A project implemented by Young in Prison South Africa Facilitated by Owen Butler & Tlhabanelo Diholo This issue has been sponsored and supported by:
Yip Staff Tarisai Mchuchu Director Natasha Swain Finance & Operations Officer Zamani Ndlovu Programme & Office Manager Clinton Osbourn Post Release Manager Owen Butler Internal Projects Verifier Nkosinathi Buyana Service Learning Coordinator Tlhabanelo Diholo Soccer Coordinator Vuyokazi Magobiyane Post-Release Assistant Joseph Mofokeng Life-Skills Facilitator Tebogo Butie Life-Skills Facilitator Magazine design Conor Ralphs Young in Prison 059 – 080 – NPO Community House 41 Salt River Road Salt River, Cape Town Tel: 021 448 5275 Fax: 021 448 3024 info@younginprison.org.za This project is funded by The European Union
Editorial.............................................................2 Emotions and Behaviour......................................4 I can................................................................. 10 The opportunity................................................ 12 Poetry & Writing............................................... 16 Reintegration preparation.................................22 2014 Freedom Day............................................28 Creativity..........................................................28 The day that changed my life.............................30
Insideout Magazine issue 16
* EDITORIAL * The focus of this program was to help offenders to
express themselves through the type of language they
find positive tools that would help them in changing
use and the changes in their lives. We did several
their own behaviour. In light of this we make use
assignments, creative writing, paint as a form of
of different workshops with several themes, each
art therapy to assist the participants to share their
theme focussed on a certain aspect in their life.
emotions and stories through colors in different forms.
In this issue we have looked at getting participants to
In addition, it helped them to become self-motivated,
understand their own emotions and understanding
more disciplined and they made their own plans for
these emotions helps them communicate their
the future. During the whole process of the program I
feelings openly and freely, and understand what
observed that participants motivated each other and
kind of feelings lead to negative behavior. In
used their positive view to help each other.
understanding negative behavior, we then created awareness of how they
Owen Butler & Tlhabanelo Diholo Facilitators
Insideout Magazine issue 16
Emotions and Behavior > 4 We created a platform for the participants to understand that being human involves both positive and negative emotions. It is important to have control over negative emotions, because containing them “sits inside like a balloon.” Once you express them it prevents anger resulting in aggression or violence. We had participants draw about their positive and negative emotions and learn to overcome their negative feelings with positive ones.10
I can because I will > 10 In this series of workshops the participants has been motivated to start a drawing with an empty circle and to write the words ‘I CAN’. While doing this we then started to discuss self-preparation and identified all the elements that uphold community and re-integration. We spoke about what they can do when being release out of prison one day. They were allow to draw what they are going to do or write from the I can and transform it to “I CAN BECAUSE I WILL”, contribution positively in future. The opportunity > 14 This assignment was given to let them take control. The participants brainstormed and thought in groups of 3 about opportunities and after that they painted what is a good opportunity to open a door. We taught them that whatever you take with you, you are the only one that can change things positively. It can happen.
Reintegration preparation > 20 Participants had to reflect on their life and thought about what they wanted to change in their life in order for them to be reintegrated in society with more positive behaviour. Participants reflected on all their series of workshops that they went through for the 3 months cycle and brainstormed about a better life. In this series of workshops the participants has been motivated to start a drawing with an empty circle and to write the words ‘I CAN’. While doing this we then started to discuss self-preparation and identified all the elements that uphold community and re-integration. We spoke about what they can do when being release out of prison one day. They were allow to draw what they are going to do or write from the I can and transform it to “I CAN BECAUSE I WILL”, contribution positively in future.
2014 Freedom day at Brandvlei > 28 In celebrating ‘MADIBA FREEDOMS DAY’ the young offenders at Brandvlei youth centre decide to celebrate their freedom with creativeness. The participants have expressed their current and future feelings with greater and stable emotions. In a group of four, each one had to discuss the meaning of this day; and what it brings for them. Together they spoke with a mighty heart from the inside to the outside.
The day that changed my life > 30 On individual level participants had to thought about one memorable experience they won’t forget in their life in the use of cartoons or writings. In this way they reflected on the changes in their life. They searched for the deeper self and who they are.
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Insideout Magazine issue 16
* Y R T E O *P My Life Life has Ups and Downs life is back and forth life has smiles and frowns life is two side, don’t choose both in life you learn and there is no coach life you earn because this earth life may not go as planned- but was planned life. so take it in your stride…life live with eyes open wide….life remember in all………….. pride lames before a fall ………………………………life Your life, My life ! from: Bahle Lubaxa
Death on the wind People kill things every day from love to idle time and something die anyway from life to idle minds it couldn’t really hurt to die, no more than it hurts to live. the people left always cry when there is nothing left to give Death is just the final sleep as dust to dirt we go in little piles that dirt we sweep and the wind outside still blow? and the wind killed time itself it eats away this earth, everything once known as wealth the wind will turn to dirt again ! To know death, is to know the wind that whispers through the trees and, death is just another friend blowing into breeze ….
In life so far I have cross many roads some I try to forget some I wish I have never pass But if there are road I never forget, it’s the day when I meet young in prison.
Insideout Magazine issue 16
My Dream I had a bright dream It was light to fulfil, my dream was to succeed Throughout the night, my dream was to drive a flight These years I’ve been wondering: What happened to my dream? Years were running, I joined a team Which turned to gangsterism? I thought they were not We’ve done wrong I blame no one but myself Today my dream turned to drive: prison years, instead of a flight. It will be never too late! The time is now to undo the wrong About my life, I can write a song And can never sang by the? I bought storm to my life, I thought I will have my own life But the tunnel was too long to see the light All I need to do is to flight Flight for my right not to be introvert And speak out.
“MY community “ my dream, my community the streets, the corners of my community people of my community I grew up in my community people around me, who are now older than me people who know what kind of person I am, people who see every wrong I’ve done without asking. My community, my life my community thought me many things but I’ve turned my back to my community Today I’m a young guy in prison, because I didn’t listen to my community Today I’m asking where is my community? I’ve turned my back to my community, I didn’t show my integrity !!!
Insideout Magazine issue 16
* g n i t i r W * When I feel lonely I like to listen to music. When I was a baby I grow up in a hard condition my parents drink a lot then the relationship falls apart then I was raised by a single parent when I grew up I made a lot of wrong choices that I ended up in prison but I really want to make a change to be a better person in life so that I can make the right choices for my children so that I can grow up with a positive mind so that they can do the right things in life that’s my feelings for the future. Juan Justine Pieterse
Outside As ek nie uit die tronk eendag uit gaan dan wil ek vir die mense daar buite se kwaat raak is nie die mooiste werk nie dat gaan jou hir in die tronk laat belant en dan sa jy hier ook so gou kwaat raak vir ander mense.Maar wat ek vir julle kan se dit is nie die mooiste werk nie want ek kom daar deer an ek het n oplossing vir dit om vir jou te kan help nie om kwaat te raak nie want ek kan jou help want ek het ook baie kwaat geraak hier in die tronk maar dit het my niks betek nie.Mense het my gehelp nie om kwaat te raak nie.Dit is hoekom ek hal kan help want jy gaan jou self eendag set dit is die waarheid wat ek gese het dan gaan jy jou by vul ek het deie regte ding gepraat. Ek is gelukig as ek om n Krismos sing vir my familie en as ek klaar gesing het dan gaan ons familie uit om see toe gegaan as ons by die see kom dan gaan ons kinders gaan swem. Ek vul gelukig as my mense my kom besoek net dan vul ek bly om hulle te sien want hulle dink nog aan my.As hulle nie aan my toe gekom het nie dan sal ek vir staan het want dit is te ver om hier na die tronk toe tekom vir my Lee-Roy Anderson
Im happy because I did sleep well and wakeup with good emotions. When I get dressed finish with washing and all that stuff, the same time I remind myself oh I got a programme today and then I get excited I can’t wait for 9am because I see something in this programme that I need in my life because I don’t want to end up here again because this place is not for me.
Today I decide and feel when I go outside I will work for my own stuff and not take other people stuff because they work hard for their stuff. It’s not right to take someone else’s stuff. Every day I think about my mother but she’s not there for me anymore she passed away now when someone swear at my mother I just want to fight because she is dead but this programme learned me to control my feelings. Melvin Soloms Ek voel nie een saam met my self nie waneer ek aleen is mar dit is my eie fout wat ek gemaak het in die lewe want as ek hier uit gaan sal ek n beter lewe vir my ma en pa op maak want ek hety hulle hart ook seer gemaak.Maar ek wil nie meer so lewe nie want in n tyd sos die gaan die lewe is gou.Ek het n kind ook daar buite en ek wil vir haar oo n beter lewe wys.Want as ek nie uit kom nie sal sy ook vra waar is my pa en sy gaan nie gelukig voel nie as as sy hoor ek is in die tronk en my pa is ook al uit en my ma maar as ek eendag uit kom sal ek gaan werk vir hulle en vir my kind want daar is niks op die tafel vir eet nie ek was die een wat brood op die tafel ge sit het.Ek voel gelukig as ek by hulle is maar noe sit ek in n plek soos dit ek weet nie wat ek kan doen nie maar elke dag leer ek iets beter hier in die tronk maar die nomer gaan jou n’errins bring nie.Vandag is my hart gebreek maar dit is my eieskuld lewe van vir dag is mooi maar sonder my mense is dit nie vir soos dit daar buite gewees het nie.Ek weet nie wat eet my kind vandag nie want ek is nie daar om te sien nie maar die dag kom ook gou in n tuyd soos die.Ek wil gaan werk as ek nou uit gaan ek nie mense se goet steel nie ek wil vir my eie geld werk dan sal ek sien watter kan toe ek op pad toe is an my huis gesin help daar waar ek kan maar ek sal vir mense buite vir hulle kinders se hier is nie n plek vir hulle nie want ek kom uit n plek soos die,my lewe is al ver ander vir die agmanda wat ek al weg is van my moeder en vader op maar nou as ek uit gaan sal ek vir bui hulle bly. Aswin Croy Ek is gelukig omdat ek het mooi opgestaan my gevoelins is baie goeed want ek het my mense gister gebel en hullehet gese hulle gaan my kom besoek
Insideout Magazine issue 16
Ek kan nie wag om hulle te sien nie,want ek is al lank wag van hulle afweg,as ek somtyd kwaad is dan bid ek en vra die Here om my te bewaar Marlon Johnson When I and other guys speak about what I dd outside I feel unhappy I shall feel happy when Im going home to see my parents again. When I hear the farmer will not sign for me I was unhappy I have many friends in prison but sometimes they make me unhappy When my parents told me they were going to buy me clothes I feel happy because they think a lot about me. When I go out I shall get work and shall buy my own things and not take people’s stuff. Sometimes the members in here make me unhappy when I ask for something effrey Cupido Ek voel ongeluk want ek ding nou wat maak my familie by die huis.Ek hoop en dink kom my familie my om te besoek want ek will hulle sien want ek het hulle lank gesien vir al my klein susterkie wat nou pas ge bore is maar as ek uit kom dan gaan ek gaan werk van my pa is al out ma hu hoef nie teworie nie ek gaan huis toe kom God is met my ek weet dit ek bid elke aand vir my ma en pa wat hulle nog elke ogend kan op staan om te gaan werk.Ek hoop hulle dink aan my
Drugs is soos dit is jy dit gebruik dan kan jy nie maklik iut kom nie en dit gaan nog soo kom wat jy nog jou ma se goed gaan vir kook en ander mense se goed.Jy warry nie waar kry hulle daai goed nie maar jy vat dit om net geld te kry vir tik maar al is jy honger jy warry nie.Tik breek jou lewe af dit maar vir jou angry dit maak vir jou leelik jy breek af.Kyk waar sit ek vandag in die tronk ek is spuit hier wat ek vandag sit.Moenie probeer om tik te gebruik nie want as jy daar in is kan jy nie weer daar uit kom nie. Donovan Pearce Ek wil net se dat tik is nie goed nie.Om tik te los moet jy n ander lewe te begin.As mense se goed ie steel dit gaan jou laater in die tronk sit en dan vil jy eers kiseir. Dit is nog nie te laat nie om tik te los nie as jy jou lewe kan virande dan sal die mense.Dit is om dat ek het agter ander mense se goed gesteel en dit het my in die tronk gebring.Ek wil net se dit is nog nie telaat nie om me lewe te virandre nie en so as ek uit die tronk gaan dan sal ek vir my mense werk. Ivan Tsotetsi
When someone plays with me I get angry. Im in jail for stealing. Ek sal julle moet nie die sele pad gaan wat want ek het baie voute ge maak in die lewe maar vandag voel ek sorry ver myself Donav Pearce
Donovan Pearce
Wanneer iemand vir my se ek moenie so maak nie dan maak hy my kwaat en dan wil ek hom by mekaar kom dan lyk dit vir my ek kan n moord maak maar silke ding gaan my bauie in die tronk belant is ek nie gaan hoor nie want ek is haart kopping ek wil nie ge se wees nie maar dit is die tik wat n iempek op my bruin gemaak het dit is hoe ek so gou stress maar ek kan nie vir my self-help nie as die members my kwaat maak hier binned an lyk dit vir my ek kan n lig uit gooi hoekom hulle my kwaat maak hulle wil n man kom se wat moet n man doen an ek wil nie die goed hoor nie want hulle is nie my ma en pa wat vir my kan se nie an ek wil nie nog baie goet hoor nie want ek het vir my self hier gekom ek het nie met mense hier gekom nie dit is die reede hier binne wat my so laat stress en my mense is ver van my af om vir my te hulp dit is hoe ek so gou stress nie op die mense hier binne.
All I want to say to you people out of prison as I am in prison is because of anger didn’t control it so so what want to tell you is to be careful of all the things of life and also fighting doesn’t pay. When you fight you end up in prison and also in hospital or die that’s why you end up fighting it is because of anger. Nkosianathi Malingo When a Guy steal my bread I feel unhappy was following a guy with with tattoo but now I can’t Im going on parole. When the prisoners steal my stuff I feel unhappy. When I lost my child child I felt unhappy Glenville van Rooi
Ashwin Crok
Insideout Magazine issue 16
* g n i t i r W *
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* Creativit y *
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Insideout Magazine issue 16
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