Your Child in Casey and Cardinia June 2020

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JUNE 2020


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EditorsLetter Welcome to Our June Online Magazine Welcome to Winter! Are you as confused as I am, I can hardly remember what day it is let alone all the ‘NEW RULES’. What a different life we are leading, what a blessing it will be when this CHINESE- COVID-19 -CORONA Virus storm passes over and we can all take a deep breath and say we made it through and we are on the other side. Our children and grandchildren will always remember this time in their lives and will tell their children, we just have to make sure they remember the positives, home schooling although challenging, it has also brought families together experiencing and understanding what goes on at school and perhaps what does not. Parents trying to work from home with children and their other half around 24/7, everyone trying to find a quiet spot to be alone for just a few minutes......please! And don’t mention the cooking storm, what culinary delights have enjoyed? Comfort food has made a comeback, for some, you have a renewed interest in cooking, the kids are eating the food they have helped to prepare and not nagging for fast food, we mustn’t let the cooking slide away with the virus. Cooking with kids is so rewarding. Another bonus Spring cleaning in Autumn! It is a great feeling to have de-cluttered the house, now you have time to sit down, the kids are back or nearly back at school, relaxing in a quiet home will be like a dream come true, grab a coffee or glass of what ever you fancy and toast yourself, you have made it through the next phase of this storm (goodness knows how many phases there will be!), you have ‘done good’ so hang in there, the other side is coming. We are all on the same journey just taking different roads to get there.

SUBSCRIBE The most important thing is to be kind to everyone including yourself. Best wishes for a better month and stay safe, Glenda Long Editor


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Positive Parenting:

hear lots of parents say, " children shouldn't be rewarded for the behaviour they should do anyway". I hear you say, “I don't want my child to always expect something when he does something good� But I say why not, don't we always expect to be paid when we go to work. Don't we expect to win the lottery ticket we bought? Don't we as adult expect to be thanked for the dinner we cooked for our mate. It does not matter if we were thanked with a smile or kindness, or a nice long chat, or a bottle of wine. As adults we engage into activities that are rewarding all the time, so why cannot children be encouraged with rewards. Rewarding a child will positively reinforces the child to repeat the action learnt. Just like the way I would re-invite that friend who gives me good company over a cup of tea again. It is merely a concept of cause and action. Here is to why I will reward good behaviours. Did you know that rewarding is an essential practice of the School-Wide-Positive Behaviour Support approach? Research proves that the likelihood of child to repeat an action that has been celebrated and rewarded is higher than an action that is ignored. Reward works well especially when you are teaching a new behaviour, at the start of the journey. Just a little positive push to encourage them to get started. Reward may differ for each child. While some may prefer a Xbox, another might prefer your attention, or some other might prefer an additional computer time. While rewards sound 6

exciting, the item rewarded should be valuable to the child and not the giver. Rewards can cause intrinsic and/or extrinsic motivation. Neither of any that is better than another. Extrinsic motivation involves tangible rewards like toys, food, and play time at the park. Approval from another adult or peer like claps, verbal appraisals, hugs, smiles or a pat on the back is also classified as extrinsic motivation. On the other hand, intrinsic motivation involves self-inflicted feelings, such as self-satisfaction, appreciation, pride, or internal happiness. Habits are teachable, some skills require to be explicitly taught. Piaget who is an educational philosopher suggest that children move through a different stage of mental development. Therefore, the brain functions differently as they grow. For example, a 2-yearold is not ready to naturally know how to share. Therefore, as nurturing adults we model and show them, and when they do it right, we cheer and clap for them. Cheering and clapping is the reward for the child to repeat the action which is to share. Follow us on


Rewards Another example would be if you want your 12year-old to put the washing in the laundry, give the kid a reason to do that. A positive reason. You can set clear expectations, e.g. '7 consecutive days of putting the dirty clothes into the laundry basket, will get a you a sleepover at your friends'. It is also important to remember that when rewarding, keeping the promise is important. Empty threat will set the strategy to fail. The research shows that it takes 30 attempts of consistent practice before something becomes a habit. As the actions are becoming a habit, you can slowly move to intangible rewards to eventually becoming an intrinsic award which in this case will be 'put the dirty clothes in the laundry, so the room will be clean'.

by Reena M Palanivelu When rewarding a child, it's crucial for parents to understand that you are never to take back the reward earned. If you are rewarding your child with a non-tangible item, such as play time or technology time or anything similar, be sure to set a time limit and follow through it. A star given is always a star given. Please do not take back the reward earned. That will reduce the value of the reward. Be sure to catch your child doing good. Tell her how proud you are of their actions. Reward her/him with a smile!

Reena MPalanivelu Bachelor Hons (Arts); Masters of Education (Special Needs, Intervention and Inclusive Education)

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Don’t take those I love freebies. It's like winning the lottery, only with better odds. It doesn't matter if it's a free sample of haemorrhoid cream that I'll never use or a brochure that will end up in my recycle bin. If it's free, I'm attracted to it like a fly on #*!%. It's revolting, shameless and somewhat disturbing. So as a professional freebie collection agent, I've learnt a valuable lesson from a recent experience that I wish to share. ***

Supermarket collectables. The current bane of my existence. How has my life become so consumed by this madness? I curse the marketing gurus for their ingenious campaign. Damn these super addictive gimmicks! It certainly hooked, lined, and sinkered the crapola out of me. I'm the perfect gullible marketer's wet dream. I went from casually getting a few collectables with the weekly groceries to religiously scrolling advertisements on the internet for trades and cheap buys. Never in my life have I dreamed of meeting a total stranger, another grown-ass adult, to trade or buy promotional toys. Yet, that's exactly what I do, under the pretense of getting the whole collection for my five-year-old daughter. I've secured a transaction with someone called MeiMei. She claims to have all six of my… ahem, I mean my daughter's missing items at a steal. Is it too good to be true? Possibly. As I park out front of the address MeiMei texted me and stare up at the massive apartment building, I reconsider the rationality of my actions. I have the kids in the car. No one knows I'm here, not even my husband. MeiMei could be an axe murderer. I quickly rectify the situation by texting my bestie. 10

"Mummy, why are we just sitting here?" asks Mandy. "I'm just thinking," I reply. I text MeiMei to let her know that I'm outside her building. My phone dings. 'Meet me at Room 42, Level 2.’ The theme song to Jaws starts to play in my mind as I conjure up a whole host of bloody and graphic scenarios of my death. I get a cold sweat and my hands are shaking. I can't do this! It's crazy. There's no way I can escape with two kids dragging me down! "Mummy! Are we getting the little toys!" demands Mandy, exasperated with my procrastination. I text MeiMei to meet us downstairs instead. It seems like the most sensible thing to do. "Ok. I want you to lock the doors when I leave and call this number if anything happens," I tell Mandy. Mandy looks worried so I try to placate her. "It's ok. Nothing will happen. I'm just being extra cautious.” I mentally facepalm myself for putting us through this unnecessary danger and stress. I'm certainly not in the running for the Mother-OfThe-Year Award. I gape at the person who just exited the doors. The Asian woman is wearing a pair of six-inch black platform pumps, bright pink bike shorts and a pink feathered crop top.

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by Kathy Ha

Woah. She can't possibly chase me down in those heels. I'm probably safe. "Here, you check," MeiMei says. No introduction. No pleasantries. Straight to business.


I feel like I'm in a scene of Breaking Bad. I glance about nervously, hand over the cash and grab the goods before rushing back to the car. I forget to say goodbye. I'm that skittish. I chuck the goods over my shoulder to my daughter and laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Two weeks later‌

FROM ONLY....$145 per month

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I grab my foot and wince in agony. I look down at the offending object. Stupid collectables are strewn all over the carpet like landmines waiting to exact maximum damage. *** What began as a freebie ended in unnecessary anxiety and a miniature Dettol bottle embedded into the sole of my foot. The life lesson here? Nothing is truly free.

Business Management, Accounting & CRM Software Contact Shannon - 0419 557 314

Kathy Ha is a creative writer and storytelling enthusiast, sharing snippets of her journey through life and parenting on her blog, KN J Tales and Snippets. She aims to inspire, empower and ignite laughter, with every word that she writes.

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Extra vaccines to consider for your children

by Dr Shikha Chhabra

As the world sees the devastating effects of a disease with no vaccine, I have had lots of parents asking for advice to ensure their kids are protected from all the vaccine preventable they can be. The government funds the majority of these as part of the National Immunisation Program, but did you know there are additional vaccines you should be considering? It is vital that routine vaccinations continue throughout the pandemic and they can be safely done with your GP.

Influenza Worrying new research from the University of Adelaide shows that 2/3 of parents are not aware that children should be getting the flu vaccine! The vaccine is funded by the government for all 5-year-old children and other at-risk groups but is recommended for EVERYONE (children & adults) above the age of 6 months. If your child is 9 years old, they will need 2 doses, given 4 weeks apart, in the first year that they have the flu vaccine. If you haven't already had it, it is still not too late to have this year's flu vaccine.

Meningococcal disease- groups ACWY We have a vaccine against 5 of the 13 serogroups of meningococcal. There is one vaccine for strains A,C, W & Y and a separate one for strain B. While meningococcal disease is rare, as a doctor and mum, it's one of the scariest illnesses I could imagine happening to a child. The ACWY vaccine is funded by the government to be given at age 12 months but you can choose to have your child protected in their vulnerable first year of life by starting the course any time from 6 weeks onwards.


Meningococcal disease- group B Group B is the most common type to cause serious meningococcal disease in children and is not yet included in the Victorian Schedule. Meningococcal B vaccine is especially important for all children under the age of 2 years and adolescents aged 15-19 years. It can be given any time from 6 weeks of age. Your GP can advise you on the dosing schedule appropriate for your child's age.

Chickenpox Children routinely receive one government funded dose of the chickenpox vaccine combined with the MMR vaccine at age 18 months. However, 2 doses will increase the effectiveness from 65% to 95%. You can speak to your GP to have this second dose done privately. All of these vaccines are also available for adults who want to reduce their risk. I encourage you to have a chat to your GP about which of these vaccines might be right for you and your child.

Dr Shikha Chhabra MBBS (Hons), FRACGP

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Why do we crave comfort food in tough times?

by Irene Goonan

What is it about comfort foods that give us such a sense of physical and mental wellbeing particularly when the world is in unprecedented times and we all seem to be set adrift from our usual surrounds? Two of my adult daughters told me they almost wept when I made an old family favouritewhich includes cabbage- and they savoured every mouthful. My granddaughter who had deferred her basketball scholarship in the States and returned home craved for homemade sausage rolls that have been a family favourite forever. It made me wonder if it is the food or the past cooking rituals that they were wanting to still be a part of. My mother was an amazing cook and every morning her Grandees woke to the smell of freshly baked scones or ‘Rocking Chair Nan’s’ little cakes. I too had crazy rituals with my Grandees- at Sunday night dinners closing the kitchen door at desert time – and no one knows the secrets to this day! I remember one of my Grandees asking as he pushed a large piece of cake in his mouth- ‘did Pop lick the bowl of this cake’! Working together in the kitchen can be so much fun. It can bring out the creativeness in us all. Andundoubtedly- the aroma of all those wonderful ingredients all come together in our memory bank that reminds us of such happy times. There are benefits in cooking with our family – and can these benefits be long-lasting. It is important identifying and regulating emotions when things go wrong- oohphs the egg!!. Cleaning and cooking can also help children learn empathy. 14

Focussing on cooking often helps 'break the ice' when there may not be a lot of common ground between parent and child. Children need to know their parents are interested in them and want to spend time with them, and cooking is a fabulous activity to do that. Teenagers aren't easy (and I suspect they would say parents aren't easy). Cooking is one of the things that can help and continues to help us all through these challenging years. Plus- teaching children of all ages to cook can be a delightful part of a Grandparents life. Maybe teach them to grow vegetables- there can be great excitement when the carrots make it to the table. I thank my Mum and Nanna for making cooking such an enjoyable tradition that has been passed down to my children and hopefully to their children. Cooking and eating together is what can bring a family closer and we still enjoy many raucous Sunday nights around the tableall talking at once and listening at the same time! Irene Goonan

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Beaconsfield Dental is open for all dental treatments. Taking care of yourself with looking after your oral health is still a priority you don't want to neglect. We have added additional measures within our clinic to keep you safe. These measures include social distancing with our large waiting room (or waiting in your car if you prefer), hand sanitiser available on arrival and departure , sneeze screens and health screening prior to your appointment. Our infection control has always been of the highest standard as we are an accredited dental clinic. We have added additional cleaning processes before and after your treatment. If you would like to book or discuss any dental treatments please phone on 97073508. Our team are ready to chat with you. Alternatively you are welcome to book online at We wish you and your family the best of health during this difficult and challenging time. Beaconsfield Dental - Caring for the community and the environment. To advertise in Your Child in Casey & Cardinia call 1300 657 996


BOOK GIVEAWAY EDUCATIONAL, PERSONALISED CHILDREN’S BOOK COMPANY STORY ANTICS Banana Muffins, Raspberry Breakfast Balls, Cheesy Quinoa Crackers and Sweet Potato Brownies make perfect baking activity for aspiring young chefs. Following on from the success of Banana Muffins Story Antics has released the first three titles in its part personalised recipe storybook series, aimed to captivate 2 to 10 year olds who enjoy creating, cooking and baking in the kitchen with parents and caregivers. Raspberry Breakfast Balls, Cheesy Quinoa Crackers and Sweet Potato Brownies written by Amy Whitford and illustrated by Britany Fong offer an engaging, educational and immersive experience that combines the benefits of reading with experiential learning, through sensory activity and play. “Cooking with children has so many benefits. It is a life skill that can help to form adventurous and healthy eaters. Time in the kitchen can also assist with fine motor skills, literacy, numeracy, science knowledge and creativity. Lastly, having fun in the kitchen can build relationships and confidence,” said Whiteford. “These personalised recipe books are a fun and different way to get cooking with your children. The story based recipe and beautiful illustrations just add to the experience, making it easier for both children and adults to follow along. There is a range of sweet and savoury recipes, all with a healthy spin to show children that any recipe can be fun to get involved with.

Our lucky winners will each receive a prize pack of two personalised recipe storybooks of the winner's choice (you will be emailed a voucher to redeem on the Story Antics website of the prize pack value of $49.99). Everyone can win, if competition entrants choose they can opt in to share their email address with Story Antics, and receive a discount code to purchase books. To enter visit Fill in your details. GOOD LUCK - RANDOM DRAW - Closes 28/06/2020


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Where’s the Dummy? I don’t have a problem with “dummies” or “infant pacifiers”, but some people do. If you don’t think they are a good idea, don’t use one. It really is a personal choice and there are definite pros and cons for using a dummy. Babies love to suck. Their lives depend on it, so it is no surprise that many of them like to suck dummies. I took one in my bag to the hospital when I had my daughter ‘just in case’. (It is recommended now, to wait until baby is 4 weeks old or older before introducing a dummy). Well, she was only 3 hours old! And sucking on her fist like there was no tomorrow! And she had fed from both of my breasts for 15 minutes each side, so there was nothing left there… So, I decided to try the dummy. She took to it like the proverbial duck. For the next 16 or so months, it settled her during particularly difficult times. It seemed to help her learn to self-soothe. It statistically helped protect her from SIDS. (Research has linked dummies with a decrease in SIDS). She did not become a thumb or finger-sucker and there were no problems with her teeth. Ironically, your baby may refuse a dummy when you have decided to use one. On the downside, I know some babies can get 18

by Debra Landini R.N

overly attached to their dummy and it can be difficult to ‘wean’ them off the dummy. (Start early before 12 to 18 months). Also, beware, as stated by Sara Novak from, that who is looking after the baby may keep putting the dummy in the baby’s mouth when the baby actually has a specific problem that needs attending to. For example, a soiled nappy or pain. Avoiding dental problems caused by a dummy is easy if you remove the dummy before the baby reaches two years of age. Importantly, if you are breastfeeding where supply equals demand – then moderate the use of a dummy. To avoid the baby that wakes at night over and over every time she loses her dummy… throw 6 – 8 dummies into the cot. She will find one of them and start to learn to self-settle. But what if my child will not give up his dummy, you ask? Be creative like my mother did. When I’d reached the age where it had to go, we were travelling in the car and I dropped my dummy. She quickly picked it up and threw it out the window. “All gone”, she said. Debra Landini R.N.

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Sometimes it takes three.... Would you be our Egg Donor?


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We are a healthy, loving and financially secure couple. Having been happily married for nine years we are beginning to ache to have a child of our own, to raise our own family..we are both from loving and supportive families and we are confident we will be able to provide a child with a loving, caring, stable home, a good education and a happy upbringing. Sadly we have been unable to conceive ..our only hope is for a generous donor to help us. If you are a mother under 35 and are willing to help us, please contact Jason and Belle via email or ph: 0414 037 385 or 0478 162 859. Actual expenditure incurred on medical expenses and associated travel costs will be reimbursed. This advertisement has been approved by the Victorian Minister for Health, as required by s.40 of the Human Tissue Act 1982 (Vic) August 2014



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Why Not Take The Next Step....

Work For Yourself!


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5 tips to smash your AM workout by Georgia Konig Starting the morning with a workout is one of our favourite ways to feel energized and ready for the day. You feel like you've already accomplished so much before your morning coffee. Here are our favourite tips to get you going in the morning. your activewear is washed, dried and folded, leave your clothes out or pack them in your gym bag ready for the next morning.

1. Get your zzz's Get to bed a bit earlier to feel rested and recovered by the time your alarm goes off. The Sleep Health Foundation recommends 8 hours of sleep per night is crucial. This also helps prevent hours sitting watching TV and scrolling through social media. Studies have shown the blue light emitted from your phone is overstimulating, so the key is to turn off all screens as early as possible to allow your body and mind to get into sleep mode.

4. Stay hydrated Hydration is important, so drink a large glass of water first thing after you wake up. This will help fuel your body and you'll feel refreshed and ready for a workout. Drinking water in the morning increases the production of new blood and muscle cells it also boosts your metabolism for the day.

2. Find a workout friend Set up morning workout dates with a BFF to keep you accountable. A buddy can help spark exercise inspo and allow you to try new things. You can even take it in turns designing a workout. Don't forget the added bonus of treadmill chats and post-workout brekkie catchups.

5. Promise to look after yourself Why is it we always tend to cancel on our selfpromises and plans over those with friends or family? Make a promise to yourself to look after your health and well-being and DON'T cancel your plans. We can guarantee you will feel great for sticking to a promise and even better for completing an endorphin-pumping workout.

3. Be prepared Sometimes the hardest thing can be getting inspired when you first open those peepers, so it's a good idea to be prepared the night before. Have your workout clothes organized and your bag packed and ready at the door. Top tip, once

The best feeling is knowing that when it gets to 5.00pm you don't have to go to the gym after work. You can go straight home and relax. We challenge you to three morning workouts a week. Take note of how you feel after your workout and see if you notice the difference.


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Winter Crossword Puzzle

Hey Kids you can be a ‘Your Child STAR’ share your jokes, recipes, puzzles, fun facts or photos with other Kids in Casey & Cardinia Contact us: Kids Corner PO Box 5374, Cranbourne 3977 email: 24 Follow us on yourchildincaseyandcardinia ph: 1300 657 996



A Rainy Day Dot to Dot Hey Kids you can be a ‘Your Child STAR’ share your jokes, recipes, puzzles, fun facts or photos with other Kids in Casey & Cardinia Contact us: Kids Corner PO Box 5374, Cranbourne 3977 email: 25 To advertise in Your Child in Casey & Cardinia call 1300 657 996 ph: 1300 657 996




Nana’s p u o S n Chicke

Wi Joshua

Ingredients: 2 Litres of chicken stock (salt reduced) 6 x Chicken Thighs 2-3 x Medium Carrots 2 x Medium Onions 4-6 x Medium Sticks Celery 2 x Garlic Cloves 1/2 tsp Chilli Flakes (optional) Olive Oil Method: Cut carrots in quarters then slice thinly, slice onion and celery in similar size, slice or crush garlic , fry in a li le olive oil with chilli if using, add stock, bring to the boil then simmer ll vegetables are so . In the mean me chop chicken in small bite size pieces add to soup and cook for approximately 15-20minutes (Some mes I add Risoni Pasta) Add chopped chives. Season with salt and pepper if required. 26

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p u o S n i k p m Pu


lBefore you begin l Wash your hands

With William

l Tie your hair back

Ingredients 1.5kg Peeled, seeded, chopped pumpkin 1 Onion, ďŹ nely chopped 1 Litre Vegetable Stock 1 Cup cream Tsp grated or ground nutmeg Freshly ground black pepper, to taste Extra Cream/Sour Cream and Chives to garnish

Method Step 1 - Place pumpkin, onion and stock in a large saucepan. Bring to the boil, heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Step 2 - Transfer mixture to a blender, in batches, and puree. Return to the saucepan. S r in Cream, nutmeg and pepper. Cook un l heated through. Serve with fresh crusty bread and cream/sour cream and chives. To advertise in Your Child in Casey & Cardinia call 1300 657 996



Five Top Tips

Toddler to 7 for Bedtime

¬ Play a pizza making games (massage the

back) by kneading the dough and chopping the tomatoes... 1. When children are young, keep it fun! Children from toddler to 7 love an imaginative ¬ See the poem below and draw the sun, moon and stars on the child's back or hand game to the bathroom/bedroom! whilst saying poem Try one of these fun ways to go to the bedroom: ¬ Remember the 'I love you' (three hand squeezes game) and 'fill the love tank ¬ Horse back (piggy back) ride to stable (squeeze them tight and ask them to say ¬ Aeroplane (shoulder ride) to the airport when they are 'full' of love). All ideas ¬ Giant Steps (take a ride on an adults feet priceless hold on!) ¬ Carpet Ride (child sits on a towel or blanket Bedtime Verse with Touch and pull them along) ¬ Motorbikes - pretend to ride one into the garage ¬ Grand Ol' Duke of York and march together! At bedtime say this verse whilst drawing ¬ Be a train to the station - toot! a star, sun and moon on your child’s back ¬ Mice going to their nests to rest, creep (shhh...)



‘A star for you to wish on, A sun so warm and bright, A moon for you to sleep on Happy dreams,


A kiss goodnight!’

2. Play a touch game for loving connection, choose one of the following: ¬ Stroke the head and around the eyebrows

and tell the child all the people (and pets) that love the child (create a song: mummy loves you, yes she does.... all people - be creative!) 28

ë ë ë

Taken from ‘Happy Child, Happy Home’ Bedtime Rhythms Follow us on


for Bedtime! 3. Fun Light!

by Lou Harvey-Zahra

5. Random Acts of Kindness


Children love sparkly light, find a nightlight that ¬ Leave little notes on the pillow sparkles, share a candlelight bedtime, or ¬ Have a special notepad that goes under the perhaps take a torch to bed and you can play pillow from yours to theirs with chats and with the shadow puppets below messages ¬ Leave a little crystal on pillow ¬ Still have a sensory night, candlelight bath and lavender on the pillow! Adults too! Off for mine now!'


Lou Harvey-Zahra is a popular parenting author with 7 books, including her bestselling ‘Happy Child, Happy Home’ translated into three languages, and ‘Creative Discipline, Connected Family’ ‘Growing Children, Thriving Children’ and ‘Happy Families, 4. Bed Time Tips for Older Children (9 to 12) ¬ Still touch and rub a child's head if you can ¬ Have a chat time, take it in turns to choose a

topic each night to chat about, take it in turns ¬ Write a gratitude diary together ¬ Whisper kind words, 'I am so happy you are my son' and 'I love you


Table Talk: 111 Fun Questions’. Please see Lou’s website to purchase books and for her inspiring . and supportive online parenting courses on ‘Terrific Toddlers’ and ‘Happy Children’ (Parenting 3 to 7 year olds).

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USEFUL INFORMATION Emergency Numbers Ambulance Fire Police


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Hospitals Casey Hospital........................................................ Monash Medical Centre.......................................... St John of God Berwick Hospital............................. Dandenong Hospital..............................................

8768 1200 9594 6666 9709 1414 9554 1000

Crisis Centres Poisons.................................................................... Kids Help Line.......................................................... Lifeline..................................................................... Suicide Helpline - (Victoria only)............................. Nurse-on-Call.......................................................... Child Protection - (After Hours Service).................. Domestic Violence Crisis Centre............................. Sexual Assault Service (After Hours)....................... Centres Against Sexual Assault................................ Victims of Crime Helpline....................................... LifeCircle - HOPELINE.............................................. SANDS* Vic...*Stillbirth & Neonatal Death Support Australian Breastfeeding Association Helpline

13 11 26 1800 551 800 13 11 14 1300 651 251 1300 606 024 13 12 78 1800 015 188 or 9373 0123 9349 1766 1800 806 272 1800 819 817 1300 364 673 13 000 SANDS/13 000 2673 1800 686 268

Your Local Police Station 9705 3111 Narre Warren Police........................................................ 9709 7666 Endevour Hills Police........................................................ Cranbourne Police.......................................................5991 0600 Pakenham Police ................................................... 5945 2500

Other City of Casey..................................................... Cardinia Shire Council......................................

9705 5200 1300 787 624

If you provide a free service to our community and would like your phone number included on this page please call 1300 657 996 30

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Hailing the humble air fryer!! by Marty Laidler Like many parents, my kitchen has gone through the full range of cooking appliances, gadgets and gimmicks over the years to save those precious few minutes of juggling multiple meals, eating healthily, trying to minimise space and maximise every efficiency in the kitchen. Rice cookers, jaffle irons, steamers, slow cookers, griddle pans, electric woks, electric grills, blenders, juicers, squeezers and countless more have come and gone over the years. However the true test of any appliance of the modern scullery is simply how quickly you would rush out to replace it if the thing suddenly went kaboom. For me the fairly modern yet humble air fryer would be replaced as soon as the last rights were read and the laminated cardboard box that it was purchased in was lowered into the ground. With last night's crispy chicken crumbs sprinkled over the top as a final tearful farewell. Forth the air fryer is all too many and everything to everyone. It cooks, healthy, really healthy, in super quick time and is so idiot proof that practically any sleep ravaged parent with seven screaming kids could still make it beep on and off to perfection. The beauty of the Air fryer is in its simplicity. It blows hot air onto food. They look like some strange university prototype of a duckling egg hatching machine but they consist of a metal tray and some buttons. You pop in some food, veggies like chips, carrots, broccoli, meat like chicken and fish and the usual frozen characters like chicken nuggets or fish fingers. If its your fancy mix the fresh

ingredients in a bowl with some oil and seasoning, set the time and temperature and within around ten minutes from woo to go you have beautiful hot, tasty, healthy food. Any excess fat that hasn't made the exterior of the food go crispy gets collected below the metal tray and can be washed by simply running it under a hot tap with a bit of soap. My absolute favourite and complete staple is sweet potato chips, peeled and chopped with olive oil, salt, pepper and sweet paprika mixed in a bowl. Plonked in and done in 10 minutes on 175°C. No waiting for the oven to warm up, no scraping up your night's dinner after it decided to become a barnacle to the oven tray and less (can't guarantee none) whinging kids who are hungry and just want their fish fingers and chips ready as soon as the kitchen light turns on. In essence the air fryer, that strange hair dryer in a plastic case which has permeant preference on kitchen bench No. 1 (we all have favourite benches!) has now become saved as favourites on every department store website should the unthinkable ever happen and I have to replace it, post haste.

Readers Story

Marty Laidler is a sole parent of Leni and runs Monty Studio, the area's best Photography Studio! Marty has lived in Monty (Montmorency VIC) for 8 years and loves the community vibe.

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