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GM vision for the future of mobility
At Capgemini, we believe in the vision and transformation that General Motors has designed in order to create a safer and smarter world. As the mobility industry continues to evolve at a fast pace, we understand the importance of technological developments and advances that are needed to deliver a cleaner and safer tomorrow. The GM team is redefining the future of automotive mobility, while continuing to be a transformational leader throughout the world. We believe the experience and insight of Capgemini as a strategic partner will enable GM to realize its transformational journey.
● Enhancedsafety features ● Ridesharingplatforms ● Driverless technology ● Fewercarscarrying morepassengers safely
● Fullelectricvehicles ● Convenientaccessto charging infrastructure ● MoreEV vehiclesin moresegments ● Renewableenergy sources ● New technology such asV2Xtooptimize traffic ● Vehicleintegrationto
ConnectedCities ● Dataand analytics to optimizeplanning & routing ● Digitalvehicle platform withactivesafety, infotainment & connectivity ● Nextgeneration autonomous capabilities ● FOTAsoftwareupdates
Zerocongestion ConnectedTechnology Connected Technology
TheCapgemini GroupcanhelpGMacceleratebringingthisvisionto marketwithourserviceofferings
Product Development Engineering Verification & Validation TrustedVehicle, V2X,IoT & 5G ProductStrategy & Design MarketInsights & Innovations
COVID-19 Mobility Impact
Capgemini surveyed more than 11,000 consumers from 11 countries representing 62 percent of global annual vehicle sales and found that health and safety concerns will continue to shape consumer behavior even after this crisis subsides. There will be a marked preference for individual mobility over public and shared modes of transport. Our research also shows the rekindling of interest in vehicle ownership among younger consumers along with a preference for digital-engagement channels. At the same time, however, inevitable economic fallout and trends like work-from-home could dampen demand. In a post-pandemic world, GM must respond to and leverage these shifting consumer trends to gain a competitive advantage. Those who are leading the way in offering an engaging digital customer experience and innovative business models such as direct digital sales, flexibility for subscriptions or pay-per-use, home delivery and field service are well placed to weather this storm. They also show us valuable lessons and examples of agile innovation for the future mobility consumer.