2 minute read

Contacting Parents/Carers




Throughout a student’s time at College, parents and carers are kept informed and involved through a number of activities including: • A start of year Welcome Evening where you have the chance to meet key College staff. At this event you will also receive their contact details at College e.g. telephone number and email address. • ‘Live’ access to the Parent Portal, providing information on attendance, marks, tutor comments and planning next steps. • Parent/Carer Evenings in the spring term, which give you the chance to meet your child’s tutors and discuss their progress. • Parents and carers are also asked to take part in our Parent and Carer

Satisfaction Surveys. If you wish to discuss any aspect of your child’s education and progress please do not hesitate to contact their Progress Coach throughout the year.

Students who are under the age of 16 or who are deemed to be a ‘vulnerable adult’ are informed that, as a condition of their enrolment, the College will ordinarily communicate with their parents or carers regarding the following: • Absence from College (activities) • Academic progress • Any matters of concern Signing the College enrolment form implies your child/ward’s consent to the College communicating with you as their parents or carers. Data Protection Legislation states that any child over the age of 16 reserves the right to withdraw their consent for the College to contact you. Should this happen, we are required to get express [written] permission from the student to allow us to inform you that this consent has been withdrawn. In cases where we do not get this permission, we will strongly encourage the student to inform you that they have withdrawn this consent.

Students who withdraw their consent to contact parents or carers must provide the College with an emergency contact; the individual named as the emergency contact should know that they have been named and confirm that they are happy to act in that capacity. If consent is not withdrawn by your child/ ward, the College will continue to contact you until the student leaves the College, or reaches the age of 18, whichever is the later date.

In the event that a student is taken ill, the College will contact the person identified by the student, and held within the College’s student records, as their ‘Emergency Contact’.

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