Wei Wen Jie-2016

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目 錄 Catalog

建築師事務所 Architects Firm 職位 Position 專案 Projects 專案介紹 Projects Introduction: 1 佛光山惠中寺 2 養心殿劉公館 3 石牌小套房 4 中壢王公館 5 麗池楊公館

建 築 師 事 務 所 Architects Firm

|陳昭穎建築師事務所| |大允室內裝修有限公司| 台灣台北市 2006 - 現在 建築工程設計、室內設計、監造工程、環境規劃、都市設計、 都市更新規劃、土地開發評估、建管法規之顧問諮詢,專案類 型多為住宅、商業、辦公空間。

C.Y. CHEN Architects & Planners DA-YUN Interior Design Taipei, Taiwan 2006 - Present Architecture Design, Interior Design, Construction Inspection Work, Environmental Planning, Urban Renewal Planning, Land Development Assessment, Building Act Consulting. Project Types are Residential, Commercial and Office.

職 位 Position

設計師| 2015.11-2016.11 工作職責: 建築設計 / 室內設計 / 景觀設計 / 2D、3D 繪製 / Rendering / 材料設定 / 現場監工 / 法規檢 討 / 都市設計審議報告書製作 / 建築執照申請 / 模型製作 / LEED 標章檢討

DESIGNER | 11/2015-11/2016 Responsibilities: Architecture Design, Interior Design, Landscape Design, 2D & 3D Drawing , Rendering , Material Settings, Project Management, Building Act Review, Urban Design Adjudication Report Producing , Construction Permit Apply, Model Making, LEED Certification Review.

專 案 Projects 工作經歷 - 建築設計: 2015.5-Present 佛光山惠中寺|台中市 36641.08 ㎡:設計討論 / 法規檢討 / 都市設計審 議報告書製作 / 建築執照申請 / 模型製作

工作經歷 - 室內設計: 2015.5-2016.7 養心殿劉公館|新北市 446.36 ㎡:景觀設計 / 後期監工 2016.1-2016.7 石牌小套房|台北市 90.84 ㎡:設計 /2D、3D 繪製 / 材料設定 / 現場監工 2016.3-2016.5 天母楊公館|台北市 133.73 ㎡:設計 /2D、3D 繪製 2016.3-2016.5 榮總宿舍|台北市 92.56 ㎡:現場監工 2016.3-2016.12 中 壢 王 公 館 | 桃 園 市 231.64 ㎡:Marketing/ 設 計 /2D、3D 繪 製 / Rendering/ 材料設定 / 現場監工 2016.7-2016.12 江軍辦公室|新北市 661.16 ㎡:Marketing/ 設計討論 2016.9-2016.12 竹東辦公室 / 實驗室|新竹市 3305.8 ㎡:LEED 標章檢討 2016.10-Present 竹北黃公館|新竹市 191.74 ㎡:Marketing 2016.10-Present 麗池楊公館|台北市 132.23 ㎡:2D、3D 繪製 / 材料設定

ARCHITECTURE DESIGN: 11/2015-Present. Fo Guang Shan Monastery Huizhong Si | Taichung City 36641.08 ㎡ : Design Discussion, Building Act Review, Adjudication Report Producing, Construction Permit Apply, Model Making. INTERIOR DESIGN: 5/2015-7/2016 Housing | New Taipei City, 446.36 ㎡ : Landscape Design, Latter Project Management. 1/2016-7/2016 Studio Apartment | Taipei City, 90.84 ㎡ : Project Management. 3/2016-5/2016 Housing | Taipei City, 133.73 ㎡ : Design, 2D & 3D Drawing 3/2016-5/2016 Dorm | Taipei City, 92.56 ㎡ : Project Management. 3/2016-12/2016 Housing | Taoyuan City, 231.64 ㎡ : Project Management. 7/2016-12/2016 Office | New Taipei City, 661.16 ㎡ : Marketing, Design Discussion. 9/2016-12/2016 Office, Lab | Hsinchu City, 3305.8 ㎡ : LEED Certification Review. 10/2016-Present. Housing | Hsinchu City, 191.74 ㎡ : Marketing. 10/2016-Present. Housing | Taipei City, 132.23 ㎡ : 2D & 3D Drawing, Material Settings.

1. 建築設計|辦公室、宿舍、展演空間


佛光山惠中寺|台中市 36641.08 ㎡ ( 總樓地板面積 )

Architecture Design | Office, Dorm, Exhibition Space. 5/ 2015-Present Fo Guang Shan Monastery Huizhong Si | Taichung City, 36641.08 ㎡ (Total Floor Area)

這個建築案我負責台中市都市設計審議報告書與建築 模型的製作,同時檢討建築法規做設計上的修正,審 核現已通過並開工。 This project is working on the Urban Design Adjudication Report and architecture model producing with Taichung City, mean while to correct the design content of the Building Act review at the same time. It has received the government permit and is under construction.

2. 室內設計|樓中樓住宅 2015.5-2016.7 養心殿劉公館|新北市 446.36 ㎡

INTERIOR DESIGN | Housing 5/2015-7/2016 Maisonette | New Taipei City, 446.36 ㎡

第一個接手的室內設計案,業主對生活品質要求 很高,對空間的細節也很敏銳,也訓練了我對生 活細節的敏銳度。 The first interior design project, the owner has high requirement on the living quality and space details, which had gained me a higher sensitive to the detail in our daily live.

認識各種材料特性,以了解施作前的準備事項,施 作後須觀察、注意的細節,及各工種間的關係、先 後順序,才能判斷該如何安排工程進度,遇到問題 該找哪一個工種來解決問題。

The understanding of materials can help the preparation before working , and the detail observation. Also, the relationship between each phase is critical for planning the construction schedule.

自動澆灌系統安裝說明圖:交接工作時還沒 有人會安裝這套系統,所以繪製了說明圖。 Automatic Watering System Setting Diagram: No one was experiment this system before my resigned, so I drew this diagram.

3. 室內設計|出租套房 2016.1-2016.7 石牌小套房|台北市 90.84 ㎡

INTERIOR DESIGN | Housing Studio Apartment | Taipei City, 90.84 ㎡

舊公寓改建成四間出租小套房,依照使用需求的特 性,室內空間機能簡化了,但需要照顧到的公共空 間範圍變較廣、需要注意的細節也變多了。

Reconstruction: From old apartment to 4 studio. the function of space is simple then formal residential, but we have to take care of the area and detail of the public space more than before.

小套房出租對象為學生或年輕上班族,在材料的選擇上, 顏色偏向溫暖柔和帶些灰色,質感較粗獷的風格。 Most tenants of this kind of apartment are students or young office workers, so the colors we choose will be warmer, comfortable and within some little gray color, and the texture are big and rough.

由於基地位於地質較軟的北投區,地震後因土壤液 化、建築物產生傾斜,前後兩端相差了約 30 公分高, 於是施工時便接觸到了用發泡水泥來整平地坪。

The site location at soil liquefaction area, the whole building tilts and there are 30cm height different between two sides, so we use the aerated concrete to balance the level of the floor.

室內設計|透天厝住宅 2016.3-2016.12 中壢王公館|桃園市 231.64 ㎡

INTERIOR DESIGN | Housing 3/2016-12/2016 Townhouse | Taoyuan City, 231.64 ㎡


兩個退休老人的住宅,大體風格為輕鬆休閒感,選 色較為古樸,質感皆偏向止滑的材質。 A house for a retired couple, leisure and comfortable will be the main atmosphere, the quaint color, and non-slip material.

This's a partial decoration and repairs project, 1st floors' garage and 4th floors' children rooms are the less decoration part, 2nd floors' exhibition cabinet, 3rd floors' main bathroom and 5th floors' gym are the refinement of each limited stories to highlight the space qualities.

此設計案為局部裝修,一樓車庫及四樓小孩房 為裝修處少的樓層,而將二樓客廳展示櫃、三 樓主臥浴室、五樓健身房等地方作局部精緻 化,在每層有限的空間中作為亮點來提升空間 質感。





此次施工的難處是要維護好未裝修處,且與新裝 修處銜接起來,並在施工的過程中盡量讓設備的 大小不影響空間大小的舒適度。

The difficult part of this project is to protect the old parts and reconnected with the new, also kept spaces in the comfort size and don't influence by the equipment's size during the construction.

室內設計|公寓住宅 2016.10-Present 麗池楊公館|台北市 132.23 ㎡

INTERIOR DESIGN | Housing 10/2016-Present Apartment | Taipei City, 446.36 ㎡


依業主的預算與喜好-低預算的低調小奢華風格, 除了從空間設計上做出亮點外,材料也是重要的影 響元素,將材料樣本這樣放在一起便能想像並感受 到整體空間的氛圍。

Depends on the reference from owner - the low-key luxury style by the low budget. In addition to space design, the material is also important elements to creates the character of spaces, and put all materials together like this, we could imagine the whole atmosphere of space.

一年的時間很短,這裡的節奏很緊湊,接案的 密度很高,施工期限很短,工作的壓力很重, 但也讓我在短短一年間接觸了多件設計案,與 業主協調、設計執行、材料挑選、廠商詢價、 現場監工、案件收尾、維護管理等等。 In this short year, by working under compacted rhythm, numerous cases, limited construction period and high pressure, I had gained a lot of experience while working on these design projects. and learned a lot of project management. Dec. 2016 魏文捷 Wei Wen Jie +886-933339354 yola1593@gmail.com

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