Your child in banyule and nillumbik september 2015

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Banyule & Nillumbik Your Local Family Magazine

Inside: Just Tell Stories Your most valuable asset What is Geocaching? What’s on in your area? School Holiday Programs

Volume 8

Free September 2015


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Pottery Classes SCHOOL HOLIDAY WORKSHOPS •Wheelwork •Mosaic Murals •Handbuilding •Sculpting •Beginners •Advanced •Children •Teens •Adults T: 9439 8057 or 0417 054 035

Claydreamers Pottery Studio Eltham To advertise in Your Child in Banyule & Nillumbik call 0411 459 872


Editors Notice Board


Banyule & Nillumbik

Hello and welcome to our September issue - my first issue!! Im so excited to be the new editor of this magazine. I’ve been a reader for years and have always found something useful either in the articles or advertising and I look forward continuing this for you too. I would also like to thank Glenda and David for their support and confidence in me to do that and more! I should start by telling you a little about myself. My name is Samantha although I prefer Sam and I live locally with my husband Nathan and our 3 boys - Cooper 8, Max 7 and Ollie almost 2. We also have a dog named Ben (our first child!) a guinea pig named Milkshake, a fish called Peter and our latest addition is a cockatiel named Luke. I’m a little outnumbered and as you can imagine there isn’t a lot of pink in our house. But there is a lot of laughter along with mud, football cards and Lego and I’m just grateful with the latest craze being WWE that we don't have any broken bones (touch wood!) So enough about me I hope you enjoy what we have for you this month. Page 6 is a lovely article about story telling - something my Mum would do with my boys when they were little and having sleep overs - they loved Nanas stories. Pages 10 & 11 What is Geocaching - it could become your new family thing! Setting boundaries is another good read on pages 16 & 17 and our What’s On has the some great ideas for the upcoming school hoildays and local events. I hope you enjoy this issue and I would love to get your feedback on what you would like to see in future editions. Please like our Facebook page (if you haven’t already) and send me a message with any suggestions you have. Cheers and Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads in Banyule & Nillumbik

Sam xo Samantha Windebank Thank you for taking Your Child into your home and please support local business p: 0425 301 986 e: w:



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Many Little Creations Buyer of Children’s Play Equipment & Toys Do you have toys to sell? Don’t have time for a garage sale? Tired of waiting for people to show up? We buy quality children’s second hand play equipment, cubby houses, ride on toys & more...... We also buy dolls, books, Lego, Duplo, electronic toys! CASH paid & WE come to YOU!

CONTACT US NOW: 0432 220 895

EUROPEAN KIDS SHOES CLEARANCE Hundreds of shoes on display for all seasons and ages!


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Diamond Village Shopping Centre Nepean Street Watsonia 9434 4322 Mon-Fri 9.30am-5.00pm Sat- 9.30am-2.00pm

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Just Tell Stories

by Lou Harvey-Zahra


chef friend of mine wants to write a cookbook called “Just Cook!” I think this title is great, simple and to the point. Likewise, I would like to introduce this article with the heading “Just tell stories!”

something from the natural world, such as an animal. This connects your children to the earth and its many wonders. A dog is a trusted companion. In my family, our story character is a dog called 'Bingo' as my children had sung the song at school.

Story telling is a huge gift for childhood; I have never heard a young child say 'No', when asked 'Shall I tell you a story?' Try some storytelling these holidays… For children, the best stories are the ones that you make up yourself. These made-up stories are truly alive with imagination. Please do not worry, you need no previous experience. Just give it a go, that's all. The telling of stories is an ancient daily art, and began around campfires! Stories can be spontaneous: if a little bird appears in a tree in your garden, make up a story of his home and life. If your cat comes in after a day outside, wonder what has he been doing? Tell stories when the mood and inspiration takes you. With older children, taking it in turns to say a line of a story, as it is being made up is fun, especially camping, around a camp fire! With younger children, it is fun to have a family theme - one that is unique to your family. It may be a rabbit, or a cheeky bird from your garden. Choose a theme that inspires your child. My son had stories about a rubbish truck for a while - this inspired him! He was frightened of them, so it did help to give rubbish trucks a friendly face. In general, do not create scary stories, and try to choose 6

‘Bingo' dog entertains my children on long car journeys and tiring walks (and prevents many a tired moan!). He helps to heal their hearts when they are upset or scared. He makes them laugh, helps them to count (there are lots of things to plant on a farm) and he displays the lovely qualities of good manners and respect for all people and the earth. He walks alongside their childhood, making it magical. He is a lifelong friend. And yes, he is a story. Lou Harvey-Zahra is a parent, teacher and author, her book 'Turning Tears into Laughter: Creative Discipline for the Toddler and Preschool Years' is published by Five Mile Press and is available from bookstores, libraries and her website (along with many free parenting tips)

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Your Most Valuable Asset


ost of us have a good grasp of the notion of life insurance, but less understood is the value of income protection insurance. Few offerings create such useful protection against unexpected, healthrelated financial turbulence for you and your family. Parents wear many hats in running a household – chef, cleaner, taxi driver, home nurse, the list goes on. So how would your household cope if Mum or Dad were unable to complete the laundry list of daily tasks (laundry – there is another hat)? Or if an income source for the family was to suddenly cease either temporarily or permanently due to illness or serious injury?

by Justin Cilmi in certain circumstances. In most cases premiums are tax deductible when held in your own name or can be financed via a deduction from your superannuation account. In every case, if you have an unexpected break from the workforce, it can mean the difference between the terrible stress of financial hardship and having the ability to concentrate on recovery .

Whilst most households have insurance for their possessions – house, car, contents – many households are without cover for their most valuable asset, the one that makes all the others possible – their income. There is a chance that an accident or health issue could take away your ability to pay the bills. If this was to happen to you, or to somebody you cared about, what is the likelihood you could continue to meet your current financial responsibilities? Mortgages and rent still have to be paid. Medical bills have to be met and general cost of living continues as it always did. Income protection insurance can cover up to 75% of your regular weekly pay packet and sometimes up to 100%, in the event of you being unable to work as a result of serious illness or injury. Policies usually offer a monthly benefit during the time out of work, others also offer the choice of a tax free lump sum payment 8

Consider the options: There are several types of income protection insurance that offer various options, benefits and tax advantages. It pays to discuss the options with a financial adviser to ensure the cover matches your lifestyle, budget, income and debt levels, and dependents. As your career and lifestyle changes, it's also worth re-visiting the policy, with the help of your adviser, to check that it is still suitable for your current circumstances.

Justin Cilmi is a father of a young family and qualified Financial Planner with Devon Partners Financial Planning in Heidelberg VIC. or follow on facebook, www.facebook.Devon-Partners-Pty-Ltd Devon Partners is a holistic advice firm with a strong focus on providing sound strategic advice to help individuals achieve their goals.

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A Weekly 1 ½ Hours

Multiple Intelligence Program For Children 16 mths to 5 yrs

Think Discover Climb Create Dance Ready to Read, Letters and Sounds (3 - 5 yrs)


9842 1135 or 0425 865 479 Venue: 3 Feathertop Ave, Lwr Templestowe

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What is


heard of Geocaching way back in 2008, when I was introduced to it by my cousins at a family Christmas get together. They showed me their GPS app on the smart phone, showed me an object pinging away on the map. At the time, the geek in me went- ooooh that's cool, but I thought nothing more of it. Jump ahead to 2014, January. Home on a 'staycation' with no money to go anywhere. I have a much better smartphone, with maps and GPS on it. I also had a friend on Facebook share a hidden park and playground she had found, with her kids, through Geocaching. This rang a bell in my brain – I've heard of this, and it is really cool! So I checked it out, discovered it is absolutely free, and have found close to 40 caches within a month of starting. But, what is it? I compare geocaching to a treasure hunt, crossed with orienteering, using current technologies. Step 1- register with an official geocaching website, the main one being . This is FREE. Step 2 - You then can download a free App for your smartphone, of any breed. There is the official website apps, or numerous other generic ones. Again, this is FREE. Step 3 – link the app to your online account, open the MAP function, and discover all the different caches around your neighbourhood which appear on your screen!

What is a cache? This is the treasure you are trying to find. Caches can range from micro in size, smaller than a 5 cent piece, to large containers. They may have only a logbook and a pencil to record your name, or they may have actual treasures to find. Treasure caches are called 'swappables', or 'take and leave'. They will have some small toys or objects inside. The rule of thumb is, you take a treasure, and leave a treasure. My treasures have included a vintage lego man, a rubbery little dragon, and a Frankenstein. I am of the habit of leaving little army figures. And then there is the next level of swappable – the trackable. These are treasures which you register a unique code with the website and create a profile for them. You can then check their travels around the world. I have had one trackable from California, while my friend has had one from Slovenia. I am currently putting a koala trackable out into the wilds, with instructions to try and get it to Disneyland.

Step 4 – go out and find a cache. 10

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Geocaching? Along with different sizes of Cache, you also have different categories of caches. You have the simple cache, where you follow the coordinates on the map, search around and find it. You have the Puzzle Cache, which requires you to go to the coordinates (Ground Zero, or GZ), answer some questions, find the new coordinates, and the cache will be located here. There are multi-caches, which involve answering questions, going to a location; answering more questions, and finding more locations. The difficulty of the questions for these puzzle caches can range in difficulty, so too can the hiding difficulty, and the terrain difficulty. For example, I have found a cache where someone had drilled into a pine cone to hollow it out, and hung said pine cone in a pine tree. And speaking of trees, there is a cache in Mitcham (Victoria) somewhere, a micro-cache not bigger than your little finger, and I was required to climb a tree to find it. On a windy day, trying to grab it, open sign my name and then replace it, was a challenge indeed.

by Matthew Farmer

There is also a multi-cache in Box Hill Cemetery, which leads you around and helps you discover the three famous people buried there. Geocaching will help you discover hidden nooks and crannies around your neighbourhood. It will get you out of the house, walking through parks and gardens, discovering the world and things about your community. And the best thing is – it is FREE. Free entertainment for the kids. If you have a smart phone, get an account, take your kids to a park and let them go searching for the Cache. Good shoes are required, so too a torch (for the night time caches, oh yeah, glow in the dark!); a compass is handy, gloves and a stick if you're going to root around in the underbrush. And a stash of toys for the swappable. Any $2 shop would have something you can put inside a cache.

You may be thinking- wow, that's difficult, but all caches which are registered do have a difficulty rating and a different icon on the map tells you if it is a simple cache, a multi or a puzzle. You can plan your caching adventures before you leave the house. But wait, there's more! You can have educational caches. In the Council of Whitehorse (Victoria), there is a Whitehorse Historical Trail series of caches. It is a mixture of puzzles which give you a history, or simple caches hidden around historical monuments in Mitcham.

Matthew Farmer is a professional writer, social media specialist and story teller. He helps others tell their story as well

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Bacteria – Friend or Foe? by Erin Quint


acteria is everywhere, on our skin, on our food, in our gut. Our bodies house millions of bacterial villages. For the most part, they are peaceful villages, maintaining order to the system they reside. But when antibacterial and antimicrobial products disrupt these communities, so are those systems and our health. There are three issues antibacterial and antimicrobial products present. First, these products typically kill both good and bad bacteria, which means fewer residents to respond to an attack.

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Second, the few good bacteria that do manage to survive rarely have an opportunity to respond to invaders, and like all of us, they need practice to get good at what they do. So when a baddie does manage to get through, the response is not quick enough or effective and we get sick. Third, out of boredom in the absence of conflict, our immune system might just start messing with other healthy cells in our body resulting in autoimmune conditions such as allergies, asthma, hay fever, eczema, multiple sclerosis, and coeliac.

Eat more fibre, good gut bacteria love fibre. Avoid junk food, bad bacteria love sugar. Take probiotics when prescribed antibiotics to keep the gut bacteria population up. No need to disinfect your nipple with antibacterial wipes before breastfeeding, there’s good stuff on there your baby will benefit from. Use natural, plant-based hand soap. It will get rid of the bad stuff and leave the good. Use natural alternatives when cleaning, vinegar, lemon juice, borax, baking soda, tea tree oil and eucalyptus. Wash your hands (with just plain soap) when you think they may be harbouring bad bacteria e.g. after the toilet, after public transport, after grocery shopping.

An imbalance or absence of probiotics, or good bacteria, has been linked to many health conditions such as acne, eczema, IBS, insomnia and depression. There are many strains, so it is important that the correct one is prescribed for each situation. If you would like more information about how probiotics can support you in health, contact a natural health practitioner.

So how do we ensure we maintain our good bacteria population, ready to launch an attack next time Mr. Bad Bacteria attempts to sneak his way in? Here are some suggestions: u

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Bring back the Mud Pie. Let kids play in the mud; it’s full of good bacteria. Washing them after will get rid of the bad. (use common sense here, mud near a sewage outlet may not be a good idea) Eat more raw organic fruits and vegetables including the skin. Wash with water only. Eat fermented foods. These are teeming with good bacteria. Try sauerkraut, kim chi, tempeh, natto, or kefir.


Erin Quint is a fully qualified Naturopath at Armadale Naturopathy & Nutrition (Vic), specialising in supporting new and seasoned Mums in making the right food choices to promote health and happiness.

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Rotary Town Fair Diamond Creek

The 10 am Grand Parade starts the festivities which end at

8.30pm with the Bendigo Bank Firework Spectacular. This year’s parade promises to be filled with colour with the theme for the fair being “Carnival of Colour.” Try your hand at climbing the rock wall, crossing the scout’s rope-bridge, play with the animals at the animal farm, learn about and handle the reptiles. It is all good family fun. There will be carnival rides all day long or for some quieter activity, buy some lunch and sit back and enjoy the entertainment on the children’s and main stage and enjoy the children’s kids’ rides. At 3.00 pm the FReeZA Push Start Battle of the Bands will commence and provide great youth entertainment from locapl bands. At 7.30 the CFA firefighters will be marching down the main road with their touches lighting the way. Then there will be some entertainment to prepare you for the Bendigo Bank Fireworks Spectacular. Be on the ground to take in the choreographed pyro-musicals Day and Times Saturday, 12 September 2015 1 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM Location: Coventry & Marngrook Ovals 120 Elizabeth Street, Diamond Creek Cost: Free

Promote your organisation or upcoming events FREE!*

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Bike Rides

) n? O s ’ t play nds Wha ou



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During the September school holidays visit Edendale to see our animals and enjoy a great range of activities. Being spring time there will be young animals to view including kid goats, lambs and baby chicks. Book into one of our weekday farm tours and get up close to our animals and help feed some of them. The theme for these holidays will focus on bees and other useful insects.There will be a display and activities in reception all about bees and why they are important to us. We will be offering lots of fun free daily activities including watering the veggie gardens, sand play, bee o r i ga m i , st i c k c u b by b u i l d i n g , colouring-in and play dough. There will be opportunities for guinea pig patting and a new Edendale Quest with jokes about bees. You can also book into a Creepy Crawly animal show with Xavier or an art activity with Felicity and help make some mosaic bee stepping stones for our Children's Spiral Garden. For early notice of the full release of our program you must be an Edendale eNews subscriber. 30 Gastons Road Eltham Ph: 9433 3711

*Conditions Apply


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On.. in Banyule & Nillumbik

Australian Plants Society Yarra Yarra Expo 2015 Sat 12 September - Sun 13 September 10:00AM - 4:00PM Venue: 801 Main Road, Eltham 3095 Cost: $5 adults, $4 concession – children free - Native flower & environmental displays - Talks & demonstrations - Plants, Books, Art and giftwares for sale - Lots of prizes to win - Children’s activities - Ample parking - Refreshments available - Wheelchair friendly Talks / demonstrations Saturday 11am Propagation 12.30pm Vertical gardens & green roofs – Fytogreen 2pm Drawing & painting native plants Sunday 11am Propagation 12.30 Bonsai with native plants 2pm Drawing & painting native plants Contact Jill Lulham

Tel: 03 94397228

Free Parent Seminar Are you are parent of an 8-15 year old? Are you concerned about any of these issues? ►Peer Pressure ►Sleeping ►Drugs and alcohol ►Body Image ►Family Conflict ►Social Media ►Eating ►School Performance If so, this parent information session is for you. How can you support your child through this crucial stage of their life? How can parents stay connected to their children? Guest speaker Barb Collard a Mental Health Promotion Officer from Austin Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service will speak to parents about: ►Recognising worries and anxiety in 8-15 year olds ►Support for young people and their parents ► Inform about the SAFEMinds at Home program ►Provide strategies to support positive mental health in young people ►Local agency’s panel discussion

Days and Times: Monday, 07 September 2015 7:30 PM and Monday, 07 September 2015 9:00 PM Cost: Free but bookings are essential Location: Nillumbik Shire Council Offices- Council Chambers 1 Civic Drive Greensborough Contact Rachel Birrell on 9433 3190

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Granny Annie Says: Suzy and Mark are in my therapy room, discussing the confusion and guilt they are feeling. Though they love their children very much, they are not happy being parents and they are concerned that Saul and Lauren (both under 5) are not happy either. ‘The problem we have is setting limits and sticking to them. We are either too strict or not strict enough, and we find it hard to be consistent. And we worry that we are too strict, with the result that often we are too soft.’ There are parents who never seem to worry about being overly strict – it simply isn’t in their constitution. They respect babies as whole people, trust their intrinsically motivated development and encourage their self-directed free play. Trust, empathy and unconditional love seem to come naturally for parents like them. But these gentle parents often find setting boundaries a real struggle, with the consequence that their children are often engaged in a power struggle and can appear to outsiders like brats. Sometimes, even their parents realize that their darlings have become unpopular with other parents and kids too, and they are out of control. These parents then try to set rules around the house, which actually turn out to be more inconvenient for them and, in the long term, almost impossible to enforce, such as only eating at the dining table and never in front of the TV. Boundaries can be a tricky balance to strike, and it’s a good habit to ask oneself: ‘Is this a rule or behaviour that I think I will be happy to be upholding or permitting in a years time, or five years time?’


For those who are trying to be as liberal as possible it can be easy to become so focused on giving their children trust and freedom that they overlook their child’s even more crucial need to feel securely rooted. Too much freedom actually makes our children feel the opposite of free, and they often express their discomfort through limit-pushing behaviour. This is particularly true in the 2 to 8 age range. To experience true freedom and happiness, kids need gentle leaders who are clear about house rules and expectations. They need a healthy balance between freedom and boundaries. In my work with parents I’ve found the most common reasons many parents struggle to find this balance is because they’d prefer not to upset their children (who does?). Discomfort with our children’s strong emotions is the number one reason parents struggle to provide clear boundaries and can cause them to question and doubt every decision they might make. Children’s age-appropriate resistance and intensely emotional reactions to our boundaries can make them feel guilty and worried, wear them out, and ruin their whole day. For limit-setting to work and for parents to enjoy the younger years, getting comfortable with this basic dynamic is essential. Its important to accept that, at the end of the day, you are the adult and the child is just that – and there are times when they need to do what you say. To create any other atmosphere is doing them a disservice in preparing them for the adult world.

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Setting Boundaries! and change our minds. But to foster a sense of security for our children we must make these decisions from a platform of strength rather than hesitancy. To be gentle leaders with selfconfident children, we must first trust ourselves.

Children often push for our boundaries because they know intuitively that they need the safety of our calm, confident responses, and also to offload uncomfortable feelings simmering inside them. It gets easier for us with practice. Children need more limits than just for safety reasons. Only setting safety boundaries is a formula for insecure children and miserable parents. When you are two years old, its good to have the emotional safety, peace of mind and the relief of knowing that we’re not expected to call all the shots. Remember parents also have rights to their personal boundaries and selfcare. Sometimes limits might feel like punishments to your children, and they will complain. Everyone has doubts and fears about upsetting our children, but we need to grant ourselves permission to make the decisions we deem best for us and our children, even if they don’t like it. If we decide later that a decision we’ve made is unfair or unnecessary, we can always apologize

When children push limits, its OK to be authoritative. I’ve heard some parents being advised to take the annoyance they naturally feel when children push their limits and turn that into games and laughter. But it’s not beneficial to us or our children to pretend to feel silly and perky when we are actually annoyed or angry. We should be modeling authenticity. If our children’s behavior angers or enrages us, its OK to let them know that, although if possible in a reasonable non-aggressive way. Your boundaries won’t crush your child’s free spirit. Over the years in my therapy room I’ve worked with many parents who have had difficulties setting limits. So often they feel inhibited by fear that they will restrict the child’s world in some way, and harm them. The opposite it true. When they eventually figure this out and make changes, the transformation in their children’s behavior and demeanor is dramatic. Formerly clingy and demanding children are suddenly able to stop trying to control every situation with parents or peers. They are able to focus on play, socialise with their peers, participate in snack time, loosen up enough to laugh and express joy. This is freedom. Annie Gurton is a Psychological Therapist and Counsellor based in Sydney. She has an MA in Psychotherapy, a BSc(Hons) in Psychology and a BS(Hons) in Humanities. She is a Graduate Member of the British Psychological Society(MBPsS) and a Clinical Member of CAPA NSW (Counselling And Psychotherapy Association). She has been helping people in emotional pain and difficulties for many years.

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@Your Library School Holiday Program SEPTEMBER 2015 BANYULE



PHONE: 9435 2397 4–6 Ibbottson Street, Watsonia

PHONE: 9497 5780 255 Upper Heidelberg Road, Ivanhoe

Picco’s Mad Scientist Show

Discover Water Bugs

Wednesday 23 September 6.30pm –7.30pm

Wednesday 23 September 2.00pm –3.00pm

Picco, the mad scientist, will perform a show filled with lots of juggling, optical illusions and science based magic tricks.

Explore to amazing world of underwater mini-beasts with Jim Mead from Banyule City Council Environment Team.

Sherman & Mr. Peabody Movie Thursday 24 September 3.30pm –5.00pm

Super Science Thursday 24 September 2.00pm –3.00pm

Science Magic

Mr. Peabody, the most accomplished canine in the world, and his boy, Sherman, use a time machine to embark on outrageous adventures. Animation movie. Rated PG.

Tuesday 29 September 2.00pm –3.00pm

Giant Bubble Activity

Have fun learning 10 science magic tricks.

Monday 28 September 2.00pm –3.00pm

Amazing science experiments with Bill Murphy

ROSANNA LIBRARY PHONE: 9459 6171 72 Turnham Avenue, Rosanna


Dr Froth will be taking the Giant Bubble Blowing Activity and letting everyone blow the biggest soap bubbles of their entire lives. Everyone gets involved in blowing, catching, dodging and popping bubbles.

Hands-On Science Wednesday 23 September 2.00pm–3.00pm Find out just how much fun science can be! Marg and Jane are running science related activities which will be sure to blow your mind or your lemons.

Science Stories Saturday 26 September 11.00am–12.00noon Jane is your captain in this journey into space… she is recruiting a crew and needs you in her fight against the aliens. Capture one to take home.

Scientwists Show Tuesday 29 September 11.00am –12.00noon This educational fun filled show will include small explosions, spectacular experiments, giant bubbles and heaps more. Come join in the excitement.


Weeds to Eat Tuesday 29 September 11.00am –12.00noon Many of the plants we now call weeds have been eaten or used for their medicinal properties for thousands of years. Doris Pozzi will present topics about preparation of foods, hands-on plant identification and edible landscaping.

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PHONE: 9439 9266 Panther Place, Eltham

PHONE: 9434 3809 Civic Drive, Greensborough

From the Egg to the Chicken Monday 21 September to Thursday 1 October During Opening Hours Watch chicks emerging from their shells. Henny Penny Egg Hatching Program provides a thrilling educational experience for all, bringing the joy of watching eggs hatching, and chicks emerging from their shells. Drop in any day to see how the chicks are hatching.

Crazy Chemistry Tuesday 22 September 3.00pm–4.00pm Calling all mad scientists! Come along to our zany science lab and conduct crazy experiments with chemistry. Vinegar volcanos, homemade snot, invisible ink and rubber bones are just some of the experiments that guarantee to boggle the mind.

Dino Dioramas Wednesday 23 September 2.00pm – 3.00pm

LEGO Dinosaurs Tuesday 22 September 10.30am –1.30pm Get ready for our Dinosaur event and construct your own LEGO Dinosaur. Give it a name and print a photo for display.

Dinosaur Bones Wednesday 23 September 10.30am –11.00am – ages 3 – 6 years and 11.00am –11.30am – ages 7 and over Melbourne Museum will show us a variety of real Dinosaur bones and fossils. They will explain all about these wonderful creatures from the past.

Dinosaur Craft Friday 25 September 10.30am –4.00pm Drop in and get crafty. There will be a wide variety of dinosaur craft for you available during the day. And while you’re there, spend some time checking out the hatching chicks.

Storytime – Science “Eureka!” Tuesday 29 September 10.30am –11.30am

Discover the world as it was 65 million years ago when dinosaurs ruled the earth, and re-create scenes from the Jurassic era with your very own Dinosaur Diorama! A creative; hands-on craft activity for junior palaeontologists.

Madcap Marine Biology Tuesday 29 September 2.00pm – 3.00pm Do you know that jellyfish predate the dinosaurs? Or that squid digest food through their brains? Come along to our afternoon of marine mayhem and learn more amazing facts about creatures of the deep, then make your very own paper-craft aquarium to take home.

The Wonders of Flight Wednesday 30 September 2.30pm – 3.30pm How do planes fly? Why do tornedos form? Answer these questions and more with this fun and interactive science show presented by Fizzics Education! Marvel at the wonder of flying toilet paper, vortex smoke rings, crushing cans, exploding balloon dogs, cool chemistry and

Listen to science-related stories and do some very special science experiments.

Chicken Craft and LEGO Wednesday 30 September 10.30am –4.00pm Drop in anytime and see how the chicks have grown. There will be plenty of fun chicken craft and LEGO for your entertainment all day.

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Kids Corner Dad’s Cooking!! Can you help the sausage finds its way to the BBQ

Hey Kids you can be a ‘Your Child STAR’ share your jokes, recipes, puzzles, fun facts or photos with other Kids in Banyule & Nillumbik Contact us: Kids Corner PO Box 745 Macleod 3085 email: ph: 0411 459 872 Shop Local and mention Your Child in Banyule & Nillumbik 20

Handy Phone Numbers Emergency Numbers Ambulance Fire Police


DIAL 000

Hospitals Austin Hospital...................................................... Royal Children’s Hospital (Parkville).......................

9496 5000 9345 5522

Crisis Centres Poisons.................................................................... Kids Help Line.......................................................... Lifeline..................................................................... Suicide Helpline - (Victoria only)............................. Nurse-on-Call.......................................................... Child Protection - (After Hours Service).................. Domestic Violence Crisis Centre............................. Sexual Assault Service (After Hours)....................... Centres Against Sexual Assault................................ Victims of Crime Helpline....................................... LifeCircle - HOPELINE.............................................. SANDS* Vic...*Stillbirth & Neonatal Death Support Australian Breastfeeding Association Helpline Compassionate Friends Helpline

13 11 26 1800 551 800 13 11 14 1300 651 251 1300 606 024 13 12 78 1800 015 188 or 9373 0123 9349 1766 1800 806 272 1800 819 817 1300 364 673 13 000 SANDS/13 000 2673 1800 686 268 1800 641 091

Your Local Police Station Diamond Creek ....................................................... 9438 8300 Eltham..................................................................... 9430 4500 Greensborough....................................................... 8432 8200 Heidelberg.............................................................. 9450 8000 Hurstbridge............................................................. 9718 2111 West Heidelberg [Not 24hr Station]...........................9457 5777

Other Banyule City Council Office.............................. Nillumbik Shire Office.......................................

9490 4222 9433 3111

If you provide a free essential service to our community and would like your phone number included on this page please call 0411 459 872 To advertise in Your Child in Banyule & Nillumbik call 0411 459 872


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Your Most Valuable Asset


What is Geocaching


Bacteria - Friend or Foe


Setting Boundaries



Car Dealerships Bundoora BMW


Child Care Sutherland Child Care Eltham College Kids

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Childrens Shoes

@Your Library September School Holiday Events


Brandhiway 18


Education Ivanhoe Grammar Schools 2


Bundoora Primary School

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Editors Noticeboard


Lively Learning

Handy Phone Numbers


Pottery Classes

Kids Corner



What’s On in Banyule and Nillumbik


Real Estate Agent Barry Plant Bundoora



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