G A L L E RY E X H I B I T S 3 0 TH A N N U A L J U R I E D C O M P E T I T I O N Dalton Gallery | June 14 - July 28, 2019 Reception: Thursday, July 11 | 5:30 PM The 30th Annual Juried Competition is a curated show that includes artwork by both established and emerging artists. Awards are given to Best of Show, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place, and Honorable Mentions. Awards sponsored by the Gerald and Barbara Schapiro Endowment Fund and Kathy and Larry Wilson
PERMANENCE Erin Zerbe & Amber Eckersley Dalton Gallery | August 2 - September 8, 2019 Reception: Thursday, August 15 | 5:30 PM Amber Eckersley and Erin Zerbe’s works explore the permanence of life through the transformation of objects by virtue of the imprecise reflection of memories.
Artful Bra Project
A RT F U L B R A P RO J E C T Perimeter Gallery | September 13 - October 27, 2019 Reception: Thursday, October 10 | 5:30 PM The Artful Bra Project is an invitational exhibition featuring oneof-a-kind works of art created by local artists who used bras as the foundation of each work to raise awareness for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The bras will be displayed in the Perimeter Gallery from mid-September through October, and will be auctioned online from October 10 - 27. The proceeds from the auction will benefit the Breast Screening Source of York County, an organization that provides assistance to those who do not have insurance, or have insurance that only covers hospital care, and who meet certain income guidelines. Sponsored by the Woman’s Club of Rock Hill and the Women’s Art Initiative 10