rivers And across the oceans too. The bridge we build is a bridge of peace And it’s reaching out to you. Chorus repeated… Words and music by John C. Murray.
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
WATER COMPOSITION AND PROPERTIES (GERMANY). EXPERIMENTS. Dear sailors! Water is a magical liquid. I have listed some simple experiments that you can do with your students. Have fun! The children will learn a lot about the properties of water.
1. Water expands Pour some water into a plastic container. Mark the water level with a pen. Place it in a freezer. Write down your observations and find an explanation.
2. Water has a skin Place a drop of water with a pipette on a small coin. Write down your observations and find an explanation.
3. Experiments and experiences with water. Water is under pressure. A tin box with several holes will be filled with water. Where does the water comes out further- at the top, in the middle or at the bottom? Write down your observations and find an explanation. 4. Water can climb Take a piece of paper. Draw a water lily and cut it out. Fold the leaves inwards. Now put the flower on the water. Observe and explain.
5. Water Cycle Experiment Water is never lost - it evaporates, rises upward, forming clouds. As rain, snow or hail, it comes back to Earth. With a simple experiment you can reconstruct this cycle".
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
What to do: In a large glass (clean and dry) first put in stones, then sand and garden soil . Against molds, you can put some pieces of charcoal at the bottom of the glass. Bring the plant carefully into the soil, water the plant a bit. Then stretch transparent plastic foil on top and put everything on the window sill. After a short time, the process of the water cycle will start. 6.
Put some ice cubes in a bowl and warm them. What do you notice? When the water is boiling, hold a piece of glass above the bowl.Explain your observations! 7. Water can be sticky Fill a glass completely with water. Put a plastic top/lid on top of the glass. Hold with both hands. Then turn the whole thing upside down and pull away the hand below. Lo and behold: the top sticks, the water stays in the glass . Write down your observations and explain.
8. Water brings rice to dance Put a cooked grain of rice in a glass with carbonated water. Observe and find an explanation.
9. Water work
Make a water wheel and think about a gadget which will do the work.
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Other experiments: (SPAIN)
1. DOES THE AIR TAKE UP SPACE? /HOW TO COMPRESS AIR Stuff a large handkerchief or some crumpled newspaper into an empty glass or jar. Make sure the handkerchief won’t fall out when you turn the glass upside down. Then, fill a pot with water. Holding the glass so that its mouth is down, put the glass deep into the pot of water and hold it there. After a minute or two, pull the glass out of the water and remove the handkerchief. You will see that: The handkerchief is dry. Explanation: Water cannot fill the glass because the glass is already filled with air. The “empty” glass is full of air. So, air takes up space. Air is a gas. It has no size or shape of its own but will fill every space it can.
Hold a glass with its mouth down and push it into a deep bowl of water. You will see that: The water enters the glass a little way. No bubbles of air escape. Explanation: The water forces the air into a smaller space. The small particles of air-the air molecules— are forced closer together, or compressed. Releasing com- pressed air furnishes power, and many machines work on this principle.
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
3. READING CLASS Pour water into a clean glass or jar. Hold it close to this page and read through the side of the glass. You will find that: The print appears larger. Explanation: Because the glass is curved, the light rays enter it on a slant and change direction as they go through the water. This is how a magnifying lens works.
By making use of what you’ve learned about the transfer of heat, you can perform scientific “magic.” Dip a string in water until it is thoroughly wet. Lay it across the top of an ice cube. Sprinkle a little salt along the line of the string. You will see that: In a few minutes you can lift the cube by the string. Explanation: Where the salt strikes the ice, it lowers the freezing point of ice (32 º Fahrenheit) to a little below 32º and causes it to melt a little. As the ice refreezes, it encloses the string.
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
5. BLOWING SOUNDS Press the top edge of an empty bottle to your lower lip and blow lightly across the top. Pour in a little water and blow again. Then add more water and blow. You will see that: The more water you add, the higher your sound will be. Explanation: You are vibrating the air in the bottle. When you add water you leave less room for air. The less air there is in the bottle, the faster it vibrates and the higher the sound. In the same way the higher notes on a musical instrument are made by shortening the air column. In general, the larger the instrument, the lower the notes it can play and the smaller the instrument, the higher the notes it can play.
For more experiments visit: http://watereverywheremultilaterproject.wikispaces.com/WATER+IN+SCIENCE+LIFE
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Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
WATER´S IMPORTANCE FOR LIFE (DEMARK) In the Nature House "Vestre Hus Bornenaturcenter", near RAVNSHOLTSKOLEN School , students can enjoy discovering how close all the alife animals and insects are, thanks to the great biologist Bjørli Martha Lehrmann. In this case, the pupils went with this expert and the teachers from Danish school to see the frogeggs in realife.
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
ROLEPLAYS ABOUT WATER (ITALY) The seagull and the cat who taught her to fly (Freely adapted from the novel by L. Sepulveda.)
Scene one
A flock of seagulls is migrating towards the hot spots. Kenga is among them, She is swooping into the sea to eat the good fish…suddenly… The seagulls Quickly!
Danger, danger….get up in the air!
1st seagull
Friends, there is a seagull in the water
2nd seagull
She did not hear the alarm
3rd seagull her out of there
We must save her! We have to pull
4th seagull
She is trapped in that huge black spot
5th seagull
My God she is in the oil , the black plague. We have to save her.
6th seagull
Let’s form a chain….
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
The seagulls Ooh… no heave, ooh…I can’t heave, ooh… heave she is too slippery, ooh…it’s impossible ……. 7th seagull But what are they doing? 8th seagull
They are trying to save her from the black plague
9th seagull
Come on, are you crazy? Do you remember our law?
10th seagull You can’t, you shouldn’t save a seagull , who has crashed into the black plague. Everybody 11th seagull fly.
Could die! Let’s go away, now! Look at that. She is trying to take off. She is trying to
Wait, she might just make it... oh no she’s falling again. 12th seagull The oil has damaged her wings. Poor seagull! 13th seagull Let's go, we're late for the gathering of gulls. We have to hurry. We can’t do anything for her now. She is beyond help. Scene two Kenga is alone now, but she does not surrender. She tries with all her strength to get out of that slick, to save her egg. She is finally able to fly and eventually reaches the land, totally exhausted. Her flight ends at the feet of a big, fat cat called Zorba Zorba I have
Oh, I'm finally alone! They are all leaving for the holidays. three weeks of peace and freedom.
1st cat 2nd cat
Zorba hey, my friend, come with us to explore the harbour Come with us… Don’t be lazy…
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Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Zorba No, I don’t want to come with you, I'm fine here. And then…explore the harbour? Why visit the harbour? What are we going to do at the harbour? While they are talking, they hear a big noise ... the cats are frightened and intrigued. 1st cat
What is that ?
I don’t know. It’s soft, black and smelly.
2nd cat it's a bird! 1st cat
It appears to have a beak) beak. Oh my goodness It’s true, it’s a seagull.
The seagull tries to move her tired and aching wings Zorba
It wasn’t a very elegant landing.
I'm sorry, I couldn’t avoid it.
What is that stuff you are wearing?
Kenga I have been struck by a black wave from the black plague - the curse of the seas! 2ndcat
What is the black plague?
Zorba It is the oil. Seagulls call it the black plague because of the foul, black substance that sticks to the birds’ feathers . It is almost impossible to get off. For them it is the worst misfortune that could happen. 1st cat Human beings! Huh, what people! They believe themselves to be the most intelligent animals on the planet but they are the ones who pollute the seas Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
and the oceans with the oil that causes the deaths of so many other living creatures. 2ndcat
I cannot understand them
That was probably my last flight.
What do you mean? You're just tired and dirty
It’s no use, I fear I might be about to die.
Zorba You will not die. You need to rest and recover your strength and then you will get better. Kenga My friend, I need your help, I have to lay my egg. You are an animal so kind and good, so you must promise me three things … Zorba
I want to help you, but tell me how
Kenga Promise to hatch my egg, promise not to eat it and promise to teach my baby how to fly. Zorba can’t fly! Kenga
What? To fly? But how can do that ? I’m not a bird, I Please take care of my baby. I'm sure you can do it.
Zorba OK, ok, I promise! But now hurry up, come on, you can’t leave me in this way. In the meanwhile, the gull dies…. Two cats
Oh no, she’s dead!!
The three cats are very sad, they take away the poor seagull and they find the egg .... Zorba begins to deliver on his promises: he takes the egg and hugs it.
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Scene three
Zorba doing this! 1st cat
I’m here to hatch an egg! I can’t believe I’m actually Come on, Zorba! Remember the promises made to Kenga
Zorba Of course! I also promised to teach him how to fly. How am I going to do that? I really don’t know! 2nd cat
Don’t worry, we'll help you!
Zorba Wait! What is happening? The egg is breaking...Oh good heavens! The baby is being born...What shall I do? The seagull begins to stretch out of the egg... The seagull That's great. I’ve just been born! I’m alive! That’s great, that’s great! Oh mum, my wonderful mum. Zorba
No, no baby, I’m not your mum!
The seagull Yes, you are my mum. I know you are, I heard your voice from inside the egg! Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Zorba Little darling, your mother has gone. The evil humans have taken her away from you but don’t worry, I’ll take care of you until you are ready to fly. The water Thanks to the care and love of Zorba and his friends, the gull can live and enjoy the beauty of nature! This is my dream: to see, one day, human beings and nature together in perfect harmony for ever more living as true friends till the end of time
All children
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
MORE PLAYS ABOUT WATER 1. Naturin looking for the happyness in our Planet (Spain).
In Spanish and English version on the website.
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
2. Noah´s Ark (Denmark)
3. Water Cycle Adventure (UK)
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
A REFLEXION ABOUT OUR COMENIUS WORK (GERMANY) NABU Besucherzentrum Neuhaus 9 19322 Rühstädt Perleberg, März 2011 During our two years work in the EUROPEAN COMENIUS PROJECT “Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink” we have learned a lot about water. For example: We visited the waterwork which is supplying the drinking water for the town of Perleberg and its villages nearby. It was very interesting to get to know that only about 1% of the total amount of water on earth is fresh water, also called sweet water! And in Germany, each person uses at least 100 litres per day! That is a lot. And we can be sure that we get pure fresh water, because many people in these waterworks care for that. But millions of people, especially the poor in Africa and Southeast Asia, they don’t have pure and healthy water to drink. They get ill by drinking polluted water. What can we do?
We don’t waste water, when we do our daily washing and cleaning. We take care of our clothes. If we want to play outside, we will take older clothes for that reason. So they don’t have to be washed every day. We don’t pour any things into the toilet or into the wash basin that could pollute our drinking water. It is good for all of us that people like you are engaged in protecting our environment. Thank you for your work. We wish you a successful work! The Comenius Group.
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
WATER AS A WAY OF THERAPY AND RELAXING. HEALTHY LIFE AND SPORT (GERMANY) Dear sailors! Enjoy our places of fun and health with water. Thermal spa http://www.kristalltherme-badwilsnack.de/ Müritzeum http://www.mueritzeum.de/ Wonnemar http://www.wonnemar.de/de/wismar/home.html GERMAN SCHOOL GOES TO ‘BADETATG’ TO HAVE FUN WITH WATER
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
DENMARK (WATER FOR FUN) Water for swimming
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Water for sailing
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Water for having fun
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Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Water is essential and very beneficial for the life in our planet. Nevertheless, due to the human being activity, the Earth is being polluted and water has more harmful substances and it is losing quality. Water is changing from pure condition to a harmful one and this can affect all life.
People have realized that we need to stop pollution and the citizens are using more means to get healthy water, both fresh ( from rivers, lakes, underground waters and reservoirs) and the salty one (from seas and oceans). Nevertheless, there is a long way to obtain a better water quality in our planet. The main water pollutants are: • Pathogenic microorganisms that can cause important diseases. • Synthetic detergents and rich fertilizers in phosphates.
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
• • •
Organic pesticides. Chemical inorganic products (nitrates, nitrites, fluorides …) Petroleum and his derivatives like the tar, oils and fuels.
Thus, the rivers, for example, are contaminated by the toxic products thrown in the sewer, industrial and detergent waste, fertilizers and pesticides that filter in the agricultural lands (fresh water from the subsoil). Then, considering all these matters, they eliminate progressively the natural vegetation and reduce the quantity of oxygen in the water, killing fish and other aquatic animals. Nevertheless, the most harmful pollutant action in seas and oceans is the oil spillage, which kills an important part of the acuatic flora and fauna in these areas. Water is used also for irrigation of the crops and animals drink it. Crops and animals are our food and other animals; that means, they are part of our food chain. Thus, the pollution of the water concerns all our environment: cultures, animals and people. Many people are affected more often by infections proceeding from the water in the poorest countries (virus or bacteria) and by toxic substances, as pesticides or chemical aggressive compounds that hurt the health.
• • • •
Do not throw rubbish nor residues to the rivers and to the seas. Use the most nearby container for that. Do not use the toilet as bucket of garbage. Put a wastebasket in the bath. Do not throw the used oil from fried dishes to the drainpipe. You can deposit t it in a bottle made of plastic and to take it to one oil recycling point. Put grids with small diameter mesh in the sink and the washer. This way, you will contribute to stop that the solid residues to continue the water way and then you can throw them at the garbage. Uses biodegradable detergents to the clean and to wash.
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
OUR WEBSITE http://watereverywheremultilaterproject.wikispaces.com/
In our website you can find all the information about our Comenius Multilateral project during these two school years 2009-2011. Everything about the schools, our tasks and final products related with water: literature, science, art, ecology, music, plays... You can have fun and exchange new ways of working an important topic as water in a different way.
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
OUR BLOG http://watereverywhereproject.blogspot.com/
Our everyday life during the Comenius project: coments from teachers and pupils, mobilities, meetings,activities and more...in our blog.
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
COMMENTS ABOUT COMENIUS Dear friends, The week from 6th- 10th experience. I think my their best to show you and our openess.We also our country. I think we memory.
December was a great and memorable colleagues and our students did our school life, our friendliness tried to show you a small part of will all keep this week in a nice
Tina Šenica ( Slovene coordinator)
Denmark has a very interesting measures for student well-being and motivation. As we could see in RAVNSHOLTSKOLEN School, they use a special model that combines traditional teaching methods with other active projects that create a learning environment. The teacher’s role is very flexible and this helps provide high levels of intrinsic motivation. At the school, we could see how the the Green Caravan project worked, in small groups and using constructive methodogy. Children had to research different proposals, such as renewable energy, global warming effects, growing plants and small ecosystem, or the difference between nature and quimical products we can find in the shops for our nutrition. We can not forget the Nature House "Vestre Hus Bornenaturcenter", where we could enjoy discovering how the children got closer to alife animals and insects thanks to the great biologist Bjørli Martha Lehrmann. So many interesting ideas! Sure we are dedicating one week in Spring time at school, call the "the Green Week" to show our pupils new ways of working, the Danish way in C.P.R. Al-Dehecún- Spain. Yolanda Egea (Spanish coordinator)
Thanks to Ursula, Peter and all the Staff in Geschwister School from Perleberg!!! You offer us a great example of Comenius Experiences and Meeting. I think all the students and teachers will remember these wonderfull memories for ever. Your Italian Partners Rosalia Petrocelli
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
COORDINATORS OF THIS COMENIUS PARTNERSHIP ‘WATER WATER EVERYWHERE, NOR ANY DROP TO DRINK’: (SLOVENIA) Tina Senica (Denmark) Kirsten Due (Germany) Ursula Thies (UK) Susan Petch (Italy) Rosalia Petrocelli (Spain) Carmen Yolanda Egea Bernet (Slovakia) Katarina Mudra (Belgium) Katleen Michiels
Our gratitude to all the teachers, pupils, families and participants who had contributed with this Comenius project with so much enthusiasm and professional attitude.
EDITION AND DESIGN: Carmen Yolanda Egea Bernet
Comenius School School Partnership
Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink! Comenius Multilateral Project 2009-1-RO1-COM06-03047
Comenius School School Partnership