2020 - 2021 Art Experiences | Arts Council of York County, South Carolina

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AC YC ST U D I O A RT I ST S H OWC A S E Dalton Gallery | October 30 - November 21, 2020 Artwork by studio artists working in the Center for the Arts and at the Gettys Art Center is on exhibit during this annual showcase.

YO R K C O U N T Y H I G H S C H O O L S A RT S H OW Classroom Gallery | November 20 - December 31, 2020 Curated by York County high school art teachers, this annual art exhibition is open to all high school students in York County. Cash prizes are awarded for Best of Show, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Places. Honorable Mentions are also awarded. Coordinated by the Arts Council of York County & the Catawba River Art Guild. Sponsored by the Yorkville Artist Guild.

V E R N O N G R A N T ’ S S A N TA S Dalton Gallery | November 28 - December 31, 2020 Armed with a paintbrush in hand and an idea in mind, Vernon Grant quickly brought playful thoughts to life as illustrations for all to enjoy. See Grant’s favorite subject, Santa Claus, along with his whimsical gnomes and published scenes of winter at the Center for the Arts. Sponsored by Culture & Heritage Museums

C R E AT I V E I S O L AT I O N B Y C ATAW B A R I V E R A R T G U I L D Dalton Gallery | January 8 - February 5, 2021 Explore how the extended isolation of 2020 influenced works of art by members of the Catawba River Art Guild.

M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N : YORKCOUNTYARTS.ORG | PHONE (803) 328-2787 All events are subject to change or cancellation, visit yorkcountyarts.org for current listings. 11

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