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Capgemini Smart Mobility Connect
The customer at the heart of your business
In this era of hyper-connectivity, everything about the way customers buy, own and use vehicles is transforming. Your customers expect a digital relationship with GM’s brands that is as personalized and seamless as our other online interactions, from banking to social media. The advent of new technologies in the connected ecosystem continuously enhances these experiences and expectations, and consumers now expect innovation on a daily basis. At Capgemini, we understand that General Motors must transform from its heritage of being an iconic product company into an iconic mobility provider with the customer at the heart of its business. The horizontal integration of all aspects of the customer’s experience must be harmoniously aligned so expectations are exceeded and customers are delighted. To offer competitive mobility solutions in the marketplace, we must strategically shift: • From engineers to data owners • From ownership to mobility • From product to service • From development cycles to agile manufacturing • From centralization to collaboration • From automotive competition to technological competition. Capgemini’s response to this market shift is our Smart Mobility Connect offering which is a suite of solutions focused on alignment, strategy and execution in the core business domains of mobility customer engagement, including: • Connected customer: Customer engagement through device of choice, seamlessly integrated, personalized and value-focused • Connected ecosystem: The partner ecosystem of value in which the connected vehicle and customer opt-in for valueadd services • Connected services and products: The mobility safety, value, convenience and commerce products available to the customer and vehicle • Customer engine: A complete customer view incorporating all aspects of the customer experience and which drives true customer intelligence.
Reimaginingcustomerexperiencesbasedoncutting edgetechnology Leveragingreal-time datatoprovideactionable insight Creatingcustomerloyaltybyanticipating future needsalongaholisticcustomerjourney
Definingthe futurepositioningwithinthe digitalvaluechain Creatingcooperationmodelswith non-traditionalpartners Helpingbusinessesactivatetheirvisionthrough carefullydesignedandagilebusinessandoperating models
Connected customer
Electric Mobility
Connected ecosystems Connected services and products CONNECTED SERVICE & PRODUCTS
Identifyinghigh-potential areas for new connectedservicesandproducts Increasingcustomersatisfactionbyensuring accessibilityacrossvariouschannels tailoredtoindividualneeds End-to-endmobilitysolutionsthatspanthe future urbanlandscape
Thearchitectural framework to reimagine the customerexperienceof the future Expeditinginnovationthroughpioneeringtechnology anddataanalytics Insightfulresultsandscalabilitybyproviding state-of-the-artAI functionalitiesconnectingall involvedpartiesof themobilityecosystem
Our Smart Mobility Connect framework can help address EV and sustainability opportunities and challenges
Our Capgemini Smart Mobility Connect framework can also help GM to strategize and deliver core components of electrified mobility for a seamless customer experience. These include definition of connected ecosystem partnerships, customer education about the benefits and requirements of driving an electrified vehicle and the required connected services and products starting with charging but extending beyond to an ecosystem of green vehicle ownership and carbon-footprint awareness.