YoungPetro - 5th Issue - Autumn 2012

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AUTUMN / 2012 SUMMER / 2012


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Editor’s Letter

It’s all about experience! Gaining the knowledge and pursuit of science during the studies is essential but studying does not end with it. As a magazine promoting pro-active way of studying we realized that an experience and so called soft skills acquired during our academic period are equally important. Internships, various societies’ and clubs’ activities or even basic laboratory work are giving you something more than simple knowledge. Many of you are members of SPE and as you can see, being part of a chapter is not only about easy access to publications or society’s events. Of course everyone has its own reasons but we all have to agree on one thing. It is all about the experience, whether it is meeting new people or working on exciting project you are learning new, priceless set of skills which could be useful during your professional career. One of them and probably most valuable is ability to work in team. You can be the brightest mind in the class or in the company but without being able to work

with people you will never truly succeed. That is why we are encouraging you to join your local chapter, apply for an internship or just engage in some university projects. We cannot promise you it would be easy but we would like to help you with that by introducing two new editorial positions. In “Career” section we will focus on providing you with valuable information about internships and career paths related to the industry, while “Chapters” will cover the most interesting SPE student projects from all over the world. In this issue of YoungPetro Antonia Thurmaier is sharing with you her experience with Schlumberger internship, Oleg Nazarov explains his idea to improve efficiency of production operations and guys from Poland are showing how to cooperate with companies for benefit of the industry and local communities.

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Editor-in-Chief Wojtek Stupka Deputy Editor-in-Chief Patrycja Szczesiul Art Director Marek Nogiec Sales Anna Ropka

Editors Julia Brągiel Iwona Dereń Przemysław Gubała Kamil Irnazarow Alexey Khrulenko Maćko Kobielski Krzysztof Lekki Barbara Pach Antonia Thurmeier Michał Turek Liliana Trzepizur Joanna Wilaszek Jan Wypijewski

Published by

An Official Publication of

The Society of Petroleum Engineers Student Chapter P o l a n d •

Marketing Jakub Szelkowski Barbara Pach Logistics Kacper Żeromski Jan Wypijewski Social Media Kacper Malinowski Michał Turek

Science advisor Tomasz Włodek Photo ORLEN Upstream


Optimization of operation modes of intermittent wells  Oleg Nazarov

Research of Gas Hydrates Generation in Production Wells 2 Evgeniya Raudanen, Zakhar Shandrygolov

Analysis of CO2- EOR Methods Application 2 Possibilities for Oil Field Damian Janiga, Jakub Barzyk

Nonstationary Flooding as an Effective  Hydrodynamic Method of Oil Recovery Arkadiy Loginov

Giving back to local communities  Barbara Pach, Joanna Wilaszek, Maciej Kobielski

My Schlumberger Way of Life 2 Antonia Thurmaier

Expanding Oil & Gas Horizons  Barbara Pach

autumn / 2012


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autumn / 2012


̂​̂ Optimization of operation modes of intermittent wells Oleg Nazarov

Abstract Stripped wells stock requires huge amount of human and material resources of Petroleum or Service Companies for reliable and regular operation. Therefore, it is recommended to operate wells with low productivity index and low flow rate with intermittent mode. So it is necessary to develop new special method of calculation of time periods of pumping out and pressure accumulation in order to increase average daily oil production and guarantee stable and reliable work of surface and subsurface equipment. During the investigation of P(t) graph of intermittent well operation mode it has been found out that pressure build-up curve is stable but pressure drop curve undergoes some changes each period. That’s why production will be more effective if ESP starts working according to timer and stops working according to pressure sensor. Special program for pressure build-up curve optimization was developed and written. With its help it is possible to find point in this curve in which we have to stop pressure accumulation process and start ESP in order to provide the most efficient oil production process.

**Ufa State Petroleum Technical University ÞÞRussia  University   Country   E-mail

After investigation of pressure drawdown curve it has been found out that sometimes this curve has so-called “Breaking point” which divides this line in 2 parts: left part is smooth but right part is a zigzag line (which also undergoes changes each period). Theoretical analysis showed that liquid influx from the reservoir starts in this breaking point. Therefore special measures are recommended in order to get rid of the broken part of curve because of negative influence on subsurface equipment. After application of all these methods on 3 stripped wells of Krapivinskoe oilfield (Russia, Tomsk Region) average daily production has increased on almost 30 m3. Moreover, it gave a lot of prospects for further research with the purpose of application this method on other locations and oilfields.

Introduction Stripped wells stock requires huge amount of human and material resources of Petroleum or Service Companies for reliable and


regular operation. Therefore, in consideration of peculiarities of activities of Petroleum and Service Companies in market conditions it is necessary to actually improve methods of lifting of hydrocarbons to the surface, operation modes of installed submersible pumps and also to improve information assurance, which is required for calculation and supplying of optimal operation conditions of stripped wells. The problem of supplying optimal oil production conditions requires high attention to this category of wells. The point is that most of such a wells work in continuous operation mode but part of well-stock is changed-over to intermittent operation but quite often without rational operation mode. If to operate stripped wells in continuous mode significant quantity of human, material and energy resources are spent; also number of well-servicing repairs increases. It leads to increasing of oil lifting cost. In some conditions it comes a moment when continuous operation of stripped well becomes economically unprofitable [1]. Therefore it is recommended to operate wells with low productivity index and low flow rate


with intermittent mode. This necessity is explained by the following (Fig. 1): liquid influx from the reservoir (Q1) is less then Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP) flow rate (Q2). For that matter ESP is cut off after the reaching of minimal permissible Producing Fluid Level (PFL).

Theory With decreasing of PFL Operation Point moves to the left along the Pump Performance Curve. As a result Operating Point is out of operating range zone or out of Characteristics Curve (Fig. 2). Decreasing of ESP frequency helps to prolong Operating Range but with decreasing of Head and Coefficient of Efficiency. Therefore ESP available head is not enough to pump liquid on surface. We may also add some ESP sections (tandems) but it is unprofitable from economical point of view. That’s why intermittent operation mode is required. One cycle of intermittent mode (with duration T) consists of period of pumping out (with duration t1) and period of liquid accumulation (with duration t2) when ESP doesn’t work (Fig. 4) [2]. Average daily production of intermittent well may be calculated by formula (Eq. 1). Formula for Average Daily Production calculation

Qav =


t2 ×Q0 t2 ×Q0 = [1] T t1 + t2

Q0 – ESP Flow Rate; t1 – Duration of liquid (pressure) accumulation period; t2 – Duration of pumping out period; T – Duration of one full cycle of intermittent mode.

Fig. 1 – Stripped well

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Head (m)









Operating point is out of operating range zone or out of characteristics




Nominal housing diameter 8.59 cm Optimum operating range 53-93 m3/d Minimal casing size 11.43 cm Shaft cross-sectional area 1.98 cm2 Shaft break-power limit: standard 78 hp, high-strength 125 hp Housing burst pressure limit: standard n/a, buttress 41 370 kPa, welded 41 370 kPa


Operating range

Shaft diameter 1.59 cm








Efficiency (%)

Fig. 2 – Pump Performance Curve






Power (hp)

10 Optimization of operation modes of intermittent wells


Oleg Nazarov

Fig. 3 – H(t) dependence during the intermittent operation mode On Fig. 4 changing of PFL during the intermittent operation mode is shown. Y-axis is Fluid Level (also could be a Bottomhole Pressure), X-axis is time. Hst – Static Fluid Level; Hd – Dynamic Fluid Level (during the continuous operation); ΔH0 – Pressure drawdown (during the continuous operation); ΔH – Current value of pressure drawdown; ΔHn – Integral-Average value of pressure drawdown (during the intermittent operation mode). Assurance of intermittent operations is carried out with help of programming of Control Stations. There are several methods of programming: 1. Time limitation In this case ESP starts and stops working according to timer readings. Pumping out and pressure accumulation periods are limited by concrete time value t1 and t2. Maximal and minimal pressures (Pmax and Pmin) may undergo some changes from period to period. Advantages: Stable operation regime, small pressure jumps have no influence on operat-

ing regime, timer is more reliable than pressure sensor. Disadvantages: serious pressure jumps may lead to exceeding of PFL. 2. Pressure limitation In this case ESP starts and stops working according to bottomhole pressure sensor readings. Pumping out and pressure accumulation periods are limited by concrete pressure values Pmin and Pmax. t1 and t2 may undergo some changes from period to period. Advantages: PFL couldn’t be exceeded. Disadvantages: Decreasing of pressure accumulation velocity may lead to well shutdown, pressure sensor is less reliable than time sensor 3. Combined limitation During the investigation it has been found out that pressure build-up curve is stable but pressure drop curve undergoes some changes in each period. That’s why working process will be more effective if ESP starts working according to timer and stops working according to pressure sensor. Pumping out and pressure

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Optimization of operation modes of intermittent wells

Fig. 4 – ESP Control Station programming (time limitation)

Fig. 5 – ESP Control Station programming (pressure limitation)

Fig. 6 – ESP Control Station programming (combined limitation)


Oleg Nazarov

accumulation periods are limited by concrete pressure values t1 and Pmin. t2 and Pmax may undergo some changes from period to period. It is obvious that the more value of t2 and the less value of t1 – the more average daily oil production. It is also obvious that values t1 and t2 are interdependent. Therefore it is necessary to develop new special method of calculation of t1 and t2 in order to increase average daily oil production and guarantee stable and reliable working of surface and subsurface equipment. For this purpose we need to look at one period of intermittent operation mode. In order to find optimal values t1 and t2 it is necessary to investigate separately two curves of which one cycle consists.

Fig. 7 – One period of intermittent operation modeLine; I – Pressure build-up curve, Line II – Pressure drawdown curve

Fig. 9 – Ideal pressure build-up curve ESP. It should be noted that the problem of searching of some optimal point in curve is widespread in many segments of science, so we should firstly find out how this problem was solved in other areas of science and technology. In “strength of materials” we observe such a problem: the search of yield strength point of metals which don’t have yield plateau. In this case the yield strength point is stress, with which permanent deformation = 0.2 % (Tangent line at the point 0 and unloading line are parallel). But this method is not applicable for pressure build-up curve optimization because value “0.2” is taken after many confirmative experiments so it is probably mistaken for us.

Pressure build-up curve optimization Let’s investigate infinitely small parts of this curve in its different positions (Fig. 9). Relation dp/dt (tilt angle of tangent line) shows us the velocity of pressure increasing. The more this relation – the faster pressure recovers – the more average production. So, the problem is to find point where we have to stop pressure accumulation process and start

Fig. 10 – Stress-strain diagram

In geodesy during the design of any route or road we have to find so-called “peak of a

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Optimization of operation modes of intermittent wells

curve”. For this purpose we need to continue 2 asymptotes to graph of the route in coordinate system, then divide the angle between these asymptotes in two halves and draw the line. The intersection point of this line (bisectrix) and curve is “peak of a curve” (Fig. 11).

2nd method (Search of “Peak of a curve”) for right part of our curve (asymptote) and the 3rd method (point of optimal relation between Price and Quality) for left part of our curve (tangent line). Final graph is shown on Fig. 13. Point of intersection between pressure build-up curve and bisectrix is value of PFL after reaching of which ESP should be started (pressure accumulation should be stopped).

Pressure drawdown curve optimization Fig. 11 – “Peak of a curve”

In economics there is a very similar method which is used to find point of safety relation between output product quality and its costs. This point is found by continuing of 2 tangent lines to graph, then by dividing the angle between these tangent lines in two equal halves and drawing the line. The intersection point of this line (bisectrix) and curve is the required point (Fig. 12).

Pressure drawdown curve in ideal case should represent itself as smooth curve line. But after investigation of these lines on many wells we have found out that sometimes pressure drawdown curves have so-called “Breaking point” which divides this line on 2 parts: left part is smooth but right part is zigzag line (which also undergoes changes each period) (Fig. 14).

Fig. 14 – General representing of “Breaking point”

Fig. 12 – Graph “Quality-Costs”

So, special program for pressure build-up curve optimization was written. We took the

During the investigation we have suggested that “breaking point” means the reaching of such a pressure value when liquid influx from the reservoir begins (so liquid moves into the ESP intake not only from well, but also directly from reservoir).

15 Oleg Nazarov

Fig. 13 – Graphical interpritation of new method

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Optimization of operation modes of intermittent wells

Fig. 15 – Breaking points in real graphs (numbers of wells are on the left column) Testimonies supplied this theory: ÈÈ Breaking

point is the only one on each pressure drawdown curve. ÈÈ Reservoir liquid contains a lot of gas, which breaks out, so pressure sensor is influenced by gas and its readings break. ÈÈ Additional liquid source leads to decreasing of P(t) graph tilt angle. ÈÈ Breaking point appears with the same pressure each period

tion string. So after sampling we will not be sure: is this sample from the well liquid or directly from reservoir? 2. To change operating mode temporary in order to cut broken part of curve (Fig. 16). Then check the presence of mechanical impurities, water cut and gas. If its ratio is decreased it means that our assumption is correct.

In order to check theory about beginning of liquid influx from the reservoir in the Breaking Point it is necessary: 1. To observe presence of mechanical impurities, water cut and gas during some periods in dependence of time. But this method has proved to be if unusable because liquid production value during one period is less than the volume of produc-

Fig. 16 – Cutting of broken part of curve 3. To change working frequency in order to check if the breaking point will be at the


Oleg Nazarov

same pressure (Fig. 17). If yes, it is a fluid influx from the reservoir.

ÈÈ Gas

bubbles influence badly on impeller of ESP (cavitation). ÈÈ Mechanical impurities were flown out the reservoir may get inside the ESP and lead to shaft jamming. ÈÈ Increasing of well stream watering leads to decreasing of crude oil quality.

Results and Conclusions Application of new method of pressure build-up curve optimization on 3 intermittent wells of Krapivinskoe Oilfield (Russia, Tomsk Region) led to the increase of the average daily production (Fig. 18).

Fig. 17 – ESP frequency changing

If our assumption becomes true we recommend to make away with fluid influx from the reservoir because:

Results of research work connected with pressure build-up curve optimization:






48 40,5






– average daily production before application of new mode;  – proposed average daily production after application of new mode;  – real average daily production after application of new mode.

Fig. 18 – increasing of average daily production on three wells (m3/day)

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Optimization of operation modes of intermittent wells

1. Increasing of 3 wells average daily production on 29.5 m3 2. Increasing of company working efficiency in “solutions” branch 3. Development of “intermittent mode of well operation” technology with further prospects to it application in other oilfields and locations Results of research work connected with pressure drawdown curve optimization: 1. Decreasing of gas factor 2. Decreasing of mechanical impurities 3. Decreasing of stream watering Further problems to be solved 1. Investigations of subsurface equipment behavior in critical conditions. During the intermittent well operations subsurface equipment works in extreme condi-

tions which should be taken into account for further improvements 2. Analysis of dynamical frequency changing during the one period of intermittent well operation. Possibility of dynamical frequency changing during the one period should be taken into account with the purpose of decreasing of negative influences of quick starts/stops of ESP and other factors Negative occurrences 1. ESP and surface equipment wearing acceleration in accordance to increasing of starts/stops 2. Increase of motor oil loss in protector modules 3. Increase of power consumption; especially if several intermittent wells are installed in one pad

References 1. Persiyantsev M. N., Extraction of Oil under Complicated Conditions, Moscow: “Nedra-Businesscenter”. 653 pages, 2000. ISBN 5-8365-0052-5. 2. Schurov V. I., Technology and Technics of Oil Production, Moscow: “Nedra”. 510 pages. 1983.

85 85

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We are the world’s largest oilfield services company1. Working globally—often in remote and challenging locations—we invent, 1. design, andlargest apply technology to helpcompany our customers find We areengineer, the world’s oilfield services 1. and produce oil and gas safely. Working globally—often in remote challenging locations—we invent, We are the world’s largest oilfieldand services company design, engineer, and apply technology to help our customers find invent, Working globally—often in remote and challenging locations—we 1. We are the world’s largest oilfield services and produce oil and safely. design, engineer, andgas apply technology to helpcompany our customers find 1. We are the world’s largest oilfield services company Working globally—often in remote and challenging locations—we and produce oil than and gas safely. We need more 5,000 begin dynamic careers in invent, Working globally—often in graduates remote andtochallenging locations—we invent, design, engineer, and apply technology to help our customers find the following domains: design, engineer, and apply technology to help our customers find and produce oil than and gas safely. We need more 5,000 graduates to begin dynamic careers in and produce oil and gas safely. n Engineering, Research and Operations the following domains: We need more than 5,000 graduates to begin dynamic careers in n Geoscience and Petrotechnical the following domains: n Engineering, Research and Operations n WeCommercial need moreand thanBusiness 5,000 graduates to begin dynamic careers in We need more Research than 5,000and graduates to begin dynamic careers in n Operations n Geoscience and Petrotechnical theEngineering, following domains: the following domains: n Geoscience and and Business Petrotechnical n Commercial n Engineering, Research and Operations Engineering,and Research and Operations n Commercial Business n Geoscience and Petrotechnical n Geoscience and Petrotechnical n Commercial and Business n Commercial and Business

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What will you be? What will you be? What will you be? What What will will you you be? be?

1Based on Fortune 500 ranking, 2011. Copyright © 2011 Schlumberger. All rights reserved.


Environmental Student Symposium



Society of Petroleum Engineers


̂​̂ Research of Gas Hydrates Generation in Production Wells Evgeniya Raudanen, Zakhar Shandrygolov

Abstract Many specialists in oil and gas industry pay special attention to the problem of gas hydrates prevention and elimination in the systems of oil and gas collection and field processing. A Ponomarev method, described in this article, is used to determine the temperature and pressure conditions of gas hydrate generation in production wells. In addition operation of two wells of a gas field in Western Siberia was analyzed and risk of gas hydrate generation was estimated.

Introduction The problem of gas hydrates prevention and elimination in the systems of oil and gas collection and field processing is still relevant and attracts attention of specialists. This is mainly due to field exploitation in problem areas: the permafrost zone, the presence of hydrate generating components in hydrocarbons, the hydrate regime in the bottomhole zone, etc. Hydrocarbon hydrates are white crystalline solids, ice-like, generated by the associated compound of water and gas. Hydrate formation occurs at the gas-water interface when

**Tyumen State Oil and Gas University ÞÞRussia  University   Country   E-mail

natural gas is fully saturated with moisture [5]. A part of dissolved gas turns into hydrate. While natural gas exits from reservoir to the surface well pressure is reduced and gas saturated with water turns into unsaturated. Pressure reduction increases the ability of gas to keep water in gaseous state, but temperature drop due to gas expansion usually overpowers the beneficial effect of pressure reducing and liquid water can escape and generate hydrates of hydrocarbons. To estimate the possibility of gas hydrates generation in running or temporarily shut-in wells it is necessary to calculate the equilibrium curve of gas hydrates in temperature and pressure coordinates. A Ponomarev method is used to estimate the temperature and pressure of hydrate generation. This method was developed in 1960 and used only at low pressures (P 10 MPa) and for natural gases, containing non-hydrocarbon components in small quantities [1]. This technique was used for calculations on two wells of a gas field in Western Siberia which produce dry gas. The wells have a sim-

autumn / 2012


Research of Gas Hydrates Generation in Production Wells

ilar borehole trajectory. The well No 1 is allocated in a peripheral part of the field whereas the well No 2 is in a central part. Because of the large length field the wells have different pressure and temperature conditions at the bottomhole. The composition of this gas has been established according to the results of chemical analysis. Molar fractions and relative air densities of components is in Table 1. Hydrate generation component

Molar fraction, %

Relative air densitiy



















Then, the equilibrium pressure and temperature of hydrate generation have been determined using the following equations [2]: lgP = 2.0055 + 0.0541 (B + T − 273)  [1] at temperatures above 273 K; lgP = 2.0055 + 0.0171 (Bl + T − 273)  [2] at temperatures below 273 K, P T

– equilibrium pressure of hydrate generation, kPa – temperature, K

The empirical coefficients B and Bl is correlated according with parameter  – a reduced density of test gas. The reduced density  is determined by the equation: ε=

∑yρ ∑y

i i



Table 1 – Composition of natural gas

ri y i

– relative air density of the i’s hydrate generation component – molar fraction of the component, units

Fig. 1 – Pressure-temperature dependence of gas hydrate generation

Evgeniya Raudanen, Zakhar Shandrygolov


Fig. 2 – Dependence of gas pressure and temperature and equilibrium temperature of hydrate generation on well flow rate

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Research of Gas Hydrates Generation in Production Wells

Obviously, S yi ≤ 1, because not all components of natural gas are able to generate hydrates. Values of the coefficients B and Bl which are determined according to the Ponomarev approximation are presented in tabular form in literature [4]. For this gas values of parameters are following: e = 0.56  B = 24.25  Bl = 77.40 Fig. 1 shows the resulting pressure-temperature dependence of hydrate generation, which can be used to calculate the hydrate conditions in producing wells of the gas field. Further, based on the results of gas-dynamic studies the dependence of wellhead pressure and temperature on the flow rate was found [3]. After that, diagrams showing the dependence of pressure, temperature and equilibrium temperature of hydrate generation at the production well head was obtained in consid-

eration of the dependence of hydrate generation pressure on temperature. These curves are shown in Fig. 2. Obviously, in well No 1, there is a risk of gas hydrate generation due to low gas temperature at the wellhead which respects to the temperature of gas hydrate generation. It is necessary to provide this well with injection of inhibitors (methanol, glycol) into the wellbore and constant monitoring of pressure and temperature. In well No 2 gas hydrate generation risk exists only if there is low flow rate. In the final analysis, the conditions and risks of gas hydrate generation in two wells of the field in Western Siberia were determined based on data on gas composition and calculation results. The remaining wells of the field were also analyzed using the described method and wells with the risk of hydrate generation were identified.

References 1. Buhgalter E. B. Estimation of hydrate generation temperature in hydrocarbon mixture at high pressure. – Gas business, 1965, No5, p. 8–9. 2. Istomin V. A . Gas hydrate prevention and elimination in systems of gas and oil collection and field processing. – M., 1990, 214 pages. 3. Ivashenko I. I. Reference book “Oil and gas field development”. – “Black gold”, Center of Information Technology. 4. Ponomarev G. V. Conditions of natural and associated gas hydrate generation. – Kuybyshev, NIPINP, 1960, No2, p. 49–55. 5. Srtizhov I. N., Khodanovich I.E. Gas production. – Moscow-Izhevsk: Institute of computer researching, 2003, 376 pages.


̂​̂ Analysis of CO - EOR 2

Methods Application Possibilities for Oil Fields Damian Janiga, Jakub Barzyk

Abstract The volatility of oil prices and the political situation affect rational exploitation of oil reservoir in the world. Often it turns out that it is economically justified to use the secondary or tertiary methods to intensify production. One of the possibilities to improve recovery factor is a miscible gas injection such as CO2. Considering the various methods, we have conducted a numerical simulation of extraction which was carried out for one of the Polish deposits.

Introduction Prices on the crude oil world market have changed since its beginning. It has been affected by several political and social aspects in the main productive market places. The oil world market is characterised by a very unbalanced allocation of producers and consumers. Holding large resources of this raw material and skillful management of them ensure the energy and in a way political independence, because oil is often used as a tool for a political and economic pressure. By analyzing the prices of oil in the last 20 years (1992-2012), it can be noted that the prices of raw materials are strictly binding of events occurring in

**AGH Univ. of Science and Technology ÞÞPoland Paweł Wojnarowski, Ph.D.  University   Country   Supervisor   E-mail

a given period of time [2]. The next essential change took place after the growth of popularity of terminal market contracts, which isn’t used for physical purchase and sale of crude oil. It is only a financial mechanism. All these aspects caused important oscillations of oil prices all over the world. It contributed to the situation that the oil market is unpredictable. Constantly increasing raw mineral’s prices have led to interference in working deposit in order to increase the level of recovery. Approximately one third of the deposit can be obtained by the means of primary and secondary methods. Primary methods rely on the use of natural phenomena occurring into the deposit such as expansion of the gas cap, separation of the dissolved gas and effect of aquifers. All of these phenomena cause the displacement of crude oil into the production wells. Secondary methods rely on strengthening these phenomena through interference in the energy state of the deposit. Primary and secondary methods allow to obtain extraction of about one third of deposits resources. As

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Analysis of CO 2- EOR Methods Application Possibilities for Oil Fields

far as low gravity oil is concerned the recovery factor is about 25-35%. As for the heavy oil deposits it is about 10%. In these sort of deposits lays a great amount of petroleum which cannot be pulled out using conventional methods. One of the advanced methods (EOR) is CO 2 H 2O injection into the deposit. Carbon dioxide is used as an increasing extraction agent through the maintenance of deposits pressure, reducing the viscosity of oil and facilitating its migration [2][3]. Injection of carbon dioxide in order to carry out additional oil extraction is applied from about 40 years. Carbon dioxide which is injected into the reservoir causes the displacement of crude oil from the pores of the rock. Depending on the contribution of the individuals components, pressure and temperature of fluids, carbon dioxide may be miscible (formation of a homogeneous phase), or immiscible with the reservoir fluids [1]. The main mechanisms associated with the process of injecting CO 2 into the reservoir are connected with the behavior of oil and carbon dioxide mixture. These include reduction of the viscosity and density of oil, reduction of the surface tension between oil and water , evaporation of some components. Additional benefits of carbon dioxide injection are observed

in carbonate rocks, where crammed medium is mixed with water to form acid, which improves wellsites permeability [1]. Division of CO 2- EOR methods based on the method of carbon dioxide injection. The WAG method lies in pumping gas and water by turns, the second method is the injection of gas in a way that ensures the gravitational stability (GSGI). In the WAG method carbon dioxide is injected firstly into the deposit, which improves the mobility of crude oil. Then, the repellent water and the mixture of crude oil and carbon dioxide is injected into the production well. Carbon dioxide which is injected into the first stage increases the volume of oil and reduction of viscosity significantly, so that oil flows freely. Water injection affects the growth of production by oil displacement [1]. The second of these methods is the injection of carbon dioxide in the top portion of the deposit – GSGI. Using this method forces the crude oil in the direction of the floor and the contour of the reservoir. Injected CO 2 is a solvent that is miscible or immiscible in a reservoir, it maintains reservoir pressure and stabilizes the movement of oil through gravity drainage [2].

Fig. 1 – Reservoir’s numerical model


Damian Janiga, Jakub Barzyk

Analysis of co2- eor methods application possibilities for oil field in case of output increase

On the basis of development data such as oil, gas and water production rate measurements and bottom-hole pressure measurements were carried out through calibration on the primary developments period. The calibration was performed since 1 August 1989 to 31 December 2011. The charts show the results of calibration (Fig. 2, Fig. 3).

Reservoir’s numerical model

During the calibration wells were controlled by oil expense, so measuring points coincide with the simulation curve. A very good fit of gas flow has been achieved as a result of the calibration. Fit the bottom pressure is also correct, however due to the lack of measurements the pressure calibration was conducted only for the initial period of operation.

In order to evaluate the efficiency of the method in the Polish conditions the deposit contained in the Carpathian Foredeep has been selected and the examination of the possibility of injecting the carbon dioxide has been conducted. Digital model of the deposit (Fig. 1) is based on the geological-reservoir data. Model is composed of 27 200 blocks (40 × 40 × 17). The original reservoir pressure was amounted to 358 bar. The deposit is divided into 17 layers in the vertical direction, in order to take account of heterogeneity of the deposit and the possible flow analysis in injected fluids in the vertical direction. The parameters of the digital model of the deposit are presented in Table 1. The reservoir is operated in the energy of the dissolved gas and the saturation pressure is about 240 bar. The compositional model is used in order to be able to analyze the effects of mixing gases with hydrocarbons model.

Verification of CO2- EOR method based on basic criteria for applicability. Selection of EOR methods that can be used on a deposit depends on many geological, reservoir and economic parameters. Advanced methods rely on carbon dioxide injection and should be used in the fields of high thickness. Depth of the deposit should be in the range of ≈800 m to about 3200 m [4]. The criteria for the application of this method are listed with the parameters of the deposit and shown in the Table 2. Parameter



Oil density

872 [g/cm3 ]

800 – 880 [g/cm3 ]


40 x 40 x 17

Oil viscosity

2. 3 [cP]

< 3 [cP]


3315 [m]

Oil saturated

0. 51

>0. 3


113 [m]


113 [m]



2. 155 [km2]


3315 [m]

>1350 [m]


1. 2 [%]


375 [K]


Permeability (X,Y,Z)

18 ; 18; 1. 8 [mD]


0. 6 [-]


375 [K]


358 [bar]

Table 1 – Primary parametres of reservoir model

Table 2 – Screening Criteria For CO2 – EOR methods selection On the basis of the long-lasting industrial practice, it was found that the optimal parameters for using CO 2 injection assume the

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Analysis of CO 2- EOR Methods Application Possibilities for Oil Fields

Fig. 2 – Well bottom hole pressure calibration

Fig. 3 – Well gas production rate calibration

Damian Janiga, Jakub Barzyk


Fig. 4 – Change of recovery factors of the analyzed variants for GSGI

Fig. 5 – Change of recovery factors of the analyzed variants for WAG

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Analysis of CO 2- EOR Methods Application Possibilities for Oil Fields

values which are shown in the column of the optimum. Comparing the parameters of deposit to the optimized ones results in the fact that the deposit is properly selected to the advanced recovery methods CO 2- EOR.


Recoveryfactor [%]


28. 5

A 5 000 sm /day

33. 1

B 7 500 sm3/day

35. 5

C 10 000 sm3/day

37. 5


Variant simulations of CO2 injection into the deposit The analysis was performed following injection simulation options: ÈÈ Base

(constrains of the production wells: the minimum pressure at the bottom of the borehole is 130; the maximum gas production rate is 1500 sm3/day ) ÈÈ GSGI ÈÈ injection rate of CO2 5 000 sm3/day ÈÈ injection rate of CO2 7 500 sm3/day ÈÈ injection rate of CO2 10 000 sm3/day ÈÈ WAG ÈÈ 5 000 sm3/day – CO2 (6 years) – 10 m3/ day-water (4 years) ÈÈ 5 000 sm3/day – CO2 (6 years) – 50 m3/ day-water (4 years) ÈÈ 10 000 sm3/day – CO2 (6 years) – 10 m3/ day-water (4 years) The simulation is going to be carried out for a 20 year-long period since the moment of beginning in 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2032. In the based variant the wells work is determined in rate up to now. The forecast suggests that in the year 2022 the second well, which is located in the northern part of the deposit will be gassy. So we are using it in GSGI and WAG variants as an injector-well into the floor of the deposit. The gas injection is going to be started in May 2022 in GSGI method such as in WAG method. The main parameter to evaluate the effectiveness of the method was growth of recovery factor (Fig. 4, Fig. 5). Additionally part of carbon dioxide in the composition of fluids was evaluated (Fig. 6–11). Detailed results are shown in Table 3 and Table 4.

Table 3 – Results of GSGI method Variant

Recoveryfactor [%]


28. 5

A  5 000 sm /day CO2 – 10 m3/day water

32. 2

B  5 000 sm3/day CO2 – 50 m3/day water

34. 0

C  10 000 sm3/day CO2 – 10 m3/day water

35. 5


Table 4 – Results of WAG method The presented analysis shows that the most effective method proved to be CO 2 injection continuously in the peak part of the deposit (GSGI). It is correlative with pumping of significant amounts of carbon dioxide, which will affect the production wells due to the small size of the deposit. WAG method gives slightly lower recovery factors, but the water injection can affect the stabilization of the movement of the fluid front displacement and reduce the production of CO 2.

Summary The emphasis on increasing the efficiency of oil production affected the increased development of advanced methods of oil recovery in recent years. Carbon dioxide injection method into the deposit is beginning to play a dominating role among these methods, as a significant increase in production from the fields partially depleted has been observed. The effects of two such methods of the Polish reservoirs are examined in this article. Among the examined variants, the highest efficiency is characterized by

Damian Janiga, Jakub Barzyk


Fig. 6 – Total mole fraction of CO2 – A variant GSGI method in 31 December 2032

Fig. 7 – Total mole fraction of CO2 – B variant GSGI method in 31 December 2032

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Analysis of CO 2- EOR Methods Application Possibilities for Oil Fields

Fig. 8 – Total mole fraction of CO2 – C variant GSGI method in 31 December 2032

Fig. 9 – Total mole fraction of CO2 – A variant WAG method in 31 December 2032

Damian Janiga, Jakub Barzyk


Fig. 10 – Total mole fraction of CO2 – B variant WAG method in 31 December 2032

Fig. 11 – Total mole fraction of CO2 – C variant WAG method in 31 December 2032

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Analysis of CO 2- EOR Methods Application Possibilities for Oil Fields

the injection of CO 2 into the gas cap of expense 10 000 sm3/day (GSGI). Results of calculations based on a simulation model

of deposit show the potential effects of use of advanced methods of production in the Polish reservoir.

References 1. Reservoir documentation. 2. Holem L., Josenda W., Mechanisms of Oil Displacement by Carbon Dioxide, JPT, December, pp. 1427–1438, 1974. 3. Rychlicki S. et. al., Metody zwiększenia efektywności wydobycia ropy naftowej ze złóż karpackich, AGH, Kraków 2010. 4. Rychlicki S. et. al., Efektywność wydobycia ropy naftowej przy zatłaczaniu CO2. Przemysł naftowy w Polsce 2011, s. 36–40, AGH, Kraków 2011. 5. Rychlicki S., Stopa J., Uliasz-Misiak B., Zawisza L., Kryteria typowania złóż do zastosowania zaawansowanej metody wydobycia ropy naftowej poprzez zatłaczanie CO2. Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi t. 27, z. 3, s. 125–139, 2011.


̂​̂ Non-stationary Flooding as an Effective Hydrodynamic Method of Oil Recovery Arkadiy Loginov

Abstract Non-stationary flooding is carried out with the help of alternate work of injection and production. As a result of time-dependant, time-varying effects there are different pressure drops. Therefore, there is a redistribution of fluids in the evenly saturated reservoir, aimed at the alignment of saturations and the removal of capillary imbalance at the contact of oil-saturated and flooded zones. The process of unsteady flooding has been used at the site BV10 Megion deposits during the period 2006–2010. Incremental recovery was 13.6 thousand tons, while considering the effect of bottomholetreatments it was 35.5 thousand tons.

Introduction The method of non-stationary change of the direction of flood flow filtration in the reservoir is one of the most effective hydrodynamic ways of increasing oil production and reducing the unit cost of water for oil. Non-stationary flooding is carried out with the help of alternate work of injection and production wells due to specific programs, designed for specific geological and physical conditions, taking into account the technical capabilities of the sys-

**Tyumen State Oil and Gas University ÞÞRussia  University   Country   Supervisor   E-mail

tem to maintain reservoir pressure. As a result of time-dependent, time-varying effects there are periodically rising and falling waves of pressure in these layers. Layers, zones and areas of low permeability, saturated with oil, are located in layers unsystematically, have low piezoconductivity and the velocity of propagation of pressure in them is considerably lower than in high permeable layers and oil-saturated zones. Therefore, between oil-saturated and drowned zones there are different pressure drops. Under the influence of alternating pressure drops there is a redistribution of fluids in the evenly saturated reservoir, aimed at the walignment of saturations and the removal of capillary imbalance at the contact of oil-saturated and flooded zones, layers, sections. It also accelerates capillary countercurrent impregnation of oil-saturated zones with water–water implements from the water flooded areas in oil-saturated by small pore channels, and the oil flows from oil-saturated zones into flooded ones through large channels.

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Flooding as an Effective Hydrodynamic Method of Oil Recovery

 Injection well, taking part in NF (non-stationary flooding)  Injection well, taking part in NF with additional bottomhole treatments  Productionwell, reacted on NF  Productionwell, reacted onadditional bottomhole treatments

Fig. 1 – Organization of non-stationary flooding in the year 2006 (a), and 2007 (b) at the site BV10 (well stock as of January 1st, 2011)


Arkadiy Loginov

Without reducing the reservoir pressure, this phenomenon cannot be initiated. To compensate the losses in pumping water injectivity of wells operating in the high injection mode should be 20–40% higher than during stationary flooding. Injectivity of wells that are in the half-cycle of limited flow rates, at sub-zero air temperatures should be above that at which the freezing of water in the water conduits happens. Unsteady flooding includes: 1. Increasing injection pressure 2. Cyclic water flooding, i.e. periodic reduction (termination) of water injection 3. Reallocation of water consumption, injected into groups of injection wells (change of direction of filtration flows) 4. Selective water pumping into low permeable interlayers and layers, zones and areas 5. Limitation or termination of pumping in highly permeable interlayers 6. Methods of treatment of a bottomhole zone, which change the operating modes and restore the potential wells 7. Mechanical methods of changing the operating modes of injection wells (hydraulic fracturing, interval treatment, intense perforation, spudding of second boreholes) The method of transient flooding is relatively easy to implement, requires no great economic costs, and has received wide application. The process of unsteady flooding has been actively used on many fields of Western Siberia. In particular, the implementation and evaluation of non-stationary flooding at the site BV10 Megion deposits during the period 2006–2010 is considered in this article. Incremental recovery from the transient flood-

ing during this period at the site BV10 was 13.6 thousand tons of oil, while considering the effect of the treatment of bottomhole formation zone and the alignment of injectivity profile it was equal to 35.5 thousand tons of oil. Incremental recovery after NF, thousand tones Year

without bottomholetratments

with bottomholetratments
















Table 1 – Efficiency of non-stationary flooding during the period 2006–2010 years. Site BV10 Consequently, the transient flooding is a very effective technology of enhanced oil recovery. To improve the efficiency of the non-stationary waterflooding, it can be combined with treatments of wells aimed to the alignment of profiles of injection capacity, isolation of water inflows and the intensification of production. The efficiency of cyclic flooding also increases if it is done after the rim of surfactants injection into the reservoir, which is explained by an increase in sweep effect of the reagent and more intense exchange of fluid between the interlayers by increasing the mobility of oil under the influence of the surfactant. This method can be used at every stage of field development involving conventional waterflooding. The best results are obtained by applying the method of nonstationary flooding from the beginning of oil field development.

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Giving back to local communities AGH UST SPE Student Chapter cooperating with ORLEN Upstream Barbara Pach, Joanna Wilaszek, Maciej Kobielski The history of AGH UST SPE Student Chapter was always rich in examples of students-companies cooperation. At the beginning of September 2012 we had an opportunity to take part in organizing a Family Picnic with ORLEN Upstream, one of polish national upstream companies. ORLEN Upstream is a part of PKN ORLEN, one of the largest petroleum corporations in Central and Eastern Europe and the largest in Poland. ORLEN Upstream’s basic statutory activities are exploration and prospecting of hydrocarbon deposits and production of crude oil and natural gas. As the company responsible for upstream projects, it has already commenced exploration in eight licenced areas in the Mazovia, Lublin and Łódź region. The picnic, which was titled “Time travel with tracks of geology”, was a two-day event taking place in two localities: Niedźwiada and Wierzbica, that are seats of administrative dis-

tricts on the area of Lublin Shale. As the event was supposed to be a historical-educational picnic mainly for children, it was divided into two parts – the ancient history and the modern history. The elder history part consisted of a medieval knights reconstruction group, 6 fully armoured men performing knight sword fights, and the prehistoric cavemen that leaded a terrain game, which was supposed to teach children about how ancient men used to light fire using sticks or how did they hunt. The modern history part consisted of Wild West village, the stand of Ignacy Łukasiewicz and the stand of petroleum industry – last two were held by our Chapter and were there to educate by fun. We played a role of the speaker, we were supposed to explain the youngest generation the whole process of crude oil production in an interesting and easy way. Apart from this, our chapter prepared mini geological museum where we were presenting a magnificent col-

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lection of rocks, minerals and fossils. People could touch the exhibits and even take some of them as a keepsake. We had also prepared a few games for children. They could feel like real geologists, holding hammers in their little hands. They also could play a role of treasure hunters during seeking rocks hidden in gypsum. Moreover, there was an opportunity to take part in laboratory experiences with crude oil and draw using the most valuable paint in the world- crude oil. The youngest children could solve riddles and play a jigsaw puzzle, all referring to the subject of drilling. We were also organizing a prize competition consisting on carefully listening to Ignacy Łukasiewicz’s story about his invention – paraffin lamp and simply ideas which revolutionized the whole petroleum industry forever. Education were reconciled with fun so many children took part in the activities. The events were completed with a kind gesture – charity donation of backpack sets for local children.

Giving back to local communities

The petroleum industry can be a bit mysterious for the people not directly connected to the business. That is why we met local people to learn about their apprehensions and doubts connected with exploration works in their region. Explaining stereotypes is not an easy job, especially with all not quite correct information available via Internet. As we know, the stereotypes originate from the lack of information. That is why during the picnics we were trying to create an opportunity for local people to broaden their knowledge about exploration works in the region and facts connected with prospecting of shale gas. The main idea of the picnic was not only to entertain children but also to educate people on the subject of drilling and producing hydrocarbons. To make people better understand how does it really look like and explain them that the drilling works that are made in their region are a really great chance. Thanks to the fact that we were not the host’s employees, we gained much more trust and attention than we would get in the other case. Even though we passed the same information they used to – it is a paradox, but it sounded somehow more credible. And the most important, grace to the fact, that, as students, we are still learning, we were able to explain the matter in a way easier to understand than the specialists could explain. We still remember

AGH UST SPE Student Chapter cooperating with ORLEN Upstream

what was new and obscure for us a few years ago. Thanks to this fact we knew how to elucidate difficult issues.


Such events are excellent examples of a very interesting cooperation among a company and a student organization. It is a smart and comfortable solution for the companies to gain social acceptance, and a really good opportunity for students to prove their value as potential workers. For our SPE Student Chapter – the next interesting event.

these people perceive the prospecting works in their region and what they are afraid of. We also had a chance to talk to the company representatives and learn about their experiences with local people and get to know something about exploration works the company is making in the region. A memorable experience was to fill the youngest minds with curiosity and knowledge about the process of crude oil production. Invaluable is also the fact that during such events we are learning how to cooperate in a group.

In the ending words, the picnic was really impressive. Thanks to it we got new experiences that can be useful in our future life. First of all, after many conversations with local people we are conscious now, how does

The event proved to be a success, both for ORLEN Upstream and for our Chapter. We hope that this is just the beginning of our fruitful cooperation that will be continued in the future.

autumn / 2012


̂​̂ My Schlumberger Way of Life six weeks between the rig, bbq and currywurst – Friday Antonia Thurmaier

It’s 4 o’clock, a.m. And we are still sitting in the truck, in the middle of nowhere in the north of Germany. An engineer, a trainee, an operator and me, started an open hole wireline job 20 hours ago and it would still take another 5 hours until the job would be finished. The normal routine for an engineer of Schlumberger, but something really special for me.

How I got selected Let me introduce myself real quick: My name is Antonia, I am 21 years old and I’m studying “Petroleum Engineering” at the mining university Leoben, Austria in my third year now. I first heard about Schlumberger from colleagues, but I didn’t really care about that company until a point, where our local SPE team sent a mail that Schlumberger would visit our university and do interviews for internships and the trainee program. So I decided to google that company, which has the same name as the famous sparkling wine producing company in Austria. After I decided that Schlumberger would be a company of interest for me, I applied for an internship.

The Schlumberger interview came and I was terribly anxious, because it was the first interview in my career, but as it started I have encountered the “whatever-feeling”, meaning that even if I would fail, it would have still been a valuable experience. I was even more surprised when I was offered an internship in wireline at the Schlumberger base in Vechta, Niedersachsen, Germany.

Marion Bécouze: I spent six weeks in Vechta base in the North West of Germany. I was a trainee in the Well Cementing segment. I had the chance to go on several jobs in Germany to see cementing operations in gas wells.

As I discovered later, there were four other students of Leoben also doing an internship for Schlumberger.

Bucharest – QHSE introduction The journey started in Bucharest, Romania, where all the chosen interns of the CEU (Continental Europe) area met for a three day

Antonia Thurmaier


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introduction to the „Schlumberger way of life“. Around 30 interns from all over Europe came together and made the introduction days really fun. Our recruiter Bastien and his QHSE (Quality, Health, Safety, Environment) colleague Maria told us how to behave in a safe way. I am pretty sure that everybody are using proper techniques while walking the stairs.

Florian Aelfers, Drilling and Measurement, Vechta Base, Germany: The internship puts the studies of Petroleum Engineering really in perspective. At the beginning it shows you how much you really know about the oil field and the industry itself. At the end you’ll gain a quite good base of knowledge which gives you a huge advantage in the upcoming drilling and well design lectures and labs. So I definitely know what I want to do after I have finished university… Welcome to productive studying!

Vechta – first rig within the first week My next stop was Vechta, where I was located with five other interns (two from Leoben, one from France and two from Poland). We got picked up at the airport and got directly driven to the base where we got assigned to our FSM (Field Service Managers, the bosses of the different departments) and started our internship immediately. In the first few days, there was a lot of administrative issues to take care of as: picking up PPE (Personal Protecitve Equipment), getting another QHSE and H2S course and trying to convince the computer department to give a laptop to me.

My Schlumberger Way of Life

During my work in wireline, I got assigned to my mentor, who took me around and showed me the workshop. I stuck to him, so I was able to see some tool calibrations and tool testing. My FSM wanted me to see as many jobs in the field as possible, so I got the chance to go on the rig with a senior specialist. It was such a great experience for me, seeing a rig from a closer distance, really standing in the wireline truck and watching the guys doing what they did.

Other interns And also after work there was always something to do or some place to go, either with the other interns or with the trainees and engineers. With twenty percent internationals in the base, who didn’t have family around either, there was a great relation between the engineers and trainees. There was one place where you could be sure to find a Schlumberger after work – the pub. There were a lot of BBQs and a lot of trips to go on the weekends as well. In fact, I have never barbequed that often in my life, six times in ten weeks. That’s my personal high score.

Oana Sipos, Testing, Ravenna, Italy: Being a vacation trainee at Schlumberger was one of the best things that I could do this summer. Starting with the cultural experience and going through all the people I’ve met, whether those working in the base or those who were there just for business trips. I was able to get a glimpse of what the work was like, the good parts and equally, what is challenging about the job. I’ve heard stories I would have never expected, which intrigued me enough to accept to go for a recruiting session next Wednesday.

Antonia Thurmaier

The weeks ran by really fast, and I was allowed to go on two other jobs, all open hole. I spent the time at the base with my newly assigned mentor, due to the fact that my former mentor was out of the base almost all of the time. With him I was really allowed to do stuff, instead of just watching as before, and even if it was just connecting a tool string, it was still great. I also helped out in the sonde lab, which was quite nice too, because the maintenance guy was showing me how the tools work.


The most unforgettable time I had, was when I, an engineer, a trainee and two crews of operators went up to Usedom, an island in the Baltic Sea, really close to Poland. We picked up a specialist from Norway, because the tool which has been used was really special and sensitive. It was an open hole tool, which measures the formation pressure, using packers which inflate themselves with mud, sealing the bore hole and then measuring.

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My Schlumberger Way of Life

Kuba Jagiełło, Drilling and Measurement, Vechta, Germany: Best opportunity to gain valuable experience, to see the business from the inside.

It took 25 hours until the job was done, thanks to the coffee machine. There is one in every truck by the way. I mostly of stayed awake. During the rig-up, I was allowed to give the operators a helping hand. After I showed them and the rig crew, that even though I was a girl, I could really help them carrying heavy stuff and that I was able to follow directions, they allowed me to help them on the rig floor.

The good relation between all the internationals Time ran by way too fast, and soon it was the time to go home. There is no better place in Vechta to celebrate a great internship than the Stoppelmarkt, a huge party, similar to the Oktoberfest in Munich. All of the interns, op-

erators and engineers got together and partied (too) hard. In the end there is not a lot more to say than that I really enjoyed being a part of Schlumberger. There are some dark sides too, but you can find them in any other company as well.

Kacper Malinowski, Completion, Ravenna, Italy: Participating in Schlumberger Vacation Training was a great experience. After years of studies I could finally see and use the equipment and devices which are used in modern petroleum industry. Helping others in a workshop or on a job in the field taught me cooperation and responsibility. Vacation training allowed me to see how the work in an oilfield service company really looks like.

I learned a lot, thanks to my colleagues, I made new friends, and I surely don’t need any more currywurst in my life, thanks to the little Friday tradition cultivated in base’s canteen.

Looking for an

internship? yo ung p e tro.or g/c are ers

coming soon…


Expanding Oil & Gas Horizons Barbara Pach Where the science and practice meet, there the horizons of petroleum world are expanding. It happened for the fourth time during the Oil & Gas Horizons Conference 2012 at Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas. On November 12 Moscow once again became a heart of petroleum world. This international conference gathered over one hundred students from different universities and institutes as well as the professors and professionals from Europe and Asia. It is 12th of November and we are sitting in board room at Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas. Solemn atmosphere is foreshadowing that this is a beginning of something unique. The Rector of the University, Martynov Victor and the Chairman of SPE Moscow Section, Yakov Volokitin are opening the conference with their speeches. The Organizing Committee – Gubkin University SPE Student Chapter – is welcoming all the participants and encouraging them to say first and foremost about their professional competence. Simply we realize that it is a be-

ginning of much more important event than common student conference. Oil & Gas Horizons Conference connects various fields and finds common denominator between them – petroleum industry. This year it also focused on a wide range of issues concerning petroleum industry. Interdisciplinary plenary session provided a great introduction to the main event of the day – student paper contest. More than 70 students from different Universities in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Poland and even more were sharing results of their research in eight thematic sections: from drilling and completion through geosciences to petroleum economics and management issues. Three the best students of each section stood on the podium and were rewarded in the Closing Ceremony in the Russian Trade Chamber. How to unite competition, knowledge sharing and fun? It is simple–with PetroOlympic Games success was guaranteed! During the

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Oil & Gas Horizons Conference all participants took part in the second edition of this fantastic game. It was great opportunity for students to verify their basic petroleum knowledge, co-operate in groups and above all – network and have fun together.

Expanding Oil & Gas Horizons

ing the SPE Student Chapters Board Meeting. It gave a chance to exchange ideas and experience between members. The meeting was supported by priceless advices from the SPE’s Membership Coordinator, Antonina Kozmina and Regional Director Russia & Caspian Region, Andrey Gladkov. Very important in such event as international student conference is a dialogue between students who have a plan to work in petroleum industry and professionals who are their potential employers. However, no less important is building relations between students from different part of world. The integration was guaranteed at evenings. There is no better thing than dancing and fun networking games after busy days.

SPE Student Chapter Workshop proved that “small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises”. And the SPE membership gives these opportunities every day. During the session representatives of every Student Chapter shared their ideas on how activities and projects conducted within the organization can attract young people connected with petroleum industry. Every student chapter has many problems to face. The discussion about them was held dur-

It was a second time when YoungPetro Magazine participated in the Oil & Gas Horizons Conference. Summer issue was put into hands almost all students and professionals. It is a great honor to be a media patron of such a prestigious event which is getting much bigger and more professional year by year. On behalf of the Organizing Committee we want to invite for the next editionOil & Gas Horizons 2013! We wish organizing committee further successes in creating friendlier image of petroleum world while expanding the Horizons of Oil & Gas! To find current information about next edition go to:


Call for Papers YoungPetro is waiting for your paper! The topics of the papers should refer to: Drilling Engineering, Reservoir Engineering, Fuels and Energy, Geology and Geophysics, Environmental Protection, Management and Economics Papers should be sent to papers @ For more information visit

AUTUMN / 2ď™ƒď™„2

International Student Petroleum Congress & Career Expo 24–26 April 2013 · Krakow, Poland

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