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hanwei frp pipe system Benefits
We are not the only producer of FRP pipe. We are the leader in FRP Pipe Solutions and Systems.
Committed to serving our Clients. we have a proven track record as the leading producer of frp pipe systems in asia and the preferred choice for very demanding, long standing clients including CnpC and sinopeC.
We specialize in high pressure FRP applications. this is the most demanding technologically advanced application of frp for line pipe and down hole use in the oil and gas industry. from this expertise we bring superior understanding, r&d expertise, cost savings and application solutions to large diameter and low pressure installations in challenging environments such as oil and gas, marine and offshore applications, salt water cooling systems, waste water, brine plants and others.
Expertise in Engineering and Solution Solving. we design, engineer, produce, replace, repair. our goal is to fully support our clients with confidence and competence for a long term respected and valued relationship. if it doesn’t exist hanwei can engineer and produce it. if it does exist hanwei can improve it.
Capacity and Flexibility. we have the scale in our production facilities to satisfy the technical and delivery demands for large production runs as well as the flexibility to insert emergency replacement or repair orders to immediately serve client needs anywhere in the world.
Worldwide Service Network. our worldwide service network includes regional offices in north america, the Middle east, russia, Latin america and China fully supported by our extensive agent and technical representation in each country.
Hanwei FRP Pipe Systems Metal Pipe
Hanwei FRP pipe products are internationally recognized for their superior performance characteristics.
Attribute Hanwei FRP Pipe Systems Metal Pipe
Corrosion-resistance Excellent. Qualified for transmission of highly corrosive substances Poor. Corrosion and leakage easily formed.
Service Life Cycle
Long. 30 to 50 years
General Energy Consumption
50% GEC of steel pipe of same diameter and flow
Friction Resistance Smooth internal wall: low friction; low scale and low paraffin formation Short. Only 5 to 10 years
High GEC
Rough internal wall: high friction; high scale and high paraffin formation
Thermal Insulation performance
Low electrical conductivity: good insulation; little thermal heat loss
Poor insulation value, high thermal heat loss and subject to line freezing; electrical conductivity
Less weight; easy transportation and installation; transportation cost saving
Costly transportation and installation; needs large hoisting equipment on site for installation
Environmental No secondary pollution or leakage during the operation
Lower installation cost. Better Value. Enduring performance. Maintenance and repair costs. Downtime costs in operations.
Likely to result in secondary pollution during operation and numerous examples of leakage with subsequent environmental pollution impact