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aBout hanwei frp products & services
frp pipe is a non-metal product made through the continuous winding of fiberglass filament that is saturated in a proprietary formula of epoxy resin and curing agents and utilizing specialized winding and heat curing techniques. epoxy resins have a particular molecular chain structure that provides a superior chemical bonding and curing system. utilizing fiberglass as an integrated element these molecular features work together to form a 3-dimensional network of greater structural integrity in material strength, smoothness, corrosive resistance, porosity and capillary resistance, thermal and anti-conductivity features.
steel pipe is particularly prone to corrosion and scaling that incurs high costs for both ongoing maintenance and emergency repair. as steel pipe lines deteriorate their transmission capacity reduces which has a direct impact on commercial operations, increasing costs and lowering profitability.
as an effective solution to overcome these issues hanwei’s frp pipe products and services are selected as the preferred replacement to steel pipe. hanwei’s comprehensive frp product range includes a wide variety of pipe diameters, fittings and fixtures, and connection methods in high, medium, and low pressure ratings. all of our products are characterized for their outstanding corrosion resistance, scale and paraffin deterrence, low coefficient of friction, low distance pressure-drop, easy installation, high safety and operating reliability.
Hanwei FRP Pipe System BENEFITS:
l Excellent durability and corrosion resistance > internal and external surfaces resistant to a wide variety chemicals, crude oil, residues, injection water and bacteria including Co2, h2s and saltwater in aggressive and caustic environments. l High standards of performance and long service life (20 - 25 years) > up to 3,600 psi continued operating pressure > up to 93°C continued operating temperatures > deep hole capability to 1,500 meters > Cathodic protection not required l Superior flow characteristics > smoother interior pipe surface increases flow dynamics and resists scaling > flow co-efficient is better than steel. allows for downsizing of piping system or decreased pumping costs. l Reduced installation cost. Excellent Value > Light weight and easy to handle. fewer personnel and equipment needed for installation. at ¼ the weight of steel, handling and installation costs are reduced substantially > Cheaper than steel. l Low Maintenance > Corrosion resistance lowers maintenance cost in both above ground or buried pipeline applications. (If a failure was to occur for any reason Hanwei pipe systems are designed such that a possible failure is indicated early by weeping at the pipe body to indicate a potential issue that can be detected and repaired and not an accelerated, catastrophic failure in the joints or pipe wall).