Apache by alex murray

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By Alex Murray

Table of contents Apache essay Apache journal entry Apache food Apache clothing Apache history Apache weapons Glossary

Apache essay

The Apache tribes were able to adapt to their envirmement because they were good hunters, they made their own clothing, and made their own tools. The first way they adapted to their environment was that they were good hunters because they hunted deer, antelope, and bison for many things. The second way they adapted to their environment was that they made their own clothing with the fur from animals. The last reason is that they made tools with animal skin.

Journal entry Friday I am mad because I can’t hunt tomorrow. I will sneak out of school and hunt. I am in detention because I snook out of school. My parents are very disappointed that I snook out of school so I was grounded. Saturday Today is my friend’s birthday and I am not allowed to go. I am so mad that I screamed all the way to my room. My mom came to my room and said that I was allowed to go. I was so happy that I hugged my mom.


The Apache were not farmers like their cousins the Navajo. The Apache were hunters. The Apache hunted deer, buffalo, antelope, and bison. The women gathered nuts, seeds, and fruits. The Apache traded corn with the Pueblos and the Spanish.

Clothing The Apache Indians wore very interesting clothing. The Apache men wore leather coats and breech cloths. The women wore calicos, dresses, and skirts. The Apache men and women wore face paint. The men had to cut their hair down to their shoulder. The Apache Indians wore shell jewelry. Today the Apache still wear breech clothes and other jackets. Now they also wear jeans. That is all about their clothing.

History The Apache guerilla war tactics came naturally. They stole from tribes around them such as the Navajo, Iroquois, Olmec and the Spanish. In the late 1800s a general of the us army described the apache as tigers the human species.


The Apache used tribe cloth weapons such as bow and arrows. The Apache tribe made their bow and arrows out of bones. The war club was made of strong wood and it was made to knock off their enemies head. The tomahawk is the most popular weapon.

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