Y.O.U., Inc. Strategic Plan- August 2013

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GROW STRONG WITH Healthy Children Strong Families Supportive Communities

Planning for 2016

I. Introduction The enclosed executive summary of Y.O.U., Inc.’s strategic plan, “Grow Strong with YOU – Planning for 2016” reflects a diverse range of strategic assessment and planning processes and contributions from hundreds of stakeholders. Led by the organization’s governance and leadership, Y.O.U., Inc. engaged in assessment and planning activities to promote a comprehensive view of the following: • Perspectives of youth, families, staff, governance, and external constituents on key organizational strengths and areas for improvement; • Priorities of funding stakeholders who support our organization; • Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats we should understand in order to sustain the vitality of our organization; • Political, economic, socio-cultural, and technological factors we expect to shape our services and the way we provide them; • Strategic priorities of interest, value, and relevance to our viability and sustainability.

We understand that the value of strategic assessment, planning, and implementation is to:

Increase Effectiveness: By responding to rapidly changing circumstances. In doing this, we enhance our performance and further our mission; Enhance Efficiency: By taking actions to achieve the same results or better;

Strengthen Organizational Learning and Understanding: By conceptualizing or re-conceptualizing a framework to guide strategy development and implementation; Foster Better Decision Making: By articulating a focused and defensible basis for our decisions, and understanding how our decisions today affect programs and services of the future;

Fortify Organizational Capabilities: By taking action to strengthen our organizational and industry-level leadership and to enhance our capacity for continued strategic thought and action;

Improve Communication and Public Relations: By effectively communicating our mission, vision, goals, strategies, and actions with key stakeholders. The continuing success of Y.O.U., Inc.’s services will require that we recruit and retain a highly talented, diverse, and culturally-competent staff, with the support of a very dedicated Board of Directors. Like all strategic plans, the ultimate measure of our success rests in our ability to make sound progress towards our goals and objectives. Finally, to all who have helped us to develop “Grow Strong with YOU – Planning for 2016” – Thank you.

Beth Folcarelli President & CEO

Grow Strong with YOU – Planning for 2016


II. Mission, Vision, Goals, Values and Beliefs Mission:

To provide youth and families with opportunities to fulfill their potential and build a brighter future.


Healthy children, strong families, supportive communities.


To be the leader among non-profit, child welfare, behavioral health, and education agencies. We will accomplish this by providing a comprehensive and integrated system of care that sets the standard for: 䊏 䊏 䊏 䊏 䊏

Empathic Care Innovative Programs Highest Quality Care Effective Management Achieving Measurable Results


Caring • Respect • Hope • Commitment • Excellence • Diversity

Beliefs: 䊏

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Our top priority is to provide holistic and integrated services that are strength-based, child-centered, and family-focused. Advocacy for the well-being of families is an essential part of our work. Our success depends upon a broad base of community collaboration and support. Employees are our most valuable asset. Our learning environment fosters the growth of both clients and staff. Community collaborations and volunteers make a difference. Our Ethical Code of Conduct guides all our actions. Effective care honors youth and family voice. All individuals should have the opportunity to be the best they can be physically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually. Prevention and early intervention are always the best practice. Every child needs positive, long lasting relationships with nurturing adults. Collaboration and teamwork produce the best results. Treatment in appropriate and least restrictive environments fosters growth.

Grow Strong with YOU – Planning for 2016


III. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) The following information summarizes data gathered from a variety of internal and external sources. Collectively, this data helps us to identify important trends that guide our strategic decisions. Thank you to the youth, parents, service staff, management and leadership, and the Board of Directors for your thoughtful participation. SWOT findings – provided below – offer valuable information about how we should best grow and serve the communities of Worcester County. Strengths of Y.O.U., Inc. • Stable co-mingled and diversified funding; • Longevity of programs and good reputation with funders, including the Department of Children and Families, Department of Youth Services, Massachusetts Behavioral Health Partnership, and a variety of community foundations; • Deep geographic reach and strong presence; • Community focus, centralized referral, strong collaborations, and a diverse service continuum fortify our agency; • Attention to supporting employees through orientation and training, supervision and mentoring, teamwork, collaboration, and advancement from within produces an exceptional and commited workforce; • Adventure Challenge Experience (ACE) and bullying remediation (BRACE) have meaningfully contributed to our organization; • Partnership with pre-schools and other agencies allows for shared resources and greater impact of interventions; • Focus on behavioral therapies built on positive parenting, child empowerment and overall family involvement strengthens families; • Great service flexibility to attract funders; • Unparalleled employee commitment and work performance align with agency’s mission and vision; • Excellent communication, support, creative problem solving, team work and responsiveness; • Internship program to advance disciplines of social work, counseling, and psychology; • Diverse, hardworking, and committed management team, leadership support, and governance oversight; • Progress with electronic Health Records (e-HR) increases client privacy and timely documentation; • Client-centered and trauma-informed services, with a focus on collaborative problem-solving, goal setting, and placement for adulthood.

Grow Strong with YOU – Planning for 2016


“We learn to be ready to leave the past behind, and step out into the future.”

- Grafton House resident

Grow Strong with YOU – Planning for 2016


Weaknesses of Y.O.U., Inc. ▪ Address our identity issue: is Y.O.U., Inc. a large or grassroots organization? As our organization has grown, we find an increased need to address this issue. Lack of clarity around our identity affects internal processes and relations and impacts our brand image in the community. ▪ Build our presence in non-Worcester localities, especially our “newer” locations in the South Central part of Worcester County; ▪ Strengthen adult psychiatry; ▪ Fortify our e-HR technology and training; ▪ Update organizational policies and practices to foster a greater sense of cohesion. Opportunities of Y.O.U., Inc. ▪ Enhance networking across organization with emphasis on resource sharing, information exchange, and training; ▪ Move into new market segments: Pervasive Developmental Disorder spectrum; Respite; Emergency Service Provider; 45-Day School Assessment; Transitional Age Youth; Psychiatric Testing; Bullying Prevention and Intervention; Family Voice and Choice; Specialty Groups; Pet Therapy; ▪ Partnership and contracting opportunities: Trauma-Informed Care, Caring Together Residential Procurement; Healthy Homes; Family Resource Centers; Adventure Challenge Experience (ACE); Dynamy Internship Year; Dynamy Youth Academy; Occupational Therapy (OT) and OT Training; and Children’s Behavioral Healthcare Initiative [CBHI]; ▪ Source out specialties (e.g., Early Childhood Child Parent Psychotherapy; Attachment, Self-Regulation, and Competency (ARC); Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy (TF-CBT); ACE; bullying remediation; substance abuse prevention in schools) to other groups/schools/agencies and businesses; ▪ Potential to grow Intensive Foster Care in niche market (children with intensive needs); potential to bring on Home Finder/Marketing Professional for this program; ▪ Branding opportunity for the organization as it continues to grow; ▪ New (core) curriculum and new clinical approaches (e.g. trauma-informed; positive behavior support; early childhood approaches; bullying prevention; ACE) position the organization toward innovation and growth. Threats for Y.O.U., Inc. ▪ Affordable Care Act requires increased organizational compliance activity and costs (Administration); ▪ Affordable Care Act changes structure of healthcare arrangements and requires integrated care arrangements; ▪ Federal budget cuts; ▪ Insurance regulation, plan changes, and billing complexity leads to write-offs; ▪ Competition – Worcester’s saturated market (e.g. 11 agencies in 9 mile radius provide in-home therapy).

Grow Strong with YOU – Planning for 2016


IV. Summary of Political, Economic, Socio-Cultural and Technological Trends The key trends are as follows: 䊏

Our key funder, the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families, has a strategic agenda that includes the following initiatives that align with our organization:

• Strengthening involvement with families, with a focus on building parental involvement and capacity; • Enhancing case practice by integrating trauma-informed and solution-oriented practices into care settings; • Building collaborative networks of services to enhance coordination and integration of services, especially for justice-involved youth; and • Innovating effective services, especially those that promote kinship, placement, education, and adoption. 䊏

Since the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010 the healthcare industry has begun to address problems of care fragmentation, which include higher costs and lower efficiency for consumers, especially those with complex primary care and behavioral health challenges. With increased interest and focus on integrated or coordinated care models, we must find ways to enhance our collaboration with the primary care community, through coordinated care, co-located care, or fully integrated care models. On November 5, 2012, the Child in Need of Services (CHINS) reform went into effect with the passage of “An Act Regarding Families and Children Engaged in Services (FACES).” FACES produced sweeping changes that affect police, courts, youth, and families. Police can no longer arrest a youth with status offenses (running away, stubborn child, truancy) and handcuff, shackle or bring youth to the police station. Because police have more limited involvement, we have seen a significant reduction in our Alternative to Lock-up Program (ALP) census, which assists youth with non-secure, foster care overnight placement before presenting to the court the next day. Continued need for strengthening our diverse workforce and culturally competent services: Worcester has a significantly higher African American Population (14.2%) than that of the state average (8.6%); and the Hispanic population of Worcester (38.1%), Southbridge (40.9%), Leominster (26.8%), and Fitchburg (44.6%) far exceeds that of the state (16.4%).

Grow Strong with YOU – Planning for 2016


The need for educational and social services persist as statistics reveal continued challenges for youth in Worcester County:

• The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education identified six indicator areas of high risk for the student populations: 䊏 school attendance rate; 䊏 average number of days absent; 䊏 in-school suspension rate; 䊏 out-of-school suspension rate; 䊏 retention in grade; and 䊏 unexcused absences greater than nine days. • Of suspensions, many of our communities show students with a disability above the state average of 1.2 % indicated by an in-place Individual Education Plan (IEP): 䊏 Worcester (2.3 %) ; 䊏 Gardner (2.6 %); 䊏 Leominster (3.6 %); and 䊏 Fitchburg (5.4 %). • While the state average of unexcused absences (greater than 9 days) is 5 %, Worcester’s average approximates 29.2 %. 䊏

Trends in General Educational Development (GED) preparation and testing will affect our Education for Employment program. GED curriculum and testing will be web-based effective January 2014. The new GED will mirror Common Core and will have two tiers of completion, with the second tier focused on college bound students. With this Common Core emphasis, our teachers will need to increase competency in all subject areas. Department of Children and Families (DCF) placements and congregate care admissions continue to wane. In 2008, there were 9,287 placements and 1,774 admissions to congregate care. In 2011, there were 7,355 placements and 1,337 admissions to congregate care. This reflects a 21% reduction in placements and a 25% reduction in congregate care admissions. This data supports our continued effort toward service diversification, with a focus on innovative community-based models. Sector-wide focus on trauma-informed services and the integration of occupational therapy interventions will continue to support our ongoing performance improvement initiative, encouraging positive behavioral supports for youth receiving out-of-home services. The most significant factor in restraint reductions is a skilled and retained direct care/milieu work force. The use of physical/manual restraint at Y.O.U., Inc. continues its trend toward fewer restraints, with nearly a 50% reduction over a ten-year period. More than 85% of all youth in our out-of-home programs do not experience restraint during placement.

Grow Strong with YOU – Planning for 2016


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Workforce development trends provide evidence and support for the way Y.O.U., Inc. cultivates its workforce through varied and diverse opportunities. For example, statistics show that more than 70% of learning occurs through informal channels. Most learning occurs through on-the-job learning, personal and professional reading, conversations with colleagues, direct experiences with clients, and web-based resources. Our organizational strategy to provide classroom, project-based, on-line, mentorship, and other informal learning opportunities aligns well with the research on organizational learning and development. The statewide procurement initiative – Caring Together: Strengthening Community-Connected Residential Treatment holds the potential to strengthen our involvement with the Department of Children and Families and the Department of Mental Health to enhance our capacity to serve youth and families in need. Behavioral health trends include the following priorities: Integrated/coordinated care; Trauma-informed services; Electronic service delivery; Federally Qualified Behavioral Health Centers; and Mental Health First Aid. System of Care (SOC) values and principles continue to inform children’s behavioral health services in Massachusetts. The state continues its implementation of the Children’s Behavioral Health Initiative (CBHI), which encompasses SOC principles and standards. A SOC is a comprehensive spectrum of mental health and other necessary services organized into a coordinated network to meet the multiple and changing needs of children and adolescents with serious emotional disturbance and their families. The SOC has begun to integrate Evidence-Based Practices, including trauma-informed care and integrated services for youth with co-occurring disorders. Technological trends here or on the horizon include the following: Electronic Health Record, with integrated billing, reporting, and outcome capacity; ePrescription; eLearning; Meaningful Use (Medicaid EHR Incentive Program); Social Media; and TeleHealth. Non-profit websites have become the center of interaction between the non-profit organization, its members, and the broader community. Online transactions are expected to grow to $327 billion by 2016 and content marketing therefore becomes increasingly relevant. Creating an interactive website and opportunities for social media will enhance our presence with a diverse range of clients and stakeholders.

Grow Strong with YOU – Planning for 2016


V. Focus Group Summaries Legislative Breakfast March 22, 2013 – Dynamy

Government Relations Committee Chair Roy Angel welcomed everyone to the event and thanked the legislators for their past support. Beth Folcarelli offered a warm welcome and recognized the legislature’s support for Y.O.U., Inc’s mission and vision, and the passage of An Act Regarding Families and Children Engaged in Services (FACES). In discussions, legislators offered suggestions related to key strategic growth areas. Legislators present included: ▪ The Honorable James McGovern, U.S. Representative, 1st District ▪ Dan Donahue Mayor Joseph M. Petty's Office ▪ Susan Templeton Representative Harold P. Naughton, Jr.'s office ▪ City Councilor Sarai Rivera ▪ Representative Kim Ferguson ▪ Representative Jonathan D. Zlotnik ▪ Representative Anne M. Gobi

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Grow Strong with YOU – Planning for 2016

Representative Peter Durant Representative Kevin J. Kuros Representative George Peterson, Jr. Representative Matthew A. Beaton Representative James J. O'Day Representative Mary S. Keefe Senator Harriette Chandler Senator Michael Moore Senator Jennifer Flanagan


Government Affairs Committee Members: ▪ Roy Angel, Chair ▪ Paul Belsito ▪ Susanne Blatt ▪ Larry Morrison ▪ Samantha McDonald ▪ Timothy McMahon ▪ Pat Harmon ▪ Michael Keegan – Ex-Officio

Other Attendees/Invited Guests: ▪ The Honorable Judge Carol A. Erskine, Worcester Juvenile Court ▪ Nathan Peterson, Assistant Component Director, Community-Based Services ▪ Karen Benson, Program Director, Worcester Juvenile Resource Center ▪ Jose Ramos, Graduate, Worcester Juvenile Resource Center

Staff: ▪ Beth Folcarelli ▪ Jonathan Miller ▪ Kristin Mayotte ▪ Amy McCarthy

Key Recommendations ▪ Y.O.U., Inc. requested the support of legislators to preserve funding for DCF contracted Lead Agencies at the current rate of $10,200,000 in the Governor’s budget for FY2014. ▪ The agency thanked the legislative delegation for its full support of CHINS reform, which successfully decriminalizes activities and processes related to helping a Child Requiring Assistance. We urged legislators to fully support swift implementation of An Act Regarding Families and Children Engaged in Services (FACES) so families can readily access Family Resource Centers, as detailed within the law. ▪ Finally, we presented an overview of our Worcester Juvenile Resource Center, urging the legislators present to consider the intrinsic value of this diversion program, and safeguard vital funding in the future.

Grow Strong with YOU – Planning for 2016


Quality and Senior Management Teams Retreat First Assembly of God Church – March 22, 2013

Immediately following the Legislative Breakfast, an impressive contingency of 58 attendees from the Quality Management Team (QMT), as well as our entire Senior Management Team, gathered at our Assembly of God location. Each of the five components and more than 25 distinct Y.O.U., Inc. programs were represented. Our aim was to fuse the comprehensive data produced by the SWOT and PEST analyses into the beginnings of a formal strategic plan. A keynote panel that included Kelly Prendergast, LSW, Area Clinical Manager (Worcester West) for the Department of Children and Families (DCF); Barbara Morton, Director of Youth Services, (Central Division) for the Department of Youth Services (DYS), Richard Breault, LICSW, Division Director for the Department of Mental Health (DMH) – Child and Adolescent Services; and Elizabeth O’Brien, LICSW, Regional Director of the Massachusetts Behavioral Health Partnership (MBHP), set the stage for the group’s work for the day. Issues and themes highlighted by the panel: • In order to fulfill its mandate to protect abused and neglected children and preserve the family unit, DCF ensures services are child-driven, family-focused and culturally-competent. DCF has and continues to focus on the appropriate placement of children who have suffered traumatic events into safe homes. To support this effort, the Massachusetts Child Trauma Project provided comprehensive workshops in evidence-based trauma therapies to a number of agencies who successfully bid and qualified for this training, including a team of Y.O.U., Inc. clinicians. • DYS identifies four priority goals: (1) ensuring the right youth are in the right place, and for the right reason, (2) focusing on continued and improved success for DYS youth in community-based settings; (3) decreasing the recidivism rate for youth in DYS care; and (4) building a workforce infrastructure to support DYS programs while supporting organizational capacity to meet strategic planning goals. Barbara described DYS’ plans to reduce racial and ethnic disparities in the juvenile justice system, and enhance educational outcomes and work opportunities for DYS youth in partnership with the Department of Economic Development.

Grow Strong with YOU – Planning for 2016


• DMH continues to strengthen its focus on partnering with youth and families as it further develops an integrated continuum of mental health services for Massachusetts’ youth. As part of this initiative, DMH re-procured flexible therapeutic and activity-based support services, including youth support groups, youth mentoring, and family in-home therapy, as well as respite and residential services through a joint procurement with DCF. • MBHP brings together key stakeholders with a shared vision to improve the health of at-risk youth and families via an integrated system of high quality care. That system would identify and address the comprehensive physical and behavioral healthcare needs of individuals at high risk as the result of multiple and intersecting healthcare needs, and would include as key components a 24-hour nursing line, available in English and Spanish, to respond to questions and create “best-fit” referrals in order to reduce unnecessary Emergency Room visits. MBHP’s Integrative Care Management Program is a comprehensive and voluntary program wherein intensive clinical care managers assist individuals to coordinate their medical and behavioral health needs, improving communication and outcomes.

Mission, Vision & Values

O’Connor’s Restaurant - April 22, 2013 As part of the comprehensive planning process, our Board of Directors joined key members of the Senior Management Team to review and update Y.O.U., Inc.’s Mission, Vision, and Values statement. Our discussion on Mission, Vision, and Values revealed a strong sense of alignment between potential strategic directions and our core mission and values. Highlights from the evening included: ▪ Participants identified Dynamy’s Internship Year as a very strong program that should be expanded upon as a strategic initiative; ▪ The Adventure Challenge Experience (ACE) program is likewise ripe for expansion, with strong potential for marketing to corporate and non-profit organizations; ▪ We must continue to strengthen our Centralized Referral capacity in order to ensure youth, families, and referring providers receive a swift response to their needs; ▪ We should sustain and build upon our attention to measuring and sharing outcome data with key stakeholders; ▪ Most of the agency’s existing Mission/Vision/Values statements remain relevant, strong, and integral to our organization’s current and future goals. The group strengthened language around youth and family voice, community collaboration, and organizational diversity.

Grow Strong with YOU – Planning for 2016


Board and Senior Management Team Retreat Coral Seafood – April 24, 2013

After months of assessment, analysis, and planning, Y.O.U., Inc.’s Board of Directors and Senior Management Team convened an afternoon conference to solidify key strategic directions and supporting goals to guide the organization forward. The retreat presented a final opportunity for open dialogue and revisions, setting the framework for “Grow Strong with YOU – Planning for 2016.” The full Board of Directors approved the plan on May 22, 2013.

Grow Strong with YOU – Planning for 2016


VI. Strategic Direction

Strategic Direction #1: Growing Our talent

Develop employee talent to sustain service quality and facilitate organizational growth. Goal 1.1:

Implement a fully integrated Talent Management System (TMS), to include the following: coaching and mentoring, supervision, performance evaluation, succession planning, and organizational learning. Objective 1: Finalize policy, procedure, and toolkit for TMS core elements by the end of FY 2014. Objective 2: Provide a learning series to promote TMS core elements and to sustain long-term change initiative benefits. Objective 3: Continually measure, assess, and improve our TMS by the end of FY 2015.

Goal 1.2:

Revitalize Y.O.U., Inc. Leadership Institute and management training offerings.

Goal 1.3:

Develop, communicate, and implement succession planning, prioritizing our Emerging Leaders and other rising talent.

Objective 1: Design policy and procedures related to Delta I, II, and III management and leadership development processes. Objective 2: Define and expand Tier II practices. Objective 3: Modify Tier III to integrate experiential application of key leadership functions, including but not limited to ethical leadership, teambuilding, change management, advocacy, marketing and public relations, financial management, and strategy and business development. Objective 4: Annually, assess management training needs and preferences: design and implement a plan to address these needs and preferences.

Objective 1: Integrate succession planning assessment and planning into annual employee performance evaluation. Objective 2: Identify individual (person-specific) and collective (organizational) strategies to cultivate and engage Emerging Leaders and Rising Talent. Objective 3: Communicate opportunities to employee workforce and encourage active participation and engagement. Goal 1.4:

Annually, assess and develop a Recruitment Plan to attain the staff necessary to sustain quality and promote growth.

Objective 1: Conduct an organization-wide salary assessment (FY 2014). Objective 2: Identify and prioritize addition of positions necessary to strengthen infrastructure, including but not limited to the following: Nursing leadership; licensed clinical positions; information technology; quality management and data analysis; facilities management; marketing and development; and mission (business) development. Objective 3: Develop and follow a three-year plan to bring salaries into competitive range and incorporate needed infrastructure positions.

Grow Strong with YOU – Planning for 2016


Strategic Direction #2: Cultivating Connections

Strengthen Y.O.U., Inc. through community connection and collaboration. Goal 2.1:

Strengthen community, corporate, and funder awareness of Y.O.U., Inc. services.

Goal 2.2:

Expand mission impact through collaborative relationships, alliances, and geographic reach.

Goal 2.3:

Goal 2.4:

Objective 1: Form a focus group to articulate Y.O.U., Inc.’s identity: reconcile centralized and decentralized elements of our organizational structure and culture. Objective 2: Develop and follow a Marketing Plan, which addresses public relations as well as event, Web, and print-based technologies and strategies. Objective 3: Develop an organizational Marketing and Public Relations Committee to implement Marketing Plan. Objective 4: Evaluate return on marketing and public relations effort (objectives 2 and 3) in order to support an additional full-time professional within the Marketing and Development Department. Objective 1: Assess service needs for children’s services in Southern Worcester County and address the most viable through targeted new services/programs. Objective 2: Explore vocational development for adolescent and transitional-aged youth populations by expanding existing services and/or through creative mentorships, programs, and linkages with corporations, and resources such as technical schools, Worcester Youth Office, and other supports. Objective 3: Evaluate need for and extend, if indicated, areas of outpatient expertise (e.g., addiction services; group treatment; and early childhood mental health services) to Gardner, Southbridge, Milford, and other community locations. Build YOUniversity to include learning opportunities for employees and external customers.

Objective 1: Assess and select a Learning Management System (LMS). Objective 2: Formalize our faculty and curricula for internal offerings, while being mindful of potential external application. Objective 3: Consider potential certificate, degree, or credit programs with a college or university partner. Strengthen and promote our involvement in the communities we serve.

Objective 1: Assess our current involvement in community committees, organizations, boards, task forces, and other opportunities to enhance the communities we serve. Objective 2: Through publications, web-based technologies, and public service events, strengthen public awareness of our contributions to the communities we serve.

Grow Strong with YOU – Planning for 2016


Strategic Direction #3: Sowing Relevant Needed Services

Pursue clinical, professional, organic, and geographic growth opportunities. Goal 3.1:

Strengthen development, integration, and promotion of Emerging Practices (EPs) and Evidence-Based Practices (EBPs) within Y.O.U., Inc. and to external stakeholders.

Objective 1: Incorporate evidence-based practices throughout our organization, with a focus on motivational interviewing, cognitive behavioral therapy, occupational therapy, and various trauma-informed approaches. Objective 2: Fortify our capacity to treat youth with co-occurring disorders. Objective 3: Strengthen Dynamy Internship (GAP) Year to sustain its positive renewal.

Goal 3.2:

Expand Adventure Challenge Experience (ACE) to External Customers.

Goal 3.3:

Develop internal capacity to assess and respond to development opportunities in order to fortify our mission within existing or new communities.

Objective 1: Develop and follow an ACE growth plan, with a focus on: (i) Schools; (ii) Corporations and other nonprofit settings; (iii) Embedding ACE in retreat settings. Objective 2: Reinvigorate ACE within Y.O.U., Inc.’s programs/services. Objective 3: Grow ACE talent pool through alliances by building internship opportunities with colleges and universities with this specialty area.

Objective 1: Develop an internal capacity to continually assess the environment for opportunities and proficiently respond to these opportunities. Objective 2: Prioritize and respond to viable development opportunities that closely align with our core organizational competencies and mission, vision, and values. Objective 3: Explore promising programs, such as the Recovery School, specialized services for youth on the Autism Spectrum, partial/day hospital, and services designed to foster youth voice and empowerment.

Grow Strong with YOU – Planning for 2016


Strategic Direction #4: Influencing and Responding to Climate Changes

Continue and strengthen role as industry leader in child welfare, education, and behavioral healthcare services. Goal 4.1:

Define organizational performance and measurement systems to enhance our capacity to produce and communicate outcomes to key funders and constituents.

Objective 1: Identify – per service – the social, educational, developmental, and/or clinical outcomes most relevant to each service. Objective 2: Determine the appropriate instrumentation to measure defined outcomes. Objective 3: Develop policy, procedures, and practices to communicate what and how we measure within each of our services, as well as the manner in which we use outcomes to inform service design and delivery.

Goal 4.2:

Goal 4.3:

Continue to assess and strengthen vulnerable but valuable Y.O.U., Inc. services.

Objective 1: Create and follow performance and quality improvement (PQI) plans to strengthen: (i) Behavioral healthcare outpatient services; (ii) Intensive foster care services; (iii) Acute outpatient services; and (iv) Other programs/services as identified. Intensify our contribution to behavioral healthcare, child welfare, and related fields in order to improve outcomes for our core populations and communities.

Objective 1: Develop a Division of Professional and Consultative Services. Objective 2: Pursue development opportunities that link Y.O.U., Inc. with institutions of higher learning and research. Objective 3: Regularly seek out opportunities to share our organizational expertise on local, state, and national industry levels. Goal 4.4:

Implement CARING TOGETHER programs as awarded through joint (Department of Children and Families and Department of Mental Health) procurement process.

Objective 1: Identify, plan for, and attain staffing to meet broad range of needs under the CARING TOGETHER initiative. Objective 2: Form and support leadership teams for new CARING TOGETHER programs. Objective 3: Take lead participatory role in the design of important systems of care elements of CARING TOGETHER programs, including but not limited to nursing, occupational therapy, youth voice; family choice; and family partners. Goal 4.5:

Advance youth and family voice and choice throughout the organization.

Objective 1: Increase opportunities for peer support. Objective 2: Integrate family involvement across Y.O.U., Inc. continuum of services. Objective 3: Build alliances with other community-based organizations that specialize in youth empowerment and positive youth development.

Grow Strong with YOU – Planning for 2016


VII. Y.O.U., Inc. Board of Directors Michael Keegan Chairperson Thomas Jenkins Vice Chairperson Thomas Doherty Treasurer Tom McGregor Assistant Treasurer Samantha McDonald Secretary/Clerk

April Aulick Robert Carnegie Paul Belsito Brian Chandley Donroy Ferdinand Anne Kottler John Lynch Thomas Manning Timothy McMahon Gerard Morales Christopher Palermo Christopher Peris Clyde Talley Donna Truex Dolly Vazquez

BOARD EMERITI George Bernardin Marilyn Bieksha Susanne Blatt Georgia Griffith Patricia Harmon Gary MacConnell Mary Elizabeth McGrath Douglas Meystre Laurance Morrison Sally Schenck Edmond Tinsley Bruce Wells Wallace Whitney

Grow Strong with YOU – Planning for 2016


VIII. Management Teams Senior Management Elizabeth Folcarelli President/CEO

Paul Kelleher Chief Operations Officer Dr. Ludmilla Tonkonogy Medical Director Paula Aiello Chief Financial Officer

Jonathan Miller Chief Information Officer

Paul Carey Director of Family Support Networks Nathan Peterson Director of Residential Services Evan Graber Director of Outpatient Services Kristin Mayotte Director of Education and Employment Services

Quality Management Team Administration

Jeannine Follett Assistant Director Human Resources

Amy McCarthy Director of Marketing, Communications, and Development Laura Peterson Director of Human Resources

Ann Toomey-Doane Director of Community-Based Services Elaine Waters-Daverio Director of Quality Management

Chair: Paul Kelleher, COO

Elisabeta Gega Training Coordinator

Ludmilla Tonkonogy Medical Director

Anne Bureau Worcester Community Connections Coalition: Resource Center

Christine Kroell Worcester Community Connections Coalition

Christina Stanley Martinez Director Family Networks Worcester West

Charisse Gorham Contract Manager DYS Community Service Program

Joanna Rosenberg Senior Intensive Care Coordinator CSA Milford

Paul Fulton Assistant Medical Director

Outpatient Services

Paul Carey Director Family Support Networks

Laura Peterson Director of Human Resources

Peggy Langley Senior ICC/CSA Southbridge

Grow Strong with YOU – Planning for 2016

Elaine Waters-Daverio Director Quality Management & Training


Community Support Networks

Bob Brown Director School Based Services Gardner Family Center

Sonya Ellis Director of Therapeutic Outreach Gardner Family Center Bethany Connolly Director Therapeutic Outreach Services Annie Fine Director of Trauma Services

Community Based Services

Luis Aviles Asstistant Director Worcester Juvenile Resource Center Gisele Duplessis Clinical Director Family Center South Karen Gemboski Site Director Family Center South

Kerri McCleary Director of Day Treatment Services

Beth Flanzbaum Assistant Director Outpatient Services

Russell Gwilliam Director School Based Services Worcester Family Center

Maureen Gamache Assistant Site Director Gardner Family Center

Melissa Morey Assistant Director Therapeutic Outreach Services

Connie Flieger Director Assessment Services

Evan Graber Director Outpatient Services

Sarah Montigny-Valois Director Family Stabilization & Clinical Services Judi Rock Assistant Director of Community Based Service

Lenore Rust Director Foster Care, ALPS & Fire Prevention

Education and Employment Services

Etel Capacchione Director Youth Academy

Gaelyn Hastings Director Upward Bound Programs Alexia Johnstone Educational Day Academy Clinical Coordinator Fred Kaelin Director Dynamy

Andy LaPointe Assistant Director EFE

Andrew Mahoney Assistant Director Dynamy

Kristin Mayotte Director Education, Employment, & Training Chris Poole Director Therapeutic Recreation

Grow Strong with YOU – Planning for 2016

Deb Kott Site Director Gardner Family Center

Jennifer Wiech Director Early Childhood Services

Kate Sanford Coordinator Centralized Referral Unit Ann Toomey-Doane Director Community Based Services Sarah Walker Director Worcester Juvenile Resource Center

Jason Poole Director Education For Employment Programs Monica Potter Clinical Director Dynamy

Sarah Sams Director Therapeutic Services YEDA


Residental Services

David Bader Assistant Director Oxford House Karen Baker-O’Connor Clinical Director Wetzel Center

Michael Barney Clinical Coordinator the Village Patti Berube Director of Residences CHA Gloria Brooks Clinical Director CHA

Arni Casareale Asst. Director Residential Services Wetzel Center & Village Nathan Peterson Director of Residential Services

Angie Cruz Clinical Coordinator Oxford House

Diane Dunster Clinical Coordinator Grafton House

Kristin Edson-Shouse Director Educational & Day Treatment Cottage Hill Academy Terrence Gibson Assistant Director STARR Programs Loni Griff Director The Village

Marjorie Hunken Educational Director Wetzel Center & Village Deborah Jensen Sanborn Director Oxford House

Georgia McLean Director Latency Services Wetzel Center

Mark McVaugh Director Adolescent Services Wetzel Center Nicole Muratore Assistant Director The Village

Grow Strong with YOU – Planning for 2016

Jessica O’Connor Director Occupational Therapy

Jason Ojeda Director of Admissions Wetzel Center Liz Patricelli Clinical Coordinator STARR Programs Gene Sims Director STARR Programs Sheila Spence Director Grafton House

Kelly Sullivan Director Teen Parent Apartment Programs

Alisa Testa Clinical Coordinator Teen Parent Programs Jocelyn Thomman Director Residential Training & Assessment


Our Mission: To provide youth and families with opportunities to fulfill their potential and build a brighter future.


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