Harley davidson media plans book2

Page 1


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.......................... 1

EMPHASIS AND BUDGET......................... 25



INDUSTRY INFORMATION..................... 4



RADIO.................................................... 31

EXTERNAL TRENDS.............................. 11


CURRENT USERS..................................12

SPONSORSHIP........................................ 34

GEOGRAPHICAL EMPHASIS.................. 13


SEASONALITY AND TIMING.................. 14



EVALUATION PLAN..................................38

SWOT................................................. 17

ANNUAL CALENDAR................................39

TARGET MARKET................................. 18

APPENDICES........................................ 40 SOURCES................................................47

PRIMARY RESEARCH PLAN.................. 19 MEDIA PLAN....................................... 21


the 008 advertising agency we want to ensure companies are getting the best advertising possible. We call ourselves 008 because we are better than all the other agents out there. We like to keep our qualities in line with those of James Bond. Like 007 himself, the agents of 008 are ready use their charisma to gain more customers for a brand. We hold ourselves to the standard of being the best and work to make sure we maintain this image. 008 is an agency who stays calm and never panics in an intense situation. Harley-Davidson is in the middle of trying to branch out to not only the younger crowd but also minorities. Due to the fact that Harley-Davidson is the dominant brand in the market, our focus will be on expanding into new markets without compromising the company’s current market share. Harley Davidson’s current competitors are Suzuki, Yamaha, Ducati, Honda and Kawasaki. Historically, people of color have been excluded from the motorcycling narrative and lifestyle. We have seen that the African-American community is an untapped market and has great potential in expanding our audience. Specifically, the company would like to target a younger, African American market. By using specific media tactics that target African-Americans between the ages of 25 - 35, we will be able to expand our market and create an inclusive environment to engage our target. By creating a media plan that includes all forms of media, specifically television, radio, magazine and digital, we will be able to specifically target the African-American audience.

COMPANY/BRAND Harley-Davidson motorcycles were created by William S. Harley and Arthur Davidson, and in 1903 was made available to the public for the first time. Early on in the 1920’s Harley-Davidson beat out the competition and became the largest motorcycle manufacturer in the world with over 28,189 machines being sold in 67 countries. Many companies faced bankruptcy and financial instability during the great depression but Harley-Davidson was one of two companies that were able to survive. After being bought out by the American Machine Foundry (AMF) in 1969, Harley-Davidson motorcycles began to decline and were considered inferior in performance compared to new Japanese motorcycles. Due to the decline AMF was forced to sell the company to 13 investors led by Vaughn Beals and Willie G. Davidson. They were able to rebuild the brand using the style of the original retro Harley-Davidson motorcycles. With it’s highly recognized Hog title, Harley-Davidson has yet again become the leading company in motorcycle manufacturing.

PRODUCT There are a variety of different styles and lines of Harley-Davidson motorcycles. From touring bikes to their sport­ster line, Harley-Davidson incorporates styles to suit the needs of anyone look­ing for a bike. Harley-Davidson’s Sportster line is lighter with a sleek build compared to Harley’s other models. Their smaller frames give it an extra boost for its’ powerful compact engine. Still keeping the Harley retro designs the Sportster is made for a more urban use and offered at a generally lower cost compared to other models.

PLACE Harley-Davidson is sold worldwide with much prominence in the United States. Headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Harley-Davidson leads in motorcycle sales in the world. With regional emphasis in the Midwest and East coast of the United States and Harley Owners Group (HOG) locations based all around the nation. The retail environment is very specific and new harley owners join a very particular club when purchasing a Harley-Davidson motorcycle.

PRICE Harley-Davidson’s Sportster line of motorcycles are priced with the consumer in mind. Ranging from a base price of $7,999 for the Iron 883 Sporster model to upwards of $10,699 for their Seventy-Two Sportster model. Even within the Sportster line there are many different models for consumers to choose. Har­ley-Davidson motorcycles are also very customiz­able which gives the consumers even more control.

PROMOTION Harley-Davidson mo­torcycles are advertised in multiple magazine publications and is often featured in television shows and movies us­ing product placement methods. Har­ley-Davidson engages their consumers through various company-sponsored events and concerts. They have specifically advertised for their Sportster model by showing potential consumers that the lighter model still has much power and speed. These are directed towards a generally younger audience. They have also used the Sportster line for giveaways to show their performance and engage the consumer with their Sportster line.

INFORMATION New Users: Demographic of motorcycle riders have changed. The number of female motorcycle owner increased

about 3% between 2003-2008. Also the number of younger riders under age 40, have increased 62 percent according to the MIC. To be more specific, according to Motorcycle/ATV Owner Survey, in 2003, there were lot more baby boomers in the market compare to Gen Y motorcyclists (almost 4-1) but recently, Gen Y bike owners increased to 62%. It would be important to target Gen Y target since the long-time riders begin to age out of motorcycling.

Bike Users: According to ATV’s survey, more than half of baby boomers owned traditional cruisers. In opposite,

about 30 percent of Gen Y motorcyclists favor modern, sports bike. These two audiences are also identified as the biggest spenders. Touring owners often spent their money aftermarket purchases, such as repair and maintenance, replacement parts, tires, and other accessories. For sports motorcycle owners, they spent more on apparel, an average of $578 per year. This means that it would be better to focus on big spenders and since many baby boomers are leaving the motorcycle market, it would make more sense to target the sport bike owners.

Usage: It is also important for a company to understand the customer’s reason for product purchase in order to

produce and sale the product. Most percentage of motorcycle owners have been riding for leisure riding or “touring,” but that have changed over the years. Recently MIC surveyed motorcyclists cited that transportation is now the number 2 reason for having a bike, a head of short distance leisure riding (ehow). Through examining different motorcycle researches, it would be ideal to target Gen Y generation, focusing on sports motorcycle and how trendy and yet useful to get to places.


here is a high level of product differentiation in the motorcycle market and the loyalties that are rarely dissolved without good reason. Those who are likely to buy Harley-Davidson motorcycles divide into two groups: those interested the entire on-road motorcycle category, and those interested only in cruiser, tourer, and standard class motorcycles in the traditional style that Harley offers. Because the type of motorcycle one gets defines the lifestyle they’re buying into (i.e. street racing or crosscountry motorcycling) most fall into the second group. The road classes of motorcycles may hold a “heritage” feel for many consumers. When an enthusiasm for classic motorcycling is a major factor for a consumer, faux retro motorcycle companies like Indian, Excelsior, or Henderson compete for territory as classic options with a bit on top of Harley’s prices. There are also attempts to appeal to the show bike or chopper sensibilities at the upper part of the price range. These may cut into sales on higher end bikes. However, because of their prices and the fact that the African American market is less tapped into than others (prompting trial or first buys is key), the direct competition are more likely to be other major brands that carrier similar classes of motorcycles. Indirect competitors are other forms of transportation like cars, which are often deemed safer and more practical. It is important to note that Harley-Davidson maintains 47% share of the on-road motorcycle market (2012-2013 Leisure Market Research Handbook), making it the brand leader in its market.

Media Spending (see Appendix B) Competitive Spending Report Harley is the biggest media spender in the category with over $10 million invested. Harley is followed by Yamaha, with around $6 million. The next two competitors, Honda and Victory, spend roughly $4 million. Kawasaki and Suzuki —the only other competitors in the category with substantial media spending— spend around $1.9 million and $1.7 million dollars, respectively. Though Harley’s media spending bodes well for reaching consumers, it does not guarantee the company’s dominance of media, position as the brand leader, and the protection (and hopefully, growth) of its market share. In order to achieve these three goals, Harley must acknowledge its competitors’ media mixes and shares of voice and focus on the right media for its targets.

Share of Voice


(Appendix A&B)

he overall share of voice corresponds very closely with the competitive spending mix. On most mediums, Harley has a very solid share of voice. It holds very strong positions on Magazines, Network TV, and National Spot Radio. It’s main spending competitor, Yamaha, holds stronger positions than Harley on Spot TV and Cable TV; the company also challenges Harley in Internet and Network TV. Honda spreads its sizeable budget over many media, “owning” none. Suzuki dominates Spot TV, but has almost no other media presence. Victory is Harley’s only challenger on National Spot Radio and outspends all competitors on Local Radio.

African American Media Habit (Appendix G)

Opportunities here, of course, lie in owning new media for the younger target and media of interest to African Americans. In particular, the internet is more important to younger generations. Television and radio are more important and effective than newspapers for African Americans, with certain shows garnering consistent audiences. Magazines are also a traditionally strong way to reach an African American audience. (For more a more thorough exploration of the shows, media behaviors, and trends of young African American media habit, see Media Rationale).

Positioning The largest motorcycle provider in the world, Honda positions its touring, cruiser, and non-modern/sporty standard cycles as “retro,” aiming at classic appeals.

Honda has affordable cycles for many different price ranges, with a number of affordable bikes, especially in the cruiser class.

Lacks strong cruiser or touring message, with sporty, sexy modernism and technical benefits central most in its advertisements

Kawasaki loses to Honda on price and lacks middle-end bikes, with cruiser offerings not very far below $10k or above $13k.

Trying to seem classic and embody “American” ideals (potentially to downplay Japanese identity)

Suzuki has limited offerings for tourers, focusing on their cruisers and competing in price with Honda.

Customization and individuality, ownership over a unique machine (positioned as art motorcycles)

Yamaha’s Star motorcycles have a much broader price range and selection. While geared towards the lower end, their premium touring bikes are rather pricy.

Considered a competitor by even Harley loyalists, known for lasting, historical quality. Little messaging stateside.

Triumph seems to price similarly to Harley near the high end of the cruiser class, but doesn’t have as many entry level bikes, especially offered in the U.S.

Positioned as an American bike, a gateway to adventures, focusing on the act of taking trips/riding.

Has no low price options, with all bikes in excess of 10k.

Competitive Spending Over 40% on both Cable TV and Magazines, around 10% on Network TV. Very heavy on magazines (over 70%), with supplemental internet (24%) and very little Spot TV and Outdoor. Spends more than a third of its budget on internet, and also maintains the heaviest proportion on Spot TV and Network TV. Markedly less magazines. Almost half on cable TV, Strong Magazine, Internet and Network TV allocations. More than half on Cable TV, over a third on Magazines, and some presence on Spot TV, Natl Spot Radio, Local radio, and Internet Positioned as an American bike, a gateway to adventures, focusing on the act of taking trips/riding.

Harley-Davidson’s major competitors in the category generally spend on magazines and different forms of TV, supplementing with other media. Harley currently dominates these trends, but supplements with many uncommon media (such as National Newspaper and Hispanic Magazines).

EXTERNAL Economic: The recession has negatively

influenced the sales of motorcycles for most brands, while increasing the number of used motorcycles being resold (R. L. Polk & Co.). While this trend isn’t necesarily good news, it may give new motorcyclists a lower risk introduction to Harley-Davidson as a brand and lead to later purchases

Political: Harley has previously been very

active in advocating for the Columbia-US Free Trade Agreement. Harley’s support for the FTA showed the brand’s strong American values of freedom and patriotism.

Social: Harley-Davidson has supported the United

States military for over 100 years. Harley-Davidson has supplied them with vehicles through both world wars and these efforts also helped keep Harley-Davidson in business through the Great Depression. Harley has never stopped supporting the United States military. Harley-Davidson has a special section dedicated to the military and veterans on their webpage and hold events during Memorial Day. Harley-Davidson also promoted to raise awareness for the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) and its Harley’s Heroes program.

Cultural Trends: Meanwhile, environmental

friendliness still plays a major role in automotive purchases. Because money is also a clear effector on recession-time buying, it may be useful to highlight the fuel efficiency of a Harley to markets who would not otherwise buy one.


he area we are targeting is the Southeast. It typically does well in the Southeast and there are many African Americans in that region. Specifically we will be spot marketing to major markets focusing on the aforementioned geographic regions and excluding those with extremely low proportions of our target. Based on Harley’s biggest markets for sales and the proportion of African Americans living in the South, we selected a list of fifteen opportune markets for the local aspects of our campaign.

(Appendix E)

Harley Davidson’s Motorcycle Media spending seems to fluctuate depending on their quarterly revenue and income. The data shows that Harley Davidson is using the power of media to reach their audience the most during Q3 and Q1. They are specifically advertising more during Q3 because it has more potential to increase sales than Q4. However, Harley Davidson chose to spend more during Q1 rather than Q2 is because it has the highest sales, which means they are more potential customers who may pay attention to motorcycle advertisements. Harley Davidson should keep their current media spending strategy, which is spending more money on the quarters where it has more potential of bringing more revenues and income.

(Appendix C and D)

Objective: According to Harley Davidson’s research, Harley Davidson has strong associations with being American— an aspect reflected in the strident individualism and rugged frontier mentality that the brand’s bikers aspire to emulate. It is important that we allow African Americans feel included this American aspect of the product without relegating them to an identity that is anything but their own. Thus, Harley Davidson should focus its advertisements on highlighting the established place of African Americans in Harley culture without coopting them into mainstream culture. We believe it can accomplish this goal by having unique African American opinion leaders or celebrities in the


African American riders want to experience the thrill and something that others don’t or may not/want to understand, having the power and freedom at their fingertips.

PURCHASE African Americans buy one motorcycle in 7-10 years just like other customers. They tend to purchase based on their succession. More income, more expense.


As of now African Americans ride motorcycles during weekends when they don’t have work or whenever they have time to ride. It is more of a status/lifestyle/hobby item rather than transportation usage item.



Harley-Davidson is even more well known among African Americans from seeing African American leaders, celebrities being featured on Harley’s PR page. Top 5: Harley-Davidson, Suzuki, Yamaha, Ducati, and Kawasaki

Harley-Davidson has No.1 U.S.A. seller of new street motorcycles to African-Americans.

SELECTION Harley Davidson customers will not look for alternatives even if it’s a lot more expensive. They will wait until they can afford it and purchase it. Once they experience Harley, they stick with Harley.

SATISFACTION The African American riders feel the freedom from enclosure and confinement while riding Harley Davidson’s motorcycles.

SEARCH Local motorcycle stores or online store website/motorcycle exchanging community website, such as Champaign Eagles Motorcycle Club.

SWOT Strengths

Strong Brand Image Focused Research and Development Activities Broad Product and Service Portfolio


Product Recalls/Issues Dependence on the Domestic Market


Restructuring Plans New Product Launches Global Expansion


Competitive Landscape Procurement of Raw Materials New Emission Standards for Two Wheelers

TARGET MARKET African Americans make up 14.1% of the country. Because of their unique history in our country, they are a very specific target. They are the fastest growing consumers and the most influential group in the country. African Americans are individualists. They seek out brands that represent their own unique taste and who they are. They believe that their traditions are to be passed on in order to keep them connected with their past. This is because they believe their history is the most important part of their culture and it helps to shape who they are. Most African Americans hold their elders with high regard. They believe their opinions are to be respected and oftentimes many generations will live in one home together. The most important thing to remember about African Americans is their deep connection with their history. African Americans have a very unique way of using media. Their top choice of media is radio. The next largest medium they use is TV. African Americans consume 40% more television than the average American. There are also many magazines geared to African Americans. There are over 350 magazines and newspapers specifically for African Americans. This is the best way to reach African Americans. Our media campaign will target the African American community. Specifically we will be targeting those between the ages 25-35 across the United States. We will be targeting this age group because Harley would like to reach a younger target. We opted not to go too young because the price of Harley-Davidson motorcycles is prohibitive for most earners below certain ages. In the current market, Harley is more popular with the older generations of baby boomers. Most of the current advertising for Harley is targeting Caucasians. However, African Americans are the third largest ethnic group in the United States. It is important to target African Americans because Harley is trying to increase minority groups in their consumer base. Harley is currently number one in sales to African American’s, however, they would still like to increase their numbers.

OBJECTIVE To figure out our target’s consideration set and attitudes regarding the motorcycle category and how to reach them effectively.

Rationale We decided to administer personal interviews as well as send out a survey to publics who fit our target audience. Personal interviews were conducted in order to gain in-depth knowledge of consumer media consumption as well as category perception. Although in-depth consumer insights are important, due to time restrictions we felt that sending out a quick survey would optimize our efficiency for gathering information.

Results We conducted 7 interviews with participants who fit our target audience of an African-American male between the ages 25 - 35.

Media: We found that the most common medium that the interviewees consume are television, radio and digital (internet,mobile). Although the consumption of digital media was quite high amongst interviewees, we noticed that many usually avoid the advertisements and do not pay much attention to them. Based on this, we found that we would place a higher emphasis on television.

Tatics: Respondents said the use of celebrities

in advertisements were effective in grabbing their attention.

Youth: Younger riders use motorcycles for very

different reasons than older bikers: they consider riding to be more individual (“I think biking around with a lot of people. . .[is] kind of lame”), place the appeal of riding “in the act of riding [the bike]”, and treat the motorcycle as more of a, “badass toy to show off to my friends” (as opposed to a way to belong to a group, the escape of touring, or a collectable for enthusiasts).

“People think African Americans ONLY watch B.E.T. because it’s targeted towards African Americans, but me and my friends usually watch other channels that have popular shows.” “Usually, if it’s got somebody I think is cool in it, I’ll think twice about it. I mean, a lot of people looked twice at Beats just because they were by Dre.” “Anything Jay [Z] jumps on is going to blow up.”

MEDIA PLAN Objectives Our goal is to increase brand preference among African Americans and allow them to feel that Harley Davidson’s culture reflects their unique identity as a group and individuals. According to Ostrow’s Model, 2.2 is the estimated frequency for Harley Davidson’s media plan. The 2.2 estimate is based on strategic consideration of the 3 part models, which are Marketing Factors That Affect Frequency, Copy Factors that Affect Frequency, and Media Factors That Affect Frequency.

Our mission during prime motorcycle purchase season is to increase awareness by reaching 25 35 who can actually afford to buy Harley Davidson motorcycles during Quarter 1 and 3. During offseason, our mission is to increase awareness and remind African Americans age 25 - 35 about the brand during Quarter 2 and 4. We will carry out this objectives by approaching African American Gen X-ers with both mainstream and cohort-specific media.

MEDIA PLAN Part I: Marketing Factors That Affect Frequency Established brand?


High market share?


Dominant brand?


High brand loyalty?


Long purchase cycle?


Product used occasionally?


Need to beat competition?


Advertising to older consumers/ children?




MEDIA PLAN Part II: Copy Factors that Affect Frequency Simple Copy?


Copy more unique than competition?


Continuing campaign?


Product sell copy?


Single kind of message?


To avoid wear out: new messages?


Larger ad units?




MEDIA PLAN Part III: Media Factors That Affect Frequency Lower ad clutter?


Compatible editorial?


Attentiveness high?


Continuous Advertising?


Few media used?


Opportunities for media repetition?




.1 -.7 .2 +3 = 2.2 Bench Mark




$1.2M $5.5M




$0.2M $0.5M




Considering the African American media habit and current competitive spending, we decided on a strategy that would outvoice Yamaha, giving us the strongest share of all forms of television and radio (essential for reaching an African American market with our transformative message), and maintaining a strong internet presence for our more youthful target. We also maintained our stake in magazines, which are a reliable way to tap into the African American market. We found it important to increase the amount of spending on localized media because of the distinct geography of this audience; we created a schedule that acknowledges both this geography, Black History Month, and the competitive spending schedule. We rounded out our media plan with area-specific event promotions that will help leverage the already-strong Harley community base. (Appendix A and B for more complete estimations, including a projected Share of Voice)

TELEVISION Rationale We are allocating $9.8M on Television.The African-Americans spends 40% more time on watching Television than average U.S. population. The average African Americans watch TV 7.16 hours per week. Therefore, placing Harley Davidson ads in between programs that have similar characteristics will be effective to reach our target

Mainstream Television

African Americans watch channels that are popular to other ethnicities rather than focusing on African American targeted channels like B.E.T. Currently, TV shows from ABC such as American Idol and Scandal seem to be the best hit among African Americans viewers.

African American Television

Although African - Americans watch more programs on channels that are not specific to their cohort, we are still pursuing channels that are directly targeting towards African-Americans to reach audience who regularly watch specific programs on those channels such as BET Award shows and the Game, which have high viewing rate.




ESPN- Spartan race, National Sports Game, March Madness


Feb-March, July-October

ABC- Dancing with the Stars, Scandals



FX: Sons of Anarchy, American Idol



BET- BET Awards, The Game


Jan - March, June

ABC: ABC is one of top channels that are watched in African American homes, especially, “Scandal” ranked No.1 for three consecutive months. Dancing With The Stars also ranked No.6 as well. These factors clearly show that these programs are viewed by our target. ESPN: ESPN focuses on sports- related programming with average of 397,000 viewers. Most importantly, African American men are watching more ESPN affiliates than any other cable networks. Therefore, it is a great way to target African Americans who do not engage in African American channels like B.E.T. FOX: American Idol is ranked as No.2 most watched shows in African American households. Also, Sons of Anarchy story focuses on motorcycle, which is a great way to relate to Harley and it attracts an average of 4.9 million viewers per week, making it FX’s highest rated series. FOX ranked as No.1 most watched channel among Men18+ and also, No.3 among women 18+. Therefore, the show is likely to be viewed by the people who are interested in motorcycles. Black Entertainment Television (BET): B.E.T. is the most prominent television network targeting African American audiences. It is currently reaching more than 90 million households, which is a great way to target our main target audience covering different age groups.



72% of African American young adults are internet users, with 61% of this group going online daily and another 25%, weekly. This cohort has consistently increased the frequency of their internet use in the past five years.


Twitter & Instagram 75% of Millenials have a profile on a social networking site. While Facebook is a widely-used ad serving platform, it is better served in this case as a host for a brand page and customer interaction. Twitter and Instagram are particularly appealing to younger African Americans. Twitter presence is also rising for Gen X-ers. In the case of both Twitter and Instagram, sponsored content is available, and the re-sharing of pictures, real-time communications, and other content (i.e. articles about Black historical motorcyclists) is a primary use on these platforms.

Consistent account upkeep, promoted image and tweet ads: $80,000 Twitter promoted trend in February: $200,000

DIGITAL Streaming Video Roughly half of African Americans (53%) have high speed internet at home. Arguably, this proportion will be greater for those who can afford a motorcycle. Furthermore, watching video online is even more popular among Gen X-ers than social networking, with 78.7% of internet users downloading or streaming video online at least once per month. Cost per In-Stream ad view: $0.04 x 140,000 (views per

Mobile Estimates show that among all Gen X-ers, 63.2% of those with smartphones browse the mobile web. Currently, Harley’s mobile site is simplistic, with a landing page that directly sorts the motorcycles by price range. To reflect the emotional nature of a motorcycle as a purchase, this site should be revamped to take advantage of mobile sharing and curating (i.e. making photos easily repost-able on social sites) and to focus on the positioning outlined in the creative

Cost for new site: $20,000

RADIO Rationale Radio is a very efficient frequency builder, which is important considering our media objectives. The medium has the added bonus of proximity to sales opportunity. When our target is listening to radio, they are usually out and about.

We have allocated $1.2 million (5.2% of our budget) to Radio. We distributed that amount with an emphasis on locality, putting $ .2 million towards Network Radio, $ .5 towards National Spot Radio, and $ .5 towards Local Radio. In Network Radio, we will run ads through sports and entertainment programs on networks like the American Urban Radio Network. On National Spot and Local Radio, we intend to focus on R&B, Rap, and Hip Hop Channels such as Hot 107.9 in Atlanta,



Men’s Health

Men’s Health is a magazine targeted to men. It is targeted to active, successful, professional men. It is a good place to target young, successful African American men. It has 11 issues a year. Ads run/issue: Jan-Dec

Cost: $138K


Uptown Magazine is a magazine targeted to African Americans. It is a luxury, lifestyle and living magazine. It would be a good magazine to put ads in because it is targeted to African American’s who could afford a Harley. This magazine has shown growth in readership and advertisements. Ads run/issue: Jan-Dec

Cost: $138K

Black Enterprise

Black Enterprise is the No.1 magazine for black entrepreneurs. This magazine would also be beneficial to put ads in because it also targets African American’s who can afford luxury items. Ads run/issue: Jan-Dec

Cost: $138K

MAGAZINE African Americans tend to read magazines targeted to African Americans. The best way to reach African Americans would be to place ads in these magazines. We will be allocating $5Million to magazine ads.

Male Magazines

Magazines targeted to Men are good way to reach males. Magazines like GQ are specifically targted to males. Men are more likely to read a magazine targeted specifically to them than a more general magazine. Therefore it would be good to put our ads in these magazines.

African American Magazines

Magazines such as Uptown target African Americans and have content that appeals to the African American population. There are many magazines targeted directly to African Americans. African Americans read magazines targeted to themselves more than any other type of magazine. It would be more effective to place ads in these magazines than general magazines.

SPONSORSHIP EVENT TITLE Daytona Beach Bike Week 2013 National Bikers Roundup

DATE March 8-17, 2013 July 31-August 4, 2013

Myrtle Beach Bike Week

October 4-6, 2013


October 17-20, 2013

Atlantic Beach Bike Festival

May 24-27, 2014

BUDGET ALLOCATION 1 Million 1 Million 1 Million 1 Million 1 Million

Two key approaches to communicating and interacting with the African-American community for Harley-Davidson are marketing promotions during black history month and attending events that focus on African-American riders. During black history month, Harley-Davidson can sponsor particular events and showcase their African-American exhibit at the Harley-Davidson museum. They could also hold specific events that commemorate African-American history and Harley-Davidson as a brand. They should attend events such as the Daytona Beach Bike Week, Atlantic Beach Bike Week, and National Bikers RoundUp in order to interact with riders and show their support for African-American Harley riders.


In total, our competitors spend heavily on media in the months leading up to spring and during midsummer. They also flight consistently throughout winter, likely to maintain presence for off-season sales (see Figure 1).


We intend to primarily follow this model so as to compete, but with a twist: because we are focusing on a transformative message (we intend to change the brand’s associations in an emotional way), our campaign will lead with the audiovisual power of television ads and the visual appeal offered by magazines. We are scheduling our other media like banners that redirect to our revamped mobile webpage around the airing of these shows as a reinforcement of the message. These secondary media serve to satisfy Fig. 1: Current Category z Distribution by Month the high-involvement nature of such a large purchase with more information and an easy path to buying. Thus our heavy periods center around these shows. Furthermore, we more heavily on February than usual to coincide with Black History Month.


Much of the seasonality of the category’s media spending is due to heavy use and buying periods caused by winter weather. HarleyDavidson has an opportunity to sell more motorcycles in the off-season for two reasons: first, nearly half of the company’s top sales markets are in cities with warm year-round climates; second a large proportion of the African American cohort lives in the Southern U.S., which boasts a similar advantage in regards to weather. Some of our media is year-round (i.e. we’ve treated the costs of the new mobile site as a distributed cost). However, in an attempt to honor our emphasis on frequency over reach, we’ve decided to flight our stronger transformational media (i.e. Youtube spots) in September, November, and February.

CREATIVE Competitor’s Ads & Descriptions

New market research has influenced Yamaha Motors to venture into the world of mobile and digital advertising. Using banner ads and appealing videos, Yamaha Motors has been able to efficiently reach their target audience. Victory Motorcycles has taken a different approach to their recent campaigns. Using celebrity spokespeople and attending promotional events, Victory Motorcycles has been able to put emphasis on bike performance as well as give personality to their brand.

Previous Harley Ads & Brand Essentials

Harley-Davidson has survived the tests of time by being adaptable to new situations and continually innovating new solutions. They’re advertisements have always focused on 3 key concepts unity, diversity, and performance. Harley-Davidson has always emphasized the mechanical performance and unique features of their products compared to competitors. Although they have faced much adversity with stereotyping, by focusing their campaigns on the specifications of their bikes harley was able to overcome the negative publicity. They have also focused on the idea of unity and diversity within the Harley-Davidson community. Their recent campaign “E Pluribus Unum” latin for “out of many, one” has given consumers the ability to interact with the brand and also counter the stereotype of the typical Harley rider. Using Twitter and other social media outlets, Harley engaged with their consumers and showed the the diversity of the brand. Harley-Davidson used crowdsourcing effectively and grew their community of brand loyals.




TV and Online Streaming

Our target audience are male African Americans from ages 25-35 who yearn for adventure without having to give up the comfort of their current lifestyles. These you may be young urban professionals or Southern suburbanites, and put a lot of stock in masculine examples, both in their lives and their history.


Our research has shown that INSIGHTS. While the brand is high on awareness, the perceptions and associations it holds in the minds of our target need to change. Primary: Leverage the little-known, rich history of African American Harley riders to show young males that Harley Davidson Motorcycle is an adventure with true legacy. Secondary: Socially prove that Harley is a badass brand for young bikers.

Slogan: Discover your own legacy. Our campaign centers around tying the rich history of African American Harley riders to our target through famous contemporary African Americans. Juxtaposing these historical bikers with creates positive associations for the brand in the mind of these youths.

Our shot begins with a framed picture of a group of historical bikers and dollies out slowly, revealing a garage wall, then an engine on which a couple of people are working while Jay-Z and a small crew are working on their bikes and relaxing somberly. A voice over of Jay-Z’s voice explains, “I wasn’t the first one to make it in the streets. 1959— the East Bay Dragons were the people to be in Oakland. They rode hard. They left their mark, and I’m leaving my own. What will you leave?” As the men mount up and idle into a group, they face an open road, ready to turn out. The Harley logo displays, with the slogan: Discover your own legacy.


A picture of Jay-Z or another prominent African American male holding up a picture of a historical rider. While sitting astride a Harley, he gives the camera a collected look.


The radio spot will be similar to the TV spot. Jay-Z will be talking about his life and his legacy. He will talk about historical figures with legacies he admires. He will then bring up the fact that his Harley is a large part of his legacy.


During Black History Month (Feb), the trend #legacy will be promoted, giving users a chance to tweet about what they admire in the legacy their ancestors left them and the way they plan to leave a legacy behind themselves. Harley will tweet about the legacy of African American riders and share versions of its print ads. In an attempt not to make Harley’s efforts to sell seem bluntly marketed and insensitive to the spirit of the holiday, we will only intimate that the the trend is presented by Harley.

EVALUATION PLAN The primary metric of our evaluation is the increase in sales of motorcycles to those in our target market during the peak selling seasons and off-seasons. Digital will also be used to measure the return on our Television and traditional campaigns via posts about Harley and our hashtags. All of our digital platforms are highly measurable, with built-in analytics for Twitter and Youtube advertisements. Using this feedback, we will tweak not only our ongoing executions on the medium, but redistribute spending between the Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube platforms. The number of attendees at promotional events will be used to evaluate the success of that arm of the campaign.

















































Black Enterprise













Men’s Helath













Twitter/ Instagram























Stream Video





Daytona Beach Bike Week 2013 National Bikers Roundup Myrtle Beach Bike Week



168K 80K

168K 80K


1M 1M 1M

Bike Toberfest Atlantic Beach Bike Festival











National/ Spot
















Net Radio




competitive spending

competitive spending/ media mix/ sov


Projected Spending

Monthly Spending






Weekly Tuning per TV Household

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